Wh hite Pape er The Softwa are Ide entifica ation C Challen nge: Whyy it Matters, and a What W Yo ou Nee ed to Know The Software Ide entification n Challeng ge: Why itt Matters,, and Wha at You Need to t Know The So oftware Id dentificattion Challlenge Any softw ware produc ct that needs s to access, interact with h, or report o on installed d desktop applicatio ons requires s a method of o 1) discove ering and 2) recognizing those appliccations. Witthout strong ap pplication dis scovery and recognition capabilitiess, software data cannot b be properly rationaliz zed or presented in an accurate, unified, or trulyy meaningful manner. Ascertain ning the pres sence of app plications on n a PC is a fa airly straighttforward process from a technolog gy standpoin nt. Howeverr, there existts no commo on, standard dized method for correla ating "discoverrable" applic cation data in ndicating the e presence o of an installe ed program w with its actua al software title, version n, manufactu urer, or othe er important a application d data. In factt, most produ ucts that claim m to discover and identiffy application ns in an auto omated fash hion rarely de eliver inform mation reliable and a accurate e enough to calculate the e correct nu mber of insttalled titles. Most produccts rely on one of two me ethodologies s: examining g file headerr and analyzzing registry entries. Due e to the inherrent lack of uniformity u within the com mputing envirronment, the e use of anyy one of thesse methods in isolation is inaccurate e and/or inco omplete. File He eader Exa amination n File head der analysis is one comm monly used technique t fo or identifying g installed ap pplications. The advantag ge of this approach is tha at it's directly y tied to the application executable; the presencce of an applic cation is dete ermined by the t presence e of its exec utable(s). H However, one e major issu ue with file header h analy ysis is the le evel of reliability of the in nformation th he file heade er contains – many sofftware vendo ors don’t pro ovide comple ete informatiion or don't u update file h headers on a regular basis, b leading g to inaccura ate, inconsis stent, or eve en missing ap pplication da ata. For example, the file hea ader for Google's Chrom me browser, w when read o on the Windo ows platform m, reveals itts name and d copyright, but b no versio on informatio on at all. In a addition, Ado obe productts are notorious s for being named inconsistently, ma aking it difficcult to evalua ate data in a consolidate ed, unified manner. m But even n for applicattions that do include relia able informa ation, a much h more significant proble em often exis sts. Applica ations freque ently consist of numerou s (sometime es hundredss or thousand ds) executab ble files, and in many cas ses, multiple e application ns from a sin ngle vendor may share o one or more identical i exe ecutables. Because B file headers con ntain no info ormation reve ealing the relationsh hip between n executables, there's no o way of kno owing with w which applica ation they correspo ond. The nett results of basing b applic cation recog nition on thiss information n are: a) artificia ally inflated application counts c that may m lead to the wrong cconclusion th hat too few licenses have been purchased p th han are actu ually required d, and/or b) uncertainty as to which on a shared executable represents. applicatio Registrry Analyssis Many tec chnologies re ely on inform mation conta ained in the W Windows reg gistry to dete ermine whatt software is installed on o a PC. Ho owever, therre are some e downsides associated with this methodology. First, programs in nstalled using g means oth her than the Windows installer are o often not detec cted; and even when the ey are, they may lack criitical version n information n. More 2 The Software Ide entification n Challeng ge: Why itt Matters,, and Wha at You Need to t Know at shown in tthe Add/Rem move Progra ams control importantly, registry information (such as tha ow a produc ct is package ed from an in nstallation p perspective, not how the panel) is based on ho compone ents of the product need d to be evaluated from a licensing standpoint. In n other word ds, each entry in Add/Re emove does not necessa arily indicate e a separate e application for which a s required. license is Softwa are Catalo ogs An altern native to the identification n methods described d ab bove is the u use of a softw ware recogn nition database e. Such "sofftware catalo ogs" are gen nerally built b by teams wh ho understan nd how to turn raw data into normalized informa ation represe enting how ssoftware is a actually licen nsed. Softwa are catalogs are thereforre usually more useful th han the othe er methods fo or generatin ng accurate license counts c and evaluating e on ne's license position. Witth this appro oach, specia al algorithmss are used to allow a discove ered executa able file and d other appliccation inform mation to be compared w with applicatio on data resid ding in the database. d Th he end resu lt is a list of normalized software title es, manufacturers, versions, and oth her informatiion indicated d by the disccovered data a. Further, software catalogs oftten contain other o "non-discoverable"" information n originating outside the e desktop environment e t—such as software s cate egories, SKU U informatio on, and just a about any otther relevant data point— —that can be associated with the iden ntified appliccation titles. Assuming the algorithms are pro operly constrructed, the ssuccess of th he outcome depends on the accuracy y and compre rehensivenes ss of the sofftware datab base. That iss where the A Apptria Softw ware Catalog comes c in. The Ap pptria Sofftware Ca atalog™ The Appttria Software e Catalog eliiminates the e need to relyy solely on inaccurate or incomplete e file headers and/or regis stry entries to o identify ap pplications w within the dessktop and se erver environm ment. The da atabase conttains an exte ensive collecction of application titles and their associate ed details su uch as versio on, manufac cturer, softwa are categoryy, executable e file namess, file sizes, an nd more. Ap pplication info ormation (su uch as that ccontained within the Win ndows registry and/or file