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John R. Bork
A Thesis
Submitted to the Graduate College of Bowling Green
State University in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
August 2005
David Border, Advisor
Sri Kolla
Sub Ramakrishnan
 2005
John R. Bork
All Rights Reserved
David Border, Advisor
This study demonstrated that complex process control solutions can be reverse
engineered using the Linux 2.6 kernel without employing any external interrupts or real­time
enhancements like RTLinux and RTAI. Reverse engineering creates knowledge through
research, observation, and disassembly of a system part in order to discern elements of its design,
manufacture, and use, often with the goal of producing a substitute. For this study Intel x86
compatible computer hardware running custom programs on a Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux
operating system replaced the failure­prone microcomputer­based control unit used in over
300,000 Bally electronic pinball machines manufactured from 1977 to 1985. A pinball machine
embodies a degree of complexity on par with the problems encountered in a capstone
undergraduate course in electronics and is fair game for reverse engineering because its patents
have expired, although copyrighted program code is still protected.
A black box technique for data development analyzed the microprocessor unit in terms of
a closed­loop process control model. Knowledge of real­time computing theory was leveraged
to supplant legacy circuits and firmware with modern, general­purpose computer architecture.
The research design was based on iterative, quantitatively validated prototypes. The first
iteration was a user program in which control of the solenoids was accomplished but the switch
matrix failed to correctly detect switch closures. The second iteration introduced a kernel
module to handle low level control, while a supervisory user program managed game play,
logging, and fault detection. In the third iteration an emulation of the digital displays was added
to the user interface and it was subjected to public testing.
Three variables were manipulated: the module process period, the system load, and the
use of POSIX real­time scheduling for the supervisory process. Overall game play performance
was acceptable when the workqueue process was repeated every two or three milliseconds; at
four milliseconds considerable lamp flicker was evident. An economic realizability measure,
25% unit cost savings, was met by minimizing expense with free, open source software and
recycled computer hardware. Project cost was reduced by casting the effort in an educational
context and by distributing software development among the SourceForge community, boosting
overall return on investment.
And would not a person with good reason call me a wise man, who from the time when I
began to understand spoken words have never left off seeking after and learning every good
thing that I could? .. Or for this, that while other men get their delicacies in the markets and pay a
high price for them, I devise more pleasurable ones from the resources of my soul, with no
expenditure of money?
Xenophon, Socrates' Defense
This work is dedicated to my grandfather, who put tools into my hands and encouraged
me to take things apart.
My deepest gratitude goes to Sue for her patience and support through the years while I
toiled with this project. I thank Dave Border and the rest of my committee for their guidance.
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................
Context of the Problem.......................................................................................
Statement of the Problem....................................................................................
Objectives of the Study.......................................................................................
Significance of the Study....................................................................................
Assumptions and Limitations.............................................................................
Definitions of Terms...........................................................................................
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE........................................................
Historical Context..............................................................................................
Relevant Theory.................................................................................................
Ingle's Four Stage Process......................................................................
Prescreening Process...................................................................
Stage 1: Evaluation and Verification..........................................
Stage 2: Technical Data Generation...........................................
Stage 3: Design Verification.......................................................
Stage 4: Design Implementation.................................................
Legal Issues.............................................................................................
Microcomputer Technology....................................................................
Process Control.......................................................................................
Real­time Computing..............................................................................
Current Literature...............................................................................................
Linux 2.6 Kernel.....................................................................................
CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY................................................................................
Restatement of the Problem................................................................................
Research Design..................................................................................................
Evaluation and Verification.....................................................................
A Socratic Method...................................................................................
Technical Data Generation......................................................................
Controlling Continuous Solenoids..............................................
Controlling Momentary Solenoids..............................................
Detecting Switches......................................................................
Controlling Feature Lamps..........................................................
Controlling Digital Displays........................................................
Controlling Game Operation.......................................................
Design Verification.................................................................................
Prototype Determination.............................................................
Prototype Testing........................................................................
Design Implementation...........................................................................
Electronic Pinball Machine.....................................................................
Data Recorder..........................................................................................
Statistical Techniques..........................................................................................
CHAPTER IV. RESULTS..............................................................................................
Process Models....................................................................................................
Continuous Solenoid Control..................................................................
Momentary Solenoid Control..................................................................
Switch Matrix Control.............................................................................
Feature Lamp Control.............................................................................
Game Operation Control.........................................................................
Testbed Iterations................................................................................................
First Iteration: The User Space Program.................................................
Second Iteration: The Kernel Module.....................................................
Third Iteration: The Public Interface......................................................
Project Return on Investment.............................................................................
Overall Performance...........................................................................................
CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................
APPENDIX A: PARTS LISTS.......................................................................................
8­Bit ISA I/O Board............................................................................................
Interface Circuit Between ISA Board and Pinball Machine...............................
APPENDIX B: SOFTWARE PROGRAM CODE..........................................................
APPENDIX C: OUTPUT OF ANALYTIC PROGRAMS.............................................
1. Corrosion near the battery on an AS2518­17 MPU............................................
2. Bally electronic pinball machine.........................................................................
3. Go/No­go decision matrix...................................................................................
Flow of technical data through the Four Stage process......................................
Motorola MC6800 CPU block diagram..............................................................
Closed­loop process control diagram..................................................................
Real­time periodic process..................................................................................
Socratic reverse engineering method..................................................................
Bally pinball control system block diagram.......................................................
AS2518 MPU electrical connections..................................................................
AS2518 electrical schematic...............................................................................
Continuous solenoids electrical connections......................................................
Solenoid control detail of MPU schematic.........................................................
Momentary solenoids electrical connections......................................................
Pinball machine switch matrix............................................................................
Switch matrix control detail of MPU schematic.................................................
Switch matrix electrical connections..................................................................
Feature lamps control detail of MPU schematic.................................................
Feature lamps electrical connections...................................................................
Digital displays control detail of MPU schematic...............................................
Digital displays electrical connections................................................................
Reverse engineered process model......................................................................
Momentary solenoids control timing diagram.....................................................
Manually firing a solenoid from the user interface..............................................
Switch matrix control timing diagram.................................................................
Diagnostic display showing switch closures.......................................................
Oscilloscope display of untriggered feature lamp SCR anode............................
Oscilloscope display of triggered feature lamp SCR anode................................
Feature lamp control timing diagram..................................................................
Kernel workqueue process program flowchart...................................................
Supervisory process program flowchart.............................................................
Pinball machine instruction card........................................................................
8­bit ISA I/O board schematic...........................................................................
Interface Circuit Between ISA Board and Pinball Machine...............................
Backboard score display by supervisory program.............................................
Prototype system being tested at 2005 Pinball At The Zoo...............................
Test bed computer system block diagram..........................................................
Ideal and actual SCR triggering.........................................................................
Comparison of cumulative percentage graphs...................................................
Assembly code to create 1000 Hz waveform......................................................
Linux system calls used to increase process determinism..................................
Reverse engineering economics based on traditional development model.........
Division of MPU electrical connections into major sub systems........................
Mapping of solenoids to decoder outputs............................................................
Mapping of switches to switch matrix positions.................................................
Mapping of feature lamps to decoders................................................................
Timing requirements of the original MPU..........................................................
Real­time requirements for prototype testing......................................................
Summary of solenoid pulse duration error..........................................................
Summary of switch sampling and detection latencies........................................
Commands available to the kernel module control process................................
Key functions in the kernel module.....................................................................
Key functions in supervisory control program....................................................
Summary of supervisory process execution periods............................................
Reverse engineering economics based on FOSS development model.................
Number of Failed Real­Time Requirements Per Game.......................................
Percentage of Missed Repeating Switch Detections............................................
CPU Duty Cycle of Kernel Module Process........................................................
CPU Duty Cycle of Supervisory Control Process................................................
My mission is to promote the philosophy of computing by combining the speculative
through scholarly study of ancient texts and the practical through hobbyist study of electronic
technology. I was inspired to learn how computers work when I was challenged to defend an
assertion that Plato's Symposium addressed the ethics of virtual reality. In reading this text I
found hints that ancient thinkers pondered the implications of human beings' comportment
towards technology. This notion was strengthened by reading Plato's Phaedrus, which contains
fascinating critiques of rhetoric and writing. It took little imagination to conclude that writing
was as much a means of computing to the ancients as electronic machinery is to us today. Being
a philosopher I understood the importance of knowing my subject matter, so I became a
technologist. I lived according to the ethical imperative that, if I was going to philosophize about
computing, I had better understand how computers work from the ground up. Along the way I
struggled with the problem of finding interesting projects in which to integrate a comprehensive
understanding where specialization seemed necessary. Ten years of effort are expressed through
this thesis.
The selection of an utterance of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, written by
Xenophon over two thousand years ago, as the frontispiece to this text, illustrates the idea that
human beings take pride in their ability to learn things, and that from this knowledge they are
able to build, rather than buy, particular items of interest. Wisdom decides which projects are
worth pursuing "from the resources of the soul," and which are best satisfied with commercial,
off­the­shelf items. Reverse engineering and philosophical investigation arise from the same
desire to know. So when I read Kathryn Ingle's comment, "I do not believe that reverse
engineering is truly anything new although its origins are vague. In all the research I have done
on the subject since 1985 I have found no definitive discussion of where it came from or how it
is conducted" (1994, p. ix), I felt that I had found both an answer to her question and a path
connecting the ancient to the modern, towards a philosophy of computing: reverse engineering a
microcomputer­based control unit.
Reverse engineering creates knowledge through research, observation, and disassembly
of a part in a system in order to discern elements of its design, manufacture, and use, often with
the goal of producing a substitute. The failure­prone microcomputer­based control unit used in
over 300,000 Bally electronic pinball machines manufactured from 1977 to 1985 was reverse
engineered and replaced with Intel x86 compatible computer hardware running custom programs
on a stock Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux operating system. This chapter explains the context of the
problem, the objectives of the study, its significance, and its assumptions and limitations.
Chapter II reviews the literature relevant to reverse engineering a microcomputer­based control
unit. Chapter III develops the methodology used in the study and describes the apparatus. The
results of the study are presented in Chapter IV. Chapter V gives the overall conclusions of the
research and a discussion of future work. Appendices contain supplementary data, computer
programs, and output from programmatic analysis of testbed performance.
Context of the Problem
Reverse engineering creates knowledge through research, observation, and disassembly
of a part in a system in order to discern elements of its design, manufacture, and use. Often the
goal is to procure an alternative for a costly replacement part or to build one from scratch if it is
no longer available (Ingle, 1994; Schwartz, 2001; Cifuentes and Fitzgerald, 2000; Behrens and
Levary, 1998; Lancaster, 1996). A formal reverse engineering project will not proceed beyond
an initial screening phase unless the substitute part can be reproduced at a 25% savings over the
next best alternative and yield a return on investment of 25:1 or better (Ingle, 1994). Most
research literature in reverse engineering deals with computer software or machined parts (Ingle,
1994). Projects that have received the most attention (and documentation) are large scale
government and business undertakings where the substantial labor cost of doing the reverse
engineering work is justified. The fact that only the largest and most profitable reverse
engineering projects have been well documented implies that little scholarly attention has been
given to reverse engineering items where cost savings and return on investment are not expected:
reverse engineering complex components that combine machined parts and computer software.
The typical microcomputer control unit found in many consumer products ranging from
automobiles to pinball machines consists of custom fabricated circuit boards, generic though
possibly obsolete electronic components, and embedded computer programs. Cases often arise
when a systemic failure of such a unit cannot be economically repaired, especially for old, first
generation devices. For example, the replacement cost for the electronic control unit used in
1970s and 1980s era pinball machines can be half the book value of the machine itself (Petit,
2002; Alltek Systems, 2004).
An unfortunate trait was built into many first generation microcomputer­based control
units leading to their extinction. It was the placement of a rechargeable battery on the main
circuit board for backup power to static memory chips. When these nickel cadmium batteries
leak, a common occurrence with twenty years old devices, extensive corrosion will be present at
electrical junctions. The Bally Corporation used the AS2518­17 Microprocessor Unit (MPU)
and a slightly revised AS2518­35 model from 1977 to 1985 in over 300,000 pinball machines.
Games now malfunction or do not work at all because the MPU boards have suffered systemic
battery acid damage. Note the bluish corrosion surrounding the battery and on the IC sockets in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Corrosion near the battery on an AS2518­17 MPU
Troubleshooting is very difficult since electrical blockages due to corrosion produce the same
symptoms as failed components, many of which are expensive, obsolete items. The original
manufacturer has long been out of business, so the supply of "new old stock" (NOS) units
continues to decrease. After market replacements exist; however, they cost nearly one half the
book value of most machines. The outcome of this original design fault is that a large number of
games remain idle, are parted out for spare parts, or are destroyed.
Reverse engineering this control system involves replacing both hardware and software.
It is expedient to utilize generic, "off the shelf" components wherever possible. An option is to
use a second hand personal computer rather than a build a custom control unit. However,
additional hardware is required to interface an x86 based personal computer to the approximately
40 digital I/O points that connect the AS2518­35 to the rest of the pinball machine. Furthermore,
running a general purpose, open operating system like GNU/Linux presents significant problems
for satisfying timing requirements due to nondeterminism inherent in program execution. Care
must be taken when developing software programs to duplicate the operation of a single­tasking
computer in a non real­time, multi­tasking environment.
Statement of the Problem
The failure­prone microcomputer­based control unit used in over 300,000 Bally
electronic pinball machines manufactured from 1977 to 1985 was reverse engineered and
replaced with Intel x86 compatible computer hardware running custom programs on a stock
Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux operating system.
Objectives of the Study
1. Determine relevant specifications of the Bally AS2518­17 MPU. The scope of control
operations included:
a. Energizing continuous and momentary solenoids,
b. Sensing switch closures,
c. Illuminating feature lamps, and
d. Providing rudimentary game play operations for evaluation.
2. Build GNU/Linux, PC based substitute controller for the MPU. This included:
a. Electrical interface to pinball machine and
b. Control software framework design and implementation.
3. Evaluate project success. Criteria included:
a. Satisfying physical, electrical, safety requirements,
b. Performing comparably to the original unit judged by correctness of the scope of
operation including timeliness requirements, and
c. Meeting cost target of $150 or less using recycled components for a 25 percent
cost savings over the $200 Alltek System Ultimate MPU unit.
Significance of the Study
Why reverse engineer a microcomputer­based control unit, specifically one from a pinball
machine? Undertaking this study has practical, pedagogical, ethical, and ultimately
philosophical significance. Reverse engineering scholarship addressing microcomputer­based
control units has hitherto focused on non­commercial, low­production, high­cost military
systems for the very good reason that reverse engineering is only justified when no commercial,
off­the­shelf replacement is available for a given part, and the system must be preserved at any
cost. This sentiment is captured in Ingle's Go/No­Go Matrix, which is introduced in Chapter II.
If the proposed methodology succeeds, then a substantial cost savings can be realized for
replacing defective Bally pinball MPUs. The fate of tens of thousands of pinball machines is at
stake. Two solutions currently exist. The damaged boards can sometimes be repaired by a
skilled electronics technician, although frequently the corrosion is so extensive that the effort is
futile. Alltek Systems currently manufactures a proprietary replacement MPU board selling for
$200 (Alltek Systems, 2004). Both of these solutions involve substantial costs that can cause the
overall restoration of a typical pinball machine to exceed its book value. On the other hand, a
well designed reverse engineering effort of moderate scale could produce a solution yielding
considerable cost savings while actually raising consumer demand for electronic pinball
machines in general. A project that the hobbyist community judges as an "ultimate hack" will be
eagerly repeated by others. Furthermore, if demand warrants it, a business opportunity will be
created for a small manufacturing operation willing to produce and market reverse engineering
kits. In the process more pinball machines will be saved from oblivion due to this reduced cost
and renewed interest. Therefore, this study can influence the future history of pinball by slowing
the demise of first generation electronic games. Further practical significance will subsequently
be derived when the methodology is successfully extended to other classes of microcomputer
control units.
Reverse engineering can serve as an educational method as well as a practical tool
(Honan,1998; Lancaster,1996; Farrell, S., Hesketh, R. P., Newell, J. A., et al., 2001). Reverse
engineering microcomputer control units, because it seeks knowledge of both hardware and
software requirements, touches upon real­time computer programming and electronic
technology. Usually the most significant projects involve expensive, proprietary systems and are
not suitable for student projects (Clark,1997). Pinball machines, on the contrary, are relatively
safe test beds for making the mistakes that accompany learning. With tens of thousands of units
available, they can be used for teaching real­time programming or the hardware technologies that
they embody, as well as for practicing reverse engineering techniques. Thoughtful analysis
reveals that the key concepts of electronic microcomputer technologies can be made manifest
through study of the operational parameters of the control unit and its related subsystems. These
include the basic concepts of a single­tasking computer and fixed automation. At the same time,
solving the problems inherent in controlling a pinball machine with a nondeterministic computer
could be an excellent way to learn about real­time operating systems and programming. They
are inherently easier to comprehend and better suited for experimentation on account of their
being less complex, less miniaturized, and designed with less exacting tolerances than their state
of the art counterparts. Furthermore, the uncertain legal status surrounding reverse engineering
products with vigorously enforced patents and copyrights confounds and misdirects pedagogical
On the ethical front, a growing sense of environmental stewardship recognizes "high tech
waste" as a global problem (Averett, 2003). Ethically­minded corporate policies are beginning
to drive "cradle to grave" product designs to minimize future waste. The same mentality ought
to provide incentives to fund research for the preservation of certain classes of extant products,
too, that are presently disregarded because they are not deemed worth the expense to repair them.
