15-7-11 Task 1-9 SCANNED DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE SCANNED INSTALLATION RESTORATION PROGRAM (ANG) OTIS AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, MA 02542-5on A, 02002 Mr. Paul Marchessault U.S. Environmental Protection Agency HAN/CAN1 JFK Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 No vember 17, 1992 Subject: Responses to USEPA Comments Task 1-9 Hydrogeologic Studies Technical Memorandum Dear Mr. Marchessault: Attached please find the National Guard Bureau's responses to USEPA's comments on the above referenced document. If you have any questions or care to discuss this matter further, please contact this office at (508) 968-4670. Sincerely DANIEL W. SANTOS Project Manager Atch cc: James Begley M. Carl Wheeler w/o Atch Readiness is our !Profession RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MASSACHUSETTS MILITARY RESERVATION DRAFT OCTOBER 1992 Page Paragraph 1-1 2 Comment/Response Comment: The description of plumes which have migrated beyond base boundaries is not accurate based on current knowledge (e.g., SERGOU). The text should be revised to accurately depict the situation as documented to date. Also, it is not clear in comparing Figure 1-1 and Plates 1 and 2 what boundaries the different regions encompass. Response: The fourth, fifth, and sixth sentences of this paragraph will be modified to read: "Migration of the Ashumet Valley Plume, the CS-4 Plume, and plumes within the SERGOU has been documented beyond MMR boundaries. Potentially affected areas downgradient of MMR, which contain ponds, streams, and private wells, include portions of the towns of Bourne, Falmouth, and Mashpee as shown in Figure 1-1. To plan and implement further studies under Task 1-9, the downgradient areas were divided into the three following potential impact areas, because each involves different hydrogeological settings:" Boundaries on Figure 1-1 will be revised to agree with boundaries shown in Plate 2. 1-3 Bullet 1 Comment: Again, this is truly not accurate. Why is the SERGOU not discussed? Response: The three plumes named are those plumes within the SERGOU. This will be indicated by modifying the bullet to read: "Study Region III (within the town of Mashpee boundary) is an area of approximately 1.2 square miles along the eastern side of Johns Pond that includes the Quashnet River and the north end of Johns Pond; it addresses the area interpreted to be downgradient of the SERGOU contaminant plumes (i.e., the Storm Drainage Ditch No. 5 (SD-5), Petroleum Fuel Storage Area (PFSA), and Eastern Briarwood groundwater plumes)." 1-3 W0109246.080 2 Comment: It is unclear how the hydrogeologicwork proposed will help refine the location of potential ecological and human receptors. If this is an objective, the text should explain how the proposed work will meet this objective. RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response Response: The third sentence will be replaced with the following sentences for clarity: "This task will define the downgradient pathways of plumes through the collection and interpretation of field measurements and numerical modeling, based on these measurements. Once the expected pathways of the plumes are refined, three-dimensionally, receptors that do not lie within these bounds can be eliminated, with the possible exception of any major supply wells close to the pathways boundaries. This information will also provide the means for estimating transport mechanism values that directly affect downgradient concentrations of VOCs in each plumes (e.g., advection, dispersion, and dilution). Subsequently, these more accurate projections of contaminant concentrations will provide an appropriate database for performing assessments of risks for human and environmental receptors." 1-4 Subsection 1.1 Comment: It should also be pointed out that this task is also important from an ecological risk perspective. In the third paragraph, it is stated that work is not expected to take place in areas of contamination. However, Page 1-3 indicates that studies in Region III could intercept contaminated groundwater. The text needs to clarify this inconsistency. Further, this paragraph states that typical hazardous waste investigations requirements (presumably health and safety, screening, etc.) will not be followed. The text should clarify how work in Region III, which may encounter contaminated groundwater, will be carried out. Response: The importance of Task 1-9 from the ecological risk perspective will be addressed with the addition of a fifth bullet, as follows: - "Determine the potential for contaminated groundwater to discharge to specific streams, ponds, wetlands, or ocean located downgradient." There is no inconsistency between these statements regarding drilling into contaminated groundwater. Page 1-3 states that for Region III contaminated groundwater could conceivably be intercepted, while Page 1-4 states that this is not the expected outcome. W0109246.080 2 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Comment/Response Paragraph The NGB wishes to emphasize that Task 1-9 is strictly a hydrogeologic investigation, and not a plume chasing endeavor. A contingency will be added in the event that further downgradient plume mapping is necessary by replacing the last sentence of the second to last paragraph in Subsection 1.1 with: "If (1) the presence of contaminated groundwater at a depth greater than 20 feet below the water table is indicated by observations (e.g., odor, organic film on discharge water, and/or PI meter readings above background; or (2) groundwater flow modeling indicates that the SERGOU plumes do not totally discharge into Johns Pond or the head of the Quashnet River, the scope of the program will be immediately reevaluated. The NGB will brief the regulatory agencies with a summary of the findings and present a proposed expanded scope for Task 2-5C. Field data collection will resume as quickly as possible, and the Task 2-5C SERGOU report will be updated with data collected under the expanded investigation." 2-6 2 Comment: The previous page also references a second Leblanc document, Leblanc 1984. Response: The LeBlanc (1984) report will be added to the list of sources. 3-1 1 Comment: The last sentence of this paragraph should indicate that the information collected during this study is necessary to evaluate alternatives. Reference to not remediating the plumes is premature at best and has no bearing on the work being discussed in this work plan. Remedial alternatives must be proposed and decided upon after potential receptors are examined via examination of the plume's path and fate. Response: The last sentence will be replaced as follows: "Data collection and interpretation proposed by the Task 1-9 Study are needed to evaluate remedial alternatives involving the identification of potential receptors within the pathways of contaminant migration." 3-1 W0109246.080 Bullet 3 Comment: Dilution is not the only fate option. Other factors must also be evaluated. These should include detention and stratification. These two additional factors may increase length of exposure time as well as the increase of exposure concentration. 3 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response Response: Dilution was given as an example, and was not intended as the only factor in influencing contaminant fate. Bullet 3 will be edited to include detention, stratification, and capture by wells within the parentheses. 3-1 3, Subsection 3.2 Comment: Review of the data from various Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) investigations indicates that the vertical gradients, while small, are not non-existent, but are in some locations in the same order of magnitude as the horizontal gradients. In this context, vertical gradients cannot be neglected. Over the distances covered in this study, vertical gradients can have a significant effect on the vertical extent and location of a plume. Response: The NGB acknowledges that vertical gradients of the same order of magnitude as horizontal gradients have been documented at several well clusters near the north end of Johns Pond. However, the statement that "... groundwater flow is primarily horizontal ... " is an appropriate general interpretation of existing data. To better address the importance of vertical gradients, the following sentence will be inserted after the first sentence in Subsection 3.2: "However, measurement and evaluation of vertical gradients is an important activity of this investigation; the fate of several plumes may well be strongly influenced by vertical gradients, particularly near streams and ponds." The following statements will be inserted between the first and second sentences of the fifth paragraph of Subsection 3.2 (bottom of Page 3-2): "To determine vertical gradients in critical locations, multi-level clustered monitoring wells will be installed adjacent to major surface water bodies. Differences in water level elevations between wells within individual clusters will be measured on several widely-spaced dates to a precision of 0.01 foot. Vertical hydraulic gradients will then be calculated from this data for the respective depth intervals." 3-2 W0109246.080 1, Subsection 3.2 Comment: As noted in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) comments regarding the Ashumet Valley Study, the water balance calculations can only provide very "ball park" estimates of the ground water discharge to streams. Data of the quality that would be useful for feasibility studies (FS) should be calculated from flow net analyses. The reference for the water 4 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Comment/Response Paragraph balance method and a clear presentation of the approach/assumptions to be used for this study should be included in the revised work plan. The National Guard Bureau (NGB) may also wish to evaluate the usefulness of the Dupuit-Forcheimer equation (Dunne and Leopold, 1978) for these analyses. Response: The NGB assumes that this comment was meant to refer to the fourth paragraph on this page, as water balance calculations are not mentioned prior to this. Because of the size of Regions II and III in relation to the number of explorations, the water budget must be a simplification of the real hydrologic system. Streamflow estimates will be derived from flow. measurements or USGS gaging records at the time of groundwater level measurements, and are calibration values to the budgeting process. The specifics of the water budget methodology and assumptions will be included in the Task 1-9 technical report, and will depend on hydrogeologic findings. An example of a simplified water budget approach is that presented in Phase I of the Ashumet Valley Groundwater Study (E.C. Jordan Co., 1991, Subsection 7.3.1). Because vertical components of groundwater flow must exist for the aquifer to discharge to stream channels that are shallow as compared to the aquifer thickness, use of the DupuitForcheimer equation, which assumes all flow is horizonal, is of questionable value. The following paragraph will be inserted just before Subsection 3.3.1 (Page 3-5), and gives a multi-faceted approach to groundwater flow interpretation: "The analysis of groundwater flow paths will include three independent approaches that, in part, will draw from a common base of field data: (1) vertical and planimetric section flownet analyses; (2) simplified water balance (budget) analyses; and (3) numerical 3-D computer modeling using MODFLOW and MODPATH. The results of each approach will be reconciled with results of the other two approaches, and a best overall interpretation of flow paths will be presented in the report." 3-2 5, Subsection 3.2 - Comment: A modeling analysis is not a substitute for a field investigation program to determine the magnitude of effect on vertical gradients on groundwater flow paths in the vicinity of downgradient ponds. Without field data from deep-shallow well pairs, the magnitude of vertical gradients cannot be reliably W0109246.080 5 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response demonstrated. Aquifer modeling, if necessary, should only occur after collection of a database adequate to calibrate the niodel. Response: The NGB views aquifer modeling as a versatile tool that is capable of providing valuable insight into behavior of groundwater flow at nearly any stage of investigation; however, modeling will not replace field data collection. Data collection proposed for all Task 1-9 regions emphasizes the installation of varying depth-clustered wells to specifically measure vertical gradients. Given our past experience at MMR with the highly permeable nature of the MPP outwash deposits, it appears that the closeness of clustered wells to surface water bodies will be critical to detecting vertical gradients. However, the "proper" distances are not known, and specific drilling locations could be selected that are too distant from surface water bodies. The "prototype pond" model is needed up-front to examine the probable horizontal as well as vertical reach of the typical pond's hydraulic effect on the flow system. During prototype pond modeling, all inputs will be specified based on likely ranges of parameter values from existing data and results of investigations immediately north at MMR. Various scenarios will be run to bracket the likely effects of varying controlling hydrogeologic factors. This approach does not require detailed calibration, although water table gradients must reasonably simulate the regional water table map. See previous comment response for Page 3-1, Paragraph 3, Subsection 3.2 for added discussion to text regarding field data collection. 3-4 2, Subsection 3.3 Bullet 2 Comment: Data analysis should include vertical flow nets based upon water level data from deep wells in addition to data from shallow wells and surface water bodies to aid in the prediction of the vertical position of the plumes. Response: Vertical flow nets will be specified by adding a new bullet between existing bullets 2 and 3, as follows: Construct vertical flow nets to represent the flowpaths of groundwater in the vertical plane using water levels measured during a specified day in wells of all depths. 6 W0109246.O8O W0109246.080 6 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph 3-4 2, Subsection 3.3 Bullet 3 Comment/Response Comment: Aquifer modeling cannot be used as an optimization tool for placement of deep wells where, by definition, insufficient data exists to characterize the aquifer. As stated previously, modeling, if any, should only occur after an adequate database has been obtained. The rationale for not obtaining data from the ponds to calibrate the pond modeling should be presented and discussed. Response: Basic hydrogeologic information is available that coarsely characterize aquifer conditions in Region II (see Ashumet Valley studies), and in Region III (see off-base studies downgradient of the southeastern industrialized MMR). The NGB believes it is prudent to conduct initial modeling prior to obtaining Phase II data (Region III). Also, see response to Page 3-2, Paragraph 5, Subsection 3.2. Bullet 3 will be modified as follows: "Conduct pond/groundwater prototype modeling to guide the horizontal and vertical placement of well screens in multilevel clusters, and to test the probable range of hydraulic influence of large ponds in the MPP outwash." Physical characteristics of some of the key ponds in the study areas are described in the literature. However, one important variable, The pond bottom permeability, has not beei characterized. original intent was to "back-out the relative magnitude of pond bottom permeability from water budget and vertical flow net analyses. However, the NGB has decided to collect cores of pond bottom sediment for laboratory permeameter tests at a small number of locations in Johns and Ashumet ponds. The addition of pond bottom sampling has caused the following changes to the Work Plan: - Page 3-2, add to end of bottom paragraph: "A factor in model development and calibration is the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the pond bottom layer. Measurements of layer thickness and conductivity are necessary so that groundwater movement between the aquifer and ponds can be realistically simulated." Page 3-4, add new bullet to bottom of page: "Collect cores of pond bottom sediments and perform laboratory tests to quantify vertical hydraulic conductivity." W0109246.080 7 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response - Page 3-5, add new bullet between Bullets 2 and 3: "vibratory drilling into the bottoms of Johns and Ashumet ponds to obtain sediment cores" . Page 3-8, Subsection 3.4.2, add at end: "Vibratory Method. A lighter drill rig will be used to collect continuous high-quality cores from the bottom layer of ponds through as much as 60 feet of water. A vibratory drill can penetrate several tens of feet into sediment or loose soils using a high-frequency vibratory drive action. A small barge-portable system is available for this purpose." A detailed description of the vibratory drilling method is presented as a new method to be inserted in front of existing Subsection 4.1.4 on Page 4-6 of the OAPP, and titled Vibratory Drill Sampling. This description is included under "OTHER CHANGES" at the end of this transmittal. - Page 3-13, Subsection 3.7.1, insert after the first sentence: "Additionally, two samples from each of approximately 20 vibratory drill cores of pond bottom sediments will be submitted for grain-size analysis. Segments of each core, representing the finest-grained and/or most densely compacted sediment layers (lowest apparent permeability), will be selected for analysis." The beginning of the first sentence will be modified to read: "Data from grain-size analyses of split-spoon samples from the geologic test wells and deepest monitoring well of each cluster will be used to ..." W0109246.080 - Page 3-16, Subsection 3.7.4, add a second paragraph that reads: "Vertical hydraulic conductivity of approximately 20 samples taken from pond sediment cores will be determined in the laboratory using constant-head permeameter tests. The methodology will be detailed in the QAPP, as a Subappendix A-5." See attachments. - Page 3-17, Subsection 3.9, add a seventh bullet: "pondbottom sediment grain-size and permeameter analyses" 8 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Comment/Response Paragraph Page 4-13, under Additional Activities add the following sentence to the end: "Continuous cores of the sediments immediately underlying the bottoms of Johns and Ashumet ponds will be taken at approximately 10 locations per pond. Selection of locations will be based on data from approximately six recording fathometer (sonic depth finder) traverses in each lake. Sonic reflections recorded by the fathometer should indicate the relative thickness variations of the lower density (relative to aquifer materials) pond bottom sediment layer. In general, locations with the thickest sediments will be cored." 3-5 1 Comment: Each surface water body that is determined to be potentially intersected by a plume will require individual investigation. Resnonse: Johns and Ashumet Ponds are presently scheduled for biologic characterization as scoped by the Ashumet Pond Task Force Study (HAZWRAP, 1992 Draft). With the exception of Johns Pond (addressed in this study), individual surface Water bodies that appear to be within the pathway of future plume movement may be investigated in follow-up tasks, depending on the remedial strategy selected by the NGB and USEPA. 3-5 Bullet 6 Comment: The statement should include a discussion as to whether water table elevation measurements will be performed at new and existing wells. Response: The phrase "at new and existing' will be inserted within parentheses after "wells". 3-6 2, Subsection 3.3.2 Comment: As stated previously, without sufficient data, a model cannot be used as a predictive tool for the placement of wells. In addition, the paragraph states that "... the results of the modeling may be used to refine the locations of well clusters sited near surface water bodies. . ." If use of the model for locating wells is optional, the necessity for the modeling effort at this stage of the investigation is questionable. W0109246.080 9 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response In the fifth bullet, is the particle tracking suggested synonymous with detention time predictions? Will this model be able to evaluate seasonal variability and stratification? If so, this may be a source of information for ecological risk assessment. It is suggested that bathymetric and physical chemistry information for specific ponds be gathered that would assist in this evaluation. Response: Please refer to responses for Page 3-2, Paragraph 5, Subsection 3.2, Page 3-4, Paragraph 2, Subsection 3.3, Bullet 3; and Page 3-5, Paragraph 1. The particle tracking capabilities using MODPATH do provide a means to compute time of travel along given specified flowlines. By inputing water levels measured at different times of the year, groundwater flow system variation with season can be determined. Stratification of geologic materials can be modeled by assigning different hydraulic properties to model layers created in the model upon synthesis of field data. Also, horizontal to vertical anisotropy ratios of hydraulic conductivity can be specified. For the major ponds, existing bathymetric information will be used. Physical and chemistry information will be readily available for Ashumet and Johns Ponds, and will be researched for other ponds. Limited fathometer surveys in Johns and Ashumet Ponds will be conducted to aid in selecting specific locations for sediment coring. No change to text. 3-7 Subsection 3.4.1 Comment: The source of water for decontamination purposes must be clearly specified. The anticipated analyses to ensure that the water supply is free of contaminants should be documented in the text. Response: The first bullet under Subsection 3.4.1 will be revised to read: "Water for drilling and decontamination will be obtained from the local public water supply that is nearest to the drilling site. Because chemical analytical samples are not a part of this field program, one field blank sample of the source water will be collected for each sampling event, or field shift. This sample will be analyzed for all Target Compound List parameters, including volatile and semivolatile organic compounds, pesticides, and PCBs, and all Target Analyte List inorganics. If drilling/decontamination water is taken from more than one location per shift, additional field blanks will be taken and analyzed. W0109246.080 10 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph 3-8 1, Subsection 3.4.1 Comment/Response Comment: The paragraph states that drill cuttings and drilling fluids will be "periodically' screened for contamination. Periodically needs to be defined. A suggested monitoring schedule would be once every 10 feet or once per split-spoon sample collected. Response: The word "periodically" will be removed, and "approximately every 10 feet of drilling depth" will be substituted. 3-9 2 Subsection 3.4.2 Comment: The text describing the mudless rotary methods do not definitely state that samples will be taken, only that samples can be taken by the methods. Sample collection intervals and procedures to be used, if the mudless rotary method is selected, should be provided in this work plan. Response: It is not the purpose of this section to describe sample collection frequency; Subsections 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 address this subject. The following will be added to the end of the last sentence of the first paragraph: "(Sample collection is described in Subsections 3.5.2 and 3.5.3)" 3-11 2, Subsection 3.5.1 Comment: The text states that water table wells will be drilled and installed without sampling and also states that final screen location will be determined by the site hydrogeologist to account for seasonal water table fluctuations. The text needs to explain how the water table and seasonal water table fluctuations will be determined if no geological samples are to be collected prior to screen installation. Response: The following explanation of how water table well screens will be positioned vertically will be added after the fourth sentence: "To determine the relationship between water table elevation at the time of well screen installation and the range of normal seasonal fluctuation, the elevation of the water surface of Ashumet Pond (at the north end) will be measured and compared to U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) records dating from 1972 and supplemented by MMR environmental subcontractor readings. Additionally, hydrographs for long-term observation wells and other surface water bodies will be researched from the USGS, Cape Cod Commission, and other available sources to determine the appropriateness of using Ashumet Pond fluctuation records for all three study regions. A baseline station will be selected as the W0109246.08 0 11 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response best indicator of seasonal changes in groundwater levels underlying the Upper Cape, and will be used to determine the depth of the well screen interval. Each well screen will be positioned so that three feet extends above the long-term average groundwater elevation at each site, established by subtracting (wet season) or adding (drought) the current difference between baseline station elevation and the mid-point elevation between recorded extremes for baseline station from the current water table depth at a given well under construction." 3-11 4, Subsection 3.52 Comment: A sampling interval of 10 feet is appropriate for areas (or to depths) where stratigraphy is fairly well known. However, since the purpose of the these borings is to obtain stratigraphic information in areas where not much data are available, a five foot (or continuous) sampling interval would be more appropriate and will yield more credible data. In the coastal zone, for example, a peat layer could easily be missed with a 10 foot sampling interval. Provide the rationale for advancing the borings to an approximate depth of 250 feet. Response: The sampling interval will be changed to: "every five feet". A third sentence will be added to the second paragraph of Subsection 3.5.2 that reads: "For homogenous intervals, laboratory grain-size analyses will be performed on samples spaced every ten feet; field observation of heterogeneity would prompt grain-size analyses every five feet." Concerning the geologic test borings (GBs), the 250 feet depth figure is an estimate based on a generalized depth to bedrock beneath the southern area of the MPP outwash. It is likely that GBs located in the moraine will be somewhat deeper while those along the coast will be shallower. The following information will be added to the end of the second paragraph of this section: "The actual drilled depth of each geologic test well may vary significantly depending on the stratigraphy encountered. The goal for GBs is to reach bedrock at each site, unless a silt or clay unit of at least 50 feet in thickness is encountered at or below an approximate elevation of -100 feet MSL." W0109246.OSO 12 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph 3-13 4, Subsection 3.7.2 Comment/Response Comment: The water levels should be measured over a period not to exceed 24 hours. Any survey should be cancelled and . rescheduled if a precipitation event occurs or is anticipated to occur during the measurement interval. The work plan does not clearly indicate whether the existing wells shown on Plate 1 are to be included in the water level survey. The plan should clearly indicate the proposed water level survey points. The plan should state at what intervals the three (Post Phase II well installation) water level measurement events will occur. The rationale or objective for collecting a round of measurements after a rainstorm event needs to be further explained. The end use of the data should be explained. The plan should clarify how soon after the rain storm the data would be collected. The concern is as follows: Continuous water level data collected from the MW-513 cluster to assess impacts due to infiltration showed significant impact to the water levels within the first few.hours of a rainfall event and change over at least eight hours. Data collected from wells at various stages of equilibration would be difficult to interpret. Continuous readings at several key locations (ground water and surface water) may provide better information on aquifer response to precipitation events, and surface water/ground water interactions. Tidal influence on the water levels in the geologic wells to be installed along the shore should be evaluated. Use of a continuous recorder over a complete tidal cycle would be the most cost effective way to collect these data. However, based on our experience, it should be noted that the response of a well screened deeper in the aquifer may not be representative of a well screened at the water table if the stratigraphy near the shore is heterogenous (i.e., shifting marsh, beach, mudflat environments within outwash). The Work Plan and the OAPP need to discuss how surface water levels will be measured. Measurements need to be collected in each pond from a permanent structure or staff gauge that can be surveyed. It has been indicated that there has been difficulty installing stakes at some locations. W0109246.080 13 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response Response: The second sentence will be eliminated. The following information will be inserted after the fifth sentence: "If possible, water level surveys will be separated by at least 6 weeks from one another, and will be completed within a period of 24 hours. Surveys will not be conducted during or within 2 days of a rainfall event of greater than 0.5 inches accumulation in 24 hours." A new second sentence will read: "Water levels in all wells shown in Plate 1 (Region I and II) and all proposed wells in Region III will be measured during each survey." Based on USEPA's concern about the interpretation of water level data collected over what could be the entire duration of equilibration after a rain event, the sixth sentence will be removed, and the following requirement will be added: "A continuous water level recorder will be operated over a period of two days at each coastal geologic test well (GB-5, GB-6, GB-8) to document fluctuations caused by ocean tides." It is acknowledged that stakes and staff gages at surface -water bodies can pose a problem in holding a constant datum. The NGB believes the most reliable method is to establish a surveyed reference mark (RM) at each location on or near the shoreline, and that measurements of surface water level be obtained by direct measurement vertically to the water, or by instrument leveling. Where possible, RMs will be installed at low height in mature trees. 3-14 2, Subsection 3.7.4 Comment: As noted in previous USEPA comments, the methods outlined in the QAPP will not be appropriate for analyses of data which exhibit underdamped harmonic response. An appropriate analytical method will be required for well data which may show this response. In work carried out by MIT and the USGS, traditional slug test analysis where there is an overdamped response results in significant error in estimation of hydraulic conductivity. The Molz et al (1990) analysis is recommended. W0109246.080 14 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Comment/Response Paragraph Response: Data that exhibit underdamped harmonic response may be evaluated using the Molz et al (1990) analytical method. The "computations" section in the QAPP on Page 4-14 will be expanded to reflect this contingency by inserting the following after the sixth sentence: "In the event that any slug test data plot displays an underdamped harmonic response, other methods of analysis (e.g., Molz et al., 1990) will be consulted." 3-14 3, Subsection 3.8 Comment: The work plan does not clearly outline how modeling can be used to develop an understanding of the three-dimensional flow near the kettle ponds when data on the deeper portion of the aquifer in the area of the ponds has not yet been obtained. The work plan needs to state what kind of information the model will provide that can be used to optimize well placement and how that information will be applied. It is not apparent that such a model can provide any useful information for deep well placement, not provide information on ground water/surface water interaction. Response: Existing grain-size and slug test hydraulic conductivity data strongly indicate a fining of sediments with depth within the outwash aquifer (Phase I of the Ashumet Valley Groundwater Study, E.C. Jordan, 1990). This scenario will be assumed in developing input parameters for the prototype model. After Phase II drilling and hydraulic conductivity testing, the prototype model will be to updated with new hydrogeologic parameters for deep geologic units and additional modeling runs performed if the field data provide values that are significantly different. What was not explicitly stated in the work plan is that, for Region III (Johns Pond), follow-up MODFLOW/MODPATH modeling will be performed to build upon the prototype model results after inclusion of hydrogeologic data from Phase II. This is a large part of data analysis and interpretation. Changes to the text on Page 3-16 will include the following: The first sentence of the third paragraph in Subsection 3.8 will be appended to the end of the second paragraph. The remainder of the third paragraph will be replaced as follows: W0109246.080 15 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response "An important component of data analysis for Study Regions I and II after collection of Phase II data is to calibrate more closely the prototype pond model with the new geologic and hydraulic conductivity data. If the new data are significantly different than those use for any prior model runs, additional model runs will be made with new inputs. Analysis for Study Region III is to include the implementation of MODFLOW/MODPATH modeling for the Johns Pond area, extending from upgradient of the north end of the pond (southern SERGOU area) to the southern limits of Region III. The objective of this pond-specific model is to determine the 3-dimensional flowpaths of projected SERGOU plumes, relative to the bottom of Johns Pond. This groundwater flow model will be calibrated using hydrogeologic data collected in Region III and existing and new data for the SERGOU." 3-17 1, Subsection 3.8 Comment: This office disagrees with the "prototype pond" modeling approach or any modeling approach before the collection of a field data base adequate for model calibration. In addition, the work plan does not specify how pond parameters, such as pond bottom conductance will be determined. The conductance of the bottom of the pond will greatly influence the interaction between the pond and the aquifer. Investigation of the bottom of any pond is not part of the Phase I program. Without data on the conductance of the pond bottom, any aquifer model of the pondaquifer system cannot be calibrated. Response: See responses for comment immediately above, for Page 3-2, paragraph 5, Subsection 3.2, and for Page 3-4, Paragraph 2, Subsection 3.3, Bullet 3. Samples will be collected in Phase I of the Region III investigation to analyze and derive estimates of pond bottom conductance. 3-17 3, Subsection 3.8 Comment: The analysis of aquifer parameters does not include the conductance value of the pond bottom. As stated above, this value is an important component of any model of the aquifer-pond system. 16 W0109246.oso W0109246.080 16 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 ,HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Comment/Response Paragraph We recommend that modeling of this pond-aquifer system be based upon a multi-layer three-dimensional model. If 2-D models are to be used, both horizontal (area 1), and vertical (x-section) oriented models should be developed. A single layer, horizontal two-dimensional model will not be useful for examining vertical flow patterns in the pond-aquifer system which are essential for determining ground water, surface water interactions. Response: In regards to conductance values for the pond bottom, core data are proposed for collection in NGB's response to Page 3-4, paragraph 2, Subsection 3.3, bullet 3. The NGB fully intends to perform 3-dimensional groundwater flow modeling with the stated model codes. The typographical error will be corrected. 3-17 4 Comment: The second sentence states that the evaluation will estimate "...the influence of surface water bodies on vertical flow upgradient of the aquifer." Clarify what this sentence means. Response: The second sentence will be replaced with the following clarifying statement: "The influence of ponds on flowpaths, both horizontal and vertical components, will be determined through conjunctive interpretation of the MODPATH particle-tracking results, groundwater flow net analysis (specifically based on measured vertical gradient profiles), and calculated inflow and outflow from ponds from the water budget balancing approach. Contemporaneous streamflow and groundwater/pond level data will form the basis for calibration of the overall analysis." 4-1 3 Comment: The basis for the estimate of the depth of the freshwater/saltwater interface should be provided. The ball park figure is usually estimated by determining the elevation of the water table above mean sea level (NGVD) and applying the Ghyben-Hertzberg equation. NGB should be aware that data collected to determine the saltwater-freshwater interface may be difficult to interpret due the presence of a transition zone (which may be 30 to 50 feet thick), variable stratigraphy in the first hundred feet due to shifting coastal environments, and the impact of large storm events W0109246.080 17 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response (overwash) which may leave residual saline water in lower permeability layers, or the impact nearby pumping wells. Response: The second sentence to the end of this paragraph will be changed to reflect a different approach to data collection, and will read as follows: "Groundwater discharged during drilling of GB-8 will be sampled at a maximum depth interval of 5 feet and tested with a field specific conductance meter to develop a groundwater conductivity profile, which will be interpreted to identify the fresh water/salt water interface and thickness of the transition zone. A quantified position of this interface is necessary to estimate the landward/seaward location of potential future discharge of the LF-1 plume along the Buzzards Bay coast. The success of this approach is dependent on using a drilling technique that advances casing with a maximum of 2 to 3 feet depth lag behind the drill bit. The water discharge rate at sampling depths should be low so as not to induce vertical movement of groundwater outside the drill casing. Based on the GhybenHertzberg principle and the extrapolation of a water table elevation of less than 3 feet above sea level at the drilling site, the salt water/fresh water interface should be found shallower than 120 feet below mean sea level." 