TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................... iv LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................... vi Chapter 1 Introduction to permanent monitoring systems and hardware ...1 1.1 Permanent Monitoring Systems ........................................................................ 1 1.2 HPQG Electronics Assembly............................................................................ 4 1.2.1 Printed wiring boards PQG101 and PQG202............................................. 5 1.2.2 Quartzdyne sensor ...................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2 Life cycle considerations and methodology ..............................8 2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Development of Life Cycle Environment Profile ............................................. 9 2.2.1 Steps in development of LCEP................................................................. 11 2.3 Effects of Environmental Factors.................................................................... 13 2.4 Summary ......................................................................................................... 21 Chapter 3 Physics of Failure based Reliability Assessment of HPQG .....24 3.1 Reliability Assessment Methodology ............................................................. 24 3.2 Virtual reliability assessment of HPQG PCBs................................................ 26 3.2.1 Design Capture ......................................................................................... 26 PQG101 ............................................................................................ 27 PQG202 ............................................................................................ 27 3.2.2 Life-Cycle Environmental Profiles........................................................... 29 Qualification and screening.............................................................. 31 Storage at test facility: ...................................................................... 31 Transportation................................................................................... 31 Storage (at destination):.................................................................... 33 Transportation (to installation site) .................................................. 33 Installation ........................................................................................ 33 Operation (including a brief period of dormancy) ........................... 34 3.2.3 Failure modes, effects and criticality analysis.......................................... 35 3.2.4 Component level design capture .............................................................. 37 3.2.5 Virtual Reliability Assessment ................................................................. 39 ii Stress Assessment............................................................................. 40 Board level stress assessment ....................................................... 40 Component level stress analysis................................................... 45 Damage and Life Assessment .......................................................... 46 Component level damage and life assessment ............................. 46 Board level damage and life assessment ...................................... 48 3.3 Accelerated thermal testing............................................................................. 50 3.3.1 Accelerated test loads and acceleration factor.......................................... 51 3.3.2 Accelerated test setup ............................................................................... 51 3.3.3 Calibration ................................................................................................ 52 3.3.4 Failure criteria .......................................................................................... 53 3.3.5 Accelerated testing ................................................................................... 54 3.4 Visual Inspection............................................................................................. 56 Chapter 4 Results and Conclusions ...........................................................70 4.1 4.2 4.3 Upratability of the printed circuit boards ........................................................ 73 IEEE 1413 analysis ......................................................................................... 73 Contributions................................................................................................... 76 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................77 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Environmental factors and their effects on electronic equipment for downhole applications.................................................................................................... 14 Table 2: Examples of generic effects of combined environments on electronic products ....................................................................................................................... 18 Table 3: Details required for board modeling using calcePWA software.................... 26 Table 4: Dimensions and power dissipation of PQG101 and PQG202........................ 28 Table 5: Distribution of failure modes in occurrence-criticality matrix....................... 36 Table 6: Selected ICs for component level analysis..................................................... 37 Table 7: Component level modeling details................................................................. 39 Table 8: OP221............................................................................................................. 47 Table 9: M27C256........................................................................................................ 47 Table 10: 80C154 ......................................................................................................... 47 Table 11: DCM92......................................................................................................... 47 Table 12: VQ3001 ........................................................................................................ 47 Table 13: % Remaining life - DCM92 ......................................................................... 48 Table 14: Ranking of failures in PQG101.................................................................... 49 Table 15: Ranking of failures in PQG202.................................................................... 49 Table 16: Components showing potential failures due to shock in PQG101............... 50 Table 17: Components showing potential failures due to shock in PQG202............... 50 Table 18: Material Tg/melting points for stable operations upto 175°C...................... 51 Table 19: Acceleration factors for DCM-92 ................................................................ 51 Table 20: General description of a FMECA header ..................................................... 58 Table 21: General description of a FMECA chart........................................................ 58 iv Table 22: FMECA header for PQG101........................................................................ 59 Table 23: FMECA chart for PQG101 .......................................................................... 59 Table 24: PQG202 General description ....................................................................... 65 Table 25: FMEA table for PQG202 ............................................................................. 65 Table 26: IEEE Std 1413 – Reliability prediction methodology questionnaire ........... 74 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Permanent downhole monitoring architecture ................................................ 1 Figure 2: HPQG mechanical and operational assembly................................................. 5 Figure 3: PQG101 circuit card assembly........................................................................ 6 Figure 4: PQG202 circuit card assembly........................................................................ 7 Figure 5: Effects of combined environments on electronic equipment........................ 23 Figure 6: PQG101 circuit card assembly...................................................................... 27 Figure 7: PQG101 CCA - calcePWA model................................................................ 27 Figure 8: PQG202 circuit card assembly...................................................................... 28 Figure 9: PQG202 CCA - calcePWA model................................................................ 28 Figure 10: Details of design capture - an example ....................................................... 29 Figure 11: Qualification thermal profile....................................................................... 31 Figure 12: Qualification vibration profile .................................................................... 31 Figure 13: Transportation profile for high temperature destination............................. 32 Figure 14: Transportation profile for low temperature destination .............................. 32 Figure 15: Vibration PSD profile for transportation .................................................... 33 Figure 16: Shock profile for transportation .................................................................. 33 Figure 17: Thermal profile for installation at low temperature destination ................. 34 Figure 18: Operational thermal profile......................................................................... 35 Figure 19: Operational vibration profile....................................................................... 35 Figure 20: M27C256 UV PROM Device..................................................................... 38 Figure 21: Thermal boundary conditions ..................................................................... 41 Figure 22: Thermal analysis of PQG101 at 150°C....................................................... 41 Figure 23: Thermal analysis of PQG202 at 150°C....................................................... 41 vi Figure 24: Ideal mechanical model .............................................................................. 43 Figure 25: Worst case model........................................................................................ 43 Figure 26: Vibration boundary conditions for PQG101............................................... 43 Figure 27: Vibration boundary conditions for PQG202............................................... 43 Figure 28: PQG101 Mode 1- 313.6Hz ......................................................................... 44 Figure 29: PQG101 Vibration displacement profile .................................................... 44 Figure 30: PQG202 Mode 1 - 575.5 Hz ....................................................................... 44 Figure 31: PQG202 Vibration displacement profile .................................................... 44 Figure 32: Shock displacement of components on PQG101........................................ 45 Figure 33: Shock displacement of components on PQG202........................................ 45 Figure 34: Thermal profile - M27C256........................................................................ 46 Figure 35: DCM92 - electromigration sensitivity analysis .......................................... 48 Figure 36: DCM92 - metallization corrosion sensitivity analysis................................ 48 Figure 37: Vibration displacement profile for PQG101 with C5 and C4..................... 49 Figure 38: HPQG-1 Pressure line response.................................................................. 53 Figure 39: HPQG-1 Temperature line response........................................................... 53 Figure 40: HPQG-2 Pressure line response.................................................................. 53 Figure 41: HPQG-2 Temperature line response........................................................... 53 Figure 42: HPQG-1 Pressure line output...................................................................... 55 Figure 43: HPQG-1 Temperature line output............................................................... 55 Figure 44: HPQG-2 Pressure line output...................................................................... 55 Figure 45: HPQG-2 Temperature line output............................................................... 55 Figure 46: HPQG-1 Drift in temperature line response ............................................... 55 Figure 47: HPQG-2 Drift in temperature line response ............................................... 55 Figure 48: Cracks on capture pads ............................................................................... 56 vii Figure 49: Solder joint on an axial leaded component ................................................. 56 Figure 50: Solder joints and via connections on the back side of the PCB.................. 56 Figure 51: Cracks on traces .......................................................................................... 56 Figure 52: Functional block diagram of the HPQG electronics ................................... 57 viii Chapter 1 Introduction to permanent monitoring systems and hardware In oil extraction and production, long-term real-time monitoring of the reservoir conditions has shown to improve and optimize the oil recovery process. For this reason, many recently completed wells have been equipped with permanent monitoring systems. Continuous measurement of pressure and temperature enables engineers to observe ongoing changes in the well and make operating adjustments to optimize recovery. In permanent monitoring systems, sensors or gauges tare placed downhole. Modern communication provides direct access to sensor measurements. This enables monitoring of the well behavior throughout the lifetime of the reservoir [1] - [8]. 1.1 Permanent Monitoring Systems Downhole gauges Autonomous surface unit Data link Monitoring computer Figure 1: Permanent downhole monitoring architecture 1 A permanent monitoring system consists of downhole gauges to measure temperature and pressure, a surface acquisition system to collect the data measured downhole, a data link to the control facility and computers to control and monitor the data. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the downhole monitoring system. Reliability is key to a permanent monitoring system. Typical lifetime of a reservoir ranges from 5 – 10 years. Permanent monitoring systems are required to have a life equal to the useful life of the reservoir. Many studies have been performed on the reliability of the downhole monitoring systems. Gisbergen et al [1] performed a study where 952 pressure and temperature monitoring systems installed since 1987 were evaluated. It was found that about 40% of the failures in the permanent monitoring systems were due to the gauge electronics. Use of dedicated electronics, burn-in and vibration/shock testing and destructive testing at actual conditions were suggested as remedies to overcome these defects. Another study by Drakeley et al [8] suggests that 49.3% of the unreliability of the permanent monitoring system is contributed by the downhole electronics module. The issue of high temperature electronics reliability for downhole applications has also been discussed by Boer [9] and Gigerich et al [10]. Oil-electronics equipment often uses up-screened commercial electronics to manufacture its hardware. Even when the components are manufacturer qualified for high temperatures the availability of these parts is becoming more and more difficult. A number known wear out mechanisms like intermetallic growth, wire resonance in high vibration applications, electromigration, time dependent dielectric breakdown have been the causes attributed to majority of the on-chip electronics failures seen in downhole environment. Pecht et al [11] [12] have discussed the on- 2 chip high temperature failure mechanisms. These failure mechanisms are critical in downhole permanent monitoring applications due to the high temperature and long duration of operation. McCluskey et al [13] have also discussed reliability issues occuing with high temperature operating and/or storage conditions. Assembly related failure mechanisms like intermetallics in solder and metal migration in traces are accelerated at high temperatures. Vibration and shock cause cracking type failures in printed circuit boards and components. Solder joint fatigue [14] [15] is another mechanism accelerated by vibration, shock and temperature which is critical to assembly level reliability in permanent downhole electronics. Humidity is another key factor for electronics reliability. However, due to the hermetic nature of the gauge assembly environmental factors like dust and humidity do not significantly affect the reliability of gauge electronics. Above studies suggest that the gauge electronics is critical to the reliability of the permanent monitoring system. The permanent gauges form a key part of the downhole monitoring systems. Modern gauges are typically quartz sensors along with electronics to provide high accuracy over large range of temperature and pressure measurements. In this study we have identified and described the environmental factors that affect the reliability of electronics equipment used for oil and gas production applications. We have developed a methodology to address these concerns. Specifically, we have assessed the reliability of one such electronics gauge used for permanent monitoring applications for operation at temperatures higher than which it is used. This particular gauge is called the Hyper Permanent Quartz Gauge (HPQG) developed by 3 Schlumberger for permanent monitoring applications. Majority of the HPQG installations have operated below 100°C and have achieved required reliability targets. However, there have been very few installations above 125°C. Our study focuses on assessing the reliability of these gauges at operating temperatures upto 150°C. In our study, we have identified the potential failures and failure mechanisms in the interconnects and components of the HPQG and performed high temperature testing in order to assess the reliability of the HPQG for high temperature loads. The following section describes the HPQG hardware. 1.2 HPQG Electronics Assembly The Hyper Permanent Quartz Gauge forms an integral part of Schlumberger’s permanent monitoring system. It consists of QuartzdyneTM sensors, a mixer (PQG202 circuit board) and a digital, power and telemetry system (PQG101 circuit board). The QuartzdyneTM sensor consists of three crystals: a temperature crystal, a pressure crystal and a reference crystal. The oscillatory frequencies of the temperature and pressure crystals are proportional to the temperature and the pressure they are subjected to. The reference crystal produces a signal, which is mixed with the signals from the pressure and temperature crystals and sent to the digitizer. The digitizer converts the frequency data into digital bits and sends it to the telemetry system, which then sends it uphole. Figure 2 shows a schematic setup of the HPQG in the mandrel. The entire assembly of the HPQG, formed by the Quartzdyne sensor and the two boards (PQG101 and PQG202), is hermetically sealed. The HPQG is designed to 4 operate upto 175°C and upto 21000 psi. A reliable operation for 5 years is expected from it. 1.2.1 Printed wiring boards PQG101 and PQG202 The electronics for operation of the Quartz Gauges is controlled by two printed circuit boards – PQG101 and PQG202. PQG101, which contains the digital, power and telemetry circuits, has 61 parts totally on the board spread among 40 unique parts. All the parts are insertion mount. It is an eight-layer Polyimide board with copper metallization. Figure 3 shows PQG101. The functionality of the PQG101 can be divided into two parts- Mechanical assembly Operational assembly Steel tubing PCB Digitize the frequency signals and send it to the data acquisition unit Mix the frequency signals from the crystals with the reference frequency Generate frequency signals corresponding to the pressure and temperature conditions Insulating sheet (damping element) Steel chassis Hermetically sealed assembly Digitizer, Power and telemetry board (PQG101) Oscillator and mixer board (PQG202) Quartz sensors (temperature, pressure and reference crystals) To oil reservoirs Figure 2: HPQG mechanical and operational assembly 5 1. An analog part which regulates supply voltage, protects against voltage or current overload, detects the signal on the cable, transmits the gauge’s measurements (pressure, temperature, address) and generates for the digital part the following information bits : POWER_OK, RESETIN*, signal on the cable (REC_DIR and REC_INT). 2. A digital part which digitized the pressure and temperature measurement frequencies and controls the transmission. It is built around a microcontroller, an ASIC and a program memory. Figure 3: PQG101 circuit card assembly PQG202, which contains the oscillator and frequency mixing circuits to scale down the frequency sent to PQG101 and finally to the monitoring hardware, has 79 parts on board spread among 27 unique parts. All the parts are insertion mount. It is a six-layer Polyimide board with copper metallization. Figure 4 shows PQG202. A detailed description of the analysis and functionality of boards is provided in the later sections. PQG202 board consists of three oscillators each running with one quartz resonator (located outside of the board, they are parts of a sensor). One oscillator (Pierce type) is used for the pressure measurement and one (Colpitts type) for the temperature measurement. The third one (Colpitts type) generates a reference frequency. The pressure and temperature frequencies are combined with the reference frequency resulting in two low frequency signals. After passing through low pass filters, these two signals are outputs of the board: 6 F1 = FPressure - FReference and F2 = FReference - FTemperature In order to excite the pressure quartz if it comes to not start, the reference frequency is injected to the pressure quartz at a random frequency. Figure 4: PQG202 circuit card assembly 1.2.2 Quartzdyne sensor The sensor unit of the HPQG called the QuartzdyneTM sensor consists of quartz crystals- a pressure crystal, a temperature crystal, and a reference crystal [16]. Quartz resonators use the inverse piezoelectric effect to induce the resonator to vibrate at its mechanical resonant frequency when electric fields are applied to its electrodes. An oscillator circuit supplies the power and allows the frequency to be measured. Because frequency (and its inverse, time) can be measured with greater precision than any other parameter, the sensor's frequency output provides high-resolution pressure and temperature measurement [16]. The temperature crystal changes frequency in response to the temperature while the pressure crystal changes frequency in response to pressure. The reference crystal gives out a signal which is mixed with the signals from the pressure and temperature transducers and suitably scaled down for digital measurement. The quartz crystals have proven long-term reliability under harsh environmental conditions [17]. 7 Chapter 2 Life cycle considerations and assessment methodology Understanding and defining the environmental life cycle of electronics play a critical role in designing for reliability. An environmental profile contains necessary “load” information for the development and effectiveness assessment of design guidelines, screens, and tests. It can also help reduce life cycle cost for the equipment by making the design process robust. Electronics used for oil and gas exploration and production applications experience a wide range of stresses owing to the varied load conditions experienced by the system during its life. A formal method is necessary to capture all environmental information and to develop an environmental profile. 2.1 Introduction A life cycle environment profile (LCEP) is a forecast of events and associated environmental conditions that equipment will experience from manufacture to end of life [18] [19]1. Environmental loads corresponding to manufacture and assembly, testing, handling, shipping, storage before and/or between usage, dormancy, geographical location of installation, and operating platforms are accounted for in the LCEP. 1 In some cases, the environmental factors experienced by constituents of the system begins before manufacturing (e.g., storage of components from a lifetime buy of a large quantity purchased far in advance of their use in manufacturing) [20]. 8 Electronic equipment design and reliability assessment must accommodate all environmental stresses that act on it over its life. The performance of a product depends on the magnitude of the stresses, rate of change of stresses, and even time and spatial variation of the stresses that are generated by the loads acting during its life cycle. An LCEP helps to identify all possible load combinations so that the stresses acting on the product can be identified and their effects can be accounted for in the product’s design, test and qualification process to ensure the reliability of the electronic equipment for its entire life [11]. Past research describes the need for life cycle analysis of electronic products for better design to ensure product reliability [21] [22] [23]. 2.2 Development of Life Cycle Environment Profile Before beginning the design of electronic equipment or assessing the reliability of an existing design, used for oil and gas exploration and production applications, the environmental conditions to be experienced by the equipment must be identified. In the case of oil and gas application electronics, the environment can be distinctly divided into two parts, the surface environment and the downhole environment. Typically, the surface environment is related to handling, transport and storage while the downhole environment is related to the actual operation of the equipment. The equipment stresses during non-operation are as important to reliability as those occurring during operation [18]. For example, the surface environment can be much less severe than the downhole environment for drilling equipment, while the surface 9 environment can be more severe than the downhole environment for wireline2 equipment, for example, with shock and vibration during transportation and handling. A life cycle profile for electronics associated with oil and gas exploration and production should identify all events and phases that the product will experience. Data corresponding to environmental factors, single or combined, should be incorporated in the LCEP. For example, temperature, pressure and mechanical vibrations are principal loads acting during operation of a permanently installed downhole gauge to monitor pressure and temperature. The LCEP includes the chance (probability) that a particular environmental condition will occur during the life cycle of the equipment. For example, permanent gauges can be installed at different depths, which will lead to different temperatures. Accidental dropping of the equipment is another example; the number, severity and probability of such drops must be estimated. The places the equipment could be installed should be identified. The aim should be to describe the range of conditions (including extreme conditions) that the tool can endure. For example, an oil well permanent gauge surface system can be deployed in a wide range of temperatures [26].3 2 Wireline logging involves tools lowered downhole on an electrical cable. It determines which formations intersected by the well bore may contain hydrocarbons and takes measurements to provide descriptive and quantitative evaluations of the rock penetrated as well as the type and amount of fluid contained therein [24] [25]. 3 The highest temperature recorded on earth is 57.77°C in Al Aziziyah, Libya in September 1922. Death Valley, CA recorded 56.77°C in July 1913. The place that has the world’s highest average temperature 10 The operation of the electronic product can introduce new loads or modify existing load conditions. A failure modes and effects analysis is usually performed to identify key loads acting on the system that could pose a reliability problem. The hardware configuration is also considered in combination with environmental loads. Hardware configuration factors include board design, type of electronic parts and their mechanical specifications, electrical characteristics, response of the parts and the system as a whole, and different mechanical and electrical interfaces in the system. 2.2.1 Steps in development of LCEP The steps in developing an LCEP are as follows: 1. Describe expected events for an item or equipment, from manufacture through end of life. For example, in the case of a permanent downhole quartz gauge, these events or phases include production testing and qualification, storage at the test facility, transportation to the place of installation, storage at the place of installation, transportation to the specific site of installation, installation, operation, and periods of dormancy during scheduled maintenance. is Dakol, Ethiopia, in the Danakil Depression with a mean temperature of 34.44°C. Places in Pakistan (e.g., Pad Idan) have recorded temperatures upto 50.55°C [27]. The lowest recorded temperature on earth till date is –89.44°C in Vostok, Antartica. Temperatures in Greenland have gone as low as -70°C [28]. 11 2. Identify significant natural4 and induced5 environmental factors or combinations of environmental factors for each expected phase (such as manufacturing, transportation, storage, standby, handling, installation and operation modes). For example, for a permanent downhole gauge, the operation phase includes high steady-state temperature, high pressure and random vibrations. 