Visual Identity Standards This guide has been prepared to ensure the proper reproduction and use of Pembina Pipeline Corporation’s logo and visual identity standards. The brand is a reflection of Pembina’s reputation, values, integrity and history and must be respected in its application. Strict adherence to the instructions and standards outlined must be maintained in order that accurate and consistent results can be achieved. The Pembina Pipeline Corporation logo is a custom-designed trademark. It is comprised of a hand-styled letter and elements in exact and interdependent proportions. They must not be altered in any form. All respective elements of the logo are components of a single design. Care should be taken that in all cases colour, proportion and other details remain consistent. ©2013 - Pembina Pipeline Corporation Logo Logo Elements For the purpose of this document and for future reference, the elements of the visual identity will be identified by the names accompanying the corresponding letters in the sample below. They are defined as follows: A B C D A) THE WORDMARK The word PEMBINA in its hand-drawn typeface. B) THE SYMBOL The element comprised of the three stylized triangles. C) THE BARS The two parallel bars which appear below the wordmark. D) CLEAR SPACE The clear space requirements of the logo must be equal to the combined height of the red and grey bars and must be fully maintained around the logo anywhere it is used. *All respective elements of the logo are components of a single design and must not be used independently without expressed written consent. 3 Standard Colours Primary Colours The Pembina Pipeline Corporation logo is a four colour design. The primary colours are Black, Grey (PMS 421c) & Red (PMS 185c) along with White. Pantone BLACK R: 35 G: 31 B: 32 Thread: Black 185c RED R: 239 G: 62 B: 66 Thread: Madeira 1147 421c GREY R: 194 G: 196 B: 198 Thread: Madeira 1118 The logo can also be reproduced in two colours utilizing a screen of 20% Black in place of the Grey. WHITE R: 255 G: 255 B: 255 Thread: Madeira 1801 Secondary Colours To be used as preferred accent colours for the Pembina Pipeline Corporation brand. 7692c DK BLUE R: 00 G: 84 B: 132 549c BLUE R: 110 G: 161 B: 181 552c LT BLUE R: 185 G: 207 B: 217 410c GREY R: 115 G: 101 B: 97 406c LT GREY R: 194 G: 186 B: 181 576c GREEN R: 122 G: 154 B: 74 578c LT GREEN R: 183 G: 202 B: 146 5845c KHAKI R: 175 G: 165 B: 107 5875c LT KHAKI R: 212 G: 204 B: 157 1797c DK RED R: 206 G: 47 B: 56 7577c ORANGE R: 225 G: 124 B: 56 7406c YELLOW R: 239 G: 195 B: 26 Tertiary Colours To be used as official accent colours for the Pembina Pipeline Corporation brand. 4 Logo Usage The Wordmark The wordmark Pembina must always appear in black, unless it is being used in a reversed application, in which case it should be white. Similarly, the background material for reproduction will always be white, unless a reversed application is being used, in which case it should be black. Tone-on-tone applications are permitted for background colours outside the standard white and black. The Symbol The upper left triangle must always be red. The upper right triangle must always be black and may be reversed to white on black backgrounds. The bottom triangle must always be grey. The triangle created in void will either be black or white in contrast to the upper right triangle. * In very special cases and only with expressed written consent from Communications and Public Affairs, the symbol may be used on its own. When using the symbol on its own, the symbol must have a clear space of 1/2 of the width of a triangle element around the entire symbol. The Bars The top bar must always be red. The bottom bar must always be grey. The bars do not overlap. A line occurring as a result of this is unacceptable. Bar Extensions Bars may only be extended to the left of the wordmark. Bars must have a "break" before being extended. It occurs on the bars at a point even with the flush left edge of the letter "P" in the wordmark. The angle and width of the break is the same as the division which occurs between the bars and the symbol. The left-hand end of extended bars must be square. NOTE: In specified applications, the extended bars may bleed off the left-hand edge of the printed material. *The instructions above are intended to define how to properly recreate each element of the complete logo, not to imply that the elements are to be used on their own. 5 Logo