the way to santiago de compostela gr 65 - Le Puy-en

Le Puy en Velay Aubrac Conques Figeac
HauteLoire, Lozre, Aveyron, Lot
Useful guide for pilgrims
and walkers
This document is produced and edited by :
The Tourist Oce of the town of Le Puy en Velay
2 place du Clauzel 43000 Le PuyenVelay
The walking Committee of HauteLoire
La Croise des Chemins®
21, rue du Collge 43000 Le PuyenVelay
Edition 2012
The tourist oce is open every day :
July and August from 8.30am to 7pm
From Easter to 30 September : 8.30am to 12 and from 1.30pm to 6.15pm
From 1st October to Easter : 8.30am to 12 and from 1.30pm to 6.15pm except
on Sundays and bank holidays : 10am to 12
Phone : 04 71 09 38 41
Fax : 04 71 05 22 62
E.mail :
Website :
La Croise des Chemins ®
is open from Monday to Saturday :
From 15 September to 15 May : from 9am to 12 and from 1pm to 6pm
From 16 May to 14 September : from 9am to 12 and from 2 to 7pm
Phone : 04 71 04 15 95
E.mail :
Website :
Be Careful !
Pilgrims and walkers starting in Le PuyenVelay to Santiago be careful. Someone who
pretends to want to help you tries to guide pilgrims and walkers o the ocial footpaths of
the GR65 which is signposted by red and white marks. According to him, the way which
he proposes is shorter, but it could get you lost in the middle of nowhere. Many people who
foowed his advice were lost and had diculties in nding their accommodation.
To reach the right destination, foow the ocial marks GR65, corresponding to the topo
guid and the road signs. Have a nice trip !
Historical notes
Useful addresses organizations,
home SaintJacques in Le PuyenVelay
Religious information
creanciale, masses, benedictions
Starting point of the Via Podiensis
How to nd your way in town
Accommodation from Le Puy en Velay to Figeac
How to get back to Le Puy en Velay
Personal notes
Michelin Map n° 76 IGN Map n° 50
Two main highways : RN 102 to ClermontFerrand
RN 88 European highway Lyon/Toulouse
Paris : 514 km
Marseille : 300 km
Lyon : 134 km
Genve : 290 km ClermontFerrand : 130 km Toulouse : 350 km
Bus station in Le PuyenVelay : Place Marchal Leclerc. Departure and arrivals
of buses. but not home or public information on site
. Buses timetables :
section : routes et transports
Tel : 04 71 07 42 36
Bus station in Rodez Aveyron
: Tel 05 65 68 11 13
Taxis in Le Puy 24h out of 24h
. Tel : 04 71 05 42 43 Possibility of monospace 7
Bus :
Saugues HauteLoire
: Ligne Le PuySaugues Autocars MIGRATOUR
Horaires sur
Mende Lozre
Autocars HUGON, tel 04 66 49 03 81
Autocars BOULET, tel 04 66 65 19 88
Rodez Aveyron
Autocars VERDIE Voyages, tel 05 65 77 10 55
Figeac Lot
website :
Fast trains to Lyon, Saint Etienne, ClermontFerrand. TGV connection in Saint
SNCF Information schedules :
By phone on 3635 or from abroad
By internet : or
Railway stations
Mende Lozre : tel 04 66 49 00 39
SaintChristophe Vallon Aveyron : tel 05 65 72 71 55
Viviez Aveyron : tel 05 65 43 12 35
Rodez Aveyron : tel 36 35
Figeac Lot : tel 36 35
LOUDES airport, 20 minutes from the city centre of Le PuyenVelay.
Daily ights except on Weekends to Paris South Orly, national and international
connecting ights.
Some information : HEXAIR company. Phone : 04 71 08 62 28
RODEZ airport Aveyron. Phone : 05 65 42 20 30
Location map
Historical overview
The Via Podiensis which starts from Le Puy en Velay HauteLoire is one of the
four main routes together with Paris, Vzelay and Arles described as early as the
twelfth century to join the Spanish sanctuary of Santiago de Compostela.
From the whole Christendom, pilgrims came to venerate the relics of the apostle of
Christ who was martyred in 44 A.D. in Palestine, whose corpse was miraculously
brought to this land of Galicia.
Why Le Puy en Velay ?
The town has been a Marian sanctuary since the fth century. Crowds ocked to Le
Puy and its fame and message spread all over Europe.
In the tenth century, the bishop Gothescalc, known as the rst pilgrim to Santiago de
Compostela, created closer links between le PuyenVelay and the Spanish sanctuary.
In 962, to reinforce this idea, a chapel dedicated to SaintMichel was built on the
volcanic rock in Aiguilhe.
Over the following centuries, the inuence of Le PuyenVelay increased, attracting
millions of pilgrims who came to pray before the statue of the Black Virgin, located on
the highaltar of the cathedral.
Then some of them would start a pilgrimage 1600 kilometres lasting several months
towards the end of the Iberian Peninsula.
It is precisely this dual migration which still represents today the specicity of the
sanctuary and the route of Le Puy en Velay.
Since December 1998, the Cathedral of NotreDame du Puy, the HtelDieu general
hospital of the town as well as several parts of the route between le PuyenVelay and
Ostabat are registered in the World Heritage of the UNESCO.
Take already used shoes not new ones, high boots, with good support for ankles,
light and waterproof and with notched sole. Choose an insole which absorbs eciently
vibrations. When you stop and your shoes are wet, put newspaper inside because it will
absorb moisture.
Dont forget to take comfortable and light shoes for the evenings even though some
gites dtapes might provide slippers !
Socks must be chosen carefully. Cotton and wool are comfortable to wear but cotton
isnt absorbant; wool is better than cotton but it is better to use synthetic socks as they
avoid the problem of sweat. You need at least 3 pairs of socks.
It is better to choose your backpack according to the number of days you want to
walk, your size and the amount you can carry around 10 to 12 kilos for a man and 8 to
10 kilos for a woman. Your backpack having a capacity of 50 to 60 litres must have :
large adjustable straps, covered with foam rubber and with an adjustable waist belt
which alleviates the shoulders by transferring some of the weight around the hips not
on the buttocks! and stabilize the backpack and the dierent straps used to distribute
the weight evenly and raise the bag To limit the phenomenon of swollen ngers.
You need a sheet or sleeping bag sheet for hygienic reasons blankets are provided in
gtes dtape. However, it is highly recommended to take a sleeping bag in case gtes
are full.
Take a strong raincoat cape or poncho which can be a windcheater and protect your
backpack from humidity !
You need warm clothes even in summer, light clothes, underwear, trousers and /or
shorts, teeshirts avoid cotton which doesnt absorb sweat and takes a long time to dry.
Dont forget to ll a ask/bottle but dont become a watercarrier : fountains do exist !
It is written when you cant drink the water. When you dont know if water is of good
quality, dont hesitate to ask the inhabitants.If not, it is deemed drinkable! Some other
advice, there is always water in church grave yards !
For personal hygiene, you should provide for basic toiletries, some toilet paper and a
rstaid kit. It may be necessary to take precautions against bedbugs sometimes found
in some accommodations and conveyed by hickers. In some tourist information oces,
accommodation or pharmacies you will nd some information lea
ets and nobedbugs
sprays on sale for your bagpacks, clothes or personal belongings.
Less necessary… maybe ? Earplugs, sunglasses, a compass useful in case of sudden
fog, gaiters useful when it is rainy, a knife, a lamp, a lighter, a walking stick to
rest on or protect yourself from dogs ; a light camera…
Mobile phone : be careful, mobile phones dont work everywhere. It is a good idea to
take a phone card.
Reservation : it is compulsory for groups in high or low tourist season to make a
reservation. For isolated walkers, it is advisable to book accommodation 12 to 24 hours
before. Furthermore, check out the annual or weekly closing days in the gtes dtape.
Topoguides and travel documents : it is important to take the most recently
published book and select and weigh the documents you want to take with you. Dont
take a library with you !!!
Since spring 1999, the GR 65 is divided into 3 topoguides edited by the Fdration
Franaise de la Randonne Pdestre :
Le PuyenVelay/Figeac rf 651, Figeac/Moissac rf 652 and Moissac/Ronceveaux rf
Training : It is advisable to train with a heavy backpack before starting. Otherwise ask
for someone to carry your luggage see page 29.
Stages : usually, you can walk from 25 to 35 kilometres per day. However, it is
important to take into consideration the dierence in the height of the land. It is said
that you reach this rhythm of walking after 3 or 5 days. In summer, it is better to walk
early in the day.
Wrong itinerary : if you make a mistake, retrace your steps by the same path and try
to nd the right signs.
Weatherforecast : Dial 08 92 68 02 and add 43 for HauteLoire, 48 for Lozre, 12
for Aveyron and 46 for Lot.
From midOctober to midApril, weather conditions can be bad especially in the
Margeride and Aubrac region snow, fog.
Car parks
During your stay, you can park in the underground car park, Place du Breuil. It is open
every day except on Sundays and bank holidays from 7am to 11pm
The town of Le Puy en Velay oers a very advantageous and special prices for hikers
and pilgrims :
7 days : 20 14 days : 40 1 month : 45 Information and reservation compulsory at the car park oce open from Monday to
Saturday ; from 7.30 am to 8.00 pm. 0033 0 4 71 02 03 54.
Useful information : it is possible to exit the car park 24 hours a day. Entrance to the car
park is possible from Monday to Saturday at the above mentioned opening times. For
parking on Sundays and bank holidays, it is necessary to book a ticket by
correspondence in advance.
Useful addresses
Camino Accueil SAINTJACQUES de Compostelle becomes CAMINO
Camino 2, rue de la Mancanterie 43000 Le PuyenVelay
Each day from 17h30 to 20h00, from April 1 to October 15, former pilgrims on
the route to Santiago de Compostela will give you a friendly welcome, oer you a
drink and the chance to share their experiences and talk about the Compostela path.
