Bulletin of Entomological Research (2006) 96, 637–645 DOI: 10.1079/BER2006467 Biodiversity vs. biocontrol: positive and negative effects of alternative prey on control of slugs by carabid beetles W.O.C. Symondson1 *, S. Cesarini1, P.W. Dodd1, G.L. Harper1y, M.W. Bruford1, D.M. Glen2·, C.W. Wiltshire3 and J.D. Harwood1z 1 Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, PO Box 915, Cardiff CF10 3TL, UK: 2IACR-Long Ashton Research Station, Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bristol, Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9AF, UK: 3Arion Ecology, The Brambles, Stinchcombe Hill, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 6AQ, UK Abstract Environment-friendly farming techniques seek to increase invertebrate biodiversity in part with the intention of encouraging greater numbers of predators that will help to control crop pests. However, in theory, this effect may be negated if the availability of a greater abundance and diversity of alternative prey diverts predators away from feeding on pests. The hypothesis that access to alternative prey can lead to reduced pest suppression under semi-field conditions was tested. Alternative prey type and diversity were manipulated in 70 mesocosms over 7+ weeks in the presence of the carabid Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger), a known predator of slugs, and reproducing populations of the slug Deroceras reticulatum (Müller). Significantly fewer slugs survived where no alternative prey were provided. Maximum slug numbers and biomass were found in treatments containing either carabids plus a high diversity of alternative prey (many species of earthworm and three of Diptera larvae) or a single additional prey (blowfly larvae, Calliphora vomitoria Linnaeus). In these treatments slug numbers and biomass were as high as in plots lacking predators. The effects of alternative prey were taxon-specific. Alternative prey strongly affected carabid fitness in terms of biomass and egg load. The fittest predators (those with access to high alternative prey diversity or C. vomitoria larvae) reduced slug numbers the least. The mean individual slug weights were greater in treatments with alternative prey than where no alternative prey were provided to the carabids. These results suggest that pests may survive and reproduce more rapidly in patches where predators have access to alternative prey. *Fax: +44 (0)29 20 874 305 E-mail: Symondson@Cardiff.ac.uk ·Honorary Professor of Cardiff University and independent consultant at Styloma Research and Consulting, Phoebe, The Lippiatt, Cheddar, BS27 3QP, UK yPresent address: School of Applied Sciences, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Mid-Glamorgan, CF37 1DL, UK zPresent address: Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, S-225 Agricultural Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA 638 W.O.C. Symondson et al. Keywords: Carabidae, Deroceras reticulatum, diet, generalist predators, predator fitness, Pterostichus melanarius, slugs Introduction Alternative prey help to sustain and retain generalist predators within crops when target pests are absent or at low density. This dietary flexibility of generalists can, in theory, give them a significant advantage over specialist natural enemies, allowing them to be present within a crop early in the year before the pests arrive in any significant numbers (Murdoch et al., 1985; Chiverton, 1987; Chang & Karieva, 1999; Harwood et al., 2004). Certain agricultural practices can encourage greater numbers of alternative prey during this early period, allowing predators to reach high densities by the time the crop needs to be protected from immigrating or rapidly reproducing pests (Settle et al., 1996). Such systems depend upon temporal separation between periods of maximum alternative prey availability and periods of pest abundance. In many circumstances this is probably not achievable and practices such as conservation tillage (minimal tillage systems including direct drilling that are designed to conserve the soil (Köller, 2003)) are now employed, in part, to maximize biodiversity (Kladivko, 2001), in the hope that this will foster a larger and more diverse predator community that will go on to control the pests. Empirical studies have shown that this is often an effective strategy for increasing predator numbers (Stinner & House, 1990), but the effects of mechanical operations (cultivation, harvesting) on predators and their prey can be complex and taxon-specific (El Titi, 2003; Holland & Reynolds, 2003; Holland, 2004; Thorbek & Bilde, 2004). The additional predators in minimal or no-tillage systems may sometimes go on to increase predation pressure on pests, but in other instances predator numbers, pest numbers and crop damage may all increase (Stinner & House, 1990), a problem that has been particularly noted with slugs (Kendall et al., 1995; Symondson et al., 