FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA FPS4 – APPENDIX F (INTERIM) SPECIFICATION FOR THE INSPECTION AND TESTING OF GASEOUS FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS To be used in conjunction with Fire Protection Association Australia FPS4-2000: Agreement for the Inspection and Testing of Fire Protection Systems. All gaseous fire suppression systems shall be inspected and tested at the periodic intervals specified in AS1851.12: Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment (Part 12: gaseous fire extinguishing systems) and in the following clauses. Inspections and tests shall be recorded in a logbook kept at the Fire Indicator Panel for this purpose. Details of all service calls required or undertaken shall be recorded in this logbook. For manual and pneumatic operated systems the logbook should be kept at the gas cylinder bank. Prior to testing, the fire brigade shall be advised that a test is to be conducted. On completion of the test, the fire brigade shall be contacted to check that the fire call was received and to advise them that the installation has been reset and left in an operative condition. Where premises are protected by multiple installations, each individual installation shall be fully checked with the fire brigade before proceeding to the next installation. Where facilities are installed to enable continuous automatic monitoring of the fire line, the above functions shall be carried out in a manner prescribed by the fire brigade. Before any operation is carried out, ensure that the safety pins are inserted in container valves and control devices or actuators are rendered inoperative by other safety devices. SECTION A - SCOPE OF WORK For the purpose of this specification, Testing, Inspection and Maintenance routines shall be carried out as defined. Level 1 Routine – Weekly Level 2 Routine – Monthly Level 3 Routine - Six Monthly Level 4 Routine – Annually Level 5 Routine - The Level 1 (Weekly) Routine is required6 by AS1851.8: Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment (Part 8: Automatic fire detection and alarm systems) only where a Regulatory Authority deems it necessary. Unless otherwise stated, the Level 1 Routine does not form part of the Contract/Agreement, nor will the Contractor be in any way liable in this regard. However, weekly testing may be included in the specific instructions of the client as an optional addition to the Inspection and Testing Agreement. LEVEL 1 ROUTINE - WEEKLY The following procedures are required where systems are electrically operated: 1.1 Check that the cylinder bank and actuators are accessible and unobstructed. 1.2 Before any operation or routine is carried out ensure the isolation safety pins are inserted into container discharge valves and control devices and that all initiators and actuators are rendered inoperative according to manufacturers' recommended procedures. FPS4: Appendix F (Int.) – Page 2 1.3 Carry out a simulated fire alarm call by operating at least one alarm group test switch provided on the Fire Indicator Panel so as to transmit a full fire call to the Fire Alarm Monitoring Station and reset the installation. 1.4 Check for correct operation of the fire alarm bells, siren, warning lights and gas isolating switches. 1.5 Check the battery voltage by operating the battery test facility for one minute and record "voltage under load conditions" in the logbook. 1.6 On completion of tests, ensure that all switches are in the correct operating position and should a fault condition exist immediately advise the owner or his representative. 1.7 On completion of tests, ensure that all isolating safety pins are removed from container discharge valves and control devices and that all initiators and actuators are reset to the operative condition. 1.8 Record the result of the tests in the logbook. Note: Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the fire line and alarm transmitter are under constant monitoring to check their condition or where weekly tests to the Fire Alarm Monitoring Station are not permitted by the local Fire Authority, the requirements of a full call through to the Fire Alarm Monitoring Station from the control point may be omitted but all other weekly tests for checking the fire alarm system shall be carried out. LEVEL 2 ROUTINE - MONTHLY The following requirements apply for all systems as applicable including manually, electrically, pneumatically and mechanically operated systems. Level 2 Routine consists of Level 1 Routine together with the following: 2.1 Visually inspect all cylinders, operating devices, time delays and ancillary equipment to ensure that they are secure and unobstructed. 2.2 Before any operation or routine is carried out ensure that isolating safety pins are inserted into container discharge valves and control devices and that all initiators and actuators are rendered inoperative. 2.3 Test each alarm zone to confirm its ability to operate the master alarm. 2.4 Check all battery terminals and electrolyte levels where applicable. Maintain all batteries in a serviceable condition. 2.5 Check condition of battery enclosure for corrosion and ensure the batteries are stored in a safe and secure condition. 2.6 Check the battery voltage by operating the battery test switch (voltage under load conditions) for one minute and record the voltmeter readings in the logbook. The battery voltage shall remain at the equivalent of not less than 1.25 volts per cell for nickel cadmium and 2.00 volts per cell for lead acid batteries. Bring to the attention of the client or his representative, should additional service be required. 2.7 Check that all visual indicators are operating correctly, including those on mimic and repeater panels. 2.8 Check operation of direct brigade alarm transmitter. Ensure that the transmitter homes directly to the reset position (where applicable). 