4-4 1, Subsection 4.1 Comment: It is not clear how soil samples will be screened for specific conductance; no methodology is presented in the Work Plan or the QAPP. This office has reservations about using the specific conductance of soil samples to assess the specific conductance of the ground water. The cation exchange capacity of the soils may be different and affect the measurement. The work plan needs to explain the proposed approach in more detail so it can be evaluated. An approach that allows sampling of water rather than soil should be considered. The coring device to be used in GB-8 should be specified. All of the proposed wells are west of Coonamessett Pond and Sandwich Road. Several clusters should be installed in the projected path (Flax Pond and Backhus River) to expand the applicability of this study. The current network is primarily water table wells. 18 W0109246.O8O W0109246.080 18 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response Response: The soil sampling for pore-water specific conductivity approach has been replaced by direct sampling of groundwater during drilling (see above response). East of Sandwich Road and south of Route 151 in the downgradient flowpath of the Ashumet Valley Plume, 22 multilevel monitoring well clusters exist (E.C. Jordan Co., March 1991). This density is considered adequate. 4-4 5 Comment: Installation of staff gauges in surface water bodies should be added to the additional activities. Response: Staff gages will not necessarily be installed for infrequent measurement of the elevation of surface water bodies; the establishment of permanent reference marks (RMs) and leveling appears to be a more practical method (See Response to Comment Page 3-13, Paragraph 4, Subsection 3.7.2). 4-7 Table 4-3 Comment: The heading Monitoring Well Clusters for MW-556D to MW-564D should be changed to Water Table Wells. Response: The title of the left column will be changed so that the major title reads "Monitoring Well Clusters", under which two subheadings will read "Water Table Wells" and "Deeper Wells". Well MW-554D, at the bottom of Page 4-6, will be moved to its appropriate place under "Monitoring Well Clusters". 4-9 4, Subsection 4.3 Comment: The work plan needs to clarify how data collected for this study will be integrated with the Task 2-5C RI (SERGOU) -it appears that part of the critical data needed for this hydrogeologic study (related to the area upgradient of John's Pond) will be collected during the RI. Also, the well clusters installed for this hydrogeologic study may be appropriate for chemical sampling for the SERGOU RI to provide significant information regarding contaminant migration and "underflow". The relationship of these studies should be discussed with this office. Response: The third sentence will begin a new paragraph. Immediately after the second sentence (first paragraph), a discussion of the relationship between the Task 1-9 hydrogeologic investigation and the SERGOU study will be added as follows: W0109246.080 19 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response "Contemporaneous RI investigations immediately north of Johns Pond will collect data to finalize characterization of groundwater flow system behavior and delineate chemical plumes from three general source areas (AOC SD-5, AOC PFSA, and the southeastern industrialized area which includes FS-25 and SD-3/FTA-3). Significant findings from investigations of these AOCs, collectively called SERGOU, will be incorporated into the analysis of groundwater movement toward and in Region III." Under Task 2-5C, sampling of Region III wells could be initiated as a Field Change Request (FCR). 4-10 Figure 4-1 Comment: This figure should show existing wells and well clusters and proposed wells in the Task 2-5C RIFSAP in the vicinity of and upgradient from John's Pond. Response: Figure 4-1 will be modified to also show the locations of close-in existing and proposed wells associated with the upgradient RI investigations. 4-11 2 Comment: Wells should also be proposed to be installed on the south side of Johns Pond. Response: Existing water table contouring is interpreted as not implicating this area to lie within the pathways of plumes within the SERGOU. Drilling wells at the southern end of Johns Pond, over one mile from known contamination and seemingly crossgradient of groundwater flow at the north end of the pond, would be speculative. The last sentence of the first paragraph on Page 4-11 will be replaced as follows: "The field investigations will include explorations to provide data for interpreting the hydraulic effect of substantial discharge of groundwater to the Quashnet River. Installation of monitoring wells in the southern part of the Johns Pond area is not planned, because (1) this area is judged to be outside the flow paths of SERGOU plumes (based on regional water table contour map interpretation); and (2) the current knowledge of hydrogeologic conditions for this area is adequate to meet the objectives of the proposed groundwater flow modeling." W0109246.080 20 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph 4-11 2, Bullet 1 Comment/Response Comment: Well designations should be consistent between the text and the table (i.e., MW or WT). Response: Consistency will be established by changing the MWs in this bullet to WTs. 4-12 4, Subsection 4.3 Comment: Additional activities should include installation of pond staff gauges at MW-55 (MW-550) and MW-551. Response: As stated previously (see response to Page 4-4, paragraph 5), the use of permanent RMs will accomplish the same objectives as staff gages (which are more subject to datum disturbance). No change to text. 5-2 Subsection 5.2.3 Comment: It is stated that the activities are not governed by the Federal Facility Agreement. This office does not concur with this statement, as some of the activities performed and information generated may or will be used in Remedial Investigation reports. Response: NGB maintains that, because this investigation is not an RI/FS investigation, it is not a primary document (particularly for Regions I and II); and thus, is not governed by Federal Facility Agreement. 5-3 Subsection 5.2.5 Comment: Decontamination supplies and all equipment proposed for gathering stream-gaging data and piezometric data should be listed in the text. Response: The following paragraph will be added to this section: "Water level meters and transducers will be decontaminated prior to lowering into wells by washing with a one percent (approximately) liquinox/deionized water mixture, followed by thorough rinsing with deionized water. Because streams in the study regions are not contaminated, decontamination of 'stream gaging equipment after initial deconning with the above procedure is not necessary." 6-1 W0109246.80 Section 6.0 Comment: It is unclear whether this office will have the opportunity to review the Phase I investigation and pond modeling prior to the commencement of the Phase II investigation. 221 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response Response: A time span of only 6 weeks to conduct initial modeling presently exists between the final day of Phase I data collection at Region M and the beginning of Phase II drilling. The results of modeling will be summarized and presented at a meeting to keep USEPA informed; however, a review process can not be accommodated prior to beginning Phase II without significant schedule delay. 7-1 Section 7.0 Comment: This section includes a schedule of proposed activities to complete the various tasks. Please be advised that since the information generated during this study is to be used as part of either the LF-1, CS-10, SERGOU, or other RI reports, the work must be completed according to the schedule contained in the revised Federal Facility Agreement, now currently out for public comment. Delay of the completion of these RI's in order to incorporate the necessary information from this study would be unacceptable and not just cause for an extension. Response: Comment is noted. Review of Appendix A, QAPP Title Page V Comment: The QAPP document should be signed by the responsible officials. Response: The QAPP will be signed by the indicated responsible officials before being re-issued. 3-2 2, Subsection 3.2.1 Comment: The QAPP describes precision and accuracy and how they relate to DQOs but has not established the project precision and accuracy. The QAPP should present the project precision and accuracy goals for this investigation. Response: Project precision and accuracy goals will not be submitted as part of Task 1-9. A number of difficulties in quantifying goals are intricately interwoven into this seemingly attractive concept. Exact definitions of what processes or factors USEPA would like addressed for studies such as Task 1-9 are unknown. For example, the measurement of water levels in wells, at ponds, or streams involve instrument precision, operator precision, the effects of various weather conditions, and instrument maintenance and calibration. Any realistic program values derived W0109246.080 22 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response would necessarily be larger than what would be achievable under ideal conditions. Another point is that the value of the data to the project goal of determining water movement is dependent on the how true the elevation survey has been performed, how plumb the wells are, etc. In summary, the NGB feels that the overall process that would attempt to quantify hydrogeologic data validity is highly subjective, and would not replace "best professional judgement" during the interpretation phase of a contamination study. SOPs generally include information pertaining to precision, in terms of measurement error and reporting values to the appropriate numerical places. 3-2 4, Subsection 3.2.3 Comment: The QAPP has defined completeness, but has not presented any completeness goals other than to state that sufficient data will be collected to meet the goals of Task 1-9. The QAPP should specify the percentage of valid data required to meet project objectives. Response: Completeness is another abstract measure that may or may not reflect the validity of, and success of, hydrogeological interpretation and recommendations of an investigation. In general, a field program is designed to collect only that data believed to be needed to describe contamination, meaning that, prior to any data collection and analysis, 100 percent of the planned data collection is necessary. However, in the course of data collection, knowledge of what is actually necessary usually changes, and thus Field Change Requests are implemented. It is therefore not uncommon that certain data may become non-critical or new data collection could become critical to developing an adequate understanding to meet objectives. In summary, the NGB is not providing specific completeness goals, but intends to collect and properly analyze all data specified in the work plan if physically possible, unless real-time field information indicates some modification is justified (major modifications will be presented to the USEPA prior to any implementation). 4-5 Subsection 4.1.3, Item No. 3 Comment: A description of the "Unified Soil Classification System" should be appended to the QAPP document. Response: The Unified Soil Classification System is included in an SOP in this transmittal; this SOP (Classification of Soil and Rocks) will be inserted into Subappendix A-2 of the QAPP. W0109246.080 23 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph 4-5 Subsection 4.13, Item No. 4 Comment/Response Comment: The text states: "The 16-ounce reference soil jar is used to collect samples from each split spoon and, if required, for laboratory grain-size testing". Is grain-size testing conditional? If not, delete the phrase "if required" from the above statement. Response: The collection of split-spoon soil samples is for grainsize analysis only, and will occur at five-foot intervals in the geologic wells and at 10-foot intervals in the deepest monitoring well at each cluster. The phrase "and, if required," remain, as consistent with the revised data collection plan stated in the response to Page 3-11, Paragraph 4, 3.5.2. 4-10 Well Development, 3rd paragraph Comment: The analytical methods for specific conductivity, pH, and temperature should be referenced in the OAPP or Appendix A. Response: The text for Section 7.0 will be replaced with the following: "Data for laboratory analysis will not be collected as part of Task 1-9, however, during well development the discharge water will be monitored using the following procedures: - specific conductance, Method 120.1; - pH, Method 150.1; and - temperature, Method 170.1 These procedures are described in "Methods for Analysis of Water and Wastes", USEPA-600/4-79-020, March 1983." 4-10 4 Comment: The calibration of the field gas chromatograph (GC) proposed for target volatile organic compounds (VOCs) analysis has not been addressed. Revise Section 6.0 to include the calibration of the GC. Response: The following sentence will be inserted after the first sentence of this paragraph: "Calibration procedure for the GC is included in Subappendix A-6 and the target VOCs are listed in Table 4-1 of the QAPP." W0109246.080 24 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response Also, new paragraphs will be added to the ends of QAPP Sections 6.0 and 7.0 that read: "The calibration procedure for the field GC, used to monitor the presence of VOCs in well development water and on site mobile treatment systems, can be found in Subappendix A-6." Subappendix A-6 is included in this transmittal. 4-10 Bullet 1 Comment: Surge block with pumping is the prime choice. We do not want to see compressed air used. if a well is pumped until a turbidity value is reached, it is 5 NTU, not 50 NTU. Otherwise, you will wait for the indicator parameters to reach stability, the turbidity will be one of the indicator parameters. Response: The third bullet that specified compressed air development as an option will be removed. Development will be accomplished by alternately surging the well with a surge block and pumping to clean the fines and turbid water from the well. The NGB believes that a 5 NTU turbidity standard will not be attainable in some cases regardless of the duration of development. The problem is that, unlike water supply wells, some monitoring wells are completed opposite silty strata to monitor the appropriate depth interval. It is expected that specific conductance, pH, and temperature will stabilize with less than 10 percent fluctuation about average readings in the planned two hours of development. The NGB proposes to measure turbidity during development to document if it reaches stabilization during the allotted two hours. It should be recognized that the rate of pumping can control the degree of turbidity, and in these cases, NTU measurements are a poor indicator of completeness of development. 4-10 W0109246.080 4, Subsection 4.2 Comment: The OAPP states that the development water will be screened for target VOCs with a field GC to confirm that the water is below MCLs. The QAPP also states that if the water contains VOCs above MCLs that the water will be treated on-site or shipped off-site for disposal. The OAPP does not state what the target VOCs are or their MCLs. The QAPP should include a table presenting the target VOCs and their respective MCLs. 25 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response This paragraph of the QAPP briefly mentions two treatment methods for removing VOCs from the development water that may be used. If air stripping is to be used, proper air emission controls must be included. This brief discussion of on-site treatment of the development water raises the following questions concerning the operation of such treatment technologies: - Will the effluent of the treatment system be measured for "target VOCs"? - If so, how? Field GC or off-site laboratory? . What is the frequency of effluent monitoring? - What is the frequency of activated carbon changing? Response: The third and fourth sentences in this paragraph will be revised to reflect the selected water treatment alternative, as follows: "Ifconcentrations are greater than MCLs listed in Table 4-1, the purged groundwater will be passed through a mobile activated carbon canister treatment system to reduce VOC levels to below MCLs, before being discharged to the ground surface at the treatment location (either at the well/boring or at a central MMR location)." The following statements will be appended to Paragraph 4: "The effluent of the treatment system will be tested with a field GC to assure that the discharged water meets the cleanup standards, according to groundwater discharge procedures approved by USEPA. If the effluent is above Table 4-1 concentrations, the failing activated carbon canister will be replaced." Given the historically low concentrations of VOCs upgradient of the study regions, one carbon canister per region should suffice. If necessary, replacements can be obtained quickly. 4-12 W0109246.OSO 4, Subsection 4.4 Comment: The QAPP describes the two kinds of slug tests and how to induce rise or fall in water levels in some detail; however, the QAPP fails to present the method which will be utilized during this investigation. The QAPP should focus on the procedure that will be implemented during this investigation and then present . 26 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response contingencies if the primary slug test procedure will not meet DQOs. As noted in previous USEPA comments, if oscillation related to harmonic responses are observed in slug test data, Bouwer and Rice will not be an appropriate analytical method. Response: The sudden injection and removal of a volume of water will not be used, therefore Bullets 3 and 4 on Page 4-13 will be deleted. The last two sentences of the first paragraph under "Approach" on Page 4-12 will be deleted and replaced by the following:. "Forwells scheduled for slug tests, a falling head test will be first performed and will be followed by a rising head test upon recovery to equilibrium." The first paragraph on Page 4-13 following the bullets will be deleted in its entirety. Because moderate to high hydraulic conductivity is expected opposite most screens, the use of a data logger and transducer is planned at each well tested. The second paragraph on Page 4-13 will be deleted, and the following will be added to the front of the third paragraph: "Because moderate to high hydraulic conductivity could be encountered at most sites, a pressure transducer connected to an electronic data logger will be used to rapidly measure and record excess head decay. The data logger should be set at a measurement rate of at least twice per second to initially begin recording on a logarithmic cycle. A transducer with a range no greater than 10 pounds per square inch (psi) will be used." The third sentence of the third paragraph on Page 4-13 will be rewritten to read: "If any abnormal data scatter is detected in the field plots for either the first or second test per well, additional tests will be run to determine if the irregular data are flawed." On Page 4-14, a sixth bullet will be added that reads "the diameter and length of the water displacement slug". Concerning the case of interpreting data that displays oscillatory harmonic response, please see NGB's response to Page 3-14, Paragraph 2, Subsection 3.7.4. W0109246.080 27 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph 4-14 Subsection 4.5 Comment/Response Comment: The precautions to minimize cross-contamination between wells should be documented in the text. A list of sampling and testing equipment and decontamination procedures should be provided. In addition, the source of ASTM Type fl water rinse and/or any water for decontamination purposes must be indicated. Response: Drilling into contaminated soils or groundwater is not anticipated, because drilling sites are downgradient of the plume fronts. The QAPP states in this referenced section that decontamination will occur at each cluster well location. A statement to this effect will be added to Subsection 5.2.5 of the Work Plan after the second sentence of the paragraph as follows: "Soil sampling equipment will be decontaminated using a Liquinox/water wash followed by deionized water rinse at the beginning of each new well cluster, geologic test well, or water table well." The second sentence will be modified to read: "The equipment listed at the end of Subsection 4.5 will be .... " The following list of equipment will be added to the end of the section: - split-spoon samplers - water level meter probes - pressure transducers - vibratory coring barrel - slug test cylinder Please see response to Page 3-7, Subsection 3.4.1 of additional comments for specification of source of decontamination water. 6-1 W0109246.080 Section 6.0 Comment: Field instrument and equipment should be calibrated, inspected, adjusted, and maintained at the beginning and at the end of each day to check for drift. 28 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Comment/Response Paragraph Response: The second sentence of the second paragraph will be changed to read: "Each piece of equipment (e.g., PI meter No. 2) used will be calibrated twice daily, prior to use, and at the end of the work day, to document any drift that may have occurred." 7-1 Section 7.0 Comment: The text states that "analytical data will not be collected as part of Task 1-9" and that "this section is inappropriate for this task". However, Section 3.0, Page 3-1 includes DOOs for grain-size data and PID meter screening data. Analytical procedures for these analyses need to be addressed. Response: This section will be rewritten as follows: "Laboratory analytical data will not be collected as part of Task 1-9. Two analytical procedures that are included in the Work Plan are grain-size analyses and PI meter screening. Grain-size analysis will be performed in the laboratory following the Department of Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers Manual No. 1110-2-1906, as modified by the Corps of Engineers in May 1980 (see QAPP Subappendix A-4). Field procedure for performing PI screening of air in the breathing zone, soils, and groundwater is to calibrate a PI meter, measure and record the ambient background reading away from the potentially affected media, and measure and record the highest reading obtained within an inch or so of the media." Reference to grain-size analytical methodology will also be added to the OAPP in Subsection 4.1.5 (Page 4-6) as follows: "This analytical procedures is detailed in Subappendix A-4." Subappendix A-4 is included in this transmittal. 8-1 Subsection 8.1 Comment: The text indicates that the measurements of the specified water quality parameters need to be tabulated. Please include the specified water quality parameters in the text. Response: The first bullet in this section will be revised as follows: "Measurements of specific conductance, water temperature, pH, turbidity, and drawdown need to be tabulated and analyzed as well development proceeds, to determine that these parameters have reached equilibrium values and that adequate development has been achieved." W0109246.080 29 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph 8-2 2, Subsection 8.1 Comment/Response Comment: The QAPP states that the water level measurements should always be checked against prior measurements to assess the need to make confirmatory measurements before leaving the well site. The QAPP has not stated to what degree the measurements must differ before a confirmatory measurement must be made. The QAPP should state the action limit at which the corrective action (confirmatory measurement) would be triggered. The QAPP should describe the method for collecting surface water measurements. Response: The first paragraph of the second bullet on this page will be changed to read: "Water level measurements will be reduced to depth below the fixed datum for a given well." To establish a DQO for water level measurements, a sixth step will be added to Subsection 4.3 on Page 4-12 as follows: 6. A check measurement will be made immediately after recording the initial measurement reading, and recorded. The two measurements will then be compared for precision. If the readings agree within 0.02 feet, the average value will be used (circle in the field book). If they differ by more than 0.02 feet, perform a third measurement and average the two closest measurements (and circle). A new section, 4.6 SURFACE WATER MEASUREMENTS, will be added after Page 4-14 as follows: 'The collection of surface water elevation data will not involve the installation of staff gages; however, flow data will be collected in accordance to typical procedures of the U.S. Geological Survey. Basic procedures for both activities are given below. Water Surface Elevation Measurements. Elevations of surface water bodies will be measured by establishing a Reference Mark (RM) at the water's edge if possible, or close to the water's edge, from which vertical distance to the water surface can be measured with a rule or stadia rod (graduated to hundredths of a foot). The RM will be securely anchored in the earth so that no vertical movement is possible (e.g., spike driven in large tree). In some cases, the use of a hand level or leveling instrument will be W0109246.080 30 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response required if the RM is not at the shoreline. All such RMs will be surveyed to an accuracy of 0.01 foot from a known (documented) permanent Bench Mark (BM), or from two previously surveyed marked points on nearby wells. Mean Sea Level datum shall be used. Streamflow Measurements. When measuring streamflow, the multiple section method used by the U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division shall be implemented. This method requires sectioning off the width of a stream into 10 to 15 segments, each with a width that is estimated to contain a flow volume per unit time that is equal to each other segment. A tagline is strung across the stream perpendicular to the flow direction to measure segment widths. Using a factory calibrated cupped flow meter and supporting wading rod, measurements of water depth and flow velocity are made in the center of each segment. Flow is measured over a period of at least 30 seconds at a depth equal to 0.4 times the water depth off the bottom of the streambed. The flow of the stream across the measurement section in cubic feet per second is computed by totalling the flow rate for each segment, computed as segment width times segment depth times segment flow in feet per second." 8-3 2, Subsection 8.1 The QAPP includes the development of a ground water flow model as an area of validation. The development of a computer model is not a systematic process of reviewing a body of data to evaluate conformance to predetermined criteria, including limits of precision and accuracy. A computer model is a measurement tool which would require validation. The QAPP should include a separate section which presents, in detail, the development of the ground water model. The QAPP should include in this section (Validation) the approach that will be used to validate that computer model including the acceptance criteria (e.g., how close does the model have to predict the spatial ground water pattern to the actual water level measured?) Response: Subsection 8.2 will be retitled "VALIDATION OF DATA". A new Subsection 8.3 will be titled "GROUNDWATER MODEL CALIBRATION/VALIDATION", and existing Subsection 8.3 "REPORTING" will become Subsection 8.4. The new Subsection 8.3 will begin with the second paragraph on W0109246.080 31 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Comment/Response Paragraph Page 8-3. New Subsections for 8.3 is appended to this transmittal under "OTHER CHANGES". The NGB will have their groundwater modeler brief USEPA, if more detailed is desired. Review of Health and Safety Plan Overall, the HASP is comprehensive and meets applicable regulations and guidance. However, certain items are not presented clearly or without adequate detail. These items are summarized below. 1. Comment: The HASP does not include the 3-day (24 hour) field training requirement of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (e)(3)(i) in the training program description. Response: The following will be added to Section B.1 - Initial Training All ABB-ES associates are required to have attended the 40-hour training. In lieu of the 40-hour training, 24 hour training is acceptable for non-ABB-ES workers who are on-site only occasionally for a limited task and are unlikely to be exposed to airborne contaminant levels above the permissible exposure limits (PELs) or published exposure limits or if they work at a site that has been monitored and fully characterized indicating that exposures are below the PELs and there is no health hazards nor the possibility of an emergency developing. If these workers become general site workers or are required to wear a respirator, an additional 16 hours of training will be required. 2. Comment: The HASP bases action levels on photoionization detector (PID) readings above 6 ppm in the breathing zone. However, the NIOSH recommended exposure limit (REL) for benzene is 0.1 ppm, which requires PPE upgrades to Level C at 5 ppm. It is recommended that benzenespecific Draeger tubes be used to (monitor) if PID readings above background are detected in the breathing zone. An upgrade to Level B would be required if benzene were detected in concentrations at or exceeding 5 ppm. Response: ABB-ES' policy in regards to action limits is to use OSHA PELs or ACGIH TLVs, which ever is more restrictive. The exception to this is when OSHA does not have a PEL, then we would refer to NIOSH as required in 29 CFR 1910.120. ABB-ES has been monitoring the ACGIHs Notice of Intended Change for benzene which would reduce the TLV to 0.1 ppm. If this occurs, ABB-ES will then modify their policy in regards to benzene exposure and use monitoring equipment that can detect benzene at the 0.1 ppm level and require upgrade to Level B should breathing zone contaminant levels exceed this amount. Level C would not be appropriate due to inadequate warning properties. (Note: ABB-ES currently uses the benzene 0.5/a Draeger tube which also detects toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene as interferences at approximately the same sensitivity; therefore, the procedure is conservative when used at petroleum contaminated sites. W0109246.080 32 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Comment/Response Paragraph Action limits, monitoring equipment and levels of personal protective equipment in Subsection and will be modified as follows: 3.13.2 Levels of Protection. Drilling activities will be conducted with Level D personal protective equipment, which, includes the following items: . coveralls gloves boots (chemical-resistant, steel-toed, steel shank) safety glasses hard hat Level C respirator (on standby with cartridges) If at any time photoionization (PI) meter readings indicate the presence of VOCs by sustained readings above the ambient background reading, either in the breathing zone (BZ) or at the source, workers will upgrade to modified level D (i.e., the addition of poly-coated Tyveks). STUDY REGION I: If BZ levels on the PI meter exceed background, workers will monitor with a carbon tetrachloride 1/a Draeger tube. If Draeger tube levels are above 1 ppm, PPE will be upgraded to Level B. If levels are below 1 ppm, continue working at Level D until levels reach or exceed 6 ppm, then upgrade to Level C. Work can continue at Level C until PI readings reach or exceed 300 ppm in the BZ at which time, upgrade to Level B. See summary below: Study Area 1 Action Limit SummaryLevel B required if: PI meter readings 2 300 ppm in BZ; or Carbon tetrachloride 1/a Draeger tube Level C required if: PI meter readings < 300 but 1 ppm in BZ. 6 ppm in the BZ. Modified Level D required if: PI meter readings < 6 ppm in BZ but greater than background at source; and . Carbon tetrachloride 1/a Draeger tube < I ppm in BZ Level D acceptable if: . PI meter readings at background at source; and . . Carbon tetrachloride 1/a Draeger tube non-detect at source. W0109246.080 33 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response STUDY REGION II: If PI meter readings in BZ reach or exceed 6 ppm, workers will upgrade to Level C. If PI meter readings reach or exceed 300 ppm, workers will upgrade to Level B. See summary below: Study Region II Action Limit Summary Level B required if: . PI meter readings 300 ppm in BZ. Level C required if: PI meter readings < 300 ppm but 6 ppm in BZ. Modified Level D required if: PI readings < 6 ppm in BZ but > background at source Level D acceptable if: . PI readings at background at source. STUDY REGION III: If PI meter readings in BZ exceed background, monitor with benzene 05/a Draeger tube. If benzene readings reach or exceed 0.5 ppm, upgrade to Level C. If benzene levels are below 0.5 ppm in the BZ, continue working at modified Level D until PI readings reach or exceed 6 ppm, at which time workers will upgrade to Level C. Continue monitoring with PI meter. When PI meter readings near 50 ppm, being monitoring with benzene 5/b Draeger tube. If benzene levels reach or exceed 50 ppm, upgrade to Level B, otherwise, continue working until PI meter readings reach or exceed 300 ppm in the BZ. See summary below: Study Region III Action Limit Summary Level B required if: PI meter readings > 300 ppm in BZ; or Benzene 5/b Draeger tube readings 2 50 ppm in BZ. Level C required if: . PI meter readings in BZ < 300 but 2 6 ppm; or Benzene 5/b Draeger tube readings < 50 ppm and benzene 0.5/a Draeger tube readings 2 0.5 ppm. Modified Level D required if: PI meter readings in BZ < 6 ppm but > background at source; and Benzene 0.5/a Draeger tube readings in BZ < 0.5 ppm. W0109246.080 34 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response Level D acceptable if: PI meter readings at source at background; and Benzene 0.5/a Draeger tube nondetect at source. Air Sampling. Add benzene 0.5/a, benzene 5/b, and carbon tetrachloride 1/a Draeger tubes and pump to monitoring equipment list. 3. Commept: Subsection indicates that deer ticks are present in the study areas. No guidance is included in the HASP to enable personnel to identify the deer tick or to protect themselves from contracting Lymes disease. Due to the serious nature of Lymes disease, personnel should be provided with adequate information to protect themselves from exposure to the deer tick. Response: The attached document in regards to Lymes disease will be added to the HASP in Appendix P. A note in Subsection Health Hazard will be added referring the reader to Appendix P for further information on Lymes disease. 4. Comment: Modified Level D protection is listed as required if sustained PI meter readings above background are encountered during drilling operations. The reader is referred to Appendix E for more detail concerning levels of personal protective equipment (PPE), yet modified Level D PPE is not included in the Appendix. The HASP should to clearly outline all levels PPE. Response: Subsection E.2.3 will be modified with the following added: Note: Modified Level D is Level C without the cartridge respirator. 5. Comment; The HASP lists the known or suspected chemicals on site but does not provide a physical description of the chemicals, exposure limits, symptoms associated with exposure, target organs, or first aid procedures for chemical exposures. The HASP should include a summary of this information. In addition, MSDS sheets for chemicals brought onsite by ABB-ES are not provided at the end of the HASP. MSDS sheets for these chemicals should be included. Response: CHRIS data sheets for the compounds of concern as well as the MSDSs for the chemicals brought on to the site were inadvertently left out of the document. These documents will be added to the HASP in Appendix N, and are included in this transmittal. 35 W0109246.OSO W0109246.080 35 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response OTHER CHANGES (1) As a results of adding the collection of pond sediment-samples, another drilling/sampling technique will be added to the QAPP. A new 4.1.4 is presented below; Sample Identification and Grain-size Analyses are now Subsections 4.1.5 and 4.1.6, respectively. 4.1.4 Vibratory Drill Sampling Objective. The pond sediment collection method that will be used is the portable vibratory drill (e.g., the MetaProbe or equivalent). The objective of this sampling method is to retrieve a high-quality core sample, suitable for performing permeameter and grain-size testing. Approach. Sampling locations will be determined using results of a fathometer traverse survey to identify areas of thickest sedimentation over natural aquifer materials. Sediment samples will be collected using a vibratory drill with an acrylic liner. This.methodology will allow the collection of continuous, undisturbed samples with minimal opportunity for volatilization. Sampling Procedures. The vibratory drill is designed for shallow drilling in sediment to retrieve a highquality core sample. The drill uses a high-frequency vibratory drive to core sediments by breaking the surface tension on sampling tubes, allowing for collection of continuous, undisturbed samples. The sediment core will be captured in sampling tubes with polyethylene liners. The liners are necessary to allow for visual inspection of sample core recovery and to maintain the physical integrity of the sample for laboratory analysis. Vibratory drill borings will be advanced to the projected completion depth (up to 20 feet below the pond bottom). "The individual polyethylene liners will be held in place during drilling by folding around the outside of the core barrel. Detention of the core will be accomplished by fitting the core barrel with coreretainers. As the continuous core sections are retrieved, the polyethylene liners will be removed from the core barrel, and sealed at both ends. The liner will be selectively sliced lengthwise, and screened with a PI meter. Core samples will be collected for field GC analysis, and off-site permeameter analysis for vertical hydraulic conductivity. The core sample will then be visually inspected and be described by geologic logging using the USCS. Vibratory drill borings will be logged in a manner similar to drilled soil borings, on a standard field boring log form (see Subappendix A-1). Core sample containers will be labeled indicating boring number, sample depth, date, and sample identification number. Samples for potential field GC analysis will be collected from the core and placed in 40-mL vials. The remaining material will be extruded directly into sample jars. Samples for PI meter screening will be collected by filling 16-ounce reference soil jars half full and capping with foil and an airtight screw-type lid. After any VOCs in the reference sample are allowed to equilibrate in the jar atmosphere (minimum time of 30 minutes), the foil will be punctured, allowing the PI meter tip to be placed in the headspace of the jar, and a reading as parts-per-million headspace will be obtained. If PI meter results are positive, samples W0109246.080 36 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page Paragraph Comment/Response collected for potential field GC analysis will be analyzed at the MMR field laboratory with the GC for target VOAs, listed in Table 4-1 of the QAPP. W0109246.080 37 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) (2) Comment/Response Paragraph Page A new section will be added to the QAPP as follows (Decontamination Procedure will become Subsection 4.6): 4.5 CONDUCTANCE ANALYSIS OF POND BoTroM SEDIMENTS Hydraulic conductivity testing of sediment samples will be performed in accordance with American Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 5084-90, "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter". Details of the test methods are presented in Subappendix A-5 of the QAPP. A brief summary of the testing procedure is presented in the following paragraphs. The tests will be performed using a flexible wall, triaxial permeameter. A schematic diagram of the testing apparatus is presented in Figure 4-3. Each undisturbed sediment sample will be fully enclosed by an impervious membrane, support pedestal, and top cap. A porous stone with filter paper will be placed on the influent and effluent ends of the sample to help distribute the flow across each end of the sample and to reduce the potential for migration of fines from the sample during testing. Each sample will be backpressure saturated by applying an equal pressure on each end of the sample (influent and effluent), and consolidated using a confining pressure equal to a computed in-situ confming pressure. After saturation and consolidation is complete, a hydraulic gradient will be applied across the sample to create flow. The permeation will continue until steady state conditions have been achieved. The permeant will consist of deaired water. The hydraulic conductivity of the sample will be determined using the following relationship: K = Q1 thA where: K 0 t = hydraulic conductivity, cm/sec 3 volume change during steady state flow, cm final average length of sample, cm time during steady state flow, see h = pressure head across sample, cm A = 2 final average cross sectional area of sample, cm = = = W0109246.080 38 FLEXIBLE-WALL TRIAXIAL PERMEAMETER ... .... SEDIMENT SAMPLE CONFINING PRESSURE SOURCE (CELL PRESSURE) PRESSURE SOURCE (DRIVING PRESSURE) PRESSURE SOURCE (BACK PRESSURE) LINE EFFLUENT BURET (FLOW MEASUREMENT) INFLUENT BURET (FLOW MEASUREMENT) JjII3 R iENEP ABB Environmental Services Inc. ASEA BROWN OVERI HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TESTING APPARATUS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM TASK 1-9 INSTALLATION RESTORATION PROGRAM MASSACHUSETTS MILITARY RESERVATION 92100670 OAPP APPENDIX A FIGURE 4-3 RESPONSE TO USEPA COMMENTS TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM (continued) Page (3) Comment/Response Paragraph In response to USEPA's request for the validations procedure for the proposed groundwater flow model, the following section will be added to the Work Plan: 8.3 GROUNDWATER MODEL CALIBRATION/VALIDATION Upon assignment and input of the initial input parameters, the modeling process includes model calibration with the associated assignment of final input parameters, model validation, sensitivity analysis, and error analysis. This section presents an overview of each step of this process. 