Sliding Mode Observer for Rotor Faults Diagnosis Lane Maria Rabelo Baccarini Universidade Federal de São João del Rei Minas Gerais, 36300-000 BRASIL Benjamim Rodrigues de Menezes, Homero Nogueira Guimarães, Walmir Matos Caminhas and Leandro Henrique Batista Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, MG, 31270.010, Abstract— Although induction motors are traditional thought to be reliable and robust, the possibility of faults is unavoidable once the machines can be exposed to different hostile environments, misoperations, and manufacturing defects. Therefore, motor monitoring incipient fault detection and diagnosis are important topics. This paper presents a method for on-line induction motor monitoring with the purpose of detecting and locating a single rotor broken bar. The method avoids any frequency analysis and observes instead the machine state with the help of the two models. The torque difference between the two models indicates a fault. The technique utilizes input signals from standard transducers. An experimental setup has been constructed to implement the new technique in on-line model. I. I NTRODUCTION The induction motor is the most commonly used motor in industrial application because of its simplicity, rugged construction, and relatively low manufaturing costs. In the last decades, market improvement has been achieved in the design and manufacture of stator windings. However, cage rotor design and manufacturing have undergone little change. As a result, rotor failures now accent for a large percentage of total induction motor failures [1]. Broken rotor bars rarely cause immediate failures, especially in large multi-pole (low-speed) motors. However, if there are enough broken rotor bars, the motor may not start as it may not be able to develop sufficient accelerating torque. Regarding, the presence of broken rotor bars, it precipitates deterioration in other components that can increase the time-consuming. Replacement of the rotor core in large motors is costly; therefore, by detecting broken rotor bars early, such secondary deterioration can be avoided. The rotor can be repaired at a fraction of the cost of motor replacement, not to mention averting production revenue losses due to unplanned downtime. Different methods have been proposed for rotor fault detection in the last years. The most well-known approaches for diagnosis of broken rotor bars in induction machines are based on monitoring the stator currents to detect side bands around the fundamental. Meanwhile, the task of distinguishing the fault conditions from the normal conditions based on the resultant FFT spectrum is difficult. This is due the fact that the stator current is a non-stationary signal whose properties vary with the motor operation conditions [2]. The Vienna Monitoring Method (VMM) has been designed for on-line application in variable-speed drives for faulty rotor bar detection [3], [4]. This technique compares the estimated machine states out of the two independents machine models with different model structures. While the models respond identically to the regular machine operation they diverge in case of a structural machine asymmetry. Caminhas et. all (1996) have developed an observer to estimate the flux and torque of induction motor. This model allows the observation of systems with non-matching, non-linearities. Two formulations were presented: one for rotor resistance disturbances rejection and another for stator resistance disturbances rejection. The obtained observer is suitable for real time implementation. This paper presents a method for on-line induction motor monitoring with the purpose of detecting and locating a single broken rotor bar The method avoids any frequency analysis and observes instead, the machine state with help of the two models. One of the observers is designed for rejecting rotor resistance disturbances [5]. The other estimates the rotor flux by using the discrete model proposed by Bottura et. all (1993). The technique utilizes input signals from standard transducers and encoder. The computed simulations results verify both sensitivity and robustness of the method. An experimental setup has been constructed to implement the new technique in on-line mode. The results validate the proposed model and show the reliability of the new method. The paper is organized as follow: in the following section the sliding models observer for discrete-time non-linear systems is presented; in section 3 the state observer is designed for unknown rotor resistance. The fault detection technique is considered in section 4, Results are presented in section 5 and conclusions are described in section 6. II. S LIDING M ODES O BSERVER The non-linear discrete-time system can be described by (1). In this system, the vectors x, u, v, y represent, respectively, the state vector, control inputs, unknown disturbances and the measurements available. x(k + 1) = F (x(k), u(k), k) + ∆F (x(k), u(k), k) + Dv(k) y(k) = Cx(k) (1) The system dynamics is composed of a nominal part F