Object Oriented Design - Help-A-Bull

Object Oriented Design
Lecture 5: Program
3.13 (Invoice Class) Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might
use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store. An Invoice should
include four pieces of information as data members—a part number (type
string), a part description (type string), a quantity of the item being
purchased (type int) and a price per item (type int). [Note: In subsequent
chapters, we’ll use numbers that contain decimal points (e.g., 2.75)—
called floating-point values—to represent dollar amounts.] Your class
should have a constructor that initializes the four data members. Provide a
set and a get function for each data member. In addition, provide a
member function named get-InvoiceAmount that calculates the invoice
amount (i.e., multiplies the quantity by the price per item), then returns
the amount as an int value. If the quantity is not positive, it should be set
to 0. If the price per item is not positive, it should be set to 0. Write a test
program that demonstrates class Invoice’s capabilities.
Class Invoice
• Data members
The number of the part being sold
Description of the part being sold
How many of the items are being sold
Price per item
string partNumber; // the number of the part being sold
string partDescription; // description of the part being sold
int quantity; // how many of the items are being sold
int pricePerItem; // price per item
Class Invoice
• Function members
// constructor
constructor initializes initializes
the four data members
the four data
Invoice( string, string, int, int );
// members
set and get functions for the four data members
void setPartNumber( string ); // part number
and get functions for the four data
void setPartDescription( string ); // part description
void setQuantity( int ); // quantity
Set/get part number
int getQuantity();
int );description
// price per item
int getPricePerItem();
Set/get quantity
// calculates invoice amount by multiplying quantity x price per item
price per item
// Invoice.h
// Definition of Invoice class that represents an invoice for an item sold at a hardware store.
#include <string> // program uses C++ standard string class
using std::string;
class Invoice
// Invoice class definition
// constructor initializes the four data members
Invoice( string, string, int, int );
void setPartNumber( string ); // part number
string getPartNumber();
void setPartDescription( string ); // part description
string getPartDescription();
void setQuantity( int ); // quantity
int getQuantity();
void setPricePerItem( int ); // price per item
int getPricePerItem();
int getInvoiceAmount(); // calculates invoice amount
string partNumber; // the number of the part being sold
string partDescription; // description of the part being sold
int quantity; // how many of the items are being sold
int pricePerItem; // price per item
}; // end class Invoice
Source Code
// Member-function definitions for class Invoice.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
include definition of class Invoice from Invoice.h
#include "Invoice.h"
// Invoice constructor initializes the class's four data members
Invoice::Invoice( string number, string description, int count,
int price )
setPartNumber( number ); // store partNumber
setPartDescription( description ); // store partDescription
setQuantity( count ); // validate and store quantity
setPricePerItem( price ); // validate and store pricePerItem
} // end Invoice constructor
Part Number
// set part number
void Invoice::setPartNumber( string number )
partNumber = number; // no validation needed
} // end function setPartNumber
// get part number
string Invoice::getPartNumber()
return partNumber;
} // end function getPartNumber
Part Description
// set part description
void Invoice::setPartDescription( string description )
partDescription = description; // no validation needed
} // end function setPartDescription
// get part description
string Invoice::getPartDescription()
return partDescription;
} // end function getPartDescription
// set quantity; if not positive, set to 0
void Invoice::setQuantity( int count )
if ( count > 0 ) // if quantity is positive
quantity = count; // set quantity to count
if ( count <= 0 ) // if quantity is not positive
quantity = 0; // set quantity to 0
cout << "\nquantity cannot be negative. quantity set to 0.\n";
} // end if
} // end function setQuantity
// get quantity
int Invoice::getQuantity()
return quantity;
} // end function getQuantity
// set price per item; if not positive, set to 0.0
void Invoice::setPricePerItem( int price )
if ( price > 0 ) // if price is positive
pricePerItem = price; // set pricePerItem to price
if ( price <= 0 ) // if price is not positive
pricePerItem = 0; // set pricePerItem to 0
cout << "\npricePerItem cannot be negative. "
<< "pricePerItem set to 0.\n";
} // end if
} // end function setPricePerItem
// get price per item
int Invoice::getPricePerItem()
return pricePerItem;
} // end function getPricePerItem
Calculate Invoice Amount
// calculates invoice amount by multiplying
quantity x price per item
int Invoice::getInvoiceAmount()
return getQuantity() * getPricePerItem();
} // end function getInvoiceAmount
// Exercise 3.13 Solution: ex03_13.cpp
