Electricit y/Current and transport of charge UE3020320 Ohm’s Law UE3020320 B A S IC P RINCIP L E S E VA L U AT ION Georg Simon Ohm was the first in 1825 to show that the current flowing through a simple conductor is proportional to the voltage applied. The cross-sectional area A is calculated from the thickness d of the wires: A= This means that Ohm’s law applies: (1) U = R ⋅I The constant of proportionality R is the resistance of the conductor. For a metal wire of length x and cross-sectional area A, the resistance R is given by the following formula: R = ρ⋅ (2) π 2 ⋅d 4 The measurements are to be plotted in three graphs of U against I. In each of these, one of the parameters ρ, x or d will be varied. x . A U/V 5 The specific resistivity ρ depends on the material of which the wire is made. In order to verify this fundamental relationship, an experiment is to be carried out to investigate the proportionality between current and voltage for metal wires of varying thickness, length and material. The resistivity will also be determined and compared with values quoted in literature d = 0.35mm 4 d = 0.5mm 3 d = 0.7mm 2 1 E X P E RIME N T P R O C E DURE OBJECTIVE 0 Verification of Ohm’s law. • Verification of Ohm’s law for a constantan wire and a brass wire. • Verification of Ohm’s law for constantan wires of various lengths. • Verification of Ohm’s law for constantan wires of various thickness. d = 1mm 0 1 2 I/A Fig. 3: Graph of U against I for constantan wires of various thickness S UMM A R Y R/Ù U/V In simple electrical conductors, the current I which passes through the conductor is proportional to the applied voltage U. The constant of proportionality, the ohmic resistance R, is dependent on the length x of the conductor, its cross-sectional area A and the nature of the material. This relationship is to be investigated using constantan and brass wires. 3 5 4 2 3 2 Re quire d A pparat u s Quantity Description Number 1 Resistance Apparatus 1009949 1 DC Power Supply 0 – 20 V, 0 – 5 A (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003312 or DC Power Supply 0 – 20 V, 0 – 5 A (115 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003311 2 Analogue Multimeter AM50 1003073 1 Set of 15 Safety Experiment Leads, 75 cm 1002843 1 1 0 0 1 I/A 2 Fig. 1: Graph of U against I for constantan wire (blue) and brass wire (red) 0 0 1 2 x/m Fig. 4: Resistance R as a function of length R/Ù 6 U/V 5 x=2m 4 4 3 x=1m 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 I/A 2 Fig. 2: Graph of U against I for constantan wires of various lengths 3B Scientific® Experiments 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 1/A / 1/mm² Fig. 5: Resistance R as a function of the inverse of the cross-sectional area A ...going one step further