THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, OCT. 20. 1927 | BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK The help of friends will make this column more interesting. Please call 140 and report items for this column. All news items of interest to women are welcoftied. * c rm i DECLINED, SECTIONS, ??"-nir i 1 Mr. U. S. Courtney spent Tuesday in Waynesville on business. Mr. Courtjney is opening a 10c store in Waynesville where he has secured a splendid store room, and as the city of Waynesville is growing we feel sure that Mr. Courtney has selected a splendid opportunity to grow up with the city. ; 3 ROOMS for Light house keeping 1 in desirable section and home. See J. F. Womble, store at Southern Railway depot. l-2tp F BY DUE TO MOVEMENT FROM FARM TO CITY ijj: 'A LOST?Black horn rimmed glasses night. Return to. B. B. Goode, Cliffside. 2-2t. at wreck Thursday « Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Hollifield and daughters, Misses Mary and "Frances ; Mr. Lum Yelton of Gastonia is vis- I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Allen, of Char- spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs iting Mr. and Mrs. John Keeter. | lotte spent a short time here Sunday R. J. Dunbar in Hendersonville. m m \u25a0while enroute to Chimney Rock for FOR SALE Messrs. R. K. and Elmer Hollifield Mr. Charlie Simmons, of Chester, | the day. left Tuesday to visit their daughter I have the following cars S. C., was here a few days to see his i[and sister, Mrs. Ferris McManus and for sale: sister, Mrs. Kate King. Mr. J. H. Blanton of Shelby is 1 New Model Essex Sedan. jspending this week with his daughter, | Mr. McManus in Taxahaif, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Reinhardt and Mrs. M. H. Beam and Mr, Beam on while there they will attemt the Co1, '24 Dodge Touring. lumbia fair. uldren spent Sunday with "friends East Main Street. \u2666 j \u2666 * 1, *25 Dodge Coupe. in Jonesville, S. C. The number population ures, Wednesday! Mrs. M. of consumers of farm cities, E. left the of towns Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. June Yelton and chil1 '25 Model Ford Touring. from morning with her little daughter j products in Cures, towns'and villages, .and villages has increased dren and Mr. lr. and Mrs, N. H. Welch Lum Yelton visited Mr. are 2 '24 Model Ford Tourings. Frances for Asheville where Frances \ has increased each year since 1920 74,097,000 to 89,992,000. This Is a gain' ca iping near Waynesville where Mr. John and Barney Hutchins of near of 15,895,000 in the seven-year period. by the equivalent of the combined will be examined for throat trouble. Touring. population of Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Welch is taking a much needed rest. Union Mills Sunday. In 1926, 2,155,000 persons moved ' 1 Studebaker \u2666 Francisco, New Orleans and San the from farms to cities, while 1,135,600 1, '26 Hudson Coach. ? >:.< Mrs. J. N. Dorsey and Miss Vivian j Sears Roebuck Agricultural Foundamoved to farms. This would be a. net Mr. and i Mrs. Lee Stein and chilMiss Gussic Sisk, of Shelby, 1 '26 Model Ford Truck. movement from farms of 1,020,000 is Dellinger, of Shelby spent Tuesday j tion points out. The urban populagained through the movement tion has The isiting Mr. and Mrs. G. C. King here dren and Messrs. "Bill" Butler and here with natural increase In the farm popu Mrs. M. E. Dorsey and Miss-1 from farm to cities as well as through Gene Keeter spent Sunday in CharNice line of Tires, best lation due to predominance of birth this week. es Dorsey. lotte. natural increase. over deaths was 3X1,000, so that the values at most \u2666 reasonable The*farm population on January 1, net decline In the farm population Miss Clara Bryant, of Charlotte Miss Mary Sue Turner, of SpartanMr. R. E. Biggerstaff is confined j 1927, was estimated at 27,892,000, was 649,000. ' The movement away prices. spent a few days here last week with burg, visited her father here Satur- jto his home with a deep