Curriculum vitae Mgr. Martin Hajduch, Ph.D. Vzdelanie: 2000 Ph.D. z genetiky rastlín, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, Nitra 1994 Mgr. z jadrovej chémie, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava PRACOVNÉ SKÚSENOSTI 2007 Samostatný výskumný pracovník, Ústav genetiky a biotechnológií rastlín, SAV, Nitra 2007 Člen riadiaceho výboru COST 0603 “Plant Proteomics in Europe”. 2004 - 2007 Študijný pobyt, Life Science Centre, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri, USA 2002 - 2004 Študijný pobyt (Marie-Curie Fellow), Reproduction et Developpement des Plantes (RDP), Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon, Francúzko 2000 - 2002 Študijný pobyt (EU-Fellow to Japan), Plant Biotechnology Department, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Japonsko 1997 Študijný pobyt (Summer Student), Basel Institute for Immunology, Basel, Švajčiarsko 1996 - 1997 Študijný pobyt (JSPS Fellow), University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japonsko OCENENIA: 2003 tretie miesto súťaži mladých vedeckých pracovníkov pri príležitosti 50 rokov SAV 2002 Marie-Curie Research Fellowship (Európska komisia, Brusel) 2000 1997 Summer Student Program, (Roche, Švajčiarsko) 1996 Fellowship to Japan for Community Researchers, INCO Japan Project (Európska komisia, Brusel) JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japonsko) 1 Zoznam publkácií Pozvané prednášky 2009 Invited lecture at CAREX Laboratory Workshop, Viterbo 25-26 June, Italy 2009 Invited seminar at National Institute of Crop Sciences, March, Tsukuba, Japan 2008 Invited seminar at University of Missouri-Columbia May 2008, Columbia MO, USA 2008 Invited lecture at Peptide & Protein Technology: From Concept to Market (PepCon 2008), April 22-24 2008, Shenzhen, China 2007 Invited seminar at “Botanisches Kolloquium”, November 30, University of Bonn, Germany 2006 Invited lecture at Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, Genomics of Plant Development & Signal Networks Workshop, January 14-18, San Diego, California, USA 2004 Invited seminar at Monsanto, St.Louis, USA 2003 Invited participation at Magna Charta Observatory: “University Autonomy and Research”, Panel facilitated by Ulrike Felt (Institute for the Sociology of Science – University of Vienna) – “Young people and research”; September 15 – 16, Bologna, Italy Kapitoly vo vedeckých knihách 1. Hajduch M, Agrawal GK, Preťová A. (2008) Proteomics Studies in Flowering Plants – Case of Model Plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edition, Volume 5),, Teixeira da Silva eds, Global Science Books, 334-347 2. Hajduch M, Agrawal GK, Thelen J. (2007) Proteomics of Seed Development in Oil Crops. In Plant Proteomics, Šamaj&Thelen eds, Springer, 137-155. 3. Škultéty Ľ, Danchenko M, Preťová A, Hajduch M. (2010) Techniques of Plant Proteomics. In Molecular Techniques in Crop Improvement (2nd edition), Jain, S. Mohan; Brar, D.S. (Eds.) Springer, 469-491 Odborné články v medzinárodných vedeckých časopisoch 1. Hajduch M, Hearne LB, Miernyk JA, Casteel JE, Joshi T, Agrawal GK, Song Z, Zhou M, Xu D, Thelen JJ (2010) SYSTEMS ANALYSIS OF SEED FILLING IN ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA: USING GENERAL LINEAR MODELING TO ASSESS CONCORDANCE OF TRANSCRIPT AND PROTEIN EXPRESSION. Plant Physiol. 2010 Jan 29. [Epub ahead of print] 2. Houston NL, Hajduch M, Thelen JJ (2009) Quantitative Proteomics of Seed Filling in Castor: Comparison with Soybean and Rapeseed Reveals Differences between Photosynthetic and Non-photosynthetic Seed Metabolism. Plant Physiol. 