Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact Contents 2 Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact Current scenario in India’s natural gas market Intricacies of natural gas pricing in India Potential impact of new pricing on energy industry Chapter 1 Current scenario in India’s natural gas market India’s natural gas consumption far behind the global average1 India’s expanding economy and growing population have led to increased consumption of primary energy resources such as coal, oil and natural gas in the country. In line with this, its primary energy consumption grew at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6% to 563.5 million tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE) in 2012 from 420.1 MTOE in 2007. The share of natural gas in its primary energy mix increased marginally from 8% in 2008 to 8.7% in 2012. This is fairly low, compared to the global average of 24%, primarily due to supply-side constraints. Furthermore, in terms of individual consumption, India’s annual gas consumption of 44 cubic meters (cm) per capita is far behind the global average of 470 cm per person. Per capita gas consumption, cubic meter Figure 1: Low consumption of natural gas in India, 2012 3,000 Canada 2,500 Russia US 2,000 Singapore 1,500 1,000 -500 Malaysia Germany South Korea Japan Turkey France 500 0 0.0% UK Australia China Brazil India 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% Gas share in energy mix, % Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013, The World Bank and EY analysis Ka_faÔ[Yfl_Yk\]Ô[alÇ\]eYf\^gjkmhhdqljYadk3af[j]Ykaf_ reliance on imported LNG Af\aYÌkfYlmjYd_YkeYjc]lakk]]af_Ykmhhdq\]Õ[al$hjaeYjadq\m]lgdgo\ge]kla[ production and an inadequate transmission and distribution infrastructure. Domestic _Ykhjg\m[lagfj][]an]\Yka_faÕ[Yflaeh]lmkoal`[gee]f[]e]flg^hjg\m[lagfYl l`]C?%<.Õ]d\$dg[Yl]\afl`][gmfljqÌkl`]]Ykl[gYkl$af*((1&@go]n]j$l`]Õ]d\Ìk output has been steadily declining after reaching 60 million standard cubic metres per day (mmscmd) in 2010, and has hit a trough of 12 mmscmd in 3QFY142. According to Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), the fall in KG-D6’s production is mainly due to _]gdg_a[Yd[gehd]palqYf\YfYlmjYd\][daf]afl`]Õ]d\k&L`]\][daf]afegklg^l`] [gmfljqÌkY_]af_Õ]d\k`Yk^mjl`]j[gehgmf\]\l`]kmhhdq\]Õ[al& Gfl`]gl`]j`Yf\$l`]\]eYf\^gjfYlmjYd_YkafAf\aY`Ykaf[j]Yk]\ka_faÕ[Yfldq\m] to the demand from the power and fertilizer sectors, and cumulatively accounted for more than 61% of gas consumption in FY13. The demand is also driven by its growing mkY_]afl`][alq_Yk\akljaZmlagf ;?<!k][lgjYf\af\mkljaYdk][lgjk$km[`Ykj]Õfaf_ Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact 3 and petrochemicals. Rising concerns on carbon emission have also contributed to the demand for natural gas in the country.3 L`ak`Ykd]\lgAf\aYÌkaf[j]Yk]\\]h]f\]f[]gfaehgjl]\daim]Õ]\fYlmjYd_Yk DF?!