3. Describe environmental load conditions (in both narrative and statistical form) to which equipment will be subjected during the life cycle. Data should be determined from real-time measurements, but may be estimated by simulation and laboratory tests. For example, the vibrations experienced by the electronic equipment during shipping could be obtained by a mock shipping experiment wherein sensors can be kept with the equipment to record vibration data. Estimated data should be replaced with actual values as determined. The profile should show the number of measurements used to obtain the average value and the variability of the loads. This analysis can be used to develop environmental design criteria in accordance with expected operating conditions, evaluate effects of change in environmental conditions on the electronic equipment, and provide traceability for the rationale 4 Natural environment is the product’s natural ambient conditions, e.g., temperature, pressure, and humidity. 5 Induced environment is the product’s environmental conditions related to the specific functionality of the product, e.g., electronics on the drilling tool experience mechanical vibration during the drilling process. 12 applied in future criteria selection [19]. A listing of typical environmental factors that must be considered for development of electronic equipment for use in oil and gas downhole applications [6] is included in Table 1. 2.3 Effects of Environmental Factors Failure mechanisms in electronic equipment can be caused by steady state loads or changes in the magnitude of the load (absolute change or rate of change). Therefore, the nature of the application of the loads (steady state or dynamic) should be determined. For example, failure by intermetallic growth at the wirebonds in Integrated Circuit (IC) packages is dominated by steady-state temperature conditions, while failures by die fracture in IC packages depend more on the rate of temperature change. Table 1 gives environmental factors that are important considerations for designing electronics used for oil and gas exploration and production applications [19]. The generic effects of these factors on electronic equipment are also discussed. Combined environments (incorporating two or more of the environmental factors) may affect equipment reliability differently than the effects of a single environmental factor. Effects of typical combined environments are illustrated in the matrix relationship in Figure 5. If the combined effect of the environmental factors proves to be more harmful than that of single environmental conditions, then the equipment must be designed for failures arising from the combined effects. 13 Table 1: Environmental factors and their effects on electronic equipment for downhole applications Environmental Factors Temperature Principal Effects High (natural/induced) Possible Failures Thermal aging Insulation failure because of melting Oxidation Alteration of electrical properties owing to changes in Structural change resistance Chemical change On-chip failures (metallization migration, Kirkendall Softening and melting voiding in wirebonds, slow trapping, time-dependent Viscosity dielectric breakdown) [11] [13] [12] [29] reduction/evaporation Melting of solder joints [13] [30] Physical expansion Unequal expansion leading to fracture [13] Physical contraction Alteration of electrical properties owing to changes in Brittleness resistance Ionic contamination [13] Low Unequal expansion between components and board leading to fracture because of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch Increased brittleness of metals Relative humidity/moisture High (natural/induced) Moisture absorption Metallization corrosion (on-chip) [11] [32] [33] [31] Delamination [11] [33] [34] [35] Chemical reaction Loss of electrical properties owing to corrosion and Corrosion chemical reactions Electrolysis Cracking in electronic parts owing to moisture absorption [18] [11] [33] Reduction in electrical resistance because of conduction through moisture Low Pressure High Desiccation Loss of mechanical strength Embrittlement Structural collapse of components Granulation Alteration of electrical properties Compression Structural collapse of assemblies including electronic (natural/induced) components Penetration of seals Interference with function Low Expansion Explosive expansion of assemblies Outgassing Alteration of electrical properties Loss of mechanical strength Insulation breakdown and arc over Wind Force application Structural collapse (natural) Deposition of materials Interference with function Heat loss (low velocity) Loss of mechanical strength Heat gain (high velocity) Mechanical interference and clogging [18] Accelerated abrasion [18] Accelerated low-temperature effects (low velocity) Accelerated high-temperature effects (high velocity) 14 Environmental Factors Principal Effects Possible Failures Salt spray Chemical reactions Increased wear of electronic parts and assemblies (natural) Corrosion Alteration of electrical properties Electrolysis Interference with function Surface deterioration Increased conductivity Metallization corrosion [18] [11] [32] [33] Sand and dust Abrasion Increased wear of electronic parts owing to material (natural) Clogging degradation Interference with function Alteration of electrical properties Air pollution Chemical reactions Interference in functionality because of clogging (natural) Clogging Deterioration in material properties owing to chemical reactions Corrosion Rain Physical stress Structural collapse (natural) Water absorption and immersion Increase in weight Erosion Electrical failure Corrosion Structural weakening Removes protective coatings Delamination and cracking [11] [33] [36] Surface deterioration Enhances chemical reactions like corrosion Ionized gases Chemical reactions Change in electrical properties (natural) Corrosion Deterioration in material properties Change in conductivity Freezing rain/frost/snow Low temperature Mechanical stress caused by CTE mismatch between (natural) Moisture ingress [34] [35] structural components Corrosion/chemical reactions Increase in weight Clogging Change in electrical properties owing to change in resistance/conductivity Delamination [11] [33] [34] [35] Material deterioration On-chip failures (metallization corrosion, delamination) [11] [32] [33] Fungus Clogging Change in electrical characteristics owing to shorts and (natural) alteration in electrical resistance Oxidation of structural elements of the circuit Static electricity/electrostatic Change in electrical response Interference in function owing to changes in electrical discharge Electrical overstress properties (resistance, voltage) (natural/induced) Shorts and opens in circuit caused by electrical overstress and electrostatic discharge [21] Chemicals Chemical reactions Alteration of physical and electrical properties (induced) Reduced dielectric strength Insulation breakdown and arc over [11] Metallization corrosion [12] [32] [33] 15 Environmental Factors Explosion Principal Effects Severe mechanical stress (induced) Shock Possible Failures Rupture and cracking Structural collapse of assemblies and parts Thermal Mechanical stress On-chip failures (die fracture, cracking, (induced) electromigration, wire flexure fatigue, shear fatigue) [11] [12] [29] [33] Solder joint fatigue [14] [15] [37] Unequal expansion between components and board, leading to fracture because of CTE mismatch Mechanical Mechanical stress Loss of mechanical strength Fatigue Interference with function Increased wear of electronic assemblies Solder joint fatigue [14] [15] [37] Structural collapse of assemblies Vibration Vibration/ Mechanical Loss of mechanical strength (induced) acceleration stress Interference with function Fatigue Increased wear of electronic assemblies Solder joint fatigue [14] [15] [37] Structural collapse of assemblies Rotation Mechanical Twisting of electronic assemblies stress Intermittent interconnections Torsional Loss of mechanical strength acceleration Bending Mechanical Bending failure of electronic components and stress assemblies Fatigue Cracking Thus, it is necessary to classify and determine the combined effects of environmental factors wherever they occur. Some examples of the possible effects of pairs of environmental factors are given in Table 2 (adopted from [19]). The effects of each pair of environmental factors can be classified as follows: • Intensified deterioration The combined effect of the environmental factors on the electronic equipment is more than that caused by each environmental factor. For example, in the drilling process, the electronics at the tip of the tool experience high temperature, shock and vibrations. These factors could intensify the effect of each other. High temperatures 16 may make the material weaker, and associated shock and vibrations can then cause cracking-type failures in the assemblies. An increase in one environmental factor can also lead to the increase in another, thereby intensifying the net effect. This is different from the above case where both environmental factors affect the failure mechanism directly. For example, high temperatures accelerate growth of some fungus and microorganisms. This can be a problem with permanently installed downhole fixtures, which are at high temperatures. With a small amount of humidity present, growth of microorganisms can occur on electronic assemblies and the organic processes can cause chemical changes and contamination, causing loss of performance. • Coexistence without any synergistic effects on deterioration of the equipment The two environmental factors act independently on the electronic equipment and do not influence each other’s effect. For example, acoustic vibrations of the noise produced during the drilling operations do not have any significantly additive effect on the potential hazards caused by fungal and organic activity in the vicinity of electronic parts. • Weakened net effect The two environmental factors diminish the effect of each other. For example, high temperature can increase outgassing of constituents of the structural material of electronic parts, while high pressure generally decreases it. Permanently installed downhole gauges typically experience high-temperature and high-pressure conditions. 17 The increase in one environmental factor can also lead to the reduction of another and consequently the net effect is reduced. For example, low temperature generally retards growth of fungus; therefore, the effects of the presence of fungus are reduced with low temperature. • Incompatible The coexistence of the environmental factors is not possible. Certain combinations of environmental factors, e.g., snow and high temperature, cannot exist. Table 2: Examples of generic effects of combined environments on electronic products Combined Environments Classification of Effects High temperature and Intensified deterioration salt spray High temperature and Possible Effects High temperature tends to increase the rate of corrosion caused by salt spray and thereby aggravate the net effect [32]. Intensified deterioration high relative humidity High temperature increases the rate of moisture penetration and also the rate of corrosion. Thus the combination can aggravate failures caused by humidity (e.g., corrosion, delamination) [32] [36]. High temperature and Intensified deterioration high pressure High temperature and Each of these environmental factors lead to deterioration in strength of the material and can cause structural failure in electronic assemblies. Intensified deterioration fungus High temperatures provide a congenial environment for growth of fungus and microorganisms. Thus high temperatures aggravate failures caused by fungal growth of electronic assemblies (typically from 25°C to 71°C) [38]. High temperature and Intensified Both acceleration and high temperature affect material properties. The acceleration deterioration/weakened net combination, however, can reduce failure caused by fatigue/fracture effect because the material stress relaxes at high temperatures and becomes more pliable. Failures caused by solder joint fatigue and cracking are diminished by the combination. In the case of brittle materials, however, this combination can lead to early failures because the material becomes weak at high temperatures and can easily fracture. High temperature and Intensified The erosion caused by sand may be accelerated by temperature, which sand and dust deterioration/weakened net can cause wear of structural parts caused by abrasion. At the same time, effect high temperature also reduces the penetration of sand and dust, thereby decreasing failures that occur from dust penetration [19]. Low temperature and humidity Intensified deterioration Relative humidity increases as temperature decreases (especially in moist conditions), and lower temperature may induce moisture condensation. If the temperature is low enough, frost or ice may result. Hence low temperatures can aggravate failures caused by humidity, frost or ice (e.g., corrosion). 18 Combined Environments Classification of Effects Possible Effects High temperature, Intensified Vibration, shock and high temperature affect material properties and shock and vibration deterioration/weakened net cause deterioration of mechanical properties. The combination, however, effect reduces failure caused by fatigue/fracture, because the material stress relaxes at high temperatures and becomes more pliable. Failures caused by solder joint fatigue and cracking are diminished by the combination. In case of brittle materials, however, this combination can lead to early failures because the material becomes weak at high temperatures and can easily fracture. Low temperature and Intensified deterioration high pressure Low temperature and Weakened net effect salt spray Low temperature and Intensified deterioration Low temperature increases dust penetration and can aggravate failures caused by wear of assemblies and alteration of electrical properties. Weakened effect fungus Low temperature, Low temperature reduces the corrosion caused by salt spray; The combination produces a weakened effect [32]. sand and dust Low temperature and The combination can cause structural failure like leakage through seals and airtight enclosures. Low temperature reduces fungus growth. At subzero temperatures, fungi remain in suspended action, thereby weakening the net effect [38]. Intensified deterioration shock and vibration Low temperature tends to intensify the effects of shock and vibration, because certain materials (like aluminum) tend to go brittle at lower temperatures. However, this is a consideration only at very low temperatures. Low temperature and Intensified deterioration acceleration Acceleration produces either shock or vibration or both. Hence, low temperature and acceleration intensify the effects of acceleration, because of brittleness at low temperatures. Humidity and high Intensified deterioration pressure The effect of this combination varies with the temperature. High temperature can aggravate the deleterious effects caused by humidity and high pressure, indirectly aggravating the net effect on an electronic assembly. Humidity and salt Intensified deterioration spray High humidity may dilute salt concentration and could affect the corrosive action of the salt by increasing its mobility and spread, thereby increasing the conductivity. Corrosion failures, like shorts and opens in the metallization and interconnects, are typically aggravated [32]. Humidity and fungus Intensified deterioration Humidity, sand and Intensified deterioration Humidity helps the growth of fungus and microorganisms but adds nothing to their effects [38]. dust Humidity and increases deterioration by corrosion. Intensified deterioration vibration Humidity, shock and Sand and dust have a natural affinity to water, and this combination This combination tends to increase the rate of breakdown of electrical material and connections. Intensified deterioration acceleration The periods of shock and acceleration, if prolonged, aggravate the effects of humidity, because humidity tends to deteriorate material properties. The combination can lead to early structural failure. Salt spray and fungus Incompatible This is considered an incompatible combination. High pressure and Intensified deterioration This combination intensifies structural failures in electronic and vibration electrical equipment. 