Besides those things that already have considerable value to hobbyists and collectors, such as
vintage automobiles, it is possible to posit other products for which enhanced value may be
derived in part from the very fact that they are amenable to reverse engineering. A carefully
selected candidate for reverse engineering may harbor unexpectedly high latent value through the
synergies created by actually executing the project. One example is using recycled personal
computers for the replacement systems. Another is promoting low cost, hacker friendly, open
source solutions like GNU/Linux. The hope is that these qualities can be leveraged to enhance
other reverse engineering solutions.
As a technical thesis, this study embodies a critical step towards the development of a
nascent discipline called the "philosophy of computing." Michael Heim, a well­known
philosopher and technologist, made the provocative suggestion in his 1992 paper "The Computer
as Component: Heidegger and McLuhan:" "The Schreibstube [writing chamber] is giving way to
the computer workstation, and scholarship requires a cybersage." How does one become a
cybersage? The answer is self­evident: through a profound understanding of the computer
workstation. The cybersage scholar builds, not just uses, computer technology. This ethical
position is at the heart of the philosophy of computing. Not only is an educational program
based on this study a way for technically minded scholars to learn how computers work from the
ground up, but it also encourages comprehensive thinking in an intellectual climate where
technology is once again forcing professionals to specialize due to the enormous complexity of
the state of the art.
Assumptions and Limitations
1. The scope of this reverse engineering project was the Bally AS2518­17 MPU used in the
game Evel Knievel. The solution replaced it and interfaced to the other control elements
via the existing physical connectors.
2. It was beyond the scope of this project to implement control of the five, seven­segment,
vacuum fluorescent digital displays in the pinball machine head unit.
3. The reverse engineered solution, including the methods and means utilized to generate it,
must not illegally infringe on identifiable copyrighted materials or patents, or violate any
laws governing reverse engineering like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Definitions of Terms
Black Box
The idea intended by this term is that the inner workings of the item under
investigation are inscrutable, and must be inferred from documentation and observation of its
behavior. This is contrasted to a White Box, which is better understood as transparent. The
reasons for not being able to take the item apart to look inside may be technical, legal, or
A very popular computer programming language used for low level systems programs
including the Linux kernel.
CPU The Central Processing Unit is the core of a von Neumann architecture computer.
Common first generation examples are the Motorola 6800, used in the Bally pinball MPU, while
more recent examples include the Intel Pentium series and AMD Athlon.
Determinism In the context of computer controlled operations, determinism refers to their
degree of predictability. This includes the time they take to execute, their frequency of execution
in the case of a periodic process, and the latency before they begin to execute when they are
triggered by some event in the case of a sporadic process. Real­time operating systems seek to
increase the determinism of time­critical tasks.
Computer programs and data embedded in electronic circuits such as read­only
memory (ROM) and other types of programmable devices are referred to as firmware. From a
legal standpoint they are protected by the same copyrights that protect software and human
readable source code.
FOSS Free Open Source Software is a designation giving to computer software made available
free of charge under licensing terms that permit the source code to be freely distributed as well.
GNU/Linux An operating system package that contains a version of the Linux kernel
accompanied by GNU operating system utility programs. Common examples are Debian,
Mandrake, Red Hat, Slackware, and SuSE.
Memory Mapped I/O
An interfacing strategy in which input/output (I/O) lines appear to
the computer system as an address in memory.
MPU The Microprocessor Unit is the name for the main computer control board used in Bally
electronic pinball machines. The specific model numbers reverse engineered in this study are the
AS2518­17 and AS2518­35.
PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a popular FOSS scripting language that can be executed
by a web server program for producing dynamic web page content.
The Motorola 6820 Peripheral Interface Adapter provides twenty four bits of digital input
or output to the Motorola 6800 CPU bus via memory mapping.
The Intel 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface is similar to the Motorola 6820 PIA.
RTSC The Real Time Stamp Counter built into Pentium­compatible x86 CPUs increments once
each clock cycle. It can be read by programs and thus provides a means of very precise timing
measurement. The assembler function RDTSC is Read Time Stamp Counter.
Return on Investment is a measure of the economic benefit (or loss) of a reverse
engineering project. It is defined as the overall cost savings minus the project cost, divided by
the project costs.
RTAI Real­Time Application Interface is a hard­real time extension to the Linux kernel
originally developed by the Department of Aerospace Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. It is
a sub­kernel that runs the Linux kernel as the idle task. The technology on which it is based has
been the subject of a patent infringement claim (Laurich, 2004).
Another real­time package originally developed by FSMLabs for the Linux kernel
that has its own sub­kernel and scheduler for running real­time tasks. It adds a software layer
beneath the Linux kernel with full control of interrupts and other hardware (Ripoll, et al., 2002).
RTOS A Real­time Operating System has design features intended for handling time­critical
operations, often to control physical machinery.
SCR A Silicon Controlled Rectifier is an electronic device with three terminals. When a
positive electrical voltage is applied to the Gate, the SCR will conduct electrical current applied
from its Anode to its Cathode as long as the voltage at the Anode is positive. SCRs are used on
by the Bally pinball machine to turn feature lamps on and off.
A review of the literature included the history of reverse engineering scholarship, relevant
theories, and current literature. Kathryn Ingle's pioneering 1994 work Reverse Engineering
traces its origins and offers a generic, four stage reverse engineering process. Suitable projects
proceed through the stages of verification and evaluation, data generation, design verification,
and finally implementation. Economic objectives and legal constraints determine which reverse
engineering projects are typically pursued by professionals. Common economic objectives are
25% cost savings over commercial, off­the­shelf items and 25:1 return on investment. Project
cost and overall risk are positively correlated to system complexity and inversely correlated to
data availability. Many articles dealt with the legal ramifications of reverse engineering
(Behrens and Levary, 1998; Cifuentes and Fitzgerald, 2000; Duncan, 1989; Freeman, 2002;
Godwin, 2002; Honan, 1998; Miller, 1993; Schwartz, 2001). Patents, copyrights, and trade
secrets restrict legal data development, further limiting the domain of potential candidates. A
clean room, also referred to as black box, method may be imposed to avoid even the appearance
of infringement. The literature survey revealed that most scholarly research about reverse
engineering features computer software or machined parts in large scale government and
business undertakings. Their research problems concern analyzing software components for
porting legacy source code to state of the art platforms, and designing computer integrated
manufacturing systems for duplicating precision parts. Furthermore, the sole publication in the
review that explicitly dealt with microcomputer­based control units focused on military rather
than consumer applications (Welch, et al., 1996). While it provided a useful model for data
development, it assumed a large budget and unrestricted access to program source code.
Educational applications suggested a means to generate return on investment for reverse
engineering highly complex, yet relatively inexpensive items such as microcomputer­based
control units found in consumer devices. Similar first generation microprocessor systems are
often used for undergraduate instruction in electronics and computer technology. An electronic
pinball machine embodies a degree of complexity on par with the problems encountered in a
capstone course, and they are fair game for reverse engineering because their patents have
expired, although copyrighted program code is still protected. A black box technique for data
development utilizing an iterative method derived from ancient Greek philosophy was used to
analyze the device in terms of a closed loop process control model (Bateson, 2002; Plato, 1973;
Xenophon, 1992). Knowledge of real­time computing theory was leveraged to supplant legacy
circuits with modern, general­purpose computer equipment (Dankwardt, 2002; Shaw, 2001;
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, 2000; Stankovic and Ramamritham, 1988). Current literature
about the Linux 2.6 kernel and the free, open source software movement inspired the solution for
creating a flexible, low cost framework for controlling any Bally pinball machine based on the
AS2518 MPU (Brosky, 2004; Heursch, et al., 2004; Laurich, 2004; Lindsley, 2003; Love, 2003;
O'Reilly, 2004; Salzman, 2004; Tennis, 2004; von Krogh, 2003; Weinberg, 2004).
Historical Context
Reverse engineering creates knowledge through research, observation, and disassembly
of a system part in order to discern elements of its design, manufacture, and use, often with the
goal of producing a substitute. "The goal of reverse engineering is to enable systems engineers
and automated tools to understand the important features of a legacy system's hardware,
software, operating system, requirements, documentation and human elements" (Welch et al.,
1996, p. 6). The United States Supreme Court and a District Court have defined it, respectively,
as "a fair and honest means of starting with the known product and working backwards to divine
the process which aided its development or manufacture," and "to process of starting with a
finished product and working backwards to analyze how the product operates or how it was
made" (Behrens and Levary, 1998, p. 27). While the basic concept of reverse engineering
alludes to the sort of work done throughout history by technicians, hobbyists, and collectors
attempting to preserve a precious object or system, as a formal technical operation bearing this
name it is only a few decades old. The only scholarly work of substantial length devoted to
reverse engineering is Kathryn Ingle's 1994 book Reverse Engineering. Subsequent publications
exist that are devoted to particular reverse engineering projects, but few others address the
concept of reverse engineering in general. The term first appeared in a formal, public document
was the United States government's Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Section 217.720­2:
As a last alternative, a design specification may be developed by the Government through
inspection and analysis of the product (i.e., reverse engineering) and used for competitive
acquisition. Reverse engineering shall not be used unless significant cost savings can be
reasonably demonstrated and the action is authorized by the Head of the Contracting
Activity (Ingle, 1994, p. 28).
This puts the origin of the term at approximately 1985. Ingle's work examines the extensive
program launched by the United States Navy and Department of Energy that processed over 150
reverse engineering candidates. However, Ingle claims that the work was conducted without a
mature, clearly defined process suitable for handling large sets of candidates. She details the
lessons learned from her years working in this program in a methodology called Prescreening
and the Four­Stage Process. It begins by identifying a deficiency, whether it is an overly
expensive part, one that fails prematurely, or one that otherwise degrades overall system
performance. Its goal is to create a prioritized set of parts from a pool of potential candidates for
which a four stage process is to be conducted for each item.
Reverse engineering should be differentiated from related terms like concurrent
engineering, re­engineering, and value engineering, although they are often used
interchangeably. Concurrent engineering is a manufacturing approach in which design,
prototype fabrication, production planning, packaging, distribution, and marketing aspects of a
product all occur simultaneously within the context of a computer­integrated manufacturing
system. Re­engineering is the activity of replacing an entire system, not just discrete items
within it that are faulty. Value engineering is reverse engineering aimed at adding new features
to the existing system in order to increase the return on investment. Finally, reverse engineering
is a significant undertaking, and should be contrasted to hobbyist activities focused on working
on a single unit, which are better called hacking or tinkering. Ordinarily, reverse engineering
projects take place in a corporate or institutional settings, involving a team of participants and
incurring tens of thousands of dollars in costs (Ingle, 1994).
The intellectual trends that are reflected in reverse engineering include comprehensive,
systems thinking, "cradle to grave" design processes, iterative design processes, analytical,
technical problem solving, and a freely collaborative mentality which are epitomized today by
the free, open source software movement (O'Reilly, 2004). Conjoined to this valuation of
intellectual sharing are ethics aimed at recycling equipment to reduce high tech waste, and the
desire to rekindle interest in science and technology in education(Averett, 2003; Farell, et al.,
2001; Godwin, 2002).
The sole publication found in the literature review that explicitly dealt with reverse
engineering microcomputer­based control units focused on military rather than consumer
applications. "Reverse Engineering of Computer­Based Control Systems" claims to have
"spanned the discipline of reengineering, the systematic application of methodology and tools for
managing the evolutionary transformation of existing computer­based system to encompass new
or altered requirements and to transport such systems into new environments and onto new
technology bases" (Welch et al., 1996). The study featured the United States Navy's AEGIS
Weapon system, an expensive, non­commercial platform written in the Ada programming
language. Its methodology depends on the availability of source code for the legacy software,
which may be problematic in the case of purchased, commercial applications.
The literature survey also revealed pedagogical applications of reverse engineering. In
"The Right to Tinker" Mike Godwin suggests that the discovery process of taking things apart to
learn how they work "is central to how many Americans think about things they own, from cars
to televisions to computers and software and digital content" (Godwin, 2002). He argues that
American creativity is tied to our right to tinker, which in turn has led to the creation of countless
technological innovations. The thrust of Godwin's argument, and many others, is to counter
recent legal judgments against those who tinker in favor of those who own intellectual property.
Many times the infringing cases derive from scholarly research, such as the 2001 arrest of
Dmitry Sklyarov after delivering a lecture on reverse engineering the security behind Adobe's
eBook format, and Bunnie Huang's 2003 book Hacking the X­Box: An Introduction to Reverse
Engineering, and it is feared that the fount of American creativity is at stake. An ideal
application of reverse engineering would skirt any serious legal issues, for example the 2001
work of Farrell, Hesketh, Newell, et al., "Introducing Freshmen to Reverse Process Engineering
and Design through Investigation of the Brewing Process."
To date, nobody has published a paper on reverse engineering obsolete electronic
amusement equipment, although there is a paper entitled "A Test for Real­time Programming in
JAVA: The Pinball Player Project." It concentrates on controlling the the pinball flipper circuits
using a machine vision system to track the ball movement. The authors write that "[t]he system
has a digital I/O board that has relays connected to the Flippers. Sending a 1 to a relay raises the
flipper, a 0 lowers it. So controlling the pinball machine itself is fairly simple" (Clark and Goetz,
2001). It is implied that the remainder of the pinball machine's original control system functions
normally and has not been replaced by another control system. No doubt this is because their
research program is more concerned with creating an instructional example for learning real­time
programming than for learning the basics of electronics and computer technology. In an earlier
publication Clark suggests there is a pedagogical problem that can be address by a pinball
machine based project.
[T]he problem is the lack of access to computer controlled real­time systems brought
about by the high cost of such systems. .. The goal of the Pinball Player project is to
develop a complete package (control and development computer(s), the controlled
device(s), sensors, actuators, interfaces, and basic software) that can be put together
from commonly available items and without exceptional mechanical or electronic
engineering for under US $10,000. The experiences gained from creating such a
system will be shared with the academic and research communities at large so that
many institutions can develop and expand on the initial system (Clark, 1998).
In a 2003 email communication with the author, however, Clark admitted that there has been
little interest in his project by other institutions, and that it was essentially dead.
The impetus to resurrect a form of Clark's project is the fact that first generation
microcomputer based systems, already far beyond their intended useful lives, are nearing the end
of their serviceable lives as well; they represent an educational enterprise with a material payout.
In the context of this study pinball machines are coin­operated amusement devices on
which a steel ball rolls on an inclined play field. The player controls solenoid powered flippers
(bats) to try to keep the ball from rolling down the middle of the play field. There are various
features on the play field that can knock the ball away, capture it, or score points. Early pinball
machines are referred to as electro­mechanical because they use electrical mechanisms such as
relays and clockworks to control game play. Electronic pinball machines use a microcomputer­
based control system. Figure 2 shows the major components of an electronic pinball machine;
the MPU assembly is colored light blue.
Figure 2. Bally electronic pinball machine
The first electronic pinball machines were manufactured in the late 1970s. The Bally
Corporation out produced its competitors three to one, and built over 300,000 units each using
the same basic control system (Flower and Kurtz, 1988; Petit, 2002). Placement of a battery on
the main circuit board has lead to systemic failures in a large percentage of these machines today.
Therefore, this system has been selected as the candidate for reverse engineering.
Relevant Theory
Ingle's Four Stage Process
Ingle points out that the United States military was only beginning in the mid 1980s to
appreciate the dilemmas entailed by combining technology with a five year life span
(semiconductors) into assets with a thirty year life span (missiles and other weapon systems)
(1994, p. 139). Indeed, the reverse engineering program on which she bases her research arose
from the need of the United States federal government to procure lower cost replacement parts
for aging military equipment following popular uproar over the procurement of $400 hammers
and $800 toilet seats. Businesses were making similar discoveries a decade later. In some cases
obsolescence and lack of supply can drive a project regardless of cost. In other the commercially
available replacements are judged to be too expensive. Today similar dilemmas exist for first
generation microcomputers found in countless consumer devices, from industrial machinery to
household appliances.
When reverse engineering is driven by economics, the common objectives are 25% cost
savings over commercial, off­the­shelf items and 25:1 return on investment. Project cost and
risk are positively correlated to system complexity. She captures this relationship in a Go/No­go
decision matrix that shows the relationships between technical complexity, reverse engineering
cost, which is equated to risk, and the decision to use reverse engineering or not. It is reproduced
in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Go/No­go decision matrix
Since the need to reverse engineer implies that knowledge of crucial data is lacking, Ingle
summarizes the relationship between cost, risk, and data availability as follows:
More data, less risk, and lower cost are good signs pointing toward the use of reverse
engineering. When the technical data appears complete but there is some doubt as to
its usefulness, there is product verification. If there is some technical data available,
the project requires data enhancement. Data enhancement is performed whenever
there is any amount of missing data. If there is no technical data available, the
project requires full data development (1994, p. 54).
Data availability determines project type, ranging from product verification to data enhancement
to data development. Cost and risk tend to escalate dramatically when data must be developed
by reverse engineering because they often demand expensive labor and apparatus. It is also
possible to have high cost, low complexity projects; that is, other factors besides complexity
account for the high cost to reverse engineer. "[Data development] can become a nightmare when
material compositions are not easy to determine, tolerances have to be guessed at, or the item
provides a nasty surprise by possessing an internal cavity filled with an unknown lubricant or a
circuit card which has three extra layers not previously mentioned" (p. 55). Likewise projects
involving hardware and software components often exhibit moderate to high complexity due to
all the details that may be concealed in electronic circuitry. It should be obvious that data
development entails the highest cost and risk. However, there can be overriding factors that may
force an "at all costs" attitude. The most common are obsolescence and lack of supply support in
systems that are nonetheless deemed critical.
Prescreening Process
What classes of candidates will surface within the context of the Go/No­go decision
matrix? In a large scale reverse engineering program, the first step is to identify the parts within
the targeted systems that are actually viable candidates for project work by a cross functional
team consisting of engineers, drafts persons, and shop support. Ingle defines a candidate as "a
singular item, part, component, unit, or subassembly and may contain many smaller parts, but it
is either purchased, sold, marketed, or otherwise described as a single entity" (1994, p. 43). A
good candidate may be a part with a high failure rate, high annual usage, or simply a high cost.