// Create and manipulate an Invoice object.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
// include definition of class Invoice from Invoice.h
#include "Invoice.h"
// function main begins program execution
int main()
// create an Invoice object
Invoice invoice( "12345", "Hammer", 100, 5 );
// display the invoice data members and calculate the amount
cout << "Part number: " << invoice.getPartNumber() << endl;
cout << "Part description: " << invoice.getPartDescription() << endl;
cout << "Quantity: " << invoice.getQuantity() << endl;
cout << "Price per item: $" << invoice.getPricePerItem() << endl;
cout << "Invoice amount: $" << invoice.getInvoiceAmount() << endl;
// modify the invoice data members
invoice.setPartNumber( "123456" );
invoice.setPartDescription( "Saw" );
invoice.setQuantity( -5 ); // negative quantity, so quantity set to 0
invoice.setPricePerItem( 10 );
cout << "\nInvoice data members modified.\n\n";
// display the modified invoice data members and calculate new
cout << "Part number: " << invoice.getPartNumber() << endl;
cout << "Part description: " << invoice.getPartDescription() << endl;
cout << "Quantity: " << invoice.getQuantity() << endl;
cout << "Price per item: $" << invoice.getPricePerItem() << endl;
cout << "Invoice amount: $" << invoice.getInvoiceAmount() << endl;
return 0; // indicate successful termination
} // end main
Demo: Compile and Run on Linux
Demo: Compile and Run on
Submission Format
• Home1 –
-- Question1
-- Class1.h
-- Class1.cc
-- test1.cc
-- Question2
-- Class2.h
-- Class2.cc
-- test2.cc
• Before writing a program to solve a problem, we
must have a thorough understanding of the
problem and a carefully planned approach to
solving it.
• When writing a program, we must also
understand the types of building blocks that are
available and employ proven program
construction techniques.
• We will discuss the theory and principles of
structured programming.
• Any solvable computing problem can be
solved by the execution of a series of actions
in a specific order.
• An algorithm is procedure for solving a
problem in terms of
– the actions to execute and
– the order in which the actions execute
• Specifying the order in which statements
(actions) execute in a computer program is
called program control.
• Pseudocode (or “fake” code) is an artificial and informal language
that helps you develop algorithms.
• Similar to everyday English
• Convenient and user friendly.
• Helps you “think out” a program before attempting to write it.
• Carefully prepared pseudocode can easily be converted to a
corresponding C++ program.
• Normally describes only executable statements.
• Declarations (that do not have initializers or do not involve
constructor calls) are not executable statements.
• Fig. 4.1 corresponds to the algorithm that inputs two integers from
the user, adds these integers and displays their sum.
Control Structures
• Normally, statements in a program execute one after the other in
the order in which they’re written.
– Called sequential execution.
• Various C++ statements enable you to specify that the next
statement to execute may be other than the next one in sequence.
– Called transfer of control.
• All programs could be written in terms of only three control
– the sequence structure
– the selection structure and
– the repetition structure
• When we introduce C++’s implementations of control structures,
we’ll refer to them in the terminology of the C++ standard
document as “control statements.”
Control Structures (cont.)
• An activity diagram models the workflow (also called the activity) of
a portion of a software system.
• Such workflows may include a portion of an algorithm, such as the
sequence structure in Fig. 4.2.
• Activity diagrams are composed of special-purpose symbols, such as
action state symbols (a rectangle with its left and right sides replaced
with arcs curving outward), diamonds and small circles; these
symbols are connected by transition arrows, which represent the flow
of the activity.
• Activity diagrams help you develop and represent algorithms, but
many programmers prefer pseudocode.
• Activity diagrams clearly show how control structures operate.
• Action states represent actions to perform.
– Each contains an action expression that specifies a particular action to
Control Structures (cont.)
• The arrows in the activity diagram are called transition
– Represent transitions, which indicate the order in which the
actions represented by the action states occur.
• The solid circle at the top of the diagram represents the
activity’s initial- state—the beginning of the workflow
before the program performs the modeled activities.
• The solid circle surrounded by a hollow circle that
appears at the bottom of the activity diagram represents
the final state—the end of the workflow after the
program performs its activities.
4.5 if Selection Statement (cont.)
• A decision can be based on any expression—if
the expression evaluates to zero, it’s treated as
false; if the expression evaluates to nonzero,
it’s treated as true.
• C++ provides the data type bool for variables
that can hold only the values true and false—
each of these is a C++ keyword.
if…else Double-Selection Statement
• Figure 4.5 illustrates the the if…else
statement’s flow of control.
Exercise -- Activity Diagram