19 Combined Environments Classification of Effects High pressure, shock Intensified deterioration and acceleration Possible Effects This combination intensifies structural failures in electronic and electrical equipment. Salt spray and dust Intensified deterioration Sand and dust have natural affinity to water, and this combination Salt spray, shock or Coexistence without any These combinations produce no added effect. acceleration synergistic effects on increases deterioration by corrosion. deterioration of the equipment Salt spray and Intensified deterioration This combination tends to increase the rate of breakdown of electrical Incompatible This is considered an incompatible combination. Intensified deterioration Vibration increases the wearing effects of sand and dust. Coexistence without any Since shock is a form of vibration, this combination doesn’t produce any synergistic effects on added effects. vibration Salt spray and material and connections. explosive atmosphere Sand, dust and vibration Shock and vibration deterioration of the equipment Vibration and Intensified deterioration acceleration This combination produces increased effects when encountered with high temperatures and low pressures (typically in the oil suction regions). High temperature and Intensified deterioration low pressure As pressure decreases, outgassing of constituents of materials increases; as temperature increases, outgassing increases. Hence, each tends to intensify the effects of the other. High temperature and Coexistence without any Temperature has minimal effect on the ignition of an explosive explosive atmosphere synergistic effects on atmosphere but does affect the air-vapor ratio, which is an important deterioration of the consideration. equipment High pressure and Intensified deterioration explosive atmosphere Low temperature and High pressure aggravates effects of explosion and thereby enhances the hazards of an explosive atmosphere. Intensified deterioration low pressure This combination can accelerate leakage through seals and airtight regions. It can cause material deterioration and loss of functionality in hermetic parts (which are typically used in oil electronics equipment) [39] [40]. Low temperature and Coexistence without any Temperature has minimal effect on the ignition of an explosive explosive atmosphere synergistic effects on atmosphere but does affect the air-vapor ratio, which is an important deterioration of the consideration. equipment Humidity and Weakened net effect explosive atmosphere Low pressure and salt spray Humidity has no effect on the ignition of an explosive atmosphere, but a high humidity will reduce the pressure of an explosion. Intensified deterioration This combination can lead to increased penetration of moisture into the equipment and thus enhance the rate of material deterioration and corrosion related failure mechanisms. 20 Combined Environments Classification of Effects Low pressure and Coexistence without any fungus synergistic effects on Possible Effects This combination does not add to overall effects. deterioration of the equipment Low pressure and Intensified deterioration explosive atmosphere At low pressures, an electrical discharge is easier to develop, but the explosive atmosphere is harder to ignite. 2.4 Summary In oil and gas exploration and production, an unreliable product can put large amounts of investment at risk. A major portion of a product’s cost is committed during the design phase. Making changes to a design after production is expensive. An LCEP for electronics used for oil and gas exploration and production will help to incorporate environmental load conditions in the product’s design process. It will help identify phases of most damage and the loads that cause most damage during those phases. The determination of LCEP, thus, will improve the life cycle cost of the electronic product by reducing failure, reducing overdesign and improving protection during phases that are found to be most damaging. In this chapter we have presented a standard methodology for developing an LCEP for electronics used in oil and gas exploration and production applications. Key steps of identifying significant phases in the life of the electronic equipment, identifying the environmental loads acting on the equipment during each of these phases, and quantifying these loads based on analysis, experience and experimentation have been demonstrated. Environmental factors that are critical to the reliability of electronic equipment used for oil and gas exploration and production applications have been identified and their effects have been discussed. The procedure mentioned above is 21 used in order to develop the life cycle profile for the HPQG in order to assess its reliability. 22 1 1,3 1 1 3 1– 1 1– 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1– 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1– 1– 1 1 4 2 1– 2 1– 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1– 1– 3 1– 2 1– 1 2 2 2 2 3 1– 1– 1– 1– 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 1– 2 3 1– 1– 1– 3 1 1– 2 1 1 1– 1– 2 1– 1– 1– 1– 1 2 2 1 1– 1– 2 1– 2 3 2 2 2 2 1– 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 1– 2 1– 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 Humidity High pressure Low pressure Wind Salt Spray Sand and dust Snow Rain Chemicals/gases Fog Air pollution Freezing rain Fungus Acceleration Explosion Shock Figure 5: Effects of combined environments on electronic equipment (adopted from [2]) Vibration 1 1 1 1– 1 3 4 1 1 3 1 4 1 1,3 2 1 1,3 Low temperature 4 High temperature 23 High temperature Low temperature Humidity High pressure Low pressure Wind Salt spray Sand and dust Snow Rain Chemicals/gases Fog Air pollution Freezing rain Fungus Acceleration Explosion Shock Vibration 1 Intensified deterioration 2 Coexistence without any synergistic deterioration 3 Weakened net effect 4 Incompatible (–) Minus sign indicates that intensification through combination is weak or doubtful Chapter 3 Physics of Failure based Reliability Assessment of HPQG High temperature, vibration and shock environments primarily characterize the life cycle of the HPQG. Majority of the HPQG applications have been below 100°C. In this chapter we present a systematic effort to study the reliability of the printed wiring boards used in the HPQG considering its entire life cycle for operation at higher temperatures close to 150°C. A physics of failure approach for reliability assessment of the HPQG printed circuit boards (PQG101 and PQG202) using thermo-mechanical simulations and accelerated testing has been used. We have identified leading degradation mechanisms at the interconnect (board) level as well as at the package/chip level. Accelerated thermal test has been performed to assess reliability of the boards under high temperature operation. 3.1 Reliability Assessment Methodology Past efforts on reliability qualification of the permanent monitoring gauges have primarily been statistical in nature and were based on field data [1]-[8]. Majority of the HPQG installations have been for application below 100°C and they have achieved a reliability target for 5 years. Installations above 125°C have been few and inadequate for any statistical conclusions. In order to assess the reliability of the HPQG for operation at 150°C, physics of failure based reliability assessment methodology was 24 adopted. Pecht et al [26] have suggested an engineering approach for assessment of reliability of oil electronics based on a “Physics-of-failure” approach. The physics of failure approach is a methodology developed to assess product reliability based on failure mechanisms, failure modes, defect magnitudes and environmental stresses for the application under consideration. POF is an approach to aid in the design, manufacture and application of a product to expected life-cycle stresses. It provides a more scientific way to assessing reliability than the traditional statistical methods. Reliability assessment involves the evaluation of the products potential to survive for the mission life in the application environment. The physicsof-failure based assessment of electronic product has the following steps – 1. Virtual reliability assessment a. Design capture b. Defining life cycle environmental loads c. Failure modes and effects and analysis d. Stress assessment e. Damage and life assessment 2. Accelerated reliability testing 3. Reliability assessment There is documented evidence on how physics of failure provides a better means for reliability prediction [41] - [46]. Physics of failure methodology has been successfully used for reliability assessment of electronic modules for various applications e.g., space, automotive etc. [55]. Reliability assessment of printed circuit 25 boards PQG101 and PQG202 using physics of failure methodology is described in the following sections. 3.2 Virtual reliability assessment of HPQG PCBs Virtual reliability assessment is a methodology for assessing electronics through the use of validated failure models and simulation tools. The methodology involves the application of simulation software to model the physical hardware and to determine the probability of the system meeting the desired life goals. The virtual qualification was performed using calcePWA software [56] and CADMP software [46]. CalcePWA software was used for determining assembly level (PCB level) interconnect failures while CADMP was used to model the ICs on the printed circuit board for further on-chip failure mechanisms. 3.2.1 Design Capture As described earlier, the HPQG consists of two PCBs – PQG101 and PQG202. The boards PQG101 and PQG202 were modeled using calcePWA software. Table 3 shows the information required for the modeling of the boards. Table 3: Details required for board modeling using calcePWA software Part information Interconnect information Dimensions (x, y, z) Solder area and height Location on PCB (x,y) Lead geometry and dimensions Package standoff Solder material ThetaJC Lead material Operational power dissipation Package material Board information Board layers and composition Board dimension (x,y,z) Number of drill holes (vias) Via and capture pad geometry Materials – Board, solder, trace, via, pad All the parts in PQG101 and PQG202 were insertion mount. All ICs were dual inline packages, all connectors were modeled as single inline packages, axial diodes, 26 inductors and resistors were modeled as axial packages, canned transistors and boxtype resistors and capacitors were modeled as pin grid array packages. All interconnects were soldered with High Melting Point solder (HMP). Parts were either ceramic or metal. Lead material was either Alloy42 or copper. PQG101 PQG101 is an 8-layer single sided polyimide board (8 layers of copper and 7 layers of polyamide). The board is clamped at 6 points to support it on a steel chassis. There are 61 parts (40 unique) on board – 12 active (diodes, transistors and ICs) and 49 passive (resistors, capacitors, and connectors). There are 490 drill holes in all – 116 vias, 374 component lead holes (4 types) and clamping holes. Figure 7 shows the PQG101 CCA modeled in calcePWA. Figure 6: PQG101 circuit card assembly Figure 7: PQG101 CCA - calcePWA model PQG202 PQG202 is a 6-layer single sided polyimide board (6 layers of copper and 5 layers of polyamide). The board is clamped at 5 points to support it on a steel chassis. There are 79 parts (27 unique) – 61 passive (inductors, capacitors, resistors and connectors) and 12 passive (diodes, transistors and IC devices). There are 392 drill holes – 137 vias, 250 component lead holes (5 types) and 5 clamping holes. Figure 8 shows the 27 circuit card assembly PQG202. Figure 9 shows the PQG202 modeled in calcePWA. Table 4 gives the dimensions of the boards, the layer thickness and the power dissipation of the boards. Figure 10 shows an example of the design capture details for one capacitor and one via. Figure 8: PQG202 circuit card assembly Figure 9: PQG202 CCA - calcePWA model Table 4: Dimensions and power dissipation of PQG101 and PQG202 PQG101 PQG202 Length X Width (in) 14.64 X 0.90 7.93 X 0.92 Thickness (in) 0.063 0.063 28 Power Dissipation (W) 3.116 0.661 3.2.2 Life-Cycle Environmental Profiles A life-cycle environment profile is a forecast of events and associated environmental conditions that equipment will experience from manufacturing to end of life [19]. Life-cycle environment profile information is necessary for both the simulation of the HPQG for its life cycle, and for understanding and interpreting the physical analysis observations. The product’s life-cycle environment describes the storage, handling and application scenario of the product, as well as the expected severity and duration of the load conditions for each scenario. Load conditions include temperature, humidity, pressure levels, vibration or shock loads, chemically aggressive or inert environments, sand, dust, electromagnetic radiation levels, and loads caused via C8 – E082311 Capacitor (PQG202) Via-D0.7 - D1.4 (PQG101) 100pF, 50V Ceramic Capacitor Drill size – 701um Power dissipation – 0.36 mW Pad size – 1450um Package dimensions – 7.6x2.4x6.11 mm Plating material – Cu Package standoff – 0.42mm Finish material – Au IO span – 6mm Pad thickness – 35um Lead thickness – 0.58mm Plating thickness – 10-12um Modeled as a Pin Grid Array package with two leads Finish thickness – 2um Figure 10: Details of design capture - an example 29 by operational parameters such as current, voltage and power [18]. The reliability of the HPQG electronics is primarily affected by three environmental conditions – 1. Temperature 2. Vibration 3. Shock Other factors like humidity, sand, dust, rain can be neglected due to the hermetic assembly of the gauges. Another critical environmental factor in downhole gauges is pressure. However, pressure is critical to ensure the reliability of the mandrel in which the