Dear Masson, I appreciate all the work that SRK and ACSA has put in to allow the public to participate in the EIA process. Thus far, majority of my concerns has been addressed during the public open days. It is evident that one of the main concerns raised by the public are related to noise. With this being said, many schools are currently affected by the noise level and with the proposed re-alignment of the runway, more schools will be affected. As a student, I know how difficult it is to concentrate and how easy it is to get distracted. It is clear that the noise (e.g. the vibrating sound of rattling windows) will be and is a major distraction during school hours, thus inhibiting the students ability to concentrate and arguably to excel in school. Are there any noise mitigation measures in places specifically targeted at the schools affected by the noise? If yes, what are the mitigation measures and how effective are they? There are three informal settlements surrounding the airport, namely Freedom Farm, Blikkiesdorp and Malawi Camp. It has been brought to my attention that the families within these areas will be relocated irrespective of the re-alignment of the runway. What is the current status of the housing development project directed towards the families of Freedom Farm, Blikkiesdorp and Malawi Camp? Also, it is evident that with the proposed re-alignment of the primary runway, the socio-economic benefits will feed into the “greater” City of Cape Town. Many of the residents residing close to the airport (eg. Residents residing in Bonteheuwel, Manenberg and Delft) do not make use of its facilities. In other words, they do not benefit from airport upgrades, nor will they benefit from the proposed re-alignment of the runway. With this being said, how will the immediate surrounding areas benefit from the proposed re-alignment of the runway? P.S. The socio-economic specialist should have attended the public meetings as well. Kind Regards, Faeeza Fortune !"#""$#%& &'' ( ' ( )*+',+-,. +/ • • • !"# • $%&' • %&& • • $ • ()%&&)* + (, -%&&&. # -'%&&' ''/0 # # 10+ -# "# +# 2# &.)# *# $30 1 1'+ (, -4'%&& • + (, -5&6!2&7 • -+ - + 5&6!8&7 • + - -6!9&7 • + -:6!"&7 -'1 1!#*" ''%&& # ; '<) % <=>+ - )?' <'@.')-) -)8** -A8"9"" <0A8"9 A828"8** ,B# 5## <&#&#/+ -1- -+ (, --+ (, -1 #C)'#-D#( #C))) #E'#5& ')' )'# !" # $$% &$%'() % )!"" "!%) *)+,-.)$/,-) Dear Sharon/Scott After reviewing the Draft EIA report, Future Cape Town (registered as Our Future Cities NPO 120-892), supports the contents of the report, and the ACSA Runway Re-alignment project for Cape Town International Airport. Thank you On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Masson, Scott <> wrote: Dear Stakeholder The Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report is available for public comment and review from 31 March until 25 May 2015. Please refer to the attached letter and Executive Summary for further information and details of the Public Open Days. Regards, Scott Masson BSc. (Hons) MLA Pr.LArch Environmental Consultant/Landscape Architect SRK Consulting (South Africa) Pty Ltd The Administrative Building, Albion Spring, 183 Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700 Postnet Suite # 206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: +27-(0)21-659-3060; Fax: +27-(0)21-685-7105 Mobile:+ 27-(0)72-134-6897; Direct: +27-(0)21-659-3071 Email: This transmission is intended for the sole use of the addressee, and may contain information that by its privileged and confidential nature is exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended recipient or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this transmission, or by collect call to the above phone number. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. -, ! "#$$ ! " # $ %&'()*+ " ,-.* %/+.* (*)),).) ! "#$% !&'( )#& *(+(,-.(-'/0 ! "!! # $ % #! ******************** Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06. The following link displays the names of the Nedbank Board of Directors and Company Secretary. [ ] This email is confidential and is intended for the addressee only. The following link will take you to Nedbank's legal notice. [ ] ******************** ! " #$ !% &&'&()*" #$ (+, ! (-) .)$$(#" /!, !"#$ %" !"% &'()* ) %+, ()*% -% . '/ ( 0 1 1-.)12) 3 4 )!5)) %%67% 0 1 1 ) ) 8 ) &) ) %-9:9 . % ) % , % & ) ) % & ; 9< 12; %-1.(< %&)1%&!#/&) &'' ( 1= 5&(%>!#&) &'' ! ?'$- .!$5"@$/ 5 A3?'$- .!$5#"$'! " 3?'$- .'$!/B$5#@'A3?'$- .!$5"@$/ '! 3 C D D This transmission is intended for the sole use of the addressee, and may contain information that by its privileged and confidential nature is exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended recipient or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this transmission, or by collect call to the above phone number. ( )% $. !"# !$% &'()%*%+ , *%- + 9 E +%) ) %F )% %-%%.) )5 ) % % % )59'% )5%%%& % ) ) ) %128) & )&: ) 11 7G HI)G0*+*HJ , , , I % ) % I ) 2% !"# $ %&' % # $( )*+!"!,--!.-.. /0*+!"1222!.,"3 *+!"1422,22,, I'm part of the 49Million initiative. NB: This Email and its contents are subject to the Eskom Holdings SOC Limited EMAIL LEGAL NOTICE which can be viewed at !" # $%& '& (& ) * #+),)-(%& . (% +'* , , /' %(% ! "! # ! ! $%%& ! ! # " !! ' ! !! # ( )* +#!,- ,%./*012%31 - 4 5 Disclaimer: This e-mail (including attachments) is subject to the disclaimer published at: Please read the disclaimer before opening any attachment or taking any other action in terms of this e-mail. If you cannot access the disclaimer, kindly send an email to and a copy will be provided to you. By replying to this e-mail or opening any attachment you agree to be bound by the provisions of the disclaimer. !"#""$#%& &'' ( ' ( )*+',+-,. +/ • • • !"# • $%&' • %&& • • $ • ()%&&)* + (, -%&&&. # -'%&&' ''/0 # # 10+ -# "# +# 2# &.)# *# $30 1 1'+ (, -4'%&& • + (, -5&6!2&7 • -+ - + 5&6!8&7 • + - -6!9&7 • + -:6!"&7 -'1 1!#*" ''%&& # ; '<) % <=>+ - )?' <'@.')-) -)8** -A8"9"" <0A8"9 A828"8** ,B# 5## <&#&#/+ -1- -+ (, --+ (, -1 #C)'#-D#( #C))) #E'#5& ')' )'# !" !#$%& '"(( '$ )) * '+ ' !"#"$#%$!&'($)*#+(,%-&$-'"(.-/-##"(.-(&"011 ! "# $% & ' ( )* + ))))) +,- ' ' .!/)))) /01/0 23 44 #"$#%$!&'($)*#+(,%-&$-'"(.-/-##"(.-(&"011 2 03% &45 !# 67890 0 ::;; 4/<=;> 4#?67 0 ::;6 @=:,%;&=6,>AB,8;>;CD@=:,%;&=6,>7A,:6;A @=:,%;&7=,B8:,6BA; D-E- $ - $ This transmission is intended for the sole use of the addressee, and may contain information that by its privileged and confidential nature is exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended recipient or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this transmission, or by collect call to the above phone number. 4 ,. ! "## $ %& $ '()#* *#* # + $ +*# #*, Attention: SRK Consulting How do you quantify and weight the quality of life impact that these changes will have on proposed impacted communities (Edgemead, Botasig and surrounds)? Economic benefits should NOT outweigh human life. It is SRK's moral and professional imperative as those hired to bring light to the impacts that these proposed changes will have on our communities, to raise the alarm. The failure to do so will surely lead to future litigation. It should be made know that several legal cases and action have been made on this matter in the US and UK alone. Why not learn from places like London, who are having legal action against them We should learn lessons from those in first world countries and they have already had to learn these painful and expensive (in life and health and money) lessons. -----In this letter of OBJECTION, I'm not going to talk here about he the impact that this development will have on several learning school children, that this noise will have on businesses and the property value. However, I'm going to discuss two areas your report seems to neglect. What I want to discuss here is two even more SERIOUS and I believe have been neglected aspects of your report. Failure to address this and SERIOUSLY research the impacts of this will lead to massive fall back in future. And lack of data at this stage is NO excuse for not making this a HUGE ALARM! There is NO excuse for not using data and research that has been done abroad around the exact same issue. While SRK Consulting might be landscape and environmental experts, I'd like to know which third parties experts have been hired to assess REAL impacts and threats on the health (noise, air pollution with regards to jet fuel and well-being of those impacted with this proposed chance. Q: How do you respond? NOTE: Let it be made known that what is currently being rather as High or Very High is in fact LETHAL and there are several scientific and historic studies that have already proved this. NOISE: CANCER + DEPRESSION • • • • With planes flying over homes late at night and early in the mornings this will massively affect not only quality of life, but majorly and negatively impact heath Disrupted sleep and circadian rhythms has been studied in-depth and has shown to lead to increased cancer and depression. (example studies here, here). I could go on, but this should suffice as awareness for now. "Disruption of circadian rhythms. This leads to several pathological conditions, including sleep disturbances and depression. Importantly, accumulating evidence shows that the alteration of circadian rhythms might lead to increased susceptibility to cancer in humans." (Source) "If you live within six miles of an airport, you are at heightened risk of dying prematurely from environmentally induced cancer. The culprit is the pollution spewing from jet aircraft, ground vehicles and airport maintenance operations." (source) JET FUEL: CANCER, HEART DISEASE, BLOOD PRESSURE, BIRTH DEFECTS • • • Exposure to toxic levels of lead Pollution from jet fuel linked to rise in cancer "It is not easy to obtain data on toxic emissions produced by UK airports, as the government's postion is that aviation contributes very little to local air pollution. A spokesman for Transport 2000 said: 'The question is why hasn't any research been done. No-one seems to be taking this threat seriously and we really should be asking more questions about the affects on health caused by the aviation industry.' In America researchers, who carried out a study on SeaTac Airport in Chicago found that carbon monoxide registered above federal guidelines and added to the risk of cancer. Other airport produced toxic pollutants are highly suspected to cause many other illnesses such as, birth defects, respiratory illnesses, liver damage, and heart diseases." (source) • "Jet emissions affect a 25 mile area around an airport. People, children, animals and plants are toxic crop dusted by jet emissions for 12 miles from a runway end. A typical commercial airport spews hundreds of tons of toxic and criteria pollutants into our atmosphere