Web : Email :
FFACC : Fdration Franaise des Associations des Chemins
de Saint
Compostelle French federation of organizations
of paths to Santiago de Compostela
Europa compostela information centre Chairman: M. Sylvain Penna
Htel Dieu, 2 rue Becdelivre, 43000 Le PuyenVelay Tel : +33 (0)972 274 485
Web : Email :
Open from 7 April to 30 October 2012 from 10 to 12.30am and from 2 to 6.30pm,
closed on Sunday afternoons. Information on associations, accommodation
and heritage along the Compostela paths and European cultural itineraries.
For further information, contact Nicole Chambonnet at 04 71 09 39 44
Email :
Association Webcompostella
Chemin du Bonheur, le bourg 43580 Saint Privat d
Web :
Fdration Franaise de la Randonne Pdestre FFRandonne
Information, walking and trails center
64 rue du Dessous des Berges 75013 Paris Tel : 01 44 89 93 90
Fax : 01 40 35 85 67 Email: Web:
Comit Dpartemental de la Randonne Pdestre de la Haute
La Croise des Chemins ® 21, rue du Collge 43000 Le PuyenVelay
Tel. : 04 71 04 15 95 Email :
Web :
Maison Dpartementale du Tourisme de Haute
1, place Monseigneur de Galard 43000 Le PuyenVelay
Tel. : 04 71 07 41 65 Fax : 04 26 00 73 12
Email : Web :
Oce de Tourisme de lagglomration du Puy
2, Place du Clauzel 43000 Le PuyenVelay
Tel. : 04 71 09 38 41 Fax : 04 71 05 22 62 ouvert tous les jours
Email: Web:
Comit Dpartemental de la Randonne Pdestre de la Lozre
14, boulevard Henri Bourrillon BP 4 48001 Mende cedex
Email :
Comit Dpartemental du Tourisme de la Lozre
14, boulevard Henri Bourrillon BP 4 48000 Mende cedex
Tel : 04 66 65 60 00 Fax : 04 66 65 03 55
Email : Web:
Comit Dpartemental de la Randonne Pdestre de lAveyron
Maison du tourisme 17, rue Aristide Briand BP 831 12008 Rodez cedex
Tel : 05 65 75 54 61 Fax : 05 65 75 55 71
Email : Web :
Comit Dpartemental du Tourisme de lAveyron
17, rue Aristide Briand BP 831 12008 Rodez cedex
Tel : 05 65 75 55 75 Fax : 05 65 75 55 71
Email : Web :
Comit Dpartemental de la Randonne Pdestre du Lot
Area Clment Marot Place Bessires 46 000 Cahors
Email : Tel. 05 65 23 06 28
Comit Dpartemental du Tourisme du Lot
Lot Tourisme 107 quai Cavaignac BP 7 46 001 Cahors cedex 9
Email : Tel. 05 65 35 07 09 Fax. 05 65 23 92 76
Web :
Association Sur les Pas de Saint
Jacques Town Hall 48130 AumontAubrac Tel : 05 65 75 80 71 Email:
Association de Coopration Interrgionale
Les chemins de Saint
Jacques de Compostelle 4, rue Clmence Isaure 31000 Toulouse Tel. 05 62 27 00 05
Email: Web:
Socit des Amis de Saint
8, rue des Canettes 75006 Paris Tel. 01 43 54 32 90
Email: Web :
Delegate for HauteLoire region : Mme Ccile SEGUY BURGER
Tel : 04 71 09 44 24
Association Rhne
Alpes des Amis de Saint
Prsident : Mr Jean Monneret
5 place Saint Jean 69550 Amplepuis Tel : 06 07 11 57 36
Email : Web :
Association Provence
des Amis des Chemins de Saint
Jacques de Compostelle et de Rome
Town Hall of Plan dAups Place de lHtel de ville 83640 Plan dAups Sainte
Baume. Web :
Association Les Amis des Chemins de Saint
Jacques en Occitanie
107 avenue de Lavaur 31500 Toulouse Tel : 06 70 27 45 42
Email : Web :
Association des Amis de St
Jacques en Valle dAure et Hautes
BP 5 65170 SaintLarySoulan Tel. : 06 10 75 41 16
Email : Web :
Compostelle 2000 Paris Ile de France
26 rue de Svign 75004 PARIS Tel : 01 43 20 71 66
Email: Web:
Association Belge des Amis de Saint
Jacques de Compostelle
Email : Web :
Les Amis du Chemin de Saint
Jacques, association helvtique
Chairman :
Rue de lglise CH 1124 GOLLION Tel. 41 79 655 71 16
Email :
Secretary :ClaireMarie NICOLET Route de Founex 4 CH 1291 Commugny
Confrrie Fraternelle des Jacquets de France
41 place Charles de Gaulle 63400 Chamalires
Tel. : 04 73 36 28 36 / 06 72 72 87 91 Email :
Web :
Religious information
The Creanciale of the Catholic Church
The Creanciale du pelerin de Saint
Jacques de Compostelle
: is obtained from
a member of the clergy or someone representing the Catholic Church. It is not
compulsory to be Christian but it may be the opportunity to have a brotherly dialogue
to think about the spiritual meaning of the pilgrimage. This document is given to
pilgrims personally. In each place of accommodation, the pilgrim shows his creanciale
and collects the daily stamp.
How to obtain the Creanciale ?
After the mass and benediction at 7am at the Cathedral
During the day when the sacristy is opened see the following opening times
November to April to June July to August September
Weekend and
Every day
Every day
Every day
Every day
school holidays
From 10 a.m.
From 10 a.m.
From 10 a.m.
From 10 a.m.
to 12 p.m. and
to 12 p.m.
From 10 a.m.
to 12 p.m. and
to 12 p.m. and
from 3 p.m.
and from 2 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
from 2.30 p.m.
from 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
It cannot be sent by post. Tel. : 04 71 05 98 74 Web :
Le Credencial del Peregrino
If you can do without de credential in France, it is almost essential in Spain. This
passport with the daily stamp allows the pilgrim if necessary to justify that he is a
pilgrim on his way to Santiago de Compostela in France and Spain it is practically
compulsory in Spain but not necessary in France. Some religious communities or
people can welcome pilgrims for the night if they have this passport. This free welcome
is only to help pilgrims and to talk. But it is advisable to give something for the
accommodation. This passport can be ordered at the Socit des Amis de SaintJacques.
This passport is not free. To obtain the Credencial, contact :
Accueil Saint Jacques in Le PuyenVelay
Socit des Amis de SaintJacques
Association Rhne Alpes des Amis de SaintJacques
see contacts in Useful addresses La Compostela
This other Spanish passport is given to the pilgrim at his arrival in Santiago de
Compostela when he shows his Cranciale or his Credencial which proves that the
pilgrim has walked the last 100 kilometers in Spain or ridden the last 300 kilometers
with his mountain bike. It is given by the association of Les Amis de SaintJacques in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 1 rue de Villar.
Masses and benedictions at the Cathedral NotreDame du Puy
All year round, on weekdays : mass at 9am celebrated by the canons
In July and August : additional mass at 11am
All year round, on Sundays : mass at 11am
All year round : mass at 7am followed by a benediction, except on Saturdays
and Sundays from 01/11 to 31/03 check hours during the Holy week because
of risks of modications
Priests will be at the disposal of pilgrims in order to give the sacrament of
Masses in Saint Michel dAiguilhe
Masses in the Chapel of SaintMichel dAiguilhe or Saint Gabriel or Saint Clair :
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. all year round except Thursday 5 April and 17 May
Tuesday, May 8 at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, July 18 at 9 a.m. in SaintClair: vespers at 6 p.m. , mass at 6.30 p.m.
in Saint Michel and a concert at 9 p.m.
Sunday, August 26 at 11 a.m.
Saturday; September 29 at 10.30 a.m.
Sunday, September 30 at 9.30 a.m.
Tuesday, October 2 at 6.30 p.m.
Every Thursday evening at 9 p.m. in June, July and August 2012 : discovery
of the chapel at night by the Rector of the sanctuary A la rencontre des Anges.
For information : Father Paul DENIZOT,
8 rue Sarrecrochet 43000 Le Puy enVelay. Tel :
Email :
Starting point of the Via podiensis
The Santiago way is trail marked (red and white) with the sign GR65 which means a national
Accommodation from Le PuyenVelay to Figeac
Gîte d’étape / home hikers: This type of accommodation is intended for individuals or
groups of walkers for the night (especially people without cars). In France, the price of the
night in a gîte d’étape is fixed according to the geographical location, the service : use of
kitchen, electrical appliances, dormitories or rooms with 2 or 4 beds, bathroom adapted to the
capacity of the gîte, services (hygiene and cleanliness, breakfast or half board). The owner or
warden tries to offer a reasonable price.
Centre d’accueil communal : this kind of accommodation belongs to the local municipality
provides a comfortable welcome to individuals or groups for one or several nights. Daily
cleaning is the responsibility of the local council; however the rule is to respect the equipment
which is available : kitchen, dormitories and toilets.
L’Hôtel : This is a more expensive solution of accommodation, but has the advantage of being
available all year. Several recognized hotelgroups offer accommodation suited to hickers near
major trails. You can obtain booklets with tourist information and hotel published each year by
the departmental committees of tourism.
Bed and Breakfast (chambres d’hôtes) : This is quality accommodation, usually typical of
the region, with a garden. You will receive a warm welcome from the landlord who will give
you advice on what can be seen in the region. The landlord welcomes you personally and has
to respect quality rules. In France, the price includes breakfast and there is a reasonable price
for a double room.
Table d’hôtes : In some bed and breakfasts, you can have meals (with typical food from the
region), this is what is called “table d’hôte”.