and of a disturbed part ∆F . The function F (., ., .) and the matrix C are supposed to be known and the function ∆F (., ., .) and the matrix D are supposed to be unknown, although obeying the following perturbation matching condition: R(H) = R(D) ∪ F and F = Im(∆(F )) (2) Matrix H is supposed to be known, and must satisfy: ρ(C.H) = ρ(H) = r and ρ(C) = m ≥ r (3) where ρ(.) stands for the rank of the argument matrix. The nominal plant without the perturbations must also be stable and observable through the measurement matrix C in the whole operation range. Then: Hω = ∆F (x(k), u(k), k) + Dv(k) (4) This allows rewriting (1) as: x(k + 1) = F (x(k), u(k), k) + Hω(k) (5) The discrete-time sliding modes observer is built by adding to (5) a disturbances cancellation term: x̂(k + 1) = F (x̂(k), u(k), k) + Hω(k) + Hd(k) Consider the following output vector partition: 1 1 y C y(k) = Cx(k) = ... = ... x(k) y2 C2 2) To choose the partition of C: It is easy to take measurements of the stator currents, which are related to the states in the following way: » iqs (k) ids (k) – = » a1 0 0 a1 2 –6 0 6 0 6 4 0 −a2 −a2 0 (6) λqs λds λqr λdr ωr 3 7 7 7 (13) 5 The constants terms in the equation are: a1 = (7) lr a0 a2 = lm a0 2 a0 = l s l r − l m where ls , lr , lm are stator, rotor and mutual motor inductance, λqs , λds , are the components d and q of stator flux, and ωr is the angular rotor speed. Then: The term d(k) is deducted from the constraint: C 1 x̂(k + 1) − y 1 (k + 1) = L1 C 1 x̂(k) − y 1 (k) (8) +H(C 1 H)−L y 1 (k + 1) (9) which, once substituted into (6), leads to: x̂(k + 1) = I − H(C 1 H)−L C 1 F (x̂(k), u(k), k) + III. O BSERVER FOR U NKNOWN ROTOR R ESISTANCE The observer for rejecting rotor resistance disturbances can be obtained following the detailed procedure based on the steps previously described, designing for a generic case. 1) To construct the matrix H: The number of important systems variables measurement must be greater or at least equal the number of states affected by the parameter variation. Thus, the rejection of rotor resistance requires at least two measurements, since it influences the d and q components rotor flux estimation: x3 (λqr ), x4 (λdr ). So, matrix H equation must be chosen as: T 0 0 1 0 0 H= (12) 0 0 0 1 0 where (.) stands for any left inverse of the argument matrix. The constraint given by (8) is equivalent to a system order reduction, belonging the state vector to a surface in the state space. This surface is called sliding surface, and the observer is said to be in sliding modes in this surface. In order to establish some freedom in the error dynamics assigment, a proportional term is added to 9: −L x̂(k + 1) = I − H(C 1 H)−L C 1 F (x̂(k), u(k), k)+ +H(C 1 H)−L y 1 (k + 1) + L [C x̂(k) − y(k)] (10) Defining φ1 = I − φ2 C where φ2 = H(C 1 H)−L , leads to the expression for the observer: x̂(k + 1) = φ1 F (x̂, u, k) + φ2 y(k + 1) + L [C x̂ − y(k)] (11) In order to project an observer in sliding-modes observer is necessary: 1) to construct the matrix H; 2) to choose the partition of C; 3) to find any left inverse for C 1 H; 4) to obtain φ1 and φ2 ; 5) to choose gain observer matrix; 6) to construct the observer final equation. 3 2 a1 C1 6 0 C = 4 .... 5 = 4 ... C2 0 0 a1 ... 0 2 −a2 0 ... 0 0 −a2 ... 0 3 0 0 7 ... 5 1 (14) 3) To find any left inverse for C1 H (C1 H)−L = (C1 H)−1 = » 0 −1/a2 −1/a2 0 – (15) 4) To obtain φ1 and φ2 : As: φ2 = H(C 1 H)−L 0 6 0 6 = 6 −1/a2 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 −1/a2 0 3 7 7 7 5 Then: 1 6 0 6 φ1 = I − φ 2 C = 6 α 4 0 0 2 0 1 0 α 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 7 7 7 5 where α = a1 /a2 5) To choose gain observer matrix: The observer error dynamic depends on eigenvalues matrix φf . These eigenvalues may be assigned through time-varying feedback matrix L which are calculate at each sampling time in order to fix a linear time-invariant error dynamics. As the system matrix A is known and let φf = φ1 A + LC then the eigenvalues are choosen such that matrix φf has the following structure: k2 6 k1 6 φf = 6 αk2 4 αk 1 0 2 −k1 k2 −αk1 αk2 0 0 0 0 0 a53 0 0 0 0 a54 L13 L23 αL13 αL23 a55 + L53 3 7 7 7 5 L12 = −rs k6 L22 = L11 L32 = αL12 L42 = αL22 L52 = 0 (16) L33 = αL13 L43 = αL23 The parameters in matrix φf are: k1 = sin(ωh) k5 = sin(ωh) ω a53 = −g2 λds (k) hc2 g1 = e k2 = cos(ωh) k6 = 1−cos(ωh) ω a54 = −g2 λqs(k) −3pc g2 = 4c1 (g1 − 1) a55 = g1 g3 = g1c−1 1 where c2 is the motor friction, Jm is the inertia force, p is the pole number and h is the sampling period. Three eigenvalues may be assigned through the choice of the remaining parameters L13 , L23 e L53 . Note that the rotor resistance does not influence matrix φf . Those eigenvalues are determined through the algebraic expression: det (γI − φf ) = 0 The expression for parameters L13 , L23 and L53 is given for the following linear system: ∆1 L13 + ∆2 L23 + ∆3 L53 = ∆3 (λi − a55 ) (17) in which: Rotor cage asymmetries of induction machines cause disturbances of the air-gap flux pattern, which affect torque and speeed as well