1996; Glen & Symondson, 2003). A theoretical problem with the conservation tillage scenario is that alternative prey may divert predators away from feeding on target pests (Halaj & Wise, 2002; Symondson et al., 2002a; Koss & Snyder, 2005; Rypstra & Marshall, 2005), and the more numerous and diverse the community of alternative prey, the more likely it would be that prey choice would favour one or more of these alternative prey species rather than the target pests. This may happen through simple substitution (non-pest for pest) or through switching behaviour as relative densities of prey species change (Holt & Lawton, 1994). Food web theory suggests that, within a more diverse system, many of those alternative prey will be other predators, and that predation on each other potentially decreases the ability of the predator community as a whole to limit herbivore (pest) numbers (Polis et al., 1989; McCann et al., 1998; Finke & Denno, 2004). And so the question remains, what happens when farming systems encourage a numerous and diverse fauna within a crop coincident with periods when pest density is likely to be high? May the goals of encouraging alternative prey and biodiversity, and seeking biocontrol of pests, sometimes conflict? May not the fittest predators, replete with alternative prey, be the least effective at controlling pests? Prey diversity has been shown to have a powerful effect on predator nutrition, reproduction and survival. Greenstone (1979) suggested that predators seek to diversify their diets in order to balance their amino acid requirements and, more recently, Mayntz et al. (2005) demonstrated that invertebrate predators are capable of selective foraging in order to balance their intake of proteins and lipids. Other studies have shown the benefits of a mixed diet, either to balance dietary needs or to avoid prey toxins that affect predator fitness (e.g. Toft & Wise, 1999; Oelberman & Scheu, 2002; Fisker & Toft, 2004). Importantly, however, beneficial/ detrimental effects of a mixed diet are taxon-specific. J.D. Harwood, S.W. Phillips, K.D. Sunderland, D.M. Glen, M.W. Bruford, G.L. Harper, and W.O.C. Symondson (unpublished data) have demonstrated that both linyphiid spiders and carabid beetles benefit from a diverse diet; for example carabids fed a more diverse diet weighed more, laid more eggs, continued to lay eggs for longer and the eggs developed and hatched more rapidly. Carabids and spiders fed on pests only (slugs or aphids) were the least fit. There is some evidence that these effects translate to the field where carabids in more complex habitats, with more diverse prey, were larger and contained more eggs (Bommarco, 1998, 1999). Clearly, prey diversity, if exploitable by the predator, improves predator fitness and between years this may lead to increased predator numbers, even of univoltine species such as carabid beetles. The predators may go on to limit growth in pest numbers, although where the pests form a substantial proportion of the total available prey, suppression may lead to subsequent limitation of predator densities through loosely-coupled feedback mechanisms (Symondson et al., 2002b). However, in the medium term (within a year) univoltine carabids do not have time to respond numerically to prey abundance and diversity. For flightless species such as the ground beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) field boundaries have been shown to be effective barriers to movements (Thomas et al., 1998), preventing significant aggregative responses to prey, although within-field aggregation to pest density can take place (Bohan et al., 2000; Winder et al., 2005a,b). Thus, P. melanarius responses to dietary components and prey diversity will be restricted to the prey available in the fields in which they are sampled, and the fitness of those predators will depend upon the abundance and diversity of available food resources. Within year, therefore, reproductive numerical responses will not have time to operate, and spatial numerical responses will be limited, restricting responses by the predators to alternative prey to functional responses. If this is correct, then the presence of alternative prey is likely to lead to reduced predation on the target prey (slugs) (Harmon & Andow, 2004). The carabid P. melanarius is a highly generalist predator eating a wide variety of prey (Sunderland, 1975, 2002; Symondson et al., 2000). However, Symondson et al. (1996) found, using anti-slug antibodies and enzyme linked immunosorbent assays, that over 80% of P. melanarius captured in the field in one year contained slug proteins in their guts, clearly demonstrating that slugs are a significant prey item. These carabids have now been shown, in Alternative prey reduce predation on pests semi-field and field experiments, to be capable of affecting the temporal and spatial dynamics of slugs (Symondson et al., 1996, 2002b; Bohan et al., 2000; McKemey et al., 2003, reviewed in Symondson, 2004). We therefore tested the hypothesis that, despite these high rates of predation by P. melanarius on slugs reported in the field, when numerical responses by the predators was prevented slug survival/ reproduction would be greater where alternative prey were available to the predators. At the same time we tested the hypothesis that alternative prey, and prey diversity, would have a positive effect upon carabid fitness. We further tested the hypothesis that the strength of this effect would be prey taxon-specific. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that a higher diversity of alternative prey would reduce still further the ability of the beetles to limit slug numbers. Overall, we wished to challenge the assumption that the fittest beetles would be most effective at controlling pest (slug) populations. Where reproductive numerical responses are not possible, and immigration severely limited, as we argue may often be the case in the field for this predator– prey system, we would expect that functional response by the beetles to the total prey available to lead to increased survival of the pests in the presence of alternative prey. We also tested the hypothesis that predation by the beetles would affect the size structure of the slug population. McKemey et al. (2001) demonstrated a preference for the smallest slugs in laboratory trials, but could find no size preferences where trials were performed, as here, in semifield miniplots (McKemey et al., 2003). If the beetles showed a preference for smaller slugs, then treatments with the fewest slugs at the end of the experiment (i.e. those subject to the highest predation pressure) would be expected to have the largest slugs. Materials and methods Experiments were conducted in outdoor mesocosms (miniplots). These were circular plastic tubs (35 cm diameterr18 cm deep), with drainage holes around the base covered with fine mesh to prevent invertebrates escaping or entering. The surface area of soil in each mesocosm was 0.08 m2. The tubs were half filled with a mixture of steamsterilized sandy loam (50%), peat (30%) and grit (20%). Over the summer a crop of spring wheat was grown in the tubs, then harvested and cut to within a few centimetres of the soil and experiments conducted on the stubble. The inner rim of each plot was regularly painted with FLUON (polytetrafluoroethylene – Whitford Plastics, Runcorn, UK) to prevent slugs (Symondson, 1993) and other invertebrates from climbing out (McKemey et al., 2003). Each plot contained a refuge for the beetles consisting of a piece of polystyrene tile (10 cmr10 cm), weighted down with a stone to prevent it from blowing away. The plots were protected by netting to prevent birds from eating the predators or prey. The area surrounding the plots was regularly treated with slug pellets containing metaldehyde to destroy any other slugs in the vicinity. Plots were watered as and when necessary to maintain moist surface conditions and encourage slug and earthworm activity. There were seven treatments (table 1) with 10 replicate plots for each treatment. Numbers of alternative prey per mesocosm are shown in table 1. All treatments included slugs, Deroceras reticulatum (Müller), at a density of 28 per plot, equivalent to 350 m2, a high number but densities of 639 Table 1. Invertebrates added to each of 10 replicate mesocosms for each of seven treatments. The target slug prey, Deroceras reticulatum, were added to all plots (28 per plot), and carabid beetle predators (two female Pterostichus melanarius per plot) were added to the appropriate treatments. Treatment A B C D E F G Prey species Slugs Slugs+beetles Slugs+beetles+earthworms (E. hortensis) (50) Slugs+beetles+Diptera larvae (C. vomitoria) (9a) Slugs+beetles+earthworms (mixed speciesb) (50)+Diptera larvae (three speciesc) (9a) Slugs+earthworms (E. hortensis) (50) Slugs+Diptera (C. vomitoria) (9a) a This number of larvae was added every week. Where three species of Diptera were provided, three individuals of each species were added each week. In every other instance the invertebrates were added just once, at the start of the experiment. b In this high diversity treatment mixed species of earthworms (Allolobophora chlorotica, Aporrectodea caliginosa, Aporrectodea longa and Octolasion cyaneum) were collected directly from the field. Forty five of these mixed species were added, at random, to each plot plus five Eisenia hortensis. c The three species were Calliphora vomitoria, Lucilia caesar and Fannia canicularis. Numbers of alternative prey introduced to each plot are given in parentheses. this order are reported from arable fields (Glen et al., 1988; Symondson et al., 1996). Each of the 70 mesocosms contained 20 larger slugs, which had been collected directly from the field, and eight neonate slugs, hatched in the laboratory. A subset of 20 of the slugs from the field were