RULES FOR CLASSIFICATION OF HIGH SPEED, LIGHT CRAFT AND NAVAL SURFACE CRAFT SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS ADDITIONAL CLASS PART 6 CHAPTER 8 NAUTICAL SAFETY JULY 2004 CONTENTS Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 PAGE General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 5 Navigational Equipment............................................................................................................. 8 Operating Compartment Layout............................................................................................... 12 Bridge Equipment Tests ........................................................................................................... 19 Compartment Environment ...................................................................................................... 21 Operational Procedures ............................................................................................................ 23 DET NORSKE VERITAS Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11 CHANGES IN THE RULES General Introduction The present edition of the rules includes amendments and additions decided by the Board in June 2004 and supersedes the January 2000 edition of the same chapter. This chapter has been completely revised based on feedback from operators and internal sources. As a result, the safety level has been increased and a new additional class notation NAUT-HSC has been introduced. Additionally, this revision has been made in accordance with the HSC Code 2000. The rule changes come into force as described below. This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter. Supplements will not be issued except for an updated list of corrections presented in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3. Pt.0 Ch.1 is normally revised in January and July each year. The changes come into force 1 January 2005. Revised chapters will be forwarded to all subscribers to the rules. Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of rule chapters printed in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.1 to ensure that the chapter is current. In addition to the above stated rule requirements, a number of corrections and clarifications have been made to the existing rule text. Corrections and Clarifications Comments to the rules may be sent by e-mail to For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site © Det Norske Veritas Computer Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas Printed in Norway If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas. Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Contents – Page 3 CONTENTS SEC. 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................... 5 A. Classification..........................................................................5 A 100 A 200 A 300 Objectives .........................................................................5 Application........................................................................5 Class notation....................................................................5 B. Definitions ..............................................................................5 B 100 Terms ................................................................................5 C. Documentation ......................................................................5 C 100 Plans and particulars .........................................................5 D. Instruction Manuals..............................................................6 D 100 General ..............................................................................6 E. Tests and Trials .....................................................................6 E E E E E E E E E E E 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 General ..............................................................................6 Handling, controllability and performance .......................6 Weight and centre of gravity.............................................6 Effect of failures................................................................6 Controllability and manoeuvrability .................................6 Change of operating surface and mode.............................7 Surface irregularities .........................................................7 Acceleration and deceleration...........................................7 Speeds ...............................................................................7 Minimum depth of water ..................................................7 Night operation .................................................................7 SEC. 2 NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT ...................... 8 A. Equipment Requirements.....................................................8 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 General ..............................................................................8 Compasses.........................................................................8 Speed and distance measurement......................................8 Echo-sounding device .......................................................8 Radar installation ..............................................................8 Electronic positioning systems .........................................8 Rate-of-turn indicator and rudder angle indicator.............8 Nautical charts and nautical publications..........................8 Other navigational aids .....................................................9 Night vision equipment.....................................................9 Steering arrangement and propulsion indicator(s) ............9 Heading control system (automatic pilot) ........................9 Radar reflector...................................................................9 Sound reception system ....................................................9 Automatic identification system (AIS) .............................9 Voyage data recorder ........................................................9 B. Power Supply ........................................................................9 B 100 Electrical power supply.....................................................9 C. Alarm System .....................................................................10 SEC. 3 OPERATING COMPARTMENT LAYOUT ............................................................. 12 A. Operating Compartment Design and Layout.................. 12 A A A A A A A A 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 General............................................................................12 Field of vision from the operating compartment ............12 Console configuration.....................................................12 Windows .........................................................................14 Chairs ..............................................................................14 Operating compartment .................................................14 Instrument installation ....................................................17 Communication facilities ................................................17 SEC. 4 BRIDGE EQUIPMENT TESTS....................... 19 A. General ................................................................................ 19 A 100 Application......................................................................19 B. On-board Testing of Bridge Equipment .......................... 19 B 100 B 200 B 300 B B B B B B B B B B B 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 B B B B B B B 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 General............................................................................19 Test program ...................................................................19 General requirements for the testing of all types of bridge equipment ........................................................19 Gyro compass..................................................................19 Automatic steering system..............................................19 Rudder or steering thrust direction indicator(s) ..............19 Rate-of-turn indicator......................................................19 Echo sounder...................................................................19 Speed log.........................................................................19 Electronic position-fixing systems..................................19 Radar system...................................................................19 Alarm system ..................................................................20 Computer system(s) ........................................................20 Electronic chart display and information system, (ECDIS) including back up system.................................20 Track control system ( if applicable) ..............................20 Conning display ..............................................................20 Voyage data recorder (VDR) ..........................................20 Automatic identification system (AIS) ...........................20 Internal communication system ......................................20 Nautical communication system .....................................20 Sound reception system ..................................................20 SEC. 5 COMPARTMENT ENVIRONMENT ............. 21 A. Bridge Working Environment .......................................... 21 A A A A A A A A 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 General............................................................................21 Temperature and ventilation ...........................................21 Colours............................................................................21 Vibration .........................................................................21 Noise ...............................................................................21 Lighting...........................................................................21 Surfaces...........................................................................21 Safety measures ..............................................................22 Bridge alarm management ..............................................10 SEC. 6 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES ................... 