March MCRW Newsletter

The Blue Ridge Messenger
Newsletter of the Madison County Republican Women
Chartered September 15, 1998
March 2016
P.O. Box 314• Madison,VA 22727• (540)923-4300•
By Ponch McPhee
Journalist, news analyst,
What is significant
and commentator Craig
about our branchJohnson "The Hatchet
es of government
Man" will return as the
is how they define
Guest Speaker at the
each other and
Travis Witt
March 15th meeting of
serve the people.
We know
the Madison County Republican Women,
is to
6:30-8:30 PM.
preneur, political conservative
tional advocate and professional speaker. deciding on federal judges. What power does it yield?
He is the founder and president of the First
Amendment, Inc., a non-profit educational Well it can span 25 or more years beand advocacy organization that promotes cause it is a lifetime appointment. ImagAmerican freedom, constitutionality, and ine that kind of power.
identifies and endorses good conservative Supreme Court appointments can depublic policy. Mr. Johnson has also joined fine our Constitutional rights, laws and
with The Virginia Christian Alliance as educational process for a generation.
VCA's School Choice Advocate.
Therefore, is election 2016 only about
the Presidency?
Everyone is invited to attend
tive meeting. The evening's menu features With the surprisingly untimely death of
a traditional St. Patrick's Day meal of Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia and the
Corned Beef and Cabbage, along with likely retirement of perhaps several jusside dishes and desserts by MCRW Mem- tices, 2016 is a year which will deterbers. Dinner: $8. Location: Madison Pres- mine history, education and our rights
byterian Church Fellowship Hall, 1236 for a generation.
Fishback Road, Rt. 722 at the north traffic
light. For more information, please call Candidate Mr. Trump says “ we will
make America great again“ Mr. Trump
(540) 923-4300.
has laid out some widely embraced
ideas on how he might do that.
After inviting the entire Third World into
Germany, the Angela Merkel government
has found that hundreds of thousands of
them have not come from “war zones,” and
were simply opportunistic invaders
seeking to parasite off and criminalize
white European society. Now the
government is “desperately trying to find
solutions to deport the hundreds of
thousands of migrants who have had their
asylum applications rejected”, according to
Die Welt newspaper. Shoebat Foudation
Poverty Pimps
History Divided
Craig Johnson / 2 - 3
Treasurer’s Update
1st Quarter Report
Ginny Pegelow / 4
Thanks to the liberal
hissy fit over Cecil,
200 more lions may die.
By the Numbers / 4
Senator Emmett Hanger
Thank him for these votes
Sanctuary Cities / 5
The “sport” of Muslim
refugees is not just for
European women anymore
Rape Jihad / 6
Their 100 Year Plan to
destroy America Financially
is picking up speed
Foothold Expands / 7
March 27 - Madison County
Republican Committee
Mass Meeting / 8
Jan. have
“I would rather
bunch of Americans than
all of these
Canadian government
for donais] bringing
in. I am
ly against that. They’re
LiJewell jobs
CanadiCandidate Sen. Cruz has laid out pop- taking
have. The [Canadiular conservative ideas on “ enforcing ans
Constitutional principles and law “ Other candidates in the presidential race setting them up better
have made additional claims on how than how Canadians
Please bring a
they would do similar.
donation for
Healthcare is being overthe
Following the recent Super Tuesday run
by [Syrian refugees].”
outcome of state primary elections, one Stephenson Community
Canadian ElaineBox
can see there is a divide among con- says she Food
will ‘welcome’
servatives and republicans on how Trump refugees, but not
at eachofmeeting.
they should achieve this. New York
the thousands
continued on page 2
2016 continued from page 1
The Blue Ridge Messenger
businessman Donald Trump obtained the majority of
the states (6 total) with Sen. Cruz of Texas showing
nicely with Alaska, Oklahoma and Texas. These results
make it certain to be drawn out for perhaps a few
Sen. Rubio of Florida also carried Minnesota and
showed well in Virginia, and if he were to join with Sen.
Cruz as well as the other candidates, it would bring
totals close to marginally even for the 2 front runners.
