PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET SKY74137: RF Transceiver for Multi-Band GSM, GPRS, and EDGE Applications Applications Description • GSM850, EGSM900, DCS1800, and PCS1900 handsets The SKY74137 RF transceiver is a highly integrated device for multi-band Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), and/or Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution (EDGE) receive applications. The device supports GSM850, EGSM900, DCS1800, and PCS1900 applications. • GPRS handsets and modules • EDGE handsets and modules Features • Polar Loop™ transmitter on a single chip • No delay adjustment required • Integrated quad-band transmit VCO with doubler • Direct down-conversion receiver • Four separate LNAs with differential inputs • Gain selectable in 2 dB steps • Integrated receive baseband filtering with programmable bandwidth • Integrated, low-droop DCOC sequencer • Meets AM suppression requirements without calibration • Interfaces to low dynamic range receive ADC • Single integrated, fully programmable fractional-N synthesizer suitable for multi-slot EGPRS operation • Fully integrated wideband UHF VCO • Integrated loop filters: UHF, transmit AM, transmit PM • Automatic frequency control possible with fractional-N synthesizer • Integrated crystal oscillator maintaining amplifier with sinusoidal output buffer • Digital crystal oscillator center frequency control • Integrated LDO voltage regulators for direct connection to battery • Low power standby mode • Multiplexed and non-multiplexed I/Q input and output lines • Separate enable lines for transmit, receive, and synthesizer The receive path implements a direct down-conversion architecture that eliminates the need for Intermediate Frequency (IF) components. The transceiver consists of four integrated Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs), a quadrature demodulator, selectable baseband filter bandwidths, and low-droop DC Offset Correction (DCOC) sequencer. Similar to its predecessors, Skyworks innovative DCR™ architecture allows for this highly integrated device to be combined with virtually any standard GSM/EGPRS baseband without requiring any special processing interfaces. The device implements Skyworks Polar Loop transmit architecture. This architecture, while maintaining the traditional analog In-Phase and Quadrature (I/Q) signals, autonomously splits the amplitude and phase within the device. The filter-saving advantage of the translation-loop approach is embedded in the architecture. Also included is an AM loop that provides both signal AM and power level control. The SKY74137 features an integrated, fully programmable, sigma-delta fractional-N synthesizer suitable for EGPRS multi-slot operation. The reference frequency for the synthesizer is supplied by an integrated Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO) circuit that enables the use of a low-cost crystal. The VCXO also provides a buffered reference frequency output to supply other devices in the system. Skyworks offers lead (Pb)-free “environmentally friendly” packaging that is RoHS compliant (European Parliament for the Restriction of Hazardous Substances). • Band selection with three-wire interface • Low external component count • RFLGA™ (40-pin, 6 x 6 mm) Pb-free (MSL3, 260 °C per JEDEC J-STD-020) package with downset paddle Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 1 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 The Polar Loop architecture of the SKY74137 enables the use of a non-linear Power Amplifier (PA) such as Skyworks SKY77331. Together, these two devices form the Helios™ second generation (Helios II) EDGE chipset. are shown in Figure 1. A functional block diagram is shown in Figure 2. Signal pin assignments, functional pin descriptions, and equivalent circuitry are provided in Table 1. TXHB TXLB QP/TX_QP QM/TX_QM IM/TX_IM IP/TX_IP VDIGENA LOMON VCC3 The SKY74137 is packaged in a small, 40-pin 6 x 6 mm RF Land Grid Array (RFLGA) package. The pin configuration and package 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 N/C or RX_QP 850LNA_N 4 28 N/C or RX_QM 850LNA_P 5 27 CHIPENA 900LNA_N 6 26 SXENA 900LNA_P 7 25 CLK 1800LNA_N 8 24 LATCHENABLE 1800LNA_P 9 23 DATAIN 1900LNA_N 10 22 VCC2 1900LNA_P 11 21 XTAL RXENA 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 XTUNE 29 LPFADJ 3 13MHZ_26MHZ or XBUF N/C or RX_IM VPC COMPP 30 COMPN N/C or RX_IP 2 VAPC 31 TXENA VCC4 1 TXRFin VCC1 S481 Figure 1. SKY74137 Pinout – 40-Pin RFLGA (Top View) 1/2-LO Mixers DCOC1 1900LNA DCOC2 DCOC3 DCOC4 DCOC5 1900 1800LNA RXI 1800 gmC1 and PGA1 Sallen Key LPF gmC2 and Aux PGA2 RXQ 900LNA 900 850LNA M U X Sigma Delta Fractional-N PLL 850 /3 Q /2 /3 3 GHz UHF VCO CLK DATAIN LATCHENABLE Bus Interface and Registers Crystal Osc TXHB XTAL 13MHZ_26MHZ, XBUF PFD One VCO + Doubler I TXLB TXI Baseband VGA TXQ CHIPENA VDIGENA VPC IF VGA /9/10 /11/12 /13/14 LDOs TXRFin VCC1 VCC2 VCC3 VCC4 VAPC X2 S514 Figure 2. SKY74137 RF Transceiver Block Diagram Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 2 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 1. SKY74137 Signal Descriptions (1 of 3) Pin # Name Description 1 VCC1 Voltage supply 1 2 TXENA Transmitter enable 3 VPC Output to PA 4 850LNA_N Negative 850 MHz LNA input. 5 850LNA_P Positive 850 MHz LNA input. 6 900LNA_N Negative 900 MHz LNA input. 7 900LNA_P Positive 900 MHz LNA input. 8 1800LNA_N Negative 1800 MHz LNA input. 9 1800LNA_P Positive 1800 MHz LNA input. 10 1900LNA_N Negative 1900 MHz LNA input. 11 1900LNA_P Positive 1900 MHz LNA input. 12 RXENA Receiver enable 13 VCC4 Voltage supply 4 14 TXRFin Transmit feedback input. 15 VAPC VGA gain control input (takes analog signal from baseband ramp signal). 16 COMPP Positive node for access to on-chip dominant pole filter. 17 COMPN Negative node for access to on-chip dominant pole filter. Equivalent Circuits Vout Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 3 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 1. SKY74137 Signal Descriptions (2 of 3) Pin # Name Description 18 LPFADJ Receiver low pass bandwidth adjust. 19 13MHZ_26MHZ or XBUF Select 13 MHz or 26 MHz output with a DC signal connection. XBUF provides the buffered reference signal to the baseband (a DCblocking capacitor is needed). 20 XTUNE Crystal oscillator varactor control. 