STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED CHANDRAPUR FERRO ALLOY PLANT Mul Road, Chandrapur – 442 401 (Maharashtra State, India) Phone Nos. : 07172 - 278089 Fax. : 278037, 278038 ` e-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NON TRANSFERABLE TENDER Sr.No. Cost of Tender Document: Rs. 200/- each (Rs. Two Hundred only) (Non-refundable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tender No.CFP/MKTG/Rail Scrap/13-14/01 Dt.: 21/09/2013. M/s.__________________ _____________________ _____________________ Sub: Sale of Railway Track material (Scrap) Dear Sirs, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant (CFP), Chandrapur intent to sale Railway Track material (Scrap) on “as is and where is & No Complaint Basis basis” through Open Tender followed by Forward Auction through our service provider M/s. M. Junction, Kolkata. 1. Interested tenderers may submit Letter of Interest as per enclosed format along with EMD. 2. Other details are as under: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 3. Sale of Tender Document from : 21/09/2013 to 07/10/2013 up to 12.30 Hrs. Date & Time of Receipt of Tender: 07/10/2013 at 15.00 hrs. Date and time of Opening of Tender: 07/10/2013 at 15.15 hrs.(EMD Bid only) Date and time of Forward Auction will be communicated to successful participants separately. Address for tender submission: AGM (MKTG & CONTRACTS), CFP, Chandrapur. Sealed Tenders are invited for sale of material/item stored at PH Yard Deptt. as indicated in the Tender Document enclosed, on "AS IS WHERE IS AND NO COMPLAINT BASIS". Tenderers are advised to read the “Instruction to Tenderers" and "General Terms and Conditions for Sale through Tender" carefully before filling up the documents in Annexure-I enclosed herewith and submit their tender before the due date and time as stated herein above. Interested tenderers are advised to see the material before submission of tender, during working hours with prior permission of the Head of custodian Deptt. / undersigned. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For SAIL – Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant (N.V. Mahajan) AGM (Mktg. & Contracts) Enclosures: 1) Instructions to Tenderers 2) General Terms & Conditions of Sale through Tender 3) Annexure-I (EMD Bid Format) INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1.0 Sealed tenders (E.M.D. Bids only) are invited for sale of various lot of Railway Track material Scrap as per table given below which is to be lifted within 30 days from the date of Sale Order, on “As is Where is & No Complaint” basis. Interested parties may submit their E.M.D. bids with interest free E.M.D. for each Lot as mentioned in the following Table. Railway Track material Scrap TABLE ‘A’ Sr. Item No. Unit Lot Location Qty. E.D. No. (Approx) (%) VAT CST (%) (%) TCS E.M.D. (%) (Rs.) 1 100 LBS Rail – Length 1 to 12 Mtr. MT A P.H. Yard 209 12.36 5 2 1 2,00,000/- 2 90R Rail - Length 1 to 12 Mtr. MT B P.H. Yard 219 12.36 5 2 1 2,00,000/- 3 52 Kg. Rail Length 1 to 12 Mtr. MT C P.H. Yard 25 12.36 5 2 1 20,000/- 4 M.S. Steel Sleeper (M.S.) MT D P.H. Yard 114 12.36 5 2 1 50,000/- 5 M.S. Crossing Sleeper MT E P.H. Yard 38.4 12.36 5 2 1 20,000/- 6 C.I. Pot Sleeper (C.I) With Tie Bar MT F P.H. Yard 196.2 12.36 5 2 1 1,00,000/- 7 C.S.T. 9 Sleepers (C.I) MT G P.H. Yard 172.72 12.36 5 2 1 1,00,000/- 8 PSC Sleeper 52 Kgs. Sec. (MBC) MT H P.H. Yard 424.500 12.36 5 2 1 1,00,000/- 9 M.S. Fish Plate Rail Scrap: Fish Plate, Junction Fish Plate M.S. Rail Scrap: Fish Bolt, Slide Chair, Two Way Keys, M.S. Plate, M.S. Spring Keys, M.S. Crossing (90 R), M.S. Tounge Rail, M.S. Scrap C.I. Rail Scrap: Heel Block, Bearing Plate, Distance Block, Liver Box MT I P.H. Yard (19.4) 12.36 5 2 1 10,000/- MT J P.H. Yard (13.8) 12.36 5 2 1 10,000/- MT K P.H. Yard 2.05 10 11 2,000/- After receipt of E.M.D. of eligible participants, Forward Auction will be conducted Phase wise as per table given below and the same will be communicated to the eligible participants accordingly. TABLE ‘B’ Sr. No. 1 Item Unit Location 100 LBS Rail – Length 1 to 12 Mtr. MT P.H. Yard Lot No. A 2 90R Rail - Length 1 to 12 Mtr. MT P.H. Yard B 219 Four 3 52 Kg. Rail Length 1 to 12 Mtr. M.S. Steel Sleeper (M.S.) M.S. Crossing Sleeper C.I. Pot Sleeper (C.I) With Tie Bar C.S.T. 9 Sleepers (C.I) PSC Sleeper 52 Kgs. Sec. (MBC) MT P.H. Yard C 25 One MT MT MT P.H. Yard P.H. Yard