Copyright by the American Geophysical Union. Scales, W. A., P. A. Bernhardt, and G. Ganguli (1994), Early time evolution of negative ion clouds and electron density depletions produced during electron attachment chemical release experiments, J. Geophys. Res., 99(A1), 373–381, doi:10.1029/93JA02752. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 99, NO. A1, PAGES 373-381, JANUARY 1, 1994 Early time evolutionof negativeion cloudsand electron density depletionsproducedduring electron attachmentchemical releaseexperiments W. A. Scales Bradley Department of Electrical Engineering,Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,Virginia P. A. Bernhardt and G. Ganguli SpacePlasma Branch, Plasma PhysicsDivision, Naval ResearchLaboratory, Washington D.C. Abstract. Two-dimensionalelectrostatic particle-in-cell simulations are used to study the early time evolution of electron depletionsand negativeion clouds producedduring electron attachment chemicalreleasesin the ionosphere. The simulationmodel considersthe evolutionin the plane perpendicularto the magnetic field •nd • three-speciespl•sm• that containselectrons,positive ions, •nd also heavy negativeions that result as a by-productof the electronattachment reaction. The earlytime evolution(lessthan the negativeion cyclotronperiod)of the system showsthat a negative chargesurplusinitially developsoutsideof the depletion boundary as the heavy negative ions move acrossthe boundary. The electrons are initially restricted from movinginto the depletiondue to the magneticfield. An inhomogenouselectric field developsacrossthe boundary layer due to this chargeseparation.A highly shearedelectronflow velocitydevelopsin the depletion boundary due to E x B and VN x B drifts that result from electron density gradientsand this inhomogenous electricfield. Structureeventuallydevelopsin the depletionboundarylayer due to low-frequencyelectrostaticwavesthat havegrowth times shorter than the negativeion cyclotronperiod. It is proposedthat these wavesare most likely producedby the electron-ionhybrid instability that results from sufficientlylarge shearsin the electronflow velocity. 1. Introduction in the ionosphericplasma density is created. Calcula- A problem that is similar in many respectsto the release of neutral chemicals that photoionize in the Earth's ionosphere,such as barium, cesium, sodium, europium, and lithium, is the releaseof electronattachment chemicals. Initially, when releasedinto the Fregion, these chemicalsattach electronsand produce electrondensity depletions. Heavy negativeion clouds are created as a by-product of the electron attachment reaction. At later times, the backgroundpositive ion electron attachment chemicalsproducefaster, larger, and longerlasting perturbationsto the ionospherethan typical photoionization chemicals. This is becauseof the larger reaction rate constantsof the electron attachmentmaterials. The largestelectrondensitygradients, ion fluxes, and polarization electric fields should be produced by electron attachment chemical releases. Important usesfor the electronattachmentreleasemay tions by Bernhardtet al. [1991]havepredictedthat density(composed primarilyof O+ at the altitudesof be the perturbationof auroralcurrentsystems[Berninterest)will be reducedby mutualneutralizationwith hardt et al., 1991],focusingof high-powerradio waves the heavy negative ions. The mutual neutralization re- [Bernhardtand Duncan,1987a],and the studyof the actionprovidesa usefulground-basedoptical diagnostic physicsof negativeion plasmasin space[Gangullet tool sincethe reaction productsare left in electronically al., 1993]. Typical chemicalsusedduring recentex(SF6), trifioromethly excitedstates[Bernhardtet al., 1986].Two important perimentsare sulfurhexafiuoride (Ni(CO)4).The advantagesof the electron attachment chemicalrelease bromide(CFsBr),andnickelcarbonyl overthe photoionization chemicalreleaseis that (1) no sunlight is requiredfor the chemicalreactionsto take dissociative electron attachment terials are as follows: reactions for these ma- placeand (2) a depletionratherthan an enhancement SF6+ e- -• SF• + F Copyright 1994 by the American GeophysicalUnion. CF3Br + e- --• Br- + CF3 Paper number 93JA02752. Ni(CO)4+ e- • Ni(CO)• + CO 0148-0227/94/93JA-02752505.00 373 374 SCALES ET AL.: EVOLUTION OF CHEMICAL RELEASES In each case, heavy negative ions are created whose tector was near the depletion boundary layer, waves massis muchlarger than the