Campsites (campings): The price of the campsite depends on the number of stars. It is the
best solution if you want to be on your own and in case of lack of places in gîte d’étape. The
only drawback is that you have to carry the necessary equipment ( tent, stove, sleeping, etc…)
Meublés de tourisme (furnished flat) : A “meublé de tourisme”, also called a vacation rental
or a season rental, is a kind of tourist accommodation for people staying for several days,
based on a fixed rent by day, week or month. It may be a villa, an apartement, a studio, a
furnished room and even a castle! You can find this type of accommodation in all places,
whether in city, on the outskirts, in the countryside, in the seaside or even in the moutains.
You can recognize the " Compagnons de Route " of the CDRP thanks to a sticker.
We invite you to favour these people "Compagnons de Route" CR for they take into consideration
the importance of walking tourism in Haute-Loire and the work of the CRDP.
The CDRP of the Haute-Loire does not operate in Lozère, Aveyron and Lot. Consequently, there are
no " Compagnons de Route " in these departements.
Dear Pilgrims, contribute to the upkeep of the footpath.
You are walking to Santiago de Compostella along a white and red signposted hiking trail named
"GR 65". Volunteers from local walking associations contribute to the maintenance of the 750
kilometres located in France. To help them and take part in this important mission, it is
possible to become a member of the FFRP (French Federation of hiking activities) and buy a
"Randocard". (Period of validity : 1 month or 1 year). In addition, this membership will allow
you to benefit from an insurance during your walking trips.
Information and purchase of the "Randocard" : Croisée des Chemins, 21 rue du Collège, 43000 Le
Puy-en-Velay. 0033 (0) 4 71 04 15 95. Opening times : from Monday to Saturday ; from 9.00 am
to 12.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm.
LE PUY EN VELAY - 43000 (20 052 inhabitants)
Town hall : Place du Martouret - Tel. 04 71 04 07 40 - web :
Tourist board, place du Clauzel, Tel. 04 71 09 38 41 - Fax. 04 71 05 22 62
E-mail : - web :
CR - Hôtel**-restaurant « Le Bilboquet » (Logis), 11 rooms - 52 faubourg Saint-Jean - per night from
45 to 77 - breakfast 8 - half board from 48 to 52 - full board from 65 to 70 - rental garage, 1 week : 20
Tel. 04 71 09 74 24 - Fax. 04 71 02 70 51 - E-mail : web :
CR - Hôtel** « Bristol » & restaurant « La Table de Félix » (Inter Hôtel), 45 rooms - 7 et 9 avenue
Maréchal Foch - per night from 67 to 95 - breakfast 9 - half board from 58 to 78 /pers - garage, picnic Tel. 04 71 09 13 38 - E-mail : - web :
CR - Hôtel** « Le Dyke Hôtel », 15 rooms - 37 boulevard Maréchal Fayolle - per night from 39 to 57 breakfast 6.50 - Tel. 04 71 09 05 30 - Fax. 04 71 02 58 66 - E-mail : web : - closed from 18/12 to 4/1
CR - Hôtel* « Etap Hotel » (Accor), 44 rooms - 25 avenue Charles Dupuy - per night from 43 to 58 breakfast 4.90 - Free Wifi - Tel. 08 92 68 04 79 - Fax. 04 71 02 14 28 - E-mail :
web :
CR - Hôtel**-restaurant « Ibis Centre » (Accor), 57 rooms - 1 avenue d’Aiguilhe - per night from 70 to 86
- breakfast 9 - half board from 57.60 to 64.35 - full board from 75.60 to 82.35 - free parking, pay garage,
free Wifi - Tel. 04 71 02 22 22 - Fax 04 71 09 22 96 - E-mail :
web :
CR - Hôtel***-restaurant « Ibis Styles » (Accor, formerly « All Seasons »), 50 rooms 47 bd Maréchal Fayolle - bed and breakfast from 81 to 103 - half board from 67 to 78 - underground
car park, free wifi, press, hot and cold drinks in reception, free internet Tel. 04 71 09 32 36 - Fax 04 71 09 20 97 - E-mail : - web :
CR - Hôtel**** du Parc-restaurant François Gagnaire (Châteaux & Hôtels collection), 15 rooms 4 avenue Clément Charbonnier - per night from 77 to 199 - breakfast 12 - cooking lessons Tel. 04 71 02 40 40 - Fax. 04 71 02 18 72 - E-mail : web :
CR - Hôtel***-restaurant « Le Régina » (Logis), 25 rooms - 34 boulevard Maréchal Fayolle per night from 58 to 95 - breakfast 10.50 - half board from 68/pers (double) to 87.50 (single) full board from 87.50/pers (double) to 118.40 (single) - Tel. 04 71 09 14 71 - Fax 04 71 09 18 57 E-mail : - web :
CR - Hôtel* « Le Régional », 13 rooms - 36 boulevard Maréchal Fayolle - per night from 26 to 30 breakfast 5 - Tel. 04 71 09 37 74 - Fax. 04 71 02 47 50 - open all year round.
CR - Hôtel** « Le Val Vert » (Logis) & restaurant « La Table d’Auvergne », 23 rooms 6 avenue Baptiste Marcet - per night from 63 to 90 - breakfast 9 - half board from 60 to 85 Tel. 04 71 09 09 30 - Fax 04 71 09 36 49 - E-mail : - web : closed from 25/12 to 15/1.
CR - Hôtel**-restaurant « Le Brivas » (Logis), 48 rooms - 2 avenue Charles Massot - per night from
59 to 92 - breakfast 9 - half board from 55 to 70/pers (double room) - full board from 63 to 85/pers
(double room) - SPA, sauna - Tel. 04 71 05 68 66 - Fax. 04 71 05 65 88 - E-mail : web : - closed from 20/12 to 10/1.
CR - Bed and breakfast « Les Jardins de Champfleury », 3 rooms - Martine BOURDIOL, 133 bis Avenue
Foch - transport from and to the station and the Cathedral - bed and breakfast, 55 for 1 pers, 69 for 2 pers,
95 for 3 pers - laundrette - meal 19 - view of le Puy - Tel. 04 71 02 36 75 or 06 07 42 93 59
E-mail : - Web : closed from 15/10 to 1/4.
CR - Bed and breakfast « La Maison au Loup » (Citybreak), 3 rooms - Annick CARO, 10 rue du Prat
du Loup - bed and breakfast, 52 for 1 pers, 58 for 2 pers - Tel. 04 71 57 45 35 or 06 76 31 82 25
E-mail : sœ - web : - closed from 16/11 to 31/3.
CR - Bed and breakfast « Logis Meymard », 2 rooms - Madeleine DECHAUX, 24 rue Meymard bed and breakfast : 45 for 1 pers, from 50 to 60 for 2 pers, from 69 to 100 for 3 pers - 14/additional pers
Tel. 04 71 09 63 24 ou 06 62 72 35 69 - E-mail : web : - (no arrival on Sunday)
CR - Bed and breakfast « La Terrasse de Marie », 2 rooms - Anne-Céline DENIS, 3 rue Oddo de Gissey bed and breakfast : 39 for 1 pers, 45 for 2 pers, 84 for 3 pers - Tel. 06 03 71 38 11 E-mail :
CR - Bed and breakfast « Agapi », 2 rooms - Christine TAILLEBOT, 1 rue Saint-Gilles - bed and breakfast :
from 55 to 60 for 1 pers, from 60 to 65 for 2 pers, from 80 to 85 for 3 pers Tel. 04 71 05 74 85 ou 06 77 26 34 93 - E-mail : Web :
CR - Bed and breakfast « Villa Loriline », 3 rooms - Jacqueline USSON, 29 quinto rue des Capucins
bed and breakfast : from 55 to 59 for 1 pers, from 59 to 69 for 2 pers, from 90 to 95 for 3 pers,
120 for 4 pers - meal 20 - Tel. 04 71 02 73 72 or 06 85 66 99 68 - E-mail : web : - closed in winter.
CR - Bed and breakfast « La Maison de Capucine », 2 rooms (4 pers) - Sylvie VAN GREVELYNGHE,
29 quater rue des Capucins - transport from and to the station (15min walk) - bed and breakfast :
from 55 to 60 for 1 pers, from 60 to 65 for 2 pers, from 80 to 85 for 3 pers - Tel. 04 71 05 53 61
or 06 11 12 51 77 - E-mail : - open all year round.
CR - Gîte d’étape « Accueil Saint-François », 7 rooms with 1 bed, 6 rooms with 2 beds 6 rue Saint-Mayol - bed and breakfast : 18.50/pers - meal 10.50 (Except on Thursdays and Sundays) Tel. 04 71 05 98 86 - Fax. 04 71 05 98 87 - E-mail : closed from 24/12 to 3/1.
CR - Gîte d’étape des Capucins (flat to rent & hôtel), 4 rooms with 4 to 6 beds, 2 rooms in «gîte confort »
from 5 to 6 beds - Paule-Emilie TERRASSE, 29 rue des Capucins - per night from 14.90 or 18.90 in
«gîte confort » - breakfast 7.50 - half board 39.90 - Tel. 04 71 04 28 74 - Fax. 04 71 00 94 69 E-mail - web : - Open all year round.
CR - Accueil des Pèlerins de Saint Jacques, 2 dormitories (40 seats) - 28 rue Cardinal de Polignac Tel. 06 37 08 65 83 - closed from 31 October to 1 April.
