Speed sensorless control of PMSM motors implemented in real-time simulator Eisenhawer de M. Fernandes Denis R. Huller, Alexandre C. Oliveira Department of Mechanical Engineering Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) Campina Grande-PB, Brazil, 58429-900 Email: eisenhawer@dem.ufcg.edu.br Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) Campina Grande-PB, Brazil, 58429-900 Email: aco@dee.ufcg.edu.br Abstract— The paper presents a method for determining the transition region between rotor position estimators applied to permanent-magnet synchronous motors. A speed sensorless control scheme is implemented by combining the voltage injection method in low speed region, and back-emf estimation in the high speed region. The transition region is evaluated from the rms AC content level of the command current. Besides, based on this criteria, is established the bandwidths of the observers in function of the speed. Simulation are shown to verify the proposed technique. Results of the control system implemented in a real-time simulator are presented. I. I NTRODUCTION Permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives (PMSM) has become important competitors to Induction motor drives (IM) in applications wide-speed range due to characteristics such as higher efficiency and better dynamic performance. Permanentmagnet motor drives require rotor position information which is provided by a rotor position sensor mounted in motor shaft (encoders or resolvers). The use of rotor position sensor has disadvantages such as increasing cost, volume, necessity of mechanical adaptation and reduction of feasibility of drive system [1],[2]. In this manner, the scientific investigation aimed at eliminating the position sensor and estimate rotor position from electrical quantities of the motor, using the motor itself as position sensor. These solutions are known in the literature as self-sensing control or sensorless control. Self-sensing control methods can be classified in two categories, signal injection methods [3], [1], [4], [5], and backemf tracking methods. Signal injection methods are based on the tracking of the rotor magnetic saliency or rotor anisotropy of the motor in the low speed region, exploiting the highfrequency model of the motor when an extra signal is applied. The signal injection methods can present effects of the coupling of the fundamental current, performance affected by the non-linearities of the voltage converter [6], [7], and extra power losses [5]. On the other hand, the second category of methods estimates the rotor position from the back-emf estimation based on the fundamental model of the machine. The performance of the estimators is dependent on the back-emf amplitude [1], as well as present dynamic stiffness constraints in low speed region [8], [9]. Thus, there exists an operation region which two methods has acceptable performance and their responses can be combined. In literature there are several solutions that combine signal injection methods (suitable for low speed) and back-emf methods (suitable for high speed) for self-sensing control for wide-speed range [18],[11],[12],[5],[13],[8],[14],[2],[9],[15],[16],[17]. In [18], [19] has been proposed the integration between models based on saliency and back-emf estimation in a state filter, the transition between the models is carried out by a non-linear function of the estimated speed. Others solutions are based on hybrid topology that combines rotor flux estimation and signal injection [13],[2], or stator flux estimator and signal injection method [15]. In [14], a slide-mode observer is combined with signal injection technique to operate at low speed for a switched reluctance motor. In [9] is proposed an stator flux adaptive observer with MRAS in which a correction factor, function of the speed, is obtained from the estimation error presented by signal injection technique. These papers demonstrate the possibility of integration between rotor position estimation techniques with a smooth transition between the responses of the estimators for specific speeds. Usually, the transition rule is a weighting function of the responses, function of the speed. However, there is no discussion about the determination of the transition region between self-sensing techniques in which the rule can be applied. The implementation of the integration of the self-sensing control in commercial drive systems can present some constraints. The implementation of position estimators based on signal injection methods can presents some drawbacks [16],[20],[21]: dependency of the saliency ratio lsd /lsq , the estimation error is dependent of the A/D converter resolution, the high-frequency current produced by the voltage injection is affected by the high-frequency voltage distortions produced by the voltage converter. Besides, the estimation technique based on back-emf is affected by harmonic components of the backemf and dead-time effect of the voltage converter [22]. This work presents an evaluation method of the transition region between rotor position estimation techniques based on signal injection and back-emf tracking. The metric is the rms value of AC content of the q-axis reference current during the self-sensing operation. Based on the metric, it is established the bandwidth of the rotor position estimators in function of the operation speed. Simulation results are shown for selfsensing operation in wide-speed range. A real-time system based on FPGA with the configuration hardware in the loop, is used for implementing and testing the algorithm for rotor position estimation in wide speed range. II. S IGNAL INJECTION TECHNIQUE - LOW SPEED OPERATION Rotor position estimation methods in the low-speed range are based on the