151:857-68 3. Danchenko M, Skultety L, Rashydov NM, Berezhna VV, Mátel L, Salaj T, Pret'ová A, Hajduch M (2009) Proteomic analysis of mature soybean seeds from the Chernobyl area suggests plant adaptation to the contaminated environment. J Proteome Res. 8: 2915-22 (citované 1x) 4. Chen M, Mooney BP, Hajduch M, Casteel JE, Joshi T, Zhou M, Xu D, Thelen JJ (2009) System analysis of an Arabidopsis mutant altered in de novo fatty acid synthesis reveals 2 diverse changes in seed composition and metabolism. Plant Physiol 150(1):27-41 (citované 2x) 5. Chu Y, Faustinelli P, Ramos ML, Hajduch M, Stevenson S, Thelen JJ, Maleki SJ, Cheng H, Ozias-Akins P (2008) Reduction of IgE Binding and Nonpromotion of Aspergillus flavus Fungal Growth by Simultaneously Silencing Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 in Peanut. J Agric Food Chem 56(23): 11225-11233 (citované 5x) 6. Agrawal GK, Hajduch M, Graham K, Thelen JJ. (2008) In-Depth Investigation of Soybean Seed-Filling Proteome and Comparison with a Parallel Study of Rapeseed. Plant Physiology 148(1):504-18 (citované 8x) 7. Hajduch M, Casteel JE, Tang S, Hearne LB, Knapp S, Thelen JJ. (2007) Proteomic analysis of near-isogenic sunflower varieties differing in seed oil traits. J Proteome Res 6(8):3232-3241. (citované 8x) 8. Hajduch M, Casteel JE, Hurrelmeyer KE, Song Z, Agrawal GK, Thelen JJ (2006) Proteomic analysis of seed filling in Brassica napus. Developmental characterization of metabolic isozymes using high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Plant Physiology 141, 32-46. (citované 23x) 9. Katavic V, Agrawal GK, Hajduch M, Harris SL, Thelen JJ (2006) Protein and lipid composition analysis of oil bodies from two Brassica napus cultivars. Proteomics 6, 4586-98. (citované 19x) 10. Hajduch M, Ganapathy A, Stein WJ, Thelen JJ (2005) A systematic proteomic study of seed-filling in soybean: establishment of high-resolution two-dimensional reference maps, expression profiles, and an interactive proteome database. Plant Physiology 137, 1397-1419. (citované 78x) 11. Hajduch M, Tanaka H, Morinaka Y, Otake Y, Nakamura H, Kayano T, Koga-Ban Y (2005) Protein analysis of dwarfed transgenic rice plants overexpressing GA2-oxidase gene. Biologia Plantarum 49, 621-624. (citované 1x) 12. VernoudV, Hajduch M, Khaled AS, Depège N, Rogowsky PM (2005) Maize embryogenesis. Maydica 50, 469-485. 13. Hajduch M, Rakwal R, Agrawal GK, Yonekura M, Pretova A (2001) High-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis separation of proteins from metal-stressed rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves: Drastic reductions/ fragmentation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and induction of stress-related proteins. Electrophoresis 22, 28242831. (citované 66x) 14. Pretova A, Obert B, Hajduch M, Gregova E (2001) Total protein and isozyme characterization in the flax zygotic embryo during development. Sexual Plant Reproduction 13, 329-334. (citované 5x) 15. Hajduch M, Nahalkova J, Hrib J, Vookova B, Gemainer P (2001) An electrophoretic analysis of the seed protein body proteins from Pinus nigra. Biologia Plantarum 44, 137140. 16. Pretova A, Hajduch M, Obert B (2000) Some characteristics of flax embryo development in situ and in vitro. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, Series Botanica 42, 45-53. (citované 4x) 17. Hajduch M, Debre F, Bohmova B, Dolesova P, Pretova A (2000) Two soybean mutants with increased total and sulphur amino acids content induced by sodium azide. Journal of Genetics &Breeding 53, 83-87. 3 18. Hrib J, Janish R, Vookova B, Nahalkova J, Gemeiner P, Hajduch M (2000) Protein bodies in the pine megagametophyte in vitro culture: ultrastructural, histochemical and electrophoretic observations. Biologia Plantarum 43 , 329-336. 19. Hajduch M, Debre F, Bohmova B (2000) Effect of sodium azide and -irradiation on the seed protein composition of soybean. Biologia, Bratislava, 55, 115-120. (citované 1x) 20. Hajduch M, Debre F, Bohmova B, Pretova A (1999) Effect of different mutagenic treatment on morphological traits of M2 generation of Soybean. Soybean Genetics Newsletter 26, [Online journal]. URL (posted 24 Mar. 1999). 21. Hrib J, Vookova B, Hajduch M (1998) Inhibition of myceliar growth of Phaeolus schweinitzii by hydrolysates diffused from cultured conifer megagamerophytes. Biologia 53, 111-114. (citované 3x) 22. Hajduch M, Libantova J (1996) Review of Aspects of Biosafety of Transgenesis. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 6, 134-135. Hajduch M, Pretova A (1996). Enviroment in Slovakia. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 6, 165-166. Prípevky na medzinárodných konferenciách 1. Danchenko M, Skultety L, Rashydov NM, Preťová A, Hajduch M (2009) Seed proteomics: working model for plant adaptation in Chernobyl area. COST FA 0603 Plant Proteomics in Europe, p. 80, May 5-6, Viterbo, Italy 2. Klubicová K, Danchenko M, Skultety L, Rashydov NM, Preťová A, Hajduch M (2009) The analysis of adaptation mechanism of flax plants from Chernobyl area. COST FA 0603 Plant Proteomics in Europe, p. 89, May 5-6, Viterbo, Italy 3. Danchenko M, Skultety L, Rashydov N, Hajduch M (2009) Molecular mechanisms of soybean adaptation toward chronic ionizing radiation. COST FA 0603 Plant Proteomics in Europe, p. 81, May 5-6, Viterbo, Italy 4. Danchenko M, Škultéty Ľ, Rashydov NM, Preťová A, Hajduch M (2008) Proteomics analysis of soybean grown in Chernobyl area. ProteomLux 2008, October 22-24, Luxembourg 5. Danchenko M, Škultéty Ľ, Berezhna VV, Rashydov NM, Preťová A, Hajduch M (2008) Twenty two years since Chernobyl disaster: What seed proteome can tell us? “Plants for Life”, Fourth EPSO Conference, p. 112, Toulon 22-26 June 2008, France 6. Hajduch, M. (2008) Twenty one years since Chernobyl disaster: What seed protein can tell us? PepCon, From Concept to Market, p.79, Shenzhen, China 7. Danchenko M, Berezhna VV, Rashydov NM, Preťová A, Hajduch M (2008) Twenty one years since Chernobyl disaster: What seed protein can tell us? COST FA0306 “Plant Proteomics in Europe”, p. 28, Cordoba, Spain 8. Danchenko M, Berezhna V, Rashydov N, Pretova A, Hajduch M (2008) Comparative proteomics of developing soybean and flax seed tissues in chronic ionizing radiation and control field conditions. COST FA0306 “Plant Proteomics in Europe”, p. 31, Cordoba, Spain 9. Danchenko M, Pretova A, Hajduch M (2007) The Quantitative Proteomics Analysis of the Seeds from Chornobyl Grown Area – the Initial Project Outlook. Biotechnological Methods in Plant Improvements BIOS 2007, p.59, Nitra, Slovakia 4 10. Hajduch M, Preťová A, Thelen JJ (2007). Proteomics of seed filling in oilseeds: A proteomics perspective on carbon assimilation in Brassica napus. Plant Proteomics in Europe COST FA0603, Munich, September 20-21, 2007 11. Hajduch M, Casteel JE, Hurrelmeyer KE, Song Z, Agrawal GK, Thelen JJ (2006) Proteomics of Seed Filling in Oilseeds: A Proteomics Perspective on Carbon Assimilation in Brassica Napus. Plant&Animal Genome XIV conference, San Diego CA, January 13-17, 2006 (invited presentation, presented by MH). 12. Hajduch M, Casteel JE, Hurrelmyer KE, Song Z, Agrawal GK, Thelen JJ (2005) Integrated proteomics approach for analysis of Brassica napus seed filling-high protein identification rate with limited database resources. Plant Integrated Functional Genomics Workshop, Ardmore, Oklahoma, Nov 16-18. 13. Katavic V, Agrawal KG, Hajduch M, Casteel J, Thelen JJ (2005) Proteomics study of oil bodies isolated from Brassica napus mature seed. 2005 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plant Fatty Acids and Glycerolipids Symposium, NPLC, Fallen Leaf Lake, California, June 10-14, 2005. 14. Hajduch M, Adams JC, Thelen JJ (2005) Proteomics of seed-filling in soybean. Plant&Animal Genome XIII conference, San Diego CA, January 15-19, 2005 (invited presentation, presented by Thelen JJ). 15. Hajduch M, Ganapathy A, Weiner C, Thelen JJ (2004) Proteomics of Seed-Filling in Oilseeds. Plant Genome Research Program, National Science Foundation, Washington DC, September 23-24, 2004. 16. Hajduch M, Magnard JL, Sellam O, Cordeliert S, Lassagne H, Perez P, Dumas C, Rogogowsky PM (2003) Towards inducible complementation of emb mutants in maize. RECENT ADVANCES IN PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY: PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY: PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENTS , Stara Lesna, , High Tatras, Slovakia, September 7-13, 2003 (poster presentation). 