International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER) ISSN 2250-155X Vol. 3, Issue 4, Oct 2013, 15-24 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. IMPROVEMENT OF POWER QUALITY BY USING SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER AT VARIOUS LOAD CONDITIONS K. BAPAYA NAAIIDU1 & R. KAMESWARA RAO2 1 Research Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNTUK, Kakinada (M), Andhra Pradesh, India 2 Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNTUK, Kakinada (M), Andhra Pradesh, India ABSTRACT Power quality problems such as three-phase unbalanced and harmonics, reactive power, power factor and so on, have become serious increasingly, passive power filter may not provide better solution and the development of APF has been one of the ways to solve these problems. This paper presents a three-phase, 3-level voltage source inverter based active filter for power line conditioning to improve power quality in the distribution network. The active filter compensates both reactive power and harmonic currents drawn by non-linear loads; additionally it facilitates power factor corrections. The compensation process is based on concept of p-q theory. This proposed 3-level active power filter system is validated through MATLAB/SIMULINK Platform with different load conditions. KEYWORDS: Shunt Active Filter, Instantaneous Power Theory, Power Quality, 3-Level H-Bridge Inverter, DC Link Controller INTRODUCTION Electric Power quality is a term which has captured increasing attention in power engineering in the recent years, The measure of power quality depends upon the needs of the equipment that is being supplied. Usually the term power quality refers to maintaining a sinusoidal waveform of bus voltages at rated capacity of voltage and frequency [1]. The waveform of electric power at generation stage is purely sinusoidal and free from any distortion. Many of the Power conversion and consumption equipment are also designed to function under pure sinusoidal voltage waveforms. However, there are many devices that distort the waveform. These distortions may propagate all over the electrical network. In recent years, there has been an increased use of non-linear loads which has resulted in an increased fraction of non-sinusoidal currents and voltages in Electric Network. Classification of power quality areas may be made according to the source of the problem such as converters, magnetic circuit non linearity, arc furnace or by the wave shape of the signal such as harmonics, flicker or by the frequency spectrum (radio frequency interference). The wave shape phenomena associated with power quality may be characterized into synchronous and non synchronous phenomena. Synchronous phenomena refer to those in synchronism with A.C waveform at power frequency [2]. With the development of industrialization process, requirement of consumers for the power quality is becoming higher and higher. Power problems like the lack of reactive compensation capacity of grid and aggravating harmonics pollution increase the loss and influence the power supply quality. To solve the problems, static var generator (SYG) is proposed with advantages of rapid response, small volume, wide tuning range, high quality of current waveform in grid [3]. The definition of reactive power in the p-q coordinate system in the theory makes the full compensation of zerosequence component in the three phase system possible. As for the unbalance three phase system, the proposing of the instantaneous reactive power theory promotes the development and application of electrical energy management largely. 16 K. Bapaya Naaiidu & R. Kameswara Rao Recently Active Power Line Conditioners (APLC) or Active Power Filters (APF) overcome these problems and are designed for compensating the harmonics and suppressing the reactive power simultaneously [4]. Since basic principles of active filter compensation were proposed by Gyugyi and Strycula in 1976[5]. In 1984, Hirofumi Akagi introduced a new concept of instantaneous reactive power (p-q theory) compensators [6],[7]. The generalized instantaneous reactive power theory which is valid for sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal and balanced or unbalanced three-phase power systems with or without zero-sequence currents was later proposed [8]. The active filter can be connected in series or in parallel with the supply network. The series active power filter is suitable for voltage harmonic compensation. Most of the industrial applications need current harmonic compensation, so the shunt active filter is popular than series active filter [9]. Currently, remarkable progress in the capacity and switching speed of power semiconductor devices such as insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) has spurred interest in APF [10]. The shunt active power filter compensation process is based on the instantaneous real-power theory; it provides good compensation characteristics in steady state as well as transient states [11]. The instantaneous real-power theory generates the reference currents required to compensate the distorted line current harmonics and reactive power. It also tries to maintain the dc-bus voltage across the capacitor constant. Another important characteristic of this real-power theory is the simplicity of the calculations, which involves only algebraic calculation [12]. This paper present an instantaneous real-power compensator based on 3-level shunt active power filter are used for the harmonics and reactive power compensation. The compensation process involves calculation of real-power (p) losses only that is derived from sensing phase voltages and distorted source currents. The PI-controller is used to maintain the capacitance voltage of the inverter constant. The shunt APF system is validated through extensive simulation and investigated under