8.3.1 Calibration The model will be calibrated at a condition of steady-state to interpreted average (long-term) site conditions. Groundwater potentiometric contours, hydraulic gradients, and mass balance calculations will form the main criteria for comparison of the measured physical system to the modeled system. Several temporal sets of groundwater and surface water elevations in specific monitoring wells, streams, and ponds will also be part of the calibration process. This process will be achieved through adjustment of initial model inpnt parameters such as hydraulic conductivity, aquifer thickness, net recharge, stream discharge and conductance values until simulation results provide a reasonable match with the observed groundwater head conditions. Model inputs will be chosen based on physical observations and theoretical considerations. Matching of model flow with estimated baseline flow as measured in receiving streams will be an important component of the calibration procedure. 8.3.2 Final Input Parameters Changes to the initial input parameters of the model during the above calibration process are typically necessary in order to achieve an acceptable match between observed and simulated conditions. These changes will be made within a reasonable range of values based on field measurements. If an acceptable match is still not obtained, the conceptual model must be reviewed and revised. 8.3.3 Validation The calibrated model will be subjected to a validation process by comparing model output heads to an independent data set, such as a round of water levels monitoring wells and ponds. This validation is necessary as the calibration process creates a non-unique solution. Therefore, the input parameters utilized in the calibrated model should be verified to ensure that the physical system is as accurately represented as data will support. Limited pumping test data are currently available for partial model validation; should new test results become available, they would also be used in model validation. As part of the validation process, a randomly selected subset of monitoring wells will be identified prior to model development and not used as part of the model calibration. A comparison of computed head values with this randomly selected set of wells will be included during model validation. W0109246.080 39 8.3.4 Sensitivity Analysis The sensitivity of simulation results to modification within the selected ranges of variables will also be tested. This process aids in determining the sensitivity of model results to particular model inputs and identifies those inputs which exert the greatest influence on simulation results, and subsequently require the highest degree of accuracy. Identification of solution sensitivity to the model input parameters can aid in determining the level of confidence in simulation results based on the existing data set. The Johns Pond or prototype models may not be able to adequately describe groundwater flowlines for design purposes, and consequently it may be necessary to obtain further data through pumping tests or observation of pilot tests before full-scale design can be accomplished. 8.3.5 Error Analysis The simulation results will be evaluated for potential sources of error in the conceptual model, data, space and time discretization, and those inherent to the model itself. A discussion of the error analysis will be presented in the Task 1-9 report. W0109246.080 40 MASSACMUSETTS MILITARY RESERVATION APE C. C, Sandwich j$' Kt BUZZARDS BAY NANTUCKET SOUND APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES 0 3 6 C DD MW-512MW M. -' -- - S,-- M - 'Mw439 Qj. w-saa TI ~ W-1-1 wr-1 w-s~s5MWs4 -s26~ grne y s2 ' 2 'IT ohns Pond -NW- MW-518SJN\X 1 73 .. I\r C. As I" I. 2 _'A . a- txnk I -WT-18h 0:z, WT-1941 52 WT-20 Cranberry BOgI if \ Approximate Boundary Of Study Reaio1 'Johns Pond( 0 s -tha V- / -SS. LEGEND WATER 1APROPOSED (REGION III) TABLE WELL Cran ber PROPOSED MONITORING WELL CLUSTER SERGOU MONITORING WELL (NON-WATER TABLE) EXISTING SERGOU MONITORING WELL CLUSTER R SPROPOSED 4 r APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF STUDY REGION iII PiLtau~h SCALE IN FEET 10 6020-25 1,000 i ABB Environmental Services. Inc. INSTALLATION RESTORATION PROGRAM MASSACNUSETTS MILITARY RESERVATION 2,000 i rk STUDY REGION il SUYRGO TASK 1-9 HYDROGEC. STUDIES I FIGURE 4-1 TABLE 4-1 PURGE WATER TREATMENT CLEANUP GOALS STUDY AREA CS-19 SITE ASSESSMENT MASSACHUSETrTS MILITARY RESERVATION POL MCL (pg/L) (pg/L) 5 2 2.5 7 5 -- 2.5 -- 5 5 Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 2.5 5 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) 5 200 Carbon Tetrachloride 5 5 Benzene 5 5 Toluene 5 1000 Ethylbenzene 5 700 Xylenes (m-,p-,o-) 5 10,000 (total) Methylene Chloride 5 - ('BD) 0.05 FIELD GC ANALYTE Vinyl Chloride 1,1-Dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis-1,2-DCE) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene (trans-1,2-DCE) Trichloroethene (TCE) Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) Notes: GC MCL POL pg/L W0109246.T80/1 gas chromatograph maximum contaminant level practical quantification limit micrograms per liter 'SueArrPUt> ix a - STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Author D. Pierce Reviewed by: Issuing Unit: ABB-ES SOP No.: 010.SRCLS.008.00 Date: June 30, 1992 W. Murray, Senior Consultant Approved by1. Atwell, Vice President TITLE: CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL AND ROCK PURPOSE: The physical characteristics of soil and rock are of interest to geologists, hydrogeologists, soil scientists, agronomists, and geotechnical engineers. There are several established systems for classifying soil, with certain advantages and disadvantages associated with each. There also are published systems for classifying rock, but none has gained wide acceptance among practicing professionals. This SOP is intended for use by professionals who, through prior training and/or experience, are knowledgeable about the classification and physical characteristics of soil and rock and are generally familiar with the relevant geologic descriptive terminology. The purposes of this SOP are (1) to establish uniform standards to be used in classifying soil and rock observed and/or sampled during environmental investigations and (2) to set forth minimum requirements for soil and rock descriptions. SCOPE: This SOP covers soil and rock classification for projects in which the investigative objective is the identification and/or delineation of contaminants in geologic media (including artificial fill). It is intended to be generally consistent with soil and rock classification standards used for geotechnical engineering applications. A list of informative references is provided herein, but only those explicitly cited in the Procedures section and associated attachments to this SOP are invoked as standards. REQUIREMENTS: This SOP is to be used for descriptions of soil and rock observed in natural exposures, in exploratory excavations, and in test boring samples. Field descriptions are typically based on macroscopic visual observations (Le., with no magnification or with a hand lens). It is recognized that for most applications such field descriptions and classifications are adequate. To increase the detail and accuracy of soil and rock descriptions and classifications, soil samples can be subjected to sieve analyses and other index laboratory tests, and rock samples can be sectioned and examined microscopically. Such laboratory tests and examinations are not a requirement of this SOP, but they can be conducted, where appropriate, in accordance with project objectives. Rock classifications as set forth herein are more detailed than are necessary for many projects. The level of mineralogic and textural detail recorded by the field geologist should conform to the specific requirements and objectives of the project 01 0.SRCLS.008.00 The rock classification standards described herein may not be entirely consistent with the conventions that individual field geologists are accustomed to using, because there are so many different standards in use within the profession. Nevertheless, the classification standards set forth herein are reasonable and ensure that rock classifications and descriptions in the field records and reports of ABS Environmental Services, Inc. are basically consistent. PROCEDURE: Soil: For the purposes of this SOP, soil includes (a) the comparatively shallow soil horizons that support plant growth (as defined by Bates and Jackson, 1980, p. 592), (b) unlithified sediment of any depth (Bates and Jackson, 1980, p. 566), and (c) so-called artificial fill that consists predominantly of materials of geologic origin. Soil shall be classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM 02488). A summary of the principal elements of that classification system, along with applicable conventions and minimum requirements for soil descriptions, For environmental investigations, the Attachment A. are presented in are generally more important than its soil of the hydrogeologic characteristics mechanical properties. Rock: Rocks are classified in accordance with their mineralogic composition, their texture, and a general understanding of their origin. Standards for classifying rock are presented in Attachment B. Descriptions of rock shall focus on physical properties that may affect the movement of groundwater and water-borne contaminants (including the presence, orientation, openness. mineralization, and degree of weathering of natural Minimum requirements for rock descriptions are presented in fractures). Rock Quality Designation (ROD) shall be determined and recorded B. Attachment for rock core, as described in Attachment B. REFERENCES: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1990. Standard Terminology Relating to Soil. Rock. and Contained Fluids; ASTM D653-90, Philadelphia, PA. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1985. Standard Test Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes; ASTM 02487-85; Philadelphia, PA. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1984. Standard Practice for Descriotion and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure); ASTM D2488-84, Philadelphia. PA. Sates, R.L. and J. A. Jackson, 1980. Glossary of Geology; Second Edition: American Geological institute; Falls Church, VA. Core Logging Committee, South Africa Section, AEG, 1978. "A Guide to Core Logging for Rock Engineering'; Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, Vol. XV, No. 3, pp. 295-329. Deere, D.U.. 1963. "Technical Description of Rock Cores for Engineering Purposes," Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology, Vol. 1, pp. 16-22. Dietrich, R.V., and B.J. Skinner. 1979. Rocks and Rock Minerals; John Wiley & Sons; New York, NY. Folk, R.F., 1968. Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks; The University of Texas: Austin, TX 010.SRCLS.008.00 Hannan, D.L, 1984. "Geotechnical Mapping Symbols (GEMS): The Engineering Geologist's Tool for Communicating with the Planner, Civil Engineer and Development Interest:; Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists. Vol. XXI, No. 3, pp. 343-344. Heinrich, E.W., 1956. Microscopic Petrographv; McGraw-Hill Book Co.. Inc.; New York, NY. Higgins M.W., 1971. Cataclastic Rocks; U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 687. Huang, W.T., 1962. Petrology; McGraw-Hill Book Company; New York, NY. Hyndman, D.W., 1985. Petrology of Igneous and Metamorhic Rocks; Second edition; International Series in the Earth and Planetary Sciences: McGraw-Hill Book Company; New York, NY. Keaton, J.R., 1984. "Genesis-Lithology-Oualifier (GLO) System of Engineering Geology Mapping Symbols"; Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, Vol. XXI, No. 3, pp. 355-364. Lambe, T.W., and R.V. Whitman, 1969. Soil Mechanics; John Wiley & Sons, New York. Scholle, PA, 1978. A Color Illustrated Guide to Carbonate Rock Constituents, Textures, Cements, and Porosities; American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 27. Scholle, PA, 1979. A Color Illustrated Guide to the Constituents. Textures. Cements. and Porosities of Sandstones and Associated Rocks; American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 28. Swanson, R.G., 1981. The Samole Examination Manual; American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Methods and Exploration Series; Tulsa. OK. Travis, R.B., 1955. "Classification of Rocks"; Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 1-98. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, 1960. "The Unified Soil Classification System"; Technical Memorandum No. 3-357, April 1960, Vicksburg, MS. Wise, D.U., D.E. Dunn, J.T. Engelder, P.A. Geiser, R.D. Hatcher, SA Kish, A.L. Odom, and S. Schamel, 1984. "Fault-Related Rocks: Suggestions for Terminology": Geology, Vol. 12, pp. 391-394. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Classification and Description of Soil Attachment B: Classification and Description of Rock GLOSSARY: None COMMENTS: Comments, suggestions, and questions concerning this SOP should be directed to: Douglas Pierce ABS Environmental Services Inc. Corporate Place 128 107 Audubon Road Wakefield, MA 01880 01O.SRCLS.008.00 ATTACHMENT A CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SOIL A.1 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil shall be classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM 02488). Asummary of the system is presented on the following tables: Table A-1: The Unified Soil Classification System Table A-2: Gradation Chart Showing Grain Size Classifications Table A-3: Field Identification Procedures for Fine-Grained Soils or Fractions A.2 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS Soil descriptions should include the following minimum information, where applicable and obtainabie: . Name. Based principally on gradation characteristics (e.g., silty sand, gravel, organic silt). . Gradation. Describe the grain size distribution. Include percentages of ranges of particle sizes (particles >3 inches, coarse/fine gravel, coarse/medium/fine sand, and fines [fraction passing the #200 sieve]). For coarse-grained soils (>50% retained on #200 sieve) that are considered "clean" (<12% passing the #200 sieve). characterize the overall gradation as follows: Well graded soils are soils whose coarse fraction has a wide and continuous gradation of grain sizes (if the fine fraction exceeds 12%, use the term widely graded). The coarse fraction of a gap graded soil has a discontinuous range of grain sizes. The coarse fraction of poorly graded soils has a limited range of grain sizes. The coarse fraction of uniform soils is essentially equigranular. For fine-grained soils (>50% passing #200 sieve) state whether the fines are predominantly silt or clay. The field classification of fine-grained soil relies on the qualitative determination of plasticity characteristics (refer to Tables A-1 and A-3). The determination is complex and may not be necessary for soil descriptions for most environmental investigations. . Consistency. Describe the consistency of the soil. For soil samples obtained using the Standard Penetration Test, the terminology to be used is as follows: 010.SRCLS.008.oo FFINE-GRAINED SOILS CONSISTENCY BLOWS/FOOT' CONSISTENCY BLOWS/FOOT' Very loose 0 to 4 Very soft 0 to 2 Loose 5 to 10 Soft 2 to 4 Medium dense 11 to 30 Firm 4 to 8 Dense 31 to 50 Stiff 8 to 15 Very Dense > 50 Very stiff 15 to 30 Hard > 30 Blows per foot (Standard Penetration Resistance) - number of blows required to drive a 2-inch Co by 1-3/8 inch 10 split-spoon sampler with 1404b. hammer falling 30 inches, after initial penetration of 6 inches. . Natural moisture condition (dry, damp, moist, wet, or saturated). . Color (including mottling and staining pattems). . Structure. Such features are often important and may include stratification, lenses, voids, roots and root holes, debris, isolated gravel particles, partings, joints, cementation, etc. * Geologic origin (e.g., till, lake deposit loess) and/or formal or local name (e.g., Magothy Formation, Gardiners Clay, Uoyd Sand Member). . Unified Soil Classification Symbol. Refer to Table A-1. A.3 EXAMPLES OF SOIL DESCRIPTIONS The following are examples of soil descriptions. It is recommended that descriptive information be recorded in the order NAME, GRADATION/PLASTICITY, CONSISTENCY, MOISTURE CONTENT, COLOR, STRUCTURE, GEOLOGIC ORIGIN or NAME. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SYMBOL Sand, well graded, 5-10% subrounded gravel to 0.5-inch max., < 5% fines, medium dense, moist, yellowish brown, possible root-holes (SW). Silty clay, slightly to moderately plastic, 5-10% fine sand, stiff, wet, yellowish-green, massive, BEAUFORT FORMATION (CL). Clayey sand, medium to fine, 30-35% clay, medium dense, damp, light gray (SC). Silty Sand widely graded, 10-15% rounded boulders and cobbles to 3-feet max., 20-25% subrounded gravel, 15-20% silt, dense, saturated, olive gray, BOULDER TILL (SM). Gravelly sand, poorly-graded, mostly subangular coarse sand, 25-45% subangular gravel to 0.6-inch max., < 5% fines, dense, moist, reddish brown, ALLUVIUM (SP). Silt, nonplastic, 5-10% fine sand, very loose, saturated, light gray, micaceous, LACUSTRINE (ML). Sand, uniform, fine, < 5% fines, loose, dry, light brown (SP). 010.SRCLS.008.00 Silty clay, slightly to moderately plastic, firm. medium gray, grades downward within varve to sandv silt, nonplastic, 10-15% fine sand, light gray, vaNes 0.3 - 0.4 inch thick, VARVED CLAY (CL to ML). Clayev sand, coarse to fine, mostly medium to fine, 35-45% clay, very dense, dark greenish gray, micaceous, infrequent marine shells (SC-CL). 010.SRCLS.008.00 ATTACHMENT B CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF ROCK 8.1 ROCK CLASSIFICATION The standards presented herein address most of the rock types likely to be encountered during site investigations. The standards are presented on the following tables: Table B-1: Classification of Igneous Rocks Table B-2: Classification of Pyroclastic Rocks Table B-3: Classification of Metamorphic Rocks Table B-4: Classification of Siliciclastic Rocks Table B-5: Classification of Mudrocks Table B-6: Classification of Carbonate Rocks Table B-7: Classification of Cataclastic Rocks Table B-8: Grain Size Terminology for Holocrystalline Rocks Table 8-9: Comparison of Clastic Grain Size Classification Systems B.2 ROCK DESCRIPTIONS Rock descriptions should include the following minimum information, where applicable and obtainable: . Rock type (in accordance with the standards set forth in Section B.1). * Color. Rock color varies significantly depending on factors such as the lighting conditions, the wetness of the rock surface, and whether the observed surface is fresh or weathered. Field geologists should apply consistent color descriptions. . Principal constituent minerals (where discernable). * Texture. Table B-8 defines grain-size terminology for holocrystalline igneous rocks. A comparison of the grain size scale of the Unified Soil Classification System (for soils) and the Wentworth scale (for clastic sedimentary rocks) is presented as Table B-9. . Weathering. Weathering characteristics may be important and should be described in reasonable detail. Descriptions should include the degree of weathering and the specific parent and daughter minerals involved. . Directional features such as bedding, folds, foliation, veins, lineations, etc. The spacial orientation of the features should be determined and recorded. . Fractures. Fractures are natural, planar breaks in the rock. For rocks that lack primary porosity, fractures are the pathways along which groundwater flows, and careful descriptions of fractures should be recorded. The information should include the type of fracture (joint, fault etc.): orientation; fracture spacing; openness; filling/mineralization; staining; weathering; evidence of groundwater flow; and presence and orientation of slickensides. 010. SRCLS.008.00 Formal name (if known) of the rock formation (or group, series, member, or other unit cesigna::cn). B.3 EXAMPLES CF ROCK DESCRIPTIONS The following are examples of rock descriptions. It is recommended that descriptive information be recorded in the order ROCK TYPE, COLOR, MINERALS, TEXTURE, WEATHERING, DIRECTIONAL FEATURES, FRACTURES, FORMATION NAME. Granite pink, 25-35% quartz, 40-50% K-feldspar, 10-20% plagioclase, <10% biotite, trace of fluorite, granitic texture (grain-size 1-10 mm). fresh, unfoliated, joints open, joints iron-stained and unmineralized, joints spaced approximately 2 feet, strike/dip N 250 E/600 NW, NUELTIN LAKE GRANITE. Schist, dark green, slight to moderate weathering of micas to chlorites and clays, foliation dips 200 to 450, distorted by kink bands. Sublithic sandstone, light brown ssalt and pepper," mostly quartz, 20% dark minerals, poorly sorted, fine to coarse, subangular, strongly indurated by silica cement, slight weathering of mafic grains, subhorizontal stratification distinguishable by occasional grayish-green argillaceous laminae. Amphibolite, dark green, mostly amphibole (hornblende?) and plagioclase feldspar, porphyroblastic, amphibole occurs as both porphyroblasts (s 3 cm) and as matrix, generally unweathered to slightly weathered, one fault dipping 800 with epidote mineralization, slickensides indicate possible dip-slip motion with relative downward movement of hanging wall, AXEL-HEIBERG FORMATION. Silt-shale, dark red to dark purplish red, parts easily along bedding, no apparent weathering, ripple marks and raindrop impressions frequent and distinct, BATTLE MOUNTAIN MEMBER of ASHCROFT FORMATION. 2.4 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION Rock Quality Designation (ROD) was developed by Deere (1963) as an index, measured in rock core, for determining the competence of rock for building foundations. It also provides a measure of the degree of rock fracturing, which relates to the potential for groundwater seepage. ROD is defined as follows: % ROD = 100 (Length of core in pieces a 0.33 ft.) / (Length of run (ft.)) Breaks in the rock that are caused by the drilling operation are not counted as breaks when measuring core lengths for the determination of ROD. (ROD is not the same as Recovery. Recovery is the total length of core recovered from the hole (irrespective of breaks), divided by the hole length drilled, multiplied by 100.) TABLE A-1 THE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM geW4 EXciuans artcua *oeri on ro":uts asnr tnan j in. and Oasans frcons estwaa "CrtnftJ and sutstanual Wide range in Mran i amoumns of all nter= aiatc 7srtscc S, . e S- 'a -'a _ - .5 - - * ;~ a - a O~A -~ I v o(ss !nes rded rnis, zrcipoorIr -cadn= sandnuxtur=.lurceor C? nsigt SUy mdd poorly tnc!s. mistur- .5 proe=dure, 'i- canest (reidenticatio a -4 5 tizure =2ycc-sand-aiy Wide ante in grin U= and a aOOuu of all im:=ediate n tmvels. poorly vraded -carey sen CL below) C 0 ~~0 Trypzol Nam= We=nca traveIs. imnd =:xr. ituLe Noanlastic Ins (tor identscation pro.anc-i cedur3 see WL ce) -e 3.2 g C . rtanr internediite It= :ndonmnanly one 1im or wtasone a - Jrouo$ symoCiS on sinandl Sr 7nwds, paridce Well graded sands. Mvelly uded uds. gravely itme or no Lna .e Poorly Fr5dominantsy one Us or a rane of Ia= mtsmg Wm some intrmdiate u- Nonpiastic Ines eamur. ae . i '0 roceui on Fenuon eaa"to' ~2 , Caycy sands. poorly nd-ar ixture SC ilmt) Inornicults Ula Quick to Aloe suxnt ,anias. eitu very slow aita dLaYs. sanr or Slow tost sliet 2aunt slow to none susat to =edium C2 a. a, - None Hian to ,ery None "o er Ilow Harbly Ormne soils slimt tP tan't Rediy idead Him to I slizat samoe by colOur. sponty feeland frequeuy by abrous texure very Ine ex 'lour. silly or Shst clayey ane sands w puasuary. jornance c:ays of low to er MdIu None u Medlum U) t6a deed sand- Toustneis (consistnc near pt'""z r to sntalnc) staes None to .S.1 dne Smaler tman So. 40 Sicwe Size Dry strnrwn (cruahing . t- SUry sands, poorly sit mMatun's prv- ?!astie n (for idenitigioa procedurcs. se= CL bes-c .: S- ldennafane (ror ideacifiaon ML below) anS. =Ltt:e or 20 , MH C OH pnaty. mvnly clays. silty dlays. Orn'C ul Iand Oranc nulse.a ofow plastecty norianic Uilts. mal",us or diaiomnaccous ace sandy or sity soils, elastic :lts Inrmatie ay of hisn plafaa iry, rat clav oranse ay at mnesur to atg oLsUtrty ,,aand acodc usiy Pr ' ouinie 7? Modified from Lambe and Whitman (1969, p. 35) FINER PER CENT o* 0 0 4 WEIGHT BY 0 0 5 0 - 0'5 0 - 0; cc [ou a, CO 0 >0 w a. I. -l I. <I. cc- 'Goal CI Z ..4: -4 WI IjJ~ 02 90' at >0 I FFI I FI F F I I I I F I I I I I F~ ~~~~ a Z Z 0 I" 'a i-n C 2 zUJ 0ON 4 -1 11 1 111111 11 1111111I11I11I11I 1111 111 . . I . I . I . =1 I I :1 I-co a4c WI -x CI Z/1 "'I 0: 7 Fli FIFl F~H~F~lIHlIr 111 I w IHHzIFH "I Cal =1 I :1 -J I'J 4 a 'a 'ii C C (3 I I I ; I II 1FFril ; I I I I I . I : I - . t . I I I , I I I 11111F 111111 IliiIlii! . a, I -CI 0 Ca II PER CENT RETAINED 8 WEIGHT - C-. z.t ±. =* 1 - 2 1. -Cu . .. -j 222 = .g<4 -- Crue - - - .. .>. -: -J -- s C ea *6 4 -e .- .. .- M -e 2 ; - -- . L. 2 3.- u - ,,-z-; - :2 .. . .-.. , 2 a- ue. 2-= : :. 2< 4 ,.. ... -= - g - .. = . : . - . -- -. ' _ - a c0e C - C -- . e _ 3ma~ .2 -. -2 ;- = . a - a ==..5 - -- - - = - . - -* - -0:s : - -3 - . . .. zZ n -. =. . . - U 2 :a . - - - s.233-.2 ~ =. 3 3 .:- d u -LI m,. - =:- - II, = - e -g- ' -= 2 3EEl - - .. - - - . - z C -o= -- . - - -0 -- t - -"= a - - . -... - = .* U2 22. . 2 C -- - 2 -. . 3 " .- . u2 . -E = .- : =+ -a 5 C||e - =- 3.) ; = - - - .. SLrtss30NOLLYQIVAa 3HflMOHiJ..sS i i :0.2! -. .. : - Sls/RIs/RFIs ArrACHMENT B CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF ROCK 6.1 ROCK CLASSIFICATION The standards presented herein address most of the rock types likely to be encountered during site investigations. The standards are presented on the following tables: -N Table B-1: Cassification of Igneous Rocks Table B-2: Cassification of Pyroclastic Rocks Table 83: Classification of Metamorphic Rocks Table B-4: Cassification of Siliciciastic Rocks Table B-5: Classification of Mudrocks Table B 6: Classification of Carbonate Rocks Table B-7: Classification of Cataciastic Rocks Table 8-8: Grain Size Terminology for Holocrystaline Rocks Table 8-9: Comparison of Casdc Grain Size Classification Systems JA uWM% 9.2 ROCK DESCRIPTIONS Rock descriptions should include the following minimum information, where applicable and obtainable: * Rock type (in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 8.1). . Color. Rock color varies significantly depending on factors such as the lighting conditions, the wetness of the rock surface, and whether the observed surface is fresh or weathered. Field geologists should apply consistent color descriptions. . Principal constituent minerals (where discernable). . Texture. Table B-8 defines grain-size terminology for holocrystalline igneous rocks. A comparison of the grain size scale of the Unified Soil Cassification System (for soils) and the Wentworth scale (for clastic sedimentary rocks) is presented as Table B-9. . Weathering. Weathering characteristics may be important and should be described in reasonable detail. Descriptions should include the degree of weathering and the specific parent and daughter minerals involved. . Directional features such as bedding, folds, foliation, veins, lineations, etc. The spacial orientation of the features should be determined and recorded. ABS Environmental Services Inc. SOP No. 11-110 Soil and Rock C Revision 0. 10/23/91 Page B-1 soprock cssifiadon Sis/Ris/RFIs . Fractures. Fractures are natural, planar breaks in the rock. For rocks that lack primary porosity, fractures are the pathways along which groundwater flows, and careful descriptions of fracures should be recorded. The information should include the type of fracture (joint. fault. etc.); orientation: fracnure spacing; openness; filling/mineralization; staining; weathering; evidence of groundwater flow; and presence and orientation of slickensides. . Formal name (if known) of the rock formation (or group, series, member, or other unit designation). B.3 EXAMPLES OF ROCK DESCRIPTIONS The following are examples of rock descriptions. It is recommended that desactive information be recorded in the order ROCK TYPE. COLOR, MINERALS, TEXTURE. WEATHERING, DIRECTIONAL FEATURES, FRACTURES, FORMATION NAME. Granite. pink, 25-35% quartz, 40-50% K-feldspar, 10-20% plagiodase, <10% biotite, trace of fluorite, granitic texture (grain-size 1-10 mm), fresh, unfoliated, joints open, joints iron-stained and unmineralized, joints spaced approximately 2 feet, strike/dip N 25 E/6B' NW, NUELTIN LAKE GRANITE. Schist, dark green, slight to moderate weathering of micas to chiorites and clays, foliation dips 20' to 45*, distorted by kink bands. Sublithic sandstone, light brown 'salt and pepper," mostly quarnz 20% dark minerals, poorly sorted, fine to coarse, subangular, strongly induratrb by silica cement, slight weathering of mafic grains, subhorizontal stratification distinguishable by occasional grayish-green argillaceous laminae. Amohibolite, dark green, mostly amphibole (homblende?) and plagioclase feldspar, porphyroblastic, amphibole occurs as both porphyroblasts ( 3 cm) and as matrix, generally unweathered to slightly weathered, one fault dipping 80' with epidote mineralization, slickensides indicate possible dip-slip motion with relative downward movement of hanging wall, AXEL-HEiBERG FORMATION. Silt-shale, dark red to dark purplish red, parts easily along bedding, no apparent weathering, ripple marks and raindrop impressions frequent and distinct BATTLE MOUNTAIN MEMBER of ASHCROF' FORMATION. 8.4 ROCK QUAUTY DESIGNATION Rock Quality Designation (ROD) was developed by Deere (1963) as an index, measured in rock care, for determining the competence of rock for building foundations. It also provides a measure of the degree of rock fracturing, which relates to the potential for groundwater seepage. ROD is defined as follows: % ROD = 100 (Length of core in pieces >. 0.33 ft.) / (Length of run (ft.)) Breaks in the rock that are caused by the drilling operation are not counted as breaks when measuring core lengths for the determination of ROD. (ROO is not the same as Recovery. Recovery is the total length of core recovered from the hole (Irrespective of breaks), divided by the hole length drilled, multiplied by 100.) ASB Environmental Services Inc. SOp No. 11-110 Soil and Rock Classincadon Revision 0, 10/23/91 Page B-2 soprock LL - I - C3 2 CuA AAvAv uCu o z x 0 en LU -----_ _ 06 a e 2 2 e s$ 2 2 Ed cc X C., CZ v * 2 cd a z 2 - v a e h. x LL a a a 1 = *, 0e r- C C- -a- ( 0- 3 -cC. = -.. _ 3 - 03 Ca C5 =>a - ~a U -026 1 - . -L ua eca E z Q T7 d ct) d a O- 0 a C-J LL E 04 1Lu I.1 ... t .C C CS c. 05 Q M Lu -J IC I- 03 TABLE S-4 cenasncxnr os ac t 4sn-ax SILIC:CLASTIC ROCK: A ciastic sedimentary rock containing <50% silt and/or clay. Q. QUARTZ: Chert, quarte fragmens. and vein quart. F. FELDSPAR: Acid igneous rock fragmert. R. ROCK FRAGMENTS: Basic igneous, sedimentry, and metamorphic. 100% - 95% FELDSPAThIC SS. 75% 0% CUARTZ SS. SUBUTHIC SS. - F % COMPOSMON OF COARSE FRACTION Modified from Swanson (1981, Fig. 13.2) TABLE S-5 CLASSIFICATTON OF'MUDROCKS' SOF 0 to 33 Percent Cay - INDURATED . NON-FISSILE FISSILE ae 67 to 100 S0tycaystone MUdishaie cfay e 33 to 67 0 to 33 Caystone ayshare 0 to 10 S ititstone 33 to 67 67 to 90 Mud SiltY.caay 90 to 100 ~ Cay Mudstone Percent Silt (1) Mudrock: terriginous rock containing >50% silt and/Or cay. Modified from Folk (1968, pp. 141-142) TABLE 9--a CLASSIFICATON OF CARBONATEHOCKS Sparry Allochemtca....i..c.emicat Microcrystallin -Microcystaine '2c Rocks Rocks Rocks Intrasparite intramicite Micrite Intrasparrudifte Intramicrudifte Dismicrite osparte Comicrite Oosparrudifte Oomicrudite Biosparite Biomicte Biosparrudite Biomicrudite Siopeisparite Biopelmicrite Pelsparite Pelmicrite Alilochemical: Intra (intracdasts): Oo (colites): Sia (biogenic): Pel (pellets): Spar Micr Rud (rudite): Micrite: Olsmicrite: Biolithite: thite Transported carbonate constituents. Pieces of wealdy consolidated carbonate sediment. Concenric layers precipitated around nucleus; 0.1 mm to 1.0 mm. Fossils and fossil fragments. Homogeneous aggregates, well rounded and sorted; 0.03 mm to 0.2 mm. Sparry calcite cement; clear grains or crystals a 10 microns. Microcrystalline ooze matrix translucent grains 1 micron to 4 microns. Aliochems average > 1 mm diameter. 2: 90% microcrysramline ooze. Micrite with openings filled by sparry calcite. Made up of organic structures growing in situ; bioherm. After Folk (1968, p. 157) C3 2l Ii- -L cc C a LU -L C Ir_ Ca 75; ca co a2C CU a E c.i too TABLE B-9 E~c*~v. .a~ 4 * ~*~j***~t$* ~ -' '*~ 1t2L~cQMFAR ISCW orctAsTraGRAIwsaEcrAsstErcATTarsysJrEws ~O ~~"X~A*'~O x 4 &~4'>~ ~O~*4. 4 4 .*t ~ * ~ - UNIFIED SOIL U.S. STANDARD CLASSIFICATION SIEVE 4 DIAMETER (mm) PHI SCALE WENTWORTH SIZE (e) CLASSIFICATION Sculder 2M Cobbles 76.2 3 Gravel - A Cobble Coarse .4.0 Coarse Pebble 19 34- -"10 Gravel -2.0 2.a Granufe -1.0 1.0 os 0.50 1.0 - Medium V. Coarse Coarse Sand -40 0.42 ----- 0.25 2.2 0.125- 3.0 Medium. Sand Fine Fine 200 0.074 U.623 .- V. Fine &(1 ______________ C. salt Silt and/or Clay 0.031 0.003 tO Mud cay APPtUbIx A --V DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Office of the Chief of Engineers Washington, D.C. 20314 DAEN-CWE-SS EM 1110-2-1906 Change 1 Engineer Manual No. 1110-2-1906 - May 1980 Engineering and Design LABORATORY SOILS TESTING This change to EM 1110-2-1906, 30 November 1970, provides the 1. updating of the TABLE OF CONTENTS and the addition of the following four (4) APPENDICES: a. Appendix VIII A: Swell and Swell Pressure Tests b. Appendix IA: Cyclic Triaxial Tests c.. Appendix IB: Determination of Critical void Ratio d. Appendix XIII: Pinhole Erosion Test for Identification of Dispersive Clays 2. Substitute the attached pages as shown below: Remove pages i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, and vii Insert new pages i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xii, and xiii 3. Add Appendices VIII A, Xi, IB, and XIII. 4. File this change sheet in front of the publication for future reference purposes. FOR TEE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS: FORREST.T. GAY, III Colonel, Corps of Engineers Executive Director, Engineer Staff EM ttto-2-1906 30 Nov 70 APPENDIX V: GRAIN-SIZE ANALYSIS I. DEFINITION. Grain-size analysis is a process in which the propor- tion of material of each grain size present in a given soil (grain-size distribution) is determined. The grain-size distribution of coarse-grained soils is determined directly by sieve analysis, while that of fine-grained soils is determined indirectly by hydrometer analysis. The grain-size distribution of mixed soils is determined by combined sieve and hydrometer analyses. Detailed procedures for determining the grain-size distribution of soils by sieve, hydrometer, and combined analyses are given below. 2. SIEVE ANALYSIS. a. Description. A sieve analysis consists of passing a sample through a set of sieves and weighing the amount of material retained on each sieve. Sieves are constructed of wire screens with square openings of standard sizes. The sieve analysis is performed on material retained on a U. S. Standard No. 200 sieve. The sieve analysis, in itself, is applicable to soils containing small amounts of material passing the No. 200 sieve provided the grain-size distribution of that portion of the sample passing the No. 200 sieve is not of interest. b. Anoaratus. (1) The apparatus should consist of the following: A series of U. S. standard sieves with openings ranging from 3 in. to 0.074 mm (No. 200), including a cover plate and bottom pan, Standard Specifications for Sieves for Testing Purposes.t The number and sizes of sieves used for testing a given soil will depend on the range of soil sizes in the material, and the conforming to ASTM Designation: E -i, intended use of the gradation curve. (2) Sieve shaker, a mechanical unit which can produce on duplicate samples the same consistent results as those obtained by the circular and tapping motion used in hand sieving. Typical commercially available mechanical shakers are the Tyler "Ro-Tap" and the Combs and i See page V-26 for U. S. Standard Sieve Sizes or numbers and sieve openings in inches and millimeters. V-i EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V Change 2 20 Aug 86 Syntron machines; there appears to be no significant differences in the results obtained among these machines.t Balances, sensitive to 0.1 g for samples weighing less than 500 g, and to 1.0 g for samples weighing over 500 g. (4) Paintbrush, I in., or soft wire brush, for cleaning sieves. k3) (5) Sample splitter or riffle for dividing samples. (6) Mortar and rubber-covered pestle, for breaking up aggregations of soil particles. (7) Oven, similar to that described in Appendix I. WATER CONTENT - GENERAL. C. Prenaration of Samle.