B A L A N C I N G A L P I N E E N E R G Y A N D N A T U R E 2 0 1 5 Renewable Energy and Ecosystem Services in the Alps Status quo and trade-off between renewable energy expansion and ecosystem services valorization 1 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T IMPRINT Publisher: recharge.green project Editorial responsibility: EURAC research (WP4 coordinator) Authors: Jessica Balest, Giorgio Curetti, Giulia Garegnani, Gianluca Grilli, Julie Gros, Simon Pezzutto, Daniele Vettorato, Pietro Zambelli (EURAC research, Bozen); Alessandro Paletto (CRA-MPF, Trento); Isabella De Meo (CRA-ABP); Clemens Geitner, Richard Hastik (University of Innsbruk); Sylvain Leduc (IIASA, Vienna); Simone Bertin, Francesca Miotello, Erica Zangrando (Veneto Region, Venice); Davide Pettenella, Alessia Portaccio (University of Padua); Alenka Petrinjak (Triglav National Park); Rok Pisek, Aleš Poljanec (Slovenia Forest Service); Nina Kuenzer, Marianne Badura (blue!, Munich); Chris Walzer (University of Vienna) Copy editing: Valentina D’Alonzo (EURAC research) Layout: Pluristamp Photo credits: Julie Gros, Alessandro Gambaro Project partners: Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology (FIWI) of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, lead partner; Agricultural Institute of Slovenia; Agroscope – Swiss research into agriculture, nutrition and the environment; Bavarian electric power company (BEW); Department for forestry and renewable forest resources, University of Ljubljana; Environment Agency Austria; Institute for Geography, University of Innsbruck; European Academy of Bozen/ Bolzano (EURAC); International Commission for the Protection of the Alps; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Mountain Institute; Regional Development Vorarlberg; Slovenia Forest Service; Triglav National Park; Veneto Region/Office for Economics and the Development of Mountain Areas Observers: Alpine Town of the Year Association, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, ARPAV/Veneto Regional Agency for Prevention and Environmental Protection, Austrian Biomass Association, Canton St. Gallen/Office for Environment and Energy, Consorzio Bim Piave, Eawag/Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Institute for Ecological Energy at the Bavarian Environment Agency, Office of the Lower Austrian Government/Department of Rural Development, Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, Platform Ecological Network of the Alpine Convention, Province of Bolzano, Regional Governmental Office of the Land Salzburg/Department of Spatial Planning, Regional Governmental Office of the Land Vorarlberg, Veneto Region/Office for Energy With support of: Italian Economic Development Ministry June 2015 Order information/download: www.recharge-green.eu 2 C O N T E N T TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S CHAPTER 01 – p.07 Ecosystem Services in the Alpine Area and in the Pilot Areas The Ecosystem Services 1.2 Renewable Energy sources and Ecosystem Services in the Alpine Area 1.2.1 ...................................................................... ........................................................................................ 8 Ecosystem Services in the Alpine Area and in Analysis of different RE sources and their impacts on Ecosystem Services 01 8 1.1 ................................................... 10 the Pilot Areas 1.2.2 Systematic overview on ESS impacts and RE constrains ................................................................................................... 12 1.2.3 Hotspot maps ................................................................................................... 14 1.3 Ecosystem Services evaluation in the Pilot Areas 1.3.1 The economic evaluation 1.4 ESS maps 1.5 Conclusion ..... 14 ..................................................................... 19 ............................................................................................................ 21 ............................................................................................................................. 25 02 CHAPTER 02 – p.27 Energy Potential from Renewable Sources Energy Potential from Renewable Sources 2.1 Forest Biomass ............................................................................................... 28 2.2 Hydropower ........................................................................................................ 32 2.3 Windpower ......................................................................................................... 34 2.4 Photovoltaic ....................................................................................................... 37 CHAPTER 03 – p.4 5 Trade-off and perceived impacts 3.1 03 Analysis of the questionnaires and recommendations for possible future policy pathway .......................... 50 ........................................................................................................... 50 3.1.1 Leiblachtal 3.1.2 Triglav National Park 3.1.3 Gesso and Vermenagna Valleys 3.1.4 Mis and Maè Valleys 3.2 Conclusion 3.3 Layout questionnaire ................................................................................. 51 ................................................... 57 ................................................................................. 62 .......................................................................................................... ................................................................................ Trade-off and perceived impacts 75 76 CHAPTER 04 – p.87 Bibliography 3 R E C H A R G E 4 G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T E D I T O R I A L Editorial The Alpine Space is a strategic territory both (ESS). Often, management practices do not for renewable energy exploitation and for the consider the environment in the proper man- importance of its ecosystems. Concerning ner; this is one of the main reason of the wide energy production, the Alps have different op- adoption of non-sustainable actions. This portunities to develop Renewable sources of trend is particularly visible in mountainous are- Energy (RE), due to their vast availability of as, especially in the Alps. Fragile ecosystems, resources, from wood for district heating, to such as mountain ecosystems, face extreme water for hydropower, to sun and wind to de- temperatures and a high level of anthropic velop photovoltaic or wind power. The devel- pressure that lower the resilience and deplete opment of RE is important in order to meet the their capability to regenerate. In particular, 20-20-20 target and the 2030 framework for the renewable energy (RE) sector can play a climate and energy policies established by the negative role in environment degradation, be- European Union, through which each Europe- cause many conflicts may rise between nat- an nation should reduce by 40% greenhouse ural resources conservation and energy use. gas emissions, increase by 27% the share of The utilization of RE cause an impact on the RE, increase by 27% energy efficiency. environment, with negative consequences on On the other hand, developing RE interferes the quality of the ESS provision. with the surrounding environment, so policy In order to conciliate the needs of the local makers have to be aware of these interactions. communities of producing RE and the need for Exploitation of natural resources creates an conserving nature, the partners of the project impact on the ecosystems that identified and recharge.green investigated in this report not quantified, in order to contribute to sustaina- only the RE potential and ESS in the Alps but ble development. The impacts can be positive possible conflicts that can arise in a complex or negative for the local Ecosystem Services territory as the Alpine Region. G. Grilli and G. Garegnani 5 R E C H A R G E 6 G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS Ecosystem Services in the Alpine Area and in the Pilot Areas 01 The ecosystem services concept is very important for understanding the entirety of benefits nature provides to humans. We need to recognize that nature and biodiversity protection is also crucial to ensure the wellbeing and welfare of ourselves. The ecosystem services concept is one way to express this idea. Authors: G. Grilli, R. Hastik, A. Paletto, G. Curetti, C. Geitner, G. Garegnani, F. Miotello, A. Portaccio, D. Pettenella, E. Zangrando, S. Bertin, D. Vettorato, N. Kuenzer, M. Badura, C. Walzer 7 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T 1.1 The Ecosystem Services Ecosystem services (ESS) are defined by both the scientific community and political Millennium Ecosystem Assessment as the decision makers. Preserving ESS means pre- “benefits people obtain from ecosystems” serving life. Often management practices lead (MEA 2005). Human well-being depends on to a depletion of ecosystem functioning. This ESS, because most of them are not repro- trend is particularly visible in mountain are- ducible artificially, so their preservation and as, especially in the Alps. A high level of an- maintenance is a crucial challenge for the thropogenic pressure could compromise the future. (Costanza et al. 1998) divided ecosys- functionality and the ability to regenerate of tem services into 17 major categories of ESS the fragile ecosystems as mountain areas. In such as gas, climate, disturbance and water particular, the renewable energy (RE) sector regulation, water supply, erosion control and could have negative effects on environment, sediment retention, soil formation, nutrient cy- because many conflicts may arise between cling, waste treatment, pollination, biological nature conservation and RE development. control, refugia, food production, raw materi- The development of different RE (solar, wind, als, genetic resources, recreation and cultur- hydropower and wood biomass) could cause al. Successively, (Rudolf S de Groot, Wilson, an effect on the environment, with negative and Boumans 2002) provided more detailed consequences on the quality of the ESS pro- information, identifying 23 different ESS, im- vision. RE development may cause soil con- portant for natural cycles and human daily life sumption and a loss of biodiversity. Besides, maintenance. Specially, these authors intro- some RE may have a negative effect in terms duced new ecosystem functions such as nurs- of the landscape aesthetic beauty. Notwith- ery function, medicinal resources, ornamental standing, effects of RE on the environment are resources, aesthetic information, spiritual and not always negative. For example, the remov- historic information, science and education. al of forest residues have positive impacts on Over the years, this list was modified and, in tourist attractiveness and ecosystem health particular, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment reducing fire risk. In other words, if on one (MEA, 2005) listed a classification of ESS, hand it is important to reduce the dependence based on their functions: provisioning servic- on fossil fuels using RE sources, on the other es (e.g. food, timber, fodder, water provision), hand people have to be aware that RE and na- regulating services (e.g. water and climate ture conservation are in a trade-off situation. regulation), cultural services and supporting Fossil fuels should be reduced as quickly as services (e.g. recreational opportunities, cul- possible, but it should also be noted that RE tural and spiritual values). Subsequently, (De has the potential to damage the environment; Groot et al. 2010) reclassify ESS replacing therefore, smart utilization is ideal to reduce supporting services with habitat services (e.g. environmental degradation. It is not always nursery habitat, gene pool protection). possible to enhance the quality of ecosystem Despite several classifications, the importance with a sustainable use of renewable sources of ESS for human life is widely recognized by of energy. 1.2 Renewable Energy sources and Ecosystem Services in the Alpine Area 8 The Alps are strategically important for RE Protocol of the Alpine Convention “the Alpine in Europe due to their high energy potentials Region will make a long-term contribution to and connotation as a “green battery” by en- (Hoppichler 2013) meeting Europe’s energy ergy companies. According to the Energy needs” (EC 2005) but at the same time, it is ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS essential “limit the negative effects of power (bio-energy), tourism and recreation (hiking, plants on the environment and the landscape” biking, hunting, etc..), freshwater and biodiver- (EC 2005, p. 38). Alpine ecosystem is particu- sity (Grêt-Regamey et al. 2008). The number larly threatened by expanding RE due to their of existing classification regimes highlights the high levels of biodiversity, fragile ecosystems, difficulties regarding the exact definition and recreational value and the diversity of cultural categorisation of these ESS (Fu et al. 2011, identities (Hoppichler 2013). The Alpine eco- Fisher et a. 2007). Therefore, it is recommend- system provides several goods and services ed to develop an individual set of most affected such as protection against natural hazards ecosystems reflecting both the particular eco- (i.e. landslides, avalanches and rockfalls), systems characteristics (Alpine ecosystems) carbon dioxide sequestration, fodder, timber, and the decision context (expanding RE). renewable raw material for energy production TA B L E 1 : A L P I N E E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S C O N S I D E R E D I N T H E RECHARGE.GREEN PROJECT ECOSYSTEM GOODS AND SERVICES DEFINITION ADOPTED Provisioning services Provision of forest and agricultural production Products obtained directly from ecosystems such as agricultural products, forest products and aquaculture products. If relevant, could also include extractable products (e.g. mushrooms, natural medicines, peat, etc.). Provision of fresh or potable water Provided fresh or potable water including water filter function of soils. Regulating and maintenance services Protection against natural hazards Mediation/Buffering of flows (mass, liquid, gaseous) for avoiding extreme events (such as floods, soil erosions, landslides, avalanches, storms, rock falls, etc.). Air quality regulation Mediation of toxics and other nuisances in the air (e.g. dust) by the ecosystem (this category could also include micro climate regulation and/or abatement of noise pollution). Carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil Amount of carbon sequestrated by the ecosystem for regulating the global atmospheric composition. Ecological habitat quality This can be regarded as the overall habitat quality for wild plant and animal species and is necessary for the function of ecosystem services mentioned above. Habitat quality is (mutually) dependent on nutrient cycling, seed dispersal and pollination. Also, the long term ecosystem stability (=resilience) and resistance against pests affecting human health and forest or agricultural production are an expression of high ecological habitat quality. Cultural services Aesthetical values Viewing experience of the natural world (through different media), landscapes as source of inspiration or cultural values and the “sense of place” in general associated with recognized environmental features. Recreational values Value for recreation (such as walking, hiking, skiing, climbing, boating, leisure fishing and leisure hunting), possibility for relaxation and silence in general. Intrinsic values Value of ensuring the particular character of an ecosystem for future generations. Source: elaborated from MEA (2005), Sukhdev et al. 2010, European Environment Agency 2013. 9 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Within recharge.green project a list of nine fi- classification regimes, CICES regards “bio- nal ecosystem services was developed (Table diversity” as total sum of life and a basis for 1) using the international literature concerning all (biotic) Ecosystem Services and not as an the environmental impacts of renewable en- Ecosystem Service itself. Thereby, in the pres- ergies development (IPCC 2011, Kaltschmitt ent study the ESS are categorized into three et al. 2007, Boyle 2012) and the European main groups: provisioning, regulating, mainte- classification regime of CICES (European En- nance and cultural services. vironment Agency, 2013). In contrast to other 1.2.1 Analysis of different RE sources and their impacts on Ecosystem Services Based on a literature review concerning the use of residuals (branches, needles and tops). environmental impacts of the renewable ener- These residues make up a varying proportion gies, forest biomass, hydropower, wind power of the aboveground woody biomass ranging and solar photovoltaic were scrutinized. From approximately from 15% (Norway spruce) to a thematic point of view, we focus on direct im- 20% (European beech) depending on tree pacts at the site of energy production but also species and age (M Kaltschmitt and Hartmann on indirect impacts on regional scale such as 2001). Currently, also in mountainous areas required infrastructure constructions. Off-site difficult to access, the residue use is increas- impacts caused by the production, disposal or ingly simplified by full-tree harvester vehicles recycling of power plant elements and lifecycle (Hofer and Altwegg 2007). However, residue analyses are not regarded as main part of re- use impacts various ESS particularly such charge.green project. It is planned to publish as soil productivity, water filtering and habitat these results in a peer-reviewed scientific jour- quality. nal (Richard Hastik et al. 2014). ESS impacts related to forest biomass need to be differentiated between an increased use FOREST BIOMASS of residues, forest management changes (e.g. Forest management strategies traditionally fo- shorter rotation periods, changed tree compo- cus on balancing various economic, ecological sitions) and increased pressures on formerly and social functions (Führer 2000; Stupak et unmanaged areas. Emphasis must be put on al. 2007). Impacts caused by an increased use scrutinizing soil characteristics due to their of biomass for energy purpose can be regard- key role for maintaining various provisioning ed in the context of forest-related activities, but and regulation services. It is yet unclear, if the also in context of road infrastructure, transport increased revenues for fuel wood might also activities and combustion. The extraction of favour shifts from monocultures (e.g. Norway wood biomass from forest is strongly linked to spruce forests) focussed on the specific de- various forest management strategies (Röhrig mands of the wood industry to more diverse et al., 2006; Häusler and Scherer-Lorenzen, forests. Some ESS impacts are strongly linked 2001) and its impacts on ESS (i.e. provision of generating co-benefits, such as habitat and fresh water and water filtering, habitat, recrea- carbon sequestration or natural hazards pro- tion and natural hazards protection) should be tection and water regulation. Trade-offs could carefully analyzed (Avocat et al. 2011; Bürgi be revealed regarding forest production and 2011; Führer 6; Quadt, Maaten-Theunissen, carbon sequestration, but also partly regard- and Frank). The increased demand of forest ing material competitions (wood demand by biomass needs to be scrutinized from two as- industry). Other trade-offs and co-benefits are pects which are strongly intertwined, but they not linear but depend on management intensi- differently impact ESS. First, the increased ty, such as for natural hazards protection. demand might promote “traditional” timber ex- 10 traction on former unmanaged or extensively HYDROPOWER used forests impacting a wide range of ESS. Assessing impacts caused by hydropow- The second aspect is related to an increased er is a complex task, due to the wide range ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS of different technologies involved ranging WINDPOWER from run-of-river, reservoir, pumped-stor- Guidelines for assessing wind mills encom- age, cross-watershed diversion, in-stream pass impacts on birds and bats, alternated diversion, to combinations or multipurpose landscape aesthetics, health risks caused by projects (Egré and Milewski 2002). Assess- noise, flickering and safety risks (Balaguer ing downstream impacts without referring to et al. 2004; Gilgen et al. 2010; Ministère de specific projects is difficult due to the high l’Ecologie; de l’Energie; du Développement influence of operational management, river Durable et de la Mer 2010). These impacts can derivations, cross-watershed diversions and/ be differentiated from off-site impacts such as or in-stream diversions. construction of road and power line infrastruc- Impacts caused by hydropower are mostly regarded in the ture. context of river ecosystems, landscape val- High wind energy potentials are particularly ues and recreational values (International correlated to exposed terrain, higher altitudes Energy Agency 2000; Platform Water Man- and mountain ridges. However, these high Al- agement in the Alps 2011). Hydropower res- pine landscapes are strongly associated as ervoirs are an additional source of socioec- untouched nature, cultural identification and onomic issues such as displacements, but space for recreational activities. Particularly also creating benefits such as irrigation or landscapes not containing any anthropogenic flood control. constructions are worth of conservation due The ecological viability or supporting ESS of to their scarcity. Many parts of the Alpine area a river ecosystem can be scrutinized by dif- are characterised by their historical cultural ferent aspects including hydrological charac- landscapes, a factor which is additionally re- ter, river connectivity, solid material budget garded critically considering wind park devel- and morphology, landscape and biotopes opments (Peters and Uwe 2006). Evaluating and biocoenosis (Bratrich and Truffer 2001; visual impacts caused by wind power stations Bratrich et al. 2004; Truffer 2010). Any dete- is thus regarded as a key task for Alpine Re- riorations regarding these ecological charac- gions (CIPRA 2002). teristics have to be considered carefully in The impacts of windmills on wildlife are de- respect to the EU Water Framework Directive scribed in the context of rotor collisions, dis- (European Commission 2000). Thereby, loss placements due to disturbance, migration bar- of biological diversity, barriers for fish migra- riers and habitat alternations. A huge number tion, impacts on downstream river ecosys- of studies and reviews originating particularly tems (e.g. alternation of hydrological cycles, from the United States and Canada address loss of areas exposed to regular inundation), these impacts on birds (e.g. Drewitt and Lang- reservoir impoundments, alternated sedi- ston 2008) and bats (e.g. Arnett et al. 2008) mentation and water quality modifications with the general conclusion that the impacts play a major role (International Energy Agen- strongly depending on site-specific factors cy 2000). Further impacts might result out (position of power station towards topography, of related infrastructure requirements (e.g. winds and movement routes), species-specif- roads, power lines). ic factors and seasonal factors (yearly migra- Energy potentials related to drinking water tion movements). However, these site-specific power plants are particularly high in the Alps factors are difficult to evaluate systematically (Blanc and Cherix 2014; Möderl et al.) with