P.H. Yard D E F 114 38.4 196.2 Two One Three MT MT P.H. Yard P.H. Yard G H 172.72 424.500 Three Two M.S.Fish Plate Rail Scrap: MT Fish Plate, Junction Fish Plate M.S. Rail Scrap: Fish Bolt, Slide Chair, Two Way Keys, M.S. Plate, M.S. Spring Keys, M.S. Crossing (90 R), M.S. Tounge Rail, M.S. Scrap C.I. Rail Scrap: Heel Block, Bearing Plate, Distance Block, Liver Box P.H. Yard I 19.4 One P.H. Yard J 13.8 One P.H. Yard K 2.05 One 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Qty. Auction in (Approx) Phases 209 Four Note : Qty. in each phase, will be distributed equally (approximately) Excise Duty, Sales Tax, T.C.S. and any other taxes /Duties if any shall be extra as applicable. Present Excise Duty is 12.36%,V.A.T. 5%, C.S.T. 2% against Form “C” and T.C.S. 1.03%. Name of successful tenderers in EMD Bids will be forwarded to M/s. M. Junction, Kolkata for participating in Phase wise Forward Auction (E-auction) to be conducted on scheduled date & time, which will be communicated to all successful tenderers (in E.M.D. Bids) separately. Eligible tenderers will be entitled to participate in the Forward Auction and can offer their price / bids in e-auction. 2.0 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) (a) The tenderers have to submit interest free EMD for each Lot as mentioned at Clause No.1.0 to be paid by Demand Draft Or Bankers Cheque, in favour of STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED CHANDRAPUR FERRO ALLOY PLANT, payable at Chandrapur. (b) Parties quoting for more than one Lot may club the total EMD amount of all the Lots selected by the Tenderer and give a single D.D. Or Pay Order towards EMD. (c) EMD has to be paid by all the tenderers, irrespective of any outstanding dues lying with the Company. TENDERS WITHOUT EARNEST MONEY WILL BE REJECTED. No interest shall be payable by the Company on this deposit. (d) Public Sector Units/Govt. Undertaking are exempted from submission of EMD. However, such bidders are required to submit notarized copy of proof. (e) Name of successful tenderers in EMD Bids will be forwarded to M/s. M. Junction, Kolkata for participating in Forward Auction (E-auction) to be conducted on scheduled date & time, which will be communicated to all successful tenderers (in E.M.D. Bids) within 15 days from the last date of submission of Tender. (f) Eligible tenderers will be entitled to participate in the Forward Auction and can offer their price / bids in e-auction. 3.0 The items offered for sale are on "As is where is and No complaint basis”. Description approximate and subject to variation. No guarantee is given on quality and quantity mentioned in the of goods, quality, quantity size measurements, numbers and weight as stated in the tender are tender. 4.0 The Tenderer should inspect the material before quoting for its location, shape, size, quality and availability. Material is available for inspection on any working day between 09.00 Hr. to 16.00 Hrs. at our plant at Chandrapur. Interested tenderers will be allowed after obtaining necessary Security Gate Pass to enter the factory premises. for this purpose. Once the tenderers have submitted their offer it would be presumed that the Tenderers have inspected the material and have satisfied themselves about the genuineness of the goods they are tendering for. The goods will be lifted from the site of storage with all faults and errors in description or otherwise if any. 5.0 The Tenderer must quote for the entire quantity indicated against each Lot, they are interested in. 6.0 The rate offered by the bidders in the Forward Auction shall remain valid till 60 days from the date of Forward Auction. 7.0 This is two bid tender : (a) EMD Bid : In the Format of Annexure-I, please enclose TOTAL EMD AMOUNT by Demand Draft/Pay Order, in favour of “Steel Authority of India Limited - Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant”, payable at Chandrapur. (Please do not mention rates in Annexure-I). Annexure-I duly filled in should be enclosed in a separate envelope and marked as "EMD" Bid”. (b) Price Bid : The successful tenderers in EMD bids will be entitled to participate in forward auction. Forward Auction shall be conducted on schedule date and time which will be intimated to the successful participants separately. Price in the form of bids, they will quote in Forward Auction. “Price” which here onward will be called as “bids” which will be basic rate and it will attract Excise Duty and C.S.T. / V.A.T. as applicable at the time of delivery of the material. 