headers) collected c by an agent ca an then be e evaluated against the cattalog data to o correctly determine installed app plication titles s and versio ons—a prere equisite for u using the information in a meaningful way. s, this “exec cutable signa ature” level o of analysis iss sufficient. However, in n For mostt applications other situ uations, file signatures s are a not enoug gh to reveal information that's critica al for making g licensing decisions. For example e, executablle name and d size alone aren't enoug gh to determ mine whether a copy of Microsoft Acce ess 2007 wa as installed a as a standallone productt, as part of the Microsoftt Office 2007 7 Profession nal edition, or o as part of tthe Enterprisse edition. IIn such case es, further an nalysis using g Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDss) is then ap pplied to com mplete the identifica ation process s. Once applications an nd suites hav ve been properly identifiied using the e methods d described ab bove, nalyzed and grouped in such s a way as to facilita ate a variety of software the results can be an asset ma anagement tasks. Without such ratio onalization, ccapabilities ssuch as the following wo ould be virtually impossible: 3 The Software Ide entification n Challeng ge: Why itt Matters,, and Wha at You Need to t Know Group and correlate e all executtable files re elated to a s single application Most app Without pro plications consist of more than one executable. e oper recognition and rationaliz zation, multip ple related files may be incorrectly i in nterpreted as independe ent applicatio ons or, in som me situations s, not identiffied at all. Su uch errors ca an only be a ascertained a and correcte ed manually y, an overwh helmingly ted dious and tim me-consumin ng process. The Apptria a Software Catalog contains c exe ecutable info ormation that enables yo our product tto group all d discovered executab bles that com mprise a sing gle applicatio on, so that d data can be e evaluated fro om a licensing perspective. heir installe ed compone ents Correctly identify suites and th Methods that analyze e the registry y will identify y the presen nce of a suite e but genera ally won't revveal which co omponents of o the suite are actually in nstalled. Thiis makes it e extremely diffficult, for example, to collect software usage data on individual pro ograms in order to deterrmine wheth her they are actually bein ng utilized. Other O techniq ques that re ely on executtable file info ormation alo one may reco ognize the in ndividual suitte components, but cann not provide tthe informattion necessa ary to identify th he exact suite configuration. The Ap pptria Softwa are Catalog uses GUIDss in conjuncttion with exec cutable file in nformation, making such h analysis po ossible. 4 The Software Ide entification n Challeng ge: Why itt Matters,, and Wha at You Need to t Know Differenttiate betwee en applicatiions that sh hare a comm mon executtable Identifica ation method ds that rely solely s on exe ecutable file information generally la ack the detail necessarry to distingu uish between n different editions of ap pplications th hat share a ccommon executab ble. This is th he case, for example, with Microsoftt Project Sta andard and M Microsoft Pro oject Professio onal—a critic cal distinctio on to make frrom a licensse and cost sstandpoint. The Apptria Software e Catalog als so contains registry-base r ed informatio on (in the form of GUIDss) which enable proper id dentification of o such appllications. Normaliz ze variation ns in applica ation titles, versions, a and manufa acturer Traditional methods of software recognition depend d on ssoftware pub blishers to provide consiistent information across all products and a all produ uct versions. Unfortunattely, it's rarely the case tthat this information is co onsistent from m release to o release (lett alone acrosss an entire product line e), even among the mos st reputable manufacture ers. The Ap pptria Softwa are Catalog normalizes a all the variations of any given software title, version, or pub blisher into co onsistent, fa amiliar nomencla ature. For example, e sofftware licens se agreemen nts often allo ow for simulttaneous verssions or multiple copies of an application to be insttalled. Witho out a way of normalizing g different file e headers, discovered executables s can't be grrouped unde er a common n application n title. This ccan present a significant challenge frrom a license e managem ent perspecctive because e each versiion or installa ation may be e mistakenly y viewed as a separate a application rrequiring its o own license. The Appttria Software e Catalog relies on exec cutable file in nformation th hat enables all versions of a given application to be b consolida ated under a single appliication title a and manufaccturer, while e preservin ng the versio oning information. 5 The Software Ide entification n Challeng ge: Why itt Matters,, and Wha at You Need to t Know The capa abilities note ed above are e nothing sho ort of criticall when it com mes to virtua ally every lice ense managem ment function. Because e the Apptria Software C Catalog was d designed to provide applicatio on identificattion utilizing multiple me ethods—and d has specialists dedicatted to researching and valid dating the ac ccuracy of th he data—on ne can appre eciate why so o many worlldclass sofftware vendo ors partner with w Apptria Technologie T es to bring su uperior application recognitio on to their own products s. About Apptria Technolo T ogies Apptria Technologies T s was founded in 2011 by b several exxecutives off Express Me etrix, an indu ustry leader in developing IT and softw ware asset management m t solutions. The Apptria a Software Catalog™ ™ (formerly the t Express Software Id dentification Database [E ESID]®), pow wers the applicatio on recognitio on within Express Metrix x's flagship p product, Exp press Softwa are Managerr. Apptria Technologies T s' singular fo ocus is to de eliver reliable e and trustwo orthy softwa are recognitio on capabilities to its OEM partners in i order to in ncrease the vvalue and uttility of their own techno ology offerings to customers. Contacct Apptria a Technologies Web: ww ww.apptria.c com Email: in nfo@apptria.com Phone: 1.888.589.7 1 042 6