August House 3500 Piedmont Road, NE Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30305.) For Artists and Illustrators 1. August House considers of submissions of artwork separately from submissions of text, even if proposed for the same work. 2. Freelance illustrators may submit portfolio samples to our art department. (Send to attention of Art Director August House 3500 Piedmont Road, NE Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30305.) Please note that we do not open unsolicited samples sent as email attachments-they are deleted. Furthermore, we have a strong preference for hard copy samples (they are also far more likely to be filed for future reference), but if you still wish to submit samples electronically, you may send an e-mail containing a link or URL to a website at which we might view your work. (Send to with "Attn: Art Director" in the subject line.) 3. Never send an original work or irreplaceable copy as a submission. Send duplicate slides, photocopies (either color of B/W), postcards, or other such samples as are replaceable at minimal expense. Your materials will not be returned but will be filed for future reference. 4. For prompt notification of receipt, enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard with a place for our initials and date. 5. We do not customarily reply to the sender if we anticipate no immediate need for artwork of the type submitted. This should not be interpreted as a lack of possible future interest. 6. August House cannot discuss terms of compensation for artwork except when a specific use is foreseen. _____________________________ Boyds Mills Press 815 Church Street Honesdale, PA 18431 Writers and Illustrators Guidelines Boyds Mills Press Guidelines for Writers and Illustrators Please note: Boyds Mills Press is a publisher of books for children and young adults. Please review our online catalog to see the types of books that we publish before you submit your work. Submissions Policy At Boyds Mills Press, we welcome unsolicited submissions from published and unpublished writers and artists. The review procedure is time consuming. In order to review fairly the large number of submissions that we receive, we are unable to acknowledge their receipt. To the same end, should we decide that a manuscript is not for us, we will respond to the sender with a form letter. We review each submission in the order that it was received and try to respond within three months. Types of Submission Picture Books: We accept submissions from both writers and illustrators. If you are an author, you do not need to send a query first. Please submit the entire manuscript of your picture book. If you are a professional illustrator submitting a picture book or if you are an author working with a professional illustrator, please include the manuscript, a dummy, and a sample reproduction of the final artwork that reflects the style and technique you intend to use. Do not send original artwork, as we cannot be held responsible for its damage or loss. Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction: Please submit the first three chapters (do not include chapters from the middle of the book) and a plot summary. We will request the balance of the manuscript if we are interested. Poetry: Please send a book-length collection of your own poems. Do not send an initial query. Keep in mind that the strongest collections demonstrate a facility with multiple poetic forms. Nonfiction: Include a detailed bibliography with your submission. We highly recommend including an expert’s review of your manuscript and a detailed explanation of the books in the marketplace that are similar to the one you propose. References to the need for this book (by the National Academy of Sciences or by similar subject-specific organizations) will strengthen your proposal. If you intend for the book to be illustrated with photos or other graphic elements (charts, graphs, etc.), it is your responsibility to find or create those elements and to include with the submission a permissions budget, if applicable. Finally, keep in mind that good children’s nonfiction has a narrative quality—a story line—that encyclopedias do not; please consider whether both the subject and the language will appeal to children. Illustrators: We review picture book projects and sample illustrations. To submit a picture book, please review the picture book guidelines above. To submit samples, please send them in the form best suited to the art (postcard, 8½-by-11 sheet, etc.). Keep in mind that one well-presented submission will be more attractive than several submissions or a submission in many parts. Where to Send Your Submission Please submit your manuscript with a cover letter of relevant information, including your own experience with writing and publishing. Label the package “MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION” and include an SASE if you would like the manuscript returned. For art samples, please label the package “ART SAMPLE SUBMISSION.” All submissions should be sent to: Boyds Mills Press 815 Church Street Honesdale, PA 18431 All submissions will be evaluated for all imprints. Candlewick Press 99 Dover Street Somerville, MA 02144 Artwork If you think your illustration style is well-suited to our list, please send non-returnable, color samples (color copies or sample books, but no original artwork, please) to: Attn: Art Resource Coordinator Candlewick Press 99 Dover Street Somerville, MA 02144 Please include a brief cover letter and a resume detailing relevant professional and publishing experience. If you work in more than one medium or style, or specialize in a particular subject matter (e.g., people, animals, landscapes, etc.), remember to include a representative assortment of samples. Include your name, address, and telephone number on every sample. We also appreciate knowing the date the work was created and the medium used. Please do not send original art. If you wish to submit a full portfolio or have materials returned to you, you must include detailed instructions, return packaging, and sufficient postage. We regret that materials received without these elements cannot be returned. If you would like to send an electronic file of your artwork, please send it in JPEG or PDF form to where it will be forwarded to a member of the Art department. We keep tear sheets and illustration samples--including updates--on file for one year and will contact you if we have or anticipate a project that suits your particular talents. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Thank you for your interest in Candlewick! We look forward to seeing your work. _______________________________ Charlesbridge 85 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 ART SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The Charlesbridge Trade Division publishes high-quality books for children, with a goal of creating lifelong readers and learners. We believe that books for children should offer accurate information, promote a positive worldview, and embrace a child’s innate sense of wonder and fun. To this end, we continually strive to seek new voices, new visions, and new directions in children’s literature. Charlesbridge publishes both picture books and transitional “bridge books,” books ranging from early readers to middle-grade chapter books. Our nonfiction books focus on nature, science, social studies, and multicultural topics. Our fiction titles include lively, plot-driven stories with strong, engaging characters. WHAT TO SEND Please send samples of your work that demonstrate strong originality, excellent conceptual abilities, and technical accomplishment in your chosen media. Please include your name, address, and telephone number on every illustration sample. Be sure to list any previously published works in your cover letter or include a résumé. Please do not send any original art, as we cannot be responsible for samples lost in the mail. Artists who would like their samples returned to them should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) of appropriate size with sufficient postage (not a check or cash). If you would like us to confirm receipt of your materials, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard with your submission. Samples submitted without a SASE will be recycled. Due to the large volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to respond to telephone queries about samples. WHERE TO SEND IT Please send samples of your work to the Trade Art Director, Charlesbridge, 85 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472. You may also send an email with a link to your website. Address the email to Susan Sherman at, and include “Portfolio” as the first word in your subject line. Please do not include email attachments. GET TO KNOW US To become acquainted with our publishing program, we encourage you to review our books and visit our website (, where you will find our catalog. To request a printed catalog, please send a 9” x 12” SASE with $2.44 in postage. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers 2140 Oak Industrial Dr. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Illustrators Illustrators may submit samples of their artwork. Please do not send original art. Submit photocopies or printed media and include a listing of books you have illustrated. If you would like your submission returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope; otherwise we will keep your samples on file to be considered for future projects. Send illustration samples to: Gayle Brown, Art Director Eerdmans Books for Young Readers 2140 Oak Industrial Dr. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505 We will not accept or respond to queries or submissions via email or fax. EERDMANS BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS (An imprint of Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company) 2140 Oak Industrial Dr NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505 (616) 459-4591 Anita Eerdmans, Vice President Noelle Pedersen, Library Marketing Manager Age: Preschool-Young Adult Genre: Fiction & Nonfiction Format: Picture Books & Novels Publishes 16-20 hardcover and paperback titles annually. Not accepting unsolicited manuscripts except for exclusive submissions that are clearly marked as such on the outside of the envelope, or submissions from authors with whom they already have a working relationship. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Illustrators Illustrators may submit samples of their artwork. Please do not send original art. Submit photocopies or printed media and include a listing of books you have illustrated. If you would like your submission returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope; otherwise we will keep your samples on file to be considered for future projects. Send illustration samples to: Gayle Brown, Art Director Eerdmans Books for Young Readers 2140 Oak Industrial Dr. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505 ____________________________ FARRAR, STRAUS AND GIROUX, INC. BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS 19 Union Square West New York, NY 10003 (212) 741-6900 Margaret Ferguson, Vice President, Co-Publisher & Editorial Director Michael Eisenberg, Vice President, Co-Publisher & Director of Marketing Age: Preschool-Young Adult Genre: Fiction & Nonfiction Format: Board Books, Picture Books & Novels Publishes 55-60 hardcover, paperback, and e-book titles annually. Lines and Special Series include: FRANCES FOSTER BOOKS, AGES 4+ MELANIE KROUPA BOOKS, AGES 4+ SUNBURST PAPERBACKS, AGES 4-12 AERIAL FICTION, AGES 4-12 MIRASOL/LIBROS JUVENILES, AGES 4-12 Currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts. Send complete picture book text with unsolicited picture book manuscripts. Send query letter before submitting unsolicited novel manuscripts. Editorial Guidelines GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION Especially in the case of longer manuscripts, it is a good idea to send a letter of inquiry before submitting the entire manuscript. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced. DO NOT SEND YOUR ONLY COPY OF A MANUSCRIPT -- publishers make every effort to safeguard a manuscript, but they cannot be held responsible in the event of its loss. If you would like confirmation of the receipt of your submission, include a self-addressed, stamped postcard. Include a cover letter containing any pertinent information about yourself, your writing, your manuscript, etc. Be sure that your name and address are on the manuscript itself, as well as on the cover letter. Always include the right-sized, selfaddressed, stamped envelope for reply and the return of your material. Clearly indicate the mail class by which you would like your manuscript returned. If you have illustrations, please send only two or three samples. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL ARTWORK. The length of story depends on the age of the reader for whom it is intended; there are no fixed lengths. Do not expect an editor to give you specific comments. We receive far too many manuscripts for this to happen. We suggest familiarizing yourself with various children's publishers to get a sense of which company would be most receptive to your type of work. Most publishers will send their catalogue if you write a letter requesting it and provide a self-addressed, stamped manila envelope for it. (Please send us a 9 X 12 envelope, with $1.95 postage.) THE LITERARY MARKETPLACE, published by R.R. Bowker, contains a list of all publishers; a list of children's book publishers can be obtained from the Children's Book Council, 568 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. Send submissions to: Children's Editorial Department Farrar, Straus & Giroux 18 West 18th St New York, NY 10011 * Please do not submit more than one manuscript at a time. ** Please note: Response time for queries and manuscripts is generally within three months. *** Please do not call to query about the status of your manuscript before three months have passed, at which point we may ask that you write us regarding your submission. _________________________________ Feiwel and Friends does not accept unsolicited queries for interior art. However, if you would like to submit a sample of your work for us to keep in mind for a potential cover, you can send it to: Feiwel and Friends c/o Art Department 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and never send original art. Please do not send portfolios; they will not be reviewed. GINGERBREAD HOUSE 602 Montauk Highway Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 (631) 288-5119 Age: Preschool-Young Adult Genre: Fiction & Nonfiction Format: Board Books, Picture Books & Novels Gingerbread House regrets that it currently is not accepting manuscript submissions. For art submissions, we accept tear sheets, photocopied samples, and electronic submissions. Please do not send originals. Please send all art submissions to: Maria Nicotra, Art Director GINGERBREAD HOUSE 602 Montauk Highway Westhampton Beach New York 11978-1806 USA E HARCOURT CHILDREN'S BOOKS (An imprint of Harcourt, Inc.) 525 B Street, Suite 1900 San Diego, CA 92101-4495 general phone: 619-231-6616 Not currently accepting artwork submissions. HARPERCOLLINS CHILDREN'S BOOKS 1350 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 general phone: 212-261-6500 Victoria Jamieson, Design Assistant phone: 212-261-6844 ___ drensImprints Henry Holt and Company Books for Young Readers Submissions 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Henry Holt and Company Books for Young Readers is pleased to read and consider unsolicited manuscripts but we will not respond to or return your submission unless we are interested in publishing it. Please do not include a self-addressed stamped envelope. You will not hear from us regarding the status of your submission unless we are interested in acquiring it for publication, in which case we will contact you within 4-6 months of receiving your submission. Books for Young Readers publishes picture books, fiction, and nonfiction on a wide variety of topics and for children of all ages. Please note the following guidelines when submitting a manuscript: • • • • • • Do not include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Your submission will be recycled, unless we are interested in publishing it. Please do not call or write to inquire about the status of your submission. If we are interested in your manuscript, we will contact you within four to six months. Please do not send more than one manuscript at a time. We do not publish textbooks, original board or novelty books, activity books, or instructional books. Your manuscript should be typed and double-spaced. We prefer to see complete manuscripts. Include with your manuscript a brief cover letter with your current address and a description of your manuscript. You may want to include other pertinent information such as a list of previously published works. • • • • Please don’t over-package. A simple manila envelope will protect your manuscript sufficiently. We prefer that you do not send your manuscript in a box. If sending art samples with a submission, do not send original art. Color or black-and-white copies or printouts of original illustrations should be sent instead. We are not responsible for loss or damage of original art, nor will we return it. We do not accept text/art submissions via email, fax, disk, or CD. We generally discourage submissions of material written by children. Children may wish to submit to publications specializing in work written by and for children. Submissions should be addressed as follows: Henry Holt and Company Books for Young Readers Submissions 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Books for Young Readers Henry Holt and Company 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 ART SAMPLE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES By Mail: HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS is pleased to review all art sample materials sent to the attention of the Creative Director. You can learn more about our list, and also find a copy of these guidelines, on our website: Please note our submission policy: •Please do not include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. We