& L`][gmfljqÌkDF?aehgjlk`Yn]af[j]Yk]\^jgeYhhjgpaeYl]dq0eaddagfe]lja[lgfk eel!af>Q(1lg))eelaf>Q)+$Y[[gmfl]\^gj*0g^l`]lglYdkmhhdq&4 According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013, India is the world’s fourth-largest aehgjl]jg^DF?afl`]ogjd\& Dac]da`gg\g^Af\aYf_YkeYjc]lj]eYafaf_afkmhhdq\]Ô[al despite rising production and import of gas Over the next few years, the shortfall in natural gas production in the country is expected to continue with its supply trailing demand. Shortage of gas is likely to reach its peak in FY15, with around 37% of the demand being unmet.5@go]n]j$^jge>Q). gfoYj\k$l`]\]Õ[aleYq\][j]Yk]$hjaeYjadq\m]lgl`]hdYff]\hjg\m[lagfg^hjanYl]' bgafln]flmj][gehYfa]kYf\af[j]Yk]\DF?aehgjl[YhY[alq&Hgo]jYf\^]jladar]jkYj] expected to remain the anchor segments that consume natural gas and are likely to account for around 68% of the total demand for it in FY17. Furthermore, deregulated pricing of petroleum products and an increasing focus on addressing environmental concerns are expected to drive the demand for natural gas from industrial users, j]ka\]flaYdmk]jkl`jgm_`hah]\fYlmjYd_Yk HF?!$Yf\afl`]ljYfkhgjlYlagfk]_e]fl l`jgm_`l`]\]eYf\^gj[gehj]kk]\fYlmjYd_Yk ;F?!&@go]n]j$l`ak\]eYf\ak`a_`dq price-sensitive and will depend on the price affordability of end users, especially in the power and fertilizer sectors.6 Figure 2: Future natural gas demand-supply scenario (mmscmd) 135 87 149 371 FY14 148 140 87 170 405 129 177 446 FY15 FY16 LNG imports 114 150 209 473 Domestic production Natural gas demand DeÕcit FY17 Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas L`]lglYdkmhhdqg^fYlmjYd_Ykak]ph][l]\lgj]Y[`lg+-1eek[e\af>Q)/$Y;9?J of 15% from FY14 in India. Most of this incremental supply is expected to be met ZqDF?aehgjlk$kaf[]l`]_jgol`af\ge]kla[kmhhdqoadd^Yadlgc]]hhY[]oal`l`] Yfla[ahYl]\jak]af\]eYf\&L`][gmfljqÌkhgl]flaYdlgaehgjlDF?ak]ph][l]\lg increase to 150 mmscmd in FY17, contributing around 42% of the total supply. Domestic production is expected to increase at a CAGR of around 12%.7 This is likely to come from new discoveries which are currently under development, expectation of partial recovery in the output from KG-D6 and increased production from unconventional sources, particularly coal bed methane. 4 Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact Chapter 2 Intricacies of natural gas pricing in India Hj]nYadaf_fYlmjYd_Ykhja[af_j]_ae]afl`][gmfljq complex and heterogeneous There are multiple natural gas pricing regimes in India. These can be divided into the following: Administered Pricing Mechanism (APM) Fgf%9HE APM gas pricing:FYlmjYd_Ykhjg\m[]\^jgel`]]paklaf_Õ]d\kg^l`]fgeafYl]\ Zdg[ckg^Af\aYfklYl]%gof]\[gehYfa]k$GADAf\aYDl\& GAD!Yf\GF?;$[Yl]jklg fertilizer and power plants, court-mandated customers and those requiring less than 50 thousand standard cubic metres per day (mscmpd) at APM rates. The price of APM gas has been set by the Government on a cost-plus basis and is US$4.2 per mmbtu in Af\aY MK*&-*h]jeeZlmafl`]Fgjl`]Ykl!&L`]hja[]afl`]Fgjl`]Yklak.(g^l`] APM price elsewhere in the country (the balance 40% is paid by the Government to fYlagfYdgad[gehYfa]kgjFG;kYkkmZka\a]k!&8 India’s move toward a market-based pricing regime: In June 2013, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved a market-based pricing formula for produced natural gas produced in India. The revised prices are based on recommendations made by the Rangarajan Committee. The pricing formula, valid for l`]f]plÕn]q]Yjk$h]_kl`]ZYk]hja[]g^fYlmjYd_YkYlYjgmf\MK0&,h]jeeZlm$ up from US$4.2 per mmbtu currently. The upward revision in prices is based on the o]a_`l]\Yn]jY_]g^l`]f]lZY[chja[]Yll`]o]dd`]Y\g^[gmflja]k]phgjlaf_DF?lg Af\aYYf\_Ykhja[]kafl`]ljY\af_`mZkg^Fgjl`9e]ja[Y$=mjgh]Yf\BYhYf&L`]k] are calculated on a trailing 12-month basis. Prices will be revised every quarter. Non-APM gas pricing: Fgf%9HE_Ykak\ana\]\aflglog[Yl]_gja]kÈ a!aehgjl]\DF?