21 XTAL Crystal/external reference. 22 VCC2 Voltage supply 2 23 DATAIN Data input (serial interface) 24 LATCHENABLE Latch enable (serial interface) 25 CLK Clock input (serial interface) 26 SXENA Synthesizer enable 27 CHIPENA Master enable for all LDOs. 28 N/C or RX_QM No connection. Negative receiver Q output if separate transmit/receive I/Q is required. 29 N/C or RX_QP No connection. Positive receiver Q output if separate transmit/receive I/Q is required. 30 N/C or RX_IM No connection. Negative receiver I output if separate transmit/receive I/Q is required. 31 N/C or RX_IP No connection. Positive receiver I output if separate transmit/receive I/Q isrequired. Equivalent Circuits Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 4 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 1. SKY74137 Signal Descriptions (3 of 3) Pin # Name Description 32 VCC3 Voltage supply 3 33 LOMON Monitors UHF VCO signal. 34 VDIGENA LDO enable for serial interface and registers. 35 IP/TX_IP Positive I channel if using multiplex transmit/receive I/Q. Positive transmit I channel in non-multiplex mode. 36 IM/TX_IM Negative I channel if using multiplex transmit/receive I/Q. Negative transmit I channel in non-multiplex mode. 37 QM/TX_QM Negative Q channel if using multiplex transmit/receive I/Q. Negative transmit Q channel in non-multiplex mode. 38 QP/TX_QP Positive Q channel if using multiplex transmit/receive I/Q. Positive transmit Q channel in non-multiplex mode. 39 TXLB Transmitter VCO low band output. 40 TXHB Transmitter VCO high band output. Technical Description The SKY74137 RF transceiver contains the following sections, as shown in Figure 2. • Receive section. Includes: four integrated, differential LNAs; quadrature demodulator circuitry that performs direct downconversion; baseband amplifier circuitry with I/Q outputs; baseband filter with programmable bandwidths; and five stages of DCOC. The SKY74137 achieves high IP2 without the need for IP2 calibration. • Synthesizer section. Includes an integrated on-chip VCO locked by a fractional-N synthesizer loop, a crystal oscillator to supply the reference frequency, a reference frequency output buffer, and an integrated loop filter. • Transmit section. The SKY74137 implements the entire Skyworks Polar Loop transmit architecture on a single chip (including both Amplitude Modulation [AM] and Phase Modulation [PM] loops). The AM loop sets the amplitude at the PA, which controls the EDGE signal AM, power level, and Equivalent Circuits ramping. This loop includes AM detectors, error extractor, baseband Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA), on-chip loop filter, and output buffer. The PM loop is a frequency translation loop traditionally used for Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK); its low noise output requires no external filters. This loop includes a Phase-Frequency Detector (PFD), charge pump, onchip loop filter, and integrated high-power transmit VCOs. The wide bandwidth of both loops ensures accurate modulation and excellent spectral performance with no adjustments (e.g., there is no provision for a “delay adjustment,” since none is required). The only calibration needed is for the absolute PA power level. Common to both loops are the downconversion mixer, IF VGA, and I/Q modulator. The receiver I/Q outputs are multiplexed with the transmitter I/Q inputs so that only four pins are used for all I/Q signals. If a separate transmit/receive I/Q is required, as in the case of dual-mode WCDMA/GPRS operation, four additional pins are provided (pins 28 to 31). Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 5 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 fixed conjugate pole pairs, and one programmable conjugate pole pair. The result is a flat passband with minimal group delay distortion at any bandwidth setting. A three-wire serial interface controls the transceiver and synthesizer. Band selection, receiver gain control, and the division ratios and charge pump currents in the synthesizer and transmitter are programmed using 24-bit words. These 24-bit words are programmed using the three-wire input signals CLK, DATAIN, and LATCHENABLE. DC Offset Correction (DCOC) The TXENA, RXENA, and SXENA signals separately enable the SKY74137 transmitter, receiver, and synthesizer sections, respectively. It is also possible to enable the transmitter, receiver, and synthesizer sections using the three-wire serial interface. Five DCOC loops ensure that DC offsets generated in the SKY74137 do not overload the baseband chain at any point. After correction, the corrected voltages are held digitally for the duration of the receive slot(s). Receive Section LNA and Quadrature Demodulator Four separate LNAs are integrated in the SKY74137 to address different bands of operation. These LNAs have separate differential inputs, which are nominally 150 Ω and, therefore, easily matched to the most common GSM Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filters. The LNA gain is switchable between high and low settings using the three-wire bus. The LNA outputs feed into a quadrature demodulator that downconverts the RF signals directly to baseband. The baseband I and Q paths consist of cascaded amplifiers and low pass filter sections. The baseband section provides eight programmable bandwidth settings in 10 kHz increments, from 90 kHz to 160 kHz. This provides added flexibility when interfacing to any mixed signal baseband device. Overall receiver gain stages are depicted in Figure 3. The positive edge of the RXENA signal starts the digital DCOC. A special, fast DCOC is carried out every time the receiver gain is programmed while RXENA is high. This ensures that a DCOC is complete in the time available, even if the gain is changed between slots in multislot mode. The DCOC timing diagram is shown in Figure 4. AM Suppression and IP2 Calibration For direct conversion GSM applications, it is imperative to have extremely low second-order distortion. Mathematically, secondorder distortion of a constant tone generates a DC term proportional to the square of the amplitude. In general, a strong interfering Amplitude Modulated (AM) signal is, therefore, demodulated by second-order distortion, which generates an ACinterfering baseband