PRIME 2013 1 Transient Analysis applying S-Parameters as Operators Heinrich Nuszkowski, Robert Wolf, Frank Ellinger, Senior Member, IEEE, Gerhard Fettweis, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—We propose a calculation method for transient analysis of linear time-invariant systems basing on the Mikusinski operator. Since signal-flow charts and scattering parameters (Sparameters) are used to describe the analyzed networks, the method is very vivid. The applied S-parameters form operators describing transmission and reflection of power waves from one node to an other of the network’s signal-flow chart. Although the usage of operators exhibits some similarities to the Laplace transform, the effect of the operators is interpreted in time domain, and a transform of the signals is not required. Thus, the presented calculation method is suitable to vividly analyze dynamic processes on electrical lines. Index Terms—Scattering parameters, S-parameters, transient analysis, operators I. I NTRODUCTION T HE characterization of radio frequency (RF) circuits by scattering parameters (S-parameters) became state-ofthe-art since the publications of Penfield [1], Youla [2] and Kurokawa [3]. In contrast to other n-port parameter sets like Z- or Y-parameters, S-parameters can even be measured very precisely for very high frequencies. Usually, S-parameters are complex numbers describing the relationship of magnitude and phase between incoming and outgoing power waves at the ports in steady state. A transient analysis using power waves is also possible [4]–[6]. In this case, the S-parameters Sij are no complex number anymore but become impulse responses sij (t) in time domain and transfer functions Sij (p) dependent on the complex frequency p in frequency domain. The outgoing power waves bi (t) can be derived from the incoming ones aj (t) by convolution in time domain or by multiplication of the transformed signals in frequency domain. In this publication, we would like to propose a method for transient analysis of dynamic processes using the S-parameters as operators introduced by Mikusinski [7], [8]. Within the book Lineare Netzwerke of Peter Vielhauer [9], the operators are introduced to describe and calculate dynamic processes of voltages and currents on transmission lines. Power waves and S-parameters are not considered. This extension is what we would like to present here. Therefore, the basics of the usage of operators are presented in section II. Section III introduces the description of electrical networks by signal-flow charts and S-parameters forming operators. The utilization of this method is demonstrated by Manuscript received March 6, 2013. This work was partly funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the excellence cluster CoolSilicon, project CoolBroadcastRepeater. H. Nuszkowski and G. Fettweis are with the Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems of the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany R. Wolf and F. Ellinger are with the Chair for Circuit Design and Network Theory of the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany LTI-System H {x(t)} {y(t)} Fig. 1. Transmission model basic examples in section IV followed by a summary in section V. II. M ATHEMATICAL BASICS A. Transmission model Fig. 1 shows the transmission model consisting of input function {x(t)}, the output function {y(t)} and the transmission operator H. The curly brackets mean that the corresponding functions are causal and thereby equal to zero for negative time t given by ( 0 t<0 {x(t)} = . (1) x(t) t≥0 The output function can be derived by {y(t)} = H{x(t)} , where H stands for the transmission operator in time domain. In other words, the transmission operator specifies which operations have to be performed on the input function in time domain to obtain the output signal. Thus, it is not required to transform the time functions into frequency domain or back. The transmission operator of a linear time-invariant system - can be derived out of the four basic operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, - can be formed as a quotient of two causal and for t ≥ 0 continuous time functions, and - can be converted into the complex transfer function by substitution of the basic operators by the corresponding transfer functions. B. The four basic operators The four basic operators are listed in Table I and are explained in detail below like they are introduced in [9]. It is important to consider that all quantities are normalized and thereby dimensionless. 