University of Mosul College: Electronic Eng. Dept.: Communication Eng. ( Third ) Class Final Exam. Time: 3 Hours Date: 12 / 6 / 2010 Lecturer:Mohannad Najeb Subject: Elect. Instrumentation Code: EECM10F3062 Answer all questions : Q 1 : A : For the instrumentation amplifier shown below, the parameters are : ( R3 = R4 = 20 KΩ ) and ( R2 = 100 KΩ ). Resistance ( R1 ) is a series combination of a fixed resistance of ( 1 KΩ ) and a ( 50 KΩ ) potentiometer. Determine the range of the closed loop gain ? ( 4 marks ) B :Describe the following abbreviations : ( Briefly ) ? DCE , LVDT , IMRR , UART , IRED , GP-IB . ( 6 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 2 : A: A thermistor has a resistance of (4000 Ω ) at the ice point and (800 Ω ) at ( 60 ̊ C ). Calculate the constants ( a ) and ( b ). Compute the range of resistance to be measured in case the temperature varies from ( 50 ̊ C ) to ( 100 ̊ C ) ? ( 6 marks ) B :In any frequency counter there are an input signal processing circuit . Describe the circuit with the aid of schematic diagram ? ( 4 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 3 : A : Tabulate the major differences between parallel and serial data transmission ? ( 5 marks ) B : Sketch a diagram showing the general interface connection and the bus structure of the ( HP-IB / IEEE-488 ) ? ( 5 marks ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 4 : A: Using 5-bit successive approximation A/D convertor with ( 15 V ) reference voltage . Find the converted output voltage if the applied input voltage is ( 13.65 V ) ? ( 5 marks ) B : Explain the function of the ( IF filter ) in any spectrum analyzer with its effect on the displayed signal on the screen ? ( 5 marks ) Q 5 : A: In the Wheatstone bridge shown below , with values of bridge elements as follows : ( R1 = 50 Ω , R2 = 500 Ω , R3 = 100 Ω , R4 = 1005 Ω ) . The battery voltage is ( 5 V ) with neglected internal resistance . The galvanometer has a current sensitivity of ( 20 mm / μ A ) with ( 100 Ω ) internal resistance . Calculate the deflection of the galvanometer caused by the ( 5 Ω ) unbalance in arm ( bd ) ? ( 6 marks ) B: Explain with the aid of a block diagram the automatic test system to analyze an audio amplifier ? ( 4 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 6 : Select the more suitable answer for the following sentences : ( Note : Write only the suitable letter clearly , any misleading answer will be neglected ). ( 2 marks for each ) 1- An RTD a- produces a change in resistance for a change in temperature . b- has a negative temperature coefficient . c- has a positive temperature coefficient . d- has a wider temperature range than a thermocouple . e- answer ( a ) , ( b ) and ( d ) . f- answer ( a ) , ( c ) and ( d ). 2- In a dual slope digital voltmeter , as the input voltage to be measured increased , the conversion time is : a- decreased . b- increased . c- remain constant . c- no relation . 3- The smallest change in a measured value to which the instrument will respond is referred to : a- resolution . b- precision . d- accuracy . d- sensitivity . 4- The highest speed A/D conversions are made with : a- counting ADC . b- flash ADC . c- successive approximation ADC . 5- The measurement of frequency can be achieved using : a- Kelvin bridge . b- Maxwell bridge . c- Wien bridge . d- Wheatstone bridge . University of Mosul College: Electronic Eng. Dept.: Communication Eng. ( Third ) Class Final Exam. Time: 3 Hours Date: 12 / 6 / 2011 Lecturer:Mohannad Najeb Subject: Elect. Instrumentation Code: EECM11F3062 Answer all questions:Q 1 : A : For the balanced Wheatstone bridge shown below, calculate the value of the unknown impedance ( Zx )? ( 5 marks ) B : With the aid of a block diagram explain the basic principle and operation of an electronic frequency counter? ( 5 marks ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 2 : A: Suppose you tried to measure the voltage at all three test points with an analog voltmeter having a sensitivity rating of 20 kΩ/V, set on the 10 volt scale. How much voltage would it indicate at each test point? How much voltage should it ideally indicate at each test point? ( 5 marks ) B : Describe the input and output transducers that are used for wireless data communication? ( in details with its block diagrams ). ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 3 : A : A thermocouple produce an e.m.f. equals (10) mV when the measuring head is kept in ice. Calculate the temperature at the sensor tip, knowing that ( a=3.5x10-2 , b=8.2x10-6 )? ( 5 marks ) B : What are the handshake signals in the IEEE-488 bus system ? How the handshaking between devices are achieved ? Explain by drawing the timing relationship of signals. ( 5 marks ) Q 4 : A: A dc current of (2)A is measured by analog and digital ammeter. The analog one is on its (10)A range with a (±1%) accuracy, while the digital one has a (3½) digit display and an accuracy of ±(0.5+1). Determine the reading accuracy in each case ? ( 5 marks ) B : Isolation technology is considered as one of the signal conditioning function. Describe it with the advantages . State the hazardous voltages ? ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 5 : A: What are the functions of the computer in any based system? Explain and draw a block diagram for the computer based system. ( 5 marks ) B: A meter movement has an internal resistance of (100)Ω and requires (1)mA dc for full scale deflection. Shunting resistance Rsh=100Ω placed across the movement. Half-wave rectification with D1 and D2 forward resistance (400)Ω each and infinite resistance in the reverse direction. For a (10-V) ac range,calculate : (a) the value of the multiplier Rs. (b) the voltmeter sensitivity on the ac range. ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 6 : Select the more suitable answer for the following sentences : ( Note : Write only the suitable letter clearly , any misleading answer will be discarded ). ( 2 marks for each ) 1 – A 100 V voltmeter has full-scale accuracy of 5%. At its reading of (50) V will give an error of: (a) 10% (b) 5% (c) 2.5% (d) 1.25% 2 - A moving coil permanent magnet ammeter can be used to measure: (a) D.C. current only (b) A.C. current only (d) voltage by incorporating a shunt resistance (c) A.C. and D.C. currents (e) none of these 3 – In CRT the focusing anode is located : (a) between pre-accelerating and accelerating anodes (b) after accelerating anodes (c) before pre-accelerating anodes (d) none of above 4 – The level of the input signal displayed on the spectrum analyzer screen can be controlled by: (a) IF filter (c) RF input attenuator (e) both (b) and (c) (b) IF gain (d) both (a) and (b) (f) both (a) and (c) 5 – The effect of outer magnetic field surrounding the measurement devices can be considered as: (a) (c) gross error random error (b) systematic error (d) instrumental error. University of Mosul College: Electronic Eng. Dept.: Communication Eng. ( Third ) Class Subject: Elect. Instrumentation Answer all questions:- Final Exam. Time: 3 Hours Date: 30 / 5 / 2012 Lecturer:Mohannad Najeb Code: EECE12F33052 Q 1 : A : An emitter follower transistor with current gain 150 and base emitter voltage 0.7 V is used in transistor voltmeter. Determine the value of the series resistance Rs that should be used to arrange the meter whose resistance Rm= 100 Ω to measure input voltage Vin= 2.7 V with input resistance Rin=100 KΩ. ( 5 marks ) B : With the aid of timing diagram, explain the hand shaking process between two devices ( talker and listener ) through the GP-IB ? ( 5 marks ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 2 : A: The circuit shown below is an ammeter-voltmeter method used to measure the value of unknown resistance. Given: internal resistance of the voltmeter, Rv =125 KΩ, and a Negligible ammeter resistance, the reading of voltmeter and ammeter were: 180 V , 6 mA respectively. Calculate : 1- The apparent resistance. 2- The actual resistance. 3- The percentage loading error. ( 5 marks ) B : In a Maxwell bridge, given Z1 is a parallel combination of a resistor of value ( 0.2 )KΩ and a capacitor of value ( 5 )µF, Z2 = 0.5 KΩ , Z3 = 0.4 KΩ and Z4 is the series combination of a resistor of value ( 1 )KΩ and an inductor of value ( 1 )H. The bridge is operated at ω = 1000 rad/s sinusoidal source. Is the bridge balanced? ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 3 : A: An analog and digital multimeters were used to measure a 15 A dc. The analog instrument on its 20 A range, and its specified error is ± 2.5%. The digital meter has 3½ digit display with error ±(0.7+1). Determine the percentage error in each case. Which meter is more accurate? ( 5 marks ) B: What does the isolation amplifier provide? Describe the general construction. (Briefly). Mention its types only. ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 4 : A : Draw a complete block diagram for two of the following instruments: 1- Ramp – type DVM. 2- Universal frequency counter. 3- Swept frequency spectrum analyzer. ( 5 marks ) B : Specify the types of instruments that are used for signal analysis. (Briefly) ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 5 : A: A strain gauge is bonded to a beam which is 12 cm long and has a cross-sectional area of 3.8 cm2. The unstrained resistance and gauge factor of the strain gauge are 220 Ω and 2.2 respectively. On the application of load the resistance of the gauge changes by 0.015 Ω. If the modulus of elasticity for steel is 207 GN/m2, calculate: 1- The change in length of the steel beam. 2- The amount of force applied to the beam. ( 5 marks ) B :Classify the following transducers as they are ( input or output, passive or active, analog or digital ). Thermocouple , LVDT , IRED , Ultrasonic receiver , Tacho generator. ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 6 : Select the more suitable answer for the following sentences : ( Note : Write only the suitable letter clearly , any misleading answer will be neglected ). ( 2 marks for each ) 1 – The allowed voltages in RS-232 are: (a) Logic 1 > +3V and logic 0 < -3V. (c) Logic 1 < -15V and logic 0> +15V. (b) Logic 1 < -3V and logic 0 > +3V. (d) Logic 1 > +15V and logic 0 < -15V. 2 - A voltmeter has 100 divisions on 0-100V range. One tenth of each division can be read with certainty. The resolution of the meter is: (a) 0.1 V (b) 0.01 V (c) 1.0 V (d) 1.01 V (e) none of these . 3 – A moving current ammeter has a fixed shunt of (0.02)Ω resistance. If the coil resistance of the meter is (1000)Ω, a potential difference of (500)mV is required across it for full deflection. Under this condition, the current in shunt branch would be: (a) 2.5 A (b) 0.25 A (c) 25 A (d) 0.025 A 4 – Frequency can be measured using: (a) Maxwell bridge. (c) Kelvin bridge. (b) Wheatstone bridge. (d) Wien bridge. 5 – The principle of operation of LVDT is based on variation of: (a) Self inductance. (b) Reluctance. (c) Mutual inductance. (d) Permeance. University of Mosul College: Electronic Eng. Dept.: Communication Eng. ( Third ) Class Final Exam. (3rd Attempt) Time: 3 Hours Date: 15 / 10 / 2012 Lecturer:Mohannad Najeb Subject: Elect. Instrumentation Code: EECE12G33052 Answer all questions:Q 1 : A : The four arms of a Maxwell’s capacitance bridge at balance are: arm ab, an unknown inductance L1, having an inherent resistance R1; arm bc, a non inductive resistance of ( 1000 ) Ω ; arm cd, a capacitor of ( 0.5 ) F in parallel with a resistance of ( 1000 ) Ω; arm da, a resistance of ( 1000 ) Ω. Derive the equations of balance for the bridge and determine the value of R1 and L1. ( 6 marks ) B : In order to achieve any measurement process , the process should have several items, Specify them ? ( 4 marks ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 2 : A: Define the circuit shown below? State its operation , then sketch the waveforms for both input ( Vc ) and output ( Vout ) of the amplifier. ( 5 marks ) B : Draw a complete block diagram showing the major components in a spectrum analyzer? ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 3 : A : A ( 25 ) mA full-scale current meter with an internal resistance of ( 100 )Ω is available for constructing an ac voltmeter with a voltage range of ( 200 )Vrms . Using four diodes in a bridge arrangement , where each diode has forward resistance of ( 500 )Ω and an infinite reverse resistance . Draw the circuit diagram then calculate : 1- The necessary series-limiting resistance for the ( 200 )Vrms range? 2- The dc and the ac sensitivities? 3- The average or dc voltage for the input ( 200 )Vrms ? ( 5 marks ) B : Explain the principle of operation of the Fourier- transform spectrum analyzer. ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q4:A: ( 5 marks ) B : Describe the IEEE-488 (HP-IB) devices according to their behavior or operation in the system ? Give an example of each device ( 5 marks ) Q 5 : A: What is the duty of the time base in a frequency counter ? What it provides? Draw a block diagram for a simple frequency counter. ( 4 marks ) B: . ( 4 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 6 : Select the more suitable answer for the following sentences : ( Note : Write only the suitable letter clearly , any misleading answer will be neglected ). ( 2 marks for each ) 1 – The effect of surrounding magnetic field on measurement devices can be considered as : a) Random error b) Systematic error c) Gross error d) Instrumental error 2 – If the spectrum of the measured signal and the noise were both overlapped. The required signal conditioning technique to be applied to separate them is : a) Filtering b) Averaging c) Modulation d) Autocorrelation 3 – The three handshaking lines which control the passage of data in IEEE-488 interface bus are : a) DAV , SRQ and REN c) NDAC , DAV and EOI b) NRFD , DAV and ATN d) DAV , NRFD and NDAC 4 – In a 3½ digit voltmeter, the largest number that can read is : a) 0999 b) 1999 c) 4999 d) 9999 5 – A sinusoidal voltage of rms value 10 V is applied to a D`Arsonval movement connected in series with a half-wave rectifier. It will show a reading of : a) 9 V b) 10 V c) 4.5 V d) 7.7 V University of Mosul College: Electronic Eng. Dept.: Communication Eng. ( Third ) Class 2nd Final Exam. Time: 3 Hours Date: 15 / 9 / 2011 Lecturer:Mohannad Najeb Subject: Elect. Instrumentation Code: EECM11G3062 Answer all questions:Q 1 : A : In the full wave rectifier circuit using d`Arsonval meter shown below, with the following parameters Ein=10 Vrms , Rsh=500Ω , Rm=500Ω , Ifs=1mA and diode forward resistance ( Rd=50Ω ) . Calculate: 1- The value of the multiplier ( Rs ). 2- The a.c. sensitivity. 3- The d.c. sensitivity. ( 5 marks ) B : Draw a complete block diagram for a temperature measurement system specifying all the elements of the system? ( 5 marks ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 2 : A: For the circuit shown below, calculate: 1- The actual value of (VRB)? 2- The measured value of ( VRB ) if the voltmeter used has an internal resistance Rm=10 KΩ? 3- The percentage error in voltage value due to loading effect of the voltmeter? ( 5 marks ) B : What are the advantages of the statistical analysis in a measurement process? How it can be performed? State briefly its processes? ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 3 : A : For an ideal 8-bit A/D converter with reference voltage (5) volt. Find the peak input voltage if the SNR of the digitized output signal is (70) dB? ( 4 marks ) B : Calculate the common mode gain (in dB) for an operational amplifier having AVD=80 dB and CMRR=60 dB. ( 3 marks ) C : A (2)A full scale PMMC type DC ammeter has a voltage drop of (100)mV at (2)A. Describe how you can convert this meter into a (10)A full scale DC ammeter? ( 3 marks ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 4 : Describe the following terms :(Briefly) 1- Guarantee errors. 2- Cable fault locator instrument. 3- IF filter function in the spectrum analyzer. 4- The advantages of oscilloscope probes. 5- Linearization as one of the signal conditioning functions. ( 10 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 5 : A: A voltage of ( 8 ) Volt is to be measured using a dual slope digital voltmeter. Find the total Conversion time of the meter knowing that the internal A/D converter has ( 12 ) Volt reference Voltage and ( 15 ) msec constant integration time? ( 4 marks ) B: In a strain gauge transducer, the change in wire resistance is measured by means of Wheatstone bridge. Draw its circuit diagram then derive the equation of the output voltage. ( 6 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 6 : Select the more suitable answer for the following sentences : ( Note : Write only the suitable letter clearly , any misleading answer will be neglected). ( 2 marks for each ) 1- The closeness with which an instrument reading approaches the true value of the variable being measured is referred to it's: (a) Sensitivity. (b) Accuracy. (c) Resolution. (d) Precision. 