signal. The SKY74137 can effectively handle such AM-modulated interferers. All baseband filtering is provided on-chip using no external capacitors. The filter chain consists of two fixed real poles, two SKY74137 LO DCOC 1 DCOC 2 DCOC 3 DCOC 4 DCOC 5 RXI+ RXI– –25.2 dBv 55 mV RMS 3 dB RXQ+ RXQ– Gain LNA Mixer LPF1 gmC1/PGA1 gmC2 PGA2 High Gain, 15 dB +40 dB –12, –2, +6, +16 dB 18 dB Low Gain, –5 dB +22 dB 0 dB 0 dB Gain Step, 20 dB +18 dB +2 dB +6 dB 30 dB S659 Figure 3. SKY74137 Analog Gain Stages Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 6 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 fref fref/M RXena DCOC 1 DCOC 2 tDC1 tDC2 tDC3 DCOC 3 tDC4 DCOC 4 tDC5 DCOC 5 tFEENA FEena LNA Enabled Receive Slot S660 Figure 4. SKY74137 DCOC Timing Diagram A commonly used measure for receiver second-order distortion is the second-order intercept point, IP2. For example, to ensure that the unwanted baseband signals are 9 dB below the wanted signal required under the AM suppression test for type approval (see 3GPP TS 51.010-1), an input IP2 of 43 dBm is required. synthesizer phase-locks the Local Oscillator (LO) used in both transmit and receive paths to a precision frequency reference input. Fractional-N operation offers low phase noise and fast settling times, allowing for multiple slot applications such as GPRS. The SKY74137 IP2 meets the GSM AM suppression test requirements in all bands with good margin and without calibration. The SKY74137 frequency stepping function with a 3 Hz resolution allows quad band operation in both transmit and receive bands using a fully integrated on-chip UHF VCO. The fine synthesizer resolution allows direct compensation or adjustment for reference frequency errors. Flexible Receiver Bandwidth Control The receiver baseband filters have programmable bandwidths with eight possible settings. For easy bandwidth switching during operation, two individual bandwidth settings are defined: “Bandwidth A” and “Bandwidth B.” The fractional-N synthesizer consists of the following: When the B/W and DC Offset Control Register is programmed (during device initialization, for example), “Bandwidth A” and “Bandwidth B” can each be assigned any of the eight possible bandwidths. The active setting (A or B) is then selected using bit [18] of the T/R Register (RX BW). This allows for fast and easy switching between two receiver bandwidths during a call, without programming any additional registers. Typically, two different bandwidths need to be used for EDGE signals and GMSK signals to optimize reception of each. • N-divider with a sigma-delta modulator Synthesizer Section • VCO • High frequency prescaler • Reference buffer and divider • Integrated loop filter • Fast PFD and charge pump The user must provide the following three parameters: • Reference divider value from 1 to 2 • N-divider value in a manner similar to an integer-N synthesizer • A fractional ratio The SKY74137 includes a fully integrated UHF VCO with an onchip 3rd order loop filter. A single sigma-delta fractional-N Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 7 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 The generated frequency is given by the following equation: fVCO where: fvco N FN R fref FN ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎜ N + 3.0 + 22 ⎟ f ref 2 ⎠ = ⎝ R = Generated VCO frequency = N-divider ratio, integer part = Fractional setting = R-divider ratio = Reference frequency UHF Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Frequency Setting In the SKY74137, the 3 GHz VCO is followed by a divide-by-two and divide-by-three inside the UHF PLL. To tune the receive frequency, the UHF PLL is set according to the following equations: GSM850/900: fVCO = 3 × f RX DCS1800 and PCS1900: fVCO = 3 × f RX 2 In the transmit mode, the first IF (IF1) subtracted from the second IF (IF2) determines the transmit frequency as follows: FTX = IF2 − IF1 F Where: IF2 = VCO in the low band 3 or, IF2 = FVCO in the high band 2×3 F IF1 = VCO , where D1 = 9, 10, 11, or 12 3 D1 or, IF1 = FVCO , where D2 = 13 or 14 2 D2 Therefore, the transmit frequency in the low band, when the D1 divider is selected is: FTX = FVCO ⎛ D − 1⎞ ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎜ 3D ⎟ 1 ⎠ ⎝ Or, when the D2 divider is selected: ⎛ D − 1.5 ⎞ ⎟ FTX = FVCO ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 3D 2 ⎠ ⎝ The transmit frequency in the high band, when the D1 divider is selected is: FTX = FVCO ⎛ 2D − 1 ⎞ ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎜ 3D ⎟ 1 ⎠ ⎝ Or, when the D2 divider is selected: ⎛ 2 D − 1.5 ⎞ ⎟ FTX = FVCO ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 3D 2 ⎠ ⎝ Digital Frequency Centering The SKY74137 re-centers the UHF VCO frequency range each time the synthesizer is programmed. This proprietary Skyworks technique, called Digital Frequency Centering (DFC) extends the VCO frequency coverage, speeds up settling time, and ensures robust performance since the VCO is always operated at the center of its tuning range. Each time the synthesizer is programmed, the DFC circuit is activated and the VCO is centered to the programmed frequency in less than 20 µs. After this, normal PLL operation is resumed and the fine settling of the frequency is finalized. DFC typically adjusts the 3 GHz VCO center frequency to within a few MHz and no more than 10 MHz offset, and presets the tuning voltage to the center of the range before the PLL takes over. This speeds up frequency settling and ensures that the PLL control voltage never operates close to the rails. DFC is the result of an adaptive circuit that corrects for any VCO center frequency errors caused by variations of the integrated VCO circuit, temperature, supply voltage, aging, etc. The 3 GHz VCO can be centered at any frequency in the range from 2607 MHz to 3103 MHz. Once centered, the VCO has a minimum analog tuning range of 20 MHz. No calibration or data storage is needed for DFC operation. It is activated by one of two events: • When the synthesizer is programmed, the rising edge of the LATCHENABLE signal starts the DFC cycle • When the SXENA signal level is changed from low to high, which enables the synthesizer, the rising edge of the SXENA signal starts the DFC cycle Integrated Loop Filters Both loop filters (for the UHF PLL