La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Newton Email: Office: B252h Office Hours: These will be announced in class. I’m also happy to arrange to meet with you at other times. Email is always the quickest way to reach me. Please feel free to e-mail me to set up an appointment. Course Overview What makes a great leader? This question has been of central interest to social psychologists and has inspired much psychological research. Grounded in this research, Psych 3210 will also have a strong applied emphasis, encouraging students to explore fundamental issues of leadership through mini-cases, discussion, readings, self-reflection and group exercises. Students will learn how to assess leadership situations and how best to hone and apply their own leadership skills. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed Major Takeaways By the end of the course, you should be able to.. 1. Identify diverse leadership situations and analyze leadership contexts 2. Apply relevant theories and research findings to novel leadership scenarios 3. Assess the psychological roots of core leadership styles, challenges and barriers 4. Recognize and evaluate cross-cultural differences in leadership 5. Gain exposure to a variety of leadership roles and develop a leadership profile 6. Synthesize knowledge of the psychology of leadership in a meaningful consideration of personal future leadership goals, both within and outside of a career context. Course Materials Course Readings will be uploaded to the site. You are to read these prior to the relevant class. Class slides will be posted on Blackboard after the relevant class. These are designed primarily for class, but can also help you in your studying. It is recommended that you also take some of your own notes to fully capture all that we cover. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed Performance Evaluation Student Evaluation will be based on: 1. Midterm 1 – 15% 2. Midterm 2 – 15% 3. Participation & In-Class Activities: 20% 4. Leader Lab : 15% 5. Leadership File & Other Assignments: 15% 6. 1 Final Exam: 20% • All midterms are to be completed as scheduled. In case of extreme emergency, please contact the Instructor before you are due to write the test. Make-up tests will require both written confirmation of the Emergency – such as a Medical note – and permission of the Instructor. • Final Exam scheduling is done through the Registrar during the Exam period. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed Participation A dynamic, actively participating class will learn far more. We will look forward to your initiative, your relevant examples and thoughtful analysis. The goal is to be well prepared prior to class & constructive and concise in your in-class participation. Regular Attendance is imperative for this class. Each day, we will be involved in graded activities that complete in class or relate to your assignments. Please inform the Instructor prior to class if you are ill and unable to attend. Please come and see me when you return to class after any illness. The Psychology Lab The Psychology Lab is an excellent, unique resource that Langara offers Psychology students. Here, you will find resources to supplement your learning and to support you in your assignments. Please see the Lab Handout for more details. The Langara Academic Code of Conduct In this class, as all, you are expected to follow the academic rules of conduct. Please consult the on-line calendar for details. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed Preliminary Class Schedule • All Readings should be done prior to the relevant class CLASS REA DING & ASSIGNMEN TS POSTED ONLINE. REVIEW PRIOR TO EACH CLASS Class 1 Class 2 • Leader Board Photos Due • Preliminary Class 3 • Your Short Bio Due September 20 Class 4 • Leader Task #1 In Class Class 5 • Leader Lab Summary Due September Leader Lab Idea Due September 15th 27th Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 • Leader Task #2 in Class Class 9 Midterm 1 October 13 REA DING & ASSIGNMEN TS CL SS P La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed CLASS REA DING & ASSIGNMEN TS POSTED ONLINE. REVIEW PRIOR TO EACH CLASS Class 1 Class 2 • Leader Board Photos Due • Preliminary Class 3 • Your Short Bio Due September 20 Class 4 • Leader Task #1 In Class Class 5 • Leader Lab Summary Due September Leader Lab Idea Due September 15th 27th Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 • Leader Task #2 in Class Class 9 Midterm 1 October 13 REA DING & ASSIGNMEN TS CLASS POSTED ONLINE. REVIEW PRIOR TO EACH CLASS Class 10 Class 11 Class 12 In-Class Negotiation Class 13 In-Class Negotiation Cl Si 14 l ti La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed Grading System CLASS REA DING & ASSIGNMEN TS POSTED ONLINE. REVIEW PRIOR TO EACH CLASS Class 1 Class 2 • Leader Board Photos Due • Preliminary Leader Lab Idea Due September 15th Class 3 • Your Short Bio Due September 20 Class 4 • Leader Task #1 In Class Class 5 • Leader Lab Summary Due September 27th Class 6 Class 7 Langara College Note: All final grades in this course are subject to the approval of the Psychology Department Chairperson, the Social Sciences Division Chairperson, and the Social Sciences Dean of Instruction. Therefore, this letter grade table is only intended as a rough guideline and doesn’t guarantee that a given percentage will result in the letter grade indicated. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed Your Short Bio To accelerate my getting to know you and to tailor class examples, you need to please provide a brief one-page bio by Class 3. This should include: 1. Name 2. E-mail address 3. ** A Photo of you 4. Your college/secondary education goals 5. Things you like to do for fun About Elizabeth Newton is a Social & Business Psychologist who graduated with her Ph.D. from Stanford University. A native of Vancouver, she has consulted for years with companies across Canada and the U.S. She teaches Psychology @ Langara College and MBA and Executive courses at the Sauder School of Business @ UBC. Dr. Newton’s focus is on Social Psychology, Leadership Strategy & Development. She is a writer whose columns have been featured in magazines and papers such as the Globe & Mail, the Vancouver Sun and the Montreal Gazette . Elizabeth is actively involved in the Arts. She earned her A.R.C.T. in Piano Performance and is particularly dedicated to her ongoing volunteer work as Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Program – an Arts Umbrella Project. Outside of work, Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her family and Labradoodle, music, travel, reading/surfing & exercising.