weighed and ranged from 125 to 415 mg (mean 214 mg, SE 24.9), while neonate slugs were all between 2.2 and 3.3 mg. There were three control treatments without predators: slugs only (A), slugs plus the earthworms Eisenia hortensis (Michaelsen) (F) and slugs plus Diptera larvae, Calliphora vomitoria Linnaeus (G). These treatments were designed to measure background rates of slug population increase and any possible effects of other invertebrates (earthworms and Diptera) on slug numbers. There were four treatments with beetles (B, C, D and E, table 1) where two female P. melanarius were added to each plot. Two beetles is a higher density than might usually be encountered in the field but were used to compensate for the expectation that at least one beetle might die during the course of this prolonged experiment (in practice a mean of 1.45 beetles per plot survived, see Results). Treatment B contained beetles and slugs only. Treatment C contained beetles, slugs and the earthworms E. hortensis, and treatment D contained beetles, slugs and the Diptera larvae C. vomitoria. Treatment E contained the highest prey abundance and diversity with slugs plus mixed earthworm species, together with three species of Diptera larvae, C. vomitoria, Lucilia caesar Linnaeus and Fannia canicularis Linnaeus. Although none of these species would be commonly found as larvae in the soil they acted as a readily available surrogate for the many species that are common in arable fields, such as crane flies (Tipulidae), cluster flies (Calliphoridae) and many species of Phoridae. The mean weights of each species of Diptera larvae were found to be (n = 10): C. vomitoria 99.4 mg (SE 3.10), L. caesar 39.7 mg (SE 640 W.O.C. Symondson et al. 1.34) and F. canicularis 24.2 mg (SE 2.15). Mixed earthworms were collected from an arable field near Cardiff while it was being ploughed. A subset were identified to species and comprised Allolobophora chlorotica (Savigny) 27.8%, Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny) 30.6%, Aporrectodea longa (Ude) 19.4%, Octolasion cyaneum (Savigny) 2.8% plus unidentified juveniles 19.4%. Earthworms were not weighed individually, but a sample batch of 50 E. hortensis had a mean individual weight of 0.93 g while a batch of 50 mixed earthworms collected from the field had a mean individual weight of 0.331 g. The P. melanarius beetles were obtained by pitfall trapping in a field of winter wheat. Slugs and earthworms were introduced to the plots, directly from the field, over nine days. This was designed to avoid potential problems caused by disease transmission between invertebrates in the laboratory, especially the slugs which are highly susceptible to the slug parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (Schneider) (Wilson et al., 1993) and the pathogen Microsporidium novacastriensis (Jones & Selman) which debilitates D. reticulatum in laboratory cultures (Jones & Selman, 1985). The beetles were then weighed and introduced to the plots on 12 September 2003, along with (in appropriate treatments) the first batch of Diptera larvae (table 1). Diptera larvae, unlike the other prey, were added weekly because otherwise they would have pupated, hatched and escaped. After 12 days, when temperatures began to fall (which would have limited beetle activity), the plots were moved to a glasshouse with temperature control. During the 12 days outdoors the mean minimum temperature was 11.6 C (SE 1.15, lowest 2.7 C) and the mean maximum 20.8 (SE 0.91, highest 24.9 C). During the 40 days under glass the minimum temperature (on every day) was 16 C, controlled by a thermostat and heater. The mean daily maximum was 25.2 C (SE 0.51, highest 32 C). Weeds growing in the plots were regularly removed mainly to prevent them from providing escape routes for predators and prey, but also because they were found to attract aphids. After the experiment had been running for five weeks, any beetles found under refuges were collected and frozen. Where one or no beetles were found we did not know at that stage whether the beetles were still present in the plots, buried in the soil, or whether they had died. After three days of checking under the refuges, 35 of the plots were gradually flooded over 10 days, forcing the slugs and any remaining beetles to the surface. This technique is considered the most accurate method for assessing slug populations (Glen et al., 1989; Symondson et al., 1996). Each slug was identified and weighed. The process was repeated with the remaining 35 plots 14 days later. The plots were processed in two batches because the flooding unit could not accommodate all 70 at once. Each batch contained five replicates of each treatment. Initial analyses of the data treated these two batches as separate blocks in analysis of variance (ANOVA) but, as there were no significant differences found for slug numbers, biomass and mean size data (P > 0.2), ‘block’ was excluded