SHELTER CLUSTER MEETING MINUTES JUNE 13, 2012, at 11.00 AM HANDS office, Tando Mohammad Khan Chaired by: Deeba Pervez District Support Officer 1) Introduction The meeting started with a recitation of Holy Quran, and quick round of introduction. Meeting is chaired by the SC District Coordination Officer due to the absence of the District Focal point Participants: HANDS, IOM, HDF, UNDP, NARI Development Organization (NDO), ASWA and Qatar Charity. 2) Agencies Update: HDF is working on a model village in Sadiq Modo, UC Lakhat Taulka Bulri Shah Karim. They are constructing 75 houses; they have completed 15 houses during the first phase, 10 houses in the 2nd phase. The work is in progress for 15 houses. HANDS has completed their assessment for the distribution of 1250 roofing kits in Ucs Syed Khan Lund and Allah Yar Turk; procurement of material has been delayed. HANDS is doing its best to solve pending issues and will organize distributions as soon as possible. HANDS also started the construction of ORS in U.C Bulri Shah Karim – they may extend their activities to Molkatyar; the total target is 1,500 families. They have assessed villages Bechal Soomro, Noor Mohammad Soomro and Ali Mohammad Amro; so far they formed 34 CBOs out of 60 to be formed. 94 ORS has completed and 160 ORS completed at lintel level. IOM representative shared they are planning to distribute 2,000 roofing Kits in the month of June, 2012 in partnership with their IPs. Aghaz (ASWA) completed the distribution of 500 roofing kit, 2000 Solar Lamps and 2000 wheel barrows in UC Allah Yar Turk and plan to distribute 1000 more roofing kits in June, 2012. NARI development organization completed their assessment for the distribution of roofing kits in Sheikh Birkio and Bulri Shah Kareem. They identified 1,000 families; assessment was conducted in this area upon suggestion of the cluster, and submitted to partner organizations for review. Qatar Charity Shared that they are working on “Cash For Work” programme in five UCs saeed Khan Lund,Saeed Matto,Allah Yar turk,Mulakatiar and lakhat.They started in March, 2012 and will complete till July, 2012. 3) Information management 3ws matrix was shared with SC partners; they were asked to review it. ACTION: Shelter Cluster agencies are invited to report their activities using the 3W reporting format on a very regular basis, and include as much details as they can (including villages names, distribution points) and share them with the Information Management assistant and the District Focal Point Tando Muhammad Khan – contacts entailed below; Focal point can assist if organizations are facing difficulties filling the format. ACTION: SC agencies are also invited to share their designs, BoQs and project details; they are invited to deliver presentations on their projects during cluster meetings. Website – is the best place to go to get all Shelter related information and situation updates. 4) Action points • It’s suggested by the Cluster members that government representatives should co-chair cluster meetings. • UNDP Humanitarian Affairs officers shared that there will be a general coordination meeting on 14th June,2012 focusing on emergency preparedness and response. The District Government will share their contingency plan. Organizations will be requested to share their own contingency plan with the district government Next meeting Date & Venue: 27th June,2012 HDF OFFICE, TANDO MOHAMMAD KHAN Shelter & NFIs Cluster Contacts: District Government Cluster Coordinator Maria Shelter Cluster Support Officer - Sindh Amina Saoudi Information Management Assistant (TSSU/SC) Awais Awan m District Support Officer Deeba Pervez Focal Person Mohammad Bilal Siraj Sheikh +92 (0)300 500 5876 0300-5567559 03332603161 03312525584