as stator terminal voltages and currents. Kral et. all (2000) proposed a rotor breakage fault detection method, called The Vienna Monitoring Method. This technique senses the actual machine state with help of real-time space phasor models. The key for the fault detection is thereby the comparison of the estimated machine states out of two independents machine models with different model structures. While the models respond identically to the regular machine operation they diverge in case of the structural machine asymmetry. This paper presents an alternative approach to obtain the torque deviation between two models. The VMM estimates the machine states and our method observes the states. The observer state is used to speed up convergence and to reduce sensitivity to parameter variations. This model can be used in advantage in simulation and real-time control applications due to observer characteristics. The schemes are suitable for online monitoring and fault detection purposes. The two models is described below. A. Stator Flux Observer The sliding modes observer designed for unknown rotor resistance, described in section III, is used to obtain the stator flux as in (18) and (19). The stator resistance is the only required parameter for this model as the constants L11 , L12 , L21 and L22 in (18) and (19), depend on the resistance rs .The observed torque (Tobs ) is calculated by the following equation: 3p (x̂2 iqs − x̂1 ids ) 22 (23) B. Rotor Flux Observer ∆1 = α [a53 (k2 − λi ) − a54 k1 ] ∆2 = α [a54 (k2 − λi ) + a53 k1 ] ∆3 = λi (k2 − λi ) − (k2 λi − 1) 6) To obtain the observer final equation: As x̂1 , x̂2 , x̂3 , x̂4 , and x̂5 are, respectively, the component q of stator flux, component d of stator flux, component q of rotor flux, component d of rotor flux, and motor velocity, then the obsever final equations are: The discrete model proposed by Bottura, Silvino and Resende [6] is used to observer the rotor flux. At this way, the rotor resistance influences the rotor flux estimate. The torque obtained by discrete model (Tdisc ) is calculated by the equation: Tdisc = 3p lm (λdr iqs − λqr ids ) 22 lr (24) C. Torque residue analysis x̂1 (k + 1) = k2 x̂1 − k1 x̂2 + L13 x̂5 + k5 vqs − −k6 vds − L11 iqs − L12 ids − L13 ωr (18) x̂2 (k + 1) = k1 x̂1 − k2 x̂2 + L23 x̂5 + k6 vqs + +k5 vds − L21 iqs − L22 ids − L23 ωr (19) 1 iqs (k + 1) a2 (21) x̂5 (k + 1) = −g2 x̂3 + g2 x̂2 + a55 )x̂5 + L53 (x̂5 − ωr ) (22) Tobs = x̂3 (k + 1) = αx̂1 (k + 1) − 1 ids (k + 1) a2 IV. FAULT D ETECTION T ECHNIQUE The eigenvalues are defining as: L11 = rs k5 L21 = −L12 L31 = αL11 L41 = αL21 L51 = 0 x̂4 (k + 1) = αx̂2 (k + 1) − (20) Fig. 1 depicts the structure of the method proposed. The torque difference between the two models is used to detect and locate the broken rotor bar. A broken rotor bars lead to a different model response in the form of a modulated torque deviation ∆T = Tomd −Tdisc . The frequency of the modulation is determined by two times the slip frequency. This frequency modulation in the time domain corresponds to a modulation with an angular period 2π p in rotor space. A minimum of torque difference indicates the faulty rotor bar location. u 1 0 1y 0 0 1 System 1 0 Discrete Model 1 0 Tdisc Torque 1 0 Observer OMD 1 0 Fig. 1. Tobs T Difference Structure of the fault rotor bar detection method V. E XPERIMENTAL T ESTS A. The experimental setup description Fig 5 illustrates the experimental setup. It consists of a 3 CV, 220/380 V, 60 Hz, four pole induction motor. A mechanical load is provided by a separate dc generator feeding a variable resistor. In order to allow tests to be performed at different load levels, the dc excitation current and load resistor are both controlable. The data acquisition system consists of: • three hall effect current sensor (LEM, LTA50P); • three hall effect voltage sensor (LEM, LV 100-300) • analog input board (National Instruments PCI 6013) The computational implementation for detection and fault diagnosis technique runs in a LabView environment. 1) Disconnect and remove the end rings. 2) Remove the rotor bars from the core. 3) Steam clean the rotor and all component parts with proven methods and materials to avoid damage to the insulation systems. 4) Oven dry the rotor and component parts to insure optimum dryness. 