cold. His; against 31,614,269 reported by the from farms is one phase of the readAgents Oldsmobile Cars. justment of agriculture. While it has friends wish him a speedy re-i census on January 1, 1920. The deMr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis. new jmany day for an inspection of the crease of 3,722,000 is an average of a distressing side, the more cities co very. \u2666 Turner Store in this city. 532,000 head per year. The total poputhere are, the larger the markets for sfc lation incx-eased from 105,710,620 in Mrs. Charles Hendricks, of Shelby I farm products and the better the 117,900,000 Messrs. W. B. Fred 1920 on approximately Melton, and to chance of success for those who stay spent a few days here with her parMr. and Mrs. Vassie Yelton and 'Phone 107 Frances Cook and Misses Edith and January 1, 1927. Combining these figon the farm. Moss Bldg, ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dellihay. son, James, Mrs. J. S. Keeter and Maude Mae Weaver and FOREST CITY Melton, Ja-j =s= baby, Misses Rebecca Hutchins and nette Taylor, of Gaffney attended j Estelle McSwain and Mr. Lum YelMisses Jennie Beachboard and Ruth church here on Tuesday evening atjton visited in Morganton Saturday Robertson spent last week end in ; jthe First Baptist church. Dr. Cecil I Charlotte. jV. Cook who is conducting the serv-' Misses Callie and Myrtle Dean, Re- |ices was formerly pastor at Gaffney! jbecca Hutchins and Mr. J. C. Johu- |before going to Albany, Ga., where he! Misses Nancy Mauney and Wery son, visited Miss Hutchin's uncle Mr. is now located. Carson, of Shelby, spent Saturday John Hutchins, of near Union Mills <!t here. Sunday. Mrs. D. C. Moore and son, Dick- j json, and Mr. Geo. Poole, of Miss Dana McDaniel, of Charlotte Misses Myrtle Hemphill and Eliz- j ville, spent Tuesday here with Mrs. j spent Sunday here with her parents jabeth Wilkie spent Sunday at the IP. D. Harrill, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDaniel. jhome of Miss Hemphill's parents, Mr, 4 i'fi 'fi and Mrs. W. W. Hemphill in Bridge- I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Keeter and chil- water. Miss Clara Harrill were guests of dren were the dinner guests of Mr. Mrs. D. C. Moore in Asheville Sunj and Mrs. Dan Brindle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Davis had as day. BUYING w their guests for dinner Sunday, Mr. SHOSS and Mrs. J. M. Miss Bunnah Harrill, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Cromer, Misses Ottilee Long, Clara Harrill Mr. H. P. Harrill, Mr, Robert of Spartanburg, S. C., spent Sunday Harrill, and Mr. J. M. Burkholder and guests, Look for the "STAR" on the Meriam Padgett. afternoon here with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harrill and Miss j Mesdames J. W. Ingram and E. L. aje sjt Heel or Lining. It s the Onty J. A. Dennis. Goby, of Erwin, Tenn., were shopidentify genuine "Star Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rattery, of j The Best Shoe on Earth For the Money ' ping in Spartanburg Saturday. Brand bhoes-A sure Gujae to Columbus, Ga., spent the week end i m Mrs, L. V. Mayer, of Parksville, here with Mrs. Rattery's brother, Mr. | SOLID LEATHER S. C., arrived Saturday to spend sev- |F. L Barber and Mrs, Barber. Mrs. J. Ingram Mesdames W. and E. L. FOOTWEAR eral days here with her sister, Mrs. Rattery was formerly Dr. Gertrude j Goby, of Erwin, Tenn., have been the A. C. Finch and Prof. Finch. ! guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. BurkBarber, of Hendersonville. holder for a few days. Mary H. Hewitt and Mesdames M. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Holman, of Gray left Sunday for Atlanta where *the end will be the of Mr. and will week spend t hey guests Charlotte, at AND Mrs. Jewell Gray. They will also visit here with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McDansee teria and West iile. .relatives in Lagrange newes * most up to date styles at * ; Point. you save. " Rev. Parker Holmes, of up $2 Best Plain flour dM AA \u2666 Mesdames J. S. Rudisill and C. E. will arrive today to assistintl^jj 1 bag »vv \u2666 24 lb. Alcock and Misses Dorothy Rudisill Best Self Rising ?Flour \u2666 and Sara Hughes attended the play "Clubbing a Husband" given by the Woman's Missionary society, of the c \u2666 'Methodist church, Cliffside on Satur10 lb. bag Corn \ All solid leather, every pair guaranteed, y_X/ // Qft OV t day evening. sizes, infants up to 2. Price?Meal / I* Heavy fresh Fat 1 Qc + and Mrs. B. A. Stalnaker, Mr. $1.25, $1.95, $2.50 $2.95 I I: Mr. Backs and Mrs. Clayton Stalnaker, Misses OAc Choice Rib I Hazel and Frances, and Master Robert Side 1 i Stalnaker and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fresh Compound lAc % King spent Sunday with Mrs. StalH \u2666 iJ naker's mother, Mrs. S. J. Adams in Lard Sizes 2 1-2 up 5 1-2. Price?f ; Lyman, S. C. Pure Lard 1 USED CARS * ~ * * * * * * * * # * * - * * * * » * » » » * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \u25a0» J. T. CAMP » \ ? * * Shoe the Family i * i * » * * + * * Ashe-1 With j * * * ? * fWP?« * £ * * Star Brand * * * * * * Shftps - * . j I $ * * \ ! * | j j j j "Star cßrand Shoes ' * * » * * <4re Wetter" ; * the Groceand how i LADIES SHOES ' j Trade much * *** , I * * ' IO * \u2666 * and, $2.95, $3.50 j Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Webb had as j their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. ? '-i I, 11.(4,11 J ( ll 1 | MEN'S OXFORDS M! » ' Loyal Order of Moose. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rattery, of Columbus, Ga., were week-end guests Meets every Tuesday night, of Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Barber. Mrs. Rattery is a sieter of Mr. Barber Pythian Hall. Visiting brothers formerly Dr. Gertrude Barber, of Hendersonville, and is well knowi here, where she frequently visited. 3 I 1 Standard Gas Motor Oils TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Cars Washed and Greased * * % Made up in smart styles in tan and rwTawsaro" \ $3.50, $3.95 and $4.95 i 4 » Ladies brown suede Cuban heel. Price? one strap pump with Ladies' black satin pump, Priced at?- $6.50 kid full Louis heel, pump. Priced at? Ladies' Cuban heel. tan one strap Ladies' patent pumps with both Louis and Cuban heels. Priced- s6.9s $4.95 and $6.50 ! Chief Chas. R. Price is attending the police convention in Durham this week. He is being warmly welcomed and hailed as the youngest police chief in the U. S. '-v black, price?- * * \u25a0* * Ayers and daughter Mary left last week for Phil- Mrs. W. A. Miss adelphia where they went to consult a specialist in regard to Miss Ayers eyes. st # * and Mrs. J. C. Scruggs were to Burlington Tuesday on acof the illness of their little Service With A Smile C. E. grandson, year old fellow is serE. T. RANDALL HOPE HARRILL Scruggs, Jr. The little iously ill with the fever. FOREST CITY, N. C. The Alemite Way * iff Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mills and daughSunday afternoon with ters Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Morgan in Shelby. While there Miss Virginia Mills supcalled to see her school friend Miss Martha Eskridge, but found she had plies. Farmers Hardware Co. gone to New York for a two weeks' Forest City Lodge, No. 1689, trip. Specializing On up $3.95 P. j Alice » City Service Station * / Misses Willie and Carpenter, Carpenter, Messrs. Charlie and I Arthur Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. jEd Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ! Carpenter, of Cliffside. JJ. 84 95 * L Phone 56 so BOYS' SHOES j Sanders' Groceteria ' \ ? Qc 10 95, s3 j * X lb. ' CHILDREN'S SHOES T\ * . s2 so, m 11.051 g.* ? N <P OXFORDS Mr. called count three Renew Your Subscription Before The Keys Are All Gone Your boy or girl may get the handsome Packard Eight Junior. Mail a dollar today, or drop into the office and renew your subscription. shoes where there is no question quality. Our prices are always lower. your #BuyDALTON BROS. to t "The Place to Trade" as