Many Americans say, “they are tired of the Washington
status quo”, but is Mr. Trump truly so outside of the
Washington political scene? Many believe he is and
isn’t. Is Sen. Cruz a part of the Washington scene?
After all, he stood up against his own party.
March 2016
By Craig Johnson
..My good friend, Don Blake, asked
me to participate in a local television
interview with him about a racial video, entitled “Structural Discrimination,”
Craig Johnson
which upset his granddaughter and
other students at Glen Allen High School. Having
handled hot topics in talk radio for years, I was happy
to oblige, and you can view it here:
How different are they on defending or opposing trans- NBC12 – WWBT – Richmond, VA News On Your Side
After providing additional commentary on Fox News,
formational rights of all Americans? Who they appoint
clip below), the story gained national attention,
to the Supreme Court of the United States of America
video is now a worldwide viral sensation,
is why this election is a turning point in American history.
which has been discussed on nearly every news proTherefore, shouldn’t we be looking at their character? gram, throughout social media, and within many major
What they believe? How they determine things? There publications.
are many factors which encourage a man or woman to
understand the depth of, and uphold every word of The The sad thing is that most of the news outlets that have
carried this story are missing the point. The nation’s
United States Constitution.
poverty pimps, who personally benefit from the anger
Is mending the Republican Party is the goal of conserv- and ignorance of the poor, claim that the video is a
atives? More like-minded voters are necessary in their truthful justification for more race based government
primary elections.
set asides (which do not benefit the poor as much as
they benefit those who “manage” poverty).
Democrats and social liberals are divided and are trying
desperately to come together. There are large crowds The middle class and upper-middle class citizens of
of Senator Sanders supporters nationally with delegate Glen Allen, whose children live within excellent, intetotals from Colorado, Vermont, Oklahoma and Minneso- grated neighborhoods and attend excellent integrated
schools, feel that once again they are being cast as
having unjust success. Many of these people have
Thousands remain uncertain about Mrs. Clinton’s ability
worked two and three jobs, postponed gratification
to not be prosecuted which could end her campaign
while educating themselves, and have been givers to
quickly should it occur. Mrs. Clinton has pulled ahead
help the less fortunate; and, some have even voted for
of her opponent with delegates won in (7) states deObama, just to prove that they are not racist. They
spite allegations. There are even many who feel VP Joe
must be thinking, “When is this ever- ready, false
Biden is still an option.
charge of racism going to end?”
The Democrats too, would like to have the opportunity
I say, that as long as there is a high percentage of the
to re-shape the federal bench and continue with current
educated, elite blacks, who benefit from never-ending
Washington policy.
cries of racism, and who continue to intimidate the
The 2016 presidential election is about your bill of rights, white majority, fewer of these elites will aim for the
interpreting the Constitution and how your rights will be more competitive, and less certain free market. And,
addressed by the United States Supreme Court. Re- why should they? Well-meaning whites, who have
gardless of your party,The Declaration of Independ- been guilt-tripped over supposed actions of their forence is clear “We are endowed by our Creator.” This bearers, enable Black elite hustlers with meaningless
“stated belief “must never be altered by the courts.”
degrees, and who sometimes lack mastery of the
English language, to live in luxury with television
The people getting out too vote can make that differshows, elected and appointed offices, tenured profesence. It is time for the 2016 Presidential Race for the
sorships, no-bid government contracts, etc.
Federal Bench of the Republic.
Please don’t think this elitism is a Black thing only.
The Democrat Party is a grievance party. If you lack
the character and/or capacceed meritocratically, just
continued on page 3
Poverty Pimps continued from page 2
The Blue Ridge Messenger
March 2016
tout your skin color, tribe,city to su gender, etc., and issue. That is how you develop critical thinking within
justify your deception by citing how the “old boy club” students. Expose them to both sides of an issue rather
has been doing the same. As long as you sell out the than worry about hurt feelings or cowardly butt covering.
less fortunate of your group to the idea that God-given
rights are “Trumped” (pun intended) by government Our nation is entering its 4 season of “ekpyrosis”, the
ordained rights, then you can take your seat at the ending of one saeculum and the beginning of another,
which occurs every 4 generations. A nation does not
table of “leadership”.