gauges are housed rather than the electronics themselves. The different stages in the life cycle of the HPQG can the corresponding environmental loads are described as follows – 1. Qualification and screening 2. Storage at test facility 3. Transportation 4. Storage at destination 5. Transportation to usage site 6. Installation 7. Operation The different stages in the life cycle of the HPQG with the corresponding environmental loads are described as follows - 30 Qualification and screening During qualification the boards are taken through a temperature step test from 25°C to 150°C (operating temperature) and back in steps of 25°C. The dwell at each temperature is 30 mins. The ramp rate is 3°C/min. The step test is performed for one week. The boards are also subjected to a mild vibration in order to fine defects in the assembly process. Figure 11 shows the thermal profile for qualification and Figure 12 shows the vibration profile. Storage at test facility: After the boards have been tested they remain in the testing facility for about a week before they are shipped to the site of use. During this time they are kept in a controlled steady temperature of about 25°C. 0.035 1 40 0.03 1 20 0.025 PSD (g^2/Hz) T e m pe ratu re ( 1 60 1 00 80 60 40 0.01 0.005 20 0 0 .0 0 0.02 0.015 0 0 .50 1 .00 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 2 .5 0 0 3 .0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Frequency (Hz) T im e (d a y s ) Figure 11: Qualification thermal profile Figure 12: Qualification vibration profile Transportation Transportation profile (especially thermal profile) depends on the origin and destination environmental conditions. Two different profiles were developed in order 31 to have a more comprehensive approach. The profiles were for transportation under two scenarios – 1. From 43°C to -70°C (from hot source to cold destination) 2. From -24°C to 58°C (from cold source to hot destination) However, simulation results show that transportation in both cases have arguably the same effect on the reliability of the electronic boards. Moreover, the thermal loads during this transportation do not contribute significantly to the aging of the two boards. Hence only the first case is presented in this paper as the results in both cases are almost the same. The transportation phase was developed for a 40 day period 80 60 60 40 40 20 Tem perature (C Temperature (C) consisting of transportation by air (one day) and land. 20 0 -20 0 -20 -40 -40 -60 -60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -80 0 Time (days) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Tim e (days) Figure 13: Transportation profile for high temperature destination Figure 14: Transportation profile for low temperature destination The permanent monitoring gauge experiences random vibrations during its transportation. The vibration profile was determined by placing sensors along with the gauge during an actual shipping process. Figure 15 shows the vibration profile during transportation. The gauge may face severe shocks during transportation due to accidental drops and mishandling. The worst case shock level which the tool can 32 experience was estimated to be 500g in 2ms duration. Figure 16 shows the shock profile. Acceleration (g) 0.7 PSD (g2/Hz) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 600 400 200 0 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time (ms) Frequency (Hz) Figure 15: Vibration PSD profile for transportation Figure 16: Shock profile for transportation Storage (at destination): The electronics once transported to the destination may be stored for about a month before actual installation. As the equipment is stored inside a storage facility, it undergoes moderate fluctuations in temperature due to daily variations. The storage period is typically 6 weeks. For this simulation the variations are taken between 20°C to 30°C. Transportation (to installation site) The downhole monitoring electronics is taken to the installation site from the storage facility. The transportation vibration and shock conditions were taken from the previous profile. The temperature profile depends on the destination and for the low temperature case it was taken as a variation between -65°C to -70°C. Installation The installation of the downhole monitoring electronics typically takes 30 hours. During this the equipment is subjected to temperature loads (both temperature shock 33 and gradient) and shock loads. The thermal profile consists of a sudden temperature rise when the tool is brought in contact with the hot liquid and then a gradual change in temperature as the tool is lowered down. The thermal profile for the installation phase is shown in Figure 17. Shock profile during installation is the same as discussed Temperature (C) for the transportation profile and is shown in Figure 16. 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 0 10 20 30 Time (hours) Figure 17: Thermal profile for installation at low temperature destination Operation (including a brief period of dormancy) Normal operation of the gauge electronics is at a constant temperature of 150°C (operating temperature) for 5 years. Every six months the boards are brought down to a temperature of 25°C for a day for maintenance purposes. Figure 18 shows the thermal profile during operation. The vibration experienced by the boards during operation is shown in Figure 19. 34 0.2 2 PSD (g /Hz) Temperature (C) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 50 100 150 0 200 100 200 300 400 500 Frequency (Hz) Time (days) Figure 18: Operational thermal profile Figure 19: Operational vibration profile The above described was modeled using calcePWA. The profiles were used for damage and life analysis of the printed circuit boards. 3.2.3 Failure modes, effects and criticality analysis A FMECA involves a systematic review to identify single point failures, and the causes and effects of such failures. For each subsystem the failure modes and their effects on the rest of the system are evaluated and recorded on a FMEA worksheet as described in Table 20 and Table 21. To complete the FMECA criticalities are assigned to the failures6. The failure modes, effects and criticality analysis for the printed circuit boards was done according to the following methodology: 1. Definition of the system (which components are within the boundaries of the study). 2. Definition of the main functions of the system. 6 The FMECA was performed by Schlumberger. Based on the results from the reliability analysis, certain recommendations were made in order to modify the FMECA to include more failures. 35 3. Description of the operational modes of the system and the operational and environmental stresses that may affect the system. 4. System breakdown into subsystems that can be handled effectively. 5. Preparation of a complete component list for each subsystem. 6. Identification of failures and their effects recorded on FMECA worksheets. 7. Determination of criticality for each failure. Failure modes and effects were classified based on their criticality and probability of occurrence based on the following matrices High Likely during five years of operation Moderate Possible during five years of operation Low Unlikely during five years of operation Critical Mission critical failure causing permanent loss of electrical connection to downhole equipment. Major Failure that results in some lost data and requires a change in operating conditions or procedures to continue. Nuisance Failures that allows operation to continue and data to flow. Based on criticality Based on occurrence Figure 52 shows the functional blocks in the HPQG. The complete FMECA charts are shown in Table 22 to Table 25. Table 5: Distribution of failure modes in occurrence-criticality matrix Probability\Criticality Nuisance Major Critical 4 10 8 15 High Moderate Low 1 The 10 critical failures with moderate probability of occurrence are listed as follows: 36 • Bad soldering or open circuits in the cable line driver VQ3001 (Dual N&P MOSFET) • Bad PCB board open circuits VQ3001(Dual N&P MOSFET) • R1 varies out of specification • Bad solder, bond-wire, circuitry or PCB failure at 80C154 µController, which manages address & data • Bad solder, bond-wire, circuitry or PCB failure at 80C154 µController, which managers I/O pins • Premature loss of stored M27C256 PROM program • Bad solder, bond-wire, circuitry or PCB failure at M27C256 PROM • Bad solder, bond-wire, or PCB failure of Digitizer DCM92 (Gate Array) • Degradation of Clock Crystal (Y1) or failure of C14, C15 (out of specification C or R, short or open) • Bad DCM92 or bad solder, bond-wire, or PCB failure at the DCM92 digitizer 3.2.4 Component level design capture Based on the results from the FMECA, 5 ICs were identified for further component level analysis based on package and IC level failure mechanisms. The ICs selected for further analysis are shown in Table 6. Table 6: Selected ICs for component level analysis IC Device Description Power FMECA class OP221 Dual low power Op-Amp 0.00561 W Critical - low VQ3001 Dual N & P MOSFET 0.072 W Critical - moderate 80C154 Microcontroller 0.15 W Critical - moderate 37 M27C256 UV PROM 0.06 W Critical - moderate DCM92 Gate Array 0.25W Critical - moderate The ICs were modeled using CADMP-II software. Package and IC level information was required in modeling the ICs. Figure 20 shows the CADMP model Figure 20: M27C256 UV PROM Device for M27C256 PROM device and Table 7 shows some of associated design details. Apart from the details listed, geometry and dimensions for each of the layers like case, lid, seal, die attach and lead frame was entered in order to model the component. 38 Table 7: Component level modeling details Manufacturer Data Package level details Die level details Dual Inline Ceramic Package – 3.73 × 1.34 × 0.45 cm Case material – 90% Alumina Lid material – 90% Alumina Die Attach Metallization – Bare base Die Attach material – Silver Glass Die Attach Temperature – 435oC (8-12 min) Bond Finger metallization – Aluminum Bonding Wire – 31.75 µm dia Bonding method – Ultrasonic Wedge Seal material – Vitreous glass Seal temperature – 440oC (10-13min) – Dry Air Lead frame material – Alloy 42 Aluminated Lead finish – Tin plating Cavity moisture - <5000 ppm Dimensions and geometry of the lead, attach and seal layers were also given Die size – 2.06 x 1.39 mm (0.28 mm thickness) Semiconductor material - silicon Gate oxide thickness – 150 Å (Area – 1e-6 m2) Metal thickness – 5000 Å Metal width – 2 µm Metallization – Al – 1%Si – 0.5%Cu Passivation – 5000 Å USG/8000 Å PSG/7000 Å SiON Dimensions of the metallization was also given Calculated values Assumed values Power dissipation – 0.018 W Worst case current density – 2e+7 A/m2 Current – 30 mA Barrier potential – 0.7V Avalanche breakdown voltage – 50V Drain to source voltage – 5V 3.2.5 Virtual Reliability Assessment Life-cycle assessment is used to identify potential failure sites, damage mechanisms and failure modes, based on the product architecture and life-cycle loads. This step includes a stress, damage, and life assessment. Given the captured hardware and the life-cycle environmental profiles, a reliability assessment can be completed based on the dominant failure mechanisms of the circuit card assemblies. The calcePWA™ software tool was used to model each PCB, perform thermal and vibration simulations, and conduct a damage and life assessment. 39 CADMP-II software was used to model the IC packages, perform thermal simulations7, and conduct a damage and life assessment. Stress Assessment The stress assessment can be divided into two parts – component level stress assessment and board level stress assessment. The stress assessment is done to transform the environmental and operational loads into stress fields on the electronic assembly/component, which can lead to failures. Board level stress assessment As there are three primary loads on the printed circuit boards – temperature, vibration, and shock, the stress assessment is done in three steps: 1. Thermal analysis 2. Vibration analysis 3. Shock analysis Thermal analysis The thermal analysis for the circuit card assemblies was performed at temperatures of 25°C and 150°C. The thermal analysis was done by finite difference method using a 10 X 10 mesh for PQG101 and 10 X 10 mesh for PQG202. Boundary conditions – Assuming the boards are in equilibrium with the surrounding, the temperatures on the sides, bottom and top of the boards was modeled equal to the ambient. Combined conduction and natural convection analysis was 7 Vibration simulation was not done at the package level since vibration does not pose a reliability issue for on-chip failure mechanisms 40 performed for a vertically oriented printed circuit board. Figure 21 shows the assembly and modes of heat transfer from the boards. Steel PCB Clamps Insulator Steel Small standoff to protect soldered leads Hot oil surrounding the tube (isothermal 150ºC) Figure 21: Thermal boundary conditions The thermal analysis results for PQG101 and PQG202 at a temperature of 150°C is shown in the Figure 22 and Figure 23. A maximum of 1.2°C temperature rise was found on PQG101 while a maximum rise of 1.6°C was found on PQG202. Figure 22: Thermal analysis of PQG101 at 150°C 150.001 – 150.138 150.138 – 150.271 150.271 – 150.406 150.406 – 150.541 150.541 – 150.676 150.676 – 150.811 150.811 – 150.946 150.946 – 151.081 151.081 – 151.216 151.216 – 151.351 151.351 – 151.486 151.486 – 151.620 Figure 23: Thermal analysis of PQG202 at 150°C 150.000 – 150.099 150.099 – 150.197 150.197 – 150.296 150.296 – 150.395 150.395 – 150.493 150.493 – 150.592 150.592 – 150.691 41 150.691 – 150.789 150.789 – 150.888 150.888 – 150.986 150.986 – 151.085 151.085 – 151.182 Vibration analysis The vibration stress analysis is done for four different vibration profiles corresponding to testing, transportation, installation and operation. The vibration analysis is done using finite element analysis with a mesh of 12 X 8 for PQG101 and 20 X 10 for PQG202. Boundary conditions - Since the boards are fixed to the steel chassis as shown in Figure 21 the boards are modeled with clamped points supports. The ideal mechanical model for the board assembly is shown in Figure 24. The boards are supported at the clamping points by rigid clamps and everywhere else by non-linear springs. The springs offer no resistance for deflection within the standoff distance. For deflections more than the standoff distance, the resistance due to the springs increases with deflection becoming infinite at the thickness of the insulating sheet. However due to limitations of the software, the boards were modeled as supported only at the clamping points. This is a worst case assumption and the will result in conservative estimates. This is shown in Figure 25. PQG101 is clamped at six points as shown in Figure 26 and PQG202 is clamped at five points as shown in Figure 27. 