2- The basic components of a digital voltmeter are: (a) A/D converter and a counter. (c) D/A converter and a counter. (b) A/D converted and a rectifier. (d) Ramp generator and counter. 3- The temperature coefficient of the thermocouple transducer is: (a) Positive. (b) Negative. (c) Depends on the combination of the metal used. 4- Frequency can be measured using: (a) Maxwell bridge. (c) Kelvin bridge. (b) Wheatstone bridge. (d) Wien bridge. 5- A d.c. voltmeter has sensitivity of (1000) ohm/volt. When it measures half full scale in (100) V range, the current through the voltmeter is: (a) 100 mA. (b) 1 mA. (c) 0.5 mA. (d) 50 mA. University of Mosul College: Electronic Eng. Dept.: Communication Eng. ( Third ) Class Final Exam. / 2nd Attempt Time: 3 Hours Date: 21 / 9 / 2010 Lecturer:Mohannad Najeb Subject: Elect. Instrumentation Code: EECM10G3062 Answer all questions : Q 1 : A : The Voltmeter – Ammeter method was used to measure the value of a resistor. The voltmeter reading was ( 115 )V on the ( 200 ) V scale, and the ammeter reading was ( 24 ) mA on the ( 50 ) mA scale . Both meters were guaranteed to be accurate within ( ±2 ) percent of full scale deflection . Calculate : 1- The indicated value of the resistor ? 2- The limits within which you can guarantee the results ? ( 5 marks ) B :Describe the following abbreviations : RS-232 , CRT , DAC , VCO , RVDT . ( 5 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 2 : A: Given a square wave oscillator with input capacitor ( 1 ) μF and a feedback resistor ( 10 ) kΩ. Determine the frequency of oscillation , pulse period , pulse width and duty cycle ? ( 6 marks ) B :In Murray loop test , the fault was located at a distance of (1350) m far away from the instrument. The Wheatstone bridge was in equilibrium with R1=200 Ω , and R2=400 Ω . Find the length of the tested cable ? ( 4 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 3 : A : A parallel plate capacitive transducer uses plates of (500)m2 area and (0.2)mm separation between them. Calculate : 1- The value of the capacitance when the dielectric is air . ( permittivity = 8.85x10-12 F/m) 2- The change in capacitance if a linear displacement reduces the distance between the plates to (0.18) mm. 3- The ratio of per unit change of capacitance to per unit change of displacement. ( 6 marks ) B : Draw a block diagram for an angular velocity measurement system . Specify all the elements of the measurement system on the diagram ? ( 4 marks ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 4 : A: An ideal 8-bit A/D converter with (Vref = 5 V) is used to convert a (150)mVp sinusoidal signal . Determine signal to noise ratio of the digitized output? ( 4 marks ) B : Given a sensor signal with ( 0 – 100 ) Hz bandwidth , explain in details ( with diagrams ) how the modulation can be used to eliminate the effect of ( 50 ) Hz noise ? ( 6 marks ) Q 5 : A: Determine the different range values of this multi-range voltmeter ? ( 6 marks ) B: Sketch a block diagram showing the elements of a computer based instrumentation ? ( 4 marks ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 6 : Select the more suitable answer for the following sentences : ( Note : Write only the suitable letter clearly , any misleading answer will be neglected ). ( 2 marks for each ) 1- The span from the smallest to the largest detected measured value is referred to : a- Resolution b- Accuracy c- Dynamic range d- Sample rate 2- The type of amplifier used to amplify small signals that are riding on large common mode voltages is : a- Isolation amplifier b- Instrumentation amplifier c- Operation amplifier d- Current mode amplifier 3- In any measuring system, the ground loops which are generated due to improper grounding can be eliminated using : a- Isolation amplifiers b- Filters c- Multiplexers d- Differential amplifiers 4- As the pointer of measuring instrument is far away from the full scale, the percentage error of that reading is : a- Decreases b- Increases c- Constant over the entire range d- No relation 5- In the spectrum analyzer, the IF signal must be converted to a baseband or video signal, so it can be digitized and then viewed on the analyzer display. This can be done using : a- IF filter b- A/D converter c- IF gain d- Envelope detector .