International Conference on Engineering and Technology - 2013 88 Neuro-Fuzzy Control Based Negative Output KY Boost Converter A. Vignesh Raja and S. Krishna Kumar Abstract--- A converter named negative output KY boost converter is presented herein which combines along with the neuro fuzzy controller to produce the negative output source and to reduce its output voltage ripple around 3mv.In the following the theoretical analysis is given in detail. Both the simulation and experimental results are found out and given in detail for the KY converter topology Index Terms--- Direct-Current–Direct-Current (DC–DC) Converter, KY Boost Converter, Neuro Fuzzy I. INT RODUCTION I N many applications, such as analog signal applications, communicat ions applications, the negative electricity source is indispensable for the audio amp lifier, the signal generator or the data transmission interface, etc. And hence, if such a source comes fro m the main, then there is an additional winding in design of the transformer. However, if such a source is provided for the battery in the car or the portable device, then a DC-DC converter, based on the charge pump [1], is taken, but is suitable for low-power applicat ions in order to limit the undesired surge current to some extent. In consequence, Cuk and Luo converters [2-5] are presented to overcome the above problem. However, for voltage boosting to be considered, the Cuk converter needs two inductors and one additional energy-transferring capacitor, and the Luo converter possesses more components than the Cuk converter does. In a novel converter named negative KY boost converter they reduced the output voltage ripple around 60mv by using an FPGA-PID controller. Based on the previous statements a novel negative KY converter using neuro fuzzy method is presented herein. By using the neuro fuzzy model here I am going to reduce the output voltage ripple around 3mv. In the following, the basic operating principles of the proposed converter are described in detail, together with some simu lated results to demonstrate its effectiveness. Fig.1.Circuit diagram of the proposed KY-boost converter based on neuro fuzzy controller. Its components are described in the text. The structure proposed circuit and its operation principles are described in Section II. The design considerations are given in Sect ion III. The experimental results are given in Section IV, and a conclusion is given in Sect ion V. II. CIRCUIT OPERATION A. Circuit Description As shown in Fig.1, the following is the proposed converter, named as KY converter, which consists of two MOSFET switches S1 and S2 along with anti-d iodes DI and D2 respectively, one diode D, one energy-transferring capacitor Cb which is large enough to keep the voltage across itself constant at the value of the input voltage, one output inductor L, and one output capacitor C.The voltage divider,co mparator and the neuro fuzzy-based counteredbased control without any analogue-to-digital converter is used herein to do the proposed work. B. Principle of the Circuit Operation Mode 1: In Fig.2, as soon as Sw is turned on, the voltage across L is the input voltage vi, thereby causing L to be magnetized. At the same time, Cb is charged and the energy required by the load is supplied from Co. Hence, there exist three power flows in this mode. One is fro m the input via Sw through L and then to the ground; another is from the input via Sw through Cb and then to Df and the ground; the other is from Co to Ro. The corresponding differential equations can be represented by A. Vignesh Raja, PG Scholar ME Power Electronics & Drives, Prathyusha Institute of Technology & Management, Chennai – 602105. S. Krishna Kumar, Senior Lecturer Department of EEE, Prathyusha Institute Of Technology & Management,, Chennai – 602105. ISBN 978-93-82338-60-4 | © 2013 Bonfring International Conference on Engineering and Technology - 2013 89 L= ------ (4) L= L = 7.4 mH Fig.2: Negative Output KY Boost Converter Mode 1 Operation Mode 2 : In Fig.3, as soon as Sw is turned off the voltage across L is the input voltage vi minus the voltage vo on Cb, thereby causing L to be demagnetized. At the same time, Cb is discharged. And hence, there exists one power flo w in this mode, which is fro m the input via Db through Cb and then L and the output. The corresponding differential equations can be represented by Therefore, based on the given specifications and (4), the minimu m value of L can be calculated to be 7.4μH and finally is set to 10μH . 2. Design of Output Capacitor As generally recognized, for the electrolytic capacitor to be considered, the value of the product of the capacitance and the equivalent series resistance is about 65μ . And hence, the minimu m value of Co can be represented by Co = ------ (5) Co = Co = 1560µH. And hence, according to the given specifications and (5), the min imu m value of Co can be calculated to be 1560μF and eventually is set to 2200μF . IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT S The KY converter based neuro fuzzy was designed using the following specifications given below, Design Parameters Fig 3: Negative Output KY Boost Converter Mode 2 Operation Parameter Value Unit Input voltage 12 V Co 2200 µF L 10 µH Cb 1000 µF Ro 6 Ω Settling time 14 Ms Io 2 A Vo 24 V Po 24 W 1. Design of Inductor Fs 195 KHz Since the input power is equal to the output power for any load, the minimu m value of the input inductor L can be expressed to be Kp 0.5 --- Ki 0.0625 --- According to the voltage-second balance, and (1) and (2), the voltage conversion ratio of this converter operating in CCM can be represented as (3) In fig 1, the output of the KY-Boost converter is taken and is compared with the reference voltage to produce an error voltage. This is given as one of the inputs to the neuro fuzzy controller. The error voltage is taken to produce a change in error voltage which is given as another input to the neuro fuzzy controller. These two inputs are taken as inputs through the fuzzifier and are trained inside the network and produce an output to drive the Mosfet switch through the gate drive. III. DESIGN CONSIDERAT IONS ISBN 978-93-82338-60-4 | © 2013 Bonfring International Conference on Engineering and Technology - 2013 According to the above design parameters the inputs are given in the closed loop controller. The input to the neuro fuzzy controller is the error voltage(e) p roduced which is obtained by comparing the output voltage of the KY-Boost converter with the reference voltage and the change in error(ce).These inputs are trained using grid partition to generate the control signals. The output being the duty cycle(D)wh ich then sent to the PWM block for generating the control signal which is fed as switching signal for Mosfet switch of the KY Boost converter. The output voltage VL and output current IL are stored in MATLAB workspace. The output current and output voltage waveform for open loop controller for first-order KY Converter is shown below. The output current and voltage waveforms are shown. Fig4.Output Current for KY Controller Fig.5. Output Vo ltage for KY Controller The output current and voltage ripple for the closed loop control circuit is shown in below figure 90 efficiency further mo re. and the size and the cost of the work can also be reduced in the near future. REFERENCES [1] H. B. Shin, J. G. Park, S. K. Chung, H. W. Lee and T. A. Lipo, “Generalized steady-state analysis of multiphase interleaved boost converter with coupled inductors,” IEE Proc. Electr. Power, no. 152, vol.3, pp. 584-594, 2005. [2] R. Giral, E. Arango, J. Calvent e and L. Martinez-Salamero, “Inherent DCM operation of the asymmetrical interleaved dual buck-boost,” in Proc. IEEE IECON Conf., 2002, vol. 1, pp. 129-134. [3] F. L. Luo, “Positive output Luo converters voltage lift technique,” IEE Proc. Electr. Power Appl., no. 146, vol. 4, pp. 415-432, 1999. [4] Chen, Xiaofan, Luo, Fang Lin and Ye, Hong, “Modified positive output Luo converter,” in Proc. IEEE PEDS Conf., 1999, vol. 1, pp. 450-455. [5] F. L. Luo and H. 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The output voltage ripple waveforms shows clearly that the measured output voltage ripple is nearly 3 mv. In the future others can use an upcoming modern converters to reduce the output current and voltage ripple further down and works very accurately and increases its ISBN 978-93-82338-60-4 | © 2013 Bonfring