Lesson 2

Electricity­ the movement of charged particles (electrons) through materials. (this can be used as a valuable energy resource for humans)
Two Main Types:
Static electricity­ gathers in one place.
Current electricity­ moves from one place to another.
Feb 9­7:14 PM
The Atom
­ All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. (fig. 7.2, pg. 230)
­ In the center of the atom you find the nucleus.
­ The nucleus has both neutrons and protons, the nucleus has a positive charge.
­ Surrounding the nucleus are lighter, negative charged particles called electrons.
If the number of electrons in an atom is equal to the number of protons, we say the atom is neutral (uncharged).
Feb 9­9:10 PM
There are three types of charges an object can have:
1. Positive Charge ­
There are fewer electrons then protons and neutrons. Example­ An object or surface with 100 electrons and 200 protons/ 200 neutrons.
Feb 9­9:10 PM
2. Negative Charge
There are more electrons then protons and neutrons. Example­ An object or surface has 500 electrons but only 300 protons/ 300 neutrons.
Feb 10­10:00 AM
3. Neutral ­
There are an equal number of electrons, protons and neutrons. Example­ An object has 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons.
Feb 10­10:01 AM
So do we understand how charges on objects change?
Neutral objects can become positive charge.
Neutral objects can become negative.
Positively charged objects can become neutral.
Negatively charged objects can become neutral.
Feb 9­9:10 PM
So what is static electricity again?
Static electricity is the build up of electric charge ﴾positive or negative﴿ as a result of some type of materials being rubbed together.
One object will loose some of its electrons while the other will gain some electrons.
﴾Note: Think about our balloon activity last class, or rubbing across carpet and touching a metal doorknob﴿
Man made lightning: The Van de Graaff generator
Feb 9­9:11 PM
Static electricity occurs when two objects rub up against each other (friction) and there is a transfer of electrons. ­
One object gains electrons while the other loses electrons. ­
As well, static electricity is stationary and can only be on insulators.
Mar 19­1:12 PM
Friction and the transfer of electrons
Electric Discharge:
when an object loses its electric charge (like when the balloon starts to fall off your head after you rubbed it against your hair at a birthday party). Feb 10­9:10 AM
Measuring Electric Charge: The Coulomb
Coulomb­ the unit of electric charge. 1 coulomb of charge is the addition or removal of 6.25 x 1018 electrons. One coulomb of electric charge passes through a 100 W light bulb every second. So when we look at the movement of electrons in a diagram we never draw the true number which are moving.
Feb 10­9:12 AM
The Laws of electric charges:
(1) Opposites attract each other.
(2) Like charges repel each other.
(3) Charged objects attract neutral objects.
Feb 9­10:34 PM
Readings and Questions:
Pages 228­234
Page 231 #'s 1,2,4,5,6 Page 234 #'s 1,2,4 Feb 9­10:41 PM