background O+ mass. near 200 Hz were observed. This comparesto a lower hybrid frequencyof several kilohertz. At later times, The studiesby Bernhardt[1987b]and Bernhardtet [1991] haveshown thatNi(CO)4, CF3Br,andSF6arein when the detectorwas further insidethe negativeion many wayssuperior to chemicalsthat have been histor- plasma,wavesat frequenciesbetween2 and 10 Hz were ically usedto create electrondepletionsby ion-molecule observed.These waveswere possiblynear the Br- and reactions such as H2 and H20. This is because of the Ni(CO)• cyclotronfrequencies whichwereroughly9 large reactionrate constantsof the electronattachment and 5 Hz, respectively. materials. These new observationsduring NICARE have motiIn the past decade,there havebeenseveraltheoretical vated us to develop a numerical simulation model to and numericalstudiesof processesassociatedwith elec- study the very early time microscopicprocessesobtron attachment chemical releases. Theoretical studies servedduringthe releases.In this paperwereport on an have considered electron attachment and neutralization initial attempt at modelingthe early time evolutionof chemistry,airglow production,ambipolarelectricfields the electrondepletionand negativeion cloudas well as alongthe geomagneticfield, and macroscopic plasmain- the developmentof low-frequencyelectrostaticwaves. stabilities[MendilloandForbes,1982;Bernhardt,1984, Section 2 describes the simulation model in detail. Sec1986, 1987b]. The first nonlinearnumericalsimula- tion 3 describesresultsfrom a representativesimulation tion of the electron attachment release was the two- run. The initial evolutionof the electrondepletionand dimensional workof Bernhardt[1988].This workused negativeion cloud and the developmentof electrostatic an electrostatic fluid mode] to study the macroscopic plasma wavesin the depletionboundary layer are emprocessesassociated with the motion of the electron phasized. A summary of the results and a discussion depletion and negative ion cloud acrossthe geomag- are presentedin section 4. netic field when under the influence of a neutral wind- generatedelectric field. This work predictedthe struc- 2. Simulation Model turing of the plasma depletionby the E x B interchange To model the e•rly time behavior of the electron instability. Recent simulationworksby Bernhardt et al. density depletion,negative ion cloud, •nd electrostatic [1991]and ScalesandBernhardt[1991]haveconsidered w•ves observed during the NICARE experiments,we the electrodynamicsof the re]easesalong the geomagnetic field lines and structuringof the depletiondue to h•ve developed• two-sp•ce •nd three-velocitydimenhigh-speedre]easeof the chemicalsat satellitevelocities sionperiodic electrostaticp•rticle-in-cell simulationcode acrossthe geomagneticfield. Theseworks,like the work by usingstandardtechniques[Hockheyand Eastwood, 1991]. Our of Bernhardt[1988],usedmacroscopic fluid simulation 1988;Tajima, 1989;Birdsalland œangdon, modelsand consideredthe evolutionon largespaceand simulation model considersthe evolution in the plane perpendicularto the geomagneticfield •nd • low bet• A recently conductedseriesof soundingrocket ex- plasma. The simulation model •11owsus to study proon timescalesof the order of or lessth•n the negperiments called the Nickel Carbony] Re]easeExper- cesses iments(NICARE) have been able to study the very ative ion cyclotron period which correspondsto • few early time microscopicprocessesassociatedwith the one-tenthsof secondsduring the experiments.Our tworelease of electron attachment chemicals for the first dimensional•pproxim•tion is v•lid on this timescale timesca]es. time [Bernhardtet al., 1991,1993;Gangullet al., 1993]. sincethe work of Bernhardtet al. [1991]showsthat Theseexperiments released CFsBrandNi(CO)4at al- the electrondepletionlifetime •long the m•gnetic field titudes of 300-400 km at midlatitudes and were success- fu] at creatingelectrondensitydepletions.A Langmuir probe and VLF plasma wave receiverwere used to obtain the first in situ measurementsof electron density and electricfield fluctuationsduring an electronattachment chemical release. Results of the NICARE 1 ex- periment[Bernhardtet al., 1991;Ganguliet al., 1993] is •t least • few tens of seconds.L•rge •mbipol•r electric fieldssustainthe steepfield-•lignedelectrondensity gradient•nd preventelectronsfrom filling the depletion in during this time period. Of course,the electrondensity gradientin the plane perpendicularto