Comparison Study of Usage as Grounding Electrode between Galvanized Iron and Copper with and without Earth Additive Filler F. Mahtar, A.Ramli, W.R.Wan Abdullah, M.N. Isa Telekom Research And Development Sendirian Berhad. Idea Tower, UPM-MTDC, Technology Incubation Center One, Lebuh Silikon, 43400, Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. {fakhrul, annuar, wanrazli, fallah} Abstract – With increasing price-hike for copper and its vulnerability to theft, there is some concern to telecommunications, utility company and building contractors to find an alternative material to copper as a grounding network. It has been known that galvanized iron is one type of steel that has been used extensively as a strengthener in pole construction, especially in Malaysia. Because of its electrical characteristics and reasonably low price, galvanized iron also can be considered as an alternative to copper as a grounding material. In this paper, evaluation is being done in order to verify the performance of stranded galvanized iron as grounding network. Mock up systems with both copper tape and galvanized iron wires have been constructed in the same site, which having 2 layer soil models based on soil resistivity measurements which have been conducted and simulated by using Current Distribution, Electromagnetic Fields, Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis (CDEGS) software by Safe Engineering Services & Technologies Limited. The performance of both copper tapes and galvanized iron wires has being monitored for 6 months from the installation date. By referring to the measured data, the performance of both copper and galvanized irons can be viewed and compared. The results prove that there is significant effect of better usage of copper as grounding electrode compared to galvanized iron, in terms of overall grounding impedance of the systems, based on 25 weeks’ data, especially for grounding systems which have been added with earth additive filler (EAF). Keyword; Copper, galvanized Iron, grounding impedance, CDEGS Software, Earth Additive Filler (EAF). 1. Introduction The grounding electrode of an electrical installation is the way into the earth for the electrons. Therefore, installing a grounding electrode in the earth means installing an electrical terminal to help the electrons travel into earth [4]. Choosing suitable conductors for the grounding grid is important not only to provide satisfactory performance, but also to maintain the quality of grounding system over the long term [3]. In normal practice, a typical grounding system will consist of horizontally buried conductors, which usually use copper tape in rectangular form, as in Telekom Malaysia case, 25mm X 3mm. As a fact, copper is chosen ahead of other type of conductors and materials because of its ability to conduct current due to its higher conductivity level and lower permeability level, thus making it is easier to discharge current to earth in case of grounding systems. Another advantage of copper is that the resistance against corrosion, where copper is less subjected to corrosion because of its neutral characteristics, compared to other type of conductors. Most of the time, grounding systems in Malaysia use copper as grounding conductors, whether in telecommunications industry, as well as in power utility section. Meanwhile, in some other Asian countries, such as China, there are a lot of grounding systems still use steel as conductors for grounding systems [1]. The major factor of using steel as grounding conductors is that the price of steel is much lower compared to copper. Besides, steel conductors are also having less risk to theft due to cheaper price. In fact, in China, most of 1970’s and 1980’s grounding grids are made of steel [1]. But, the fact is as steel bear a much higher permeability and lower conductivity than copper, making it less preferable compared to copper for grounding purposes. This indifference of characteristics is likely to cause some issues, particularly for electronics equipments’ operations inside the telecommunications outdoor cabinets or substations owing to there are significant potential differences between different parts of the systems, particularly for the large systems. Besides, steel conductors are well known for its vulnerability for corrosion, compared to copper. Corrosion of steel conductors can result in an impaired grounding system that could cause serious problems, especially when fault occurred. Indeed, in China since the end of 1980’s, many serious power failure incidents have been reported and it is found that inadequate grounding is one of the important causes in most accidents [1]. The focus of this paper is to analyze the performance of grounding systems made of galvanized iron and copper, in the same site which having a resemblance of soil resistivity model and value, plus the effect of earth additive filler that has been utilized around the mock-up systems. Based on field measurement data which have been monitored consistently for 6 months, the performances for each grounding system are compared and analyzed. Soil resistivity measurements as well as soil simulation by means of CDEGS software are also presented in this paper. 2. Soil Resistivity Measurement and Simulation Soil resistivity measurement and interpretation are an essential task for an accurate grounding analysis [3]. The soil resistivity data are the most important data needed in order for a grounding system to be designed and constructed properly. The importance of the data is so crucial that the soil resistivity measurement data must be done before any grounding networks are constructed. This is to ensure that the soil resistivity data collected are of true soil resistivity values without any influence from any buried metallic structures. For this paper, the soil resistivity data are obtained by using a 4-pole measurement method based on Wenner Array method. The data collected from the soil resistivity measurement are of apparent resistance as tabulated in Table 1. Table 1: Soil Resistivity Data at the mock-up test site in Shah Alam, Malaysia Spike Spacing (meter) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Apparent Resistance (Ohm) 12.78 7.35 4.49 2.48 1.49 0.9 0.55 0.4 0.31 0.24 0.2 0.2 0.18 