detection of orientation of the magnetic saliency of the machine. The estimation of the saliency is performed by the injection of a high-frequency signal. In this work, it has been implemented the voltage signal injection in the stationary reference frame. The technique consists of the application of high-frequency rotating vector ωh and magnitude Vh (1). The machine saliency modulates the amplitude of the high-frequency current produced by the injection (2). s vsdqh = Vh ejωh t (1) issdqh = Ih1 ejωh t + Ih2 ej(ωh t+2θr ) (2) III. BACK - EMF ESTIMATION - HIGH SPEED OPERATION For PMSM motor operation at medium and high speeds is required the use of estimation methods based on back-emf tracking. The information of the rotor position is extracted from back-emf estimation, thus, it is not necessary the application of extra signal. In this work, it has implemented the method proposed by [11]. The technique employs two cascaded estimators, one for back-emf estimation and other for rotor position estimation. The back-emf estimator is a current state-filter implemented in the stationary reference frame (Fig. 3). The structure is based on the extended bcak-emf model proposed by [12]. The estimated back-emf has the position information (θr ), the estimation error is applied to the input of the rotor position observer. The rotor position observer is a Luenberger observer which its output are the estimated mechanical speed (b ωrm−f cem ) and rotor position (θbrm−f cem ). The observer is illustrated in Fig. 4. Several methods for obtain the rotor position has been proposed in the literature. In Fig. 1 is shown the demodulation technique which is composed by band-pass filter (BPF) and synchronous-frame filtering (SFF). The resulting signals of the process contain the rotor information (pαβ ). These signals are applied to the observer’s inputs. The responses of the observer are the estimated mechanical (b ωrm−sal ) speed and estimated mechanical position (θbrm−sal ) (2). pαβ = Ih2 ej2θr Fig. 1. (3) Fig. 3. State-filter for stationary current and back-emf estimation. Demodulation scheme for signal injection method. Fig. 4. Back-emf tracking observer for estimation of position and speed at high-speed region. IV. E VALUATION OF THE TRANSITION REGION BETWEEN ESTIMATORS Fig. 2. Saliency-tracking observer for estimation of position and speed at low-speed region. The previous research presented a method to evaluate the limit of signal injection techniques and back-emf tracking. There is no discussion or little information about a criteria to changeover between these techniques. Thus, in this paper, is proposed a procedure to determine the transition region between the techniques using ¡as a metric ¢ the harmonic content r∗ of the reference current (ir∗ i sq sq CA ). The transition region can be obtained from a profile of the rms AC content of the commanded current varying the bandwidth of the position observer in function of the operation speed. The procedure to determine the transition region has the following steps: 1. Study of the profile of the estimated speeds in function of the operating speed, varying the bandwidth of the estimator; 2. Obtain the harmonic content profile of the reference current (ir∗ sq CA ) in function of the speed (ωrm ) for different values of observers bandwidth; 3. Determination of the admissible threshold value for harmonic content level of ir∗ sq CA for whole speed and identical for both estimation techniques; 4. The transition region which both estimation techniques present a reasonable performance can be identified by the r∗ superposition of the curves ir∗ sq CA and the level isq CA M AX (Fig.5); variables is 100µs. The DC-link voltage is 300V. The tuning of the position estimators has been chosen according to pole placement satisfying the transition criteria Fig. 8). A. Transition region The PMSM speed control system has evaluated for each estimation strategy and the results are shown in Fig.7. Based ont the results, one can verify that when AC content value ir∗ sq is greater than 4% of the rated current (IN = 2, 0A), occurs an fast increasing of the AC content. This can lead to faults of the drive system such as excessive heating or improper action of the protection system [22]. Thus, it has established as¯ threshold value 0, 04IN (4%) for whole speed ¯ ¯ ≤ 0, 04IN . Based on this value, one region, i.e., ¯ir∗ sq CA can identify the intersection region between the curves ir∗ sq CA for both techniques. In this manner, for the system in study, the transition region is the range from 125, 66 rad/s (20 Hz) e 188, 5 rad/s (30 Hz), vide Fig. 7. The lower and higher limit of the transition region is ωrm low = 125, 66 rad/s and ωrm high = 188, 5 rad/s, respectively. B. Bandwidth of the position estimators back-emf Transition region Fig. 5. Determination of the transition region between the signal injection technique and back-emf estimation. 