$ The material to be treated is first air- dried, after which the aggregations present in the sample are thoroughly broken up with the fingers or with the mortar and pestle. A representative sample is then obtained by dividing, using the sample splitter or riffle. The size of the sample to be used will depend on the maximum particle size in the sample and the requirement that the sample be representative of the material to be tested. The sample should be limited in weight so that no sieve in the series will be overloaded. Overloading of a sieve will result in incomplete separation with errors in the test. The following tabulation will be used as a guide in obtaining a minimum-weight sample: Maximum Particle Size * Minimum Weight of Sample, g 64,000 g 19,000 g 8,000 g 2,400 g -1,000 g 300 g 150 g 50g 3 in. Z in. 1-1/2 in. l in. 3/4 in. 1/2 in. 3/8 in. No.4 t U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Sieve Analvses of Granular Soils by Division Laboratories, Engineering Study 516 (Vicksburg, Miss., October 1963). Clay shale materials require special preparation. See paragraph 5. V-2 * EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 If the sample contains more than about 10% of sizes larger than the No. 4 sieve, it is generally advisable to separate the material on the No. 4 sieve, retaining both fractions for independent sieve analysis as subsequently described. If the sample contains plastic fines which tend to form hard lumps or to coat the coarser particles during air-drying, the entire sample should be placed in a pan filled with water and allowed to soak until all the soil lumps or the coatings have disintegrated, before it is separated on the No..4 sieve. The coarser fraction and the fraction passing the No. 4 sieve including the fines and water should be retained for independent sieve analysis ai subsequently described. d. sieve. Procedure. (1) Material predominantly finer than the No. 4 The procedure for samples predominantly finer than the No. 4 sieve consists of the following steps: (a) Record all identifying information for the sample, such as project, boring numbet, or other pertinent data, on a data sheet (see Plate V-1 for suggested form). (b) Oven-dry the sample at 110 t 5 C, allow to cool, and weigh. If the sample weighs less than 500 g, weigh it to the nearest 0.1 g; if the sample weighs over 500 g, weigh to the nearest I g. Record the dry weight of the sample on the data sheet. (c) If the sample consists of clean sands or gravels, proceed with step (f).T If the sample contains plastic fines which tend to form hard lumps or to coat the coarser particles during oven-drying, place the oven-dry sample in a pan filled with enough water to cover all the material and allow it to soak until all the soil lumps or coatings have disintegrated. The length of time required for soaking will vary from about 2 to 24 hr, depending in general on the amount and plasticity of the fines. (d) Transfer the sample and water from the pan to a No. 200 sieve, or if the sample contains an appreciable amount of coarse t If there is any doubt concerning the cleanness of a sand or gravel, i.e. whether or not the particles may be coated with fines, or if the test is performed to determine whether or not a material complies.with specifications, then the sample should be treated as subsequently described in steps (c) through (e). V-3 EM 11102-11906 Appendix, V 30 Nov 70 particles, to a combined set of No. 4 and No. 200 sieves. Care should be taken not to overload the No. 200 sieve; if necessary, transfer the sample in increments. Wash the sample thoroughly through the sieves, discarding the material passing the No. 200 sieve. Larger particles in the sample may be individually washed and removed frori the sieves. (e) Oven-dry the combined material retained on the No. 4 and the No. 200 sieves and, after the sample has cooled, weigh. the data sheet in the "Weight Retained in grams" Record on column the difference between the original oven-dry weight and the oven-dry weight after washing. Use the washed sample for the remainder of the analysis. (f) tested. Select a nest of sieves suitable to the soil being The choice of sieves usually depends on experience and judgment, and the use for which the grain-size curve is intended. Select as the top sieve.one with openings slightly larger than the -L diameter of the largest particle in the sample. Arrange the nest of -I sieves according to size as shown in Figure 1, with decreasing openFigure I. Arrangement of sieves for grain-size analysis to the bottom of the smallest sieve u.-ud. ings from top to bottom. Attach the bottom pan Place the sample on the top sieve of the nest as shown in Figure 2 and put the cover plate over the top sieve. (g) Place the nest of sieves in the shaking machine as shown in Figure 3 and shake them for 10 min, more or less, or until additional shaking does not produce appreciable changes in the amounts of material on each sieve. If a shaking machine is not available, the nest of sieves may be shaken by hand. In the hand operation, shake the nest of V-4 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 sieves with a lateral and vertical motion, accom- - panied by jarring, to keep the material moving continuously over the surfaces of the sieves. Jarring is accomplished by occasionally dropping the nest lightly on several thicknesses of - magazines. The nest should not be broken to rearrange particles or to Figure Z. P lacing soil on sieves manipulate them through a sieve by hand. Hand-shaking should be conti(nued for at least (h) 5 m. Remo ve the nest of sieves from the mechanical shaker, if used. Beginning with the top sieve, transfer the contents of the sieve to a piece of heavy paper approximately I ft square. ~Carefully invert the sieve on the paper and gently brush the bottom of the sieve, as shown in Figure 4, to remove all the sample. Transfer the sample from the paper to the bal- Figure 3. Nest of sieves placed in typical machine for sh aking V-5 ance and weigh in accordance with requirements in U b- 1000101000 EM 1110-Z-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 step (b). Care should be exercised that no loss of material occurs during 4 the transfer. WI Coarser fractions may be transferred more readily from the sieves directly onto the balance pan. Record the weight of material re- *.g a Figure 4. Removing soil from sieves tained on each sieve on the data sheet. Repeat step (h) for each sieve. The sum of the weights retained on each sieve and pan should equal the initial total weight of the sample within I percent. If the difference is greater than I percent, (i) the sieving should be repeated. (2) Material split on No. 4 sieve. The procedure for samples which have been split on the No. 4 sieve consists of the following steps: (a) Record pertinent information for the sample on a data sheet (see Plate V-1 for suggested form). (b) Oven-dry the sample, allow it to cool, and weigh the fraction retained.on the No. 4 sieve. Record the oven-dry weight on the data sheet. Alternatively, the air-dry weights of the total sample and the fraction retained on the No. 4 sieve may be utilized and the air-dry material retained on the No. 4 sieve used in the sieve analysis as in step (c) below. In the latter procedure, the relative percentages of materials greater than the No. 4 sieve are determined on an air-dry basis. This method is satisfactory provided the air-dry water contents of the plus and minus No. 4 portions of the sample are approximately equal. Proceed as in paragraphs Zd(1)(f) through Zd(t)(i). (c) In general, it is advisable to use large sieves and a Ty-Lab or Gilson shaker for the coarse fraction. V-6 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 (d) If the sample has not been washed during the pre- liminary treatment, process the material passing the No. 4 sieve according to paragraphs Zd(t)(b) through Zd(t)(i). If the material has been washed as part of the preliminary treatment, proceed with paragraphs Zd(i)(d) through Zd(1)(i), except that the material passing the No. 200 sieve in paragraph Zd(1')(d) should be oven-dried and weighed. This weight is added to the oven-dry weight of the plus No. 200 material to obtain the total weight of sample. e. Computations. The percentage of material by weight retained on the various sieves is computed as follows: weight in 2 retained on a sieve Percent retained =total weight in g of oven-dry sample If the sample has been split on the No. 4 sieve during preliminary treat-nent and the air-dried coarser fraction sieved independently, the percent retained for the coarser fraction is computed as follows: Percent retained= air-dry weight in g retained on a sieve x i00 air-dry weight in g of total sample Similarly, for the finer fraction when oven-dry weights are used: sieve xpretpsig in weight g retained Percent retained = weiht oven-dry in g on of a sample passing No. 4 sieve assing. No. 4 o where the percentage passing No. 4 sieve is computed on an air-dry basis. The values of percent retained based on the above formulas refer to the total weight of sample. Computation of a partial percent retained as indicated in Plate V-1 is necessary only when the sample is initially separated on the No. 200 sieve for purposes of a combined analysis, as subsequently described. The cumulative percent finer by weight than an individual sieve size (percent finer) is calculated by subtracting the percent retained V-7 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 on the individual sieve from the cumulative percent finer than the next larger sieve. Presentation of Results. f. The results of the sieve analysis are presented in the form of a grain-size distribution curve on a semilogarithmic chart as shown in Plate V-2. The grain-size distribution curve is obtained by plotting particle diameter (sieve opening) on the abscissa (logarithmic scale) and the percent finer by weight on the ordinate (arithmetic scale). 3. HYDROMETER ANALYSIS. a. Description. The hydrometer method of analysis is based on Stokes' law, which relates the terminal velocity of a sphere falling freely through a fluid to the diameter. The relation is expressed according to the equation: Ys f 2 1800 q where v = terminal velocity of sphere, cm per sec 3 y, = density of sphere, g per cm Yf = density of fluid, g per cm 3 'i 2 = viscosity of fluid, g-sec per cm D = diameter of sphere, mm It is assumed that Stokes' law can be applied to a mass of dispersed soil particles of various shapes and sizes. The hydrometer is used to deter- mine the percentage of. dispersed soil particles remaining in suspension at a given time. The maximum grain size equivalent to a spherical particle is computed for each hydrometer reading using Stokes' law. The hydrometer analysis is applicable to soils passing the No. 10 sieve for routine classification purposes; when greater accuracy is required (such as in the study of frost-susceptible soils), the hydrometer analysis should be performed on only the fraction passing the No. 200 sieve (see paragraph COMBINED ANALYSIS). V-8 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 b. Apparatus. (1) The apparatus should consist of the following: Hydrometer, calibrated at 20/20 C (68/68 F), graduated in specific gravity or grams per liter with a range of 0.995 to 1.040 and' 0 to 50, respectively. The accuracy of the specific gravity hydrometer shall be *0.001 and of the tbt gram-per-liter hydrometer, *1. (2) Dispersion apparatus, either of two types may be used: (a) A me- chanically operated stirring device in which a suitably mounted electric motor turns DETAILS Of STIRRING PADOLE BAFFLE LOCATION PLAN a vertical shaft at a speed of not less than 10,000 rpm without load. The shaft shall be equipped with a replaceable stirring paddle of metal, plastic, or hard rubber. Details of a typical paddle are shown in Figure 5. A special dispersion cup conforming to either of the designs shown in Figure 5 shall be provided to hold the sample while it is being dispersed. (b) DISPERSION CUPS An air dispersion device such as the air-jet dispersion tube device Figure 5. Detail of stirring paddle and dispersion cups V-9 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 developed at Iowa State College.t Sedimentation cylinder, of glass, essentially 18 in. high (3) and 2-1/2 in. in diameter and marked for a volume of 1000 ml. (4) Centigrade thermometer, range 0 to 50 C, accurate to (5) Timing device, a watch or clock with a second hand. (6) Balance, sensitive to 0.1 g. (7) Oven (see Appendix 0.5 C. c. Hydrometer Calibration. r, WATER CONTENT - GENERAL). The hydrometer shall be calibrated$ to determine its true depth in terms of the hydrometer reading (see Fig. 6) in the following steps:. (1) Determine the volume of the hydrometer bulb, VR. This may be determined in either of two ways: (a) By measuring the volume of water displaced. Fill a 1000-cc graduate with water to approximately 700 cc. The water should be at about 20 C. Observe and record the reading of the water level. Insert the hydrometer and again observe and record the reading. The difference in these two readings equals the volume of the bulb plus the part of the stem that is submerged. The error due to inclusion of this latter quantity is so small that it may be neglected for practical purposes. (b) By determining the volume from the weight of the hydrometer. Weigh the hydrometer to 0.01 g on the laboratory balance. Since the specific gravity of a hydrometer is about unity, the weight in grams may be recorded as the volume in cubic centimeters. This volume includes the volume of the bulb plus the volume of the stem. The error t T. Y. Chu and D. T. Davidson, "Simplified air-jet dispersion apparatus. for mechanical analysis of soils," Proceedings, Highway Research Board, vol. 32 (1953), pp. 541-547. $ ASTM hydrometers 151 H or 152 H (ASTM Designation: E 100) have a uniform size; therefore, only a single calibration is required, which can be applied to all ASTM hydrometers of this type. V-10 -~ EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 due to inclusion of the stem "''''' volume is negligible. (2) Determine the f area, A, of the graduate in which the hydrometer is to be ",UA"* used by measuring the dis- - " ' "L tance between two gradua- tions. The area, A, is equal to the volume included between IN OF the graduations divided by the ,AUE MEIGM, OF £UWEnSiON A.OE CEMKE O measured distance. (3) Measure and record the distances from the lowest calibration mark on the " stem of the hydrometer to each of the other major calibration marks, R. (4) Measure and record the distance from the neck of the bulb to the lowest calibration mark. The distance, H 1 , corresponding to a reading, R, equals the sum 0". * * IS MTO*OMER r"'QL Figure 6. CAiTCON CURVE Hydrometer calibration of the two distances measured in steps (3) and (4). (5) Measure the distance from the neck to the tip of the bulb. Record this as h, the height of the bulb. center of volume of a symmetrical bulb. The distance, h/2, locates the If a nonsymmetrical bulb is used, the center of volume can be determined with sufficient accuracy by projecting the shape of the bulb on a sheet of paper and locating the center of gravity of this projected area. (6) Compute the true distances, V-Il HR, corresponding to each .S.O I EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 of the major calibration marks, H (7) R, from the formula: =1H + h - R) Plot the curve expressing the relation between R as shown in Figure 6. H- and The relation is essentially a straight line for hydrometers having a streamlined shape. d. Meniscus Correction. Hydrometers are calibrated to read correctly at the surface of the liquid. Soil'suspensions are not transparent and a reading at the surface is not possible; therefore, the hydrometer reading must be made at the upper rim of the meniscus. correction, The meniscus Cm, which is a constant for a given hydrometer, is deter- mined by immersing the hydrometer in distilled or deinineralized water and observing the height to which the meniscus rises on the stem above the water surface. For most hydrometers it will be found that Cm is equal to approximately 0.5, and this value can be assumed for routine testing. e. Preparation of Sample. The approximate size of sample to be used for the hydrometer analysis varies according to the type of soil being tested, as shown in the tabulation below: Soil Type Dry Weight, g Fat clays 30 Lean clays and silty soils 50 Sandy soils 75t t Up to 150 g of sandy soil can be used for the hydrometer analysis provided no more than 50 g of the sample is finer than the No. 200 sieve. The exact dry weight of the sample in suspension may be determined either before or after the test. However, oven-drying some clays before the test may cause permanent changes in the apparent grain sizes. Samples of such soils should, if possible, be preserved at the natural V- 12 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V Change 2 2U Aug 86 water content and tested without first being oven-dried, the dry weight either being obtained after the hydrometer analysis or computed according to the formula: Dry weight of specimen = weight of wet soil + water content 100 W = I + 0.01 w s w having been determined on an untested portion of the sample. Furthermore, if samples are dried and weighed before the test, any loss of material during the test will affect the results. f. Dispersing Agent. Very fine soil grains in a suspension normally will tend to flocculate, i.e. to adhere with sufficient force that they settle together. Consequently, a dispersing agent to prevent flocculation of the soil grains during the test should be added to all samples. The following dispersing agents, listed in approximate order of effectiveness, have been found to be satisfactory for most types of soils.t Dispersing Agents t Sodium tripolyphosphate Stock Solution Conceng per tration liter 0.4 N 29 Manufacturer Blockson Chem. Co., Joliet, Ill. * 2 Sodium polyphosphate 0.4 N 36 Blockson Chem. Co., Joliet, Ill. 3 Sodium tetraphosphate (trade name "Quadrafos") 0.4 N 31 Rumford Chem. Works, Rumford, R. I. 4 Sodium Hexametaphosphate (sometimes called sodium metaphosphate) adjusted to pH 8 -9 with Na CO 2 3 0.4 N 41 Most laboratory chemical supply cos. The chemical product Calgon available in grocery stores shall not be used as a dispersing agent as it no longer contains sodium hexametaphosphate. Sodium silicate shall not be used as a dispersing agent since it gives unsatisfactory dispersion while at the same time permitting flocculation to a t A. M. Wintermyer and E. B. Kinter, "A study of dispersing agents for particle-size analysis of soils," Public Roads, vol. 28, No. 3 (August 1954), pp 55-62. V-13 * EM jjj0-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 point where it is not apparent to visual examination. Phosphate solutions are somewhat unstable and therefore should not be stored for extendpd periods of time. In most instances, 15 ml of a dispersing agent solution is adequate. However, should flocculation tend to continue, a second or third addition of 15 rd of solution may be added. The addition of a dispersing agent to the soil suspension results in an increase in density of the liquid and necessitates a correction to the observed hydrometer reading. The correction factor' Cd is deter- mined by adding to a ±000-mi graduate partially filled with distilled or demineralized water the amount of dispersing agent to be used for the par- ticular test, adding additional distilled water to the 1000-mi mark, then inserting a hydrometer and observing the reading. Cd, The correction factor, is equal to the difference between this reading and the hydrometer reading in pure distilled or demineralized water. The addition of a dispersing agent also increases the weight o solids in the suspension. If the oven-dry weight of soil used for the hy- drometer analysis is obtained at the end of the test, this weight must be corrected by subtracting the dry weight of the dispersing agent used. . The procedure shall consist of the following steps: Procedure. (1) Record all identifying information for the sample, such as project, boring number, or other pertinent data, on a data sheet (see Plate V-3 for suggested form). (2) Determine the dispersing agent correction, meniscus correction, Cm' Cd' and the unless they have been previously established. Record this information on the data sheet. (3) Determine or estimate the specific gravity of solids and record on the data sheet. (4) If the oven-dry weight is to be obtained at the start of the test, oven-dry the sample, allow to cool, and weigh to nearest 0.1 g. cord the dryweight on the data sheet. Re- Place the sample in a numbered dish and add'distilled or demineralized water until the sample is submerged. Add V-14 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 the dispersing agent at this time. Allow the sample to soak overnight or until all soil lumps have disintegrated. Highly organic soils require special treatment, and it may be necessary to oxidize the organic matter in order to perform a hydrometer analysis on these soils. Oxidation is accomplished by mixing the sample with a solution of 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; this solution will oxidize all the organic matter. If only small amounts of organic matter are present, treatment with hydrogen peroxide may be omitted. (5) Transfer the soil-water slurry from the dish to a dispersion cup (Fig. 5), washingt any residue from the dish with distilled or demineralized water. Add distilled water to the dispersion cup, if necessary, until the water surface is 2 or 3 in. below the top of the cup; if the cup contains too much water, it will splash out while mixing. Place the cup in the dispers- ing machine and disperse the suspension for I to 10 min. The lower the plas- ticity of the soil the shorter the time required to disperse it in the cup.4 (6) Transfer the suspension into a 1000-ml sedimentation cylinder and add distilled or demineralized water until the volume of the uspension equals 1000 ml. The suspension should be brought to the tem- '-perature expected to prevail during the test. (7) One minute before starting the test, take the graduate in one hand and, using the palm of the other hand or a suitable rubber cap as a stopper, shake the suspension vigorously for a few seconds in order to transfer the sediment on the bottom of the graduate into a uniform suspension. Continue the agitation for the remainder of the minute by turning the cylinder upside down and back. Sometimes it is necessary to loosen the t A large syringe or wash-water bottle is a convenient device for. handling the water in the washing operation. t Air dispersion may be used in place of mechanical dispersion. A dispersion time of ±0 min is recommended, using an air pressure of 25 psi for clays and silts and 10 psi for sands. Several comparative tests indicate that the air dispersion apparatus gives a higher degree of dispersion of clayey soils while causing less degradation of sands than the mechanical stirring apparatus. See: Chu and Davidson, op. cit., .and U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Comvarison of Dispersion Methods for Soil Gradation Analysis, Earth Laboratory Report No. EM-618 (Denver, Colo., May 1961). V-15 EM 111 0 - 2 - 1 9 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 06 sediment at the bottom of the cylinder by means of a glass rod before Alternatively, the suspension may be agitated by means of a hand shaking. agitator for one minute prior to testing. agitator is shown in Figure 7. A schematic drawing of a hand A uniform distribution of the soil particles in the suspension is accomplished by moving the hand agitator up and down through the suspension for one minute. This process also prevents the accumulation of sediment on the base and sides of the graduate. It- LOOP POR PINGER 1/ ' IA P!RPORAfiON £ 32E 4 A BASPLATI Figure 7. Hand agitator for hydrometer cylinder (8) At the end of I min, set the cylinder on a table. If foam is present, remove it from the top of the suspension by lightly touching it with a piece of soap. Slowly immerse the hydrometer in the liquid 20 to 25 sec before each reading, as shown in Figure 8. Care should be exercised when inserting and removing the hydrometer to prevent disturbance of the suspension. (9) Observe and record the hydrometer read- ings on the data sheet after I and 2 min have elapsed from the time the cylinder is placed on the table. Assoon as the 2-min reading has been taken, carefully Figure 8. Immnersing hydrometr in suspension prior to making observation remove the hydrometer from the suspension and place it ina graduate ofcleanwater. (Ifa hydrometer is left in a soil suspensionfor any length of time, material will v-16 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 settle on or adhere to the hydrometer bulb and this will cause a significant error in the reading.) Again insert the hydrometer in the suspension and record readings after elapsed times of 4, 15, 30, 60, 120,T 240, and 1440 min, removing the hydrometer from the suspension after each reading and placing it in a graduate of clean water. Make all hydrometer readings at the top of the meniscus. For hydrometers graduated to read in specific gravity of the suspension, read only the last two figures and estimate the third. Record the indicated specific gravity, minus 1, multiplied by 1000 (example: the reading 1.0225 should be recorded as 22.5). For hydrometers graduated to read grams per liter of suspension, record the actual reading. (10) At the end of 2 min and after each subsequent hydrometer reading, place a thermometer in the suspension and record the temperature reading on the data sheet. C. The temperature shall be recorded to *0.5 Temperature changes of the soil suspension during the test will affect the test results. Variations in temperature should be minimized by keep- ing the suspension away from heat sources such as radiators, sunlight, or open windows. A constant-temperature bath provides a convenient means of controlling temperature effects. (1i) If the dry weight of the sample is to be obtained at the end of the test, carefully wash all the suspension into an evaporating dish. Oven-dry the material, allow to cool, and determine the sample weight. Subtract the dry weight of dispersing agent used from this weight to obtain the oven-dry weight of soil. h. Computations. (i) Corrected hydrometer reading. the corrected hydrometer readings, R, for use in computing particle diameter by adding the meniscus correction, eter readings, (2) t R'. Compute Cm, Record the corrected reading, Computation of particle diameter. to the actual hydromR, on the data sheet. Calculate the particle A final reading after 120 min is sufficient for most soils when hydrometer analysis is used for classification purposes. V-17 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendit V 30 Nov 70 diameter corresponding to a given hydrometer reading on the basis oi Stokes' equation, using the nomograph shown in Figure 9. The R-scale cor- responding to the distances H is prepared using the hydrometer calibraR I tion curves as sh6wn in Figure 6. The R-scale shall be designed for the particular hydrometer used in the test. A key showing the steps to follow in computing D for various values of R is shown on the chart. the particle diameters, (3) D, Record on the data sheet. Percent finer. To compute the percent of particle diameters finer than that corresponding to a given hydrometer reading, subtract the dispersing agent correction, Cd., from the corrected hydrometer reading, R. A temperature correction factor, m, must also be added algebraically to each of the readings. This factor can be either positive or negative depending on the temperature of the suspension at the time of each reading. Obtain the temperature correction factors from Table V-1 and record them on the data sheet. Record the values of R - Cd + m The R - Cd + n on the data sheet. values are used to compute percent finer according to the following formulas: Hydrometer calibrated in specific gravity: G Percent finer by weight = G s s t00 X W-(R s - + Cd + Hydrometer calibrated in grams per liter: Percent finer by weight = 100 0- (R - Cd + m) s where G W = W = specific gravity of solids = oven-dry weight in g of soil used for hydrometer analysis R - Cd + m = corrected hydrometer reading minus dispersing agent correction plus, algebraically, temperature correction Calculations for routine work can b'egreatly facilitated by.using charts, tables, and other simplifying aids based on a given oven-dry weight of the sample and average specific gravity values for the major soil groups. V-18 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 U ge; S 'DNI0Y2M 2 a W2.ly.30'AN. -. .5 *: -O* 6 U -I a : at S 'C ml'N I1 r- T AI3HI -,a -I a e * .. -0 a 2-a:a I!- a _________SONZS CT trLI.1.I.s TI- I 9.9 * . a 9.1 - ft ft S ft - ft 4 I . .4.., ftftftft 9 --. 9 a ft ft ft PC MI ft a 0 . -........... ....... I. S z a e* -I. 0~ Ltt±.t.tIiIfl * a I 3l4 CQ= I* 9*9*9*I*I~ * S a ft 0 * j j - I ft ft I I * -- Oe ft IrI'T --- ----il-tr .rTUTTU r 1U1919 - .I . ft .UIAWV ZI*Ifles it S a **a -a-a 0' ft.. 002*E * - -8 I K- a 3VcUON33 S23UD30 Iit 1 2 2.: : 'm±nivamt3l 112N3Mu.s S33SO30 0 4 - - s 2 a, ft - ft a 4 ft V-19 asa 1 0 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov'70 Tablc. V-1 Temerature Correction Factor, m , for Use in Comuting Percent Finer Correction Degrees C Degree z F Correction 5T.2 -0.9 24.0 T5.2 +0.8 14.5 58.1 -0.8 24.5 76.1 +0.9 15.0 59.0 -o.8 25.0 77.0 +1.0 15-5 59-9 -0.7 25-5 77.9 +1.1 16.0 60.8 -o.6 26.0 78.8 +1.3 16.5 61.7 -0.6 26-5 79.7 +1.4 17.0 62.6 -0.5 27.0 80.6 +1.5 17.5 63.5 -0.4 27.5 81-5 18.0 64.4 -0.4 28.o 82.4 18.5 65.3 -0.3 28.5 83.3 +1.9 19.0 66.2 -0.2 29.0 84.2 +,2.1 19.5 6T-1 -0.1 29.5 85.1 +2.2 20.0 68.0 0.0 30.0 86.o +2-3 20.5 68.9 +0.1 30-5 86.9 +2-5 21.0 69.8 +0.2 31.0 8T.8 +2.6 21.5 70.7 +0.3 31-5 88.7 42.8 22.0 71.6 +0.4 32.a 89.6 +2.9 22.5 72.5 +0.5 32.5 90-5 +3-0 23.0 73.4 +0.6 33.0 91.4 +3.2 23.5. 74-3 +0.7 33.5 92.3 +3-3 34.0 .93.2 +3-5 Degrees C' Degrees F 14.0 V-2o EM 1110-2-1906 Appcndix V 30 Nov 70 i. Presentation of Results. The data obtained from the hydrometer analysis are presented in the form of a grain-size distribution curve on a semilogarithmic chart, as shown in Plate V-2. 4. COMBINED ANALYSIS. a. Description. A combined analysis is necessary for soils containing material finer than the U. S. Standard No. 200 sieve when the grain-size distribution of the material passing the No. 200 sieve is of interest. A sieve analysis is performed on the material retained on the No. ZOO sieve, and a hydrometer test is performed on the material passing the No. ZOO sieve. The apparatus for the combined analysis is the same as that used for both the hydrometer and sieve analyses. b. Apparatus. c. Preparation of Sample. A representative sample for the combined analysis is selected and prepared in the manner described in paragraph 2c. The total amount of sample should be sufficient to yield required amounts of material for both the sieve and hydrometer analyses. A visual inspection of the sample will usually suffice to indicate the need for intermediate steps such as large screen processing for the plus No. 4 fraction, washing, etc. Samples of soils having fines with little or no plasticity are oven-dried, weighed, and then separated on the No. 200 sieve. The plus and minus No. 200 sieve fractions are preserved for the sieve and hydrometer analyses, respectively. Soils containing plastic fines may also be oven-dried initially. However, if the sample contains plastic fines which tend to form hard lumps or to coat the coarser particles during oven-drying, the sample is placed in a pan filled with enough water to cover all the material and allowed to soak until all the lumps or coatings have been reduced to indiThe length of time required for soaking will vary from 2 to 24 hr, depending in general on the amount and plasticity of the fines. The water and soil mixture is then washed over a No. 200 sieve (and No. 4 sieve, if necessary). The coarser fractions are preserved for a sieve vidual particles. analysis, and the soil and water passing the No. 200 sieve are preserved V-Zi EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V Change 2 20 Aug 86 for a hydrometer analysis. Excess water with the lines is removed by evaporation, filtration, or wicking. If the grain size of the plastic fines would be altered by oven-drying. The oven-dry weight of the fines is determined after the hydrometer test. In routine testing when all soil particles are finer than the No. 10 sieve size, the hydrometer test may be performed on a total sample of known dry weight; the sample is then washed through the No. 200 sieve, and finally the sieve analysis is performed on the oven-dried fraction retaiined on the No. 200 sieve. d. Procedure. The procedure shall consist of the following steps: (1) Record identifying information for the sample on both the * sieve and hydrometer analysis data sheets (see Plate V-1). (2) Perform a sieve analysis on a representative portion of the sample retained on the No. 200 sieve, using the procedures described in paragraphs 2d(1) and 2d(2). (3) Perform a hydrometer analysis on a portion (see paragraph 3e for approximate weight) of the sample passing the No. 200 sieve, using the procedure described in paragraph 31. e. Computations. The computations consist of the following steps: (1) Compute the percentage retained on the No. 200 sieve for the total sample used in the combined analysis as follows: Percent retained on No. 200 sieve = Wl x 100 w where s W = dry weight of sample retained on No. 200 sieve Ws = total dry weight of sample used for combined analysis (2) Compute the data from the sieve analysis in the same manner as outlined in paragraphs 2d(1) and 2d(2), except that the percent retained for each sieve shall be based only on that portion of the total As the amount of material -used in the sieve analysis may be less than.W1 , it will be necessary to compute material used for the sieve analysis. V-22 EM 1±0 -2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 a partial percent retained as follows: Partial percent retained = weight in g retained on a sieve X 100 total weight in g of oven-dry sample used for sieve analysis The total percent retained is computed as follows: Total percent retained = Oa-rtial percent retained X-I W s The total percent finer is computed as follows: Total percent finer = 100 - total percent retained Compute the data from the hydrometer analysis in the same manner as outlined in paragraphs 3h(I) through 3h(3), except that the results shall be shown in terms of a partial percent finer. As in the sieve (3) analysis, the amount of material used for the hydrometer analysis may be therefore a partial percent finer is computed as follows: less than W - W Hydrometer calibrated in specific gravity: G - ii Gs Partial percent finer= 1W 0 d + m) RCd~m Hydrometer calibrated in grams per liter: (R - Cd + Partial percent finer = ) 0 W where = oven-dry weight in g of soil used for hydrometer analysis Other terms were defined previously. The total percent finer is computed as follows: ± Total percent finer = partial percent finer X s f. Presentation of Results. The results of the combined analysis V-23 EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 in terms of particle diameter and total percent finer by weight are presented in the form of grain-size distribution curves on a semilogarithmic chart as shown in Plate V-2. The curves obtained from the sieve and hv- drometer analyses are joined by constructing a smooth curve between therr 5. PROCEDURES FOR PREPARING CLAY SHALE MATERIAL. The procedures for preparing clay shale material shall be the same as those described in paragraph 4, page 111-14, Appendix III, LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS. Material for a particle-size distribution test should be removed from a processed batch and the test performed in accordance with the procedures described in this appendix. However, the material should not be ov'en-dried before testing, and the hydrometer analysis should be of duration sufficient to determine the percent finer than 2- ± size. 6. POSSIBLE ERRORS. Following are possible errors that would cause inaccurate determinations of grain-size distribution: a. Sieve Analysis. (1) Aggregations of particles not thoroughly broken. If the material contains plastic fines, the sample should be slaked before sieving. (2) Overloading sieves. This is the most common and most serious error associated with the sieve analysis and will tend to indicate that a material is coarser than it actually is. Large samples may have to be sieved in several portions, and the portions retained on each sieve recombined afterwards for weighing. (3) Sieves shaken for too short a period or with inadequate horizontal or jarring motions. The sieves must be shaken so that each particle is exposed to the sieve openings with various orientations and has every opportunity to fall through. (4) Broken or deformed sieve screens. Sieves must be fre- quently inspected to ensure they contain no openings larger than the standard. (5) b. Loss of material when removing soil from each sieve. Hydrometer Analysis. (1) V-24 Soil oven-dried before test. Except EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 for inorganic soils of low dry strength, oven-drying may cause permanent changes in the particle sizes. (2) Unsatisfactory type or quantity of dispersing agent. Whenever new or unusual soils are tested, trials may be necessary to determine the type and quantity of chemical which gives the most effective dispersion and deflocculation. (3) Incomplete dispersion of.soil into suspension. (4) Insufficient shaking or agitating of suspension in cylinder at start of test. (5) Too much soil in suspension. The results of the hy- drometer analysis will be affected if the size of the sample exceeds the recommendations given in paragraph 3e. (6) hydrometer. Disturbance of suspension while inserting or removing Such disturbance is most likely to result when the hy- drometer is withdrawn too rapidly after a reading. (7) Stem of hydrometer not clean. Dirt or grease on the stem may prevent full development of the meniscus. (8) Nonsymmetrical heating of suspension. (9) Excessive variation in temperature of suspension during test. (10) Loss of material after test. If the oven-dry weight of the soil is obtained after the test, all of the suspension must be washed carefully from the cylinder. c. Combined Analysis. over the No. 200 sieve. (1) Insufficient washing of material The dispersing agent should be added to the water in which the sample is soaked and the soil-water mixture should be frequently manipulated.to aid the separation of particles; coarser particles may be removed from the mixture and washed free of fines by hand to reduce the quantity of material to be washed on the sieve. While the addi- tional water used for washing should be held to a minimum, enough must be added to insure adequate removal of the fines. (2) Loss of suspension passing the No. 200 sieve. V-25 SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSIS (EM 1110-2-1906) DATE PART I - SIEVE ANALYSI$ PROJECT BORING NO. SAMPLING NO. TOTAL. WEIGHT IN GRAMS OF SAMPLE. W STEVE OPENINGS MILLIMETERS INCHES WEIGHT IN GRAMS OF MATERIAL >NO. 4 SIEVE - - U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED OR NUMBER IN GRAMS 3.00 3-in. 2.00 2-in. 1.50 1-1/2-in. 1.00 25.4 1-in. 0.750 19.1 314-in. 0.500 12.7 1/2-in. 0.375 9.52 3/8-in. 0.250 6.35 No. 3 0.187 4.76 No. 4 PERCENT RETAINED PARTIAL PERCENT FINER By WEIGHT TOTAL Pan 0.132 3.36 No. 6 0.094 2.38 Ni.8 0.079 2.00 No. 10 0.047 1.19 No. 16 0.033 0.84 No. 20 0.023 0.59 No. 30 0.0165 0.42 No. 40 0.0117 0.297 No. 50 0.0083 0.210 No. 70 0.0059 0.149 No. 100 0.0041 0.105 No. 140 0.0029. 