इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 3370-4 (1967): Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids, Part 4: Design tables [CED 2: Cement and Concrete] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS : 3370 (Part IV) -1967 (Reaffirmed 2008) Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONCRETE STRUTURES FOR THE STORAGE OF LIQUIDS PART IV DESIGN TABLES Fifteenth Reprint AUGUST 2007 (Incorporating Amendment No. 1 & 2) UDC 621.642 : 669.982 : 624.043 © Copyright 1979 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Gr 10 January 1969 IS I 3378(Part IV). 1117 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES FOR THB STORAGE OF LIQUIDS PAIlT IV DESIGN TABLES Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, BDO 2 R."."'i,,. C}u,irma" SRRI K. K. The Concrete Association of India, Bombay NAMBIAfC AI;".6"s M. A. MEliTA (Allemtlt, Sbri K. K. Nambiar) SRRl to SRat K. F. ANTIA A. P. BAGeHt SHIU P. S. "HA1·NAOAR 1). S. K. CHOPRA SRRI J. S. SJlARMA SHRI DtRsCTOR (CSl\{) DIRKCTOR ( DAMS ( }\·I. N. Dastur & (4 (Pvt) Ltd. Calcutta Sahu Cement Service, New Delhi Bhakrn & Beas Design. Organization, New Delhi Central Uuilding Research Institute (CSIR). Roorkee Alt,rnlll, ) (~nll2111Natt.'r & Power r..ommi.sion III ) ( AlIt,,,al, ) . Indian Road, Congress. New Delhi Central Publtc \Vorks Department DR R. K. OIlOSH SR.I B. K. GUllA SUP.RINTENDING ENQJNif.R, 2ND OJ.CLI. ( Alt""." ) The A!lsociated Cement Companit'l Ltd, Bombay R. R. HATrIANOADI SRRI V. N. PAl ( Altn~.', ) JOINT DIRECTOR STANDARDS R~.e.rc:h, ~sjgnl at Standareb . Orluization na ( B I: S ) . DuUTY Dr.aero. ( Ministry of Railways) STANDARDS ( B &: S) (.4llnllll'.) S. B. JOIHI .,. PRoP S. R. MaRRA SR.I S. B. Joshi It Co Ltd, Bombay Central Road Rrleareb In.titute New Delhi ( CSIR), DR R. K. GHOIH ( AI,,,,,tllI ) SRal S. N. Muu.aJI National Tnt Houle, Calcutta B. K. RAMCHANDR'AN (Allmual. ) S... BaACH A. NADlasHAH Institute of EDlineen ( India ), Calcutta Balo NAUlH PRASAD Enlineer-in·Chi~r·. Branch. Army Headquarlen SRal C. B. PAT&L National Buildings Orpnization SRa. RA8IMDU SINOH ( Al'mwd, ) SHall. L. PAUL Dirtttorate Gen~ral ofSuppliei • DiapGlall S.a. T. N. S. IlAO Gammon India Ltd. Bombay S... S. R. PacHltlaO ( If"."..,. ) RaPaaaTAftva GeoloRical Surveyor India. Calcutta Ra•••aNTAn.. The India Cementl Ltd, Maclru S.al K. G. SALVI HiDdustan HoUlin, PactO!'J Ltd, New Delhi SHaJ C. L. KAiLlWAL ( .41'""", ) 8..-. (c.littMI.,.,. BUltEAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN~ 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 2) III SS7I ( Part IV ) • 1967 ( CortIiuMl ft-,." I') M.ahrs .. D.S. SARKA. S.1It1 Z. Gaoao& ( Ill".",.., AI"""",) Structural EOlineerinl Rae.rch Centre (CSla.). Roorkee SaCUTAIlY Ceatral Board of Irrilation .. Power, ~ew DeIhl SHRI L. SWAaoop Dalmia Cement ( Dharat ) Ltd, New Delhi SHill A. V. RAIIANA (AI""..,.) SIIRI M. 1....RAN Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport SRR' N. H. KUWANI ( .AI,.".." ) Da H. C. VJlVaVAIlAYA Cement Research Institute India, New Delhi SHRJ R. NAGARAJAN, Director General, lSI (Ea-oJfirio M""IJI,) J. or Directott (Civ Baal) 81"".'7 SHR. Y. R. TANaJA Deputy Director (Civ Engg) J lSI Concrete Subcommittee, BDC 2: 2 c.,.,r SURI s. B. Joshi at Co I..td, Bombay S. B. JOIHe Mltr.bns SURI B. D. AHUJA SRRI P. C. JAIN National Buitdinli Organization (AI"",,,,,) M. N. Dutur It Co ( Pvc) Ltd, Calcutta SRal K. F. AlmA SHa, B. C. PATEL ( AI,."..", ) 'SHRI A. P. BAacR; SHRr B. K. eHOKII DR S. K. Sahu Cement Service) New Delhi In penonal capacity ( M-60 Cru,ow S." s..69) Central' Building Rete.reb IDititute (CSIR) CHO••A Roorkee Da I. C. Dol M. PAil CUODOU Dta&CTOR ( DAMS I ) ( Alima." D&PUT~ DUtECToa STANDARDS Central Water It Power Commiaion ) ( B a. S) Research, Design. and Standards Organiation ( Mini.try of Railway.) ASSIITANT DIRECTOR STANDAltDl ( BitS) ( AIle,.,..', ) D•• aCTOR Dlaacroa·IN"CHARO& SHU V. N. 'CUNAJI SR.I V. K. GUPTA SIUlI K. K. N'.1lOIIAR SRRI C. L. N. IVUfOAR , DR M. L. 'PURl 1-.0' G. S. RAMASWAMY" Da S. SHa. SARKAR ( 'r, N. SHaI S. RA.o Hydt'rabad Engineering Research Laboratory H)'derabad Geological Survey of India, Lucknow Public \Vorks ~partmcDt, .Maharuhtra Enginr.cr.in-CbieC·s Branch, Army Headquarten The Oonerete Association of India, Bombay (A.lt.,ntl") Central Road Research Inltitute ( CSIR ), RoorkecStructural Engineering Research Centre (OSIR.), Roorkee All,",,,,, ) S. R. PlNII&laO l.mllmal, ) Gammon India Ltd, Bombay ENGJM&&R, 2ND Central Public Works Department CulCLE SRRI S. G. VAiDYA (AI"""") SHRIJ. M. TRRHAN R.oads Win., MiDistry orTranaport SHIll R~ P. SI&KA ( AI"",,,,, J H. C. VaVUYAIlAYA Cement Jleaearch Institute ollDdia, New Delhi SUP& ....TIUfDINO n. 2 IS I 3378( Pan IV ) • 1117 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES FOR THE STORAGE OF LIQUIDS PART IV DESIGN TABLES o. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part IV ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 7 December 1967, after the draft finalized by the Cement .md Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engle ucering Division Council. 0.2 The need Cor a code covering the design and construction of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures for the storage of liquids hd\ been long felt in this country. So far, such structures have been designed to varying standards adapted from the recommendations of the Institution of Civil Engineers and of the Portland Cement Association with the result that the resultant structures cannot be guaranteed to possess a uniform safety margin and dependability. Moreover, the design and construction methods in reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete are influenced OV the prevailmg construction practices, the physical properties of the mater ials and the climatic conditions. The need was. therefore, felt to lay down uniform requirements of structures for the storage of liquids givinR due consideration to these factors. In order to fulfil this need, formulation of this Indian Standard code of practice for cor-crete structures for the storage of liquids ( IS : 3370) was undertaken. This part deals with design tables for rectangular and cylindrical concrete structures for stor~p'(; of liquids. The other parts of the code are the following: Part I General requirements P....t II Reinforced concrete structures Part III Prestressed concrete structures 0.3 The object of the design tables covered in this part is mainly to present data for ready reference of designers and as an aid to speedy design calculalions. The designer i", however, free to adopt any method of design depending upon his own discretion and judgement provided the requirements regarding Parts I to III of IS : 3370 are complied with and the structural adequacy and !afety are ensured. 0.3.1 Tables relating to design of rectangular as well as cylindrical tanks have bern given and by proper combination of various tables it may be possible to design different types of tanks involving many sets of conditions for rectangular and cylindrical containers built in or on ground. 3 II, __ ( Itut IV ). 1117 1.'.2 Some of the data presented for d~ip of rectangular tanka may be used for design of some of the earth retaining structures subject to earth pressure for which a hydrostatic type of loading may be substituted in the design calculations. The data for rectangular tanks may alia be applied to design of circular reservoirs of large diameter in which the lateral stability depends on the action of counterforts built integrally with the wall. 0.4 While the common methods of design and construction have been covered in this code, design of structures of special forms or in unusual circumstances should be left to the judgement of the engineer and in such cases special systems of design and construction may be permitted on production of satisfactory evidence regarding their adequacy and safety by analysis or test or by both. 0.5 In this standard it has been assumed that the design of liquid retaining structures, whether of plain, reinforced or prestressed concrete is entrusted to a qualified engineer and that the execution of the work is carried out under the direction of an experienced supervisor. 0.6 All requirements of 18:456·1964· and IS: 1343.1960t, in so far as they apply, shall be deemed to form part of this code except where otherwise laid down in this code. 0.7 The" Sectional Committee responsible for the preparation of this standard has taken into consideration the views of engineers and technologists and has related the standard to the practices followed in the country in this field. Due weightage has also been given to the need for intertlational coordination among the standards prevailing ill" different countries of thfl world. These considerations led the Sectional Committee to derive'auistanC'(,: from published materials of the following organizations: British Standards Institution; Institution of Civil Engineers, London; and Portland Cement Association, Chicago, USA. ~les have been reproduced from C Rectangular Concrete Tanks J and C Circular Concrete Tanks without Prestressing' by courtesy of Portland Cement Assr.'ciati"n, USA. 0.8 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result" of a test or analysis, shan be rounded off in accordance with IS: ~.1960t. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. ·Code or practice for plaia and reinror,ced concrete ($"0,,11 "v;l;on ). tCaclc of practice Cot prntraled concrete. ~Rulet for rcNndi. ."off numerical valua ( "PisItI ). 4 1113370 (Pan IV )-1117 1. ICOPB 1.1 This standard ( Part IV ) recommends design tables, which are intended al an aid for the design of reinforced or prestressed concrete structure. for storage of liquid. 