and for the transmit PLL) are fully integrated on-chip. Several adjustments can be made to the PLL transfer functions. Charge Pump Current Compensation for Constant PLL Bandwidth The VCOs in the SKY74137 use the Skyworks DFC technique. The nature of the DFC circuit increases the VCO control sensitivity (KVCO) as the VCO frequency is increased. Without any compensation, this leads to an increase in the PLL loop gain and an increased loop bandwidth for higher frequencies. In a classical PLL design, KVCO is typically regarded as a constant. In this case, the loop gain decreases with increased frequency as the division ratio of the loop is increased proportionally to Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 8 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 frequency. Since it is desirable to keep the loop bandwidth constant over the frequency range of interest, the SKY74137 includes a circuit that compensates the charge pump current to keep the overall loop gain constant. Charge pump current compensation for the UHF PLL can be programmed to one of three settings (nominal, high, or low) or the charge pump current can be programmed to a constant value without compensation. The charge pump current settings and compensation are set in the SX3 Register. Crystal Oscillator A 26 MHz crystal oscillator provides the reference frequency for the synthesizer. As shown in Figure 5, the oscillator uses an external 26 MHz crystal to generate an accurate reference frequency. The reference frequency can be changed through coarse-tuning with an integrated capacitor array or fine-tuning with the integrated varactor diode. The oscillator is coarse-tuned by switching in and out (using a digital word programmed with the serial interface) the capacitor network (CAP_A and CAP_B) located at the input of the integrated buffer. The oscillator is fine-tuned by providing a tuning voltage to the integrated varactor diode. An output buffer is provided to drive the baseband circuitry. The frequency of the output is determined by pin 19 (13MHZ_26MHZ). When this pin is connected to ground, the output is 13 MHz; when connected to VCC or left floating, the output is 26 MHz. The oscillator core powers up when the CHIPENA signal (pin 27) is set to logic 1. Amplitude Loop In the amplitude loop, the reference signal from the I/Q modulator and the feedback signal from the IF VGA each pass through AM detectors before their amplitude is compared at the error extractor. The error is amplified by a baseband VGA and low-pass filtered to produce the PA amplitude control signal. The power level is autonomously controlled by the gain of the two VGAs once the traditional VAPC signal for power control has been applied. Phase Loop In the phase loop, the reference signal from the I/Q modulator and the feedback signal from the IF VGA each pass through limiters before their phase is compared at the PFD. The phase-locked transmit VCO then drives the PA with a signal containing only the phase modulation. Transmit VCOs The on-chip transmit VCO and a doubler are designed to meet GSM850, EGSM900, DCS1800, and PCS1900 requirements. The transmit VCO uses the same DFC technique as the synthesizer section to center the VCO frequency. The rising edge on TXENA initializes the transmit DFC. The output buffers feed the signal to the external PAs. Two transmit buffers are provided, one for the low band VCO and the other for the high band VCO. With GSM850 and EGSM900 operation, the VCO output is fed directly to the low band transmit buffer. To save current in DCS1800 and PCS1900 operation, the VCO is followed with a doubler before the high band transmit output buffer. The fractional-N synthesizer should be programmed and operating before the transmit section can be activated. The timing requirements are shown in Figure 6. Transmit Section The SKY74137 implements the entire Skyworks Polar Loop transmit architecture on a single chip, including both amplitude and phase loops. The transmitter is provided a coupled feedback signal from the PA and downconverts it to an IF. Following an IF VGA, this feedback signal is fed to both loops. The reference for both loops is a transmit IF signal produced by an I/Q modulator. SKY74137 To Synthesizer Crystal ÷2 XBUF, 13 MHZ_26MHZ Vc CAP_A/CAP_B S179c Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 9 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Figure 5. Crystal Oscillator Block Diagram Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 10 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Frac PLL Prog Frac Mod Prog Receive/Transmit Prog Data Word t1 t1> 0 and t2> 0 SXENA t2 TXENA S018 Figure 6. Transmit Timing Diagram Low Drop-Out (LDO) Linear Voltage Regulators The SKY74137 includes integrated LDO linear voltage regulators to eliminate the need for a separate power management integrated circuit or discrete voltage regulators. Each functional block in the SKY74137 includes a separate, internal LDO voltage regulator. Modes of Operation The SKY74137 offers several possible modes of operation determined by the logic setting of five pin signals: • CHIPENA (pin 27) • VDIGENA (pin 34) • SXENA (pin 26) • TXENA (pin 2) • RXENA (pin 12) The SXENA, TXENA, and RXENA signals can also be programmed using the serial interface. can be programmed off. The three-wire bus is enabled and initial programming may also take place. NOTE: If VDIGENA is hardwired permanently to logic high (VBAT), the power modes of the SKY74137 operate identically to those of the SKY74117 RF Transceiver. Following power up, the synthesizer, receiver, and transmitter sections may be enabled by the SXENA, RXENA, or TXENA signals, respectively, or by programming the three-wire bus. NOTE: The CHIPENA signal, by itself, is sufficient to power up the device. However, VDIGENA must be brought high before the first sleep cycle. When the CHIPENA signal is held low while the VDIGENA signal is held high, the device is placed in sleep mode. This is a maximum power-saving mode where the only the digital section of the device has power while all LDOs for RF functions are shut down. Therefore, even the LDO bypass currents are saved. During sleep, the crystal oscillator shuts down. The device still holds its control registers and can still be programmed by the