The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) Vol. (2) – No. (2) Effect of FACT Devices on Distance Relay A. Elmitwally, member IEEE The author is with the Electrical Eng. Dept., Mansoura university, Egypt (e-mail: Abstract—In this paper, the effect of installation of FACT devices on the transmission line distance relay is investigated under the phase to ground, phase to phase and three phase faults. This is done by means of comparing the actual measured impedance at the relaying point and the ideal tripping characteristics of distance relay. Three different candidate locations of FACT device on the transmission line are considered with respect to the concerned distance relay, i.e. at near end, mid-point, and far end. Besides, two possible situations for the FACT device in terms of inclusion or exclusion of fault loop are analyzed. The impact of FACT device size on the modified distance relay characteristics is also assessed. Numerical application is provided and results are discussed. Keywords: Protection, Distance relay, FACT devices, Transmission lines, Faults. I. INTRODUCTION The measured impedance at the relaying point is the core of the distance protection operation. There are several factors affecting the measured impedance at the relaying point. This can be categorized into two groups. First group is the structural conditions, while the second group is the operational conditions. In addition to the power system parameters, the fault resistance could greatly influence the measured impedance [1]- [7]. In the recent years, flexible AC transmission systems (FACT) devices, which are controlled power-electronics based devices, are used to increase the transmitting capacity of the lines and provide the optimum utilization of the system capability. This is done by pushing the power systems to their thermal limits. The inclusion of these devices into the power system will surely modify its characteristics. Therefore, it is essential to study the effects of FACT devices on the protective systems, especially the distance protection for different fault conditions [8], [9]. The most common types of FACT devices are the static series synchronous condenser (SSSC), the static compensator (STATCOM), and the unified power flow controller (UPFC). They are installed at some strategic nodes in the power system to provide an adequate range of controllability over its performance. SSSC injects a controlled series voltage to control the line power flow direction and magnitude. STATCOM is shunt connected to the line to inject or absorb a controlled amount of reactive power to adjust the line reactive Reference Number: W10-0034 power flow. UPFC combines the role of both SSSC and STATCOM [3], [8]. In the presence of FACT devices, the conventional distance relay characteristics such as Mho and Quadrilateral are greatly subjected to mal-operation in the form of overreaching or under-reaching the fault point. Therefore, the conventional relay characteristics may not work properly in the presence of FACT devices [9], [10]. In reference [1], the effect of SSSC and STATCOM on distance relay has been investigated for single phase to ground faults. In reference [2], the effect of SSSC and STATCOM on distance relay has been investigated for phase to phase and three phase faults. In reference [3], the effect of instrument transformers connection point on measured impedance by distance relay in presence of SSSC and STATCOM has been studied. Adaptive distance relay setting in presence of FACT devices has been studied in [4]. This paper explores the effect of the installation of FACT devices on the transmission line distance relay under the phase to ground, phase to phase and three phase faults. This is done by means of comparing the actual measured impedance at the relaying point and the ideal tripping characteristics of distance relay. Three different candidate locations of FACT device on the transmission line are considered with respect to the concerned distance relay, i.e. at near end, mid-point, and far end. Besides, two possible situations for the FACT device in terms of inclusion or exclusion of fault loop are analyzed. The impact of FACT device size on the modified distance relay characteristics is also assessed. II. MODELING OF SSSC AND STATCOM SSSC is placed in the group of series connected FACT devices. As shown in Fig.1, SSSC consists of a voltage source inverter connected in series through a coupling transformer to the transmission line. A source of energy is required for providing and maintaining the dc voltage across the dc capacitor and SSSC losses compensation [1]. Fig. 2 shows the model of SSSC which consists of a series connected voltage source in series with an impedance. This impedance represents the impedance of SSSC coupling transformer. The magnitude of the injected voltage can be controlled, according to a compensation strategy, but the phase angle of the injected voltage would be generally perpendicular to the line current [3]. 