$ for which prices are determined by the market, and (ii) domestically produced gas from l`]F]o=phdgjYlagfDa[]fkaf_Hgda[q F=DH!Yf\hj]%F=DHÕ]d\k& Pre-NELP PSC pricing: This is applicable for gas produced from in Panna-Mukta, LYhlaYf\JYnnYÕ]d\k&?Ykhja[]kYj]\]l]jeaf]\gfl`]ZYkakg^l`]^gjemdY kh][aÕ]\afl`]hjg\m[lagf%k`Yjaf_[gfljY[l HK;!&9ddl`]_Ykhjg\m[]\akkgd\lg ?9AD&;mjj]fldq$l`]hj]%F=DHhja[af_akZ]lo]]fMK+&-Yf\MK-&/h]jeeZlm& NELP gas pricing:L`akYhhda]klg_YkÕ]d\kYoYj\]\mf\]jF=DHjgmf\k&L`] price of gas is determined on the basis of arm’s length prices (market prices), subject to the Government’s approval, and is controlled by PSC terms. This pricing regime was valid until March 2014. After this, a new pricing mechanism has come into force, based on the Ranagrajan Committee’s recommendations. Currently, F=DH_Ykakhja[]\YlZ]lo]]fMK,&*Yf\MK,&/h]jeeZlm& Price of imported gas (LNG): L`]hja[]g^dgf_%l]jeDF?aehgjl]\^jgeIYlYj`Yk been linked to Japanese Custom Cleared (JCC) prices and varies on a monthly basis for H]ljgf]lDF?&@go]n]j$Af\aYÌk\]h]f\]f[]gf]ph]fkan]khglDF?lge]]ll`]Zmdcg^ its demand sees limited growth from this source. According to industry estimates, the aehgjl]\_Yk^jgedgf_%l]jeDF?[gfljY[lk[gklkYjgmf\MK)+h]jeeZlm$o`ad]l`] spot price was at around US$18 per mmbtu in January 20141. Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact 5 Chapter 3 Potential impact of new pricing on energy industry Overall, the new gas pricing policy augurs well for India’s natural gas market. It is expected to increase domestic production by encouraging upstream investment. This will improve India’s energy security and increase availability of gas for its key gas-consuming industries. So far, the gas market has been adversely affected by the Government’s current gas-pricing policy and investment in the upstream sector declined to US$1.8 billion af>Q)*^jgeMK.&+Zaddagfaf>Q(1&L`]f]ohgda[q$o`a[``YkZ]]fhmlgf`gd\\m] to the on-going General Elections in the country, is expected to increase certainty and transparency in pricing of natural gas in India. Upstream sector The increase in natural gas prices is expected to encourage investment in the upstream segment and boost production. It will also improve the commercial viability of eYj_afYd$\]]h%oYl]jYf\^jgfla]jÕ]d\k$o`a[`j]imaj][mllaf_%]\_]l][`fgdg_qYf\ af[j]Yk]\[YhalYdkh]f\af_&9[[gj\af_lgA@K;=J9Ìk]klaeYl]k$Af\aYÌkj][gn]jYZd]_Yk j]k]jn]k[gmd\af[j]Yk]Zq--ljaddagf[mZa[^]]l l[^!lg1)l[^Yl_Ykhja[]kg^MK)(Ç US$12 per mmbtu due to the factors mentioned above.10 Af[j]Yk]\\ge]kla[hjg\m[lagf\m]lgl`]]f`Yf[]\[gee]j[aYdnaYZadalqg^_YkÕ]d\k ak]ph][l]\lg\][j]Yk]l`]hj]nYd]fl_Ykkmhhdq\]Õ[alafAf\aY&Al[gmd\j]\m[]l`] [gmfljqÌkDF?aehgjlZadd&11 According to Morgan Stanley, gas prices of more than MK0h]jeeZlm[gmd\j]kmdlafaf[j]e]flYdhjg\m[lagfg^f]Yjdq1-eek[e\gn]j*( q]Yjk&L`akogmd\`]dhlgj]\m[]Af\aYÌkDF?aehgjl[gklkZqYjgmf\MK).Zaddagf&12 The proposed hike in gas prices will help to boost the revenues of indigenous gas hjg\m[]jk&;mjj]fldq$GF?;$GADYf\JADY[[gmfl^gj0-g^l`]lglYdgmlhmlg^ domestic gas. According to Moody’s estimates, the proposed increase in gas prices oaddYm_e]flGF?;Ìkj]n]fm]ZqMK)&-ÇMK*ZaddagfYf\JADÌkj]n]fm]ZqMK+((Ç US$500 million in FY15.13 Furthermore, the rise in gas prices will augment the ?gn]jfe]flÌkj]n]fm]afl`]^gjeg^af[j]Yk]\lYp]k$jgqYdlq$hjgÕlkYf\\ana\]f\k& Increased production of gas will help to alleviate the existing supply crunch, and reduce the country’s reliance on high-priced LNG. However, price-sensitive sectors km[`Ykhgo]jYf\^]jladar]jkeYqÕf\al\a^Õ[mdllgYZkgjZl`ak`ac]&L`]j]^gj]$ there is a need for the Government’s policy to effectively address the concerns of the consuming sector. 