dissolve in the “spring time” of the cycle; nor the “sumThis “African-American Studies” nonsense is really a mer” or “autumn”. It is the “winter” of the cycle where
subset of socialism. For 100 years, the “educators” it becomes questionable whether people of various
have been trying to produce a generation of “little races, classes, religions, and political viewpoints, can
communists.” Vladimir Illiich Lenin stated, “The pur- resist the forces trying to tear society apart with divide
pose of Socialism is Communism.” In order to cement and conquer tactics in order to control the destiny of
themselves and their families into permanent power, the coming new age.
by eliminating competition, the elites must destroy God,
family, and the free market, leaving only the govern- The question then becomes, how do you view yourself,
and our collective history? Are “American History” and
ment for the proletariat to turn to for all of their needs.
“Black History” two separate and distinct things? Are
The “educators” now have produced a millennial gener- you a “Black-American, “Hispanic-American, “Asianation that mostly thinks that they prefer Socialism to American”, White-American”; or just an American?
Free Enterprise. That is no coincidence. Nor is it a
coincidence that for decades, there has been a separa- The same applies to other types of divisions that elites
tion between “American History” and “Black History”. engender among the masses. Watchmen on the wall,
Nor is it a coincidence that this video was financed by like me, are praying that Americans of all stripes will
George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. The One toss out the hyphen. George Soros and his paid
World Government/Communism crowd needs to make brown-shirts are hoping that envy, hatred, and covetthe masses fight each other in order to continue their ousness will continue to fracture a society that is
assault on God, family, national sovereignty, and Free teetering on the edge of disaster – so they can “rescue”
us with a solution.
Source: Virginia Free Citizen
Billionaire oligarchs like Soros, Trump, Gates and
Bloomberg, pretend to help the “little guy,” but do they
help or hurt the tensions between: young versus old
(death panels for the 75-plus); male versus female
(universal draft for women and internal destruction of
armies); family creators versus homosexuals (abortion
on-demand to be followed by limits on children; attack
on scouts); wealth creators versus wage earners (see
Soviets, Maoists, etc.); and the ever present cry of
racism? Contrary to popular belief, not all billionaires
continue to support the free enterprise and social
norms that created an orderly environment where they
could thrive to the point of becoming the new elite.
The racial, religious, ethnic and class differences have
been mostly overcome in the world’s greatest meritocracy, the USA. People who call themselves “Watchmen on the Wall” had better wake up. It’s not about
hurt feelings over a video, as Henrico County seems
to think, as they declared the video banned. They may
as well declare this cold weather banned. The students all have devices, such as smart phones, so the
genie is already out of the bottle.
I suggest we air the video again but with explanations
as to why it is good or bad, accurate or inaccurate,
from both sides of the political divide. I challenge Rev.
Tyrone Nelson, Ravi Perry, and video creator, Kimberle’ Crenshaw, to come to Glen Allen High School to
debate me and two other Black Conservatives on this 3
Craig Johnson is a news analyst and commentator, speaker,
and president of The First Amendment, Inc.,
( He is also talk radio host
of The REALLY, Real, Deal with Brother Craig the Hatchet
Man, on 820AM WNTW,, and ondemand at He is
School Choice Advocate & Board of Advisors member for
the Virginia Christian Alliance. For interviews and speaking
engagements contact
The Blue Ridge Messenger
March 2016
• China’s biggest military overhaul since the aftermath
of the Korean War will transform the 2.3-million-member People’s Liberation Army military will into a fighting
force capable of winning a modern war and it will
remain by world’s largest, with more than 600,000
more active service members than the U.S., according
to estimates by the International Institute for Strategic
Studies. China’s.
• Muslims commit 91% of honor killings worldwide.
Someone who kills. his child incurs no legal penalty
under Islamic law. The Palestinian Authority gives
pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders.
Hundreds of women are murdered by their relatives in
Last December, a very successful Christmas gala was Pakistan each year on the pretext of defending family
enjoyed by all with a delicious dinner catered by Mill “honour”.
