Writing for publication in WIN - Guidelines

Writing for publication in WIN
WIN is a professional journal and a forum for members
of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation to share
experiences, information and views on a wide range of
topics. It is not an academic publication, although we are
happy to publish short research papers (ie. 700-1,400
words). We do not publish literature reviews.
Below are some guidelines for those who intend to
submit an article:
Writing an article for publication requires a user-friendly
style as our material is aimed at a broad nursing/midwifery
audience. Given the breadth of material we must include in
each issue, articles must be restricted in length. Research,
essay and thesis material submitted is usually not suitable
for our format. Articles should be concise and aimed at an
audience of colleagues from the various areas of nursing –
we serve a readership of 40,000 nurses and midwives.
• Articles should be submitted by email. Keep the layout as
simple as possible, avoid indenting paragraphs, adding
italics, etc.
The opening paragraph
• Aim to grab the readers’ attention and give them a
reason to read on. A chronological account of a subject
may not be the best approach. The best place to start is
often with your most interesting findings.
Avoid over-referencing
• References are usually only called for when quoting
directly from a particular source although articles
submitted for our continuing education series may vary
from this.
Continuing education series
• These articles are different from other clinical features
as they tend to be more specialised with the aim of
informing or refreshing the knowledge of the reader.
These articles should be 1,500-1,800 words in length.
Re-read your article
• Before submitting an article, please re-read it. Are you
saying anything twice? Are any words superfluous? If so,
please help us by doing a self-edit
We’re here to help
• If you intend to submit material, please contact us first and
we will be happy to offer guidance. We aim to maintain the
journal at the highest professional standards.
WIN welcomes articles from nurses, midwives and
students on a range of topics including clinical, opinion,
features, working overseas, current affairs, research etc.
We also welcome book reviews (400 words) and letters.
If you know of something that you think would make an
interesting article please contact us.
• The ideal length of a feature article is either circa 750900 words (one page) or circa 1,500-1,800 words (two
pages). However in some circumstances other lengths
may be accommodated
• Where suitable, we would be pleased to use artwork
submitted to us. When forwarding charts, please include
the raw figures with graphs and charts.
• We are happy to consider academic papers and
research for publication but are limited in the space that
is available for these. If you are submitting such papers
please make suggestions on where substantial cuts may
be made if necessary. It is our policy to forward proofs to
authors when editing has been significant.
• If including references, please use the Vancouver
style; ie. place number beside relevant text and list the
references in chronological order at the end of the article.
• Articles should be submitted by email. Please include
your name, job title and contact details in the document
• Please note that the publishers reserve the right to
make whatever amendments they deem necessary to
contributed articles, and to decline publication at their
• In submitting an article to WIN, the authors expressly
assign copyright to the publishers, MedMedia, to produce
the article both in the journal and in any MedMedia or
INMO website or database.
If you would like further advice or would like to discuss
ideas with our editorial team, please phone Alison Moore
at Tel: 01-280 3967.
Correspondence address:
25 Adelaide Street,
Dun Laoghaire,
Co Dublin.
E-Mail: alison@medmedia.ie
Note: Due to the volume of articles submitted to the
journal, it may take some time for your work to appear in
print. Please be patient with us