6 Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact Power sector The power sector is the largest consumer of natural gas in India. Gas-powered power plants are plagued by high generation costs and a low average plant load factor (PLF). Currently, around 6,000 MW of commissioned and 1,000 MW of un-commissioned YlYfY\nYf[]\klY_]g^[gfkljm[lagf'[geeakkagfaf_!_Yk%ZYk]\hgo]jhdYflkYj] non-functional due to unavailability of gas. While the new pricing regime is expected to increase domestic gas supply, which can be used to bring these power plants on stream, the demand for natural gas for gas-based power generation remains highly price-sensitive. Power plants are currently being supplied APM gas at US$4.2 per eeZlmYlYnYjaYZd][gklg^AFJ*&)h]jmfal&9lYHD>g^-($l`akljYfkdYl]kaflgY _]f]jYlagf[gklg^AFJ,&0h]jmfal^gjf]o[geeakkagf]\hdYflkgof]\ZqhjanYl] players. The increase in gas prices to US$8.4 per mmbtu is expected to result in a rise afalknYjaYZd][gklg^AFJ*h]jmfalYf\af[j]Yk]l`]lglYd[gkllgAFJ.&/h]jmfal&L`ak oaddgfdqeYc]alY^^gj\YZd]^gjh]YcdgY\hmjhgk]k&>mjl`]jegj]$aloaddZ]\a^Õ[mdl^gj the companies to switch from natural gas to coal due to high conversion costs, a longer gestation period, their reliance on imported coal and environmental constraints14. Fertilizer sector In the case of the fertilizer sector, another major consumer of gas, increased gas prices would result in a rise in feedstock costs and working capital requirements. Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact 7 F]n]jl`]d]kk$Yfqjak]af\ge]kla[_Ykhjg\m[lagfoaddZ]Yhgkalan]\]n]dghe]flaf the fertilizer industry, since it enjoys a top priority position for allocation of gas.15 In Y\\alagf$l`akogmd\j]\m[]l`]af\mkljqÌk\]h]f\]f[]gf`a_`%hja[]\DF? . According to a report submitted by the Government’s Parliamentary Standing ;geeall]]gf>afYf[]$hjg\m[lagf[gklkogmd\af[j]Yk]ZqAFJ)$+0,h]jlgff]oal` every rise of US$1 per mmbtu in gas prices. Consequently, this would lead to an increase in the Government’s subsidy burden. An increase in gas prices to around 8.4 h]jeeZlmoaddaf[j]Yk]l`]?gn]jfe]flÌkkmZka\qZmj\]fZqAFJ)*(Zaddagf MK* billion). This subsidy burden can be offset by additional revenues received by the ?gn]jfe]fl^jgeaf[j]Yk]\jgqYdlq$hjgÕl%k`Yjaf_Yf\lYp[gdd][lagfk^jgemhklj]Ye operations expected in development of new gas resources. ;alq_Yk\akljaZmlagfk][lgj The CGD sector is another key consumer and has witnessed rapid growth in recent years. The sector will continue to create a demand due to the addition of gas networks aff]o[ala]k$l`]hja[]Y\nYflY_]g^;F?gn]jYmlg^m]dkYf\af[j]Yk]\mk]g^HF?af l`]\ge]kla[$af\mkljaYdYf\[gee]j[aYdk][lgjk&@go]n]j$l`]f]o_Ykhja[af_hgda[q will increase sourcing costs for CGD companies with a high APM gas allocation. CGD companies are expected to witness a decline in their earnings due to an increase in their input costs. These companies are unlikely to pass on the increase in gas prices to industrial and domestic consumers due to their limited headroom with alternative fuels \ge]kla[DH?Yf\^mjfY[]gad!