0.074 No. 200 Pan TOTAL WEIGHT IN GRAMS wt in gramns retained on a sieve Pi l . . d wt in grams of sample used for a given eries of sieves wt in grams retained on a sieve Total perent retained -total wt in grams of oven.dry sample I 100 For an individual sieve, the percent finer by weight - percent finer than next larger sieve - percent retained on individual sieve REMARKS TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN ENG FORM 3841, AUG 85 COMPUTED BY CHECKED BY COMPUTED BY REPLACES EDITION OF JUN CHECKED BY 65 (Pfoone: DAENEC5 AND ENG FORM 3842. JUN 65. WHICH MAY BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED. Y-26 EIUTE v-1 DATE PART It - HYDROMETER ANALYSIS PROJECT BORING NO.: CLASSIFICATION SAMPLE OR SPECIMEN NO. HYDROMETER NO. GRADUATE NO. DISH NO. CUANTIY DISPERSING AGENT USED DISPERSING AGENT CORRECTION, C - TIME WEIGHT IN GRAMS ELAPSED TIME TEMP MIN c MENISCUS CORRECTION. Cm HYORO. READING (R CORRECTED READING IR) PARTICLE DIAMETER (DI- MM TEMP CORRECTION (m) R-C +m PERCENT FINER PARTIAL TOTAL DISH PLUS DRY SOIL Specific gravity of solids, G, - DISH Corrected hydrometer reading (R) - hydrometer reading (R') + CI The particle diamter (D) is calculated from Stoke's equation using corrected hydrometer reading. Use nomographic chart for solution of Stocke's equation. DRY SOIL I W0 W, 100 (R - Cd + m) W xW0 - total oven-dry wt of sample used for combined analysis - oven-dry wt in grams of soil'used for hydrometer analysis W - oven-dry wt of sample retained on No. 200 sieve Hydrometer eraduated in specific gravity Gs Partial percent finer G- Hydrometer graduated in rame per liter Partial percent finer - (R - Cd + m) WTotal percent finer * partial percent finer x W5 - W W REMARKS rECH1N ICIAN 01 COMPUTED 5Y' ICEKD B CO P T D BY * .We Of ENG Form 3841 - V -27 S I EM 1110-2-1906 Appendix V 30 Nov 70 N J Or INOUN, As I3SaYOD Jk~fl UJ o 0 0 0 a 0 a I 8-o o o 0 S ~r-1 iiI I I I * i I ~.I * I I I;' I . C C I . I 4 * . I I i 0 till a 0. 0 0 C 0 I C. I A. F 2 0. ' 'I a 0- .4 0 o 2 ______________ =- .4 CI -- I I bi , = o Ii ________ * * F I 2 I' * 2- 4 F I * I I K- I ~ Ii C C z I-, 0 'I Ir C, 2 I a, C I 0 - I U 0 C S.. N 0 0I' * 0 0 0 r4 = A. C 13401 J~l ' AS fl *NU 2* * 2; A 0: 2' PLATE V-2 V-28 * pqPPW~ltY flEIC oCif?' '0. 'C s'.eC .no 1d TerrILS 1116RA,. S.*,,taa sO. c9s03 -. aact Coowen ASTIJ Ld Anera oma.ea .oh Designation: D 5084 - 90 Aw It - A-5 kaje ~lf meV O~0.O..., -4h .S aoo.. ftLWhel .. Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter' This standard is issued under the fixed deaignation D 5084; the number immediately following the designation indicatos the yea of orginal adoption or, in Lte care of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parenthcses indicole the year of last reaproval. A superseipt epsdon (e) indicats an editorial change since the last revision or reapprovaL 1. Scope 1.1 This test method covers laboratory measurement of the hydraulic conductivity (also referred to as coefficient of permeability) of water-saturated porous materials with a flexible wall permeameter. 1.2 This test method may be utilized with undisturbed or compacted specimens that have a hydraulic conductivity less than or equal to I x 10- m/s (1 x 10-3 cm/s). 1.3 The hydraulic conductivity of materials with hydraulic conductivities greater than I X 10-5 m/s may be determined by Test Method D 2434. 1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard, unless other units are Specifically given. By tradition in U.S. practice, hydraulic conductivity is reported in centimetres per second, although the common SI units for hydraulic conductivity are metes per second. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address the safety problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibilityofthe user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health pracrices and determine the applicabilityof regulatory limitationsprior to use. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluidis D698 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-lb (2.49-kg) Rammer and 12-in. (305-mm) Drop' D 1557 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-lb (4.54-kg) Rammer and 18-in. (457-mm) Drop' D 1587 Practice of Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils' D2113 Practice for Diamond Core Drilling for Site Investigation2 D 2216 Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content in Soil, Rock, and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures: D2434 Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head)2 D 4220 Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples: This ten method is underthe jurisdicuoo OfASTM Committee D-18 on soil and Rock and is the direi rsponability of subcommite 013.04 on Hydrologic Propertes of Sod and Rck. Current edition approved June 29. 1990. Published October 1990. Annual Sook ofASTMl Standards, Vol 04.08. D4753 Specification for Evaluating, Selecting and Specifying Balances and Scales for Use in Soil and Rock Testing D4767 Test Method for Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial CompressionI E 145 Specification for Gravity-Convection and ForcedVentilation Ovens 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions: 3.1.1 hydraulic conductivity, k-the rate of discharge of water under laminar flow conditions through a unit crosssectional area of a porous medium under a unit hydraulic gradient and standard temperature conditions (20'C). Dtscvussio?-Thc term coeficient of perneability is often used instead of hydraulic conduaivity. but hydraulic conduaivity is used excusively in this test method. A more complete discussion of the terminology associated with Darcy's law is given in the literature.' 3.1.2 porevolume offow-the cumulative quantity of flow into a test specimen divided by the volume of voids in the specimen. 3.1.3 Fordefinitions ofotherterms used in this test method, see Terminology D 653. 4. Significance and Use 4.1 This test method applies to one-dimensional, laminar flow of water within porous materials such as soil and rock. 4.2 The hydraulic conductivity of porous materials generally decreases with an increasing amount of air in the potes of the material. This test method applies to water-saturated porous materials containing virtually no air. 4.3 This test method applies to permeation of porous materials with water. Permeation with other liquids, such as chemical wastes, can be accomplished using procedures similar to those described in this test method. However, this test method is only intended to be used when water is the permeant liquid. 4.4 It is assumed that Darcy's law is valid and that the hydraulic conductivity is essentially unaffected by hydraulic gradient. The validity of Darcy's law may be evaluated by measuring the hydraulic conductivity of the specimen at three hydraulic gradients; if all measured values are similar (within about 25 %),then Darcy's law may be taken as valid. However, when the hydraulic gradient acting on a test 'Annual ook ofASTf standards. Vol 04.02. * Olson. R . and Dame. . L -Measuremnt of the Hydraulic Conductivity of Fne-iraied Soils.* Sympar m Prmnbykv and Gtound%.rne Conwrmtant Transponr. AsT3M S7 46. ASTM. |98 1. pp. 18-64. @ D 5084 specimen is changed, the state of stress will also change. and. if the specimen is compressible. the volume of the specimen will change. Thus. some change in hydraulic conductivity may occur when the hydraulic gradient is altered, even in cases where Darcy's law is valid. 4.5 This test method provides a means for determining hydraulic conductivity at a controlled level of effective stress. Hydraulic conductivity varies with varying void ratio, which in turn changes when the effective stress changes. If the void ratio is changed, the hydraulic conductivity of the test specimen will likely change. To determine the relationship between hydraulic conductivity and void ratio, the hydraulic conductivity test would have to be repeated at different ' effective stresses. 4.6 The correlation between results obtained with this test method and the hydraulic conductivities of in-place field materials has not been fully, investigated. Experience has sometimes shown that flow patterns in small test specimens do not necessarily follow the' same patterns on large field scales and that hydraulic conductivities measured on small test specimens are not necessarily the same as larger-scale values. Therefore, the results should be applied to field situations with caution and by qualified personnel. 5. Apparatus 5.1 Hydraulic System-Constant head (Method A), alling head (Methods B and C), or constant rate of flow (Method D) systems may be utilized provided they meet the criteria outlined as follows: 5.1.1 Constant Head-The system must be capable of mainmining constant hydraulic pressures to within t5 % and shall include means to measure the hydraulic pressures to within the prescribed tolerance. In addition, the head loss across the test specimen must be held constant to within ±5 %and shall be measured with the same accuracy or better. Pressures shall be measured by a pressure gage, electronic pressure transducer, or any other device of suitable accuracy. 5.1.2 FallingHead-The system shall allow for measurement of the applied head loss, thus hydraulic gradient, to within 5 % or better at any time. In addition, the ratio of initial head loss divided by final head loss over an interval of time shall be measured such that this computed ratio is accurate to within :5 %. The head loss shall be measured with a pressure gage, electronic pressure transducer, engineer's scale, graduated pipette, or any other device of suitable accuracy. Falling head tests may be performed with either a constant tailwater elevation (Method B) or a rising tailwater elevation (Method C). 5.1.3 Constant Rate of Flow-The system must be capable of maintaining a constant rate of flow through the specimen to within 5 % or better. Flow measurement shall be by calibrated syringe, graduated pipette, or other device of suitable accuracy. The head loss across the specimen shall be measured to an accuracy of 5 % or better using an electronic pressure transducer or other device of suitable accuracy. More information on testing with a constant rate of flow is given in the literature.i s wT7. AsMn. Ft8. .8and NidicL - hw PUMP Aplions in Tuizzin TanLr Sjmonpsuzs monAdvacM Tnad Thang of Sail ad Rack. AS7YdS7? 977. AST.M. 1998. m. 694 1. 5.1.4 SVsw'm De-airing-The hydraulic system shall be designed to facilitate rapid and complete removal of free air bubbles from flow lines. 5.1.5 Back Pressure System-The hydraulic system shall have the capability to apply back pressure to the specimen to facilitate saturation. The system shall be capable of maintaining the applied back pressure throughout the duration of hydraulic conductivity measurements. The back pressure system shall be capable of applying, controlling, and measuring the back pressure to 5 % or better of the applied pressure. The back pressure may be provided by a compressed gas supply, a deadweight acting on a piston, or any other method capable of applying and controlling the back pressure to the tolerance prescribed in this paragraph. NorE I-Applicadon of gas pressure directly to a fluid will dissolve sas in the fluid. A vaiety of techniques are available to minimize dissolution of gas in the back pressure fluid. including separdon or gas and Liquid phases with a bladder and frequent replacement of the liquid with dc-aired water. 5.2 Flow Measurement System-Both inflow and outflow volumes shall be measured unless the lack of leakage, continuity of flow, and cessation of consolidation or swelling can be verified by other means. Flow volumes shall be measured by a graduated accumulator, graduated pipette, vertical standpipe in conjunction with an electronic pressure transducer, or other volume-measuring device of suitable accuracy. 5.2.1 Flow Accuracy-Required accuracy for the quantity -of flow measured over an interval of time is 5 % or better. 5.2.2 De-airing and Compliance of the System-The flowmeasurement system shall contain a minimum of dead space and be capable of complete and rapid de-airing. Compliance of the system in response to changes in pressure shall be minimized by using a stiff flow measurement system. Rigid tubing, such as metallic or rigid thermoplastic tubing, shall be used. 5.2.3 Head Losses-Head losses in the tubes. valves. porous end pieces, and filter paper may lead to error. To guard against such errors, the permeameter shall be assembled with no specimen inside and then the hydraulic system filled. If a constant or falling head test is to be used, the hydraulic pressures or heads that will be used in testing a specimen shall be applied, and the rate of flow measured with an accuracy of 5 %or better. This rate of flow shall be at least ten times greater than the rate of flow that is measured when a specimen is placed inside the permeameter and the same hydraulic pressures or heads are applied. If a constant rate of flow test is to be used, the rate of flow to be used in testing a specimen shall be supplied to the perneameter and the head loss measured. The head loss without a specimen shall be less than 0.1 times the head loss when a specimen is present. 5.3 Permeamezer Cell PressureSystem-The system for pressurizing the permeameter cell shall be capable of applying and controlling the cell pressure to within 5 % of the applied pressure. However, the effective stress on the test specimen (which is the difference between the cell pressure and the pore water pressure) shall be maintained to the desired value with an accuracy of 10 %or better. The device for pressurizing the cell may consist of a reservoir connected to the permeameter cell and partially filled with de-aired D 5084 water, with the upper part of the reservoir connected to a Preue S.,py compressed gas supply or other source of pressure (see Note 2). The gas pressure shall be controlled by a pressure regulator and measured by a pressure gage, electronic pressure transducer, or any other device capable of measuring to the prescribed tolerance. A hydraulic system pressurized by deadweight acting on a piston or any other pressure device capable of applying and controlling the permneameter cell pressure to the tolerance prescribed in this paragraph may be used. NonE 2-De-aired water is commonly used for the cell fluid to minimize potential for diffusion of air through the membrane into the specimen. Other fluids, such as oils, which have low gas solubilities are also acceptable. provided they do not react with components of the permeameter. Also, use of a long (approximately 5 to 7 in) tube connecting the pressurized cell liquid to the cell helps to delay the appearance of air in the cell fluid and to reduce the flux of dissolved air into the cell. 5.4 PermeameterCell-An apparatus shall be provided in which the specimen and porous end pieces, enclosed by a membrane sealed to the cap and base, are subjected to controlled fluid pressures. A schematic diagram of a typical cell is shown in Fig. 1. 5.4A The permearneter cell may allow for observation of changes in height of the specimen, either by observation through the cell wall using a cathetometer or other instrument, or by monitoring of either a loading piston or an extensometer extending through the top plate of the cell bearing on the top cap and attached to a dial indicator or other measuring device. The piston or extensometer should pass through a bushing and seal incorporated into the top plate and shall be loaded with sufficient force to compensate for the cell pressure acting over the coss-sectional area of the piston where it passes through the seal. If deformations are measured, the deformation indicator shall be a dial indicator or cathetometer graduated to 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) or better and having an adequate travel range. Any other measuring device meeting these requirements is acceptable. 5.4.2 In order to facilitate gas removal, and thus saturation of the hydraulic system, four drainage lines leading to the specimen, two each to the base and top cap, are recommended. The drainage lines shall be controlled by no-volume-change valves, such as ball valves, and shall be designed to minimize dead space in the lines. 5.5 Top Cap and Base-An impermeable, rigid top cap and base shall be used to support the specimen and provide for transmission of permeant liquid to and from the spec. imen. The diameter or width of the top cap and base shall be equal to the diameter or width of the specimen t5 %. The base shall prevent leakage, lateral motion, or tilting, and the top cap shall be designed to receive the piston or extensometer, if used, such that the piston-to-top cap contact area is concentric with the cap. The surface of the base and top cap that contacts the membrane to form a seal shall be smooth and free of scratches. 5.6 Flexible Membranes-The flexible membrane used to encase the specimen shall provide reliable protection against leakage. The membrane shall be carefully inspected prior to use and if any flaws or pinholes are evident, the membrane shall be discarded. To minimize restrain to the specimen. the diameter or width of the unstretched membrane shall be I Cell Presas Paesure Req4uiovor Hecdr, Reservoir influent Line C Perm eablity Call vesat Lines FIG. 1 Permeameta, C&H between 90 and 95 % of that of the specimen. The membrane shall be sealed to the specimen base and cap with rubber O-rings for which the unstressed, inside diameter or width is less than 90 % of the diameter or width of the base and cap, or by any other method that will produce an adequate seal. Nors 3-Membranes may be tested for flaws by placing them around a form sealed at both ends with rubber O-rings, subjecting them to a small air pressure on the inside, and then dipping them into water. If air bubbles come up from any point on the membrane, or if any visible flaws are observed. the membrane shall be discarded. 5.7 PorousEnd Pieces-The porous end pieces shall be'of silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, or other material that is not attacked by the specimen or penneant liquid. The end pieces shall have plane and smooth surfaces and be free of cracks. chips, and nonuniformities. They shall be checked regularly to ensure that they are not clogged. 5.7.1 The porous end pieces shall be the same diameter or width (±5 %) as the specimen, and the thickness shall be sufficient to prevent breaking. 5.7.2 The hydraulic conductivity of the porous end pieces shall be significantly greater than that of the specimen to be tested. The requirements outlined in 5.2.3 ensure this. 5.8 Filter Paper-If necessary to prevent int-usion of material into the pores of the porous end pieces, one or more sheets of filter paper shall be placed between the top and bottom porous end pieces and the specimen. The paper shall have a negligibly small hydraulic impedance. The requirements outlined in 5.2.3 ensure that the impedance is small. 5.9 Equipmentfor Compacting a Specimen-Equipment (including compactor and mold) suitable for the method of compaction specified by the requester shall be used. 4D D5084 5.10 Sarpie Exmder-When the material being tested is a soil core. the soil core shall usually be removed from the sampler with an extruder. The sample extruder shall be capable of extruding the soil core from the sampling tube in the same direction of travel in which the sample entered the tube and with minimum disturbance of the sample. If the soil core is not extruded vertically, care should be taken to avoid bending stresses on the core due to gravity. Conditions at the time of sample extrusion may dictate the direction of removal, but the principal concern is to keep the degree of disturbance minimal. 5.11 Trimming Equipment-Specific equipment for trimming the specimen to the desired dimensions will vary depending on quality and characteristics of the sample; however, the following items listed may be used. lathe, wire saw with a wire about 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) in diameter, spatulas, knives, steel rasp for very hard clay specimens, cradle or split mold for trimming specimen ends, and steel straight edge for final trimming of specimen ends. 5.12 Devices for Measuring the Dimensions of the Specimen-Devices used to measure the dimensions of the specimen shall be capable of measuring to the nearest 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) or better and shall be constructed such that their use will not disturb the specimen. 5.13 Balances-The balance shall be suitable for determining the mass of the specimen and shall be selected as discussed in Specification D 4753. The mass of specimens less than 100 g shall be determined to the nearest 0.01 g. The mass of specimens 100 g or larger shall be determined to the nearest 0.1 g. The mass of specimens >1000 g shall be determined to the nearest 1.0 g. 5.14 Equipmentfor Mounting the Specimen-Equipment for mounting the specimen in the permeameter cell shall include a membrane stretcher or cylinder, and ring for expanding and placing O-rings on the base and top cap to seal the membrane. 5.15 Vacuum Pump-To assist with de-airing of permeameter system and saturation of specimens. 5.16 TemperatureMaintainingDevice-The temperature of the permeameter, test specimen, and reservoir of permeant liquid shall not vary more than t3'C (±5.7F). Normally, this is accomplished by performing the test in a room with a relatively constant temperature. If such a room is not available, the apparatus shall be placed in a water bath, insulated chamber, or other device that maintains a temperature within the tolerance specified in 5.16. The temperature shall be periodically measured and recorded. 5.17 Water Content Containers-The containers shall be in accordance with Method D 2216. 5.18 Drying Oven-The oven shall be in accordance with Specification E 145. 6. Reagents peanncant liquid ano the NarE 4-Chcmical interactions betweei porous matenal may lead to vartuons in hycrauic :onductivity. Disulled water can significantly lower the hydraulic :onaucivity of clayey soils (se: the literaiuret) For this reason. distilled water is not usually recommended as a permeant liquid. A permcant liquid used by some is 0.005 N C2SO 4 . which can be obtained for example. by dissolving 6.8 g of nonhydrated. reagent-gldc CaSO, in 10 L of dc-aired. distilled water. This CaSO, solution is thought to nether increase nor decrease significantly the hydraulic conductivity of clayey soils. In areas with extremely brackish zap water, the CaSO. solution is recommended. 6.1.3 Deaired Water-To aid in removing as much air from the test specimen as possible. denired water shall be used. The water is usually deairted by boiling, by spraying a fine mist of water into an evacuated vessel attached to a vacuum source, or by forceful agitation of water in a container attached to a vacuum source. If boiling is used, care shall be taken not to evaporate an excessive amount of water, which can lead to a larger salt concentration in the per-meant water than desired. To prevent dissolution of air back into the water, deaired water shall not be exposed to air for prolonged periods. 7. Test Specimens 7.1 Size-Specimens shall have a minimum diameter of 25 mm (1.0 in.) and a minimum height of 25 mm. The height and diameter of the specimen shall be measured to the nearest 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) or better. The length and diameter shall vary by no more than t5 %. The surface of the test specimen may be uneven, but indentations must not be so deep that the length or diameter vary by more than ±5 %. The diameter and height of the specimen shall each be at least 6 times greater than the largest particle size within the specimen. If, after completion of a test, it is found based on visual observation that oversized particles are present, that information shall be indicated on the report. No 5-Most hydraulic conductivity tests are performed on cylindrical test specimens. It is possible to utilize special equipment for testing prismatic test specimens. in which case refernce to -diaietr in 7.1 applies to the least width of the prismade test specimen. 7.2 UndisturbedSpecimens-Undisturbedtest specimens shall be prepared from a representative portion of undisturbed samples secured in accordance with Practice D 1587 or Practice D 2113, and preserved and transported in accordance with requirements for Group C materials in Practice D 4220. Specimens obtained by tube sampling or coring may be tested without trimming except for cutting the end surfaces plane and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the specimen, provided soil characteristics are such that no significant disturbance results from sampling. Where the sampling operation has caused disturbance of the soil, the disturbed material shall be trimmed. Where removal of pebbles or crumbling resulting from trimming causes voids on the surface of the specimen that cause the length or diameter to vary by more than ±5 %. the voids shall be filled 6.1 Permeant Water: with remolded material obtained from the trimmings. The 6.1.1 The permeant water is the liquid used to permeate ends of the test specimen shall be cut and not troweled (troweling can seal off cracks, slickensides, or other secondary features that might conduct water flow). Specimens the test specimen and is also the liquid used in backpressuring the specimen. 6.1.2 The type of permeant water should be specified by the requestor. If no specification is made, tap water shall be used for the permeant liquid. The type of water utilized shall be indicated in the report. shall be trimmed, whenever possible, in an environment where changes in moisture content are minimized. A controlled high-humidity room is usually used for this purpose. The mass and dimensions of the test specimen shall be 4 115 D 5084 determined to the tolerances given in 5.12 and 5.13. The test specimen shall be mounted immediately in the permeameter. The water content of the trimmings shall be determined in accordance with Method D 2216. 7.3 Laboratory-CompactedSpecimens-The material to be tested shall be prepared and compacted inside a mold in a manner specified by the requestor. If the specimen is placed and compacted in layers, the surface of each previouslycompacted layer shall be lightly scarified (roughened) with a fork, ice pick, or other suitable object, unless the requester specifically states that scarification is not to be performed. Test Methods D 698 and D 1557 describe two methods of compaction, but any other method specified by the requestor may be used as long as the method is described in the report. Large clods of material should not be broken down prior to compaction unless it is known that they will be broken in field construction, as well, or the requestor specifically requests that the clod size be reduced. Neither hard clods nor individual particles of the material shall exceed %/6of either the height or diameter of the specimen. After compaction, the test specimen shall be removed from the mold, the ends scarified, and the dimensions and weight determined within the tolerances given in 5.12 and 5.13. After the dimensions and mass are determined, the test specimen shall be immediately mounted in the permeanieter. The water content of the trimmings shall be determined in accordance with Method D 2216. 7.4 Other PreparationMethods-Other methods of preparation of a test specimen are permitted if specifically requested. The method of specimen preparation shall be identified in the report. 7.5 After the height, diameter, mass, and water content of the test specimen have been determined, the dry unit weight shall be calculated. Also, the initial degree of saration shall be estimated (this information may be used later in the backpressure stage). 8. Procedure 8.1 Specimen Setup: 8.1.1 Cut two filter paper sheets to approximately the same shape as the cross section of the test specimen. Soak the two porous end pieces and filter paper sheets, if used, in a container of permeant water. 8.1.2 Place the membrane on the membrane expander. Apply a thin coat of silicon high-vacuum grease to the sides of the end caps. Place one porous end piece on the base and place one filter paper sheet, if used, on the porous end piece, followed by the test specimen. Place the second filter paper sheet, if used, on top of the specimen followed by the second porous end piece and the top cap. Place the membrane around the specimen, and using the membrane expander or other suitable 0-ring expander, place one or more 0-rings to seal the membrane to the base and one or more additional 0-rings to seal the membrane to the top cap. 8.1.3 Attach flow tubing to the top cap, if not already attached, assemble the permeameter cell, and fill it with de-aired water or other cell fluid. Attach the cell pressure reservoir to the permeameter cell line and the hydraulic system to the influent and effluent lines. Fill the cell pressure reservoir with desired water, or other suitable liquid, and the too 9o N 0 C 60 ti .4 0 (U 75 + +1 70 60 so 0 so to ISO 200 250 2Ce Required Backpressure (psi) FIG. 2 Back Pressure to Attain Various Degrees of Saturation' confining pressure of 7 to 35 kPa (I to 5 psi) to the cell and apply a pressure less than the confining pressure to both the influent and effluent systems, and flush permeant water through the flow system. After all visible air has been removed from the flow lines, close the control valves. At no time during saturation of the system and specimen or hydraulic conductivity measurements shall the maximum applied effective strs be allowed to exceed that to which the specimen is to be consolidated. 8.2 Specimen Soaking (Optional)-To aid in saturation, specimens may be soaked under partial vacuum applied to the top of the specimen. Atmospheric pressure shall be applied to the specimen base through the influent lines, and the magnitude of the vacuum set to generate a hydraulic gradient across the sample less than that which will be used during hydraulic conductivity measurements. Nan 6-Soaking under vacuum is applicable when there are continuous air voids in the specimen. Soaking under vacuum is only recommended for test specimens with initial degrees of saturation below 70 %. The specimen may swell when exposed to water the effective sre will tend to counteract the swelling. However, for materials that tend to swell, unless the applied effective stress is greater than or equal to the swell pressure, the specimen will swell. 8.3 Backpressure Saturation-To saturate the specimen. backpressuring is usually necessary. Figure 2 provides guidance on back pressure required to attain saturation. NorE -Figure 2 assumes that the water used for back pressure is desired and that the only source for air to dissolve into the water is air fm the test specimen. If air pressure is used to control the back pressure. pressurized air will dissolve into the water, thus reducing the capacity of the water used for back pressure to dissolve air located in the porn of the test specimen. The problem is minimized by using a long (>5 m) tube that is impermeable to air between the air-water interface and test specimen, by separating the back-pressure water from the air by a material or fluid that is relatively impermeable to air, by periodically replacing the back-pressure water with deired water, or by other means. 'Lte. and Johnson. T. C.. -Use of Back P-essure to Increase Oevee of samon ofTraxiM Tea spec mens. Picceeding. .4SCE Rearch Conference oe Mrar strenrh of Cohee sLs, Boulder. co. 160. hydraulic system with deaired permeant water. Apply a small 5 D 5084 8.3.1 Open the flow line valves and flush out of the system any free air bubbles using the procedure outlined in 8.1.3. If an electronic pressure transducer or other measuring device is to be used during the test to measure pore pressures or applied hydraulic gradient, it should be bled of any trapped air. Take and record an initial r-eding of specimen height, if being monitored. 8.3.2 Adjust the applied confining pressure to the value to be used during saturation of the sample. Apply backpressure by simultaneously increasing the cell pressure and the influent and effluent pressures in increments. The maximum value of an increment in backpressure shall be sufficiently low so that no point in the .specimen is exposed to an effective stress in excess of that to which the specimen will be subsequently consolidated. At no time shall a head be applied so that the effective confining stress is <7 kPa (I psi) because of the danger of separation of the membrane from the test specimen. Maintain each increment of pressure for a period of a few minutes to a few hours, depending upon the characteristics of the specimen. To assist in removal of trapped air, a small hydraulic gradient may be applied across the specimen to induce flow. 8.3.3 Saturation shall be verified with one of the three following techniques: Saturation may be verified by measuring the B coefficient as described in Test Method D 4767 (see Note 8). The test specimen shall be considered to be adequately saturated if (1) the B value is a:0.95, or (2) for relatively incompressible materials, for example, rock, if the B value remains unchanged with application of larger values of back pressure. The B value may be measured prior to or after completion of the consolidation phase (see 8.4). Accurate B-value determination can only be made if no gradient is acting on the specimen and all pore pressure induced by consolidation has dissipated. Nar 8-The B coefficient is defined for this type of test as the change in pore water pressure in the pomu material divided by the change in confining pressure. Compressible materials that are fully specimen, or simultaneously from both ends. 8.4.3 (Optional) Record outflow volumes to confirm that primary consolidation has been completed prior to initiation of the hydraulic conductivity test. Alternatively, measurements of the change in height of the test specimen can be used to confirm completion of consolidation. NorE 10-The procedure in 8.4.3 is optional because the requirements of 8.5 ensure that the test specimen is adequately consolidated during permeation because if it is not, inflow and outlow volumes will differ significanty. However, for accurate B-value determimation. completion of consolidation should be confirmed (see It is recommended that outflow volumes or height changes be recorded as a means for verifying the completion of consolidation prior to initializa- tion of permeation. Also, measurements in the change in height of the test specimen, coupled with knowledge of the initial height, provide a means for checking the final height of the specimen. 8.5 Permeation: 8.5.1 Hydraulic Gradient-When possible, the hydraulic gradient used for hydraulic conductivity measurements should be similar to that expected to occur in the field. In general, hydraulic gradients from <1 to 5 cover most field conditions. However, the use of small hydraulic gradients can lead to very long testing times for materials having low hydraulic conductivity (less than about I x 104 cm/s). Somewhat larger hydraulic gradients are usually used in the laboratory to accelerate testing, but excessive gradients must be avoided because high seepage pressures may consolidate the material, material may be washed from the specimen, or fine particles may be washed downstream and plug the effluent end of the test specimen. These effects could increase or decrease hydraulic conductivity. If no gradient is specified by the requestor, the following guidelines may be followedHydraulic condueaiy. m/3 saturarcd with water will have a B value of 1.0. Relatively incompressible, saturated materials have B values which ar= somewhat less than 8.4.1 Record the specimen height, if being monitored, prior to application of consolidation pressure and periodically during consolidation. 8.4.2 Increase the cell pressure to the level necessary to develop the desired effective stress, and begin consolidation. Drainage may be allowed from the base or top of the 1.0. IX -m I x o lX10rtoi~r I I x 10Ix 10 Saturation of the test specimen may be confirmed at the completion of the test by calculation of the final degree of saturation. The final degree of saturation shall be 100 t 5 %. However, measurement of the B coefficient as described in or use of some other technique ( is strongly recommended because it is much better to confirm saturation prior to permeation than to wait until after the test to determine if the test was valid. Other means for verifying saturation, such as measurement of the volume change of the specimen when the pore water pressure has been changed, can be used for verifying saturation provided data are available for similar materials to establish that the procedure used confirms saturation as required in or 823.2. 8.4 Consolidation-Thespecimen shall be consolidated to the effective stress specified by the requestor. Consolidation may be accomplished in stages. if desired. Rcommended Maximum Hydraulic Gradient 2 SV 0 les than I x lo" 30 NoE I I-Sepage pressures associated with large hydraulic gradients on consolidate so, compressible specimens and reduce their hydraulic conductivity. It may be nesary to use smaller hydraulic gradients (<10) for such specimens. 8.5.2 Initialization-Initiatepermeation of the specimen by increasing the influent pressure (see 8.3.2). The effluent pressure shall not be decreased because air bubbles that were dissolved by the specimen water during backpressuring may come out of solution if the pressure is decreased. The back pressure shall be maintained throughout the permeation phase. 8.53 Constant Head Test (Method A)-Measure and record the required head loss across the test specimen to the tolerances stated in 5.1.1 and 5.2.3. The head loss across the specimen shall be kept constant t5 %. Measure and record periodically the quantity of inflow as well as the quantity of outflow. Also measure and record any changes in height of the test specimen, if being monitored (see Note 1I). Con- NoT 9-The test specimen may be consolidated prior to application of backpressure. Also, the backprssure and consolidation phases may be completed concurrently if backpressures are applied sufficiently slowly to minimize potential for overconsolidation of the specimen. 6 D 5084 tinue permeation until at least four values of hydraulic conductivity are obtained over an interval of time in which: (1) the ratio of outflow to inflow rate is between 0.75 and 1.25, and (2) the hydraulic conductivity is steady. The hydraulic conductivity shall be considered steady if four or more consecutive hydraulic conductivity determinations fall within 25 % of the mean value for k I x 10-" m/s or within 50 % for k < I x 10-o r/s, and a plot of the hydraulic conductivity versus time shows no significant upward or downward trend. 