Usage A A) Reversed Colour When using the full colour version of the logo on a black background, simply substitute white for black where required. B C D B) Greyscale When the logo is reproduced in greyscale, its elements appear as follows: The wordmark and upper right triangle must always be in black. The upper left triangle in the symbol must be 50% black. - The top bar is 50% black. The upper right triangle in the symbol must be black. - The bottom bar is 20% black. The bottom triangle in the symbol must be 20% black. C) Reversed Greyscale D) White on Black & Black on White D E 6 E) Tone on Tone When producing tone on tone you must ensure the logo elements stand out from the background and are clearly separated / visible. *When producing the logo in solid white or black (D), or tone on tone (E) - be sure to include a line to divide the bars. Logo Usage Engraving The wordmark, the symbol and the bars are cut into the material at equal depths. The triangle created in void within the symbol will appear in relief. A thin raised dividing line must appear between the bars. Embossing The wordmark, the symbol and the bars are raised to equal height in relief of background material. The triangle created in void within the symbol appears at the same depth as the background material. A thin depressed dividing line must appear between the bars. Enamel When an enameled version of the entire logo or symbol is required, the triangle created in void must be enameled in white. All other colours remain as specified. Embroidery Refer to the standard colours section for thread colours. Use only the thread colours specified. All other usage rules apply to embroidery. Minimum Size 1” The minimum size that the logo may be reproduced at is 1” wide. The 1” includes all logo elements but does not include the clear space required. All logo elements must be clear. Pembina Group of Companies – Subsidiary Logos Pembina’s subsidiary companies’ (Plateau Pipe Line Ltd., Pouce Coupé Pipe Line Ltd. and Alberta Oil Sands Pipe Line Ltd.) logos are available and can only be used with expressed written permission from Communications and Public Affairs. For permission, please contact Jason Fydirchuk, Advisor – Communications and Public Affairs at 403-231-7407 or 7 Fonts Pembina’s preferred choice of fonts and their respective applications are as follows: Helvetica Neue* – internal and external applications: Helvetica Neue Regular AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 Helvetica Neue Bold AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZ z 1234567890 * Wherever possible, please use Helvetica Neue - when Helvetica Neue is not available, substitute Calibri. Calibri – swag, employee and day-to-day business communications: Calibri Regular AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 Calibri Bold AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 Frutiger – web-based applications: Frutiger Roman AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 Frutiger Bold AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 8 Safety Logo A A) Pembina + Safety Logo: Most uses. The Safety Logo uses the standard Pembina colours: Pantone BLACK R: 35 G: 31 B: 32 Thread: Black 185c RED R: 239 G: 62 B: 66 Thread: Madeira 1147 421c GREY R: 194 G: 196 B: 198 Thread: Madeira 1118 WHITE R: 255 G: 255 B: 255 Thread: Madeira 1801 B B) Safety Logo: The Safety Logo can be used on it’s own, however, the Pembina logo must be on the material / document somewhere. C 1” C) Minimum Size The minimum size of the Safety Logo is 1” wide. 9 Logo Usage Logo with Business Unit or Project Name When applying the name of a business unit or corporate project in conjunction with the logo, for any application, the name must only appear below the logo, the font must be Calibri Bold, typed in upper and lower case characters and left-hand justified to the bottom corner of the grey bar. Clear space guidelines apply requiring the name to be spaced equal to the combined height of both the red and grey bars. Examples: Nipisi & Mitsue Midstream & Markeng Convenonal Pipelines *If referring to a specific business unit (Gas Services, Conventional Pipelines), the term “business unit” should not be used. **The term “Pipeline Corporation” must never be used in conjunction with the Pembina logo. 10 Signs Facility / Station Sign NAME / LOCATION Facility name and legal description of surface location. PRODUCT Use 1 of 3 options: • “FLAMMABLE