Valley (Rodney Lillard) and holiday music by Bel Canto. • $13.7 million in public assistance benefits fraud in
In January, four of our board members attended fiscal year 2015 was reported by Massachusetts
VFRW's Legislative Day in Richmond. Also, Susan Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI), a 44 percent
Hyland received her final payment of$800.00 for person- increase over the previous year.
ally ordering the White House Christmas ornaments last •
are the
July. Total cost of the ornaments was $2,364.99. and
all were sold.
and persecution of this nature is emerging as a signifiThis month the board will choose a theme for the cant factor in the growing phenomenon of mass migrascholarship essay contest. A Madison High School tion; whereas according to data the number of
senior or home-schooled student who has been accept- Christians killed every year is more than 150,000.” The
ed at a college can participate and the winner will Obama administration says Islamic State’s persecution of
receive $500.00 which will be sent to his/her college Christian minorities in Iraq and Syria is not genocide.
later in the summer.
• German authorities do not know the whereabouts of
Thanks to our members for your payment of dues for 130,000 asylum seekers, the government said in a
2016. There are still many who need to renew---$20.00 parliamentary document.
for regular members and $10.00 for associates. Checks • Under Obamacare, the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services diverted $3.5 billion from the Treascan be mailed to MCRW, Box 314, Madison, VA.
ury to help the insurance companies, effectively bailing
Renewing will keep you on the newsletter list so you out insurance companies with taxpayer dollars, accorddon't miss any issues.
ing to Rep. Joe Pitts, R-Penn. Pitts argued that the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services violated
The next quarterly report will be in June and there will be
the law by prioritizing reinsurance payments to insurmore updates regarding fund raisers. If anyone has a
ance companies instead of the U.S. Treasury.
question about this report, call me at 923-4085.
• In 2015, a dentist from Minnesota shot and killed a
supposedly-beloved lion named Cecil while on a huntGinny Pegelow
ing trip in Zimbabwe causing global outrage. Now,
ironically, due to the severe reduction in big game
hunters, there are simply too many lions in the reserve“A growing consensus now supports making the -and unless they are taken in by another agency, about
criminal-justice system less punitive. But prison
200 of lions may have to culled in order to ease the
rates won’t drop dramatically unless serious crime
declines further, which is unlikely. It certainly didn’t
• A leaked report from Germany’s Federal Criminal
happen in 2015, when homicides in the 50 largest
Police Agency reveals refugees committed over
U.S. cities increased 17%. Nor are racial disparities
200,000 crimes between 2014 and 2015.
likely to diminish so long as African-Americans
• One in 13 D.C. residents will be diagnosed with HIV
commit a disproportionate number of violent crimes.” in their lifetimes, according to projections by the CentBarry Latzer, professor of criminal justice, ers for Disease Control.
• In an Islamic State video, 4 year-old ‘Jihadi Junior’ –
City University of New York
the young son of a British-born jihadi bride – executed
four men by detonating a car with them inside, saying:
4 “We will kill kuffar (non-believers) out there.”
This is the 1st quarterly report of the
Club's activities for 2016. During this
period, we had dues renewals from 9
regular members and 11 associate
members. We welcomed new members Doug and Deb Hunter at our FebGinny Pegelow ruary meeting, and received a check
from Belinda Dexter of Virginia Beach
to be added to the associates' list. Dues for regular
members and the womens' candidate fund will be sent
to the VFRW by the March 15th deadline. We presently
have 58 regular members and 70 associate members.
The Blue Ridge Messenger
March 2016
compliance legislation. HB 481 promotes public safety by requiring law enforcement to maintain custody of
a criminal alien in accordance with state and federal
law if U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) officials issue a detainer.
Currently Virginia has the following
sanctuary cities and counties for illegal
Emmett Hanger
• Alexandria, VA* (Added 10-6-08. Source: City Resolution No. 2246 adopted 10-9-07)
• Arlington, VA (Added 11-3-15. Source: Arlington, VA
opts out of federal immigration program, 9-28-2010)
• Fairfax County, VA
• Virginia Beach, VA (Added 6/3/07. Note: The city
adopted an administrative directive on 8-1-08 allowing
VBPD limited authority to inquire about immigration
status. Based on this directive, the city disputes its
sanctuary status. Despite the directive, the city has not
provided statistical evidence of enforcement to date. )
“If these cities make the decision to ignore the law, they
should be held accountable when that negligence hurts
the citizens. My bill allows Americans to sue sanctuary
cities for damages caused by their defiance of the law,”
stated Senator Dick Black who introduced a bill, SB270,
to make sanctuary cities/counties responsible for damage caused by illegal aliens.