5. Find the tuning of the position observers that fulfill the condition 4 in whole operation range; 6. Determine the combination between the estimations and the contribution of each response. In this work, the combination between the estimators’ responses is: θbrm = αθbrm sal + (1 − α)θbrm f cem (4) where α is a parameter that set the contribution of each estimator in the transition region. The choice of this parameter is addressed in the next section. V. S IMULATION RESULTS The representation of the self-sensing speed control system is illustrated in Fig. 6. The speed controller is composed by a PI regulator with bandwidth set at 10Hz. The torque vector control has been implemented. The current controller is a PI regulator in the synchronous reference frame. The d − axis reference current ir∗ sd is zero. The bandwidth of the current controllers are identical to 250 Hz. The high-frequency voltage has specification 60V-1, 0kHz. The sampling period of the 1000 900 Saliency−tracking method 800 700 Observer bandwidth [Hz] Saliency Threshold The tuning of the position/speed estimators was defined ¯ ¯ ¯ according to the criteria that ¯ir∗ sq CA ≤ 0, 04IN . In Fig. 8 is shown the bandwidth curves for the rotor position estimator based on saliency (red lines) and back-emf tracking estimator (blue lines) in function of the speed ωrm . From Fig.8, for the back-emf estimator, one can observe that with the reducing of the speed ωrm shoud be followed with the reduction of the estimator’s bandwidth, this has been verified in [22]. In analogous manner, when the control system operates at low speed and is demanded the increasing of the speed ωrm , the estimator’s bandwidth should be decreased. 600 500 400 300 200 Back−emf tracking method 100 0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Transition region between the methods. ¯ 200 220 240 260 ω [rad/s] rm ¯ ¯ Fig. 8. Observers bandwidth vs. ωrm for ¯ir∗ sq CA rms ≤ 4%IN : signal injection (blue lines), back-emf estimation (red lines). Diagram of PMSM self-sensing speed control for wide-speed range, integration of signal injection technique and back-emf estimation. |ir* | [% of rated current] sq AC Fig. 6. 9 Increasing of |ir* | for back−emf tracking sq AC − Blue lines 8 7 Increasing of |ir* | sq AC for saliency tracking − Red lines 6 5 Max. value set at |ir* | <=4% sq AC 4 3 2 1 Increasing of the BWO for saliency tracking − Red lines Increasing of the BWO for back−emf tracking − Blue lines 0 50 100 150 200 Transition region for Fig. 7. r* |isq|<=4% 250 ωrm [rad/s] of rated current ¯ ¯ ¯ Determination of transition region between the techniques assuming ¯ir∗ sq CA ≤ 4%IN : signal injection (blue lines), back-emf estimation (red lines). C. Choice of parameter α The parameter α in (4) means the contribution of each estimator in the transition region between the techniques. One important feature is how to set this parameter related to the speed. Different relations has been proposed in literature, linear [13], [23] or non-linear functions [18]. In this work, it has been established the¯ profile of α with the evolution of the ¯ ¯ AC content of ¯ir∗ that α has the sq CA . It has been ¯ ¯ r∗assumed ¯ ¯ behavior inverse to the profile of isq CA when the system operates in self-sensing control based on the signal injection estimator. Thus, the parameter α is a linear function of ωrm , such that: ωr < ωr low , α = 1; se ωr > ωr high , α = 0. D. Speed ramp command The simulation results for self-sensing speed control for a speed ramp command is shown in Fig.9. For this situation, the frequency of the reference is varied from 0 to 60 Hz in the time interval of 10 s. After t = 10s, the speed reference is constant and decreased to zero at t = 25s. The tuning of the rotor position estimators (signal injection and back-emf tracking) is function of the reference speed in order to has the bandwidth shown in Fig.8. Fig. 10. Representation of real-time system used for implementation of the algorithms. Fig. 9. Self-sensing speed control for ramp speed command (0 − 60Hz): (a) speed (ωr ), (b) estimated speed (ω br ), (c)¯ rotor positions (θr ) e estimated ¯ ¯ r∗ ¯ position (θbr ), current ir∗ sq , (e) rms value of isq CA ¯ ¯ ¯ The rms value of ¯ir∗ sq CA is performed FFT of the waveform from a window with 1024 samples [24]. The transition region between the techniques is represented by the symbols ωr high and ωr low . From the curves of the Fig. 9, one can verify that the performance is good with the AC content of ir∗ sq under the specified limit (4%IN ). The signal injection method is applied until the motor speed be greater than ωr high s s during the ramp, after this, vsdqh is zero. The voltage vsdqh is applied again when ωr > 1, 05ωr high . The saliency tracking estimator is set with last values of ω br ,θbr presented by backemf estimator. In this simulation the load torque is 25% of the rated torque. VI. R ESULTS OF THE REAL - TIME SYSTEM A real-time system based on FPGA has been used for implementing the PMSM self-sensing speed control. The model of the PM motor was implemented in a Altera development board (FPGA cyclone II). The system has a configuration emulated Hardware-in-the-loop. The modules has different time steps. The module ’PMSM’ (DE-2) has time step of 1µs while the module ’Control’ (DE-0) has time step of 100µs. Unfortunately, constraints associated to space memory of FPGA boards, it has been tested only the operation of rotor position estimator based on back-emf tracking for constant speed. Besides, it is shown the results for same operation obtained with the software PSIM. In Fig. 11 is shown the simulation results with the software PSIM for speed reference 377 rad/s (60 Hz). In Fig. 12 is shown the real-time simualation with the FPGA system. The bandwidth of the speed controller is 10 Hz. The bandwidth of the current controllers has bandwidth of 120 Hz. The results of the back-emf estimator presented a good performance with small estimation error. Besides, the results of the realtime system are compatible with the ones obtained with the software PSIM. VII. C ONCLUSION The work presented a procedure for determining the transition region between rotor position estimator techniques used for self-sensing control of permanent-magnet synchronous motors. The procedure allows for the integration of the responses of the rotor position estimators in order to estimate rotor position for wide speed range. The rotor position estimators has been implemented in software (C++/PSIM) and simulation results are addressed in the paper. 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