every day. These drift over heavily populated areas and settle onto water bodies and crops." (source) SCARY FACTS (source) ALTERNATIVES Your report says that other alternatives aren't viable. I beg to differ. It seems these alternatives are only not being look at because of cost. Johannesburg created a separate, outlying airport to lead with their demand. Why are alternative locations up the West Coast being investigated? This alternative location is only ONE idea. If you need more, please feel free to contact me Kind Regards, Jacqueline du Plessis 083-570-0036 ! * On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 10:04 AM, Masson, Scott <> wrote: Dear Jacqueline As discussed on the phone, SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (SRK) has been appointed by Airports Company South Africa to undertake the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for the proposed re-alignment of the primary runway at Cape Town International Airport. The draft EIA Report is available for public comment (although the comment period ends today). I have attached the Executive Summary of the Report for more information. The full report and all appendices (including specialist studies) is available on SRK’s website: If you would like to submit a comment, please can you submit it to me (via email if possible) as soon as possible so that I can include it in the Final EIA Report. Regards, Scott Masson BSc. (Hons) MLA Pr.LArch Environmental Consultant/Landscape Architect SRK Consulting (South Africa) Pty Ltd The Administrative Building, Albion Spring, 183 Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700 Postnet Suite # 206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: +27-(0)21-659-3060; Fax: +27-(0)21-685-7105 Mobile:+ 27-(0)72-134-6897; Direct: +27-(0)21-659-3071 Email: This transmission is intended for the sole use of the addressee, and may contain information that by its privileged and confidential nature is exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended recipient or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this transmission, or by collect call to the above phone number. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. " !"# $ %&'()* %)*+,!-.($+,-! /.(0.'(0 0/.(+,-!"00 010100"" 23 Reference Numbers: NEAS Ref. No: DEA/EIA/0001606/2012 DEA Ref. No.: 14/12/16/3/3/2/446 Mrs J P West 9 Kenkendal Road Edgemead 7441 (H) 021 5582960 Cell: 083 5115 796 Personal Interest Dear Mr Scott Masson Re the above I hereby wish to submit my deepest concerns as a property owner in Edgemead that should this go ahead as proposed, that it will negatively affect not only our lives but our property values in a huge way. The quality of our lives and well being grossly and negatively also be impacted on, lack of sleep with interrupted by cargo flights, the mass increase in flights per hour over our suburbs, the increase in all the emissions into the atmosphere plus the dramatic increase in noise exposure directly over us (which is already considerable as it is) how on earth can this not be detrimental to our well being, lives and property values. I propose that it be kept to existing flight paths or a far better alternative route would be further option would be further South West over Monatgue Gardens or Killarney gardens which is mainly industrial area’s. Why on earth can’t the existing paths be maintained? Instead of impacting on our lives and properties in such a negative way. In Edgemead, we are already badly and negatively impacted on by Eskom’s Acacia power station assailed by emissions and noise during the early hours of the morning and impacting on our health and sleep patterns, and now this! I submit my objections in the strongest form and propose an alternative path that does not affect so many lives. Regards J West !"#! $!% #$##&!'(#")% *!"! Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone. -------- Original message -------From: Janine Toerien <> Date:26/04/2015 19:54 (GMT+02:00) To: "Jones, Sharon" <> Cc: Subject: CT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT RUNWAY RE-ALIGNMENT Good day I am unable to attend any meetings, but if possible, would like to make note that I am not for the proposal. I am a widow and pensioner and am on Chronic Medication for SEVERE ANXIETY, and PANIC ATTACKS, which also badly affects my sleeping pattern, and as it is I am a very light sleeper! Thank you Yours sincerely Mrs Janine Toerien 28 Driekoppen Way Edgemead 7441 !! "! #$%$!#! & '() *+,, ! " # $ % & ' Please be advised that this email may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us by email by replying to the sender and delete this message. The sender disclaims that the content of this email constitutes an offer to enter into, or the acceptance of, any agreement; provided that the foregoing does not invalidate the binding effect of any digital or other electronic reproduction of a manual signature that is included in any attachment. SCOPING AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTING PROCESS FOR THE PROPOSED RUNWAY REALIGNMENT AT CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NEAS REFERENCE NO: DEA/EIA/0001606/2012 SRK PROJECT NO: 445354 DEA REFERENCE NO.: 14/12/16/3/3/2/446 IAP REGISTRATION AND COMMENT FORM Please complete and submit this form by hand, post, fax or email to: SRK Consulting Scott Masson or Sharon Jones The Administrative Building, Albion Springs, 183 Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700 Postnet Suite #206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701 Fax: 021 685 7105 Tel: 021 659 3060, E-mail: or PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY: Name: J E Pantony Date: 15 May 2015 Organisation (if any): Capacity (if applicable): affected resident of the suburb of Edgemead. Postal address: 22 Du Plessis avenue, Edgemead Postal code: 7441 Telephone number: 021 5587509/ 071 874 9968 Fax number: E-mail: Preferred communication method (email / fax / post): E-mail Please indicate any direct business, financial, personal or other interest that you may have in the application: Affected resident: Edgemead suburb Any initial comments or concerns that you may have regarding the proposed project can be indicated below and/or on a separate page: As a resident of Edgemead, we will be directly affected by the noise levels, as well as the air quality as a result of the aircraft taking off directly over our suburb. As it currently stands, the noise at times, when the wind is blowing from the North West (predominant winter season wind) is unbearable. We are unable to hear ourselves for the period the aircraft is taking off. It is worse when there is cloud cover, with the sound reverberating around the suburb, and our residence. The risk related to the aircraft take off and landing paths, and the related pollution are unacceptable. The current routes, closer to Tygerberg hill are bad enough, but it is understood that development will take place. The noise monitoring initiative is noble, but after the fact. You are welcome to monitor the noise in our area,( near the Edgemead Civic centre) during the cloudy days to experience the noise factor now. You will be shocked. What are the alternatives? Why can’t the existing runway be upgraded/ lengthened, with the aircraft maintaining their current path. As it stands, the no go alternative must be implemented. This to protect the suburb, not only its residents, but also the ambiance, as well as the property values. Please note that I will not support the planned alignment in any way, and the residents in general feel the same way. I sincerely hope that this objection is taken seriously, and that this is not just a PR exercise to appease the locals. Kind regards Jimmy Pantony. Erf 32201 22 Du Plessis avenue Edgemead 7441 021 55807509 071 874 9968 18 May 2015 SRK Consulting (South Africa) Pty Ltd Postnet Suite # 206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701 Dear Sirs SRK Project 445354 ACSA Runway Realignment I hereby object to the proposed runway realignment project and the proposed new flight paths. Increased noise and frequency of noise generated by aircraft will negatively impact on me, especially at night. Uninterrupted sleep is known to be a prerequisite for good physiological and mental functioning in healthy individuals. Continuous noise in excess of 30dB disturbs sleep. With intermittent noise, the probability of being awakened increases with the number of noise ‘events’ per night. Additionally, increased emissions as a result of the new flight path, as well as frequency of flights, will have a further negative impact on the quality of our air and on my health. I would like to question why no alternative runway options have been put forward (including moving to a new location) and why no alternative flight paths have been proposed which do their best to avoid passing over residential areas? Surely every effort should be made to direct aircraft over industrial or commercial areas? Buying property which is located directly under a flight path is largely viewed as undesirable. Minimal surrounding noise, including that of air traffic, was a factor in my decision to purchase my home. Local estate agencies have already voiced their concerns that property prices will decrease should this change go ahead because the increased noise and frequency of noise will deter potential buyers. Yours faithfully ____ ____ __ ____ __ __ _____________________________ Signature ___ __ _____________________________ Joe Steyn-Begley ________ Name (Print) 082 423 6974 _____________________________ Telephone Number 93 Edgemead Drive; Edgemead ___________________________________________________________ Address !"#$ ! " " # $ " % !"# $ %"# & & '( ) &*+ ,- *&# +). #* #/& Hi, I have been to your website and have been unable to access,the pamphlet you supplied (only in Afrikaans) :I would like an English version, I would also like a more detailed version of how the noise parameters were calculated.I believe that the information supplied to the public are theoretical calculations for both the existing runway and proposed runway. Could you please supply me with the relevant information by e-mail as time is getting short, to get clarity on this subject. The metholodgy of the format of the meeting I believe, was skewered, this should have been a formal meeting, with a proper agenda. This could have been done with 2 sessions at 2 hour intervals. This would then allow all ratepayers who attended to hear all the pros & Cons :also as a resident I feel that this would give us all a better insight into other concerns of other residents in our area. . Regards JP Lawson 21 Fernwood Way Edgemead 7441 ! "# !$$ %&#$$ '($)*+,)$!*(- !) !.