besides basic assumptions such as the im- little additional environmental impacts and portance of Alpine passes for migratory birds therefore not addressed further in the pre- (Gilgen et al. 2010) or the proximity to wooded sented work. As most hydropower potentials landscape features having an influence on bat in the Alps are already exploited, the eco- mortality (Dürr and Bach 2004). logical compatibility of remaining potentials Consequently, wind power projects should should be considered in detail. Thereby, a particularly scrutinize impacts on endangered focus could be put on watersheds already bird and bat species, but also impacts in case strongly alternated while prioritising nature of valuable biotopes. Migration models or em- conservation in remaining pristine rivers. Fur- piric data might serve as basic information to ther emphasis must be put on evaluating the discuss energy potential constraints. The com- added value of small hydropower potentials. patibility of windmills and Alpine landscapes is 11 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T controversially discussed especially regarding Schneider 2012) (Chiabrando 2008; Herden the social acceptance of windmill projects. et al. 2009). No avoidances by wildlife or bird collisions were revealed yet but fences re- P H O T O V O LTA I C quired around facilities are a barrier for var- Photovoltaic facilities mounted on buildings ious species (Herden et al. 2009). Concerns and ground-mounted photovoltaic have to be regarding the loss of productive land can be differentiated regarding their ESS impacts. raised. However, this argument contradicts Only minor impacts on the regional environ- European targets on reducing agricultural pro- ment are reported for building-mounted pho- duction (Wirth & Schneider, 2012). Besides, tovoltaic (and building mounted solar thermal) modern fundaments reduce soil sealing to less panels except for aesthetic issues. In contrast, than 5% of an area (Herden et al. 2009) and impacts caused by ground-mounted photovol- remaining areas can be used for grazing. Soil taic (=GM-PV, often realised as “solar parks”) impacts (e.g. compaction) might occur during are manifold including visual landscape alter- installation phase. ations, microclimatic changes, reflections and The expansion of building-mounted photovol- competing land uses (Chiabrando R. 2008; taic (and solar thermal) panels is little limited Herden et al. 2009; Torasso 2011; Tsoutsos by specific ESS impacts. In contrast, GM-PV et al. 2009). Although most GM-PV can be strongly depends on assumptions made re- found in low lands bigger facilities were also garding their impacts on the provision of ag- constructed in the Alps such as in Les Mées ricultural products, alteration of habitats and (FR) in the valley Großes Walsertal (AT) or recreational and aesthetic landscape values in Bolzano/Bozen (IT). Alpine areas. However, these issues are yet Concerns of GM-PV on ecologic impacts are less pronounced as technical and economic generally low focussing on habitat alternations issues strongly limit GM-PV (e.g. costs, issue and plant community changes due to shading of energy storage). effects and microclimatic changes (Wirth and 1.2.2 Systematic overview on ESS impacts and RE constrains Based on the presented findings it is possi- thematic point of view, several main conflict- ble to synthesise the potential environmental ing priorities regarding RE and ESS of were impacts caused by various RE upon thematic revealed (Figure 1). fields or spatial dimensions involved. From a 12 ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS Figure 1: Main dimensions of affected ESS (dark grey = main issues; light grey= further issues; white = side aspects) *) Impacts related to land use and management shifts, lifetime carbon emission savings not included **) Impacts on ecosystem properties (air composition) assumed as main issue Source: Richard Hastik et al. (2015), Renewable energies and ecosystem service impacts. It is nowadays acknowledged that conserva- Global climate change mitigating goals need tion strategies do not necessarily imply trade- to be particularly balanced with local nature offs between ESS and economic interests (De protection requirements, which are particu- Groot et al. 2010). Therefore, both negative larly important in biodiversity-hot spots such impacts and positive co-benefits need to be as the Alps. Furthermore, industrialised land- balanced and scrutinized regarding endoge- scapes serving for energy production need to nous development strategies which are par- be balanced with the need for “pristine” moun- ticularly important to Alpine Regions (Dax tain environments. However, tourism and en- 2001). However, most of these impacts de- ergy generation can also create co-benefits pends on particular management regimes and depending on the individual project and tour- side-measurements. Thus, it is not possible to ism strategies. Also natural hazards protec- valuate these impacts a priori as positive or tion, crucial for areas characterised by their negative. Nevertheless, it is possible to high- extreme topography, can be impacted both light main conflict dimensions, which require positively and negatively by expanding RE. trade-off decisions as highlighted in Figure 1. RE used in the context of settlement areas 13 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T (roof-mounted photovoltaic, near surface geothermal energy) are generally of less concern from an environmental point of view. 1.2.3 Hotspot maps WEB The assessment of the ESS provisions is not In the Alpine area, protected areas of the an easy task, many authors pointed out that Alps were provided by E-connect project. The such analyses should be carried out at a very maps considered are with high biodiversity small scale. For these reasons, it was not pos- value, namely: sible to make a detailed description of the pro- • National Parks, vision of ESS for the entire Alpine bow, which • Regional Nature Reserve, is too wide for accurate computations, so the • Biosphere Reserve, partners focused their attention on a qual- • Areas subject to special protection, itative approach. The purpose of the current • Natura 2000 sites. project was to identify some useful variables Together with the hot spot maps of biodiversi- Jecami to take into consideration, while investigating ty, other important areas were considered as (Joint Ecological ESS in the Alpine area. The data collected al- being highly valuable, such as the UNESCO Continuum Analysing lows the inclusion of environmental considera- network of cultural heritage sites. These hot and Mapping Initiative), tion when it comes to estimate the quantity of spot maps can be considered as constrains to www.jecami.eu the natural resources exploitation for energy renewable energy production, where the with- purposes. Following the Norman Myers’ con- drawal of the energy potential should be lower cept of hotspot (Myers 1988), which includes than other areas in order to preserve biodiver- areas of high species richness and endemism, sity and the related provision of ESS. From we mapped the most valuable site within the maps in Jecami can be observed that area Alpine bow. with high biodiversity value are often area with high energy potential. 1.3 Ecosystem Services evaluation in the Pilot Areas 14 It is a matter of fact that ESS are extremely val- age. This negative externality occurs because uable for human beings, since their functions natural resources are public goods, which are guarantee the prosecution of life on Earth. On non-rival and non-excludable, and so their the other hand, it is a matter of fact that eco- value is not as clear as private and marketa- system are facing continuous and increasing ble goods. Due to these characteristics, each depletion of their quality and their capabili- form of natural resources consumption pro- ty to fulfil to their functions. Non sustainable duces an unbalanced situation between ben- practices are always lead by market logics, eficiaries (the private person or company) and because people need to use natural resources the damaged ones (the whole society). to producing goods. The consumption of natu- In order to better understand the costs and ral resources allows a “marketable” benefit, in benefits of natural resources exploitation, an the sense that the economic advantage for the economic approach to ESS valuation appears exploiter is clearly visible and reflected in the to be effective, because it allows a profitability market price and his related income. Moreo- analysis where costs and benefits are valued ver, air pollution and damages of ecosystems with the same unit of measure. In the ener- produce an economic loss for the entire so- gy production context, considering the social ciety that is not compensated, as long as the costs of exploiting natural resources could exploiter is not compelled to pay for his dam- highlight the existing trade-offs between RE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS and ESS. With such information, decision cuses on four areas: Leiblachtal (AT), Triglav makers may formulate effective strategies National Park (SL), Mis and Maè Valleys (IT), about optimal RE location, capable to pre- Gesso and Vermenagna river basin (IT). The serve the environment and efficiently produce first step was the economic evaluation of the RE at the same time. ESS by exploiting several methods. Secondly, A working group for the Pilot Areas identified the ESS are mapped in a geographically ex- conflicting priorities, in order to create ESS plicitly way and possible conflicts between RE maps for the Pilot Areas. Firstly, a description expansion and ESS preservation highlighted. of each Region is provided. The analysis fo- 15 R E CI HNAFR OG E R E E N B OG X W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T LOCAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PILOT AREAS Leiblachtal The Pilot Area Leiblachtal lies in the most cover 1,880 ha, pure conifer forests cover 429 northwestern part of Vorarlberg (Austria) on ha, while pure broadleaves forests cover the the border to Germany. With a number of remaining 188 ha which can be found in the five municipalities (Lochau, Hörbranz, Ho- lower valley area. The Leiblachtal is socioeco- henweiler, Möggers and Eichenberg), ap- nomically characterized by moderate tourism, proximately 15.000 inhabitants and a size of work migration to the nearby urbanized area 50 km2, the Leiblachtal is the smallest Pilot of Rheintal and forestry and agricultural activ- Area scrutinized in this study. The main land ities in smaller villages. As in many parts for uses are as follows: 48.9% forests (2,497 ha), the Alps, hydropower and biomass are also in 39.5% grasslands (2,017), 4.1% agricultur- Vorarlberg the most important renewable en- al crops (208 ha) and 7.5% urban area (381 ergies. However, in the Region of Leiblachtal ha). About forests, the main forest types are only limited hydropower potential is availa- Norway spruce, silver fir and European beech ble. Therefore, alternative renewable energy mixed forests (75.3%), followed by pure Nor- sources such as wind power and forest bio- way spruce forests (13.6%) and the mixed mass are under intensive discussion to meet broadleaves coppices (4.5%). Considering regional energy demands (Seidel et al 2013). the tree species composition, mixed forests Triglav National Park The Pilot Area in Slovenia is the Triglav Na- peratures range between 0.7 °C and -8.8 °C. tional Park located in the North-East of coun- The annual average of precipitation is about try close to the Austrian and Italian borders. 1,500 mm. Triglav National Park (TNP) is the only na- In reference to the year 2010, TNP incorpo- tional park in Slovenia and the current bound- rates 25 settlements with a population of aries are established by a National Law of the 2,444 people (1,018 households) for a popu- 1981. The TNP covers 3% of the territory of lation density of 0.029 inhabitant/ha (average Slovenia (83,807 ha: 55.332 ha of central national density = 98.7 inhabitant/km 2). Be- area and 28.475 ha of peripheral area) and sides, TNP is important touristic area with a the main land uses are forests (62%) and number of tourist presences more than 580 managed grasslands (10%). The main for- thousand tourists per year and an average est types are the European beech forests tourists’ permanence of 2.5 nights. The park with about 30,000 ha, the dwarf mountain provides a variety of ecosystem services. On pine forests with more than 11,000 ha, and the one hand nature conservation, environ- the Norway spruce and silver fir forests with ment and cultural heritage protection as well 4,185 ha. as recreation and tourism are the most impor- The climate of the area is continental, the tant ecosystem services in TNP; on the other average temperature in the warmest month hand agriculture and forestry are important for range from 20 °C in the valley and 5.6 °C in the the people living in the park. mountains, and in the coldest month the tem- 16 Gesso and Vermenagna River Basin The Pilot Area Gesso and Vermenagna Riv- sity of 0,194 inhabitant/ha. About 32.000 ha er Basin is located in the South-West of Italy, are situated in protected areas (parks or Na- in Piedmont Region, close to the Italian and ture 2000 sites). Maritime Alps Natural Park French border. The area is considered in the and Nature 2000 site Maritime Alps are the recharge.green project because it is partially most important protected areas of the Pilot in the regional park “Parco Naturale Alpi Mar- Area. The main land uses are forests (42%) ittime” (PNAM) and pastures (33%). The main forest types are The Gesso-Vermenagna valley includes seven the European beech forests (11.500 ha) and municipalities (Valdieri, Entracque, Roaschia, the chestnut forests (2.700 ha). The principal Roccavione, Robilante, Vernante and Limone renewable energy actually used is hydropow- Piemonte). The land surface is approximately er. The local economy is based mainly on tour- 51.500 ha. In reference to the year 2010 the ism (about 121,000 tourists per year) and sec- population was 10.022 inhabitants with a den- ondarily on agriculture and forestry. Veneto Region, Mis and Maè Valleys The Pilot Areas in Veneto Region are located Maè Valley is an area of 23,300 hectares in the Belluno Province, and they correspond around the Maè stream (33 km long). The mu- to Mis and Maè Valleys. Mis Valley is in the nicipalities of Longarone, Forno di Zoldo, Zol- central part of Dolomiti National Park; it covers do Alto and Zoppè di Cadore, account for 7,974 an area of 11,800 hectares and it is crossed by inhabitants in total (year 2009), and there are the 22 km long Mis stream. It includes Sospiro- several collective ownerships as territory man- lo and Gosaldo Municipalities (3,237 and 762 agement boards. Forest area covers 18,928 ha inhabitants respectively, in 2009), which are and the main forest types are: European beech characterised by small villages in the north- forests (3,963 ha), dwarf mountain pine forests ern and southern parts. Forest area covers (2,532 ha), mixed forests of Norway spruce about 8,347 ha and the main forest categories and European beech (2,167 ha). Maè valley is are hornbeam and manna ash forests (2,420 largely affected by the presence of protected ha), European beech forests (2,133 ha), dwarf areas such as Natura 2000 Network and Dol- mountain pine forests (1,442 ha) and Norway omiti UNESCO sites. The area is important for spruce forests (533 ha). The central part of winter and summer tourism. By the time, the valley has been abandoned partly for the cre- area was also characterised by traditional use ation of the artificial Mis Lake in 1962, partly of wood for rural building structures, a habit for the great flood event in in 1966, and now now strongly declined. Nowadays, there are it is not fed by electricity. The very few infra- high consumption’s rates of woody biomass for structures of the site use fuel generator to get heating related to the households’ traditional energy. Mis Valley has recently been affected activities. Maè Valley shows a traditional use by a judgment on a hydroelectric power plant in hydropower and a recent increase in small within the Park’s boundaries. In fact, both the hydropower derivation requests. The forest bi- National Law for natural protected areas (L. omass is used only in few known power plants, 394/1991) and the Plan of the Park do not al- but it can represent a possible alternative low nor to change the hydrological system of source of energy. Its utilization can also guar- streams, nor to build any new construction in- antee the conservation of grasslands (pastures side the park area. The artificial lake (110 hec- and meadows), that in last decades have been tares wide) is used for hydropower production covered by spontaneous afforestation, causing and as a useful reservoir for irrigation of plane problems of loss in landscape variety, occur- areas during the summer season. rence of fires, presence of ticks and so on. 17 R E C H A R G E G R E E N Figure 2: The Pilot Areas of the project. 18 W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS 1.3.1 The economic evaluation In order to estimate the ESS’ benefits, several Table 2 summarizes the approach used. economic valuation methods were exploited. TA B L E 2 : A L P I N E E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S D E F I N E D F O R T H E RECHARGE.GREEN PROJECT ECOSYSTEM GOOD AND SERVICE DEFINITION ADOPTED Provisioning services Timber Market price Hay production Market price Wood for energy Market price Livestock Market price NWFP (hunting products, berries and mushrooms) Market price Water provision Market price Regulating services Protection against natural risks (direct and indirect protection) Replacement cost method Protection against natural risks (indirect protection) Replacement cost method Carbon storage (living and nonliving forest biomass) Voluntary market price Carbon storage in living biomass Voluntary market price Benefit transfer method Outdoor recreation (hiking, walking, pic-nicking, etc..) Benefit transfer method Cultural services Outdoor recreation (hiking, walking, pic-nicking, etc..) Three categories of ecosystem services were the different portions of the territory. In the re- evaluated from the economic point of view charge.green project, the spatial distribution (provisioning, regulating and cultural servic- of ESS’ benefits will be used to forecast the es), while supporting services were not in- future positive and negative impacts of renew- cluded in order to avoid double counting of able energies (i.e. solar, wind and forest bio- value (Hein et al. 2006). The main benefits mass) development on the ecosystem servic- provided by forest and grassland ES were es in the study areas. evaluated using different economic valuation methods (such as market price, replacement PROVISIONING SERVICES cost method and benefit transfer method) and The estimated provisioning goods and servic- the estimated benefits were made spatially ex- es supplied by forests were: plicit. The economic valuations of all benefits 1. Timber for construction, derived from ES have been made in reference 2. Wood for energy (fuelwood and wood chips), to the 2012 year. The spatial distribution of the 3. Non-wood forest products (NWFP), market and non-marketed benefits supplied 4. Water provision. by ecosystems provides useful information The timber and fuelwood production were es- to support the decision makers (i.e. planners timated considering the local market price and and managers) in the definition and implemen- the annual harvested volume subdivided by tation of the landscape planning strategies in forest types. 19 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T The NWFP were estimated considering the of water flow, while direct protection involves main products supplied by the Alpine forests: safeguarding human life and activities from hunting products (meat, trophy and skin), ber- natural risks (Motta and Haudemand 2000; ries (bilberries and raspberries), mushrooms Notaro and Paletto 2012). From the economic and truffles. The value of hunting products point of view, the total costs of carrying out was calculated from the data of annual ani- and maintaining the different artificial substi- mals hunted (ungulates, other mammals and tutes - distinguishing for land use (forest and birds). Three components of animal were con- grassland) and type of protection (direct and sidered, especially meat for all comestible ani- indirect protection) - were taken into account mals, skin for all ungulates, and trophy only for to calculate an annual cost per unit area (hec- the male of ungulates (e.g. red deer, roe deer tare). In each Pilot Area different artificial sub- and chamois). The quantity of berries and stitutes were chosen based on the site char- mushrooms collected were accounted taking acteristics and level of protection (e.g. seeding into account the local household. for the grasslands, hydro-seeding for the indi- Instead, the water provision was evaluated rect protection forests, simple palisade for the considering the average annual consume of direct protection forests). water pro capita taking into account all water For the annual cost calculation, a conservative uses (agricultural, domestic, energetic and in- interest rate was chosen and fixed at 2%, ac- dustrial uses) and the average price of water cording to Freeman’s (2003) ranges. (OECD 2009). The procedure used to estimate the quantity The estimated provisioning services supplied of carbon stored in forests follows the For-Est by grasslands were hay production and live- approach (Federici et al. 2008), based on the stock in managed grasslands. The economic IPCC “Good Practice Guidance for Land use, value of hay production was evaluated con- land-use Change and Forestry” (IPCC 2003). sidering the annual hay production and local The annual forest’s capacity to transform at- prices of hay. Instead, the value of annual live- mospheric carbon into biomass was estimat- stock grazing in the pasture areas was esti- ed considering three carbon pools: above- mated taking into account the Livestock Units ground biomass, below-ground biomass and (LUs) per hectare and an average price for deadwood. The other two carbon pools (litter each unit. and organic soil) were not considered, as the changes in the annual increment of carbon R E G U L AT I N G S E R V I C E S stock are negligible. The formula used to es- The regulating services estimated for both nat- timate the value of carbon sequestration in ural ecosystems were the protection against living forest biomass (above-ground and be- hydrogeological risks and the carbon storage low-ground biomass) is the following: in forest living and non-living biomass. The protection against hydrogeological risks - 20 such as soil erosion, landslides, rockfalls and where V_c is the value of carbon sequestra- avalanches (Notaro and Paletto 2012; Dorren tion in above-ground and below-ground bi- et al. 2004) - was evaluated through the re- omass (€), I is the annual volume increment placement cost approach (Freeman 2003). (m3/year), BEF is the biomass expansion fac- This approach assesses the cost incurred by tor (usually forest volume is referred to stem replacing ecosystem services with artificial volume, and the expansion factor accounts for substitutes (Dixon et al. 2013). Generally, the components such as branches, and leaves), artificial substitutes are choice considering WBD is the wood basal density (kg/m3), R is type and degree of protection (Notaro and Pal- the ratio of roots to shoot, C_c is the coeffi- etto, 2012). In this study, the costs for replac- cient of carbon content equal to 0.5 and p_c is ing hydrogeological protection with artificial the carbon price of the voluntary carbon mar- substitutes were considered distinguishing ket (€/tC). between direct and indirect protection. Ac- The capacity of grasslands to act as net car- cording to the third Ministerial Conference for bon sinks may result from the continuous turn- the Protection of Forests in Europe (Lisbon, over of biomass and stable storage of this or- 1998), indirect protection can be defined as ganic matter in soil (Schulze et al. 2000). The the prevention of soil erosion and regulation amount of carbon stored in grasslands de- ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS pends on climatic condition, site features and etary units (value transfers) or as a function management strategies. The value of carbon (function transfers) that defines the attributes storage for both natural ecosystems was es- of an ecological and economic choice setting timated using mean voluntary carbon market (Rosenberger and Loomis 2001). The aver- price related to 2012, which is 4.59 €/tC (Pe- age value transfer method uses a measure ters-Stanley, M. and Yin, D. 2013). of central tendency of all subsets of relevant studies as the transfer measure for the policy C U LT U R A L S E R V I C E S site issue. In this study, we used the method Cultural services were estimated considering of average value transfer choosing study sites the outdoor recreation (e.g. hiking, walking, as much similar as possible to the policy site picnicking, jogging and landscape viewing), (i.e. mountain forests in Europe). The aver- through the Benefit Transfer (BT) (Wilson age value of mountain forest studies was col- and Hoehn 2006). BT method consists in ex- lected through a meta-analysis, the detailed amining the results of surveys undertaken in methodology is available in Grilli et al. (2014). specific contexts (study site) and transferring Outdoor recreational values were estimat- them to similar unstudied situations of inter- ed and transferred according to forest types est for policy making defined policy site. The (mixed forests, pure conifer forests and pure economic value estimated in the study site can broadleaves forests) and altitude (above and be transferred to the policy site either as mon- below 1,000 m a.s.l.). 