8.5.4 Falling-Head Tests (Methods B and C)-Measure and record the required head loss across the test specimen to the tolerances stated in 5.1.2. For falling-head tests, at no time shall the applied head loss across the specimen be less than 75 % of the initial (maximum) head loss during each individual hydraulic conductivity determination (see Note 12). Periodically measure and record any changes in the height of the specimen, if being monitored. Continue permeation until at least four values of hydraulic conductivity are obtained over an interval of time in which: (1) the ratio of outflow to inflow rate is between 0.75 and 1.25, and (2) the hydraulic conductivity is steady (see 8.5.3). effluent pressures in a manner that does not generate significant volume change of the test specimen. Then carefully disassemble the permeater cell and remove the specimen. Measure and record :he final height, diameter. and total mass of the specimen. Then determine the final water content of the specimen by the procedure of Method D 2216. Dimensions and mass of the test specimen shall be measured to the tolerances specified in 5.13 and 7.1. Non 13-The specimen may swell after removal of back pressure as a result of aircoming out of solution. A correction may be made for this erec, provided that changes in the length of the specimen are monitored during the test. The strain caused by dismantling the cell is computed from the length of the specimen before and after dismantling the celt The same strain is assumed to have occurred in the diameter. The corrected diameter and actual length before the back pressure was removed arm used to compute the volume of the test specimen prior to dismantling the cell. The volume prior to dismantling the cell is used to determine the linal dry density and degree ofsaturation. 9. Calculation 9.1 Constant Head and Constant Rate of Flow Tests (Methods A and D)-Calculate the hydraulic conductivity, k, as follows: Non 12-When the water pressure in a test specimen changes and k - QL/Ath the applied total stress is constant, the effective stress in the test specimen changes, which can cause volume changes that can invalidate the test results. The requirement that the head loss not decrease very much is intended to keep the effective stress from changing too much. For extremely soft, compressible rest specimens, even more restrictive eriteria might be needed. Also, when the initial and final'head losses amss the test specimen do not differ by much, great accuracy is needed to comply with the requirement of 5.1.2 that the ratio of initial to final head loss be determined with an accurcy of ±5 % or beter. When the initial and final head loss over an interval of time do not differ very much. it may be possible to comply with the requirements for a constant head test (8..3) in which the head loss must not differ by more than l5 %and to treat the test as a constant head test. Test with Constant TailwaterLevel (Method B)- If the water pressure at the downstream (tailwater) end of the test specimen is kept constant, periodically measure and record either the quantity of inflow or the level of water in the influent standpipe; measure and record the quantity of outflow from the test specimen. Test with Increasing Tailwater Level (Method C-f the water pressure at the downstream end of the test specimen rises during an interval of time, periodically measure and record either the quantity or inflow and outflow or the changes in water levels in the influent and effluent standpipes. 8.5.5 Constant Rate of Flow Tests (Method D)-Initiate permeation of the specimen by imposing a constant flow rate. Choose the flow rate so the hydraulic gradient does not exceed the value specified, or if none is specified, the value recommended in 8.5.1. Periodically measure the rate of inflow, the rate of outflow, and head loss across the test specimen to the tolerances given in 5.1.3. Also, measure and record any changes in specimen height, if being monitored. Continue permeation until at least four values of hydraulic conductivity are obtained over an interval of time in which (1) the ratio of inflow to outflow rates is between 0.75 and 1.25, and (2) hydraulic conductivity is steady (se: 8.5.3). 8.6 FinalDimensions ofthe Specimen-After completion of permeation, reduce the applied confining, influent, and (1) where: k = hydraulic conductivity, m/s, Q quantity of flow, taken as the average of inflow and outflow, n3 L = length of specimen along path of flow, m, - A - cross-sectional area of specimen, m-,. t = interval of time, s, over which the flow Q occurs, and A - difference in hydraulic head across the specimen, m of water. 9.2 Faling-HeadTests: 9.2.1 Constant TailwaterPressure(Method B)-Calculate the hydraulic conductivity, k, as follows: k--InaL I/k\ (2) At \41.) wher: a - cross-sectional area of the reservoir containing the influent liquid, mL - length of the specimen. m, A - cross-sectional area of the specimen, m-, - elapsed time between determination of h and h,, s. h - head loss across the specimen at time it, m, and h, - head loss across the specimen at time t,, m. 9.2.2 Increasing Tailwater Pressure (Method C)-Calculate the hydraulic conductivity, k, as follows: k- a, at L ln(h11h,) A t (. + a.) (3) where ae 7 - cross-sectional area of the reservoir containing the influent liquid, m2, = cross-sectional area of the reservoir containing the effluent liquid, m2 , L A I = - length of the specimen, m, cross-sectional area of the specimen, m:, - elapsed time between determination of h, and h:, s. hl h2 - head loss across the specimen at time t, m, and - head loss across the specimen at time t2 , m. D 5084 5 NorE 14-For the case in which a., - a. - a. the equation for calculating k for a falling head test with a rising tail-ater level is: k -- In It (4) TABLE 1 Correction Factor Rr for Viscosity of Water at Various Temperatures' 7Nnaersaire. *C \T), 9.3 Correct the hydraulic conductivity to that for 20'C (687), k:, by multiplying k by the ratio of the viscosity of water at test temperature to the viscosity of water at 20'C -2.4,1 0 7a (687), R7, from Table 1, as follows: k:, Ryk is12 7 (5) 13 8s is 9 10 10. Report 10.1 Report the following information: 10.1.1 Sample identfying information, 10.1.2 Any special selection' and preparation process, such as removal of stones or other materials, or indication of their presence, if undisturbed specimen, 10.1.3 Descriptive information on method of compaction, 10.1.4 Initial dimensions of the specimen, 10.1.5 Initial water content and dry unit weight of the specimen, 10.1.6 Type of permeant liquid used, 10.1.7 Magnitude of total back pressure, 10.1.8 Maximum and minimum effective consolidation stress, 2 13 14 15 21 19 -22 232 24 1.664 27 1.511 28 29 1.560 1.511 1.465 1.421 1.39 1.339 1.301 1-265 1.230 1.197 1.185 1.135 1.106 1.0"7 1.051 1.025 1.000 0.976 0.953 0.931 0.910 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37. as 39 40 R, 0.889 0.sas 0.50 0.832 0.814 0.797 0.780 0.764 0.749 0.733 0.719 0-705 a.692 0.678 0.665 0.653 0.641 0.6Z9 0.618 0.607 41 42 -43 4 A& 0.585 0.s9s 47 0.565 48 49 a.556 s- time or pore volumes of flow is recommended. 11. Precision and Bias 11.1 Precision-Dataare being evaluated to determine the precision of this test method. In addition, Subcommittee DI8.04 an Hydrologic Properties of Soil and Rocks, is seekng pertinent data from users of this test method. 11.2 Bias-There is no accepted reference value for this test method, therefore, bias cannot be determined. 10.1.9 Height of specimen after completion of consolidation, if monitored. 10.1.10 Range of hydraulic gradient used, 10.1.11 Final length, diameter, water content, dry unit weight, and degree of saturation of the test specimen, 10.1.12 Average hydraulic conductivity for the last four determinations of hydraulic conductivity (obtained as described in 8.5.3 to 8.5.5), reported with two significant 0 Tevoarature. 'C 25 26 A4,-(-0.02452 T+ 1.495)where Is e doge NoTE 15-The maximum effective stress exists at the effluent end of the test specimen and the minimum'trs at the influent end. figures, for example, 7.1 x 10 1.783 1.723 A, 12. Keywords 12.1 coefficient of permeability; hydraulic barriers hydraulic conductivity; liner, permeameter n/s, and reported in units of m/s (plus additional units, if requested or customary), 10.1.13 Graph or table of hydraulic conductivity versus The Amncn sociey for resting and Maeils takes no poseton reaoeqn me viudityof any paen rlihts ared i wcn .7a wth any a"n mAntorned i Mar standar. Users of mis Sndard aWe ePressly SOsed tat eSteranaovt Of me vabany Ofany ScA pate ngu. &nd me risk a itfnguemn o S ng.W "e afnry ~ own respcnsbiy. and nm be reviewed evy hve years and tcJlW whcetal This anard i subje to revisionat any Um, by the responwSie if not tuvned. sittne reawmrved or withdrawn. Your commeru ar knvfld ahe tor reviwon &d iscancutd o o adetltialstandtrs fesporsbl wctred Considamion it a m.em O Me and snould be aadressed to AsTM Hleadutarl. Your coamrnsl ,ee tecnncai commate. wich you may attend. If you fe that your comerlS have no recaed a fair nleanag you Slouk make your views known to We ASTM Conatee Or Stan*ars, 1916 Race S.. Phndeahia. PA 19703. 8 ,qPP2Vbx n-&r STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Author: Field Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry Issuing Unit: ABB-ES SOP: FGCPT00101 DATE: 7-2-91 Page 1 of 17 Reviewed by: Name and Functional Area Approved by: Name and Functional Area TITLE: Purge and Trap Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds by Field Gas Chromatography SCOPE: These procedures describe the preparation and analysis of soil and water samples for volatile organics by purge and trap procedure. Analytes to be analyzed using this technique are project specific and will be selected by the site chemist prior to field activities. The method is used when quantification of specific compounds at low part per billion detection limits is required. REQUIREMENTS: APPARATUS AND MATERIALS Syringes: An appropriate number of syringes of various volumes will be selected according to project requirements Sample Containers: Pre-cleaned amber glass vials with screw-caps and Teflon liners Vials: Various sizes chosen on a project specific basis for use with GC standards Spatula: Stainless steel W0089145.080 6943-01 Purge and trap device: The purge and trap device consists of: a sparge vessel; a trap; and a desorber. A Tekmar LSC 2000, or equivalent, will be used. Sparge vessel: The purging chamber is designed to accept 5 mL water samples or 5 gram soil samples. Trap: Traps are purchased from Tekmar, Supelco, or other commercial vendors, and meet EPA specifications outlined in EPA method 5030 (USEPA 1986). Reagent water: Reagent water is defined as water in which target organic compounds are not observed at or above the method detection limit. Reagent water is used for blanks, soil analyses, and dilutions of aqueous samples. Methanol: Purge and trap quality or equivalent. Store away from other solvents. Gas Chromatograph: A Hewlett Parkard 5890 gas chromatograph (temperature programmable), or equivalent, will be used. Instruments will be capable of meeting requirements and performance objectives outlined in EPA method 8000 (EPA 1986). Columns: For most applications a capillary column (e.g., J&W scientific DB-624) will be employed. A packed column may be substituted to meet the analytical needs of some programs. Columns will be purchased from commercial vendors. Detectors: The primary detectors used for most field analyses are the Photoionization detectors (PID) and the Electrolytic Conductivity Detector (ELCD). These detectors, connected in series, are capable of detecting an assortment of chlorinated and aromatic target compounds. A Flame ionization Detector (FID) and /or Electron Capture Detector (ECD) may be substituted to meet project specific needs. Choice of detector will be specified in the project work plan. Intearator: A data processing unit will be used in conjunction with the GC detector to record data from the W0089145.080 6943-01 2 GC analyses. The integrator will be capable of producing chromatograms, and summarizing the response of detected compounds. A Hewlett Parkard HP-3396, or equivalent, will be used. Direct data transfer to a PC unit may also be available for some projects. This system has the capability to produce customized tables for use with data evaluation and contamination assessments. Surrogate standard: An appropriate surrogate may be used in conjunction with purge and trap analysis as determined on a project specific basis. The project chemist shall evaluate the need of a surrogate standard, according to the project data quality objectives (DQOs), prior to field activities. To aid in organization field screening activities will use established convention for coding standards, recording logbook entries, making calculations, and the analyzing quality control samples. Deviations from the convention outlined in this document will not be allowed without the issuance of a written field change request, a logbook entry detailing the reason(s) for any deviation(s), and a discussion with the project chemist. CONVENTIONS: Chemical Standards. Chemical standards will be purchased from Supleco, Inc., Chem Service, Inc., or an equivalent supplier. All chemical standard preparation records will be logged and coded in a project GC run logbook. Specific information and conventions for entering this data can be found in Appendix A. At a minimum, the chemist enters the following information in the logbook: e vendor name supplying standards e concentration of standards prepared e dilution records and calculations performed in deriving standard's concentrations e lot number of standards e code assigned to standard W0089145.080 3 6943-01 Standards Preparation. All standards are prepared from neat solutions or prepared mixes purchased through an approved supplier. Stock standards will be made by diluting neat standards or prepared mixes with an appropriate solvent. For standards made from neat solutions, the compound density will be used to determine the quantity of neat compound to add to the solvent. All calibration standards will be made by serial dilution from stock standards. The calibration standard concentrations will be determined by the expected range of contaminant concentrations. - standards are selected with the guidance of the project chemist on a site-specific basis. Compounds will be chosen to meet the needs of specific projects. e standards are stored in vials with Teflon caps with a code that identifies the exact working standard mix. Codes will follow the format FGCXXXXXXWWYYZZ where XXXXXX is the month, date, and year that the mix was made; WW is the page in the GC logbook where the standard can be found; YY is where the standard fell chronologically on that day; and ZZ is the logbook number where the standard can be found. The code and the standard concentration will be entered on the vial label. This code will be entered in the GC run log whenever the standard is analyzed so the use of all standards may be traced. All appropriate standards will be stored in a refrigerator or cooler. e a summary of standard preparation steps will be entered into the project GC run logbook * when preparing standards, all syringes will be rinsed in purge and trap grade methanol at least three times before use. W0089145.080 4 6943-01 CALIBRATION: Prior to analyzing samples instrument operation conditions are established and recorded in the instrument logbook or on an operation conditions record sheet. Calibration will be conducted using standard calibration technique is used. A detailed description of external standard calibration is found in EPA Method 8000 (EPA 1986). Initial Calibration At the initiation of each field program, a minimum three-point initial calibration curve will be prepared covering the desired concentration range of VOC analyses for the site. Quantitation of volatile organics should be calculated from a point to point calibration curve as described in USEPA method 8000 (EPA 1986), but is not required. If the relative standard deviation of response factors is less than 30 percent for a given target analyte, linear regression may be used for determining the concentration detected in samples. Independent Check Standard Verification. After the first initial calibration conducted in each field event, an independent check standard may be analyzed in accordance with specific project DQOs. The check sample will be made from a different source than the stock solution and working standards. The check sample is used to verify the accuracy of the working standard. A percent difference (%D) of <30% is considered acceptable to confirm standard accuracy. Continuing Calibration Prior to sample analysis, a continuing calibration check standard will be analyzed at or near the mid-level each day. The target analytes must have percent differences (%D) of <30% when compared to the initial calibration. Samples may be run only if no more than one compound per detector, or a total of 10% of the target compounds, exceed the %D criteria of 30% . If the above criteria are not met, a second standard is analyzed. If the second standard is unacceptable, a new calibration curve will be prepared. Following analysis of an acceptable continuing calibration standard, samples can be analyzed for a period of 24 hours from the time of standard injection. Sample IDs for the W0089145.080 6943-01 5 continuing calibration standard will be entered into the instrument logbook. A closing standard is analyzed as the last analytical run of the day. The sample ID for the closing standards will be entered into the logbook by the code ZZCLSYYYXXXXXX where YYY is the standard concentration, and XXXXXX is the month, day, and year of analysis. Retention Time Windows. Retention times will be set to 3% for target compounds. Low Level Method Blanks. A method blank analyzed before samples are analyzed. A method blank consists of 5 mL of reagent water that may have a surrogate standard added. Blanks are analyzed under identical procedures as samples. Method blanks are acceptable if no target compounds are present above the detection limits established for the instrument. Samples are not analyzed until an acceptable method blank is run demonstrating that the instrument is free of contamination. Medium Level Blanks. A medium level method blank will be analyzed prior to the analysis of extracts from medium-level extractions (Section 3.2.2). A medium level blank will consist of 100 uL of methanol added to 5 mL reagent water. The methanol will originate from the same source as the methanol used in the soil extraction procedure. Surrogate standard may be added to the reagent water which is then analyzed by the same procedure described for water samples in Section 4.1. Cleaning Blank. Blanks will also be analyzed after any highlevel sample to ensure that carryover is not occurring. A high level sample is defined as being five times higher than the highest calibration point. Blanks may be run more often based on the judgement of the field analyst. Method Detection Limits. Method detection limits (Mils) will be determined on an annual basis and applied to all field purge and trap analyses during that year. Method detection limits are established by analyzing seven standards at a concentration equal to the low level calibration standard. W0089145.080 6 6943-01 The standard deviation is calculated for these seven runs and will be multiplied by 3.1 (student's t value for 95 percent confidence). This number is divided by the Ave RF to established the MDL for each analyte. SAMPLE PREPARATION: Sample preparation technique have been adapted from protocols outlined in EPA purge and trap method 8010, 8020, and 8240 (EPA 1986). Methods have been modified for the purpose of field application where appropriate. After instrument calibration and method blank analysis has been completed as outlined in Section 2.0, samples can be analyzed. Water Samples. Open the sample bottle and, with a 5 mL syringe, carefully draw the sample into the syringe barrel and discard 1 volume. Draw sample into syringe. Depress the syringe plunger, and vent any residual air while adjusting the volume to 5 mL. Care must be taken to prevent air bubbles from forming in the syringe. Using a syringe, add appropriate surrogate standard to the sample. Attach the 5 mL syringe to the syringe valve on the purging device. Open the purge valve and inject the sample into the purging chamber. Close the valve and purge the sample. Prior to the analysis of subsequent samples, wash the chamber with a minimum of two 5 mL flushes of reagent water. Dilution of Water Samples. If field notes or historic information indicate that high concentrations of VOCs may be present, samples will be diluted to bring target compounds into the instrument calibration range. Dilutions will be made within a 5 mL syringe. If 1.0 mL or more of sample is used, the 5 mL syringe is used to measure the sample volume. Reagent water is then drawn into the syringe to make a final volume of 5.0 mL. If less than 1.0 mL of sample is used, than a syringe designed to measure the respective volume will be used to measure the sample. Sample will be added to 5.0 mL of reagent water in a 5.0 mL syringe and analyzed as a normal water sample. 6943-01 W0089145.O0 7 For samples that are diluted a dilution factor is applied to the detection limits and target compound results. Dilution factors are calculated as follows: DF= 5 mL X mL where x = volume of sample 4.2 Soil Samples. Soil samples include subsurface soils, surface soils, or sediment samples. VOC concentration in soil samples may be calculated based on the dry weight if project specifications require. Percent moisture adjustments will be made to the raw data results as described in Section 4.2. The percent moisture of each sample will be calculated based on modification of procedures outlined in Section 7.2 of the EPA SOW (EPA 1988) as described in the following subsections. Percent Solid Determination. Weigh sample measuring pan. Add 10 g nominal of sample into pan and record weight (+0.1 g). Weigh dried sample and pan. Sample weight equals the difference between the pan weight and total weight. Calculate the percent moisture. Alternatively, an automatic moisture balance may be used to determine percent solid as per the manufacturer's instruction. grams of samples - grams of dry sample grams of sample %moisture= %solid x100 100 - % moisture = Low Level Preparation. Open the sample bottle. Using a spatula place 1 to 5 grams of samples into the soil sparging vessel. Weigh the soil using an analytical balance. Record the sample weight to the nearest 0.1 gram in the logbook. Attach the soil sparger to the purging device. Fill a 5 mL Luer lock syringe with 5 mL of reagent water. Depress the syringe plunger and vent any residual air while adjusting the volume to 5 mL. Add appropriate volume of surrogate standard to the reagent water. Attach the syringe to the 6943-01 W0089145.080 8 syringe valve on the purging device. Open the purge valve and inject the water into the soil sparging chamber. Close the valve and purge the sample. After sample purging is completed soil is removal from the sparger, and the chamber is rinsed with reagent water. If contamination is detected at concentration exceeding the limits defined in Section 2.3 fore carryover blanks, then the sparger is rinsed with methanol or suitable solvent to eliminate residual contamination. Medium Level Preparation. If field notes or low level analyses indicate that samples contain high concentration of target compounds and/or other hydrocarbons, samples will be prepared using a medium level methanol extraction technique similar to the medium level method outlined in EPA method 8240 (EPA 1986). It is necessary to analyze a medium level method blank each day medium level samples are analyzed. Medium level method blanks are described in Section 3.2.3. Four grams of sample is measured into a test tube using an analytical balance. 10 mL of methanol is added to the test tube. The test tube is capped and shaken for one minute until the soil is thoroughly distributed in the methanol. The suspended soil is allowed to settle, and if necessary, a centrifuge is used. One hundred microliters of the methanol extract is removed from the test tube and added to 5 mL reagent water and surrogate (if required) in a 5 mL syringe. In no case will greater than 100 uL of methanol be used. For highly contaminated soils the extract may require additional dilution. If less than 2 uL (a 10 uL syringe) of extract is required to bring VOCs into instrument calibration range, than the extract will be diluted and a volume of 2 uL, or greater, will be used to the reagent water. The reagent water and methanol extract is then analyzed according to procedures for water samples outlined in Section 3.1. W0089145.080 6943-01 9 TARGET COMPOUND CONCENTRATIONS CALCULATIONS: The concentration of target compounds detected in samples will be calculated using either point to point comparison to the initial calibration curve, or by linear regression (if the RF is <30%). FIELD DOCUMENTATION A log of all chromatography runs will be recorded in a bound PROCEDURES: notebook with sequential numbered pages. A separate logbook will be maintained for each gas chromatograph instrument used in the field. The logbook will record the concentrations for all calibrations standards injected, sample run number, sample ID, date, standard preparation code, sample volume and /or weight, and any additional information particular to the injection. In addition, when sample data is to be transferred to a PC the integrator entry format outlined in Attachment B will be followed. Individual sections in each instrument logbook will be designated for recording information on standard preparation, instrument maintenance, instrument operating conditions, and sample percent moisture results. Raw data will be organized by instrument and date of analysis in files on site. After conclusion of the field effort, data will be transferred to storage at Jordan. Raw data includes chromatograms and calibrations records from all standard, blank, and sample analyses used in the field program. QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES: The following procedure will be implemented by the field chemist to insure standardization of the operating procedures. 1. W0089145.080 All appropriate standards will be preserved by storing them in a refrigerator or cooler. 6943-01 10 2. Calibration: If a continuing calibration standard does not meet requirements outlined in Section 3.2, then a second standard will be analyzed. If the second standard does not meet requirements, a new initial calibration will be required. 3. The field chemist will review each sample analysis chromatogram before analyzing the next sample. If used, surrogate recoveries are calculated, surrogate and target compound retention times are compared to calibration standards and carryover potential is evaluated. 4. Surrogate Review (project specific): surrogate recoveries will be entered into the logbook after each analysis. The field chemist will evaluate surrogate retention times. Samples with surrogate recovering <30% will be reanalyzed to confirm matrix interference. 5. Matrix Spikes Analyses: Matrix spike quality control samples may be required on a project specific basis. Matrix spikes are field samples to which target compounds at the mid-calibration range have been added. Target compound percent recoveries will be recorded. 6. Carryover target and non-target analytes: cleaning blanks will be analyzed after samples containing high concentrations of target of non-target compound until, in the judgement of the field analyst, carryover will not impact subsequent analytical runs. QC REQUIREMENTS: Table I gives a brief description of the DQOs generally associated with field GC screening and the quality control procedures required for each. Specific DQOs and QC procedures are presented in sampling and design plans and may posses subtle differences from those presented here. W0089145.080 11 6943-01 DATA REVIEW AND DELIVERABLES: Data from all samples analyses and relevant calibration and blank analyses will be documented in the project GC run logbook. A quality control summary may be generated at the completion of the project. The quality control summary will include an evaluation of the field screening data. The summary will include an evaluation of some or all of the following parameters: initial calibrations, continuing calibrations, closing calibrations,surrogate recoveries, matrix spikes,matrix spikes duplicates, method blanks, dilutions, reanalyses, retention times, and raw data. W0089145.080 12 6943-01 REFERENCES Clay, P.F., and T.M. Spittler, Ph.D. 'The Use of Portable Instruments in Hazardous Waste Site Characterizations"; Proceedings of the National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites, Silver Springs, MD. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1986. 'Test Methods for Evaluation Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods:; SW-846; Office of Solids Waste and Emergency Response; Washington, D.C. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1987. "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods"; Office of Emergency and Remedial Response; Washington DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1988. "Field Screening Methods Catalog User's Guide"; Office of Emergency and Remedial Response; Washington, DC. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, 1988. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Organic Analyses. W0089145.080 694341 13 ATTACHMENT A FIELD CHEMISTRY ISIS CODED FOR QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES ISIS CODES. Field Chemistry has developed ISIS codes for quality control samples (e.g., calibration standards, blanks, check standards, etc.). The standard format will facilitate the evaluation of field data. This will be essential when the data are either electronically stored in a data abase or compiled in a hare copy format. The use of ISIS codes applies to all aspects of Field Chemistry (i.e., gas chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, total solids, etc.) ISISXXXXXXXXXX (fourteen digit code) ISIS, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Positions #1 and #2 contain the quality control standard identifier. MB - Method Blank CB - Cleaning Blank 1S - Initial standard, 1st calibration level 2S - Initial standard, 2nd calibration level 3S - Initial standard, 3rd calibration level IC - Independent check standard CC - Continuing check standard CS - Closing check standard OT - Other Positions #3 and #4 contain the analysis identifier. EL - Elements, analyzed by AA or X-RAY fluorescence HD - Hydrocarbons, analyzed by GCFID HP - HPLC, undefined analysis PA - PAHs, analyzed by UV spectroscopy PB - PCBs, analyzed by GC PH - PHCs, analyzed by IR spectroscopy PT - Pesticides, analyzed by GC SV - Semivolatiles, analyzed by GC VA - Volatile aromatics, analyzed by GC VC - Volatile chlorinated,analyzed by GC VT - Total volatiles, analyzed by GC W0089145.080 6943-01 14 OT - Other Positions #5 through #10 contain the date (e.g., 050991) Positions #11 and #12 contain the detector type. AA - Atomic adsorption detector ED - ECD, (Ni 63) detector FD - FID, Flame ionization detector IR - IR, detector HD - ELCD, Hall Cell detector NP - NPD, Nitrogen/Phosphorous detector PD - PID, Photoionization detector UV - UV, fluorescence detector XR - X-RAY, Fluorescence detector MS - Mass spectrometer Positions #13 contains QC and miscellaneous information M - Matrix spike D - Matrix spike duplicate V - Soil gas (vapor) F - Field duplicate Positions #14 contains the letter F to indicate field screening analysis. W0089145.080 6943-01 15 ATTACHMENT B FIELD CHEMISTRY HP 3396 INTEGRATOR ENTRY STANDARDIZATION INTEGRATOR ENTRY. The HP 3396 integrator allows the entry of 42 characters in the title format under OP #4 (option #4, replace title, Y). The following format has been devised to standardize the information included in the title. This format must be followed when data is to be electronically transferred to a separate data storage system (i.e., personal computer). It is recommended that this format be used either in part or in its entirety for all data that is acquired by the HP 3396 integrator. Examples: ISISXXXXXXXXXX S A:4.53 G:A I:A D:1 ISISXXXXXXXXXX W A:5.00 G:B I:B D:1 ISISXXXXXXXXXX M A:MEDL G:A I:A D:125 ISISXXXXXXXXXX 0 A:4.97 G:A I:C D:1 Positions #1 through #14 contain the appropriate ISIS code. Position #15 is blank. Position #16 contains the matrix identifier, only one may be entered. S - Soil, W - Water, M - Medium level soil, 0 - organic phase Position #17 is blank. Position #18 and #19 contain the amount indicator, A:. Positions #20 through #23 contain the amount of sample analyzed, (e.g., 4.97). Soil and organic solvents amounts are always entered in grams (g); Water sample volumes are always entered in milliliters (mL), note: 200 pL is entered as 0.020 mL. Position #24 is blank. 6943-01 W0089145.080 16 Positions #25 and #26 contain the gas chromatograph (GC) indicator, G:. Position #27 contains the GC identifer (e.g, A, B, C, . ... Position #28 is blank. Position #29 and #30 contain the integrator indicator, I:. Position #31 contains the integrator identifier (e.g., A, B, C, . ... Position #32 is blank. Positions #33 and #34 contain the dilution factor indicator, D:. Positions #35 through #42 contains the dilution factor (i.e., 125) The dilution factor does not include cases where less thn 5 g of soil rae used (i.e., in volatile analysis). This dilution will be taken into account from the soil amount in positions #20 through #23. The same rule aplies when less than 5 mL of water are used (i.e., if 2 mL of sample were added to 3 mL of water for a final volume of 5 mL the dilution factor is entered as I in position #35). FD - FID, Flame ionization detector IR - IR, detector HD - ELCD, Hall Cell detector NP - NPD, Nitrogen/Phosphorous detector PD - PID, Photoionization detector UV - UV, fluorescence detector XR - X-RAY, Fluorescence detector MS - Mass spectrometer Positions #13 contains QC and miscellaneous information M - Matrix spike D - Matrix spike duplicate V - Soil gas (vapor) F - Field duplicate Positions #14 contains the letter F to indicate field screening analysis. W0089145.080 6943-01 17 sceT'pr( w CHLOROFORM CRF 5,13lR IL HAZARD ASSESSMET CODE HAZARDS LI LiNmm a. Flan-m - $n ma - d . r, L4 sar inamn -b -o srene Alr A-X -ntto Aents Exuuinn Iaue ceoe Spea ,,N-. er CoceS." HAZARD CIASSLilCATIONs 1L -, -,, .ft p-... LI .12 -M - a-h5l- -ie Oscrgoa pro*mg ti Igni 6., Tmpemst Not GASELAREPOOCD AO MInnANG SE WHENEAT. Lto Cea -o L11 Fr............... .............. t..n DaotaRe.i Frs Ti7rUaen nar1ald nemma - BanegAsmo L NASMnt nAn IIIr u Wa 111 -e- L? -vams SwmwTmerne D-ss -o V.oa in.................. 2 -igg Sodan _ m.4 " Asvabe WamrMe L12 anoNt ............... Acu aoc............... CA1-L FOR 7. CHEMICAL REACTIVITT NEDICAL AMQ 7.1 I rv~. uDOn Iw.sf'S0A. ~a.lu , Isa. - .m HZR UL o emy wer. mn Wage enemy NC|> un AD 't ei A a-me Ski Sn 11.3 NFPA Cimnniam (Bm..........2 ny AI .. Fl and ........ 0 N.*"'-----.... 0 -emr eir ~ C MlinM "" Not Mar Amie (leStant mau. 0eneti C rhnna ... ........ 1 "----'-Cateory wt", Amutag ~ SAnn.coo..... ............ kym.,. l~y~.nm N San of -e -pe ar F IN EYES. -eueyei SwMr.LWEDan weni - CONSC:CUS. Msu Jr SWM.OED or -gn 7.4 '.s IF weier:Nor $No"atyihesmniirasN T f co.ns noan uafecmmea Exposure -n n..Silny I 2 Tony vRn to 78 M~vNG Raciteoy Grasfl3 12. PHYSICAL ANDCHEMICAL PROPENTIES flnyMes tILI Enf.t Water at l-i """"""""" ""'''*""0'"" ~ ~ .z~ Polluion on concemrar S UW. O0uS= -l t I2 - 5.einn 23 1R4 L WATERPOLUTION 2L LAEL TO DISCMARGE L RESPONSE (Use Raapmse Melea Haina ±1 lmareUngarcMes Ne Cangar 2Cin No LI ea &Z y: Osia r-t ai T Ac WalfilI 1,5 ThuidIy: nta nt .4 Fee ChinCsse -eeit , 1 12 Scnmn 24 DOT1w-,.-1eo ±5 CAS 4.1 snysita ses las nmse L.aaN CH.as.3Cnr:ulesaisiWsteiesa R.07a wcen.M 2%: iananb dt -p-la- L2 5.3 Equenct anymo.e 90ggis Preoaf.. Anov e- -=" U 2%: plemy ifa esamin lawmAn -a atm mawcnaa LI ar-a Storag Temerat F a ' 4 - 207 Aon No resarmlSW 5.5 Ter5r 27.1 ryns/Cm - C.|||1 War bintressesTeun: amassa 21s - O. 2J Nim al Li*u4 Vasar (Ou odpeme Gravey: -f SOOcRCl Netsofvr 12.10 1±11 nAuS 112 L e2c aN 4.1 (Cuci 1.146 M or V 1L13 - of Cm114 -ea*f Detpsnr Its -N-. &r: * u -s l NA. -, - n ee o .%oI er selme0er parnbn 12.t I2lS Ne501tFiplr 17.52 I9/ LMiWQn Volue: Dat. no -ac.e 12.27 ne1d Vloer PraoSift '.S o Epan: anoeas.. an ge mewn sam1ort LA - eresedcaan -- n -eer rumt ValS:J..C Tarlnd 0o..0'so..i I...umats 5*In Teram Toindty by igbOr Gras 2: L.D. - 0.5 L7 teanrty:anb iet Vaser (es) Z|:e|s' f rcSprehl. 9 .. to5gW Lat. -s LaG 50 es.fxlsolyuI L SHIPPINC INFORMATION - wnT erua us -numa isl Abrs.rg -igEsos Madne am. flzona a, keep Sa warm 1U fen a. .see gt iet ven5ng 00e S4NMALATION: A di eeca INGE5TOt: Ir Oires'g flm simi aim ,.utaar s..i -n ear mOane aflintan. NO ant - lesfelnme EYES' S.Ie 5.in m Sl(It meante Wv o n Amis -n get emag an0re5it of Swar 10.r 55 insi 1 Traeanen 54ans has,D0. Nie2 574.32 5. HEALTHHAZARDS LI - OO Seem CHAACRICSfl 4. OSSEIVABLE Halogra4 Ie is' . Cma T.h 50'F * 26.|ZC = 536A1 1.4 at 20'C 12.9 C'ueSaWm Ce 01tC 12.014 Usksrraa Norne C ot atl = 142'% Peim: Feaig -U F 790 -a Noe 3.1 arC Savales L3 DEWCNAT10NS 3. CN4EMICAL same ULas gMe fgn -r sen.r wSran.Sen Sos irfne vanors Crinafs wfoasnt The Cn..tena' -r smfrm -a e-n Cd.r Tarenh 205-307 0i0n L11 044.i Vaue: 1.00pr reoenr maom rn05al #tci relian oriet 5 gwnmy. s MUWrsnanzI fl f 0si sat I 0lied 011 PSUOnS v on ClaCan Sni an Us NOTES JUNE 19E5 2C. CHLOROFORM CRF 12.17 SATURATED UUID DENSITY 1218 LIQUID HEAT CAPACITY Ternperature (degrees F) Pounds per Cubic toot Temperature (degrees F) -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 100.799 100.200 99.549 98.910 98.259 97.610 96.950 96.299 95.639 94.980 94.320 93.650 92.990 92.320 91.650 90.980 90.309 89.629 88.950 88.270 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 12.21 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Temperature (degrees F) 77.02 Pounds per 100 pounds of water .800 British thermal unit per pound-F .216 .217 .219 .221 .222 .224 .226 -227 .229 .231 .232 .234 .236 .237 .239 12.19 LIQUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Temperature (degrees ) -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 British thermal unin ro. 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY Temperature (degrees F) Temerature (degrees F) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 150 .217 .309 .433 .598 .816 1.099 1.462 1.924 2.505 3.229 4.124 5.220 6.551 8.157 10.080 (degrees F) Cenbpoe 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 .847 .791 .741 .697 .656 .620 .586 .556 .528 .503 .479 .458 .438 .420 .403 .938 .929 .920 .911 .902 .893 .884 .875 .866 .857 .848 .839 .830 .821 .812 .804 .795 .786 .777 .768 .759 .750 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE Pounds per square inch 12.20 UQUID VISCOSITY 12.24 IDEAL GAS HEAT CAPACITY Pounds per cubic fool Temperature (degrees F) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 .00367 .00548 .00763 .01047 .01417 .01892 .02496 .03255 .04198 .05361 .06781 .08499 .10560 .13020 .15930 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 .123 .126 .129 .131 .134 .137 .139 .142 .144 .146 .148 .150 .152 .154 .156 120 .19340 375 550 .58 .160 .161 .162 .164 .165 .166 .167 575 .168 600 .169 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 British thermal unit per pound-F 400 425 450 475 500 525 . 1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE la a eseg at ar r. He.IM -- L 'A wa.5 ma.' - Fire oreempene- Cc .a .a s P *5-. - -la. meLb.ea.& restIM Cu .Saniem a 0e.SiI.99 Ze mtir .WansCieu rea~anrcr-- li co-meu. fl n -mne -la- me -r vii, WAS l tsgmar SaI Rn'i W II W. cA seFe1 -41. -.-- --- a emeusa8- CNEMI CAL. 7. W ig 7.1 neecfiway naceny 72 Moen.a on IL KAzo CLASSmACAn1NS Csbemin mn.isty (Rain........... GAg Ebg Rate 26 mifnfnt C re.. Ie..as= t.1C A Al- -ou-CA -. VAPon -... "" Ie 3 2 -........... ,-uer OICA AID osFOA S cry esse ei nate a lgienT' -gn aF a 5es. * sa.a ARsEssMIT CODE A-X-Y At:5.7%-I2.J% - wae's u5.55 tmreer UW5sem U. AR PaDIne 37-FCC. LSVs Rem....