from subsequent analyses. All beetles were weighed and frozen as soon as they were collected from the plots. They were then dissected and their egg loads recorded. At the end of the experiment 21 plots still contained two beetles, 16 contained one and just three had no live beetles. We cannot rule out the possibility that some beetles may have drowned, and thus failed to come to the surface, during gradual flooding. All plots were included in subsequent analyses, regardless of how many beetles were found. As the error caused by loss of beetles from some plots through mortality would have reduced our chances of finding differences between treatments, any remaining significant differences would have had to have been strong to be detectable. The large number of replicates per treatment (10) was designed to minimize this predictable problem. Data were analysed by ANOVA, with data transformed when necessary to stabilize variances. Where ANOVAs were significant, means were compared using Least Significant Differences (LSD for P £ 0.05). Results The numbers, biomass and mean weight of slugs extracted from the mesocosms at the end of the experiment are shown in fig. 1. Overall the treatments had a significant effect on slug numbers (F6, 63 = 4.59, P < 0.001) and total slug biomass per plot (F6, 63 = 5.83, P < 0.001). There was no significant difference between the three treatments without beetles, showing that neither earthworms nor Diptera were directly affecting slug numbers. Fewest slugs were (and lowest slug biomass was) recovered from plots with slugs and beetles only. Plots with slugs and beetles contained significantly fewer slugs (and lower slug biomass) than plots with slugs only, showing that the beetles were reducing slug numbers. However, where there were additional prey species in treatments D (slugs, beetles and C. vomitoria larvae) and E (the highly diverse diet treatment with slugs, beetles, mixed earthworms and mixed Diptera larvae), the plots contained significantly greater numbers and biomass of slugs than plots with slugs and beetles alone, demonstrating that alternative prey were diverting the beetles away from feeding on slugs. However, treatment C (slug, beetles and E. hortensis), did not contain a significantly greater number or biomass of slugs than plots with slugs and beetles only. The presence of beetles in treatment D (slugs, beetles and C. vomitoria) did not reduce slug numbers and biomass significantly compared with treatment G (slugs and C. vomitoria but no beetles), suggesting that these Diptera were diverting the beetles away from feeding on slugs. However, beetles in treatment C (slugs, beetles and E. hortensis) did reduce slug numbers and biomass compared with treatment F (slugs and E. hortensis but no beetles), again suggesting that this species of earthworm was not significantly diverting the beetles from preying on the slugs. In addition to slug numbers and biomass, we analysed mean slug weights to see whether these varied between treatments at the end of the experiment. Overall, there were significant differences between treatments (F6, 63 = 3.28, P = 0.007). Treatment B (slugs and beetles only) contained significantly smaller slugs than in any other treatment (fig. 1c). Few, if any, of the adult slugs had survived to the end of the experiment and the mean size of slugs extracted from all treatments was much smaller than the mean size introduced to plots. In treatment B (slugs and beetles only) the mean size was that of very small neonates (back-transformed mean 1.5 mg). There was no significant difference between the remaining treatments, with a pooled back-transformed mean of 7.2 mg, still very small but r4.8 larger than in treatment B. Two measures of predator fitness, beetle biomass and egg load, were analysed. At the beginning of the experiment Alternative prey reduce predation on pests 3 2.5 a LSD 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 6 5 LSD 0 4 b 25 3 2 20 1 Egg number Loge ind. slug weight (mg) c Loge tot. slug biomass (mg) 0 b 0.25 LSD Beetle weight (g) Loge slug number a 641 0 3 2.5 LSD LSD 15 10 5 2 1.5 0 1 0.5 0 A B C D E F B C D E Beetles Beetles Worms Beetles Beetles Worms+ Diptera+ Diptera G Beetles Beetles Beetles Beetles Worms+ Worms Worms Diptera Diptera+ Diptera Treatments Fig. 1. Mean numbers (a), total biomass per plot (b), and mean individual weights (c) of slugs (Deroceras reticulatum) in seven mesocosm treatments at the end of the experiment (n = 10 per treatment). Slugs, D. reticulatum, were added to all plots, while additional prey added are indicated. ‘+’ indicates multiple species. For full details of treatments A–G see table 1. LSD bars are for P £ 0.05. there was no significant difference between the weights of beetles in the different treatments (F3, 76 = 0.23, P = 0.879). However, by the end of the experiment there were highly significant differences (F3, 33 = 13.44, P < 0.001) (fig. 