5) Analyze the bar material and manufacture new bars. 6) Clean and prepare the core slots for installation of the bars. 7) Manufacture new bars 8) Install the new bars. The bars protrude beyond the rotor and are connected together using a screw. The screw makes the end-ring 9) Dynamically balance the rotor. The new rotor allows non-destructive tests of broken bars. If one screw is taken away it seems the rotor has one broken bar. Fig 3 shows the clean rotor without the bars. In fig 4 we have the rotor with the new bars connecting together using screws. Fig. 3. Fig. 2. The experimental setup The original rotor windings are made up of rotor bars passing through the rotor, from one end to the other, around the surface of the rotor. The bars protrude beyond the rotor and are connected together by a shorting ring at each end. We removed the old bars, and installed new bars. The method for to replace the bars was: Fig. 4. Rotor without the bars Rotor with new bars. B. Experiment Results The motor was initially analysed without removing any screw. The waveform voltage supply, waveform phase current and the frequency voltage and current spectra is shown in Fig 5, for a full load operation condition. It is interesting to note that even the healthy machine has the (1 ± 2s)f pair of sidebands around the fundamental. In original motor, the presence of those components are probably due to inherent rotor asymmetries. In our special motor, the dB difference between the sideband magnitudes and the supply frequency components is 28 dB which, by experience, is indicative of a serious broken bar problem. We can reach the conclusion that the contact bar-screw is not perfect, It seems that the rotor has a numerous broken rotor bars. magnitudes and the supply frequency component is greater then 55 dB which is indicative of a healthy rotor. Spectra 7(a) and 7(b) show the side bands around the fundamental but in spectra 7(c) and 7(d), due to the small slip, it is not possible to see the modulate components. Thus, the distinguishing the fault conditions from the normal conditions based on the FFT spectrum is a difficult task (a) nominal load condition (b) 89% of nominal load condition (c) 72% of nominal load condition (d) 61% of nominal load condition Fig. 5. Voltage supply waveform, phase current waveform, voltage frequency spectrum and current frequency spectrum. The torque residues for different operation conditions are shown in Fig 6. As can been clearly seen, while the progressive number of screws is removed, the torque residue increases. Thus, this parameter is robust for rotor fault detection. Fig. 7. Current frequency spectra for healthy motor. The torque residues for those four load situations are shown in fig 8. The highest value residue is for the nominal load motor operation. It is stablished to be the fault pattern. The result for other tests will be compared to it for the motor’s condition diagnose. (a) small load (b) full load (a) nominal load condition (b) 89% of nominal load conditiona (c) one screw removed (d) three screws removed (c) 72% of nominal load condition (d) 61% of nominal load condition Fig. 6. Torque residue. In order to verify the accuracy of the proposed method, the modified rotor was replaced by the same power original rotor (WEG, 3 CV). The motor was initially set with intact cage. The currents spectra for different operation load conditions are shown in fig. 7. The dB difference between the sideband Fig. 8. Torque residue for healthy motor The destructive rotor fault is simulated by drilling holes on the aluminum bars. Fig 9 shows the rotor with one broken rotor bar. The torque residues are shown in Fig V-B for two operation conditions: full operation and 61% of nominal load condition. To validate the proposed method, a set of tests was prepared for squirrel cage induction machine The proposed technique is sensitive enough to detect and locate even single bar faults under different load conditions. It utilizes input signals from standard transducers and encoder that are available in industrial drive. So the technique is suitable for real time implementation. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais - and PICDT/CAPES - Programa Institucional de Capacitação Docente e Técnica da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior. R EFERENCES Fig. 9. Rotor with one broken bar. Comparing fig 8(a) with fig 10(a) and fig 8(d) with fig 10(b) it can be clearly seen that the torque residue increases with the progressive bar breakage. Once the motor has 4 poles the minimum torque difference occurs in four bars, shifted 90o from each other. Thus these bars are: 2, 9, 16 and 23. It can be noticed that the proposed method could find the broken bar even for a small load motor operation. The results for the methods are not affected by the low frequency components around the fundamental frequency. (a) nominal load condition Fig. 10. (b) 89% of nominal load condition Torque residue with one broken rotor bar. VI. C ONCLUSION Machinery does not need to be taken out of service since many tests can be done online, and in many cases very little expertise is required for testing and data interpretation. This enables the user to make well-informed decisions for planning maintenance and repairs, which ultimately leads to increased productivity. This paper was concerned with rotor cage asymmetry. Once a bar breaks, the neighboring bars also deteriorates progressively due to increased stresses. To prevent such a cumulative destructive process, the problem should be detected early, when the bars are beginning to crack. Thus, a novel approach has been proposed in this paper to detect and locate one broken rotor bar in induction motors. [1] A.H. Bonnett and G.C. 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