0.17 0.15 Based on the measurement data, then the simulation is conducted by using CDEGS Software, as originally designed by Safe Engineering Services & Technologies Limited, Canada. This software is able to model the multilayered soil model by using the standard soil resistivity data. In detail, the RESAP module has been used to model and simulate the soil layer. The simulation results are shown in Table 2. Table 2: Layered soil model from RESAP Module Layer Number Resistivity (Ohm-meter) Thickness (meter) 1 2 3 infinite 98.91554 11.87216 infinite 2.829872 infinite In Figure 1, the module shows the Soil Resistivity Curve which interpret the soil model as in Table 2. Figure 1: Soil Resistivity Curve From the soil resistivity data and curve which have been simulated by CDEGS, it shows that the soil model at the mock-up test site in Shah Alam has basically 2 layered soils. It is generally a Hi-Lo model where the upper layer is having high resistivity value compared to the 2nd layer. With this soil model, along with its respective thickness, future grounding systems that will be constructed in the site can be maximized in terms of lowering the grounding impedance so that the systems will not be under design or over design. 3. Mock-up Systems Constructions The mock-up systems which have been built are consisting of 4 holes which have been constructed to monitor the grounding impedance for 4 different scenarios, which are as the followings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Stranded galvanized iron. Stranded galvanized iron with addition of EAF. Copper tape. Copper tape with addition of EAF. The illustrations for the mock up systems are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Trenches with stranded galvanized irons and copper tapes The mock up systems which have been built and been monitored for 6 months with a constant time frame of measurement in order to see if there are any changes of grounding impedance values from time to time. Figure 2 shows that there are 4 separate trenches constructed. The grounding impedance measurement is conducted to all trenches and the data are recorded. For trench 2 and trench 4, there are different from the rests as these trenches are added with EAF, which is carbon based powder type filler which is marketed worldwide. The usage of this material is to reduce the grounding impedance value of the systems. So, for the measured data, it is expected that the grounding impedance values of these trenches will be lower than the same galvanized iron and copper tape without EAF. The specification for galvanized iron and copper tape which has been applied here is shown in Table 3. Table 3: Galvanized Iron and Copper tape specifications Type of earth electrode Total length (m) Size or dimension GI wire 5.0 Copper tape (or copper strip) 5.0 Diameter: 7.62mm or 2 35mm square with 7/2.53 strand 25mm (w) x 3mm (h) 4. Results and Observations The measurement data for the grounding impedance have been done by using a 3-pole earth tester. The measurement is carried out by using a modern earth/ground tester with current probe positioned 60 meter from the grounding tape and the impedance value is calculated by using Tagg Slope technique. This is because when the data are retrieved, there is no clear flattening on the resistivity versus spike spacing graph. So, the determination of the grounding impedance has to be determined by using Tagg Slope technique. The resistance readings are done at 20%, 40% and 40% from the length of current spike, which is 60 meter. So, the resistance has been measured at the respective 12 meter, 24 meter and 36 meter for potential spike spacing. Then, the calculation of slope coefficient (µ) by using 3 resistance data at 20%, 40% and 60% is based on the following formula: µ = (R60% - R40%) (R40% - R20%) After µ value has been determined, then the corresponding ratio of potential spike over current spike spacing will be determined and from the table of Tagg Slope technique Coefficient value, in which it will determine at what value of potential spike spacing distance the grounding resistance value suppose to be. After that, the measurement at the determined spacing will be conducted and the resistance at that particular potential spacing will be used as the true grounding impedance value for the respective grounding network. The measured data from the mock-up test site in Shah Alam, Malaysia are shown in Table 4 and Figure 3. Table 4: Grounding Impedance data for 25 weeks better in terms of conductivity of current compared to galvanized iron. 4.1 Grounding CDEGS Simulation Figure 3: Measured Ground Impedance Data The measured data reveal that there are decreasing values of all trenches in terms of grounding impedance value from week 1 until week 25. For trenches with addition of EAF, the values seem to be consistent starting with values from week 20 and beyond. The reductions of grounding impedance values between the same conductor trenches with EAF and without EAF are 41.9% % for galvanized iron and 42.4 % for copper tapes, based on the 25th week data. The corresponding data for every fortnight for the respective conductors are outlined in Table 5. Table 5: The percentage of reduction for trenches with EAF taken by weekly basis Impedance Result by In addition to field measurement, the simulation by using CDGES software, particularly MALZ module that can model the usage of EAF in grounding network, with all main characteristics such as permeability and resistivity of the material are defined in the module. As for this case, the usage of EAF is modeled as a single fat plate conductor, in which the dimension of the effective radius for the plate is calculated by equivalent cylindrical conductors dimension as attached by Safe Engineering and Technologies Limited. From the simulated result, the grounding impedance for galvanized iron and copper tape without the addition of EAF are 23.16 Ohm and 20.74 Ohm, respectively, in which yield the difference of 10.44% between each other. Meanwhile, the differences between field measurement and simulated values are 14.50% for galvanized iron and 14.41% for copper tape in week 25. For trenches which have been added with EAF, the simulated data yield the results in which the galvanized iron trench and copper tape trench give 10.18 Ohm and 10.14 Ohm, respectively which make the difference between these values is 0.39 %. Meanwhile, the difference between the field measurement value with that of the simulated value is 11.47 % for galvanized iron and 0.78% for copper tape in week 25. 