three-wire bus. All four VCC signals (pins 1, 13, 22, and 32) connect directly to the battery. The battery and its charging supply must not exceed 4.5 V. The device remains completely powered off as long as the CHIPENA and VDIGENA signals are held low. When powered off, only the over-voltage protection circuits are operational and the current draw is extremely low. The sleep/wake cycle is controlled simply by setting CHIPENA low or high. When the device wakes up, the crystal oscillator powers back up unless it was previously programmed off. In this case, it remains off. In normal operation, both the CHIPENA and VDIGENA signals are brought high simultaneously to power up the device (if only the VDIGENA signal is held high, the device will not power up). Precise timing is not required (i.e., either of the two signals may reach a logic high first). Within 200 µs, a power-on reset occurs that preloads all of the control registers with default values. The LDOs for all sections of the device are enabled and the crystal oscillator starts. If the crystal oscillator function is not desired, it A typical enable timing sequence is provided in Figure 7, which shows the various modes of operation and the relevant transition between various states. The device is completely powered down by setting both CHIPENA and VDIGENA low. The precise order is not critical. The band select function of the SKY74137 is accessed using the serial interface (bits [17:16] of the T/R Register). Detailed register descriptions are provided in the Skyworks Programming Guide, *** TBD ***, document number TBD. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 11 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Off Tx, Rx, Sx Off Sx On Tx On Tx Off Rx On Rx Off Tx, Rx, Sx Off Sleep VCC1 VCC2 VCC3 CHIPENA Program SX Register 3 bit [11] = 0 "Wake" occurs VDIGENA Program registers if required SXENA TXENA RXENA S436a Figure 7. Typical Enable Signal Timing Diagram Showing Modes of Operation Package and Handling Information Since the device package is sensitive to moisture absorption, it is baked and vacuum packed before shipment according to IPC JSTD 033 guidelines. Instructions on the shipping container label regarding exposure to moisture after the container seal is broken must be followed. These instructions adhere to IPC J-STD 020A guidelines for handling moisture sensitive devices. If these instructions are not followed, problems related to moisture absorption may occur when the part is subjected to high temperature during solder assembly. The SKY74137 is rated to Moisture Sensitivity Level 3 (MSL 3) at 260 °C. It can be used for lead or lead-free soldering. If the device is attached in a reflow oven, the temperature ramp rate should not exceed 5 °C per second. Maximum temperature should not exceed 260 °C. If the SKY74137 is manually attached, precaution should be taken to ensure that the part is not subjected to a temperature exceeding 260 °C for more than 10 seconds. For additional details on both attachment techniques, precautions, and recommended handling procedures, refer to the Skyworks Application Note, PCB Design and SMT Assembly Guidelines for RFLGA Packages, document number 103147. Additional information on standard SMT reflow profiles can also be found in the JEDEC Standard J-STD-020B. Production quantities of this product are shipped in a standard tape and reel format. For packaging details, refer to the Skyworks Application Note, Tape and Reel, document number 101568. Electrical and Mechanical Specifications The absolute maximum ratings of the SKY74137 are provided in Table 2. The recommended operating conditions are specified in Table 3 and power consumption specifications are provided in Table 4. Electrical specifications are provided in Tables 5 through 11. Figures 8 through 11 illustrate typical baseband and LNA measurements. Figure 12 shows a typical application circuit diagram for the Helios II EDGE RF Subsystem (the SKY74137 Transceiver and SKY77331 PA). The phone board layout footprint for the SKY74137 is provided in Figure 13. Package dimensions for the 40-pin RFLGA are shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15 provides the tape and reel dimensions. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Sensitivity The SKY74137 is a static-sensitive electronic device. Do not operate or store near strong electrostatic fields. Take proper ESD precautions. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 12 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 2. SKY74137 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Minimum Maximum Units Supply voltage (VCC) –0.3 +4.5 V Ambient operating temperature range –40 +95 °C Storage temperature range –50 +125 °C Input voltage range GND VCC V 600 mW Maximum power dissipation Note: Stresses above these absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings only and functional operation at these conditions is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may reduce device reliability. Table 3. SKY74137 Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Units 3.1 3.6 4.5 V Power supply (VCC1, VCC2, VCC3, VCC4) Operating junction temperature –40 +110 °C Operating ambient temperature –30 +85 °C 10 dBm LNA input level, RXEN = On Table 4. Power Consumption (1 of 2) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Total supply current (VCC1, VCC2, VCC3, and VCC4): Symbol Test Condition Min Typical Max Units ICC Off mode RXENA = low, SXENA = low, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = low. Program SX Register 3 (bit [11] = 0) if entering this state from any other state. 26 60 µA Sleep mode RXENA = low, SXENA = low, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = low. SX Register 3, bit [11] = 1. 45 85 µA Standby mode 1 (internal crystal oscillator and crystal output buffer) RXENA = low, SXENA = low, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = high 4.0 mA Standby mode 2 (external crystal oscillator and internal crystal output buffer) RXENA = low, SXENA = low, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = high. Program device to shut off internal crystal oscillator. 3.0 mA Standby mode 3 (external crystal oscillator only; internal crystal output buffer is shut off) RXENA = low, SXENA = low, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = high. Program device to shut off internal crystal oscillator and crystal output buffer. 