2.9 Stimulate fault conditions on all alarm zones to ensure that fault indicators, both aural and visual where applicable, are operating correctly from each alarm zone facility. 2.10 Check power supply failure facility by isolating the main supply. 2.11 Check the initiation facilities to operate remote control functions in accordance with the appropriate codes. It is recommended that where air handling and plant shutdown facilities are provided these FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA FPS4 – APPENDIX F (Int.) FOR USE BY ASSOCIATION MEMBERS ONLY FPS4: Appendix F (Int.) – Page 3 should be operated at least on a quarterly basis. The client however, shall be notified prior to shutdown and it shall be the responsibility of the client to provide qualified personnel to be in attendance to restart the plant. 2.12 Check the operation of gas exhaust fans. 2.13 Check that control and indicating equipment is in a clean and operative condition and ensure the enclosure is maintaining a satisfactory dust seal. 2.14 Visually inspect the condition of components, including resistors, capacitors and cable. Note in the logbook any circuits that are subject to repair, alteration or extension. Subsequently, check that faulty parts have been replaced and that replacement has been carried out satisfactorily. 2.15 Electrically check panel operations with initiation circuit(s) isolated and/or cylinder bank discharge heads disconnected. 2.16 Check that operating and maintenance instructions are posted and that the controls, valves, push buttons, etc. are properly disconnected. 2.17 Check that all switches are returned to their normal operating position and that the panel is reset to its normal operating condition. 2.18 Check and record the cylinder gauge pressures and the ambient room temperature. Note: Any cylinder showing a loss in pressure exceeding 10% (adjusted for temperature) shall be removed and refilled or replaced. The cost of labour and materials for such work is excluded from this contract and will be subject to a separate authority by the client. 2.19 Ensure all discharge nozzles are not obstructed and are completely aligned. Carry out a visual inspection on all exposed pipework, pipe supports and mechanical controls. 2.20 On completion of the tests ensure that all isolating safety pins are removed from container discharge valves and control devices and that all initiators and actuators are reset to the operative condition. 2.21 Record the result of all monthly routines in the logbook, including all items requiring corrective action, adjustment, repair or replacement. 2.22 Check that all items previously recorded as requiring attention have been attended to, or record the reason (if known) why corrective actions have not been completed. LEVEL 3 ROUTINE - SIX MONTHLY Level 3 Routine consists of Levels 1 and 2 Routines together with the following: 3.1 Before any operation or routine is carried out to ensure that isolating safety pins are inserted into container discharge valves and control devices and that all initiators and actuators are rendered inoperative according to manufacturers' recommended procedures. 3.2 Check operation of ancillary equipment such as Stop Gas Units, Warning Lights, Aural Alarm Equipment, Break Glass Units, Dampers, Door Closers, Fire Curtains etc. 3.3 Where applicable, check the electrical resistance of actuators. 3.4 Check the insulation of actuators to earth and replace where applicable. The cost of labour and materials for this work is excluded and will be subject to a separate quotation and authority by the client. Note: If recommended by the manufacturer all pressure generating actuators and initiators should be replaced at least each three years. FPS4 – APPENDIX F (Int.) FOR USE BY ASSOCIATION MEMBERS ONLY FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA FPS4: Appendix F (Int.) – Page 4 3.5 Remove all control actuating heads, clean off any corrosion and manually check for freedom of operation. 3.6 Check simulated operations of actuating heads by inserting power availability (i.e. by meter, indicating light, flash cubes, etc.) at the closest point of connection to discharge heads, after operating the appropriate initiating circuits. 3.7 Check operation of all control heads whilst removed from the cylinders, by operating the Push Buttons and/or Pull Handle Boxes and other pneumatic or mechanical devices. 3.8 Check manual Push Buttons, Pull Handle Stations and Break Glass Units to see that they are accessible and fully operative. 3.9 Check system to ensure that all mechanical trip devices are operative. 3.10 Check for correct operation of electrically operated directional valves. 3.11 Where accessible, visually check gas lines for signs of corrosion and that there are no blockages or obstructions to the gas discharge nozzles. 3.12 Check the operation of at least 50 per cent of detectors (including heat, smoke, flame, pneumatic detectors and sampling points) in each alarm zone using the equipment specified in Appendix B of AS 1851.8. Where a detector has not been tested in situ, upon reinstallation the detector shall be activated to cause an alarm at the alarm zone facility. Detectors and sampling points that fail to operate shall be clearly marked and reported in the logbook and replaced at the client's expense. Note: Testing of detectors shall be arranged such that no detector remains untested during any 12 month period. 3.13 Where the heat sensitive elements of heat, flame and pneumatic detectors or paint or any other material which has the potential to adversely affect the operation of these detection or sampling systems, they shall be replaced at the client's expense. 3.14 Where accessible, visually check all fusible links and cables for corrosion or damage. Note: It is recommended that all fusible links are replaced at a minimum of ten (10) year intervals. The cost of labour and materials for this work is excluded and will be subject to a separate quotation and authority by the client. 