1.4 ESS maps The benefits provided by ESS were expressed the values of the ecosystem services supply. in a 3-point, 5-point or 7-point rating scale and The spatial distribution of the provisioning mapped taking into account the ecological services accounted the values of timber and characteristics of each ecosystem service us- wood energy production, and water provi- ing a Geographical Information System soft- sion for all the forest areas. Regarding to the grass.osgeo.org ware (GRASS GIS and Quantum-GIS). A set NWFP (non-wood forest products) we consid- www.qgis.org of thematic layers representing a key variable ered all forest area for the hunting products, was used. The layers were overlapped in order mushrooms and truffles, while the bilberries to analyze the spatial distribution of ecosys- and raspberries values were attributed only to tem services’ values. the forest types with Vaccinium myrtillus (L.) The used key variables were: and Rubus idaeus (L.) in the shrub layer. 1. land uses; The regulating services value of forests was 2. forest types (forest tree species composi- mapped assigning a value per forest type. The tion); 3. altitude (distinguishing between areas WEB: value of indirect protection against natural risks was assigned taking into account type above and below 1000 m a.s.l.); and level of protection. Regarding the grass- 4. forest tracks and paths network; lands, the value of protection against natural 5. river and stream network. risks was assigned to the whole area. While The land use was employed to distinguish the the value of carbon storage in living biomass areas to be evaluated (forests and grasslands) was assigned distinguishing between pasture, by others (urban areas and agricultural crops). managed meadow and unmanaged meadows. Also according with the categorization of eco- Regarding the cultural services, the value of system services shown in Table 1 (provision- outdoor recreation is assigned taking in to ac- ing, regulating and cultural services), themat- count both differences among the forest types ic layers were combined by using an overlay and the altitude of forest area. The results procedure. The resulting map is character- were mapped for each Pilot Area (see www. ized by a number of polygons which express jecami.eu). 21 R E C H A R G E G R E E N ECOSYSTEM SERVICE W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T L E I B L A C H TA L are concentrated in specific areas of the val- The spatial analysis of the ecosystem service ley. Forests is a good source of biomass for shows higher values for the provisioning ser- energy purposes, in particular firewood and See the paper vices. Especially, the productive forests and woodchips, while the timber production is less “Mapping the value of the managed meadows close to the urban ar- important, due to the high share of coppices ecosystem services: eas have the highest values, while the lowest and the small number of local sawmills. The A case study from values are found in the high mountain areas. highest valuable areas are the chestnut tree the Austrian Alps” Besides, meadows have a higher value than forests, thanks to the intense withdrawals of www.afrjournal.org/ pasture and mixed protection forests have the their edible fruits. Grasslands are also very index.php/afr/article/ highest value among forests. important for the provision of natural goods, especially for pasture products. Two munici- view/335 T R I G L AV N AT I O N A L P A R K palities, i.e. Limone Piemonte and Vernante, Triglav National Park have a different situation seem to be particularly suitable for cow graz- of the weight of the groups of ESS within its ing thanks to their accessibility and their mor- territory. This difference is mainly given by the phology. fact that the land is completely protected, so Concerning regulating services, a common the contribution of provisioning services to the feature to all the Pilot Areas is the great con- TEV (Total Economic Value) is considerably tribution of the forests protection against nat- lower, because of the legal limitation to the ex- ural hazards. Even in this case, this particular ploitation of natural resources. In addition, the service is the most valuable among the set local prices used for the calculations are lower of considered services. Forests contribute in Slovenia than in Austria. On the other hand, considerably also for what concerns carbon cultural services are slightly higher, due to the sequestration, which is also an important fact that the TNP is a more touristic area than function for the managed meadows in the low Leiblachtal. lands. Meadows and pastures is focused only Provisioning services in forests vary consider- on tackling superficial soil erosion phenome- ably from very low values to very high values. na. This range is due to the differences among tree Finally, data about the number of tourists, due species and quality of wood in different parts to the presence of infrastructures and sky re- of the Triglav National Park. Regulating ser- sorts close to Limone Piemonte, affect the val- vices and cultural services, on the other hand, ue of recreational service. seem to show less differences in the quantification. Concerning the regulating services, we M I S A N D M A È VA L L E Y S observed three classes of values. In this cir- The University of Padua carried out the spatial cumstance, the higher differences in the value analysis of ESS in the valleys of Veneto Re- are given by the forest dedicated to protection gion, in the north east of Italy. Thanks to the against natural hazards. Of course, protective three maps described in the box “ESS evalu- forests show considerable greater values than ation in Mis and Mae valleys”, we can have a non-protective forests. Finally, cultural ser- general idea of which seems to be the function vices have a distribution of the value based having a major weight in the analysed areas, on the tree species composition, which is the therefore obtaining an estimation of the val- variable used to map the recreational activi- ue of the ecosystem services supplied by the ties. As well as the findings in the regulating environment. If we overlay the results for the services, three classes of values are found Mis Valley, we can appreciate a prevalence of for the cultural services. Grassland ESS have the landscape-touristic value, which almost just one class for each typology of service, be- homogeneously covers a large area within the cause it was impossible to find differences in boundaries. While the ecologic and protective the land management, so the whole portion of services are less but comparably distributed. grassland was treated as meadow. This could be due to the important presence of the Dolomites National Park, which covers 22 G E S S O A N D V E R M E N A G N A VA L L E Y S a huge part of the watershed. The Maè Val- The results of the economic analysis highlight ley seems to be more fragmented: the func- medium-high values, on average, for provi- tions are heterogeneously distributed even sioning services, although the highest values if there is a slight predominance of the land- ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS I N F O B O X E S S E VA L U AT I O N I N T H E M I S A N D M A È VA L L E Y S The Land, Agro & Forestry System Department of the University of Padova together with Veneto Region analysed the ESS in relation to power generation based on the use of hydroelectric resources and woody biomass, within the Pilot Areas of the Belluno Province. In general, the approach of the University of • Protection from hazards, Padova follows the steps: • Habitat conservation, 1. Literature review, • Landscape services, 2. ESS identification, analysis and mapping, • Recreation services, 3. Identification and implementation of the • Intrinsic value. suitable economic evaluation method. 23 Each category has been analyzed, in order to A deepened bibliographic research has been find out the relevant ESS for the Mis and Maè carried out. The ESS represent currently a hot areas. For example, in the first category of the topic, therefore, the various sources of infor- “Provisioning” ecosystem services we could mation retrieved, were selected in accordance point out that, relating to forest biomass, we with the principle of reliability. Mainly through have to consider timberwood, fuelwood pro- the online research, we gathered scientific duction as well as non-wood forest products. articles, ad hoc studies and different types of According to the different levels from which we publications related to the broad theme of the can address the ESS’ analysis, both monothe- ESS. Guidelines and handbooks for the iden- matic and multi-thematic maps are produced. tification and analysis of the ESS were exam- The first ones describe one of the components ined and online tools relating to the Evaluation of the analyzed ES (i.e. the potential chromatic and Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) value of the different forest types contributes have been consulted. Where a merchantable to the global landscape value of the valley). value could be attributed, the databases of the For example, considering mushrooms pro- official related organizations where consulted visioning, the methodology proposed by the (i.e.: timber prices for the different essences Italian Institute for Environment Protection (IS- → National Institute of Statistics ISTAT online PRA) was adopted, i.e. some specific Corine database; forest dry biomass carbon content categories were considered, a certain value of → Forests and Carbon National Inventory land slope and distance from roads, combined INFC). Unfortunately, the ESS to which an ef- together to obtain the accessibility for mush- fective economic value can be given are few, rooms. therefore a lot of similar case studies where Another example can be represented by fish- investigated in order to get a proxy value at- ing as a recreational ecosystem service. The tributable to our situation. basis is the fish map provided by the Province Starting from the list of the ESS edited by the of Belluno, where the streams are classified recharge.green project partners, and thanks considering their usability in fishing activities. to the survey conducted with the local experts, A numeric value was given to each of these 10 categories of ESS emerged for having a classes and then translated into a qualitative major importance for the Pilot Areas of the index of “sporty value”, from “null” to “very Veneto Region: high”. • Provisioning services, Multi-thematic maps aim to the description • Water related services, and mapping of the whole service’s catego- • Carbon sequestration, ry and they have been produced through the • Air quality, model elaborated in the C3Alps project (Al- • Water quality, pine Space Programme 2007-2013) by the 23 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Land, Agro & Forestry System Department distance from streets and paths, distances itself. The maps represent Landscape-Touris- from rivers and lakes, presence of National tic, Ecologic and Protection ESS: landscape Parks and Natura 2000 areas, distance and and touristic services are displayed together visibility from mountain lodges, presence of in one map, since common indicators were UNESCO sites, etc. Maps are related both to employed for both the categories and there biomass and hydropower sources, therefore, was the necessity of avoiding the repetition of indicators concerning forests, soil and water items in the Decision Support System (DSS). are considered. The model has been used for In order to obtain the maps, several indicators forest typologies as unit of reference, cover- were combined together. For instance, some ing entirely forest area and also for grasslands of the indicators for the landscape value are: and meadows. 24 24 ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE ALPINE AREA AND IN THE PILOT AREAS scape-touristic value, the ecologic and protec- example, the map localizing the areas ded- tion services are widely present and equally icated to the game fishing activities – which distributed, as in the Mis Valley. is part of the landscape-recreational value of Some of the previously described maps will the valley – will be separately submitted to the be employed during the discussions with the stakeholders, in order to calibrate the values local stakeholders, with the aim of weighting given to the different fishing sites. the values and the location given in the maps thanks to the stakeholders’ point of view. For 1.5 Conclusion The Renewable Energy expansion is symbol- value of the ecosystems. Typically, the protec- ic of a positive paradigm shift, since it allows tion against natural hazards provided by for- a considerable reduction in GHG emissions ests is the most influential and valuable ESS, and contribute to a cleaner environment. Poli- since without it damages to humans, roads cy makers have to be aware that REs produce and infrastructure may be very substantial. also several impacts on the environment. The The results of the project are in line with the project partners analyzed the current situation literature, highlighting very high value for the and the expected trade-offs between RE and protective function. This information is very ESS, identifying the main sources of conflicts important and should be considered during for each RE. The recharge.green project aims policy making, meaning that, protective for- at considering all the possible conflicts that may est should be left as much natural as possi- occur while planning development trajectories ble, in order to avoid the risk of avalanches, for a territory, testing a methodology to analyze landslides or other natural hazards. Except for the problem with an approach that is most com- protection, the other ESS have different im- prehensive. The project foresees two-scale lev- portance, based on the specific local context. els. The broader project territory coincide with In particular, great differences are highlighted the Alpine bow, while a smaller one correspond between protected and non-protected areas. with the width of the five Pilot Areas. Different Protected areas have several restriction to approaches to the ESS assessment were un- land and resources use, so the provisioning dertaken, considering the scale of analysis. services do not have much importance for the The existing characteristics of the ESS at territory, but they have a big influence on the the Alpine level were analyzed to identify the cultural services. On the other hand, non-pro- spatial and quantitative distribution of natural tected areas are allowed to exploit more natu- areas and the land-use of the Alpine Region. ral resources, so the provisioning services are Moreover, natural reserves, Natura 2000, bio- more valuable. Despite several differences topes and the UNESCO Network were consid- among the Pilot Areas, the provision of goods ered, in order to understand the quality of such such as timber and non-wood products are im- natural areas and the status quo of biodiversi- portant, so the development strategies should ty. These variables provide a useful indicator also aim at maintaining the current level of about the constrains that should be included good provisioning in order not to affect nega- in the estimation of the energy potential of the tively the income of local inhabitants. Alps, in order not to affect the provision of ESs Quantifying the monetary amounts of each for human being in a negative way. ESS is important in order to understand the The Pilot Areas were surveyed in detail, with costs and benefits of RE expansion with the an economic approach and thematic mapping same unit of measure. Furthermore, an eco- of the ESS was undertaken, based on a series nomic evaluation allows the ranking of the of spatial data provided by the Pilot Areas. The ESS based on their value. The joint adoption Pilot Areas showed different contribution of of the economic approach and the spatial each ecosystem service to the total economic analysis provided by GIS tools is particularly 25 R E C H A R G E 26 G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T effective. The spatial location of the econom- is possible to highlight the portions of the eco- ic values of the ESS allows an effective sit- system with less value, exploitable for energy ing strategy. GIS modeling make possible the purposes. Anyway, a final evaluation of the computation of the most important sites from sites should take into consideration not only the ecological point of view, which should be economical and energy aspects but also qual- kept uncontaminated in order not to lose val- itative information and social acceptance, as ue. At the same time, through GIS analysis it highlighted in the Chapter 3. E N E R G Y P O T E N T I A L F R O M R E N E WA B L E Energy Potential from Renewable Sources in the Alpine Area and in the Pilot Areas S O U R C E S 02 Identifying the “real” potentials for renewable energy in the Alpine Space is a matter of finding an optimal compromise between the right technology/renewable energy type applied to the right place, and at the same time protecting the environment and ecosystem services. Authors: G. Garegnani, S. Leduc 27 R E C H A R G E G R E E N IIASA W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T In this chapter, the theoretical potential maps are presented. The map showing the potential International Institute GRASS of forest biomass for energy has been devel- for Applied Systems oped by IIASA (Vienne, AT), while the hydro- Analysis: www.iiasa. power, solar (photovoltaic) and wind potential GRASS is a free and open source Geo- ac.at maps were developed by EURAC research graphic Information System (GIS) software centre (Bolzano, IT). The maps developed by suite. The Geographic Resources Analysis EURAC research were derived by using an ex- Support System (GRASS) supports the EURAC tension of GRASS GIS. creation, modification and processing of 2D EURAC research - In- In order to use a common terminology, we a topological vector model and true three stitute for Renewable adopted the following definitions (Resch, et dimensional coordinates for vector fea- Energy: www.eurac. al., 2008): tures. GRASS is characterized by stability, edu/en/research/tech- • Theoretical potential: is the upper limit an efficient application programming inter- and 3D raster and vector layers. It provides of what can be produced from a certain face (API) written in C, and a large number ergy/researchfields/ source, based on scientific knowledge; of GIS functions and modules. GRASS pro- Pages/Energy-strat- • Technical potential: takes into account vides many models and algorithms that, af- nologies/renewableen- egies-and-planning. technical, structural, legal and ecological ter substantial testing and trouble shooting, aspx restriction. The technical potential must have proven to be very reliable. Its capa- be seen in a dynamic constant, it would bilities to process geographical information increase if, for example conversion technol- have been testified by many research and ogies improve. technical papers. In this report, we calculated the theoretical potential for wind, solar, forest biomass and hydropower. For each RE, we computed a theoretical-physical potential based on the physi- Source: Neteler, M., Bowman, M. H., Landa, M., & Metz, M. (2012). GRASS GIS: A multipurpose open source GIS. Environmental Modelling & Software, 31, 124–130. doi:10.1016/j. envsoft.2011.11.014 cal limits of energy conversion and a theoretical-technical potential based on the theoretical limits of the existing technology. WEB: In addition, to assess the energy potential, we and, especially, more economical for a given introduce the concept of capacity factor. For technology. You cannot compare different re- each RE, we compute a theoretical-physical newable energies only depending on the ca- potential based on physical limits of energy pacity factor. Usually, wind capacity factor are conversion and a theoretical-technical potential 20-40% (Wind Energy Center, University of based on existing technology theoretical limits. Massachusetts Amherst). Compared to wind For each RE, the capacity factor is defined and hydro, solar energy has an additional lim- www.alpconv.org/en/ as the ratio of the annual energy production itation: there is absolutely no energy produc- AlpineKnowledge/ to the hypothetical maximum possible, i.e. tion during night-time. database/default. running full time at rated power. It can be ex- For all the maps, the Alpine perimeter refers to html?AspxAutoDetect- pressed in percentage or hour/year. Notice the Alpine Convention database (Alpine Con- CookieSupport=1 that a higher capacity factor is generally better vention – SOIA DATABASE, 2014). 