Give the GIFT of IEEE Present a world of opportunity • Career Resources • Collaboration • Global Network When you give the gift of an IEEE Student Membership, you’re helping someone you care about build a platform for success. That’s because IEEE delivers access to the industry’s most essential technical information, provides both local and global networking opportunities, offers career development tools, local humanitarian opportunities as well as many other exclusive member benefits. Whether your student is in an undergraduate or graduate degree program, IEEE offers unparalleled experiences both on campus and off. Most universities have an active IEEE student member community that sponsors events, competitions, and more. After graduation, IEEE offers the career tools and resources today’s students need to get a jumpstart on their careers. To help your student achieve his/her goals, simply fill out this form. Your gift recipient will receive an email notification with instructions on how to get started. Please allow 7–10 business days from receipt of this application for your recipient to receive an e-mail notification to set up their account. Questions? E-mail Give the GIFT of IEEE 3 Educational Information of Recipient Please complete school/name information. No abbreviations please. This information is required to qualify for student membership. ▼ • Career Resources • Collaboration • Global Network Current Degree Program (check one) Undergraduate: ■ 2- or 3-year ■ 4- or 5-year Graduate: ■ Ph.D. ■ Masters University School or College (if applicable) Campus 2017 IEEE Student Membership Application Degree Title Expected Expected Graduation Date Mo/Yr Who Can Join? Which of the following best describes the area of their degree? Please check one: ■ Biological and Medical Sciences ■ Computer Sciences and Information Technology ■ Engineering ■ Mathematics ■ Technical Communications, Management, Education, Law and Policy ■ Physical Sciences ■ Other Please complete all information. We regret that incomplete applications cannot be processed. IEEE Student Membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in at least 50% of a normal, full-time course of study in an IEEE designated field. Other Degrees (check one) Undergraduate: ■ 2- or 3-year ■ 4- or 5-year ▼ 1 Title Your Information Graduate: First/Given Name Middle Name Last/Family Surname Phone ■ Masters ■ Ph.D. Which of the following best describes the area of their other degree? Please check one: ■ Biological and Medical Sciences ■ Computer Sciences and Information Technology ■ Engineering ■ Mathematics ■ Technical Communications, Management, Education, Law and Policy ■ Physical Sciences ■ Other E-mail (required for processing of receipt) Full University Name, Campus and Previous Name if applicable Are you a member of IEEE? ■ Yes ■ No If yes, provide, if known: CityState/Province Membership Number Grade Country 2 ■ Male Title ■ Female Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year) First/Given Name Primary Address The undergraduate program is accredited in the country where the institution is located. ■ Yes ■ No ■ Do not know Middle Name ■ Home / / Recipient is taking at least 50% of a full-time academic program or course of study in an IEEE designated field of interest. ■ Yes ■ No Last/Family Surname 4 ■ School (All IEEE mail sent here) 2017 IEEE Student Membership Rates Street Address IEEE member dues are based on where your gift recipient lives. Membership is based on the calendar year from 1 January through 31 December. All prices are quoted in US dollars. CityState/Province Please check ✔ the appropriate box. Postal Code Country Primary Phone Primary E-mail ▼ Secondary Address ■ Home RECIPIENT RESIDENCE United States..................................................................................................................................................... $32.00 ■ Canada (GST)*................................................................................................................................................. $33.60 ■ Canada (GST and QST Quebec).............................................................................................................. $36.79 ■. Canada (NB, NF, NS, and PEI HST)*...................................................................................................... $36.80 ■ Canada (ON HST)*........................................................................................................................................ $36.16 ■ Other Countries................................................................................................................................................$27.00 ■. *IEEE Canada Business No. 125634188 ■ School Company Name Department/Division Street Address City Postal Code Country Secondary Phone Secondary E-mail State/Province Payment Method All prices are quoted in US dollars. You may pay for IEEE Membership by credit card (see below), check, or money order payable to IEEE, drawn on a US bank. ■ Check ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Credit Card Number Complete this form and return to: IEEE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION PROCESSING 445 HOES LN, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08854-4141 USA or fax to +1 732 981 0225 Please allow 7–10 business days from receipt of this application for your recipient to receive an e-mail notification to set up their account. MONTH YEAR EXPIRATION DATE CARDHOLDER’S 5-DIGIT ZIP CODE (BILLING STATEMENT ADDRESS) USA ONLY Name as it appears on card Signature PROMO CODE MEMGIFT 16-MEM-108 S 7/16 ▼ Gift Recipient Information