receive so many submissions that we can not respond individually or return samples. • Please do not call or write to inquire about the status of your submission. You will hear from us only if we are interested in seeing more samples or reviewing your portfolio. • We will keep your samples on file if we are interested. If your art is not suitable for our list your samples will be recycled. • Xeroxes, postcards, or tear-sheets that can be easily filed are preferred. Please do not send original art or materials on CD. We are not responsible for loss or damage of original art, nor will we return it. By Drop-off: Portfolios are reviewed on Mondays without an appointment. Label portfolios clearly with your name and for whom you are dropping off. Portfolios should be left in the morning with the receptionist on the 9th floor, for pick-up at 5 p.m. that Monday or the following morning. Please specify if there is a time you need to have your materials returned. By Appointment: An in-person portfolio review can be arranged by sending a written request to the Creative Director, Patrick Collins, to schedule an appointment about 3 weeks in advance of desired date. Provide a telephone or e-mail where you can be reached. The Creative Director cannot respond to e-mail requests. Patrick Collins Creative Director Henry Holt Books for Young Readers 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 ________________ Holiday House 425 Madison Ave. NY, NY 10017 Artwork Guidelines Never send original artwork. If you wish to submit, please send xeroxes of full-color samples and of black-and-white line work. WE DO NOT ACCEPT CERTIFIED OR REGISTERED MAIL. no submissions will be returned. We do not comment individually on artwork submissions. If we wish to schedule a portfolio review based on your submitted work, we will contact you. We do not have a drop-off policy, and we do not schedule portfolio reviews without first receiving samples. We specifically look for: 1. Work that is highly original and geared to the trade market. 2. Humor, multicultural work, historical work, fantasy and folklore, jacket art. 3. Illustrators who are professional and competent and have a strong understanding of the process involved in illustrating a children's book. We do not publish work geared to the mass market. You may submit your samples to: Claire Counihan, Director of Art and Design, Holiday House, 425 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10017. We look forward to seeing your work! Thank you for thinking of Holiday House. _________________________ Houghton Mifflin Children's Books 222 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116-3764 Children's Books Art: • Do not send original artwork or slides • Send color photocopies, tearsheets, or photos • Send a SASE if you would like your samples returned to you Please submit only your strongest work. As to subject matter, illustrations that feature children or animals are always welcome, but feel free to submit other subjects as well. It is also a good idea to look at Houghton Mifflin books in your local bookstore or library to get a sense of what kinds of books we publish. Please send art submissions to Art Department Houghton Mifflin Children's Books Children's Trade Books 222 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116-3764 Illumination Arts Publishing Co., Inc. 13256 Northup Way #9 Bellevue, WA 98005 Art Submissions • • • • Send resume, and samples/photocopies of printed artwork. Do not send original artwork or slides. Include SASE, with sufficient postage, if you wish to have your artwork returned. E-mailed submissions, disks, CDs or video tapes are NOT accepted. Send artwork to: Illumination Arts Publishing Co., Inc. Artistic Director 13256 Northup Way #9 Bellevue, WA 98005 innovativeKids 18 Ann Street Norwalk, CT 06854 Calling all artists, writers, agents, developers, inventors, & packagers! We want to see what you’ve got! Please follow the submission guidelines below to ensure that your work gets where it needs to go. innovativeKids® Submissions Guidelines: Thank you for your interest in innovativeKids®! Before sending your submission, take a moment to browse our website to determine whether we might be an appropriate publisher for your work. We consider manuscripts (both fiction and non-fiction) as well as proposals for new book formats. If you are submitting a manuscript, please note that we do not publish traditional picture books. We look for manuscripts that will lend themselves to interactive, educational formats. You may send either a query letter or manuscript. If you are submitting a book concept, it is best to include a book dummy or mock-up, but be aware that it will not be returned. We also consider authors and illustrators on a work-for-hire basis. If you are interested in being considered for future projects, please submit a writing or art sample along with any relevant credentials. When sending submissions, please note: • • • • Submissions should be suitable for children from birth to 12. Please make sure to keep a copy of your manuscript and do not include any original artwork, one-of-a-kind dummies, or other irreplaceable items with your submission. MATERIALS THAT YOU SUBMIT TO US WILL NOT BE RETURNED. Due to the overwhelming number of submissions that we receive, please note that it may take up to 6-12 months to review your submission. We are only able to respond to submissions that we are interested in pursuing. Including a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) will not guarantee a response. Address submissions to: Submissions innovativeKids 18 Ann Street Norwalk, CT 06854 __________________________________ JUST US BOOKS 356 Glenwood Avenue East Orange, NJ 07017 general phone: 973-672-0304 Thank you for your interest in Just Us Books. A premier publisher of Black-interest books for children, Just Us Books has an active publishing program that produces four to six new titles per year. This may include picture books, biographies and nonfiction, chapter books for middle readers and Young adult fiction. We also continue to support our backlist