steady state and transient conditions with various load conditions. SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER PROPOSED SYSTEM Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Shunt Active Power Line Conditioners Instantaneous real-power theory based cascaded active filter for power line conditioning system is connected in the distribution network at the PCC through filter inductances and operates in a closed loop. The shunt active filter system contains a cascaded inverter, RL-filters, a compensation controller (instantaneous real-power theory) and switching signal generator (proposed triangular-sampling current modulator) as shown in the Figure 1. The three-phase supply source connected with non-linear load and these nonlinear loads currents contains fundamental and harmonic components. If the active power filter provides the total reactive and harmonic power, is (t) will be in phase with the utility voltage and would be sinusoidal. At this time, the active filter must provide the compensation current therefore; active power filter estimates the fundamental components and compensating the harmonic current and reactive power. Improvement of Power Quality by Using Shunt Active Power Filter at Various Load Conditions 17 Reference Current Control Strategy The control scheme of the shunt active power filter must calculate the current reference signals from each phase of the inverter using instantaneous real-power compensator. The block diagram as shown in Figure 2, that control scheme generates the reference current required to compensate the load current harmonics and reactive power. The PI controller is tried to maintain the dc-bus voltage across the capacitor constant of the cascaded inverter. This instantaneous real- power compensator with PI-controller is used to extracts reference value of current to be compensated. Figure 2: Reference Current Generator Using Instantaneous Real-Power Theory These reference currents isa*,isb *and isc * are calculated instantaneously without any time delay by using the instantaneous coordinate currents. The required references current derivate from the inverse Clarke transformation and it can be written as (1) The reference currents isa*, isb * and isc *are compared with actual source current isisa , isb and isc that facilitates generating cascaded multilevel inverter switching signals using the proposed triangular-sampling current modulator. The small amount of real-power is adjusted by changing the amplitude of fundamental component of reference currents and the objective of this algorithm is to compensate all undesirable components. When the power system voltages are balanced and sinusoidal, it leads to constant power at the dc bus capacitor and balanced sinusoidal currents at AC mains simultaneously. PROPOSED INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORY The proposed instantaneous real-power (p) theory derives from the conventional p-q theory or instantaneous power theory concept and uses simple algebraic calculations. It operates in steady-state or transient as well as for generic voltage and current power systems that allowing to control the active power filters in real-time. The active filter should supply the oscillating portion of the instantaneous active current of the load and hence makes source current sinusoidal. Figure 3: α-β Coordinates Transformation 18 K. Bapaya Naaiidu & R. Kameswara Rao The p-q theory performs a Clarke transformation of a stationary system of coordinates a bc to an orthogonal reference system of coordinates. In a bc coordinates axes are fixed on the same plane, apart from each other by 120o that as shown in Figure 5. The instantaneous space vectors voltage and current Va, ia are set on the a-axis, Vb, ib are on the b axis, and Vc, ic are on the c axis. These space vectors are easily transformed into coordinates. The instantaneous source voltages vsa, vsb, vsc are transformed into the coordinate’s voltage vα, vβby Clarke transformation as follows: (2) Similarly, the instantaneous source current isa, isb, isc also transformed into the coordinate’s current i iby Clarke transformation that is given as; (3) Where and axes are the orthogonal coordinates. They v, iare on the α-axis, and v, iare on the β-axis. Real-Power (p) Calculation The orthogonal coordinates of voltage and current v,iare on the-axis and v, iare on the-axis. Let the instantaneous real-power calculated from the -axis and - axis of the current and voltage respectively. These are given by the conventional definition of real-power as; Pac = Vα iα+Vβ iβ (4) This instantaneous real-power pac is passed to first order Butterworth design based 50 Hz low pass filter (LPF) for eliminating the higher order components; it allows the fundamental component only. These LPF indicates ac components of the real-power losses and it’s denoted as pac. The DC power loss is calculated from the comparison of the dc-bus capacitor voltage of the cascaded inverter and desired reference voltage. The proportional and integral gains (PI Controller) are determining the dynamic response and settling time of the dc-bus capacitor voltage. The DC component power losses can be written as (5) The instantaneous real-power ( p) is calculated from the AC component of the real-power loss Pac and the DC power loss PDC(Loss); it can be defined as follows; P = Pac + PDC (Loss) (6) The instantaneous current on the coordinates of Icand icare divided into two kinds of instantaneous current components; first is real-power losses and second is reactive power losses, but this proposed controller computes only the real-power losses. So the coordinate currents ic,icare calculated from the v, vvoltages with instantaneous real power p only and the reactive power q is assumed to be zero. This approach reduces the calculations and shows better performance than the conventional methods. The