The Virginia Senate voted 21-19 to pass Senate Bill
(SB) 270, which would prohibit localities from enacting
any sanctuary ordinance, procedure, or policy that
restricts the enforcement of federal immigration law to
less than the full extent permitted by federal law.
YEAS -- Black, Carrico, Chafin, Chase, Cosgrove,
DeSteph, Dunnavant, Garrett, Hanger, McDougle,
Newman, Norment, Obenshain, Reeves, Ruff, Stanley,
Stuart, Sturtevant, Suetterlein, Vogel, Wagner--21.
NAYS – Alexander, Barker, Dance, Deeds, Ebbin,
Edwards, Favola, Howell, Lewis, Locke, Lucas,
Marsden, McEachin, McPike, Miller, Petersen, Saslaw,
Surovell, Wexton--19.
Under SB 270, any locality found to have violated the
measure by enacting a sanctuary policy will see a
reduction in their state funding. Shortly following the
vote, Senate Republicans filed a motion requesting a
reconsideration of the bill. SB 270 is expected to be
voted on again in the near future.
The benefits of legislation aimed at increasing cooperation with federal immigration officials include:
● Furthering the public safety and welfare of Virginia
residents and visitors;
● Fighting illegal immigration by eliminating the attraction for illegal aliens to come to Virginia;
● Taking away competition for scarce jobs; and
● Providing ICE with critical assistance to accomplish
its mission to identify and remove criminal aliens who
are already in state or local custody.
The Virginia Senate voted 21-19 to pass HB 481 with
the exact same split as on SB 270.
Call Governor McAuliffe at 804-786-2211 and tell him
to sign HB 481 to protect Virginians TODAY!
In other key legislation, Senator Hanger supported
parental rights and agreed that no parent should have
to find out after-the-fact that their child has been
exposed to sexually explicit and inappropriate material
at school without their permission. House Bill 516
provided the opt-out option for parents to employ if
they find the material to be used is offensive.
Senator Hanger did vote in favor of the legislation
which passed the Senate with amendments on a
22-to-17 vote. The bill is now headed back to the
House for final approval of the language.
Sources: Sen. Hanger’s office,,
Jeanine Martin,
More than 15 million Americans are out of work and
this number is growing quickly. However, the United
States continues to admit more than 1 million legal
immigrants each year. These ludicrously high
numbers are not representative of our nation's proud
immigration tradition.
For the first 200 years of its existence, the United
States admitted about 250,000 immigrants each year.
From 1946 to 1970 this number was about 255,000.
However, since 1990, this number has skyrocketed to
more than 1 million each year! America's current
“This is very simple: We are either voting for rule of law
immigration numbers clearly are not in line with
or voting against it,” commented Senator Thomas GarAmerica's immigration tradition.
rett (R- 22), sponsor of SB 270. Currently, at least 11
localities in the state have demonstrated records of Congress' refusal to reduce the number of immigrants
refusing cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Cus- allowed to legally work and reside in the United States
toms Enforcement (ICE) requests.
is taking a devastating toll on America's unemployed
and underemployed. America is taking in far too many
On March 3, the Virginia Senate passed Delegate Bob
immigrants than it can handle.
Marshall’s House Bill 481 (HB 481), critical detainer
The Blue Ridge Messenger
March 2016
is to distract and divert attention to what’s going on. If
there is enough men, the woman is dragged along by
“Taharrush involves groups the mob, while the men take turns ripping her clothes
of men at public gatherings off, grope her, and inserting fingers in her various body
who surround women, then orifices.”
