CITY OF HAMLET BID PACKAGE FOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AT W.D. JAMES PARK CONTENTS: Bid Notice Instructions to Bidders Specifications Bid Form / Submittal Information For questions concerning bid procedures, contact Tammy Kirkley, City Clerk at (910) 582-2651 or For questions concerning specifications, contact Marcus Abernethy, City Manager at (910) 582-2651 or mabernethy@hamletnc.uc. Invitation for Bids PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION The City of Hamlet is seeking sealed bids for playground equipment and installation services at W.D. James Park, located at the intersection of Oak Avenue and Highway 177 in Hamlet, NC 28345. A complete copy of the specifications and services needed is available at Hamlet City Hall in the Administration wing at 201 Main Street, Hamlet, NC 28345 and on the City’s website All bids are to be sealed and clearly marked "Bids Enclosed WD James Park Playground Equipment and Installation" on the outside of the envelope. The City of Hamlet reserves the right to reject any and all bids. IFB Contact: Tammy Kirkley at All sealed bids to be considered must be received at the above address no later than 2:00 pm EST, on Tuesday, August 30th, 2016, at which time a bid opening will be held. The City of Hamlet is an equal opportunity employer and encourages bidding by small, minority, and female-owned contractors; does not discriminate on the basis of handicap status; and also encourages the use of available job training programs. Instructions to Bidders. 1.F.O.B.: All prices covered by this contract will include all costs incurred to the City of Hamlet for this project. 2.Acceptance and Rejection: The City of Hamlet reserves the right to reject any or all bids in whole or part, to accept or reject any items in the bid, and to waive any informalities and accept any bid deemed in the best interest of the City of Hamlet. 3.Manufacturer's Name: Any manufacturer's name, trade name, brand name, information and catalog numbers used herein are for proposes of description and establishing general quality levels. References are not intended to be restrictive of any products that manufacturer may offer. The determination as to whether any alternate product or service is equal shall be made by the City of Hamlet and such determination shall be final and binding among all bidders. 4.Specifications: Any deviations from bid specifications indicated herein must be clearly stated, otherwise, it will be considered that items offered are in strict compliance with the specifications, and successful bidder will be held responsible. Deviations must be explained in detail. 5.Performance: Efficient service is essential to this contract. Therefore, if determined that the holder of the bid is unable to meet delivery within a reasonable amount of time, it may become necessary to make procurement from other bidders or suppliers. 6.Insurance: Certificate of Insurance and/or Workers Compensation must be furnished where applicable. 7. Submittal: Mail clearly marked sealed bids to Hamlet City Hall at PO Box 1229, Hamlet, NC 28345 or submit electronically to no later than 2:00 pm EST, on Tuesday, August 30th, 2016. Project Description & Specifications The bid submitted must include the cost and installation of two playground structures. Several existing structures will be removed. Two 6’ six foot benches and their installation will also need to be included around the project perimeter. Border timbers and safety surfacing will be installed by the City post installation of the new playground structures. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the below products: • • One Shaded Playground Structure for ages 5-12, with at least 12 play events, and a capacity of up to 32 children or more including the following items: o At least three access/entrance items (i.e.: steps, ramp, steel or rope ladders, etc.) o A total of at least three slides connected to the structure, with one being a curving spiral slide. o At least one sunshade covering a portion of the structure/play area. One Spinami Spinning Whirl with capacity of up to seven children. *Pictured examples are shown below: Additional Items: • • 2 - 6’ foot benches with back, in-ground mount, poly-coated steel. Installation for all playground equipment. Site shall be restored, no payments to be made until final sign off from staff. All Playground Equipment must meet the following standards, with appropriate documentation provided: • • • • ASTM 1487: Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use. CPSC: Consumer Product Safety Commission for Public Playground Safety ADA: Americans with Disability Act IPEMA: International Playground Equipment Manufacturer’s Association General Requirements: • • • • • • All submissions shall contain drawings and layouts, pictures, and complete specifications of the play equipment. Bids/Proposals shall also contain any and all materials utilized. All fasteners shall be corrosive resistant. Copy of all warranties shall be provided. Warranties shall cover a minimum of: o Powder Coating shall contain a minimum of a five-year warranty against fading when facing normal exposure. Testing in compliance with ASTM D 2244 shall be included within packet o Lifetime warranty on steel posts o 15 year warranty of pipes, steps, loops, and rails o 15 year warranty on roto-molded plastics o 15 year warranty on HDPE plastic sheeting o 15 year warranty on steel platforms o 5 year warranty on site amenities o 5 year warranty on cables and nets Playground equipment as specified Two 6’ perforated benches with in-ground mount Installation of all quoted items by Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI). Equipment Variations: • Equipment not specifically mentioned must be as equal to the quality of the equipment listed in this document. Information Required for Submittal of a Request for Proposal Tax ID Number: __________________________ Representative Name: Title: ________________________________________ _______________________ Vendor Name: ________________________________________ Vendor Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Phone Number: ______________________________________________________________ Cell Number: _______________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________ FOB, Hamlet 1. Total Cost of Project $__________________. (Please attach an itemized breakdown of individual play elements) 2. Estimated Installation/Completion Date: ________________. I have read and understand the requirements of this request for this proposal and agree to comply except as noted. The proposed fee shall include all labor, material and equipment to provide the services as in this packet. Additional pages must be used to show detail of unit costs and options. Exceptions: Submitted by: Date: _________________ (Signature of individual listed above) Appendix: Project Area Photos *Project Area is located at WD James Park, located at the intersection of Oak Ave and Highway 177 in Hamlet. *Existing slide structure will be removed by City prior to installation. *Existing Structure will be removed by the City prior to installation. *Existing climbing structure will be removed by the City prior to installation. Swing set in the background will remain in the project area.