Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio [Engineering and Technology in Kuopio] S TUDY I NFORMATION P ACKAGE 2016–2017 FOR E XCHANGE S TUDENTS Savonia University of Applied Sciences School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students 1 Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 2 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. WELCOME TO SAVONIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES .....................2 1.1 Contact Persons ..................................................................................... 3 1.2 How to apply.......................................................................................... 3 2. ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2016-2017 ............................................................. 4 3. ORIENTATION ..........................................................................................4 4. THE COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-2017….4 1. W ELCOME TO SA V ONIA UAS, SC HOOL OF ENGIN EER IN G AND TE CHNO LOGY Savonia University of Applied Sciences is a Finnish institution of higher professional education and one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Finland offering a wide range of courses – both in Finnish and in English. Savonia University of Applied Sciences’ organisation of experts educates strong professionals in six different fields of study. Five of Savonia’s schools are located in Kuopio, North Savo, near each other. Those are Engineering and Technology and School of Design (both at Opistotie Campus) and Social Services & Health Care, Business & Administration and Tourism & Hospitality and Kuopio Academy of Music and Dance. This guide book contains the courses that are taught in English at the School of Engineering and Technology in Kuopio. These courses are provided in autumn 2016 and in spring 2017. The School of Engineering and Technology is offering a wide range of courses – both in Finnish and in English. The School operates mainly on two campuses in Kuopio and in Varkaus. The Degree Programmes taught wholly in English in 2016–2017 are: Industrial Management Mechanical Engineering Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 3 1.1 C O N T A CT P E R S O N S International Coordinator (School of Engineering and Technology) Ms Soile Takkunen E-mail: Phone: +358 44 785 6298 Departmental Contact Persons: Civil Engineering, Construction Management (degree programmes taught in Finnish) Principal Lecturer Ville Kuusela E-mail: Construction Architecture (degree programme taught in Finnsih) Principal Lecturer Janne Repo E-mail: Environmental Technology (degree programme taught in Finnish, including courses taught in English) Principal Lecturer Pasi Pajula E-mail: Electrical Engineering (degree programme taught in Finnish, including some courses in English) Principal Lecturer Juhani Rouvali E-mail: Energy Engineering (degree programme taught in Finnish at Varkaus Campus) Principal Lecturer Ritva Käyhkö E-mail: Information and Communication Engineering (degree programme taught in Finnish, including courses in English) Senior Lecturer Pekka Granroth E-mail: Industrial Management (degree programme taught in English) Principal Lecturer Jarmo Pyysalo E-mail: Mechanical Engineering (degree programmes in English and in Finnish) Senior Lecturer Anssi Suhonen E-mail: 1.2 H OW T O A PPLY See: Student exchanges always base on agreements between institutions – e.g. an Erasmus+ or a bilateral agreement. If you are interested in studying as an exchange student at Savonia UAS’ School of Engineering and Technology, please contact your home institution's International Coordinator first to find out more about the student exchange and its options. Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 4 Savonia UAS’ Student Services and Mobility Affairs (Savonia’s Mobility Online application process) Student Advisor Laila Seppänen E-mail : 2. A CADEM IC CA LENDAR 2 01 6–20 17 The academic year is divided into two semesters and four study periods. Each study period has its own timetable. Most of the courses last the whole semester. Student exchange lasts either a full academic year or one semester consisting of full-time studies (approximately 30 ECTS/semester). AUTUMN SEMESTER: September 1–December 22, 2016 (Joint orientation on the first day(s) of semester) 1st study period: September 5–October 28 Autumn break: October 17–23 2nd study period: October 31–December 22 _____________________________ SPRING SEMESTER: January 9–May 31, 2017 (Joint orientation on January 9th) 3rd study period: January 9–March 3 Winter break: March 6–12 4th study period: March 13–May 12 3. OR IENTATION After the application process, information packages are sent to all accepted exchange students. The orientation before the start of the studies covers e.g. Introduction to Finland Introduction to Kuopio Introduction to Savonia UAS studies Library services, computers Documents concerning the exchange 4. COURSES TA UGHT IN ENGLISH IN TH E A CA DEMI C Y EAR 2 01 6–20 17 In addition to the engineering courses taught in English and listed here, possible (final/practical) projects and conducting final project work / (bachelor’s) thesis while in exchange at Savonia UAS can be negotiated based on the student’s background and needs. All of the School of Engineering and Technology’s degree programmes (Civil and Construction Engineering, Construction Architecture, Environmental Technology, Energy Technology (in Varkaus), Electrical Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Industrial Management and Mechanical Engineering) can initially welcome students from Savonia’s partner institutions to conduct project work while studying as an exchange student at Savonia. The decision about the project will be made depending on the resources at the relevant department. We cannot guarantee exchange students the possibility to carry out final project work. Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 5 Most of the descriptions of the courses can be found via the link in the course code. The descriptions of the courses marked with an asterisk(*) are in the end of this catalogue. LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION STUDIES FOR ALL THE ENGINEERING STUDENTS Autumn semester 2016 Code Course ECTS 4 ECCIN21 Tools for Spoken and Written Skills 5 4 EIE4000 Finnish for Foreigners 5 Spring semester 2017 Code 4 ECCIN11 Course Tools for Cross-Cultural Communication INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Autumn semester 2016 Code Course 4 ETN4110* Computer Networks 1 (CCNA 1) * Mobile Programming 4 ETT4410* Operating Systems * Course description on p. 7–8. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Autumn semester 2016 Code Course 4 ESV0430* Electric Power Distribution Automation Spring semester 2017 Code Course 4 ESV4620* Electric Power Distribution * Course description on p. 8–9. EI13 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT (4th year studies) Autumn semester 2016 Code Course 4 JDB3220 Leadership and Teamwork 4 EID4200 Co-operative Business Networks 4 JDB3237 Personal Selling and Customer Relationship Management 4 EID4303 Maintenance 4 EID4402 New Approach to Pressure Vessel Regulations ECTS 5 ECTS 5 5 5 ECTS 3 ECTS 5 ECTS 3 3 5 3 4 Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 6 STUDIES UNDER MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Autumn semester 2016 Code Course 4 EKE4100 Quality Management and Engineering 4 EKE4200 Operations Management 4 EKE4300 Management Accounting 4 EKE4400 Materials Management 4 EKY4500 Leadership and Teamwork Specialized Project in Management and Quality APPLIED MECHANICS Spring semester 2017 Code Course 4 EIP4600 Material Technology 1 4 EIF4100 Physics for Mechanical Engineering 4 EKS4200* Basics of Machine Design 4 EKS4300* Steel Structures 4 EKS4100* Structural Strength and Fatigue 4 EIO4600 RD Project * Course description on p. 9. APPLIED PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Spring semester 2017 Code Course 4 EKC4100* Manufacturing Processes 4 EKC4200* Production Technology 4 EKC4300* Supply Chain Management 4 EKI4300 Procurement and Purchasing Management 4 EKI4200 Business to Business Marketing Specialized Project in Production Engineering * Course description on p. 10. ECTS 5 5 5 5 5 5 Level 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year ECTS 5 5 5 5 5 5 Level 2nd year 2nd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 2nd year ECTS 5 5 5 5 5 5 Level 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year EI15 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (2nd year studies) Autumn semester 2016 Code Course 4 EIM4300 Mathematics 3 4 EIF4000 Physics for Engineering 4 EIO4400 Fundamentals of Strength of Materials 4 EIO4200 Mechanics 4 EIB4000 Entrepreneurship ECTS 5 5 5 5 5 Spring semester 2017 Code 4 EIP4600 4 EIO4500 4 EIF4100 4 EIO4600 4 EIY4500 ECTS 5 5 5 5 5 Course Material Technology 1 Basics of Electrical Engineering Physics for Mechanical Engineering RD Project Leadership and Teamwork Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 7 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY There are courses taught in English available under the department’s Double Degree programme. Exchange students majoring in Environmental Technology may be accepted to the courses. Please consult School’s international coordinator Soile Takkunen ( COURS E DESCR IPTI ONS O F INFORMAT ION AN D COM MUNI CATIO N ENGIN EERING 4 ETN4110 Computer Networks 1 (CCNA 1) (5 ECTS) Course is based on Cisco Network Academy CCNA Routing and Switching -material. After the course a student understands the basic structure of a data network, OSI-model, IPv4/IPv6 addressing, and the most common data network protocols. 1. Exploring the Network 2. Configuring a Network Operation System 3. Network Protocols and Communications 4. Network Access 5. Ethernet 6. Network Layer 7. Transport Layer 8. IP Addressing 9. Subnetting IP Networks 10. Application Layer 11. It's a Network Exams and Exercises Course includes theoretical and laboratory exercises. The laboratory exercises are done by using real Cisco Academy CCNA 1 -course networking devices (switches, routers, PCs) and also Packet Tracer simulator. Grading 0–5. Grading is based on three sections: Chapter Exams 20%, Final Exam 50% and Skill Test 30%. Material Cisco Network Academy: CCNA Routing and Switching. Material given during the lectures. Mobile Programming (5 ECTS) The basics of Android Programming. 