It should not be overly complex or so critical to the system that its failure may cause loss of life
or destruction of the the whole system. Candidates are typically judged on economics, logistics,
return on investment, and technical complexity and criticality. Particular attention must be given
to what parts of a particular system are protected by patents. On the one hand, reverse
engineering is only recommended for low complexity parts when there is no COTS item
available, due to either obsolescence or lack of supply support, unless project cost is low enough
to generate a substantial return on investment. On the other hand, there is often a shortage of
high complexity parts, especially for older, out of production equipment. One way to reduce the
cost of a reverse engineering project is to devise a rationale for discounting the time spent on it,
since the bulk of the project cost is often labor. A basic premise of this work is that conducting a
reverse engineering project in conjunction with an education in electronics and computer
technology permits the cost of time spent to be spread between the two tasks, with the majority
of the weight going to the educational objectives. Then the low cost of parts and other materials
drives up ROI. Another way to reduce cost that will be discussed later is the use of the open
source development framework for distributing work worldwide among professional volunteers,
hobbyists, and other enthusiasts.
The overall goal is to increase the effectiveness and productivity of the system by
replacing troublesome items with an improved part. A great deal of work is done up front in the
prescreening phase and Stage 1 in order to avoid cost overruns later. All available data is
collected for the candidates in question, including drawings, technical manuals, usage data,
maintenance logs, and performance specifications. It is important to identify what data is
missing because the costs can increase exponentially when technical data must be developed
from scratch. Large scale programs should have a cost tracking system and a comprehensive
An informed decision must be made whether the candidate is to pass forward into the
four stage process. Ingle presents a prescreening recommendation sheet used in government
projects. It includes notes about technical data availability, economic factors, logistics factors,
the project type, overriding factors, judgments about technical complexity, an overall
engineering judgment, further recommendations, and project priority. Economics should focus
not simply on the unit cost savings but include overall return on investment when taking into
account the life cycle savings and the cost of conducting the reverse engineering work. The
standard criterion is whether the substitute part can be successfully reproduced at a 25% savings
over the next best alternative and yield a return on investment of 25:1 or better.
Stage 1: Evaluation and Verification
Candidates that have passed through the prescreening phase are prioritized according to
criticality of need or likelihood of success, and each part proceeds through the Four­Stage
Process. Stage 1 amounts to another data collection and evaluation activity to decide whether
and how a particular candidate should be acted upon by the reverse engineering team. Ingle
summarizes it as follows:
Stage 1 entails the complete characterization of a part using visual and dimensional
inspection, material analysis, and identification. Comparisons to available data must
be made. A failure analysis is conducted if failed sample parts have been obtained.
Then, a quality report is generated. A stage 1 report must also be generated complete
with the projected reverse engineering cost estimates. A final go/no­go decision
must be reached by both the project leader and the approval body on the basis of the
available information (1994, p. 60­61).
The overall recommendation can take three directions. If it is found that the available technical
data is adequate, no further work is required. If the project is not economical, it is terminated.
Otherwise, the recommendation to proceed to Stage 2 is made.
Ingle provides a list of key design features to identify. Most deal with machined parts;
however, many are relevant to a microcomputer­based control unit. In particular, dimensions
and tolerances are important when it comes to circuit board size and interconnections with other
system parts. Fortunately, mass produced control units will likely utilize standard parts that can
easily be identified. These include electrical and electronic components such as resistors,
capacitors, semiconductors, and integrated circuits, standard wire types and connectors, and so
on. Similarly, material composition is usually not a major issue because circuit boards tend to be
made of generic materials and utilize generic components that are easily identified. Trouble
arises when a there are unidentifiable discrete components, custom integrated circuit chips, or
programmable chips. Here the concept of disassembly takes on a different notion than that
associated with taking apart physical items. Disassembly is the process of translating machine
code instructions back into assembly language code that is intelligible to computer programmers.
Another term, decompilation, translates machine code or object code as it is often called into a
higher level language like C. Although Ingle does not address the problem posed by custom
programmed circuit components, it can be likened to material composition analysis.
Operational testing is very relevant to electronic circuits. Without a working unit it may
be impossible to determine exactly how the original unit is supposed to work in order to design a
replacement. Ingle points out that "failure to either meet or exceed any known operating
conditions could warrant a redesign, particularly if safety conditions are not met or are outdated"
(1994, p. 67). Safety factors may have to be reconsidered due to standards that have evolved
since the original manufacture of the device, too.
Stage 1 leads up to an overall recommendation made to the project sponsors. One
outcome is that the reverse engineering work is complete, which may be the case in data
verification. Another may be that the candidate's overall priority is lower than initially judged,
and it should be put on hold, or that the project should be terminated, if legal issues or other
unforeseen complications have arisen wiping out any predicted return on investment. In rare
cases such profound deficiencies may be uncovered that the system as a whole must be
abandoned as soon as possible. Otherwise, a recommendation is made to proceed to Stage 2,
Technical Data Generation. The Stage 1 costs should be considered sunk unless the project
continues forward. In a well defined reverse engineering program a formal report summarizing
all of this information would be created.
Stage 2: Technical Data Generation
Technical data generation has already been occurring throughout the preceding stages.
Generating the missing data that has been identified in prescreening and Stage 1 is the essence of
reverse engineering. The goal is a complete and unrestricted package suitable for fabrication and
procurement. The Stage 2 deliverable is a Preliminary Technical Data Package in Ingle's jargon.
It should change little in its basic content through the next two steps of the Four Stage process.
The flow of technical data development in a formal project management process is shown in
Figure 4 (Ingle, 1994).
Figure 4. Flow of technical data through the Four Stage process
The reference document for generation of generic technical data packages, which includes
engineering drawings, performance specifications, test, inspection, and quality assurance
information is the MIL­T­31000 document, General Specification for Technical Data Packages.
Although developed for military applications, it has been widely accepted for commercial
applications as well.
Standards are very important when it comes to technical data of any sort. They help with
communication not only within an organization, but also in the manufacturing and procurement
sectors, which may be global. Ingle lists a number of ASME (American Society of
Manufacturing Engineers) standards commonly in use for engineering drawings. Of interest to a
project focused on microcomputer­based control units would be the engineering drawing
standards for generation of electrical and electronic diagrams, and special application drawings
for wiring harness drawings, printed­board drawing sets, and computer program and software
Stage 3: Design Verification
The object of Design Verification is to build and test prototypes using specifications
developed in the previous stage. Sometimes it is not deemed necessary to build a prototype;
doing so reduces risk but increases cost. When substantial data development has been done, or
part substitutions and deviations from the original design have been made, however, prototype
testing is mandatory. Basic operation testing is often referred to as bench testing, in which a
special apparatus is used to test a component outside of the system in which it operates. Full
testing in a working system is preferred, although it may be difficult to justify unless a test
system is available so that a production system is not disturbed. Following the testing the
prototype part should be inspected for unusual degradation or failure. Degradation may reveal
hidden, proprietary design features that were not factored into the reverse engineered design. It
is at this point that inspection criteria are added to the data package for the finished product. This
is the measure by which the manufactured replacement part will be judged for compliance to the
design. A quality assurance criteria such as ISO­9000 may also be incorporated at this stage.
Ingle provides a design verification checklist to be completed before moving to design
implementation. The final question, according to Ingle, which echoes a test of repeatability in
experimental design, "Is the information contained in the complete technical package sufficient
to fabricate, test, inspect, and procure this part from another manufacturer?" (1994, p.116).
Stage 4: Design Implementation
The aim of the final stage in Ingle's reverse engineering methodology is to produce a
Final Technical Data Package. This shall include procurement requirements and an engineering
and economic report summarizing the activities that took place in the other three stages of the
project. Prototypes should also be delivered at this point for presentation before to project
sponsors, in the case of a formal program. After the presentation, the prototypes should become
part of the working supply of parts for their intended system.
Legal Issues
Ingle makes it clear that a patented object must never be reverse engineered; "[i]f a
system component proposed for reverse engineering is patented in any country, all reverse
engineering efforts for that component must be discontinued" (1994, p .33). Design theft, the
other major legal concern, pertains to trade secrets and copyrighted material. Especially in the
case of computer software and firmware, which is part of any microcomputer based control unit,
reading copyrighted source code is considered design theft. It is often argued that in order to
translate machine­readable code into a human­readable format, known as disassembly or
decompilation, a copy of the original is made in the process, albeit in a different form (Davidson,
1989; Miller, 1993; Cifuentes and Fitzgerald, 2000).
Applying copyright protections to embedded computer programs creates a type of
information Ingle refers to as restricted. This means it cannot be legally used during technical
data development or any later stage in the reverse engineering process. Legal precedents devolve
from the 1976 Copyright Act, which protects the contents of firmware, including read­only
memory chips (ROMs) and programmable read­only memory chips (PROMs), because
intelligible source code can be mechanically derived from them (Davidson, 1989). This stance
was strengthened by the 1984 Semiconductor Chip Protection Act, although it does make
exceptions for teaching. IBM successfully sued rivals who had copied their Basic Input Output
System (BIOS) in order to make clones of the Personal Computer. The recent Digital
Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) endorses this interpretation of copyright law but
makes exceptions for reverse engineering when the purpose is interoperability, encryption
research, computer security testing, law enforcement, and protecting personal privacy (Cifuentes
and Fitzgerald, 2000). Brehens and Levary add "teaching students to write code" and "for
repairing malfunctioning software" (1998, p. 28). These purposes are often linked to the concept
of fair use, which is commonly granted to artistic and critical appropriations of other kinds of
copyrighted material. A fair use defense, however, is not sufficient protection from liability.
There may be licensing agreements with the owner of the code. There must be no other means to
obtain the desired information, including obtaining an authorized copy. The problem is that in
order to disassemble or decompile machine code, a copy of it must be made. To avoid even the
semblance of impropriety, legal scholars recommend a clean room procedure to organizations
wishing to create a compatible clone, and this concept has been applied to many electronic
devices besides the personal computer (Davidson, 1989; Miller, 1993). Of the clean room
Davidson writes, "[t]he programmers in the clean room must be fed only the design information
of the original program (the ideas), not any specific elements of programming itself (the
expression)" (1989, p. 159). Therefore, when the goal is to create a substitute for an existing,
commercially available part, the preferred method of data development is to treat the item
containing copyrighted content as a black box.
The distinction between white box and black box reverse engineering methods is
borrowed from software testing methodologies. White box (structural) testing "analyzes the
code and uses knowledge about the structure of a component," whereas black box (functional)
testing "treats the system to be tested as a black box whose behavior can only be determined by
studying its inputs and outputs" (Cifuentes and Fitzgerald, 2000, p. 338). Lawyers recommend
that researchers generate a paper trail to demonstrate that data was derived from functional
testing; Miller states that "the preferred (although not mandatory) practice is to have a
knowledgeable witness corroborate a laboratory notebook, using the phrase 'read and
understood'" (1993, p. 65).
Microcomputer Technology
Microcomputer technology poses an interesting dilemma. On the one hand, rapid
advances in the state of the art continue to provide faster, cheaper, and small devices; on the
other hand, this frenetic pace of progress can lead to shortages of spare parts for aging equipment
that has an intended life span beyond three to five years (Ingle, 1994). Indeed, there remains a
large installed base of equipment controlled by first generation microcomputer systems. These
same first generation microprocessors are often used for undergraduate instruction in electronics
and computer technology because they embody fundamental concepts in a package of
manageable complexity. An electronic pinball machine embodies a degree of complexity on par
with the problems encountered in a capstone course.
At the heart of many of these systems can be found representatives of the most common
first generation 8­bit microprocessors, which include the Intel 8085, Motorola 6800, Rockwell
6502 and Zilog Z­80. All of these devices are based on the von Neumann model of the stored
program computer. "[D]espite advances in semiconductor technology and microprocessors, the
basic architecture of the digital computer has remained unchanged for the last 35 years. This is
the so­called von Neumann model of the stored program computer" (Uffenbeck, 1991, p. 2). Its
basic components are the central processing unit (CPU), arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which is
often integrated into the CPU, memory unit, and input/output (I/O) devices. The Motorola 6800
CPU architecture that is at the heart of the control unit that was reverse engineered in this study
is illustrated in Figure 5 (Microprocessor Products Group, 1998).
Figure 5. Motorola MC6800 CPU block diagram
The key to understanding the activities of any von Neumann computer is the fetch and execute
principle. This is the process by which the CPU fetches data from memory addressed by its
program counter into its instruction register, increments the program counter, executes the
command, and then repeats the cycle. The CPU, memory, and I/O devices communicate with
each other via three electrical buses. A bus is defined as a collection of lines that each carry a
discrete voltage level (Uffenbeck, 1991). Each digital signal line is referred to as a bit. Thus a
typical 8­bit microprocessor has an 8­bit data bus, and 8­ or 16­bit address bus, and a control
bus. Normally the I/O lines that link the computer to the rest of the world are not connected
directly to the microprocessor data bus. Instead, special­purpose support devices designed to
accompany a particular microprocessor provide a configurable set of I/O ports in excess of the 8
bits available on the data bus. Other support devices are designed to interface to a particular
piece of hardware such as a disk drive or keyboard. An Intel x86 based control unit is likely to
utilize such chips as the 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) for digital input and
output; Motorola 6800 based systems often utilize the 6820 Peripheral Interface Adapter (PIA).
Both chips can provide 24 bits of buffered I/O to the microprocessor's 8 bit data bus via
addressing. A memory mapped I/O scheme allows the digital lines on these chips to appear in
system memory at three consecutive addresses, for example 0x280 through 0x282. While it is
now obsolete, the 8255 PPI integrated circuit remained relevant for a decade based on the fact
that it is encountered in textbooks from 1980 (Artwick) to 1991 (Uffenbeck).
Accessing I/O is typically done via polling, interrupts, or direct memory access. The
CPU can poll an I/O port to determine whether there is data available to be read in, or whether it
is free to write data out to it. The device itself can signal the CPU via an interrupt line that it is
either ready to accept data for output, or that data is available for input. Interrupt based I/O is
often claimed to be more efficient than polling, but complicates program design because a
running program is literally stopped in its tracks so that the CPU can process the interrupt
request with a special routine. Direct memory access schemes are often used for transferring
large amounts of data quickly; the downside is that for most DMA types the CPU must remain
idle while the transfer takes place, or it must refrain from accessing the affected memory region.
John Uffenbeck proposes a curious perspective for the purpose of learning assembly language
to consider the effects each computer instruction has on the electrical lines or 'buses' of
the microprocessor chip itself ... [f]rom the standpoint of the three­bus architecture, there
are only four unique instruction cycles possible. .. The instruction set of a computer can
be thought of as a list of commands that cause unique sequences to occur on the three
buses (1991, p. 2­5).
From this perspective the intended purpose of the computer software is irrelevant. What matters
is the effect its operation has on the digital bus lines, viewed one tick of the CPU clock at a time.
The possible changes in state on the bus are limited in number. This largely functional, black
box approach should be contrasted to the structural one. The ideal functional analysis would
take Uffenbeck's perspective to its logical conclusion: monitor the state changes of the computer
bus while putting the system through all known operational permutations. While the operation
may sound fanciful and unmanageable to a human integrator due to the immense quantity of data
that it would generate, it may be well within the grasp of adaptive, automated analysis tools.
The only published, scholarly literature on reverse engineering computers involves very
expensive systems using very expensive apparatus. Reverse engineering computers has not been
explored by academicians beyond those who attached themselves to highly funded research
programs. Welch et al. (1996) present a hypothesis and experiment not easily repeated by most
students of electronics and computing technology. Their article "Reverse Engineering of
Computer­Based Control Systems" describes (uses as its quintessence) a rare, expensive device
(AEGIS Weapon) written in a computer language (Ada), both far from the generic, general
purpose main stream desktop and server world.
Process Control
The discussion of reverse engineering has progressed from a basic methodology that
arose from military applications into the realm of devices with embedded microcomputer
systems. When black box testing strategies are required, a thorough understanding of the
purpose of a system is necessary in order to discern what secrets may be contained in the box. If
the targeted item is a control unit of some kind, then familiarity with the basic types of
computerized process control is beneficial to filling in missing information about it. Even when
the white box testing method is permissible, knowledge of process control strategies may help to
make sense of software algorithms reconstructed from the disassembly of project language code
that has been extracted from a read­only memory or other programmable devices. A typical
closed loop process model is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Closed­loop process control diagram
The loop is closed rather than open because feedback from the output is used to regulate the
process. In continuous processes the inputs and outputs can vary infinitely between low and high
values; discrete processes, as the name implies, have inputs and outputs that always take discrete
values, such as a low and a high voltage level.
The analysis of a microcomputer­based control unit like the Bally unit falls in line with
advanced undergraduate courses in process control systems. Clark's research into using a pinball
machine for real­time programming education in computer science pointed to the problem of a
continuously improving state of the art rendering common problems insignificant. Non­
deterministic, multi­tasking operating systems nevertheless present substantial shortcomings for
process control. Dayton Clark's Pinball Player Project is intended for real­time programming
education (Clark, 1988). As of 1998 it used a general purpose digital computer to track the
movement of the pinball and operate the flippers appropriately. Real­time processes were
developed to control the system's operation. Clark's rationale for pursuing the project is that few
good test beds are available for teaching real­time computing concepts due to the expense and
high stakes involved in typical practical applications of real­time systems. The pinball machine
is a relatively low­cost, safe test bed.