2.1 Forest Biomass 28 D ATA C O L L E C T I O N irrigation, land and water share, temperature The Global Forest Model (G4M) estimates the and precipitation, primary forest share, slope, impact of forestry activities on carbon seques- soil and current stock. The maps showing tration and supply of biomass in the Alps. It country, ecoregion, elevation, irrigation, land uses maps showing countries, ecoregions, and water share, temperature and precipita- elevation, forest cover, forest type, gridsize, tion and soil are used as they provided free 𝐴𝐴! = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 0, 𝑐𝑐! −𝑐𝑐! − on the web. The slope was calculated by using the information of the global 3” digital elevation map. The grid size for the 30” grids was calculated using some GRASS GIS functions. The forest cover map is a combination of the 2010. The regions covered by the forest map from JRC for the years 2000 and 2006 are used from those maps. The primary forest share was estimated by using numbers given in FRA 2010 and downscaling them by using the forest cover map and a human activity − 1+ 𝐸𝐸 = Temperate, Tropical, Subtropical was estimat- was estimated on a 30” resolution using the method described in Kindermann et al. 2008. 𝑒𝑒 !!!!! !! 2 +𝑐𝑐!" 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 cos(𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙) 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = 𝑐𝑐!" + 𝑐𝑐!" 1 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!"!!!" !"! Equazioni pag 27ofa the dx:system of equaThe input variables tions are m number of the month of the year, 𝑥𝑥 = either forest increment or maximize stock. t m monthly average temperature [°C], pm preFor 𝑙𝑙 = 𝑚𝑚 − 5into − 1: nn altitude [m], lat cipitation [mm 30𝑚𝑚 days], latitude [°], wl is Walter and Lieth relation (6), 𝑥𝑥 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑤𝑤ℎ𝑐𝑐, 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 0, 𝑥𝑥 + 𝑝𝑝 swd soil water decay rate equal !to 0.8 and CO2 is−𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 the CO0, 2 concentration 𝑡𝑡! 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 [ppm] equal to 0.038. The most important point in modelling forest as growth is a method to estimate the yield lev- x= el of a site. For a specific stand, this is done For l = m-5 to m-1: Equazione pag ME THODOLOGY The forest growth model can estimate site-specific increments for different rotation times. Typical rotation times beside the current rotation time are those that will maximize typical by either using the ground vegetation or using dominant tree height, age and a yield table. In the global forest model temperature, precipitation, soil, latitude and altitude are 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 value = 𝑥𝑥 + sw m is estimated+ for𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 each month The of 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 31: x = min {whc,max [0,x+pi 𝑃𝑃 = 𝑔𝑔 𝜂𝜂 𝑄𝑄 (𝐻𝐻 -max(0,t !"#$ − 𝐻𝐻!"#$ ) l ) wl]swd} sw = x+groundwater+irrigation 𝑃𝑃!,!" = !∈!" 𝑔𝑔 𝜂𝜂 𝑄𝑄!,!"#$ (𝐻𝐻!,!"#$ − 𝐻𝐻!,!"#$ ) used to estimate site productivity as the net By using forest specific coefficients, the NPP primary productivity (NPP) with the following for different forest types can be estimated. equations: Equazioni The coefficients c 0, c1 … c15 are estimated by 1-6 pag 27: using the global NPP map from Modis (Run- Equazioni!"1-6 pag 27: 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 = 𝐹𝐹 !" !!! where where 𝐴𝐴! = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 0, 𝑐𝑐! 𝐴𝐴! ning et al. 2004) and selecting only grids that 𝐷𝐷! 𝐴𝐴! 𝐵𝐵! 𝐸𝐸 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 = 𝐹𝐹 𝐷𝐷! 𝐴𝐴! 𝐵𝐵! 𝐸𝐸 where !!! 1 are covered by forests. The soil type is taken from FAO (2012). Also the water holding capacity is estimated by using the given available water storage capacity per meter and mak- + 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!!!! !! 1 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 0, 𝑐𝑐! 1 ! !! ! + 1 + 𝑒𝑒 ! ! ! −𝑐𝑐! − 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!!!! !! 1 −𝑐𝑐! − ! 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!!! !! 𝐵𝐵! = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚0, 1+ 2 𝐵𝐵! = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚0, 1+ − !"! !!! !!"#(!,!! !") !"#(!,! 2 ! !!) 1 + 𝑒𝑒 − !"! !!! !!"#(!,!! !") !"#(!,!! !! ) 1 + 𝑒𝑒 𝑐𝑐 S O U R C E S 𝐹𝐹 = 𝑐𝑐!" + 𝑐𝑐!! 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 + 𝑐𝑐!" cos 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 + ed by using land classifications form Modis and ecoregions from FAO. The forest stock R E N E WA B L E 𝑐𝑐! + 𝑐𝑐! 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!!!!!"! needle-leaved, evergreen broadleaved, decidin combination with the four regions Boreal, 1+ 1 F R O M !"! !!! !!"#(!,!! !") !"#(!,!! !! ) 𝑒𝑒 map from CIESIN. The forest types evergreen uous needle-leaved, deciduous broadleaved + 𝐵𝐵! = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚0, 1+ Modis continuous field forest cover maps for the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 1 ! !! ! E N E 1R + G Y𝑒𝑒 !P O !T ! E N T I A L ing the assumption that the usable soil depth is 1.5 meters. Areas with irrigation were taken from Siebert et al. (2010). Monthly precipitation and temperature was taken from Hijmans et al. (2005). Altitude was used from USGS (2008) and the Ecological Zones are taken from FAO (2000). 29 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Figure 3 shows how temperature and precipi- of interest, nothing else is needed as the MAI tation determine NPP. is already the potential stem wood increment, which can be reached. Many factors will reduce this potential like disasters, disease or Figure 3: NPP [tC/ losses during harvest. To describe the way ha/year] described from the current situation to this potential, by temperature the current forests need to be described. The and precipitation. forest type (species), stand density and age For coefficients of distribution need to be known. For the simu- forest, no soil water, lation, a management system (thinning, final soil factor cs=0.07, harvests) has to be defined and some as- altitude=0, latitude=0, sumptions on environment changes need to CO2=0.038 ppm. be made. These environment changes will in- Temperature and fluence e.g. the type of forest, which will be precipitation is kept reforested after final harvest. constant for all 12 For the current increments, the current forest month. situation needs to be estimated. This is done by using information about forest area, species share and age-class distribution or stock- Figure 4: ing biomass. In addition, the stand density NPP [tC/ha/year] also determines the current forest situation. described by CO2. For this investigation, the starting stand densi- For coefficients of ty is set to a yield table stocking degree of one. forest, no soil water, soil factor cs=0.07, R E S U LT S altitude=0, latitude=0, Two scenarios were created by variations in temperature=20°C the rotation time and forest management: the and precipitation=70 maximization of carbon stock in the forest sce- mm/30 days is kept nario (S1) and maximization of biomass pro- constant for all 12 duction scenario (S2). In the carbon seques- month. tration scenario (S1), the forest rotation period is increased (on average about 200 years instead of 100 years in S2) such that a maximal amount of carbon is being stored in the forest, 30 An increasing temperature and an increasing considering that damage to forest increases precipitation result in higher NPP. Tempera- with the age of the trees. In the biomass pro- ture shows a peak where higher temperatures duction scenario (S2), the forest rotation pe- result in lower NPP. This peak can either be riod is decreased such that the forest growth determined by precipitation, or if precipitation is maximized, leading to a high availability of is high, than by respiration. An increasing CO2 biomass for energy purposes. About the dou- concentration results in a non-linear increas- ble amount of harvesting potential is available ing productivity rate (Figure 4). The estimated under this scenario (S2, 23 Mt C/y) compared NPP will be used to describe the yield level. to S1 (11 Mt C/y). On the other hand, the car- For the g4-Model described in Kindermann bon stock is almost twice as much under sce- et. al (2013) this npp needs to be converted nario S1 than under scenario S2 (see Table 3). to a maximum mean annual increment of stem Note that both scenarios lead to sustainable wood (MAI). This is done by assuming that forest management and no forest degrada- 35% of the NPP is stored in stem wood un- tion, deforestation, nor afforestation. Figure 3 til the age when MAI is reached. As long as presents a geographic explicit overview of the only the potentials at the current situation are results from the G4M model. E N E R G Y P O T E N T I A L F R O M R E N E WA B L E S O U R C E S TA B L E 3 : H A R V E S T P O T E N T I A L A N D C A R B O N S T O C K F O R T H E SCENARIOS S1 AND S2 S1: Carbon sequestration S2: Biomass production Harvest potential (MtC/year) 900 44 Carbon stock (MtC) 800 48 Notice that the stock difference of 480 MtC tion) of about 11.5 MtC per year will be gained between the scenarios will be leveled out with compared to the scenario S1. So, if carbon is increment in approximately 40 Years (e.g. the “stored” (in furniture etc.) instead of burned harvested increment is stored in furniture and for bioenergy, the “intensive management” buildings instead of storing the increment in scenario (S2) outperforms the “low intensive the forest). After this 40 years a “win” in the management” scenario (S1) after 40 years. scenario S2 (Maximization of biomass produc- MAPS 31 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = R E P O R T 𝑐𝑐!" + 𝑐𝑐!" 1 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!"!!!" !"! Equazioni pag 27 a dx: Equazioni 1-6 pag 27: 2.2 Hydropower !" 𝑥𝑥 = D ATA C O!!! LLECTION The maximum potential is the energy that can where 𝑤𝑤ℎ𝑐𝑐,et 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 0, 𝑥𝑥 +we 𝑝𝑝! do not consid𝑥𝑥 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 Mari Following al. (2011) 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 = 𝐹𝐹 𝐷𝐷! 𝐴𝐴! 𝐵𝐵! 𝐸𝐸 be produced under the assumption that all the 1 In order to compute the hydropower potential Equazione pag 31: related to the base unit data about precipitation and elevation are colThe rainfall dataset (Isotta et al., 2014) has 2 been provided by the federal office of mete− !"! !!! !!"#(!,!! !") orology !"#(!,!! !! ) MeteoSwiss and was 1 + 𝑒𝑒 and climatology be used to produce energy in the lower ba- sin. This can be done by means of a system of weirs and reservoirs. In this case the potential and due to the upper discharge is equal to: 𝑃𝑃 = 𝑔𝑔 𝜂𝜂 𝑄𝑄 (𝐻𝐻 !"#$ − 𝐻𝐻!"#$ ) 𝑃𝑃!,!" = 𝑔𝑔 𝜂𝜂 𝑄𝑄!,!"#$ (𝐻𝐻!,!"#$ − 𝐻𝐻!,!"#$ ) !∈!" developed as part of EU project EURO4M. The where UP is the set of the upper basin and i is daily precipitation is derived from a pan-Alpine the reference basin. high resolution rain-gauge dataset of More 𝑐𝑐! The energy effeciency η is assumed to be a theoretical limit, because conversion tech- 5500 measurements each data. The precipi- nologies cannot go beyond it and the current tation [mm] considers rainfall plus snow water technology already reached its upper value. equivalent. is January-De𝐹𝐹 = 𝑐𝑐 + 𝑐𝑐The 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛cover + 𝑐𝑐 period cos 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 + The limit of this approach are: 𝐸𝐸 = + 𝑐𝑐!in total, approximately than 18500 series ! !!! !" ! + 𝑒𝑒 !time !" !! !" cember, 1971-2008. The resolution is grid 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 cos(𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙) +𝑐𝑐!"km, spacing 5x5 but the effective resolution is 𝑃𝑃 = 𝑔𝑔 𝜂𝜂 𝑄𝑄 (𝐻𝐻!"#$ − 𝐻𝐻!"#$%&' ) (7) • We consider mean value for the gross head approximately 10-20 km, depending on local and especially for the discharge we do not station density. The rainfall data have been take into account the flow-duration curve, 𝑐𝑐!" used 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = together with discharge data were meas1 urements were available. 𝑐𝑐!" + 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!"!!!" !"! For the digital elevation model, we use a data- • The environmental flow, irrigation and domestic water use are not considered. 𝑃𝑃!,!" = !∈!" 𝑔𝑔 𝜂𝜂 𝑄𝑄!,!"#$%&' (𝐻𝐻!,!"#$%&' − 𝐻𝐻!,!"#$%&' ) set derived from the USGS/NASA SRTM data. R E S U LT S CIAT (Jarvis, Reuter, Nelson and Guevara, In order to compute the annual discharge in data to provide each river basin from EURO4M dataset, we Equazioni pag 27 a dx: 2008) has processed this seamless continuous topography surfaces. 𝑥𝑥 = For M E T𝑙𝑙 H=O𝑚𝑚 D O−L 5O GtoY 𝑚𝑚 − 1: Firstly, rivers and watershed basins in the Al- 𝑥𝑥 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑤𝑤ℎ𝑐𝑐, 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 0, 𝑥𝑥 + 𝑝𝑝! pine area are computed by processing eleva- assume apply the following equation: 𝑄𝑄!""#!$ = ! !!! 𝐴𝐴! ×𝑝𝑝! ×𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 (8) where Ai is the cell area, pi is the rain precip- tion data0,(Ehlschlaeger, 𝑡𝑡! 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 1989). The algorithm −𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 cell in the each basin. to 10,000. In the EURO4M (Isotta et al., 2014), the daily Then, the exploitable potential is computed in precipitation is derived from a pan-Alpine high each basin as:pag 31: Equazione resolution rain-gauge dataset of More than 𝑃𝑃 = 𝑔𝑔 𝜂𝜂 𝑄𝑄 (𝐻𝐻!"#$ − 𝐻𝐻!"#$ ) measurements each data. The precipitation is available as a GRASS extension r.water- 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = We 𝑥𝑥 +set 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 shed. the threshold + parameter equal 𝑃𝑃 = is the𝑔𝑔 𝜂𝜂 𝑄𝑄 (𝐻𝐻!,!"#$ − 𝐻𝐻!,!"#$ ) !,!" P !,!"#$ with mean annual power, g gravity !∈!" acceleration, η energy efficiency equal to 0.8, itation in the i -th cell and N is the number of 8500 time series in total, approximately 5500 considers rainfall plus snow water equivalent. The cover period is January-December, 19712008. The resolution is grid spacing 5km/px, (Hmean-Hclosure) gross head equal to the differ- but the effective resolution is approximately ence between the average elevation of the ba- 10-20 km, depending on local station density. sin Hmean and the elevation at the river basin Since we do not know the runoff coefficients closure Hmean, conv conversion factor. 32 also the interaction we upper basins as shown. The = discharge coming from upper basins can 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑥𝑥 + 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 + 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 lected. 𝐵𝐵 ! = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚0, 1+ www.euro4m.eu er only the own power of the catchment but −𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 0, 𝑡𝑡! 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 water resource is used. The theoretical poten𝐴𝐴 + ! = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 0, 𝑐𝑐! 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!!!! !! tial does not consider the environmental flow and alternative uses1of water (aqueducts, irri−𝑐𝑐! − gation, etc.). 1 + 𝑒𝑒 !!!!! !! WEB: For 𝑙𝑙 = 𝑚𝑚 − 5 to 𝑚𝑚 − 1: cd of each basin in the Alps, we set them equal (9) E N E R G Y P O T E N T I A L F R O M to 0.5.We report the potential maps obtained Maps should be considered as an indication of by considering the whole potential energy. the energy potential. R E N E WA B L E S O U R C E S MAPS 33 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T 2.3 Windpower D ATA C O L L E C T I O N ±1.5ms^(-1). The computed values can under- Data of wind velocity at different elevation estimate the wind speed but big overestima- (50m, 70 m, 100m) are provided by the Al- tions, which might be of concern, do not occur. pine Space project Alpine Windharvest. In the The resolution is 250m x 250m. windharvest. project, they use a statistical modeling meth- In the Alpine area, diffi culties to access limit meteotest.ch odology to compile wind map based on clima- the size of turbines. We consider two different tological data collected by 592 permanent el- elevation 50m and 70m. evations or temporary meteorological stations We choose two sample wind turbines with in the area of interest (Schaffner and J., 2005). about 800-900 kW rated wind generator (EN- Regarding the accuracy of the data, they test ERCON, 2014). The power curves of wind the interpolation for 14 randomly chosen sta- energy converters and the technical specifi ca- tion and the standard deviation of this test is tion are reported in Table 4. 1000 0,60 WEB: Figure 5: Computed power E53 wind energy converters. 800 E48 600 400 Figure 6: Power coeffi cient c p E44 0,40 E44 E48 0,20 E53 200 0 0 of ENERCON for E44, 5 E48 and E53 wind 10 15 v [m/s] 20 E53 cp [-] for E44, E48 and Power [kW] curve of ENERCON 0,00 25 0 5 10 15 v [m/s] 20 25 energy converters. TA B L E 4 : T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S O F W I N D E N E R G Y C O N V E R T E R Rated power [kW] Rotor diameter [m] Hub height [m] Swept area [m 2] Cut-out wind speed [m/s] E44 900 E48 800 44 45, 55, 65 1521 28-34 48 50, 60, 75, 76 1810 28-34 E53 800 52.9 60, 73, 75 2198 28-34 In Figure 6, we report the power coeffi cient of the three turbines. The power coeffi cient c p is the ratio of power extracted by the turbine (9) (9) 𝐸𝐸 = = 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 𝜑𝜑𝜑𝜑 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝐸𝐸 The shape of the velocity distribution it is very ! ! important in order to compute the energy pro- duction. We assume a Weibull distribution to the total available in the air in the absence with shape parameter k equal to 1.5 (Casale, of actuator disc (Burton, Sharpe, Jenkins and 2009): Bossanyi, 2001). (10) 𝑘𝑘 !!! ! !! !! (10) 𝑘𝑘 = ! 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣!!! 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒! !! 𝜑𝜑𝜑𝜑 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 = 𝜆𝜆𝜆𝜆! ME THODOLOGY The mean power production for a wind turbine assuming 100 percent availability is equal to: 𝐸𝐸 = ! ! 𝑃𝑃 𝑣𝑣 𝜑𝜑 𝑣𝑣 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (9) where P(v) is the power curve of a wind tur- 34 ! ! while the scale parameter λ can be calculated from the following equation: 1 = 𝜆𝜆Γ 𝜆𝜆Γ 11 + +1 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 = 𝑘𝑘 𝑘𝑘 (11) (11) bines and φ (v) is the statistical distribution of with Γ gamma function and v̄ mean yearly ve- the wind velocity v. locity. 𝑘𝑘 ! 𝜑𝜑 𝑣𝑣 = ! 𝑣𝑣 !!! 𝑒𝑒 𝜆𝜆 ! ! ! (10) 11 𝑣𝑣 = 𝜆𝜆Γ 1 + 1 𝑘𝑘 E N E R G Y (11) The power P(v) of a wind turbine is equal to: 1 𝑣𝑣 = 𝑐𝑐! 𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌𝑣𝑣 ! 2 P O T E N T I A L F R O M R E N E WA B L E S O U R C E S equivalent operating hours or capacity factor as the rate of the power production to the nominal power of the wind turbine. (12) R E S U LT S where cp is the power coefficient, ρ the air The fi nal map refers to the mean value ob- density, A the swept area and v the wind ve- tained for the three different turbine at dif- locity. The power coeffi cient has a theoretical ferent elevation 50m and 70m. In the Attach- maximum value of 0.593 (the Betz limit). The ments, mean potential maps are reported. We wind turbine converts 70% of the Betz limit obtain three different maps depending on: into electricity. Consequently, the wind turbine • the wind maximum theoretical potential converts the 41% of the available wind ener- (Betz limit); gy into electricity. In Figure 7, we compare the • the current potential; theoretical potential at various speed with the • the turbine equivalent operating hours or capacity factor [hours/year]. actual power of E44 wind turbine. The theoretical potential map only considers the Betz limit in agreement with the defi ni- Figure 7: E44 tion herein reported of theoretical potential Theoretical vs real Theoretical (a physical limit), while the second map is power of ENERCON obtained by considering the actual power (a E44 10000 8000 Power [kW] 6000 4000 technical constrain). Notice that the higher potential the higher the altitude above the sea level, as shown in Fig- 2000 ure 8. The capacity factor indicates the real effi cien- 0 0 5 10 15 v [m/s] 20 25 cy of the wind plant. If we consider only sites with more than 1750 of full load/year (20% of effi ciency), we will obtain only the 5.5% of the The spacing between turbines is at least 7-8 Alpine territory. times the rotor diameter. The resolution of the fi nal map is 350m x 350m (about 7 times the Figure 8: 1,E-03 12 rotor diameter). Such resolution, although be- Wind velocity to give a tool to compute a detailed analysis, as for example the calculation of the optimum distance among turbines. For this reason, the choice of this map resolution seems to be justifi ed. Available area and logistic questions should be considered in the technical potential. Notice that it is important to know the operating hours of the wind turbine. We calculate the Velocity (m/s) the study. In fact, the aim of this map is not 10 distribution versus 8,E-04 altitude distribution. 8 6,E-04 6 pdf (-) ing rather low, is suitable for the purposes of 4,E-04 4 2,E-04 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0,E+00 5000 altitude (m) 35 R E C H A R G E MAPS 36 G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T E N E R G Y P O T E N T I A L F R O M R E N E WA B L E S O U R C E S 2.4 Photovoltaic D ATA C O L L E C T I O N where f tilt is the tilt and orientation conversion The data of solar irradiation are provided by factor. the Photovoltaic Geographical Information Most solar cells on the market are based on http://re.jrc.ec.europa. System (PVGIS). They develop a database for silicon wafers with typical efficiency of 10-15% eu/pvgis the Europe that allows to compute the solar (P pk=100-150 Wp/m ). Conversion efficiency potential for the Alpine area. needs to be increased in the future. According WEB 2 to the aim of the article, the upper theoreti- ME THODOLOGY cal limit has to be considered. The Shockley According to European norm EN 15316-4-6 and Queisser (1961) studies this limit for or a for the solar photovoltaic, the electricity pro- standard solar cell. An optimal cell with a band duced by the photovoltaic system is gap of 1.3 eV is limited by transmission losses 𝑃𝑃!" 𝐸𝐸 = 𝐸𝐸!"# 𝑓𝑓 𝐼𝐼!"# !"#$ of photons to 31% (310 Wp/m2). According to thermodynamic law, by considering the sun as a black body at 5760 K and a (13) solar cell as another black body at 300 K the where Esol is the annual solar irradiation on conversion efficiency is related to the Carnot the photovoltaic system, P pk, the peak power, efficiency limit, which is nearly 95 % (Green represents the electrical power of a photovol- 2002). Notice that the Carnot limit is only a taic system with a given surface and for a solar theoretical limit and cannot be built in practice. irradiance of 1 kW/m2 on this surface (at 25°C); The large difference between the Shock- f perf is the system performance factor; Iref is ley-Queisser and thermodynamic (Carnot) lim- 𝐸𝐸!"# = 𝐸𝐸!"#,!!" 𝑓𝑓!"#! (14) the reference solar irradiance equal to 1 kW/ 𝑃𝑃 !"# !"#$ 𝐼𝐼 factor f perf !"# can reach (13) value of 0.80 (European !" 2 m . With 𝐸𝐸 = 𝐸𝐸 actual𝑓𝑓 technologies, the performance its arises from the fact that a single material is characterized by a single energy gap, whereas the solar spectrum contains photons with a norm EN 15316-4-6). wide range of energies. Several methods have The annual solar irradiation on the photovolta- been studied to increase the power conversion ic module can be calculated as: efficiency of solar cells and Razykov reviews the future prospect of photovoltaic devices. 𝐸𝐸!"# = 𝐸𝐸!"#,!!" 𝑓𝑓!"