When less means more UltraVacLT 15kV Vacuum Capacitor Switch UltraVacLT 15kV vacuum capacitor switch Capacitor switching applications often have demanding electrical and ambient operating requirements. Whether for indoor or outdoor applications, each installation has unique challenges. In the tradition of our time-proven UltraVac series of switches, the UltraVacLT 15kV capacitor switch is designed to meet these additional requirements while providing best-in-class performance. Flexible for retrofit applications: UltraVacLT is the smallest, most lightweight, capacitor switch in the fleet, and the single solenoid operator only requires 6A for proper operation. These minimal requirements make this switch an easy choice when performing field replacements of legacy solenoid switches, as well as field replacements of most legacy motor operated switches. Flexible for confined space applications: The UltraVacLT design is ideal for pad bank or other applications where space is limited. The mounting bracket is 290° adjustable to fit site requirements, and is limited only by the position relative to the operating handle. Additionally, the mechanism is designed either for vertical or horizontal mounting as is often required when space is at a premium in pad-mounted and metal-enclosed capacitor banks. Flexible for coastal and high contamination applications: The UltraVacLT 15kV capacitor switch body is primarily a one piece non-metal composite body. The only exposed metal components are the mounting bracket, the manual handle, the cover plate, the nameplate, and the terminals. This design provides an easy upgrade path when configuring the switch for coastal environments during assembly prior to shipment. Patent Pending UltraVacLT Features: UltraVacLT Specifications 15kV • Lightweight • Low profile • Low current solenoid • 200A, 15kV; 95kV/110kV • Maintenance free • Best in class C2 re-strike free • Compliant with ANSI C37.66-2005 • Ultra flexible • Manual open and close handle/indicator Rated Maximum Voltage, for grounded banks, phase-to-ground, kV, RMS 13.5 Rated Maximum Voltage, for ungrounded banks, phase-to-phase, kV, RMS 15.5 UltraVacLT Dimensions: Impulse Withstand Voltage, kV, B.I.L. 95/110 Low Frequency Insulation Level Withstand Test, 60 Hz: 1 Minute Dry, kV 10 Seconds Wet, kV 50 45 Continuous Current, Amps 200 Capacitive Switching Current, Amps 200 Momentary Current Rating, Amps Asymmetrical 9,000 Short Time Current Ratings: 1 Second, Amps Symmetrical 6,000 High Frequency Transient Making Current, Amps Peak 12,000 Nominal Operating Voltage, VAC 50/60 Hz, +/-17% 120 or 240 Switch Operating Time, Seconds Solenoid Operator Current Rating, Amps Mechanical Life 6.0 50,000 20 24.9 Weight (Lbs.) 0.1 13.1 16.8 Trinetics, a division of Maysteel, LLC, PO Box 1240, Menomonee Falls, WI 53052-1240 Trinetics.com © 2012 Trinetics, a division of Maysteel, LLC. All Rights Reserved. SS_02_015_E_0612 ISO 9001:2008 Q u a l i t y C E R TI F I E D