of titles. Please note our new submission guidelines, effective April 17, 2008. Just Us Books is currently accepting queries for picture books, middle reader chapter books and young adult novels. We are not considering poetry, activity books or any other manuscripts at this time. To submit a manuscript for consideration, please send only the following: * a query letter pitching us your manuscript * 1-2 page synopsis of your manuscript * 3-5 sample pages of your manuscript for middle reader and y/a submissions; complete manuscript for picture books * a brief author bio that includes any previously published work and professional affiliations (i.e., SCBWI) * self-addressed stamped envelope for our written response ________________________ Kids Can Press Ltd. 29 Birch Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Canada M4V 1E2 Illustrator’s Guidelines Every day we receive many art samples and queries regarding illustrating books for our list. While all our books are for children, the specific style and genre of book dictates the type of illustration needed. As a result, we maintain a large reference file, which assists us in finding the right illustrator for each project. If you would like us to consider your work for inclusion in our active file, please supply copies (colour photocopies are fine) which we may retain. The samples should be representative of your abilities and interests. It is important that we see how you handle drawing children, since most books we publish require illustrating children to some degree. A cover letter outlining other experience is helpful, and allows us to seek out additional samples of your published work. Due to the large number of queries we receive, we cannot respond to each one personally. We will only contact you if a suitable project arises. Queries should be directed to: Art Director Kids Can Press Ltd. 29 Birch Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Canada M4V 1E2 Thank you for your interest in Kids Can Press. _________________ Lerner Publishing Group 241 First Avenue N Minneapolis, MN 55401\ ILLUSTRATOR SUBMISSION POLICY Lerner Publishing Group works with artists who meet deadlines, and conduct research for historical accuracy. Unsolicited artists’ samples are accepted at all times of the year. However, we do not critique unsolicited work. Please submit samples that show skill specifically in children’s book illustration. DO NOT send original art. Instead, submit slides, JPEG or PDF files on disk, color photocopies of full-color artwork, photocopies of black-and-white line work, or tear sheets. Please also enclose a brief biography and/or résumé detailing previous work. We will not accept certified or registered mail. Please do not send the same samples more than once, but feel free to send new work to keep in touch with us. Samples will not be returned. Send your materials to: Art Director Lerner Publishing Group 241 First Avenue N Minneapolis, MN 55401 Thank you for your interest in Lerner Publishing Group Lerner Publications • • • • • • • Millbrook Press Carolrhoda Books Twenty-First Century Books ediciones Lerner First Avenue Editions Kar-Ben Publishing LernerClassroom ______________________________________ Peachtree Publishers Peachtree Publishers, Ltd., 1700 Chattahoochee Avenue Atlanta, GA 30318-2112. www.peachtree-online. Peachtree is a general trade book publisher. General trade means that we publish books that are sold in book and gift stores and found in libraries and schools. We do not publish professional or scholarly books or textbooks, although some of our books are useful to professionals or used in classroom settings. We focus on a few select categories: • • • • picture and chapter books young adult fiction and nonfiction self-help titles covering education, parenting, psychology, and health guides to the American South, including books about hiking, fishing, and walking We also occasionally publish cookbooks and gardening books (primarily with a southern focus), fiction, gift books, and humor. You can receive a copy of our current catalog by sending your request and a self-addressed 10 x 12-1/2” envelope stamped with $2.12 postage to Peachtree Publishers, Ltd., 1700 Chattahoochee Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30318-2112. Peachtree Publishers: A Proud Tradition Peachtree Publishers, Ltd. is an independently owned trade book publisher, specializing in quality children’s books, from picture books to young adult fiction and nonfiction; consumer references in health, education, and parenting; and regional guide books about the American South, where the company is based. Peachtree Publishers’ mission is to create books that captivate and educate young and old readers alike, with well-crafted words and pictures. The company, begun in 1977 by music publisher Helen Elliott, originally emphasized works exclusively by Southern writers, particularly in the areas of adult fiction and humor. One of a handful of regional houses established throughout the U.S. in the late seventies, Peachtree was the first trade publishing house in the South to achieve national recognition and distribution with two books landing on The New York Times bestseller list. In 1988, Margaret Quinlin was named executive editor and vice president of Peachtree. Quinlin’s background included fifteen years of publishing experience in New York, Boston, and Washington, DC. In June 1990, Quinlin purchased controlling interest in Peachtree from the Elliott family to become president and publisher, a position she still holds today. Over the years, Peachtree has had the pleasure of publishing works by notable authors such as Terry Kay, Lewis Grizzard, Ferrol Sams, Celestine Sibley and Eugenia Price. Today, best-selling authors include Carmen Agra Deedy, author of award-winning children’s books, and Effie Leland Wilder, who entertains legions of fans with her series of humorous novels set in a retirement home. “Miss” Effie has more than three quarters of a million copies of her five books in print, having written the first of these at the tender age of 85. Having passed the quarter century