8.0 The name of the relative of the tenderers employed in the Company, if any, should be indicated giving the designation and the name of the department where he/she is working. 9.0 Conditional tenders will be rejected. 10.0 The tenderer giving any condition in shall be considered as conditional and their offer will be rejected. However, EMD of such tenderer shall be forfeited. 11.0 Tenderer should read the details in the "Instruction to Tenderer" and "General Terms & Conditions" of sale through tender enclosed herewith before submitting the tender. 12. 0 "TENDER EVALUATION" : Lot wise quantity will be allotted to H-1 Bidder only. 13.0 The Company reserves the right to reject any or all tenders in part or in full without assigning any reasons thereof. 14.0 If all above terms and other General terms & conditions are acceptable, then the bidder should submit "EMD Bid“ as per Annexure-I, alongwith EMD amount in envelope, superscribing Tender Ref.No., Due date and to be addressed to AGM (Marketing & Contracts), Steel Authority of India Limited, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant, Mul Road, Chandrapur - 442 401.(M.S.). Tenderer has to submit their E.M.D. envelope latest by 07/10/2013 till 15.00 Hrs in the Tender Box kept at Marketing Department. Tenderer may also submit their tenders by post or courier, however, the same should be reached on or before the closing date and time of the tender. Delayed tenders will not be opened. Tenders will be opened on same day at 15.15 Hrs. Name of successful tenderers will be forwarded to M/s. M. Junction, Kolkata. M/s.M. Junction will contact all successful bidders and will intimate participation code and date and time of e-auction. 15.0 The tenders received after due date and time as stated above in Sr.No.14.0 will not be accepted. 16.0 (a) EMD Bid shall be opened on the scheduled date and time and the list of successful bidders will be prepared. The decision of Company for acceptance / rejection of the same shall be final and binding. (b) Forward Auction (E-Auction) to be conducted will be communicated to successful tenderers (in EMD bids) separately. 17.0 Interested parties may purchase the tender documents from Finance & Accounts Deptt.,Steel Authority of India Ltd. Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant, Chandrapur on any working day from 21/09/2013 to 07/10/2013 upto 12.30 Hrs. against payment of Rs.200/(Rupees Two Hundred only) non refundable, by way of Cash or Demand Draft in favour of Steel Authority of India Limited Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant, payable at Chandrapur. 18.0 Tender documents are also available on SAIL Web Site and parties who are down loading the tender documents from SAIL’s Web Site need not require to deposit the cost of tender documents. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For SAIL, CHANDRAPUR FERRO ALLOY PLANT ( N.V. MAHAJAN ) AGM (MKTG & CONTRACTS) STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED CHANDRAPUR FERRO ALLOY PLANT Mul Road, Chandrapur – 442 401 (Maharashtra State, India) Phone Nos. : 07172 - 278089 Fax. : 278037, 278038 e-mail: GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR SALE THROUGH TENDER 1.0 Definition (a) The term "Company" means “Steel Authority of India Limited Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant” including its authorized representative (b) The term "Buyer Or Purchaser" shall mean to one, whom the sale order is issued by the Company. (c) The term "Material" means item description specified in the Instruction to Tenderers. (d) The term "Holiday" includes all Sundays and Holidays declared by the Company. 2.0 The material is offered for Sale on "AS IS WHERE IS & NO COMPLAINT BASIS". 3.0 Quotation for partial quantity in the Lot is liable to be rejected. 4.0 Offers will be evaluated on highest offered rate basis i.e H-1 rates. 4.1 In case there are more than one buyer with the same highest rates i.e H-1 rates for any of the Lots, then draw will be carried out in presence of the tenderer and single highest party will be selected to decide H1 bidder & rate. 5.0 The successful tenderer has to pay Security Deposit @ 10% of basic value of the quantity of item /items offered for purchase, within 10 days from the date of letter of Intent, for issue of Sale Order. 