196 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) EA = h e − j EB For a single phase to ground fault, the system shown in Fig.3 will be analyzed into 3- sequences (positive, negative and zero sequence) as revealed in Fig.4. The apparent impedance measured by the distance relay ZA for singlephase to ground fault is obtained via circuit analysis of Fig.4 as follows [1]. Voltage Source Inverter ( VSI ) Energy Source Figure (1): SSSC configuration V in r e V in - jγ Z se + Vol. (2) – No. (2) Vout Figure(2): Equivalent circuit of SSSC STATCOM can be modeled as a shunt branch consisting of an reactive impedance, due to the coupling transformer, in series with a voltage source. The latter is in phase with the voltage of its connection point, so it can only inject or absorb reactive power according to the amplitude of the voltage source [7]. Z1A = Z1SA + pZ1L Z1B = Z1SB + (1-p)Z1L Z0A = Z0SA + pZ0L Z0B = Z0SB + (1 - p)Z0L ZΣ = 2 Z Z Z1A Z1B + 0A 0B Z1A + Z1B Z0A + Z0B (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C1 = Z1A Z1B Z1A + Z1B (6) III. MEASURED IMPEDANCE FOR SINGLE PHASE TO GROUND FAULT C0 = Z 0A Z 0B Z 0A + Z 0B (7) In the absence of FACT devices and for zero fault resistance, the measured impedance by a distance relay only depends on the length of the line section between the fault location and the relaying point. In Fig.3, the relay is cited at A, this impedance is equal to pZ1L, where p is per unit length of the line section between the fault and the relaying point, and Z1L is the line positive sequence impedance in ohms. K 0L = A EA Z1SA (1-P)Z1L Den = Z1A he − jδ + Z1B Z1SB EB Rf Figure (3): Power system configuration for single phase to ground fault (8) (9) K1d = 1 − he − jδ (10) C1d = (Z1d + 3R f )K 1d D (11) Z A = pZ1L + B pZ1L Z 0L − Z1L 3Z 0L 3R f C1d + 2C1 + C 0 (1 + 3K 01 ) (12) It can be seen that when the fault resistance is equal to zero, the measured impedance at the relaying point is equal to the impedance of the line section between the relay and the fault locations. Once a FACT devise is installed on the transmission line, the measured impedance at the relaying point is affected. The device is installed at the length of i per unit from the relaying point. In the following, the measured impedance in the presence of SSSC and/or STATCOM is estimated. A. Measured impedance in the presence of SSSC Once SSSC is installed on the transmission line, the measured impedance will change. The following equations are introduced due to SSSC presence on the line, independent of its exclusion or inclusion in the fault loop. (13) C1S = Z Se Z1L Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit of single phase to ground The operational conditions prior to the fault instance can be represented by the load angle of the line (δ), and the ratio of voltage magnitude at the line ends (h), where Reference Number: W10-0034 C 0S = Z Se Z 0L (14) Z1AI = Z1SA + iZ1L (15) Z1BI = Z1SB + (1 − i + C1S )Z1L (16) 197 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) Z0AI = Z0SA + iZ0L (17) Z 0BI = Z 0SB + (1 − I + C 0S )Z 0L (18) (i) In the case of SSSC out of the fault loop Equations (1)-(4) and (9)-(10) should be modified, and some extra equations are introduced. (19) Z1AF = Z1SA + PZ1I Vol. (2) – No. (2) It can be seen from (41) that in the absence of the fault resistance, the measured impedance at the relaying point is not equal to the actual impedance of the line section between the relay and the fault locations. B. Measured impedance in the presence of STATCOM The following equations are applicable due to STATCOM presence on the line, independent of its exclusion or inclusion in the fault loop. (42) Z1AI = Z1SA + iZ1I Z1IF = (i − p )Z1L (20) Z1A = Z1AF (21) (43) Z1B = Z1IF + Z1BI