CR - Restaurant « L’Ecu d’or », 59-61 rue Pannessac - A la carte menus from 8 - fixed menus are from
15 to 37 - specialties : « rémoulade de lentilles », « gigot cuit dans le foin » (leg of lamb), « jarrotin de porc
avec ses lentilles » (pork and green lentils) Tel. 04 71 02 19 36 - web - E-mail :
CR - Restaurant « La Fontaine », 34 bd Carnot - A la carte menus from 7 - fixed menus are from 9.50 to
20 - specialties, homemade local dishes - Tel. 04 71 02 49 87 - web : E-mail :
CR - Restaurant « La Pizza », 4 place Cadelade - A la carte menus from 6.90 - fixed menus are from
7.50 to 20 - Italian specialties, pizzas, pasta - Tel. 04 71 04 13 13 - Fax. 04 71 09 20 97 web : - E-mail :
CR - Restaurant « Le Romulus », 53 bd Saint-Louis - A la carte menus from 12 - fixed menus are from
18 to 36 - For hikers (on reservation) : Menu :15 (group from 10 pers) - specialties : “cassoulet aux
lentilles vertes du Puy”, “charcuterie de pays” (delicatessen), “foie gras maison”, “cassolette d’escargots
aux champignons des bois”, “pâtisseries maison” (homemade pastries), “délice à la Verveine”Tel. and Fax. 04 71 09 33 50 - closed a fortnight in February and end of August.
CR - Restaurant « La Taverne de Maître Kanter », 6 place Cadelade - A la carte menus from 4.80 fixed menus from 7.20 to 29.90 - seafood specialties, flammeküches, sauerkraut, regional specialties,
brewery card - Tel. 04 71 04 55 55 - Fax. 04 71 09 20 97 - E-mail : web :
Other accommodation (no-traveling companion)
Hôtel « Chris’tel », Tel. 04 71 09 95 95
Hôtel Saint-Jacques, Tel. 04 71 07 20 40
Bed and Breakfast, Mme Barnier de los Santos - Tel. 04 71 02 00 87
Bed and Breakfast, Mme Oubrier - Tel. 06 19 03 17 43
Bed and Breakfast, Mme Richard, Tel. 04 63 20 25 03
Bed and Breakfast, Mme Rouvier - Tel. 04 71 02 42 56
Bed and Breakfast, Mme Sirot - Tel. 06 83 29 54 50
Bed and Breakfast « Mailhet de Vachère », Tel. 06 81 33 16 99
Accueil St-Georges, Tel. 04 71 09 93 10
Youthhostel, Tel. 04 71 05 52 40
Bouthezard campsite, Tel. 04 71 09 55 09
Other services : all services, see the full list edited by the Tourist information office.
Around Le Puy-en-Velay
CR - Bed and breakfast « La Charmille » (3 clés), 2 rooms - Maryse CHAPUIS, 10 rue du 11 novembre,
43700 BRIVES-CHARENSAC - possibility to fetch walkers - bed and breakfast : from 40 to 45 for 1 pers ;
from 50 to 55 for 2 pers ; 65 for 3 pers - Tel. 04 71 09 28 16 or 06 30 49 20 21 E-mail : - web :
CR - Chambre et table d’hôtes « La Corcheira », 3 rooms (9 pers) - Chantal et Marcel RIBEYRON,
6 chemin de la Rampe, Bouzols, 43700 ARSAC-EN-VELAY - possibility to fetch walkers - per night from 55
for 1 pers ; 60 for 2 pers; 90 for 3 pers - meal 15 - Tel. 04 71 08 83 17 or 06 87 46 17 49
E-mail : - web : - Open all year round.
CR - Camping*** municipal d’Audinet, 130 locations (13 mobile home - 2 bungalows) - Avenue des Sports,
43700 BRIVES-CHARENSAC - night/tent : 1 pers 9.30; 2 pers 11; 3 pers 14.80 - caravan : from 12.05
to 13.05 - camping car : 9.40 - bungalows/mobile home : 6 pers from 57.50 to 70 ; 4 pers from 47 to
57.50 - Tel./Fax 04 71 09 10 18 - E-mail : - web : Closed 20/9 to 29/4.
SAINT-CHRISTOPHE-SUR-DOLAIZON - 43370 (958 inhabitants)
Town Hall, Le Bourg - Tel. 04 71 03 10 78 - E-mail :
CR - Bed and breakfast « La Maison Vieille » and gîte d’étape (gîte de France 3 épis),
4 rooms - Nicole et Michel ALLEGRE, Tallode - bed and breakfast : 22 /pers - meal 14 Tel./Fax 04 71 03 17 78 or 06 18 11 38 06 - Closed in December and January.
CR - Bed and breakfast « Le Château de St Christophe » (4 épis), 4 rooms - Françoise GOLLAIN,
4 rue du Château - bed and breakfast : from 100 to 130 for 2 pers - Tel. 04 71 01 53 81 or 06 72 70 17 90 E-mail : - web : - Closed from October to April.
CR - Restaurant « l’Auberge du Grand Chemin », 11 place de l’Eglise - Tel. 04 71 03 18 99 web : - E-mail : - fixed menus from 8.50
to 17.50 - specialties : « terrine maison » (delicatessen), « truite de Vourzac au sel » (fish), gourmet plate Closed Christmas and New Year.
Other services : café, restaurant, post office.
Catholic Mass : Sunday at 11 am.
EYCENAC, 43370 Saint-Christophe-sur-Dolaizon (3km off GR)
CR - Bed and breakfast « Le Champ de l’Oustau » (3 épis), 5 rooms - Hervé CHAMARD possibility to fetch walkers - bed and breakfast : 33 for 1 pers ; 43 for 2 pers ; 53 for 3 pers meal 16 - Tel. 04 71 01 51 55 or 06 50 58 60 27 - E-mail : web : - Closed 24/12 to 2/1.
MONTBONNET, 43370 Bains
CR - Gîte d’étape « La Grange », 4 rooms (3 four-bed rooms, 1 three-bed room) - Christian et Françoise
GENTES - per night 14/pers - breakfast 5 - meal 12 - Tel. 04 71 57 54 44 or 06 20 74 47 43 - E-mail : - Closed 30/10 to 01/4.
CR - Gîte d’étape « L’Escole », 3 three-bed rooms, 1 six-bed room - Jean-Michel PINON - per night 12 breakfast 5 - meal 13 - Tel. 04 71 57 51 03 - E-mail : web : - Closed 15/10 to 15/3.
CR - Bar Snack « Le Saint-Jacques », Montbonnet - card from 3.30 - menus from 3.30 to 5 Tel. 04 71 57 54 44
BAINS - 43370 (1 252 inhabitants) (trail marked different itinerary)
Town Hall, Le Bourg - Tel. 04 71 57 50 82 - E-mail :
CR - Bed and breakfast « Raveyre Daniel et Patricia » (gîte de France 3 épis), 3 rooms - Route du Puy possibility to fetch walkers - bed and breakfast : 30 for 1 pers ; 40 for 2 pers ; 53 for 3 pers ; +13/
additional pers. - meal 13 - Tel. 04 71 57 51 79 or 06 83 59 93 47 E-mail : - web :
Other services : grocery, bakery, delicatessen, café, restaurant, doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dentist,
physiotherapist, post office, bank.
Catholic Mass : Sunday at 9.30 am.
JALASSET, 43370 Bains (1.2km off GR)
Bed & Breakfast, Mme Pélisse - Tel. 04 71 57 52 72
FAY, 43370 Bains (trail marked different itinerary)
CR - « Le Refuge », 12 beds (2 two-bed room, 1 three-bed room, 1 five-bed room) - Chantal JOUVE half board : 33 for 1 pers ; 60 for 2 pers ; 90 for 3 pers - sheets & towels : 5/pers - animals forbidden
except donkeys and horses- breakfast 5 - meal 10 - per night 15 - Tel. 06 27 91 50 94 (text message) E-mail :
Bed & Breakfast, Mme de Rancourt - Tel. 06 81 30 98 27
SAINT-JEAN-LACHALM - 43510 (3km off GR)
CR - Bed and breakfast « Les Jardins de Gisèle » (2 épis), 4 rooms - Karine et Philippe HÉRISÉ,
Le Bourg - possibility to fetch walkers - bed and breakfast : 40 for 1 pers ; from 44 to 49 for 2 pers ;
from 59 to 64 for 3 pers - 15/ additional pers. - meal 17 - Tel. 04 71 57 56 11 E-mail : or web :
DALLAS, 43580 Saint-Privat-d’Allier (1.5km off GR)
CR - Bed and breakfast « La Boria de Dallas » (3 clés vacances), 4 rooms (12 pers) Armelle DALLE - possibility to fetch walkers - bed and breakfast : 36 for 1 pers; 46 for 2 pers;
56 for 3 pers - meal 16 - Tel. 09 82 35 52 54 or 06 14 24 70 30 E-mail : - web :
ROUGEAC, 43580 Saint-Privat-d’Allier (2.7km off GR)
CR - Bed and breakfast « Le Clos des Pierres Rouges » (4 épis), 3 rooms - Sylvie et
Thierry GRUMELART - bed and breakfast : 65 for 2 pers ( 55 from 1/10 to 31/3) - extra bed from 20
to 30 - meal 27 (children : from 8 to 12) - packed lunch 8 - washing and drying service 6 Tel. 04 71 00 64 78 or 06 08 81 68 71 - E-mail : web : - Closed from 23/12 to 27/12.
LE CHIER, 43580 Saint-Didier-d’Allier
CR - Bed and breakfast « La Remise » (3 épis), 2 rooms - Marie-Christine VIGOUROUX - possibility to
fetch walkers - bed and breakfast : 40 for 1 pers ; 50 for 2 pers ; 70 for 3 pers ; 90 for 4 pers - meal 18
- Tel. 04 71 57 29 37 or 06 60 38 25 34 - E-mail : web : - Open all year round.
SAINT-PRIVAT-D'ALLIER - 43580 (416 inhabitants)
Town hall, le bourg - Tel. 04 71 57 22 13 - E-mail :
Tourist information au Gîte « La Cabourne », Tel. 04 71 57 25 50
CR - Hôtel*-restaurant « La Vieille Auberge », 19 rooms - Le bourg - per night from 50 to 54 - breakfast
7.50 - half board from 42 to 44 - full board from 53 to 55 - packed lunch 7.50 - Internet access and
computer available, Wifi, postal service - Tel. 04 71 57 20 56 - Fax 04 71 57 22 50 E-mail : - web : - Closed in February.
CR - Bed and breakfast « Accueil randonneurs », 5 rooms (15 pers) - Pierre MICHELI, Le Bourg - bed
and breakfast : 28 for 1 pers ; 43 for 2 pers ; 63 for 3 pers ; 80 for 4 pers - packed lunch 8 - meal 15 Tel. 04 71 57 29 12 - web : - Closed 22/10 to 1/3.
CR - Gîte d’étape, de groupes and Bed and breakfast « La Cabourne » (Gîte de France 3 épis) 47 beds - room 2 to 6 pers - Christophe FOURNERIE et Hélène PUGNERE, le Bourg - per night from 13,
step (night + breakfast) from 19 - board (bed + breakfast + meal) from 33 - picnic basket 8 laundromat 4 - shop drugstore. Offer “18-25 years old” pension : 24,90 - Tel. 04 71 57 25 50 E-mail : - web : - Open all year round (booking advised).
Camping « Le Marchat », Tel. 04 71 57 22 13
Other services : bakery, butcher’s, café, restaurant, nurse, post office, newsagent, taxi.
Catholic Mass : Sunday at 10.45 am.
LA GRANGETTE, 43580 Saint-Didier-d’Allier (6km off GR)
CR - Bed and breakfast « La Grangette » (3 épis), 4 rooms - Jacqueline MONTAGNE & Philippe AVOINE bed and breakfast : 37 for 1 pers, 42 for 2 pers, 57 for 3 pers - 15/ additional pers. - 10/children - meal
16 - Tel./Fax 04 71 57 24 41 or 06 76 18 83 96 E-mail :
MONISTROL-D'ALLIER - 43580 (230 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Le bourg - Tel. 04 71 57 21 21 - web :
E-mail :
CR - Gîte d’étape « La Tsabone », 1 six-bed room and 1 four-bed room - Coralie BARUS, Montée des Deux
Chiens - per night 11.50/pers - sheets 3.50 - organic products and environment friendly energy - donkeys
and horses welcomed - dogs under certain conditions - breakfast 4.50 - meal 13.50 or free kitchen Tel. 04 71 06 17 23 or 06 03 02 19 01 - E-mail : - web : Closed 1/11 to 29/2.
CR - Gîte d’étape communal, 12 rooms (1 two-bed room, 2 three-bed room, 1 four-bed room Sophie SOWINSKI, Route du Gévaudan - per night 10 /pers - Tel. 04 71 57 24 14 E-mail : - web : - Closed from 1/11 to 1/3.
CR - Camping municipal du Vivier***, 47 pitches/locations - Pablo GARCIA ESTRADE per night for a tent : 5.40 for 1 pers ; 8.80 for 2 pers ; 12.20 for 3 pers - Tel. 04 71 57 24 14 E-mail : - web : - Closed from 15/9 to 15/4.
Bed and breakfast « Le Repos du Pèlerin », Tel. 09 67 06 27 36
Hotel « Le Pain de Sucre », Tel. 04 71 57 24 50
Other services : baker’s, grocer’s, café, restaurant, post office, SNCF (railway station).
SAUGUES - 43170 (2 034 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Tel. 04 71 77 71 30 - web :
Tourist Board of the Gorges de l’Allier/Margeride, Office in Saugues, Cours Gervais :
Tel./Fax. 04 71 77 71 38 - E-mail :
CR - Hotel**-restaurant « La Terrasse » (Logis de France), 9 rooms - Cours Gervais per night from 60 to 100 - breakfast 12 - half board 66 - Tel. 04 71 77 83 10 - Fax. 04 71 77 63 79 E-mail : - web : Closed from 15/11 to 15/2.
CR - Hotel-restaurant « Les Tours Neuves », 5 rooms - Cours Gervais - per night 39 - breakfast 6 half board 46 (1pers) to 75 (2 pers) - dish of the day 7 - A la carte menus from 12 to 19 specialties : mushrooms, delicatessen, fish, « fromage de pays », traditional cooking - Tel. 04 71 77 82 60
Fax. 04 71 77 84 78 - Closed on Christmas and New Year’s day.
CR - Bed and breakfast « Chez Monique », 3 rooms - Monique DUBOIS, Place Saint-Antoine - possibility
to fetch walkers - bed and breakfast 25/pers - meal 15 - Tel. 04 71 77 83 51 or 06 69 47 85 24 Closed end of October.
CR - Bed and breakfast « L’Etape », 5 rooms (Each room has a toilet and a bathroom) - Christiane
FAISANDIER - rue de la Margeride - possibility to fetch walkers - bed and breakfast 21.30/pers for a single room : + 10 - dryer and washing machine - picnic 10 - meal 15 - Tel./fax 04 71 77 38 03
or 06 10 39 69 50 - E-mail : - web :
CR - Bed and breakfast « Les Gabales » (3 épis), 5 rooms - Pierre GAUTHIER, Avenue Lucien Gires bed and breakfast : 60 for 1 pers ; 65 for 2 pers ; 85 for 3 pers - family suite
(2 rooms, 1 bathroom + 1 communal toilet) 4 pers : 100 - meal from 15 to 20 - Tel. 04 71 77 86 92
or 0 666 677 777 - E-mail : - web : closed from 15/11 to 15/3.
CR - Gîte à la ferme Martins (quality farm accommodation) 6 rooms (from 2 to 4 beds) - Brigitte et Jacky
MARTINS, rue des Roches - bed and breakfast 23 - meal 12 - half board 34 - Tel./Fax 04 71 77 83 45 web : closed from 25/10 to 01/4.
CR - Centre d’accueil (group accommodation) « La Margeride », 45 beds (room from 2 to 4 beds) Serge MOUCHET, rue des Tours Neuves - night 13 /pers - use of kitchen - breakfast, 5 - diner 11 - half
board 29 - picnic 7 - Tel. 04 71 77 60 97 - Fax. 04 71 77 67 76 - E-mail : web : - Closed from 27/10 to 1/3.
CR - Gîte d’étape communal, 1 five-person dormitory, 2 two-person dormitories, 2 three-person dormitories
- rue de la Margeride - per night 11.50 /pers - breakfast 5 /pers (from 10/7 to 20/8) - Snack from 10/7
to 20/8 - Tel. 04 71 77 80 62 or 06 65 15 04 32 - Fax. 04 71 77 66 40 E-mail : - web :
CR - Camping**** municipal « Sporting de la Seuge », 112 pitches/locations, 15 chalets - Sébastien
BLANC, Avenue du Gévaudan - per night/tent, 6.40 for 1 pers ; 6.80 for 2 pers ; 10 for 3 pers - chalets
139 / 2 nights : from 220 to 459 / a week - Tel. 04 71 77 80 62 or 06 65 15 04 32 - Fax. 04 71 77 66 40 E-mail : - web : Bed and breakfast, Mme Villedieu, Tel. 04 71 77 67 91
Other services : grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, pressing, café, snack-bar, restaurant, doctor, nurse, chemist’s,
dentist, physiotherapist, post office, bank, taxi
Catholic mass : Sunday : 11 am
LE ROUVE, 43170 Saugues (4.5km off GR)
CR - Bed and breakfast « Les Fourneaux » (3 épis), 4 rooms - Hélène BLANC - possibility to fetch walkers
- half board from 39 à 44/pers - Tel. 04 71 77 64 15 E-mail : - web :
POMPEYRIN, 43170 La Besseyre-Sainte-Mary (10.5km off GR)
CR - Bed and breakfast « Le Drac », 3 rooms (9 pers) - Sylvie STROHL, Pompeyrin - possibility to fetch
walkers between Saint Privat and Les Faux - bed and breakfast : 45 for 1 pers; from 55 to 65 for 2 pers;
65 for 3 pers; 80 for 4 pers - meal 19 - Tel. 04 71 77 69 81 E-mail : - web : - (Closure : see on website)
LA CLAUZE, 43170 Grèzes
CR - Gîte d’étape « Le Refuge des Pèlerins de Margeride », two 3 bed dormitories
Michel ESTRADE, la Clauze - possibility to fetch walkers - per night 12/pers half board 26 - breakfast 5 - diner 12 - Tel. 06 81 20 66 08 - Closed from 15/11 to 15/3.
CR - Gîte à la ferme « Au Repos d’Antan » (2 clévacances), 4 rooms (9 beds)
Sonia et Michel VIDAL, la Clauze - half board 32/pers - Tel./Fax 04 71 77 66 56 or 06 66 47 67 18 E-mail : - web : Closed 16/10 to 14/4
LE FALZET, 43170 Chanaleilles
CR - Gîte d’étape accueil à la ferme, 3 rooms (1 three-bed room, 1 two-bed room, 1 room with a double
bed) - Marinette DELCROS, le Falzet - per night 15 - half board 30 - breakfast 4 - diner 14
Tel. 04 71 74 42 28 - web : - Closed 5 November.
