ISSN 2319-8885 Vol.03,Issue.07, May-2014, Pages:1150-1155, Power Factor Correction with Synchronous Motor for Rice Mill MAY ZIN TUN1, PYONE LAI SWE2 1 Dept of Electrical Power Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay, Myanmar, Email: 2 Dept of Electrical Power Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay, Myanmar, Email: Abstract: Interconnection of electric power systems is becoming increasingly widespread as part of the power exchange between countries as well as regions within countries in many parts of the world. There are few solutions, that allow handle the problem of power factor correction. Synchronous motors are used principle in large power applications because of their high operating efficiency, reliability, controllable power factor, and relatively low sensitivity to voltage dips. The synchronous motor can be performed both generating kVAR as a compensator and moveable machine as a motoring function in the power system. The kVAR generated from synchronous motor are compensated for any other related induction machine in Rice Mill. The result data of overall power factor improvement and the best condition of power factor correction are presented in this paper. Keywords: Power Factor, Power Factor Correction, Synchronous Motor, Rice Mill. I. INTRODUCTION The large industries have many loads such as induction motors, and others inductive loads. They are of power factor lagging loads. Low power factor can increase electricity generating costs, reduce electrical distribution capacity and increase voltage drop. Power factor is the factor by which apparent power, or kVA, is multiplied to obtain actual power, or kW, in an ac system. It is the ratio of the in-phase component of current to total current. It is also the cosine of the angle by which the current lags (or leads) the voltage. In practice, the static capacitors, synchronous motors and synchronous condensers are used as the load compensator. Overall power factor of the plant is improved because of unity or leading power factor of synchronous motor. The power factor of a synchronous motor is controllable within its design and load limits. It may operate at unity, leading, or in rare cases, lagging power factor and may be used to modify the power factor of the system to which it is connected. A simplified explanation of phasor relationships will describe what takes place under various load and excitation conditions. Phasors are vectors that represent the relationship between voltages or currents. The phasor length represents the magnitude and, as it is allowed to rotate counterclockwise about the origin, the projection on the x axis is the instantaneous value. The power for unity power factor is always positive while both leading and lagging power factors have some negative power values, and the peak is less than for unity. Thus, the average value of power is less for either leading or lagging power factor for the same current or voltage. Synchronous motor can also be used for power-factor correction in an industrial plant consisting of a large number of induction motors. [4] II. POWER FACTOR A power factor of an AC circuit is defined as the cosine of the angle between the current and voltage vectors and the terms leading or lagging indicate that the current leads or lags on the voltage. A voltage applied to a capacitor produces a current which leads the voltage by 90 electrical degrees, a voltage applied to a pure resistance produces a current in phase with it, and a voltage applied to an inductance produces a current lagging it by 90 electrical degree. In practice all loads posses at least a small amount of resistance, inductance and capacitance but usually one predominates. All loads can be represented by a combination of a resistance and a reactance, either inductive or capacitive. The power factor of a system is composed of two elements, active power and apparent power. Active power is the useful power. Apparent power is the aggregate of active power and reactive power. The power factor ratio is given in Equation (1). [1] (1) This ratio is also equal to the cosine of the angle between the voltage and the current of the system. The power factor ratio is given in Equation (2). Power Factor=cos (Φ) (2) The power factor is the ratio of kW component to the kVA component, consider Figure 1. An induction motor takes Copyright @ 2014 SEMAR GROUPS TECHNICAL SOCIETY. All rights reserved. MAY ZIN TUN, PYONE LAI SWE lagging current from the supply to produce flux in it total. Accordingly, it is unnecessary to correct the power magnetizing current even when supplying no shaft torque. factor to exactly unity. The phasor diagram of single-phase When the shaft torque is increased, both the amplitude of the load of admittance is shown in Figure 2. current and its power factor change. If the excitation is kept constant, variation of the shaft torque causes the power factor to vary. The variation in reactive kVAR with load depends on the shape of the characteristics, that is, it depends on the synchronous reactance. In general, the power factor of industrial load is lagging and the effects of low lagging power factors are considerable. The various items such as transformer, transmission lines and machines posses resistance and reactance and when the power factor of the load is unity, the power factor of the generation will be lagging. To obtain unity power factor on the generators, the load would have to have a leading power factor. Figure2. Phasor Diagram of Single-phase Load (Uncompensated) [2]. Active Power P Ap par ent Po we rS Reactive Power Q Φ The apparent power supplied to the loads is SL = V2GL- jV2BL = PL+jQL The power factor is expressed by the equation cos L = PL SL (3) (4) Where, PL=active power supplied to the load (kW) QL=reactive power supplied to the load (kVAR) SL=apparent power supplied to the