23 D. Approval of Equipment .....................................................11 A. Classification....................................................................... 23 D 100 A 100 A 200 C 100 Approval of system equipment and performance standards .........................................................................11 Application......................................................................23 Introduction.....................................................................23 DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Contents – Page 4 DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.1 – Page 5 SECTION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Classification A 100 Objectives 101 Safe navigation is dependent upon a bridge system, which ensures that the craft at all times proceeds on a correct course and speed in relation to destination, waters, traffic and weather conditions. Consequently, the main functions to be performed by the bridge system shall decide, execute and maintain a correct course and speed. 102 The objectives of the rules in this chapter are to enhance safety and efficiency in bridge operation by governing the factors influencing the navigators capability to maintain a safe course and speed. 103 The rules stipulate a nautical safety standard for High Speed Craft equivalent to or exceeding the SOLAS convention, HSC Code 2000 as amended, (IMO Res. MSC.97(73)) and establish conditions that simplify the fulfilment of the STCW convention and COLREG convention. 104 The rules are based on functional requirements and give guidelines as to how the rules can be met. Guidance note: The word “should” is used to describe the guidelines given in the Guidance notes for the various rules. These guidelines are expressed in a specific way and represent “approved” solutions, but do not exclude the application of alternative solutions, provided the functional requirements are met. Such alternative solutions are subject to approval in each case. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 200 Application 201 The rules in this chapter apply to all types of High Speed Craft that are to be designed and equipped for safe bridge operation in all types of waters. 202 The requirements apply to: — — — — — — — — — bridge visibility console configuration bridge working environment location of instruments range of instrumentation instrument performance and reliability equipment installation information on manoeuvring performance operational procedures. A 300 Class notation 301 Craft built, equipped, surveyed and tested in compliance with the requirements set forth in this chapter may be given the additional class notation NAUT-HSC. — — — — general communication functions cargo monitoring and planning functions extended monitoring and control of machinery monitoring and control of mooring equipment. 103 Bridge. The area from which the navigation and control of the ship are exercised, including the wheelhouse and the bridge wings (if applicable). 104 Bridge operation. Comprises all tasks, decisions, routines, procedures, operations, etc., to be carried out by the navigators in connection with the piloting of the craft. 105 Bridge system. Incorporates the human operator(s), the technical system, the man/machine interface and the operational procedures. 106 ENC. Electronic Navigational Chart 107 ECDIS. Electronic Chart Display and Information System complying with the requirements given by IMO and IHO. 108 Field of vision. Angular size of scene that can be observed from a definite position. 109 Navigation. All tasks and activities, including route monitoring, with the aim of determining and controlling the craft’s position, course and speed in relation to the planned route and the surrounding waters. 110 Normal conditions. When all systems and equipment related to navigation operate within design limits, and environmental conditions with regard to weather and traffic do not cause excessive operator workloads. 111 Primary bridge functions. Functions related to the maintenance of safe course and speed of the craft including but not limited to: — — — — — — — navigation route planning collision avoidance steering harbour manoeuvring monitoring functions navigational and distress communication functions (internal and external communication). 112 Route monitoring. Continuous surveillance of the craft’s position, course and speed in relation to the planned route and the surrounding waters. 113 Route planning. Pre-determination of the track, course and speed of the waters to be navigated and the definition of suitable objects, distances and control bearings for proper and effective route monitoring. 114 Workstation. Position at which one or several tasks constituting a particular activity are carried out. B. Definitions B 100 Terms 101 Abnormal conditions. When the criteria for normal conditions are not met, or when the officer of the watch becomes unfit to perform his duties and has not yet been replaced by another qualified officer. 102 Additional functions. Functions that may be performed on the bridge, but not related to the primary bridge functions. Examples of such functions are: C. Documentation C 100 Plans and particulars 101 The following plans and particulars shall be submitted for approval before installation or production is commenced: Arrangements on the navigation bridge deck — location of all navigational and manoeuvring equipment and configuration of bridge consoles DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.1 – Page 6 — details such as dimensions of wheelhouse, bridge wings, entrances and type of doors to wheelhouse, flooring in wheelhouse. Window arrangement and blind zones — dimensions and inclination angle of windows, as well as details on the window spacing — the horizontal, vertical and astern fields of vision from the main workstations. Equipment located outside bridge area 202 The information on operating limitations which shall be contained in the route operational manual shall include the characteristics under E201 and E504. (HSC Code 17.2.2) — location of equipment not located on the bridge if related to primary bridge functions. Antenna arrangements for bridge equipment — drawings showing the antenna arrangement for radios, radars, VHF equipment, AIS and other antenna arrangements. List of equipment — a list of all primary bridge equipment with identification of manufacturer, type, model, type approval reference. Programme for on-board testing of bridge equipment — a test programme specifying detailed test procedures for all primary navigational equipment. Operational procedures — manual(s) for operational procedures during normal and abnormal conditions (navigation safety standard). Manoeuvring performance — test programme for manoeuvring trials — manoeuvring booklet containing the results of manoeuvring trials. D. Instruction Manuals D 100 General 101 Instruction manuals for all primary bridge equipment shall be kept on board. The manuals shall contain necessary information on: — — — — — The information on controllability and manoeuvrability which shall be contained in the craft operating manual shall include the characteristics under E500, as applicable, the list of parameters of the worst intended conditions affecting the controllability and manoeuvrability according to E600, information on safe maximum speeds as described in E900. (HSC Code 17.2.1) operation testing fault finding repairs maintenance. E. Tests and Trials E 100 General 101 Tests which give evidence as to the satisfactory operation of all bridge equipment shall be carried out. Failure modes shall be simulated as realistically as possible. 102 Full scale tests of prototype craft shall be carried out to verify the operational safety in normal service conditions and in equipment failure situations. FMEA conclusion trials shall be carried out for each craft in a series. E 200 Handling, controllability and performance 201 Proof of compliance E 300 Weight and centre of gravity 301 Compliance with each of the handling, controllability and performance requirements shall be established for all combinations of weight and centre of gravity position significant for the operational safety in the range of weights up to the maximum permissible weight. (HSC Code 17.2.3) E 400 Effect of failures 401 The effect of any likely failure in handling and control devices, services or components (e.g. power operation, power assistance, trimming and stability augmentation) shall be assessed in order that a safe level of craft operation can be maintained. Effects of failure identified as being critical according to annex 4 (Pt.0 Ch.4 Sec.2) shall be verified in accordance with annex 9 (Pt.0 Ch.4 Sec.1). (HSC Code 17.2.4) E 500 Controllability and manoeuvrability 501 Instructions to crew members shall be provided in the craft operating manual regarding required actions and craft limitations subsequent to prescribed failures. (HSC Code 17.5.1) 502 It is necessary to ensure that the effort required to operate the controls in the worst intended conditions is not such that the person at the control will be unduly fatigued or distracted by the effort necessary to maintain the safe operation of the craft. (HSC Code 17.5.2) 503 The craft shall be controllable and be capable of performing those manoeuvres essential to its safe operation up to the critical design conditions. (HSC Code 17.5.3) 504 When determining the operating limitations of a craft particular attention shall be paid to the following aspects during normal operation and during and subsequent to failures: — stopping in normal and emergency conditions — stability in the non-displacement mode about three axes and in heave — trim — roll — plough in — lift power limitations — broaching — slamming — bow diving. Guidance note: Yawing: Zig-zag test, preferably 10°/10° should be performed. Turning: Turning circle trials at full speed ahead to both port DET NORSKE VERITAS and starboard should be performed. Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.1 – Page 7 Stopping: The test is described in Pt.0 Ch.4 Sec.1 A201 clause 2 "Stopping". ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- E 600 Change of operating surface and mode 601 There shall be no unsafe change in the stability, controllability or attitude of the craft during transition from one type of operating surface or mode to another. Information on change in the behaviour characteristics of the craft during transition shall be available to the master. (HSC Code 17.6) E 700 Surface irregularities 701 Factors which limit the ability of the craft to operate over sloping ground and steps or discontinuities shall be determined, as applicable, and made available to the master. (HSC Code 17.7) E 800 Acceleration and deceleration 801 The Society shall be satisfied that the worst likely acceleration or deceleration of the craft, due to any likely failure, emergency stopping procedures or other likely causes, would not hazard the persons on the craft. E 900 Speeds 901 Safe maximum speeds shall be determined, taking account of the limitations from for the craft, modes of operation, wind force and direction and the effects of possible failures of any one lift or propulsion system over calm water, rough water and over other surfaces as appropriate to the craft. (HSC Code 17.9) E 1000 Minimum depth of water 1001 The minimum depth of water and other appropriate information required for operations in all modes shall be determined. (HSC Code 17.10) E 1100 Night operation 1101 The schedule of tests shall include sufficient operation to evaluate the adequacy of internal and external lighting and visibility, under conditions of normal and emergency electrical power supply during service, cruising and docking manoeuvres. (HSC Code 17.12) DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.2 – Page 8 SECTION 2 NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT A. Equipment Requirements A 100 General 101 This chapter covers items of equipment which relate to the navigation of the craft as distinct from the safe functioning of the craft. The following paragraphs set out the minimum requirements. (HSC Code 13.1.1) 102 The range of instrumentation shall be sufficient for safe and efficient navigation in the waters that the craft is permitted to operate. 103 The basis for evaluation is the type, size, speed and trade of craft together with any condition that may affect the navigator’s ability to establish and maintain a safe course and speed. 104 The navigational equipment and its installation shall be to the satisfaction of the Society, and according to description in these rules. 105 The Society, shall determine to what extent the provisions of this chapter do not apply to craft below 150 gross tonnage. 106 The information provided by navigational systems and equipment shall be so displayed that the probability of misreading is reduced to a minimum. Navigational systems and equipment shall be capable of giving readings to an optimum accuracy. (HSC Code 13.1.3) A 200 Compasses 201 Craft shall be provided with a magnetic compass which is capable of operating without electrical supply, and which may be used for steering purposes. This compass shall be mounted in a suitable binnacle containing the required correcting devices and shall be suitable for the speed and motion characteristics of the craft. (HSC Code 13.2.1) 202 The compass card or repeater shall be capable of being easily read from the position at which the craft is normally controlled. (HSC Code 13.2.2) 203 The magnetic compass shall be properly adjusted and its table or curve of residual deviations shall be available at all times. (HSC Code 13.2.3) 204 Care shall be taken in siting a magnetic compass or magnetic sensing element so that magnetic interference is eliminated or minimised as far as is practicable. (HSC Code 17.2.4) 205 Craft shall be provided with 2 gyrocompasses, which shall be suitable for the speed and motion characteristics and area of operation of the craft. 206 The gyro compass system shall perform according to performance standard in the latitudes where the craft shall operate and with the speed it will achieve. 207 The gyro compasses shall be provided with automatic correction of the errors induced by speed and latitude. 208 A comparison function between the outputs of two compasses shall be arranged. An alarm shall be initiated when a deviation exceeds a pre-set limit. A 300 Speed and distance measurement 301 Craft shall be provided with a device capable of measuring and or indicating speed and distance through the water. A 400 Echo-sounding device 401 Non-amphibious craft shall be provided with an echosounding device which will give an indication of depth of water to a sufficient degree of accuracy for use when the craft is in the displacement mode. (HSC Code 13.4.1) A 500 Radar installation 501 Craft shall be provided with at least one azimuth-stabilized radar operating on 9 GHz. A second azimuth-stabilized radar independent of the first one, shall be provided. 502 Both radars shall be provided with ARPA facilities, suitable for the motion and speed of the craft. 503 Adequate communication facilities shall be provided between the radar observer and the person in immediate charge of the craft. (HSC Code 13.5.4) 504 Each radar installation provided shall be suitable for the intended craft speed, motion characteristics and commonly encountered environmental conditions. (HSC Code 13.5.5) 505 Each radar installation shall be mounted so as to be as free as practicable from vibration. (HSC Code 13.5.6) 506 Both radars, shall include the ability to display selected parts of SENC, that is the ECDIS database as specified for this feature in the IMO performance standards for radars. These radars shall also be able to display the ship's position and the route plan used on the ECDIS. A 600 Electronic positioning systems 601 Craft shall be provided with two independent receivers for global navigation satellite system or a terrestrial radio navigation system, or other means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the craft’s position by automatic means. 602 The equipment shall be able to display the craft’s position continuously. The updating frequency shall be minimum 2 Hz or better. A 700 Rate-of-turn indicator and rudder angle indicator 701 Craft shall be provided with a rate-of-turn indicator. The scaling of the indicator must be adequate to the possibility of the ships behaviour. 702 Craft shall be provided with an indicator showing the rudder angle. In craft without a rudder, the indicator shall show the direction of steering thrust. (HSC Code 13.7.2) A 800 Nautical charts and nautical publications 801 Craft shall be provided with an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) 802 Back-up arrangements shall be provided to meet the functional requirements of 801. If no ENC coverage in the operating area or parts of the oper- DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.2 – Page 9 ating area, adequate paper chart folio according to the administration to be provided. Guidance note: Authorisation may have to be obtained by the Flag State and possibly by Port States when ECDIS is intended to meet the chart carriage requirement in SOLAS. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 900 Other navigational aids 901 Craft shall be provided with at least one adequate searchlight which shall be controllable from the operating station. (HSC Code 13.9.1) 902 One portable daylight signalling lamp shall be provided and maintained ready for use in the operating compartment at all times. (HSC Code 13.9.2) A 1000 Night vision equipment 1001 When operational conditions justify the provision of night vision equipment, such equipment shall be provided. (HSC Code 13.10.1) Guidance note: Night vision equipment may be imperative in areas where floating objects (e.g. pleasure boats, canoes, timber, etc.) without navigation lights are very common and thus constitutes a navigational hazard. Night vision equipment should be operated by a dedicated person. The location should not interfere with the darkness adaptation of the navigators. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 1100 Steering arrangement and propulsion indicator(s) 1101 The steering arrangement shall be so designed that the craft turns in the same direction as that of the wheel, tiller, joy stick or control lever. (HSC Code 13.11.1) 1102 Craft shall be provided with means to show the mode of the propulsion system(s). (HSC Code 13.11.2) 1103 Craft with emergency steering positions shall be provided with arrangements for supplying visual compass readings to the emergency steering position. (HSC Code 13.11.3) A 1200 Heading control system (automatic pilot) 1201 Craft shall be provided with a heading control system (automatic pilot). (HSC Code 13.12.1) 1202 Provision shall be made to change from the automatic to manual mode by a manual override. This override function shall be in accordance with requirements for steering in 1101. Guidance note: If a computer based system can effect the speed and or heading of the craft, a functional failure analysis is required. If a system failure can cause a hazardous or catastrophic effect in the relevant operational modes, in particular: - normal seagoing conditions at full speed, and - maximum permitted operating speed in congested waters, a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) may be required. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 1203 Track control (optional) If a track control system is fitted this shall comply with performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the organ- isation. Guidance note: - Performance standards for track control systems (resolution MSC.74(69) annex 2). - Performance standards for automatic steering aids (automatic pilots) for high-speed craft (resolution A.822(19)). - Performance Standard for an integrated navigation system (INS) resolution MSC.86(70). ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 1204 All sensors used in the track control system shall continuously provide sufficient updating frequency.(see A602). 1205 Track control systems shall be certified, unless type approved for use on High Speed Craft. A 1300 Radar reflector 1301 If practicable, craft of 150 gross tonnage or below shall be provided with a radar reflector, or other means, to assist detection by ships navigating by radar at both 9 GHz and 3 GHz. (HSC Code 13.13) A 1400 Sound reception system 1401 The craft shall be provided with a sound reception system, or other means, to enable the officer in charge of the navigational watch to hear sound signals and determine their direction. (HSC Code 13.14) A 1500 Automatic identification system (AIS) 1501 Craft shall be provided with an automatic identification system (AIS). (HSC Code 13.15.1) 1502 AIS shall: — provide automatically to appropriately equipped shore stations, other vessels and aircraft information, including the craft’s identity, type, position, course, speed, navigational status and other safety-related information — receive automatically such information from similarly fitted vessels — monitor and track vessels, and — exchange data with shore based facilities. (HSC Code 13.15.2) 1503 AIS shall be operated taking into account the guidelines adopted by IMO. A 1600 Voyage data recorder 1601 To assist in casualty investigations, passenger craft irrespective of size and cargo craft of 3 000 gross tonnage and upwards shall be provided with a voyage data recorder (VDR). (HSC Code 13.16.1) B. Power Supply B 100 Electrical power supply 101 A local distribution panel shall be arranged exclusively for primary bridge systems. The panel shall be supplied directly from both main switchboards, or from one main switchboard and the emergency switchboard or a continuously powered source (UPS), arranged with automatic change-over between the two supplies. Guidance note: The following are considered to be primary bridge systems: - position fixing system - ECDIS DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.2 – Page 10 - radar gyro compass heading control system/track control system speed log echo sounder internal communication external communication alarm system. should engage the local alarm when the equipment serves as a stand-alone unit. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 107 Emergency alarms giving indication of conditions requiring immediate action shall be distinctive and in full view of crew members in the operating compartment, and shall be provided for the following: ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 102 Loss of any power to the required distribution panels shall initiate an alarm. C. Alarm System C 100 Bridge alarm management 101 Alarm systems shall be provided which announce at the craft's control position, by visual and audible means, malfunctions or unsafe conditions. Alarms shall be maintained until they are accepted and the visual indications of individual alarms shall remain until the fault has been corrected. If an alarm has been accepted and a second fault occurs before the first is rectified, the audible and visual alarms shall operate again. Alarm systems shall incorporate a test facility. (HSC Code 11.4.1) 102 Bridge alarms and warnings shall be centralised in one common panel or screen on the bridge enabling easy identification of the source of the alarm and rapid cancellation of the audible alarm. The bridge alarm system may be part of a computerised system and presented on a screen. The bridge alarm system shall provide visual and audible indication of system and equipment malfunction, operational warnings related to risk of grounding and collision and improper watch-keeping. 103 The central alarm system shall at least include system failure alarms and operational warnings initiated by the following equipment and systems: — — — — — — — — — — — collision avoidance system AIS heading monitoring system. watch monitoring system heading information system radar and ARPA GPS heading and/or track control ECDIS speed log echo sounder. — — — — activation of a fire-detection system total loss of normal electrical supply overspeed of main engines thermal runaway of any permanently installed nickel-cadmium battery. (HSC Code 108 Alarms with a visual display distinct from that of alarms referred to in 107 shall indicate conditions requiring action to prevent degradation to an unsafe condition. These shall be provided for at least the following: — exceeding the limiting value of any craft, machinery or system parameter other than engine overspeed — failure of normal power supply to powered directional or trim control devices — operation of any automatic bilge pump — failure of navigational system, ref C103 — low level of a fuel tank contents — fuel oil tank overflow — extinction of side, masthead or stern navigation lights; — low level of contents of any fluid reservoir the contents of which are essential for normal craft operation — failure of any connected electrical power source — failure of any ventilation fan installed for ventilating spaces in which inflammable vapours may accumulate, and — diesel engine fuel line failure as required by 9.4.2 in HSC Code. (HSC Code 109 The alarm system shall meet appropriate constructional and operational requirements for required alarms. (HSC Code 11.4.2) Guidance note: Refer to the Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1995, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.830(19) and Performance Standard for watch alarm system , IMO res. MSC. 128(75) ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 104 The indications displayed on the alarm panel shall be continuously available and readable when the navigation systems are in operation. All warnings required by 103, 107 and 108 shall be provided at all stations at which control functions may be exercised. 105 It shall be possible to cancel the audible alarm on the individual equipment and the corresponding alarm at the central alarm panel by a single operator action. 106 Permanently inhibiting alarm units shall not be possible. Manually inhibiting local audible alarms may be accepted when this is clearly indicated and the unit is part of the alarm management system. Guidance note: Suppressing local audible alarms manually may be done by means of an on and off switch located on or close to the equipment or by other means, for example electronically. The off-position should enable suppression of the audible alarm when the equipment is part of a central alarm system and the on-position 110 Equipment monitoring the passenger, cargo and machinery spaces for fire and flooding shall, so far as is practicable, form an integrated sub-centre incorporating monitoring and activation controls for all emergency situations. This sub-centre may require feed-back instrumentation to indicate that actions initiated have been fully implemented. (HSC Code 11.4.3) 111 Main propulsion machinery room(s) shall in addition have detectors sensing other than smoke and be supervised by TV cameras monitored from the operating compartment. (HSC Code 7.7.1, part of) 112 The detection system shall initiate audible and visual alarms distinct in both respects from the alarms of any other system not indicating fire, in sufficient places to ensure that the alarms are heard and observed on the navigating bridge and by a responsible engineer officer. (HSC Code, part of) 113 Indicators shall be provided on the navigating bridge which shall indicate when any door leading to or from the special category space or ro-ro space is closed. (HSC Code DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.2 – Page 11 114 Means shall be provided to indicate in the operating compartment any loss or reduction of the required ventilating capacity. (HSC Code 115 The location of the radio equipment shall not interfere with the primary navigational functions in the operating station. (HSC Code 15.4.6) D. Approval of Equipment D 100 Approval of system equipment and performance standards 101 All equipment to which this chapter applies shall be of a type approved by the Society. Such equipment shall conform to performance standards not inferior to those adopted by IMO. 102 Before giving approval to navigational systems or equipment embodying new features not covered by this chapter, the Society shall ensure that such features support functions at least as effective as those required by this chapter. (HSC Code 13.17.3) 103 When equipment, for which performance standards have been developed by the organisation, is carried on craft in addition to those items of equipment required by this chapter, such additional equipment shall be subject to approval and shall, as far as practicable, comply with performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the organisation. (HSC Code 13.17.4) Guidance note: See the following recommendations adopted by the organisation: - Recommendation on performance standards for magnetic compasses (resolution A.382(X)) - Recommendation on performance standards for marine transmitting magnetic heading devices (THDs) (resolution MSC.86(70), annex 2) - Recommendation on performance standards for Gyro-compasses for high-speed craft (resolution A.821(19)) - Recommendation on performance standards for devices to indicate speed and distance (resolution A.824(19), as amended by resolution MSC.96(72)) - Recommendation on performance standards for echo-sounding equipment (resolution A.224(VII) as amended by resolution MSC.115(73), annex 2) - Recommendation on performance standards for navigational radar equipment for high-speed craft (resolution A.820(19)) - Recommendation on performance standards for "Auto Tracking" (resolution MSC.114(73), annex 