1) Weighting function: The product operator relating two time functions {h(t)}{x(t)} has to be interpreted as convolution. The notation as product is eligible since the convolution fulfills all axioms of the linear algebra for fields and rings e.g. commutativity, associativity, distributivity. An important special case reveals if a function is convoluted with the unity step function {1} which leads to Z t Z t {1}{x(t)} = x(t − τ )dτ = x(τ )dτ . (2) 0 0 PRIME 2013 2 4) Shifting operator: The shifting operator delays a function. It also fulfills all axioms of the linear algebra. Particularly, the power laws can be applied to describe the overall delay of two cascaded delay transmission blocks, TABLE I BASIC OPERATORS name operator effect weighting function scaling operator differentiation operator {h(t)} R {h(t)}{x(t)} = { 0t h(t − τ )x(τ )} shifting operator k s e −sT e −sT1 e −sT2 = e −s(T1 +T2 ) . k{x(t)} = {kx(t)} s{x(t)} = {x′ (t)} + x(+0) e −sT {x(t)} = ( The rectangular function {rect(t/T − 1)}, which is an important test function, can be easily noted by unity step functions and shifting operators 0 t<T x(t − T ) t ≥ T The output function is the integral of the input function. Thus, the unity step function acts as the integration operator. Since the integration operator is inverse to the differentiation operator, which is discussed further below, and due to the parallels to the Laplace transform, the integration operator can be noted as 1 {1} = s−1 = . (3) s 2) Scaling operator: The scaling operator describes a proportionality between output and input function {y(t)} = k{x(t)} = {kx(t)}. (4) Considering the definition {h(t)} = k the dirac distribution δ(t) is expendable which is not the case if a proportional transmission behavior is given in time domain without the usage of operators (x ∗ h)(t) = (x ∗ kδ)(t) = kx(t). (12) (5) But it has to be carefully distinguished between the scaling operator k and the step function {k} = k{1}. 3) Differentiation operator: The differentiation operator is defined by s{x(t)} = {x′ (t)} + x(+0). (6) Meaning that applying the differentiation operator to a function {x(t)} results in its derivative and its right-hand limit at zero. Due to this definition, some important conclusions can be drawn. It is 1 (7) s{1} = s = 1. s This relation can be derived either by employing (6) on the unity step function {1} or by simplifying the differentiation and the integration operator. Employing (6) on the function e−αt leads to 1 . (8) s{e−αt } = −{αe−αt } + 1 ⇒ {e−αt } = s+α In a more general way, it can also be derived that n−1 1 t −αt . (9) = e (s + α)n (n − 1)! By (??), exponentially damped sinusoidal and cosinusoidal signals can be noted as operators in s by o −αt 1 n (−α+j ωt) e cos (ωt) = e + e(−α−j ωt) 2 s+α 1 1 1 = (10) = + 2 s + α − jω s + α + jω (s + α)2 + ω 2 and ω . (11) {e−αt sin(ωt)} = (s + α)2 + ω 2 {rect(t/T − 1)} = {1}(1 − e −sT ). (13) III. N ETWORK DESCRIPTION BY SIGNAL - FLOW CHARTS The signal-flow chart is a very powerful and vivid method to describe differential equation systems for instance of a network. Especially, the combination of S-parameters and signal-flow charts for the process of power transmission e.g. in RF circuits is very helpful, since discontinuities, which lead to power reflection, and feedback loops, which may result in instability, can be found. The advantage of the proposed calculation method is, that it is relatively easy to formulate the solution approach for a transient analysis. All, what has to be done, is replacing the classical S-parameters of the signal-flow chart used for the steady state analysis by the corresponding operator relations. Thus, the reflexion, transmission and propagation processes between the notes of the signal-flow chart can easily be understood. By the operators for resistance, inductance, and capacitance, the operators for impedances Z(s) or reflexion coefficients Γ(s) can be derived. For a passive one-port, which is fully characterized by the impedance operator Zl (s), the signal-flow chart is shown in Fig. 2a. The power waves {a(t)} and {b(t)} are going into and coming out of the one-port, respectively. The operator Γl (s) stands for the reflexion coefficient of the load impedance Zl (s) which can be