2. RECTANGULAR TANKS 2.1 Momeat Coetlldeats for IacUvld••1 wan Pa.el. - Moment coefficients for individual panels considered fixed along vertical edges but having different edge conditions at top and bottom are given in Tabla I to 3. In arriving at these moments, the slabs have been assumed to act as thin plates under the various edge conditions indicated below: Table 1 Top hinged, bottom hinged Table 2 Top Cree, bottom hinged Table 3 Top free, bottom fixed 2.1.1 Conditions in Table 3 are applicable to cases in which wall slab, counterfort and base slab are all built integrally. 2.1.2 Moment coefficients for uniform load on rectangular plates hinged at all four sides are given in Table 4. This table may be found useful in designing cover slabs and bottom slabs for rectangular tanks with one cell. If the cover slab is made continuous over intermediate supports, the design may be made in accordance with procedure for slabs supported on four ,ides ( s" Appendix C of IS : 456-1964· ). 2.2 M.lDeat Coe.deat. lor Rect••plar T••k. - The coefficients for individual panels with fixed side edges apply without modification to continuous walls provided there is no rotation about the vertical edges. In a square tank, therefore, moment coefficients may be taken direct from Tables I to 3. In a rectangular tank, however. an adjustment has to be made in a manner similar to the modification of fixed end moments in a frame analysed by tile method of moment distribution. In this procedure the common side edge of two adjacent panels is first considered artificially restrained so that JUtrotation can take place about the edge. Fixed edge moments taken from Tables 1, 2 or 3 are usually dissimilar in adjacent panels and the differences, which correspond to unbalanced moments, tend to ratat!: the edge. When the artificial restraint is removed they will induce additional moments in the panels. The final end moments may be obtained by adding fnduced moments and the fixed end moment, at the edge. These final end moments should be identical on either side of the common edge. 2.2.1 The application of moment distribution to the case of co'ntinuoUi tank walls is not al simple as that of the framed structures, because in the ~ -Code or practice Cor plain aDd reinforced r.ODcrete ( .'..4 MJiliM). 11.117I ( Part IV ). IN7 fonDer case the moments should be distributed simultan~oully all along the entire length of the side edge so "that moments become equal at both sides at any point of the edge. A simplified approximation would be di.. . tribution of moments at five-points, namely, the quarter-points, the midpoint and the bottom, The end moments in the two intersecting slabs may be made identical at these five-points and moments at interior points adjusted accordingly. The moment coefficients computed in the manner described are tabulated in Tables 5 and 6 for top and bottom edge conditions as shown for single-cell tanks with a large number of ratios of b]« and cla, b being the' larger and c the smaller of the horizontal tank dimensions. 2.2.2 Wh('n a tank is built underground, the walls should be investigated for both internal and external pressure. This may be due to earth pressure or to a combination of earth and ground water pressure. Tables 1 to 6 may be applied in the case of pressure from either side but the signs will be opposite. In the case of external pressure, the actual load distribution may not necessarily be triangular, as assumed in Tables 1 to 6. For example, in case of a tank built below ground with earth covering the roof slab, there will be a trapezoidal distribution of lateral earth pressure on the walls. In this case it gives a fairly good approximation to substitute a trian,le with same area as the trapezoid representing the actual load distribution. The intensity of load is the same at mid-depth in both cases, and when the wall is supported at both top and bottom edge, the discrepancy between the the triangle and the trapezoid will have relatively little effect at and near the supported edges. Alternatively, to be more accurate, the coefficients moments and forces for rectangular and triangular distribution of load may be added to get the final results. or 2.3 Shear CoeSdeDt. - The values of shear force along the edge of • tank wall would be required for investigation of diagonal tension and bond Along vertical edga, the ahear in one wall will cauae axial ten.ion in the adjacent wall and should be combined with the bending moment for the purpose oC determining the tensile reinforcement. ~ atreIIeI. wan 2.1.1 Shear coefficients for a panel ( of width 6, height CI and subjected to hydrostatic pressure due to • HCJuid of density rD ) considered fised at the two vertical edges and usumed &Inged at top and bottom edges are Fig. 1 and Table 7. pftD in 2.1.2 Shear coefficients for the lame wall ~el considered fixed at t~e two vertical edges and auumed hinged at the bottom but free at top edge are pven in Fig. 2 and Table 8. 2.s.s It would be evident &om Table 7, that the difFerence between the shear Cor 6/. - 2 and in8Dity DSO 11II&11 that there is no neceaity Cor computing coeflicients for intermediate values. When bJd is large, a vertical strip ofthe slab near the mid-point orthe b.dimenuon will behave eesentially 6 IS : 3370 ( Part IV ) • 11&7 as a simply supported one-way slab. The total pressure on a strip of unit height is 0·5 wa' ofwhich two-thirds, or 0·33 wat is the reaction at the bottom support and one-thirds, or 0·17 wall, is the reaction at the top. It may be seen from Table 17 that the shear at mid-point of the bottom edre is 0-329 wat for bla == 2-0, the coefficient being very close to that of 1/3 for infinity. In other words, the maximum bottom shear is practically constant for all values of b]« greater than 2. This is correct only when the top edge is supported, not when it is free. At the corner the shear at the bottom edge is negative and is numerically greater than the shear at the mid-point- The change from posrtive to negative shear occurs approximately at the outer tenth-points of the bottom edge. These high negative values at the corners arise from the fact that deforrnations in the planes of the supporting slabs arc neglected in the basic equations and arc, therefore, of only theoretical significance. These shears may be disregarded for checking shear and bond stresses. TOP HINGED ~ o e-1 ~ ~~ ~I--~ ~ ~"" ~ 0-2 , 1'\1 I, l'~ . &I 1I ... ~ ~~ 'I ~lI 't~ ..,-.t--~ ~~ ~,~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ r-. ~~ ~~ ~~ , 1-0o . ~~ ~ ~ ~p-. ~~ ~~ "'~ I"l ~ ~ ~ "'~l.~~.- !! ~ 0-1 , I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"'~ ~~ ~ 0-9 ~ ....b/a = INfiNITY , t' -, ~ ~~"- ~~~/a :2 b/• • 1..J III Ii I . tt 1 i ~~ G: '''b/a If 1/2 ~ ~ 0-2 jill~ i-li ~~~~j;i ~~ ~ ~~ 'J IJ'i~~~~9~ i~~?'~ 0-3 0-4 &HEAR PER UNIT LENGTH : COEFFICIENT x 'Ill .. _ hei,ht or the wall , - width of the wall ., _ density of the liquid causinl hydrostatic pressure FlO. COBPPICIItNTI '"OR WALL PANEL, FIXBD AT' Va.TICAL HINOED AT Top AND BOTTOM EOOE5' ·. 7 Eooa., II. U70 ( Pan IV ) .1117 TOP FREE o ~"- ~ ~~ ~ "'~ , ~ ~"~ , "-,.. ~'" ~lIlI ,...~ r--~ ., ~. --~Ilrt. ~~ 4b/•• 1 ~ fatS ~~ !Ill ~~ ~~ "- t-.~ ~~---- ~~ ~r-- "'It. ~~ 1·0 o 0-1 .. J ",'" "~ ~~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 01 ~ , , ~ ~ , ~ ~~ llilI~ ~~ ~ t/•• 1/2I ,~ ~"--. ~~ b/•• 2 f u. J,' · ~ 1111'1 'J~b/•• 3 "'~Ill. ~. •• 0-2 ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~ ,~ ...... ~~ ~. --- ~'R~rpr, r~~ 0-3 0e4 SHEAR PER UNIT LENGTH • COEFFicIENT • • 1 • - beiabt of the: wall II - width 01 the wall III - demity 01 the liquid cauaing hydroltatic prasure FlO. 2 eo.PftCJ&IITI 1'0R WALL PANBL t FIXBD AT Va.TICAL HINGED AT Bonoy EDO~ AND FREB AT Top EDGZ Eoo.., The unit shears at the fixed edge in Table 7 have been used for plotting the curves in Fig. 1. It would be seen that there is practically no change in the shear curves beyond b[a == 2-0. The maximum value occun at a depth below the top somewhere between 0-6a and 0-&. Fig. 1 will be found useful for determination oCshear or axial tension for any ratio of /Jla and at any point of a fixed side edge. 2.3.4 The total shear from top to bottom of one fixed edge in Table 7 should be equal to the area within the correspondmg curve in Fig. 1. The total shean computed and tabulated for hinged top may be used in making certain adjustments 10 as to determine approximate values of shear for walls with free top. These are given in Table 8. For /Jla fID l/2 in Table 7, total.shear at the top edge is so small al to be practically zero, and for bla-I·O the total shear, 0·005 2, is only one percent of the total hydrostatic pressure, o-SO. Therefore, it would be reasonable to assume that removing the top support will not Dl&tcrially change the totallpean at any of the other three edges when IJ /.-1/2 and I. S III 3370 ( Part IV ) • 1967 At 6/1'-2-0 there is a substantial shear at the top edge when hinged, 0-053 8, so that the sum of the total shears on the other three sides is only 0-44 62. If the top support is removed, the other three sides should carry a total of 0-50_ A reasonable adjustment would be to multiply each of the three remaining total shears by 0-50/0-4462==1-12, an increase of 12 percent. This has been done in preparing Table 8 for 6/0-2-0_ A similar adjustment hal been made for 6/a=t3·0 in which case the increase is 22 percent, 2.3.5 The total shears recorded in Table 8 have been used for determination of unit shears which are also recorded in Table 8. Considering the shear curves in Fig, 1 and assuming that the top is changed from hinged to free, for lIia=! and I, it would make little difference in the total shear, that is, in the area within the shear curves, whether the top is supported or not. Consequently, the curves for bjac=l and 1 remain practically unchanged. For 6/(,1==2 an adjustment has become necessary for the case with top free. A change in the support at the top has little effect upon the shear at the bottom of the fixed edge. Consequently, the curves in Fig. 1 and 2 are nearly identical at the bottom. Gradually, as the top is approached the curves Cor the free top deviate more and more from those for the hinged top as indicated in Fig. 2. By trial, the curve for b/a=2 has been so adjusted that the area within it equals the total shear for one fixed edge for 6/.