3.15 Where detection is by fusible links - release the last link and check for correct operation. 3.16 Establish the weight, or measure the contents of all cylinders (including pilot cylinders) and record in the logbook. Note: Any cylinder showing a loss of net weight or pressure exceeding that nominated in AS 1851.12 (m) shall be removed and refilled or replaced. The cost of labour and material for such work is excluded and will be subject to a separate authority by the client. 3.17 Check and record all cylinder details for compliance with requirements for periodic inspection and pressure testing in accordance with Australian Standard AS 2030.1 - Gas Cylinder Code. 3.18 On completion of the tests ensure that all isolating safety pins are removed from container discharge valves and control devices and that all initiators and actuators are reset to the operative position. 3.19 Record the results of the tests in the logbook. 3.20 Check that all items previously recorded as requiring attention have been attended to, or record the reason (if known) why corrective actions have not been completed. FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA FPS4 – APPENDIX F (Int.) FOR USE BY ASSOCIATION MEMBERS ONLY FPS4: Appendix F (Int.) – Page 5 LEVEL FOUR ROUTINE - ANNUALLY 4.1 Verify enclosure volume. 4.2 Check for building alterations, changes in the environment, openings or other factors that could: i) cause inadvertent discharge of extinguishant ii) allow leakage of extinguishant from the protected area; and iii) require modification to the system. Where the building has been altered, conduct an additional check for compliance with design concentration and, if necessary, conduct a full discharge test or enclosure integrity test. Leakage rate may be obtained by the fan pressurisation technique. Note: Discharge tests may not be able to be carried out using ozone depleting substances due to regulatory controls. SECTION B - CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES It is required that the client assume the following responsibilities and involvement to enable compliance with Australian Standards AS 1851.8, 12 and AS 2030.1 and relevant State EPA Regulations. 1 Remote Control Functions Where initiation facilities to operate remote control functions (such as smoke exhausts, stair pressurisation fans, air conditioning shutdown, automatic door closers) are installed - it shall be the client's responsibility to provide qualified personnel to be in attendance to reset to plant (refer Item 2.9 Level 2 Routine). 2 Inspections The complete system, including all pipework, hangers, nozzles, panels, detectors and wiring and ancillary items should be examined at least every three years (in corrosive atmospheres the examination may be required at more frequent intervals) and any defects cleaned, repaired and replaced as may be required. This shall be subject to a separate quotation and authority by the client. 3 Alterations Whenever alterations, change of occupancy or rearrangement of premises is contemplated, the client should request the contractor to advise the effect such alteration(s) may have on the installation. 4 5 Notification a) The Fire Brigade and Insurers shall be notified when any portion of the system is isolated for maintenance and likewise when this portion is reconnected. b) Where required by a relevant authority, a copy of the Testing Agreement form shall be filed, with that authority. The authority shall be notified in the event that the contract is cancelled or lapses. Weekly Tests As required by the Code, Weekly tests shall be carried out by the client or his nominated representative (refer Section A - Level 1 Routine). FPS4 – APPENDIX F (Int.) FOR USE BY ASSOCIATION MEMBERS ONLY FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA FPS4: Appendix F (Int.) – Page 6 6 Recharging and Pressure Testing Where cylinders require recharging and/or pressure testing - this shall be subject to a separate quotation and authority by the client. 7 Actuators and Initiators All pressure generating actuators and initiators should be replaced periodically in accordance with the manufacturer's specification (however at least each three years). The cost of replacements are extra and this will be subject to a separate quotation and authority by the client (refer Item 3.5 -Level 3 Routine). 8 Hours The contractor shall carry out all routines during normal working hours. If work is required outside normal working hours, this will be subject to a separate quotation and authority by the client. 9 Accessibility The client shall ensure that all cylinder banks and actuators are kept unobstructed and accessible at all times. 10 Controlled Substances Some substances are subject to control by federal and/or state legislation. It is the system owners responsibility to ensure that any such controlled substances are handled and disposed of in accordance with these requirements. EXCLUDED ITEMS The works and considerations which are the subject of this Inspection and Testing Agreement shall not include the following items. Any costs associated with the items listed below shall be regarded as extras to the Agreement and shall be a separate charge to the Client’s account: (i) Work outside normal hours Monday to Friday and inclusive of Public Holidays and Rostered Days Off. (ii) The hire of lifting and/or scaffolding to permit access to areas not able to be reached from a standard service ladder. This Contract Document Is For questions concerning the application and use © Copyright 2000 of this document please consult your legal advisor. Fire Protection Association Australia ABN 30 005 366 576 All questions on reproduction of the document should be addressed to the association’s national FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA office at PO Box 1049, Box Hill, Vic, 3128 FPS4 – APPENDIX F (Int.) FOR USE BY ASSOCIATION MEMBERS ONLY