the m•gnetic field is sustained by the cyclotron motion of the electrons. Therefore the electron hole c•n be considered in showedthat during the releaseof 30 kg of CFsBr, the • plane perpendicularto the m•gnetic field. The sp•- electrondensitywasreducedfrom105cm-3 to 15 cm-3 till scales to be considered •re hundreds of meters in in ]essthan 0.1 s. Large electrondensitygradientswere •ccord•nce with the steep e•rly time densitygradients observedthat initially had scalelengthslessthan 100 observedduring the NICARE experiment. We consider• three-speciesm•gnetizedplasm• that m whichcompares to an O+ Larmorradiusof the order of heavynegativeions,X-, positiveions,O+, of 10 m. Therefore the modified ionospherecould be consists considered asanambient ionospheric plasma(e--O +) •nd electrons,e-. The massr•tios •re rnx/rne = 400 massr•tio betweenthe separated froma negativeionplasma(Br- -O +) by a •nd rno/me = 50. The choosen relatively thin boundary layer. The NICARE 1 plasma positiveions •nd electronsis sufficientto separatethe wave receiver detected VLF waves that were coincident with the formation of the electron depletion and neg- ion •nd electron timescales •nd •11ows the simulation to be run with • reasonable •mount of CPU time while ative ion cloud. At early times(< 5 s), whenthe de- following the full electron dynamics. The mass r•tio SCALES ET AL.' EVOLUTION of the negativeion speciesdiscussed earlier(SF•, Br-, OF CHEMICAL RELEASES 375 ADe).All particlesare loadedwith standardMaxwellian andNi(CO)•) andO+ isapproximately 8, 5, and9, re- velocity distributions and have zero-directedvelocity. spectively.The massratio of the negativeand positive After initialization, the particles are allowed to freely ionsin the simulationis rex/too - 8 whichis represen- move acrossthe boundary becauseof their initial thertative of these values. The chemical reactions that occur mal energy. For the simulationresultsthat we discuss, duringthe releasedirectly determinethe densitygradi- the ratio of the ambient electron plasma frequencyto Wpe/•ce,is 0.5. The ent scalelengthsin the boundarylayer and indirectly the electroncyclotronfrequency, determine the dc electric field that results from charge temperature of the three speciesis taken to be equal, imbalance near the boundary. In our present model, that is, Te=Tx=To. With the chosenvalues of partiwe neglectthe complexitiesof the chemicalreactions, cle temperaturesand cyclotronfrequencies,the Larmor in particular, the electronattachment,and assumethat radii of the electrons,negative and positiveions moving electronshave been attached prior to the initialization at the thermal velocity are p• = 0.5ADe,Px - 10AD•, of the simulation. Note that this does not necessarily and Po - 3.5ADe,respectively.In this case,the radius imply that all of the neutralshave attachedelectrons of the electrondepletionis 3.2px. As we stated earlier, prior to initialization. On the early timescaleswe con- the results of one simulation run with the parameters sider, only a small fraction of the total number of neu- previouslystated will be presentedand discussedin detrals have attached electrons. However, becauseof the high neutral densityon this timescale,this small fraction of neutrals may be enough to totally deplete the electron density in a sufficientlysmall localizedregion. We have developeda more sophisticatedmodel that incorporateselectron attachment and the results of how chemistry affects plasma processeswill be reported on in the near future. Figure 1 showsa crosssectionof the densitiesof the three particle speciesin our simulation at initialization. The simulation box is 128 x 128 grid cells, where the grid cell size is equal to the ambient electron Debye length ADe. We use 20 simulationparticlesper grid cell for each species. The electrons are initialized with a density depletion in which there are no electronswithin a circular disk region at the center of the simulation box. The negative ions populate this circular disk region, while the positiveion densityis constantthroughout the simulation box. This configurationguarantees chargeneutrality and zero electrostaticenergy at initialization. The importanceof the mutual neutralization of the negativeand positiveionsmay be neglected as a result of the short timescaleswe are considering. The electrondepletionhas a radiusof 32 grid cells(or tail. The ratiosm•/mo, rex/too, Wp•/•, andT•/Tx and the depletion radius have been varied in a number of other simulation runs producing qualitatively similar results. The important effectsof varying severalof these parameters will be briefly discussedafterward. 