Clark's project makes no attempt to implement the degree of control intended in this
work. His apparatus leaves the original pinball machine control system intact and only interfaces
to the two flipper buttons. As a result, he finds that his framework is rapidly obsolescing due to
the continued improvements in processor speed. The computational problems formerly bearing
timing requirements with respect to the operation of the control elements (flippers) disappear as
the process execution time falls below a particular threshold. On the contrary, forcing the system
designer to take into account the comprehensive scope of timing requirements required to
operate the pinball machine itself, and not merely the two flipper buttons, generates a number of
non­trivial real­time requirements that are not dependent on CPU speed alone.
Real­time Computing
Running a general purpose operating system like GNU/Linux presents significant
problems for satisfying timing requirements due to nondeterminism inherent in program
execution. Care must be taken in developing software programs to duplicate the operation of a
single­tasking computer in multi­tasking environment that does not qualify as a true real­time
operating system. A computer program with real­time requirements has temporal conditions that
must be met in addition to the logical conditions required by conventional programs (Shaw,
2001; Stankovic and Ramamritham, 1988; Dankwardt, 2002). The simplest timing assertion is a
deadline; this is the time in which a computation must occur. Two basic types of real­time
processes are referred to as periodic and sporadic. A periodic process recurs once in a given
period or exactly so many time units apart; a sporadic process is triggered by events that may not
exhibit a fixed pattern. Both types of processes must complete their computations within their
deadline. The standard notation for representing the temporal requirements of a real­time
process is a triple (c, p, d) (Shaw, 2001). This formula applies to both periodic and sporadic
For a periodic (cyclical) process the quantity c is the worst case estimate for the total
computation time of the process; p is the overall period between cycles of the process; and d is
the deadline for the process to complete. The process meets its design specifications when the
inequality c <= d <= p is satisfied. That is, the computation time must be less than the deadline
for the process to complete, which in turn must be less than the period of each cycle. Often the
deadline is equal to the period. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 7 (Shaw, 2002).
Figure 7. Real­time periodic process
A sporadic process is initiated by some event rather than repeating in a defined cycle. It
may arise from the result of computation by a control algorithm or from a change detected in the
physical state of a hardware input. Often the external event is communicated via a hardware
interrupt. In this case p is the minimum time between events. The process deadline is often
referred to as response time, with the interrupt as the stimulus. Since the time it takes to sense
the event (te) is a factor as well, the timing specification for a sporadic process by be expressed
by the inequality c <= te + d (Shaw, 2001).
By definition, the consequences of failing to meet the deadline in a hard real­time system
is system failure. Soft real­time systems are by definition more tolerant. Failure to meet
deadlines may result in slow system response, missed events, or other outcomes that the user
may deem unsatisfactory. Common examples are jittery motion of animated objects and
moments of silence during digital music playback. Additionally, most timing constraints are
deterministic, meaning both the minimum and maximum computation time must fall within a
specific range, and for periodic processes repetitions of the cycle must occur at a fixed
frequency. Jitter is the term used to describe the variance in response times to a stimulus
(Dankwardt, 2002). Finally, real­time systems tend to emphasize reliability and fault tolerance
in their design as well due to the fact that they are controlling physical processes like automobile
engines and missile guidance systems.
Writing a computer program that satisfies the timing requirements for a single control
process when it is the only thing running on a system is relatively simple. For example, consider
an application in which a brief pulse is generated on an output port once every thousandth of a
second. On a single­tasking computer, this behavior can be achieved through a simple nested
loop, as in the following assembly code presented in Table 1 along with computation times based
on a 1 MHz Motorola 6800 CPU similar to the one used in the Bally 2518 MPU.
Motorola 6800 Assembly Code
CPU cycles
Cumulative Execution Time
2 microseconds
6 microseconds
8 microseconds
10 microseconds
14 microseconds
792 microseconds
794 microseconds
798 microseconds
800 microseconds
804 microseconds
999 microseconds
Table 1. Assembly code to create 1000 Hz waveform
Assuming true single­tasking operation without interrupts, the output at PORT1 would be square
wave with a frequency of approximately 1000 Hz with a 25% duty cycle. There are no other
tasks for the CPU to perform besides cycling endlessly through this program. Consequently, its
timing behavior is not a matter of statistical averages; rather, it is deterministic. The time it takes
to execute the machine instructions represented by the assembly code can be determined a priori
based on the CPU clock frequency and the number of cycles consumed by each instruction.
The problem becomes more challenging when there are multiple processes meant to be
running simultaneously on the same computer, each with its own timing requirements. On any
single CPU multitasking system, only one process can actually execute at a time, and the
semblance of simultaneity is the effect of the operating system scheduler rapidly switching from
one process to the next. Special purpose computer systems can be designed in which multiple
real­time tasks are programmed to meet their temporal requirements via a cyclic executive
(Shaw, 2001). The cyclic executive is a control program designed to produce a feasible schedule
by interleaving a predefined set processes in a continuous cycle. However, Shaw notes that "[m]
odern concurrent programming techniques are incompatible with the need to break code into
predictable blocks and preschedule these blocks. The method is also inflexible and brittle with
respect to changes" (2001, p. 24). What is desired is a convergence of the flexibility and
conveniences offered by general purpose, multitasking operating environments with the
predictability and reliability guaranteed by statically designed, special purpose, deterministic
systems. Thus many real­time environments have been derived from general purpose operating
systems by stripping down and optimizing the system kernel to have fast context switches, quick
response to external interrupts, and no virtual memory (Stankovic and Ramamritham, 1988).
Virtual memory in particular can add substantial execution time to a process if a hard disk must
or other secondary storage device must be accessed to retrieve a region of memory that has been
swapped out.
Is a multi­tasking environment controlled by a scheduler­based, time­sharing operating
system like Linux amenable to real­time tasks? CPU time is divided into time segments, and
each process in the system is given a 'time slice' to execute. If it does not complete before its
time expires, it is swapped out and replaced by another process so that it can run. This is the
essence of a time sharing system. Not only must time­critical processes compete with ordinary
processes for CPU time and other system resources, but they must also compete with the
operating system kernel itself. The kernel may preempt a running process and replace it with
another more important task. Or a running process may block for an indeterminate amount of
time waiting for a requested resource such as a file stored on a remote file server to be made
available by the kernel. Additionally, modern operating systems employ techniques such as
caching and virtual memory to enhance overall system capability and performance. Despite
these measures, the kernel itself must be preemptible to guarantee real­time performance. Shaw
writes, “[t]he effects of a general­purpose operating system are normally not deterministically
predictable; OS functions may preempt applications processes at unpredictable times and their
execution times are often not known precisely. For these reasons, modifications of the general
architecture are made, but often in an ad hoc way” (2001, p. 27). In addition to the challenge of
cooperating with the operating system and the other programs that may be running, there is the
question of application development. What computer programming languages are well­suited to
creating real­time tasks? Besides having characteristics like control of interrupts, access to fine­
grained timers, and so on, they should support reuse and adaptability. Changes in system state,
configuration, or input specifications should not require fundamental redesign of a system. Such
is the liability of strategies that rely on leveraging specific features of a static platform
(Stankovic and Ramamritham, 1988).
A key element in software development for real­time computing is the selection of the
programming language used. The programming language of historical significance for real­time
computing is Ada. It was developed in the late 1970s for a design contest sponsored by the
United States Department of Defense. The aim was to have all of its contractors adopt a standard
programming language for command and control applications. The important features of any
real­time language are time access and control, concurrency, exception handling, and
predictability; the Ada 95 specification addresses all of these. On the contrary, popular
languages like C and C++ require extensive modification or severely restricted use to meet real­
time software needs (Shaw, 2001).
The programming language that is emerging as the favorite for real time software today is
Sun Microsystem's JAVA with real­time extensions, although there are many derivatives of
Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux that provide real­time extensions to standard languages like
C and C++ (Shaw, 2001). Besides providing software primitives suitable for achieving temporal
objectives, these languages facilitate adaptability and reuse of program code.
Obenland identifies timer jitter, response, and 'bintime' as three benchmarks designed to
measure the determinism of an operating system. Bintime determines maximum kernel blocking
time, that is, "time spent blocked in the kernel" (2001, p. 3). Obenland's latency benchmarks
involve synchronization, message passing and signaling. A common graphical presentation of
the timing behavior of large sets of samples of repetitions of a periodic process is a cumulative
percentage graph. It shows what percentage of the sample falls within particular minimum or
maximum values. Often the 99.999% threshold is given special attention (Laurich, 2004).
Of the many general purpose operating systems commonly in use, GNU/Linux was
selected for this study on account of its zero cost and unrestricted source code licensing. The
Linux kernel and GNU (GNU's Not UNIX) system programs are distributed under the General
Public License (GPL), which compels original and derived works to include program source
code or make it available and freely modifiable to all users (Free Software Foundation, 1991;
Open Source Initiative, 2004; O'Reilly, 2004; Stallman, 2002). Mission­critical process control
systems typically are not entrusted to non­deterministic digital computers like a general­purpose
Intel x86 architecture GNU/Linux machine. That is not to imply that no GNU/Linux
applications contain real­time requirements. The distinction between interactive tasks and real­
time tasks has become blurred due to the expansion of what is meant today by an interactive task.
Whereas formerly interactive tasks were those in which rapid response was desired for user
interaction, it now includes, according to Lindsley, "tasks that should receive high priority upon
waking up from self­imposed sleeps" (2003, p. 22). For example, a digital audio player may
perform unacceptably when a browser reloads a web page. Indeed, current versions of
GNU/Linux applications may try to employ built­in mechanisms that induce the operating
system to behave more deterministically with respect to a particular running program. However,
these mechanisms only adjust parameters; the 2.4 version of the Linux kernel is not preemptible.
This means that the kernel cannot break out of a system call done on behalf of a user process,
even if the process time slice expires or a higher priority user process enters the run queue
(Dankwardt, 2002). The condition known as priority inversion occurs when a lower priority user
process is granted a resource that subsequently holds up the execution of a higher priority
The challenge is to induce sufficient determinism from an off­the­shelf, generic computer
running a generic GNU/Linux distribution to satisfy the timing requirements of the control
system being replaced. Nondeterminism in a GNU/Linux environment usually manifests itself
as considerable degradation in application performance from its average condition. The root
cause is contention for resources, including synchronization primitives, main memory, the CPU,
a bus, the CPU cache, and interrupt handling (Dankwardt, 2002). Basic strategies for increasing
determinism include imposing external constraints on the computing environment, wise
programming practices, and scheduler tuning. Advanced strategies include encapsulating real­
time processes within kernel device drivers, and supplementing the stock kernel with custom
modifications such as a real­time sub kernel.
The least invasive way to increase determinism is by controlling external constraints.
This may mean imposing limitations on the number and type of processes run on the system, the
size of files, the frequencies of refreshes, and so on. The key limitations of general purpose,
time­sharing environments for use in real­time applications have already been given: imprecise
and unreliable process scheduling, susceptibility to non­deterministic delays from blocking and
preemption, temporary disabling of external interrupts, and the inherent unpredictability of the
low­level routines used for memory management and other basic functions. Another level of
unpredictability is introduced by programming languages and techniques used to develop the
real­time applications. For example, algorithms that do not run in constant time, which is
expressed as O(1), can cause nondeterminism (Dankwardt, 2002). It is well known that the
scheduler used in the Linux kernel version 2.4 does not run in constant time, either. Instead, its
run time is proportional to the number of processes in the system; this behavior is expressed as O
(n), for linear time. Dankwardt explains, "[w]ith an O(n) algorithm there is no upper bound on
the time that the algorithm will take. If your response time depends upon your sleeping process
to be awakened and selected to run, and the scheduler is O(n), then you will not be able to
determine the worst­case time" (2002, p. 2 of 8). Indeed, the Linux 2.4 scheduler can consume
more CPU time than the processes it is scheduling when the system is very busy or has more
than four processors (Lindsley, 2003). A basic strategy for increasing determinism is therefore
to limit the number of processes that users of the system may create. This is easily done in
special purpose, embedded systems; it is another story on a general purpose desktop computer.
Other constraints to the operating environment include restricting the use of certain programs
such as hdparm, scrolling the frame buffer, and switching consoles (Dankwardt, 2002).
There are programming strategies for the control process that can help increase
determinism in a GNU/Linux system. Writing compact code that can execute quickly is the first
step in enhancing the real­time behavior of a program. As the example of the Linux scheduler
illustrates, code that does not run in constant time, O(1), can yield surprisingly poor performance
when pushed to its limit. Normally only portions of an overall control system demand
deterministic behavior. Such portions of code are referred to as critical sections, and must be
protected from blocking, preemption, and other forms of interruption. Custom device drivers
represent a rather invasive method of extracting more deterministic performance for a given
process. At the ultimate extreme are custom kernels that include a real­time sub kernel. A
common approach is to split the overall task between a kernel device driver for high precision,
high frequency time critical tasks, and ordinary user processes for everything else (Laurich,
In addition to these programming strategies, a number of system calls exist that can
attempt to adjust kernel scheduling parameters. The Linux scheduler allots CPU time to user
processes based on a dynamic, priority based method. If a new process enters the run queue with
a higher priority than the process currently running, the scheduler will preempt it and insert the
new one. It uses a single global run queue known as the task list from which it selects the best
candidate to run when a processor is idle. Each process is assigned a "goodness rating" based on
the number of clock ticks it has left, its CPU affinity, its user­set priority (the so­called "nice"
parameter), and whether it has been marked as a real­time task. Real­time processes are never
blocked by lower­priority processes, have short response times, and have minimal response time
variance (Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, 2000).
A number of GNU/Linux system calls have existed from the 2.4 version of the kernel
onwards to adjust the scheduling behavior of a particular user process (Silberschatz, Galvin and
Gagne, 2000; Love, 2003). These are listed in Table 2.
System Call
POSIX standard function to prevent dynamic memory paging for a process
Set a process's CPU affinity
Set a process's real­time priority
Set scheduling policy including POSIX real­time policies SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR
Table 2. Linux system calls used to increase process determinism
Current Literature
Current literature for the sake of this work is material published from 2003 onwards. The
general release of the Linux 2.6 kernel led to a dramatic revision of the overall strategy for
prototype development in this work. Previously it had been assumed that some real­time Linux
variant such as RTLinux or RTAI would have been required to provide sufficient precision and
determinacy to meet the timing requirements of the pinball machine control system. However,
research findings indicate enhancements made in the Linux 2.6 kernel obviate the need for a
bona fide real­time operating system.
Linux 2.6 Kernel
Significant improvements in the state of the art found in the 2.6 Linux kernel include
kernel preemption, a faster timer interrupt, and a better scheduler. Another improvement seldom
mentioned in research papers but very important to programmers is the "work­queue bottom­half
mechanism" (Weinberg, 2004, p. 40). The combination of improving the timer resolution by an
order of magnitude, from 100 Hz to 1000 Hz, the new scheduler, and the introduction of kernel
workqueues, greatly simplify the creation of high frequency cyclical processes. This in turn may
inspire a shift in emphasis in real­time programming techniques from methods that formerly
depended on an external interrupt generator to provide the basic timing signals. The previous
state of the art relied on generating external interrupts to maintain the real­time requirements of
an application. As late as 2004, Laurich evaluated RTAI running on the 2.4 kernel presumably
because a version for the 2.6 kernel was not yet widely in use. One of the improvements found
in the 2.6 kernel apparently missed by Laurich is this change in the atomic system timer. This is
an implicit acknowledgment that the 2.4 kernel timer resolution is too coarse for servicing a
typical hard, real­time application, such as one having a 100 Hz process cycle in a hypothetical
example, or for satisfying physical requirements in a soft real­time environment. Weinberg's
article reflects this fact as well, stating "[p]rojects such as DOSEMU offer signal­based interrupt
I/O with SIG (the Silly Interrupt Generator), but user­space interrupt processing is quite slow,
millisecond latencies instead of tens of microseconds for a kernel­based ISR" (2004, p. 42).
Weinberg continues, "user­context scheduling, even with the preemptible Linux kernel and real­
time policies in place, cannot guarantee 100% timely execution of user­space I/O threads" (p.
42). Thus, what may be acceptable for playing encoded music is unacceptable for the sort of
applications used to control devices that in previous states of the art contain specialized, unique
(rather than ubiquitous) embedded real­time operating system (RTOS).
Laurich's investigation of hard, real­time Linux alternatives includes kernel modules
(device drivers) and user­space processes to measure the performance of Linux 2.4, 2.6, 2.4 with
RTAI, and 2.4 with RTAI and LXRT. This reflects the basic nature of state of the art electronic
computing machinery used for process control. The application (task) is run in user­space with
the help of a kernel module. He extols the virtues of a product (RTAI) with a history involving
"patent infringement claim" (2004, p. 3 of 22), though concedes that "[u]sing the worst­case
latencies measured, Linux 2.6 is the next most suitable candidate" (2004, p. 20 of 22). His
research sets the bar for "a hard real­time digital control system" at 100 Hz cycle frequency with
a maximum 0.5 millisecond latency. In each case an external interrupt generator triggers the
response of the real­time process. To Laurich it appears to be unthinkable to use a stock 2.6
kernel timed internally, despite the improved timer precision, for hard, real­time applications.
Others like Heursch, et al., emphasize that "on the whole Linux 2.6 is better optimized to execute
time­critical or soft­real time tasks than the Linux kernels before ever were" (2004, p. 1). This
suggests that it may now be feasible to use a generic 2.6 kernel based GNU/Linux distribution
for problems previously solved only with special real­time enhancements like RTAI and
The methodology followed an overall research design based on iterative, quantitatively
validated prototype testbed apparatus, passing through the first three stages of Ingle's reverse
engineering process. The project selection strategy sought to identify classes of microcomputer­
based control units susceptible to the proposed black box reverse engineering method and
capable of yielding a return on investment greater than 25:1. The Bally AS2518 pinball machine
control unit had been selected in the prescreening phase due to the large number of extant pinball
machines containing this failure­prone part, the relatively high cost of a COTS replacement, and
the wide availability of data in the form of schematics, service manuals, and expired patents.