5.1 The EMD amount of the successful tender shall be converted to Security deposit and the balance amount of Security Deposit will be paid by the successful tenderer within the time stipulated in the Letter of Intent (LOI). 5.2 The Security Deposit is payable by R.T.G.S./D.D./ Pay Order /R.T.G.S. drawn in favour of Steel Authority of India Limited Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant payable on any nationalised/scheduled bank at Chandrapur Or can be accepted through R.T.G.S. Details for payment through R.T.G.S. are as under : 1. R.T.G.S. CODE NO. : 2. BANKERS NAME : 3. CFP’S BANK A/C.NO. : 4. BENEFICIARY : SBIN 0000346 STATE BANK OF INDIA, CHANDRAPUR 11014646617 STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED, CHANDRAPUR FERRO ALLOY PLANT, CHANDRAPUR. (M.S.) 5.3 No interest will accrue on Security Deposit. 5.4 The Security Deposit shall be returned within 15 days after successful completion of the ordered quantity within the stipulated period. 6.0 In case of unsuccessful tenderers, the EMD will be refunded within 15 days after issue the Sale Order to the successful tenderer and acceptance of the same by them. No interest shall be payable on the EMD amount. 7.0 Loading & Transportation of the offered material will be on Buyer's account. The Company will, however, allow the Buyer to arrange sizing of material into loadable size to facilitate proper loading of material, at their own risk & cost. 7.1 The buyers trucks will be allowed to enter the Company's premises not later than 14.00 hrs. on all working days. 7.2 The number of Trucks required to be placed per day will be as per directive of Stores Department. 8.0 (a) For material delivered on weight basis, weighment of the same on Company's road weigh bridge, shall be final and binding on the purchaser. (b) For material delivery on per unit / Nos., the same will be counted and recorded in the delivery challan and shall be final for all purpose. 9.0 The Buyer will be allowed, with prior permission, to cut/size those material, which are large, into loadable size. Cutting process should be completed within the stipulated period and time agreed mutually. The cost of cutting and sizing will be to buyer's account. 10.0 After the Security Deposit is received in full by the Company, the successful tenderer shall be notified by Sale Order indicating full details namely the particulars/ Description of items, quantity accepted, rates, CST/VAT other duties applicable on date. 10.1 Payment : The buyer, on receipt of Sale Order will deposit 100% value of items by D.D./ Pay Order / RTGS in favour of Steel Authority of India Ltd. Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant, payable at Chandrapur, within 10 days from the date of issue of Sale Order. 10.2 Delivery Order will be issued on receipt of payment. lifted within 30 days from the date of Sale Order. The material will have to be 10.3 The amount of E.M.D. shall be forfeited if buyer fails to deposit the amount of S.D. within stipulated period mentioned in L.O.I. 10.4 The amount of Security Deposit will be forfeited in case the successful tenderer fails to deposit the payment of material value within stipulated period mentioned in the Sale Order 10.5 The goods shall remain in every respect at the risk of the Buyer from the date of Sale Order is issued to the Buyer. The Company shall not be under any liability for safe custody or preservation thereof from that date. 10.6 The Management reserves the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reasons therefore. 10.7 The rate quoted by H-1 bidder shall be valid for 60 days from the date of Forward Auction, the same may be extended further by the H-1 Bidder, if required. 10.8 Quantity of the offered material is indicative, and quantity available at the time of disposal will be final. 10.9 The Purchaser will have to engage labour or use mechanical equipments for loading the material at their cost.The purchaser will take suitable gate passes from our Security Deptt. for the labour & Mechanical equipments if any. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS : 11.0 The purchaser shall ensure that proper discipline and decorum is maintained by the Workmen/Employees employed by or through him at Company's factory and in around the factory site of the Company. 