Nov. 28, 1.950 A- MEYERHANS TRANSFORMER 2,531,697 Filed Aug- 8. 1947 INVENTORv ATTORNEYj Patented Nov. 28, 1950 2,531,697 UNITED STATES PdTENT OFFICE 2,531,697 TRANSFORMER August Meyerhans, Nussbaumen, near Baden, Switzerland, assignor to Alstiengeseilsehaft Brown, Boveri 5’; 623a, Baden, Switzerland Application Angus. 8, 194?, Serial No. 767,462 in November 1939 Section 1, Public Law 699, August 8, 1946 Patent expires November 2?), 1535.‘) 3 Claims. (C1. 175——356) 1 When building transformers it has been usual up to the present to make the iron core com posed of columns for the windings and yolre parts for the magnetic return flow out of sheet metal stampings of diiferent length and width, which 2 plementary to the convex curvature of the col umn, in order to facilitate the direct passage of the flux between the column and the return flow iron. The stampings of t e U-shaped packets of the return ?ow iron can simply be stacked over a are superposed in parallel planes and may be in former corresponding to the circular periphery terleaved. If in this arrangement the column of the column. The stampings of the U-shaped form is adapted as closely as possible in cross yokes are held together by welding seams which section to the circular form of the windings, the are provided in places, preferably on the out number of different sized stamping operations is l0 wardly disposed surfaces of the webs and/or increased and the work entailed in stamping and flanges. In the example shown, connecting strips the ‘waste of sheet metal also becomes greater. e1, e2 are used for the welding connection. The The building up of the columns and the putting strips e2 which are welded to the ?anges of the together of the iron core entails much labor U-shaped packets are used with the aid of strips and is costly. The cost Of building up the core 15 63 welded to the end surfaces of the column and is reduced by employing columns composed of of bolts f for producing the pressure between the metal sheets which are layered substantially column and the U-shaped packets of the return radially and which are connected at their end flow iron. The active part of the transformer is surfaces by welding seams. This method of build inserted in a circular tank h. At least one sec ing up columns is not only simple and cheap as 20 tor of the radially 1ouilt up column is replaced by regards manufacture, it is also favorable from a sector of insulating material for instance the magnetic and electric point of view. How wood. This increases the space for the leads. ever, the usual way of building up the return It represents a bushing insulator. flow is still unfavorable, as it entails a consider The packets of the magnetic return flow iron able amount of stamping work and a substantial may be formed either of metal sheets stamped waste of sheet metal and makes it necessary to out in U-shape (Fig. 3) or of rectangular stamped employ arrangements for supporting the wind sheets built together and interleaved in U-form ings. (Fig. 4), whereupon they are welded in the man The object of the present invention is to pro ner described above. It is recommended to hold vide a transformer having a column built up of the stampings together at certain points by means radial metal sheets, in which the described dis~ of bandages 91 (Figs. 1 and 3), which consist at advantages are eliminated through the magnetic least in part of insulating material. The band return flow path being formed according to the ages will suitably consist of cord windings which invention of stampings which are built up in sub are placed over angle pieces 92 of layered insu stantially U-shaped packets and are pressed with 35 lating material, and cover the corners of the pack their ?anges against the column. In the accompanying drawing there is shown ets of stampings. Through the iron core being built up in ac cordance with the invention the magnetic return the above invention a single phase transformer. flow part will also have a shape in which the Figure l is a view in longitudinal section taken 4.0 stamping work is reduced to a minimum. Metal on line I—| of Fig. 2 and Figure 2 is a view in sheets stamped out in rectangular form and put transverse cross-section taken on line 2-2 Of Fig. together in U-form are held together very sim 1. Figures 3 and 4 show constructional details. ply; no insulated screw connections are required In the ?gures a represents the column of the for the packets of stampings. The welding seams iron core with radially-stacked stampings and the hold the metal sheets together rigidly. When concentric high and low voltage windings b, c. the