sexually assault and rob them,
all under the cloak of the large Fear the Refugees – “Sweden (already known for its
crowds. Forming a ring around rising rape culture) has also seen an uptick in gang
the woman prevents her from rape from, yep you guessed it, “refugees.” In a recent
escaping and allows the assail- case where a 23-year-old was repeatedly raped until 3
ants anonymity, reducing the
a.m. by many men she was able to escape and identify
likelihood they will be arrested. Britain’s Daily Mail some of her assailants. One of whom was 15-years-old
reported that the phenomenon is also called “tahar- and given parole. Funny thing is, he has no ID and the
rush gamea,” which translates to “collective harass- courts simply took his word for it because they can’t
verify his age. That whole vetting thing is working well,
“…Geert Wilders and Machiel de Graaf, wrote a column
for the Gatestone Institute warning Europeans to famil- “Denmark and Norway rape rates are also climbing. A
recent study showed that 100 percent of violent streetiarize themselves with the word “taharrush.”
rapes committed in the capital city of Oslo were commit“Remember it well, because we are going to have to ted by “non-western” immigrants or refugees. It’s about
deal with it a lot,” they wrote. “A culture that has a the same in Denmark, where you also see the majority
specific word for sexual assaults of women by groups of rapes are committed by Muslim immigrants.
of men is a danger to all women.”
“In England rapes are on the climb as well committed by,
“When one imports Islam… one also imports the misog- yep you guessed it, Muslim refugees.
ynistic culture of Cairo, Damascus, Riyadh into our
cities. Next to headscarves, burkas, mosques, honor “The refugee camps are running rampant with rape and
killings, and terrorism, we now have taharrush,” they assault. These are Muslim men raping and beating
Muslim women! If I use the logic of the Left we need to
Sharona Schwartz The Blaze
run out and arrest every non-Muslim white Anglo Saxon
“All over Europe gangs of muslim men, particularly that alludes to the fact that Muslim refugees might be at
refugees, have been participating in Taharrush, a fault. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.
horrific game in which large groups of men surround
“Where are the feminists? Where are those champions
women like a pack of wolves, and make a group effort
of women’s rights on the Left? If it were happening in
to grope, expose, or even rape them.
Christian refugee camps you would see outrage on
“This trend is spreading across Europe relentlessly. It every blog and every paper in the world.” Joe Messina
initially started with reports of sexual assult in Cologne,
Berlin, Hamburg, Bielefeld, Frankfurt, Düsseldor, and Islamic Rape Gangs Arrive in America… Starting
Stuttgart, Germany, and Vienna, Austria and Zurich, with Rhode Island – “Four male Johnson & Wales
University students have been arrested in connection
with a reported sexual assault and alleged drugging of
“The difficult part, is that in some European countries two female students at the university. The police have
like Sweden and Norway, it is illegal to mention ethnic- charged Mohammed Alsaqer, a 20-year-old sophoity in reports by the press. This censorship, while more, and Yazeed Alasiri, a 23-year-old senior, both
attempting to stifle racial prejudices, is harming the from Saudi Arabia, with assaulting the women at the
country. People are not able to be warned about the young men’s residence in Pawtucket after meeting the
truth. Yes, the main perpetrators of the attacks are women at a nightclub in Providence. Pawtucket police
Islamic Syrian Refugees.”
charged two more Johnson & Wales students — Mohammed Aljohani, 20, and Tareq Alharbi, 22 — with
“The attacks range from sexual molestation to rape,” first-degree sexual assault.”
says head of BKA, Holger Münch. “The “rape game”
Taharrush is about a large group of Arab men surrounding their victim, usually a Western woman or a America has been mostly divided on the refugee
woman wearing Western-style clothing, and then the crisis and the action that we should take, but shouldn’t
women are subjected to sexual abuse. They surround all this be taken in consideration as well? Do we want
the victim in circles. The men in the inner circle are the “refugees” like this to come in to our nation and destroy
ones who physically abuse the woman, the next circle what American’s have tried so hard to build?”
are the spectators, while the mission of the third circle 6
The Blue Ridge Messenger
“Chinese companies have
been buying up foreign businesses, including American
ones, at a record rate. To date, there have been 102
Chinese outbound mergers-and-acquisitions deals announced this year, amounting to $81.6 billion in value,
according to Dealogic. That's up from 72 deals worth
$11 billion in the same period last year. Slow economic
growth in China and cheap prices abroad due to the
stock market's recent sell-off suggest the opposite.
