Author Agreement (Knowldege Bank

Journal of Undergraduate Research at Ohio State Author Agreement
This agreement takes effect upon acceptance of the Submission entitled _______________________ (“Submission”) for
By submitting this agreement, the undersigned author hereby grants to The Ohio State University, on behalf of its
University Libraries’ Knowledge Bank, 175 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210 (hereinafter "Publisher") the nonexclusive right to reproduce, translate, display, and/or distribute the Submission (including the abstract) as part of the
Journal of Undergraduate Research at Ohio State (“Journal”), in print and electronic format and in any medium. You also
agree that the Publisher may make and retain more than one copy for the purpose of preservation, security, and
backup. You represent that you, as sole author and/or on behalf of your co-authors, have the authority to grant the
rights contained in this agreement. You also represent that your Submission does not, to the best of your knowledge,
infringe upon anyone’s copyright. If the Submission contains material for which you do not hold copyright, you represent
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The author understands that the Publisher may grant these same rights to Journal. Additionally, the author also grants
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The author agrees that any subsequent publication of the Submission will credit the Journal as the site of first
publication and provide a link to the Journal website.
For Students
By signing this agreement the author(s) agrees to the terms specified above and vouches for the authenticity and
originality of all research submitted in their paper.
Name (author #1) __________________________ Signature ____________________ Date _________
Name (author #2) __________________________ Signature ____________________ Date _________
Name (author #3) __________________________ Signature ____________________ Date _________
For Mentors/Faculty Sponsors
By signing this agreement, you certify that you have advised or supervised the above named student(s) in conducting
original research, and that, to the best of your knowledge, the student(s) have followed the accepted standards of
academic honesty and ethics. By signing you also indicate that you have read the submission and endorse its publication
in the Journal of Undergraduate Research at Ohio State.
Name ___________________________ Signature _______________________ Date ___________