3. Results The simulation model just described was used to study the nonlinear early time evolution of the electron depletion and negative ion cloud producedby an electron attachment chemical release. The simulation wasrun to the time Wpet- 1000 whichis roughly0.8 negativeion cyclotronperiodsor 20 ambient lower hybrid periodswhere the ambient lowerhybrid frequency •LH, is WI2'H --1+(Wp•/f•c•) 2 with ;vo the ambient0 + plasmafrequency.Note that the lowerhybrid frequencyin the boundarylayer, where bothion species are present, will be givenby ;V•H= (w• + w•)/(1 + (Wpe/•c•)2), wherewx is thenegative ion plasma frequency. Since mx >> mo and therefore w• >> w•, the lowerhybridfrequency in the boundary layer is approximatelyequalto that in the ambient plasma. First, we describethe initial dynamicsof the system and afterward the developmentof electrostatic wavesin the depletion boundary layer. DENSITY w•t = 0 ELECTRONS 3.1. Initial Dynamics 0 The early evolution in the simulationshowsthat the heavy negative ions move acrossthe depletionbound•v(,) IONS ary due to their initial thermal energy since they are essentiallyunmagnetizedon the simulation timescales. The electronsare strongly magnetized,and the magPOSITIVE netic field restricts their motion acrossthe boundary. IONS This producesan excessof negative chargeoutside of the boundary and an outward electricfield, Er, devel0 128 ops in the radial, •, direction. This field is localized X/•D• Figure 1. A cross- sectionof the initial particle den- at the depletion boundary. Figure 2 showsthe angle sities in the simulation model. Units of the density are averaged densitiesof the three particle speciesat two particlesper grid cell. Note that the electrondensityis times during the simulation run. At the early time, zero inside the depletion. Wpel= 300, the electronshave been unable to move 40 NEGATIVE 376 SCALES ET AL.' EVOLUTION OF CHEMICAL ELECTRON DENSITY 4O ,%t '300' ' 20 RELEASES [ NEGATIVE ION POSITIVE ION FLUX FLUX FLUX N•ga/No¬,• Nxgx•/No¬,• Nogo•/No¬,• .2O a• et ELECTRONS 0 4o -.20 NEGATIVE 20 , .20 , , I ' , a • i w•et ' 100.... IONS 0 ' - • 0 4o 20 . POSITIVE 2o .20 [ . i ! , i - , I • - ! Wpet= lOOO I i i iONS 0 64 0 64 o 64 o 64 o 64 Figure 2. Particle densityprofilesin the simulation run at Wpet- 300 andWpet- 1000. Light line indicates Figure 3. Azimuthalfluxes(N•) of the threespecies the densities at Wpet- 0. Notethe negativeionsdiffuse at wp•t = 0, 100, and 1000. The fluxes are normalacrossthe boundary at early times and the electrons izedto N0•he whereN0 is the ambientparticledensity diffuseinto the depletion at late times. and •he is the electronthermal velocity.Note that the electronflux is muchlargerthan that of the ionsand is acrossthe boundaryinto the depletiondue to the mag- sheared at Wpet= 100.At theendof therun(wp•t= netic field. The negative ions have moved acrossthe 1000)the electron flux h• decrededsignific•tly. boundaryto createa surplusof negativechargeoutside the depletion.Also, note that the positiveion density where e is the unit chargeand e0 is the permittivity exhibits a depressionnear the boundary. This is due constant. Since the particle densitiesdependon the to accelerationof the positiveionsacrossthe depletion radial distance, r, both the E x B and VN x B flow by the radial ambipolarelectricfield beforethey begin velocities will be sheared. Also note that the E x B their cyclotron motion. At later times,a•pet-- 1000, and diamagneticdrifts will be in the samedirectionfor the electronshave diffusedinto the depletion due to the electronsandin oppositedirections for the negative anomalousprocesses causedby the developmentof elec- ions. trostatic wavesin the depletion boundary layer. This Figure3 showsthe azimuthalflux (N•) of the three will be discussed in more detail shortly. particle speciesat three times during the simulation Anazimuthally directed, •, E x B flowvelocity may run. (Note that theseprofileshavebeenaveraged in developin eachparticle speciesdue to the radial electric field. Also,because of the radialdensitygradients at the boundary,azimuthaldiamagnetic drifts(VN x B) may result. The total azimuthalflow velocityof a particular particlespecies,•, will be madeup of thesetwo the azimuthaldirection.)At Wpet= 100,the electron flux can be seento be