#! In the Table below, we try summarize the theo- (14) retical and technical limits and possible future scenarios. TA B L E 5 : VA L U E S O F P E A K P O W E R C O E F F I C I E N T B Y N O R M AT I V E , THEORE TICAL AND FUTURE FORECAST Type of photovoltaic module P pk [–] Iref f perf [–] Mono crystalline silicon 0.12 to 0.18 0.8 Multi crystalline silicon 0.10 to 0.16 0.8 Shockley and Queisser limit 0.31 1 Carnot limit 0.95 1 R E S U LT S the case of optimally-inclined surface. Finally, The maps are calculated for both horizontal the two limits are considered in order to devel- and optimally-inclined surface. We report the op future scenarios. The mean capacity factor actual potential under the assumption of an ef- of the Alpine area is 14%. ficiency equal to 0.15 and f_perf equal to 0.8 in 37 R E C H A R G E MAPS 38 G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T E N E R G Y P O T E N T I A L F R O M R E N E WA B L E S O U R C E S I N F O B O X S TAT U S Q U O O F T H E A L P I N E P R O D U C T I O N F R O M R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y Authors: G. Garegnani, S. Pezzutto, R.Hastik, S. Biscaini, F. Miotello, G. Curetti, D. Vettorato A right planning of RE exploitation has to start diffi cult to gather due to missing spatial ex- from data collection about the existing produc- plicit data. Data, on other energy sources and tion. The recharge.green project aims to study energy demand, are easily available only on the trade-off between energy exploitation and national scale including non-Alpine areas. For ecosystem services for the whole Alpine Re- this reason, we collect data based on NUTS3 gion and for 4 Pilot Areas. The analysis and and NUTS2 units starting from several nation- the data collection consider both the Alpine al and local sources. We mainly consider data area and the Pilot Areas. Obviously, the de- from 2009 to 2014 in order to have an estima- tails reached by the analysis are different. tion of the current situation of the Alpine area. The actual RE production and consumption In the following Table, we summarize the main in the Alpine area (8 countries) is extremely sources for each country and RES. 39 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T TA B L E 6 : S O U R C E S F O R R E S P R O D U C T I O N COUNTRY NUTS3 YEAR NUTS2 YEAR Hydro power Austria G. Stanzer et al., REGIO Energy Regionale Szenarien erneuerbarer Energiepotenziale in den Jahren 2012/2020 2010 Statistik Austria, Energiebilanzen 2012 Switzerland Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Statistisches Lexikon 2014 Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Statistisches Lexikon 2014 Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie, EnergyMap.info 2014 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnen-energie, EnergyMap.info 2014 2012 Réseau de transport d’électricité, Bilan électrique 2013 et perspectives, Provence-Alpes Côted’Azur Observatoire de l’énergie et des gaz à effet de serre de Rhône-Alpes, 20% de production d’énergie renouvelable dans la consommation d’énergie, 2014 GSE, Quota regionale settore regionale, 2014 France Ministre de l’écologie du développement durable et de l’énergie, observation et statistique 2013-2014 40 Italy GSE, Impianti a fonti rinnovabili, 2013 2012 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein, Aus nationaler Sicht, 2011 Universität Liechtenstein, Erneuerbares Liechtenstein, 2013 S. D’Elia et a., Energiestrategie Liechtenstein 2020, 2012 2010 Slovenia Statistical office of the Republic of Slovenia, Renewables and wastes, 2014 National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2010-2020 (Nreap) Slovenia, 2010 ECN, Renewable Energy Projections as Published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans of the European Member States, 2011 2010 2011 2009 E N E R G Y P O T E N T I A L F R O M R E N E WA B L E S O U R C E S I N T H E A L P I N E A R E A A N D I N T H E P I L O T A R E A S PV Ground mounted Austria EPIA, Global market outlook, 2014 2014 EPIA, Global market outlook, 2014 2014 Switzerland EPIA, Global market outlook, 2014 2014 EPIA, Global market outlook, 2014 2014 Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie, EnergyMap.info, 2014 2014 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnen-energie, EnergyMap.info 2014 France Ministre de l’écologie du développement durable et de l’énergie, observation et statistique 2012 Réseau de transport d’électricité, Bilan électrique 2013 et perspectives, Provence-Alpes Côted’Azur Observatoire de l’énergie et des gaz à effet de serre de Rhône-Alpes, 20% de production d’énergie renouvelable dans la consommation d’énergie, 2014 2013 2014 Italy GSE, Rapporto Statistico 2012 Solare Fotovoltaico, 2012 2011 GSE, Quota regionale settore regionale, 2014 2009 Liechtenstein - 2010 Slovenia EPIA, Global market outlook, 2014 20102011 Wind power Austria G. Stanzer et al., REGIO Energy Regionale Szenarien erneuerbarer Energiepotenziale in den Jahren 2012/2020, 2010 2010 Source: Statistik Austria, Energiebilanzen, 2012 2012 Switzerland Bundesamt für Energie, Schweiz, Windkraftanalagen,2014 2014 Bundesamt für Energie, Schweiz, Windkraftanalagen,2014 2013 Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie, EnergyMap.info, 2014 2014 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnen-energie, EnergyMap.info 2014 2012 Réseau de transport d’électricité, Bilan électrique 2013 et perspectives, Provence-Alpes Côted’Azur Observatoire de l’énergie et des gaz à effet de serre de Rhône-Alpes, 20% de production d’énergie renouvelable dans la consommation d’énergie, 2014 2011 France Ministre de l’écologie du développement durable et de l’énergie, observation et statistique 41 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Italy GSE, Impianti a fonti rinnovabili, 2013 2012 GSE, Quota regionale settore regionale, 2014 2009 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein, Aus nationaler Sicht, 2011 Universität Liechtenstein, Erneuerbares Liechtenstein, 2013 S. D’Elia et a., Energiestrategie Liechtenstein 2020, 2012 2010 Slovenia Statistical office of the Republic of Slovenia, Renewables and wastes, 2014 National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2010-2020 (Nreap) Slovenia, 2010 ECN, Renewable Energy Projections as Published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans of the European Member States, 2011 2010 2011 - Statistik Austria, Energiebilanzen, 2012 http 2010 2002 2014 BAK Basel Economics, MARS Report 2005, 2005 2004 2014 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnen-energie, EnergyMap.info 2014 Wood Biomass Austria Switzerland Germany 42 Amt für Verkehr und Energie, Sachplan Energie, 2002 St. Gallen, Biomasse, 2014 Appenzell Ausserhorn, Energiestrategie 20082015, 2008 Kanton Bern, Energiestrategie 2006, 2006 GEO Partner AG, Energieholzpotentialstudie AR + AI, 2012 Züricher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Energieverbrauch der Schweizer Kantone, 2014 Kanton Glarus, Energierichtplan Kanton Glarus, 2012 Amt für Energie und Verkehr Graubünden, Stromproduktion aus erneuerbaren Energien ohne Grosswasserkraft, 2011 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie, EnergyMap.info, 2014 E N E R G Y P O T E N T I A L F R O M R E N E WA B L E S O U R C E S I N T H E A L P I N E A R E A A N D I N T H E P I L O T A R E A S France Ministre de l’écologie du développement durable et de l’énergie, observation et statistique 2012 Réseau de transport d’électricité, Bilan électrique 2013 et perspectives, Provence-Alpes Côted’Azur Observatoire de l’énergie et des gaz à effet de serre de Rhône-Alpes, 20% de production d’énergie renouvelable dans la consommation d’énergie, 2014 Italy GSE, Impianti a fonti rinnovabili, 2013 2012 GSE, Quota regionale settore regionale, 2014 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein, Aus nationaler Sicht, 2011 Universität Liechtenstein, Erneuerbares Liechtenstein, 2013 S. D’Elia et a., Energiestrategie Liechtenstein 2020, 2012 2010 Slovenia Statistical office of the Republic of Slovenia, Renewables and wastes, 2014 National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2010-2020 (Nreap) Slovenia, 2010 ECN, Renewable Energy Projections as Published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans of the European Member States, 2011 2010 2011 2011 2009 We consider the percentage of ground in- available at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels only for stalled PV in loco (EPIA, Global market out- thermal biomass energy; the electrical one is look 2013), if no data for ground mounted estimated starting from national data. Slovenia PV were available. French data for solar and only has national data about RES production. hydropower regards the installed power; we Due the inhomogeneity of data sources in compute the production by assuming a value time and space, data are considered as an in- of equivalent working hours from PVGIS © dication about the current Alpine production to European Union, 2001-2012 for PV and a ca- compare with the estimated potential. In Fig- pacity factor equal to 33.7% for hydropower ure 9 we report data about the RES produc- (Digest of United Kingdom energy statistics tion at different units, in Table 6 data refers to (DUKES) 2007-2012). NUT3 units. Data refers to wood biomass, except for Ger- Noticed that biomass and hydropower are many where we consider the solid biomass. In the most exploited RES in Alpine countries Switzerland, several data sources were con- by considering thermal and electrical energy sidered due to the absence of a national data- productions. Biomass and hydropower are base. In Italy and France, data of biomass are predominant at both NUTS1 and NUTS3 level. WEB http://www.epia.org 43 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Figure 9: NUTS3 RES production in the Alpine countries (NUTS1) and in the NUTS2 NUTS1 Ground Mounted PV total NUTS2 and NUTS3 unit. Total PV Electrical Biomass Wind Power Hydro Power Thermal Biomass 0 50 100 150 200 TWh/year 44 250 300 350 T R A D E- O F F Trade-off and perceived impacts A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S 03 Where land use is the issue, conflicts result from diverging demands on landscape and nature. Moderated governance processes are very important to deal with these conflicts. Stakeholders should be able to expect transparent processes and access to all relevant information, right from the start and throughout a project. Autors: G. Grilli, A. Paletto, R. Hastik, C. Geitner, G. Curetti, G. Garegnani, A. Portaccio, F. Miotello, E. Zangrando, S. Bertin, N. Kuenzer, D. Vettorato, C. Walzer, J. Balest, V. D’Alonzo 45 R E C H A R G E 46 G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T An important issue in decision-making is pub- der to highlight the relevant indicators for the lic participation of the local communities while RE development and for identifying the impor- making the decisions, so that each form of de- tant group of stakeholders in each Pilot Area; velopment will gain much consensus as pos- (5) Pilot Areas received the results and derive sible. The participatory approach, also called recommendations for the development of RE bottom-up approach, is opposed to the tra- in their territory. ditional top-down approach (Fraser, Dougill, The questionnaire survey allowed the collec- Mabee, Reed, McAlpine, 2006) through which tion of important data on the current situation the power of choosing is concentrated in the of RE production, on the possible RE to be de- hands of few decision-makers. A participatory veloped in the Pilot Areas and the most plau- approach reduces conflicts that may occur sible sites for harvesting RE. Furthermore, when adopting a top-down approach, because experts were asked to identify local stakehold- the local communities are involved in the deci- ers, to be involved in the decision making pro- sions and they can voice their need and pref- cess. Once the scenarios of RE are produces erences for the development of their territory. by the DSS, the stakeholders identified by the The recharge.green project aims at involving experts will be invited to a public session in a large number of stakeholders in the whole which the scenarios of RE will be presented process, so that each interested stakeholder and critically analyzed. The public discussion (or group of stakeholders) may express his should lead to the identification of a scenario opinion regarding RE development. shared by the majority of the stakeholders, so The activities were organized as follows: that the decision makers have the information (1) EURAC Research and CRA (EURAC’s about the desired direction of development of sub-contractor for the project) created the the stakeholders. questionnaire; (2) Representatives of the Pi- The present chapter introduces the main find- lot Areas identified the local experts. The ex- ings of the questionnaire survey, highlighting perts were identified considering their proven the responses of the experts of each Pilot Area experience in various sectors of RE and/or in order to provide recommendations for the ESS. In order to obtain responses unbiased future development of RE. The chapter shows by personal considerations, pilot areas veri- the responses of the experts concerning the fied the lack of political bindings and the lack sources of RE that should be developed in the of a personal interest in the RE strategy; (3) territory, the expected impact of each form of Questionnaire was administrated to the iden- RE on the environment and in the society and, tified experts by the Pilot Areas; (4) EURAC finally, the list of stakeholders that should be Research elaborated the questionnaires in or- involved in the final public session. T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S I N F O B O X S TA K E H O L D E R A N A LY S I S : I N D I C AT O R S D E E M E D R E L E VA N T The experts’ perception of the negative and green project (Alpine Space): Triglav National positive impacts of renewable energies de- Park (Slovenia), Mis valley, Maè valley, Mari- velopment in Alpine Region was analyzed time Alps Nature Park (Italy), and Leiblachtal through a questionnaire survey. The question- (Austria). The experts were selected in each naire was created and elaborated by EURAC Pilot Area taking into account the following Research, together with its sub-contractor criteria: balancing of expertise between two CRA (Agricultural Research Council of Italy). main fields (renewable energies and ecosys- A semi-structured questionnaire - subdivided tem services), local knowledge and expertise, in 6 thematic sections and composed of 20 indirect stake in the recharge.green project. questions – was administered to a sample of The semi-structured questionnaire was ad- experts of Alpine Region. The latter was identi- ministered through face-to-face interviews to fied in the Pilot Areas involved in the recharge. the experts previously identified. TA B L E 7: E X P E R T S S U B D I V I D E D P E R P I L O T A R E A S Country Pilot Region Number of experts Austria Leiblachtal (Vorarlberg Region) 10 Italy Mis valley (Veneto Region) Maè valley (Veneto Region) Maritime Alps Nature Park (Piedmont Region) 5 6 8 Slovenia Triglav National Park (…) 13 Total 42 Here are shown and discussed the main find- questions, in which experts had to list the rele- ings on five main relevant indicators useful for vant group of stakeholders to be involved into the RE development: the decision-making and the intensity of the • The sources of RE that can be still harvest- involvement. The stakeholders network was ed in the Pilot Areas; then derived with UCINET 6.504 (Borgatti et • The expected impacts of RE use on ESS; al. 2002), a software for the Social Network • The expected impacts of RE use on the Analysis. social sphere and the local economy; • Perceived risk on the environment and on the society; The results of the aforementioned indicators will be shown separately for each Pilot Area. With regard of the first indicator, experts were • The stakeholder analysis. asked to express their opinion on the sources The ecological and socio-economic impacts of of energy that can be developed in the terri- renewable energies development were evalu- tory, considering the current harvesting typol- ated using a 5-point Likert scale (0=very posi- ogy and the characteristics of the area. Fur- tive impact, 1= positive impact, 2 = no impact, thermore, the experts also had to indicate the 3 = negative impact, 4 = very negative im- most likely location within the Regions. Based pact). The perceived risk was evaluated with on the interviewer preferences, information on a 5-point-Likert scale as well, but from 0 (no the best location was collected either spatial- risk) to 4 (very high risk). Finally, the stake- ly-explicit (pointing the most suitable sites on holder analysis was elaborated through open a map) or simply indicating the toponyms. 47 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Concerning the impact on ESS, CRA and cators must go beyond conventional financial EURAC developed a list of nine ecosystem reporting to describe the creation of wealth services (Table 1) derived from the literature and its distribution and reinvestment for future on environmental impacts of renewable ener- growth (Marteel et al. 2003). The term cultur- gies (IPCC, 2011, Boyle, 2012, Kaltschmitt et al indicator is a term developed by Gerbner al., 2007, Hastik et al., 2014). The ESS were (1969) and refers to the elements that reflect based on the proposal for a common interna- our culture. tional classification of ecosystem goods and The local culture can influence the rational services (CICES) for integrated environmental choices of the people (i.e. political decision and economic accounting (Busch et al., 2012). makers, managers, members of community) The impacts on ESS were collected separate- but, conversely, the economic investments ly for each form of RE: forest biomass, wind, and the land use changes can influence in solar and hydropower. a long-term period the local culture. Conse- A similar approach was implemented in or- quently, the cultural indicators have the pur- der to capture the impacts of RE production pose to quantify the potential impacts of an on the local development. These positive investment on cultural aspects in a specific and negative impacts were analyzed through territory. The authors selected 11 indicators three groups of indicators: social, econom- (4 economic indicators, 6 social indicators and ic and cultural indicators. Nowadays, social 1 cultural indicator) in order to evaluate the indicators are employed to assess both the impacts of renewable energies production on technological impacts, and the effects of po- local development in selected Pilot Areas. The litical strategies, interventions or plans. There 11 indicators have been described evidencing are various models for the measurement of their impact dimension and the specific ambit social impact, which can be employed for the of the impact. The ambit of impact of the re- research of social indicators (Wildavsky et newable energies production concerns: i) the al.,1990; Bourdieu, 1987; Hradil, 2005) and the impact and the efficiency for the local econo- discipline of social indicator research provides my, ii) the impact on the quality of life and on a vast list of works on which to base the choice the social stability, involvement and legitima- and selection of appropriate indicators (Galle- cy, iii) the impact tied to the social risk, iv) the go Carrera and Mack, 2010). Economic indi- impact on local traditions and values. Table 8 cators track the costs and business aspects includes a description of each indicator, which of a process; when considering sectors such differs from the general definition to the specif- as renewable energies production, these indi- ic issues related to renewable energies. TA B L E 8: S O C I O - ECO N O M I C I M PAC T S O N LO C A L D E V E LO PM E N T I N D I C AT O R AMBIT D E S C R I P T I O N A N D R E L AT E D I S S U E S Economic indicators Local market diversification Local entrepreneurship Resource efficiency 48 Local economy Allocation of resources over a large number of markets in an attempt to reduce risks of concentrating resources and to exploit the economies of flexibility. Willingness to invest in renewable energies to diversify the market. System flexibility to react to market changes and to renewable energies price fluctuations. Local economy Propensity of the local population to initiate business enterprises’. Effects on business opportunities and productive diversification of the area. Local economy Use of natural resources, with the main purpose of minimising their input when producing a product or delivering a service. Amount of energy production with a less amount of non-renewable resource input. T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Social indicators Quality of life Improving the economic development of local community. The installation, operation and maintenance of renewable energy technologies are generally of modest scales, so they create more employment, for the local workforce. Building the technical capacity of the local workforce. Quality of life Income per capita is a positive variable of social welfare, and is often an effect of technical progress. Payments to local farmers for hiring their land and ‘‘compensations’’ to the local community made by the owner of the renewable energy plant. Quality of life Renewable energies development creates changes in the area and effects on tourism development. Attractiveness of the area for visitors is an indicator of social development. Social and community aggregation Social stability, involvement and legitimacy Effects on the capacity to improve local people participation (i.e social and political empowerment, participative decision-making, participatory integrated assessment) Effect on social capital and on community capacitybuilding Political stability Social stability, involvement and legitimacy Citizens’ acceptance of the system or, in other words, the potential of conflicts induced by energy systems, and the citizens participation in the decision making process. Human health Health and safety Health hazards for the local population linked to the renewable energies production (potential health impact due to severe accidents; health consequences of normal operations). Local traditions and values Land and resource tenure, dependencies on foreign sources (e.g. financial investments, knowledge), customary rights. Employment of local workforce Increasing income per capita Tourism Cultural indicators Property rights and rights of use Source: Adams et al. (2011), Björklund (2000), Brukmajster et al. (2007), Buchholz et al. (2009), Coffey and Polese (1984), Del Río and Burguillo (2008), Eppink et al. (2004), Hampel et al. (2005), Jiang Jiang et al. (2009), Gallego Carrera and Mack (2010), Nguyen (2007), Olusoga (1993), Richards (2008), Sala and Castellani (2011), Wilkens and Schmuck (2012) The data of impacts renewable energies pro- structure of the social network were collected duction on the local development were collect- in the last part of the questionnaire through ed in three of four Pilot Areas. The experts of open-ended questions. There were 2 ques- Leiblachtal area in Austria have not answered tions for this purpose. The former asked the to this section of the questionnaire. respondents to list the stakeholders or group Collecting information on the perceived risk of stakeholders to be involved in the process in the Pilot Areas is important in order to un- of RE development, together