~C ' flu a0 It umAs L FIE L1 ILI 4.0 DEL wie se Na assel Ier Akl an -aen Aam Causam Nor 7.5 Exposure No tYt'flsrt 5im-le 7.3 tbly A slsa.ng so..n KAC~iVn? we.'r: -i CGen' w wa.rea Pi.mnnera ne~n p....-w nitt usd Non-Te r- P w@mamir, 7A ?.' -. ,na~e 7-E nAsny 4rg a - ..-. -wml D-i no 12. PHYSICAL PSQPERmIE ANDCHEMICAL 1i1l aWater Pollution A . - Near I WATER POLLUTON 7. LABEL TODSC=ARCE L RESPONSE Mae,.sa MansA) 2.1 C sW eaa. M Lana asgr: I ADsss eI,: Da - amni -asa A.1 was-kr us~arat- -loge oyge La -nee Dela r- Nomiuel ne and geQy te.Ay Desn0 -aoem -aaet -ae -ai I it: MSeamcis WDI, DID n23 eDaDig Past at I .. W-F - Go- - 2Mrs ans 1Ir - eS'C - 221M i4 FIng Poit S-m .- F - -1"C - 12i .Wz: -5rF - -50- - 2r srnur Its CrmaslTep.u=na """ "'''***'''""""''"" - 11S IV7 C-M .- SPIanI GrIl 1i' Umidne I.Yu W.ge M UM 2.8 on 24 prs/irn - 0.02 N/n at 20' CARACTESTCS 4. OSENVABLE DESIGNATIONS CHEMICAL W, Cr &i 30 in0/Ulii 323 NSo MI-, Coe4nm -aa DOalgWOne ss O-oCI'mC. 3I/1150 L1 £0 Csmiaglys. 00 Ger caEsiureat 5±12 DID 540 AD t&D M~y 13r 12.12-i - com -e LA ASsDDZ, e an siU1aSed m IAs Tliay L7 Las ve LA IP-mg -mpsm - n m - 1i0ena smasa Ex m waa c-se - Ponsn Grin bl- na ± aa L. - 770 mig/kg -a in s asy n5 ms.'se - r a. - awe - - cs.- n-ma. -aaee - .5r 1S.V flusas mpaa irw'C e y W.-S a an.alyint=Erfg.tp-, b..a sa. e me-20aa - -atve - S. JNCESI10r -r p wil sng lo.) hrnast cre wrem- cn'- A, D LID Oser T Lt1 I 4v 9.1-ma- - by inauer Tesr: Nt tasso itl 2. SMIPPNCINFDRMATION - - eer - d"/an 0, - ? N/m 1110 RasGs= .50ssaetweny:3.3 %-~oL saynse md enL g- in &smSy can4CL l A h e In; -r it1' Aer Psy Carmaml A 'IE - TDD r N Yes..' Pe.s.-wa r 12=5 I= 1122 n er Virtmr et SBdb - 72fle -dM870 Comu5.s Oe"ses 'Sl - StBad - " -U -ts Of 'dea -em - semnm Nt -ereon-f -s -o san. -es -r P..yert Miniwng valu O-t ram.miin nees= -a -a sadaus -el vapor mar- ene p ., -m m al on oA ro 4.000 9 ne L LIl s.I2 SaomuefC tsanan Pires A MIE MAA~MSMDDIDDA~ 10 PMst Rae On -e -o asflnt ss JUNE 1925 0' 20', 1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE DEL 12.17 SATURATED UQUID DENSITY Temperat (degrees F) Pounds per cubic foot 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 81.020 80.820 80.610 SO.400 80.190 79.980 79.780 79.570 79.360 79.150 78.940 78.740 78.530 78.320 78.110 77.900 77.690 77.490 77.280 77.070 76.860 76.650 12.21 SOLUBIL7Y IN WATER Temperacure (degrees F) 68 Pounds per 100 Ipounds of water .630 12.18 UQUID HEAT CAPACITY I Temperature (degrees F) 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 I Britsh thermui unit per pound-F .193 .196 .198 .200 202 .204 .207 .209 .211 .213 .216 .218 .220 .222 .224 227 .229 .231 233 .236 .238 .240 12.19 LUDUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Temperature (degrees F) 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 12.20 UQUID VISCOSITY British thema Temperture, (degrees cers F)) .907 .894 .862 .869 .857 .844 .832 .819 .807 .794 .782 .769 .757 .744 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 rloot-F hotr ~uft4h~~squae 1222 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY Tempertr (degrees F) Temperature (degrees F) Pounds per cubic foot Temperature (degrees F) 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 .05284 .05906 .06587 .07330 .08141 .09023 .09980 .11020 .12140 .13360 .14660 .16070 .17590 .19220 .20960 22830 24820 .26960 0 20 40 s0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 55 60 65 70 75 p 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 Pounds per square nch 3.009 3.396 3.824 4.297 4.817 5.389 6.016 6.702 7.453 8.272 9.164 10.130 11.190 12.330 13.560 14.900 16.340 17.890 120 125 130 135 140 .478 .454 .432 .411 .393 .376 .360 .345 .331 .319 .307 .296 .286 .276 .267 .259 .251 .244 12.24 IDEAL GAS-HEAT CAPACITY British thermal unit per pound-F .150 .153 .156 .159 .162 .165 .167 .170 .173 .176 .179 .182 .185 .188 .191 .194 .197 200 .203 .205 208 211 214 ) BENZENE Coms.. W syranyme .. A.e Comonegs . Ga BNZ L FIREHAZARDS ' CODE ASSESSMENT I, HAZARD a.1, AnaW e awtn.tltaig eAs W va0or La n-nmms.Le~t -iie aOmc £5 A.T4JyV.W ai.3%.7.9% ten 4.4 -re Ae cotnjc1.a - Sm.ooano Stayeo-s late ar we -a Saom ERNNng A, Wal, nay aefnaei" .4 MOM-. IL Jeat aw. eones'esan S. Macly .It, s.I-eenrt .aatnoe .calA t ino gotrcana eav a. estserene. we.er 'k er la IFn~~ t'-knacsaswn east use ,yam.en. foc tan ecs vaner Sen.vr r - Fmnay001 . .I Ie..ve consbot n0po5um nearIit geos. vano may on. S 5.7 ma.a tat oor grted - in LIC Ewa'.mr Fire C ne" . - c. IF n . -silo rlsIo c . iS m.t 1 ag .n s n CONSCIOUS.na... ARMAL TO ACUATIC LIPE IN VERY Water """*' """qm e"'"* erhai, r a -FFnt Nasrv c Pollution waler Wasaic Meinaes access9 2.1 Man.e) -o3 OF CIe...........2 5.4 accno. ..........0 NA HIONI Comeller Ctam camPne hleainaaru~.. .... FIm.ne (nl.1 . I. eal seI . ailmy 2 0 ryaIPs... . -M . enI F Pauty atan avane 7.' fleacitty Grausc 32 7.7 ten enmwerer 12. PHYSICAL ANDCHEMICAL PROPERTIES IL1 flycat Stateat15-C- Ine LOWCOCENTRATION '" I . 122 M....,,.wemqimn a.n 134 penng 1L. nmesona 3a Reag scaaty.i. ace-ly I LABEL L RESPONSE To DISCiARGE (sea at HmanFI Tomel ........ ...... 3 AFabc TOm'Cty........ . ASSmmac Et............... 3 7.5 'A cm,,g . FeaN,- SWALL.OWC and ,ctn Flam NFyg 7.1 A. cgyg RAtty elnm Cammon Meral NO 72 .3 7-s Stabiliy 0..reig Traantei sianit 7.4 NeuwrNMI Agtents c e tiouto . . 7. CHMICALREACTIVITY -- Al... a.. Siaeigmane DR&M Ra Tm..rntn Oats -e Avilsana n - .s neacaan. a r NsSmYl, - Roo.. Wr "rF It taaIrhng nSa Sscplcd, 9VaarbhaaJ resprason. I1 treoWlng S onttt 9fl ay&- 'gf 1--an. vapor saIn . N-en FORMEDICALAIV IF IN EYES. AFFINY-1 Tl.anataccu Catewy - VAANN Exposure ..... tenIe aI. owl.ctre0 4r. L-t2 1hlena. .... l AbOoc he.tyeaa L1 CALL . e. er- ne ae LOsn 0a La enclotadwn. an Wta Rgninen T baa alaVSgi. Ya.amnst o .7 ne ca Var a hn e a.ndal CLiASSIFCATIONS HAZARD S WATER POLLUTION CaSegmywSaanwale kss LI ~.~aa Aquee Tany: 5 pond /m I2. etnwoc-1ImaSs..4e 1±5 Post at I ali 'I, . bC . 3-.3F Fr.n PoeI: - I 5'C-27.' ato- atjlree -a$ Nm 7t0rp 'raaanr ItS pow/24 Ir/ImaisnTL./tto wer Li Weesrelw Taxiany: Dat -a a.aae L3 Cllgsa Ouygn Delmand moo0t: - Cnhale Temprar 55'F - mrC - 562.l Cmficlbl oPresturc --- 20 I CHEMICAL DESIGNATIOMS 2.1 Co L4 3J1 Cembty Oclnrmnc ,Oocarn Penis Ca. Of/UNOeynagrc 4. OSSERVABLE CHARACTIRISTICS L.I Ptlyala 4.aC 4.3 2.211 Stat. ca LI Food Cai Concaritraomn Noatend: tiC claaa erac nra-ei.eagr 1.4COT N In I tO L CARaNy Ma.: 3.2 LJ c.:IaVmaed a, cttg alt wasa 5. mgas.; EYES: Natn -. mpanty o eate. wia latan Cal a pnyfhe. IF breagng a iegmlar or La LI idr v ivensd . N-e a hat Te1m mnneiat anga-er fe== LMns 75 LFoc 30 SHIPPING IfFORMATlONR 3.1Grades er 1"esl'a -* itcoe-n N/cm Ia T .-. inusalg% g~a g.3 Sa0-. % .. AInnawe No . 122 a a Oem reauremn en tl Camoe rmmann may I at rc J/EQ MeAte- soaOIer t NoTES RamStacr Prltatir - N- HACOeraa'e 3045 Va Oats t2USIMslng .f9a% Raqemw scoa.e tepeanre: iner 52.i! s.S Verong: ,aren-.aa. Teomcsty by Gres 3; L~at. 50 50eg/he 5.7 Late Toery Ltsumrs LA vene inamlat OChaciae mi oremei .'1 ragn concnsmfnna vawr or eyas er restray Wes.' the erreclt a mpoay. L5 6waS er salSa l,tm Charta..Demnnu Inzar. 1aNied an emameg and an raes, ma case~n senea rconerwrg or me gs. L to OS., aThseIa 68 ceal Il1 aot.. yalue: 2.000 Wm C r -ater0-ensele lil 112I --... Narfla n, 1NM4ALATION:ml mmoetm@emoasfene. L? .029P9 35.0 avnevtc. - 0135 N/my 12.13MaIte Cmuenotr-174e 1s - -9695 eate - -LC. 0 l nartnaa Prtactve Eeulqment Ma&.cea~n vadr cant.e. mae -r er a roes Pf~tf~fO& n. N OlalbO cwrvu elaela gogle er ac. gnn tntitlyaccertun.,oaS. amen *4'1 as naew.swnn FPSOWnn tin Odzaa e.oamni. -. ar Ionoed by wugin msnna EaNlImn en cninen. Coma Tr..o.ent er Exposur Sm Inun Ann eatsr lSmepavby 10 andoweta: remv nn. l 21. opnes,cm ntaia 3.545 x0' 73.2 5. HEALTH HAZARDS LI LA WN I ILIt Ver l0asI sIeeme O.eroy: 2 Itil aFFeIN seerne NFFta er Vapor (Gast I SI MI 1FIR.1. Il2 LmrtMeat of VaenS I iss Aiba - se i aug . aiwpst L.ads A1man retar Li IXJ bone Colones Sr: Oder: ail surFcNe T 1I -wrr chug eotatm 322 inua 0t J/kg aw-. BENZENE BNZ 12.17 SATURATED UQUID DENSITY 12.18 UCUID HEAT CAPACITY Temperaun (degrees F) Pounds per cucfoot Temperature (degrees F) British th Temperatur pr pound-F Temperature (degrees F) 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 55.330 55.140 54.960 54.770 54.580 54.400 54.210 54.030 53.840 53.660 53.470 53.290 53.100 52.920 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 .394 .396 .398 .400 .403 .405 .407 .409 .411 .414 .416 .418 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 .988 .981 .975 .969 .962 .956 .950 .944 .937 .931 .925 .919 .912 .906 125 52.730 145 .900 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 52.540 52.360 52.170 51.990 -51.800 51.620 51.430 51.250 51.060 50.870 150 155 160 165 170 .893 .887 .881 .875 .868 12.21 SOLUBIUTY IN WATER Temperature (degrees F) 77.C2 Pounds per 100 pounds of water .180 - 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE Temperature (degrees F) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 1Pounds per sutare inch .881 1.171 1.535 1.989 2.547 3.227 4.049 5.033 6.201 7.577 9.187 11.060 13.220 15.700 18.520 21.740 25.360 12.20 UQUID VISCOSITY 12.19 UOUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY unitch hur. r 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY Temperature (degrees F) Centipise SS 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 .724 .693 .665 .638 .612 .588 .566 .544 .524 .505 .487 .470 .453 .438 - 12.24 IDEAL GAS HEAT CAPACITY Temperature (degrees F) Pounds per cubic toot Temperature (degrees F) British thermal unit per pound-F 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 10 170 180 190 200 210 .01258 .01639 .02109 .02681 .03371 .04196 .05172 .06317 .07652 .09194 .10960 .12980 .15270 .17850 .20750 .23970 .27560 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 .204 .219 .234 .248 .261 .275 .288 .301 .313 .325 .337 .349 .360 .371 .381 .392 .402 .412 .421 475 .431 500 .440 525 .449 550 575 600 .457 .465 .474 .2 ETHYLBENZENE ETB I - 5m - -syoyis LaM wet CoOrn -anne -~ anS- s mawQ fi - -em-e L MassP- . . Pmmn LJ ar~et A. weg wowco1e -e -aa anw n Kes snce naa.=onts meUng aparaIes. gagn- enasle. -aeag St Star wee an usirn sel 14 w. ntwe @'e000ne -r 6.5 . Worv -nopon C ' -eo q* iny wear -M-WAnost I(s Moirt Asn -f Cornmmun Mad 11.2 ea brasnene fl..raha gag9m. .en.conee a cbn Sea-er -i -r vpo - liese gPs Wain af 9eo -u -ea U aras TiAS ae'an ae -e anit =- 3 . mS a~c~y~ . am wedesi...meea,. al.a. re - A-. s agnan. ncoro Li ~ tq. caow oIn -r Enenl.ye vapr. own knoc -y 1l HAZARD ASSESSMENT CODE FINENAZA9tS 5-F O.C g- CC. LhiV . AM 1.0t.47% a arnune 4.4 oaatw.e lces. ntMmr E-"ea U 5,9 n t So C Irmarn'.._____ 2 So..a innt 2 vwss Loso or suma Not 2 tflit Av we.-r Paluon *amnae Toacy 7. VAAPm 7.2 *weirian-i alntr -n Cbnemaaed DO No Sian. - oMM A fMlel 4s1Un MonU 2 -er ?A s-es Wae- ea aylsspennd Maun -r pnsmy tIS. reOT INU - flam 5 CO IF SwALLOwEO IF IN EYES.ac tnnsp.t Aosor Cnhabuer erPiMar 74 Removs ag .ilay 7.4 .-rn.e2 Noman asnn Cann.n Saeti nessny 74 2 CHEMICAL RfACMVlTT actany wNi W...s, 7.I iese~ Ceye.a Ia -m tet.t * nnewed. sma. aznii 0 diflt trqa. CALL C -s -ED No ron*Wi * W*iUW'Oulikens osel giv *larini F aeUng S am051. - olygn- 3 Eflac ineta no. eae. Ca wein naf (neetnct Fredut NOT INOWCEVOMITING. Date Not Asesble l PHYSICAL ANDCHEMICAL PROPRIES L1 Fbyma May -s -an -u aertr Noary a emer 5Wer a ono. al N-li or neartv 1 Ii co 34 3.3 P.ersl -ie 3 AlitUll ILI 25 CAS s2 b L-2 T, LA as 5-s MAmmne 4.2 - Ceer MAgsey .9 10 pagea 11 22 - lgert- i ma "a enWycala a 55ur WV55o L SNIPPING INFORMATION ao Li is -r g14 -os -ma nels.aa wiaD a el -. aes -m" a e -rci moir rew -1 iwrel bitasfig EMa.9W e Mimin. -i as. e - haig nwy cane CenIyal an' ton noiend iESTot se nie' onV. -e esser at sellr(1 nea nor smrua SKIN AND EYES: romwOy flena Ears -im a iant UVasan2.± ido The - Poty, Reas ete fl.S%; -la gyd fl.S%; -0nnd 59.0% lue on 8-2 9e LA Venfipm Open A (a Igus clyns/Cml NM.at VMa () S -NoIN Sxlk ar.e n ray M ef Yp Ieay = I 0'' I'Nf j, Meet of Vaocrs-ant 14404,/M - 50.10l/g 325 10 i J/kg 'I ist NCema : -17.790 Cl/I - -S N neifr) Lait 14iteeisI NOMingrnr of 7 - -. Deccmpo.sidr Stb 13.5 t I7 Rasi Vhis: p - a " oSniet O aoM'a AOmgl Dawa Not A.eet Seens PeiyWetit - - -erPer -Sot Lidfn tscnem J/Ig x eSer Pessr: .4 Dia eyJs cala efisci a moonreis emaa -a est *mWne -i nmcvy. on P SFilRENAZARDS (Cfimu Rae: asa Ma A. -r D Ipi. -0" MNr 0*47em G re 1: 0467 0i 2=c swis Tnt 28.2 - 0.02fE Nhi al 20"C Lieuid Veito MrtasMi Tenser 35.a dy.emai - O.laSa ra -e -n *nd-0's9ep5 eber. -an Ic edW0nerse~ Caaea snartn at. nps-r ma s setMy bans a. lon emnflr. Oamit CN s MNJVw: s- ier30 .r 0.5CSQg/g litcooeen - g9im PS0'ALAtlON-n geas Ilmedo LeiMVee 100lin -Ier Term inslW Lanib= 200 Wa Tenaly by iessemi. Gen 2; L~e. 1 rigy Des r- a.dst LaiW Vas Vaser {eat) Anren ChrmnmI u-se -g7." 6.5isin 12 Lwe. z Pessrng gmniat S3S3.*C - Oma- 3 . kia 100-45.4 wreis n tr LIu A Coelsee 4.2 OSer Ara 117.m 1We - C i Pre $22 CHARACTr CS 4. OBSERVABLE sdAe L.auMi 41 PWyes sen -a C.naCiC4. -a tic 651-.. a-er J Si HEALTH HAARDS Li TOSIWy: m/96 Mor/ThnsbMen wetIoIen TenOIcy frial (00t Cai Sleicae OmygenOsiend (B00Y 2.3% irear.L S flys Chi -ocnse Pol-mn A. F-e 0/N DeintoEr 13/1175 -- t'011n se been 277-F - -ni 32 DE$IGRATiOS CHEMICAL cVmasaV ani L WATER POLLUflON S-w be samnw an nyic -een -nsc r"yeamrn 3.5 L3 IABEL Caingelw 2Cim C2 awe it'C as 2. ±1 $5a et -id RESPONSE TODIStHARGE L name. oniea ay e erl se L, R Sa MSAt TO AOUIATIC LiFE IN VERY LOW CONENRATa0N. Fasgin -aarhnl LI, 612 Slcafnstt Art PWm Tempe M at Avessil JUNE 1985 ETHYLBENZENE ETS 12.17 SATURATED UCUID DENSITY Temperastu (degrees F) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 50 160 170 180 190 200 210 Pounds pr cubic toot 54.990 54.680 54.370 54.060 53.750 53.430 53.120 52810 52.500 62.190 51.870 51.560 51.250 60.940 50.620 50.310 50.000 49.690 12.21 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Temperatre (degrees F) 66.02 Pounds per 100 pounds of water .020 12.18 UCUID HEAT CAPACITY 12.19 UOUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Tempemture (degrees F) British thermal unit per pound-F pm Temoeratre (degrees F) Bftsh theTeum un-inch saws toot-F 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 .402 .404 .407 .409 .412 .414 .417 .419 .421 .424 .426 .429 .431 .434 .436 .439 .441 .443 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 1.065 1.056 1.047 1.037 1.028 1.018 1.009 1.000 .990 .981 .971 .962 .953 .943 .934 .924 .915 .906 .896 .887 .877 .868 .859 .849 .840 .830 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE Temperature (degrees F) 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 Pounds per squars inch 202 .370 .644 1.071 1.713 2.643 3.953 5.747 8.147 11290 15.320 20.410 26.730 34.460 43.800 54.950 - 12.20 UQUID VISCOSITY (degrees F) 40 50 80 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 ISO 190 200 210 Centpoise .835 .774 .719 .670 .626 .586 .550 .518 .498 .461 .436 .414 .393 .374 .358 .340 .325 .311 12 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY 12.24 IDEAL GAS HEAT CAPACITY Temoerature (degrees F) Pounds per cubic toot Temperate (degrees F) so 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 250 280 300 320 340 360 380 .00370 .0054 .01099 .01767 .02734 .04087 .05926 .08363 .11520 .15510 .20490 .26570 .33910 .42620 .52850 .64720 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 Bitish thermal unit per pound-F 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -007 .026 .060 .093 .125 .157 .187 .217 .246 .274 .301 .327 .353 .377 .401 .424 400 .446 450 500 550 600 .467 .487 .507 .525 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE t flE - =w 're M*""""'as -om - " o onM- - 6.12 ---L A-x Exlasg 11.: M.HAZARD CLAS$IFICATlONS cc-s .t s.emm asise Its MAE "'' A- t 0 -as bpag Oa m-u -a tneTmpertat m W no.vaae T vn Ann s* Nas n-. -- amed .f4i I W -a nS 7. CHENMCAL EACflTIIY -,ith -ale Not'e neemey -iw 7- -a, 74 NMammbg iyunns C-so and eyeLS L~~~~ fseS --L LE Rec e.--Locarem Exposure sae enrI IIny wa. Fma ares waSe. - fn L UMAy 04 - a $ IN EYES. & Cln aflk - em,, CONSCOU&,fiee F SWnAoWEve Ef l -e C -iena - Sal imen tns Ofr~. 7-2 * a 7i 7.1 te - Aem N- -n Aad p-i Net PepmrU-sr c O.f efl mes ere ISaI NI Not - - s E7y a~way______ 7.1 Assny d a. Weia sim Huan Watere-Uva a-. -n' Ia' "ta'g -was Dem no in HAZARD ASSESSMENT CODE fen-e A---Ie----C Agaa N rir -e ExongiSm Asme -lm- -e nem Iot -am e0cnoan -am seein pressa Ta. -nman -as -a emmmn-ls -amier e-e - Nas rwr -a snnmm Igrwsn teweustr E-ase -aMma evet L7 .4 LII -ue~ -mn -o -ame wemas Li a11, A-.-an -is T ,i...I -,..me-,,,...,. lik. IL HAZAEDS -ea seint LI a,3 TE] -aei -. 4 er -rmwr~t -enn No -lu -inn (Nawm -s 7. arsme Den r wee a M Reeesy Gream - weet asia w MtFHTSICAL MD CNEMICAL NPEIE Water """"'"**""""' Noie oam Poaludon II fty 1±1 pamn ma .= bLI I L WATEX PLLTI1O Iro n t sem - llw -. 4 -- 1r sa tC ne =2 0w250"Pl'.a - 121C 12.I Cr.ani57'- - 3mCT N i V se: *.1 ls In on --s.. 0* L2 ~ cceaIft LI L. mEPcmiNal ShusM-a ne Ti DISCHAEGE 41 W """ 2.2 oomulanpeuleaocl & C- t LAE N~tp Mene .4 tma smu mesam~mge~aen(amg 4 ww w Wmn Pad asiCneese 2rT.ra= nr Ptnat INa 125 1.113 4a12 LiMM Wuran -Tuan01Ti./n 13.l* LVnr 31.3 Crrs/cm - 0.013 N/rn at 20' LA - DOTC - - - Watr pa -n 2m.rammTenW g L AS CNEICA lV.IGNTOS 4RVBE 1'12 113 of taoscear Si Meet SUJ/C - 5O.1 c-/ I 10 10 4/kg 4et - Cmeuare Not perwww 7±14 sIn -r D..mnwwee t per6 ww tLi, 1tt3 5NEALTh iMAZf5 a. SNtP~tK liNFaMATrON ere. r wy:D Ll LI et - & meng ng u aS cow oemsim aa Twsmmet -s fpEat IAATflt V eni -'tr 'nee anew t sei -, -ar -i .. s -m g Slwar INGESTO6 wS 'n1- omebany Wn ,.aweaert EYES AND SOCir -l -ne p0ey at -ee and- -a md a eda hoipru, Wrs~i' L fnmn % as -er g" vwS. asrn an- grNs:5* % 11.15 IN - 50r6,ymet 12.26 L-nm 1lis7 ILI, - Wfm~taew cviDanos ammb.4 V0koor r a - --#C l TWngelhWe ArIse Amane r 4eememrpinn,,. -no V Li LIR a. a Li. L11I Tein by uagmyGeil t LOw. - 0.5 Var (Gamb-rlen Iaesie osseT-~sa 0- 7-a COeiemin Vpr WWe 5-0"or cmat sa .. nig S Un aye wrees me ss=lagaS I caue..wrmOW. - saq/k er hawlinrg. -. r '0 "TE3 JUNE 1985 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE TrE 12.17 SATURATED LIQUID DENSITY 12.18 LIQUID HEAT CAPACITY Temperure (degrees F) Pounds per cubic toot Temperature (degrees F) British thermal unit per pound-F 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 103.400 103.099 102.900 102.599 102.299 102.000 101.700 101.400 101.099 100.799 100.500 100.200 99.910 99.610 99.320 99.020 98.730 98.429 98.139 97.839 0 10 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 .198 .200 .201 .202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .208 .210 .211 .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 .217 .218 .220 .221 .222 97.549 97.250 96.959 96.669 96.370 96.080 12.21 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Temperatre (degrees =) 68.C2 Pounds per 100 pounds of water .016 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE 12.19 LiQUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Temperature (degrees F)er Btich mrr-a -r N 0 T P E R T 1 N E N T 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY 12.20 LIQUID VISCOSITY Temperate (degrees F) Centpois .958 .929 .900 .873 .848 .823 .800 .777 .756 .736 .716 .698 .680 .663 .647 .631 .616 .601 .588 .574 .561 .549 .537 .526 .515 ss 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 12.24 IDEAL GAS HEAT CAPACITY British thermal unit per pound- inch Temperature (degrees F) Pounds per cubic toot Temperature (degrees F) 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 .236 .318 .425 .561 .732 .948 1.217 1.548 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 .00702 .00929 .01216 .01575 .02022 .02571 .03242 .04055 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 .108 .110 .113 .116 .118 .120 .122 .125 140 1.953 140 .05032 200 .127 150 180 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 280 270 280 2.446 3.042 3.756 150 160 170 .06199 .07583 .09215 225 250 275 .129 .131 .132 180 .11130 300 .134 190 200 210 220 230 . 240 250 260 270 280 .13360 .15940 .18910 .22330 .26230 .30660 .35680 .41330 .47680 .54790 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 .136 .138 .139 .141 .142 .143 .144 .14 .147 .148 .148 Pounds per square Temperature (degrees F) 4.607 1 1 I | 5.616 6.805 8.199 9.824 11.710 13.890 16.390 19.260 22.520 26.230 j .149 ./ TOLUENE TOL 10. NAZAD ASSESSMENT CODE 5'".. n. wsyn n.y Co -,aoit Li e.2 a., *m.nwe -enm -y - - iA f 1.5ishi ioa,- cna-e -, A-T-U -rnar Li4 -arena i eier n .SI NCeW - C.:' 55'F O., Am t.27*%.7% 'crF IL HAZAD usacWWe., say -e aen. Mnat CMA in o is Nat Ce aua hi Not s * fen.,a teIe ESIGATON vapo miwy andMI tswsOBSEVABt CMRCU -mu a -we aNWenamS meL -osa -n saes~c .d~ an4 fl-a wear Fire Oagdian .a 0*n,hu v.- . . Asee uiss- ed Ymmaine ains ., Ca ~e.. .l O2u7-0 TempersnL Rieta Teeire -mn-. L10 It. - ra feans a~s r.,me,,. C. ~o, c Sa, to. a., CLA55JFCATOHS l1.1 ISpa as nt ma .r o ven, Eet 3 Irm., , s-r-nm ____________2 somme We-e Hianmry 7. FORMEDHCAL IO C.A. VAsO 85 rNe ,m~e. - noE -- ad vat. .- eiv.e=L Re..n .t. n.wie0 plut annaa nsas -n - INEYES. -o -ye IF SWALOEDan - L LABE ... - m 7.4 of vc -iu w. ik 732 weer pre-ti Data- MA-ev-y VOMING.O 00 NOTINDUJCE ns Wate Pollution Ing c it, wrnw.a 0.. ee SbuS Iro .ingP.. EESPONSE TODISCHAGE I 2. LABEL. *1 C0su.ry: 2.2 Cn3 s plmabe L2 Weibsrfe eoany: Oiyge GSleipm Da 12.74 f6.1 'pi,- 3. CHEMICALDESIGNATl0tfS CG Cmsity Cle.c 4. 34P|OU Q.$.psor 3.2124 Ot7VN NO. 2t 3.~2 34 34 MeAnSy CA) hEle 10-I Chi Caneinessn A-m at {a IMe ilisa. 4. .,-.-P.---I... Ese-tn Air.sole awum w ""n s~ - d. goge y.-- er int enel w I. SitPPmnc INFORMAT1N lsem lla LI -rde-l puity: p.-e -eos -ee LA 5 £5 LA LA Lie Li, Es..-u. Trenem Thrwnaig amia -o at J-s 14nit Yas n~Wg a * 'M Pfirony Semin. WIer Term Testdy Mid ayge a f ram -. -v amelgrarnto laia *anSS -a a deer ETs asiCaEST10N' to NOT r'ss 15 ain. satiN,alt. , wits -on -g m- in LiSai in1l0a by bgotar Grae Threna o I.1 oima0 nyfalon Nemn - O02 ima W tiapr i eor perar N/a a 20"C TWe. Ocific Grl ny: Oat set vp (OaMk 12.S -gg '2I 12 I.2 tatme tempea. Anar -sr Aier Nomaewwmor LA C ,o te 30 ,em O 5w g/lg em.re.' ea.n n Esssab/ - is.1 cal/g 3.61 t 0 J/g ws Ca.eusus 17. Blu/b -a a.sPdlw S,,..,e, a -oDa_ -012: Slt su=ele gt Piegg 17,17 agg A-s Yese Presfl: 1.1 -e a 1 or 3sey and slwe O-17pin WtJIYlu-2.00 =" no oeanen ae .5 Yoor (Ges) Srrrit Cnrae-neCeara aume a sapitranig af -i ers ie way. Thw es .ysim a girmen V. hp cot-nirtn hsmL N ran sricfig Lg* -r Seed hYuni 0Cecartim:YdAti narg ar 0*e am. we .ragt ,.nSm ier Odr 1110 dJ Dantl .5 soansn 5 In4'ALATON: IYv 12 ILI, igt -e-lu y-- noES I.3 a 20'C -a Sasaa Tens S-f e---..-y- en-.L at tad SYseww ls M~ Ga0Q. SWanW rine geoing *-f'""l.~~ miusm - 4.10 IXI3 3 5. HEALTH HAZA*DS smearietu- L ItI, U Mgedt h os1 IS, Li1 d0.s Dim - (.17 tLI seae OsEEVABLE CIARACTEhS5bCS 4.2 Aiyvl Ansa Fee ls.2NI." (30l 0%. 5 dsyt fa% maaL aana LA - Pemen Cl-e umlu- Ot -5." e-rer -0Cte 0La- - 3t.rC ~IS 0ee pue - WATER POIUON hi Amogs Teampi I1'm mg/U/ ateS U 2.1 gtI - Im - Wae- 'amaa Aassam S5Can Hammf)l -euwQgFgnflammaut, 0sse 3 PHYSICAL mADCHEMICAL PRPElES MtyI . FL. (ein Neoods' win aStl l 2 aas not 124 - fi Iam el 3 F"""'"""""" FNaa asfCa y SI wbt I 2. aams S. i U~gm a CI seal -... -n,..n,-.. ,,,dme.fem -e, -ue (Aeena em s-'Ni n. - .- deg 2 0- em- Netosn 7., 7.4 ,wgveo. hno O.51my waer oe -e IsN - gmy hf CONlSOS. nae a..,g Wmu. ws ma Amaceawly - a omm.n -~a na ,a-nn tasty Dunig T.E o Ebi fAes for Acdd Ca.aae -o -emm 7, a L EPOS ToM MAA n...e. -acas.ease.. Asamenc Erl......... MAC.vnT Aesoy w uen.ma.. MosS to -. YEWo cEde aw.aae. Al lraSwig -a V. Le ygen. i si Exposure s.a -j bwu.. CNHCAL L 4 E HA LAmrs (ta LIi teiOSfil LI tm i Tmtu.N Ai. toFS le nt at no a ei a-silad. JUNE 1925 TOLUENE TOL 12.17 SATURATED UQUID DENSITY Tempeatur (degr e F) Pounds per cubic foot 12.18 LIQUID HEAT CAPACITY Temperature (degrees F ____l___ -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 57.180 56.870 56.550 56240 55.930 55.620 55.310 54.990 54.680 54.370 54.060 53.750 53.430 53.120 52.810 52500 12.21 SOLUBIUTY IN WATER Temperature (degrees F) 61.02 Pounds pmr 100 pounds of water .050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 s0 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 British thermal unit per pound-F Fsquare .396 .397 .399 .400 .402 .403 .404 .406 .407 .409 .410 .411 .413 .414 .415 .417 .418 .420 .421 .422 .424 .425 .427 .428 .429 .431 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE Temperature (degrees F) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Pounds per square inch .038 .057 .084 .121 .172 .241 .331 .449 .600 .792 1.033 1.332 1.700 2.148 2.690 3.338 4.109 5.018 6.083 7.323 8.758 10.410 12.19 LQUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Temperature (degrees 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 12.20 LIOUID VISCOSITY British thermal e hor. unitfh I_______ Temperature e re F foot-F 1.026 1.015 1.005 .994 .983 .972 .962 .951 .940 .929 .919 .908 .897 .886 .876 .865 .854 .843 .833 .822 .811 .800 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY - 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 cnoise 1.024 .978 .935 .894 .857 .821 .788 .757 .727 .700 .673 .649 .625 .603 .582 .562 .544 .526 .509 .493 .477 12.24 IDEAL GAS HEAT CAPACITY Tempemrtune (degrees F) Pounds per cubic foot Temperatur (degrees F) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 .00070 .00103 .00150 .00212 .00296 .00405 .00547 .00727 .00954 .01237 .01584 .02007 .02518 .03127 .03850 .04700 .05691 .06840 .08162 .09675 .11400 .13340 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 British thermal unit per pound.F .228 .241 .255 .268 .281 .294 .306 .319 .331 .343 .355 .357 .378 .389 .400 .411 .422 .432 .443 .453 .462 .472 .482 .491 .500 TRICHLOROETHYLENE TCL I. HAZARD AssESSMENT CODE . FIRE NAZADS -Piatn:s-p C.C avn, LI 12 -"wsi~n eeee .en- . A.X-y 1.,4 LA -u Nas- PreWe sFIR-- - mn A7 4a.1 iS t -e ant leame IL KAZAADCtASSII1CAlTIONS 5as rn==70-p enare ?otpaa0r tine- Ise tee -man- c/Pewaam IL Kme =- N, se-amma aen ~i AS LID -le Cmaide tec A - Aqea E(Znguin ue CAM ta "'W Iii MAS t n.geyte 2Wer - mate ee2 Fire L11 IJEDrCAL CetS.rFOR "L0 -Wum e= bvnq -com fetmn cma. carWo -n ar Exlrs.m bAos Temeraenn OsDot eisliMe Aceot Tamony Anssai En' 4. or 1_____ veinter .- ' 2 2 L. CNEMUCLNEACTIVTT taen.. 7.1 Fipere- Sme*r .3 - .6 a.,A MoveetW.en O..fg TN t Sa 0uann Aam -e A-l and 11.3 N$PA Re . . _____ Coelbng 71s Zi.es .gna ____ Mamar Oesee.inr a =Ns., Iear g ___y a einoin 1 7.71 . oao shern'nany MPloe Dete-o seneiuC) ." m4~VC~ SW4U± -rE0 cass UNC$0I nois Gfn arIFWlLOWE g -n see0s. uemveLIornSn. gAneey m t saem yA g0.sy -osl Si a2 PHYf"ICAL AN ENICAL PPERTt I1Water - dacqwinted M Pollution a wt r pen ta- - -n -rw - arC - 12,4 TO OILCL L. ESMNS! wr IFe mneae MDor t ,lmIe rWe vco LABE onl -le w -i artNEE.'eJ mrnsoe wDare Leu A WATER POLITON LI ADue0sTelme) n,/v4 tr/de'/M/em . 01IDD Tievbt LA I 00 IC 4. OS DDSIRAIOnS Pand C-i Dem C~~ vale ( 00an Cineenain Psn: It-S I LsduIse s- eyntm/cm 34.5 gwn ... -n L EEALTH TAZARDS - . Mrfa Peee I nr gn -be en.ul .M.Ws1n ei Premoved £ *,.n ne~y .0170* era Lniti egm 2 4 1 C r C-eiNnt ob n.e0- Ne ~ae l- ie n mt na- LI ea orswny:4.5 -f van.C (oer ee Ma ofVaerest Bu of C -as er LI $Seell - 572 DIVQ 42 I 0' J/kg 103 CiSIoQeSwan Te.e T - 0.029 N/n at 20-C nti WIetadta N/Ni it 2A'C -. 0,0345 23 Laseds tane 2.12 asintm aln.r vAtlSes e-me aIn0 ? o/Iec LlutioneestwNw~wV.'re, e,..ma n.,. *$20-: 14l yapo (Get RaSe r HAACNT IC. V'IO .es " 11A 1.4 12 *SMelai a refOy Iaan rnmn DeJnme- N- es lue-n Nxaynal 12.214 -s-t Sluwset -ar n M-IS INast et FPert Dets n- .seie I. SMIPPINC INFORMATICNR=124 M=asLa.ine van -ma -.. a-el ane Preflr ±5 -m iMVy -sme Tmpmaue: AMams a L.3 -nr Amsare iNo anen L., Veng Areein~ama M- ASAlCS L1 t ga. £0I 5.3 eSCe ona 9-16 ly -N nl .or-a wWttlV -CW v.rEATNAZRS M ?n e enwy -me aiEt giemtma eeug om - s ra gaEYclnl: ,rersIA INM - wepo e nali, a.aesr s esyeana ae -s a er repast Le Tmty Lit a -em. tesuyman avnsa V.~rme N De mmg er EeveS 0. TVrlsn aeen LI -- Easn stranS sw leesi -xp-sI itsnStm i-seynwe . Si liesnla WeareMSp Oeve. greoeenta bMnW lr T W1IL vsl e SCnel .|C rSsW 3- a reme s Mis Lyes - afi er sonelwin; ge eil an intrm poyyrli. -en e n a r:N e ssmy awo - sa tans if S - =s.E- Ael eiSadey e ng 50-r as- JUNE 1985 j TCL TRICHLOROETHYLENE 12.17 SATURATED LIQUID DENSITY Temperatur (degrees F) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 Pounds par cube toot 94.669 94.410 94.150 93.889 93.629 93.370 93.110 92.849 92.589 92.330 92.070 91.809 91.549 91.290 91.030 90.770 90.509 90250 89.990 89.730 89.469 89.209 88.950 88.690 88.429 88.169 12.21 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Temperature (degrees F) 77.02 Pounds per 100 pounds of wate .110 1218 UQUID HEAT CAPACITY Tempeatre (degrees F) British themil unit per pound-F 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 .220 .221 223 N 0 T 225 P E R T 1 N E N T .225 .228 230 231 .233 .235 .236 238 .240 .241 .243 .245 .246 .248 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE Temperatur (degrees F) 12.19 LIUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Bri tiherm~ial Temperature UTtnc roo) (degrees Pounds per square de 12.20 UDUID VISCOSITY Tewtr Tdees Fni Cr F -1 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 60 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY .800 .775 .750 .727 .705 .684 .664 .645 .627 .610 .593 .577 .562 .548 .534 .521 .508 .496 .485 .474 .463 .453 12.24 IDEAL GAS HEAT CAPACITY Temperature Pounds per Cutc foot Temperature (degrees F) British terma urt perpounrd-F F) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 .508 .678 .894 1.166 1.507 1.929 2.448 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 .01245 .01628 .02105 .02695 .03418 .04296 .05354 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 .136 .139 .143 .146 .149 .1S2 .155 110 120 130 3.081 3.846 4.765 110 120 130 175 200 225 .157 .160 .162 140 .06619 .08120 .09891 150 160 5.862 7.163 8.695 140 150 160 .11960 .14380 .17180 250 275 300 .165 .167 .169 170 180 10.490 12.580 170 180 .20390 .24080 325 350 .172 .174 190 15.010 190 .28280 375 .176 200 17.810 200 .33040, 400 .177 210 21.020 210 .38420 425 '179 450 .181 475 500 525 550 575 .182 .184 .185 .186 .187 600 .188 p-XYLENE XLP 1. NAZARD ASSESSMENT CODE L. FINENAIARDS S. L1 .2 4A - LMit Firiana Ar. -ir Ls.ng.ali A-m Ft sn.s nmaos Senwaar a., e lxposure News l nea- elige sowea and'CJonel 4 an weSt m ECAngTO aacn 4ye10 - Gnnt 0 ter ory Cye _______ ng_ l - t eeperenem i -a ta e -mpnse 2 Peai var L12 Reang for - Mana lene 411 am- NAS 670"F tefoe Fin Oc-in %,A., Stean -r 11T, -at l-an is aInc A-~nn n -- flsW Smng aIN ca.aw - 0ain L7 nes e mANrAt neaII :Faer aS Cooe e. -m- - e Vsn e- -ia Iinine Temlpeane: NN . HAZARD CLASSrIFCATIONS II, 11.1 a.s. es n A.T.U -s ercm-ui t. 4.nFweryamis4ne Cire -m - % 1.1' -was AO T i 3 2 ny Efno AeInr.. 7. CHEMICALREACTIVITT N men. ra- -asono s en lea a no . Werann n .e selefseiCm iI N EYES. r SWMLLOWED an NOTINUC :A erc a d. ue - RanSPN SmCty LTO lu. DI It 7.1 st itoreiW ml t en n-.eny wis *etr: "a -i Cmer 72 ftnvn nflbW.m g= 7. tesIy 7.4 huteng Agentnfor Acd are 7. u n- 2, LABE A TEI CHit RaABanwa OBSn . CONS'QIJS, Reve we' OR -ee e N- Traeot Siamfie Durin Pfoafpereat I- NSerin .azao (B8.0l Sw ~ - 2 3 RA'N"N (Y - a SoiarRio(eac Ne e P-*uet ir 74 NAITCL 7n Ra- Data 32 -al n- Grous 1M PIHYSICAL MID CHEMICAL PRCPfTf1E INVERYLOW CONENTATINS. UFE RMRAuTO ACLIATIC m -en , ., L nene W ee -aa wen~ng -ae De er enseer IWe'.flefl TD o:SCMGE mrPNSE All1 Vf (See 12.31 Non It, re1 aiIscu.anWwgt 10.14 mnn Wa ter. Pollution - -er wei- I.0W= nr- i1 2.2 AWrmn Cflgry: e aa Cum3 41 wfe. Tasicity: 0W 12 Fene 3 00T 10.e.,.: 1307 rot eale -oemaa -eser -irsadn 4.1 ~snym 1'' 124 w: p e. V W ,'t homI it 20"C {|a: It7I 0.981 IIA Lieui 28.3 27.5 V tasee TenX aproaer - wne/Om * al 20"C Nl/v .t25 0.070 N/n el 200C 1113 Waser foasl Sefmirncy: 4-4 Osir- IAe 5m~ss .c.N,(C4.I, M" it? tpd Load te-s (ea u- - 143.0-C- ime 5. OBUEVAEI C)IMACMEIfTICS nomsi Co Camsastyhon a In6 Any. C- Fe- -- a LI at1 e - (35.-c Pan - 132"C - 6,'F- .emwad DESIGAAIDS CJIEMICAL 55.0" L WATER POLLITIOI LA 3, Fre-m 12A ± LASEL Man eaji wmmeny s-t eIg ,''t..'s 0Ws romuflan 1111 Raeeat bfcbrs.m 150 Blu/ - Gas - Yer C1 cm/g - ±4 2 10" J/kg -- L1 - .en P e ,l.r ifem ara 1.w.em| -r E-ele -3Tmmn anygen in inO - -ee -o n-=1011i-. t-*1 -ms -eer cougi. crane. wn.n aveg. .ung calese irram -is Sieen Vgenl e fl Press 8. SAIPPINbinrmasTION - ase r Yo .esara fa an e seWe omn Cer - A .~-rm~ sse r asme rlkiraaio Cmaocr. an e ne. iNGESION: ICI N OT e vaug - it ae -oil, am -sa 15nS KI we0 LI LOeWr mssmlt n PanInS Graefs et Pury R..oat Na.99: tere flT;meas Tv na y be n..t -ne Anemneru Wet n Ope (ffl No ILIA Hairea -T754.7 ILIA -im -r Me6i nlor raeameaet areger & itin er eelt uss/ na - -I7J5I e't S 10' -'0la OeeamSlei N- ltyteNt lFemt 27.83 caug I.27 '1227 Ritel Wee Npaen. aurt .. J/ig pein -is 0.34pee EYES: meter. tO a.' Timefneld aia vau art term, arraen LmnS 300~f tom Mr30lu. LA .Segtr rane 2. W0.... 50 t SWI9li by LA Tsit, L7 Lets Thsyp AC'.. a- -we -mmge espamng o en ee al caue. Yaer (Ges i nent On~censa Vces, L4 The fnlet isn'sy. sybecn C erwei 91 regrl confleso .i lrn S s o ke ,rwsfl heet mrn i Chrwwwaso -ea er 8.5 'ie of Wonert a risur.g remeL -s aus. .mrrig 5.4 Lit LII O-e u Thr~eet DLYmns, 0.05 O. '~ty r n a dme - NOTES ffm mm JUNE 19835 p-XYLENE XLP 12.17 SATURATED UQUID DENSITY Temperature (degrees F) 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Pounds per cubic foot 53.970 53.830 53.690 53.550 53.410 53.270 53.140 53.000 52.860 52.720 52.580 52.440 52.300 12.21 SOLUBIUTY IN WATER Temperature (degrees F) Pounds per 100 pounds of war 12.18 UQUID HEAT CAPACITY Temperature (degrees F) 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 British thermal unit per pound-F .412 .418 .424 .429 .435 .440 .446 .451 .457 .462 .468 .474 .479 .485 .490 .496 .501 .507 .512 .518 .524 .529 .535 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE Temperature (degrees F) 60 70 N S 0 L U B L 90 100 110 120 130 E 140 80 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 12.20 UOUID VISCOSITY 12.19 UQUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Temperature (degrees ) 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 peruBritnsh oor-F uar .935 .928 .921 .914 .907 .900 .892 .885 .878 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY Temperature Ctpoise 60 65 70 75 Bo 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 .678 .654 .631 .610 .590 .571 .552 .535 .519 .503 .488 .474 .460 - 12.24 IDEAL GAS HEAT CAPACITY British thermal unit per pound-F Pounds per square - inch Temoeralre (degrees F) Pounds per cubic foot Temperature (degrees F) .096 .135 .187 .255 .343 .456 .599 .777 60 70 80 90 !00 110 120 130 .00183 .00252 .00343 .00459 .00607 .00792 .01022 .01303 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 .246 .259 .272 .285 .297 .309 .321 .333 .998 11 .01646 200 .345 150 160 170 16 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 25C .02059 .02553 .03138 .03826 .04629 .05561 .06636 .07867 .09270 .10860 .12650 .14670 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 .357 .368 .380 .391 .402 .413 .424 .435 .445 .456 .466 .476 .486 .496 .505 .515 1.270 1.600 1.998 2.475 3.041 3.710 4.493 5.407 6.465 7.683 9.080 10.670 cST CARBON TETRACHLORIDE :0. PAZARD AZ$SSIENT CODE 4. FIREHAZARDS 6.L2 ermne'q Terme eSlmav 01 l5 Ws v1wtr. 'anU T- Agua comac n .. Paermi AgenS Net tofbe pereset N- Mzers er C-am-" sp.aMi Cdeosc Pems patea sneen -e etSOsed 10 speen inm. -a aoenA. 'e ; ..oI... E.WnISnin Ustd rn"- va.o A.X -ir .4 Onsomo k=rt c0h40 4.7? egnnienTemspentue: etSerrCAT10nS HAZARD IL 11.5 1 Mar NAS Man n 4u5 fA wate naoe Nei Relisg CAtegory Cdagrang serl.crlana enung L10 POISONOUS ANOIRITAING GASE' AREPAOOCED W HEN HEATED. mesar gogg-esarie ago0rarus Na0Ksnsa nAm na ARieee vaeP Temperemufl Stoaaassmnc Air so useom Fire Fiamse Tempeau 4.12 Dais no ma..... irani Lasa 0r Sole Muman om0.0... M e A10 %EOICAL 7.1 Naevony 74 Rasey.Sty 0reanne nas stocoad. ge. aritca.i rIespraof Ilumn 6nee-$ ar or m, rF Camman - o *titce itO Niit pfrtt IN. 7A4 isoler Aseo(netc u Rneecavay arewr.p S CIA MAviNo ComS U'Cs,"O CtoV.ONs. 0o noone a.:bda, 9e~ws a a SwNA1owEC Elector -cca Naitly Pollution coeoR NAy e.n 0n tauans con l0ow5 cngory A.. 'e5art t0 S M2 fYSICAL ANDCHEMICAL PROPIlTIES siya ae S t 1taame kaim1it ide4 C0iOlio an0 0 e.., r... 0 , . "e"' 0"- " Ce"" '"'" """" Caaifioin Msnre NFPA Caac wnm Not.,.,,m- m 0 1 'I' Water ... Matea:NC Dunse Trenee- Staia. ur.IIM Ageee - AcIds A I occor e anters . lfl~c enra CtSC S. aneu ves 0nn. -auer ie.e voca No rao st.aiy areas w,55m OF $wA4L.wEDo mill Wss.- Snue .,ga Rrr.as~w -n Cvbmcara. Omser P.lAmmAlIn (Ad.. PocO.u4 CFSWA~LL WED. ev... fl.wi 10o* -- Exposure Elect. ... 2 . ....... ...... 2 7. CHEMICAL REACnVITY VAPOR 11 ... avadaMs A.ai .a n. AuOA 0 ... 000ls. Come0 It1 SaBe Pemel .,O - 1 aine5 76.C 5 It. 7. LAEL TO DISCHARGE L RESPONSE s M a eat iSO. Psapese 7., Categmr No'. LI L WATER POL11N Aueus toelacty: Deanaais WB tp oesYs.y Dean etc 0 -; A.4 Feed Chn C.er -. rn 114 IL7 It' Pet It. I 3.1 S2 CHEMICAL IESIGmAIONS CG Camnsicey M~a sa 4. OBSERVABLE CHARACrERISTICS ams PRysim 4.1 Cine: Macqgenwrd 4.2 Coor: Can..s 4.3 t S..S wer Fnnia:CC. e00 2.4 OT 0 hs. 14 34 CA5 Megisy lies 09 c s. 5 J HEALTH HAZARDS 5.2 LI meEpeeDzms. syeeme's Trnnt -ose ar-im H eC Eisewr senn arella6 LI0 commeaQ EYES ANO 510N: lns -e s 5. -i Cts rn..:boseseawn: ~ a aot anssea: -ccf. anon luoomisn ,e09 5e y escrese or rs gut msa a. INMLflATOd: enswsely proeny Stan mfsca apari0n anaemo5re r or 11.2 sOolg er '-a I.. L,1 Cs.r 1its Punty. Commat ksacat eent 111 smoia e s1%ul. *-0 Ceso Perymensearet 'sat 1 er ant 5.0* ta-g Larusegvalu5: Dat. in avab.ol nMs floer Prenewt 3 10one Meat 12.26 s7.27 ie.g Teeperatoe: AnoerW A5Ue5nere N.o r5e5men lirt enimig Presasu-.aca*am -se -r es1 -oIn -r -omasses -ar -r rSoncewvoin 4 treqn 'e0as INGESTiON- sby gtc rne0 al1ne0 a wn n Temrsteden0 Ltmiinw2 Te4ale r ingemer ot 30 Grae.t.en- et Q t ee~ trat d e r £10 SHIPPNINMFORMATION -rs -r UISP ILI n *i Decsacn sacnv cr waiser:c re1rso Lrom.Ns 45LM 'tteoorfl~ acny f.sqsg emn, -i 0 e5C ts., ILIS Remove cisnuMensO00lomng and was Ocei5re ireoi -5snr Ogene vaor $emale= Sfser (Gast a4205tb - 465:reI noE w-0 d' IL. Eeapment 0.27 . 1212 LAIRn 4450er Vpt t 5t-2-5 Personal rel.ste 20-C Ih4 Ii ii rmoemais 12.13 LI at 27.0 oyOncst Mge.C Sperl Meanta 25rx1 ILI. as 0 ornsse . 0 .asNMs c 12.LI Vs' las esfin Gvy: 53 12.9s LtaM {as aipped - SerF MsXC - 556' U449 o. Mtat," N e seo. -e rMal SAl -2n0-c rF - 125. Tleenst IO6U'Valuc Gre.aer W0 a smen 0 lt wpm JUNs 'S! NI at "'C CARBON TETRACHLORIDE CBT I - 12.17 SATURATED LIQUID DENSITY 12.18 LIQUID HEAT CAPACITY Temperature Pounds per cuic foot (degrees F) _____________I ________________________ 35 40 45 50 55 60 '65 70 75. 