muchlargerthan the ion fluxes. The electronflux is also highly shearedand localized nearthe depletionboundary(r/Ape = 32). By the end of the run, the electronflux profileis seento significomponentsand is given by cantly broaden. There is also a shift of the maximum flux to a radiuslargerthan the initial depletionradius. Throughoutthe run, the fluxes of the ion speciesremain small in comparisonto the electronflux sincethe ions are weakly magnetized. The negativeion flux is Here the particlespeciescharge,density,and temperobserved to be in the oppositedirectionto the postive ature are denotedby q,, N,, and T, respectively.The T, i ONe(r) (2) ø(r)- E(r) s qoS first term in (2) is the E x B drift, Vz(r), andit may ion and electron flux. be relatedto the particledensitiesthroughPoisson's The temporal evolution of the electrostaticfield enequation as ergy and averageazimuthalflowvelocityof eachspecies OVz(r) Figure 4. The total electricfield is composedof the ra- Or i OE•(r) - B Or (averaged overall particles of that species) is shownin e(No(r) - (Nx(r) + Ne(r)))/eo dial component, Er, that resultsfromthe radialcharge (3) separationand an azimuthal component,E•, that ulti- SCALES ET AL.' EVOLUTION OF CHEMICAL RELEASES 377 kinetic energy lossby the negativeions goesinto the densityand flow velocitygradients.The energyin these electrostaticenergyand the accelerationof the positive two components of the field (normalizedto the initial ions acrossthe boundary. The total electron kinetic ennegativeion kineticenergy)is shownseparately.The ergy change(not shown)is negliblysmall duringthe radial electrostaticenergy growsabove the noiselevel run. and reachesa maximumaroundWpef----300 and then 3.2. Wave Development slowly decreases.The azimuthal field energy,which is smallerthan the radial energy,growsrelativelyrapidly As we discussedearlier, electrostaticwavesassociated during the time the radial energy grows. A slow in- with the azimuthal electricfield developin the depletion creasein the azimuthal energy is observedafter that boundary layer and propagate azimuthally around the time. The averageazimuthal flow velocitiesmaximize depletion boundary. These waveswhich begin to demately results from plasma instabilities driven by the around the same time that the radial electrostatic en- ergy doesand begin to decreaseby the end of the run. The averageazimuthal flow velocityfor the electronsis larger than that for the ion species.Again, we seethat the averagenegativeion flow velocityis in the opposite direction to the electronsand positive ions. Note that the averageflow velocitiesare small in comparisonto the electron thermal velocity Vtheand also smaller than the negativeion thermal velocityin this case.The maximum value for the electronflow shownin Figure 4 is roughly 0.6VthX. The energyfor the electrostaticfieldsshownin Figure 4 ultimately comesfrom the motionof the negativeions as they moveacrossthe depletionboundary due to their initial kinetic energy.Figure 5 showsthe kineticenergy velopearlyin the run, caninitiallybe seenaroundWpef = 100and continueto growuntil roughlyWpet- 400. Figure 6 showsthe radial and azimuthalelectricfieldsat Wpet- 300whichis nearthe time the total electrostatic energy maximizes in Figure 4. We see that the radial electricfield is highly localizednear the boundaryof the depletion(r/ADe -- 32). The azimuthalelectricfieldat the boundary in Figure 6 exhibits coherentstructure with the wavelengthroughly 9ADewhich is less than the negativeion Larmor radius. To considerthe effectof developmentof the waveson the densityof the plasmaspecies,we showin Figures7 and 8 the electrostaticpotential and the densityof each plasma speciesin two-dimensionalspace. These quan- tities are shownat three times,Wpet- 100, 400, and of the ion species (normalizedto the initial negativeion 1000. At Wpet- 100, Figure 7 showsthe potentialis kineticenergy)duringthe simulationrun. The negative localizednearthe depletionboundary.At Wpet- 400, ions initially decelerateas they move acrossthe bound- the potential exhibits structure as a result of the develary and their total kineticenergyminimizesat the same opmentof the wavesand has increasedin magnitudeby time the total electrostaticenergymaximizes. Because roughly a factor of 2. At the end of the run, the poof the developmentof the radial electric field, the posi- tential has broadenedin space,and its magnitudehas tive ions are acceleratedacrossthe boundary, and their reduced to a valueneartothatat Wpet - 100.Figure 8 total kinetic energyinitially increasesas can be seenin showsthe initial developmentof the wavesin the elec- Figure 4. At later times,the positiveion kineticenergy tron densityat Wpet- 100. Later, at Wpef- 400 and decreasesand the negativeion kinetic energyincreases 1000, the structure is more pronounced,and closeinas the total electrostaticenergy decreases.The total spection showsthe developmentof vortices. Becauseof anomalousdiffusionof the electronsinto the depletion 0.02 KINETIC ENERGY 1.00 ELECTROSTATIC ENERGY azimuthal NEGATIVE IONS 0.00 .03 0.85 5.22• • 0 • O+ -.03 0 1000 i• 5.0s I ............ Figure 4. Radial and azimuthal electrostaticfield en- 0 IONS ]POSIT 1000 •pe t ergy(normalized to the initialtotal negativeionkinetic energynxTx) andthe averageazimuthalflowvelocities Figure 5. Kineticenergyof the positiveand negative (averagedoverall particlesof the species)of the three ions(normalizedto the initial total negativeion kinetic particlesspeciesduring the simulation. energy,nxTx) duringthe run. 378 SCALES ET AL.: EVOLUTION OF CHEMICAL RELEASES POTENTIAL ?j.".'.'•'-..:'::2:.:,.::'.".'i '•.. •j::?.--: :.':::'"c.:' '.::.:.:...F.•, ..•Y::•..':.:'• -4:.-.' .... :•??:'i"!"-::'.... •':•'•:i??:?-i '• wp•t= 100 -.5 0.............. .5 E• 64 -.:""•"'" '••:••..."4!:...:'f "' "• ' ':-'i:•..•,- ß .::,•..'.';:!;:':;"•".-c.•":•':;•?: !'a;':' ..... "'•.'.;-':/ ß; •.• '.-•.:•:: -:.:."."', '.'.',:,'-:'E:•.. •;:... :.. '.•":: :.•.: .'_..'.',%',.:.:'.",:::_'i-,:.;:•;' • ß 0 w•t = 300 0 y/AD .p,t = 400 -.5 o o Figure 6. Radialandazimuthalelectricfieldsat wpet - 300 (normalized to meVtheWpe/q). Notethe radial fieldis localizednearthe depletionboundary(r/,•De -3•). 128 "::".::F•?::"t•::.•.'::•.•-•.:'•?'( • ' :'....[•' .4.¾2%.:.:",::':.: '?""•':"'• ..... '"'"'?::' wp•t- 1000 causedby the development of waves,the initial sharp electrondensitygradientrelaxessignificantlyby the end of the run. This canbe seenclearlyin Figure2 aswell. The diffusionof the negativechargeinto the depletion 0 128 ultimatelyreducesthe radial componentof the electric x/Xr fieldasshownin Figure4. The structurein thenegative run and positiveion densitiesis lesspronouncedthan the Figure 7. Potential(eq•/Te)duringthe simulation levelsrun from-1.0to 2.6 by 0.144).Dotted structurein the electrondensity. However,we find that (contour the structureis morepronouncedin the lighterpositive contours indicate •b ( 0. Note the structure in the potential due to wavedevelopment. ionsthan the heavynegativeions. Figure 9 showsa power spectrum of the azimuthal electricfield E•, taken at a singlegrid point on the argued to be the sourceof the wavesobservedin the electrondepletionboundary(r/Aoe = 32). Thesewaves simulation work of Galvez et al. Galvez et al. found are driven by plasma instabilitieswhosepossiblefree that there was relatively good agreementbetweenthe energysourceswe will discussshortly. The spectrumis wavelengthof maximumgrowthobtainedby solvingthe takenoverthe timeperiodfromWpet- 200to 1000and electrostaticdispersionrelationfor the LHD instability representsthe wavesin a nonlinear saturated state. The and the simulationresults.The scalingof the instabilwave power is low frequencywith the power existing ity wavelength with magnetic fieldstrength between0.1 to 0.3WLS.Spectralanalysisof the radial predictedby the LHD instability showedsimilar trends field, Er, showsthat it is essentiallya zero-frequency with the simulations. However, they found that the (dc) field. frequencyand wavelengthpredictedby the LHD instaWave growth similar to the casestudied here was ob- bility did not agreewith the observations madeduring servedin numericalsimulationsby Sydoraet al. [1983] the AMPTE barium releaseexperiments. In general, and Galvezet al. [1988]of barium cloudreleasesin the predictedwavelengthswere too short, and the prewhichthe barium cloudswereallowedto expandacross dicted frequencieswere too high. There was also disa static magneticfield. The primary differencein these agreementbetweenthe frequencyof the unstablewaves two studieswas the fact that the work of Sydoraet al. and phase velocitiespredictedby the LHD instability consideredthe caseof a nonzeroradial expansionveloc- and the results observed in the simulations. Galvez et ity of the ions and electrons.Sydoraet al. attributed al. alluded to the fact that thesediscrepanciescouldbe thesewavesto the Kelvin-Helmholtzinstabilitythat re- due to their model's exclusion of the effect of shears in sultsfromthe shearin the azimuthalflowvelocityat the the electron flow velocity. cloudboundarylayer.The lowerhybriddrift (LHD) inAnother instability processthat showsmuchpromise stability resultingfrom E x B and VN x B drifts was in explainingthe wavesin the electrondepletionbound- SCALES ELECTRON NEGATIVE DENSITY ET AL.' ION DENSITY 128 EVOLUTION OF CHEMICAL RELEASES POSITIVE ION DENSITY POWER .01 379 SPECTRUM .................. 