with their per- derstand how interested people perceive the ceived importance of each stakeholder. The implementation of development strategies. latter aimed at identifying the intensity of the Typically, low risk levels are connected with a stakeholders’ involvement (active involvement higher social acceptance. in the decision process or passive, i.e. stake- Finally, information on the stakeholders to be holder to be just informed of the project). involved in the participatory process and the 49 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T 3.1 Analysis of the questionnaires and recommendations for possible future policy pathway This part shows the results of the question- ture of the questionnaire is reported at the end naire in each Pilot Area that are an analysis of the Chapter. The data about the impacts of of the experts’ opinions (in particular prefer- renewable energies on the ESS were collect- ences and perceptions) on the development of ed on a 5-point Likert scale (from very nega- renewable energies technologies (solar, wind, tive impact to very positive impact). hydropower and forest biomass). The struc- 3.1.1 Leiblachtal In the results of the questionnaire survey, power would have a positive impact on carbon forest biomass is supposed to increase the sequestration and air quality, but would have provision of forest and agricultural products, negative impacts on aesthetic value. A better but decrease the air and habitat quality. For- representation of the impacts is available in est biomass has perceived neutral impacts in Figures 10 a and b. the majority of the considered ESS. The solar ue va l sic tio na tr in In va ic As Re cr ea th et ta t's Ha bi lv al ue e lu ity qu fr al ity al Positive Neutral Negative ue va l sic tr in In Re c re a tio na lv al ue e tic he As t t's ta bi Ha va al qu fr io n ct lu ity om y lit ua te se bo n Ca r Pr o n sio sq w of t's Pr ov i Ai r' at go od io n er Very Negative re s fo on isi Pr ot Very Positive s Frequencies ec tio n qu r's Ca rb on se Ai qu n sio Pr ov i Pr ov io n of tr w at at st re fo on i si Solar - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Pr ov 50 om Very Negative 's interviewed experts). Negative at not considered by the Neutral es and hydropower were Positive tr in Leiblachtal (wind Very Positive es experts’ perceptions Frequencies on ESS according to Biomass - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 qu Expected impacts er Fi gures 10 a and b: The state of Vorarlberg (Austria), partner of line for the development of its territory (see the the project, has developed a personal guide- INFOBOX below), including Leiblachtal. T R A D E- O F F T H E P A R T I C I P AT O R Y APPROACH OF VORARLBERG A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S approaches and d) the possibility to present themselves as best-practice Region. This is true for wind and biomass, but not ground-mounted photovoltaic where most Together with the spatial-economic ap- stakeholders prefer to use photovoltaic only proach, the state of Vorarlberg pursuits an on buildings only. innovative, participatory approach to reconcile strategies on renewable energies Figure 11: (Vorarlberger Landesregierung 2010). This Results of Ecosystem strategy includes the definition of specific Service ranking from goals on how to reach energy autonomy by ++ (“very positive 2050. Within various stakeholder meetings, change”) to – – (“very the partners UIBK and region-V are cur- negative change”) by rently developing a method called “sample stakeholders (n=19) hectares” to reveal most urgent conflicts in the Leiblachtal and priorities for expanding renewable en- based on the sample ergies. As this method is strongly linked to hectares approach WP6 a detailed documentation will be giv- and three scenarios en at the end of that work package but a (wind, forest biomass summary of the results is reported in Fig- and ground mounted ure 11. An already conducted workshop photovoltaic). and various interviews hold in the Pilot Area of Leiblachtal revealed that stakeholders are aware of the negative impacts on Ecosystem Services caused by expanding renewable energies. Nevertheless, most of the stakeholders interviewed are willing to accept these impacts particularly because of: a) a secure and autonomous provision of energy, b) support of the local economy, c) possibilities for new governance 3.1.2 Triglav National Park Triglav National Park (TNP) interviewed 13 building facilities for use of energy from wind, experts belonging to different branches as en- solar and hydro have legal constrains (Triglav vironmental protection, agriculture, forestry, National Park Act). It is prohibited to build new tourism and energy. They provided us different facilities or put up the device for the produc- views about the important themes of renew- tion of energy outside the villages, except from able energy potential and impacts. The inter- renewable sources for the subsistence needs, views are not enough to claim a good repre- where there is no possibility to connect to the sentativeness of the population, but they give public power grid. The use of renewable energy us an insight on possible influences of RE use that are environmentally and nature acceptable on ESS according experts’ perception. and accessible locally (wood biomass, solar, The qualitative analyses of the impacts on eco- geothermal and wind energy) is in TNP limited system services, society and economy were and intended only for the supply of individual carried out both in case of “high”/“very high” and objects. There are 39 small hydro power plants “low”/“very low” potential renewable energies, with a concession in TNP area that produce en- so to collect more feedback on the perception ergy for commercial use (NUTNP, 2014). Nev- of people (experts in this specific case). In TNP ertheless, experts identified also the potential 51 R E C H A R G E G R E E N Figure 12: Current forest biomass cut in TNP (SFS data 2012). Figure 13: Current cut of wood in TNP for technical wood and biomass together (SFS data 2012). 52 W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T development of hydro, solar and wind renewa- for private households (Figure 13). The de- ble energy sources in TNP. mands for forest biomass as energy source The most important RE source in TNP is forest is growing. The potential is high (high pro- biomass (Figure 12). Almost 60% of the park is ductive forests, increasing forest stock) and covered by forest and most of the forests are it represents opportunities for income for the highly productive. It was used in the past as forest owners. On the other hand, oversized technical wood and source for the ironworks. exploitation might represent a threat for biodi- Today wood cutting is mostly for technical versity and sustainable use of forests (Poljan- wood and source of energy (forest biomass) ec & Pisek, 2013). T R A D E- O F F A N D For qualitative analyses of the impacts on cho- as negative above all for habitat quality. The sen categories of ESS, experts gave a scale of experts stressed out that removing the wood evaluation ranges from “very positive” impact residues from TNP forests has the negative to “very negative” impact (Figures 14 a, b, and effects on saproxylic insects and other dead- c). Concerning ESS, solar energy is mostly wood-dependent organisms. Forest biomass perceived as a source with negative impacts harvesting can have positive effects on biodi- on habitat quality, recreational and aesthetic versity, but harvesting effects and deadwood value. Hydropower has negative impact on removal can also produce negative effects on habitat quality; instead has a positive impact habitat (Grilli et al, 2014). on protection from hazards and recreation- TNP focuses mostly on biomass, because al value. The impacts of forest biomass use of are positive for provisioning of goods, carbon the other sources of RE (most of them re- sequestration and protection from hazards, lated to the legal constrains that make their since agricultural areas have been overgrow- development a very hard task). For that rea- ing with forest and forest biomass use is a tool son expected impacts of wind power on ESS for preserving cultural landscape. On the oth- was not evaluated according by experts. several diffi culties of P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S implementing Solar - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative Very Negative Figures 14 a, b and c: Expected impacts on ESS according to experts’ perceptions in TNP. Wind power was not considered due to lv al ue e tio na et re a th As Re c Pr o Ha te bi ct ta io n t's ic qu va al lu ity s rd za ha qu Ai Biomass - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative lv al ue e lu y va tio na ic et re a th Re c Ha As bi ta ec t's tio n qu a fr lit y Hydro - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative lv al ue e lu tio na ic Re c re a et th As t's bi ta Ha va qu al fr Pr o te ct io n qu r's Ai ity om ity al io n at tr qu es se rb on Ca Pr o vi sio n n of fo w re at st er 's Very Negative sio vi Pr o Frequencies Ca rb Pr o on Pr ot se Ai r's qu es qu a at tr w of n sio vi lit io n er at re s fo on vi si Pr o om Very Negative t's Frequencies Ca rb Pr o on vi se sio n qu r's es of tr w at al io n er at st re fo n sio vi Pr o ity legal constrains. 's Frequencies er hand, the use of forest biomass is perceived 53 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T The experts were also asked to evaluate the gave a negative value for human health since impact of RE on different socio-economic fac- injuries at work in forest are possible and on tors. The ranked impact from very positive to waste management due to ash residue. Some very negative. In Figure 15 we present only negative comments were also registered for impact of forest biomass on socio-econom- tourism, system’s acceptance and citizen’s ic factors as percept by experts. In average, participation, but almost all the answers were forest biomass use has positive or neutral im- positive. pacts on socio-economic factors. Two experts Forest biomass - Socioeconomic impacts Figure 15: 12 biomass use on the 10 society according to experts’ perceptions in TNP. Frequencies Expected impacts of Very Positive Positive 8 Neutral 6 Negative 4 Very Negative 2 pt n ip tic Pa r ce Ac at an io ce m ris To u th al ie fic Ef He y nc y rt pe ity Co m m un co m In Pr o e e ris rp te En lm Lo ca Em pl ar ke t oy 0 Experts were required to identify organiza- holders belonging to governments, associa- tions and associations to be involved during tions, municipalities, scientifi c/environmental the defi nition of the renewable energies sys- organisations, NGO’s, forest companies, etc. tems development (scenario defi nition) of the (Table 9). Pilot Areas. The experts identifi ed 31 stake- TA B L E 9 : S TA K E H O L D E R S I D E N T I F I E D B Y T H E E X P E R T S I N T N P 54 Name of stakeholder Category Public institution of Triglav National Park (TNP) Public body Slovenia Forest Service Public body University of Ljubljana Public body Association of forest owners Private organization Municipality of Bohinj Public body Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation Public body Agrarian community Dovje Mojstrana Private organization Company EL-TEC Mulej (Society for Energy and Environmental Solutions) Private organization Agricultural/Forest Cooperative Association-NGO Ministry of agriculture and the environment Public body Forest company GG Bled Private organization DOPPS - Birdlife Slovenia Association-NGO Slovenian Environment Agency Public body CIPRA Slovenia Association-NGO T R A D E- O F F Name of stakeholder Category Slovenian Forestry Institute Public body Bled-Tourist Association Private organization Alpine Association of Slovenia Association-NGO Institute for the protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia Public body LEAG - Local Energy Agency of Gorenjska Public body Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia Public body Municipality of Gorje Public body Municipality of Kranjska Gora Public body Municipality of Bled Public body GOLEA - Goriška Local Energy Agency Public body Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Association RAGOR - Upper Gorenjska development Agency Private organization Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska Public body Association of hoteliers Private organization Archdiocese of Ljubljana Church association Company Lip Bohinj d.o.o. Private organization Machine club Bled Private organization A N D Experts also identify the level of involvement (9 experts), the Slovenia Forest Service (8 ex- of the stakeholders (department, association, perts) and Biotechnical Faculty at University of institution, etc.). Most often identifi ed stake- Ljubljana (7 experts) (Figure 16). Most of the holders were: the public institution of the TNP experts identifi ed only few stakeholders. P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Figure 16: Alpine Association of Slovenia Association of hoteliers Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska RAGOR - Upper Gorenjska development Agency GOLEA - Goriška Local Energy Agency Local Energy Agency of Gorenjska Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Tourism organizations Slovenian small hydropower association Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia Institute "Jozef Stefan" University of Ljubljana Company EL-TEC Mulej (Society for Energy and Environmental) Municipality of Bled Municipality of Kranjska Gora Municipality of Gorje CIPRA Slovenia DOPPS - Birdlife Slovenia Institute for the protection of Cultural Heritage Slovenian environment Agency Agrarian communities Municipality of Bohinj Energy advisors Fund for efficient use of energy Ministry of agriculture and the environment Agricultural/Forest Cooperative Slovenian Forest Service Slovenian Forestry Institute Public institution of Triglav national park Forest company GG Bled Archdiocese of Ljubljana Association of forest owners The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation Support Services (Energy Services) Frequency for stakeholders by experts in TNP. 0 2 4 6 8 10 Frequencies 55 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T The Social Network Analysis (SNA) shows stakeholder is a “bridge” between the rest of which are the key stakeholders from those in- the network. The classification of stakeholders dicated by experts. Two ego-network features on the basis of the index of importance gives were used; i.e. ego degree centrality and ego 8 key stakeholders: Institute of the Republic of network betweenness to classify the stake- Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Bled-Tour- holders in the TNP into three categories: key ist Association, Forest company GG Bled, stakeholders, primary stakeholders and sec- Slovenia Forest Service, Company EL-TEC ondary stakeholders (Grilli et al in press). The Mulej, Agricultural/Forest Cooperative, Public stakeholder with the highest value is the In- institution of Triglav National Park (TNP) and stitute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Slovenian Environment Agency (Grilli et al. in Conservation. Observing the sociogram of press). stakeholders (Figure 17) we can see that this Figure 17: Social network of TNP’s stakeholders. 56 T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S 3.1.3 Gesso and Vermenagna Valleys Concerning the Pilot Area Gesso and Verme- so to collect more feedback on the perception nagna basins, EURAC interviewed 8 experts. of people (experts in this specific case). Start- Experts belonging to different branches as hy- ing from the evaluation of the current use of draulics, forest management, environmental renewable energy in the basin, experts identi- protection and have assured different point of fied the potential development of each source. views about the important theme of renewa- The questionnaire survey highlights that only ble energy potential and impacts. The quali- hydropower (> 1 MW) has been widely devel- tative analyses of the impacts on ecosystem oped in the study area. The reason of this re- services, society and economy were carried sult is represented by the presence of ENEL out both in case of “high”/“very high” and power plants in Entracque and Andonno, as “low”/“very low” potential renewable energies, showed in Figure 18. Figure 18: Scheme of NEL Power Plants (in red). Several hydropower plants of medium size Solar and wind energy were excluded as suit- (up to 1 MW) are already installed in the study able sources in the area, mainly for the follow- area. Other exploitable sites fall into the Alpi ing reasons. Related to wind energy, it was Marittime Natural Park (PNAM), so according remarked the complexity of this kind of instal- to the experts additional hydro plants are not lation in the area, due to the morphology and likely to be installed. The realization of these the visual impact. As regard solar energy, the systems would lead to an impact on natural main reasons that were stressed as an obsta- ecosystems that is not acceptable within a cle to these typologies of power plants are the protected area. soil consumption joined to the visual impacts Experts underlined that a possible solution to they would have on landscape. have further use of water to produce energy The final analysis showed that the renewable could be represented by hydropower in aq- energy source that could have a potential de- ueducts or existing check dams, to minimize velopment in the area is forest biomass only, a impacts and take advantage of existing struc- source that is abundant and available, as un- tures. derlined by the most of the experts. In Gesso 57 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T and Vermenagna Valleys, the utilization of for- resent an opportunity to combine the recov- est biomass was abandoned during the years ery of open areas – that is important also in ’70-’80 and ’90. The use of fossil fuels and the a landscape point of view – with the manage- depopulation of the valleys has led to a con- ment of growing forest. This should be done siderable increase in the forested surface. giving attention to save some typologies, as Many agricultural lands are now invaded by maple-ashes (priority habitat for Nature 2000 the forest. However, the situation has changed Network, code 9180), to preserve biodiversity. during the last 10 years. The energetic use of The qualitative analysis of impacts on ecosys- forest biomass was again re-evaluated and tem services and social and economic aspects forest management is resumed. Currently, the can be summarised as follows. Concerning cuts affect mainly public forests and the main ecosystem services, the overall evaluation re- assortment is fuel wood. The beech forests veals how experts do not agree about the im- are the most used for the production of fuel pacts of the forest biomass use on ESS. The wood. Public-owned forest has recently been scale of evaluation ranges always from “very subjected to forest planning (Forest Assess- positive” to “very negative” impacts. ment Plan of Natural Park of Maritime Alps As it is possible to note from Figure 19, bio- and Forest Assessment Plan of Maritime Alps mass is considered to have neutral effects Mountain Community). Today forest biomass for the provision of water and water quality; for energy purposes is mainly used by resi- but it can have a negative impact on touristic dents as a source of energy to power small and recreational services. The photovoltaic household systems (working mainly with fuel appears to be the renewable energy source wood). Currently there are no power plants of with the most negative impacts on ecosystem medium size (100-200 kW) for the heat pro- services. This type of power plant seems to duction and electricity using wood chips. In impact on almost all ecosystem services, with the next future some public-private initiatives the exception of air quality and availability of are planned for the construction of some facil- water. The wind energy is considered hav- ities of this type. ing neutral impacts on ecosystem services, A key point that was stressed during inter- unless producing negative effects on habitat views was that is important to manage forests, quality, aesthetic and intrinsic values. and the use of wood for biomass could rep- Figure 19: Forest Biomass - Impacts on ESS Negative ue va l va lu e In tr in sic e Re c re a et tio na l ic va ua l th As t's q bi ta Ha lu ity m fr o ity ct io n te qu a lit io n qu al Pr o on Ca rb W at er w of Ai r's er at st on on fo re isi Pr ov isi Pr ov 58 y Very Negative 's Vermenagna Valleys. Neutral ra t in Gesso and Positive st experts’ perceptions Very Positive qu e on ESS according to Frequencies forest biomass use 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 se Expected impacts of T R A D E- O F F A N D on the plants power (from > 1 MW to < 100 tive impact on the ESS, decreasing depending kW), as showed in the Figures below. Hydro > 1 MW - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Figures 20 a, b and c: Expected impacts Positive of different kind Neutral of hydropower on va lu e sic lv al ue Re c In re a As t Vermenagna Valleys. tr in he tio na t ic qu t's ita Ha b te va lu e al ity om n io ct er W at on ESS in Gesso and Hydro < 1 MW - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative ue va l sic In re a tr in tio na lv al ue e lu ic Re c Ha As bi th et t's ta ct te Pr o va al qu fr io n qu er ity om ity al ity al qu W at r's Ai Hydro < 100 kW - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative e va lu sic tr in lv al ue tio na re a In e va ic th et Re c As t's ta Ha bi lu qu al ity m fr o n tio ec qu al ity Pr ot er qu al ity W at se Ca rb on r's tr qu es of on Ai er w at re s fo Pr ov isi sio n vi Pr o at io n Very Negative t's Frequencies Ca rb Pr o on vi se sio n qu es of tr w at at st re fo n sio vi Pr o io n er Very Negative 's Frequencies Ca rb Pr o fr al ity qu ua at es qu se Ai r's q tr w of on vi si Pr o io n er at st re fo on vi si lit y Very Negative Pr o I M P A C T S Very Positive Negative 's Frequencies Hydropower appears to have an overall nega- P E R C E I V E D The hydropower plants with low power (< 100 resources. These plants have always a pos- kW) have neutral and positive impacts on the itive impact on society and appear to be the social development, especially on local enter- most viable source to be developed within the prise, local income and effi ciency in the use of study area (Figure 21). 