Z1BI = Z1SB (1 − i )Z1L (22) Z1AF = Z1SA + pZ1L (44) Z 0AF = Z 0SA + PZ 0L (23) Z 0IF = (i − p )Z 0L Z1BF = Z1SB + (1 − p )Z1L (45) (24) Z1IF = i = p Z1L (46) Z 0A = Z 0AF (25) Z 0B = Z 0IF + Z 0BI Z 0AI = Z 0SA + iZ 0L (47) (26) Z 0BI = Z 0SB + (1 − i )Z 0L (48) (27) Z 0AF = Z 0SA + pZ 0L (49) (28) Z 0BF = Z 0SB + (1 − p )Z 0L (50) Z 0IF = i = p Z 0L (51) Den = Z1AF h e K 1d = 1 + r e jγ − jδ ( + Z1IF 1 + r e −he jγ )+ Z 1BI − jδ Then use (11), (12) previously given for the ideal conditions (without FACT) to calculate the apparent measured impedance seen by the relay. (ii) in the case of SSSC in the fault loop Equations (1)- (4), (9), and (12) should be modified, (10) is changed to (28), and some additional equations are introduced [1]. Z1BF = Z1SA + (1 − p )Z1L (29) Z1IF = (p − +C1S )Z1L (30) Z1A = Z1AI + Z1IF (31) Z1B = Z1BF (32) Z 0BF = Z 0SA + (1 − p )Z 0L (33) Z 0IF = (p − i + C 0S )Z 0L (34) Z 0A = Z 0AI + Z 0IF (35) Z 0B = Z 0BF (36) [ ( ) ] ( Den = Z1AI 1 + r e jγ + Z1IF h e − jδ + Z1BF 1 + r e jγ ) (37) K Vse = Z1AI − h e − jδ + Z1BI (38) C Vse = −K Vse (Z Σ + 3R f ) r e jγ Den (39) C Zse = (C 0S − C1S ) C 0 (1 + 3K 0L ) Z1L (40) Use (28) , (11), then substitute in (41) Z A = (P + C1S ) Z1L + C ZSe + C VSe + 3R f C1d + 2C1 + C 0 (1 + 3K 0 L ) Reference Number: W10-0034 (41) (i) in the case of STATCOM installed at the far end (out of the fault loop) Equations (1)- (4) and (9)- (10) should be modified as: Z1A = Z1AF Z1B = Z1IF + (52) Z Sh Z1BI Z Sh + Z1BI (53) Z 0A = Z 0AF Z 0B = Z 0IF + (54) Z Sh Z 0BI Z Sh + Z 0BI (55) [ Den = Z1BI [Z1AF E Sh + Z1IF ] + Z Sh Z1AF h e − jδ + Z1BF ( K 1d = Z1BI (1 − E sh ) + Z Sh 1 − h e − jδ ) ] (56) (57) Then use (11) and (12) to calculate the relay measured impedance. Here, the measured impedance in the case of zero fault resistance is equal to the impedance of the line section between the relay and the fault location. (ii) In the case of STATCOM installation at the near end of the transmission line (in the fault loop) Definition of h, δ, Z1SA, and Z0SA are modified as: Z E + Z1SA E Sh E ′A = Sh A Z Sh + Z1SA (58) hnew = h E ′A (59) 198 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) δ new = δ + ∠ E ′A Z1SAnew = Z 0SAnew Z 1L (60) Z Sh Z1SA Z Sh + Z1SA (61) EA B pZ 1L ( 1- p )Z 1 L F pZ 1L (62) Z1B = Z1BF Figure (5): Power system configuration for phase to phase fault Z1SA A pZ1L ( 1-p)Z 1L F EB Z Sh Z Sh + Z1AI A Z 1SA pZ 1L B ( 1-p )Z 1L F Z1SB EA EB Rf (68) Den = Z1AI Z1IF h e − jδ + Z1BF E Sh + Z Sh Z1AF h e − jδ + Z1BF ] ] ] Figure (7): Three- phase faults equivalent circuit (69) K 1d∆ = Z1AI E Sh − h e − jδ − Z1BI [1 − E Sh ] (70) C1d∆ = (71) Den C Sh = Z1IF [C1d∆ + 2C1 (1 − C1A ) + C 0 (1 − C 0A )(1 + 3K 0L )] Z A = pZ1L + Z2SB Figure (6): Phase to phase faults equivalent circuit (67) Z Sh = Z Sh + Z 0AI (Z Σ + 3R f ) K 1d∆ ( 1-p)Z 2L pZ2L Rf (66) [ Z1SB (65) Z 0B = Z 0BF [ B EA Z2SA Z Sh Z 0AI Z Sh + Z 0AI [ EB Z 1 SB ( 1- p )Z 1 L (64) Z 0A = Z 0IF C 0A A Z 1 SA Rf Z Z = Sh 0SA Z Sh + Z1SA Equations (1)-(4) should be modified, (10) should be changed to (57), and some new equations are introduced as follows. Z Sh Z1AI Z1A = Z1IF (63) Z Sh + Z1AI C1A = Vol. (2) – No. (2) C Sh + 3R f C1d + 2C1C1A + C 0 C 0A (1 + 3K 0L ) (72) (73) It can be seen that in the absence of the fault resistance, the measured impedance at the relaying point is not equal to the actual impedance of the line section between the relay and the fault location. IV. MEASURED IMPEDANCE FOR PHASE TO PHASE AND THREE PHASE FAULTS Fig.5 shows the power system configuration under phase to phase faults. Fig.6 illustrates the equivalent circuit for that fault. Fig.7 demonstrates the equivalent circuit for three phase fault. Reference Number: W10-0034 Figs. 6 and 7 are similar to Fig. 4. The difference is that the zero sequence part is removed in Fig.6. Also, both zero and negative sequence parts are removed in Fig.7. Therefore, similar equations to (1)- (73) formed for single phase to ground fault case can be derived for the other two fault types. However, some changes should be considered as: All zero sequence related equations are omitted. As an example, equations (3), (4), (7) and (8) will be omitted for the ideal (no FACT device) case. The term Z∑ is computed as: Z Z Z = 2 1A 1B for phase to phase fault Z 1A + Z 1B Z = Z 1A Z 1B Z 1A + Z 1B for three phase fault The term (3Rf ) in any equation is changed into (Rf). Equation (12) is modified to: Rf Z A = pZ 1L + for phase to phase fault C1d + 2C1 Z A = pZ1L + Rf C1d + C1 for three phase fault In the same way, the apparent impedance measured by the distance relay can be calculated when SSSC or STATCOM are installed. The detailed equations are provided in [2]. 