'w•,t ='10 0 Io()l = 0 ,%,t , 400 128 ß . V/Ave o 2 02/ 02LH Figure 9. Power spectrumof the azimuthalelectric field Es, taken on the electrondepletionboundaryfor 200 < Wp•t< 1000. o ß 'w•,t'=1000• ' ' 128 1 ELECTRON FLOW VELOCITY 0 128 0 128 0 128 1.0 w•et = 100 x/Ave Figure 8. Densitiesof the threeparticlespecies during the run (contourlevelsrun from0.0 to 24.0by 2.0). Note that pronouncedstructuredevelopsin the electron density. 0.0 ary layer in our numerical simulationsis the electron- ion-hybrid (EIH) instabilityof Ganguliet al. [1988]. This instability results from the shear in the electron flow velocity V•. A nonlocal linear electrostaticfluid dispersion relationfor wavespropagating perpendicular Figure 10. Azimuthalelectronflowvelocityprofileat to the magneticfield in a plasmawith a perpendicular Wpet'- 100, showinglargeinitial velocityshearsat the electronflow velocityand perpendicular flow velocity depletionboundary. and densitygradientsis givenby [Ganguliet al. 1988, 1993;Romeroet al., 1992a] instabilitiespredictlinear wavegrowthwith w ,,, WLH. However,the EIH instabilityhasthe advantagein that vs() ,. it predictslonger wavelengthswith ka.L• ,,, 1 where = =0 k• is the wavenumberperpendicularto the magnetic (4) field and L• is the scalelengthof the electronflowvewhere G(w)= •2/(• + 1)(1- (WLH/W)2), $ = Wpe/flce,locityprofile(p, < L• < fo). This is comparedto - + = and = - hy-"' (Te/•) 1/2fortheLHDinstability. In general, brid frequencyWLHis the valuein the boundarylayer whereboth ion speciesare present• discussed earlier, and the first-orderperturbationelectrostaticpotential is denotedby 4•(z). Notethat in oursimulationgeometry,theradialvariabler corresponds to z in (4), which is the directionof densityand flow velocitygradients. The azimuthal variable 0 correspondsto •, which is the directionof the flowvelocityandwavepropagation. Thethirdtermin (4) represents thefreeenergyforwave growth. The two free energysourcesare shearedelectronflow(V•(z) and V•(z)) andelectrondensitygr• both free energysourcesin (4) may exist. However, the workof Romeroet al. [1992b]hasshownthat if the shearfrequency, w, = Vm•x/L•, whereVm•xis the maximumvalueof the electronflowvelocity,is largerthan the lowerhybridfrequency,WLH,then the EIH instability drivenby the electronflowvelocityshearsdominates the LHD instability. To considerthe role of the EIH instability in more detail, we showin Figure 10 the electronflow velocity profileearlyin the simulation (Wpet = 100)at the time wavesinitially beginto be observed in Figure8. Figure dients(en).If thevelocity shearcontributions, V•• and 10 showsvery large velocityshearsnear the depletion V•, arezero,thenthe dispersion relationin (4) reduces boundary. The maximum flow velocityis observedto to the form for the LHD instability[Krall and Liewet be --0.9Vtheand the scalelength over which the elec1971].On the otherhand,if theelectrondensitygradi- tron flow is localizedis roughly2Aoe. This impliesa ent contributionen is zero,then the dispersionrelation shearfrequency of 0.45Wpe. The lowerhybridfrequency reduces to that for the EIH instability[Ganguliet al., fromthe parameters of section2 is 0.134Wpe. There1988;Romeroet al., 1992a,b].Both the LHD and EIH forew,/WLH= 3.4 > 1, and the EIH instabilityshould 380 be the dominant SCALES ET AL.: EVOLUTION source of the waves in our simulation run. The condition kxLz ~ i for EIH instabilitydriven wavespredicts a wavelengthof roughly 12.6ADe which is in reasonableagreementwith the value 9ADe that is observedearly during the simulation. Another important piece of evidencethat supportsthe EIH instability is the nonlinear evolution of the system. As we discussedearlier, vortex formation is observedin the electrondepletionboundarylayer in the nonlinearstage of the developmentof the waves.This is the dominant OF CHEMICAL RELEASES in the boundary layer. Becauseof anomalousdiffusion causedby these waves, the electronsmay diffuseback into the depletion. This ultimately