-2-0 in Table 8. A similar adjustment has been made for 6/G==3-0 which is the limit for which moment coefficients are given. Comparison of Fig_ 1 and Fig. 2 would show that whereas for IJ/a ss 2'Oand 3·0 the total shear is increased 12 and 22 percent respectively when the top is free instead of hinged, the maximum shear is increased but slightly, 2 percent at the most. The reason for this is that most of the increase in shear is near the top where the shears are relatively slDall. The same procedure has been applied, for adjustment of unit shear at mid-point of the bottom, but in this case the greatest change resuIting from making the top free is at the mid-point where the shetar is large for the hinged top condition. For example, for 6/(1=-3-0, the unit shear at mid-point of the bottom is 0-33 wal with hinged top but 0·45 Will with free top. an increase of approximately one-third. 2.3.6 Although the shear coefficients given in Tables 7 and 8 are for wall panels with fixed vertical edges, the coefficients may be applied with satisfactorv results to any ordinary tank wall, even if the vertical edges are not fully fixed. 3. CYUNDRICAL TANKS 3.1 RID. Tea.loa .Dd Momeat. I. Wall. 3.1.1 WQIl with Fi:cld Bas' alld Free Top, Subject,d ItI 'Irian..I l"lor Loa« ( Fi,. 3 ) - Walls built continuous with their footings arc sometime d~~iJtnf'cl as though the base was fixed and the top free, although ~tri(·tJy ~p«,akinJ· 9 IS I 3370 ( Pan IV ) • 1967 the base is seldom fixed) but it is helpful to start with this assumption and then to go on to the design procedures for other more correct conditions. Ring tensions at various heights of walls oC cylindrical tanks fixed at base, free at top, and subjected to triangular load are given in Table 9. lvloments in cylindrical wall fixed at base, free at tcp and subjected to triangular load are given in Table 10. Coefficients for shear at base of cylindrical wall are given in Table II. FlO. 3 WALL WITH FIXED BAsa AND FREE TO TltlANOULAR LOAD Top SUBJECTBD 3.1.2 Wall ,oi," Hinged Bas« and Fre« Top, Su6jteted 10 Triangular Load ( Fig. 4 ) - The values given in 3.1.1 are based on the assumption that the base Joint is continuous and the footin, is prevented from even the smallest rotation of kind shown exaggerated In Fig. 4. The rotation required to reduce the fixed base moment from lome de6nite val~ to, say, zero i. much smaller than rotations that may occur when normal settlement takes place in subgrade. It may be difficult to predict the behaviour the subgrade and its effect upon the restraint at the base, but it is more reasonable to assume that the bale is hinged than &xed, and the hinged-based assumption gives a safer design. Ring tensions. and moments at different heights wall cylindrical tank are liven in Tables 12 and 13 respective1r.. Coefficients fOr shear at base cylindrical wall are given in Table 1 • or or FlO. 4 or or WALL WITB HDlO&D BAIS AND Fa.B TRIANGULAR LoAD 10 Top SUBJBCT&D TO U I 3370 ( Part IV ) • 1967 The actual condition of restraint at a wall footing as in Fig. 3 and 4 is between fixed and hinged, but probably closer to hinged. The comparison of ring tension and moments in cylindrical walls with the end conditions in 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 shows that assuming the base hinged lives conservative although not wasteful design, and this assumption is, therefore, generally recommended, Nominal vertical reinrorcement in the inside curtain lapped with short dowels across the bue join IS will 8uif"tee. This condition is considered satisfactory for open-top ranks with wall footings that are not continuous with the tank bottom, except that allowance should usually be made for a radial displacement or the footing. Such a displacement is discussed in 3.1.5. If the wall is made continuous ttt top or base. or at both, the continuity..should also be considered. 'These conditions are given. in 3.1.6. 3.1.3 Wall wilh Hingtd Base ontl Fret Top, Subjttlld 10 Trapezoidal Load ( Fig. 5 ) - In tank used for storage of liquids subjected to vapour pressure and also in cases where liquid surface may rise considerably a.bove the top of the wall, as may accidently happen in case of underground tanks) the pressure on tank walls is a combination of the triangular hydrostatic pressure plus unifonnly distributed loading. This combined pressure will have a trapezoidal distribution as shown in Fig. 5, \vhich only represents the loading condition, without considering the effect of roof which is discussed in 3.1.4. In this case, the coefficients for ring' tension l"ftay be taken from Tables 12 and 1(~. Coefficients for shear at the base ere given in Table 11. Coefficients for moments per unit width are given in Table 13. Fro. 5 WALL WITB HmGED BASE AND FREB TO TRAPEZOIDAL LOAD wi'" Top SUBJECTED· '.1.4 Wall S . APllied at Top (Fig. 6 ) - ~'hen the top of the cylindrical wall is dowelled to the roof slab, it may hot be. able to move freely as assumed in 3.1.1 to. 3.1.3.. W~en displacement is prev~tedJ !he top cannot expand and the nng tension IS zero at top. rf T kg IS the ring tension at 0·0 H when the top is free to expand as in 3.1.3, the. value ofshcar Y can .be found from Table .15 as bdow: f'R T== -~H or 11 ~I II" ( Pan .IV ) • 1117 Y NT --x;- where • - the coefficient obtained from Table 15 depending upon · HI t herauo m FlO. 6 WALL WITH SHaAR ApPLIBD AT Top 3.1.5 JVal1 with Shear Applied at Btu« - Data given in Table 15 may also be approximately applied in cases where shear is at the base of the wall, ~ in Fig. 7J which illustrates a case in which the base of the wall is displaced radially by application of a horizontal shear Y having an inwMI'd direction. Wh~n the base is hinged, the displacement will be zero and the reaction on wall will be inward in direction. When the base is sliding, there will be largest possible displacement but the reaction will be zero Fro. 7 WALL WITH SHEAR ApPLIBD AT BAsa . .3.1_6 J.~rQll wit" ~\lonu~' Applied at ,Top - When the top of the wall and f~, ltl~.,1"oof sial) are made continuo~s as shown in Fig. 8" the deflection of the roof will tend to rotate the top j(xnt and introduce a moment at the-top of the ".a11. In such cases, data in Tables 16 and 17 will be found useful although they are prepared fO.f moment applied at one end of tile wall when 12 D I 3370 ( Pan IV ). 1117 the other is free. These tables may also be applied with good degree of accuracy. when the free end is hinged or fixed. 8 WALL WITH ~fO"BNT ApPLIED AT Tor3.1.7 Data for moments in cylindrical walls fixed at base and free at top alad subjected to rectangular load are covered in Table 18, and the data for momene in cylindrical wall, fixed at base, free at top, subjected to shear applied at the top arecovered in Table 19. 3.2 Mo. . .t. i. Clftular Slab. - Data for moments in circular slabs with varioul edge conditions and subjected to different loadings are given FlO, in Tables 20 to 23.. . IS II. JS7I ( Part IV ) • 1967 TAo.U 1 MOMENT coanCIENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL WALL PANEL. TOP AND BOTTOM lUNGED. VERTICAL ItDOEI FIXED (CltlftS's 2_1, 2.•2 .nd 2.2.2 ) d .& hrighi (If t-t tl-e wall y 6 - width of the \" all UI - density of the liquid Hnnlontal moment \'c(tical 'C:' l\f" It,.3 moment .;::: ~V~ Uta' X 0/4 -':LO x]« ~-OO M. (5) +0·010 +0-016 +0·013 +0·026 +0·044 +0-041 (6) +0·011 +0·017 +0-014- +0-031 ·...0·011 +0-0+7 +0-017 +0'015 +0-021 +0'03& +0-036 +0·010 +0-017 +0,014 +0·025 +0-042 +O'04J +0-013 ...·0·020 +0-016 ...·0·015 +0'028 +0'029 +0-009 ..·0-013 ~~/4 +0-020 +0·03(. +0·036 1;41/2 ".O·()28 I,!'. ! :~ 1;'.1 1 .;.) 1:41/2 :i/4 1-75 1·50 1·25 li4 li2 -~O·OI3 (8) -0·039 -0-063 -0-055 -0-008 -0,012 -0,011 -0-038 -0,062 -0-055 +0·013 -0'007 -0-012 -0-011 -0,037 -0,059 -0·053 +0-011 +0-023 +0'025 +0·008 +0·013 +0·012 -0-007 -0-011 -0-010 -0·035 -0·057 -0-051 +0·008 +0·016 +0020 +0·007 +0·011 of 0·011 -0-006 -0-010 -0'''32 +0·011 +°0115 +0·005 +0-009 +0-009 -0·009 -0-009 -0,007 -0,007 -0-035 -0-035 .... O·Ol.~ -O·0~2 +0·030 J,.. +0·009 +0-019 +0·023 +0·012 -i-O-OI9 +0-017 +0'005 +0'011 +0·016 1·0-016 -1-0,002 'f-O-OOb +0·014- +O'U09 +0-003 +0-006 ,"0-007 ·to-OOI 3'4 +0·005 +0·009 .. O·OOtj +0'011 +0·011 -.. 0·000 +0·002 +0·005 +0·002 +0-003 +0·005 -0·002 -0,004 -0-005 -0·012 -0-022 -0'025 J/4li2 3/4 +0.000 +0-001 +0'004 +O-O,l.J -+-0005 fl-OOU -1.0·001 ~·O'OOJ +0·007 -0·005 -0'010 +0·002 --·0·001 --0·002 -0-003 If4 1/2 3/~ 1/4 1/2 0·50 +0-015 ...