LE VILLERET D’APCHIER, 43170 Chanaleilles
CR - Gîte d’étape « l’Auberge des 2 pèlerins », 23 pers : 7 rooms + 2 cabins - Lucette et Jean-Louis
BOUFFAR-ROUPE, le Villeret d’Apcher - per night 14/pers - breakfast 5 - diner 12 - half board 27 Tel. 06 07 28 06 44 - E-mail : web :
CHANALEILLES - 43170 (219 inhabitants) (500m off GR)
Town Hall : Tel. 04 71 74 41 07
CR - Gîte d’étape du café du Pont, 3 rooms (1 five-bed room, 1 four-bed room, 1 nine-bed room)
and one dormitory of eight beds - Nicole RICHARD, le bourg - possibility to fetch walkers
per night : 15 for 1 pers (11 dormitory) - breakfast 5 - meal 12 - Tel. 04 71 74 41 63 or 06 81 25 61 92
E-mail : - Closed : end of October
Other services: grocer’s, café
Catholic Mass : 6pm on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month ; 9 am on the 1st and 2nd Sunday of the
LE SAUVAGE, 43170 Chanaleilles
CR - Gîte d’étape « L’Auberge du Sauvage en Gévaudan » (2 épis), 41 beds (3 six bed room, 1 five bed
room, 2 four bed rooms and 5 two bed rooms), 13 / pers, half board : 31 , breakfast : 5.50 , meal :
13.50. Tel. 04 71 74 40 30 - Email : - web :
LA ROCHE, 48120 Lajo (500m off GR)
Gîte d’étape, La Roche-de-Lajo, Tel. 04 66 31 52 07
Gîte d’étape, Mme Astruc, Tel. 04 66 31 53 22
LAJO - 48120 (125 inhabitants) (2.5km off GR)
Town Hall : Tel. 04 66 31 53 91
Chambres d’hôtes « La Drosera », Tel. 04 66 31 57 71
Other service : café, restaurant
LES FAUX, 48120 Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole (900m off GR)
Hôtel et Gîte « L’Oustal de Parent », Tel. 04 66 31 50 09
LE ROUGET, 48120 Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole
Gîte d’étape « La Croix du Plô », Tel. 04 66 31 53 51
SAINT-ALBAN-SUR-LIMAGNOLE - 48120 (1 567 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Place du Breuil : Tel. 04 66 31 50 29
Tourist Board, rue de l’hôpital : Tel. 04 66 31 57 01 - Fax. 04 66 31 58 70
E-mail : - Web :
Hôtel et gîte d’étape du Centre** - Tel. 04 66 31 50 04
Hôtel « Relais Saint-Roch »*** - Tel. 04 66 31 55 48
Chambre d’hôtes « Le Breuil » M. and Mme Bonnal - Tel. 04 66 31 51 76
Chambre d’hôtes, Mme Soubiran - Tel. 04 66 31 53 03
Chambre d’hôtes, M. et Mme Charbonnel - Tel. 04 66 31 51 25 or 06 31 48 18 10
Gîte d’étape de l’Europe - Tel. 04 66 44 00 04
Gîte d’étape « La Penote » - Tel. 04 66 31 54 13
Gîte d’étape M. Andreu - Tel. 04 66 31 58 69
Accueil pèlerins - Tel. 04 66 45 74 33
Camping « Le Galier »** - Tel. 04 66 31 58 80
Other services: grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, café, restaurant, doctor, nurse, chemist’s, post, bank, taxi.
CHASSEFEYRE, 48120 Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole (2.5km off GR)
Chambres d’hôtes « Au Pradet », Tel. 04 66 42 94 48
LE COMTE, 48700 Fontans
Chambre d’hôte « la grange d’Emile », Tel.
LES ESTRETS, 48700 Fontans
Chambre d’hôtes et gîte d’étape, Tel. 04 66 45 61 90
BIGOSE, 48200 Rimeize
Chambre d’hôtes, Mme Castarède - Tel. 04 66 47 12 65
AUMONT-AUBRAC - 48130 (1 137 inhabitants)
Town Hall, place du portail - Tel. 04 66 42 80 02
Tourist Board, rue de l’Eglise - Tel./Fax. 04 66 42 88 70 - web :
E-mail :
Hôtel-restaurant « Aubrac Hôtel »** et gîte d’étape - Tel. 04 66 42 99 00
Hôtel « Chez Camillou »*** - Tel. 04 66 42 80 22 or 06 64 39 43 19
Hôtel-restaurant « Prouheze »*** - Tel. 04 66 42 80 07
Hôtel-restaurant « Prunières »** - Tel. 04 66 42 80 14 or 04 66 42 85 52
Hôtel-restaurant « Relais de Peyre »** - Tel. 04 66 42 85 88
Chambre d’hôtes « La Maison Aux Volets Bleus », Mme Maled - Tel. 04 66 31 34 11
Chambre d’hôtes, « Le 24 », M. et Mme Mathieu - Tel. 06 75 91 71 30
Gîte d’étape « La Ferme du Barry » - Tel. 04 66 42 90 25
Gîte d’étape « Les Sentiers Fleuris », Mme Gibelin - Tel. 04 66 42 94 70
Gîte d’étape - Route d’Aubrac - Tel. : 06 76 68 43 90
Camping municipal** - Tel. 04 66 42 88 70 (Open from June 1 to September 30)
Other services : grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, café, restaurant, doctor, nurse, chemist’s, post office, bank,
taxi, SNCF, osteopath, physiotherapist, possibility to park for camping cars (supermarket car park, 2 km
North of Aumont Aubrac)
Catholic mass : from Monday to Friday at 6pm (July and August). Saturdays from 1/10 to 31/5 at 6 pm
and from 1/6 to 30/09 at 8.30 pm. Sundays at 11 am (all year round).
NOZIERES, 48130 Aumont-Aubrac (3km off GR)
Gîte d'étape, Les Chalets de Nozières - Tel. 04 66 42 80 81(transport from Aumont)
LASBROS, 48130 La Chaze-De-Peyre
Accueil randonneurs, Mme Hernandez - Tel. 04 66 47 08 94
Other services : restaurant
LES QUATRE CHEMINS, 48130 Aumont-Aubrac
Accueil randonneurs, bar « Chez Régine » - Tel. 04 66 42 83 36
Other service : restaurant
PRINSUEJOLS - 48100 (162 inhabitants) (3.5km trail marked different itineray)
Town Hall : Tel. 04 66 32 56 67
Gîte d’étape communal le Relais de Prinsuejols, Tel. 04 66 32 52 94
FINIEYROLS, 48100 Prinsuejols
Chambre d'hôtes et gîte d'étape « Les Gentianes » - Tel. 04 66 32 52 77
Other services : café, restaurant
RIEUTORT-D’AUBRAC, 48260 Marchastel
Gîte d’étape, centre Pèlerin l’Ange gardien - Tel. 04 66 32 79 54
MARCHASTEL - 48260 (87 inhabitants) (2km of unmarked different itineray)
Town Hall : Tel. 04 66 32 53 61 - mail :
Web :
Chambres et table d’hôtes « Les Puechs de l’Aubrac » (Gîte de France 3 épis), Tel. 04 66 32 53 79
Other services : café, restaurant
LA GRANGE DES ENFANTS, 48260 Nasbinals (500m off GR)
Chambre d’hôtes « La Borie de l’Aubrac », Tel. 04 66 45 76 97 or 06 21 04 18 70
MONTGROS, 48260 Nasbinals
Hôtel-restaurant & gîte d’étape « La Maison de Rosalie », Tel. 04 66 32 55 14
NASBINALS - 48260 (521 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Tel. 04 66 32 50 17 - Tourist Board : Tel./Fax. 04 66 32 55 73
E-mail : - Web :
Hôtel Le Bastide ***, Tel. 04 66 32 56 82
Hôtel de France (non classé), Tel. 04 66 32 50 19
Hôtel La Randonnée **, Tel. 04 66 32 54 07
Hôtel restaurant de la Route d'Argent **, Tel. 04 66 32 50 03
Gîte d'étape communal, Tel. 04 66 32 59 47
Gîte d'étape équestre, Route de Sainte Urcize, Tel. 04 66 32 50 65
Gîte d'étape La Grappière (Gîte de France 1 épi), Tel. 04 66 32 15 60
Gîte d’étape, centre d'accueil NADA, Tel. 04 66 32 50 42
Gîte d’étape La Margeride, tel : 06 75 54 59 03
Gîte d’étape Las Paros, tel : 06 80 78 63 96
Gîte de caractère L’O d’ici, Tel. 04 66 32 92 69
Camping municipal, Tel. 04 66 32 50 17 or 04 66 32 51 87
Other services : grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, café, restaurant, laundry, doctor, nurse, chemist’s,
physiotherapist, post office, bank, (cash dispenser), taxi.
Catholic Mass : 11 a.m. on Sunday morning.
LE PONT-DE-GOURNIER, 48260 Recoules-d’Aubrac (3km off GR)
Hôtel-restaurant « Le Relais de l'Aubrac », Tel. 04 66 32 52 06
Hôtel-restaurant « Les Genêts d’or », Tel. 04 66 32 52 13
AUBRAC, 12470 Saint-Chély-d'Aubrac
Hôtel restaurant de la Dômerie **, Tel. 05 65 44 28 42
Chambres d’hôtes La Colonie, Tel. 06 32 14 05 71
Gîte d'étape la Tour des Anglais, open from 20 May to 30 September - Tel. 05 65 44 21 15 (information)
and 05 65 44 28 42 (reservation).
Gîte du royal Aubrac, Tel. 05 65 44 28 41
Other services : restaurants, shops with local products and a tourist information center in « la Maison de
L’Aubrac ».
SAINT-CHELY-D'AUBRAC - 12470 (566 inhabitants)
Tourist Board, rue de la Tour : Tel. 05 65 44 21 15 - Web :
E-mail : - Town hall : Tel. 05 65 44 27 08
Hôtel restaurant Les Coudercous **, Tel. 05 65 44 27 40
Hôtel restaurant des Voyageurs **, Tel. 05 65 44 27 05
Chambre d'hôtes Mme Henry-Lefebvre, Tel. 05 65 44 12 96
Chambre d’hôtes La Tour des Chapelains Mme Brunier, Tel. 05 65 51 64 80
Chambre d’hôtes M. Mme Guillaume-Vidal Tel 06 16 80 03 19
Chambre d’hôtes M. Mme Azam Tel 06 78 13 46 47
Chambre d’hôtes Le Moulin de la Carolette M. Mme Janssens Tel 05 65 48 54 67
Chambre d’hôtes M. Mme Vidal Tel 05 65 44 27 23
Gîte d’étape communal, Tel. 05 65 44 21 15 (Tourist Board)
Gîte d’étape, de groupe et de séjour St-André (Gîtes de France 3 épis), Tel. 05 65 44 26 87
Camping municipal, Tel. 05 65 44 21 15 (Tourist Board)
Other services : grocer’s and baker’s, café, snack-bar, restaurant, doctor, nurse, chemist’s, post office, cash
dispenser, taxi. Internet access at the Tourist Board and a reading area.