GAS” (Category 1) (if hydrocarbon present) • “POISONOUS GAS” (Category 2) • Nothing if neither of the above. SYMBOLS (250 mm x 250 mm) Use 1 of 3 options: • “FLAMMABLE GAS” (Category I) (if hydrocarbon present) • “POISONOUS GAS” (Category II) • Nothing if neither of the above. A Category I symbol must be used unless an installation conveys a poisonous substance, in which case a Category II symbol must be used. PHONE Use area specific 24-hour emergency number. MATERIAL White vinyl on 2 mm aluminum. SIZE 90 X 110 cm with rounded corners. COLOURS Black text. Red “DANGER” oval. Logo as per graphics standards complete with designated clear space. White background. FONT Helvetica Neue LOCATION Post adjacent to facility primary entrance; however, warning symbols must be posted adjacent to all entrances. Note: All graphics produced are subject to Pembina’s graphics standards guide including logo usage, fonts and colours. 11 FACILITY NAME AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION POISONOUS GAS NO TRESPASSING PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. NO SMOKING, MATCHES OR OPEN LIGHTS. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PH: 1-800-360-4706 90 x 110 cm Facility Sign Example shown for illustration purposes only. Signs LACT / Block Valve Sign NAME / LOCATION LACT name and legal description of surface location. PRODUCT Use 1 of 3 options: • “FLAMMABLE GAS” (Category 1) (if hydrocarbon present) • “POISONOUS GAS” (Category 2) • Nothing if neither of the above. SYMBOLS (100 mm x 100 mm) Use 1 of 3 options: • “FLAMMABLE GAS” (Category 1) (if hydrocarbon present) • “POISONOUS GAS” (Category 2) • Nothing if neither of the above. A Category I symbol must be used unless an installation conveys a poisonous substance, in which case a Category II symbol must be used. PHONE Use area specific 24-hour emergency number. FACILITY NAME AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION POISONOUS GAS NO TRESPASSING PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. NO SMOKING, MATCHES OR OPEN LIGHTS. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PH: 1-800-360-4706 MATERIAL White vinyl on 2 mm aluminum. SIZE 45 X 60 cm with rounded corners. COLOURS Black text. Red “DANGER” oval. Logo as per graphics standards complete with designated clear space. White background. FONT Helvetica Neue LOCATION Post adjacent to LACT entrance. Note: All graphics produced are subject to Pembina’s graphics standards guide including logo usage, fonts and colours. 12 45 x 60 cm LACT / Block Valve Sign Example shown for illustration purposes only. Warning Signs - Specifications 300mm 38mm radius (typ.) 150mm 33mm (typ.) 60mm top & bottom 8mm dia. hole (typ 2) top & bottom WARNING text 260mm x 55mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Colour: BLACK WHITE BACKGROUND ON SIGN FRONT (see note 3 for colour requirements on sign back) FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, CRUDE OIL or GAS text 260mm x 40mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Colour: BLACK 400mm 40mm HIGH PRESSURE text 260mm x 40mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Colour: BLACK 10mm 10mm PEMBINA PIPELINE CORPORATION Licensed Operator (see note 6 for ref.) 260mm x 20mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Black Condensed Colour: BLACK PIPELINE text 260mm x 40mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Colour: BLACK 10mm IN CASE OF EMERGENCY text 200mm x 12mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Medium Colour: Pantone 185 RED (match) 5mm 5mm 1-800 NUMBER text 260mm x 20mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Bold Colour: Pantone 185 RED (match) 5mm 40mm 5mm 100mm 10mm BLACK border 300mm 150mm 33mm (typ.) 200mm top & bottom ADDITIONAL SIGN REQUIRED FOR ALL HVP PRODUCTS 8mm dia. hole (typ 2) top & bottom 38mm radius (typ.) YELLOW BACKGROUND ON SIGN FRONT (no colour on sign back) ETHANE / BUTANE / PROPANE text 220mm x 40mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Colour: BLACK 10mm BLACK border 13 PEMBINA logo (observe clear space rule) 75mm x 18.75mm (proportions locked) Colours: BLACK / PMS 185 RED PMS 421 GREY Warning Signs Notes: 1: COMPLETE SIGNS SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY PEMBINA PIPELINE CORPORATION. 2: SIGNAGE MATERIAL TO BE ALUMINUM "SIGN SHEET" 5052-H38 (OR EQUIVALENT), 2mm MINIMUM THICKNESS. 