2a), with significantly greater beetle biomass in treatments D (beetles, slugs and Diptera) and E (beetles, slugs and diverse prey) than in treatments B (beetles and slugs only) and C (beetles, slugs and the worm E. hortensis). Similarly, analysis of the egg loads within these beetles showed highly significant differences (F3, 33 = 16.19, P < 0.001) (fig. 2b) with beetles in treatments D (beetles, slugs and Diptera) and E (beetles, slugs and diverse prey) containing significantly more eggs than beetles in treatments B (beetles and slugs only) and C (beetles, slugs and the worm E. hortensis). Beetle weights at the end of the experiment were highly correlated with egg load (beetle weight = 0.167+0.0025 egg load, r2 58.3%, P < 0.001). A number of regression analyses were performed to examine the relationship between slug numbers and biomass per plot at the end of the experiment and beetle fitness Treatments Fig. 2. Graphs of measures of beetle (Pterostichus melanarius) fitness at the end of the experiment in terms of mean numbers of eggs within the beetles (a) and beetle weights (b). Slugs, Deroceras reticulatum, were added to all plots, while additional prey added are indicated. ‘+’ indicates multiple species. For full details of treatments A–G see table 1. LSD bars are for P £ 0.05. (table 2). Overall, the fitter the beetles (in terms of weight and egg load at the end of the experiment) the greater the number and biomass (per plot) of slugs surviving. Relationships between beetle fitness parameters and mean individual slugs weights at the end of the experiment proved to be nonsignificant once missing data (plots with zero slugs) were removed from the analyses. Discussion This carabid, P. melanarius, has been shown in many previous studies to feed on slugs in the laboratory (Symondson, 1997; McKemey et al., 2001; Oberholzer & Frank, 2003; Oberholzer et al., 2003), microcosms and miniplots (Buckland & Grime, 2000, Thomas, 2002; McKemey et al., 2003) and field (Cornic, 1973; Tod, 1973; Symondson et al., 1996, 2002b; Bohan et al., 2000; Dodd et al., 2003; Harper et al., 2005), and together these results provide clear evidence that they are killing, consuming and in many cases reducing the number of these pests. This experiment was designed to measure the effects of the presence of alternative prey, and prey diversity, on the ability of P. melanarius to limit slug numbers when numerical responses were not possible. As might be expected, lowest 642 W.O.C. Symondson et al. Table 2. Relationships between beetle weights and egg loads, at the end of the experiment, with slug numbers and biomass. Response (Y) Beetle weight Beetle egg load Predictors (X) Loge Loge Loge Loge slug slug slug slug number biomass number biomass residual slug numbers and biomass were found in the treatment where there were no alternative food resources (B, beetles and slugs only). In all other treatments containing P. melanarius, residual slug number and biomass were greater (fig. 1) in most cases significantly so, providing direct evidence that the presence of alternative prey reduced the rate of predation on slugs. The one exception was treatment C (beetles, slugs and the worm E. hortensis), where the earthworms E. hortensis were provided as alternative prey. Eisenia hortensis is closely related to Eisenia fetida (Savigny), a species known to generate defensive chemicals within coelomic fluid exuded by dorsal pores when attacked (Sims & Gerard, 1985). It is possible that such deterrent chemicals exist in E. hortensis and are effective against P. melanarius, especially, as here, where the carabids have the option of eating other prey, the slugs, instead. At the end of the experiment, beetles in treatments with slugs plus E. hortensis were no fitter (in terms of their biomass and egg loads) than beetles in plots with slugs only, possibly suggesting that these two prey species were of approximately the same quality to the predator. The only significant effect of the presence of E. hortensis was on slug size; slugs with beetles only were significantly smaller at the end of the experiment than in any other treatment, including treatment C ((beetles, slugs and the worm E. hortensis)), suggesting that predation pressure on the slugs may have been marginally lower where these worms were present. In the two other treatments that included predators plus alternative prey, treatment D (beetles, slugs and Diptera) and treatment E (the high prey diversity treatment), slug numbers, biomass and mean weight were all significantly greater than where slugs alone were present with beetles. In addition, beetles in treatments D and E with alternative prey were the fittest, with significantly greater predator biomass and egg loads. The latter two are likely to be correlated as beetle weight is affected by egg load, and this proved to be the case. There was no evidence that the high diversity treatment had any different