·0·020 +0·017 (7). -0·008 -0-013 -0-011 ~J/4 3/+ 0·75 +O-O~2 .1 CI 6/2 "-----, Me Mfl 4--0-021 +0·017 1/2 1·00 f M. :~/4 2,00 -4 (.f.) ,1..: ·i.:4 2-50 .1,1. r . (:i; +0·035 +0·057 +O-Oil ~Iz (1) ""--~ J' -= 6/1t ~·O·~) 14 .....0·014 +0·001 +O ltOO7 -0,010 -0-048 -0-006 -0-028 -0-004- -0-045 -0,043 -0-020 -0-(n4 IS I 337' ( Part IV ) • IM7 TABLE 2 MOMENT COERICIENTS .OR INDlVmVAL WALL PANEL. TOP I'REE. BOTrOM HINGED, VERnCAL EDGES nXED (Claw,s 2.1, 2.2 and 2.2.2 ) II ~ height of the wan II ~ width of the \vall W &: d~nsity of r-- 1--r- 1- , V the liquid Horizont•.J moment -= Atl. wa 3 Vertic;al moment bla -= ~l. wa 3 ~ (1) (2) 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 2-50 2-00 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 0 1/4 1/2 1·75 3/4 0 l/i 1/2 3/4 1·50 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 1·25 )·00 0 1/4 1/2 3j4 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 0·75 0 1/4 1/2 0'';0 0 1/4 3/4 1/2 3/4 J..y =: ""'---~ M~ 3·00 wa y=o Mia (3) AI.JJ (4) (5) +0-070 +0·061 +0·M9 +0·046 0 +0·024 +0·042 +0·041 +0·049 +o-O:la 0 +0-016 +0·033 +0·035 ° +0·013 +0'028 +0·031 +0-030 +0·061 +0·053 +0·044 +0·027 +0·045 +0·042 +0·036 +0·024 0 +0·015 +0-032 +0-03-10 +0·010 +-0·025 +0-030 +0·036 0 +0·000 +0-035 +0·032 +0·005 +0·017 -+-0-021 +0-011 +0·022 +(1-006 +0·027 0 +0·028 +0·027 +0·020 +0·017 +0·020 +0·023 +0-017 +0·010 +O·OO:i +0·012 +0·017 +0·013 +0·017 +0-000 +0·015 +0-005 +0-008 +0·011 +0·012 +0·002 +0·004 +0·006 +0·008 ;-0'009 0 +0'000 +0-002 +0·006 ° +0·002 +0-010 +0·015 0 +0·001 +0·005 +0·010 0 +0'000 +0·002 +0-007 +O-g22 +0-020 +0-025 0 +0·005 +0-017 +0·021 AI. (6) +0-027 +0-028 +0·026 +0-018 +0-019 -+ 0-022 +0·016 +0·011 +0·014+0·016 -f-O'014 () +0·009 +0-022 +0·027 0 X 15 y 1m A.-_~ Itl. 0 b/~ () +0-002 +0·009 +0·013 0 +0'005 0 +0-000 +0·001 +0·002 +0-014 +0-012 +0·005 +0·008 +0·011 +0-011 +0·003 +0-005 +0-009 +0·009 +0·002 +0·003 +0-006 +0-007 +0·001 +0-002 +0·004 +0·00+ +0·000 +0-001 +0-002 +0-002 A M~ 6/2 ~ M" (7) (8) 0 -0-034 -0-027 -0-017 0 -0-026 - 0·013 -O-()16 0 -0'019 - 0·018 -0,013 0 -0,015 -0-015 - 0-012 0 -0·196 -0-170 -0,137 -0,087 -0-138 -0·132 -0,115 -0012 -0·013 -0'010 -0-07R -O-O!tl ·-O-O~ -0-089 -0-065 -0-071 -0,076 -0,076 -0,059 -0·0.52 --0-059 -0·063 -0'0~2 0 -0,034 -0-008 -0·010 -0-009 0 -0·005 -0-007 -0'007 0 -0·003 -0·004 -0-005 0 -0·001 -0-002 -0·003 -O'O"~ -0,049 -0-(»4 -0·019 -0-025 --0'036 -0'036 -0,008 -0'013 -0·022 -0,026 -O·OO:i -0·005 -0,010 -0,014 IS: 3370 (P...t IV ).1167 TAaLE 3 MOMENT COEIYICIENTI POR INDIVIDUAL WALL PANEL, TOP FREE, aO'lTOM AND VERTICAL EDGBS nXED ( Clmu,s 2.1, 2.1.1,2.2 and 2.2.2 ) heisht of the wall II - IJ ~ width of th~ wall u' :: dt'n~il>· of the liquid I Jori7onlal moment \ (OrtiC'"al moment ~ AI. Will == AI. u'tI' X bltl xla .7- 0 "..._ _ _ ~, -_ _ ----A. 6./2 M. AI. M. M. M. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (2) (3) :l·00 0 0 0 +0'025 +0·014- 0 -0-082 1/.- ..1-0·010 +0·019 +0·007 +0·013 -0·014 -0·071 1/2 +0·005 +0·010 +0·008 +0·010 -0·011 -0,055 3/4 -0'033 -0·004 -0·018 -0,000 -0,006 -0-028 -0·126 -0,025 -0,092 -0,018 0 +0·013 0 1 0 1/4 1/2 2·00 r---..A....----~ ~/. (I) 2·50 ,,- 6/4 ..A._~ 0 -0-013 -0·066 +0·008 +0·010 -0·011 -0-053 -0,010 -0·001 -0·005 -0·027 +0·011 +0·014-4),001 -0·022 -0-077 . -0·021 I I,.. +0·013 +0·022 -0,108 0 +0·013 0 +0·027 +0·023 -0,074 +0·007 +0·012 3'4 0 0 +0·027 0 +0·006 -0·015 0 +0·009 0 0 -0·060 +0·010 -0,012 -O·ott -0-027 )/2 +0·015 +0-016 +0·010 +0·010 -0-100 3/4 -0·008 ....0-003 -0·002 -0-005 J -().086 -0-017 -0-059 +0·003 -0-012 0 -0·059 0 ( CMlillw4: 16 IS I 3370 ( Part IV ) • 1117 TAIIL& I IIOMDJT counclENTI .0. INDIVIDUAL WALL PANEL, TOP . . . ., BOtTOM ANI) VERnCAL UJGEI I1XED- CMItl I,. ./. ,==0 ~~ .J == 6/4 J - 6/2 -A._~ M. M. M. A M. M. M. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1·7' 0 1/4 0 +0-012 +0·016 -0-002 -0-074- +0·025 +0·022 +0-016 -0·005 -0-015 0 +0-005 +0·010 +0-001 -0·050 +0·907 +0-008 +0·009 -0·004 -0-010 0 -0·010 -0·009 -0·005 -0·052 -O·Oj6 -0-027 3/4 0 +0-008 +o.()) 6 -0·003 0 +0·004 +0·010 +0·003 I -0-060 +0-021 +0·020 +0-016 -0·006 -0·012 -O·Of) +0·005 +0·007 +0-008 -0·004 -0-008 0 -0·009 -0·008 -0·005 0 0 0 +0-005 +0-014 +0-006 -0-047 +0·015 +0-015 +0·015 +0·007 -0,009 0 +0-002 +0·008 +0-005 -0·031 +0·003 +0·005 +0·007 +0·005 -0-006 0 -0·007 -0·007 -0·005 0 +0·009 +0-011 +0-013 -0-008 0 +0·000 +0-002 +0-003 +0-005 -0-005 -0·006 +0-005 -0·022 +O·oot -O·oat 0 +0-000 +0-002 +0-003 -0-015 +0·001 +0-002 +0·003 +0·003 -0-003 1/2 3/4 1 I-50 ° 1/4 Ifl 1-25 II· 1/2 3/4 I 1-0 0 +€J.OO2 1/2 1 +0-009 +0·008 -0-035 0 1/4 0 +0-001 1/2 3/4 +0·005 +0-007 1 -Oe02t 3/f "75 0-50 0 1'4 0 ° 1/4 1/2 +0-000 +0·002 3/4 +o-oot 1 -0-015 -0·007 +0·004 +0-008 +0·010 +0-007 -0-005 to-005 0 +0-001 +0-005 +0-006 +0.00& -0-003 +0-000 +0-001 +0-001 -0·008 17 -0-005 +0'000 +0-001 +0-001 +0-001 -0-002 0 0 0 0 -o-0d2 -0-003 -0·003 0 0 -0-001 -0-002 -0-001 0 -0-050 ° -0·040 -0-0+' -0-042 ...0-026 0 -0-029 -0-03' -0-0'7 -O-02f 0 -0·018 -0·025 -0-029 -0-020 0 -0-007 -0-011 -0-017 -0-013 0 -0-002 -().004 -0-009 -0-007 0 I IS I 3370( Part IV ) • 1967 TABLE 4 MOMENT COEFFICIENTS FOR UNlI'ORM LOAD ON RECTANGULAR PLATE HINGED AT I'OUll EDGES (Clauses 2.1.2 lind 2.2.2 ) « all height of the wall 6 == width of the wall W all density of the liquid Horizontal moment :a M. wei J Vertical moment - M. ~~I • '- )'==0 b/" r--------'----~ y -=.A./)/4- ,--__ M. AI" AI. ~ M. (6) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) "00 1/. +0·089 +0-118 +0·022 +O·Ol9 +0·077 ;-O-JOI +0·025 -+-0-034 1/2 +0-085 +0·112 ;. 0·021 +O·Oi2 +0-070 +0·092 +0-027 +0-037 1/41/2 +0-076 +0·)00 +C·027 -to'061 +0·078 TO-028 -+~O-037 1/4 1/2 +0·070 +0·091 -f 0·029 +0-04-0 ",·0-054 +0·029 +0-070 +0-059 1/4 1/2 +0·061 +0-078 +0·031 +0-043 +0·047 +0-059 +0·029 +0-040 1/2 1/4 2-00 1·75 I-50 1-00 1/4 +0·049 +0·033 1/2 +0-063- +O-OH +0-010 +0-047 +0·029 +0039 1/4 +0·036 +0-044- +0-033 +0·044 +0·027 +0'033 +0·027 -+ 0·036 +0·022 +0'025 +0-029 +0-038 +0'016 +0-018 +0'023 +0-030 +0·010 +0'009 +0·020 +0·007 +0-007 +0-015 +0'019 1/2 0-75 1/4 J/2 0·50 +0-038 1/-1 1/2 +0-025 18 ~ ... 0 S-OO 2-50 (2) (1) lit 1/2 S'4 0 3/4 1/2 1/. ~ -I· t (S~ M. ~ .0·050 +0-030 +(HM9 +0-016 0 +0.016 +0-033 +0-037 +Oe06S +0-073 0 +0-028 +0.026 +0-018 +0-028 +(H)27 (6) ~ +0-033 +G-OSS +0.fJ29 +0-020 ... ..". 0 +0-015 +0-032 , 1-0-034 +O~ +0-070 +0-0&1 (+) M. • =- M• • • +0-030 0 <'l M. At IJlOIDeIll .,-0 +0-028 +O-0t9 +o-ot6 • Vertical Horizontal moment - M. waI • - cleasity or the liquid • - width of the wall • .. heilht 01 the wall • 0 (7) M. ~ ..i(2 -0-025 -0-017 0 -~O30 -0-027 -0·017 -(H)Jf • A -().I69 -0-151 -0-1!6 -O-o&f -0-196 -0-170 -0-137 -(HJ87 (8) M. ~-~ A (a-. 2.2.2) , +0..02! +0-029 ~0-009 0 +0-054 +O.cm +O·()lS 0 (9) M. M. 0 +0.022 +0·041 +0-040 +0·014 +0-017 +0-014 +0-0&1 +0-043 +0-027 +0-057 +0-050 +O-0t9 +0-030 +0-070 (12) AI. , ' (~) ,,&. Z-o +CH)I~ (II) , +0·027 +0-028 +0.026 +0·018 , 0 +0-028 +0-049 +0-046 (10) M. z-=t'/4 r-------" TAKa 5 IIOIIDIT _ _ ftJa T. . . . wrra WALU . . . . AT TOP AJID iiINUDI AT 8OTI01I .. ! J ~ ~ r ~ I • I 0 N 1/4 1/2 3/4 0 3/4 °1/2 1/4 0-75 0.75 ().SC) 0-50 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/4 1/2 3/4 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 0 1/4 1/2 1/. 3/4 0 1/2 1/4 +0-035 +0-057 +0'051 0 +0-035 +().()57 +0-051 0 +0-035 +0·057 +0'052 0 +0-036 +0'057 +0-052 0 +0-050 +0-046 0 +().035 +0·057 +0-051 +0·029 +0-050 +0-046 0 • f ° (5) M. M. Me -0·006 -0-010 -0-009 0 -0·005 -0,008 -0·008 0 -0-004 -0-007 -0-007 -O-O2! -0,016 0 -0·025 -0,021 -0·015 0 -0,007 -0-011 -0·010 0 -0-006 -0-011 -0·010 ° 4 M. ~ (8) -0-146 -0·133 -0,113 -0,078 -0·137 -0-125 -0·106 -0-074 -0-129 +0-035 -0·057 -0·051 -0·122 -0·032 -0·053 -0·048 -0·118 -0·029 -0-048 -0-044 -0·120 -0·025 -0·042 -0·039 -0·130 -0-021 -0-035 -0-053 A .1==6/2 (7) 0 -0,027 ---. , (6) +0-039 +0-056 +0-052 +0'021. +0-041 +0-038 +0·033 +0'021 +0-043 +0'011 +0-017 +0'014 +0·045 +0-011 +0·017 +0·014+0'047 +0-011 +0-017 +0'014+0-047 +0·011 +0·017 +0-014 +0-047 +0-011 +0·017 +0-014 -A. .1-=6/4 +0-017 +0·035 +0-037 0 +0·018 +0'036 +0-031 +0-037 +0-077 0 +0-010 +0-027 +0'015 +0·045 +0·013 +0·042 +0-078 0 +0-010 +0-027 +0-015 +0·046 +0·013 +0·042 0 +0079 +0·010 +0-027 +0-015 +0-046 +0·013 +0·043 0 +0'079 +0'010 +0·028 +0'015 +0·046 +0·013 +0·043 +0-078 0 +0·010 +0-028 +0·015 +0-047 +Oe013 +0-043 (4) M. ,-0-075 +U·065 +0-051 +0-031 +0·076 +0-065 +0-052 .7==0 .... +t....tf9 P M. (3) f (2) t 0 ./. 1·00 l.oG 1·25 1-25• 1·5 I-50 1·75 (1) 2-00· 'I· M. #t .1 ·M. (9) (10) -0-005 0 +0·002 -0-002 +0-016 +0'005 +0·022 +0-008 0 -0-018 -0·003 -0-012 +0'011 -·0·003 +0·018 +0-004 0 -0-033 +0-007 +0·006 +0·015 +0·010 +0·019 +0'011 -0,052 0 +0·003 +0·003 +0·008 +0·006 +0'013 +·0·008 -0-07'4 0 - ·0·001 +0-000 +0·002 +0·002 +0·007 +0·004 -().098 0 -0·003 -0·005 -0·003 -0·005 +0-002 -0-002 0 -0·126 .J..O-Q04 -0-011 -0-007 -0·OJ6 -0·004 -0·010 , z=-e/4 (11) M. 0 -0·002 -0·001 +0·006 0 -0-005 -01l06 -0-001 +0-013 ° +0'007 +0'023 +0-027 0 +0'014 +0'027 +0·029 0 +0·008 +0·011 +0·021 0 +0·002 +0·007 0 +0-013 +0-030 +0'034 t T.YLB 5 MOMENT CO.....CIENTI FOil TANKa WIT!I WAU.S nEE AT TOP AND lUNGED AT IlalTOM-OIIIItl 6/.=-3'0 • -0-092 +0·031 +0·032 +0-029 +0'020 +0-014+0·018 +0'020 +0·015 -0·006 +0·013 +0-020 +0-017 -0-031 +0·011 +0·017 +0·016 -0·060 +0·008 +0·014 +0·013 (12) M. , +0·001 +0·007 +0-007 -0-123 -0·008 -0-010 -0-00-1 ( C.,bUlltl ) "'" ~==O • ..! ...... ~ :l ~ ....... i •...- ~ to I-SO 1-75 240 0 1/4 2-50 1/2 3/. 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 0 1/4 S/4 1/2 1/4 0 1/2 3/4 (2) (I) ,,. -I· , +0-068 +0-0&7 +0-057 +o-cM7 +0-028 +O·(H6 +0-028 +(H)55 +0-065 +0-061 +0-053 +0-044 +0-027 (4) M. +0-026 +0451 +CHM5 +0-0+7 +CHMS +0-029 0 +CHMS 0 +0-025 +0-044 0 +0-025 +O·Of3 +0-042 +H24 +CHM2 +CHMI 9 (3) •M. . .7-0 • 0 (5) M. +0-030 +0-030 +0-027 +0·019 +0-035 0 +0-013 +0.029 +0-033 0 +CH)M +0-030 +0-029 +0-019 +0-01. +Oe032 +0-026 +0-027 +0-025 +0-018 +0-016 +0·022 +0-022 +0-019 (6) "" M. 9 0 +0-012 +0-028 +0-031 +0-025 +0-030 +0-010 t ~-"4 (8) ~) 0 -0-019 -0-018 -0-013 -0'" -0-063 -O-IOS -0-104 -0·096 -0e066 ° -0-100 -0-097 -0·118 -0-113 -0-102 -0-070 0 -0-023 -0·020 -0-014 -0-021 -0-019 -0-013 • -0-158 -0-132 -0-115 -0-078 M. M. 0 -0-026 -().023 -0-016 , ,,-612 ,. 4 '/.