calculated by Γ(s) = Z(s) − Z0 Z(s) − Z0 (14) where Z0 is the reference impedance of the port which can be chosen. The passive one-port is finally characterized by {b(t)} = Γ(s){a(t)}. (15) To get an active one-port the signal-flow chart has to be modified like shown in Fig. 2b. The description changes to {b(t)} = {bg (t)} + Γg (s){a(t)}, (16) where the operator Γg (s) stands for the the reflexion coefficient corresponding to the generator’s internal impedance Zg (s). The wave {bg (t)} is the injected power wave which the generator would deliver if it is terminated by the reference impedance Z0 (s), and which can be calculated by √ Z0 . (17) {bg (t)} = {ug (t)} Zg (s) + Z0 Fig. 2c illustrates the signal-flow chart of a two-port, described by the operator S-parameter set Sij (s), i, j = 1, 2 {b1 (t)} S (s) S12 (s) {a1 (t)} = 11 . (18) {b2 (t)} S21 (s) S22 (s) {a2 (t)} PRIME 2013 3 Zg (s) {a(t)} {b(t)} a) {a(t)} Zl (s) ⇒ {b(t)} S21 (s) 1 {a(t)} {bg (t)} Γl (s) {ug (t)} {a(t)} ⇒ Γg (s) {b(t)} {b(t)} b) {a1 (t)} {b1 (t)} {a1 (t)} {a2 (t)} ⇒ S11 (s) {b2 (t)} {b1 (t)} S c) {b2 (t)} S22 (s) S12 (s) {a2 (t)} Fig. 2. circuit and signal-flow charts for a) a passive one-port, b) an active one-port, and c) a two-port Since the proposed calculation method is particularly suitable to analyze dynamic processes on transmission lines, the S-parameter matrix of a transmission lines is an important special case for a two-port. The matrix for a transmission line of the length l is 1 Γ(1 − e −2γl ) (1 − Γ2 )e −γl , (19) S= 1 − Γ2 e −2γl (1 − Γ2 )e −γl Γ(1 − e −2γl ) where γ denotes the propagation constant and Γ the reflexion coefficient. Both are operators and given by p (20) γ(s) = (R′ + sL′ )(G′ + sC ′ ), and by Zc (s) − Z0 Γ(s) = , (21) Zc (s) + Z0 where Z0 is the chosen reference impedance at the corresponding port and Zc (s) is the characteristic impedance given by r R′ + sL′ . (22) Zc (s) = G′ + sC ′ The parameters R′ , L′ , G′ , and C ′ are the characteristic constants of the transmission line which are also used in the Telegrapher’s Equations. For R′ = 0 and G′ = 0, the transmission line is lossless, the characteristic impedance Zc becomes a scaling operator. Additionally, the expression (19) results in a shifting operator e −γ(s)l = e −s √ L′ C ′ l = e −sτ0 . (23) If the reference impedance is additionally chosen equal to the characteristic impedance Z0 = Zc then is Γ = 0 the S-parameter matrix can be simplified to 0 e −sτ0 . (24) S = −sτ0 e 0 Usually, just transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves are regarded so that the voltages and currents at the ports can be calculated. Those can be determined using the power waves by p {u(t)} = ({a(t)} + {b(t)}) Z0 , and (25) p {i(t)} = ({a(t)} − {b(t)}) / Z0 . (26) IV. E XAMPLES For the next examples, the transmission line is considered lossless which reduces the effect of the transmission line to an ideal delay without any distortion. By this constraint, the handling of S-parameter operators for transient analysis can be shown on simple examples. Lossy lines can also be examined but the examples get more complicated and more computationally intensive. For more details we would like to refer on the chapter Dynamische Vorgänge auf verlustbehafteten Zg (s) {bg (t)} Z c , τ0 {ug (t)} Zl (s) {a1 (t)} e −sτ0 {b2 (t)} Γl (s) Γg (s) {b1 (t)} e −sτ0 {a2 (t)} Fig. 3. both-sided mismatched, lossless line; circuit and SFC Leitungen in [9]. There is shown that the operator e −γ(s) , which can delay, damp, and distort a signal, of a lossy line can be rearranged to e −γ(s) = e −α0 l e −sτ0 (1 + {v(t)}). (27) −α0 l The factor e forms a scaling operator and describes a linear damping, the factor e −sτ0 is a shifting operator and works as the delay of the line, and {v(t)} is a weighting function which describes the linear distortion of the lossy transmission line. Fig. 3 depicts the circuit and the signal-flow chart for a lossless transmission line being terminated by impedances Zg , Zl 6= Zc . The reference impedance is chosen equal to the characteristic impedance Z0 = Zc . The evaluation of the signal-flow chart e.g. for the power wave at the output reveals {a2 (t)} = {bg (t)}Γl (s)e −sτ0 /D, {b2 (t)} = {bg (t)}e −sτ0 and /D (28) (29) involving the signal-flow chart determinant D given by D = 1 − Γg (s)Γl (s)e −2sτ0 . (30) Applying (17) and (25), the voltage at the output of the line can be determined to be {u2 (t)} = {ug (t)} = Zc (1 + Γl (s))e −sτ0 1 Zg (s) + Zc 1 − Γg (s)Γl (s)e −2sτ0 {ug (t)} (1 − Γg (s))(1 + Γl (s))e −sτ0 2 ∞ X (Γg (s)Γl (s))n e −2nsτ0 . (31) n=0 For further investigations, the voltage transmission operator Hu (s) = {hu (t)} is used so that the equation results in {u2 (t)} = Hu (s){ug (t)} = {hu (t)}{ug (t)}. (32) Similarly, the current transmission operator Hi (s) = {hi (t)} can be defined by using (26). A. Both-sided matching In this case, the voltage transmission operator Hu (s) can be reduced to Hu (s) = 12 e −sτ0 , since Γg = Γl = 0. Meaning that the output voltage is half of the generator voltage and delayed by the transmission delay τ0 . PRIME 2013 4 {u2 (t)}/U0 {u2 (t)}/U0 0.3 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 5 t/τ0 0 1 2 3 4 t/τ0 5 6 7 8 Fig. 4. First example with Zg = Zl = 5Zc Fig. 5. Second example Zg = 3Zc and Yl = 1/Zl = 1/Zc + sC B. Termination by arbitrary resistances In this case, the reflexion coefficients are arbitrary scaling operators and (31) leads to It can be seen that after a initial transition of approximately t/τ0 = 6 the output voltage is almost equal to its final value {u2 (t)}/U0 = 0.25. Hu (s) = ∞ X cn e −(2n+1)sτ0 , with (33) n=0 cn = 0.5(1 − Γg )(1 + Γl )(Γg Γl )n . (34) The input signal appears for the first time after the transmission delay τ0 and afterwards periodically by 2τ0 , whereas the echoes are exponentially damped expressed by {u2 (t)} = c0 {ug (t − τ0 )} + c1 {ug (t − 3τ0 )} + · · · . (35) Fig. 4 shows the first example with Zg = Zl = 5Zc . The generator signal is a step function U0 {1}. After an initial transient of approximately t/τ0 = 5 the normalized final value of 0.5 is almost reached. C. Termination by arbitrary impedances If the lossless transmission line is terminated by an arbitrary network of concentrated, linear, time invariant components the corresponding impedance operator and the corresponding reflexion coefficient is a rational function in s. The voltage transmission operator is Hu (s) = ∞ X cn (s)e −(2n+1)sτ0 , (36) n=0 where the factors cn (s) cn (s) = 0.5(1 − Γg (s))(1 + Γl (s))(Γg (s)Γl (s))n V. C ONCLUSION The transmission operator H(s) introduced by Mikusinski is an analogon to the complex transfer function in frequency domain of the Laplace transform. The different approaches complement each other and allow a vivid interpretation of transmission processes in time and in frequency domain. The pole–zero plot resulting from the Laplace transform is a valuable and indispensable tool for network analysis and synthesis. For considerations in time domain, the usage of operators exhibits some advantages [9] which are for instance: - The operator emerges directly within the mathematical of the described system. - A detour via a frequency domain is not required. Signals and operations remain in time domain. - Convergence investigations and resulting constrains can be omitted. - The problems revealing from the dirac distribution are solved very easily and exactly. Since the focus is on the transient analysis in time domain, the presented method applying signal-flow charts and Sparameter operators is very convenient. The method proved its applicability and its vividness for teaching dynamic processes on transmission lines within the course Lineare Netzwerke and the Technische Universität Dresden. (37) are also rational functions in s. An interpretation is possible by partial fraction decomposition which requires that the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator. If this is not the case a polynomial long division has to be executed to ensure this criteria. Thereby, (35) results in {u2 (t)} = c0 (s){ug (t−τ0 )}+c1 (s){ug (t−3τ0 )}+· · · . (38) After ascertainment of the operators cn (s), their effect on the input signal can systematically be analyzed and visualized. For the second example the generator’s internal impedance is Zg = 3Zc , and the load admittance is Yl = 1/Zl = 1/Zc +sC. For a stimulus by a step function, (37) and (38) lead to 1 1 {u2 (t)} = {1 − e −αt }e −sτ0 − {αte −αt }e −3sτ0 − U0 4 8 1 + {(2 − αt)αte −αt }e −5sτ0 · · · , with (39) 32 2 1 = . (40) α= τ0 CZc R EFERENCES [1] P. Penfield, Jr., Noise in negative resistance amplifiers , IRE Trans. on Circuit Theory, vol. CT-7, June 1960, pp 166-170. [2] D. C. Youla, On scattering matrices normalized to comlex port numbers, Proc. 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