$ Hi Sharon, Many thanks for your reply. Could you please supply me with a copy of (Appendix 6C to the EIA Report). I see on your reply you mention expected DB levels, which gets back to my original correspondence that theoretical values are used. I have several other queries on the above proposal, which I can submit either as a separate mail or can wait until I get the relevant infomation from yourself. Regards ----- Original Message ----From: Jones, Sharon To: JPL Cc: James Vos ; ; Masson, Scott Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 4:05 PM Subject: RE: Case studies of Noise pollution proposed Cape Town runway project ! " #$% & '() $ * +$ * , &! -. $ ! ** //% * +*$ 0 *! $ 1 $ $" 0 2/ 234/$ ' * " . & '. *& "$ %*! &*!456 ! !7733 " &823-!"%*945! 7734 :27324-/;63-3<):27324-5/743/ ):2735257-3-65<):27324-/;637- )= >?$ $@ $?$ $@ This transmission is intended for the sole use of the addressee, and may contain information that by its privileged and confidential nature is exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended recipient or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this transmission, or by collect call to the above phone number. " *+. !"#$ % &#$ '( ) *+ ,- * $ +).$*$/ Hi, I have been to your website and have been unable to access,the pamphlet you supplied (only in Afrikaans) :I would like an English version, I would also like a more detailed version of how the noise parameters were calculated.I believe that the information supplied to the public are theoretical calculations for both the existing runway and proposed runway. Could you please supply me with the relevant information by e-mail as time is getting short, to get clarity on this subject. The metholodgy of the format of the meeting I believe, was skewered, this should have been a formal meeting, with a proper agenda. This could have been done with 2 sessions at 2 hour intervals. This would then allow all ratepayers who attended to hear all the pros & Cons :also as a resident I feel that this would give us all a better insight into other concerns of other residents in our area. . Regards JP Lawson 21 Fernwood Way Edgemead 7441 ! "#$%&"'()*+(,$* $)!$"'("% !" #! $%#$& '! #$ " ! " #( ' '! !" ) " * " " +,)-,./)., " /,-- " !( ' 012$#$1#32#422516$7"$8911#$##4$#261 1#1$#21$8$2#: !(;! % (& ( !< (( 6(( < !=! >?3 ( !'( ! ( ! (( 7 8 21 Ryan Way Mandalay 7785 23 May 2015 SRK Consulting, Postnet Suite #206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa Tel: + 27 21 659 3060 Fax: +27 21 685 7105 Dear Mr Masson I am making this submission for myself and for Community of Mandalay, who stand to be most affected by the new proposed runway at Cape Town International Airport. I would like to make the following points: 1. We were not made aware of the Environmental Impact Assessment and have had to make this comment at short notice after the reports in the newspaper around Blikkiesdorp. 2. The Environmental Impact Assessment report and very difficult for ordinary citizens to understand. The words are confusing and the maps are so small that it is not possible to see in detail what the impact is on our area. 3. The maps on page 201 show that the planning of both the existing airport and the proposed new runway are fundamentally flawed and a result of apartheid planning. When the airport was planned it was on the outskirts of the city. At the time it could not have been conceived that the airport would have grown to the extent it has. In the 60 years that followed its construction Cape Town has grown around the airport and poor communities, predominantly through forced removals were relocated into and around the airport. The location of the airport in the centre of the city is unique internationally where airports are usually located some distance from the urban area where they have the biggest impact. One could argue that the location of the airport as an element of urban infrastructure was part and parcel of the apartheid planning. The Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain were planned as segregated townships and the airport and its flight paths become the buffer between communities. There is an obligation on Government to undo this level of apartheid planning that is dividing our communities and cutting them off from jobs elsewhere in the city. 4. Since the airport's apartment approval and construction Provincial Government has been negligent in building new hospitals, schools and housing for the poor in areas which are technically considered danger zones. 5. The City of Cape Town has been negligent in not informing the communities of the risks that they are facing and has been approving development within the flight paths of aircraft and putting poor communities at risk. 6. ACSA has failed in their duty to ensure that the impacts of the airport do not negatively impact on society at large. It is problematic that Government who is supposed to protect the interests of its citizens sits on the ACSA Board. Long time ago, we heard that ACSA was going to compensate the Mandalay Communities and affected areas for the same reasons which it never materialised to date. 7. The new runway will put Mandalay directly into the flight path where our health and well-being is likely to be affected. We do not sleep peacefully, babies wake up often because the impact on the noise level during the day and at night time affect our lives. 8. This will affect the value of our homes which already has caused cracks on our houses. Who will compensate us for this? 9. It would appear from the plan on page 201 that our community is in a dangerous zone. Are some of us going to have to move out of the area? Where will we be moved to? Who is going to pay for our relocation? 10. We love our neighbourhood and want to stay here and build a better life ourselves. 11. As far I/we know no commitment is made to insulate our homes from the noise. We cannot afford to do so ourselves. 12. The EIA shows in the beginning of the report plans for a second runway. What will happen to us then when this happens? Yours sincerely N P Nqanto Mandalay Residence 082 945 4798 !" # $%&'# () * +)# ,# "#)+-. +/ *0 1* (,# #- -# 2 )3..( # *#)# ! " " #$% & ""'( ) # * +,! ' #- . / !"# # $%& '(%& !"# $#% &' "()*+)$),"(-.#,.$ / $ 0 0(012340105603 3 738049%4 0073543 0 05735$&:8&0 03301&455 9; .4 55&< <015166 005&4% &(=600045 *51 8"519 !" #"!$%!%&!'"'#() ! " # $ %# & '(( )* +,) $"+--.//" 01$&1&&".1 ! (!!2232 4 5(--(6*7 !223 !! " #$%&!!$!'(')*! Postnet Suite # 206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701 Dear Sirs SRK Project 445354 ACSA Runway Realignment I hereby object to the proposed runway realignment project and the proposed new flight paths. Increased noise and frequency of noise generated by aircraft will negatively impact on me, especially at night. Uninterrupted sleep is known to be a prerequisite for good physiological and mental functioning in healthy individuals. Continuous noise in excess of 30dB disturbs sleep. With intermittent noise, the probability of being awakened increases with the number of noise ‘events’ per night. Additionally, increased emissions as a result of the new flight path, as well as frequency of flights, will have a further negative impact on the quality of our air and on my health. I would like to question why no alternative runway options have been put forward (including moving to a new location) and why no alternative flight paths have been proposed which do their best to avoid passing over residential areas? Surely every effort should be made to direct aircraft over industrial or commercial areas? Buying property which is located directly under a flight path is largely viewed as undesirable. Minimal surrounding noise, including that of air traffic, was a factor in my decision to purchase my home. Local estate agencies have already voiced their concerns that property prices will decrease should this change go ahead because the increased noise and frequency of noise will deter potential buyers. Yours faithfully Michael Abrahamse Cell. 082 902 0518 Address: 99 Thomas Bowler Ave., Edgemead. ! "#$"%% &'!()%%"# ! " !!! # $ • • %!& ''!&! ( ( '&)*ΝΌ + ! ' ! !+ ! ! (( ) ' ' (( ' , - , - '' !! ! ' ./01 ! & !( ' ( 2 ' '1 !3 2( ' 4& 5 6 & ! ! ' & (! (! # ! 7) • • •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his transmission is intended for the sole use of the addressee, and may contain information that by its privileged and confidential nature is exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended recipient or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this transmission, or by collect call to the above phone number. 4.. !"& "+ %&!"' &()* ' 5<7$$;:;$ -;+)<<. )234+ #:#;!$ C$ 4 +4=+ 'F2A = ?--G ' /0 'F2AHI<)J2=4<22<J)KLM'FF44<2KL &'F2A* &'F2A*. '4? #/$9#;0=ILL &'F2A* (8( ! "# "$ D ' > 5 I$ I;5 # - #' ?-G# - # ).1?-G/?-- #0 /0 < M 1 ( <1(&'F2A* &'*(;-.!;G&*;-G #% $&# D 2#-G' '( +)2+5H ++H +73H J2H.1 J+ N5+ ?;./ 0 KD8 4 )$*$ + & ,-././01./ 4K>;?#: J !;:" .-#?C-"-"-- .-#?C-"-"-: ) PROPOSAL: TO INCORPORATE MILDRED HOLO MEMORIAL SITE IN THE CTIA MASTER PLAN SUBMITTED TO CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONL AIRPORT RUNWAY RE-ALINGMENT AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE CONTACT PERSON MR SCOTT MASSON Environmental Consultant at SRK CONSULTING SUBMITTED BY Mlandeli Mbiko Convenor Social Transformation Programme (STP) Nyanga Development Forum (NDF) Tourism-Platform Contact no/s Cell 082766329 Email: Theressa Dangazele NDF Secretary/Etafeni Play-Group Project Exco member Contact no 0731234638 Nomampondo Pefeni Tourism-Platform Chairperson/ Etafeni Play-Group Project Secretary NDF/Tourism-Platform Activity of engagement (Safety & Security, bulk infrastructure, Local Area Economic Development, Tourism-Heritage, Social Dialogue) NDF Registration status NDF request to be registered as an IAP in the CTIA Stakeholder database AREA OF OPERATION Sub-Council 14 Ward 37/ 38/ 39 CONTEXTUAL BACKGROUND Nyanga is the second oldest African township in the Western Cape, it was established in 1946 but it is the least developed in terms of infrastructural development and upgrading The first housing scheme to be developed for Africans in the then Cape Peninsula, under the jurisdiction of the then Cape Divisional Council of the Cape (DIVCO), was started at Smit’sQuaary, adjacent to Sakkiesdorp, a shanty town in the Philippi area, where some Africans were squatting and boarding in a white (German) farming community. Divco chose this area for its first experiment in a housing scheme. And intended to demolish all existing squatters and force all African occupants to relocate to the new location constructed with bricks. To Divco officials the scheme was known as Smit’s Quaary, to stakeholders, the scheme was known as Nyanga (the Moon), The name was intended to compliment the name of the