load (kVA) Figure1. Power Vector Diagram [1] To supply a fixed amount of kW to a load, it is necessary to provide a greater amount of kVA. The lower power factor becomes in kVA implies increased losses in generation, transmission and distribution and also requires greater generation and distribution capacity. The various items in a transmission and distribution system have some resistance and this produces a loss when current flows. The amount of loss is proportional to the square of current and is associated with the kVA transmitted and not the kW power. Maximum efficiency and utilization of generation and distribution capacity would be obtained if the power factor were increased to unity. However, it is not generally possible to operate all the plant in an electrical supply system at unity power factor. The various items such as transformer, transmission lines and machines posses resistance and reactance and when the power factor of the load is unity, the power factor of the generation will be lagging. To obtain unity power factor on the generators, the load would have to have a leading power factor. [6] Figure 3 shows the phasor relationships in which supply current is in phase with V, making the overall power factor unity. The supply current I S now has the smallest value capable of supplying full power PL and the voltage V, and all the reactive power required by the load is thus totally compensated. Relieved of the reactive requirements of the load, the supply now has excess capacity which is available for supplying other loads.The apparent power exchanged with the supply system is Sγ=Pγ+ Qγ = VIγ* =jV2BL (5) Most loads are inductive, requires capacitive compensation for total compensation of reactive power, the reactive power rating of the compensator is related to the rated power P L of the load by QL= PL tan L (6) III. POWER FACTOR CORRECTION Power factor correction usually means the practice of generating reactive power as close as possible to the load which requires it, rather than supplying it from a remote power station. The objective of power factor correction is to reduce the current flowing in the circuit connecting the consumer’s load with the source of supply. When the power factor is high, the reactive component is a small Figure3. Phasor Diagram of Single-phase Load (Compensated) [2]. percentage of the total and so a given change in the reactive component produces only a small change in the International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.03, IssueNo.07, May-2014, Pages: 1150-1155 Power Factor Correction with Synchronous Motor for Rice Mill The rated apparent power SL of the load is described - Ia by the equation QL=S L sin L (7) SL 1 cos2L Where, Sγ = apparent power of the compensator (kVA) Qγ= reactive power of the compensator (kVAR) Pγ= active power of the compensator (kW) Power factor improvement can be obtained by adding equipment designed solely to take leading kVAR, by replacing equipment taking lagging kVAR and by equipment operating at unity power factor or at a leading power factor or installation new plant which would operate at leading power factor. Power factor correcting equipment may consist of static capacitor, synchronous condensers or synchronous motor. All have advantages and disadvantages and the choice of which to use in particular case may only be described after considering: [6]. The amount of leading kVAR required Electrical power changes The variation of kVAR required Method of control required Type of load where power factor is improved Any other power factor correcting plant installed Future development of load IV. PRINCIPLE OF SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR A. Power Angle and Other Performance characteristic on Synchronous Motor The real and reactive power delivered by a synchronous generator, or received by a synchronous motor, can be expressed in terms of the terminal voltage Vt, the generated voltage Ef, the synchronous impedance Zs, and the power angle or torque angle δ. Referring to Figure 4, it is convenient to adopt a convention that makes positive the real power P and the reactive power Q delivered by an overexcited generator. Accordingly, the generator action corresponds to positive values of δ, whereas the motor action corresponds to negative values of δ. With the adopted notation it follows that P > 0 for generator operation, whereas P < 0 for motor operation. Ef -I a (iii) (iv) Figure 4: Four Possible Cases of operation of a Roundrotor Synchronous Machine with Negligible Armature Resistance [3]. Overexcited generator (pf lagging),P>0,Q>0,δ>0 Under excited generator (pf leading),p>0,q<0,δ>0 Overexcited generator (pf leading),p<0,q>0,δ<0 Under excited generator (pf lagging),p<0,q<0,δ<0 Further, positive Q means delivering inductive VARs for a generator action, or receiving inductive VARs for a motor action; negative Q means delivering capacitive VARs for a generator action, or receiving capacitive VARs for a motor action. It can be observed from Figure 2 that the power factor is lagging when P and Q have the same sign, and leading when P and Q have opposite signs. B. Synchronous Motor with Different Excitations A synchronous motor is said to have normal excitation when Ef = Vt. If field excitation is such that Ef < Vt, the motor is said to be under-excited. In both these conditions, it has a lagging power factor as shown in Figure 5. Ef Ef ER θ α Ef = V θ α α Ia ER j I aXs (b) Ia θ α Ia Vt (ii) ER Ef α α Vt δ Vt Lagging pf ER Ef α Ef < V Ia Vt (a) Ef Vt (i) Ef j I aXs Lagging pf j I aXs Vt δ j IaXs Ia Ia t δ Ef δ Ia Ef = V Ef < V Lagging pf Lagging pf θ α =0 (c) (d) Figure 5.Vector Diagrams for Various Power Factors. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.03, IssueNo.07, May-2014, Pages: 1150-1155 Ia Vt MAY ZIN TUN, PYONE LAI SWE On the other hand, if DC field excitation is such that Ef > Vt, then motor is said to be over-excited and draws a leading current, as shown in Figure 5(a). There will be some value of excitation for which armature current will be in phase with Vt, so that power factor will become unity, as shown in Figure 5(b). The value of α and hack e.m.f E f can be found with the help of vector diagrams for various power factors, shown in Figures 5 (c) and (d). V. DESIGN AND CALCULATION OF POWER FACTOR CORRECTION BY USING SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR The designed rice mill consists of twelve numbers of induction motors is shown in figure 6. The twelve numbers of induction motors are two numbers of induction motors used for Huller, two numbers of induction motors for Fan Motor, two numbers of induction motors for Chaff Separator, two numbers of induction motors for Rice Huller, two numbers of induction motors for Work Polisher, two numbers of induction motors or White Rice Grader. The ratings of induction motors are 24.45kW, 52kW, 30kW, 47.76kW, 60kW and 110kW. The existing real and reactive power loadings of Rice Mill at full load are shown in figure 7. So, the total real power loadings PT = 648.42 kW Total reactive power loadings, QT =571.86kVAr Total apparent power loadings, ST = 864.56 kVA And the overall power factor of Rice Mill = PT/ST = 0.75 lagging VCB Fan Motor Chaff Separator Rice Huller IM IM IM IM 24.45kW, 0.75(lag) 52kW, 0.75(lag) 30kW, 0.75(lag) Husker Figure6. Mill Induction 47.76kW, 0.75(lag) Motors White Rice Grader Work Polisher IM IM p.f = (10) S= (11) The power factor of plant has in the designed power factor limit. There are two methods to improve the design power factor of plant .The two methods are 1. Addition of synchronous motors and 2. Reduction of induction motors The characteristic features of the both solution are: Designed condition one is established by using unity power factor synchronous motor and induction motors. Designed condition two is established by using 0.8 leading power factor synchronous motor and induction motors. TABLE I: PERCENTAGE OF INDUCTION MOTORS LOADING % of Load Reactive Power(kVAR) 25 Real Power (kW) 162.1 50 324.2 285.9 75 486.3 428.9 100 648.4 571.8 142.9 TABLE II: RESULT OF CONDITION ONE (600KW, PF UNITY) OF SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR 110kW, 0.75(lag) 60kW, 0.75(lag) Loading In this paper, the rating of synchronous motor to compensate the reactive power of Rice Mill Factory is chosen as 804hp. It is more cost and so that only chosen 600kW (804hp) synchronous motor. This rating is to improve the power factor 0.75 to 0.98lagging.Table I, II and III are detail result data. Using the following Equations, P = VIcosΦ (8) Q = P×tanΦ (9) in Rice 220 Real Power Reactive Power Real Power(kW)& Reactive Power(kVAR) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 1 2 3 4 Plants 5 6 When the loads of induction motor vary from 25 percent to 125 percent; the power factor of overall plant also changes from 0.99 to 0.91. This result is shown in Figure 8. From Table II, when the loads of induction motor vary from 25% to 125%, the power factor of overall plant also change from Figure7. Existing Real and Reactive Power Loadings of Rice Mill. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.03, IssueNo.07, May-2014, Pages: 1150-1155 Power Factor Correction with Synchronous Motor for Rice Mill unity to 0.91 lagging power factor. This result is shown in VI. CONCLUSION Figure 9. In comparison of Table I and II, the power factor of The feature of power factor correction makes the overall plant from Table II is more improve than from Table I synchronous motor as a most useful industrial machine. In because of 0.8 leading power factor of synchronous motor. this paper, according to compare test of load changes of induction motors, the condition two is better than condition TABLE III: RESULT OF CONDITION TWO one. In condition one, the power factor of plant is improved (600KW, PF0.8) OF SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR by using 600 kW, unity power factor of synchronous motor. In condition two, the power factor of design plant is improved by using 600 kW, 0.8 leading power factor of synchronous motor. Therefore, the synchronous motor at 0.8 leading power factor more improve than at unity power factor. By increasing field excitation of synchronous motor, the power factor is varied from unity to leading power factor. Therefore, the power factor limits between 0.95 and unity by increasing field excitation of synchronous motor. VII. REFERENCES [1]Jakub Kepka, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. “Reactive Power Compensation”, Wroclaw University of Technology. 1 pf 0.99 0.98 [2]Jihn, Reactive Power Control in Electric System, Wiley & Sons Inc., T.J.E.MILLER,(1982). Overall PowerFactor 0.97 0.96 [3]Kumar, K. Murugesh. “Introduction and Synchronous Machines.” Vikas Publishing Company Ltd, (2000). 0.95 0.94 [4] Brosan, G.S., and Hayden, J. T. 1996.Advance Electrical Power and Machine. 0.93 0.92 0.91 [5]Stevenson, JR.W.D. 1969. Element of Power System. 0.9 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Percent Load ofInductionMotors Figure8. Relation of Percent Loads of Induction Motors and Overall Power Factor by using unity Power Factor of Synchronous Motor. 1 [6]Anonymous: Introduction to Compensation System, Nokian Capacitor Ltd., Finland, (2005). pf Overall Power Factor 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Percent Loads of Induction Motor Figure9. Relation of Percent Loads of Induction Motors and Overall Power Factor by Using 0.8 Leading Power Factor of Synchronous Motor. Therefore, the using of 0.8 leading power factor of synchronous motor is best condition to improve the power factor of the plant. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.03, IssueNo.07, May-2014, Pages: 1150-1155