1.0 mA Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 13 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 4. Power Consumption (2 of 2) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Total supply current (VCC1, VCC2, VCC3, and VCC4): Test Condition Min Typical Max Units ICC Synthesizer active mode (GSM850/EGSM900) RXENA = low, SXENA = high, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = high. Program device to low band. 35 mA Synthesizer active mode (DCS1800/PCS1900) RXENA = low, SXENA = high, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = high. Program device to high band. 35 mA Receiver active mode (GSM850/EGSM900) RXENA = high, SXENA = high, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = high. Program device to low band. 80 mA Receiver active mode (DCS1800/PCS1900) RXENA = high, SXENA = high, TXENA = low, CHIPENA = high. Program device to high band. 80 mA Transmitter active mode (GSM850/EGSM900) RXENA = low, SXENA = high, TXENA = high, CHIPENA = high. Program device to low band. 140 mA Transmitter active mode (DCS1800/PCS1900) RXENA = low, SXENA = high, TXENA = high, CHIPENA = high. Program device to high band. 140 mA Table 5. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Receiver (1 of 3) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Input operating frequency: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 Test Condition GSM850 receive band EGSM900 receive band DCS1800 receive band PCS1900 receive band Input impedance: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 ZIN Receiver maximum voltage gain: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 GRXMAX Receiver minimum voltage gain: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 GRXMIN Receiver gain temperature variation: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 GTEMPVAR Min Typical 869 925 1805 1930 Max Units 894 960 1880 1990 MHz MHz MHz MHz Ω Ω Ω Ω fC = 880 MHz fC = 950 MHz fC = 1840 MHz fC = 1960 MHz Highest gain mode 121 120 124 122 dB dB dB dB 10 10 17 15 dB dB dB dB Lowest gain mode TA = –20 °C to +85 °C 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 14 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A dB dB dB dB PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 5. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Receiver (2 of 3) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Gain step: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 ∆AV Gain step accuracy: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 GSTEP Gain variation versus frequency: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 GFREQ Noise Figure: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 NFGAIN1 Noise Figure (temperature): GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 NFTEMP Noise Figure degradation in presence of 3 MHz blocker: GSM850 NFBLOC Test Condition Min Typical Max dB dB dB dB 2 2 2 2 –0.75 –0.75 –0.75 –0.75 Over 869-894 MHz Over 925-960 MHz Over 1805-1880 MHz Over 1930-1990 MHz Units +0.75 +0.75 +0.75 +0.75 dB dB dB dB 2 2 2 2 dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 TA = +85 °C 4.0 4.0 4.4 4.4 dB dB dB dB With –26 dBm input blocker @ 3 MHz offset dB EGSM900 With –26 dBm input blocker @ 3 MHz offset dB DCS1800 With –29 dBm input blocker @ 3 MHz offset dB PCS1900 With –29 dBm input blocker @ 3 MHz offset dB Input 2nd order intercept point: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 IIP2 DC shift in presence of blocker: GSM850 AM Supp Referred to LNA input calibrated and measured at middle of band. 40 40 40 40 dBm dBm dBm dBm 55 55 55 55 With –34 dBm @ 6 MHz offset and calibrated. 20 mV EGSM900 With –34 dBm @ 6 MHz offset. 20 mV DCS1800 With –35 dBm @ 6 MHz offset 20 mV PCS1900 With –35 dBm @ 6 MHz offset 20 mV Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 15 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 5. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Receiver (3 of 3) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Test Condition I/Q amplitude imbalance: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 TA = –20 °C to +85 °C I/Q phase imbalance: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 TA = –20 °C to +85 °C Min Typical –3 –3 –3 –3 3rd order input intercept point @ +25 °C: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 IIP3 3rd order input intercept point @ –20 °C: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 IIP3 Output offset voltage: GSM850 F = 800 kHz/+1.6 MHz, F = –800 kHz/–1.6 MHz F = +800 kHz/+1.6 MHz, F = –800 kHz/–1.6 MHz Max Units 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 dB dB dB dB +3 +3 +3 +3 degrees degrees degrees degrees –17 –17 –20 –20 –16 –16 –19 –19 dBm dBm dBm dBm –19 –19 –22 –22 –18 –18 –21 –21 dBm dBm dBm dBm TA = +25 °C TA = +85 °C 200 220 mV mV EGSM900 TA = +25 °C TA = +85 °C 200 220 mV mV DCS1800 TA = +25 °C TA = +85 °C 200 220 mV mV PCS1900 TA = +25 °C TA = +85 °C 200 220 mV mV 20 20 20 20 mV mV mV mV 5 5 5 5 mV mV mV mV Offset drift (long term): GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 DCDRFT1 Offset drift (short term): GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 DCDRFT2 100 ms after correction 577 µs after correction Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 16 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 6. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Baseband Filter (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Selectivity with baseband selectable active filter at setting 5 (110 kHz) Test Condition Min @ 3 MHz offset @ 1.6 MHz offset @ 600 kHz offset @ 400 kHz offset @ 200 kHz offset TA = –20 °C to +85 °C Typical Max Units dB dB dB dB dB >140 >130 67 55 16 3 dB corner frequency (setting 0) FC 0 90 kHz 3 dB corner frequency (setting 1) FC 1 100 kHz 3 dB corner frequency (setting 2) FC 2 110 kHz 3 dB corner frequency (setting 3) FC 3 120 kHz 3 dB corner frequency (setting 4) FC 4 130 kHz 3 dB corner frequency (setting 5) FC 5 140 kHz 3 dB corner frequency (setting 6) FC 6 150 kHz 3 dB corner frequency (setting 7) FC 7 160 kHz Table 7. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Receiver Output Stage (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Differential output swing capacity (pk/pk differential) Output common mode voltage Maximum current drive Test Condition Min Typical ROUT Output capacitance COUT Units VGA2 = 18 dB 2.5 V VGA2 = 0 dB 0.3 V TA = –20 °C to +85 °C 1.25 1.35 IOUT Output resistance Max 160 200 1.45 V 0.5 mA 240 Ω 1 pF Table 8. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Transmitter (1 of 3) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Test Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Units 16 20 24 kΩ Transmitter: I/Q Modulator Differential input impedance ZIN Input signal level 0.9 1 1.1 Vp-p VCM Differential 1.15 1.35 1.55 V Output operating frequency, IF IFOUT 70 200 MHz Output noise power NO –128 –126 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Input common mode voltage range Input frequency 3 dB bandwidth LO suppression 3 @ 10 MHz offset @ 1.8 MHz offset @ VCO output Sideband suppression –132 –130 MHz 30 35 dBc 30 35 dBc Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 17 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 8. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Transmitter (2 of 3) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Test Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Units Translational Loop Transmit frequency (input from VCO) FTX 800 2000 MHz IF frequency FIF 80 120 MHz Transmitter output phase noise (includes transmit VCO and LO PLL): GSM850 NOPH @ 400 kHz offset @ 1.8 MHz offset @ 10 MHz offset @20 MHz offset –120 –130 –152 –165 –118 –124 –150 –162 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz EGSM900 @ 400 kHz offset @ 1.8 MHz offset @ 10 MHz offset @20 MHz offset –120 –130 –152 –165 –118 –124 –150 –162 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz DCS1800 @ 400 kHz offset @ 1.8 MHz offset @ 10 MHz offset @20 MHz offset –120 –130 –152 –156 –120 –130 –152 –154 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz PCS1900 @ 400 kHz offset @ 1.8 MHz offset @ 10 MHz offset @20 MHz offset –120 –130 –152 –156 –120 –130 –152 –154 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Transmit phase error: GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 TXPHERR degrees rms degrees rms degrees rms degrees rms 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 Low Band Translation Loop VCO TA = –20 °C to +85 °C Frequency Range fC 800 930 Digital frequency centering resolution eDFC Digital frequency centering time tDFC From rising edge of TXENA (13 MHz clock frequency) 12 Digital frequency centering voltage VDCF (Control voltage at end of DFC/start of analog lock) 1.1 Analog frequency control range fMAX – fMIN 0.5 < VCTL < 2.2 Absolute control sensitivity KVCO (0.9 V < VCTL and 1.9 V > VCTL) 2.5 Output harmonics 2nd harmonic 3rd harmonic Phase noise @ 400 kHz offset @ 20 MHz offset Output VSWR With external 50 Ω match Pushing POUT Output power temperature variation V 7 –125 –164 MHz/V –10 –10 dBc dBc –120 –162 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz 2:1 4 ±4 MHz/V MHz FOUT = 897.5 MHz with external 50 Ω match 6 dBm TA = –20 °C to +85 °C ±0.7 dB Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 18 µs MHz VSWR 2:1 Output power MHz 20 10 2 Pulling MHz July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 8. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Transmitter (3 of 3) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Test Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Units 1930 MHz High Band Translation Loop VCO TA = –20 °C to +85 °C Frequency Range fC Digital frequency centering resolution eDFC 1690 Digital frequency centering time tDFC From rising edge of TXENA (13 MHz clock frequency) 12 Digital frequency centering voltage VDFC Control voltage at end of DFC/start of analog lock 1.1 Analog frequency control range fMAX – fMIN 0.5 < VCTL < 2.2 Absolute control sensitivity KVCO 0.9 V < VCTL and 1.9 V > VCTL 6 Output harmonics 2nd harmonic 3rd harmonic Phase noise @ 400 kHz offset @ 20 MHz offset Output VSWR With external 50 Ω match Output power variation V 10 –125 –158 MHz/V –10 –10 dBc dBc –120 –155 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz 2:1 4 ±4 VSWR 2:1 POUT µs MHz 2 Output power 20 20 Pushing Pulling MHz MHz/V MHz Fout = 1747.5 MHz with external 50 Ω match 6 dBm TA = –20 °C to +85 °C ±1 dB Table 9. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Synthesizer (1 of 2) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Test Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Units Synthesizer Prescaler operating input frequency 1000 Reference input frequency 13 Phase detector frequency Reference oscillator level 1700 MHz 13 MHz 0.4 In-band phase noise MHz 26 2.8 VPEAK @ 10 kHz offset –85 dBc/Hz Charge pump leakage current 0.5 < VCP < 2.3 0.1 nA Charge pump sink versus source mismatch VCP = 1.4 5 % Charge pump current versus voltage 0.5 < VCP < 2.3 10 % Charge pump current versus temperature VCP = 1.4, TA = –20 °C to +85 °C 10 % Frequency settling time 200 µs 3103 MHz UHF VCO Center frequency fC Digital frequency centering resolution eDFC Digital frequency centering time tDFC TA = –20 °C to +85 °C 2607 2 From rising edge of SXENA or LATCHENABLE when programming SX word (13 MHz clock frequency) 18 MHz 20 µs Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 19 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 9. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Synthesizer (2 of 2) (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Test Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Units UHF VCO (continued) Digital frequency centering voltage VDFC Control voltage at end of DFC/start of analog lock Analog frequency control range fMAX – fMIN 0.5 < VCTL < 2.2 Absolute control sensitivity KVCO Phase noise @ 1.5 GHz (3 GHz/2) 1.4 8 0.5 < VCTL < 2.2 10 @ 400 kHz offset @ 3 MHz offset –123 –140 V 20 MHz –121 –137 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz MHz/V Crystal Oscillator (26 MHz) Operating frequency 26 Phase noise: @ 100 Hz @ 1 kHz @ 10 kHz Clock jitter Spurious rejection MHz –98 –127 –145 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz 16 ps –15 dBc Digital tuning (Note 1) ±20 ±30 ppm Analog tuning (Note 1) ±20 ±25 ppm Analog varactor voltage range 0.05 Analog varactor DC impedance 2.5 1 Supply voltage dependence V MΩ 0.5 ppm/V Operating current (start) @ 26 MHz 2000 µA Operating current (equilibrium) @ 26 MHz 2000 µA Voltage swing @ crystal 1.5 Voltage swing @ buffer 1.0 Buffer output load 1.2 Vp-p 1.5 Vp-p 10 ms 10 pF || 10 kΩ Settles within ±1 ppm Start-up time Note 1: Using a crystal similar to NX4025DA. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 20 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Table 10. SKY74137 Electrical Specifications – Digital Interface (TA = 25 °C, VCC = 3.6 V unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typical Max Units Data to clock setup time TCS 30 ns Data to clock hold time TCH 10 ns Clock pulse width high TCWH 30 ns Clock pulse width low TCWL 30 ns Clock to load enable setup time TES 30 ns Load enable pulse width TEW 50 ns LE falling edge to clock rising edge TEFC 30 ns 30 30 30 ns ns ns RXENA setup time TXENA setup time SXENA setup time High level input voltage VIH V Low level input voltage VIL V High level input current IIH RXENA, TXENA, DATAIN, CLK, LATCHENABLE, PCO, VCXO_EN ????, SXENA –1 +1 µA –1 +1 µA 10 pF Low level input current IIL Digital input pin capacitance CID High level output voltage VOH PCO, IOH = –1.0 mA Low level output voltage VOL PCO, IOLL = 1.0 mA 0.4 V Digital output pin load capacitance CLD PCO 15 pF V Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 21 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 *** TBD *** Figure 8. Typical GSM850 LNA Input Impedance *** TBD *** Figure 9. Typical EGSM900 LNA Input Impedance Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 22 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 *** TBD *** Figure 10. Typical DCS1800 LNA Input Impedance *** TBD *** Figure 11. Typical PCS1900 LNA Input Impedance Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 23 Transmit Feedback From PA Coupler VCC Receive Enable PCS1900 Input From T/R Switch DCS1800 Input From T/R Switch EGSM900 Input From T/R Switch GSM850 Input From T/R Switch Transmit Enable PAC Enable PA Coupler Out PA Low Band Out to T/R Switch PA High Band Out to T/R Switch C8 100 pF C4 15 pF C3 15 pF C2 22 pF C1 22 pF 16 15 14 13 12 11 IN IN IN IN 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 COUP_OUT GND DCS/PCS OUT GND GSM OUT GND GND GND GND 10 RSVD2 SAW4 3 4 SAW3 3 4 SAW2 3 4 SAW1 3 4 EN DCS/PCS IN BS RSVD1 VBATT VAPC GSM IN × × L8 6.8 nH L7 6.8 nH L6 15 nH L5 15 nH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VCC C102 470 pF C7 100 pF 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40 XTAL VCC2 12 1800LNA_P 1800LNA_N 900LNA_P 900LNA_N 850LNA_P 850LNA_N VPC TXENA VCC1 Band Select 39 13 TXHB RXENA 8 TXLB VCC4 9 38 14 37 36 35 34 15 17 × × C9 120 nF 16 18 SKY74137 QP/TX_QP TXRFin + C100 10 μF VDIGENA C101 10 nF × 33 32 19 RX_IP CLK SXENA CHIPENA RX_QM RX_QP RX_IM R2 10 kΩ R1 39.2 kΩ, 1% 20 XTAL VCC2 DATAIN LATCHENABLE VCC3 SKY77331 QM/TX_QM VAPC GND GND GND GND GND GND IM/TX_IM COMPP OUT GND IP/TX_IP COMPN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT LOMON 24 LPFADJ 13MHZ_26MHZ (or XBUF) XTUNE VBAT 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 × × × × 4 1 XTAL1 C10 22 pF 3 2 C12 100 nF C13 1 nF + C11 10 μF Power Control Buffer Out Crystal Tune S661 Synthesizer Supply Chip Enable Synthesizer Enable Clock Latch Enable Data In VCC LDO Enable Receive/Transmit I+ Receive/Transmit I– Receive/Transmit Q– Receive/Transmit Q+ PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Figure 12. Typical Helios II EDGE RF Subsystem Application Circuit (SKY74137 and SKY77331) July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 TBD Figure 13. Phone Board Layout Footprint For a 6 x 6 mm RFLGA Package Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 25 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 6.04 ± 0.10 Solder Mask Pin 1 Indicator Pin 1 Indicator 0.500 Exposed Metal R1.500 6.04 ± 0.10 0.30 ± 0.05 Detail A 0.38 ± 0.08 Top View Bottom View Solder Mask Exposed Metal 0.38 ±0.05 Mold Package Edge 1.00 ± 0.10 Substrate 0.040 REF 0.30 ±0.020 0.30 ± 0.05 0.00 ±0.050 Side View Detail A S311 All dimensions are in millimeters Figure 14. SKY74137 40-Pin RFLGA Package Dimensions 2.00 ± 0.05 4.00 8.00 ∅1.55 ± 0.05 0.30 ± 0.05 B 5.50 ± 0.05 A 1.75 ± 0.10 6.30 A 5o Max. 12.00 ± 0.30 Pin #1 Indicator B ∅1.50 Min. 1.70 6.30 B 5o Max. Notes: 1. Carrier tape: black conductive polystyrene 2. Cover tape material: transparent conductive PSA 3. Cover tape size: 9.3 mm width 4. All dimensions are in millimeters A C1222 Figure 15. SKY74137 40-Pin RFLGA Tape and Reel Dimensions Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 26 July 7, 2005 • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200099A PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET • SKY74137 Ordering Information Model Name SKY74137 RF Transceiver Manufacturing Part Number Product Revision SKY74137-xx Copyright © 2004, 2005 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products. These materials are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials. Skyworks may make changes to its documentation, products, specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from future changes to its documentation, products, specifications and product descriptions. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by or under this document. Except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Skyworks assumes no liability whatsoever in association with its documentation, products, specifications and product descriptions. THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF SKYWORKS PRODUCTS INCLUDING WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. SKYWORKS FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications. Skyworks’ customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. The following are trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc.: Skyworks®, the Skyworks logo, and Breakthrough Simplicity®. Product names or services listed in this publication are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of Skyworks or other third parties. Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, posted at, is incorporated by reference. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • • 200099A • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • July 7, 2005 27