3: THE LEFT HALF OF THE BACK OF THE WARNING SIGN SHALL BE PAINTED INTERNATIONAL ORANGE AND THE RIGHT HALF ROYAL NAVY BLUE. 4: TEXT WILL DISPLAY EITHER "FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS" FOR ETHANE, BUTANE, PROPANE, OR CONDENSATE, "CRUDE OIL" FOR STRICTLY CRUDE OIL PIPELINES OR “GAS” FOR NATURAL GAS. 5: THE WORDS “WARNING”, “HIGH PRESSURE” AND “PIPELINE’ ARE CONSTANT AND DO NOT CHANGE IN ANY INSTANCE. 6: THE WARNING SIGN SHALL DISPLAY THE FULL NAME OF THE LICENSED OPERATING COMPANY, AS FOLLOWS: PEMBINA COMPANY / ASSET REGULATOR REGISTERED LICENSED OPERATOR (SIGN NAME) Pembina Pipeline Corporation AER - Alberta Pembina Pipeline Corporation Pembina NGL Corporation AER - Alberta Pembina NGL Corporation OGC - B.C. (OGC portion of LGS) Pembina NGL Corporation ER - Saskatchewan Pembina NGL Corporation Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines Manitoba Pembina NGL Corporation Pembina Energy Services Inc. (NEB portion of LGS) NEB - Federal Pembina Energy Services Inc. Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd. (AOSPL) AER - Alberta Alberta Oil Sands Pipeline Ltd. Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. OGC - B.C. Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. Pouce Coupé Pipe Line Ltd. NEB - Federal Pouce Coupé Pipe Line Ltd. Pembina Gas Services Ltd. AER - Alberta Pembina Gas Services Ltd. Pembina Marketing Ltd. AER - Alberta Pembina Marketing Ltd. Empress Facility AER - Alberta 1195714 Alberta Ltd. Corunna Terminal TSSA - Ontario 1598313 Alberta Ltd. 14 Warning Signs Notes (continued): 7: THE EMERGENCY NUMBER USED IS DEPENDANT UPON THE FOLLOWING:* • IF THE PIPELINE IS MONITORED BY THE EDMONTON CONTROL CENTRE, THE NUMBER SHALL BE DISPLAYED AS: 1-800-360-4706 • IF THE PIPELINE IS MONITORED BY THE REDWATER WEST FACILITY, THE NUMBER SHALL BE DISPLAYED AS: 1-800-998-2251 • IF THE PIPELINE IS MONITORED BY THE EMPRESS EAST FACILITY, THE NUMBER SHALL BE DISPLAYED AS: 1-855-838-8385 8: ADDITIONAL SIGN REQUIRED FOR HVP PIPELINES ONLY. THEY MUST DISPLAY THE HIGHEST VAPOUR PRESSURE PRODUCT SHIPPED AND BE PRINTED IN BLACK ON A YELLOW BACKGROUND (SEE EXAMPLES ON DRAWING PAGES). PEMBINA OPTIONS ARE: "ETHANE", "BUTANE", AND "PROPANE". 9: THE NAME OF THE SIGN MANUFACTURER SHALL BE SHOWN IN PERMANENT FORM ON THE BACK OF THE SIGN. 10: CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY PAINTED POSTS, AND INSTALL POSTS AND SIGNS AS PER "STANDARD PIPELINE WARNING POST DETAIL" DRAWING ON THE NEXT PAGE. 11: THE NAD83 GPS LATITUDE AND LOGTITUDE COORDINATES SHALL BE ADDED TO THE BACK OF THE WARNING SIGN IN PERMANENT FORM AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION BY THE CONTRACTOR. 12: PEMBINA’S FULL COLOUR LOGO WILL BE DISPLAYED IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT HAND CORNER OF THE SIGN. ALL RULES RELEVANT TO PEMBINA’S BRANDING STANDARDS REGARDING LOGO REPRODUCTION ARE TO BE OBSERVED. 13: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. (*) = If you are unsure of the proper licensed operator name, or the relevant emergency response number, please contact your local Pembina representative or Pembina’s Regulatory department at (403) 231-7500. 15 Warning Signs - Examples *Please note the signs above are examples only and information regarding registered licensed holder and emergency phone numbers may change. If you are unsure of the proper licensed operator name, or the relevant emergency response number, please contact your local Pembina representative or Pembina’s Regulatory department at (403) 231-7500. 16 Warning Signs - Placement STANDARD PIPELINE WARNING POST DETAIL 400mm PIPELINE WARNING SIGN Top Painted Royal Navy Blue as per Pembina Spec. 3.15 “ABOVE GRADE COATING AND COLOURS 100mm 300mm 200mm HVP SIGN 1600mm 1300mm 12 GA. galvanized u-flange fence post 2200mm Bottom Painted International Orange as per Pembina Spec. 3.15 “ABOVE GRADE COATING AND COLOURS” 2500mm NOTE: POST NOT REQUIRED ON CASED CROSSINGS WHERE SIGNS ARE TO BE ATTACHED TO VENT PIPES GRADE 130mm x 2200mm L.G. WOODEN PRESSURE TREATED POST (2 REQ.) 1000mm MIN. / 1500mm MAX. NOTES 4 & 5 PIPELINE 17 1000mm MIN. / 1500mm MAX. Warning Signs - Placement Notes: 1: COMPLETE SIGNS SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY PEMBINA PIPELINE CORPORATION. 2: CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY PAINTED POSTS AND INSTALL POSTS AND SIGNS AT ALL CROSSINGS AND AS DESIGNATED BY PEMBINA PIPELINE CORPORATION. 3: POSTS AND WARNING SIGNS TO BE PLACED IN LINE AND JUST OUTSIDE THE FENCE LINE OR PROPERTY BOUNDARY. 