China's economic growth in 2015 was its slowest in 25
“The law firm O'Melveny & Myers recently surveyed
their mainly China-based clients and found that the
economic growth potential in the US was the main
factor making it an attractive investment destination.
Nearly half of respondents agreed that the US was the
most attractive market for investment. While not all the
companies doing the buying are state-owned enterprises, they do need to have the full backing of the Chinese government in order to close foreign deals.
That's because they need approval to get enough
foreign exchange to pay for the acquisitions, something the government monitors closely. Given the recent volume of deals, though, it would appear that the
Chinese government is supportive of the foreign-buying spree.
“There is General Electric's sale of its appliance business to Qingdao-based Haier, Zoomlion's bid for the
heavy-lifting-equipment maker Terex Corp., and
ChemChina's record-breaking deal for the Swiss
seeds and pesticides group Syngenta, valued at $48
billion. Most recently, a unit of the Chinese conglomerate HNA Group said it would buy the technology distributor Ingram Micro for $6 billion. And the most
contentious deal so far might be the Chinese-led investor group Chongqing Casin Enterprise's bid for the
Chicago Stock Exchange.”
Portia Crowe, Business Insider, Inc.
“GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump has long
stated that China is out to crush the United States
financially and that our government isn’t doing enough
to stop this. Bloomberg recently reported that a Chinese-led group is poised to buy the Chicago Stock
Exchange. This would be the first acquisition of a U.S
stock exchange by the Chinese. Chongqing Casin
Enterprise Group has already signed the deal to acquire the stock exchange. The transaction will be
finalized in the second half of this year, assuming it
receives regulatory approval. The Chicago Stock Market only handles about 0.5 percent of the U.S stock
market, but this acquisition still gives the Chinese a
foothold in the American marketplace. Anyone with a
March 2016
shred of common-sense should see the threat that
China poses to the United States. China conducts
cyber warfare every day against the U.S.
government and countless private companies. Enough
is enough. We need to elect a president who will make
sure that the government cracks down on China protect
American economic interests both at home and abroad.”
Timothy Davis,
“The Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group,
which already owns the AMC chain of multiplex cinemas, is poised to buy a majority stake in a Hollywood
production company that makes blockbuster-style movies, giving the politically powerful company with close
ties to the Communist Party’s ruling elite a foothold in
the heart of America’s entertainment industry. Wanda’s
investment also makes sense politically for its chairman,
Wang Jianlin, a former military officer who is carrying
out the Communist Party’s goal of deepening China’s
influence in the global entertainment industry. As many
of China’s most powerful families, including relatives of
President Xi Jinping, have bought shares in Wanda, the
Legendary purchase furthers Mr. Wang’s importance to
the country’s political elite at a time when some of the
country’s richest businessmen are falling victim to Mr.
Xia’s anticorruption campaign, now entering its fourth
year. He’s basically putting himself in such an important
position that makes it really difficult for the government
to go after him, because he’s actually carrying the
water for the government in terms of making inroads
into Hollywood, said Stanley Rosen, a professor of
political science at the University of Southern California
who studies China’s film industry. That’s an important
aspect of government policy.”
Brooks Barnes and Michael Forsythe
The Hundred-Year Marathon – “is a plan that has
been implemented by the Communist Party leadership
from the beginning of its relationship with the United
States. The goal is to avenge or “wipe clean” (xi xue)
past foreign humiliations. Then China will set up a world
order that will be fair to China, a world without American
global supremacy, and revise the U.S.-dominated economic and geopolitical world order founded at Bretton
Woods and San Francisco at the end of World War II.
The Chinese hawks assess that China can only succeed in this project through deception, or at least by
denial of any frightening plans. Dismissing Chinese
nationalism as out of the mainstream is what most
Western experts on China have done for decades. The
bias of wishful thinking has created a blind spot to what
is likely to emerge as America’s thorniest national
security challenge in the next twenty-five years. There
are moderates and hard-liners in China, but increasingly, the more hard-line and nationalist worldview is winning out and indeed has far more influence in the inner
circle of China’s new president, Xi Jinping.”
Ben Weingarten .