Following the proposed Socratic method, each electrical connection between the control unit and
the rest of the machine was interpreted in terms of its function in a time­ and event­driven,
discrete, closed­loop process control system, thus dividing them into input, output, feedback
input, feedback output, power or ground. The Bally Electronic Pinball Games Theory of
Operation provided insight for creating timing diagrams of the hardware circuits in each sub
system, as did US patents assigned to the Bally Manufacturing Corporation. Real­time
requirements for the continuous and momentary solenoids, switch matrix, and feature lamp
control actions derived from these representations guided iterative prototype development. The
digital displays were deemed out of scope. The specific machine studied was the 1977 model
Evel Knievel. Embedded programs on ROMs were treated as black boxes due to their unexpired
copyrights, calling for a clean room approach to devising programs to control overall game
operation. For design verification, programmatic analysis of logged run time data was selected
in favor of a user survey instrument. The test plan called for placing the final version of the
prototype in numerous public venues over the course of two months to collect data. Three
variables were manipulated: the cyclic hardware control process period, the overall system load,
and the presence or absence of POSIX real­time enhancements to the game play program. A
comprehensive report was programmatically created for every game played. From these results,
summary descriptive statistics were stored in a relational database to test hypotheses concerning
the manipulated variables. The final stage in Inge's process, implementation, was judged beyond
the scope of the research. The apparatus consisted of the aforementioned pinball machine, the
replacement computer system, and a data recorder. This measurement, logging, and analytical
apparatus leveraging the sub­microsecond resolution of the prototype system's own CPU Real
Time Stamp Counter (RTSC) provided design verification. This minimized the need for
expensive, external test equipment and bolstered internal validity of the research. was selected to host the source code and project web page to provide a public
interface and springboard for future development. Statistical techniques included basic
descriptive statistics and cumulative percentage graphs.
Restatement of the Problem
The failure­prone microcomputer­based control unit used in over 300,000 Bally
electronic pinball machines manufactured from 1977 to 1985 was reverse engineered and
replaced with Intel x86 compatible computer hardware running custom programs on a stock
Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux operating system.
Research Design
The overall structure of the research followed the four stage process presented by
Kathryn Ingle. The prescreening phase has been implicitly conducted in order to identify the
objectives of the study. The bulk of the project work involved executing the next three stages.
Execution of the fourth stage, Design Implementation, will be discussed in Chapter V in terms of
a hypothetical business venture to produce pinball machine reverse engineering kits. It was
hypothesized that a replacement pinball machine control system can be based on a personal
computer. Although there was an ample supply of second­hand computers whose cost can be
considered immaterial, additional hardware was required for interfacing to the pinball machine's
digital inputs and outputs that are driven by the MPU board. At minimum, this included a device
capable of performing the required digital I/O, wires and connectors to join it to the other boards
in the pinball machine that were originally connected to the MPU board. The electrical
specifications of this interface had to be determined. This included the number of input and
output lines, the voltage and current handling requirements of each, and also their timing
requirements. This refers to how rapidly each is able to detect a change in state, in the case of
the inputs, or change state, in the case of the outputs. The reverse engineered, microcomputer­
based control unit running on a 2.6 Linux kernel x86 architecture was interpreted as a discrete
process, whose open loop set points included workqueue process period for high speed control
actions, and user process period for supervisory control actions. The machine's switch matrix
was interpreted as a feedback loop in a closed loop control model. Therefore, the only true
inputs were the flipper buttons and self test switch. Supervisory control action handled
operations whose real­time frequency requirements were multiple orders of magnitude fewer
than those of the basic control actions. This permitted far less demanding execution by the
operating system for as much activity as possible, and included most game play control actions.
These iterations of the test bed design were contemplated: first, a purely user­space
program; next, a kernel workqueue process triggered by the kernel timer; finally, an interrupt
triggered workqueue process. If none of these solutions satisfied the specifications derived from
the technical data development, then further iterations employing real­time Linux derivatives like
RTAI and RTLinux could be tested. Since the hypotheses to be tested ultimately pertain to the
behavior of deterministic machinery, they lend themselves to quantitative measurement and
analysis. In addition to facts about the project itself, such as cost information for the apparatus,
the bulk of the data collected involved the operation of a pinball machine under the control of
various iterations of the replacement system. Each method developed for technical data
generation of the solenoids, switch matrix, lamps, and overall game operation explained how that
aspect of the prototype would be verified, in addition to the actual process timing requirements.
It was envisioned that a state record of the values of all I/O points for each time unit during
normal game operation would be recorded and stored in a database. From this history of
measurements the derived data for the design verification stage could be generated by computer
programs and statistically evaluated. The analysis substantiated judgments about the correctness
and timeliness of the reverse engineered unit in order to support or disprove research hypotheses.
The statistical methods employed were standard tests of significance and cumulative percentage
graphs. Universality of the experiment was achieved by targeting a population of functionally
equivalent subjects. Approximately 300,000 pinball machines based on the AS2518 MPU and
the prospect of a mass produced Pinball Machine Reverse Engineering Kit sets the stage for
repeating the experiment. Universality and repeatability of the experiment were further
enhanced by using a stock version of the Fedora Core GNU/Linux platform. The fact that the
early microcomputer­based control units were single­tasking digital computers devoid of an
operating system makes them the preferred choice for basing a study of reverse engineering
microcomputer­based devices in general. Put another way, the advantage of using a single­
tasking computer is the "assumption of determinism" so system behavior for the control subject
can be derived a priori from a known state of the system rather than being derived from
statistical analysis of games played on samples sets of any of the 300,000 members of the
population. Thus experimental control was facilitated by the nature of the problem itself and the
instruments used to collect data, all being electronic devices whose operation could be rigorously
regulated. For this research external validity meant generalizing beyond specific repetitions of
the study using pinball machines to other microcomputer­based units. For all such devices that
have a digital I/O interface, their operation can be represented and recorded as a series of I/O bus
state descriptions, or time slices, about the disposition of each I/O point during operation.
Information from technical documents and expired patents may be used to recreate
knowledge of the design of the original device. However, in a clean room approach designers
are barred access to copyrighted source materials including disassembled, read­only memory
chip (ROM) contents, treating the object of study as a black box. The Socratic method divides
the part to be reverse engineered into meaningful sub parts, and then analyzes each one based on
the function of its electrical connections to the rest of the system. The Bally electronic pinball
machine was divided according to the manufacturers block diagram into solenoid control, switch
control, feature lamp control, and digital displays. Game operation as a whole was then
considered to integrate these sub systems into the closed loop process model.
Evaluation and Verification
The purpose of this stage in Ingle's reverse engineering process is to completely
characterize the targeted part, collect and assess all available information, and determine what
data needs to be developed. A judgment is then made whether to proceed further in the process.
All the relevant published data relevant to the AS2518 MPU was collected and identified. This
included a number of United States patents, the highly informative Bally Electronic Pinball
Games Theory of Operation, as well as the operators' manual and schematic diagrams for the
Evel Knievel pinball machine. These resources alone did not provide enough information to
recreate the original part or a substitute for it. Visual and dimensional inspection was done to
identify the interconnections between the MPU and the rest of the pinball machine.
Development of a comprehensive understanding of the process control system embodied in a
pinball machine was required, both at the level of overall game operation and the level of the
individual electronic circuits controlling the various sub assemblies.
The rationale for undertaking a reverse engineering project to replace the AS2518 MPU
aligns loosely with economic considerations. A commercial, off the shelf replacement part was
identified, the $200 Alltek Ultimate MPU (Alltek Systems, 2004). The overriding factor of
obsolescence could come into play in the future if the Alltek part ceases to be available.
However, the primary motive behind the exercise was the educational objective that is served in
the process. The intention is to produce a test bed suitable for learning about real time
programming, basic electronic computer technology, discrete process control, and reverse
engineering itself. Nonetheless, to follow Ingle's methodology the feasibility of the project must
be verified once more for economic as well as logistic considerations, now that the full scope of
the project has been evaluated. In order to simulate actual implementation of the reverse
engineered design, a scenario was imagined in which a certain number of units were ordered by
customers at a fixed price. This aggregate group represents the users of the reverse engineered
part, collectively returning investment on the cost of conducting the project by purchasing this
kit instead of an after market replacement MPU. A PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) program
was developed to perform these computations on the fly. Table 3 portrays the dismal failure of
using traditional, corporate system development model to achieve the targeted cost savings and
return on investment. The replacement system is based on new computer equipment,
commercial operating system, i.e., Microsoft Windows, and licensed, proprietary control
software developed by a third party.
COTS Replacement (Alltek Ultimate MPU)
Reverse Engineered Unit Cost:
Computer Hardware (New PC)
Circuit Boards
ICs and Other Components
Assembly (5 Hours @ $10/Hour)
Software (Microsoft Windows and custom proprietary control software)
Cost Savings
Life­Cycle Cost Savings (25 Models, 1000 Units)
Reverse Engineered Project Cost:
Prototype Hardware
Programming Cost (100 Hours/Model @ $10/Hour)
Return On Investment
Table 3. Reverse engineering economics based on traditional development model
A Socratic Method
In the Preface to Reverse Engineering Ingle writes, "I do not believe that reverse
engineering is truly anything new although its origins are vague. In all the research I have done
on the subject since 1985 I have found no definitive discussion of where it came from or how it
is conducted" (1994, p. ix). This is no doubt because no philosophy of computing technology has
been widely advertised. That does not mean that computer ethics appeared only recently in our
intellectual history. From the texts of Plato and Xenophon, recorded over two thousand years
ago, it was possible to trace a three part Socratic method, arriving at the typical closed­loop
process model familiar to professional technologists. The first two passages considered were
from Plato's Phaedrus, where Socrates says,
ought we not to consider first whether that which we wish to learn and to teach is a
simple or multiform thing, and if simple, then to enquire what power it has of acting or
being acted upon in relation to other things, and if multiform, then to number the forms;
and see first in the case of one of them, and then in the case of all of them, what is that
power of acting or being acted upon which makes each and all of them to be what they
are? (Plato, 270C­270D).
Being able to divide something functionally into parts acknowledges that it is a "multiform
thing." This data development process is illustrated in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Socratic reverse engineering method
Its inventor claims that it can be used to reverse engineer anything. Nevertheless, an
acknowledgment of economic constraints prescreening feasible candidates was evident in
another passage of the same work, where Socrates says, "[t]o give the actual words would be too
much of a business, but I don't mind telling you how one ought to write if one wants to be as
scientific as possible" (Plato, 1973, 271C). That is, Socrates presents an overall methodology for
data development, but would only use it for tasks that deserved the costs associated with the
project. This method helped decide the iterative development of the testbed according to the cost
of writing the computer software to conduct the prototype testing, judging that results achieved
from computation over large sets of empirical data are preferred over the opinions of users. It
goes hand in hand with a third fragment from antiquity, from words of Socrates penned by
Xenophon. "And would not a person with good reason call me a wise man, .. for this, that while
other men get their delicacies in the markets and pay a high price for them, I devise more
pleasurable ones from the resources of my soul, with no expenditure of money?" (Xenophon,
1992, 15­19). Besides the iterative method and the acknowledgment of ROI considerations, the
Socratic method also includes a preference for the Free Open Source Software development
methodology over expensive, commercial things. In other words, it is often advantageous to use
“home grown” processes to figure something out for oneself. This gives preference to a
functional, black box approach, even when source code can be purchased. Patent concerns are
eliminated due to the age of the device; copyright and presumably DMCA concerns are
eliminated by the clean room (black box) reverse engineering methodology. This satisfaction of
the assumption of legality is oddly a path of least resistance once it is properly understood.
Rather than attempting to disassemble the contents of copyrighted ROMs, their "closed source"
contents are treated as part of a black box. Black boxes are analyzed functionally, which may
turn out to be less of a burden than recreating the original software source code on an obsolete
platform and attempting to emulate it or translate it.
This is how the proposed Socratic method was applied to the research problem. The
operators manual for the pinball machine provides a functional diagram of the major control
system components. It is reproduced in Figure 9 with coloring added to the parts germane to the
thesis work (Bally Manufacturing Corporation, 1977).
Figure 9. Bally pinball control system block diagram
It divides the pinball machine up functionally, identifying the MPU board within it, which in turn
by the iterative analysis is examined. Following Uffenbeck's functional computer bus means of
dividing into parts, the data development questions reduce to information about the MPU
external electrical connections. These electrical connections on the MPU are shown in Figure
Figure 10. AS2518 MPU electrical connections
The functional interpretation repeatedly applied to the part being reverse engineered assigns each
electrical connection to either power, output, input, feedback (switch matrix input), or ground.
In the pinball machine outputs far outnumber feedback inputs, which far outnumber inputs.
Other microcomputer­based control units may have more inputs and no switch matrix at all.
Others may have more inputs than outputs. The implied extensibility question will not be
explored during this microcomputer­based control units study.
The analysis of electrical connections actively involved in the control system model (that
is, everything except power and ground lines) is done in sets connecting to each major final
control element. On the pinball machine they were the continuous solenoids, momentary
solenoids, switch matrix, and feature lamps sets. Those connecting to the digital displays were
ignored. Next, define a set of logical and temporal requirements that includes the physical
constraints of the circuitry in the remaining final control elements using the Socratic method
"what is that power of acting or being acted upon which makes each and all of them to be what
they are?" These are tedious discoveries commonly dismissed by other real­time thinkers as
uninformative of theory. Yet they are of monumental practical consequence and must be
executed correctly. Representing 'shortlines' rather than deadlines, they also deliver the
application from the apparent threat of insignificance made by increasing speedy processors and
reduced I/O latencies.
Another way to divide the full set of MPU electrical connections is as computing objects
or not. The latter include power and ground connections and are easily solved; for the former
follow the rule to go back from the point of interconnection until solved or restricted, for
example, by copyright in programmed device like a ROM. Knowing when a connection is
sufficiently analyzed requires comprehensive and technically correct understanding of the
problem. There are two things to be accomplished in this analysis: development of
specifications for replacement hardware and development of understanding the control process to
be duplicated programmatically. A practical example that was encountered was the problem
with the continuous solenoids and momentary solenoid enable during PC power up.
A few refinements were made to this Socratic reverse engineering method to tune it to
microcomputer­based control units. Since all measurements on the microcomputer bus are of
binary state changes, the instrumentation portion of the control system is essentially digital.
Likewise, the control actions applied to the peripheral sub­systems are "two­position" control
operations, and therefore also essentially digital. The pinball machine switch inputs can be
viewed as a feedback mechanism in a closed­loop control system. Rather than comparing their
state to set­points, they are evaluated by the computer in terms of the game program. The effect
is the same: some control action will result. Despite the functional separation exhibited in the
instrumentation system block diagram, the same bus is actually used by both the measurement
and control elements. Hence the physical characteristics of the microprocessor bus define the
absolute frequency response and amplitude limits of these two elements in the overall system. It
seems unlikely, however, that the bus is utilized at its full potential; other, slower components
are involved in the MPU board circuitry that will reduce the frequency response limits even
Technical Data Generation
If the object of the study was strictly computer software, the technical data would consist
of system specifications, flowcharts, pseudo code, and so on; if it was a machined part, it would
consist of assembly drawings, manufacturing plans, and so on. Technical data for reverse
engineering a microcomputer control unit encompasses both software and hardware
specifications, and could entail an enormous amount of details if it was to be fully draw out
according to Ingle's process. A solution fitting to the project must be chosen. The strategy was
to use the Socratic method beginning at the discrete points of intersection between the
microcomputer unit and the rest of the system to which it belongs. These were points of
physical, electrical contact, made up of wiring harnesses and connectors, as well as chassis
ground connections. The closed loop process model and the hierarchical control scheme
represented by arrows emanating outward from the MPU module provided the overall structure
for the division into sub parts. AS2518­35 MPU board printed schematics supplied with the
game operation manual, reproduced in Figure 11, were invaluable in identifying the connector
pin terminations and their function, nearly all of which trace back to the the two 6820 PIAs
(Bally Manufacturing Corporation, 1977).
Figure 11. AS2518 electrical schematic
The division of the I/O interface for the Bally MPU has been summarized in Table 4.
Electrical Connection Name
Number of Lines
I/O Direction
Play Field Switch Return
J2­8 to J2­15
Input (Feedback)
Play Field Switch Strobes
J2­1 to J2­5
Output (Feedback)
Self Test Switch
Cabinet Switch Strobes
J3­2 to J3­3
Output (Feedback)
Cabinet Switch Returns
J3­10 to J3­16
Input (Feedback)
Lamp Address
J1­15 to J1­12
Lamp Data
J1­16 to J1­19
Lamp Strobes
J1­11; J1­8
Display Segment BCD Data
J1­25 to J1­28
Display Latch Strobe
J1­20 to J1­24
Display Blanking
Display Digit Enable
J1­1 to J1­7
Electrical Connection Name
Number of Lines
I/O Direction
Momentary Solenoid Data
J4­4 to J4­1
Continuous Solenoid Data
J4­5 to J4­8
Solenoid Bank Select
Table 4. Division of MPU electrical connections into major sub systems
This simple enumeration produced a total of 14 input lines and 43 output lines. Each
6820 PIA has two 8­bit ports and two 4­bit ports, making a total of 48 bits available for use on
the MPU board. From the schematic it was evident that some I/O lines are connected to more
than one line going to other parts of the pinball machine, such as the play field switch returns and
the cabinet switch returns. The Socratic method recommends each part be studied in order, from
the simplest to the most complex.
Controlling Continuous Solenoids
The continuous solenoids represent the simplest operation performed by the AS2518­35
MPU. No mention is made of them in Theory of Operation, so study of the circuit schematics
and direct inspection of the circuit boards was required. Four 6820 PIA outputs are connected to
transistor driver circuits. Evel Knievel uses the first two to control the Coin Lockout Relay and
the Flipper Enable Relay; the other two continuous solenoid outputs are not used. Figure 12
shows only the Flipper Enable Relay implemented.