59 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Figure 21: Expected impacts Hydro < 100kW - Socioeconomic impacts Negative io tic ip at nc e Pa r ris m Ac ce pt a To u He al th y ie nc ty ic Ef f Pr o un pe r ity e m Co m co m In Em ise Very Negative pl oy perceptions. Neutral pr according to experts’ Positive er (< 100 kW) Very Positive En t hydroelectric plants Frequencies economic aspects of 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Lo ca l on local socio- At the end, experts were required to identify Department of protection and management of organizations and associations to be involved wildlife and aquatic, Department of forest etc. during the defi nition of the renewable energies – as more involved and interested in hydro- systems development (scenario defi nition) of power and forest biomass. the Pilot Areas. They proposed a list of peo- In Table 10 it is possible to compare the com- ple, local governments, associations etc.; EU- plete list of stakeholders identifi ed by experts RAC updated it in a detailed way, specifying (fi rst column) with the details by EURAC (sec- the single unit to be involved in future steps. ond column). Experts had also to identify the The aim was to better characterize who can level of involvement, i.e. if stakeholders should have real interest in the project’s discussion actively take part of scenario defi nition or they and results. As an example, experts indicat- should only be informed of the results, with- ed the Piedmont Region as general institution; out consultation. The Figure 22 shows the EURAC focused the attention on three main frequency of identifi cation of the department, departments – Department of protected areas, association, institution as a stakeholder. TA B L E 1 0 : S TA K E H O L D E R S I D E N T I F I E D B Y T H E E X P E R T S I N G E S S O A N D V E R M E N A G N A VA L L E Y S Stakeholders Further details Protected Areas Department Protection and management of wildlife and aquatic Department Piedmont Region Forests Department Mountain Department Sustainable energy development Department Management of territory resources department Cuneo Province Terrotory protection department Agriculture, Parks and Forests department Mountain Community of Maritime Alps 60 Technical offi ce Technical-agrarian offi ce T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Further details Stakeholders Limone Piemonte Vernante Robilante Roccavione Municipalities Roaschia Entracque Valdieri Maritime Alps Natural Park (PNAM) Regional Environmental Agency (ARPA) Institute for timber plants and environment (IPLA) Fishing associations Local Government Association associations Military Forest Service (CFS) Scientifi c associations Collective interests associations ASBUC (“Usi Civici” Association) WWF Piemonte Environmental associations Legambiente Cuneo Coldiretti CIA Unions and Associations Unione Agricoltori Federpern AREB Piemonte Figure 22: Scientific associations Frequency for Military Forest Service stakeholders, by Regional Environmental Agency experts in Gesso and Local Government Association associations Vermenagna Valleys. Fishing associations Institute for timber plants and environment Mountain Community of Maritime Alps Environmental associations Professional unions and associations Collective interests associations Maritime Alps Natural Park Municipalities Cuneo Province Piedmont Region 0 1 2 3 Frequencies 4 5 6 7 61 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T The social network analysis shows which are and the Piedmont Region. Also important is the key stakeholders from those indicated by the role of the Cooperative Alpiforest (Associ- experts. As can be seen in Figure 23, the key ation of woodcutters). stakeholders are the Mountain Community Figure 23: Social Network Analysis. 3.1.4 Mis and Maè Valleys The Veneto Region interviewed 11 experts: 5 tation of forest biomass energy plants and for Mis Valley and 6 for Maè Valley. Experts for that of mini/micro hydropower plants. In belonging to different branches as hydraulics, the willingness to represent the more realis- law, forest management, botany, urban plan- tic scenarios and aiming at a simplification ning and have assured different point of views of the analysis, the economic evaluation of about the important theme of renewable ener- the ESS relevant for the Mis and Maè Pilot gy potential and impacts. The qualitative anal- Areas will be carried on mainly relating to yses of the impacts on ecosystem services, the zones which could most-likely accom- society and economy were carried out both in modate any plants for the production of re- case of “high”/“very high” and “low”/“very low” newable energy. potential renewable energies, so to collect Most of the benefits provided by ecosys- more feedback on the perception of people tems are indirect and result from complex (experts in this specific case). Starting from ecological processes that often involve long the evaluation of the actual use of renewable time frames and nonlinear changes. The energy in the two basins, experts identified the economic evaluation starts from the under- potential development of each source. standing which are the biophysical variables entailed and which the preferences of the in- 62 Besides, during the questionnaire, the po- dividuals with regard to the benefits arising tential and suitable areas for the develop- from ecosystem processes (EC, 2008). It is ment of any renewable energy plant have possible to develop an assessment for only been mapped. In particular, for both Pilot those ESS whose functions are quantitative- Areas, distinct localized zones have been ly describable with an adequate number of identified respectively for the implemen- data. Evaluation through monetary values, T R A D E- O F F A N D always conditioned by the quality of the data and the existence value (even if you do not and the uncertainty of the estimate, has practice any use or intended use of it). to be necessarily combined to qualitative In the following text, Mis and Maè Valleys are analysis. There are several methodologies considered as two different case studies, un- for evaluating the ESS and their common like Gesso and Vermenagna Valleys. P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S characteristic is that they are based on the principles of welfare economics (Marino and M I S VA L L E Y Piotto, 2010). We, therefore, referred to the In the Mis Valley, there is the common opinion basic concept of Total Economic Value (To- about hydropower, stated by all the experts, tal Economic Value - TEV) that represents as a source that has already been overexploit- the overall objective for the assessment of ed and that could not have further develop- environmental economics (MATTM, 2011). ment, except for some cases in the northern It is based on the distinction between two part of the basin, near Gosaldo. The area was major categories of values associated with touched by a severe judgement (19389/2012), natural resources: the value of the use and concerning the authorization – already re- non-use. leased – of a power plant inside the Park area, The first one comprehends: the direct use in the central part of the Valley. Coherently values - when the benefits derive from the to the National Law on Protected Areas (L. direct use of the ESS (among the methods 394/1991) and the Plan of the Park, the judge- for the evaluation we have the Travel cost ment establishes that within the “reserved method and the Contingent evaluation meth- oriented areas” it is forbidden to modify the od); the indirect use values – when benefits hydrological regime and to build any new con- are obtained thanks to the accomplishment struction. Experts underlined that a possible of the ecosystem functions (for their evalua- solution to have further use of water to produce tion we can refer to the existent market pric- energy could be represented by hydropower in es of the hedonic prices, consisting in the aqueducts or existing check dams, to minimize observation of existing markets considered impacts and take advantage of existing struc- as surrogates of the environmental goods). tures. Solar and wind energy were excluded Finally, the option values - reveals the possi- as suitable sources in the area, mainly for the bility of maintaining constant the availability following reasons. In general, it was remarked of the good, highlighting the values attrib- the complexity of this kind of installation in the uted to the conservation of resources for a area, due to the morphology and, in the spe- possible future use. The option value can cific case, to the scarcity of wind blows to be also be considered a form of insurance and it exploited. However, the main reason that was is further defined by the contingent valuation stressed as an obstacle to these typologies of method. The value of non-use derives from power plants is the visual impacts they would the awareness that the natural environment have on landscape. The final analysis showed is maintained over time. This value is rela- that the renewable energy source that could tively difficult to estimate because it is often have a potential development in the area is difficult to put a price on goods which are forest biomass only, a source that is abundant not usually defined through market instru- and available, as underlined by the most of the ments. The method most commonly used is experts. All following data and considerations the contingent valuation. The non-use value are related to this topic. Experts identified in a is distinguishable in the bequest value (de- map the areas suitable for biomass production pending on the transferability to future gen- and utilization, as it is possible to see in Figure erations), the altruistic value (depending on 24. Different colours identify different experts’ the availability of the resource for other indi- marks. This information were geographically viduals belonging to the present generation) stored in a shapefile. 63 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Figure 24: Suitable areas for forest biomass supply in Mis Valley, as marked by experts (different colors identify different experts’ marks). It should be noted that the central part of typologies, as maple-ashes (priority habitat the Valley, covered by the Dolomiti National for Nature 2000 Network, code 9180) and to Park, was excluded, as subjected to restric- preserve biodiversity. Finally, near Sospirolo tions and particular rules. The use of forest a wood chip platform has recently been built, biomass is analysed in relation to the exist- and it was considered as helpful for a potential ing rules of forest management plans. A key future development of biomass plants in the point that was stressed during interviews was area. The qualitative analysis of impacts on that forest is growing and covering grassland ecosystem services and social and economic and pastures, with a consequent loss in biodi- aspects can be summarised as follows. Con- versity and problems related to the presence cerning ecosystem services, the overall evalu- of trees closer and closer to villages. It is im- ation reveals how forest biomass is perceived portant to manage it, and the use of wood for as a source with positive impacts, in contrast biomass could represent an opportunity to with the other energies. As it is possible to combine the recovery of open areas – that is note from Figure 25, biomass is considered to important also in a landscape point of view – have positive effects in the majority of servic- with the management of growing forest. This es (lightly negative for carbon sequestration should be done giving attention to save some and neutral for provision and quality of water). Figure 25: Expected Neutral Negative ue va l tr in sic lv al ue In e lu tio na Re cr ea th et ic va qu al As t's bi ta Ha ct io n fr al te qu Pr o er ity om ity y lit W at qu a r's st rb on Ca Ai er at of w sio n sio n fo re Pr ov i Pr ov i 64 ra tio n Very Negative st 's Valley. Very Positive Positive qu e perceptions in Mis Frequencies according to experts’ Forest Biomass - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 se impacts on ESS T R A D E- O F F A N D In Figures 26 a, b and c qualitative impacts on reported; the scale of evaluation ranges always others ecosystem services for Mis Valley are from “very positive” to “very negative” impacts. P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Figures 26 a, b and Solar - Impacts on ESS c: Expected impacts Very Positive on ESS according to Positive experts’ perceptions in Neutral Mis Valley. Negative ue va l sic Re c In re a tr in tio na t ic As t he t's ita Ha b lv al ue ue al qu za ha n io ct te Pr o va l ity s rd ity al er Ca rb Pr o on W at se qu ua at qu es Ai r's q tr w of on vi si lit io n er at st re fo on vi si Pr o y Very Negative 's Frequencies 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydro > 1 MW - Impacts on ESS Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative Pr o ue va l sic Re c In re a th As tr in et tio na ic lv al ue e lu va al Ha Pr o bi te ta ct t's io n qu fr al qu er W at ity om ity ity al qu r's Ca rb Pr o on se sio vi Ai n qu es of tr w at at od go 's st re fo n vi sio io n er Very Negative s Frequencies 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative ue va l lv al ue tio na In tr in sic e ic et Re cr ea th As t's bi ta va qu al lu ity ds za r ha n Ha io ct Pr ot e W at er qu al it y y lit qu a Ai tr a qu es se r's tio n er at of w rb on Ca Pr ov i sio n fo r es t's Very Negative sio n vi Pr o Frequencies Hydro < 1 MW - Impacts on ESS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 65 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T As it was stressed by experts, a correctly-man- is revealed as a potential source that can have aged forest is important to provide forest and good infl uence on them, especially for job op- agriculture products, protect from hazards, portunities and local economy, related to the maintain habitat quality, aesthetic, recrea- traditional woodcutting. In general, renewable tional and intrinsic values. Concerning so- energies can represent a fi eld of employment. cio-economic features, again forest biomass Figure 27: Forest Biomass - Socioeconomic impacts Expected impacts 6 Valley. 5 Frequencies on the society in Mis Very Positive Positive Neutral 4 Negative 3 Very Negative 2 1 66 io ip at ce tic an pt ce Pa r m ris Ac To u th He ie fic al y nc y rt Ef pe Pr o ity un m Co m In co m e e rp ris l te En Lo ca Em pl oy 0 Forest biomass could be better accepted by pies a certain amount of land, optically con- local people, as it can have positive effects on siderable, especially in uncontaminated na- environment as mentioned above. It is a real ture. A hydropower plant, in the specifi c case and good alternative to the main source of re- a run-of-the-river system, subtracts water and newable energy in the Belluno Province: water change shapes. Qualitative impacts are sum- as a resource has been over-exploited in re- marized in Figure 27. Perceived benefi ts and cent years, and many problems have raised risks are plotted in a graph, in a scale from between the local communities and policy “very benefi cial” to “very risky”; impressions makers. Tourism is mainly linked to the beauty given by experts can be summarised as in Fig- of the place, so to landscape and how it can be ures 28 a and b. This is the confi rmation that changed by the presence of a power plant and forest biomass is the only source perceived in the related activities and structures. A wind a positive way, both environmentally and so- turbine can change view; a solar plant occu- cially and economically. T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Figures 28 a and b: Perceived Environmental effects 6 Very Beneficial Beneficial 5 Frequencies Neutral 4 environmental, social and individual risks of RE in Mis Valley. Risky Very Risky 3 2 1 0 Solar Wind Biomass Hydro<1MW Social and individual effects 6 Very Beneficial 5 Beneficial 4 Risky Frequencies Neutral Very Risky 3 2 1 0 Solar Wind Biomass Hydro<1MW At the end, experts were required to identify ed in hydropower and forest biomass. Some organizations and associations to be involved stakeholders are the same for both the Pilot during the defi nition of the renewable energies Areas, some are more specifi c – for example systems development (scenario defi nition) of the municipalities involved and the collective the Pilot Areas. They proposed a list of people, ownerships. In Table 11 it is possible to com- local governments, associations etc.; Veneto pare the complete list of stakeholders identi- Region updated it in a detailed way, specifying fi ed by experts (fi rst column) with the details the single unit to be involved in future steps; by Veneto Region (second column). Experts the aim was to better characterize who can had also to identify the level of involvement, have real interest in the project’s discussion i.e. if stakeholders should actively take part of and results. As an example, experts indicat- scenario defi nition or they should only be in- ed the Belluno Province as general institu- formed of the results, without consultation. In tion; Veneto Region focused the attention on Figure 29, the blue colour identify the passive three main departments – Department of en- involvement – just one of them. This picture ergy planning and management, Department shows also the frequency of identifi cation of of hunting and fi shing, Department of soil the department/association/institution as a protection – as more involved and interest- stakeholder. 67 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T TA B L E 1 1 : S TA K E H O L D E R S I D E N T I F I E D B Y T H E E X P E R T S I N M I S VA L L E Y Stakeholders Further details Dolomiti Unesco Foundation Department of energy planning and management Belluno Province Department of hunting and fishing Department of soil protecion project Moreco - Alpine Space Agricoltural and trade associations Professional Association for agronomist and forestry Mountain Communities to be added: Engineers, Architects, Lawyers, Agricultural and Mining Experts Agordina Val Belluna High School for agronomists Consorzio Legno Veneto Forest enterprises/Confederation of Italian Industries CoGeFor (Forest management consortium) small industry associations Belluno chamber of commerce Belluno Social Cooperatives Municipalities Gosaldo Sospirolo Mountain Wilderness Acqua Bene Comune Environmental associations Confini Comuni WWF Belluno Legambiente Belluno Private forest owners Forest Service Department Civil Engineering Department Veneto Region (i.e. Forest Service, Hunting and Fishing Service) Hunting and Fishing Department Environmental Impact Assessment Department Energy Department Superintendance for Cultural Heritage and Landscape Committee of Tiser community Dolomiti National Park Regional Environmental Agency Archaeological site association Italian Association for agricultural and forest energies BIM Consortium ENEL Civil Engineering Department Fishing basin institutions Shooting ground (hunting) institutions 68 (see. Veneto Region) Fishing basin n. 5 - Agordino Fishing basin n. 5 - Sospirolo T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Figure 29: Shooting ground (hunting) institutions Frequency for Fishing basin institutions stakeholders, by Civil engineering department experts in Mis Valley ENEL BIM Consortium (the blue colour Italian Association for agricultural and forest energies identifi es the passive Archaeological site association involvement). Regional Environmental Agency Dolomiti National Park Committee of Tiser community Superintendance for cultural heritage Veneto Region (i.e. Forest Service, Hunting and Fishing Private forest owners Environmental associations Municipalities Social Cooperatives Forest enterprises/Confederation of Italian Industries High School for agronomists Mountain Communities Professional Association for agronomist and forestry Agricoltural and trade associations Belluno Province Dolomiti Unesco Foundation 0 1 2 3 Frequencies 4 5 6 Other possible interlocutors for scenario defi - controversial type of energy in the area. Ex- nition have been identifi ed: perts underlined how small hydropower has • Italian Alpine Club (CAI); less impact with respect to bigger one – less • Military Forest Service (CFS); discharge involved, smaller structures and so • Basin Institution; on. Water is almost always present, a constant • Angelini Foundation for studies on moun- resource. However, some suggestions and lim- tains; • Veneto Agricoltura - the Veneto Region its were given. In particular, one of the interviewed people stated that the optimal distance Agency that promote and carries out inter- between derivation and restitution in small hy- ventions for the modernisation of farms and dropower is a maximum of 100 metres (length), agro-forestry soil conservation. to make the plant (including also all the connected structures) as punctual as possible and M A È VA L L E Y to limit the segment of the stream subjected to In the Maè valley case study, all the experts un- impacts. He also underlined the importance of derlined the importance of forest biomass, and the rethinking about the Minimum Environmen- 4 of the 6 experts considered that hydropow- tal Flow concept, to better take into account er < 1 MW could have a further development, all the environmental features of a stream. Hy- in many cases giving some limitations and dropower in aqueducts or existing check dams conditions. A curious note: wind (2/6 experts) could represent an alternative to be studied. and solar (only 1 interviewed person) energy Forest biomass, on the contrary, is perceived were also put into attention. In particular, it is as a good alternative to increment renewable stressed that the industrial area of Longarone energy in the area. Forest has grown in a con- could be suitable for a plant, not only because siderable way in recent years, and manage- considered as a windy area, but also from the ment is desirable, for maintenance of open aesthetic point of view – it could not be ruined areas and preservation of villages. It could be by the presence of the plant. However, the better to use mainly spruce, as pure stands or general opinion is in line with what has already mixed with beech; also stands growing along been reported for Mis Valley: morphology and riverbed should be taken into considerations. visual impact prevent the potentiality of these In Figures 30 a, b, c and d qualitative impacts two sources. For Maè Valley, experts identifi ed on ecosystem services for Maè Valley are re- hydropower (< 1 MW) and forest biomass as ported; the scale of evaluation ranges from potential sources for energy. Hydropower is a “very positive” to “very negative” impacts. 69 70 et ic rin sic In t lu e ue va l lv al ue va y lit om fr qu a tio na Re cr ea th As n io t's bi ta Ha ct ity Pr ot et ic sic In tr in lu e ue va l lv al ue va y qu al it tio na Re cr ea th As t's ds za r ity ity al qu al ha er om fr bi ta Ha n ec tio qu tio n tr a er ic lu e ue va l lv al ue va ity al om fr qu sic tr in In et t's n io ity ity al al qu qu tio na re a Re c th As ct ta bi Ha te er W at r's Ai er io n at at w tr es qu se Pr o on rb Ca As t In t ic tr in om sic va lu e lv al ue va lu e al ity fr lit y ua lit y tio n ua n 's er st at ra qu io na he t's io re w er q ct ita te W at Ha b es t of fo Ai r's q se qu Pr o on on Re cr ea t rb Ca vi si on 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 qu al W at Ai r's ue s se q at of w of 's Pr o vi si Figures 30 a, b, c Pr ot e ity al 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 er qu rb on Ca n st 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 W at r's Ai er io n at tr qu es at on 's sio re fo 4 se of w st vi Pr o n sio Frequencies Expected impacts isi fo re vi Pr o Pr o and d: Pr ov n si o Frequencies experts’ perceptions in P A C K A G E rb on Ca t's re s fo Pr ov i Frequencies on ESS according to W O R K sio n n sio Frequencies Maè Valley. G R E E N Pr ov i Pr ov i R E C H A R G E R E P O R T Solar - Impacts on ESS Positive Very Positive Neutral Negative Very Negative Forest Biomass - Impacts on ESS Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative Very Negative 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hydro > 1 MW - Impacts on ESS Positive Very Positive Neutral Negative Very Negative Hydro < 1 MW - Impacts on ESS Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative Very Negative T R A D E- O F F In addition, areas for a possible plant and a A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S 31, 32 and 33). possible storage area were identified (Figures Figure 31: Example of suitable streams for small hydropower in Maè Valley, as marked by one expert (in purple). Figure 32: Suitable areas for forest biomass supply in Maè Valley, as marked by experts (different colors identify different experts’ marks). 