Catholic Mass : Sunday at 11 am. (except 1st Sunday of each month).
LEPADOU-BAS, 12470 Saint-Chély-d’Aubrac (2km off GR / possibility transport)
Chambres d’hôtes M.Mme Alizon - Tel. 06 48 15 66 91
FERME DE VERNHOLES, 12470 Saint-Chély-d’Aubrac (4 km off GR / possibility transport)
Chambres d’hôtes Ferme de Vernholes - Tel. 06 77 74 43 43
SAINT-CÔME-D'OLT - 12500 (1 437 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Place du Château de Castelnau : Tel. 05 65 44 07 09 - web : Information (July-August) : Tel. 05 65 48 24 46 - Off season : Cantonal Tourist Board : Tel. 05 65 44 10 63
Chambre et tables d’hôtes, les Jardins d’Éliane, Tel. 05 65 48 28 06
Chambre d'hôtes (Gîte de France 1 épi), La Boraldette (2km from the GR) Tel. 05 65 44 10 61 (HR)
or 06 71 74 07 35
Chambre d’hôtes « Le Plateau », Tel. -
Gîte d'étape del Romiou, Tel. 05 65 48 28 06
Camping Bellerive **, Tel. 05 65 44 05 85
Other services : grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, café, restaurant, doctor, nurse, chemist’s, post office (open in
the morning), taxi, internet access, cash dispenser.
Catholic mass : 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 11 am. Saturday late afternoon at the retirement home.
COMBES, 12500 Saint-Côme-d’Olt (on unmarked different itinerary 1 km off GR)
Gîte d’étape et de séjour - Gîte de Combes (Gîte de France 3 épis), Tel. 05 65 48 21 58 - 06 83 75 51 72
ESPALION - 12500 (4 721 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Place de la Résistance : Tel. 05 65 51 10 30 - web :
Tourist Board, 23 place du Plô : Tel. 05 65 44 10 63 - Fax. 05 65 44 10 39
E-mail :
Hôtel-restaurant « Le Relais des Boraldes » (off GR by the road D987) Tel. 05 65 44 06 41
Hôtel de France **, Tel. 05 65 44 06 13
Hôtel restaurant Moderne **, Tel. 05 65 44 05 11
Chambre d’hôtes « Au Magnolia » (600m from town centre) Tel. 05 65 44 46 25 or 06 80 17 91 25
Chambre d’hôtes M. et Mme Morin, Tel. 05 65 51 48 57 or 06 89 01 91 31
Chambre d’hôtes M. et Mme Persec, Tel. 05 65 48 22 87
Gîte d'étape communal, Tel. 05 65 51 10 30 or 06 77 58 53 08
Gîte d’étape « La halte St Jacques », Tel. 06 28 30 38 30
Centre de vacances « les sagnes » (for groups of more than 10 pers on reservation),
Tel. 05 65 48 04 08
Village de Vacances VVF, Tel. 05 65 44 02 15
Camping municipal « Le Roc de l'Arche » ***, Tel. 05 65 44 06 79
Other services : all services and shops, see the full list edited by the Tourist Board.
Catholic mass : Every Sunday at 10.30 am, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 pm, Saturday at 7.30 pm
in summer and 7.00 pm in winter.
BESSUEJOULS - 12500 (238 inhabitants)
Town Hall: Tel. 05 65 44 02 60
Chambre d’hôtes, gîte d’étape (dormitory of 6 beds) or furnished flat du « Domaine d’Armagnac » Tel. 05 65 48 20 71 - 06 31 38 70 67
VERRIERES - 12190 Sébrazac
Chambre d’hôtes Mme et M. Austruy, Tel. 05 65 44 73 76 or 06 89 10 25 90
ESTAING-12190 (631 inhabitants)
Town Hall : 24, rue François d'Estaing : Tel. 05 65 44 70 32
Tourist Board*, 24, rue François d'Estaing, Tel. 05 65 44 03 22 - web :
E-mail :
Hôtel restaurant « Aux Armes d'Estaing » ** Tel. 05 65 44 70 02
Hôtel restaurant « Auberge Saint-Fleuret » ** Tel. 05 65 44 01 44
Chambre d'hôtes, M. Dijols - Tel. 05 65 44 71 51
Chambre d’hôtes, Mme Simon - Tel. 06 80 66 77 79 (July and August only)
Gîte d'étape communal Tel. 05 65 44 70 38 or 06 43 20 71 39 (gift shop « La Malle aux Trésors »)
or 05 65 44 70 32 (town hall)
Hospitalité Saint-Jacques (accueil du pèlerin) Tel. 05 65 44 19 00
Camping municipal « La Chantellerie » (off GR 1.5 km) Tel. 05 65 44 72 77 or Tel. 05 65 44 70 32
(town hall)
Camping à la ferme « La Cavalerie » (off GR à 3 km) Tel. 05 65 44 71 94 or 06 28 09 50 51
Other services : grocer’s, restaurant, baker’s, butcher’s, café, doctor, nurse, chemist’s, dentist, post office
(cash dispenser), taxi, water supply.
Catholic Mass: Mass at 11 am. the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month + prayer meeting at 11 am the 3rd
Sunday of the month. Wednesday : mass at 6 pm from Easter to the end of October and 5 pm in winter.
FONTEILLES, 12140 Golinhac
Bed and breakfast, M. Vioulac - Tel. 06 07 04 32 59
CAMPUAC-12580 (448 inhabitants) (On GR 6, different itinerary of GR 65)
Town Hall of Campuac : Tel. 05 65 44 61 45
Bed and Breakfast, M. et Mme Viguier - Tel. 05 65 44 61 23
Bed and Breakfast, M. et Mme Carles-Brassier - Tel. 05 65 44 67 14
Gîte d’étape (Home hikers) de Barthas, M. Albespy - Tel. 05 65 51 59 38
Other services : grocer’s, baker’s, café-restaurant, nurse, post office, taxi, water, toilets.
Catholic mass : the last Sunday of each even month at 9.30 am.
GOLINHAC - 12140 (445 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Tel. 05 65 44 50 12 - E-mail :
Auberge « la Bastide d’Olt », Tel. 05 65 51 63 68 or 06 89 54 96 85
Chambre d’hôtes, Christa Reniers (entry of the village) Tel. 05 65 44 78 53 or 06 37 10 24 57
Chambre d’hôtes « Le Battedou », (2km off GR), Tel. 05 65 48 61 62
Chambre d’hôtes « La Ferme de Bessoles », Tel. 05 65 66 18 86 or 06 65 50 10 31
Chambre d’hôtes « Les Cabanes d’Elo », Tel. 06 71 62 32 40
Gîte d’étape « L’Orée du chemin », Tel. 05 65 48 61 10 or 06 71 38 07 57
Camping Bellevue, gîte communal, gîte équestre, chalets et snack-bar, Tel. 05 65 44 50 73
Camping, Mobil-homes, location*** (by night), Tel. 06 07 04 32 59
Other services : grocer’s, post office
Catholic mass : the 4th Sunday of uneven months at 9.30 a.m.
ESPEYRAC - 12140 (248 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Tel. 05 65 69 88 69 - E-mail :
Hôtel restaurant de la Vallée, Tel. 05 65 69 87 61
Gîte d'étape communal, Tel. 05 65 69 88 69 (town hall) or 05 65 72 93 46
Accueil au Soulié de St Jacques, Tel. 05 65 72 90 18 or 06 80 00 32 52
Other services : café, post office, bread and pastries.
Catholic mass : the 3rd Sunday of even months at 9.30 a.m.
SENERGUES - 12320 (511 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Tel. 05 65 69 85 72
Gîte d'étape « Domaine de Sénos » (quality accommodation Gîtes de France 3 épis « Rando’ Plume »),
Tel. 05 65 72 91 56
Camping ferme auberge, Le Fraysse (2km off GR) Tel. 05 65 72 87 79
Domaine de la Borie « Relais Cap-France, Tel. 05 65 71 39 00
Camping « l’Etang du camp »**** Tel. 05 65 46 01 95 (off GR)
Other services : grocer’s, café, butcher’s, post office, nurse, water, toilets and shelter at the skittle ground
(going out of Senergues)
Catholic mass : the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 11 am.
CALVIGNAC, 12320 Conques (4km off GR)
Bed and Breakfast « Les grangettes de Calvignac », Tel. 05 65 67 86 70
CONQUES (291 inhabitants) – 12320
Town Hall : Tel. 0 820 820 803
Tourist Board **, le Bourg : Tel. 0 820 820 803 or 05 65 72 85 00 - -
Hôtel « Le Sainte-Foy », Tel. 05 65 69 84 03
Hôtel restaurant « Hervé Busset »****, Tel. 05 65 72 84 77
Hôtel restaurant « l’Auberge Saint-Jacques »**, Tel. 05 65 72 86 36
Chambre d’hôtes Marie Scépé « L’Acanthe » (Gîtes de France 2 épis), Tel. 05 65 72 83 87
or 06 81 48 23 02
Bed and Breakfast « Chez Alice et Charles » (gîtes de France 2 épis), Tel. 05 65 72 82 10
Bed and Breakfast and flat Le Chrismo (Clévacances 2 et 3 clés), Tel. 05 65 72 80 39
Bed and Breakfast « Le Castellou », Tel. 05 65 78 27 09 or 06 09 92 82 48
Bed and Breakfast « La maison des Sources », Tel. 05 65 47 04 54 or 06 19 49 23 92
Bed and Breakfast, Montignac Tel. 05 65 69 84 29
Gîte d'étape communal, Tel. 05 65 72 82 98 or 0 820 820 803
Centre d'Accueil de l’abbaye Sainte-Foy, Tel. 05 65 69 89 43
Maison familiale de Vacances « Relais Cap France », Tel. 05 65 69 86 18
Camping Beau Rivage ***, Tel. 05 65 69 82 23 or 06 81 82 04 97
« Le Conqu’errant », horse drawn caravan accommodation available (2km off the path), Tel. 05 65 72 90 60
Other services : baker’s (high season),grocer’s, laundry, restaurant, café, press, cash dispenser, post office,
internet access at the Tourist Board.