The Blue Ridge Messenger
March 2016
Currently, we have 57 regular members and 77 Assoc. “Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota created a booklet
members. If you haven’t updated your membership for seeking to educate non-Muslims about Islam and en2016, please pay or join at our February 16th meeting. couraging them to have a welcoming attitude toward
Muslim refugees coming into their neighborhoods. IronUPCOMING EVENTS
• Tuesday, March 15 - MCRW Meeting, 6:30 - 8:30 ically, the Muslim imam selected to endorse this booklet
PM, Guest Speaker: Popular radio personality and appears to be a Hamas supporter, believes that Sharicommentator, “The Hatchet Man” Craig Johnson, Mad- ah Law should be enforced in American communities
ison Presbyterian Fellowship Hall. Featuring a tradition- where Muslims are the majority, heads one of two
al St. Patrick’s Day meal of Corned Beef and Cabbage. mosques that have been the focus of articles about
• Saturday, March 26 - Madison County Republican Somali youth leaving Minneapolis to fight for a terrorist
Mass Meeting, 10:00 AM, Board of Supervisors Admin- organization, and was recently refused a government
istrative Building. For more info contact Bill Harvill, Jr. security clearance. Welcome to the neighborhood!”
Dr. Stephen Kirby, Frontpage Magazine
Chairman, Madison County Republican Committee,
(540) 948-6904,
“A healthy national self-interest and a belief in constitu• Sunday, March 27 - Have a Blessed Easter
• Tuesday, April 19 - MCRW Meeting, 6:30 - 8:30 PM, tionally ordered liberty has always been at the heart of
Guest Speakers: Bryce Reeves for Lieutenant Gover- the conservative movement, not a reckless internationnor; Don Self and Lee Sweitzer will discuss disaster alism that demotes our unique standing, and subjects
survival skills, Madison Presbyterian Fellowship Hall. Americans to share in the miseries of collectivism.
• Saturday, April 23 - Reagan Dinner w/ Ambassador Regardless of the results of the 2016 election cycle,
Gil Robinson, Rappahnnck. Co. Republican Committee conservatives need to reclaim the ground that they
• Friday, April 29 and 30 - Republican State Conven- stand on, and re-establish what it means to be a real
Mike Giere
tion at James Madison University
• Saturday, May 14 - 5th District Convention, Nelson
"The growing core of Christianity crosses theological
County High School, Lovingston
lines and includes 707 million born-again people who
• July 18 thru 21 - Republican Ntl. Convention
are increasing by 8 percent a year. By tomorrow, there
SUPPORT MCRW WITH YOUR 2016 MEMBERSHIP! will be 175,000 more Christians than there are today.
Dues are $20.00 for membership, $10.00 for an Associ- Very few people realize the nature of life on Earth is
ate Membership. (Associate Membership is open to going through a major change,. We are seeing a
women who are a full paying member of another unit megashift in the basic direction of human history. Until
and to Republican men.) Just want to stay on our our time, the ancient war between good and evil was
mailing list? Your donation is greatly appreciated.
hardly better than a stalemate. Now all has changed.
The Creator whose epic story flows through the pages
Mail your check, payable to:
"Madison County Republican Women" and send it, of Scripture has begun to dissolve the strongholds of
evil. This new drama is being played out every hour
along with this application form to:
around the globe, accompanied sometimes by mindbending miracles."
"Megashift" author Jim Rutz
ATTN: Treasurer
Madison County Republican Women
“The documents appear to confirm charges that Obama
P.O. Box 314
administration changes created a massive ‘hands off’
Madison, VA 22727
list’ Removed data from the terrorist watch list could
Name: ___________________________________
have helped prevent the San Bernardino terrorist
Judicial Watch
Phone No. ________________________________
"Muslim raiders enslaved an estimated
180 million Africans over its 1,400 year
expansion. There has never been an
abolitionist movement in Islam, as
City/State/Zip: _____________________________
Mohammed himself owned slaves.
Priests like Bartolomé de las Casas and
Email: _________________________________
the Franciscan Friars, together with
Would you prefer to receive your newsletter as email:
Papal Bulls, ended the enslavement of
Y / N
native Americans. Those wanting slaves
Amount Enclosed: _____________
to replace the freed Indians purchased
Mohammed Africans from the Muslim slave markets.”
Check No. _______________
Bill Federer,