42 Figure 25: Worst case model Fixed Can restrain free clamps deflection Standoff - x Figure 24: Ideal mechanical model Figure 26: Vibration boundary conditions for PQG101 Figure 27: Vibration boundary conditions for PQG202 The first three frequency modes for each of the boards were determined. The dynamic response of the boards to the PSD profile was found by superimposing the response at these three frequency modes. PQG101 frequency modes were 313.6Hz, 314.7Hz and 472.8Hz while those for PQG202 were 575.5Hz, 728.8Hz and 1556.2Hz. Figure 28 and Figure 29 show the first frequency mode and the displacement profile for PQG101 while Figure 30 and Figure 31 show the first frequency mode and the displacement profile for PQG202. 43 Figure 28: PQG101 Mode 1- 313.6Hz Figure 29: PQG101 Vibration displacement profile Figure 30: PQG202 Mode 1 - 575.5 Hz Figure 31: PQG202 Vibration displacement profile Minimum Maximum Displacement color map Shock Shock analysis was performed for a shock load of 500g (2 ms). The ability of the interconnects to sustain the shock level was analyzed. The boundary conditions for the shock analysis were similar to the vibration analysis. Figure 32 and Figure 33 show the displacement profile for PQG101and PQG202. 44 Figure 32: Shock displacement of components on PQG101 Figure 33: Shock displacement of components on PQG202 Minimum Maximum Displacement color map Component level stress analysis The component level thermal stress analysis was performed using a finite difference method. Assuming that the component has come in equilibrium with the surrounding, the temperatures at the top, bottom and sides of the IC package were modeled equal to the ambient temperature (150°C). Temperature rise in the components was in the vicinity of 0.1 to 0.3°C owing to their low power dissipation during operation. 45 Figure 34: Thermal profile - M27C256 Damage and Life Assessment Damage and life assessments for the IC components and the printed circuit boards were performed. In case of component level analysis the results are in terms of percentage of life left while in case of board analysis the results are in terms of damage ratio. Component level damage and life assessment CADMP-II was used to perform the component level reliability analysis. The failure models used in the damage and life assessment of the six IC packages include: • Black’s model (electromigration)[49] • Hermetic metallization corrosion [32] • Fowler Nordheim tunnel model (time dependent dielectric breakdown)[52] • Hu Pecht Dasgupta’s model (wire fatigue)[50] • Bond pad fatigue model[50] • Wire shear fatigue model[50] • Wire bond pad shear fatigue model[50] 46 The two most dominant degradation failure mechanisms in each of the ICs analysed are shown in Table 8 to Table 12. No failures are expected during the 5 year operating life of the ICs. Electromigration and metallization corrosion are the prominent degradation mechanisms in all the ICs. Table 8: OP221 Table 9: M27C256 Failure model % remaining life Failure model % remaining life Electromigration 0.979 Electromigration 0.995 Met corrosion 0.988 Met corrosion 0.997 Table 11: DCM92 Table 10: 80C154 Failure model % remaining life Failure model % remaining life Electromigration 0.970 Electromigration 0.949 Met corrosion 0.994 Met corrosion 0.995 Table 12: VQ3001 Failure model % remaining life Electromigration 0.994 Met corrosion 0.995 Sensitivity analysis was performed for all the five devices to assess the variation in the damage due to each of the dominant failure mechanism with temperature. It was found that damage due to electromigration changed significantly due to temperature while the damage due to metallization corrosion remained fairly the same. Figure 35 and Figure 36 show the sensitivity analysis data for DCM92 IC device. 47 Figure 35: DCM92 - electromigration sensitivity analysis Figure 36: DCM92 - metallization corrosion sensitivity analysis Table 13: % Remaining life - DCM92 125ºC 150ºC 175ºC Electromigration 0.983 0.949 0.872 Metallization corrosion 0.995 0.995 0.995 Board level damage and life assessment Board level damage assessment was performed using calcePWA. Solder joint fatigue models for through-hole interconnects were used to evaluate board level reliability. The failure models evaluated were as follows • Thermal fatigue for insertion mount packages • Random vibration fatigue The results from board level vibration and temperature stress analysis were used as inputs, along with the life cycle environment profile, to evaluate the damage occurring during the life cycle of the printed circuit boards. After evaluating the damage due to wear out mechanisms, the failures were ranked in the expected order of the occurrence 48 (earliest and most critical to the less critical ones). The first five predicted failures for PQG101 and PQG202 are shown in Table 14 and Table 15. Figure 37 shows the two leading components on the vibration displacement profile for PQG101. The damage ratio along with the percentage of the total damage done by each of the failure mechanisms is shown. Results show that no failures are expected in the 5 year operating life of the boards due to these mechanisms. However, vibration is the dominant degradation mechanism in the printed circuit boards. Table 14: Ranking of failures in PQG101 Table 15: Ranking of failures in PQG202 Component Damage %Vibration %Thermal ratio C5 0.75 ~100 ~0 C4 0.40 ~100 ~0 CR2 0.37 ~100 ~0 C10 0.20 ~100 ~0 C2 0.18 ~100 ~0 Component Damage %Vibration %Thermal ratio R29 0.01 ~100 ~0 TP7 ~0 C18 ~0 C9 ~0 C19 ~0 - C5 C4 Figure 37: Vibration displacement profile for PQG101 with C5 and C4 The damage assessment of the boards for shock intensity of 500 g (2 ms) was done using calcePWA. The analysis was done taking shock failure as an overstress mechanism. The ability of the interconnects to sustain the applied shock levels was 49 evaluated and the results were given in terms of success or failure of the interconnects to survive the shock loads. Table 16 and Table 17 show the potential failures identified in PQG101 and PQG202. It was decided to conduct a shock test in order to verify the results. However it should be noted that both vibration and shock analysis was performed considering an extremely worst case of dynamic response from the boards because of only 5 or 6 fixed clamp supports. Table 16: Components showing potential failures due to shock in PQG101 Component ID Component ID Component ID Component ID CR7 R17 R6 R7 C17 CR1 CR2 C13 C16 R22 C1 C2 C4 C5 C10 C9 C12 C16 Table 17: Components showing potential failures due to shock in PQG202 Component ID Component ID Component ID Component ID R29 R17 CL1 TP8 TP9 R13 C13 R14 C23 C6 C1 R27 C20 R28 R1 R5 R6 C10 C7 C19 C16 C9 R4 R22 R24 R3 R10 C8 C14 C18 R9 C21 R25 R23 C17 R18 3.3 Accelerated thermal testing Accelerated thermal testing of the printed circuit boards was performed in order to assess reliable operation of the boards at high temperature. Specific objectives were to assess high temperature reliability of all the components using sub-assembly level 50 testing, assess drift in the output from the boards to extended periods of operation at high temperature and to assess degradation due to identified degradation mechanisms like electromigration, intermetallic growth and hermetic metallization corrosion. 3.3.1 Accelerated test loads and acceleration factor The stable operating limit for the boards was 175°C. In order to obtain maximum time compression on the thermal testing, it was decided to test the boards at 175°C. Table 18 gives a justification for usage upto 175°C from a materials standpoint. Acceleration factors for different steady state temperature dependent failure mechanisms were calculated. The values for DCM92 are shown in Table 19. Since the temperature at the top of the die is similar in all the components the acceleration factors for all of them no significant difference. Table 18: Material Tg/melting points for stable operations upto 175°C Polyimide/E-glass - 250°C Copper - 1083°C Aluminum - 660°C Alloy 42 - 1425°C HMP - 296°C Alumina - 2054°C Table 19: Acceleration factors for DCM-92 IC – DCM92 Electromigration Met. Corrosion TDDB 125°C to 175°C 7 ~1 35 150°C to 175°C 2.5 ~1 5.1 3.3.2 Accelerated test setup Two sets of HPQG assemblies were prepared. The requirements for the setup were as follows- 51 Two printed circuit boards PQG101 Solder equipment Two printed circuit boards PQG202 Oscilloscope 4 Temperature crystals8 and 2 reference crystals PC and a data collection software Data acquisition unit A gauge simulator High temperature wires A thermal chamber capable of going upto 175oC The boards were baked at 125°C. Two temperature crystals and one reference crystal were soldered to each PQG202 board which was then connected to PQG101 boards using high temperature wires. The two HPQG assemblies were placed in the thermal chamber. Output from the two HPQG assemblies (from PQG101) and one gauge simulator9 was connected to the data acquisition unit. The data acquisition unit was connected to the serial port of a PC loaded with a real-time monitoring software. 3.3.3 Calibration Since the boards were new, their electrical response was not calibrated to surrounding conditions. So a temperature step test was conducted in order to calibrate the boards. The boards were taken from 25°C to 175°C in steps of 25°C and back. At each temperature the boards were kept for 12 hours. The ramp rate was about 3°C/min. Apart from calibrating the response, the test served to – 8 • Check operation of the boards upto 175°C • Check if there is any hysteresis in the response of the boards As a sub-objective, it was decided to test how compatible temperature crystals are on the pressure line of the PQG electronic boards, considering that the frequency outputs from the pressure and temperature crystal are very close to each other. Hence each PQG202 had two temperature crystal instead of one pressure and one temperature crystal. 9 Gauge simulator sends dummy frequency signals corresponding to temperature and pressure values to check if the data acquisition unit is working properly. 52 • Check if output from the boards is stable at constant temperature The boards worked fine upto 175°C without any hysteresis and had stable output at constant temperature. The coefficients from the calibration profiles were input into the software to give the exact temperature output on the monitor. Figure 38 - Figure 41 show the results of the calibration test. It is clear from the results that the temperature line of the HPQGs have a linear response with increasing temperature while the pressure line has a non-linear response. This is because of the mismatch in the frequency between temperature crystal and frequency for which the pressure line 16000 180 14000 160 Temperature line response Pressure line response circuit is designed. 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 y =-88.467x + 17458 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 120 200 y =1.1537x - 38.599 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 0 0 0 140 20 40 60 Actual temperature 160 12000 140 Temperature line response Pressure line response 180 14000 10000 8000 6000 y =-89.317x + 17250 2000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 120 140 160 180 200 Figure 39: HPQG-1 Temperature line response 16000 0 100 Actual temperature Figure 38: HPQG-1 Pressure line response 4000 80 140 160 180 120 100 80 40 20 0 -20 0 200 Actual temperature y =1.1524x - 42.738 60 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Actual temperature Figure 40: HPQG-2 Pressure line response Figure 41: HPQG-2 Temperature line response 3.3.4 Failure criteria The printed circuit boards were to be declared failed if • One or both output lines of either of the boards stop responding 53 • If the frequency response of the crystals drifts away from the range of 10 KHz to 50KHz permanently or temporarily This was translated into ±10% drift in the mean value of the outputs from the boards • If there is ± 25% variation (a spike) in any measurement from the mean value Real time output from the boards was monitored and stored in order to detect any failures occurring during the high temperature testing. Alarms were set at 135°C and 215°C (in the monitoring software) to point out any measurements beyond the +/-25% limits. 3.3.5 Accelerated testing After the calibration was done, the boards were tested at 175°C for 4500 hours. Figure 42 - Figure 45 show the results of the testing. It is clear from the results that the output from the pressure line has far more variations compared to the output from the temperature line. It can be concluded from this that the temperature crystal on the pressure line does not perform satisfactorily and thereby can’t be used as a substitute on the pressure line of the HPQG. In order to calculate the drift in the circuit, linear and non-linear trends were fit to the temperature line response. Figure 46 and Figure 47 show the trends in the output from the temperature line of the two HPQGs. The linear fit shows a 0.06% drift in HPQG-1 and 0.11% drift in HPQG-2. The non-linear fits show an asymptotic convergence at a temperature of about 175.2°C. Hence, the linear fit is a more conservative estimate of the output trends from the HPQGs. 54 Individual readings stayed within +/- 25% of the mean value (~175°C). Both the boards were working at the end of 4500 hours of testing and response was stable from 185 185 183 183 Temperature line response ( Pressure line response (ps both the boards. 181 179 177 175 173 171 169 167 165 181 179 177 175 173 171 169 167 165 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 Time (hours) 4000 Figure 43: HPQG-1 Temperature line output 185 185 183 183 T em preature line response Pressure line response (p Figure 42: HPQG-1 Pressure line output 181 179 177 175 173 171 169 167 181 179 177 175 173 171 169 167 165 165 0 1000 2000 3000 0 4000 1000 2000 Figure 44: HPQG-2 Pressure line output Tempreature line response (C) 175.5 175 174.5 174 1000 2000 4000 Figure 45: HPQG-2 Temperature line output 176 0 3000 T im e (hours) Time (hours) Temperature line response (C) 3000 Time (hours) 3000 4000 175.5 175 174.5 174 0 Time (hours) Figure 46: HPQG-1 Drift in temperature line response 176 1000 2000 3000 4000 Time (hours) Figure 47: HPQG-2 Drift in temperature line response 55 3.4 Visual Inspection The boards were inspected under the microscope after thermal testing to see if there is evidence of any incipient failures or severe degradation. No significant defects or signs of degradation were observed in either of the boards. Benign cracks on the solder joint and some of the traces were found, but they did not affect the functionality of the boards. It was also concluded that the cracks won’t see any significant degradation due to further high temperature testing. Figure 48 to Figure 51 show the cracks on the solder joint and traces. Figure 48: Cracks on capture pads Figure 49: Solder joint on an axial leaded component Figure 51: Cracks on traces Figure 50: Solder joints and via connections on the back side of the PCB 56 PQG electronics Functional Block Diagram HPQG 1.0 PQG101 Board • Regulate the tool’s power 1.1 Power regulation • Protect against current or voltage overloads 1.2 Protection Receive the surface communications • Transmit the gauge’s measurements • • Manage the addresses and data Check the card working • Contain the µcontroller program • Communicate the program • Provide the µcontroller clock Digitalize pressure and temperature frequencies 1.3 Telemetry receiver 1.4 Telemetry transmission 1.5 µController 2.0 PQG202 Board 2.1 Pressure oscillator • Oscillate the pressure crystal 3.0 Quartzdyne sensor 3.1 Pressure Crystal Provide pressure frequency 2.2 Reference Oscillator 3.2 Reference Crystal • Oscillate the reference crystal • Provide reference frequency 2.3 Temperature Oscillator 3.3 Temperature Crystal • Oscillate the temperature crystal Provide temperature frequency 1.5 PROM 2.4 Mixers 1.6 Clock oscillator 2.5 Wave Shaping & filter Combine reference and • Pressure frequency • Temperature frequency 1.7 Counter Filter and amplify the output signal Figure 52: Functional block diagram of the HPQG electronics 57 Table 20: General description of a FMECA header System Component System name and part number Component name and part number Mission Mode What is the state of the system during each of the steps below? Key Function What does this component do? What is its purpose? Table 21: General description of a FMECA chart Item # 58 The reference number for a specific failure mode of a specific component. Component name & P/N Operating condition The name & part number of the component in the subsystem. Operation condition under which the failure occurs for the component part listed. Failure mode 1. 