12.0 The purchaser shall be fully responsible for the safety of his workmen and employees. The purchaser shall, however, follow all instruction and directions that the Safety Engineer of Company's Plant may issue from time to time in regard to safety measures and shall be responsible for all accidents, wherever, occurring in his work and shall report without delay to the Safety Engineer of Company's Plant. The purchaser shall also assist the officers of the company in this regard to the enquiry and for implementation of the safety measures. 13.0 The Company reserves the right to reduce the quantity, indicated in the contract during the currency of the contracted period at any stage. In case no material is available in the Company's factory, the Company shall have the unilateral right to extend the contract period and/or to terminate the contract without delivering the balance quantity and the purchaser shall have no claim/or right of compensation whatsoever against the Company on this account. 14.0 The Company reserves the right during the currency of the contract, to terminate the contract at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever and such termination will be without any obligation on Company's side. 15.0 In the event of any suspicion about wrong material being taken away by the purchaser or his representative they will be asked to off-load the material for investigation and purchaser will not be entitled in such case to any compensation with regard to any hire charges of the vehicle or any other expenditure incurred by the purchaser during loading and reloading. Any extra cost to be incurred due to the above will have to be borne by the buyer. 16.0 In regard to the work and the labour directly or indirectly employed in the plant area, the purchaser shall confirm in all respects with the provisions of any statute, ordinance of laws and the rules, regulations or bye-laws brought into force by the Central and the State Government or the local authority from time to time and shall keep the company indemnified against all penalties and liabilities of every kind of breach of any such statute, ordinance, law, rules and regulations or bye-laws. In case of accident or injury or loss/damage caused by the act/s of the purchaser or his agents, representative, workmen or employees the purchaser shall be solely responsible for making the loss and/or to pay compensation as required under any statute or law. In case the loss/damage is to the property of the company, the company at its sole discretion may fix the compensation and the purchaser shall be liable to pay the same to the Company and it shall be recovered from the Security Deposit of the purchaser and advance payment made by him towards purchase of the material. 17.0 The Purchaser shall not make unauthorised use of Company's land for any purpose including dumping of any material purchased against this contract or any other contract/sale order. In case of any violation of this term, company reserve the right to suspend supplies and or to terminate his contract altogether and forfeit the Security Deposit and advance paid by the Tenderers. 18.0 If at any time during currency of the contract, the performance in whole or in part by either party of any obligation shall be prevented or delayed directly, or indirectly by reasons of any war, hostility, civil communal riots, disturbances, sabotage, fire, flood, storms, strikes, lockouts, act of God or any cause beyond the control of either party can only withdraw from the contractual obligation which could not be fulfilled during the force majeure conditions. 19.0 Settlement of Dispute : “Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties relating to or arising out of contract, shall be amicably settled by conciliation between the parties and the settlement so reached between the parties shall be final and binding on the parties. In case of failure of the conciliation, the decision of the Executive Director/Chief Executive of Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant shall be final and binding on the parties” 20.0 Place for Legal Proceedings : The Contract shall be deemed to have been entered into by Steel Authority of India Limited Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant at Chandrapur and all cause of action therefore be Deemed to have been arisen at Chandrapur. (M.S.) All Civil proceedings relating to or arising out of this Contract/Agreement shall be restricted to