effect on predation on slugs or predator fitness than the one incorporating just slugs and fly larvae. Fly larvae and pupae are used commercially (e.g. GAB Biotechnologie GmbH) as a complete diet for rearing carabid larvae such as Poecilus cupreus (Linnaeus) and have been used to maintain P. melanarius adults in the laboratory for over a year (W.O.C. Symondson, unpublished data). It is likely that a diet of slugs plus C. vomitoria contained most of the nutritional requirements of these beetles and a more diverse diet provided no significant additional benefit. Theory suggests that predators presented with an abundant and diverse diet should be more selective, taking the most profitable prey (Pyke, 1984; Stephens & Krebs, 1986), which in this case may have been the Diptera larvae. By contrast, a diet of slugs plus E. hortensis was significantly worse than a highly diverse diet, showing that there is a taxon-specific Equation r2 % Probability Y = 0.170+0.0171 X Y = 0.239+0.0104 X Y = 3.06+5.85 X Y = 25.5+3.22 X 25.2 24.6 31.5 25.3 P = 0.002 P = 0.002 P < 0.001 P = 0.002 interaction between dietary quality and diversity, as shown previously by Toft & Wise (1999), Oelberman & Scheu (2002) and Fisker & Toft (2004). Our experimental design was not, in retrospect, ideal with respect to the high/low diversity comparison. We did not realize beforehand that E. hortensis would prove to be a non-preferred prey item and therefore the comparison between high and low diversity of worms was confounded by this factor. Molecular analyses using both monoclonal antibodies and DNA primers have shown that earthworms are frequently the largest component of the diet of P. melanarius, but these techniques did not distinguish between predation on different species (Symondson et al., 2000; Harper et al., 2005 and unpublished data). In a previous miniplot trial, under similar conditions, McKemey et al. (2003) could find no significant difference in predation rates on different size classes of slugs. It was concluded that the preference shown in the laboratory for smaller slugs (McKemey et al., 2001) was counteracted by environmental heterogeneity, which provided a greater number and diversity of refugia for the smaller slugs. However, in the current experiment this seems to have gone one step further, with the smallest slugs found in the treatment subject to the greatest predation pressure (treatment B, slugs and beetles only). The mean size of the slugs was, at 1.5 mg, smaller than the smallest slugs used in McKemey et al. (2003) and it is probable that these neonate slugs were either overlooked by the predator or found numerous refugia in the soil and within the stems of the wheat stubble. Many other studies have shown that there is a lower size threshold below which predators ignore prey (e.g. Greene, 1975; Finch, 1996). The length of the experiment was designed to allow time for the slugs to reproduce. The size of the slugs recorded at the end of the experiment suggests that most hatched from eggs laid by adults during the experiments and that, following egg laying, most adults died. Predation on slug eggs, as well as neonates, was possible (Oberholzer & Frank, 2003; Symondson, 2004) but could not be tracked. The use of LSD to define post-ANOVA differences between treatment means is widely used, but often restrictions are placed on the number of comparisons that are allowable, usually x-1 where x is the number of treatments (e.g. Fry, 1993). However, often more a priori comparisons are ecologically justified, especially where more than one control is used (as here). It has been argued that where more than x-1 comparisons are made, Bonferroni adjustments are necessary. However, this has been strongly criticized in recent papers by Perneger (1998) and Moran (2003), who argue that Bonferroni is too conservative, and that the more treatments that are included in the experiment, and the more controls there are in place (normally considered a good thing), the greater the chances that type II errors will occur Alternative prey reduce predation on pests (i.e. real significant differences will be missed). Moran (2003) argues that this is particularly relevant to ecological studies, where variances are usually high. Both authors argue for simply presenting the data, pointing out where significant differences lie (as here, with an LSD bar), and leaving interpretation to the reader. We have followed this policy. All of the comparisons we made were, a priori, predictably meaningful. We accept that the definition of ‘fitness’ used in this paper is limited, given that the experiment ran for only a few weeks and we do not know what longer-term consequences greater beetle weight or egg load would have on survival or reproduction. Nevertheless, there were significant associations between these measures of fitness and slug number and biomass in the plots. These analyses show that the beetles that were