causesthe density gradient and flow velocity profile to relax as well as a reduction in the electric field. We find that the wave- lengths of these waves are less than the negative ion Larmor radius and that the frequencyin the nonlinear regimeto be muchlessthan the lowerhybridfrequency. The most likely candidate for this wave development is the EIH instability that results from shearsin the nonlinearsignatureof the EIH instability(wa/WLH > 1), electronflow velocity[Ganguliet al., 1988]. Shearsin wherethe dominant nonlinearsignatureof the LHD in- the electron flow velocity in the simulation runs were stability (wa/WLH< 1) is the development of kinksin shownto be sufficientlylarge to excite the EIH instathe electrondensity[Romeroet al., 1992b]. Because bility. Also, the fact that vorticeswere observedin the of the broadeningof the electron flow velocity profile nonlinearregimesupportthe EIH mechanism. by the EIH instability, the dynamical evolutionof the systemin time shouldexhibit a cascadefrom high fre- Finally, we may briefly compare our results with wavesobservedduring the NICARE i experiment.Our quencies (• ~ •LH) andshortwavelengths to lowerfre- simulationsdescribethe evolution on time periods of quencies (•v<<•VLH)andlongerwavelengths [Ganguliet the order of or less than the negative ion cyclotron aL, 1993].This is consistent with Figure9 whichshows period. This correspondsto timescalesof 0.2 seconds that the power spectrum of the saturated state of the or lessassuming Br- and Ni(CO)• cyclotron frequensystemis dominated by waveswith frequenciesthat are cies of 9 and 5 Hz, respectively. Waves near 200 Hz much lessthan the lower hybrid frequency. were observedon this timescaleas the diagnosticpayWe have performed other simulation runs varying load initially passedthrough the steep densitygradiTe/Tx, •pe/•ce, and me/mo. Theseshowqualita- entsat the negativeion cloudboundary[Ganguliet al., tively similar results. We note that in varying 0.5 • 1993].Assumingan ambientlowerhybridfrequencyin Wpe/•½e • 2, wefind that for strongermagneticfields, the kilohertz range, our powerspectrumresultswould the electron flow velocity profile scale length Lz is scaleto frequenciesin the hundredsof hertz whichis in shorterin the simulationruns. (The thicknessof the agreementwith the observations.More detailedanalynegative charge surplus layer becomesthinner as the sisof the electrondensityand wavesobservedduringthe magneticfieldstrengthincreases as well.) We alsofind NICARE seriesof experiments is nowunderinvestigathat the wavelengthof the wavesin the boundarylayer tion. Future work will make more detailedcomparisons are shorter in an absolutesenseas the magneticfield with the experimentaldata. strength increases.This is keepingwith the fact that Our ongoingwork is to incorporate and study the kxLz ~ i for the EIH instability. effectsof electron attachment chemistryin our model. This study will provide a more realistic descriptionof the attachmentof the electronsand creationof neg4. Summary and Conclusions ative ions by the releasedneutrals. A more accurate Numerical simulations have been used to study the descriptionof the initial formation of the electronand early-timeevolutionof electrondensitydepletionsand negative ion density gradients as well as the flow venegativeion cloudsproducedduring electronattach- locitiesin the boundary layer can be obtainedfrom this ment chemicalreleasesin the ionosphere.We have con- modelaswell. Extendingour simulationmodelto study wavesat the negativeion cyclotronfresideredthe dynamicsin a plane perpendicularto the lower-frequency magneticfield and focusedon timescaleslessthan the quencyis alsounder investigationto considerthe waves negative ion cyclotronperiod. This is in contrast to at thesefrequenciesobservedat later times during the previoussimulation work that consideredmacroscopic experiments. fluid processes [Bernhardt,1988;Scalesand Bernhardt, 1991].We find that a negativechargesurplusdevelops Acknowledgments. This work was supported at Va. outsidethe depletioninitially as the negativeionsmove Tech by ONR grants N00014-92-J-1498 and N00014-92-Jacrossthe boundary,sincethey are unmagnetizedon 1484. The work was supported at NRL by the Office of Naval TechnologyPostdoctoralFellowshipProgram(WAS) this timescale. The electrons remain bound to the field lines and are restrictedfrom movingback into the depletion initially. 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