&L`]f]o_Ykhja[af_oaddfgl`Yn]Yka_faÕ[YflaehY[l gfgh]jYlagfkafj]_agfkoal`Yhj]\geafYfleapg^DF?afl`]ajkgmj[af_g^_Yk$]&_&$af Af\aYÌko]kl]jfj]_agf&L`akakZ][Ymk];F?hja[]kYj]Ydj]Y\q`a_`afkm[`_]g_jYh`a]k& @go]n]j$l`]l`j]Ylg^\]hj][aYlagfg^[mjj]f[qoadd[gflafm]lgZ]Y[Ymk]g^[gf[]jf$ since the cost of sourcing is dollar-dominated16. Overall, increased availability of \ge]kla[_Yk^jgef]ohjgb][lkakdac]dqlgaf[j]Yk]afn]klgjkÌ[gfÕ\]f[]afl`]k][lgj& Petrochemicals and other consuming sectors The petrochemicals sector uses natural gas to extract ethane and produce polyethylene, propane and butane for production of LPG. Input costs account for around 80% of manufacturing costs. Increased gas prices would mean reduced hjgÕlYZadalq^gjh]ljg[`]ea[Yd[gehYfa]k&L`akogmd\Ydkg`gd\ljm]^gjgl`]jaf\mklja]k such as ceramics and glass, since their input costs are also likely to go up with the price revision. On the other hand, companies that have replaced expensive fuels such as fYh`l`YYf\\a]k]doal`fYlmjYd_YkoaddklYf\lgZ]f]Õl^jgel`akj]nakagf$kaf[]aloadd j]eYaf[geh]lalan]Ylj]nak]\hja[]k&J]Õfaf_ogmd\j]eYafmfY^^][l]\^jgel`]`ac]af gas prices, since the sector meets most of its demand from imported gas or naphtha. 8 Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact References 1. 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Webcasts and podcasts Follow us @EY_India Join the Business network from Ernst & Young For more information, visit 10 Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact Gmjg^Õ[]k Ahmedabad *f\Öggj$K`anYdacAk`YYf F]Yj&;&FNa\`qYdYqY Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380015 L]d2#1)/1..(0+0(( >Yp2#1)/1..(0+1(( Bengaluru )*l`)+l`Öggj “U B City” Canberra Block Fg&*,$NallYdEYddqYJgY\ Bengaluru-560 001 L]d2#1)0(,(*/-((( #1)0(./*/-((( >Yp2#1)0(**)(.((( )*l`Öggj! >Yp2#1)0(***,(.1- )+l`Öggj! 1st Floor, Prestige Emerald Fg&,$EY\jYk:YfcJgY\ Lavelle Road Junction Bengaluru-560 001 L]d2#1)0(./*/-((( >Yp2#1)0(****,))* Chandigarh 1st Floor, SCO: 166-167 K][lgj1%;$EY\`qYEYj_ ;`Yf\a_Yj`%).(((1 L]d2#1))/*./)/0(( >Yp2#1))/*./)/000 Chennai Tidel Park 6th & 7th Floor 9:dg[c$Fg&,$JYban?Yf\`aKYdYa Taramani, Chennai-600113 L]d2#1),,..-,0)(( >Yp2#1),,**-,()*( Hyderabad GnYdG^Õ[]$)0$aDYZk;]flj] @al][`;alq$EY\`Yhmj @q\]jYZY\%-(((0) L]d2#1),(./+.*((( >Yp2#1),(./+.**(( Kochi 1l`>dggjÉ9:9<Fm[d]mkÊ F@%,1$EYjY\mHG Kochi - 682 304 L]d2#1),0,+(,,((( >Yp2#1),0,*/(-+1+ Kolkata 22, Camac Street 3rd Floor, Block C” Kolkata-700 016 L]d2#1)++..)-+,(( >Yp2#1)++**0)//-( Mumbai 14th Floor, The Ruby *1K]fYhYla:YhYlEYj_ Dadar (west) Mumbai-400 028, India L]d2#1)**.)1*(((( >Yp2#1)**.)1*)((( 5th Floor Block B-2 FajdgfCfgod]\_]HYjc G^^&O]kl]jf=phj]kk@a_`oYq Goregaon (E) Mumbai-400 063, India L]d2#1)**.)1*(((( >Yp2#1)**.)1*+((( NCR Golf View Corporate Lgo]jÇ:$F]Yj<D>?gd^;gmjk] Sector 42 ?mj_YgfÇ)**((* L]d2#1))*,,.,,((( >Yp2#1))*,,.,,(-( .l`Öggj$@L@gmk] 18-20 Kasturba Gandhi Marg F]o<]d`a%))((() L]d2#1))),+.++((( >Yp2#1))),+.++*(( ,l`-l`>dggj$HdglFg*: Tower 2, Sector 126 FGA<9%*()+(, ?YmlYe:m\`FY_Yj$M&H&Af\aY L]d2#1))*(./)/((( >Yp2#1))*(./)/)/) Pune ;È,()$,l`Öggj Panchshil Tech Park Q]joY\Y F]Yj<gf:gk[gK[`ggd! Pune-411 006 L]d2#1)*(..(+.((( >Yp2#1)*(..