first African township under the jurisdiction of the Cape Town City Council Langa, built in 1926. Although Langa in fact was named after the Natal Chief Langalibalele. In 1952-1958 Nyanga was extended with the establishment of MauMau, that when the Influx Control was in great swing throughout the country and the turmoil in Kenya was evaporating throughout Africa (with only 408 houses for =/-16 000 African families were forcibly removed from DIVCO Bellville, Parrow, Klip, Goodwood, Eureka, Kensington, Simon Town, Retreat, District Six, were relocated to the 408 tiny housesat a duel occupancy area (MauMau) in Nyanga. In 1955 All those who could not be accommodated had to squatter at the Nyanga Transit Camp comprising of the following sections, Kraaifontein, Dutch, Jakkelsvlei, Elsies, Brown’s Farm, Emaplangeni and Sakkiesdorp. In 1958 All those forcibly removed from Cape Town City Council Retreat, District Six, Crawford, were relocated at a new camp known as Nyanga West Emergency Camp. PROBLEM STATEMENT (From labour town to balanced town) NYANGA (South West of the proposed Airport development) Nyanga spatial organisation is clearly structured around its roots as a segregated labour camp with a sole purpose of getting black labour to and from remote locations for work, at Portland cement works, at Philippi. Nyanga is a classic apartheid town. Central to Nyanga is the ungoverned Taxi Rank to and from which the primary movement routes are structured and around which housing is the overwhelming function. Pubic amenity, as a sense of place is solely lacking, roads are in an unacceptable conditions, public space is limited to widened pavements and dysfunctional and generally isolated sport fields that needs immediate upgrading, Parks are in a dilapidated stage that needs immediate intervention This state of affairs support the notion that Nyanga is all about the pragmatics of scraping together a living as opposed to enjoying a balanced and quality living environment The Fact that Nyanga remains in the state it is, is an indictment of the level of attention being given to addressing the problem. This report makes the argument that peacemeal attempts at infrastructure development would remain ineffective and seem lost without it being integrated into the Cape Town Spatial Development Framework a holistic plan and driven with a common vision To change the nature of the current infrastructural intervention, first and foremost we need to invert Nyanga’s role as a labour pool to ensure its role in the city has a meaning and value, shift from space driven by pragmatics to inspirational and aspirational space, provide the institutional support to manage area and in so doing, completely reconceptualise Nyanga as a modern urban Area. This can only be feasible if the content systems in the NUNU DOCUMENT 2010, can be implemented. Attached maps marked Annexure 1(a) Nyanga in 1996 1(b) Nyanga in 1958 I (c) First Housing Scheme 1946 PROPOSAL CONTENT This proposal is in regard to considering the inclusion of a Mildred Holo Memorial Site not far away from the Airport bridge, to be included in the Cape Town International Airport CTIA Master Plan. This decision is informed by Mrs Holo’s contribution in making people to be aware of their human basic rights, socio-economically and politically. In 1960 she is the one who organised a peaceful protest against the introduction of Pass Laws for African women, to also show to the world at large, what South Africa is capable of doing to African women. This happened at the arrival of the then Prime Minister Sir Harold Macmillan, at Dr DF Malan Airport (DF Malan was seen as a symbol of oppression by most Africans). The site has a potential to boost the Nyanga Local Tourism Initiative, it would be befitting to establish this site, as Mrs Holo was a staunch believer and supporter of Equal Rights, gender based and racially based issues. This project is consistent with both the NUNU Project (Transport Interchange) conceptual design phase of the Tourism-Heritage systems component in Erf 2849/8448 project DEA&DP Ref no E12/2/4/1-A1/345/3022/10 This site would give a positive image about Cape Town to arriving visitors as tourists to the city, that is well known for its racially based geographically and demographical set-up. Second item of the proposal, the request is to link the CTIA Master Plan with the Lansdowne Integrated Transport System, through the upgrading of Klipfontein Rd, Ntlangano Crescent, Emms Drive from the West of the South/North Node of the Nyanga Urban Node Upgrade (NUNU) and New Eisleben from the East of the South/North Node (of NUNU). NYANGA TOURISM-PLATFORM NYANGA LOCAL TOURISM DELOPMENT INITIATIVE (TAP-COMPONENT) ACTION PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOURIST AMBASSADOR’S PROGRAMME IN PPHASES PHASE ONE JAN-MARCH 2015 Fostered partnerships with City of Cape Town Tourism dept./Nyanga Business Forum /Native Eye To establish a Destination Management Group (DMG)/collaboration of Nyanga Tourism M Project, Hlumani C, Pezi & Mvano’s Biz-gig K.K Week-End Biz Nyanga Development Agency (responsible for Events management/Local Economic Development/organ & cold-meat distribution) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INCLUSION Although Cape Town is seen as the economic powerhouse of the Western Cape with its comparatively high literacy rate, Nyanga is evidence of the second economy characterized by underdevelopment and operating in the midst of poverty, low household incomes and high levels of unemployment and crime contribute to the challenges that faces both authorities and community leaders in addressing access to economic opportunities. The 2001 census reveals that more than half the population of Nyanga is unemployed with at least a quarter of households receive no income at all. Some 70% households reporting earning below the 2001 Minimum Household Subsistence level of R 19 000 compared with 38.8% of Cape Town households, paint a dire picture of the extent of poverty and unemployment within the identified area which is mirrored by service levels. Furthermore, of the businesses that exist, the bulk surveyed identified are run by women, operated from open or informal structures and sold products such as clothes, meat-vendors, spaza-tailing, makeshift restaurants, fruit-vendors, Taverns/ shebeens, herbalists, traditional doctors.hairsaloons, CED Practitioners, butch motor machanics All of which can be categorized as subsistence trading This challenge is being addressed by the Informal Trading Place Process facilitated by Sun Development (Fraser Siteti) A survey conducted in 2009 shows that, there are more than 300 informal businesses in Nyanga only, that needs to be formalised and be capacitated, in form of business support programmes and business training. Launch-to get buy-in from communities, local business people local structures, CBO’S, FBO’S and COCT Tourism, VPUU office, EPWP, Econ.& Hum. Dev. dept. role the TA’s are going to play in relation with Safety in the area generally Tourism Awareness programme around local schools, informal trading areas, public institutions/buildings, awareness about local tourism economic spin offs negative impact of crime to visitors experiences identification of crime hotspots for intervention linkages with W/Cape government to complement their Tourism Safety and support programme to create a positive image about Nyanga and to ensure visitors experience/enjoy their stay in a safe environment PHASE TWO APRIL-MAY 2015 Meetings and Brainstorming sessions to Evaluate phase one of the Action Plan in terms of progress made for the period. Identify challenges encountered and the reasons thereof. To design intervention strategy to mitigate challenges TA’s promotional materials, uniforms, interaction equipments, formalize informal businesses through networking with Municipality support programmes. Design Corporate Identity (e.g. Logo’s, letterheads, business cards) for small informal survival businesses/public schools/community based organizations etc. Introduce TIP around local Taverners/shebeens. (promote responsible drinking through indoor games) PHASE THREE JUNE-SEPT 2015 School Holiday programme To promote Nyanga as a sport tourism destination Conduct research about the Historical background of the identified cultural/heritage sites and the area of Nyanga, local schools, state buildings (desktop/oral ). The following are sites that have been identified as of social significance to our communities. GF Makhanya theme Park- contract no41Q/2008/09 TENDER AMOUNT R2 233 181.51/1901/2009 Heroes acre ( cemetery) R8 000 000 Pro Jack Memorial Park Heritage Western Cape Approved Dr. Kwezi Madikiza House Museum Heritage Western Cape Approved (ERF 2849) Wototo Makasi Memorial Site Heritage Western Cape Approved (ERF 2849) Etafeni Day Care Centre Trust (proposal submitted to madam Val Barry) (Nolwandle Mbude) KEY CONTACTS Zwelibanzi Shiceka-Heritage Western Cape (021)483Roger Carney-Project manager Erf 2849/Mau-Mau Project (021) 710-8200 Prof. Nigel Worsden- History dept. UCT Andrew Hartnack –(Anthropologist) Consultant who was commissioned to conduct a SocioHistorical Assessment of the Housing project/where some of these sites are located (021) 7625177 LAUNCH-Stix Business Corner Cultural Event ” An event the Tourism-Platform intends to stage on annual basis, with the assistance from all spheres of government depts. That deals with tourism, culture/heritage, local Economic Dev./ Events, Safety & Security, Sport & Recreation, Arts/music. This event has the potential to Allow local/visiting Artists to showcase their talents promote Nyanga as a cultural tourism destination improve local economic growth during the events To make alliances with tour operators, to ferry visitors to these local events develop events management skills through collaborations with local business groups PHASE FOUR OCT-DEC 2015 BUDGET TO COVER Launch of the TAP TA’s stipend for monitoring hotspots Transport & Training costs Brainstorming Sessions Capacity Building W/shops for identified programme co-ordinators. Administration costs Office rental TA’s uniforms TA’s communication gadgets Administrator’s fee Events organizing Catering Status of the TAP Accreditation process Accreditation of the TAP through SAQA, to NQF level 4, equivalent to grade 12-NQF level 5, equivalent to a Diploma-NQF level 6,equivalent to a Degree. Service Provider has been identified as North Link College. The COCT-Tourism department was in the process to solicit funding for 40 people who attended the course. That was the last report given by Mr. Mchunu to the Tourism-Platform meeting (on 30-05-2013). Expected proposed funding for the course is +/_ R1.3million According to Prof. Wolfgang Thomas, the following amounts were paid for the course R750@/person X 60 people for the course R90@two-meal +coffee/day X 7 days X 60 people Cost of Course materials N/A (information not available) The Tourism-Platform expects the Tourism dept. to continue with the course, because too much have already been paid. And the participants who wrote the seven modules are eager to continue up to the highest level of the course. Compiled by Mlandeli Mbiko (Nyanga Tourism Platform/NDF-STP Convener Contact: 0827663729 Email: Thando Peter (Nyanga Tourism M. (Management) Project) Contact: 082 072 5589 Email: N/A Siphiwo Kakaza (Nyanga Tourism Platform) Contact: 061 381 5454 Email: N/A Theressa Dangazele NDF (Nyanga Tourism Platform) Contact 0731234638 !"