4, appendix 1) - Recommendation on performance standards for shipborne Decca navigator receivers (resolution MSC.112(73)) - Recommendation on performance standards for shipborne Loran-C and Chayka receivers (resolution A.818(19)) - Recommendation on performance standards for shipborne global positioning system receiver equipment (resolution MSC.112(73)) - Recommendation on performance standards for shipborne GLONASS receiver equipment (resolution MSC.113(73)) - Recommendation on performance standards for shipborne DGPS and DGLONASS maritime radio beacon receiver equipment (resolution MSC.114(73), annex 2) - Recommendation on performance standards for combined GPS/GLONASS receiver equipment (resolution MSC.115(73), annex 1) - Performance standards for rate-of-turn indicators (resolution A.526(13)) - Recommendation on performance standards for night vision equipment for high-speed craft (resolution MSC.94(72)) - Recommendation on performance standards for daylight signalling lamps (resolution MSC.95(72)) - Recommendation on performance standards for automatic steering aids (automatic pilots) for high-speed craft (resolution A.822(19)) - Recommendation on performance standards for sound reception systems (resolution MSC.86(70), annex 1) and - Recommendation on performance standards for marine transmitting heading devices (THDs) (resolution MSC.116(73)). - Recommendation on performance standards for track control systems (resolution MSC.74(69) annex 2) - Recommendation on performance standards for Automatic Identification System (AIS) (resolution MSC.74(69) annex 3) - Recommendation on performance standards for shipborne Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) (resolution A.861(20)). DET NORSKE VERITAS ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.3 – Page 12 SECTION 3 OPERATING COMPARTMENT LAYOUT A. Operating Compartment Design and Layout A 100 General 101 The design and layout of the compartment from which the crew operate the craft shall be such as to permit operating crew members to perform their duties in a correct manner without unreasonable difficulty, fatigue or concentration, and to minimise the likelihood of injury to operating crew members in both normal and emergency conditions. (HSC Code 15.2) A 200 Field of vision from the operating compartment 201 The navigator's field of vision while seated at the workstation for command and workstation for navigation, shall be sufficient to enable him or her to comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. As a consequence, the horizontal field of vision from the command and navigation workstations shall at least extend over an arc from 22.5° abaft the beam on one side, through dead ahead, to 22.5° abaft the beam on the other side. 202 The total arc of blind sectors from right ahead to 22.5° abaft the beam on either side shall not exceed 20°. Each individual blind sector shall not exceed 5°. The clear sector between two blind sectors shall not be less than 10°. (HSC Code 15.3.3) 203 The field of vision while seated at the workstation for command and the workstation for navigation shall allow a forward view of the bow. Furthermore, the view of the sea surface from the workstations for command and navigation shall not be obscured by more than one (1) craft length in any direction from dead ahead to at least 90° on each respective side. Guidance note: The sea surface view from the workstations shall not be obscured with more than one (1) craft length from dead ahead to at least 90º to the side where the workstation is located ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 204 The field of vision from the workstation for command and the workstation for navigation shall enable the navigator to utilise leading marks astern of the craft as means for track monitoring. Guidance note: A horizontal field of vision of at least 10 degrees should be obtained dead astern from each workstation. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 205 The field of vision from the workstations for command and navigation shall permit the navigator to position the craft alongside a wharf without difficulty, to both port and starboard side respectively. Alternatively; separate docking workstation(s) shall be located in adequate position(s). Guidance note: While seated at the starboard workstation; the operator should be able to see the distance from the ship's starboard side to the wharf both fore and aft. While seated at the port workstation; the operator should be able to see the distance from the ship's port side to the wharf both fore and aft. For craft which cannot achieve the required field of vision without unreasonable difficulty a number of video cameras in suitable positions may be an acceptable solution which is subject to approval in each case. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 300 Console configuration 301 Consoles shall principally be divided into two areas: — a vertical (slanting) part for location of information displays to be easily readable (see Fig.1) — a horizontal part (desktop) for controls, switches and buttons to be within easy reach from the working position. Guidance note: Fig. 1 Easily readable ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.3 – Page 13 302 The height of console desktops at the workplaces for navigation, manoeuvring, traffic surveillance and monitoring shall enable easy use of equipment required for safe performance of the tasks to be performed from both standing, when applicable, and sitting position. Guidance note: - To provide a functional reach from sitting position, the sitting height is governed by the elbow height in relation to console desktop. - To provide a functional reach of equipment and easy operation of controls from sitting position, the elbow height of the operator should preferably be 50 mm higher than the console desktop and not less than the height of the desktop. - To provide the elbow height required for persons of different size and build in relation to the console desktop, it should be possible to adjust the height of the seat to allow an elbow height of 240 mm +/- 55 mm above the seat. It should be possible to adjust chair armrests accordingly, if installed, and to fold the armrests away. The leg room should have a depth of 450 mm and not less than required for a person sitting at a working position 350 mm from the console (chair backrest 440 mm from the edge of the console, requiring a leg room depth of at least 230 mm.) Fold-away arm rest 240 +/- 55 800 Desktop + 50 mm Adjustable Fig. 2 The console in front of a seated working position shall provide sufficient leg room. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 303 The top of the consoles forming the front workstations shall not be higher than 1200 mm, including the foundation of the consoles. The top of the consoles shall not obstruct the field of vision over the lower edge of the windows in front of the workstation from sitting position. Guidance note: The console height should not exceed 1200 mm. This console height may be accepted for installation at a distance of 350 mm or more from the window, also if it interferes with the line of sight from an eye height of 1400 mm, providing the height of the chair can be adjusted to compensate for the interference. See Fig.3 for eye heights at standing position Standing Sitting 790 +/- 60 1400 2000 1000 1750 800 610 +/-60 1000 1500 2500 Fig. 3 Console height ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- DET NORSKE VERITAS 100 mm chair adjustment Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.3 – Page 14 304 Consoles within the required field of vision aft of the front workstation consoles shall not obstruct the horizontal line of sight from the sitting eye height. Guidance note: The height of the consoles should be 100 mm lower than the horizontal line of sight from a seated position and should not exceed 1300 mm. If printers, or other equipment, is installed on top of the console, the total height should not exceed the prescribed 1300 mm. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 400 Windows 401 Divisions between windows, located in the front, on the sides and in the doors, shall be kept to a minimum. No divisions shall be installed immediately forward of the operating stations. (HSC Code 15.7.1) Guidance note: The framing between windows, especially within the field of vision as described in 200, should not exceed 150 mm. If stiffeners are used, this space should be less than 100 mm and the depth of the stiffeners less than 120 mm. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 402 The Society shall be satisfied that a clear view through the operating compartment windows is provided at all times regardless of weather conditions. The means provided for maintaining the windows in a clear condition shall be so arranged that no reasonably probable single failure can result in a reduction of the cleared field of vision such as to interfere seriously with the ability of the operating crew to continue the operation and bring the craft to rest. Guidance note: Efficient systems should be provided, including heavy duty wipers, fresh-water wash, de-misting and de-icing. Operating controls to be positioned within reach while seated at the workstation for the officer in charge or assisting officer. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 403 Arrangements shall be provided so that the forward view from operating stations is not adversely affected by solar glare. Neither polarised nor tinted window glass shall be fitted. (HSC Code 15.7.3) Guidance note: Removable sunscreens or sun curtains with minimum colour distortion should be provided for at least the front windows. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 404 Operating compartment windows shall be angled to reduce unwanted reflection. (HSC Code 15.7.4) Guidance note: The windows in front should preferably be angled top outwards, 15° to 25° from the vertical, see also ISO 8468. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 405 The windows shall be made of material which will not break into dangerous fragments if fractured. (HSC Code 15.7.5) A 500 Chairs 501 When a chair at a station from which the craft may be operated has been adjusted so as to suit the occupant, subsequent change of seat position to operate any control shall not be acceptable. 502 Installed chair at a workplace for operations shall be fastened to rails allowing fore and aft movement of the chair to enable easy reach of equipment when seated and, if applicable, sufficient room to stand in front of the console when the chair is pushed back. It shall be possible to adjust the height of the seat to suit users of different heights for optimum view and reaching distance and armrests, if provided, shall be of fold away type and preferably adjustable in height. Guidance note: The seat height of the chair should be adjustable from 550 to 670 mm above the deck surface. The movement in fore-aft direction should allow the front edge of the seat to be positioned at the edge of the front console and to allow a free space of at least 700 mm between the chair and console when moved in aft direction. Armrests should preferably be adjustable from 185 and 295 mm above the seat if installed. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 600 Operating compartment 601 The design and arrangement of the operating compartment, including location and layout of the individual workstations, shall ensure the required field of vision for each function. Blind sectors shall be as few and as small as possible, and not adversely affect the keeping of a safe lookout from the operating station. If stiffeners between windows are to be covered, this shall not cause further obstruction inside the wheelhouse. (HSC Code 15.4.1) (HSC Code 15.3.2) 602 The craft’s operating compartment shall not be used for purposes other than navigation, communications and other functions essential to the safe operation of the craft, its engines, passengers and cargo. 603 The operating compartment shall be provided with an integrated operating station for command, navigation, manoeuvring and communication and so arranged that it can accommodate those persons required to navigate the craft safely. 604 The arrangement of equipment and means for navigation, manoeuvring, control, communication and other essential instruments shall be located sufficiently close together to enable both the officer in charge and any assisting officer to receive all necessary information and to use the equipment and controls, as required, while they are seated. If necessary, the equipment and means serving these functions shall be duplicated. A functional workstation designed in accordance with the established overall operational and ergonomic requirements must provide: — a sufficient area for performance of the tasks to be carried out by the number of people that may be required to attend — consoles designed for operations at specific workplaces in standing and seated position, — enabling installation of equipment to be within reach (see Fig.5) from the working position — avoiding obstruction of the view through bridge windows from seated position — chairs suiting ergonomic requirements for efficient use of installed equipment and maintenance of field of vision, if chairs shall be installed. DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.3 – Page 15 Guidance note: Fig. 4 Within reach Within reach from a seated position is defined as within 1000 mm and within 800 mm for frequently used equipment. Within reach from a standing position is defined as within 800 mm in the forward direction and within 1400 mm in sideways directions. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 605 Both workstations is intended to serve both navigation and traffic surveillance and manoeuvring functions, and essen- tial equipment for traffic surveillance and manoeuvring, such as the ARPA and ECDIS. In addition means for controlling speed and course, should be within reach from both workstations. An acceptable solution, instead of the duplication of required equipment, may be to install the essential equipment, indicated in Fig.5, within reach from the working position at both workstations. DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.3 – Page 16 Fig. 5 Example of location of main equipment 606 The command workstation shall enable the following functions or tasks to be performed: — surveillance of craft's position, course and speed made good in relation to planned track and surrounding waters by means of ECDIS — analyse the traffic situation and decide on collision avoidance manoeuvre — alter course — change speed — effect internal and external communications — operate auxiliary manoeuvring systems, if fitted — monitor time, course, speed, engine revolutions, pitch or thrust indicator and rudder angle or direction of steering thrust. 607 The navigation workstation shall enable the following functions or tasks to be performed: — surveillance of craft's position, course and speed made good in relation to planned track and surrounding waters by means of ECDIS — analyse the traffic situation and decide on collision avoidance manoeuvre — plotting of the craft's position, course and speed made good — alter course — change speed — effect internal and external communication — monitor time, course, speed, engine revolutions, pitch or thrust indicator and rudder angle or direction of steering thrust. Workstation for navigation - radar display with chart overlay - ECDIS - engine controls - steering control. Workstation for command - radar display with chart overlay and AIS presentation - radar plotting aid - ECDIS - engine control - steering control. Instruments and equipment of common interest to both the navigation and the command workstation should be located accordingly. Such instruments and equipment, if fitted, include: - automatic steering device - rudder angle or steering thrust indicator - gyro repeater - speed and distance log - engine revolution indicator - pitch or thrust indicator - wind direction and speed indicator - echo sounder - internal communication systems - VHF radiotelephone - emergency stop controls - rate of turn indicator - whistle control - searchlight controls - magnetic compass display - window wiper and wash control - AIS operation unit - clock. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Guidance note: In accordance with the functions or tasks to be performed at each workstation, equipment or displays serving the various functions should be available as follows: If a separate workstation for supervision of engine performance is placed in the operating compartment, the location and use of this workstation shall not interfere with the primary DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.3 – Page 17 functions to be performed in the operating station. (HSC Code 15.4.5) 608 In all craft, the station or stations in the operating compartment from which control of craft manoeuvring and/or of its main machinery is exercised shall be provided, within easy reach of the crew member at that station, with controls for use in an emergency to: 702 All instruments shall be logically grouped according to their functions. In order to reduce to a minimum the risk of confusion, instruments shall not be rationalised by sharing functions or by interswitching. (HSC Code 15.5.2) 703 Instruments required for use by any member of the operating crew shall be plainly visible and easily read: — activate fixed fire-extinguishing systems — close ventilation openings and stop ventilating machinery supplying spaces covered by fixed fire-extinguishing systems, if not incorporated in preceeding item — shut off fuel supplies to machinery in main and auxiliary machinery spaces — disconnect all electrical power sources from the normal power distribution system (the operating control shall be guarded to reduce the risk of inadvertent or careless operation), and — stop main engine(s) and auxiliary machinery. — with minimum practicable deviation from his normal seating position and line of vision, and — with the minimum risk of confusion under all likely operating conditions. (HSC Code 11.3.1) 609 The control panel shall be located in the operating compartment or in the main fire control station. (HSC Code Reference to ventilation system control is given in Ch.10 Sec.4 A. 610 The design and layout of the compartment from which the crew operate the craft and the relative positions of the primary controls shall be assessed against the essential operational manning level. Where minimum manning levels are proposed, the design and layout of the primary and communication controls shall form an integrated operational and emergency control centre from which the craft can be controlled under all operational and emergency events by the operating crew without the necessity for any crew member to vacate the compartment. (HSC Code 15.4.7) 611 The relative positions of the primary controls and the seats shall be such that each operating crew member, with the seat suitably adjusted, and without prejudicing compliance with 15.2 (101) can: — without interference, produce full and unrestricted movement of each control both separately and with all practical combinations of movement of other controls, and — at all work stations, exert adequate control forces for the operation to be performed. (HSC Code 15.4.8) 612 In craft where the Society considers the provision of a safety belt necessary for use by the operating crew, it shall be possible for those operating crew members, with their safety belts correctly worn, to comply with 500 except in respect of controls which it can be shown will only be required on very rare occasions and which are not associated with the need for safety restraint. 