Experiment No 1 Title: Measurement of V-I characteristics of a solar panel at various levels of insolation, and the identification of the equivalent circuit parameters Procedure: 1. Choose the ammeter, voltmeter and rheostat ratings so that you get 20 uniformly spaced points on the V-I characteristics. Note that you cannot connect a single rheostat for this purpose. You will need a low resistance to obtain points near the short-circuit condition, a high resistance to obtain points near the open circuit condition, and an intermediate value to obtain the maximum power point. This generally requires two or three rheostats of different ratings, with shorting switch connected across the high-resistance rheostat. 2. Vary the resistance in steps and obtain the V-I characteristics. Do NOT write down the readings to be plotted later. Plot directly while you are taking the readings. Otherwise you will not be able to get equally spaced points on the curve. Obtain the open circuit and short circuit points by actually opening and shorting the terminals (not by bringing the rheostat jockeys to zero position). Be very careful about getting the correct slopes at the short circuit and the open circuit points. 1 3. Vary the insolation in three steps. If you are using a solar simulator, this can be done by switching off some lamps. If you are using sunlight, this can be done by changing the inclination. 4. Measure the dark characteristics by giving an external dc power supply in forward bias mode. Keep the solar panel in dark condition (simply put it upside down on the table, cover it with cloth). Increase the supply voltage in steps and measure the current. Again, make sure you get equally spaced points on the curve. Report: 1. The V-I graph at various insolations on the same graph paper. 2. Show the approximate trajectory of the maximum power point as the insolation is varied. 3. Report your conclusion about the variation of fill factor, VOC, etc. with insolaton. 4. Plot the dark characteristics. 5. Take one representative V-I curve and obtain the equivalent circuit parameters. Tabulate the equivalent circuit parameters clearly. Describe the algorithm used to obtain the parameters. 6. Draw on the same graph, the V-I characteristics obtained from experiment, and the one calculated from the obtained equivalent circuit. Equivalent circuit for a photovoltaic cell: A material or device that is capable of converting the energy contained in photons of light into an electrical voltage and current is said to be photovoltaic (PV). A simple equivalent circuit model for a PV cell consists of a real diode in parallel with an ideal current source. The ideal current source delivers current in proportion to the solar flux to which it is exposed. A more accurate model of a PV cell considers the effect of series and parallel resistance as shown in Fig.1. In a practical PV cell, there is a series resistance in a current path through the 2 semiconductor material, the metal grid, contacts and current collecting bus. These resistive losses are lumped together as a series resistor (Rs). Similarly a certain loss is associated with a small leakage of current through a resistive path in parallel with the intrinsic device. This can be represented by a parallel resistor (Rp). Its effect is much less conspicuous in a PV module compared to the series resistance, and it will only become noticeable when a number of PV modules are connected in parallel for a larger system. Fig :1 Equivalent circuit of a photovoltaic cell The voltage and current equation for the equivalent circuit of the PV cell considering both the series and shunt resistances is expressed as in (1). (1) where ISC is the short-circuit current (equal to Iph), q is the electron charge (1.602×10-19 C), V is the terminal voltage , k is the Boltzmann’s constant (1.381×10-23 J/K), RS is the equivalent series resistance, RP is the equivalent parallel resistance, T is the junction temperature in Kelvin (K). I-V characteristics of a PV cell: Fig.2 shows the I-V characteristics of a PV cell under light as well as dark conditions. The short-circuit current ISC is directly proportional to the amount solar insolation received. It is also clearly evident from the figure that the dark characteristics is similar to the diode characteristics turned upside down. 3 Fig:2 Photovoltaic current-voltage relationship for dark (no sunlight) and light (an illuminated cell) conditions. 4