199 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) V. APPLICATION AND RESULTS A 400 KV transmission line with the length of 300 Km has been used for calculations. The impedances and other parameters of the power system shown in Fig.3 are [1]- [3]: Z1L = 0.01133 + j 0.3037 Ω/km Z0L = 0.1535 + j 1.1478 Ω/km Z1SA = 1.3945 + j 15.9391 Ω Z0SA = 7.4540 + j 27.8187 Ω Z1SB = 0.6972 + j 7.9696 Ω Z0SB = 3.7270 + j 13.9093 Ω h = 0.96 Vol. (2) – No. (2) (ii) Device at mid-point In this case, both SSSC and STATCOM are out of the fault loop for faults on the near half of the line, while it is present in the fault loop for faults on the far half of the line. Fig.10 shows the effect of leading FACT devices, injecting reactive power, on the measured impedance. δ = 16° A. For single phase to ground fault In the absence of FACTS devices (ideal case) Fig. 8 shows the ideal tripping characteristic of the distance relay, which is the measured impedance at the relying point as the fault resistance varies from 0 to 200 ohms, while the fault location moves from the near end up to far end of the line. Figure (8): Ideal tripping characteristic without FACT devices under phase to ground fault (i) Device at the near end For leading SSSC or STATCOM at the near end, the calculated relay tripping characteristics is shown in Fig. 9 compared to the ideal characteristics (dashed line). With SSSC (dotted curve), the measured resistance decreases for high fault resistances and increases in the case of low fault resistances. The measured reactance decreases. While with STATCOM (solid line), the measured resistance variation is not considerable, while the measured reactance increases. Figure (10): Tripping characteristic for leading FACT devices at mid-point under phase to ground fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM In the presence of SSSC at the mid-point, the tripping characteristic is split into two parts. The lower part is for faults on the near half of the line, while the upper part is corresponding to the faults on the far half. In the presence of STATCOM, the curve is split similar to the presence of SSSC, but the two parts are adjoined, i.e. the upper boundary of the lower part and the lower boundary of the upper part are the same. (iii) Device at far end In this case, SSSC and STATCOM are always out of the fault loop. Fig. 11 demonstrates the effect of the presence of leading FACT devices on the measured impedance at the relaying point compared to the ideal characteristics. Figure(11): Tripping characteristic for leading FACT devices at far end under phase to ground fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM Figure (9): Tripping characteristic for leading FACT devices at near end under phase to ground fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM Reference Number: W10-0034 In the case of leading SSSC, the tripping characteristics shrink but without deformation. In the case of leading STATCOM, the measured resistance variation is not considerable while the measured reactance decreases. The 200 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) Vol. (2) – No. (2) measured impedance in the case of zero fault resistance is the actual value. B. For phase to phase fault Under phase to phase fault conditions, Figs. 12- 15 are the counterparts of Figs. 8-11. It is noted that presence of FACT devices causes less deviation to the ideal tripping characteristics for phase to phase faults compared to single phase to ground faults, for the same device size, at all possible locations of the device. The effect of device on the distance relay tripping characteristics is much slight for phase to phase faults when the device is installed at one of the line ends. Figure (15) Tripping characteristics with FACT devices at far end under phase to phase fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM C. For three phase fault Under three phase fault conditions, Figs.16-19 are the counterparts of Figs12- 15. There is a clear similarity of tripping characteristics as well as FACT device effect