71 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Figure 33: Example of a suitable area for storage of biomass and power plant in Maè Valley, as identified by an expert (in brown). Forest biomass can have also positive effects several decades. Small plants could be bet- for economy. Maè Valley had a traditional ter accepted by people. They could also give use of wood for rural building structures, now some kind of income to the area, although it strongly declined, while nowadays the use of was stressed by experts the need to have a wood for heating remains high for households’ greater participations of local communities in traditional activity. An increment in the use the projects as a sort of “shareholding”. Com- of wood, under the condition of proper forest pensations should be greater for the territory management, can be an opportunity for local where natural resources exists and are used. economy and local chain to increase. On the If perceived benefits and risks are considered, other side, hydropower is not always well ac- only forest biomass can be “beneficial” (Fig- cepted by local people, as it is an energy that ures 34 a and b). has already been exploited in the Valley for 72 T R A D E- O F F P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Figures 34 a and b: Hydro < 1MW - Socioeconomic impacts 8 7 6 Frequencies A N D Very Positive Expected impacts on Positive the society in Maè Neutral 5 Negative 4 Valley. Very Negative 3 2 1 io n e ip at nc ta Pa r Ac c tic ep th He fi c To ur ism nc ie al y y rt Ef Pr op e un ity e m Co m In co m ris e l En te rp Lo ca Em pl oy 0 Forest Biomass - Socioeconomic impacts 6 Very Positive Positive Frequencies 5 Neutral 4 Negative 3 Very Negative 2 1 Despite indications given by interviewed peo- io ip tic Pa r an pt ce at ce m ris Ac To u th Ef fic He ie al y nc y rt pe Pr o ity un m Co m In co m e e te rp ris l Lo ca En Em pl oy 0 in a whole contest (Figures below). ple, hydropower is seen a bit more negatively Social Risk 6 Figures 35 a and b: Frequencies 5 4 Very Beneficial Social and Beneficial environmental risks in Neutral Maè Valley. Risky Very Risky 3 2 1 0 Solar Wind Biomass Hydro<1MW Environmental Risk 6 Very Beneficial Beneficial 5 Frequencies Neutral 4 Risky Very Risky 3 2 1 0 Solar Wind Biomass Hydro<1MW 73 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T As for the Mis Valley case study, the stake- with the same procedure. The following Table holder analysis was carried out in Maè Valley, and Figure show the results. TA B L E 12: S TA K E H O L D E R S I D E N T I F I E D BY T H E E X P E R T S I N M A È VA L L E Y Stakeholders Further information Department of energy planning and management Belluno Province Department of hunting and fishing Department of soil protecion project Moreco - Alpine Space Longarone Municipalities Forno di Zoldo Zoldo Alto Zoppè di Cadore Dolomiti Unesco Foundation Acqua Bene Comune Mountain Wildness Confini Comuni Environmental associations Legambiente WWF Italian Alpine Club Angelini Foundation Collective ownerships "regole" "usi civici" Agricoltural and trade associations Dolomiti National Park BIM Consortium Chamber of Commerce Forest enterprises/Confederation of Italian Industries Civil Engineering Department Consorzio Legno Veneto CoGeFor (Forest management consortium) small industry associations Belluno (see Veneto Region) Forest Service Department Veneto Region (Forest Service, Hunting and Fishering Service) Civile Engineering Department Hunting and Fishing Department Environmental Impact Assessment Department Energy Department Fishing basin institutions Shooting ground (hunting) institutions Mountain Communities Cadore-Longaronese-Zoldo Veneto Agricoltura Military Forest Service (CFS) Guard of the local municipality Professional association for agronomist and forestry ENEL University of Padua - Hydraulics 74 to be added: Engineers, Architects, Lawyers, Agricultural and Mining Experts T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Figure 36: University of Padua Frequency for Shooting ground (hunting) institutions stakeholders, by Fishing basin institutions expert in Maè Valley Forest guard of the local municipality Angelini Foundation (the blue colour WWF identifi es the passive Legambiente involvement). Confini comuni Mountain Wildness Acqua Bene Comune Dolomiti Unesco Foundation Italian Alpine Club (CAI) Collective Ownerships Professional Association for agronomist and forestry Veneto Agricoltura Chamber of Commerce Forest enterprises/Confederation of Italian Industries Agricoltural and trade associations ENEL BIM Consortium Dolomiti National Park Municipalities Mountain Communities Belluno Province Veneto Region Military Forest Service (CFS) 0 1 2 3 Frequencies 4 5 6 7 Other possible interlocutors for scenario defi - For both the Pilot Areas, a more inclusive nition have been identifi ed: stakeholder analysis has been considered, so • Regional Environmental Agency (ARPAV); all the identifi ed stakeholders will be involved • Superintendance for cultural heritage and in scenario defi nition, independently from the landscape; frequency they have been indicated more than • Basin Institution; once. All these stakeholders were invited to • Italian Association for agricultural and for- informative meetings in Pilot Areas, in June est energies (AIEL). 2014. 3.2 Conclusion The Renewable Energy production may create ly varies from source to source and from Pilot several benefi ts for the social and economic Area to Pilot Area. In such a situation, the mul- sphere of the sustainability, since it allows ti-functionality of the ecosystems may be under the growth of the local economy and stimu- threat if the RE development is not faced in a lates entrepreneurship. Almost all the experts holistic and personalized manner. The differ- evidenced a positive impact on the social, ences in the experts’ answers from Region to economic and cultural indicators, except few Region highlights the fact that a standardized negative responses concerning tourism devel- approach is not effective in conciliating ecolo- opment and participation. gy, economy and social acceptance. Each Pilot On the other hand, the ecological effects of Area has its own need and have to be treat- RE on the Ecosystem Services are not always ed separately. A participatory approach in the positive, since there are many trade-off condi- decision-making allows the inclusion of many tions that have to be considered. The indicator contributions from the stakeholders that in a assessing the impact on ESS of RE use high- top-down management may be excluded or 75 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T taken for granted. Bottom-up policies that in- in the direction of participatory management tegrate public opinions and preferences in the and which Regions still pursue a top-down decision making process are useful in bridging approach. The joint analysis of the mentioned different sectors (Kraxner et al., 2009). Incor- indicators allows the identification of the porating perceptions of experts and stakehold- trade-offs between RE and ESS and let deci- ers is fundamental for ensuring successful for- sion-makers understand several aspects of the mulation and implementation of energy policy management problem that are usually exclud- in order to reduce conflicts and improving coop- ed in a standard decision planning process. eration among the different groups of interest Such an analysis gives also the possibility to (Dwivedi and Alavalapati, 2009). formulate several recommendations about the In addition, the review of the local experts is path in development of each Pilot Region. It is a good strategy to have a first glance of the important to note that the analysis that similar importance and the potentiality of the target tools provide is still preliminary and has to be Pilot Areas, providing information very useful tested and validated through the DSS. The ex- in the Decision Support System construction. perts’ input may turn out to be not valid after The stakeholders’ needs in the Alpine region the DSS implementation. This may occur be- are different given the socio-economic, cultur- cause of other considerations that the experts al and political diversity. Their context is fur- did not consider, due to lack of knowledge of ther dissimilar, because of different national some issues not strictly related to their sphere and local legislation that in some cases facil- of expertise. This part of the project is the first itates participation and in other does not. The step before the DSS implementation and the stakeholder analysis tool is very useful in such sharing of the RE scenarios with the stake- in this case, in order to capture the local dif- holders. Notwithstanding the limit of this pre- ferences in the people’s interests and needs. liminary analysis, it is a fundamental step for Finally, the social network analysis highlights identifying all the variables to be considered the real power in taking the decisions, so that in the RE management in compliance with the it is easily visible how much a Region goes stakeholders to be involved in the process. 3.3 Layout questionnaire “Social Perception of Renewable Energies in Pilot Areas” Context and purpose of the questionnaire: face to face interview. The results of the ques- The purpose of the questionnaire is to analyse tionnaire will be treated and presented in an the experts’ opinions (in particular preferenc- aggregate way and will be used to support the es and perceptions) on the development of definition of development scenarios of renew- renewable energies technologies (solar, wind, able energies in the Pilot Areas. Information hydropower and forest biomass) in the Pilot from questionnaire will be also used for the Areas. The questionnaire will be administered identification of local key-stakeholders. to 5-6 experts in each Pilot Area, through a 1 . P E R S O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N Name and surname: 76 Gender: Male Female Education: High school Master’s degree Associate degree Doctorate degree Bachelor’s degree Age: less than 30 years old 51-60 years old 31-40 years old more than 60 years old 41-50 years old T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Specific field of activity: Organization/association: Role in the organization/association: 2 . B A S E D O N Y O U R K N O W L E D G E , D O Y O U K N O W, O R C A N Y O U E S T I M AT E H O W M U C H R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y I S A L R E A D Y I N P L A C E I N T H E P I L O T AREAS? Very high High Low Very low Legislative constraints absolutely inhibiting development Solar ____ Wind ____ Forest biomass ____ Hydropower ____ Share (%) (sum = 100%) 3 . O P I N I O N S C O N C E R N I N G R E N E WA B L E E N E R G I E S D E V E L O P M E N T I N T H E PILOT ARE A 3.1 In your opinion which renewable energy technology can be potentially developed in the Pilot Area? Very high High Low Very low Legislative constraints absolutely inhibiting development Solar Wind Forest biomass Hydropower 3.2 In the case of renewable energies with “very high” and “high” potential development (Question 2.1) please indicate which are - in your opinion - the most suitable areas for the development. Please state the main reasons why you consider these areas suitable. Please insert the map of case study 77 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Please mark with a different colour or symbol the different renewable energies (locations, numbers to better identify/refer to in the text). 3.3 In the case of renewable energies with a “very low” and “low” potential development (Question 2.1) please indicate which are - in your opinion - the main reasons (possible multiple-choice): Solar energy systems Technical-logistic reasons Remarks: Economic reasons Remarks: Social reasons Remarks: Geographical reasons Remarks: Environmental reasons Remarks: Other Remarks: Technical-logistic reasons Remarks: Economic reasons Remarks: Social reasons Remarks: Geographical reasons Remarks: Environmental reasons Remarks: Other Remarks: Wind energy systems 78 T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S Hydropower energy systems Technical-logistic reasons Remarks: Economic reasons Remarks: Social reasons Remarks: Geographical reasons Remarks: Environmental reasons Remarks: Other Remarks: Forest biomass energy systems Technical-logistic reasons Remarks: Economic reasons Remarks: Social reasons Remarks: Geographical reasons Remarks: Environmental reasons Remarks: Other Remarks: 3.4 To your knowledge, has there been a target increase of renewable energy production and energy savings for 2020/2050 been identified in the Pilot Area? Yes Not I don’t know Solar Wind Forest biomass Hydropower 79 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T 4 . I M P A C T S O F T H E R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y T E C H N O L O G I E S O N E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N T H E P I L O T A R E A ( P L E A S E C O N S I D E R O N LY T H E R E N E WA B L E E N E R G I E S M A R K E D A S “ V E R Y H I G H ” O R “ H I G H ” IN QUE S TION 2 .1) 4.1 In your opinion which are the impacts of solar energy systems on the following ecosystem services? Please, indicate the degree of the impact. ++ + 0 - -- No answer Provision of forest- and agricultural production Provision of fresh/potable water Carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil Air quality and microclimate Protection against natural hazards Ecological habitat quality Aesthetical value Recreational value Intrinsic value Other / further ++ very positive impacts, + positive, 0 neutral, - negative, - - very negative 4.2 In your opinion which are the impacts of wind energy systems on the following ecosystem services? Please, indicate the degree of the impact. ++ + 0 - -- No answer Provision of forest- and agricultural production Provision of fresh/potable water Carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil Air quality and microclimate Protection against natural hazards Ecological habitat quality Aesthetical value Recreational value Intrinsic value Other / further ++ very positive impacts, + positive, 0 neutral, - negative, - - very negative 80 T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S 4.3 In your opinion which are the impacts of hydropower energy systems on the following ecosystem services? Please, indicate the degree of the impact. ++ + 0 - -- No answer Provision of forest- and agricultural production Provision of fresh/potable water Carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil Air quality and microclimate Protection against natural hazards Ecological habitat quality Aesthetical value Recreational value Intrinsic value Other / further ++ very positive impacts, + positive, 0 neutral, - negative, - - very negative 4.4 In your opinion which are the impacts of forest biomass energy systems on the following ecosystem services? Please, indicate the degree of the impact. ++ + 0 - -- No answer Provision of forest- and agricultural production Provision of fresh/potable water Carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil Air quality and microclimate Protection against natural hazards Ecological habitat quality Aesthetical value Recreational value Intrinsic value Other / further ++ very positive impacts, + positive, 0 neutral, - negative, - - very negative 81 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T 5 . I M P A C T S O F T H E R E N E WA B L E E N E R G I E S T E C H N O L O G I E S O N T H E S O C I O - E C O N O M I C F E AT U R E S O F T H E P I L O T A R E A S ( P L E A S E C O N S I D E R O N LY T H E R E N E WA B L E E N E R G I E S M A R K E D A S “ V E R Y HIGH” OR “HIGH” IN QUE S TION 2 .1) a. In your opinion which are the impacts of solar energy systems on the following economic and social aspects? Please indicate the degree of the impact. ++ + 0 - -- No answer Employment of local workforce Local market diversification Local entrepreneurship Increasing income pro capita Social and community aggregation Property rights Resource efficiency Waste management system Human health Tourism Political stability (citizens acceptance of the system) Political stability (citizens participation) Other / further ++ very positive impacts, + positive, 0 neutral, - negative, - - very negative b. In your opinion which are the impacts of wind energy systems on the following economic and social aspects? Please indicate the degree of the impact. 82 ++ + 0 - -- No answer Employment of local workforce Local market diversification Local entrepreneurship Increasing income pro capita Social and community aggregation Property rights Resource efficiency Waste management system Human health Tourism T R A D E- O F F ++ + 0 - -- No answer Political stability (citizens acceptance of the system) Political stability (citizens participation) Other / further A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S ++ very positive impacts, + positive, 0 neutral, - negative, - - very negative c. In your opinion which are the impacts of hydropower energy systems on the following economic and social aspects? Please indicate the degree of the impact. ++ + 0 - -- No answer Employment of local workforce Local market diversification Local entrepreneurship Increasing income pro capita Social and community aggregation Property rights Resource efficiency Waste management system Human health Tourism Political stability (citizens acceptance of the system) Political stability (citizens participation) Other / further ++ very positive impacts, + positive, 0 neutral, - negative, - - very negative d. In your opinion which are the impacts of forest biomass energy systems on the following economic and social aspects? Please indicate the degree of the impact. ++ + 0 - -- No answer Employment of local workforce Local market diversification Local entrepreneurship Increasing income pro capita Social and community aggregation Property rights Resource efficiency 83 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T ++ + 0 - -- No answer Waste management system Human health Tourism Political stability (citizens acceptance of the system) Political stability (citizens participation) Other / further ++ very positive impacts, + positive, 0 neutral, - negative, - - very negative 6. PERCEIVED RISK AND BENEFIT a. In general, how do you consider the effects of the following energy systems to be for the environment of the Pilot Area? Very risky Risky Neutral Beneficial Very beneficial Solar Wind Forest biomass Hydropower b. In general, how do you consider the effects of the following energy systems to be for the Pilot Area society as a whole? Very risky Risky Neutral Beneficial Very beneficial Solar Wind Forest biomass Hydropower c. In general, how do you consider the effects of the following energy systems to be for a single individual in the Pilot Area? 84 Very risky Risky Neutral Beneficial Very beneficial Solar Wind Forest biomass Hydropower T R A D E- O F F A N D P E R C E I V E D I M P A C T S 7. S TA K E H O L D E R S A N D N E T W O R K A N A LY S I S 7.1 Does your organization/association collaborate with other organizations and associations in the field of renewable energies in the Pilot Area? Can you list the name, the issue and the intensity of these collaborations? Name of organization or association Level International Intensity Permanent (*/week) National State/Province Regularly Trans-regional (*/month) Region Issue Coordination Technical/ scientific support Occasionally Economic (*/year) Municipality support How much influence does this actor have on actual decision making regarding renewable energy? Very high High Medium Low Name of organization or association Very low Level International Intensity Permanent (*/week) National State/Province Regularly (*/month) Trans-regional Region Issue Coordination Technical/ scientific support Occasionally Economic (*/year) Municipality support How much influence does this actor have on actual decision making regarding renewable energy? Very high High Medium Low Name of organization or association Very low Level International Intensity Permanent (*/week) National State/Province Regularly Trans-regional (*/month) Region Issue Coordination Technical/ scientific support Occasionally Economic Municipality (*/year) support How much influence does this actor have on actual decision making regarding renewable energy? Very high High Medium Low Very low 85 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T Name of organization or association Level International Intensity Permanent (*/week) National State/Province Regularly (*/month) Trans-regional Region Issue Coordination Technical/ scientific support Occasionally Economic Municipality (*/year) support How much influence does this actor have on actual decision making regarding renewable energy? Very high High Medium Low Very low 7.2 In your opinion which organization and association must be involved during the definition of the renewable energies systems development (scenario definition) of the Pilot Area? For each organization, please indicate which is the more suitable level of involvement. Name of organization or association Specific field of activity Level of involvement Active involvement in the scenarios’ definition (consultation) Passive involvement in the scenarios’ definition (information) Active involvement in the scenarios’ definition (consultation) Passive involvement in the scenarios’ definition (information) Active involvement in the scenarios’ definition (consultation) Passive involvement in the scenarios’ definition (information) Active involvement in the scenarios’ definition (consultation) Passive involvement in the scenarios’ definition (information) Active involvement in the scenarios’ definition (consultation) Passive involvement in the scenarios’ definition (information) Active involvement in the scenarios’ definition (consultation) Passive involvement in the scenarios’ definition (information) 86 B I B L I O G R A P H Y Bibliography 04 87 R E C H A R G E G R E E N W O R K P A C K A G E 4 R E P O R T ESS Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung. 2010. 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Dornbirn 94 recharge.green – balancing Alpine energy and nature The Alps have great potential for the use of renewable energy. was a key component in this process. The project ran from Oc- Thereby they can make a valuable contribution to mitigating cli- tober 2012 to June 2015 and was co-financed by the European mate change. This, however, means increasing pressures on Regional Development Fund in the frame of the European Ter- nature. What could be the impact of such changes on the hab- ritorial Cooperation Programme Alpine Space. itats of animals and plants? How do they affect land use and 96 soil quality? How much renewable energy can reasonably be This publication gives an overview on renewable energy poten- used? The project recharge.green brought together 16 partners tial and ESS in the Alps and on the possible conflicts that can to develop strategies and tools for decision-making on such is- arise in a complex territory as the Alpine Region. sues. The analysis and comparison of the costs and benefits of Together with other project publications, it can be downloaded renewable energy, ecosystem services, and potential trade-offs from www.recharge-green.eu