1 Laboratory of the circuits and signals Laboratory work No.1 RC AND RL SERIES CIRCUIT INVESTIGATION Objectives: to get acquainted with the circuit simulation package EWB, to get acquainted with voltages and currents parameters measurement technique using voltmeters, ammeters and oscilloscope, to simulate and investigate frequency responses simple series RC and RL circuits - to measure voltage changes in the circuits, to find phase changes and compare results of the measurements with the results of calculations, to analyse properties of the RC and RL circuits in the frequency domain. Introduction: Work procedures: 1. Turn on your work place computer, find the EWB icon or program (version 5.0c – educational is preferable) and load it. Find icon of the program MathCAD and load it also. a b Fig. 1. EWB component menu: Sources (a) Basic Components (b), Measurement Devices (c) c 2 2. Using the AC voltage source (take it from Sources table Fig.1a, four resistors (take them from the Basic Components table – Fig. 1b), voltmeters and ammeter (take them from the indicators table – Fig. 1c) build circuit (voltage divider) shown in the Fig.2. Values of the source voltage and resistors take from the table 1. Fig.2. Simple series resistive circuit – voltage divider Table 1 Initial data for the investigations Version Vin, V Rs, Ω R1, Ω R2, Ω RL, Ω 1 10 50 100 100 50 2 15 75 150 150 75 3 20 100 200 200 100 4 25 50 300 300 50 5 20 75 400 400 75 6 15 100 500 500 100 7 10 50 600 600 50 8 15 75 700 700 75 9 20 100 800 800 100 10 25 50 900 900 50 11 20 75 1000 1000 75 12 15 100 1200 1200 100 13 10 50 1500 1500 50 Measure voltages of the circuit nodes and current in the load resistor (click Turn On switch in the right upper corner of the EWB window – Fig. 1c). Measurement results put into table 2. Table 2 Results Measurement Calculation Vin, V IL, mA V1 , V V2 , V V3 , V 3. Calculate current and voltages in the circuit and compare with the ammeter and voltmeters readings. Use of MathCAD is preferable. 4. Rebuild the circuit as shown in Fig.3. Values of resistances must be the as in the previous investigation. This circuit is acting as current divider. Measure circuit input voltage and currents. Measurement results put into table 3. Fig.3. Simple parallel resistive circuit – current divider Results Measurement Calculation Itotal, mA I1, mA I2, mA IL, mA Table 3 Itotal, mA 4. Calculate voltage and currents in the circuit and compare with the voltmeter and ammeters readings. 5. Rebuild previous circuit and change DC voltage source to AC voltage source (Fig. 4.). Set up source voltage equal to 1 V and frequency – 1 kHz. Measure voltages and currents and compare Fig.4. Simple series resistive circuit with AC voltage with the results in the table two (do source not forget to set up measurement 3 devices to the AC mode. Also preferable to increase voltmeter’s resistance till 100 MΩ and decrease ammeter’s resistance till 1 nΩ - see example on the figure 5). If you see difference – explain reason. 6. Build the new circuit as shown in the figure 6a. Oscilloscope take from the devices menu (last icon in the components row – Fig.1c.). Adjust the oscilloscope to see the picture as shown in the figure 6b. Measure amplitude and period of the voltages. Results put into table 4. Table 4 Input voltage Ain, V Voltage on the resistors R2 and RL T, ms A2, V T2, ms Fig 5. Voltmeter properties adjustment a b Fig. 6. Measurements using oscilloscope: investigated circuit (a) and results (b) 7. Build RC circuit shown in the figure 7a. Find values of the components in the table 5.Voltage source amplitude must be equal to 1 V. Adjust oscilloscope to see picture as shown in the figure 7b. a b Fig. 7. RC circuit (a) and voltages diagrams (b) 4 Table 5 Initial data for the RC and RL networks investigation Version Rs, Ω R, Ω C, nF L, mH 1 50 100 200 10 2 75 125 250 12 3 100 150 300 14 4 75 175 350 16 5 50 200 400 18 6 75 225 450 20 7 100 250 500 22 8 75 275 550 24 9 50 300 600 26 10 75 325 650 28 11 100 350 700 30 12 75 375 750 32 13 50 400 800 34 14 75 425 850 36 8. Calculate circuit corner frequencies f C and ω C . Results put into table 6. Table 6 Value ω C , krad/s f C , kHz 9. Measure frequency responses Calculated H ( f ) and ϕ ( f ) . Results put Measured into table 7. Table 7 RC circuit frequency responses Frequency 0 0.2 f0 0.6 f0 0.8 f0 0.9 f0 0.95 f0 f0 1.05 f0 1.1 f0 1.2 f0 1.6 f0 2 f0 3 f0 Value, kHz Ain, V Aout, V H(f) Meas. Calc. ΔT , μ s ϕ ( f ), Meas. Calc. deg 10. Calculate using MathCAD both frequency responses. Put the calculation results into table 7 also. 11. Sketch the graphs of the measured and calculated frequency responses: by hand on the graph paper or using Excel. Graphs must be presented with grid and marked axis. 12. Build RL circuit shown in the figure 8a. Take values of the components in the table 5. Adjust source voltage amplitude to 1V and frequency to 1 kHz. Adjust the oscilloscope to see the picture as shown in the Fig.8b. Calculate corner frequencies of the circuit and put them into the table 8. Table 8 Measure and calculate RL circuit Value ω C , krad/s f C , kHz frequency responses and put results Calculated into table 9. Measured 5 a b Fig. 8. RC circuit (a) and voltage responses (b) Table 9 RL circuit frequency responses Frequency 0 0.2 f0 0.6 f0 0.8 f0 0.9 f0 0.95 f0 f0 1.05 f0 1.1 f0 1.2 f0 1.6 f0 2 f0 3 f0 Value, kHz Ain, V Aout, V H(f) Meas. Calc. ΔT , μ s ϕ ( f ), Meas. Calc. deg Plot the graphs of the measured and calculated LR circuit responses. Report of the work 1. Objectives. 2. Results of the voltage and current divider investigation (investigated circuit diagrams – screenshots of the EWB diagrams, results tables 2 and 3). Explanation of the difference in measurements using voltmeter and oscilloscope (compare tables 2 and 4). 3. Results of the series RC network investigation (circuit diagrams, formulas to calculate corner frequencies, frequency responses, tables with initial data, tables with the results of the measurements and calculations of the corner frequencies and frequency responses, graphs of the measured and calculated magnitude and phase responses). 4. Results of the series RL network investigation (circuit diagrams, formulas to calculate corner frequencies, frequency responses, tables with initial data, tables with the results of the measurements and calculations of the corner frequencies and frequency responses, graphs of the measured and calculated magnitude and phase responses). 5. Conclusions (explanation of the frequency responses measurement technique, properties of the RC and RL networks in the frequency domain).. 6 Control questions Explain difference between amplitude, appearance and average values. Explain voltage and current division in the circuits. Explain technique of amplitude and phase measurements using oscilloscope. What is RC and RL circuit primary and secondary parameters? Explain what is frequency responses of the circuit. Derive formulas to calculate frequency responses of RC and RL type series circuits. 6. What is time constant? Explain its physical mean and influence to circuit frequency and transient responses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.