mark, Peachtree has a reputation in the book publishing industry as an outstanding independent trade publisher. The company has an in-house staff of experienced professionals in design, editing, production, marketing and sales. In addition, Peachtree is represented across the U.S. by an extensive network of independent sales groups, enabling each title to reach its broadest possible market. Through the efforts of its dedicated owner, committed staff, and hard-working sales force Peachtree Publishers is poised to bring the best in children’s literature, consumer reference, and regional handbooks to the market in the twenty-first century. How do I receive a copy of your illustration guidelines? Our illustration guidelines are available here or by sending your request and a self-addressed, stamped letter-sized envelope to Peachtree Publishers, Ltd., 1700 Chattahoochee Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30318-2112. Illustration Guidelines If you wish to receive a copy of these guidelines, please send a selfaddressed stamped envelope with $0.42 in postage attached. If you wish to receive a copy of our catalog, please send a self-addressed 10 x 12-1/2 envelope with $2.12 in postage attached. Please send 8-1/2 x 11 tear sheets or color copies (if black-and-white reproduction is not suitable for medium). Please send several (4-7) samples. Please include your full name, phone number, fax number (if applicable), and permanent address. If you wish for your samples to be returned, please include a selfaddressed envelope of sufficient size with the appropriate amount of postage attached. If possible, please provide samples which display your ability to depict subjects or characters in a consistent manner. If applicable, please provide samples which display your abilities in various mediums, styles, or techniques. If possible, please provide samples which portray different kinds of subjects. PELICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 1000 Burmaster St. Gretna, LA 70053 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES FOR ILLUSTRATORS Pelican Publishing Company, the largest book publisher in the South, is always interested in talented, hard-working illustrators. All materials that are submitted to us are kept on file and reviewed as new projects arise. We would be very happy to have you send some of your best work for our perusal. Below are our basic guidelines for submissions. Please Note: Pelican does not accept illustrations submitted via e-mail or the Internet! Appointments: Pelican prefers submission by mail only. If an appointment is necessary, contact will be made with the artist. Via Mail: Please send all materials securely packed and insured if necessary. Any materials to be returned must be accompanied by return postage and return packing materials. Artwork Markings: Be sure all materials have your complete name, address and phone number in case the materials are separated or some are to be returned. Artwork Format: Try to keep the size of all materials under 8 1/2 x 11 unless they may be folded. Materials are stored in a standard letter file cabinet, so oversize material is returned. Published works are preferable, but color and B/W copies are acceptable. Please do not send faxed materials unless requested. Suggested Subject Matter: Since the majority of our illustrated books are for (1) children, (2) young adults and (3) technical, work submitted should be in these categories. Our children's books are generally full color with both whimsical and realistic, human and animal characters. Our young adult books require black/white line work in a mostly realistic style. Technical work would include maps, diagrams, charts etc. A current resume showing work in the design area (especially books) is helpful. Pelican address: All items being sent UPS, USPS or Federal Express materials should be sent to: PELICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 1000 Burmaster St. Gretna, LA 70053 Attn: Production Manager Platypus Media 725 8th Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 Art Director Platypus Media publishes non-fiction children's books and parenting guides and distributes media that emphasize attachment parenting values. We will only consider publishing material that fits our mission. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our products and values before submitting any material. Please keep in mind that due to the high volume of submissions we receive, responses may take some time. Be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like us to respond through mail. If you feel your material might be appropriate for our very specific niche, you are welcome to send it to the following address: Editorial Department Platypus Media 725 8th Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 We will keep all samples of art that may meet our publishing needs. Please include a self-addressed postcard for submission verification or a stamped envelope to return samples we do not need. We do not accept electronic submissions. Thank you for your interest in Platypus Media. ________________________________ DIAL BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS 345 HUDSON STREET • NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10014-3657 A DIVISION OF PENGUIN YOUNG READERS GROUP Submissions Guidelines Owing to the overwhelming number of unsolicited manuscripts we receive, we at Dial Books for Young Readers have had to change our submissions policy: As of August 1, 2005, Dial will no longer respond to your unsolicited submission unless interested in publishing it. Submissions postmarked August 1, 2005, or later will be recycled. Please do not include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your submission. Please be sure to retain a copy of your submission. You will not hear from Dial regarding the status of your submission unless we are interested in publishing it, in which case you can expect a reply from us within approximately four months. We regret that we cannot respond personally to each submission, but rest assured that we do make every effort to