()-1(( EY contacts: Dilip Khanna Partner, Transaction Advisory Services Raju Lal Partner, Risk Advisory Services Devinder Chawla Partner, Business Advisory Services Sanjay Grover Partner, Tax & Regulatory Services PHD Chamber contacts: Hydrocarbon Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry Rajeev Mathur Chairman Dilip Khanna & S. K. Jain Co-Chairman Dr. Ranjeet Mehta K]fagjK][j]lYjq@]Y\ Gurpreet Kaur Joint Secretary Mahima Tyagi Assistant Secretary Khushboo Khanna =p][mlan]g^Õ[]j H@<@gmk]$,'*$KajaAfklalmlagfYd9j]Y$ 9m_mklCjYflaEYj_$F]o<]d`a%))((). H`gf]2 #1)))!,1-,-,-,$*.0.+0()lg(,$ >Yp2 #1)))!*.0--,-($*.0.+)+- Web: Natural gas pricing in India Current policy and potential impact 11 Ernst & Young LLP 9ZgmlH@<;`YeZ]j EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK companylimited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit Ernst & Young LLP is one of the Indian client serving member firms of EYGM Limited. For more information about our gj_YfarYlagf$hd]Yk]nakalooo&]q&[ge'af& Ernst & Young LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership, registered under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 in India, having its registered office at 22 Camac Street, 3rd Floor, Block C, Kolkata - 700016 ¡*(),=jfklQgmf_DDH&HmZdak`]\afAf\aY& All Rights Reserved. =QAF),(,%(,( ED 0115 This publication contains information in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the ]p]j[ak]g^hjg^]kkagfYdbm\_e]fl&F]al`]j=jfklQgmf_ LLP nor any other member of the global Ernst & Young organization can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor. RS =Qj]^]jklgl`]_dgZYdgj_YfarYlagf$Yf\'gj one or more of the independent member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited H@<;`YeZ]jg^;gee]j[]Yf\Af\mkljqak)(1q]Yjk old proactive and dynamic multi-State apex organization working at the grass-root level and with strong national Yf\afl]jfYlagfYddafcY_]k&H@<;`YeZ]jk]jn]k)*Fgjl` and Central Indian States along with Bihar, Jharkhand in the Eastern region and UT of Chandigarh. It has direct Yf\af\aj][le]eZ]jk`ahg^YZgml,0$(((&H@<;`YeZ]j acts as a catalyst in the promotion of industry, trade and ]flj]hj]f]mjk`ah&H@<;`YeZ]j$l`jgm_`alkj]k]Yj[`% based policy advocacy role, positively impacts the economic growth and development of the nation. We are globally connected through institutional linkages with over 60 important foreign Chambers of Commerce. Government of India has authorised us to issue certificate of origin (non-preferential) to Indian exporters. We also attest commercial documents of various types. Recommendation letters for visas for business promotion to foreign diplomatic missions in India are also issued for representatives of Indian companies. In its endeavour towards capacity building in the country, H@<;`YeZ]jgj_Yfak]k^g[mkk]\]flj]hj]f]mjaYd development training programmes in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation of Germany. Through the support of its members, the Chamber has been regularly contributing in cash and kind towards relief and rehabilitation of the victims of natural calamities and disasters. In keeping with the motto adopted 'Ethics ak?gg\:mkaf]kk$H@<;`YeZ]j[gf^]jk9oYj\k^gj Excellence annually. 9ldYklZmlfgll`]d]YklH@<;`YeZ]jkg^^a[]kYlF]o Delhi and Chandigarh provide modern conferencing and catering facilities for corporate events, board meetings, training programmes, etc. With a modern auditorium, several conference and meeting rooms to suit different requirements and also a business centre, while the ambience is international, the cost is economical.