-.z2-5 (9) M. • +O-Ol~ +0-008 (Caa,i. ') +0-013 +0-017 +0-015 +0-017 +CHJ08 0 +o-oot +CHJOI +H24 -0-012 -0-002 -O-OJ8 +H25 +0-019 ..LCHJ25 +0-026 +G-OSS +(MJ22 +0-052 +0e0SI +0e0S7 +H34 0 +O-OJ5 +0-027 +CHMt +H5S +0-0&1 (12) +CHJ08 +0-029 -CHJ02 +G-OOf 0 -(;-003 ° (II) M. 0 +0-010 +0-025 -0-006 +G-OOS +0-006 +0-011 +0-011 0 +0-013 +0-019 t • • M. • z-o +00024 +0-022 +0-0.2 +0-016 +0-011 +0-022 +0-019 (10) M. +CH)OI +0-023 0 +0-005 +0·018 0 +0-010 +0-025 +0-030 t rA ~-'14 TAaa 5 .......... 0Wi.-.rn . . . T. . . . WIIB WAUa . . . . AT TOIP~ _ _ AT 8OftOII-CMItI I I i ~ :f • ~ • • ~ N 0 1-25 0·50 0-75 1·00 (2) (I) 0 l/f 1/2 3/4 3/4 1/2 0 Ilf 5/4 1/2 1/4 0 314 1/2 1/4 .,. ,I. r t ° +0-025 +O-oM +0·04-2 0 +0·025 +0·045 +0·043 0 +0·026 +0-0t6 +0·044 0 +0-026 +D-0t5 +G-OM (3) M. ~ M. • +0·069 +0·059 +0·046 +0·028 +0·070 +0·060 +0·047 +0·029 +0·070 +0-060 +O·0f8 +0-029 +0-069 +0-059 +0-048 +0·029 . (4) .1--0 (5) M. , +0·039 +0-038 +0-032 +0-019 0 +0-014 +0-028 +0·032 +0-037 +0·036 +0·032 +0·021 +0·0'5 >+0·034 +0-031 +0·020 (6) M. +0·038 +0·031 +0·032 +0·020 .A 0 +0-015 +0·030 +0·033 0 +0·015 +0-031 +0·033 0 +0-015 +0-031 +0-034 r .,:=11/4 (7) -0-015 -0·014-0·010 0 0 -0-016 -0·014-0·011 0 -0·017 -0·015 -0·011 0 -0·018 -0·016 -0·012. . 0 ° -0·080 -0·075 -0·068 -0,052 -0·019 -0-014 -0·003 0 -> -0·014 -0·008 +0·002 0 -0·010 -0-003 +0·006 -0·082 -0-078 -0-071 -0-054 -0·087 -0-083 -0·077 -0·056 -0-089 -0·082 -0·059 (9) M. A 'I , 0 -0-081 -0·072 -0·056 -0-030 ( CMlil&wtl ) -0·048 -0-026 -0·080 -0·068 -0·055 -0-042 -0·025 -0-011 0 -0-014 -0·009 +0-003 -0·019 -0,017 -0·002 , -0-010 -0·003 +0-007 +0·008 . (12) M. -0·062 -0·053 -0·035 -0·016 A -0-032 -0·021 -0·008 -0·000 ° -0·002 +0·008 +0·018 (11) M. 0 -0·008 -0·001 +0·011 , z=o -O·MS -0·036 -0·021 -0-008 -0-030 -0·024 -0-012 -0·002 (10) M. z..,/4 -0·006 +0-003 +0-011 , , -0-092 (8) .1='/2 A M. M. -4 .,.=2·5 TdLB 5 MOMENT COEIftCIENTI FOR TANKS wrnr WALlS . . . AT TOP AND lONGED #.T IIOTrOM - Comtl ! ...• ~ =! ! = • ~ .. ;; a 1-25 J-5O 1-75 P +0016 0 2,00 1/2 3/. 1/4 +0.025 +0-026 +0·_ '+~3 +0-0'-1" q +0-025 +0-022 +0-026 0 +0-009 +(H)!6 3/4 +0-039 +O.(J08 +0-052 +0-048 +0-035 1/2 +0-046 0 +0-009 +o-o2S +~J8 G 1/4 0 +0-025 +0·024 --lHUt +0-025 -0-014 +.0-017 --0-011 +0-019 +0-021 +0-02) +0-016 -()o012 0 -0-0J5 , -0-015 tG-050 . 5/4 8 +... +1)-036 1/2 0 0 -0·017 -0-017 -0-012 +0-015 +0-048 ~ +0e0t4 . +0-007 +~-OI7 +0-038 +CHrll +0-019 +~·p25 '+0·015 +~-024 0· +~1? 114 0 +0-014 +~-025 +0-024 +0e033 to-036 SJ4 (7) M. 0 -0-019 -0-018 -0-013 +0-011 ., -0-089 -0-065 -0-094 -0-091 (8) M. -o-ost. -0-0&9 -O«i8 ~ -;-0-077 -0-976 -0058 +0-01'1 +0-005 +0-011 -0-002 0 (11) M. (12) M. +0-042 +G-Of5 A z~O 0 +0-001 +0-011 +H02 +0-016 -0-015 -0-00+ -0-021 (G 'I • • t) +0-012 +0-011 +H05 --HaO +0-025 +0.017 +O-~ +G-0Z9 +G-021 +(H)S2 +(H)S2 +0-024 +0-020 +O.a31 +0-027 +0-012 0 +0-056 +o-os:t +0-036 0 +0-016 t +0018 +0-020 , 0 -MIO -0-002 +0-007 +0-012 +0-00+ +CHU6 +0-001 0 +0-000 +0-009 +0-015 +0-020 -:-0072 -0-001 +(H)16 +0-014 +0-014- +0-011 (10) M. +CHJ03 +0-00& 0 +~025 A z:a~/· 0 +0-006 +G-020 (9) M. . -Q-08! , -0·061 -0-081 -0-085 ..... A ~=c.(2 +OeOf2 +O~ +0-01+ +O-0S6 +0.-0 . +0.016 0 (6) (5) (f) + ~ f M. , M. +00f~ • ~-'/4 ".-=2-0 l/t 1/2 (5) M. (2) , .7a&O (I) , a/- ,/- ...~ 5 IIOIIDIT OWJiiiCiiiNft ......~ WIllI WAU.& . . . . AT TaP £Ie . . . . . AT 8Dn'OII- c.M I ."",. =-• ...... •Ir = 0-50 0·75 +(H)5.5 (5)' M• (6) M. , 0 (7) M. , +0-026 _ _ ~_~ -O·OM -0-050 -0-010 +0·025 +0-026 +0·044 +0·038 +G-037 1/2 5/4 La' -0-068 -0·014-0.. 013 +0-029 +0·011 +0·052 +0-018 1/4 +0·025 +O.Q17 -0-065 0 -0·010 -0-058 -0-062 -0-064 -0-051 (8) AI. -0-058 -0-062 -0·062 -0-049 0 -().OI2 -0,012 -0·013 -0-010 -0-012 r +0-030 +0-030 +0·029 +0-026 +0·018 +0-027 +0-027 +0-025 +0·018 • 0 +0-011 +0-025 +0·027 0 0 +0·010 +0·024 +0-027 I +O~4 • .. ~~6/2 0 +0-018 +0-051 +00038 +O'M! +00037 +0·026 0 +0-054 +0-050 +0-042 +0·026 (f) .. M. " ..6/4 sA.-- 6/...2-0 -- -0-010 -0-003 0 -0-012 -0·005 +0·002 -0-009 0 0 -0-005 -0-000 +0·006 (9) M. . A --0-026 -0-064 -0·056 -0-045 (12) .'AI. -Q-0S4 -0-012 , (~) -CHi18 -0-051 -0-061 0 -0-014 -(M)()40 , -0-044-0-031 -0-015 -0-004 -0·023 -0-013 +0-000 +0·004 Ae ~=O -0·010 -0·007 +0-001 0 -0-005 +0·001 +0·008 0 (11) • •M. -0-049 -0.040 -0·029 -0·015 -0·037 -0-025 -0·015 -0·006 (10) : M. ~==tI4 lOll TANKI WITH *AU..lI1lIZ AT TOP AND IIINGBD AT .alTOII- c:..M 0 1/2 3/4: 0 1'4 +0·037 1/2 3/4 0 (3) M. +().OS7 0 1-00 , A . .1-0 +0-019 (2) (1) • 1/4 -I· ". TAaU 5 IIOII&NT _ .. --- I ....• .:l ~ ....., ~ ., i -w .11 c... N 0·75 0·50 0 1/4 1/2 1·00 0 +0·007 +0·017 +0-018 +0-056 +0-040" 0 +0-010 +0·024 +0·028 0 1/2 3/4 1/4 +O·O:M +0·022 +0-037 +0035 +0-022 +&011 +0-025 +0-028 1/4 1/2 3/4 0 +0..007 +0-016 +0·019 +0·038 +0-019 0 +0-011 0 0 +0-006 +0·015 +0-918 0 +0-005 +0-014 +0..025 +0·028 + 0-021 +0-031 +O.()!O +0'0'1 +0·012 +0'017 +O~3 0 (5) M. • M. , +0-019 +0-020 +0-016 +0-017 +0·015 +00018 +0-019 +0-016 +0-013 +0·016 +0-017 +0-014 +0·014 +0·012 +0-012 +0-008 +0-005 +0'008 +0·011 +0·011 (6) .1==6/4 +0-035 +0·034 +0-052 +0-022 3/4 0 +0·010 +0-024 +0·027 0 1/41/2 3/4 1-25 0 +0-022 +0'027 1/2 +0·027 +0-028 +0·027 +0·020 0" +0·009 0 1/4 1·50 3/4 (+) (3) ., M. - (2) M. A: .1==0 (I) , a/· ,/- 0 -0,008 -0·009 -0-008 -0,,008 -0-008 -0,008 0 0 -0,,008 -0·010 -0-009 0 -0-010 -0·011 -0-010 0 -0,012 -00015 -0·010 (1) ,-. M. M. +0·011 -0,040 -O·(K() -0·()f4 -0·036 -0·038 -0-042 -O·()4.1 -0,027 -0-018 ~O-O30 -O'OSl 0 -0·008 -0-006 -0,002 +0-003 0 -0-005 -0-002 -0,024 -0-020 -O.o!4 -0-007 -0,045 -0·049 -0,034 +0e006 +0-006 -0-005 ..0-001 -0,016 0 -0,002 -0,010 +0-002 -0,003 +0·008' +0·002 +0-015 +0-007 0 +0·001 I (11) M. -0-004 0 -0·007 -0-006 +0·002 -0,028 -0-027 -8-020 -0-010 -0.019 -0-013 -<HJCK +0·001 -0-006 +0'001 +0'010 +0'010 +0·0) J +0-015 +0-020 +0-016 +0.027 +0-028 +0·027 +0-020 :(12) . • N. ., ( CMIitMI) + z-=o 0 -O'OOf -0,001 +0·006 +0·009 0 -0,001 +0-014 +0'018 0 +O-OCM +0-027 +0-022 • 0 +0-005 +0-008 +0-009 (10) M. +00017 +0-011 +0-012 At -0,038 -0,0+2 -0-050 -0,056 -0·048 -O·MS 0 (9) Mit ~-'I• +0-003 ., -O-QSg -0,063 -0-052 -0-052 (8) .1==6/2 ., s4- 6/_.. 1'5 TAaLB 5 IIOIDNT _ nm. TAIIID wrra WAUl . . . . AT TOP AND IIINGBD AT ~-c.M I i ..'I• '-' ~ ~ •- • 0-50 0-75 +0·009 -rO.a06 +0-001 +0·008 +0-010 +0-020 +0-014 +0'020 +0·018 +0-016 +d·OJ3 +0·011 +0-016 0 +0-003 +0-012 +0-017 1/2 3/4 0 1/.. 1/2 3/4 0 -0-002 -0·011 +0-002 -0·032 -0·031 -().006 -0·006 +0·010 +0·009 +0·001 -0,018 -0·004 +0-010 0 +0·01] 0 +0·004 -0-032 -0-006 +0-009 +0·002 -0,03) -0-007 +0·009 -0-001 -0·020 -0-004 ~ (12) +0-002 +0·006 -0·009 -0-005 -0-003 0 -0·007 +0-001 -0·005 -0-007 -0-005 +0-008 +0-009 +0-003 +0-003 +0-015 +0-017 +0-C)l3 +0·002 -0·012 , M. • +0-010 ..o ,.., +CHJ07 -0-001 0 +0-015 +0-010 +0-002 0 (11) • •M. +0-005 -0-001 -0·005 +0-008 +O.oDl +0-017 +0-003 IJ. -0-004 0 --0,013 0 +0-007 0 +0-016 0 0 +0-009 +0-007 +0-00& +0-003 +0-002 (10) M. -O.Q07 +0-005 +0-000 0 ,A" z=='/4 +0-007 +0-009 +0-015 3/.. -0-036 M. (9) ,. -0-036 +().(us +0-006 +0-005 +0-017 -0-007 +0-010 1/2 --0025 -o-oo~ +0-000 +0·013 +0-002 1/4 +0-003 --0-019 0 +Ow002 0 M. . +(H)10 £ ;1==6/2 0 0 1·00 M. r- M. r\ (8) M. -As ,7-='/4 (7) r (6) M. , (5) *' ,7~O An 4/.=:)-0 (4) (3) (2) (I) •M. -/- -/- , TAIII& I 1I0I&Ift CODiKlDl'n lOa TANKS WITII WALU . . . . AT TOP AND IIDIGBD AT aon'OM - CMIII ! ...• ~ I:a ,..,. I -B ~ N +D-OSS +0-057 +0-051 +0-035 +0-057 +0-051 1/4 l/t 1/2 314 2-50 2-00 +0·035 +0-057 +<HJ51 112 3/4 1/2 314 1/4 (3) •M. (4) M. +0-010 +0-616 +0-013 +0-010 +0-016 +0-613 +0-010 +0416 +0-01' 0 7..... '·00 I (2) -I. , (6) (5) +0-026 +O·CM5 +CHM2 +CHMI +0-026 +0-044 +CH)l1 +0-017 +0-014 +0-011 +0.017 -0-014 +0-911 +0-017 +0-014 M. M. +0-026 +O-oM +CHMI . "..6'4 ..... .. AI.... Vertical moment (I) c/_ -= M• ... HorizoDtal momeat ~ - density of the liquid , - width of the wall • - height of the ,,·all (7) AI. -<HJOB -0-812 -CH)11 -0-008 -0-012 -0-011 -0-008 -G-C)!! -0-011 ,, -- (8) M. +0-015 +0-021 +0-036 +0-036 +0-010 +0-010 +0-017 +0.014 +0-011 +0017 +0-014 (10) (9) +0-026 +CHM4 +O-G4! II. " , M. Z-." . +0-028 +0-015 -0-054 +OCI +8-0IS -0-0&2 -0-038 -0-039 -0-062 -0-055 -0-039 -0-065 -0*055 ", :1-'12 6,...Sil (aa.2.2.2 ) , (~) +<Hl25 +0-015 +-CHMS +0-G20 i-CHMI +0-01& +0-011 +0-017 +0-014 +0-031 +0-052 +0-017 (121 ~ -~ +().OlO +0016 -t-O-o15 (II) M. z-o -A +0-015 +0-057 +0-051 ,, TAaLE' MOMENT COD'iCIIINTI . . . TANKI WIllI WALU IIINGED AT TOP AND MnTOII ~ ..!• ~ ~ I i • I CD ~ (2) 1/4 lrl (I) 1-75 0-50 0-75• +0-010 +0·011 +0·017 +0-014 +0-0+3 +0-028 +0-011 +O-(M7 +0-017 +o-ot3 +0·014 +0-013 +0-010 +0-015 +0-013 1/4 1/2 3/4 "4 +0-052 +0-036 +0-057 +0-028 +0-046 +0-010 +0-015 +0·035 +0-057 +0-052 1/2 1/4 +0·043 (9) M. -0-004 . -0-007 -O-OM -O-o~S -0-053 -0-007 +0-002 -0-021 -0-008 -0-008 -0-004 -0-007 -O-OOS -0-003 +0-007 -0-001 +0-002 +0-013 +0-003 +0-008 +00007 +0-CU5 +0-019 -0-011 -0-016 -0-010 -0-005 -0-005 -0-002 +0-000 +6-002 +O-QOt +0'003 +0-006 +0'008 ~O·OII +0·006 +0-010 +0-013 -0-001 -0-005 -0-006 -O-()(n +0-006 -0-002 +0-007 +O-Gt3 +0-002 +0-008 +0-017 +0-021 +0-014 +0-027 +0-029 +0-036 (11) M. +0·012 t +0-020 +0-036 (10) M, , +0-008 r4 1-./4 +0-011 +0-021 +0-02" I -u-025 -0-042 -0·039 • IIINGBD AT TOP -O-OO~ -0-011 -O.()f4 -0'029 -0-0t8 -0,006 -0-010 -0-009 +0·011 +0·017 +0·014- +0-027 +0-046 +0-013 +0-015 +0..051 +0-035 +0·057 +o-ot2 3/4 1/2 +0-013 1'4 +0·017 +0·014 1-00 -0-032 -0·OS3 -0-048 -0-006 -0-011 -0-010 +~Oll +0-055 +(H)57 +0-051 1/-1 1/2 3/4 1-25 +0-027 +0-046 +0-010 +0-015 +0-051 +0-035 -0-057 -0-051 -0·007 -0-011 -0-010 +0-027 +0-045 +0-042 +0-010 +0-015 +0-013 +0-035 I-50 +0-057 +0-011 +0-017 +0-014- +0·042 -0·037 -0·060 -0-053 -0-012 -0·007 +0·011 ......0-017 +0·014 +0-027 +0-045 +0-010 +0-015 +0-013 +0-035 +0-057 +0-051 (8) (7) (6) (5) (4) (3) vA M. , , ;1::=6/2 --4., 6/,,==3-0 MJI M. t M. , M. + .1==6/4 ,+ M. i ,,--0 1/4 1/2 3/4 3,'4 at. cia wrrs W.ALU AND BOTI'OJl' - c..