17. Hajduch M, Tanaka H, Sakamoto T, Morinaka Y, Otake Y, Nakamura H, Kayano T, Komatsu S, Matsuoka M, Koga-Ban Y (2003) Characterisation of transformed and following generations of dwarfed transgenic rice overexpressing GA2-oxidase gene. RECENT ADVANCES IN PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY: PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY: PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENTS , Stara Lesna, , High Tatras, Slovakia, September 7-13, 2003 (oral presentation). 18. Hajduch M, Tanaka H., Koga-Ban Y (2000) Bioethical issues in GM plant research. SIXTH INTERNATIONAL TSUKUBA BIOETHICS ROUNDTABLE, Tsukuba (Japan) October 27-29. 19. Hajduch M, Debre F, Bohmova B, Dolesova P, Pretova A (1999) Two soybean mutants with increased sulphur amino acid content induced by sodium azide and irradiation. FROM CELLS TO CROPS, Stara Lesna, (Slovakia) September 4-10, 1999 (poster). 20. Hajduch M, Nahalkova J, Hrib J, Vookova B, Gemeiner P (1999) Soluble and insoluble seed protein body proteins from Pinus nigra. FROM CELLS TO CROPS, Stara Lesna, (Slovakia) September 4-10, 1999 (poster). 21. Hrib J, Vookova B, Nahalkova J, Hajduch M, Kotacka L, Janish R, Gemeiner P, Komrska J (1999) Structure and function of protein bodies: a model study on pine cells. FROM CELLS TO CROPS, Stara Lesna, (Slovakia) September 4-10, 1999 (poster). 22. Hajduch M, Bohmova B, Debre F (1998) Morphological and genetical characterisation of M3 generation of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). CZECHO-SLOVAK GENETIC 5 CONFERENCE, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 17-18, 1998, In: Book of Abstracts pp. 54 (poster). 23. Hajduch M, Pretova A, Kamada H (1997) Carrot ECP genes for carrot in flax. Second symposium in the series - RECENT ADVANCES IN PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY : Molecular Biology for Agriculture, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic) August 25-29, 1997. In: Book of Abstracts pp.75 (poster). 24. Hajduch M, Pretova A, Kamada H (1997) Detection and expression of embryo specific genes from carrot in flax. VII.CONFERENCE OF PLANT EMBRYOLOGISTS, Gdansk (Poland) September 16-18, 1997. In: Book of Abstracts pp. 40 (lecture). 25. Pretova A, Bugarova Z, Hajduch M (1996) Reproduction of flax in-situ and in-vitro. 14th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SEXUAL PLANT REPRODUCTION, Cumberland Resort, Lorne, Victoria (Australia) February 18-23, 1996. In: Book of Abstracts pp.39 (invated lecture, presented by Pretova A). 26. Nahalkova J, Chrtiansky J, Hrib J, Vookova B, Gemeiner P, Hajduch M (1996) LecitinLike and Antifungal Activity of Protein Body Proteins from Pinus Nigra Seeds. XV. BIOCHEMICKÝ SJEZD, Olomouc (Czech republic) September 9-12, 1996. In: Chemicke listy 90(9), 698-699 (poster presentation). 27. Hajduch M, Pretova A (1996) Isoenzymes characterization of zygotic embryogenesis in flax in different stages. RECENT ADVANCES IN PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGIES, Nitra (Slovakia) October 2-6, 1995. In: Biologia (Suppl.) 51(4), 10 (poster presentation). 28. Hajduch M, Bohmova B (1996) The Effect of Gamma Irradiation and Sodium Azide Treatment on Glycine Max L. Plants. RECENT ADVANCES IN PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGIES, Nitra (Slovakia) October 2-6, 1995. In: Biologia (Suppl.) 51(4), 34 (poster presentation). 29. Hrib J, Vookova B, Janish R, Gemeiner P, Nahalkova J, Hajduch M (1996) Pine Megagametophytes as Model Objects for in vitro Studies of Defense Reactions of Storage Tissues RECENT ADVANCES IN PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGIES, Nitra (Slovakia) October 2-6, 1995. In: Biologia (Suppl.) 51(4), 16 (poster presentation). 6