4: PIPELINE LOCATION TO BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION AND SHALL COMPLY WITH PEMBINA PIPELINE CORPORATION HSE SAFEWORK STANDARD 4.26 “GROUND DISTURBANCE”. 5: PIPELINE WARNING SIGN AND POSTS WILL BE INSTALLED OFFSET FROM PIPELINE. 6: FOR PAINT COLOURS REFER TO PEMBINA SPEC. ESS 3.15 “ABOVE GRADE COATING AND COLOURS”. 7: CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED GALVANIZED HARDWARE SHALL CONSIST OF 6MM DIA X 40MM LONG LC BOLTS, C/W OVERSIZE WASHER, LOCK WASHER, AND NUT. 8: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. 18 No Trespassing Signs 300mm 38mm radius (typ.) 150mm 33mm (typ.) 60mm top & bottom 8mm dia. hole (typ 2) top & bottom WHITE BACKGROUND ON SIGN FRONT 400mm NO text 73mm x 70mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Colour: BLACK 10mm TRESPASSING text 260mm x 70mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Colour: BLACK 60mm 10mm PRIVATE PROPERTY OF text 175mm x 25mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Condensed Black Colour: BLACK 40mm PEMBINA PIPELINE CORPORATION text 260mm x 25mm (stretch to fit) Font: Helvetica Neue Condensed Black Colour: BLACK 40mm 5mm 10mm BLACK border 19 PEMBINA logo (observe clear space rule) 75mm x 18.75mm (proportions locked) Colours: BLACK / PMS 185 RED PMS 421 GREY Tanks Signage on Tanks The corporate logo should appear on at least one prominent tank, if same are part of a site. Stripes in the corporate colours should also be painted or affixed in the manner set out on the following tank specification sheet. Sizes for all elements are shown on the sheets as proportions of the height of the tank in question. In this manner, all identification will retain a consistent image despite the variation in size and shape of the tanks to which the identifications are affixed. In most cases, the logo and stripes should be applied to the most prominent tank or vessel on the site and in such a way so as to be seen by passers-by or people entering the site. Only one of the tanks needs this identification, while all others should appear with the four stripes only: and in proportion for each individual tank. While this means that each tank may have stripes of a different size, the overall effect will be more consistent and uniform. Wherever possible, the basic colour of the tank or vessel should be white. However, specialized containers often need to be of a different colour, in which case all of the above specifications remain in effect with the following additions. The logo and stripes should be separated from the tank colour by a white release of border as shown on the specification sheet (the white space around the logo is the “clear space” as identified in the logo specifications portion of this guide). 20 Tanks Where the tank height is less than the width: 1/8 H 3/16 H H (tank height) 1/16 H 1/16 H 1/16 H 1/16 H 1/5 H Where the tank height is greater than the width: Treatment if the tank is not white. 1/8 H 1/8 H H (tank height) 1/16 H 1/16 H 1/16 H 1/16 H 1/5 H Note: Standard logo & colour usage rules apply. The same usage rules apply to Plateau or Pouce Coupé logos on tanks. 21 Vehicle Graphics Trucks The corporate logo may be used on trucks as illustrated by the graphics to the right. The box illustrated around the logo is the “clear space” required by the logo. Graphic size / placement must be executed as shown in the diagrams. No other elements (such as “pipeline corporation” or project names) may be added to the logo under any circumstances. Crew Cab Trucks Tractors The corporate logo may be applied to the door as shown with respect to the “clear space” required around the logo. Note: Standard logo & colour usage rules apply. The same usage rules apply to Plateau or Pouce Coupé logos on vehicles. 22 Extended Cab Trucks Note: The green box shown around the logos represents the “clear space” required around the logo wherever it is used. Note: Producing any kind of branded material from a JPEG version of the logo is not permitted. Pembina provides its colour and black and white logo for downloading online on its corporate website ( under Media Centre - Visual Identity in the following formats: .eps, .tiff, .jpg. If further questions arise regarding correct procedures, or if using the logo in applications other than those specified above, please contact: Victoria Person Senior Advisor, Communications (403) 231-3148 | Pembina Pipeline Corporation November 2013