Equivalent Resistance in a Series Circuit

Equivalent Resistance in a Series Circuit
To investigate resistance in a parallel circuit.
Pre-lab 1. Explain what is meant by the term equivalent resistance?
Questions ____________________________________________________________
2. What is the symbol for equivalent resistance?
To reveal the list of the exhibits, click on the Hand.
Click the circle beside Equivalent resistance in series circuit.
Then click the OK button.
Activity 1 The Hand will build a very simple series circuit.
To determine a specified value, click on the component indicated.
1. What is the resistance of:
A. the blue resistor ?
B. the purple resistor ?
2. What is the potential difference of the circuit?
3. Where should an ammeter be inserted in order to determine the
total current of the circuit?
4. Insert the ammeter. What is the total current of the circuit?
Equivalent Resistance in a Series Circuit
By Heather McPherson
5. What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit (click on the power
6. What is the formula used to calculate the equivalent resistance in
a series circuit?
7. Using this formula, calculate the Req of this circuit.
8. How does the calculated Req compare with the given value of Req ?
9. Did you find a difference between the two values? Account for any
differences. (Hint: look at the screen!).
Turn the current direction on using the VISUALIZE button.
10. Draw the circuit diagram.
Activity 2 Click on clear, and build a series circuit using one blue, one purple, one
yellow, and one green resistor, as well as one lightbulb. Use as many
wires as you need.
1. What is the resistance of:
blue resistor?
purple resistor?
yellow resistor?
green resistor?
Equivalent Resistance in a Series Circuit
By Heather McPherson
The light can be turned on or off by clicking the right side of the
mouse. Have fun!
E. the light?
F. one wire x number of wires used? ____________________
2. Calculate the Req.
3. What is the given Req ? Were you right?
4. Insert the ammeter. What is the total current in the circuit?
5. What is the potential difference of the circuit?
6. Using Ohm’s Law, calculate Req.
7. How does your calculated value compare with the given value?
8. Draw a circuit diagram of the circuit.
Clear the circuit.
Equivalent Resistance in a Series Circuit
By Heather McPherson
Activity 3 Design the most complicated circuit using as many of the circuit
elements that you can. Bonus if you use everything provided!
1. Write down the resistance of every component used.
2. Calculate the Req.
3. Compare to the Req given.
4. Draw a circuit diagram of the circuit.
5. Verify the value of Req using Ohm’s Law.
Equivalent Resistance in a Series Circuit
By Heather McPherson