5. Discussions The difference of grounding impedance value for copper tape and stranded galvanized iron is 10.45% for systems without EAF. Meanwhile, the difference for trenches with addition of EAF is 11.13 %, much higher compared to trenches without EAF. There is a significant difference for trenches with EAF for both stranded galvanized iron and copper tapes, as well as trenches without the addition of EAF. This is most likely caused by surface contact between the grounding electrode and the soil, which is so inferior, compared to those trenches with addition of EAF, where the surface contact between the horizontal parts and the soil is much better because of bigger surface area with addition of low-resistivity material in EAF. Thus, the current discharge to earth disperses into ground much better. For systems with EAF, the impedance value difference are much bigger, with 11.13%, where the concern here is that the surface contact between the EAF and soil, but more likely to be decided by the characteristics of the conductors itself, where obviously the copper will be Overall, it can be seen that there is a discrepancy between the field measurement data and simulated data. This discrepancy is most likely caused by the physical condition of the site itself, where it can be seen that most of the time when the measurement is carried out, the surrounding condition is so wet. The wet conditions tend to give lower reading of grounding impedance values. The results obtained from the CDEGS simulation seem to perform higher reading than the field measurement results for trenches without EAF. Meanwhile, for systems with addition of EAF, the CDEGS simulation data demonstrate slightly lower than the measured data. The difference between these values is caused by the assumption made by CDEGS in which for trenches with EAF, the horizontal part of the conductors is modeled as a big horizontal plate with the respective conductors’ characteristics, in this case the galvanized iron and copper. The assumption made in the CDEGS software will improve the surface contact between conductors and soil, which will eventually increase the current dissipation into ground, thus lowering the impedance value of the conductors. Meanwhile, for trenches without EAF, the contact between conductors and soil are assumed as a constant value in CDEGS, without any interaction with water and moisture inside soil, which originated from the rain and other moisture sources contained in the soil. Based on 25 weeks’ data, the measurement data yield the results that the usage of EAF can lower the grounding impedance data, compared to the identical type of conductors without having the EAF. It shows that the trenches without EAF have their impedance values drop, starting from week 10 until week 25. This is most likely to be caused by the effect of rain and also the effect from the adjacent trenches which equipped with EAF, in which some particles from EAF from the adjacent trenches help to some extent lower the impedance values to the non-EAF trenches up to 10%15% from the date of installation. Meanwhile, for trenches with EAF, the impedance values seem to be more stable, starting from week 4. Furthermore, the impedance values for trenches with EAF take less time to stabilize compared to nonEAF trenches for example trenches 2 and 4 almost immediately settle to constant value in week 2, whereas trenches 1 and 3 take longer time to stabilize. This is the evidence that the usage of the EAF help to some extent shorten the impedance value stabilization, disregard of type of conductors being used. The data trends between CDEGS simulation and field measurement show a resemblance, despite the difference in terms of values recorded for the respective trenches and weeks. 6. Conclusions In conclusion, the results show that the performances of galvanized iron against copper tape in the same multilayered soil seem to be having a significant different, based on 25 weeks data measured at the test site. The radius of the galvanized iron also plays an important role as the difference between the areas of these conductors is almost half. Therefore, using the bigger galvanized iron conductors will bring down the impedance value of the systems, as more current can pass through the conductors. This is because the conductivity of copper is better than galvanized iron. It can be seen from the data that the impedance data for trenches with EAF seem to be more stable, while the trenches without EAF seem to drop and fluctuate until they come to the 25th week where the data are less fluctuating. The trenches with EAF are also having some effects to their adjacent trenches where the impedance values of the latter drop from week to week. Further field measurement needed to ensure the impedance data will finally come to a constant value, thus further study and measurement needed on the site. Extended studies needed especially to observe the performance for both types of ground conductors when come to corrosion effect, as the mock-up test site in Shah Alam, Malaysia is situated in an industrial area where there is a lot of gas emission from the industries nearby which lead to acid rain which can speed up the corrosion effect on metal. The possibility of increasing impedance data for both systems with and without EAF will be investigated within a period of 3 – 5 years. This will ensure the effectiveness of EAF against the corrosion effect to both systems. References [1] Y. Li, F.P. Dawalibi, J. Ma,Y. Yang, C.Y. Li, W. Xu and J.S. Zhang, “Analysis of Steel Grounding : A Practical Case Study” IEEE Journal Paper. [2] Yexu Li, Jinxi Ma, Farid Paul Dawalibi and Jinsong Zhang, “Power Grounding Safety: Copper Grounding Systems Vs Steel Grounding Systems” IEEE Journal Paper. [3] J. Ma and F.P. Dawalibi, “Study of Influence of Buried Metallic Structures on Soil Resistivity Measurements” IEEE Journal Paper. [4] R. P. O’Riley, Electrical Grounding, Delmar Publishers Inc, New York, USA, 1993