~ T. . . . . . MOIIINT CGUiKDNTI .0. TANKS -0-008 -0,010 -HOt +0-001 +0-007 +0-007 +0-008 +0·014 +0·013 +0-016 +0-017 +0·011 +0-013 +0-020 +0-017 +0-020 +0·016 +0-013 (12) M. , (~) A ~==O I ..... ...• I ....., r:a II :8 S/4 1/+ 1-75 3/4 1/4 1-25 1-00 0-50 0·75 3/4 1/4 Sit 1/2 1'4 3/4 1/2 1/. 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/4 I·SO 1/2 1/2 S/4 1'4 1/2 (2) I,. ./- 2-00 2-50 (I) 1/. (3) AI. +0·031 +0-052 +(H)fi +.031 , +CHK9 (4) M. +0-011 +0·017 +0·015 +0-011 +0·017 +0-015 +0-011 +0.018 +0-015 +0·011 +0-018 +0·015 +0-011 +0-018 +0·015 +0-011 +0-018 +0·015 +0-011 +0-018 +0·015 +0·012 +0-018 +0·015 -As .1-=0 +0-052 +G-CM7 +0·032 +0·052 +0·047 +0·032 +0-052 +0·047 +0-032 +0-053 +0-048 +0-032 +0-053 +0-048 +0-033 +0·054 +O-0f9 +0-033 +0-054 , • (5) M. +0-021 +0-036 +0-056 +0-021 +0-036 +0-036 +0·021 +0·037 +0·036 +0·022 +0-037 +0-036 +0-023 +0·038 +0-038 +0-02' +0·038 +0-038 +0·02. +0-039 +O-fb8 +0-024 +0-040 +0-039 I (6) M. +8-010 +0-017 +0·014 +0-010 +0-017 +0·014+0·010 +0·017 +0-014+0-010 +0-017 +0-014 +0-010 +0-017 +0-014+0-011 +0-017 +0-015 +0-011 +0·017 +0-015 +0·011 +0-017 +0-015 ..... .1==6/4 \ (7) M. -0·008 -0-004 -0-007 -0-007 (8) M. -0-024 -0·041 -0·039 -0-021 -0-035 -0-0,. -O-OM -0·061 -0-054 -0-037 -0-0.1)9 -0-053 -0-035 -0-057 -0-051 -0·032 -0·053 -0-048 -0·028 -0-048 -o-osa -o-osB -0-062 -0·055 • .1-='/2 -8-008 -0·012 -0·011 -0-008 -0·012 -0-011 -0·007 -0·012 -0-011 -0-007 -0-011 -0-010 -0-006 -0-011 -0·010 -0-006 -0-010 -0-009 -0-005 -0-008 , ..... i/.=2·5 • (9) M. (10~ M. +0·010 +0-017 +0-014 +0-009 +0·015 +0-013 +0-008 +0·013 +0-012 +0-00& +0-010 +0·010 +O-OCM +0-007 +0-008 +0-000 +0-002 +0·004 -0·005 -0-005 -0-002 -0·011 -0·016 -0-010 -+ z=-e/t +0·021 +0-036 +0-036 +0·015 +0-028 +0·029 +0-011 +0-022 +0-024 +0-007 +0·015 +0-019 +0-003 +0«18 +0-01+ -0-001 +0-002 +0-007 -0-003 -O·OO! +0·000 -0-00+ -0·007 -0-004 I \ +O-(Ml +0·020 +0·035 +O.Q35 +0-014 +0-027 +0-029 +0-007 +0-018 +0-022 +0·002 +0-007 +0-013 -0-002 -0-000 +0·006 -0·005 -0-006 -0-001 +O~ +0-0+7 +0·025 +0-031 +0·052 (11) M. M. Cc..-..) -0-004 -(HUO -o-oos +1)-017 +0-013 +0-021 +0-017 +0-012 +0-019 +0·016 +0-008 +0.Q14 +0-013 +0-002 +0·005 +0-006 ,f{J·021 ~O12 +0-016 • , +0-020 +~-o15 +0-012 +0-011 +0-017 (12) 1:-0 . . TAKa. 110...... CO&iiiClllNft fta TANKS WITB WALta IIINGBD AT TOP AND MrnOII- e.uI I i i ~ ..., • /fIIIIIfa -II I 1'4 1/4 2-00 1-75 114 1/2 1/4 I" .75 0-50 114 S/4 112 I" 514 112 Slf 1/2 5/4 1-25 Sj4 1'4 1/2 I-50 3/4 1/2 112 Sit (2) (1) ,,. -/- (3) M. vA (4) At. +0-G27 +.013 +0-019 +O-CM6 +O.Q2O +O-OSS +CHK2 +0-016 +tH132 +o-os2 +0-018 +0·031 +0-G27 +0-013 +O-0t5 +0-020 +0-012 +0-016 +0-016 +0·029 +0-030 +0-029 +0-017 +0-030 +0-031 +0.01' +0-020 +Oe016 +0-016 +0-(»11 +0-016 +CHt20 +0.028 +0-015 +0-028 +0-029 +0-029 +O-CUS (5) M. +CMrl8 \' • (6) M. ., (7) M. ,., .Irs '/2 ...A...- (8) M. I'.-21J +0..010 +0-017 +8-015 +0·010 +0-016 +0-014 +0.010 +0-016 +0·014 +0-010 +0-015 +0-013 +0-015 +0·013 +(HJ09 +0-009 +O-CUS +1-013 +O.cJ15 +0-013 +0-015 +0-028 +0-029 (9) M. -0407 -O-OCM -0-007 + " -O·OM -O.()(M -0-002 +0-000 +O.()02 +0-004 +0-003 +0-007 +0-008 +0-00& +0-011 +0-010 +0-008 +0-013 +0·012 +0-015 +OeOIS +0-009 (10). M. -0-021 -O-OOf -0-010 -0-034 -0-006 -0-015 -G-OS7 -0-003 --0-010 -0-003 -0-002 +0-002 -0-005 -0-008 -0-008 -0·024 -0-040 -0·041 +0-003 +0·008 +0-013 +0-007 +0·015 +6-019 -0·001 +0-002 +0-007 .....()-(M8 ~032 --()·052 -0-050 -(H)34 ~.()S6 -o-os& +Hl1 --0-058 +0-022 --G-052 +0.e24 -0-059 -0-053 " ~~J4 -0-006 -0-028 -0·009 -0-046 -0-009 -0-044 -0-006 -0-010 -0·010 -0-007 -0·011 -0-010 -0-007 -0-012 -0-010 -0-012 -0-011 +CHJ09 -0-007 -0-037 '-'If +0·Cn5 +0e020 +0-016 +0-026 +O.oM +o-otl +0-026 +C).OtS +0-011 +O-cMS +lHMl +O~ +0.025 +0-813 +lHM2 +CHJ20 +O-otO +0-016 +O-GZ5 +0-0.5 +0-cM2 +CMJ20 +CHMO +1-016 F .1-0 -.. (12) M. -o-oM -0-006 -0-002 -o.oos (0." -0-007 -0-009 #) +0-008 +0-002 +0-005 -O~()()J +0-000 +0-005 +0-008 +(H)14 +0-013 +0-002 +0·007 +0·013 i .. 0-007 +0-011 -f.6-018 +0·()J9 +0-Q21 +0-016 +0-013 +0-021 +0-029 +0-017 +0-014 +0·027 +0-021 +0-017 +0-020 +0-013 +0-035 +0-035 , ~-O· +0-025 +0-013 +G-Ot2 +0-020 +O·CMO +0-016 (II) M. ..-.r OUU. . . . . . . 1GIl TAIIIEI wrra WALLa . . . . . . AT ..... . AIID IIOnOll- c.- r ~--- TAKa I ~ ..., r .!•• ,.. I • I e.e- ... 1/4 1·50 0-50 0-75 1-00 1-25 (2) (I) +0-015 +0-021 +0"017 (5) M. +0-017 +0·020 +0-009 +0-008 +0·016 +0-020 , 1/2 3/4 +(H)20 +0·035 +0·034 1/4 1/2 S/4 +0-007 +0-011 +0-011 (6) M. +0·014 +0-010 +0·014- +0-009 +0·012 +0-013 +0-008 +0-012 +0·012 ..... +0-020 +0'.024 +0-016 +0-016' +0-013 +0·012 +0·024 +0-023. +0-018 +0-018 +0-011 +0-021 +0-022 +0-014 +0-022 +0-018 +0·032 +0-032 1/4 3/f +0-016 +0-030 +0-031 +0-010 +0-019 +0-021 . +0-013 +(H)21 +0-017 (4) M. +0-013 +0-021 +0-017 A ~=6/4 1/2 1/4 +0-016 +0-029 +0-030 1/4 +0-015 +0-028 +0-030 (3) • AI. .1a=O ,----- , -0-021 -0-036 -0,004 -0-003 -0·006 -:OeOO7 -0·017 --0·031 -0-033 -O·OS6 -0-025 -0-043 -0,041 -0,005 -0-009 -0-008 -CHJ07 -0-007 +0-01+ -0-0+5 -0-003 -0-003 -0-006 +0·002 -6-002 -0-002 +0·000 +O-OOS +0-008 +0-009 +O.aoc +0'008 +(HU6 +0-020 (9) M. (10) M. .. (11) M• +O'02! +0-'" -0·009 -0·014 -0-008 -0-003 -0-00t -0,000 +0-001 +0-003 +0-005 (12) M. -0·006 -0-007 -·0-001 -0·004 -0·005 -0·001 • (C."'~) +0-002 +0-005 +0-008 +0-014 +0-014- +0-008 +0-016 +0-012 +0-019 +0-013 +0-021 +0-017 ....I... &=-0 -0,001 +0.001 +O.()()6 +0·003 +0-008 +0-014 +0-009 +0-018 +0-008 +O.cJ04 +0-030 +0-015 +0-028 t AT TOP +0-007 +0-011 +0-011 As , ..,/4 -0-049 -0-029 -0-048 -0-052 -0-032 (8) •'4. f -0-006 -0-010 -0,009 -0-006 -0-010 -0-010 (7) Mil ... :1=6/2 A 6/_==1-5 , wrra WALU BINGBD AND 1I01TOM - CoIIIII MOMENT COBFrlClDln POll TANKS 1/2 3/. 9/4 1}2 ./- e/_ TAaI: I I I • ~ ~ -... i ,... -81 IS I~ .75 lit l/t 112 l~ +0007 +0-015 +0-0'1 +0-017 +,. +0-011 +H05 +0-011 +1-016 I~ 140 Ilf (3) AI" (4) ~ AI. (5) ~r rA M. (6) .1-614 " (7) II. -4 (8) ~l. J ra 6/2 vA ,/.-=1-0 +0-008 +CHUO +CHJ09 +0-011 +0-005 +0-018 +0-010 +0-016 +0-012 +0-017 +M16 " +0-002 (9) M. ""'" +0·003 (10) M. z-,/4 (11) M. -0-006 -0-006 -0-016 -0-029 -0-031 -0-035 +0-006 -0-002 -0-010 +(M)IO -O-OOf -0-021 +0-010 -0-005 -0-026 +CHJ08 +0-008 -0·007 +OeOOl -o-OOS +0·007 -0-002 -0-003 -0-001 +0-004 +0-000 +0-001 +0-009 -o-oM -0-005 -0-007 -0-003 -0-003 -0-000 +~008 +0-016 -0-002 +O.QOI -0-002 +0-010 +0-015 +0-016 +O.aoo +0-001 +0-005 +0-005 +CHJ09 +0-001 +0-005 +0-007 (12) M. 4, z-O' +0-005 +0.009 ,. +G-006 +0-006 -0-007 -0-035 +0-006 +0-006 +0-011 +0-010 +HOS +&016 +0-015 +CHJ09 +1-002 +CHJOS -0-004 -0-020 ,-0 •• (2) , (I) ,,. -/- .50 .a. ....... IIOIIDIT COUlaaaNn TANKS wrra WALLIIIINGBD AT TOP AND IIOTfOM - C~ .. ! • ~ ~ l... ,... ~ II w ~ I +0·311 3 a,,1 +0·3153 wei +0·1736wat +0·1919 ".'at 0-0000 IDa" 0·0480 w.~b +0-390 4 UNJ2 0-053 8 _16 0-0052 rDtl l 6 0·1818 U/tl 16 0·096 0 ".•26 +0·402 3 IDdI +0·3604 wert +0·2582 ua l lDdl +().128 0 +0·3290 u:(J2 -0·583 3 Ulfl~ Cl - +0·411 6 ",.1 - T~t all four edaes 0-226 0 a",16 0-500 0 wII16 -=" G-275 ...• 0-5000 ..., +0·3980 fHl 0·166 7 WGIb 0·5333 "",.. +0·391 2 W(I'J +0·3333 lta l -0·600 0 UJa2 InfiallV (7) - - - 10 (6) 0·1203,..' 0·143 5 ",.16 0·2715,..' 0·302 3 ".16 - - -- 5 (5) (4) I ~y 2 ..L 6/4 f----1 +0·2419 wa2 -0·4397 werl x I .!. +0-1407 ua! -0·2575 UlQI (2) 1 (3) , 0·199 .. &WIt, 0·132 2 UNlt6 0·0541,.1. 0·O'L7 I 0·500 0 ,.16 00500 0 ,.16 0·500 0 rvc'6 0·500 0 IIMI6 NOTa 1 - NeptiYe sip iDdicata that reKtioa acts in direction of load. Non 2 - . - Deasity otdle liquid. ·Bltimated. Mid-point or fixed side edge Lower third-point of side edge Lower quarter-point ofside edge Total at top edge T ota1 of bottom edge Total at one fixed side Comer at bottom edge ed~e Mid-point of bottom (I) --IWQ ~ i t-f 'rPaslJ 2.3.1, 2.3.3,, 2.3.4. ... 2.3.6 ) AT TOP AND aoTTOM TABLE 7 IIIEAIl AT EDGES OP WALL PANEL HINGED ...• ! ~ ...., r ""'" CI t: ... •.. .,. CIt z 1H 0·226 . .t~ o-soo aN26 Oe048 IIIc*6 +0-192 x w. +0·315 waS 0-096 26 0-202 UNil6 0-500 w.:b UJ(j2 0·148 wri 0-500 111~6 0-204 ",.:J +0-390 +0..100 II1CZS +0-375.411 +0-406"'02 +O-o10:Nt +0-258 INZ +0-311 UNl2 -Negative lip iDdicata that reacticD aell in clireetion oCload_ tThi! value could DOt be atimaicd u;cura.tcly beyoacl two decimal places_ 0-107,.'6 Qe500 ana6 6-286 ~6 +0·398 ... +0-165 aN' +CH06'" +0-416,.. +0-45 watt -0-590 ".s +().S8 w"'t -0-583 ,.. +0-242 was -0-+40 IIItlt 3· (5) 2 (4) (S) 1 II,. ¥ 111 S& Density of the liquid. Nam 2 - Data are derived by modifying values computed for walls hing,ad at top and bottom. NOTE 1 - ToW at all four edges Lower quarter·poinl ot,ide cdee Total at bottom edge Total at one fixed side edge w.rl :+-0-128 JNI +0-17411:41' Top ofDzed side cdp Mid-point orbed ride edge Lowerthird.pointolsideedge (2) I +0-141 ".z -0-258 lIJtIJ. ~ 'REf r--l=t -l---, Mid-point of bottom edp Comer or bottom edF (1) (a-- TAB1B' IIIEAtl AT BDGa 01' WALL PA.NBL PaEB A.T TOP AND SINGED AT BOTrOM· 2.3.2. 2.S.4, 2.. It 5 41tJ 2.3.6 ) .. ! ~ .., • I ." ~ o s II UI to H2 kr/m 0·000 16·0 +0·098 +0-097 +0-098 +0·099 +0-208 +0-202 +0-200 +6-199 +0-323 +0-312 +0·506 +0·304 NOTE 1 - _-Deruity oCtile liquid. Narz 2 - Positive lip iDclicatCi te:Dlioo. 1.·0 -0·001 -0-005 -0-002 10-0 J2.