Catholic mass : everyday at 8 am. and Sunday at 11 am.
MONTIGNAC - 12320 Conques (2 km off GR, on GR62)
Bed and Breakfast, Tel : 05 65 69 84 29
NOAILHAC - 12320 (186 inhabitants) (different itinerary)
Town Hall : Tel. / Fax. 05 65 69 85 81
Bed and Breakfast (Gîtes de France 2 épis), Montbigoux (800m from the village)
Tel. 05 65 69 85 01 or 06 81 93 34 50
Gîte d'étape communal, Tel. 05 65 72 91 25 or 06 12 75 30 09
Other services : restaurant, café, grocer’s and bread.
LA BUSCALIE, 12110 Aubin (1.2km off GR)
Gîte d'étape pédestre et équestre « Le Buscalien », Tel. 05 65 63 63 23
DECAZEVILLE - 12300 (6 407 inhabitants)
Town Hall: place Decazes : Tel. 05 65 43 87 00
Tourist Board, square Jean Ségalat : Tel. 05 65 43 18 36 - web :
E-mail :
Hôtel Foulquier**, Tel. 05 65 63 27 42
Hôtel Moderne **, Tel. 05 65 43 04 33
Gîte sentinelle, Mme Brigitte D’Halluin, Tel 05 65 43 49 52 or 06 33 62 42 55
Gîte d’étape & chambre d’hôtes « Les volets Bleus », Tel. 05 65 64 49 05 or 06 49 89 97 16
Other services : all services, train station Viviez - Decazeville, see the full list edited by the Tourism Board.
Catholic mass : Saturday at 6 pm. and Sunday at 11 am.
Gîte d’étape « La Place », M. Voogd, Tel. 06 78 19 12 34 or 06 37 09 24 97
BOISSE-PENCHOT - 12300 (546 inhabitants) (200m off GR)
Camping de Roquelongue**, Tel. 05 65 63 39 67
LIVINHAC-LE-HAUT - 12300 (1 102 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Tel. 05 65 63 33 84
Tourist Board “Vallée du Lot” : Tel. 05 65 63 27 96 - E-mail :
Hôtel « Le Rocher du Vial »**, Tel. 05 65 63 01 12
Bed and Breakfast, M. Erpelding, Tel. 09 51 57 54 66 or 06 62 83 27 04
Bed and Breakfast « La Coquille bleue », Tel. 05 65 43 39 52
Gîte d'étape communal, place du 14 juin, Tel. 05 65 64 45 96 or 06 76 86 94 77
Gîte d’étape, and Bed and Breakfast « La Magnanerie », Tel. 05 65 43 25 56 or 06 16 70 61 38
Camping Beau Rivage ***, Tel. 05 65 63 37 59
Camping Roquelongue**, Tel. 05 65 63 39 67
Other services : grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, delicatessen, café, restaurant, doctor, nurse, chemist’s,
post office, dentist, hairdresser, dentist, taxi, physiotherapist.
Catholic mass : the 2nd Sunday of the month at 10.30 am.
LOT (46)
MONTREDON - 46270 (299 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Tel. 05 65 50 10 09
Bed and Breakfast « La Mariotte », Tel. 05 65 34 38 20
Catholic mass : the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month at 11am ; the 4th Sunday at 9.30 am.
BORD, 46270 Felzins
Bed and Breakfast « La Grange de Bord », Tel. 05 65 10 66 71 or 06 18 62 25 24
FIGEAC - 46100 (10 677 inhabitants)
Town Hall : Tel. 05 65 50 05 40
Tourist Board of Figeac, Place Vival, Tel. 05 65 34 06 25
E-mail : - web :
Hostellerie de l'Europe **, Tel. 05 65 34 10 16
Hôtel des Bains **, Tel. 05 65 34 10 89
Hôtel Le Champollion **, Tel. 05 65 34 04 37
Hôtel et gîte d’étape du Faubourg *, Tel. 05 65 34 21 82
Hôtel restaurant Le Terminus de Saint-Jacques **, Tel. 05 65 34 00 43
Hôtel restaurant « Le Pont d’Or »***, Tel. 05 65 50 95 00
Hôtel restaurant « Le Toulouse » et Gîte d’étape de la Voie Romaine, Tel. / Fax. 05 65 34 22 95
Hôtel restaurant « La Pyramide »*, Tel. 05 65 11 06 42
Chambre d’hôtes « Les Pratges », Tel. 05 65 50 01 42 or 06 07 05 07 92
Chambre d’hôtes et gîte d’étape « Le Solheilho », Tel. 05 65 34 64 41
Gîte d'Etape « Chez Célia », Tel. 06 05 10 96 59
Accueil « Saint-Joseph et Saint-Louis », Tel. 05 65 34 68 44 or 06 85 52 53 73 or 06 71 49 87 19
Gîte d'Etape du Gua, Tel. 06 74 73 22 69
Gîte - appartement Cassagnes, Tel. 05 65 34 77 27 or 06 23 53 14 08
Camping «Les Rives du Célé ***, Tel. 05 61 64 88 54 or 05 65 34 59 00
Other services. Guided visits, shops, see the full list edited by the Tourist Board.
Catholic mass : On Monday at 6.30 pm. at Carmel; from Tuesday to Sunday at 8 am. at Carmel ;
from Tuesday to Friday at 6.30 pm. at the chapel Notre Dame de la Pitié, Abbey Saint-Sauveur ;
saturday at 6.30 pm. at the church St Thomas (in winter) or at the church Notre Dame du Puy
(in summer); sunday at 10.30 am. at the St Thomas’ Church (in winter) or at the St Sauveur Abbey
(in summer).
LA CASSAGNOLLE, 46100 Faycelles
Gîte d'étape and Bed and Breakfast, « Le Relais Saint-Jacques » (Rando étape **), Tel. 05 65 34 03 08
LA VALADE, 46100 Faycelles (2km off GR)
Bed and Breakfast, M. Dumoulin Tel. 05 65 34 61 31
How to get back to Le PuyenVelay
From Saugues : Bus service from Saugues to Le Puy (
From Espalion : Bus service from Tuesday to Friday 6.50am, from Monday to Friday 8.00 am and 1.00 pm
from Espalion to Rodez. Then, take a "SNCF bus" from Rodez to Sévérac-le-Chateau and finally a train via
Arvant to le Puy-en-Velay.
From Conques : Bus service from Conques to Rodez (Verdié Autocars) then a "SNCF bus" from Rodez to
Sévérac-le-Chateau, and finally a train via Arvant to le Puy-en-Velay.
From Figeac : take a train from Figeac to Rodez then a SNCF bus from Rodez to Sévérac-le-Chateau and
finally a train via Arvant to le Puy-en-Velay.
Railway stations
Verdié Autocars: 00 33 (0)5 65 77 10 55
Le Puy-en-Velay: 36 35
Figeac : 36 35
Rodez : 36 35
Return transport by minibus and taxis
CR - Factage E2R, Transport for luggage and people on GR 65 from Le Puy to Cahors (both ways), Thierry
Chabalier, Le Bourg, 43580 Saint-Privat-D’Allier - From the end of March to mid-October - Possible to book
from 15th February. Contact : tel. 04 71 06 17 26 from 7.30 to 8.30am or 4;30 to 6.30pm or,
email :
CR - « La Malle Postale », Transport for luggage and people between Le Puy-en-Velay and Cahors
(or as far as Saint-Jean Pied de Port on request) return by minibus, transfers of vehicles - Information
and reservation, tel : 04 71 04 21 79 or 06 67 79 38 16 or Internet mail :
CR - « Paty Services », transfers of vehicles, transport for luggage and people from Le Puy-en-Velay
to Saint Jean Pied de Port - Contact : 04 71 57 59 32 or 06 18 63 62 52 - mail : web :
CR - Taxi St-Jacques Assistance, in Le Puy - transport of people with their luggage both waysReasonable prices, different pick-up points ; adapted and flexible hours - Air-conditionned monospaces Book as soon as you leave. Contact : tél. 06 10 10 90 76 - mail : web :
CR - Taxi transports du Levant, Transport for walkers and luggage : Figeac Conques Nasbinals
Le Puy-en-Velay. Figeac - Le Puy : 50 /pers, Conques - Le Puy : 45 /pers, Conques / Nasbinals
or Nasbinals / Le Puy : 25 /pers. Tel. 04 66 32 52 80 or 06 86 67 36 31 - Fax. 04 66 32 57 24
mail :
Taxis du Puy-en-Velay : Tel. 04 71 05 42 43
Taxi Lample, Tel. 0 810 111 755 or 04 71 49 95 55
Transbagages, Tel. 0 820 02 54 51 or 04 66 65 27 75
Blondin Taxi : 06 82 45 27 83
Return journeys for groups (9 to 50 seat buses)
CR Migratour offers a “Randocar” bus service every day from St Exupery airport (Lyon) to Le Puy-en-Velay
rail station, Saugues, Conques and return, for groups, minigroups, tour operators etc. Also “Randocar” all-in
organisation with accommodation and guides. Web :
Personal notes
There might be some changes during the year. Printed 03/2012