2. 3. For each component’s function and operational mode failure modes are identified and recorded. A failure mode is defined as the manner by which a failure is revealed. All units are designed to fulfill one or more functions; a failure is thus defined as nonfulfillment of one or more of these functions. Failure Effect Local Next Higher End system Failure Effect: The main effects of the identified failure modes on the subsystems. System Effect: The main effects of the identified failure modes on the primary function of the system and the resulting operational status of the system after the failure. Cause of Failure Control Measures, Follow-up Corrective Action, or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) The possible failure mechanisms (corrosion, erosion, fatigue, etc.) that may produce the identified failure modes. This is a statement of possible actions to prevent, or to correct the failure and restore the function or to mitigate its serious consequences. Also recorded are actions that are likely to reduce the probability of occurrence of the failure. OFIs may also be described that are recommendations for improvements in design or procedures. Failure Classification Criticality Probability Critical High Major Medium Nuisance Low See Section on FMECA See Section FMECA Table 22: FMECA header for PQG101 System Component HPQG Electronics Digital / Regulator Board PQG101 Mission Mode Powered on continuously making P/T measurements & transmitting Key Function Count P & T Freqs, regulate pwr and transmit measurements Table 23: FMECA chart for PQG101 Item # see Figure 52 1.11 PQG101 Compone nt name & P/N PQG101 +5V Pwr Regulator LT1021A _5 Operat ing conditi on Failure mode Always active Loss of +5V power 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 59 3. 1.12 PQG101 +5V Pwr Regulator 2N2905A Always active Loss of +5V power 1. 2. 3. 1.13 PQG101 Pwr Reg 2N2905A & R15 Always active Loss of +5V power 1. 2. 3. Failure Effect Local Next Higher End system Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance - Low Critical Low Cause of Failure Control Measures or Followup Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) LT1021A_5 open circuit output Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec OFI: Add a 2nd, redundant part Loss of +5V output No power to boards No P/T measurement Open circuit output Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec OFI: Add a 2nd, redundant regulator Critical Low Loss of +5V output No power to boards No P/T measurement Open circuit of connection between components 2N2905A & R15 due to bad soldering or broken path 1. 2. 3. Critical Low Loss of +5V output No power to boards No P/T measurement Technology was qualified Vendor was qualified Process is qualified and controlled Item # see Figure 52 1.14 1.15 60 1.16 1.17 PQG101 Compone nt name & P/N PQG101 Pwr Reg printed circuit board PQG101 Pwr Reg CR7 Operat ing conditi on Failure mode Always active Loss of +5V power 1. 2. 3. Always active PQG101 Pwr Reg C3 Always active PQG101 Pwr Reg C11 Always active Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance - Low Critical Low Fabricator was qualified Process was qualified and is controlled ΜController rapidly degrades (depends on surface V & cable config.) 1. Short circuit of CR7 (0 V out) 2. Short circuit between input & output of regulator 1. Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec Power derating Major Low V regulation degraded (out of spec) 1. Short life 2N2905A 2. V Reg out of spec 3. Loss of P/T accuracy Variation or open circuit of R18 1) Component is specially qualified and screened Power derating Major Medium V regulation degraded (out of spec) 1) 2) V Reg out of spec Loss of P/T accuracy Short lifetme Current leakage through capacitance Changes in capacitance value 1) Component is specially qualified and screened Voltage derating Major Medium 1) V Reg out of spec 2) Loss of P/T accuracy 3) Short Lifetime Current leakage through capacitance Changes in capacitance value 1) Component is specially qualified and screened Voltage derating Major Medium Regulation lost 3) 1.18 Control Measures or Followup Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) 1. 2. 3. PQG101 Pwr Reg R18 Cause of Failure Open circuit of connection in board 1. 2. Always active Failure Effect Local Next Higher End system V regulation degraded (out of spec) Loss of +5V output No power to boards No P/T measurement 2. 2) 2) 2) Item # see Figure 52 1.21 1.22 1.31 PQG101 Compone nt name & P/N Protection Passive mode Protection Active mode 61 Telemetr y receiver U3 OP221 Operat ing conditi on Failure mode Passive mode Active mode Passive mode Failure Effect Local Next Higher End system Cause of Failure Transition into active mode unjustified Loss of P/T accuracy or no measurements at all Failure of VQ3001 Protection is short circuited 1) No transmissions 2) Tool’s head voltage too low (out of spec low) 3) No P/T measurements 1. 2. 3. Loss of gauge transmission 1) 2) 3) U3 Pin 7 stays high Loss of transmission No P/T measurements Short-circuit • OP221 • LT1021 Control Measures or Followup Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) 1) Component is specially qualified and screened 2) Fabrication process under strict anti-electrostatic conditions Long term life qualification made at high temperature (150deg C) Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance - Low Major Medium Major Low • Resistor R11 Short circuited OP221 Component is specially qualified and screened Critical Low 1.41 Telemetry transmissi on U1 VQ3001 Transm it gauge signals Loss of gauge transmission 1) Constant head volts 2) Loss of transmission 3) No P/T measurements Open circuited R1, VQ3001 or µController Component is specially qualified and screened Critical Low 1.42 Telemetry transmissi on U1 VQ3001 Transm it gauge signals Loss of gauge transmission 1) Solder broken Qualification of technology, process, supplier Critical Medium 2) 3) Constant head volts Loss of transmission No P/T measurements Item # see Figure 52 1.43 PQG101 Compone nt name & P/N Telemetry transmissi on U1 VQ3001 Operat ing conditi on Failure mode Transm it gauge signals Loss of gauge transmission 1. 2. 3. 1) 1) 2) Failure Effect Local Next Higher End system Cause of Failure Control Measures or Followup Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance - Low Critical Medium Constant head volts Loss of transmission No P/T measurements PCB failure (path opened) Qualification of technology, process, supplier Constant head volts Loss of transmission No P/T measurements Variation of R1 out of spec Component is specially qualified and screened Design derating Critical Medium Telemetry transmissi on U1 VQ3001 Transm it gauge signals 1.51 µControll er U6 Manage bus address es & data µC control line failure 1) Loss of gauge functions 2) Loss of transmission 3) No P/T measurements Solder failure Bonding failure Silicon circuit failure PCB failure Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /shock & vibration Critical Medium 1.52 µControll er U6 Manage bus address es & data (17 pins of bus) µC I/O Pin failure 1) Solder failure Bonding failure Silicon circuit failure PCB failure Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /shock & vibration Critical Medium 1.44 Loss of gauge transmission 1) 2) 3) 62 Loss of gauge functions 2) Loss of transmission 3) No P/T measurements Item # see Figure 52 1.53 PQG101 Compone nt name & P/N µControll er U6 Operat ing conditi on Failure mode Control noncritical functio ns µC pin failure of: REC_DIR, REC_INT, TXD, or RXD 1. 2. 3. 1) 2) 3) Failure Effect Local Next Higher End system Multiple gauge transmissions overlap. Board fails during mfgr testing No communications Cause of Failure Control Measures or Followup Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) Solder failure Bonding failure Silicon circuit failure PCB failure Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /shock & vibration Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance - Low Nuisance Low 63 1.54 PROM Progra m content Loss of program 1) 2) Program lost Loss of gauge functions 3) No P/T measurements Retention life too short Premature aging Component is specially qualified and screened Qualification life tested Critical Medium 1.55 PROM Commu nicate content Failure of PROM connection 1) Solder failure Bonding failure Silicon circuit failure PCB failure Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /T shock & vibration Critical Medium - Qualification of quartz and resistors Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification of DCM92 counter Qualification test /T shock & vibration Critical Medium 2) 3) 1.61 Clock Oscillator Y1, R14, R15 Furnish time steps to µContr oller Loss of timing frequency 1) 2) Loss of one or more PROM lines Loss of all gauge functions No P/T measurements µController stops Loss of all digital board functions 3) No P/T measurements - - - Failure of quartz crystal Y1 Failure of µController power supply Failure of C14 or C15 (open or short) Failure of DCM92 oscout Failure of PCB Item # see Figure 52 1.62 1.71 PQG101 Compone nt name & P/N Clock Oscillator Y1, R14, R15 Counter DCM92 Operat ing conditi on Failure mode Furnish time steps to µContr oller Timing frequency out of spec Digitize the P/T frequen cies Loss of count or incorrect count 1. 2. 3. 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) Failure Effect Local Next Higher End system µController stops Loss of all digital board functions No P/T measurements Counts incorrect No transmissions or erratic transmissions No P/T measurements Cause of Failure - - Degradation of quartz Xtal Y1 Failure of C14 or C15 (out of spec) Solder failure Bonding failure Silicon circuit failure PCB failure Control Measures or Followup Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) Qualification of quartz and resistors Derating in voltage Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /T shock & vibration Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance - Low Critical Medium Critical Medium 64 Table 24: PQG202 General description System Component HPQG Oscillator Mixer Board PQG002 Mission Mode Powered on continuously making P/T measurements & transmitting Key Function Generate Pressure, Temperature and Reference Frequencies Table 25: FMEA table for PQG202 Item # see Figure 52 2.11 PQG202 Component name & P/N Pressure oscillator Operating condition 65 Oscillate Quartz Pressure Xtal Failure mode No oscillation Failure Effect 1. Local 2. Next Higher 3. End system 1) 2) 3) 2.12 Pressure oscillator Oscillate Quartz Pressure Xtal Frequency out of spec 1) 2) 3) Cause of Failure Control Measures or Follow-up Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) No change TP9 No P signal out TP7 No P measurement Bad capacitor (out of spec) Change in resistance value “ Change in 2N2857 “ Bad solder joint (open) Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec P Freq out of spec P output out of spec (TP7) Incorrect P measurement Change in capacitor (out of spec) Change in resistance value “ Change in 2N2857 “ Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance Critical - Low Low Critical Low Item # see Figure 52 2.21 PQG202 Component name & P/N Reference oscillator Operating condition Oscillate the Quartz Reference Xtal Failure mode No oscillation Failure Effect 1. Local 2. Next Higher 3. End system 1) 2) 3) Cause of Failure Control Measures or Follow-up Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) No V change at TP3 No Ref signal out TP3 No P or T measurements Bad capacitor (out of spec) Change in resistance value “ Change in 2N2857 “ Bad solder joint (open) Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance Critical - Low Low Reference oscillator Oscillate the Quartz Reference Xtal Frequency out of spec 1) Ref Freq out of spec 2) Ref output out of spec (TP3) 3) Incorrect P & T measurements Change in capacitor (out of spec) Change in resistance value “ Change in 2N2857 “ Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec Critical Low 2.31 Temperature oscillator Oscillate Quartz Temperatur e Xtal No oscillation 4) No change TP8 No T signal out TP6 No T measurement Bad capacitor (out of spec) Change in resistance value “ Change in 2N2857 “ Bad solder joint (open) Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec Major Low T Freq out of spec T output out of spec (TP6) Incorrect T measurement Change in capacitor (out of spec) Change in resistance value “ Change in 2N2857 “ Component was specially qualified and is screened Hi Rel Mil Spec Major Low 66 2.22 5) 6) 2.32 Temperature oscillator Oscillate the Quartz temperature Xtal Frequency out of spec 1) 2) 3) Item # see Figure 52 2.41 2.42 PQG202 Component name & P/N Pressure Mixer Temperature Mixer Operating condition Failure mode Combine Ref & P freqs (Heterodyn e) Loss of Mixer function Combine Ref & T freqs (Heterodyn e) Loss of Mixer function Filter T signal T Filtering out of spec Failure Effect 1. Local 2. Next Higher 3. End system Loss of P measurement Shaping T signal (Q4 & Q7 ckt) - Loss of T measurement - 67 2.51 Cause of Failure Loss of T measurement - 2.52 Shaping P signal (Q2 & U1 ckt) Amplify T out T signal too low (Out of spec) Loss of P measurement - Control Measures or Follow-up Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance Critical - Low Low Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /T shock & vibration Major Low Solder failure Bonding failure Capacitor failure C12, C9, C14 Silicon, circuit failure (2N2907) PCB failure Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /T shock & vibration Major Low Solder failure Bonding failure Capacitor failure C5 Silicon, circuit failure (2N2857 or HC14) PCB failure Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /T shock & vibration Major Low Solder failure Bonding failure Silicon circuit failure ( 2N2857 ) PCB failure Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /T shock & vibration Solder failure Bonding failure Silicon circuit failure ( 2N2857 ) PCB failure Item # see Figure 52 2.53 PQG202 Component name & P/N Shaping P signal (Q5, & Q6 ckt) Operating condition Filter P signal Failure mode Filtering out of spec Failure Effect 1. Local 2. Next Higher 3. End system Loss of P measurement Cause of Failure - Shaping P signal (Q3 & U1 ckt) Amplify P out P signal too low (out of spec) Loss of P measurement 3.11 Quartz Pressure Xtal Furnish P freq No oscillation Loss of P measurement 68 2.54 - Control Measures or Follow-up Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium - Nuisance Critical - Low Low Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /T shock & vibration Critical Low - Critical Low Solder failure Bonding failure Capacitor failure C10, C11, C13 Silicon, circuit failure 2N2907 PCB failure Qualification of technology Qualification of supplier Qualification of process Qualification test /T shock & vibration Solder failure Bonding failure Capacitor failure C2 Silicon, circuit failure 2N2907 PCB failure Failure of P Quartz : Failure of Au plated contacts Twinning (abrupt change in xtal structure) Aging of Xtal (increased motional resistance) Crack Failure of Bellows seal Failure Classification Qualification of Quartz component, technology, process & aging - Individual motional resistance test - Qualification in shock & vibration - Qualification of Bellows design, process controls and He leak inspections Item # see Figure 52 PQG202 Component name & P/N Operating condition Failure mode Failure Effect 1. Local 2. Next Higher 3. End system Cause of Failure Control Measures or Follow-up Corrective Action or Opportunity for improvement (OFI) Failure Classification Criticality Probability - Critical - High - Major - Medium 69 3.21 Quartz reference Xtal Furnish ref freq No oscillation Loss of P & T measurements Failure of P Quartz : Failure of Au plated contacts Twinning (abrupt change in xtal structure) Aging of Xtal (increased motional resistance) Crack - - Nuisance Critical - Low Low 3.31 Quartz Temperature Xtal Furnish T freq No oscillation Loss of T measurement Failure of P Quartz : Failure of Au plated contacts Twinning (abrupt change in xtal structure) Aging of Xtal (increased motional resistance) Crack - Major Low Qualification of Quartz component, technology, process & aging - Individual motional resistance test - Qualification in shock & vibration Qualification of Quartz component, technology, process & aging - Individual motional resistance test - Qualification in shock & vibration Chapter 4 Results and Conclusions A physics of failure based reliability assessment of the board interconnects and the components was performed using numerical simulations (calcePWA and CADMP software). Life cycle profile for the HPQG was developed using the methodology described in Chapter 2. Thermal, vibration and shock analysis was performed for the printed circuit board assemblies PQG101 and PQG202, using calcePWA. The thermal analysis showed little temperature rise on the boards relative to the ambient conditions. A maximum of 0.7°C was found on PQG101 and a maximum of 1.6°C was found on PQG202. A worst-case mechanical model was used for vibration and shock analysis. First three fundamental modes of oscillation of the boards were found. PQG202 had higher frequency modes than PQG101 because it is a stiffer assembly. Displacements of the components due to shock loads were calculated. FMECA for PQG101 and PQG202 identified 38 failure modes. Critical IC devices were selected from FMECA classification of medium or low probability of failure for on-chip and package level reliability analysis. Thermal analysis was perfomed on these five selected IC devices using CADMP. Due to low power dissipation during operation, the rise in temperature at the die was in the vicinity of 0.1°C to 0.3°C. Stress analysis at the interconnect (assembly) level and the component level helps assess the response of the hardware elements to environmental loads. Stress analysis results are used in failure models at the board interconnect level as well as component level in order to perform damage and life analysis. Board level 70 damage and life analysis was performed using calcePWA. Solder joint fatigue models – Thermal fatigue models for insertion mount interconnects and random vibration fatigue models were used to assess the wear-out damage in the interconnects at the board level. Life cycle profile developed was used to determine the loads at each stage of the life cycle of the boards. Stress analysis results were used to determine the response (stress values) at each stage due to these loads. Results show that solder joint fatigue due to vibration the prime degradation mechanism in the interconnects at the PCB level. No failures are expected in the board interconnects during the 5-year life of the boards. Degradation due to vibration fatigue is much higher in PQG101 than in PQG202. Thermal fatigue causes negligible degradation in the life of the board level interconnects. This is expected since the life cycle of the boards predominantly has steady state high temperature rather than thermal cycling. Steady state temperature does not significantly affect the life of PCB level interconnections. Shock analysis was performed as an overstress assessment. The ability of the component interconnects to withstand the shock loads was evaluated and potential failures were predicted. The results can be verified by drop tests (500g 2ms). Component level damage and life analysis was performed using CADMP software. Electromigration, metallization corrosion, time dependent dielectric breakdown, wire fatigue, wirebond fatigue and pad fatigue failure models were used to assess the time to failure due to each of these mechanisms. Results show that no failures are expected during the 5-year life of the IC devices. Electromigration and hermetic metallization corrosion are the two leading degradation mechanisms. Sensitivity analysis was done to assess the variation in the damage at different 71 temperatures. Significant variation in damage due to electromigration is seen with change in operating temperature, while the change in damage due to metallization corrosion is negligible. The acceleration factors corresponding to various steady state temperature dependent failure mechanisms were calculated. Accelerated thermal testing was performed at 175°C to further assess the reliability of the printed circuit boards using two representative HPQG assemblies. The boards were operated at 175°C uninterrupted for 4500 hours. The prime objectives were 1. To check if any of the identified component level failure mechanisms show signs of degradation 2. To check the drift in the frequency output from the sensor crystals Real time temperature output from the boards was monitored in order to determine failure. No failures in the boards were observed in 4500 hours of testing. Plotting the output trend from the boards show that there is very little drift in the measurements. 0.06% drift was observed in one of the HPQGs, while 0.11% drift was observed in the other. 10% drift in the output was required for the boards to qualify as failed boards. Extrapolation of the results proves that no failures are expected during 5- year operation of the boards at 150°C due to the operating temperature. Post test visual inspection of the boards indicated that there is no evidence of any incipient failure or significant degradation on the boards. The printed circuit boards are reliable for high temperature operation at 150°C. 72 4.1 Upratability of the printed circuit boards Uprating is the process of assessing the ability of a part to meet the functionality and performance requirements for the application in which the part is used outside the manufacturer-specified temperature range. Uprating is considered when there are no electronic parts rated to operate at the required application temperature and other alternatives are found to be technically incompatible or inadequate. In our study on the reliability assessment of printed circuit boards PQG101 and PQG202, we tested the boards at a temperature of 175°C for 4500 hours monitoring the functionality of the boards. The boards were typically rated for use upto 150°C. No failures were observed in the 4500 hours of testing and the boards met the functionality required by the application. Thereby, the testing also supports the upratability of the boards for operation upto 175°C. The IC devices used in the printed circuit boards are rated in the military range of -55°C to 125°C. The results of the test also support the upratability of these military grade IC devices to extended temperatures upto 175°C. The IC devices are listed in chapter 3 under component level testing. 4.2 IEEE 1413 analysis IEEE Std. 1413-1998 [58] [59] identifies a framework for reliability prediction processes for electronic systems (products) and equipment. In order to comply with IEEE Std 1413-1998 a reliability prediction report should provide documentation of the prediction results, the intended use of prediction results, the method(s) used for the prediction, a list of inputs required to conduct the prediction, the extent to which each 73 input is known, sources f known input data, assumptions used for unknown input data, figures of merit, confidence in the prediction, sources of uncertainty in the prediction results, limitations of the results, and a measure of the repeatability of the prediction results . A list of criteria is provided in IEEE Std. 1413-1998. The criterion consists of questions that concern inputs, assumptions, and uncertainties associated with each methodology, enabling the risk associated with the methodology used. The list of questions along with their answers corresponding to the methodology used in the present study have been provided in Table 26. Table 26: IEEE Std 1413 – Reliability prediction methodology questionnaire Q Does the methodology identify the source used to develop the prediction methodology and describe the extent to which the source is known? A Yes. The methodology used for the prediction is the Physics of failure approach developed at CALCE, University of Maryland. The methodology is well described and has been used successfully in different cases for reliability prediction. Both the softwares calcePWATM and CADMPTM have well documented software models and reference within their manuals. Q Are assumptions used to conduct the prediction according to the methodology identified, including those used for any unknown data? A Yes. For example, it has been assumed that proper output from the boards implies proper functioning of the components on the PCB. Values like breakdown voltage and junction voltage for the IC devices have been assumed from the default values used by the software tool. Q Are limitations of the prediction results identified? A Yes. For example, the virtual reliability assessment is a point estimate. In reality, the time to failure is a distribution. Moreover, the mechanical model used for vibration analysis is a worst- 74 case condition due to the limitation of the modeling software. Combined temperature and vibration loads can lead to more damage than each of the loads individually. This combined effect has not been analyzed in this study. Q Are sources of uncertainty in the prediction results identified? A Yes. For example, all the values used for the calculation have some form of distribution. However, nominal values have been used for point estimates adding uncertainty to the calculations. Similarly, the environmental conditions have been estimated based on generic data and there is uncertainty associated with the validity of those values at a given period of time. Q Are failure modes identified? A Yes. For example, electromigration will lead to an open. Solder joint fatigue will lead to an open. See FMECA chart in chapter 3 for a list of expected failure modes. Q Are failure mechanisms identified? A Yes. For example, thermal and vibration fatigue at the board interconnect level. Electromigration and metallization corrosion at the die level. See chapter 3 for complete details. Q Are confidence levels for the prediction results identified? A No. Distributions for the input data were not available in order to form confidence intervals and no distributions were assumed. Q Does the methodology account for life cycle environmental conditions, including those encountered during a) product usage (including power and voltage conditions), b) packaging, c) handling, d) storage e) transportation, and f) maintenance conditions? A Yes. Please refer chapter 2. Q Does the methodology account for materials, geometry, and architectures that comprise that part? A Yes. Please refer to chapter 3 – design capture Q Does the methodology account for part quality? A Yes. A screen test was performed on the new pair of HPQG assemblies used for this study. The successful screen test is indicative of the good quality of the HPQG assemblies. It is also possible to account for part quality by including variations in the part parameters. However, in this 75 assessment nominal values were taken for analysis. Q Does the methodology allow incorporation of reliability data and experience? A Yes. If field failures are known, root cause analysis can be used to find out causes of failures and the results of the assessment can be validated. Improvements can be made in the assumptions and constants used in the assessment process based on the actual data. 4.3 Contributions A methodology to assess environmental considerations in electronics used in oil and gas extraction and production applications was developed. Steps to develop a life cycle profile were described. A list of environmental factors along with the associated failures in electronic systems was developed. Emphasis was given on assessing the effects of combined environmental. Combined environmental factors were classified and their effects were listed for some example cases. Failure mechanisms associated with electronics used in permanent monitoring gauges were identified by a case study on reliability assessment of a downhole permanent monitoring gauge using physics-of-failure approach. The gauge electronics was tested for high temperature reliability. A case for uprating of the electronics assembly was described. 76 REFERENCES [1] Gisbergen S.J.C.H.M, Vandeweijer, A.A.H, “Reliability analysis of permanent downhole monitoring systems”, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 10945, May, 1999. [2] Baker, A., Jeffery, J., Thomas, A, Unneland, T., “Permanent Monitoring – Looking at lifetime reservoir dynamics”, Oilfield Review 7, no. 4, 1995, pp. 3246. 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