consider each and every one we receive. We at Dial accept: entire picture book manuscripts a maximum of 10 pages for longer works (novels, easy-to-reads) When submitting a portion of a longer work, please provide an accompanying cover letter that briefly describes your manuscript's plot, genre (i.e. easy-to-read, middle grade or YA novel), the intended age group, and your publishing credits, if any. Please keep in mind the following when submitting your work to Dial: Never send submissions by e-mail or fax. Never send cassettes, CDs, marketing plans, or original artwork. Please mail only one manuscript at a time and never send your original or only copy. Because confirmation postcards are easily separated from or hidden within the manuscript, please do not include them with your submission. Please refrain from calling, faxing, or e-mailing to inquire after the status of an unsolicited submission, as we will be unable to assist you. If you have not received a reply from us after four months, you can safely assume that we are not interested in publishing your work. Printed art samples should be sent to Attn: Dial Design and will not be returned without a self-addressed stamped envelope. Never send original art. Never send art by e-mail, fax, or CD. Please do not phone, fax, or e-mail to inquire after your art submission. In receiving a submission, we do not assume any duty not to publish a book based on a similar idea, concept, or story. Penguin Group Young Readers Division • Dutton • Firebird • Frederick Warne • Putnam • Grosset & Dunlap • Philomel • Price Stern Sloan • Puffin • Razorbill • Speak • Viking _______________ Random House Children’s Books 1745 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, NY 10019 Knopf / Crown Books for Young Readers Submission process: Please direct your submissions to the attention of-Submissions Editor, Alfred A. Knopf and Crown Books for Young Readers. Do not send original art. Do not include a self-addressed, stamped envelope and do not send the only copy of your manuscript— we are not responsible for lost or damaged material, and we will no longer return submission materials. Do send manuscripts on disks; we will review hard copy only. We do not accept manuscripts by fax or email. We will not respond to emailed submissions or queries. If you are submitting a picture book, please send a cover letter and the full manuscript. If you are submitting a novel, please send: a cover letter, a one-page synopsis (including all major plot points), and 25 pages of text. Please do not include reply cards. We regret that we cannot acknowledge receipt of the manuscript nor can we guarantee personal responses or response times. If we are interested in your submission, we will respond within six months of receipt. We highly recommend that you review as many children’s books as possible, including those published by Knopf and Crown, before submitting your work to us so that you will have a better understanding of our publishing needs. Our books may be viewed in your local library or bookstore, or on our websites: and Illustration only: Artwork interest: Artwork for picture books, middle grade, young adult novels and nonfiction. Please send samples (postcards); no email submissions will be reviewed. Submissions Editor, Alfred A. Knopf and Crown Books for Young Readers Random House Children’s Books 1745 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, NY 10019 Bantam Delacorte Dell Submission process: The Delacorte, Bantam, Doubleday, Yearling, Laurel-Leaf, and Dragonfly imprints of Random House Children’s Books regretfully informs you that because of the volume of materials we receive, we do not respond to query letters or accept unsolicited manuscripts. However, we do accept manuscripts if they are submitted to either the Delacorte Dell Yearling Contest for a First Middle-Grade Novel or the Delacorte Press Contest for a First Young Adult Novel. If you work meets the criteria for either contest, please submit your manuscript. You can find rules and guidelines on our website, . You can also make a written request for rules and guidelines: please include a selfaddressed stamped envelope. All other manuscripts must be submitted through an agent or at the request of an editor. A list of agents can be found in The Literary Market Place [LMP], published by R.R. Bowker, which is available in the reference section of your local library. Staff members of Random House Children’s Books cannot recommend particular agents. Illustration only: Artwork interest: Artwork for picture books, middle grade, young adult novels and nonfiction. Please send samples (postcards); no email submissions will be reviewed. David Fickling Books Proposal process: synopsis, first few chapters and SASE. Address to: Editor, David Fickling Books, (as above) Wendy Lamb Books Wendy Lamb Books publishes approximately twelve books, both middle grade and YA novels, a year. At present, WLB does not publish picture books. A query letter should briefly describe the book you want to write, the intended age group, and your publishing credits, if any. If you like, you may send no more than 10 pages of the manuscript. Please do not send more than the specified amount. Also, do not send cassette tapes, videos, or other materials along with your query or excerpt. Manuscript pages sent will not be returned. Do not send original art. Send query letters with a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) for reply. If you do not live in the United States, you must send an international reply coupon. We recycle all letters and manuscripts without sufficient postage. Please allow some time for a response to your submission. If you haven’t received a response after about six weeks or so, it’s fine to inquire by regular mail. We cannot guarantee the return of any materials, and are not responsible for late, lost, misdelivered, or misplaced submissions. Please do not phone, email, or fax to inquire about your submission. Queries and questions about submissions should be made in writing to: Wendy Lamb Random House Children’s Books 1745 