Figure 12. Continuous solenoids electrical connections
Comparison of electrical characteristics for the 6820 PIA and the 8255 PPI validate the
substitution; they are both TTL compatible and have similar current driving and sinking
characteristics. The fact that they are called "continuous" whereas the other solenoids are called
"momentary" reveals something of their nature. Observation of their behavior during normal
game operation revealed coarse process deadlines. The flippers are enabled shortly following the
start of a new game, and disabled shortly after the game is over or tilted.
Controlling Momentary Solenoids
Momentary solenoids make up the bulk of pinball machine action. A subset of the MPU
schematic depicting the portion associated with the continuous and momentary solenoids is
shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Solenoid control detail of MPU schematic
Apart from the flippers, which are controlled directly by the player, all the other moving parts­­
pop bumpers, kickers, saucers, the out hole kicker, and the musical chimes­­are actuated by
momentary solenoids. A Bally pinball machine has up to 16 momentary solenoids controlled by
the MPU via five output lines. These lines control a 74LS154 four­by­sixteen decoder on the
Solenoid Driver and Voltage Regulator board. The electrical connections between the two
boards are shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14. Momentary solenoids electrical connections
It was obvious from inspection of the schematics that the MPU produces a four­bit data word for
the decoder inputs, and the selected solenoid is energized by the MPU making normally high the
decoder select line low.
A 74LS154 data sheet provides information concerning the minimum time required for
the inputs to be properly set up before turning on the select line (Fairchild Semiconductor, 2000).
Problems from time­critical processes failing to meet their deadline have already been discussed
thoroughly. Nondeterministic computers can also cause problems for time­critical operations
when by completing processes too quickly. A time­critical operation completed too quickly can
also fail. Take the example of setting up the outputs for the momentary solenoid address. A
logical requirement is that this must be done before enabling the output. But the enable cannot
come too soon after output of the four bit address. The 74LS154 IC has its own timing
requirements, and many of these must be treated as lower bounds for the time­critical process.
Another deduction based on the circuit was that only one solenoid can be energized at a time.
It was obvious from playing a game of pinball that many of the momentary solenoids are
actuated by the MPU when the ball makes contact with a particular pop bumper or kicker;
indeed, there are leaf switches built into these assemblies to sense the ball. Other momentary
solenoids, such as saucer kickers, the out hole kicker, and drop target resets, are actuated after
some delay. Fortunately, these behaviors are documented in the patents and the Bally Electronic
Pinball Game Theory of Operation. The latter text gives some further insight into the operation
of the momentary solenoids that was not apparent from direct observation. It was important to
note the function of the zero­crossing interrupt generator built into the MPU board: "DC
powered solenoids exhibit a far smaller back EMF if turned off near a zero crossing. This helps
extend the life of the solenoid driver transistors and other circuit components by keeping large
voltage spikes out of the system" (Bally Corporation, 1977, p. 7). A zero crossing occurs 120
times per second as the AC line input voltage alternates at 60 Hz. This fact should play an
important part in the software design because it will be expected that the replacement system
respects this design consideration. This means that the replacement unit must also sense zero
crossings in the AC power supply, suggesting the need for an external interrupt to keep the
control process synchronized with the power supply DC waveform ripples. The same section
also noted that most momentary solenoids are energized for three zero crossings (26
milliseconds), although the saucer kickers are kept on longer to make sure the ball clears the
saucer. It was necessary to trace the individual solenoid lines back to the corresponding output
on the decoder because the numbering scheme used in the operation manual is different, it being
preferred to number the solenoids in accordance with their actual disposition in the circuit. This
information is shown in Table 5, which has been ordered by the decoder outputs rather than the
original Bally solenoid numbers listed in the Operation Manual (Bally Pinball Division, 1977).
Solenoid Name
Number in Operation
74LS154 Output
Prototype Solenoid
Chime 10
Chime 100
Solenoid Name
Number in Operation
74LS154 Output
Prototype Solenoid
Chime 1000
Extra Chime
Top Thumper­Bumper
Middle Thumper­Bumper
Bottom Thumper­Bumper
Left Sling Shot
Drop Target Rest
Right Sling Shot
Table 5. Mapping of solenoids to decoder outputs
Observations of the select line on a working game should be performed to measure the
pulse duration of each particular solenoid. Additionally, the conditions under which a particular
solenoid is fired during game play must be determined. According to the the Theory of
Operation, the thumper­bumpers and sling shots are activated upon the first detection of their
corresponding switch inputs. Other solenoid responses follow from the game program after the
switch closure has been validated by the valid switch detection algorithm, which will be
discussed in the next section.
An alternative to using external test equipment to measure the enable pulses produced by
the prototype was to use an auxiliary input line physically connected to the 74LS154 enable line
in parallel with the PPI output line controlling it. Readings were made at the Nyquist sampling
rate, which was twice the reciprocal of the shortest enable pulse produced by the original system.
This improved upon a program verification approach based on analyzing the unbroken sequence
of every I/O operation performed during the run time of the experiment, accompanied by
timestamps from the CPU time stamp counter. Either method also serves to verify overall game
operation by confirming solenoid actions follow switch detections, and after what delay.
Detecting Switches
There are many switches that communicate the instantaneous disposition of the pinball
machine to the MPU, more than there are I/O ports on the two PIAs. Switch sensing is
accomplished via a matrix of switches and steering diodes much like a computer keypad. Figure
15 is a copy of the Bally switch matrix schematics (Bally Manufacturing Corporation, 1977).
Note that the rows and columns are rotated 90 degrees.
Figure 15. Pinball machine switch matrix
Evel Knievel, and most other models based on the AS2518 MPU, multiplexes five rows of eight
column inputs, yielding forty discrete inputs from thirteen lines connected to the MPU. The type
of each switch was identified as either normally open or normally closed, and continuous or
momentary. Momentary switches change state briefly, whereas continuous switches, when they
change state, remain in their new state until an action is issued by the control system. A number
of momentary switches trigger an immediate solenoid reaction, and were identified. Cross
reference data in Table 6 was developed for this Socratic division of the overall system; the
numbering scheme between the operations manual and the prototype was kept consistent.
Switch Name
Switch Number
Switch Type (All
Normally Open)
Drop Target "A" (Top)
Drop Target "B"
Drop Target "C"
Drop Target "D"
Drop Target "E" (Bottom)
Credit Button
Coin Shoot 3 (Right)
Coin Shoot 1 (Left)
Coin Shoot 2 (Center)
"E" Target in CYCLE
4 (extra chime)
"L" Target in CYCLE
4 (extra chime)
Middle "C" Target in CYCLE
4 (extra chime)
4 (extra chime)
4 (extra chime)
"Y" Top Lane Roll­over in
Top "C" Top Lane Roll­over in
Center Target
Left and Right "EK" Bumpers
Top Red Targets; General Purpose
100 Points
Right Outlane
Left Outlane
3 (1000 pts
3 (1000 pts
1 (10 pts chime)
2 (100 pts chime)
Switch Name
Switch Number
Switch Type (All
Normally Open)
Top Saucer
Right Spinner
Left Spinner
Left and Right Flipper Feed Roll­
Right Slingshot
Left Slingshot
Bottom Thumper Bumper
Middle Thumper Bumper
Top Thumper Bumper
4 (extra chime)
13 (right
11 (left
10 (bottom
9 (middle
8 (top thumper)
Table 6. Mapping of switches to switch matrix positions
One switch, the Self Test button mounted on the coin door, is wired directly to its own port. No
doubt it was designed that way for fail safe entry into the self test program, even when there is a
problem with the switch matrix. The parts of the MPU schematic relevant to this sub system are
shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16. Switch matrix control detail of MPU schematic
The Socratic analysis of the electrical connections between the MPU and the switches are
depicted in Figure 17.
Figure 17. Switch matrix electrical connections
The Bally Electronic Pinball Game Theory of Operation describes how the MPU senses
valid switch closures by examining a history of three samples for each switch. A valid closure
has a history of open, closed, closed. This is used to 'debounce' the switch and detect switches
that are stuck open or closed. Continuous switches may require more debounce than momentary
switches since they are expected to remain in their new state once actuated.
Each row and column combination has a timing requirement roughly computed from the
RC time constant from electronics. This is the time it takes the high output on the row to raise
the voltage of the closed switches in the particular column to a detectable high value. From the
published specifications of these electronic devices, the critical RC (resistor­capacitor) charging
times can be calculated for the circuits connecting the MPU to other parts of the system. Basic
electrical circuit analysis of a single switch circuit from Figures 15 and 16 suggested at least two
microseconds are required to change the circuit to 68% of the applied voltage. This property is
known as the RC time constant (Grob, 1992). Real time requirements expressing minimum time
between outputting one of the five rows high and reading in the eight column inputs derive from
these values. This had to be a critical timing requirement of the original MPU as well as the
replacement system. The switch matrix will malfunction if the input (read) operation follows the
output (strobe) too soon.
Multiple strategies had to be developed to handle switch bounce. Routines potentially
dynamically configurable (adaptive) from the user program built into the low level valid switch
detection program were to be complemented with "watchdog" functions that handle critical
missed valid switch detections. Methods had to be developed to verify the operation of the
switch matrix. Besides the fundamental multiplexing operation to correctly read the disposition
of the switch matrix, real­time requirements for switch detection latency or dead time should be
measured. This is the time interval between successive strobing of a particular row of switches.
It must be brief enough that the shortest duration switch closure on the pinball machine is
detected. A related requirement is the latency of valid switch detection, due to the the fact that
more than one sample is being required to detect a valid switch closure. The concern here is that
this interval is not so long that the control program that responds to valid switch detections is late
in delivering the expected response, when compared to the action of the original MPU. Perhaps
the most demanding situation for the switch matrix control routine is when a switch is repeating
rapidly, such as when the pinball is bouncing back and forth between targets or a spinning target
is hit.
Controlling Feature Lamps
Like the momentary solenoids and the switches, there are more feature lamps than I/O
ports, so a multiplexing scheme was employed to control them in the original design. All Bally
pinball machines based on the AS2518 MPU utilized a Lamp Driver board; some also used an
Auxiliary Lamp Driver board. The former can control up to 60 individual feature lamps using 8
bits for address and data, and one strobe bit. Figure 18 depicts the portion of the MPU schematic
relevant to the feature lamps.
Figure 18. Feature lamps control detail of MPU schematic
How their control is accomplished was again thoroughly described in the Bally Electronic
Pinball Game Theory of Operation and patents. The zero crossing detection circuit on the MPU
creates an interrupt for the 6800 every 8.3 milliseconds (120 Hertz) when the bridge rectified AC
power supply voltage from the transformer windings dips to zero volts. On the lamp driver
board four four­into­sixteen decoders (14514B) drive the gates of sixty silicon controlled
rectifiers (SCRs), which turn the feature lamps on and off. These decoders share a four bit
"address" bus, similar to the four bits used to select a momentary solenoid on the 74LS154.
However, the enable lines of the four chips are independently controlled by another four bit 'data'
bus. A value is latched onto the address bus of all four chips via a common strobe line, and then
up to four lamps are energized depending on which of the 'data' bus lines are next enabled. Once
the SCR gate and anode voltages rise to a sufficient voltage, the SCR conducts until the anode
voltage falls to zero volts at the end of the AC half cycle. Thus the computer enables lamps at
address 0x0, then 0x1, and so on through 0xE, on any of the four 14514Bs. There are no SCRs
connected to the highest output line. Table 7 lists the feature lamps used in Evel Knievel and
their relationship to the lamp driver board final control elements; because the prototype took the
place of the head unit, the lamps in the head unit were not included.
Lamp Name
14514B Decoder (Lamp
Prototype Lamp
Bonus 1000 Points
Bonus 5000 Points
Bonus 9000 Points
Saucer "S" and "S" Arrow
Saucer "R" and "R" Arrow
"S" in SUPER
"R" in SUPER
First "C" in CYCLE
Middle "C" in CYCLE
Bonus 2000
Bonus 6000
Bonus 10000
Saucer "U" and "U" Arrow
Drop Target Scores Special
"U" in SUPER
"Y" in CYCLE
"L" in CYCLE
Bonus 3000
Bonus 7000
Lamp Name
14514B Decoder (Lamp
Prototype Lamp
Saucer "P" and "P" Arrow
Bottom Thumper Bumper
Drop Target Scores Extra Ball
"P" in SUPER
Right Spinner Scores 1000
Right Outlane Scores Special
"E" in CYCLE
Shoot Again
Bonus 4000
Bonus 8000
Double Bonus
Saucer "E" and "E" Arrow
Top and Middle Thumper Bumpers
Drop Target Scores Double Bonus
"E" in SUPER
Left Outlane Scores Special
Credit Indicator
Table 7. Mapping of feature lamps to decoders
The electrical connections between the MPU and the Lamp Driver board are shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19. Feature lamps electrical connections
The design called for an external interrupt to trigger the control process at the beginning
of each pulse of the bridge rectified AC power supply; however, a "shot gun" method was
developed instead in which the control process was simply executed at a higher frequency than
120 Hertz without attempting to synchronize the triggering action.
Controlling Digital Displays
Control of the digital displays has been deemed beyond the scope of the prototype
development for this project. Nonetheless, it is instructive to enumerate the electrical
connections between the MPU board and the displays in order to round out the analysis of all the
electrical connections. If the results of this study are favorable, future work will no doubt
include developing a control strategy for this subsystem. The relevant portion of the MPU
schematic is shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20. Digital displays control detail of MPU schematic
The electrical connections to the rest of the pinball machine are depicted in Figure 21.
Figure 21. Digital displays electrical connections
Controlling Game Operation
Recall the closed­loop process diagram portrayed in Figure 6. Figure 22 represents the
overall process in terms of the electrical connections between the MPU and the rest of the pinball
machine analyzed functionally according to the proposed Socratic method.
Figure 22. Reverse engineered process model
Now that the constituent sub systems had been analyzed, it was time to put them all together and
operate the pinball machine as a whole. The Theory of Operation was an invaluable source of
information regarding the nature of the normal mode of operation. It has been decided that
examination of the program code on the game ROMs is prohibited due to copyright restrictions.
Consequently, the details of game play for the individual model selected had to be discerned
from reading instruction cards and advertisements, observing a working game, inference, and
interviewing experienced pinball players who had played Evel Knievel.
The original system was interrupt driven. It uses two hardware generated interrupts, the
former by a 555 timer circuit and the latter by the zero crossing of the line voltage via the bridge
rectifier. For the original 6800 microcomputer, 40% of available CPU time is used for normal
program operation, and 60% is divided between the interrupt sub­systems (Bally Corporation,
1977, p. 6). Using the cyclic executive concept from real­time computing, it would be possible
to develop a scheduler to interleave the execution of the two interrupt routines and the game
control process. The key would be to ensure that the execution times of each part are
deterministic, or at least bounded by maximum computation times that do not compromise the
beginning of the next process. The original requirements are summarized in Table 8.
Interrupt Routine
Maximum Computation Time
2.7 ms
360 Hz
0.5 ms
zero crossing
8.3 ms
120 Hz
3.7 ms
Table 8. Timing requirements of the original MPU
Note that the maximum computation time for the zero crossing interrupt service must be
decreased by three times the actual display interrupt routine. To do the same thing on a non­
deterministic, multi­tasking operating system, existing process scheduling mechanisms must be
used to achieve the same effect. There may be a basic, control process that accesses the
hardware I/O, complemented with multiple levels of supervisory control. Typically the latter
operate at significantly lower frequencies than the former, and are implemented as ordinary user
processes, whereas the former are implemented as part of the operating system kernel (device
driver, kernel module, etc.). For example, the process controlling hardware via memory­mapped
digital I/O ports, executing hundreds of times per second, may itself be controlled by a
supervisory process executing ten times per second, and this program itself may be controlled by
a supervisory program that executes once every hundred seconds or longer. This, in fact, is the
sort of model used in Laurich's real­time research. Besides making adjustments to the output of
the hardware control process and responding to inputs detected by the hardware control process,
the supervisory level may perform other tasks such as log performance data to the hard drive,
manage a user interface, detect faults, and so on. One advantage of state of the art computers
over the first generation systems constituting the original controller is this ability leverage the
additional resources made available by the operating system (although Ingle would refer to this
as value engineering).
Design Verification
Reverse engineering has been depicted as a process of knowledge discovery that may be
accomplished through disassembly of a working device, but also draws heavily on available
documentation wherever possible. When the goals for technical data generation set out in the
first stage of Ingle's process have been completed, the project proceeds to the third stage of
design verification. Usually a prototype of the replacement part is built and tested in a working
system. Building the prototype replacement system is usually considered the exciting part of a
reverse engineering project. The hobbyist approach is typically to jump right into building the
prototype. Without the careful attention to detail taken in the previous stages of prescreening,
evaluation and verification, and the critical step of technical data generation, however, this can
easily prove the most frustrating and time consuming, especially for something as complex as a
microcomputer­based control unit.
Prototype Determination
A machine based on generic, Intel x86 PC architecture and a GNU/Linux operating
system was contemplated from the prescreening phase onwards as the desired platform for the
reverse engineered solution. Its key additional components are the digital I/O board to
supplement the insufficient I/O capabilities of a generic, off the shelf system, the software
framework from which to develop control programs to actually operate the pinball machine, and
an interface circuit to take the place of the passive components connecting the digital I/O lines to
the solenoid driver board, switch matrix, and lamp driver board. Intel produced an IC that is
similar to the Motorola 6820 for interfacing I/O to its x86 family microprocessors. The widely
used 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) offers three 8 bit ports, each of which can be
set for input or output. Indeed, most basic digital I/O boards marketed for Intel x86 systems use
a number of these chips. On both ISA bus cards and PCI bus cards the 8255 PPIs are accessed
via memory mapped I/O. A brief survey of manufacturers and resellers reveals that a 48 port
digital I/O board will cost more than the computer using it. Therefore, a board will be built from
scratch using a prototyping board and two 8255 PPIs. An ISA interface was selected due to
lower cost of the blank board and easier circuit construction. Instructions for building such a
card were readily found on the Internet. A design based on a tutorial supplied by Boondog
Automation was used (Boondog Automation, 1998).