coordinate currents can be calculated as Improvement of Power Quality by Using Shunt Active Power Filter at Various Load Conditions 19 (7) From this equation, we can calculate the orthogonal coordinate’s active-power current. The -axis of the instantaneous active current is written as: (8) Similarly, the -axis of the instantaneous active current is written as: (9) Let the instantaneous powers p(t) in the -axis and the - axis is represented as pand prespectively. They are given by the definition of real-power as follows: P(t) = vαp(t)iαp(t) +vβp(t)iβp(t) (10) From this equation (10), substitute the orthogonal coordinates -axis active power (8) and -axis active power (8); we can calculate the real-power p(t) as follows: (11) The AC and DC component of the instantaneous power p(t) is related to the harmonics currents. The instantaneous real power generates the reference currents required to compensate the distorted line current harmonics and reactive power. MATLAB/SIMULINK MODELLING AND SIMULATION RESULTS Here the simulation is carried out by two cases with different load conditions 1. Balanced Load 2.Un-Balanced Load. Case 1: Balanced Linear Load Condition Figure 4: Matlab/Simulink Model of Balanced Linear Load Figure 4 shows the Matlab/Simulink Model of Proposed Balanced Linear Load with Active power filter to 20 K. Bapaya Naaiidu & R. Kameswara Rao compensate the active & reactive powers. Figure 5: Source Voltage, Source Current, Load Current, Compensation Currents, DC Link Voltage Figure 5 shows the three phase source voltages, three phase source currents and load currents, compensation currents and DC link voltage respectively with APF at Balanced Linear Load. Case 2: Balanced Non-Linear Load Condition Figure 6: Matlab/Simulink Model of Balanced Non-Linear Load Figure 6 shows the Matlab/Simulink Model of Proposed Balanced Non-Linear Load with Active power filter to compensate the harmonics from Non-Linear Load. The performance of the proposed instantaneous real-power compensator 3 level inverter based active power filter is evaluated through Matlab/Simulink tools. The non-linear diode rectifier R-L load is connected with ac mains and cascaded active filter is connected in parallel at the PCC for injecting the anti-harmonics and eliminating the harmonics and improving the Reactive power. Figure 7: Source Voltage, Source Current, Load Current, Compensation Current, DC Link Voltage Improvement of Power Quality by Using Shunt Active Power Filter at Various Load Conditions 21 Figure 7 shows the three phase source voltages, three phase source currents and load currents, compensation currents and DC link voltage respectively with APF at Balanced Non-Linear Load. Figure 8: Source Side Power Factor Figure 8 shows the Source Side Power Factor of the Proposed APF at Balanced Non-Linear Load. Figure 9: Harmonic Spectrum of Phase-A Source Current with 3 Level Active Power Filter Figure 9 shows the harmonic spectrum of Phase –A Source current with 3 level active power filter. The THD of source current with 3 level active filter is 3.87%. Case 3: Un-Balanced Linear Load Condition Figure 10: Source Voltage, Source Current, Load Current, Compensation Currents, DC Link Voltage Figure 10 shows the three phase source voltages, three phase source currents and load currents, compensation currents and DC link voltage respectively with APF at Un-Balanced Linear Load. 22 K. Bapaya Naaiidu & R. Kameswara Rao Figure 11: Load Side Power Factor Figure 11 shows the load side power factor of proposed APF at Un-Balanced Linear Load Condition, but source power factor always unity because linear load. Case 4: Un-Balanced Non-Linear Load Condition Figure 12: Matlab/Simulink Model of Un-Balanced Non-Linear Load Figure 12 shows the Matlab/Simulink Model of Proposed Un-Balanced Non-Linear Load with Active power filter to compensate the harmonics coming from non-linear loads and to compensate the unwanted currents produced from load. Figure 13: Source Voltage, Source Current, Load Current, Compensation Currents, DC Link Voltage Figure 13 shows the three phase source voltages, three phase source currents and load currents, compensation currents and DC link voltage respectively with APF at Un-Balanced Non-Linear Load Condition, all over the load conditions we maintain constant dc link voltages and to maintain sinusoidal currents at our Point of Common Coupling. Improvement of Power Quality by Using Shunt Active Power Filter at Various Load Conditions 23 Figure 14: Source Side Power Factor Figure 14 shows the Source Side Power Factor of the Proposed APF at Un-Balanced Non-Linear Load. Figure 15: Harmonic Spectrum of Phase-A Source Current with 3 Level Active Power Filter Figure 15 shows the harmonic spectrum of Phase –A Source current with 3 level active power filter. The THD of source current with 3 level active filter is 3.35%. CONCLUSIONS A 3-Level H-Bridge Voltage Source inverter based Active Power Filter using instantaneous real-power controller is found to be an effective solution for power line conditioning. Shunt active filter with the proposed controller reduces harmonics and provides reactive power compensation due to non-linear load currents; as a result source current(s) become sinusoidal and unity power factor is also achieved under both transient and steady state conditions, with different load conditions. The proposed instantaneous real-power controller uses reduced computation for reference current calculations compared to conventional approach. As evident from the simulation studies, dc bus capacitor voltage settles early and has minimal ripple because of the presence of PI-controller & maintains constant DC Link Voltage. The THD of the source current when 3-Level Active Power Filter is well within harmonic limit imposed by the IEEE-519 standard. REFERENCES 1. 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