packets are composed of U-shaped stamp The magnetic return flow \iron is formed of ings, it becomes possible to use the rectangular U-shaped yokes or packets of stampings 01, all waste as column stampings for a smaller trans to (is, which are arranged radially around the former. The special form of welded connections periphery of the column and are pressed with 50 in the case of the column and the return ?ow their ?anges die. to (18s against the column, so part enables the two parts to be united under that they surround the windings. The end faces pressure in a very simple manner. The building dlb to dab of the flanges of the U-shaped packets up of the transformer is thus greatly facilitated. of stampings which confront the exterior surface By means of wedge-shaped distance pieces n1, of the column a have a concave curvature com m (Fig. 1) pressure may be applied to the wind diagrammatically as a construction example of 3 2,531,697 4 ings while the U-shaped packets are being pressed plurality of U-shaped laminated yokes surround against the column. As the packets of the re turn flow part are individually pressed with suffi cient forceagainst, the, column, the. induction of the joint;may¢be was great as the induction ,of the column. With a ?lling factor of 70% in the col umn, referred to the full circular cross-section, and. of 90% in the return connection yoke pieces, ing said core with the yoke laminations arranged in planes parallel with the core axis, the two end flange portions of each said yoke confronting said core and being provided with iconcave end faces the curvature of which is the complement »of the convex outer surface of said core so as to lie directly against the core with the core and the height of the yoke pieces H will be 10 yokelaminations arranged in substantially radial alignment, spaced and confronting rigid strips welded respectively to and extending axially out ward from the opposite ends of said core and the opposite ends of said yokes, and means extend Dzcore diameter H=0.195D. As the normal transformer has a yoke height of about D, for the transformer according to the .in vention the overall height will be reduced by 2D—0.39D=1.61D. ingybetween'and drawing said confronting core and yoke strips towards one another thereby to .draw the end faces of the ?ange portions of said yokes into pressure contact with the outer sur face.of..said core. The manner in whichthe iron core is built up ' 2.‘ A transformer magnetic structure as de?ned in accordance with the invention provides a in claim 1 wherein thelaminations of each said further- advantage as ‘regards cooling. 1 Cooling yoke are constituted-by Uéshaped'stampings. '3.» A‘ transformer magnetic structureas de?ned in claim 1 wherein the yoke la-minationsare-con tubes m may be disposed in'the spaces between the ray-like or radially- arranged stamping pack ets -of ‘the return'flow part. The cooling tubes stituted'by rectangular stampings interleavedrto m ‘may, also be‘ corrugated in the direction of 25 form the U-shaped‘ contourv of the yoke. , AUGUST JMEYERHANS. the longitudinal axes of the transformer. T The "space occupied by --the transformer is in .' REFERENCES CITED ' this way considerably reduced; its Weight is ‘also reduced, to which the round form of the cas ing also contributes, whereby reinforcement be comes-‘unnecessary. 30 . The following references are of record-in the file of this patent: - UNITED STATES PATENTS "For building up athree-‘phase transformer‘ the possibility is provided of mounting three single ‘Number ‘ Name .‘Date scribed axially one behind the other in one vessel. 850,863 ' 854,278 T‘Wooldridge ______ __- Apr. ~16,‘ .1907 Darlington ________ _;;May 21, 19.07 The vconstruction according to the‘invention is 1,140,843 Nichols ___________ __".'May :25, 1915 particularly suitable‘ for enabling-transformers 1,623,345 Hopkins __________ __ Apr; 5, .1927 ofconsiderable output to be housed in a recum ' 2,107,973 Bajon ____________ __ Feb.‘ 23,1938 bent position on a-vvehicle frame,'so as‘to enable the railway loading gauge to be utilized to‘ the ' 2,252,461 Franz ___________ __ Aug. .121, ‘1941 2,279,239 Meyerans __________ __~ Apr. 7:‘,‘1314l2 phase transformers of the construction above'de -best>possib1e advantage. The bushinginsulators FOREIGN‘ PATENTS can ‘be arranged‘so as~t0 be distributed over-the two ends of the transformer tank. ' I claim: ' 1;‘IIn atransformer, a magnetic structure com prising a- radially laminated cylir'idrica'lv core, a vNumber 45 ; Country .Date ' 421,512 ‘Great Britain _,_______ Dec. 21‘, {19-34. ». 482,771 -GreatyBritain__.______» 'July ,8; @1937