#$ %&'$$&$()( *$+,$--.- ! "## $ % $ & ' ( )*' + ,-*.-/0,)1 CONFIDENTIALITY CAUTION AND DISCLAIMER This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and contains information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. All un-intended recipients are obliged to delete this message and destroy any printed copies. This e-mail contains no warranty or representation as to the accuracy and completeness of any of the information and implies no commitment thereto. Please be aware that legally binding obligations can only arise by written instrument signed by authorized representatives. MTU South Africa (Pty) Ltd. excludes any liability for direct or consequential loss from use or reliance upon this e-mail. !"#! $%&'()*++* !""#$%&'%& (()"*+ ,,-..+. '/*+-000110,2 3')*'&4)")'56 7)4"&"#8' !"#$"%"&%"'""(()* The views expressed in this email are, unless otherwise stated, those of the author and not those of 2Help1 or its management. The information in this e-mail is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted in reliance on this, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Whilst all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of information and data transmitted electronically and to preserve the confidentiality thereof, no liability or responsibility whatsoever is accepted if information or data is, for whatever reason, corrupted or does not reach its intended destination !!" #!$%& $# '( ) *) Dear Mr Masson Regarding the re-alignment of the Cape Town International main runway. Pros Essential for the growth and development of Cape Town specifically and the Western Cape in general. This is beyond dispute. Cons A massive increase in the sound levels that the residents of Edgemead will face. This despite the assurances that "modern planes are quieter" and that the "take-off line will be steeper and therefore effect Edgemead less". That is all just placatory bulldust and you know it. I appreciate as the Consultants you have precious little influence with the operations of Cape Town International Airport at the end of the day once all is said and done. I would however ask that you do use whatever influence that you might have to ensure that the best possible end result regarding noise abatement is achieved by way of operating procedures at the new Airport. The arrogance involved is already seen with the increased overhead flights over Edgemead to 'confuse the arguments offered'. Thank you for listening Peter Loveland 7 Pegnanto Close (directly under the new flight path) Edgemead 0215581858 (home) 0796173984 (cell) ! " " !#$% %& !! !"#$$%#"&& ' () ' % #*$+ ( , -' ( . - / 0 ( ' , / ( 1 2 ( 34- 56( 7 895 : 5 9; 65 6 6 ' 6 6 ' , 6 ) .% ' ( 6 '()*+ %& ,-./0 ) 1-+( 2 345! 345""566 < . . ! "#! "$%&'() &* )( %+,&* (, &* -../.0" 0+%1 *&-201-&+ *3$4 !"# $ %&###### #'## $$( ( )# *+, -### )# ).) / ### ) ## 0 #1 $,#2# % $$ 34 5 • 6## • %7 • 87### 9#:;4# ).)#< • )##;#' #2##$# # '#5=/. .> • )7?#$#3 ###### ;##< $#@$#2@*2+# #A### B).) 27$(# ).) ('@# ### 8 8 C D11! !"# $"%& '(%')&)*#+,- . 4E#883$#);$)< E# • 2 • .#E##F • . 4#2G E##$)8#8C 48C. %8C. 4H0I 4J!? 8 DDI!FKL A2 ;I0!<?"D!I" ;I0!<"MNII 94# 8 .5G#) 8C.;)<4G ) )# !?N%8 8 DDII 4H0I 4J!? 8 DDI! O0D3;I<0!3"M3NIIF O0D3;I<0!3?"3D!I" O0D3;I<D03!N13?MDF O0D3;I<0!3"M3NID! KL L This transmission is intended for the sole use of the addressee, and may contain information that by its privileged and confidential nature is exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended recipient or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this transmission, or by collect call to the above phone number. 4#3. ?This e-mail is sent on the Terms and Conditions that can be accessed by Clicking on this link " ! "#! $! % &'( $ ) *+ !"#$%!"&$'()*&$+, -. */)/ 0 1!2 )*!(!&$,34/5 )*6!78&/)/.297!&$355189:/7!&$ ;<(,=8;<(,>79?< $;<(,<= ";<(,>?9 +#@05$5A BBCCC505$5A //&!&///$&" 2/ /$&/!8 &/$!!/ $"C5-!"&/ //"!/! $&"//$ //$ "/5.&!2$2/ &/ /" "$$$"2 !"5 33$/2"& 5 $ C@05$5AD$ C@05$5AE1&&10 3 !"#$!"&$'()*&$+, !"/BB7 !"/"! !"/2! :10 +"0@5$ ! !"#$+2F$. $ +G! !C3&/$!/ "2&&C$& 2 !" "/$5 %2"&&$//"!G!$&$!&&$!/&/ !"!#$%&'!%&((#)*+, Good day Scott, Thank you for the informative open day at Edgemead. It has helped a lot in my understanding of the project. I have since worked through the EIA report, trying to better understand the potential noise impact to my current location in De Tijger, and have a question that I hope someone from your team would be able to answer? While overall day/night noise events between scenario 2 and 4 appears to be predicted to be similar for the area (if not even slightly less than before - fig 6-20), there is a marked increase in night time noise events at Scenario 4 (fig 6-21). Does this indicate a shift to more night time flights, or what would be the cause of this difference? Thank you, Stéan Snyman On 15 May 2015 10:05, "Masson, Scott" <> wrote: Dear stakeholder Thank you for attending the Public Open Day for the Runway Re-alignment Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The following documents are attached and have been sent to all those who attended the Open Day: • Executive Summary • Copies of the Open Day posters; and • Comment sheet Please note that hardcopies of the Executive Summary are available at Edgemead Library. The Open Day posters and full Draft EIA Report are available on the SRK website: Please send comments in writing to SRK Consulting by 25 May 2015. Scott Masson at SRK Consulting Postnet Suite #206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701; Fax: (021) 685 7105, Tel: (021) 659 3060 We look forward to receiving your comments. Please feel free to pass on this information. Regards, Scott Masson BSc. (Hons) MLA Pr.LArch Environmental Consultant/Landscape Architect SRK Consulting (South Africa) Pty Ltd The Administrative Building, Albion Spring, 183 Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700 Postnet Suite # 206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: +27-(0)21-659-3060; Fax: +27-(0)21-685-7105 Mobile:+ 27-(0)72-134-6897; Direct: +27-(0)21-659-3071 Email: This transmission is intended for the sole use of the addressee, and may contain information that by its privileged and confidential nature is exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended recipient or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this transmission, or by collect call to the above phone number. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. SUB COUNCIL 10 COMMENTS ON THE ACSA’S RUNAWAY RE-ALIGNMENT DRAFT REPORT The proposed realignment of the runway at Cape Town International airport ACSA are currently in the process of applying for an environmental authorisation for the realignment of the current runway. This will have a significant impact on the metro south east and the development potential of the Denel site. The City is aware that ACSA long term plans to expand the airport further with a second runway. The implications of this scenario are significant and have consequences beyond the airport site and affect the lives and livelihoods of the residents of the metro south east. Some of these implications are listed below: · The noise contours impact on one of the most densely populated areas of the city which contains a large percentage of low income families and poor people who are neither able to move from the affected area nor able to afford the required mitigation measures to live in a safe and healthy environment. · The City’s efforts to improve the condition of poor and marginalized communities living in the affected areas through capital projects over the past 20 years will be largely undermined. · The rates income and revenue that the City receives from property taxes will as a result of reduced property values be reduced further limiting the City’s ability to address the acute challenges it faces. · The noise contours sterilize a significant portion of land on the Denel site which could be developed for a range of uses and provide well located housing and employment opportunities for the poor. · A single runway would be less space extensive and would allow for the excess land currently set aside for the second runway to be more intensively developed. This could provide much needed employment opportunities and housing in a central location. The current proposal to expand the airport therefore does not adequately consider the impact the airport has on the structure of the city and the well-being of its poorest residents. It would make sense to optimise the airport in its current location and look to relocate low value airport operations to the proposed site in the SDF. This would allow for the Denel site to be optimally developed for a range of uses. ! "## $#%& '() Hi Lyndell, I was reading the petition and realized that it is applicable to the residents of Edgemead, Bothasig and Monte Vista. We live in Plattekloof and the current flight path is right above our house. So nothing to sign from me as we have to state our address and this makes the case null and void as the proposed route will not affect us in future. Further to this point and living in the area, our property value has actually increased despite being under a flight path. While I agree as to the disturbance and pollution caused, we have adjusted and are used to the noise. In me experience and having been under a similar situation in Jhb, which ever way the proposed runway will be, it will affect people at some point, hence despite petitions, the alternate runway in OR tambo went ahead. Regards Terence !! "#$%&'"#$(#)$(%**(((*((((*+!! #, ,(-!& To whom it may concern I am a resident of Edgemead and have been for the last 30 years and strongly object to the flight path changing to fly over our area. The noise is going to be unbearable as well as the omissions from the planes which will be detrimental to our health. This area has a lot of young families with children and this will bring down the quality of the life as well as the decrease in value of our properties. I was hoping to live out my retirement in this area in peace & quiet. We occasionally get planes going overhead, very rarely and when this occurs the noise is really loud that we cannot even hear the television. Concerned residents Tony & Val Homer 11 Languedoc Road Edgemead 7441 0834432240 !"## $%&!'!#!#!(#)*! !## To whom it may concern, I am unable to attend today's meeting as I've only just read it in the Edgemead News, but would like to voice our objections to this proposed realignment path. This will greatly impact our quality of life. This is a very popular suburb and we have lived here for some years and at our time of life do not wish to move. As it is we get periodically planes going overhead and cannot even hear the TV! Can't imagine living here and listening to that all day and night! This will affect the price of the housing in the area and I feel so sorry for the young families who are also going to be impacted, this area has regenerated over the last 15 years and more and more young families have taken resident in Edgemead. Please can you tell me of any other meetings that might take place so that we may voice our opinion. Kind regards Mr & Mrs Homer 11 Languedoc Road Edgemead 7441 Valerie Homer Office Manager & Personal Assistant Faircape Group tel: 021 815 5700 | direct tel: 021 815 5854 | fax: 086 511 0120 mail: | web: | cell: 083 443 2240 Infrastructure Planning and Management tel: +27 21 467 9261 fax: +27 21 467 2565 Reference: Enquiries: Realignment of the runway at CTIA Mr G. Coetzee SRK Consulting Postnet Suite #206 Private Bag X18 Rondebosch 7701 Per email: RE: EIA COMMENT FOR THE REALIGNMENT OF THE RUNWAY AT CTIA I refer to the above-mentioned. The following comment from the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) on the EIA for the realignment of the runway at Cape Town International Airport refers. The WCED note with concern that, as set out on page 251 of the EIA, 177 schools will be directly affected by the proposal to realign the runway of the Cape Town International Airport (CTIA). Further to this, 7 of these schools in Delft South will be affected to the point where the learning environment will be severely compromised. As far as the Directorate Infrastructure Planning and Management at the WCED is concerned, there has been no engagement with this department during the EIA process and that no mitigation measures are proposed within the EIA and EMP to insulate schools against the adverse noise impact. The WCED request that as part of any approvals given to the applicant, conditions be put in place for the applicant to institute appropriate mitigation measures for schools affected and invite ACSA to engage with the WCED to discuss cost implications and apportionment going forward. I trust that you would find this letter in order. Regards GERRIT COETZEE CHIEF TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNER DATE: 25 MAY 2015 Lower Parliament Street, Cape Town, 8001 tel: +27 21 467 2000 fax: +27 21 467 2996 Safe Schools: 0800 45 46 47 Private Bag X9114, Cape Town, 8000 Employment and salary enquiries: 0861 92 33 22 SRK Consulting: 445354: CTIA Runway Re-alignment EIA Report Objections were received from stakeholders as recorded below. An example of the standard objection letter is provided. JONS/DALC 445354_CTIA Runway Realignment EIA_Appendix Cover Pages.docx July 2016 NAME Visser, Audrey Hodgekinson, D. van de Westuizen, Mati Benson, C. Petersen, R. ORGANISATION Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Chen, Xzaosha Lutchum, Ramesh Cousins, Stormy Knoetze, Richard Da Silva, Ligia Edgemead Resident Kleinbosch Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Cloete, R. Smith, Samantha McGeean, J. Viljoen, B. Lourens, T.A. Justine Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident van Biljon, J.A. van Vuuren, Deon Simmons, W.J. Furguson, Janean Albuquerque, M. Ferguson, Michaela van der Schyff, Kevin Zimmerman, B Katzeff, Helen Matl, Clinton Mattera, Avis Dolley, Denzil Heric, Vladislav Zimmerman, Dawn Hack, Trevor Alger, Carrie-Anne Lyon, Natasha Alger, Cathy Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Richwood Resident Edgemead Resident Richwood Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Martle, G v/d Walt, Natalie Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Willis, M.A. Martin, Sheldon Peacock, Sharon Peacock, Theo Colleen Willis Docking, Selena Duitsman, D. Francuco, Ricardo Angela Lucian Hickley, Ryan Bouwer, J. Symonds, Tim Atkinson,Bernard Mr&Mrs F.A.Peirone Lekay ,N Esau,C Hein,V Eagar,A Mr & Mrs D.J Cakebread Littlefield ,D Theron ,Henri Lorton ,Ann Reed,R.M Hutton, P.D Denny,D.L Bailey ,Catherina Cornelia Goosen ,Doreen Sharp ,K Bester ,N.E Porter ,K.S Rackham,Daphne Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Tennant, Edward Allan ,A.E Schonken,Edna .Irene Alves ,Audrey Rowley,M Welz ,Pamela Coetzee ,Salome Heldsinger,Neil Maliepaard,J Terblanche,Elize Swart,A Crossley ,Lindell Dickinsent,R Francis ,G Leske ,E Wienale,Vanidha Harding ,Harold Pedlar ,Evan Berkinshaw,W Chris De Vos,Jamie Mendes ,Melissa Adams,Crystal Morgan ,Camillah Botha ,C Seini,Charlene Bell,Craig Bell,Stephanie Munnik,Mark Munnik,Kaye Nicolas Botes ,G P Ferreira,Viodje Kemm,R Van Schalkwyk,J Murray ,Jamie-Lynn Murray,Jeff Murray ,Jenelle Jeppry,Ben Pretorius, P.P.J. Pretorius, C.H. Steyn, Johnathan Groenewald, G. van Haght, T. Watson, W.A. Watson, J. Germaine Fernandes, J. Pansegraw, Christiaan Smith, Stephen House, J. Doman, D.A. Smith, Jeanine Dantas, K. Olivier, Ansa Heyns, Beryl Kellerman, M. van Staden, Bernize de Beer, Marie Malick, Imtiyaaz Diane, Rene Gladys Gay, Andrew Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Grauso, Michelle Pinn, R.A. Heugh, Colleen Pinn, Kayleigh Armstrong, Carol Monulty, Kim Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Kleinbosch Resident Edgemead Resident Kooyman, Nicole Kadalie, R. Darfling, Jacques Lottering, Chemay Butler, S. Kooyman, Karin von Reitzy King, Jade Dosterberg, Alan Merriek, J. King, Chartelle Oostenberg, S.L. Jormon, Felicity Khan, S. Touche, Joel Vernon, Mary-ann Glover, Jacqui McPherson, Allan McPherson, Jane LeKay, Francios Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Goodwood Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Williams, Bronwen Germishnys, Brendon Burger, Michelle Bower, Lauren Pewfold, E.I. Lee-Anne Klei***, Taryn Fowler, Chantelle Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Ebson Schalet, Celeste Fmmynor, Jawb Vasconselos, Maria Schalet, B. Williams, K. Mienie, Chris Richards, Lisa Fraser, Karla Blomkamp, J. Huiid-Nielsen, Susan Els, A. Enderstein, C. Koetser, B.A. Rosster, Debra Stanley Thorpe, S.E. Fernandes, Lisa Fernandes, C. Hauxwell, C. Ball, Lynette Ball, Richard Vorster, Derik King, V. Gough, Carol Merkoly,T. Vosloo, E. Donovan, D.M. Kyle, Jason Sagrestano, Joanne Sagrestano, Fabeo Gregory, George Kuter, Claire Els, Wim Alle Cathrine Marais, Eben Bailey, Belinda Inder, G. Inder, F. Rademeyer, A. Von Vuuren, Tracy Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Tamsyn McNiel-Spence, Leigh Finaughty, Kim Hendricks, K. Egan, Shaun Stanton, Taina McArthy, Michael Judd-Hendrickse, H. Lymberopoulos, Jon Whale, Leshia Blake, Daryn Swanson, Anne Tobias, Caron Buerger, V. Mouton, Janine Athinow, Bernard Naidoo, Sarina Allan, Michael Ross, Gareth Jorma, F.A. Paigan, Basil Alers, Karen Paizee, Natalia Prins, P Wegerle, Kelly Moses, Rene van der Merwe, Wayne Marshall, Anita Stanbridge, M. Cindy Ashigton, Abigail Ashington, Sarah Haylett, S. Le Roux, Adele Mota, Monique Miskey, Christy Fowler, Colleen Cummings, R. Robert Swinnen, Hilde Brad Vollmer, Thomas Els, Jodi Bergemann, Desray Gomes, Angela Grundy, Adam Bergemann, Robert Pinnock, Julianne Simon, L. Seas, Chantelle Small, R.E. Masson, R. Basson, P. Masson, M.C. Burger, A. Pretorius, Wendy Effces, Yvonne Daniels, Craig Wagner, Dylan Burger, Deon Ash de Villiers, Jane Lennard, Aneesa Hilbert, T. Robyn Jarman, Graham Duncan, Simone Besterfield, Simone Daniel Wooldridge, A. Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Burgandy Estate Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Mostert, Wayne Small, Cheryl Reed, Sarah Chancie van der Berg, H.J. Hudson, Lorna Benet, Pamela Brand, S.C. Lorna Jason Gemalle, M. Von Verson, U. Thysse, Danielle Ajam, M.S. Viljoen, Sharon Matchette, R. Millward, J. Petzer, Tracey Kuter, Sandro Ollewagen, Rina Ollewagen, Wessel Boyd, Darryn Doman, H.W. van Tonder, Tyron Nicolas Haynes- Smart, E. Kuter, Crail Natasha Finlayson, J. Helena Finlayson, M.D. Imeluan, Lisa Cloete, I. van Schalkwyk, E.M. Chiffet, M. Pienaar, E. Rendd, Kelly Robert Wickham, Nicole Wickham, Colin Els, Sandra Gramatica, Eleni Classens, A. Stacey, Frank Coetzee, Amanda Smith, Morne Nico Halden, N.C. Billett, Charlene Steyn, Eugene Steyne, Alison Schmin, Morne Johanne Beynan, Audrey Carel, Tim Daniels, Rita Schooling, Jenni Freegard, I. Colmer, L.E. van Sittert, I.D. Bennett, S.E. Horton, N.K. Bennett, W.f. van Sittert, K.L. de Allende, Anthony Amann, M West, Irvin Malcom, M Gaspar, Lynda Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Richwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Burgandy Estate Resident Richwood Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Dayaram, J. Fourie, L.J. De Koch, A. Muller, M.P. De Allende, K. Edith Lumsden, Danel Smith,, Toby McIver, P. Botla, S. Brauns, S.C. Bruton, Victoria T. Loubser, Simone Pauleen Payne, H.J. Woodworth, C.R. Combrink, Rienie & David Marais, Anne Gilbee, B.J. Swart, L. Levin, D.A. Woodworth, Julie Cornish, B.E. Coomber, H.D. Coomber, H.D. Coomber, H.D. Reid, R.D. Payne, Val Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Lotter, Lowellen Edgemead Resident Freegard, D. Edgemead Resident Jeffers, Liske Edgemead Resident Joad, Jose Luis Bothasig Resident Colmer, Stephen Edgemead Resident Goliath, Vanessa Edgemead Resident Wienand, W.B. Bothasig Resident Scott, John Bothasig Resident Manthopoulos, N.A. Robenbow, Ian Noel Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Weber, Monique Edgemead Resident Byrne, J.C. Bothasig Resident Bowler, Herman Goodwood Resident Almeida, M. Panorama Resident De Graaf, Dianne Mol, P.H. Sandrift Resident Richwood Resident Janet Groom, Brian Welgelegen Resident Edgemead Resident De Jager, Mark Edgemead Resident Payne, Debbie Bossenger, Peter Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Simpson, M. Monte Vista Resident Goliath, H. Edgemead Resident Muller, F. Edgemead Resident Leggo, Debbie Edgemead Resident Greaves, M.M. Edgemead Resident Steed Ellen Edgemead Resident Moore, H. Edgemead Resident Pieterse, R. Edgemead Resident Cousins, Selwyn Bothasig Resident Horion, A. Edgemead Resident Durrant, L. Hanekom, Jayson Monte Vista Resident Gilham, P. Bothasig Resident Du Toit, Deon Edgemead Resident Sims, Nicole Bothasig Resident