the jurisdiction of Civil Court, Chandrapur, irrespective of the location of the office of the party (i.e purchaser of the scrap) 21.0 The Purchaser shall be liable to compensate CFP for any loss/damage incurred by CFP through his negligence/negligence on the part of his employees engaged by him. 22.0 In the event of any breach of any condition in the Contract by the purchaser Or in the event of any misconduct on the part of purchaser or on the part of his employees, it shall be lawful for the Company to terminate the Contract forthwith without giving any notice and in such event the purchaser shall not be entitled to any compensation what so ever. ***************** ANNEXURE - I Sub: Sale of Railway Track Material Scrap. Tender No.: CFP/MKTG/Rail Scrap/13-14/01 dated 21/09/2013 Due Date & Time of: 07/10/2013 at 15.00 Hrs. EMD BID --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To, AGM (Mktg. & Contracts), Steel Authority of India Limited Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant., CHANDRAPUR - 442 401 (M.S.) Dear Sir, Please refer to your open tender notice under subject tender & Reference No. mentioned above, information and details of our firm has been submitted as under: 1. We are enclosing herewith the Earnest Money of Rs. ___________ (Rupees _______________________only) by Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque/ Pay Order No./ BG___________ dated _________________ on (Bank Name) _____________________________ favouring STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED – CHANDRAPUR FERRO ALLOY PLANT payable at Chandrapur (Maharashtra). 2. EMD has been submitted for following lots and quantity: LIST OF RAILWAY TRACK MATERIAL SCRAP: Sr. Item No. 1 100 LBS Rail – Length 1 to 12 Mtr. Unit MT Lot Location Qty. E.M.D. Tick No. (Approx) (Rs.) (√) P.H. Yard 209 2,00,000/A 2 90R Rail - Length 1 to 12 Mtr. MT B P.H. Yard 219 2,00,000/- 3 52 Kg. Rail Length 1 to 12 Mtr. M.S. Steel Sleeper (M.S.) M.S. Crossing Sleeper MT C P.H. Yard 25 20,000/- MT D P.H. Yard 114 50,000/- MT E P.H. Yard 38.4 20,000/- 6 C.I. Pot Sleeper (C.I) With Tie Bar MT F P.H. Yard 196.2 1,00,000/- 7 C.S.T. 9 Sleepers (C.I) MT G P.H. Yard 172.72 1,00,000/- 8 PSC Sleeper 52 Kgs. Sec. (MBC) MT H P.H. Yard 424.500 1,00,000/- 4 5 9 10 11 M.S. Fish Plate Rail Scrap: Fish Plate, Junction Fish Plate M.S. Rail Scrap: Fish Bolt, Slide Chair, Two Way Keys, M.S. Plate, M.S. Spring Keys, M.S. Crossing (90 R), M.S. Tounge Rail, M.S. Scrap C.I. Rail Scrap: Heel Block, Bearing Plate, Distance Block, Liver Box MT I P.H. Yard (19.4) 10,000/- MT J P.H. Yard (13.8) 10,000/- MT K P.H. Yard 2.05 2,000/- (Note : Bidder has to Tick (√) for the interested Lot / Item in the above list) 3. Other details are as follows: Sr No Particulars Tenderer’s Remark a Name, Designation & department of close relative if any employed in the company ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. b Status of the firm (Strike out which is not applicable) Proprietary / Partnership / Limited Co. c Name and address of Proprietor / partners / Directors ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. d Registration No. of Firm ………………………………………. E Full Address of the Tenderer f Telephone No. Mobile No. No. Fax No. if any g MST /VAT / CST No. if any h PAN No. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………… ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. E-mail address i j …………………………………….. The name of the relative of the tenderers employed in the Company, if any, should be indicated giving the designation and the name of the department where he/she is working. k Bank Details Bank A/c. No. ……………………………………….. Name of Bank & Branch ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. Branch Code No. ……………………………………….. IFS Code No. (RTGS Code) ……………………………………….. MICR Code No. ……………………………………….. I / We have read all the pages of the tender document and agree to all terms and conditions of the tender contained in the Instruction to Tenderers and General Terms and conditions therein. We also accept the terms and conditions of the Forward Auction and we are ready to participate in Forward Auction / e-Auction. We have inspected the material at its site/location, and quality. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ……………………………… (Authorised signature of tenderer) For and on behalf of M/s…………………..…………….. ……………….…………………. …………………………………... Date: Seal of Firm: