Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel Report| 6 April 2016 IHAP No. Item 2 DA No. DA-2015/1638 Proposal Residential - multi dwelling housing comprising three (3) x two (2) storey dwellings and Subdivision - strata title - three (3) residential lots - Renotified due to amended plans Property Lot 60 DP 1058949 40 Gerongar Crescent, HAYWARDS BAY NSW 2530 Applicant Champion Homes Panel Alison McCabe (Chair), Rajiv Shankar and Nicholas Skelton (Independent) Staff in Attendance Mark Riordan (Manager Development Assessment and Certification), John Wood (City Wide Manager), Jessica Saunders (Development Project Officer) and Lauren Wilson (IHAP Coordinator) Apologies Bernard Hibbard, Community Representative. Pecuniary Interest None of the Panel members had any pecuniary interests relating to this matter. Panel Commentary: The Panel inspected the site. The Panel had the opportunity to hear from a number of residents who raised issues with respect to restriction on title, car parking, precedent, adequacy of bus services, recreation facilities, emergency vehicle access, impact on crime rate and property value and general neighbourhood character. There was concern expressed about the variations to the Section 88B Instrument. The Panel is of the view that the proposal is in accordance with the Planning Framework and has merit. The proposal complies with car parking controls and the key standards for development and does not result in any unreasonable amenity impacts. It notes that a technical assessment of the capacity of the road system to accommodate the development was found to be adequate. The full details of the Section 88B Instrument was not contained in the report. The Panel is of the view that a supplementary report is required to address: 1 Applicability of the provisions of Clause 1.9A of the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009, and 2 An analysis of compliance or otherwise of the proposal with the relevant provisions of the Section 88B and reasons for variation. LIS | LAP | DAC | IHAP03| 03217986.doc Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel Report| 6 April 2016 While the Panel notes that the mechanism for variation, modification or revocation to Section 88B Instruments is a property matter, separate to a Development Application assessment, the provisions of the Section 88B are a matter for consideration. Recommendations 1 That Council officers clarify the applicability of the provisions of Clause 1.9A of Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009 and document the variation to the Section 88B. 2 The Panel is of the view that three town houses in accordance with the development as proposed could be approved subject to clarification of Point 1 and conditions contained in the officer’s report. Voting The voting in respect of this matter was 3/0. LIS | LAP | DAC | IHAP03| 03217986.doc