() +0-137 +0-119 +0-104 +0-437 +0-429 +0-420 +0-412 +0-357 +0-403 +0-428 +0-441 +0-4+3 +~322 +0-339 +0·346 +0-344 +0-335 +0·267 +0-256 +0-245 +0·234+0-218 +0-203 +0'164 +0·154 +0-067 +0-025 +0-018 -00001 4-0 5-0 600 8·0 3·0 +0·082 +0-160 +0-209 +0·250 +0-285 +0-101 +0·109 +0-234 +0·266 +0·285 +0·120 +0-215 +0-254 +0·268 +0-273 (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) +0·134 +0-239 +0-271 +0·268 +0-251 ().4H 0·3H ().2H 0-IH 0-08 A +0·539 +0-531 +0-542 +0·543 +0-53"- +0-362 +0·429 +0-477 +0-504- +0·066 +0·130 +0'180 +0·226 +0-274 (7) 0-5H COE~FrCIENTS AT POINT Q>eJlicicnt X IIJHR +0-149 +0·263 +0-283 +0-265 +0·234 , CI: 0·8 1·2 1-6 2-0 0·+ (1) Iii T +0-608 +0-628 +0-639 +0·641 +0-330 +0·409 +0·469 +0·514+0·575 +0·049 +0·096 +0·142 +0185 +0-232 (8) 0-6H +0-589 +0·633 +0-666 +0-687 +0-262 +0-334+0'398 +0-447 +0·530 +0'494+0-541 +0·582 +O·~O +0·210 +0·259 +0-301 +0·381 +().157 +0·014 +0·034 +0·054 +0·075 +0·104 (10) (9) +0-029 +0·063 +0-099 +0-134+0·172 O-SH O·1H TABLE 9 TENSION IN ClaCOLAll JUNG WALL, IIXED BASE, nmE TOP AND SUBJECT TO TIlLUIOULAa LOAD (Clau 3.1.1 ) +0-179 +0·211 +0'241 +0·265 +0·052 +0-073 +0·092 +0-112 +0'151 +0-004 +0·010 +0-016 +0-023 +0'031 (11) 0·9H ~ w ...., :a .•.. II ~ :l ~ Cl w m .. eft c. 0·ססOO 0-ססOO 0-ססOO 0·ססOO u-eeoo +0·0001 +0·0006 +0·0003 +0·0002 +0·0005 +0-0011 +0·0012 +0·0011 +0·0010 o-oeeo -0·0001 o.oceo ooooe +0·0001 +o·OOO~ +0·0011) +0·0008 +00024- 0-ססOO -0-0001 +0-0001 +0·0001 +0-0008 +0·0002 +0·0047 ..£..O·()()28 +0·0016 +0·0021 +0·0063 +Q'OO77 +0'0075 +0·0068 (4) (3) +0·0014 +0·0037 +0·0042 +O·()(H.l +0·003:> OeSH 0e2H 0-ססOO -0-0002 +0'0002 +0·0004 +0·0007 +0-0003 +0-0001 -0·0001 +0·0090 +0'0066 +0·0046 +0·0032 +0·0016 +0'0071 +0·0047 +0·0029 +0·0019 +0·0008 I +0·0019 +0'0013 +0-0008 +0·0004 {9} 0-8H +0·0029 +0·0023 +0·0019 +0·0013 -0·0816 -0·0465 -0,0311 -0·0232 -0,0185 (lO) Q.9H +0·0028 +0·0026 +0·0023 +0-0019 -0-0005 -0-0001 +0·0001 -0·0012 +0·0012 -0·0119 +0·0023 -0-0080 +0'0028 -0·0058 +0·0029 -0·0041 +0·0029 -0·0022 -0,0529 -0,0024+0·0022 -0,0108 +0·0058 -0,0051 +0·00'5- -0,0021 -0·0302 -0·0068 (8) 0-7H ~1 +0·0097 +0·0077 +0·0077 +0·0069 +0·0059 +0·0059 +O·0Ck6 +0·0051 +0·0028 +0·0038 -0,0150 +0·0023 +0·0090 +0·0111 +0·0115 (7) (6) -0·0042 +0·0070 +0·0112 +0·0121 +0·0120 0e6H .4"" Ponrr lla OeSH +0·0007 +0·0080 +0·0103 +0·0107 +0·0099 (5) O·4H ~ COUPICDtNTI AT x wHI kgm/m NOTa 1 - ID== Density of the liquid. Non 2 - POIitive sign indicatC'Stension on the outside. 16-0 14-0 12·0 )0-0 3·0 4·0 5·0 6·0 8·0 2·0 1-6 1·2 0·8 0-4 (2) (I) O·IH r- HI ]5; ~Ioment-Coellicient TAaLB.I MOIIBNTIIN ClUNDlUCAL WALL, IDBD IWIBJ JIlEB TOP AND ItmjBOT TO 'I'IUANGUIAIl LOAD (a. . 3.1.1) -0·0079 -0-0090 -0·0 UK -0,0122 -0·0146 -0,0333 -0·0268 -0·0222 -0·0187 -0·1205 -0·0795 -0·0602 -0·0505 -0,0436 (11) leON ..• I-a ~ -e ~ -II i I... lSI S370(Put 1V)-IN7 TAIILB 11 III&AIt AT BAlE OP CYLINDRICAL WALL (Cla.ru 3.1.1, 3.1.21U1t13.1.3) .HI kg ( triangular ) • - ~fficient X III Di TalANOULAa LoADFIUD BAI& { 18 ks ( rectangular ) MIN'q (moment at bue) MOIONT RItCTA.'tfOULAll TRIANGULAR OR LoAD PlxaD B.ua RECTANOULAa LoAD AT HINoan B.u& Eoo.& 0·4 +().436 +0·755 +0'245 -)·58 0-8 +0·374 +0-552 +0-234 -1-75 1·2 +0·339 +0-460 +0·220 -2·00 1-6 +0·317 +0-407 +0-204 -2·28 2eO +0'299 +0·370 +0'189 -2-57 S-o +0·262 +0·310 +0·158 "'0 5·0 +0·236 +0-271 +0-137 -9-18 -3,68 +0·213 +0'243 +0·121 -4-10 6-0 +0·197 +0'222 +0-110 -4-+9 8-0 +0·174 +0·193 +0·096 -5·18 10-0 +0·158 +0·172 +0·087 -5-81 12·0 +0·145 +0-158 +0-079 -6-38 14-0 +0-135 +0-147 +0'073 -6-88 16-0 +0·127 +0-137 +0·068 -7-36 NOTa 1 - • - Denaity or the liquid. Noft 2 - Positive lip indicates shear acting inward. 37 ~ (5) +0-352 +0-358 +fl.362 +0-369 +0-373 o-'H +0-096 AT PoDIT +0·552 +0-541 +0-531 +0-521 +0.. 506 +0·545 +0-562 +0-566 +0-564 &4H .... O-SH (6) (7) +0·308 +0-264 +O·3SO +0-291 +0·358 +0·342 +0-385 +0-385 +0·411 +0-434 +0-428 +0-417 +0-408 +0-403 -0-011 -0-en5 -0-008 +0-179 +0-137 +O-H4 +0-103 +0-281 +&253 +0-235 +0-223 +0-208 +0-341 +0·321 0-2H (4) +()e395 +0-38J +0-361 -0-008 +0·095 +0-200 +0-311 10-0 12-0 -0-002 +0-097 +0-197 +0-302 14-0 (H)()() +0-098 +0·197 +0-299 +0-002 +0-100 +0-198 +0-299 16-0 NOft 1 - . :II: Density of the liquid_ Non 2 - Politive siga indicates tension. +0-074 +O-G17 3·0 4-0 5-0 6-0 8-0 +0-440 +0-402 +0·355 +0·303 +0-260 0-IH (3) +0-449 +0-469 +0-469 +0-463 +0-443 (2) +0-474 +0-423 +0-350 +0-271 +0-205 (I) 0-4 0-8 1·2 1-6 2-0 CoameJDm ( +0-375 +0-367 +0-356 +0-343 +0-524 'o-OH III Iii T- Coef6cieDt X wHR q/m TAJILa 11 +0-666 +0-664 +0-659 +0-650 +0-519 +0·579 +0-617 +0-639 +0-661 +0-249 +0-309 +0-362 +0-419 0-6H (8) +0'215 +O·i30 +0-750 +0-761 +0-764 +0·479 +0-553 +0·606 +0-643 +0-697 +0·256 4-0-314 +0·369 0-7H (9) +0-165 +0'202 +0·678 +0-720 +0-752 +0-776 +0-375 +0-447 +0-503 +().5f7 +0-621 0-8H (10) +0-111 +0·145 +0·186 +0-233 +0-280 +0-433 +0-477 +0-513 +0-536 +0-210 +0-256 +0-291 +0-327 +0-386 0-9H ' (11) +0-057 +0-076 +0-098 +0-124 +0-151 r -.. ...I• 'wi' =! ~ ..I B .:J t".) f O-IH (2) 0-3H 0-4H (5) (of) +0·007 2 +0·015 1 +0-0230 +0·006 .. +0·0133 +0·020 7 +0-0058 +0·011 I +0'017 7 +0·004 4 +0·009 I +0-0145 +0·003 3 +0-007 3 +0·0114 +0·001 8 +0-004 0 +0'006 3 +00000 7 +0-001 6 +0·003 3 +0·000 1 +0·000 6 +0·001 6 +0·000 0 +0·000 2 +0-000 8 (3) 0-2H ~6) O-SH .A- +O-()(\57 +0·003 9 +0·0020 +O-Ql,ll ·+0·000 5 0·0000 -0·000 4 +0·034 8 +0-031 9 +0·028 0 -f-0·0236 +0'0199 +0·0127 +0'008 3 0-68 (7) +0·0357 +0·0329 +0-029 6 +0·0255 +0·021 9 +0·0152 +1)·0109 +0·008 0 ..,.0-006 2 f-0'0038 +0·0025 +0-001 7 -t 0·001 J. +0-000 8 (8) 0·7H ..Jt'PI-.wH--I ( L~, fr I ~R~ COEFFICIENTS AT POINT + pH" ) kgm/m 3.1.2 cand 3_I.3 ) +0-002 0 +0-030 1 0·8 +0·001 9 +0-027 J 1-2 10·023 7 +0·001 6 1-6 +0·0195 +0·001 2 2·0 +0·000 9 +00158 3·0 +0·0092 +0·000 4 4·0 +0·000 I +0-003 7 5·0 -+ 0-0034 0·000 0 +0-0019 6'0 0·000 0 80 0-000 0 +0·000 0 -0·000 2 +0·0000 -+-0·000 7 10·0 0·0000 0'000 0 -0,000 2 -0-000 1 +0·000 2 12-0 0·0000 0-0000 0-000 0 -0-000 1 -0·0002 14·0 0·0000 0-000 0 -0·000 J -0-000 1 -0-000 I 16·0 0-0000 0·0000 0·000 0 -0·000 1 -0,000 2 NOTE I - ", -= Density of the liquid, NOTE 2 - Positive sign indicates tension on the OUt51d~. (1) 0-4 Jl1 DI Moment = Coefficient X ( IIJHa ( CUVSIS , -+ (10) 0-9H +0·004 5 +0-0039 +0·003 3 +0-002 !I -+'0-004 3 +00032 +0 0026 +0·0022 +0·0197 +0-0187 +0·011 J +0·0155 -J-O-Ot45 +0·011 I +0·009 2 +0-009 4 0-007 8 +0·007 8 +v·OO6 8 +0·005 7 +0·0054 +0·031 2 +0·0292 1-0·0263 +0,0232' +0·0205 4-0'0153 +')·011 8 (9) 0-8H L.....===_l_ 1:_; T.ABl& IS IIOIIENTIIN CYUNDlUCAL WALL, lONGED BASE, 'REE TOP AND SUBJECT TO TRAPEZOmAL LOAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 0 (11) I·OH I--a ...• ...,; --= ... ;l : 0 ,..... ~ .. ; tl ..-- t (4) (3) -1,32 -2,55 -3,11 -3'54 -3'83 -4,37 -1,57 -3-09 -3-95 -4-57 -5·12 (2) O·2H O·IH (5~ O·3H Coefficient X JlRIH kgim O·OH r::: \6) O·4H -A. (7~ O·SH COEFFICIENTS A r POINT. t I (8) O·6H (9) 0·7H ~ , .~ 0·40·8 , -0-02 +0·06 +0·01 +0·01 0·00 0·00 -0,01 +0·04 +0-06 -0,01 +0·01 -0-02 -0·02 -0-03 (11) 0·9H wall aDd I-ON iI the -0,02 -0,03 -0·05 +0'13 +0·19 +0·20 +0·17 +0·09 +0'02 +().Ol -0·08 -0-13 -0·10 -0-05 (10) 0·8H TO. WITH SIIEAIl 'f" -1,08 -0,18 --086 -047 -0·65 -0·31 -1,15 -0,51 -2·04 -157 -0,28 -0·80 -2,44-1,79 -1,25 -o-ei -0·48 1'2 -0'25 -)-80 -0,36 -260 J6 -}·Ii -0,16 -0-69 -1,14-2·68 -1,02 -0,05 -0,21 2·0 -0-52 - ),43 -6,32 -0,58 -2·70 3·0 -0'02 +0·15 +0·19 -1,10 -0,19 4·0 -7·34 -4·73 -2·60 +0·26 +0·38 +0·33 -2,45 5·0 -079 -8·22 -4·99 -+0·11 +0'41 +0·50 +0·37 -2,27 -9·02 C'O -5'17 -0'50 +0·34 +0·5 Q -'-0·53 +0·35 8·0 -1·85 ..LO·63 -10·42 -5·36 -0·01 +0'66 +0·46 +0·24 -1,43 -5,43 ..J...O·62 10·0 -11·67 +0·78 +0·36 +0·33 +0·12 -1,03 +0,21 J2·0 -12.75 TO·63 +052 -1-0·83 -5'41 +0·04 -5,34 14-0 -:-0·42 -13·77 +0·81 -0·68 +0·80 +0 13 0·00 -0,04 .J-O·05 160 -0-33 -14·74 +0·32 -5·22 +0·96 +O·i6 NOTa -- POSIti\"e sign indicates tension. -\\'ben this table is UIed for shear applied at the buea while the top is fixefi t O'OB is the bottom of the top. Shear acting inward is positive, outward is nqative~ (J) IJI H!. t --- v TABLE 15 TENSION IN CIRCULAR lUNG, nxED BASE, FREE PEa METRE APPLIED AT TOP (Clau'~J 3. J_4 and 3.1.5) II ...• ~ ..., ~ II -g i ~ .. -1-04 -0-24 -)·87 -}·54 -1-00 -le03 -0-86 -().S3 -0·23 -0-05 -0·71 -0-59 -0·73 -0-64 -0-46 -0-42 -0-08 (4r) +2·90 +2·JO +1-79 +1-43 +1-10 +0·43 (3) +2·50 +2-06 +1·42 +0-79 +0·22 0-2H O'IH +0-45 -0·05 -0·67 -0·94 0-3H (5) +2-12 +2-14 +2-03 +2-04 +2-02 +1-60 +1'04- f,IR~ ... -'-0 [j M +2·95 +2-47 +1-86 -t- 1-2J -0·02 -0-73 -1-15 -1·29 -1·28 +2·90 +2-72 +2·46 O·4H (6) +1·91 +2·10 A +3-93 +3-34 +2·05 +0-82 -0·18 -0-87 -1-30 ++29 ++31 +1-69 +2·02 +2.a5 +9·25 +3-69 (7) 0-5H eoaft1Cl&NTl AT POINT- H2 ks/m +5·87 +6·54- +4-30 +5·66 +6·34 +6-60 +3·56 0-6H (8) +1-41 +1-95 +2-80 +11-32 +10-28 9·41 + 0-80 + 1·39 + 2-22 + 3·13 ++08 + 6-58 + 1·13 + 1·75 + 2-60 + 5·59 + +54 + 6·58 + 8·19 +1&-52 +13-08 +11-03 +8-82 (10) 0-88 (9) + 0-7H +11-41 +16·06 - +20-87 +25-73 + +73 + 6-81 + 9·02 + 2·75 +H4 + 0·80 + I-S7 + 2-01 (11) &9N wrra MOIIDIT . . . 10-0 12·0 +0-21 ++-79 +11·63 +99.48 -1)-96 +0-32 +3·52 +11-27 -.+-21.80 +O-(M -0·76 1+0 +0-26 -0.28 +2-29 +10·55 +23·50 +SG-Sf 16-0 -0·64 +0·22 -0·08 +1·12 +0·07 + 9-67 +24·53 +Sf.65 NOD - POIiuve sip indicates teosiOil. ·Whea this table is used Cor moment ~ at the top, while the top is hinged, &OH illhe bottom or the wall mad 1-08 iI the top. Moment applied at aD edge is pclitivc wIaea it causes outward rotation at that edge. 6-0 8-0 5-0 3-0 +0 2-0 0-8 )-2 1-6 +2·70 +2-02 +1·06 +0-12 -0·68 -1·78 (H o-OH (2) , (I) D' HI , _ Coeilic:ie:a _ X (a.. 3.1.6) TAaLB I' 'tBNIIOII1N aaClJUll--ltINa. HINGED IIAIB, ,..-toP METIlB, •• .AftUBD AT lIAR ! •• ~ ~ I ~ •I"- w ... r 0-IH (2) +0·013 +0-009 +0-006 +0·003 -0-002 -0-007 -0-008 -0,007 -0,005 -6·001 +O.Q51 +0-040 +0-027 +0-011 -0-002 -0·022 -0-026 -0·024-0·018 (3) &2H +0-109 +0-090 +0-063 +0-0.35 +0-012 -0-030 -O-OM -0·045 -0-040 -0·022 (4) 0-5H +0-034 -0-029 -0,051 -0·06) -0-058 -0-044 +0·196 +0-164 +0·125 +0-078 0-4H (5) PODft* +().316 +0-255 +0-193 +0-087 +0-023 -0-015 -0-037 -0-062 -0-067 +0-206 +0-152 +0·096 +0-010 -0-034-0-057 -0-065 -0-068 -0·053 -0-040 -().029 +0-414 +0·375 0-6H (7) AT +0·296 +0-253 0-5H (6) A CouncIurn Coefticient x M ksm/m +0-547 +0-503 +0-45+ +0-393 +0-340 +0-227 +0-150 +0-095 +0-057 +0-002 -O-OSI -0-049 0-7H (8) +0-692 +().659 +0-616 +0-570 +0-519 +()'426 +0-354 +0-296 +0-252 +0·178 +0*123 (9) 0-8B +0-748 +0-692 +0-645 +0-606 +0-572 +0-515 +H67 {}9H (10) +0-8+3 +0-824 +0-802 +0-775 To., WITH 1-08 (11) +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 +1-000 ,... -0·009 -0-009 0-000 -0-002 -0*028 0-000 -0-016 0·000 -0·003 -0-064 +1.(JOO +O-oBJ +0-424 0-000 -0-008 0·000 -0-059 0·000 +()e387 +1-000 -0-060 +O-otB -0,021 0-000 -0-051 0·000 -0-066 +0·002 -0·003 +0-354 +0-025 +1-000 Non. - POIibve aign indicates teDlion in oul8icle. .Whcr: chis table is used for IDOIIleDt applied at the ~, while the top it hiDpdJ o-OH is the bottom fI the waD aad leON it the top. Moment applied at aD edBe is poIitive wh_ it cau.. outward rotatioD at that edp. 2·0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6·0 8-0 10·0 12-0 14-0 16-0 1~ 0... 0-8 1-2 (1) D' II' ~Ioment c:a TABLE 17 IIOMENrlIN CYLINDIUCAL WAIL, IIINCED auB, nta MOMENT . . . IIBTBE, . , APPLIED AT IIAIB (a.... 2.5.5 al 3.1.6) ! .-• ~ !:a ~ ..FJ I <.n . r (2) O-IH (3) 0-2H (4) 0-3H (5) 0-4H (6) O'5H A (7) 0-68 - -0·002 , -0·002 -0·002 -0,001 -0-001 00{)()() +0-448 +0-223 +0-127 +0·081 +0·056 +0·025 +0·010 +0-003 (8) 0-7H . +0·492 +0-219 +0-106 +0·056 +0·031" +0·006 -0·110 -0·003 -0-003 -0,003 -0-002 -0,001 -0-001 0·000 (9) 0'8H . ..., (10) +0·535 +0·214+0-084 +0·030 +O-()()h -0-010 -0-010 -0,007 -0-005 -0,002 -0-001 0·000 0·000 0-000 0-9H ~ (11) +0-578 +0·208 +0-062 +0-004 -0-019 -0-024-0-019 -0-011 -0-006 -0-001 0·000 0·000 0·000 0·000 l-OH O·OH is the bottom of the wall and 1-0H is the COE.FFICIENTS AT POINT· ... +0-093 +0-172 +0-402 +0-240 +0-300 +0-354-0-8 +0-085 +0·145 +0-224 +0-185 +0-220 +0-208 )·2 +0-082 +0-132 +0-145 +0-159 +0·157 +0·164)-6 +0-079 +0'122 +0-139 +0·105 +0-138 +0-125 2-0 +0-077 +0·115 +0·080 +0·119 +0·126 +0·103 3-0 +0-072 +0·103 +0-086 +0-044 +0·100 +0-066 4-0 +0-025 +0·068 +0·088 +0-081 +0-063 +0-043 5-0 +0-078 +0·OJ3 +0-067 +0-064 +0-047 +0·028 6-0 +0-070 +6-062 +0-056 +0-006 +0-036 +0-018 8-0 +0-057 0-000 +0·058 +0-041 +0-021 +0·007 -0,002 10-0 ·to·049 +0-029 +0'053 +0-012 +0'002 -0,002 +0-049 11·0 +0·042 +0-022 +0·007 0·000 14-0 +0·017 -0·002 +0'046 +0'036 -0·001 +0·004 16-0 +0-012 +0·00] +0·031 -0·002 +0'044 -0·002 NOTE - Positive sign indicates tension on outside. ·When this table is used for shear applied at the base, while the top i\ fixed, iop. Shear acting inward is positive, outward is negative, ~·4 (1 ) Dl H~ Moment = Coefficient X YH kgm/m V TAIILE I' MOMENTS IN CYLINDRICAL WALL, PIXED BASE, FREE TOP WITH SHEAR PER METRE, V APPLIED AT TOP ( Clast 3 _I. 7 ) ...... "'-" ...-e ...• :I '" ': :I ~ w w fIJ .. O-OOR -f-0-015 +0-015 O-IOR +0-013 +0·074 f r NOTa - 0-05 0-10 0·15 0-20 0'25 0-05 0·10 0·15 0·20 0-2S C/D O·40R +0-043 +0-059 O-gOR +0·057 +0-066 t I-- R---4 O'20R - ~ - -0,0700 -0,0287 -- - -0-0729 -0-1433 - -0·0541 -0·0421 -0·0218 -- -0-0275 -0'0624 -0,1089 O-15R - -0'0381 -0-0354-0·0284 -0·0172 - -0-002 6 -0-0239 -0'0521 -0'0862 0'20R -0-0251 -0-0258 -0-024-3 -0·0203 -0·0140 +0-0133 -0-0011 -0·0200 -0'0429 -0·0698 O'25R Moment ==- Codficient X /JR2 kgmJm POIitive lip indica~ comp..e.ion in surface loaded. --- -0-0417 - -- -0,2100 l__ J O'50R +0'02.5 +0·050 0-60R +0-003 +0-039 0-70R -0-023 +0-026 o-soa -0'053 +0-011 0-90R -0-087 -0·006 'JI( -0-0145 -0-0168 -0-0177 -0·0171 -0-0150 -O·QO!) I -0·0070 -0·0083 -0-002 , +0·0085 +0-0059 +0·0031 +0·0013 -O-QQ05 ",",--.~ +0-0002 47 0-5011 +0-0347 +0-0326 +0-0293 +0-024'9 +0·0194 Mr Me.........., Nt +0·0220 +0·0133 +0'0029 +0'0342 +O-02!fO TAJIIO&NTlAL +0-0238 +0-0136 +0-0002 -0,0161 -0-0351 RADIAL M:»II&HD, t (Clause 3.2 ) +0·0118 +0·0099 +0-0080 +0·0063 t+0~004 6 0-70R +0-0109 +0·0098 +().0086 +0-0075 +0·0064 +0'0142 +0-0158 +0-0169 +0-0176 +0-0177 ----- +0-0271 +0-0276 +0-0269 +0·0254 +0·023 J -~ 0-60R +0-006 5 +0-0061 +0-0057 +0-0052 +0'0048 -0-0049 -0,0021 +0·0006 +0-0029 +0-0049 O·ooR -0·0003 0-0000 ~'OOO6 -0·0009 ~-OOO3 -0-0294 -0,0255 -0·0216 -0-0178 -0-01+3 MOMENTS IN CIRCULAR SLAB WITH CENTRE SUPPORT, ftXED EDGE, AND SUBJECT TO 'UNIFORM LOAD O-JOR TABLE 21 3.2 ) +0·061 +0-011 NOTa - Positiv» sign ;ndicalt"s compression in surface Ioaded, Coefficlenra at Point Radial Momcnts~ M r Tangential Mom~nts. }'~t Moment -- ~fficif'nt X fJR" kgmJm CltlUs~ ~-/-;}.!._~""'ot . ......·..!."I""'If'....../-+-,!T"T!.L.....o~.~ ( TABLE 20 MOMENTS IN CIIlCULAR SLAB WITHOUT CENTRE suPPoRT. I'IXED EDGE, AND SUBJECT TO VNU'ORM LOAD ~'0078 -0-011 8 -0·0108 -0·0098 -0-0088 -0~O589---' -0-0541 -0-0490 -0-0441 -0·0393 l'OOR --01·025 i'OR --O-'l.') IS I 3370 ( Part rv) • 1967 ~25 0020 - - - - -CJ-OS74 - - -0-0768 -001010 -O-0f98 -0-127 7 •-0-0751 - - -().1869 - - -0-1180 -0'06+0 0·15R -00248 7 -0·1388 - - - -0-3658 -~O:If)R- - , "--O:OSR 0 SOR AT O·4GR CounaaJrn x pRllqpD/m -00046 7 -OoOS67 -000234 - -0'CK70 -000559 -CHI569 -0·1172 -0,0800 -()o012 1 -0-00.5 .5 +0-0109 +0·0258 +OoOS9J -000184 -0'0184 -0-017.5 -OeOJ5.9 48 -- -0-0263 -000353 -0-0375 -0-0394 -000391 t +0·0245 +0.0352 +0·()4.51 +0-0539 +0-0614- O-SOR -0-00&2 -0-0012 -O-CMU 4 +O.()020 +0-0061 T AIIO&NTIAL MoIaurn, MI " . -000645 -0:0381 -&0135 +0"008 I A Mr Pcmn R.ADlAL MOIImftI, --+00050 I +0.0255 -0'OJ7'6 +0-00.5 0·25R -000295 -0-0516 -0-0684 -CMr186 - -001465 -0-0977 -00055 7 -000221 0·20R Newa - PGlidft ,MiPa iadica&a ~ ia IUI'fiKe ao.ded. 0-1' 0-10 0-05 .25 0020 0-15 0-10 ~ C/D MOIDeDt - Coe8ideat (a.u.3.2 ) +0-0038 +000065 +000097 +0-0134 +0'017~ +0·0381 +0·0452 +0·0518 +0'0578 +0·0629 0·6QR +000103 +0-0132 +0-0165 +000197 +0.0234 +0·0404 +0·0451 +0·0494 +0·05S2 +0·0566 a-70B +000132 +000158 +0-0186 +O-Q218 +Qe0251 +0-0340 +0-0368 +o-O!93 +O.of16 +0·0437 O-SOB +000122 +0-0148 +000172 +000199 +000228 +Q00200 +0-0215 +&-022 6 +0'0257 +0·0247 0090R TAaIS II IIOIIBNn IN aacI1LAIl &All wmt c.NTIm ...-oaT.............. AND SVII,JZaI' TO UNIftJIlII LOAD ·.117I( ...... ).1117 +000085 +0-0103 +()o()12S +OoOJf5 rOOl68 ° ° 0 0 0 I·OOR" - - .. -&530 - - -00388 -0-980 - PoDft - -0·272 -0·259 -0·305 -0·259 49 -00261 -0·368 -0.312 +0-007 -0-020 -()o123 -0-145 +0·035 -0·100 -0-251 -0·404 -0-463 -(H72 -0·319 +0.066 +0-095 -0-012 -()02~S -0·419 -0-518 -O-6fl -0·608 All +00099 +0-129 -r0a151 +0-185 +0-212 +0·624 +0-577 +0-451 +0-665 +00692 +0-718 0·70B +o-,~ +().SIO +0-558 +0·596 O·6GR -00041 TAN'JENTIAL ~ +0·236 -0· ISO -0.057 -()e216 +0·'23 +0-394- +0e450 -0·499 +0-078 +0-187 " +0-268 -00765 -()e280 -0-103 +0·029 O-SOB -0.211 -0·688 -0·M7 - A': -(H18 -1-2Ot -0.842 -D-.H5 A- O·40R RADIAL MoIIUft'I, Mr O·3GB Coamaauftoa x M ksm/m (a...S.2) -0-5+t - -1·366 - - -0-930 -1·5M Non - POIitiw: lip iDdicata CGlDpre.iaD in top aurf'ace. ()e25 0.20 0·15 .'0 o-os 0-25 0·20 - -1-950 - 0-10 - -0-805 -0,584 0015 -0·129 -0·333 -0·622 -1·121 -2-650 0-05 -1·026 0e25R O·20R O·15R MOIDalt - Coefticient OeIOR I ~ +0-214 +0-240 +0·263 +0.290 +0-314 +0-740 +0-768 +0-790 +0·808 +0-824- O-SOB +0-320 +o-MO +()o!63 +00'" +0-405 +0-880 +00891 +0·900 +0-909 +0-917 G-90R +0·414 +0-433 +CH51 +CH69 +CH86 "'" +1-000 +1·000 +10000 +1-000 +1-600 leOOR -. Part IV) .1117 aacuLAIl ~ WITII CJBN'DB RJPPORT. BlNGIrD BDGB WlTllIIOIIBNT . . . 1IB'IaB. II APPUID AT BDGB (M)5R C/D T~ II IIOIIIDI'I8 III •• _ _: BUREAU OFINDIAN STANDARDS Manak Bhlvan.9 Bahadur Shah ZafarMarg. NEW DELHI 11 0002 T_ephon..:23230131.23233375, 23239402 Fax:91+01123239399,23239382 E • Mall: infoObis.org.in website: http://www.bis.org.in Centr8' uboratory: PlotNo.2019, Site IV. Sahibabad Industrial Area, SAHIBABAD 201010 ~/on.' rel.phone 2770032 Offices: central : Manak Bhl'lan, 9 Bahadur Shah ZafarMarg, NEWDELHI 110002 ·Eastem : 1/14CITScheme VIIM,V.I.P. Road, Kankurgachi, KOLKATA700054 Northern : SeQ 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 Southern: C.I.T. Campus,lVCross Road, CHENNAI600113 twestern: Manakalaya, E9, MIDC, Behind Marol Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East), MUMBAI400093 Branch Ollie.: 'Pushpak', Nurmoharned Shaikh Marg, Khanpur,AHMEDABAD 380001 Peenya Industrial Are8, 1- Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, BANGALORE Commercial-eum.()fftce Complex, Opp. Dushera Maidan, Arera Colony, Sittsn Market. BHOPAL 462016 62-63, Gangl Nagar, UnitVI, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 5'"Floor, Kovai Towers, 44 Bala Sundaram Road, COIMBATORE 641018 SCO 21, Sedor 12,Faridabad 121007 8avitriComplex, 116 G. T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 5315Wlrd No. 29,R.G Barua Road, 5thBy-lane, Apurba Sinha Path, GUWAHAn 781003 5-8-58C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 Prithavi Raj Road, Opposite Bharat Overseas Bank, C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 11/418 B.Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 Sethi ShaWln, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema. Naval Kishore Road, LUCKNOW 226001 H.No.15,Sector-3, PARWANOO, Distt. Solan (H.P.) 173220 PlotNoA-2Q-21,lnstitutionaIArea, S.ctor62, Goutam Budh Nagar, NOIDA201307 Patllputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 PlotNos. 657-860, Market Ya~, Gultkdi, PUNE 411037 "Sahajanand House" 3'"Floor, Bhaktinagar Circle, 80Feet Road, RAJKOT 360002 T.C. No.2/275 (1 & 2),NearFood Corporation of India, Kesavadasapuram-Ulloor Road, Kesavadasapuram, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695004 111Floor, Udyog Shavan, VUDA, Siripuram Junction, VISHAKHAPATNAM-Q3 ·S.'el Office is It 5 ChowringheeApproach, P.O. Princep Street, KOLKATA 700072 23237617 23378662 2609285 22541984 28329295 5601348 8394955 2423452 2403139 221 0141 2292175 2861498 2456508 23201084 2223282 2233012 2618923 235436 2402206 2262808 24274804 2378251 2557914 2712833 23553243 ts.'el Office (WRO) PlotNo.E-9, MiCe, RdNo.8,Behind Telephone Exchange, Andheri (Ellt), Mumbai-400 0093 Printed by the Manager. Governmentof India Press Farldabad, 2007 28329295