For an exploratory prototype, the software control aspect was limited to design
verification. Implementing the actual game play for any other AS2518 based games has been
left to future repetitions of this study. Iterations of testbed development aimed at implementing
control functions from the simplest to the most difficult, while introducing first a diagnostic
interface and finally scoreboard suitable for public exhibition of the project. If it was found to be
impossible to consistently create the enable pulses for the momentary solenoids and feature
lamps through software according to their timing requirements, then a hardware solution may be
chosen instead of abandoning the selected operating environment in favor of a more
deterministic one. For access to hardware interrupts a kernel device driver would be necessary.
Control programs written in C do not benefit from real­time programming features of languages
like Ada, but are easy to develop, and a requirement for it being a Linux kernel module. Another
option was to create a JAVA environment that programmatically implements and operationally
supports real­time extensions. The preference shifted to a Linux kernel module and supervisory
control program written in C, plus a number of PHP scripts to facilitate a browser based interface
to the test bed results. Additionally, a MySQL database was created to store statistical data from
each game played. This was due in part to the abundance of reference material available such as
the Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide, and Welling and Thompson's PHP and MySQL
Web Development.
The software framework had three major components. First, the low level interface to the
I/O board was to be encapsulated in a software data structure representing the enumerated,
information bearing electrical connections determined in the previous methods. Hence the
purpose of the software framework was not full emulation of the original pinball machine MPU.
Rather, its design was to derive from the functional analysis of the sub systems discovered
following the Socratic method, and represent a fresh perspective to solving those control
problems based on the operational qualities of the Intel x86 architecture, the GNU/Linux
operating system, and the C programming language. Second, the C language supervisory
program ran along side the kernel module at much lower frequency to manage the high level
aspects of system operation, including the creation of a log file from the data recorder. Third, an
fork of the supervisory program asynchronously parsed the data recorder log file and invoked a
PHP program that performed to achieve automated, quantitative validation of the system.
In order to encourage others to repeat the study and develop full implementations of game
control programs, the source code for the software framework was made available under the
General Public License (GPL) and hosted on as a project called the Pinball
Reverse Engineering Kit (PMREK).
Prototype Testing
Testing accompanied every step of prototype construction. By using an iterative
approach to hardware and software development, the correct operation of each sub system
identified in the Socratic method was verified both individually and in terms of its overall
integration into the growing system. Nonetheless, testing a reverse engineered control unit
entails a degree of complexity not found in either wholly software or wholly hardware solutions.
Namely, when the system did not perform as expected, the root cause could have been a
hardware design or assembly flaw, a software design or coding mistake, or a combination.
Evaluation of runtime performance consisted of verifying that requirements for safety,
logical correctness, and timeliness were met. Particular attention had to be given to timeliness
requirements that fell below the sensitivity of the experimenter and other pinball players. Any of
the internal timing requirements for momentary solenoid, switch, and feature lamp routines will
have to be measured using an instrument that can detect and record voltage changes at the
Nyquist rate of information being sampled. One pivotal question was the determinism of the Linux kernel timer, since it took the
place of an external hardware circuit generating interrupts to trigger the primary control process.
Whereas Laurich defined the acceptable timer jitter at 0.5 milliseconds in his research, concerns
with preemption latency should have empirical foundations based upon the particular circuitry
and the performance expectations (Laurich, 2004). This was information sought in the actual
reverse engineering work. For the Bally pinball machine control unit, a few hard, real­time
requirements were derived from documentation and circuit analysis. These involved the
operation of the switch matrix and overload protection of the momentary solenoids. The rest
were soft, real­time requirements because game play was merely degraded when they are not
met, not ruined all together. They have been categorized in Table 9.
Real­Time Requirements
Delay Between Data Setup
and Enable > RC Time
Constant of Circuit and
74LS154 Setup Time
Maximum Pulse Duration <
2 x Maximum Nominal Pulse
Switch Matrix
Row Strobe to Input > RC
Time Constant of Switch
Sampling Dead Time <
Shortest Switch Action
Feature Lamps
Delay Between Address Setup Enable Duration > SCR Gate Frequency of Control Action >
and Enable > RC Time
2 x SCR Anode Power Pulse
Constant of Circuit and
14514B Setup Time
Game Play
Response To Valid Switch
Detection < Noticeable Delay
by Player
Switch Detection < Fastest
Repeating Switch
Consume Module Log
Before it Fills (No I/O
Table 9. Real­time requirements for prototype testing
It was decided to forgo the use of electronics test equipment like a digital data analyzer
and to build the data recorder into the prototype computer itself. The ability to time stamp points
in code execution with the Real Time Stamp Counter (RTSC) meant that sub­microsecond
precision was possible for making timing measurements.
Message passing between the kernel module and the user program already existed in
order to send commands to the module and retrieve valid switch detection information. Adding
additional log types for data recording was not difficult; however, the concern did arise whether
the amount of data being transferred due to the additional logging had undesirable side effects on
overall performance. These findings will be detailed in the results.
Design Implementation
Design implementation was beyond the scope of this project. However, it was necessary
to consider the project from "cradle to grave" when designing even a proof of concept prototype
if it is hoped to meet economic expectations. A number of different versions of the replacement
system were contemplated. The product was first evaluated as a kit including the ISA I/O board
and a separate circuit board with header pins for the original wire harnesses leading to the
solenoid board, lamp board, display boards, and the switch matrix. The additional circuit board
would house the resistor and capacitor networks, and the pull­up resistor circuit supplying the
self test switch input. Next an assembly that attached to the existing MPU board via a cable
connected to the ISA I/O board was considered. This would have taken advantage many
preexisting arrays of passive components, reducing the cost when compared to an option
replacing the MPU board. Active components like the microprocessor IC and memory chips
would have been removed; the replacement system would attach to the MPU in place of the
PIAs. Another version of the replacement system located the PC motherboard in place of the
MPU in the pinball head, with the aforementioned passive components built directly onto the
ISA I/O board.
Niche markets exist for short term, low volume circuit board manufacturing operations.
Awareness of the hazardous chemicals involved in circuit board manufacture steered the design
implementation away from the putatively optimal solution of outsourcing board construction to a
manufacturer. Instead, it was preferred to use recycled hardware and a kit format so that the
construction of the board could be accomplished in the context of electronics technology
education. Advertisement of the product would occur through the developer
community as interest in the open source programming project was built through magazine and
journal articles about it. Demonstration units would be displayed at pinball conventions as well.
The prototype of the reverse engineered replacement for the Bally AS 2518
microcomputer­based control unit was part of the overall experimental apparatus. This was
attached to an Evel Knievel pinball machine in place of the original MPU. The apparatus also
included common electrical test equipment such as a digital multimeter and an oscilloscope. The
remainder of the apparatus consisted of additional computer software written for recording run
time data and analyzing the testbed performance. was used to host the project
on the Internet, exposing it to the open source developer community and to the world at large.
Electronic Pinball Machine
The primary apparatus of the experiment, which constituted the evolving iterations of
data verification from bench setups used for operational testing to the final prototype suitable for
installation in the field, was the 1977 model Evel Knievel electronic pinball machine produced by
the Bally Manufacturing Corporation, playfield serial number 207593, of which 14,000 were
produced (Petit, 2002). This was one of the first games converted from the older,
electromechanical design to the new, solid state, microcomputer controlled design described in
U.S. Patent Number 4,198,051, Computerized Pin Ball Machine. Evel Knievel and a number of
other first generation electronic pinball machines used a solenoid based chime unit to produce
sounds; the MPU designation was AS2518­17. Later models had a separate microcomputer­
based unit that produced digitized sound through a loudspeaker. Together with the later
AS2518­35 version of the MPU, Bally built over 300,000 pinball machines employing the same
basic design. The design, shown previously in Figure 11, allowed each machine to have up to
four continuous solenoids, sixteen momentary solenoids, forty matrix switches, sixty feature
lamps, and four, six or seven digit player score displays plus a six digit display for credits and
ball in play. Additional solenoids and lamps were added to some models by using multiple
select lines and additional circuit boards.
Data Recorder
The design verification method called for a data recorder that can be used to validate the
correctness and the timeliness of system operations. Prototype testing consisted of subjective
and objective methods. Judgments made by the experimenter were prominent during software
development and debugging. Later, automated statistical analysis of quantitative measurements
were performed by the data recorder apparatus, for which hundreds of games of pinball were
played by the experimenter and members of the general public. Initially, the data recorder
tracked the values the kernel module output to the memory mapped I/O lines. In the final
version an auxiliary input line was connected directly to the 74LS154 enable pin on the solenoid
driver board. A sample rate of at least 77 Hertz was required to detect the enable pulses; this is
the Nyquist sampling rate based on a theoretical pulse width of 26 milliseconds. A higher
sampling rate was needed to measure their duration. Taking a sample every cycle of the control
process enqueued in the Linux kernel yielded a sampling frequency of 250 to 500 Hertz
depending on the workqueue delay. To facilitate analysis of data logged from the kernel module,
each record contained RTSC timestamps marking the beginning and end of the execution of the
control process.
The data recorder tracked control actions performed by the replacement system, such as
responding to valid switch detections by energizing solenoids and turning on feature lamps.
However, these actions were inferred from the module log records that the commands had been
processed, not from direct measurement of outputs as in the enable pulse. To actually have
measured these events, a much higher sampling rate would have been required, and the data
recorder itself would have consumed far more CPU resources than the control processes. ( is an online project management system for open
source software. It was chosen part of the apparatus because it was used to host the project on
the Internet, including the source code and documentation. The hope is that other people will
become interested in repeating the pinball machine reverse engineering experiment, and
eventually write software to play other games besides Evel Knievel using the replacement
system. Rather than starting this exercise from scratch every time, building on a foundation of
shared code will reduce development time and errors in addition to promoting the thesis topic.
Using a third party hosting service such as Sourceforge has the additional benefit of
innoculating the project against the "Slashdot Effect." The term alludes to the often disastrous
effect of sudden, massive popularity to an online property, as often happens when a news story
about it is posted on Slashdot News ( While a hosting the project locally on a
home or university system works fine for the original author of the thesis and a couple of other
readers to access it, should a large number of readers suddenly request the resource, its initial
network host cannot or will not support the bandwidth required to service them. Besides slow
response, the web site may even be taken off line by its hosting service. This is an aspect of
good project management that Ingle probably never considered. For reverse engineering projects
that exist in the virtual world of hobbyists rather than the real world of high dollar government
and commercial enterprises, the project management system itself must be carefully engineered
from the start. The attribute of sustained networked presence, critical to sustaining a
collaborative environment, can be easily defeated by a project management system that cannot
scale effectively. Sourceforge also offers project management tools such as a secure source code
depository and revision control system, project web pages, and location within the catalog of tens
of thousands of other free, open source projects.
Statistical Techniques
The statistical techniques employed in the prototype testing methods included basic,
descriptive statistics like the mean, standard deviation, and skewness of sample distributions of
data collected from game operation using the data recorder apparatus. Standard tests of
significance were used to test hypotheses concerning logical requirements. One unusual
technique borrowed from Laurich's real­time research was the cumulative percentage graph for
displaying the distribution of actual process cycle periods recorded during each game of pinball
(2004). Functionally, it is an inverted distribution graph, and graphs on the y­axis the percentage
of all samples in a dataset that were either more than or less than the value along the x­axis. Its
aim is to illustrate the overall timer jitter and effect of preemption latency for a cyclical process.
Computations were accomplished using custom PHP code and statistical functions built into the
MySQL relational database that stored cumulative data of all games played on the system. Just
as the prototype itself went through iterations of feature implementation, the statistical
techniques employed in the analysis of each game did as well. For instance, it was discovered
from the cumulative percentage graphs during the research that positive skewness of the process
periods was correlated to the amount of flicker apparent in the feature lamps. Therefore, code
was added to compute the actual skewness of each data set and store it in the database.
Iterative prototype development was guided by real­time requirements for the continuous
and momentary solenoids, switch matrix, and feature lamp control actions derived from the
timing diagrams developed for the hardware circuits. Results for each of these sub systems are
presented separately, and then the results for each major iteration of the prototype. The first
version was a purely user space program in which the switch matrix and lamps failed to function
correctly. The second major iteration introduced a kernel module to handle low level control,
while a supervisory user process managed game play, logging, and fault detection. In the third
and final iteration an emulation of the digital displays and other feature lamps on the pinball head
back board was added to the user interface. Statistical analysis of logged data sets showed
acceptable overall performance can be achieved when the workqueue process was repeated every
two or three milliseconds; at four milliseconds considerable lamp flicker was evident although
other functions performed adequately. Furthermore, lamp flicker was also pronounced when the
user program was granted real­time priority scheduling. The economic criteria were satisfied as
well. The 25% unit cost savings was met by minimizing materials cost with free, open source
software and recycled computer hardware. Future labor cost can be reduced by casting the effort
in an educational context and by distributing software development among the
community, resulting in enhanced overall return on investment.
Process Models
Continuous Solenoid Control
The continuous solenoid process model was a straight forward, one to one relationship
between outputs from the I/O board to inputs on the solenoid board. This was shown previously
in Figure 13 and Figure 12. The control action was simple, too: a single I/O action to turn the
solenoid on or off. The only continuous solenoid of interest for the prototype was the one
controlling the flipper enable relay, although the coin lockout relay could have been
implemented as well. A PPI output was connected to the original MPU connector J4­5 via
0.025" square post, 0.100" spacing header pins. Setting the output high turned the relay off; low
turned it on. This action was verified by a test program that turned it on and off at one second
intervals. Later iterations of the test bed included a diagnostic display that showed the current
disposition of the continuous solenoid, and permitted the operator to change it using a keyboard
This inversion of ordinary digital logic is called negative logic. A problem with the
initial hardware circuit was quickly discovered when the pinball machine was left powered on
while the PC booted. During system start up the line output was low and therefore the flippers
were enabled when they should not have been. Even after installing a pull­up resistor in the
circuit, the flippers were enabled during system start up, and did not turn off until the control
program was started to set the output high. The problem was solved by adding a 7404 hex
inverter in line so that the initial power on state resulted in a high output applied to the
continuous solenoid line.
Momentary Solenoid Control
The process model for the momentary solenoids consisted of five outputs from the I/O
board going to the solenoid driver board. This was shown previously in Figure 13 and Figure
14. Four were used to set up the four bit input to the 74LS154 demultiplexer (decoder), and the
fifth was used to enable or disable it, energizing the respective solenoid coil. Figure 23 presents
timing diagram that was developed for this action; in the diagram the Extra Chime (input address
0x3, see Table 5) is being actuated.
Figure 23. Momentary solenoids control timing diagram
The test bed program cycled through the sixteen solenoid addresses at a one second interval,
similar to the self test routine built into the original MPU. Initially the enable followed
immediately after the address set up output; however, this resulted in unreliable operation, as the
expected solenoid was not always the one that was energized. It was concluded that the one
microsecond delay between the two instructions was not sufficient for the input values to reach
suitable voltage levels to be decoded correctly. Therefore, an additional microsecond delay was
added between them by repeating the address output command. This proved effective, and in
later iterations of the test bed program the delay was created by reading in the auxiliary input
byte between the solenoid address set up and the enable.
Like the continuous solenoids, the 74LS154 used negative logic for its enable line.
Therefore, during initial system start up a solenoid was enabled if the pinball machine was left
powered on. This behavior was unacceptable due to the fact that the momentary solenoid
circuits were designed for brief current pulses. Prolonged electrical current either blows the fuse
or leads to components overheating. The same solution was applied to the momentary solenoid
enable line as to the continuous solenoid, an in line logic inverter.
The solenoid control action was developed after the continuous solenoid action was
verified by modifying the user space program. To achieve the required 26 millisecond pulse, a
usleep(26000) (26000 microsecond sleep) was inserted between the commands to set the enable
line high and low. It was noted that usleep() guarantees a minimum delay, but may exceed the
target for an unpredictable amount of time because the normal process scheduling activity and
process preemption (Saikkonen, 2000). That is, the time slice allotted to the calling process may
expire during the system call, resulting in the process being swapped out by the scheduler, or a
process of a higher priority may come into the run queue and preempt it. This feature of the
operating system did not bode well for the soft, real­time requirement of producing the nominal
pulse duration, nor the hard, real­time requirement of never exceeding twice the nominal pulse
duration. The standard Linux scheduling policy for the user process yielded a cyclic period of 5
Hertz, far too slow to effectively regulate the solenoid enable pulse duration. This result, in
conjunction with problems experienced with the switch matrix control, led to the second major
iteration of the test bed, in which the low level, hardware control actions were handled by a
higher frequency periodic process enshrined in a kernel module.
During the development of the kernel module a diagnostic screen was added to the user
space program (now referred to as the supervisory process). With it the operator could send a
command to the kernel to enable a particular solenoid, for either its default duration or a custom
one. The screen display showed the last solenoid that had been ordered up and its intended
duration. Using this feature in conjunction with an oscilloscope, the experimenter could make a
gross estimation of the pulse duration, and of course ascertain whether the correct solenoid was
enabled. An image of this screen in operation is shown in Figure 24; the experimenter has just
pressed the 'S' key and is being prompted to enter the solenoid number to fire.