between phase to phase and three phase fault conditions. Figure(12): Ideal tripping characteristic without FACT devices under phase to phase fault Figure (16). Ideal tripping characteristics under three phase fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM Figure (13): Tripping characteristic with FACT devices at near end under phase to phase fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM Figure (17): Tripping characteristics with FACT devices at near end under three phase fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM Figure (14): Tripping characteristic with FACT devices at mid-point under phase to phase fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM Figure (18): Tripping characteristics with FACT devices at mid-point under three phase fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM Reference Number: W10-0034 201 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) Figure (19): Tripping characteristics with FACT devices at far end under three phase fault ----- ideal, .....SSSC, ____ STATCOM Vol. (2) – No. (2) Figure (22): Tripping characteristics with leading SSSC at far end 100 Esh= 1.3 90 Esh= 1 Reactance, X(Ohms) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Resistance, R(Ohms) 350 400 450 Figure (23): Tripping characteristics with leading STATCOM at near end 90 Esh=1.0 80 Esh=1.1 Esh=1.2 70 Reactance, X(Ohms) D. Effect of compensator size on tripping characteristic In the following, the effect of compensator size is studied for phase to ground fault conditions. Fig.20 depicts the relay tripping characteristics for different values of r (the series injected voltage magnitude) when SSSC is working in lagging mode at near end. Fig. 21 is analog to Fig.20 but for leading mode. Fig.22 is corresponding to Fig.21 but the SSSC is at the far end. Figs.23 and 24 show the tripping characteristics for leading STATCOM with different values of Esh(from 1 to 1.3 p. u) located at near end and far end, respectively. The compensator size obviously varies the tripping characteristics as can be seen from Figs.20-23. The form of variation depends on the operation mode(compare Figs.20 and 21) and on compensator location (compare Figs. 21 and 22). Changing STATCOM size results in less skewing to the relay tripping characteristics compared to changing the SSSC size. Esh= 1.2 Esh= 1.1 80 Esh=1.3 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Resistance, R(Ohms) 300 350 400 Figure (24): Tripping characteristics with leading STATCOM at far end VI. CONCLUSION Figure (20): Tripping characteristics with lagging SSSC at near end 100 Reactance, X(Ohms) 80 r = 0.0 60 r = 0.1 r = 0.2 40 r = 0.3 20 0 -20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Resistance, R(Ohms) 350 400 450 Figure (21): Tripping characteristics with leading SSSC at near end Reference Number: W10-0034 In this paper, the effect of the installation of FACT devices on the transmission line distance relay under the phase to ground, phase to phase and three phase faults has been investigated. This is done by means of comparing the actual measured impedance at the relaying point and the ideal tripping characteristics of distance relay. Three different candidate locations of FACT device on the transmission line are considered with respect to the concerned distance relay, i.e. at near end, mid-point, and far end. Besides, two possible situations for the FACT device in terms of inclusion or exclusion of fault loop are analyzed. The impact of FACT device size on the modified distance relay characteristics is also assessed. The single phase to ground fault causes much twisting to the tripping characteristics compared to other fault types. The effect of phase to phase and three phase faults on the tripping 202 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) characteristics are notably similar. Changing size and/or location of STATCOM results in less skewing to the relay tripping characteristics compared to the SSSC. VII. REFERENCES [1] A.Kazemi, S. Jamali, and H Shateri, “Comparing the Impacts of SSSC and STATCOM on the Measured Impedance at Relaying Point," IEEE PES General Meeting, 2009. [2] A.Kazemi, S. Jamali, and H Shateri,“Measured Impedance By Distance Relay for Inter-phase Faults In Presence Of STATCOM," IEEE PES General Meeting, 2008. [3] A.Kazemi, S. 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