Bresendale-Johnstone, Julie Edgemead Resident Liebenberg, Connie Edgemead Resident Liebenberg, Christo Edgemead Resident Wernich, Lisa Edgemead Resident Manson, Annelies Edgemead Resident Evans, Jodi Edgemead Resident Muller, Barbera Edgemead Resident Hellyer, Adam Edgemead Resident Williams, R. Edgemead Resident Mrs Cranfield, J.R. Edgemead Resident Watson, Megan Edgemead Resident Lind, Deon Bothasig Resident Migawie, P.A. Edgemead Resident Glaer, Sally Edgemead Resident Gibbon, Kelly-Anne Monte Vista Resident Sagrestano, R. Edgemead Resident Fullard, S.G. Edgemead Resident Albregth, Lyn Edgemead Resident Van Niekerk, Jillian Bothasig Resident Van Niekerk, Ronje Bothasig Resident Kirsten, M.F. Bothasig Resident Meyer, M. Edgemead Resident Marais, Andre Pentieros, A. Bothasig Resident Swart, Cornelia Edgemead Resident Trevon, D. Henk Edgemead Resident Claudette Bothasig Resident Hermanus, Andre Edgemead Resident Saunders, M.C. Edgemead Resident Kleinhans, Rosalie Edgemead Resident Kleinhans, J.W. Edgemead Resident Steyn, Valerrie Edgemead Resident Peedro, M. Bothasig Resident Frulioso, P. Bothasig Resident Van Rooyen, M. Edgemead Resident Roberts, M. Edgemead Resident Coetzee, Charlene Klaas, L. Edgemead Resident M'Laren, A. Bothasig Resident Macdonald, Mabel Edgemead Resident Cassisa, Lana Edgemead Resident van Rensburg, M.L. Edgemead Resident Krone, Blossom F. Bothasig Resident Canning, R.F. Edgemead Resident Pawselorouw, Laurie-Anne Bothasig Resident Huges, Michael Edgemead Resident Henderson, A. Edgemead Resident Henderson, J. Edgemead Resident Myburg, G.E. Edgemead Resident Toerien, J. Edgemead Resident Moloney, Taryn Monte Vista Resident Shes, Rory Edgemead Resident Roffe, A. Bothasig Resident Rademeyer, Y. Edgemead Resident Smith, B.M. Bothasig Resident Ross, E.S. Edgemead Resident Mrs van der Poll, M. Bothasig Resident Long, Richard Bothasig Resident van der Poll, B.G. Bothasig Resident Thomas, Lesley Edgemead Resident Knighty, A.M. Edgemead Resident Potgieter, A. Christian, S.A. Monte Vista Resident Rix, Vanessa Edgemead Resident Martin, F. Bothasig Resident Barendsma, J.M.S. Monte Vista Resident Forster, I.W. Edgemead Resident Geldenhuys, Teresa Bothasig Resident Dauncey, Turner Edgemead Resident Louw, Marguerite Bothasig Resident Louw, Stefan Bothasig Resident Smith, S. Bothasig Resident van Niekerk, Janine Edgemead Resident Nunn, A. Edgemead Resident Fried, Lynn Edgemead Resident van der Horst, T.J. Edgemead Resident West, A.I. Edgemead Resident Donaldson, Catherine Edgemead Resident Kruger, M. Goodwood Resident Marra, Adriano De La Fosse, A. Edgemead Resident Karmen Bothasig Resident Theurissa, Fabienne Edgemead Resident Sandra Edgemead Resident Sell, B. Edgemead Resident Foxon, D. Edgemead Resident Jean Edgemead Resident Philip, Christine Edgemead Resident Abrahamse, W.J. Edgemead Resident Jordan, P. Edgemead Resident Lawson, M. Edgemead Resident De Villiers, Brian A. Edgemead Resident McNaulty, R Edgemead Resident Harper, Jeremy Bothasig Resident Roberts, W. Edgemead Resident Lopes, R. Edgemead Resident Reed, Andrew Edgemead Resident Betrix, L.A. Edgemead Resident Illman, Samantha Edgemead Resident Du Toit, F.M. Edgemead Resident Wendy, Cole Bothasig Resident Illman, Simon Edgemead Resident Ackerberg, M. Edgemead Resident Henley, C.E. Edgemead Resident Ackerberg, C.E. Edgemead Resident Jacobs, Eileen Edgemead Resident Bruce, D. Monte Vista Resident Vos, Louis Edgemead Resident Blignaut, Shiralee Edgemead Resident Tracey, G. Edgemead Resident Martin, P. Edgemead Resident Moore, C. Edgemead Resident Schoots, Carey Edgemead Resident Payne, Clinton Edgemead Resident Labuschagne, Melindie Edgemead Resident van der Schyff, B.D. Monte Vista Resident van der Schyff, L.H. Monte Vista Resident Botha, Linda Edgemead Resident Masimlo, Henry Edgemead Resident Hermanson, S Monte Vista Resident Hermanson, V. Monte Vista Resident Amie Bothasig Resident Ingham, K.C. Monte Vista Resident Staddon, R.T. Edgemead Resident Adams, Samantha Edgemead Resident Forgiarini, J. Edgemead Resident Botha, R. Edgemead Resident Kreizmann, Robert P. Edgemead Resident Meis Bothasig Resident Colemann, Shannon Edgemead Resident De Klerk, JP Edgemead Resident Jensen, Tracey Edgemead Resident Richards, M. Edgemead Resident Roberts, D.R. Edgemead Resident Delport, N. Bothasig Resident Guerra, Beaulah Edgemead Resident Dorrington, Shannon Edgemead Resident Theunissen, Fabienne Edgemead Resident Walker, Eric Edgemead Resident Rieger, Marisa Edgemead Resident Dorrington, Michelle Edgemead Resident Williams, Neel Bothasig Resident Venter, Wessel Vincent Edgemead Resident Lidia Edgemead Resident Vivian Edgemead Resident Swart, M. Edgemead Resident Wegewarth, Renee Monte Vista Resident Wegewarth, Malcom Monte Vista Resident Saunders, Anne Edgemead Resident Bock, R.J. Edgemead Resident Brand, S.J. Edgemead Resident Shea, Angela Edgemead Resident Gebhard, Ronit Edgemead Resident Brand, Moira Edgemead Resident Peterson, Russel Brand, Rhoda Edgemead Resident Redhead, Gary Edgemead Resident Knipe, E.I. Edgemead Resident Botha Pierre Bothasig Resident Thomass, Deirdre Edgemead Resident Tucker, Pearl Bothasig Resident Jansen, C. Edgemead Resident Weldt, Stuart Edgemead Resident Swingewood, Joy Linda Edgemead Resident Suttow, B. Edgemead Resident Dyers, Lieschke Bothasig Resident Fortune, Jerome Bothasig Resident Groom, M.A. Edgemead Resident Handt, Marita Winkel-deboo, Gregory Cooper, John Smith, N. Aaroni, E. Nicolas, Trevor Austen, M. Schutte, Matthew Ashall, B. White, C.P. Bowers, G. Stephenson, David Arellano, C. Stephenson, Claudia Saunders, D. Colemann, Brian Austen, Kerry Willich, Thomas Muller, Catharina Petronella Duffy, A. Readhead, Kirsten Ashall, R.J. Fourie, Charl Butler, S.G. Fortune, Dawn Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident La Valter Hutton, Jeanette Geldenhuys, Lynette Kesusa, Nomonde Geldenhuys, A. Gordon, J.H. Jensen, C.P.H. Rodger, R. Cohens, J.A. Ponkisa, S. van der Poll, Melanie Lane, L. Lowell, L. Smit, K. Wright, E.S. Schroder, A. Gerber, Krystle Thorpe, Norman Trevor Gouuas, Peter Dove, Eastern de Jager, J. Streak, S. Admas, Wendy van Rooyen, N. Nicole Brester, N. Currie, Pam Currie, G. Bates, Peter Eaby, S.L. Roodt, R.V. Reid, S.A. van der Westhuisen, A. Sawyer, M.L. Etherington, Linda Holland, Patricia Robert/s Purdy, Lloyd Purdy, Jennifer Anne Kroon-Canning, Alexa Maxwell Mosetic, A. de Jager, T. Ross, J. Tidman, Tracy George Petersen, K. Kelly, M. Morrell (pp) Shea, Joy M. Shea, S.C. Louw, Riaan Bongiwe Swailes, E. van der Merwe, C. Lawrence, Clive Cowney, Dwayne Schkolne, L Baird, Anne Arnold, Catherine Middleton, Michael Middleton, R. Bingham, Alan Woodenberg, R. Botma, J. Rossy, Yalin Waqqolt, J Manuel, Gary Walsh, A Ward, F. Walsh, M.C. Vernon, M. Beer, R.A. Mallone, B Ellis, M. Mconyeni, F.T. Byrne, P.M Burger, M.Z. Burgess-Tebbs, Lisa DeLange, Judy DeLange, Tanya Theron, Allan Easton, Ilana Mckenzie, Linda Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Plattekloof Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Tygerdal Resident Goodwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Goodwood Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Goodwood Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Goodwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Goodwood Resident Edgemead Resident Burger, VDS Stephen, Antony Mostert, R. Mostert, S Pillage, Chantal Huckle, Tanya Pillaye, Matilda Pillaye, Mark Pillay, Jamie Waja, Cassiem Hennessey, Michelle Stockdale, Junita Alexander, Mirinda Vermulen, Riana Hennessey, H Vermulen, J Martin, Pricilla Martin, Joshua Van Der Merwe, Tracey Engelbrecht, L Twell, Diane J. Taylor, Shaun Booyson, Jean Daly, Lyn Du Plessis, R.A. Du Plessis, Sally Booysen, Eric Viljoen, Bobby Du Plessis, Jaqueline Liyande Karsten, P. Maseko, Lawrence Prins, S. Bungham, Margaret Anne Prins, Jerome Prins, Fiona Trumble Diedericks, Samantha Diedericks, Lyle AJ Jacobs, Clinton Manuel-Naidoo, Alana Bussey, D.E. Naidoo, L.E. Puttock, J. Bresler, R. O.P.M. Maritz, M. Masters, H. Aspeling, S. Hill-Lewis,Geordin Strydom, Conrad McDonald, J. van Niekerk, Marius Jacobs, Janice Donovan, G. Shires, N.A. Hyman, Lisa Sanarto, Colleen Aspeling, Marina Farrel, L. Booysen, T Haggland, A. Fox, Patricia Petts, Tara Dray, Gavin Pascal Bharuth, Raksha Well, Deon Visagie, Elroy Lee, Aingy Lee, Stuart Johnathan Roper, Rasselle Andreka, Tracey Koen, Eureka McKoy, Lorna Phillips, Allan Cole, Lauren Senekal, Stella-Anne Leak, Kevin Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Burgandy Estate Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Summer Greens Resident Summer Greens Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Senekal, F. Naiker, Thesen Gibson, Niel Bashkier, D.L. Bhina, N. Shackleton, D.B. Odendal, Shirley Odendal, Melvin Smith, G.G. Frost, P.G. Pritchard, R. Lucille Anne Bharuth, R. Franken, Jamie-Lee Ryke, M. Manuel, Collette De Jager, Shaun Charters, Graham Kaises, Jacques Swartz, M Savoia, Christiane Kirsten, E. Kirsten, D.R. Phyfer, Glen Byron, Edwin Scholtz, Bianca Michael Lester, Aadela Sparks, Clinton Rensburg, Juan Beukes, R. Beukes, Arlette Welch, Sandy Mackenzie, A.M. Tamarin James Hendrickse, Jaqueline Sheik Da Silva, D. Mason, S. Jordaan, Jaqui Mortassagne, Sean Galloway, Jack Loomes, T. Prince, V.P. Prince, H.I. Booysen, Amanda Nicol, E. Zione, M. Swart, M.M. Pettit, Vanessa Mahomed, Tasneem Mahomed, Hassanally Prata, R. Sissing, Natalie Wilson, Jaquiline Bartsch, Jean Woods, Gillian Alt, L. Ward, D. Bryan Simpson, R.B. Simpson,R.J. De Sousa, Anha Sayman, Jeanie Erasmus, Michael Erasmus, Aneen Hagan, T. MacTash, T. Ndifor, Louis N. Avencent, Jan Lottering, Judy Telo, Lauren Viljoen, Gregory P. Scaglia, Jason Renzo Smal, Jamos Illmilhamer, Marc Marais, Joline Kirstin Romano Jackson, C.N. Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Richwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Goodwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Goodwood Resident Goodwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Parklands Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Richwood Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Fredericks, Michelle Carrington, S. Rossouw, Jaqueline Townsend, P.H. Labuschagne, T. Booysen, R. Reneke, S. Taylor, M.F. Wallisch, G.A. Jeneke, Kim Rycroft, Jessica Page, Kieth Coetzee, Mark Martin, K.L. Crafford, H.M. Dc***, Christopher Kesler, Searl Henvoy, L. David La Grange, E.P. Costa, Paolo Forster, T. Henvoy, C.L. Peterse,D. Hermanus, Kurt Evans, M.L. Mpekelana, Noluvuyo Kesler, Wendy Heath, N. Predr, Ben Grapp, G. Hofmann, O. Perold, Leonie Perold, A.J. Smith, J.A. Scott, R. Marais, Q. Christian, Nicole Brorson, W. Brorson, S. Brorson, Greg Abraham, David Lawrence, Peter Roy, Joshua An****, O Barnard, June Prime,T. Swartz, Simon Beard,Colin Brandes, Alison Holly, Jacqui Loughton, D.R. Gray, Shaun Wood, Amanda Kriel, Natasha Fletcher, J.M. Gilfillan-McEvoy, M. Marais, Mary Cooke, F. Pedlar, Lucy Du Plessis, Sheryldene Cocke, T. Du Plessis, Deon Kyle Watson, Russel G. Kingsley, O. Coetzee, Emile Mayor, Glynis Smith, L. Betheder, Angela *****, Heather Morgan, Robyn Bock, Tracey Bock, Mark Middleton, E. Henry, Tracy Figueiredo, Gerry Lizle Hart-Alberts, Stacey Fourie, Lisa C. Fourie, Mario Fourie, Corinna Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Century City Resident Edgemead Resident Burgandy Estate Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Burgandy Estate Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Plattekloof Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Wege, Brian Wege, B.A. Jones, Tracey Chris Nel, Anthony Moser, Jeremy Melissa Dimitrova, E. Namubru, Anne Palaf, Alek Marks, Craig Afonso, L. Naiker, S. Kim, S.M. Kim, Linda Ayrton, Jared Ayrton, Stephen Aryton, Karen Simon, Christine Simon, Zane Toni Johan Webster, M. Webster, S. Rusch, Angela Gibson, Jolandi Brare, Anthony Jones, R.M. Pereira, J. Francis, J.A. Ringquist, C. Jade Suarez, Derek Margaret Larkin, R. Shelhase, Delores Raven, T.P. Bell, Kirsten Bess, Noorjehan Lotz. G. Reyrnese, A.H. Ana Dirkelman, Lorraine Jacobs, Brett Sherry, R. Hyde, Joan Hannily, R. Jansen, Mirelle Wright, Michelle Mansfield, Gail Rogers, Ivan Vermeulen, J.C. Zampell, Rob Keller, Justine Eowing, B Harvey, Rochelle Smedley, M. Aggenbag, Mein Aggenbag, Michelle Taylor, A. Thabiso Brim Ahmed, L. Michael Schelhase, Heinrich Berggmann, Jill Hancock, Margaret Louise Maselli, T. Martz, U. Maselli, Michela Feltham, Noel Smuts, Julia Busbid, Gavin Hyde, Ken Miskey, M. Arthur Elworthy, Lloyd Rudolph Eybers, David Wollner, Christia Brusatori, James Abrahams, Rene Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Tygerdal Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Summer Greens Resident Bothasig Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Plattekloof Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Panorama Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Plattekloof Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Plattekloof Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Plattekloof Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Kleinbosch Resident Edgemead Resident Panorama Resident Bothasig Resident Kensley, L. Hammond, R.G. Schana, A. Kelly, Luke Van Rosburg, Chantelle Gad, Ashley Antonich, R.M. De Jesus, Leanne De Jesus, J. Abrahams, R. De Jager, Andre Moore, Patricia A. Botha, Terri-Anne Sykes, B. Ackerman, J.E. Sykes, P. Stephens Stephens, N. Jolly, Lucky Vercueil, Erin Vercueil, Anne Theunissen, A.C. Theunissen, C.S. Nel, F.H. Nel, J. Weber, R. Cowley, J. Maingard, E.M. Wickham, Denise Staoti, D. Percin Smit, J. Abrahamse, Gina Adriaanse, P. Abrey, Natalie Benjamin, Tracey Wonita Smeeton, S. Jacobs, Theresa Keitzman Burns, Herschel Laubscher, Candace Roberts, E. Milnis, M.A. Le Clos, Ellen Funri, Nicola Reed, Sue Mitchell, D.J. Inkersole, G.Y. Watson, John Martinsich, Chantal Anderson, R. Reynolds, Lucille Wilson, Susan Murray, C.A. Haikley, Bryce Stander, K. Allwright, C. Latsky, Lesley Camillita Bagadia, A. Prins, Patrick Bagadia, A. Bagadia, A. Bagadia, A. Bagadia, A. Iris, C. Junior, George Junior, Cheyenne Bagadia, A. Bagadia, A. Farham, M.H. Farham, Shelly Roll, R. Fuhri, Eugene Arrows, Clayton Kensley, Sean Abrahams, Gavin Scaglia, E. Scaglia, B. Andreasen, M. David Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Goodwood Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Richwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Sandrift Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Sandrift Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Goodwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Richwood Resident David Angie May, Diane Thomas, Aurther Rallo, Daniela Horack, Darren Sylvester, D. Gomes, Armando Smith, T. Smith, D.E. Nichols, A. Higgs, Paulette Pdey, B. Wilkinson, S.E. McGee, P. Collincos, A.p. Franken, J.J. Davids, Cindy Visagie, Cindy Theunimen, Phil Aarons, Shelly Moreland, M. Bovlanger, Catherine I. Rohe Cohen, Valerie Byett, Andrew Almeida, Jose Koen, Adrian Van Rooyen, Tana Almeida, C. Lennon, CJS Ryke, Adeline Sanderson, R. Wepener, Walter Cuthbertson Hockmey, A.P. Norman, Juan-Pierre Stephanie Murray, Slan Arands, Juanite Smith, Anthea Johnston, Chantall Marks, Gregory Wilds, Sonia Whitfield, Michelle Smith, George Hean, N. Davison, Karin Steenveld, Grant Bruce, C. McIntosh, C. Laughton, J. Okonski, Jaroslaw Okonski, E.W.A. Schalkwyk Wilson,T. Cloete, I. Adams, L. Swart, D.M. Swart, E.J. Heyne, M. De Pao, Karin Clarke, R. Weller, Hana Cathcart, Nigel Turnbull, Michelle Stathakis, S. Delie, Anna Bubaya, Isaac Ward, V.I. Lesch, Elana van der Berg, Willem P. Gustafson Versfeld, Nancy Versfeld, Ingrid Swart, A.V. Hunt, Karen Grobler, Mark Wilson, Dorothy Mollentze, C. Harris, J.A. Heydra, Tamsyn Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Parrow North Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Plattekloof Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Louw, Zainap Sullivan, A. Sullivan, Karen Russel, Andrew Paino Russel, D. Claassens, D. Robinson, Lorraine Truter. R. Ely, A. McKinney, N. Strubinu, Dieter Coetzee, Brendon Clarke, Mekanie Farrell, R.S. Snyman, Glen Nicol, L. Saunders, S.E. Saunders, Kimberly-Ruth Nelson, Liezel Victor Nicol, Chantel Blumberg, J. Du Toit, A.C. Nicolette Marais, Chelsea Christian, A.J. Hazelden, Richard McNaulty, Linda Russell, R.J. Sheila Fowkes, Joyce Ann Langeveld, M.E. Henry, Ted Winterbach, I.P. Swann, Tina Whittington, Shirley P. Oosthuizen, Mildred Jean Tidman, Elizabeth Vorster, Monique Hammond, G Van Niekerk, Jannamarie Filby, Edward Engelbrecht, Gerald Hannarie Very, A.G. Malherbe, J.A. Starck, J.I. Lambert, J. Marais, Christelle Krish Samuel, Bruce Olivier, J.E. Domingo, Warwick Joseph, A. Joseph, J.L. Holland, C. Mervyn Le Grange, T Havenga, Darren Le Grange, J. Lee, Marvin McClement, C.W. Mare, D. Robson, C.R. Bester, Claire Marais, M. Coetzee, M. Nel, Judy Proctor-Fourie, K.L. Pucthnemn, Wendy Price,Robyn Brink, Yolande Hanning, J. Shepherd, Colleen Erasmus, Sharon Joao, B. Wilkinson, B. Daley, E. Atkinson, J. Lewis, Jean Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Kleinbosch Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Staniforth, I.D. Byrne, L. Bestbier, S.K. Demesqvita, E.F. Mes, MJM Pascall, Jean Ledgard, S.V. Ledgard, D. Yours, L.D.L. Farrell, George, Terence Peter, Sylvia Rix, Dorreen Joyce George, R.A. Schandt, Eddie & Sheila Holdsworth, H.J. Oliver, H.W. Berowsky, J. Collapy, Lesley Martin, Ivy Lee, B.A. Evans, J.C. Gunton, B.T. Christie, Penny Kay, Ruth Joerning, S. Roelofse Ozioler, C. De Witt, Zanelee Doeschate, B. Ten Wyngaard, Y. Newcombe, D. Cronin, Ronald Starling, D.M. Roos, E.m. Watson, Jean Rolfe, G.P. Hinrichsen, B. Baird, Amelia Aileen, Elizabeth Kidwell, Judith K. Rudy, Melissa Barnard, Shireen Goslett, Jane Bekley, Heather-Lee Bekley, Jeremy D'Offay, Adrienne Jean Parker, Nicola Reeves , J Peterson , Allan Peterson , May Boshoff , Cheryll Boshoff , Natslie Gelderbloem , B Carter , A. P Jacobie , Mynhardt Best , Leandi Enzlin ,K Van Rensburg C Morgan Imuraan Johnson , Tamia Langedon , Mike Perumal , Mikayala Perumal , T.M Simpson , Donvé Avila , Ricardo Bevecks , L.E Rademeyer , C Dames , Nick Bainbridge , Samantha Cooper , Veronica Baard , A .P Koekemoer ,Andy Ferreira ,J .AA De Oliveira , Jonathan Ferreira ,M.C De Oliveira , M .Ferreira Stocil ,Dave Borsutky , Nikita Van Rensburg J Vester, Jeám -Jay Sherriff , Craig Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Parklands Resident Parklands Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Knee , L Purcell , Natalie Uytenbogaart , Mark Erasmus ,Letitia Swart , Lindsay Carstens ,Dalene Mapunga,Qondisa De Agrela ,C De Agrela ,J.D Daniella Dougard ,Patrick Mcarty , Audrey Adrian Williams , Deon Borsutky Borsutky , Tarryn Jamjam,N Bell,Patricia Mapungu,Gcobani Janine Rademan ,Rayn Henry,Christian Bruno Clarke ,Vanessa Josua,Rene Maddison ,M.K Bosman,I Fritslaar I van Bell,Greame Olsen ,Ivan Olsen , E Micheal Dalton, Karen Desankov , Leonid Desankov , Lynda Demi Brown , Sharron Kyle ,E Leak , Shannon Regnart , Charmaine Boulah , Tracey Young , Michelle Ashley Kellerman , P Bester , Gail Kwanele Thandeka Thomass , R Fritsden , J Van Jacobs , Claire Dodders , C Jones , Karin Meyer , Dina Meyer , Werner Roché , Derek Perry ,Jethro McClement , Rose Nel , Paulena Tilley , K . P Cristopher Maseko ,Qaqambe Manqina , Nonkululeko Meilech , Astrid Lund , Heidi Mzanza , Rudo Goodall , Louise Kemm , N Draper ,Marian Joubert,S Collins,N Reid,Glenda De Villiers,A Westgate,Trish Morlemore ,Caron Dowing,AW Norbert,Heeren Sleep ,Graham Boltman,Tania Boltman,Anthony Kotze,Victor Tolmay-Z De Witt Powell,David Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Glenwood Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Powell,Brenda Dehiues,Grant Janine Prettman,Kolja Doherty,G Brink ,Morne Gill Solomons,Tasliem Peter Noluthando Rumble,Nigel Daniella Ramba,Yvonne Hector,Stafford Boltman,Louisa Basson,Annita Bosman,H.E Du Preez,Lindie Du Preez, R.Q Du Preez ,Byron Hopwood,Jo-anne Myburgh,Rudolph Myburgh,I Mrithaa,Mugendi Prof Brink,Carmen Levin ,L Leak,K Farguhar,S Randall,FA Duminiet,N Gendron,J.F Daniels ,Carine Swartz,I Randal,Travis Collnet,Sean Colnett ,Tracy Duddy,Shaun Erasmus ,Megan Gilmour,A Monalisa Van der Merwe,Johan Mccann ,C Ward,CR Mcevoy,R.G Mcevoy,E Brad Fletcher,L.V Visser,Michelle Jacobs,Steven Visser,J.M Daniels,Donovan Rautenbach.T Kreunen ,M Kreunen,Brain Pretoruis ,Amber Rose Pretoruis Peter Grace ,Maddison Van Wyk ,Rachel Pretorius ,Elaine Rogers,C Moelans,Susan Dixon,Jill Agenbaar,J Smith ,Chris Claasesn,Lee-Ann Claasen,Trevor Oscadawn,R Schwerin ,Carol Ramsay,Janette Da Silva,Gabriella Schmitt,J.C Nieuwoudt,Jennifer Ridley,S Ryut,Heyden Carol Wright,Beverley Heyden ,Hubert Bonzaier ,Alison Rensburg,W.J.V Dyers,Theodore Meyer,Irvine Hawkes,B Du Preez,M Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Milnerton Resident Milnerton Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Herman ,J Cronje,Liesl Johnson,Daine Cohan,Valerie Cohan,Rayn Bonerius,M Pretorius,G.C Medrick,J Armstead,S Lucy Martca,Kurt Zinn,B Alexandra Higgins ,Vanessa Lademan,Shannon Coleman,Guy Monique,Lolita Pike ,Jamie Docke,Sam Maholwana ,N Graces,Zach Sturgen,J Forste,S.J Robertson King,Mark Heald,C.S.Cristie Heald,E.R.Rina Kingon,J Baker.M Rouchelle Long,Andrew Maggot ,Paul Hayley Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Monte Vista Resident Monte Vista Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident Edgemead Resident Bothasig Resident