Indian Streams Research Journal Vol.2,Issue.IV/May; 12pp.1-4 R.Meenakshi ISSN:-2230-7850 Research Papers PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE S.Sella Kumar Associate Professor, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Dr.M.Sasikumar Professor, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. R.Meenakshi P.G Scholar, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Abstract This paper describes the simulation model for four-switch three-phase (FSTP) brushless dc (BLDC) motor drives using novel voltage PWM technique. In this paper a back EMF based sensor less scheme is clearly explained with the help of MATLAB\SIMULINK models. The low cost BLDC driver is achieved by the reduction of switch device count, cost down of control, and saving of hall sensors for commercial applications. Field programmable gate array was chosen as the hardware platform because of its benefits like high operating frequency and parallel processing capabilities. Asymmetric pulse width modulation scheme is developed to drive FSTP BLDC motors with the desired dynamic and static speed–torque characteristics. The simulation analysis of the back EMF based sensor less BLDC driver will be discussed and the performance using novel schemes will be evaluated. Index Terms—Brushless dc (BLDC) motor, four-switch three phase(FSTP) inverter, field programmable gate array (FPGA),sensor less control. 1. INTRODUCTION The 3-phase BLDC motors are well adoptable for industrial applications that require medium and very high speeds. Sensor and sensor less control are the two methods of control of BLDC motors. In sensor control Hall sensors are normally used which need maintenance. Some researchers from [1] to [6] developed new power inverters with reduced cost. Hence in this paper a position sensor less BLDC motor drive with a new algorithm for sensor less operation and sensor less control without signal injection is proposed. The rotor position is sensed using back EMF of the motor. Conventionally, BLDC motors are excited by a six-switch inverter as shown in Fig. 1. In the proposed method the three-phase voltage source inverters with only four switches, as shown in Fig. 2, is developed In comparison with the usual three-phase voltage-source inverter with six switches, the main features of this converter are twofold: the first is the reduction of switches and freewheeling diode count; the second is the reduction of conduction losses. The BLDC motor has a permanent-magnet rotor, and the stator windings are wound such that the back electromotive force (EMF) is trapezoidal. It therefore requires rectangularshaped stator phase currents to produce constant torque. The trapezoidal back EMF implies that the mutual inductance between the stator and rotor is non sinusoidal. Therefore, no particular advantage exists in transforming the machine equations into the known two-axis equations, which is done in the case of machines with sinusoidal back EMF So BLDC motor drive with trapezoidal back electromotive force (EMF) is developed. Please cite this Article as : R.Meenakshi , S.Sella Kumar and Dr.M.Sasikumar , PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE : Indian Streams Research Journal (MAY ; 2012) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE.............. Indian Streams Research Journal Vol.2,Issue.IV/May; 2012 Figure 1 Conventional six-switch three-phase inverter Figure 2 Configuration of four-switch three-phase inverter Figure 3 FPGA-based sensorless FSTP BLDC motor configurations Please cite this Article as : R.Meenakshi , S.Sella Kumar and Dr.M.Sasikumar , PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE : Indian Streams Research Journal (MAY ; 2012) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE.............. Indian Streams Reserach Journal Vol.2,Issue.IV/May; 2012 Please cite this Article as : R.Meenakshi , S.Sella Kumar and Dr.M.Sasikumar , PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE : Indian Streams Research Journal (MAY ; 2012) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE.............. Indian Streams Reserach Journal Vol.2,Issue.IV/May; 2012 Figure 4 Six commutating modes of voltage PWM scheme for FSTP inverter: (a) Mode I (X, 0); (b) Mode II (1, 0); (c) Mode III (1, X); (d) Mode IV (X, 1); In Conventional method position sensors are used to achieve commutation control of BLDC motors. However, position sensors make the total system more expensive, larger in volume, and less reliable. On the other hand, sensor less control for four switch three-phase BLDC motors has had many successful applications. Almost all sensor less control schemes for BLDC motors have to detect the zerocrossing point of voltage waveforms from unexcited windings to estimate the rotor position, but it is impossible to achieve sensor less control schemes for four-switch three-phase BLDC motors by using the conventional four-space-vector strategy. In contrast, if six commutation modes are used in the fourswitch inverter, then there are four floating phases during the operating period. Hence, the position information can be detected from the floating line. This paper presents a novel sensor less control scheme for the FSTP BLDC motors. On the other hand, with the rapid progress in microelectronics, field programmable gate array (FPGA) is more and more flexible, programmable and lower in cost, is therefore to achieve a low cost BLDC control, the Xilinx 3S100E FPGA is used to replace the microprocessor or DSP to implement the sensor less FSTP inverter scheme, as shown in Fig. 3. 