613 Adequate arrangements shall be made to prevent passengers from distracting the attention of the operating crew. (HSC Code 15.4.12) A 700 Instrument installation 701 Instruments, instrument panels and controls shall be permanently mounted in consoles or other appropriate places, taking into account operation, maintenance and environmental conditions. However, this shall not prevent the use of new control or display techniques, provided the facilities offered are not inferior to recognised standards. (HSC Code 15.5.1) (HSC Code 15.5.3) 704 Instruments essential for the safe operation of the craft shall be clearly marked with any limitation if this information is not otherwise clearly presented to the operating crew. The instrument panels forming the emergency control for the launching of life rafts and the monitoring of the fire-fighting systems shall be in separate and clearly defined positions within the operating area. (HSC Code 15.5.4) 705 The instruments and controls shall be provided with means for screening and dimming in order to minimise glare and reflections and prevent them being obscured by strong light. (HSC Code 15.5.5) 706 The surfaces of console tops and instruments shall have dark glare-free colours. (HSC Code 15.5.6) 707 Instruments and displays, providing visual information to more than one person, shall be located for easy viewing by all users concurrently. If this is not possible, the instrument or display shall be duplicated. (HSC Code 15.5.7) 708 If no ENC is available in the operation area, the operating compartment shall be provided with means for chart work. There shall be facilities for lighting the chart. Chart table lighting shall be screened. A 800 Communication facilities 801 Such means as are necessary shall be provided to enable the crew to communicate between, and have access to, each other and with other occupants of the craft in both normal and emergency conditions. (HSC Code 15.8.1) 802 Means to communicate between the operating compartment and spaces containing essential machinery, including any emergency steering position, irrespective of whether the machinery is remotely or locally controlled, shall be provided. (HSC Code 15.8.2) 803 Where control of propulsion and manoeuvring is provided at stations outside the operating compartment, such stations shall have direct communication with the operating compartment which shall be a continuously manned control station. (HSC Code 11.3.2) 804 Where control of propulsion or manoeuvring is provided at stations adjacent to but outside the operating compartment, the transfer of control shall only be effected from the station which takes charge of control. Two-way voice communication shall be provided between all stations from which control functions may be exercised and between each such station and the look-out position. (HSC Code 11.2.3) 805 Adequate arrangements shall be provided for two-way DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.3 – Page 18 voice communication between the operating compartment and persons engaged in dropping, weighing or releasing the anchors. (HSC Code 6.2.3) 806 There shall be a public address system covering all areas where passengers and crew have access, escape routes, and places of embarkation into survival craft. The system shall be such that flooding or fire in any compartment does not render other parts of the system inoperable. The public address system and its performance standards shall be approved by the Society having regard to the recommendations developed by IMO. Guidance note: Refer to the Recommendations on performance standards for public address systems on passenger ships, including cabling (MSC/Circ.808) and the Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1995 (resolution A.830(19)). ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 807 Means for making public address and safety announcements from control stations to all areas to which passengers and crew have access shall be provided. (HSC Code 15.8.3) 808 Provisions shall be made for means to monitor, receive and transmit radio safety messages at the operating compartment. (HSC Code 15.8.4) DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.4 – Page 19 SECTION 4 BRIDGE EQUIPMENT TESTS A. General A 100 B 500 Application 101 The requirements in this section apply to the testing and calibration of bridge equipment. B. On-board Testing of Bridge Equipment B 100 501 The course-keeping performance of the autopilot shall be tested at full sea speed. Adaptive autopilots shall also be tested at reduced speed. 502 The performance of the autopilot shall be checked for a change in course of 10° and 90° to both sides. The overshoot angle shall be observed. 503 The off course alarm shall be tested. 504 The rate-of-turn or radius function shall be tested. General 101 After installation of equipment in craft requesting the additional class notation NAUT-HSC, on-board testing of the equipment shall be performed in order to ascertain that the equipment, as installed, operates satisfactory. B 200 Automatic steering system Test program 201 A detailed program for the on-board testing of this equipment shall be submitted for approval at the earliest possible stage before sea trials. 505 Change of operational steering mode shall be tested. 506 The override function shall be tested in all steering modes. B 600 Rudder or steering thrust direction indicator(s) 601 The rudder or steering thrust direction indicator(s) on the bridge shall be checked. B 700 Rate-of-turn indicator 202 The test program shall be in accordance with the requirements for on-board testing in 300 to 2100, and shall specify in detail the tests to be performed for each type of equipment. 701 The rate-of-turn indicator shall be tested and, if necessary, calibrated. B 300 General requirements for the testing of all types of bridge equipment 801 Function testing of the echo sounder shall be carried out. Depth shall be measured at a fixed position for exact comparison of accuracy. 301 Prior to testing, all equipment shall be checked and calibrated by a representative of the manufacturer or the equipment supplier. 302 Prior to testing, all equipment, etc., necessary for the observation and recording of test results shall be made available. 303 Equipment and systems shall be subject to the tests required to ascertain that all controls, indicators, displays, etc., operate in accordance with their specifications and meet the rule requirements. 304 Failure conditions shall be simulated on equipment and systems. 305 The instruments for performance of primary bridge functions shall be tested at black-out for a period of up to and over 30 s. At least one of the tests shall be carried out at sea. 306 A demonstration including start-up of the individual systems and change-over from normal conditions to failure conditions shall be carried out. 307 Tests, additional to the approved test program, may be required carried out by the surveyor. B 400 Gyro compass 401 The settle point error of the master compass and the alignment with the craft’s centreline shall be determined. 402 The bearing repeaters’ alignment with the craft’s centreline shall be checked (if applicable). 403 The divergence between the master compass and the gyro repeaters shall be checked. After switching to no. 2 compass, the divergence with the gyro repeaters shall be checked again. 404 The monitoring functions of the compass system shall be tested. 405 The means for correcting errors caused by speed and latitude shall be tested. B 800 Echo sounder 802 The depth warning or alarm shall be tested. B 900 Speed log 901 The speed log shall be checked for accuracy and, if necessary, calibrated. B 1000 Electronic position-fixing systems 1001 All electronic position-fixing fitted systems shall be function-tested. 1002 The accuracy of the electronic position-fixing systems shall be checked. B 1100 Radar system 1101 The accuracy of bearing of the radars shall be tested by the reading of at least 4 fixed positions on the display at a known position of the craft. 1102 The accuracy of range measurement shall be tested by measuring the distance to at least 2 fixed positions at each range while the craft is in a known position. 1103 The “heading marker” shall be checked against a visible target dead ahead. 1104 Failure mode by disconnecting a fuse shall be observed. 1105 Tests shall be carried out to verify the manual and automatic target acquisition facilities of the radar system including warnings when CPA/TCPA limits are exceeded. 1106 When manoeuvring the ship, the normal functioning of the system, including automatic acquisition, shall be checked. 1107 Sensor input and presentations shall be checked. 1108 The radar overlay function (chart radar) to be checked, and verified that common reference point is used for range/ bearing calibration. DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.4 – Page 20 B 1200 Alarm system 1201 The off-track monitoring system shall be tested. It shall be checked that the off-track alarm is transferred to the places specified if it is not acknowledged within the pre-set limit. 1202 The traffic-monitoring function of the ARPA (guard zones and CPA or TCPA) shall be tested. It shall be checked that the warning is transferred if not acknowledged within the pre-set limit. 1203 The off- heading monitoring system shall be tested. It shall be checked that the off-course alarm from the heading control system and the compass deviation alarm from the compass monitor is transferred to the places specified if it is not acknowledged within the pre-set limit. 1204 It shall be checked that the wheel over point approach alarm from the ECDIS is transferred to the places specified if it is not acknowledged within the pre-set limit. 1205 The watch monitoring (dead-man) alarm system shall be tested and the transfer (if applicable) of alarms checked. B 1300 Computer system(s) 1301 The tests can be combined with tests specified for the different primary functions. Failure conditions, especially power failure in the computer system as well as the computer equipment, shall be simulated as realistically as possible. Manual re-start and, if relevant, automatic re-start and automatic back-up shall be tested. Successive power breaks shall be simulated. 