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 101.700 101.400 101.099 100.700 100.400 100.099 99.750 99.410 99.080 98.740 98.410 98.070 97.730 97.389 97.059 96.719 96.379 96.040 12.21 SOLUBILITY IN WATER -Temperature (degrees F) 77.02 Pounds per 100 pounds of water .080 Temperature (degrees F) Bribsh thermal uni per pound-F 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 .201 203 206 .208 .210 .212 .215 .217 .219 .221 .223 -226 .228 230 .232 235 .237 .239 .241 .243 .246 248 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE Temperature (degrees F) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Pounds per square inch | .815 1.088 1.435 1.874 2.422 3.102 3.937 4.956 6.190 7.672 9.442 11.540 14.010 16.910 20.300 24210 28.740 33.930 12.19 LiQUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Temperature (degrees F) _______ 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 I 12.20 LIQUID VISCOSITY Britbsh thermal ohour"uttflh foot-F square per Tm ma (dnresF)se (degrees F) .724 .715 .707 .698 .690 .682 .673 .665 .656 .648 .640 .631 .623 .615 .606 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY 1.307 1.247 1.192 1.140 1.091 1.045 1.001 .961 .922 .886 .852 .820 .790 .761 .734 .708 .683 .660 .638 .617 . .597 .578 12.24 IDEAL GAS HEAT CAPACITY Tenoerature (degrees F) Pounds per cuic Temperature (degrees F) Btish thermal unit per pound-F 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 .02339 .03059 .03958 .05069 .06431 .08087 .10080 .12470 .15300 .18650 .22560 .27130 .32410 .38500 .45470 .53410 .62430 .72610 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 .123 .126 .128 .130 .132 .134 .136 .138 .139 .141 .143 toot .144 .145 .147 .148 .149 .150 .151 .152 .152 .153 .153 .154 .154 .155 METHYL ALCOHOL MALI & FIRE4AZARDS L1 PAIN" P enwa.le ing m~4-U w Co,,Ar, C lf r C. m..s reuseweerswy Waase n .rnv aA Iee tso posae awa ae NOI Pn pRodu Byne' in Eltneal Mancr Nt COates -a fl o tn c .ntw LIC Cas IL HAZARD CLASSIRCAIOMS mp 11.1 11. L7 an~w teor. oncax t nuranl' saus A.p-R.S 0''W W nV,,,aW erI, cal11e fe1NV, A n a, Ag1 USet may - Vaas t Cnasen fles Man VAMPAL Va seere S sta ~c 1wm Csl taAm el in -e tig-- 10. HAZARD ASSESSMENT CODE (S AVa'ann MI-lboek) CC.: t's O.C. rnsso At l%.u% Agnr-c-m ' IeII Fa9. Aun g a e l FASANawn Iz an 'ar Weier 0 L Grone Rat''e Te nws= Arna, 3 F~a Osra not -vlme l1 Fire anw- .- o coo. - Air to Ssiemen- oman -I. a.12 .lm Raten Fue ...Temean==Osta- noaa. ,ein VAPPI ISV 11 IF lSIAUd. NP, OC~rExposure Ad'Wost AajV=Nda. OF -t I ~ ut-o Coo INt as IF SWALLOW p Adsd m'- On HE rL HNCCNSCW QRMvING aflO vtam Sar a,S VOag -n YULSIONS -~ Cnftaa 0 Flammw'a irry 3 As..tt .... - owl -= Fluan LOarrctais .50 naenty or watr. In sn0 riusn m-r pI.emy Of IF EYES. .'o syeC open CONSC:CUS.nae taom SWALLOWEt-n vetm Jr Caus5ItataNt S0W IA 2 a.on s.r Sko,A. 14A Mt-t It StaM. Toenly1 AnsIee Enac_______ 7. CHEMICAL REACTVITTy 7.1 Pacatty w Wattr: No remn I 7. 0A.c.ity w"', CommnI ManiS NP 7J SWAbSity Omring Iant 7.4t6euwang Agent jar 2 nWaterPouaw IReal , I No(Amanne -- PI. Mau 7.5 7 os owt 7" porrlien-gwsI0 7.7 MHAle ASSIS (ONPIen IF wattr 7 CAN.S niuri Dat noIIF m ga I2. PHYSICAL ANDCHEMICAL PROPERTIES ICE ICA DEIGATIONSl to acse Oanerousa Ll GonQAAA 4.i oornon OBSERVABL CHARACTERISTICS wcIAsiton ci 0es needcne . I LAPPnn si LRESPONSE70 DISCAACE Sa m MaoPin (SA - iniqganmnely LPS Etacuate as ±2 3.3 34 34 Li 54 wf SIta 4.I Priw 4.2 Cer Ciane (s neeu. ace. LA 5.5 111ns Lbnt term 5nso Lhnl 220 Tesity oy bigenracao *: Lata T.hiar y ae 0-7 LA Vao (nOIA) Irrwnt 2r=oay. rg Hyl 05550 bIrfirt Les0 er s A m remer LI l11 may cmuse CaacVta coffrfl Ctac aMarr =- mg/m' .. - tar Temen== AMiWrt bigrt Anneml~anr Mo ramnava baring: Open r Ifln.n, ACaf 77.7 747 MNI.. - V.po (GAP, sAm OrGaIy: 1.1 or S''--'- M0et r V. (G ss 1254 Ljant Mat af yaenmier. 472.0Bt1t/ - 2. ct 1.w Xt0' J/.g ar e1 Csaettrs -AtIl 8Ilt - -. 477 ag - -I5 X 10 J/Ig lSA) - .... -i 8A1t 10' n 5 ILI12.2 oIIIt Pias nt 12217 UVFItwun V.ba CaVa ViA u Vasa n. AS - , -ad £0 twt. S - IS g/ag Irnr, vs cus a The spca IAS M inu iani resfann 5.4 Cas. - Rat, Cs. L2 hutoa s.3 - am teson Vaes 200W'o shir. ptrnt 13'S anan aut-f Sounrt I. SJIPPING INFORMATION 412 etesa ar C - 0.792at2O"C FA UPis st TI.r a0 n Lsu0 Water ntefacas Iainerm itin maa .5"C- 37.7r 131 ILI, 5.HEALTh HAZARD$S (Dio atm: .1ASF 114.0 5,peO Lase NnranaI nrtactw. Souime~ntSupoole Air Restor nor use orgame cangster gCogles runer gloves: urosCt'IO cltin ao cauew .yea .'ecnn Feaiw..g bos... Exosur synistain -mme" -yer an -nmu - c e oni s.i. a' womns. 00en ninewn are 00e Inw amag.50£0 Womwil Oe.Ol cas damt a. 1 10 2 Can Os anad cr eye damag, avan sor Swansteg m- cmasi Tebmet of Expsue Remove C..5rn Ia so= anosopy tsia .. sanf irmg tol o so ar 2 or -a ced.o INGESIO't- rum, venen. itanZv wtin wal ar IS en. EYES: ien SWr cn a onywaa. 51(1N ats'c IF,. ?4.1'F * Crl 43 Oder FPa art: -lee alcaot ten Isme -cri0racin.pa.n COt L4 Weignt 3±em 4. OISERVABLE CHARACTERISTCS CO C.mpanioary Cimme Aa glycci Fersia: C~.OM WlSU Desgignstr 3.2n23 007 I0 Net 123 CAS fegiay *00. 67-56-1' ra Li II M*ass 122 LI APlAmds T.PAY. 250 vOwm rtgN/lien/*/n VSalr oTaSir Catns a.esl t2 Watartotwt a., -eglsOxYgen DemAnd MI0R O 0.600 1.12 w/e . 5 d*Vs LA FPd CCnt - ±. CHEMICAL DESIGNATIONS LI & WATER POLLUTION LAtEL I mCaWgA: 2 Clm I ) P*Iys 1224 5f watr SIgs sati ansai SWaer womr DPoSAA May A3 0mraann.s F It rinvg a rmct -v osygert MrSWALJOwD Pollion E Nosoous tafor "wa:2,Tem a 1I1 a an n pedOn a Omof cewqn S P , ,r and adoaeci r t0 siat CoorT*rwnneat 10000±m 200d yan25.000 opm JUNE 1985 METHYL ALCOHOL MAL 12.17 SATURATED LIQUID DENSITY Tempernvre (degrees F) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 5 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Pounds per cubc toot 51.110 50.950 50.790 50.630 50.470 50.310 50.150 49.990 49.B30 49.670 49.510 49.350 49.190 49.030 48.870 48.710 48.550 48.390 12.21 SOLUBELJTY IN WATER Temoera (degrees =- UQUID Tem tr (degrees F) 60 70 80 90 100 110120 .130 140 Temperatre (degrees F) M 1 S C 1 B L E 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 1AO 150 160 170 12.19 UQUID THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY British termal unit perrpound-F Tenperaure (Bsqare .576 .593 .611 .629 .647 .665 .682 .700 .718 65 70 75 so 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 12.22 SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE Pounds per 100 i pounds of water 12.18 HEAT CAPACITY Pounds pm square inch .377 .537 .753 1.044 1.428 1.930 2.579 3.412 4.467 5.795 7.450 9.496 12.010 15.070 18.770 23.210 Bitn 12.20 LIQUID VISCOSITY Chrmipisre r . foot-F N 0 T 1.389 1.394 1.379 1.374 1.369 1.364 1.360 1.355 1.350 1.345 1.340 1.335 1.330 1.325 12.23 SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY P E R T N E N T 12.24 IDEAL. GAS HEAT CAPACITY Tenorature (degrees F) Pounds per cubic foot Temperature (dagrees F) British tem a unit per pound-F 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 110 120 137 140 150 160 170 .00235 .00327 .00450 .00611 .00820 .01067 .01427 .01852 .02383 .03036 .03836 .04807 .05976 .07375 .09039 .11000 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 .280 .289 .299 .309 .319 .328 .33 .348 .359 .369 .379 .390 .400 .411 .422 .432 .443 .454 .466 .477 .488 .500 .511 .523 .534 MATERIAL SAF-TY DATA SMEET 4AY SE USED TO COMPLY NITH CSHA'S HAZARC COMmUNICATiON 29 CFR 1910.1200. STADARD cCNSULTED FOP SPECIFIC U.S. GEARTMENt OF LABOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINTISTRATION (MON-MANDATORY FORM) STAHOARU, MUST SE REQUIPEMENTS. FORM APPRCVED 083 NO. 121a-0072 IDOE4TITY (AS USED ON LAEEL AND LIST) LIQUE-NOX SECTI9N I EMEc3GNCY TELEPHONE NLM BE (212)-473-1301 TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR INFORtAATIfN: MANUFACTURER*S NAME: ALCOJIOX, iMC. ADORESS: 215 PARK AVENUE SOUTH W YORK, NEW YORK 10003 SECTiON II - HALARDOUS THERE ARE NO 29 CFR INGREDIENTS/I INGREDIENTS IN dNTITY INFJRMATICN LIQU1-NOX WHICH APPEARFD ON THc OSHA STANDARD. 1910 SUBPART I. SECTION III - PHYSICAL/CHE-:ICAL CHARACTERISTICS BOILING PONT: 214 F VAPOR PRESSURE (MMHG): VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=1) SCLUBILITY IN WATER: APPEARANCE AND ODCRZ SECTION Z Z) -47 3-1300 DATE PREDARED: JULY 1, 1987 IV - FLASH POINT SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20=1): 1.075 MELTING POINT: N.A. EVAPORATION RATEr NO DATA (BUTYL ACETATZ=1) NO DATA NO DATA COMPLETELY SOLUBLE YELLOW LIQUID FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD (METHOD USED): IN ALL DROPCRTIONS PRACTICALLY - ODORLESS DATA NONE FLAMMABLE LIMITS: (CLEVELAND OPEN CUP) LEL N.A. UEL: M.A. EXTINGUISHl-NG MEDIAL WATER, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM, CO2, SAMD/EARTH SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: FOR FIRES INVOLVING THIS -MATERIAL DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: NONE SECTION REACTIVITY DATA V - STA3IL:TY: STABLE CONOITIONS TC AVOID: NoNE INCOMP4TIBrLITY (MATERIALS TO AVDIDJ: NYNE HAZARDOUS DECOMPJSITION '.R EYPRODUCTS: SCZ MAY SE RELEASED ON BURIING HALAP.JCUS POLY"ERILATION dILL MOT CCCJR NONE CONDITIONS TO AVOlD: SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA LNG=STICN-YES SKIN-YES RCUTES OF ENTRY± I NHALATL1N-NO HEALTH HAZARDS (ACUTE 4ND CHRONIC): INGESTICN MAY CAUSE CISCCMFORT SKIN CONTACT MAY PPOVE L2CALLY IRAITATING. AND/OR CIARRHEA. CSHA REGULATED: NC NTO: NO IARC MONOGRAPHS: NO CARCINDGENICITY: SIGNS AND SYMPTC1MS OF EXDCSURE: PROLONGED SKIN CONTACT MAY CAUSE DRYING AND/OR CAPPING. MEDICAL CONOETIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEZURES: EYES-FLUSH WITH PLENTY OF NAT=R FOR 15 '-IATER INGESTION-ORINK LARGE QUANTITIES OISCOMFORT SECTION VII - PRECAUTIONS 'Y EXPOSURE: MINUTES SKIN-FLUSH WITH CF WATER, GET MEDICAL ATTENTICN FOR FOR SAFE HANDLING ANC USE STEPS TC BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: RECOVER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WqTH ABSORBENT 4ATERIAL FGAMS PRDFUSELY. MATERIAL IS COMPLETELY 5IODEGRADA2LE. MATEP IAL AND RINSE RENAINCER TO SEwER. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: LARGE QUANTITIES SHOULC SMALL QUANTITIES MAY BE DISPCSED OF III SEWER. BE SOAKED LIP WITH AESORSENT MATERIAL ANC DISPOSED OF ACCORDING TO LOCAL ORD INANCES. DRECAUTICNS TO EF TAKEN TN HANDLING AND STCRING: NONE REQUIRED - VLSCOSITY OF MATERIAL INCREASES AT VERY LOW TEMPERATURES. OTHER PRECAUTIONSNO SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OTHER THAN THE GCOD INOUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES EMPLOYED WITH ANY INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL. SECTION VIII - RESPIRATORY C2NTROL IEASUP.S PROTECTION (SPECIFY TYPE): VETILATION: LOCAL EXHAUST: NORMAL MECHANICAL (GENERAL): N.A. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: RECOMMENDED EQUIPmENT: OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHXNG 'R NOT R EQUIREO OZRK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES: NO SPECIAL PRACTICES REQUIRED SPECIAL: N.A. OTHEP: N.A. EYE PROTECTION: RECOWIENDED PUBLIC HEALTH FACT SHEET LYME DISEASE IN MAINE Acknowledgements: Portions of this text are reproduced from Fact Sheets publisned by the Massachusetts and Maryland Departments of Public Health. What is Lvme Disease? Lyme Disease is an illness caused by bacteria that are transmitted to humans, dogs, horses and other animals by the bite of an infected deer tick (Ixodes dammini. While rarely life-threatening it is an important illness because of its potential to cause problems in the joints, nervous system, and heart. Where is Lvme Disease Found? Transmission of Lyme Disease has been documented in many parts of the world. It occurs over wide areas of the United States, but particularly along the east coast. Itwas first recognized in the U.S. in 1975 as the result of an investigation of a group of children with arthritis in Lyme, Connecticut. Cases of Lyme Disease have occurred in Southern Maine. Deer ticks have been identified in coastal York and Cumberland counties and in a few other scattered areas, particularly along the coast. Investigations are continuing to determine the distribution of the tick and the extent of Lyme Disease transmission in Maine. How is Lyme Disease Transmitted? The bacteria that cause Lyme Disease are acquired by juvenile deer ticks (larvae) through feeding on an infected animal, usually a mouse. At a subsequent stage in development (nymph), the ticks cling to vegetation in brushy, wooded, or grassy areas and transfer by direct contact to the skin of passing animals and humans. The bite of the infected tick can then transmit the bacteria to the new host. This transmission of the infectous organism appears to require that the tick be attached for at least 24 hours. The immature deer tick is very small, and when attached to the skin may not be immediately noticeable. The approximate size of the tick at various stages of development is illustrated below: Larva Nymph Adult Engorged adult Actual size August September June July April, May September - December During its complex two-year life cycle the tick can infect a variety of hosts including white-footed mice, deer, and other wild and domestic animals as well as humans. Lyme Disease is most commonly acquired in the summer months, less often in early spring or late fall, and only rarely during the winter. Itis important to note that not all ticks carry Lyme disease. The common dog tick for example does not transmit the infection. Even a deer tick bite does not necessarily mean that disease will follow, because not all members of the species are infected. Prompt removal of a tick will greatly decrease the risk of disease transmission. What are the symptoms of Lvme Disease? Early Symptoms: The first symptom of Lyme Disease is usually-but not always- a skin rash called Erythema Migrans (EM); While the tick may have gone undetected, the rash occurs at the site of the bite. It begins as a small red area 3 to 32 days after the bite, then gradually enlarges, often with partial clearing at the center, so that it resembles a doughnut. The rash may be accompanied by flu-Ike sumptoms such as fever, headache, stiff neck, sore and aching muscles and joints, fatigue, sore throat, and swollen glands. There may be multiple rashes in other areas of the body that develop after the rash that occurs at the site of the bite. These symptoms may disappear on their own over a period of weeks. However, the rash may recur in about 50%of untreated people and more serious problems may develop later. Treatment with appropriate antibiotics clears up the rash within days and may prevent complications. Late Symotoms- number of people with Lyme Disease may develop symptoms during later stages without having had the early skin rash. Arthritis in the large joints (primarily the knee, elbow, and wrist) occurs in more than one-hal of untreated persons. The arthritis may move from joint to joint and can become chronic. Nervous system complications occur in 10% - 20% of infected persons. These complications may take many forms, some quite serious. Treatment with intravenous antibiotics can be helpful. Heart symptoms occur in 6% - 10% of infected persons. Electrical conduction in the heart may be afftected and the heart muscle may become inflamed. How is Lyme Disease Diaonosed? Diagnosis is based primarily on recognition of the typical symptoms of Lyme Disease, especially the characteristic early rash and on the history of possible tick exposure, such as outdoor activity in a high-risk area. Atypical cases or cases with only later stage complications can be difficult to diagnose. Laboratory tests are helpful in some circumstances, but require very careful interpretation by a physician. In general, the lab tests are more useful in aiding the diagnosis of disease in later stages than in diagnosing early Lyme Disease. What is the Treatment for [ivme Disease' Oral antibiotic treatment is beneficial early in illness. Two commonly used medications in this settings are Tetracycline and Amoxicillin, although other antibiotics may be substituted. Prompt treatment of early Lyme Disease may prevent later and more serious complications. Treatment of joint and nervous system complications is often accomplished with antibiotics given intravenously or by injection. How Can Lvme Disease be Prevented? The only known way to get Lyme Disease is from the bite of an infected tick. Knowing where these ticks are found, avoiding such areas, and promptly removing the tick are the primary preventive measures. Persons living in or visiting high-risk areas should take the following precautions: - Don't walk barelegged in woods, brush, or tall grass where ticks may be found. If you do walk in such areas, wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, high socks (with pants tucked into socks), and closed shoes or boots. Light colors will help you spot ticks on clothing. - Apply a commercial tick repellant on clothing, shoes, and socks after reading label instructions carefully. Avoid applying high concentration products to the skin, particularly of children. - Conduct daily "tick checks" on yourself, your children, companions and on pets when you get in from the field. Shower, ifpossible. The ticks are often found on the thigh, flank, arms, underarms, and legs, and may be very small. Prompt removal of the tick will prevent infection. - To remove an embedded tick, use tweezers to grip its body as close to the skin as possible and pull gently but firmly until the tick lets go. If tweezers are unavailable, grasp the tick with piece of tissue. Do not handle the tick with bare hands. - Know the symptoms of Lyme Disease. Ifyou have been in an area where ticks are found, and you develop such symptoms, particularly the skin rash and/or 'flu' symptoms, see a physician promptly for evaluation and treatment. The Maine Lyme Disease Task Force is involved in efforts to determine the extent of Lyme Disease incidence and the distribution of deer ticks in Maine. Members of the group include community physicians, and representatives of the State government (Departments of Human Services, Conservation, Agriculture. Inland Fisheries and Wildlife) and of the Maine Medical Center Department of Research. If you find ticks you would like to have identified, submit them to: Insect and Disease Laboratory Maine Forestry Service 50 Hospital Street Augusta, ME 04330 DB Maine Lyme Disease Project Maine Medical Center 22 Bramhali Street Portland, ME 04102 Place the whole tick in rubbing alcohol in a tightly sealed container, pack carefully to prevent breakage, and mail in a crush-proof container. Please enclose your name, address, and phone number, note the geographic location and the date on which the tick was found, and information. as to whether the tick was found on a human or an animal. - PRODUCED BY THE MANE LYME DISEASE TASK FORCE Distributed By the Maine Decartment of Human Services Bureau of Health SCANNED Daniel S. Greenbaum Commissioner Gilbert T. Joly(19., Regional Director d,.i August 24, -sJordan Company 7050 S -Cammerial -Portland, Maine 04 ATTNTI'ON: ,,, A947--1231,x 4eeu XZkt+ct&1we2 RE: / AwzwJa ' aha &*3S 7 680-684 1988 BOURNE--OIR/SA 4-037 -Massachusetts Military Reservation Massachusetts General Laws, Ch. 21E Mr. Richard Wardwell Gentlemen: - The Department is encouraged to see that the Installation and Restoration Program (IRP) is developing a single document to cover all aspects..of the EventheL irst presentation: anthis hydrogeology of the base and environs.. subject-by E. C. Jordan at the Auyu4tf1l7K188 TECUetini;nasgin theAs- statied in our Department new insight into the hydrogeology ofThe -.area. July 10, 1987 letter, which cammented on the bomyrehensive Plan this document would allow the identification of hydrogeology data gaps ard enable a more The cmplete evaluation of quantification studies and remedial action plans. comprehensive plan states, "The hydrogeologic conditions at NMR determine the migration characteristics of contaminates in the environment; therefore, an basic to the development of an understanding of these conditions is installation wide approach to conducting the IRP." This office has reviewed the interpretive geologic profiles A-A(l) B-B(l) and offers the following comments. and As a general comment it may be helpful in the narrative portion of the report to describe the source of the various morphologic units (basal till, In particular, the relationship of lacustrine and outwash deposits, etc.). The Profiles deposits fram the Buzzards Bay Lobe ani the Cape Cod Bay lobe. indicate a direct correlation between the stratified drift lying below the Buzzards Bay terminal moraine and stratified drift of the Mashpee outwash plain. Morphological units of the Masbpee outwash plain underlie the Buzzards This feature has not been highlighted in previous IRP Bay Moraine. presentations. This fact is very important when evaluating disposal sites such -2- as the base landfill which may have a westerly camponent of groundwater flow. The highly permeable sediments that allow transport of contaminants over great distances like in the Ashumet Valley area are also present west. of the base landfill. Assuming a westerly camponent of ground water flow at the base landfill, a determination that the mapped lacustrine unit is a lower flow boundary would not hold. A flow path at that depth would run parallel to this unit in stratified sands and gravels. The source of the glacial deposits (Buzzards Bay Iobe versus Cape Cod Bay Iobe) are not significant unless the margin of glacial deposits in one setting extends beyond a previously understood boundary. Your use of the word lacustrine in describing a relatively homogeneus deposit (fine sand with silt) may be to narrow a definition of this term. Its our understanding that this term describes settings (quiet water) where sediments were laid down, not specific hamogeneous units. In a lacustrine settin stratified sands and gravels are also cammon. The presence&of the thick deposit of basal till at the south end of profile A-A(l) is good evidence that the lacustrine environment developed with the basal till acting as the dam/spillway. If this were the case and depending on the location of the stagnant ice much of the Mashpee outwash plain, below the elevation of the top of the basal till unit would of been a lacustrine environment. We appreciated the opportunity to hear the hydrologists fram Argonne speak on their modeling of the Ashumet Valley plume and the proposed filter beds -at the canal. We believe that such studies provide valuable information on the hydrogeology of NMR and its environs. We suggest that these studies be incorporated in the NMR hydrogeologic document. We look forward to giving further input into this document, ard if you have any questions, please contact Cristopher Tilden or James Begley at the letterhead address or telephone number. Very tnfy your--, Chr' cper Tilden, P.E., Chief Hazardous Waste Section CI/rr cc: Andrews Air Force Base NGBDE, Stop 1 Maryland 02331-6008 ATIN: Mr. Ronald Watson BAZWRAP Oak Ridge National laboratory P.O. Box Y 104 Union Valley Road (FEDC Bldg.) Oak Ridge, 'IN 37831 ATIN: Mr. Robert Coombs PF'R-27-1993 11:14 FROM DEP TO IRP OTIS ANGB P. 08 SCANNED CDM FEDERAL PROGRAMS a subsdiary ot Camp Dresse & Mcgee Inc. CORPORATION Revision Date: August 1993 MASSACHUSETTS MILITARY RESERVATION FIELD CHANGE REQUEST FORM Field Change No._30 Page__ of 1- Project: Hydrogeoiogic Investigation Project No. WBS 1.3.2 Applicable Document: Task 1-9: Technical Memorandum the eight proposed deep geologic Description: CDM proposes to drill borings in regions I & II using air rotary methods and bentonite mud. Mudless rotary or hollow stem auger methods were originally specified for these locations. Reason for change: Both methods were attempted at several locations in regions I & II. ' Moraine deposits in these areas consist of dense gravelly sands which bind augers and casing at depths where the water table is deep (>90, ft.) . Unconsolidated materials below the water table flow into open hollow stem augers making sample recovery difficult. Recommended dispo'sition: A mud rotary method is proposed which will employ an inert drilling mud. These borings will be completed as deep monitoring wells for hydrogeological purposes only; no water quality sampling will be bonducted. Impact on present and completed work: This change will facilitate the completion of the hydrogeologic studies and collection of samples for sieve analysis. Final disposition: c Re~Quaqt by: *ieldProject Af Manager: n Date: Approvals: HAZWRAP Project Manager: Date: NGB Project Manager: Date: USEPA Project Manager;. Date: MADEP Project Manager: Date: SCANNED UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION I J.F. KENNEDY FEDERAL BUILDING, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02203-2211 December 21, 1992 Daniel Santos, Project Manager IRP Office 158 Reilly Street Otis ANG Base, MA 02542 Re: Task 1-9 Response to Comments Dear Mr. Santos: This office is in receipt of the NGB's response to EPA review comments on the Task 1-9 Hydrogeologic Studies Technical Memorandum previously submitted. Upon review of this information, the majority of the submittal is acceptable. The remaining comments relative to the submittal are contained on the attached pages. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact me at (617) 573-5793. Sincerely yours, Paul N. Marchessault, Remedial Project Manager Federal Facilities Superfund Section Attachment: cc: as noted Carl Wheeler, HAZWRAP Doug Allen,-ABB Jane Connet, TRC Meghan Cassidy, EPA S PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER RESPONSE TO COMMENT ON TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDIES TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Page 1-4, 91'.1 Response P.3 This office wishes to reemphasize its concern that the SERGOU plume will not be completely characterized as part of the Task 2-5C or Task 1-9 activities because sampling east and south of Johns Pond has not been proposed. It is proposed to expand the scope of Task 2-5C immediately, should field observations indicate the presence of contaminants'. However, the concentrations of dissolved VOC constituents in ground water at MMR are typically below the detection limits of the field PIDs. Contamination may not be detected in the field through the methods described in the response. By not proposing any field GC screening or sampling of monitoring wells for chemical constituents, it is felt that an additional phase of work will be required after the Task 2-5C and Task 1-9 projects are nearly complete, to confirm the extent of the SERGOU plume. While it is understandable to have as much hydrogeologic information as possible before conducting a "plume chasing endeavor", this office is concerned about the impact to the overall schedule if confirmation wells are not installed until after the Task 1-9 and SERGOU RI Reports are submitted and reviewed. Clearly, the objectives of the SERGOU RI cannot be met if the extent of the plume is not confirmed. A possible approach could include the addition of a Phase III to the Task 1-9, Study for Region III: After the Phase II modelling has been conducted, selected data could be submitted in an interim repdrt or technical memorandum/work plan addendum. These data could be used to support selection of 4 to 6 locations south and east of Johns Pond for screened auger borings and installation of additional monitoring wells. Where appropriate, existing wells could be used. Page 3-2, gl, 3.2 Response Page 5 The response does not address the request 'that the specific water balance method and a clear presentation of the approach/assumptions be included in the revised work plan and not the technical report, as stated in this response. In addition,, it is difficult to comprehend how the best of the different methods for interpreting ground water flow paths will be selected. If sufficient field data is collected, flow net sections and maps will provide the most accurate means of determining ground water flow paths, since this method will not be based on simplifying assumptions necessary for a "prototype" computerized ground water flow model that will ". . . not require detailed calibration." Page 3-2, S5, §3.2 Response Page 6 The utility of the proposed prototype pond modeling effort to aid in placement of well clusters adjacent to the ponds is still not convincing. In order 2 to assess vertical gradient effects, well clusters should be placed as close to a pond as physically practical and be paired with staff gauges installed in the pond. A computerized flow model is not required to "properly" place these well clusters. In addition, if the variation of vertical gradients with distance from a given pond is as critical as discussed in these responses, then any flow modeling effort whose goal is to simulate the changes in these gradients with distance would have to be discretized at very small horizontal intervals in the vicinity of the lake shoreline. Page 3-4, T2, §3.3 Bullet 2 Response Page 7 Bullet 3 should be moved to the end of the list of bulleted items describing the technical approach. Modeling should not be conducted until the data base detailed in this response is collected. Page 3-11, T2, %3.5.1 Response Page 11 The response addresses the issue of determining seasonal water table fluctuations will be determined but does not address how the water table will be initially determined in each borehole prior to the installation of a well screen. Page 4-4, Vi, §4.1 Response Page 19 The response addresses all issues except the specification of the coring device to be used in GB-8. The response to this comment Page 4-9,94. Subsection 4.3 indicates that "Under Task 2-5C, sampling of Region III wells Based on your could be initiated as a Field Change Request." response to previous comments, and our response to comments on page 1-4, it is unclear under what circumstances or field conditions encountered would necessitate the sampling of wells through a Field Change Request. This office acknowledges that this document is Page 5-2, §5.2.3 not a "Primary Document" as required by the IAG; however, since the information to be derived from this study will be necessary to complete the Remedial Investigations for LF-1, CS-10, SERGOU and the Ashumet Valley Plume, the completion of this work can not delay the submittal of the documents as stipulated in the IAG. Page 6-1, %6.0, Response Page 21 and 22 Although the time frame to commence Phase II is relatively short, preliminary information should be submitted to this office prior to the meeting in order that we can adequately respond to comments or concerns raised during the meeting. OAPP Table 4-1 changed. The Title CS-19 Site Assessment should be Page 8-3,§8.3.1 Response Page 39 The following items require 3 correction or clarification in the discussion of model calibration: 1. The text states that several temporal sets of data will be part of the model calibration process. The text should clearly state whether data from different times, or different types of data for the same time will be used for calibration. If the former is the case, the text should explain how time series data will be used during calibration. 2. Model input parameters such as aquifer thickness and net recharge should be known with some degree of precision and not require calibration. The text should explain why these parameters require calibration. 3. Stream discharge is not an input parameter in the MODFLOW RIV module. The text should clarify whether the RIV module is to be replace with the stream routing (STR) packagd for the proposed simulations. HASP Comment #1, Response Page 32 The original USEPA comment did not refer to the 24-hour training required for workers who only occasionally perform site work [per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (e)(3)(ii)]. The comment referred to the three days of supervised field training required for all site workers in addition to the 40 hours of health and safety training [per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (e)(3)(i)]. HASP Comment #2, Response Page 32 It is stated that the policy is to use OSHA's Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) [1 ppm for benzene] or ACGIH's Threshold Limit Value (TLV) [10 ppm for benzene), whichever is more stringent. It is strongly recommended that NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs) [0.1 ppm for benzene] also be considered when setting action levels especially in this case where a reduction of the benzene TLV to 0.1 ppm has been proposed. The action level for upgrade to Level B protection would then be 5 ppm versus 50 ppm. HASP Comment #3, Response Page 35 A note has been added to Subsection referring the reader to Appendix P for further information on Lyme Disease. Appendix P contains-a Lyme Disease Fact Sheet prepared by the Maine Lyme Disease Task Force. While the information in this fact sheet is appropriate, it is recommended that the comparable fact sheet prepared by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health be utilized whereas the site is in Massachusetts. HASP Comment #5, Response Page 35 In response to this comment, CHRIS data sheets have been included for the compounds of concern as well as the MSDSs for the chemicals brought on to the site. While these data sheets provide the requested information it is 4 recommended that a table summarizing the most pertinent information contained within the data sheets (e.g., exposures limits, symptoms, target organs, and first aid procedures). The data sheets contain much additional information presented in small print making them somewhat difficult to read. SCANNED FIELD PROGRAM GUIDE MASSACHUSETTS MILITARY RESERVATION The following provides a brief description of the various field studies to be conducted at the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) between Winter 1992 and Spring 1993. TASK 2-5C REMEDIAL INVESTIGATIONS The Task 2-5C Remedial Investigations (RIs) address the following areas of contaminations (AOCs): Chemical Spill 10 (CS10), the Base Landfill (LF-1), the combined Landfill No. 2 and Fire Training Area No. 2 (LF-2/FTA-2), the Aquafarm Drainage Swale (SD5), the Petroleum Fuels Storage Area (PFSA, including fuel spills FS-10 and FS-11), and the Southeast Regional Groundwater Operable Unit (SERG6U) that includes groundwater contamination from SD-5, FTA-2/LF-2, the PFSA, and other potential sources upgradient. The purpose of the RIs are to: (1) Complete the initial RI program (from previous RI tasks) for groundwater contamination at CS-10, LF-1, FTA-1. The investigation will obtain additional information concerning the horizontal and vertical extent of groundwater contaminant plumes at these AOCs. (2) Complete RI activities at the CS-10, FTA-2/LF-2, SD-5 and PFSA source operable units. (3) Complete the characterization of the groundwater contamination at the SERGOU. The data collected during the RI activities will be used to conduct risk assessments and feasibility studies (FSs). Contractors: ABB Environmental Services (ABB-ES), and CDM Federal Programs, Boston, Massachusetts. Portland Maine, TASK 1-9 HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS The Task 1-9 hydrogeologic studies address three broad study regions. Study Region I is in and adjacent to the towns of Falmouth and Bourne, and extends to the Megansett Harbor. This study region encompasses the downgradient areas of LF-1 and CS-10. Study Region II is in Falmouth.and extends to Long Pond reservoir. This area includes the downgradient regions of CS-4, FS-19 and CS10. Study Region III is in the town of Mashpee and extends from Johns Pond to the Quashnet River. This area includes the potential migration paths for the SD-5, PFSA, and other plumes comprising the SERGOU. The purpose of the Task 1-9 is to collect geologic and hydrogeologic information to more accurately assessthe potential migration paths and fates of groundwater plumes emanating from the MMR. The results from this investigation will be used, as necessary, in completing RIs and FSs. Contractors: ABB Environmental Services, Portland Maine, and CDM Federal Programs, Boston, Massachusetts. REMAINING SITE INSPECTIONS The Remaining Site Inspections (SIs) address study areas CS-1, the former location of four Army regimental motor pools, CS-2, the FS-22, a location of three Army regimental motor pools, CS-6/ drainage ditch (CS-6) and associated oil-water separator and a fuel spill (FS-22) that was directed into the drainage ditch for FS-26, a fuel spill collection, located behind Building 754, 3444, and tank at building storage an underground with associated of a FS-27, the soil stockpile associated with the installation fiber optic line. to collect The Purpose of the remaining SI studies is information from the study areas to make a determination if the study area can be written off in a no further action decision document or if additional (RI) investigations are necessary. Contractor: CDM Federal Programs, Boston, Massachusetts. SUMP PROGRAM The Sump Program encompasses sumps and sump like structures from the entire MMR. The purpose of this program is to determine that the final disposition of sump structures and surrounding soils are potentially contaminated. This effort is a continuation of studies initiated under Phase I of the Sump Program. Contractor: Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., Wakefield, Massachusetts. ASHUMET AND JOHNS PONDS STUDY The Ashumet and Johns Ponds Study incorporates recommendations provided to the National Guard Bureau from a special public committee (the Ashumet and Johns Ponds Task Force) . The committee made specific recommendations for sample collection based on public concern over potential MMR related impact to the ponds. The recommendations include both a hydrogeologic aspect, and a biologic aspect. The hydrogeologic portions are being addressed under the Task 2-5C and Task 1-9 studies. The pond specific sampling, including biologic sampling, is addressed in the Ashumet and Johns to portion of the study is The purpose of this Ponds Study. of the overall "health" to determine collect baseline information the ponds. Information from the Task 2-5C and Task 1-9 will be incorporated as it becomes available. Contractors: Hydrogeologic portions- ABB Environmental Services, Portland, Maine; biologic and pond specific studies - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. FORESTDALE REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION contamination along The Forestdale RI addresses potential soil Greenway Rd on MMR, and groundwater contamination on Camp Goodnews, in Forestdale, Massachusetts. The purpose of the RI is to attempt to locate the source area of known groundwater contamination, and groundwater of extent lateral and vertical the define to Several innovative technologies are being employed contamination. in this investigation to meet the stated objectives. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Oak Advanced Sciences Inc., Contractor: Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and the Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ASHUMET VALLEY, FIRE TRAINING AREA 1 AND CHEMICAL SPILL 16 AND 17 to be conducted in the Ashumet Valley, Fire The activities 16 and 17 include Training Area, (FTA) 1 and Chemical Spill (CS) completion CS-16\17, at RI unit operable source the completion of a FS conduct to and FTA-1, at RI unit of the groundwater operable of issue The Plume. Valley Ashumet on the leading edge of the and Plant Treatment phosphorous emanating from the base Sewage possible effects on Ashumet Pond will also be addressed. ABB Environmental Services Inc., Contractors: Geological Survey, BACKGROUND Portland, Maine, Us INORGANIC SAMPLING to The purpose of the background inorganic sampling is sample evaluate and compare results from differences in inorganic This will include evaluation of samples collection procedures. as part of the sample collected with and without filtering The results will be used to evaluate samples collection procedure. collected in previous investigations, and for comparison values in risk assessments. The Hazardous Contractor: Ridge, Tennessee. Waste Remedial Actions Program, Oak FUEL SPILL 1 BIODEGRADATION STUDY The purpose of the Fuel Spill (FS) 1 Biodegradation Study is occurring within the natural biodegradation is to determine if are sufficient to biodegradation of rates the if and aquifer, The study is groundwater. in concentrations contaminant reduce to other applied be will results the but FS-1, at conducted being MMR. at sites fuel spill Contractor: ABB Environmental Services, Portland, Maine