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, NY 10019 Random House/Golden Books Young Readers Group Proposal process: No unsolicited manuscripts. Agented material only. ___________________________________ SCHOLASTIC PRESS (An imprint of Scholastic Inc.) 557 Broadway New York, NY 10012-3999 general phone: 212-343-6100 Trellis Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 16141 Duluth, MN 55816 Trellis Publishing, Inc. was an idea in 1996 - could a publishing company be formed to concentrate only on one character, and then develop that character into more than one book or product? Trellis Publishing is the answer! Submission Guidelines - Children’s We are not accepting manuscript submissions at this time. Illustrators may send a postcard or sample for our files to: Rachel Ellen Illustration Sample Trellis Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 16141 Duluth, MN 55816 __________________________ VSP Books Inc. 7402-G Lockport Place Lorton, VA 22079 Illustration Submissions We accept illustrator samples and manuscripts and book proposals from time to time, when they fit our niche of educational books or books about special and historic places. We also keep samples on file, for possible future projects and we do contact illustrators about projects from this file. We publish very few outside projects, however, as many of our books are commissioned by organizations or are published in cooperation with a supporting organization, such as the Kennedy Center. To submit sample illustrations, with or without a manuscript, send it to us at: VSP Books Inc. 7402-G Lockport Place Lorton, VA 22079 Most samples will not be returned. Do not send original artwork with manuscripts--only color copies. We do not respond to most submissions ___________________________ Walker & Company 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Your manuscript should be typed and double-spaced. Single-spaced and handwritten manuscripts are difficult to read and may result on our returning the submission to you without proper consideration. We do not accept e-mail or CD-ROM submissions. • Include a cover letter that contains your current address, phone number, and a brief description of your manuscript. Often cover letters become separated from manuscripts, so please be sure to include your name, address, and phone number on the first page of your story as well. • All submissions must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope for our reply. Because of new postal weight regulations, we cannot return any manuscripts, art, or other materials. Please only include recyclable materials with your submission, and please send a letter-sized stamped envelope for our response only. • Please make sure that everything (including the SASE) is stapled, paper clipped, or rubber-banded together. • We much prefer to see actual samples of your work to query letters. Picture books should always be submitted in their entirety. Novels should be submitted as 3 sample chapters and a synopsis. Do not send in more than 75 pages. If we like your samples, we will send a request to see the rest of the manuscript. • Do not, under any circumstances, send original art. While we make every effort to take scrupulous care of materials in our possession, Walker cannot be responsible for their loss or damage. However, we will be happy to review color copies, slides, prints, or photographs of your artwork and will return the samples upon request as long as they are accompanied by an S.A.S.E. • If you are submitting a picture book manuscript, you should be aware that it is not necessary for you to supply illustrations. Like most publishers, we prefer to match the art to the text. If you do submit illustrations with a manuscript, we may express interest in one but not the other. If you feel the two cannot be considered separately, please tell us in your cover letter. Likewise, you may want to tell us if text and art can be considered separately or if the art is meant only as a visual guide, as this will help us in reviewing your submission. • Although we accept simultaneous submissions, we would like you to let us know if you've sent your manuscripts to other publishers. If another publisher makes an offer while the manuscript is still as Walker, we ask that you inform us immediately that your work is no longer under consideration. Additionally, we prefer that you do not send more that one submission at a time. • Please allow 20 weeks for our reply. If you do not hear from us and wish to look into the status of your manuscript, please do not send in a query letter. Illustrations: • You are welcome to mail any samples you would like us to review or keep on file. We will circulate them and individual editors may contact you if they wish to see more. Good quality photocopies are fine. You may send a dummy book if you wish to showcase your ability to create a picture book. • Do not send original art. • If your work includes the ability to illustrate various types of people, landscapes, objects, or if you work in various media or styles, please include a mix of these capabilities. • Identify each sample with your name, address, and phone number. Also include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (in the appropriate size) if you request returns. • Because of new postal weight regulations, we cannot return any art or other materials. Please only include recyclable materials with your submission. Please do not feel discouraged if you receive a form letter from us declining your submission. Although we would like to be able to comment specifically on each project, the sheer volume we receive precludes this possibility. You may be certain, however, that a form letter does not mean that your work was not thoroughly considered. It simply allows us to respond within a reasonable time frame. If you would like to receive our catalog, please send a 9 x 12 envelope with adequate postage in a package marked "catalog request" prominently on the outside, and we will be happy to mail one to you as long as supplies last. Or, go to and download directly from the homepage. _______________________________