1302 If the computer system is used to carry out secondary functions, testing of the system shall be carried out with all primary functions in operation and with maximum load from both primary and secondary functions. B 1400 Electronic chart display and information system, (ECDIS) including back up system 1401 The accuracy, functionality and the alarm or warning functions of the electronic chart display system including the back up system, shall be tested. Performance of automatic functions, such as positioning of the ship by means of dead reckoning and GPS, plotting of the track and updating of the data base, shall be included in the tests together with the following operations: — — — — — route planning altering of the route while underway positioning by bearings and ranges manual adjustment of the ship's position on the screen scale changes and zooming functions. 1402 Self-check programs shall be run. B 1500 Track control system ( if applicable) 1501 The electronic chart display system is included in the testing of the Track control system if such system is installed. The performance of the system, including alarm or warning functions, shall be tested along a pre-planned route consisting of different courses. 1502 The route shall consist of at least six course changes and include a course change not less than 135° at minimum radius turn to each side as well as a turn of approximately 90° at a radius of not less than 2 nautical miles. The track keeping in a turn during essential speed reduction shall be tested. The alarm and warning functions of the track keeping system shall be tested. Failure conditions shall be simulated to verify conclusions of approved FMEA. 1503 Self-check programs shall be run. B 1600 Conning display 1601 The performance of the conning display shall be tested as well as the accuracy and readability of the data displayed. B 1700 Voyage data recorder (VDR) 1701 The voyage data recorder system, including all sensors, shall be subjected to a performance test. The test shall be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility to verify the accuracy, duration and recoverability of the recorded data. B 1800 Automatic identification system (AIS) 1801 The, automatic identification system including all sensors, shall be subjected to a performance test. B 1900 Internal communication system 1901 The automatic telephone system and internal communication system between workstations shall be tested. B 2000 Nautical communication system 2001 VHF or UHF systems shall be tested. B 2100 Sound reception system 2101 The sound reception system shall be tested by measuring the sound level outside and inside the wheelhouse. Guidance note: The fundamental frequency of the sound signal used in testing the system should be within the range of 70 Hz to 700 Hz. DET NORSKE VERITAS ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.5 – Page 21 SECTION 5 COMPARTMENT ENVIRONMENT A. Bridge Working Environment bridge wing listening posts while proceeding at full service speed. A 100 General 101 This section applies to conditions influencing the bridge working environment. A 200 Temperature and ventilation 201 The operating compartment shall be equipped with adequate temperature and ventilation control systems. (HSC Code 15.9) A 300 Colours 301 The surface materials inside the operating compartment shall have a suitable colour and finish to avoid reflections. (HSC Code 15.10) Guidance note: Bright colours should not be used. Dark or mid-green colours are recommended, alternatively blue or brown. Colour can provide a sense of warmth by the use of red and yellow, or coolness by the use of green and blue. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 400 Vibration 401 Uncomfortable levels of vibration causing both short and long term effects shall be avoided in the bridge area. Guidance note: a) The bridge should ideally be sited clear of the nodes and antinodes of the fundamental mode of vertical hull vibration, in order to avoid both longitudinal and vertical vibration. b) The following table lists the vibration ranges which should be avoided: Range 0.1 to 0.5 Hz Effect Motion sickness, particularly around 0.25 Hz 1.5 to 30 Hz Vision blur, particularly 10 Hz to 25 Hz 10 to 20 Hz Involuntary increase in muscle tone leading to difficulty in controlling posture and movement Sum: 0 to 30 Hz major Magnitude of effects depends source of problems upon vibration amplitude ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 600 Lighting 601 A satisfactory level of lighting shall be available to enable the operating personnel to adequately perform all their tasks both at sea and in port, by day and night. There shall be only a limited reduction in the illumination of essential instruments and controls under likely system fault conditions. (HSC Code 15.6.1) 602 Care shall be taken to avoid glare and stray image reflection in the operating area environment. High contrast in brightness between work area and surroundings shall be avoided. Non-reflective or matt surfaces shall be) used to reduce indirect glare to a minimum. (HSC Code 15.6.2) 603 A satisfactory degree of flexibility within the lighting system shall be available to enable the operating personnel to adjust the lighting intensity and direction as required in the different areas of the operating compartment and at individual instruments and controls. (HSC Code 15.6.3) 604 Red light shall be used to maintain dark adaptation whenever possible in areas or on items of equipment requiring illumination in the operational mode, other than chart table. (HSC Code 15.6.4) 605 During hours of darkness, it shall be possible to discern displayed information and control devices. (HSC Code 15.6.5) 606 Reference is made to additional requirements on lighting in 12.7 (Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.5 A) and 12.8 (Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.4 D). A 700 Surfaces 701 The wheelhouse surface finishes shall be considered an integral part of the structure, layout and environment design. 702 All prepared surfaces shall be glare free. Guidance note: To achieve a glare free, matt finish for front part of deckhead, bulkheads, consoles, surfaces around and below windows and other, a short-haired fibre coating should be used. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- A 500 Noise 501 Uncomfortable levels of noise, or noise which may affect safe and efficient bridge operation, shall not occur in the bridge area. Both short and long term effects shall be avoided. 703 Wheelhouse, bridge wing and upper bridge decks shall have a non-slippery surface when wet or dry. Guidance note: The level of friction on the wing and upper bridge decks should not decrease by more than 10% between dry and wet conditions. Guidance note: a) b) c) ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- The noise level in the wheelhouse should not exceed 65 dbA in good weather, with bridge instruments in operation. The noise of ventilation fans, intake fans and other noise sources should be excluded from bridge operational area by suitable siting of the fans and associated trunking. The craft’s sirens or whistles should be sited as high as practicable and, if possible, forward of the bridge, so that the noise level will not exceed that of 110 dB(A) and so far as practicable should not exceed 100 dB(A), when measured at 704 All surfaces shall be robust enough to withstand the daily wear of the marine environment and require a minimum of cleaning whilst retaining a good appearance. Guidance note: All surfaces should be capable of withstanding without deterioration, a temperature range of –20ûC to 70ûC, sea water, oils and solvent common to craft and ultra violet light. DET NORSKE VERITAS ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.5 – Page 22 A 800 Safety measures 801 The operating area shall be free of physical hazard to the operating personnel and have non-skid flooring in dry and wet conditions and adequate handrails. Doors shall be fitted with devices to prevent them moving, whether they are open or closed. (HSC Code 15.11) Guidance note: a) There should be no sharp edges or protuberances which could cause injury to personnel. b) c) The operating compartment deck should be free of trip hazards, such as curled up carpet edges, loose gratings or equipment. Means should be provided for properly securing portable equipment. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 802 All safety equipment on the bridge shall be clearly marked and easily accessible and have its stowage position clearly indicated. DET NORSKE VERITAS Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2004 Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.6 – Page 23 SECTION 6 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES A. Classification A 100 Application 101 The requirements in this section apply to the provision of navigation procedures and safety manuals. A 200 Introduction 201 An acceptable navigation safety standard can be obtained as follows: a) By establishing and implementing a high standard of procedures and routines for normal operating conditions, to reduce the probability of undesired and (potentially) hazardous events occurring. b) By establishing and maintaining adequate emergency procedures, to counteract and handle an abnormal situation. The aim will be to bring the situation back to normal, continue a controlled operation under abnormal condition or discontinue the operation in a safe and orderly manner. 202 The owner or the craft operator shall submit for approval copies of the navigation safety manual required in this section. The approval is limited to ensure that relevant requirements in this section are included in the manual. 203 Procedures shall ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are adequate for maintaining a safe navigational watch. 204 The officers of the watch shall be responsible for navigating the craft safely during their periods of duty and carry out bridge operations in accordance with established procedures. DET NORSKE VERITAS