2. NOVEL PWM SCHEME FOR PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed voltage pulse width modulation (PWM) scheme for FSTP inverter requires six commutation modes which are (X,0), (1,0), (1,X), (X,1), (0,1) and (0,X), as shown in Fig. 4 is developed. The symbols in parenthesis denote the switch ON/OFF states of Sau, Sal, Sbu, Sbl and (phases A and B). “X” denotes the OFF state for both the high- and low-side switching devices in the same leg, “1” denotes the ON state for the high-side switching device, and “0” denotes the ON state for the low-side Switching device. There are two modes to be noted. Two stages corresponding to mode II using conventional PWM scheme are (1, 0) and (X, 0). This scheme produces a discharging loop between the capacitor and low side switch and causes non-rectangular stator current waveforms which are harmful for constant torque. Please cite this Article as : R.Meenakshi , S.Sella Kumar and Dr.M.Sasikumar , PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE : Indian Streams Research Journal (MAY ; 2012) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE.............. Indian Streams Reserach Journal Vol.2,Issue.IV/May; 2012 Figure 5 Operation stages of FSTP using novel PWM scheme in Mode II:(a) stage (1,0), (b) stage (X,0), (c) stage (X,X), and (d) the experimental results of stator current waveforms This paper proposes a novel voltage PWM to overcome this drawback. There are three stages corresponding to (1, 0), (X, 0), and (X, X), respectively, in Mode II for the novel voltage PWM scheme, as shown in Fig.5. Experimental results show that the stator current waveforms of the FSTP inverter using this novel voltage PWM scheme is rectangular, as shown in Fig.5(d). Similar situations apply to Mode V. The new stage (X, X) of this is introduced to turn off all power devices to prevent the capacitor discharging from the low-side switch. The commutation sequence and the PWM duty are shown in table I. TABLE I Switching sequence of the novel asymmetric voltage PWM scheme 3. SENSORLESS SCHEME The FSTP BLDC motor drives using the novel voltage PWM scheme have two phases to detect the back EMF, but the split capacitors cause the voltage waveform of back EMF to be triangular like. The voltages detected from phases A and B becomes two triangular like waveforms, and the voltage of the uncontrolled phase (phase C) becomes VDC/ 2, as shown in Fig. 6. Fortunately, after observing a lot of experimental results, we found that there we two waveform crossings between phase A and B voltage waveforms which can be used to estimate the rotor position. If we install rotor position sensors (Hall sensors) into BLDC motors, when we can observe the voltage waveforms of phases A and B, we found that two waveform crossings matched the two Hall signals at the same time respectively. Therefore, we propose to use the two crossings for rotor position estimation for sensor less commutation purposes. From the crossings we can estimate the timing of the two commutations TC1, andTC2. Assume the first estimated commutation is equal to T/ 3, and the second estimated commutation is 2T/ 3. The time difference between the two crossings is equal to the crossing counter (N) multiplied by the period of the timing counter, which is 10-6 (s). Please cite this Article as : R.Meenakshi , S.Sella Kumar and Dr.M.Sasikumar , PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE : Indian Streams Research Journal (MAY ; 2012) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE.............. Indian Streams Reserach Journal Vol.2,Issue.IV/May; 2012 4. SIMULATION RESULTS In this chapter a position sensor less control scheme for four switch three phase inverter to drive the BLDC motor has been explained with the simulation results.Figure4.1 shows the simulation model for sensor less BLDC motor with resistive load and The figure4.3 shows the simulation model for sensor less control of BLDC motor with motor load. Demultiplexer subsystem configuration is shown in the figure 8. The stator current, rotor speed, back EMF, electromagnetic torque has been discussed with the help of simulation results. Figure 6 simulation model sensor less control of BLDC motor with resistive load Figure 7 pulses obtained with resistive load Please cite this Article as : R.Meenakshi , S.Sella Kumar and Dr.M.Sasikumar , PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE : Indian Streams Research Journal (MAY ; 2012) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE.............. Indian Streams Reserach Journal Vol.2,Issue.IV/May; 2012 Figure 8 Simulation model for Sensor less control of BLDC motor with motor load 4.1 Simulated waveform of sensor less control of BLDC motor Figure 9 stator current with motor load Figure 10 rotor speed with motor load Please cite this Article as : R.Meenakshi , S.Sella Kumar and Dr.M.Sasikumar , PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE : Indian Streams Research Journal (MAY ; 2012) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE.............. Indian Streams Reserach Journal Vol.2,Issue.IV/May; 2012 Figure 11 Electromagnetic torque with motor load Figure 12 BackEMF of three phase motor Table II shows that the torque ripples are reduced and maintained constant when compared with the conventional system. 5. CONCLUSION The modeling and the simulation analysis of sensor less control of BLDC motor speed and its torque results are tested. The motor command speed from 720rpm to a higher speed of 2000rpm runs stably at both high and low speed under open loop position sensor less control. The position information is estimated from the crossings of voltage waveforms in floating phases and a low cost FPGA is utilized to implement the algorithm. Since the stator current waveforms of the FSTP inverter using this novel voltage PWM scheme are rectangular, the motor will operate smoothly and the torque ripple are maintained at the same level as reported in [11]. Switches and freewheeling diode count is reduced. Conduction losses are reduced remarkably. With the developed control scheme and the lowest cost implementation, the proposed scheme is suitable for commercial applications. REFERENCES [1] J. P. Johnson, M. Ehsani, and Y. Guzelgunler, (1999) “Review of sensorless methods for brushless DC”. [2] Shao and Nolan, (2005) “Further improvement of direct back EMF detection for sensorless brushless dc (BLDC) motor drives”. 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Please cite this Article as : R.Meenakshi , S.Sella Kumar and Dr.M.Sasikumar , PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM USING ASYMMETRIC PWM CONTROL TECHNIQUE : Indian Streams Research Journal (MAY ; 2012)