1. Android application structure a. Main components 2. UI Components a. Views b. Lists c. Input Fields Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 8 d. Dialogs e. Drawing 3. Networking a. Nea, HTTP, JSON, Web Service b. Session Management 4. Files a. Databases 5. Deployment Grading 0–5 4 ETT4410 Operating Systems (5 ECTS) The basics of Windows and Linux operating systems. 1. Installation 2. User interface 3. User management 4. Device management 5. File management 6. Networking 7. Services Grading 0–5 COUR SE DESCR IPTI ONS O F ELECTRI CAL ENGI NEER ING 4 ESV0430 Electric Power Distribution Automation (3 ECTS) Project form course taking place every autumn semester. The project will be done in groups of 2–3 students. The subjects (themes) of projects will be given in September. Typically the projects include planning, design and implementation of electric power systems (electric drives, distribution, automation…). Grading 0–5 4 ESV4620 Electric Power Distribution (5 ECTS) The main objective of this power distribution course is to learn the structure, components and planning principles of the Finnish electric power distribution network. The modelling of the network gives the planning tools for the calculation of the load flow and short circuit currents, as standards and recommendations require. Based on this knowledge, the student learns the planning principles, both technical and economical! To meet the learning objectives of the course, teaching will be implemented according to the following content: - The power systems in Finland - The components in the electric power distribution network Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 9 - Load and generation - The standards and recommendations in grid design - Load flow and short circuit calculations - Network information system - Over current and short circuit protection - Earthing and grounding - Technical and economical grid design - Documentation The teaching and learning language is English. The course includes English language training tutorials worth 1 credit. The topics of these tutorials are: - Professional vocabulary - Writing and presenting in English - Understanding the documentation written in English Grading 0–5. Course includes exams, exercises and planning projects. Material Learning material in Moodle. COUR SE DESCR IPTI ONS O F M ECHA NI CAL ENG INE ERIN G 4 EKS4200 Basics of Machine Design (5 ECTS) The students will be able to design and calculate (gear) gearboxes and actuators, as well as taking into account the load situations in calculations. Student will also know how to use design programs and will be able to produce the necessary documents. In product design, the students are able to apply machine safety instructions, as well as knowing the definition of risk and security principles. Grading 0–5. Evaluation based on the practical/project works conducted during the course. Material Material given during the lectures. 4 EKS4300 Steel Structures (5 ECTS) Students will understand the basic principles of Eurocode and will be able to design and calculate simple welded beams and calculate the joints between the beams. In the physics part of the course, the student will become familiar with the phenomena of vibration. Grading 0–5. Evaluation based on practical works and final exam. Material Material given during the lectures. Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students Savonia UAS, School of Engineering and Technology, Kuopio 10 4 EKS4100 Structural Strength and Fatigue (5 ECTS) The student will understand the different methods for the determination of various types of steel structures fatigue. The student will get to know the basics of metal materials, fatigue and fracture mechanics. Grading 0–5. Evaluation based on practical works and exams. Material Material given during the lectures and in Moodle. 4 EKC4100 Manufacturing Processes (5 ECTS) Students will become familiar with workshops’ basic milling methods as well as the machinery, tools and fasteners. Students will be able to apply milling methods to a machined part. Students will get to know different materials in machining and molding. Grading 0–5. Evaluation based on practical works and exams. Material Material given during the lectures. 4 EKC4200 Production Technology (5 ECTS) Student will get to know the principles of CAD/CAM processes. Student will become familiar with the structures of NC-machines and will get to know the principles of NC-machines’ control system. Student will be able to make a NC code for machining and milling operations and will be able to understand the contents of NC code. Grading 0–5. Evaluation based on planning and laboratory exercises, project/practical works and exams. Material Material given during the lectures. 4 EKC4300 Supply Chain Management (5 ECTS) Students will become familiar with the strategies and implementation of modern business cooperation networks. After the course the students are able to analyze, develop and manage business and demandsupply chain processes from the viewpoint of networking. Grading 0–5. Evaluation based exercises and practical/project works. Material Learning material in Moodle. Study Information Package 2016–2017 for Exchange Students