fittest had the least impact on slug populations and were found in association with the highest residual numbers of slugs. Although predictable from our results, and an effect of treatment rather than fitness per se, this may appear counter intuitive and could easily lead to misinterpretation of data from the field. Spatial associations between generalist predators and a target prey species in the field may be interpreted in very different ways. If predator and target prey numbers are positively spatially associated it might be concluded that the predators are aggregating to the prey in order to feed on them (Symondson et al., 1996; Bohan et al., 2000; Winder et al., 2005a,b). However, if high predator density is associated with low prey density this may also be seen as evidence of high predation pressure (prey density has been reduced by the predators) (Bohan et al., 2000). In practice one would expect transient dynamics with lag phases, such that highest predator density is associated with previous, rather than current, prey densities, as found by Winder et al. (2005a). Both interpretations could be true under different circumstances, but availability of alternative prey is rarely, if ever, considered as the primary factor driving the observed dynamics. Our results suggest that an equally valid interpretation of the same data might be that pest species may survive and reproduce more rapidly in patches where the predators are feeding on alternative prey. This would be predictable from theory (Harmon & Andow, 2004) in that the predators are reproducing on an annual time scale, but responding to total prey on much shorter timescales, primarily in terms of functional responses. Symondson et al. (1996) found greater numbers of slugs and P. melanarius in long-term no-tillage plots compared with plots that had been subjected to various forms of tillage over many years. Analysis of the beetles’ gut contents using antibodies showed that where there was greater slug biomass in the soil each beetle was eating greater quantities of slug. However, ratio-dependent predation pressure on the slugs in the no-tillage plots must have been lower, because by September (just before cultivation and therefore an effect of treatments applied one year previously) there were 1.8 times as many beetles in the no-tillage plots compared with those that were tilled, but 91 times more slug in terms of biomass. The beetles in the no-tillage plots were the best fed, with the greatest fore-gut biomass, but apparently the least capable of limiting slug numbers. It is probable that prey in general were more numerous and diverse in the no-tillage treatment, as has been found in many other studies (Stinner & House, 1990; Kladivko, 2001; Holland, 2004), and that as a result the slugs in this treatment were under the least predation pressure. 643 This simple plot experiment must, however, be interpreted with caution. It does not, for example, tell us anything about how much alternative prey will be available in the field or how temporal change in alternative prey availability might affect predator–target prey interactions (e.g. Settle et al., 1996). Although the plots were designed to emulate field conditions, they inevitably restrict the movement patterns of predators and prey as well as the choice of prey available. Nevertheless, we believe the implications for interpretation of field data are profound. Our results suggest that future field studies of interactions between generalist predators and particular prey species should ideally monitor consumption of alternative, competing prey (Symondson et al., 2000; Agustı́ et al., 2003), which is now possible using one of the molecular approaches now being applied in the field (Symondson, 2002; Sheppard & Harwood, 2005; Sunderland et al., 2005), especially multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) (Harper et al., 2005). Examination of just one small part of a food web, especially one involving generalist predators, cannot be relied upon to reveal the ecological processes leading to observed dynamics. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Ms Jenna Willis and Ms Clare Armsworth for supplying the neonate slugs, Mr Simon Shayler for identifying the fly larvae and, with Dr Samuel Sheppard, helping to collect slugs, and Mr Lyndon Tuck for recording temperatures and watering the mesocosms. The authors also thank the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council of the United Kingdom for funding this work as part of a larger study of the effects of biodiversity on biological control of crop pests. References Agustı́, N., Shayler, S., Harwood, J.D., Vaughan, I.P., Sunderland, K.D. & Symondson, W.O.C. (2003) Collembola as alternative prey sustaining spiders in arable ecosystems: prey detection within predators using molecular markers. Molecular Ecology 12, 3467–3475. 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