Figure 24. Manually firing a solenoid from the user interface
A better method to verify correct pulse duration was accomplished in the second test bed
iteration by feeding the enable pin back into an auxiliary input that was read every process cycle
of the kernel module. This yielded a sampling precision equal to the process period, which
varied from two to four milliseconds, or a frequency from 500 to 250 Hertz. Analysis of the
prototype results included computation of solenoid duration error, that is, the difference between
the expected pulse duration and the measured pulse duration. Table 10 summarizes the solenoid
duration error, in milliseconds, of the results of all games recorded by the data recorder by the
workqueue process frequency, average system load, and whether real­time enhancements were
applied to the supervisory process. This format was repeated for other significant items.
Data Set
500 Hz
500 Hz
Data Set
500 Hz
500 Hz
No Data
No Data
500 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
No Data No Data
No Data
Table 10. Summary of solenoid pulse duration error
This statistic was also used to verify the hard, real­time requirement that no pulse exceeded twice
the nominal value, which was deemed likely to cause damage to the hardware or blow a fuse.
Failure was only evident in the 250 Hertz data sets at the 99.999% threshold. Curiously, pulse
duration error decreased as system load increased. One factor influencing pulse duration, similar
to the situation faced by the user space program, was apparent latency and jitter in kernel
execution of the workqueue process. Those findings are revisited in the section on overall
Switch Matrix Control
The process model for the switch matrix consisted of five outputs connected to the MPU
switch strobe lines (connectors J2­1 through J2­5 and J3­2 and J3­3) and eight inputs connected
to the MPU switch return lines (connectors J2­8 through J2­15 and J3­9 through J3­16). This
was shown previously in Figure 16 and Figure 17. Attention had been given during data
development to determine the RC time constant for each of the forty switch circuits. Just as the
momentary solenoid control action required a brief delay between address set up and enable, the
switch matrix presented a situation where the sequential processing of machine instructions on
the x86 PC must be slowed down to allow voltage applied to the row output to rise from the low
state to a level the column input would register as a high for any switches that were closed at the
time. The first iteration of the test bed user program created a two microsecond delay between
the row strobe and the column input by performing another output to the current strobe row.
This method failed to correctly detect switch closures. Increasing the delay by one microsecond
increments until the detection was successful resulting in the process consuming valuable CPU
time waiting for I/O. This busy wait was a poor means to generate the brief but necessary delay
between the two control actions. Thus, this failure of the user space control program led to the
next iteration of the prototype system, in which a periodic process began each cycle by reading
the switch returns, and ended each of its cycles by strobing the next switch row. This created a
delay equal to the process period, thousands of microseconds, for the RC set up time. The timing
diagram of this method is shown in Figure 25.
Figure 25. Switch matrix control timing diagram
After separating the control functions between the original user space program and the new
kernel module, the former became known as the supervisory process, and the latter the control
process. A curses based diagnostic screen, redrawn every cycle of the supervisory process,
allowed instantaneous monitoring of the disposition of the switch matrix, as well as reporting of
valid switch detections by the kernel module. An image of this screen taken in the midst of a one
player game is shown in Figure 26; switch numbers 01 through 04 are closed, meaning the player
has knocked down four of the five drop targets.
Figure 26. Diagnostic display showing switch closures
As actual games were played more was learned about the idiosyncrasies of specific
switches. A great number of false closures were believed to be occurring due to vibrations
(bounce), especially on the targets mounted on posts. One feature developed in the per­game
analysis was to calculate the time between successive switch detections, and, if the same switch
was detected within a 100 milliseconds, the entry was flagged as the possible result of bounce.
Rather than changing the valid switch detection algorithm, which examined the current and the
previous states of each switch for a high following a low to register a valid closure, an additional
parameter was added to the switch configuration for bounce dead time. That is, if a subsequent
detection of the same switch occurred within this interval, it was rejected. The experimenter was
able to fine tune the switch detection operation on the fly by changing the values in the switch
configuration data structure sent to the kernel module to eliminate most unwanted switch
actuations resulting from vibrations in the switches themselves.
Referring back to Table 9, the real time requirements for the switch matrix were initially
the circuit RC set up time, the effective switch sampling rate or latency, and the latency for valid
switch detection. The results for the latter two varied depending on the process cycle frequency,
and are summarized in Table 11. The valid switch detection latencies are these values multiplied
by two for momentary switches, and by three for continuous switches.
Data Set
500 Hz
500 Hz
500 Hz
500 Hz
No Data
No Data
No Data No Data
No Data
500 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
Table 11. Summary of switch sampling and detection latencies
Although reasonable game play served to verify the correct control of this subsystem, that
relied on the opinion of the experimenter or would have required a substantially more complex
data recorder and analysis apparatus. The account of valid switch detections stored by the data
recorder could have been evaluated according to an algorithmic notion of typical game play, but
even then it would be difficult to conclude from this account how many switch detections were
missed. Therefore, a new method was created for prototype testing that sought to estimate the
percentage of missed, repeating switches. The idea was that if the control process was failing to
detect switch closures, that failure would be noticeable during times that a given switch was
expected to repeat at a given frequency. On the pinball machine this was the two playfield
spinners. Code was added to the game analysis script to look for missed detections in the first
half of large sets of consecutive spinner switch detections.
Feature Lamp Control
The feature lamps comprised the most complex pinball machine sub system for which
control by the prototype reverse engineered system was attempted. Bally designers chose to use
a number of decoders with outputs driving silicon controlled rectifiers rather than some kind of
matrix operation to selectively illuminate feature lamps during game play. The process model
consisted of four outputs connected to the MPU lamp address lines (connectors J1­12 through J1­
15), four outputs connected to the MPU lamp data lines (connectors J1­16 through J1­19, and
one output connected to the MPU lamp strobe line (J1­11). This was shown previously in Figure
18 and Figure 19. When an SCR is turned off, as illustrated in Figure 27, the oscilloscope
display shows the bridge rectified power supply voltage of about ten volts DC at the SCR anode.
Figure 27. Oscilloscope display of untriggered feature lamp SCR anode
These wave forms are the alternating current in the transformer secondary winding. When the
SCR is turned on, as illustrated in Figure 28, the wave forms are flattened, representing the
saturation voltage of the SCR; when the power supply voltage falls to zero, the oscilloscope trace
rises until the SCR turns on.
Figure 28. Oscilloscope display of triggered feature lamp SCR anode
For every feature lamps intended to be illuminated, each SCR gate must have a positive voltage
applied to it when the anode voltage begins to rise from zero. A "shotgun" method was
developed in lieu of triggering the control process by an external interrupt when the anode
voltage crossed zero and began to rise again. It fired the process off at better than twice the
frequency of the 120 Hertz wave form from the bridge rectifier supplying power to the feature
lamps, ensuring that the SCR would be triggered at least once during each pulse. Indeed, this
requirement guided the variation of the process cycle workqueue delay from two to four
milliseconds. Five would fail this requirement altogether. The timing diagram for this method is
shown in Figure 29.
Figure 29. Feature lamp control timing diagram
Lamp control was first attempted in the second testbed iteration, which was developed in
response to the inability of a user space process to adequately handle control of the switch
matrix. The supervisory program communicated the intended disposition of the entire lamp
matrix by writing a command data structure containing four, sixteen bit unsigned integers
encoding in the resulting bit fields which of the sixty possible lamps were to be illuminated.
This meant that the quickest rate of change possible among the lamps was equal to the frequency
of the supervisory process, which averaged 5 Hertz. This was deemed adequate based on the
black box analysis of game play for Evel Knievel. Before any game play was built into the
supervisory program, a simple interface allowed the user to key in which lamps to turn on and
off, in order to verify the intended lamps were being illuminated.
A problem confounded the experimenter for some time, in which more than one lamp
would alight when only one was specified for certain lamp numbers. It was suspected that, like
the momentary solenoids, a delay greater than on microsecond was needed between the address
setup and the latching into the 14514B IC, a step that was not part of the operation for the
74LS154. However, even with an additional microsecond delay the extra lights continued to
appear. The hardware circuit was inspected for faults, and a glob of solder was discovered
shorting two of the data lines together and remedied. This event reinforced the need for careful
work and testing each step of the way, for a symptom like this could have been caused by bugs in
the software, hardware, or both.
Proper operation of the feature lamps was solely based on the judgment of the
experimenter. Indeed, if the intended lamps did not alight as ordered by the supervisory
program, development would never have progressed to control of the overall game operation.
The diagnostic user interface developed in the second prototype iteration made it possible to
compare the intended disposition of the lamps against their actual disposition on the pinball
machine playfield through a display of the lamps currently being energized. An image of this
screen in the midst of a one player game was shown previously in Figure 26. The most
perplexing phenomenon observed during prototype testing was an unexpected, pronounced
flickering of the lamps under certain conditions. This topic will be discussed in detail in the
section on overall performance.
Game Operation Control
Evidence that a feedback (closed­loop), discrete process model is well suited for pinball
machines was the fact that documentation for electromechanical pinball machines featured
complex ladder logic diagrams. Their operation is amenable to representation by process timing
diagrams, although tedious to actually portray due to their complexity (Bateson, 2002). It was
advantageous to depict certain portions of the process with timing diagrams, in particular the
low­level hardware I/O actions performed by the kernel workqueue process developed in the
second iteration. In this sense the activity on each electrical connection has been represented in
timing diagrams. Figure 22 depicted the Bally pinball machine diagram as a closed loop process.
Disturbance variables were the two flipper buttons; the controller was oblivious of their
value because there were no switches connected to the original design. The controlled variable
Game, which was the output of the reverse engineered process, fed back into controller by way
of the switch matrix. The remaining manipulating elements were not fed back into the original
controller, with the exception of the solenoid enable line. An unused feature lamp SCR anode
served as an input datum to detect game power. The only other input to the system was the self
test switch. Everything else was evaluated in terms of the controller responding to changes to
the forty digital switch matrix inputs based on time and event conditions coded into the game
control program. The game control program was a supervisory process that itself sent
commands to and retrieved data from the pmrek kernel module. The strategy behind multi­level
control is that some operations require a high speed, deterministic periodic process, whereas
others can suffer embodiment as a lower frequency, less deterministic process.
The full header file (pmrek.h) and program source code for the kernel module (pmrek.c)
and the supervisory program (testbed.c) are reproduced in Appendix B. Both the kernel module
and the supervisory program shared the pmrek.h header file, which defined a number of
enumerated types and data structures. The sole communication mechanism between the two
processes was the character device file /dev/pmrek. Through it supervisory process could send
commands to the kernel module, and the kernel module could send log entries back to it. Table
12 lists the possible commands by their enumerated type names.
Enumerated Type pmrek_commands
Install mapping between pinball machine I/O lines and
8255 PPI ports
Set workqueue delay in milliseconds for low level
hardware control periodic process
Define which events are logged by the kernel module
Install a mapping of solenoids and pulse durations
used by the pinball machine
Install a mapping of switches, including type, bounce
threshold, and solenoid response, used by the pinball
Enable or disable continuous solenoids
Enable a given solenoid for default duration or
override value
Turn a single feature lamp on or off
Set the disposition of all lamps at once
Begin normal game play operation
Begin idle game operation
Stop game operation
Request current state of module information data
Table 12. Commands available to the kernel module control process
Upon executing a command the module created a log entry detailing its execution, and
placed it into a log buffer that was read from the character device file by the supervisory process.
Log entries were also created by events such as valid switch detections during the execution of
the workqueue process. Figure 30 portrays the basic design of the kernel workqueue process.
Figure 30. Kernel workqueue process program flowchart
Every log entry was timestamped with the CPU RTSC, giving sub­microsecond precision
to the data records. By reading this logged data, the supervisory process advanced through the
states of game play. Only the quick response solenoid actions were performed directly by the
module in response to valid switch detections for switches configured with a solenoid response.
This was meant to handle thumper bumpers and slingshots as quickly as possible, following the
guidance of the Theory of Operations. The design of the kernel module was modeled on the
samples found in the Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide for the customary operations
(Salzmann, 2004). Additional functions specific to the process control objectives were then
added to it. The function pmrek_process_io() was enshrined as a workqueue process, which was
scheduled at two, three, or four millisecond intervals when the game was in its running or idle
states. The major functions are described in Table 13; note that all functions begin with the
kernel module name because they are exported globally to the entire Linux kernel.
Function Name
Called when user process opens character device file /dev/pmrek
Called when user process closes character device file /dev/pmrek
Called when supervisory process reads from character device file /dev/pmrek,
transfers log buffer
Called when supervisory process writes to character device file /dev/pmrek,
enqueues commands
Called when kernel module unloaded
Called when kernel module loaded
Sets control words for 8255 PPIs based on desired configuration of ports A,B,C
Put the control process in an idle state; turn off all lamps and continuous solenoids
Read from I/O ports
Write to I/O ports
Log read or write information to module log buffer
pmrek_process_commands() Process any commands enqueued by pmrek_device_write() or pmrek_process_io()
Configured in module as a kernel workqueue process, triggered by kernel timer
after workqueue delay of two, three, or four milliseconds, performs all low level
hardware control operations
Table 13. Key functions in the kernel module
The supervisory control process, in which the game program was embedded, is illustrated in
Figure 31.
Figure 31. Supervisory process program flowchart
Game play was also analyzed as a time­ and event­driven sequential process; however,
timing diagrams were not necessary as narrative statements about the disposition of the current
ball in play readily translated into program code. These were derived from inspection of the
pinball machine playfield itself, which detailed the rewards for hitting various targets, the
instruction card placed on the apron near the front of the machine, reproduced in Figure 32, and
expert knowledge provided by experienced players of Evel Knievel when the prototype was
showcased at the 2005 Pinball at the Zoo event in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on April 15 and 16.
Figure 32. Pinball machine instruction card
The majority of events driving game play operation were switch detections. Sequences of
events, such as completing a bank of drop targets, spelling a word by hitting the switches that
make up its letters, and so on, advanced game operation through various stages, as did the overall
sequence of events in which each player was served the first ball, in order, and then the second,
and then the third, after which point the game ended. A great deal of detail would be required to
state the entire narrative according to which the game program was written. Indeed, like
Socrates' statement made concerning a full blown implementation of his method, "to give a
complete account would be tiresome.” Using the iterative program development method, as more
detail was learned about the time and event driven sequence defining game operation, it was
simply coded into the supervisory program. The key functions making up the flowchart
presented in Figure 31 are listed in Table 14; refer to the actual source code for testbed.c in
Appendix B.
Function Name
Called when the credit button is pressed (and there are credits) to start a new game
or add more players
Called when the outhole switch is detected while a ball is in play to initiate the bonus
count down, advance to the next ball, the next player, or end the game
Called after a ball ends to count down the current player's bonus
Emulation a seven­segment digital display on the computer screen for player scores,
match count, credits, and ball in play
Called after processing switch detections to update the disposition of all the feature
lamps at once
Plays various tunes by firing the chime momentary solenoids in predefined
Called for each valid switch detection retrieved from the kernel module; initiates all
other events related to normal game operation
Called every second to detect game faults including missed switch detections and
either reprocess the switch response or terminate the program
Called by the forked child process after a game is completed to analyze the log file
recorded during the game play
Signal handler for cleanly ending the program closes data log file and puts the kernel
module into an idle state
Main program initializes kernel module data structures, computer screen, and loops
until a termination signal is caught; main loop processes user keyboard input, reads
events from kernel module, calls game process functions, writes log file to disk, and
updates computer screen display
Table 14. Key functions in supervisory control program
Proper operation of the game control program implied consistency in the execution of the
user process testbed.exe. The program was allowed to run free according to the default Linux
scheduler algorithm, with the exception of the tests in which it was granted the POSIX FIFO
real­time scheduling policy. The results of the supervisory process cycle times for the various
conditions studied are presented in Table 15.
Data Set
500 Hz
500 Hz
500 Hz
500 Hz
No Data
No Data
No Data
No Data
No Data
500 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
Table 15. Summary of supervisory process execution periods
Testbed Iterations
While the progression of methods for reverse engineering sub parts of the MPU occurred
linearly, the actual prototype system was developed iteratively. This distinction may seem
academic; however, it emphasizes the fact that a reverse engineering project involving hardware
and software is best developed in stages, rather than all at once. Moreover, it is in the story told
by the evolving versions of program source code that the discovery process is revealed. This
may be important if there is any suspicion that the experimenter illegally reproduced copyrighted
material, such as through disassembly of machine code stored on read­only memory chips, rather
than arriving at the solution using clean room techniques. Therefore, the highlights of each
major iteration of prototype development are given in the following sections. As the source code
was developed, time stamped entries were made in comment fields summarizing key insights,
developments, and changes to the design. The source code repository stored each version by the
day it was edited, allowing recreation of the set of executables used on any particular day of the
Before any programming work was begun, the I/O board was fabricated by the
experimenter from a Radio Shack 8­bit, full length ISA prototype board (catalog number 276­
1598) and components obtained from Jameco electronics. The layout was adapted from a design
offered on line by the apparently defunct Boondog Automation, shown in Figure 33 (Boondog
Automation, 1998).
Figure 33. 8­bit ISA I/O board schematic
The complete parts list is given in Appendix A. The jumper block shown in the schematic was
eliminated, and the first 8255 PPI CS (chip select) pin was connected to the Y4 output of the
74LS138, giving it a base address of 0x280. A second 8255 PPI was wired in parallel to the first,
with the exception of the CS pin, which was connected to the Y5 output of the 74LS138, giving
it a base address of 0x2A0. This assembly was connected to a second prototype board by ten feet
of 25 pair, Category 3 telephone wire. The second board was the interface board to which the
pinball machine wire harnesses that originally mated to the AS2518 MPU were connected. It
contained a duplicate of the resistor and capacitor networks of the original MPU traced from the
6820 PIAs outward to the header pins. In the first test bed iteration everything except the lamp
control lines were installed; Figure 34 shows the completed interface board, including the 7404
inverter that was added to remedy the power on problem and an LED power indicator.
Figure 34. Interface Circuit Between ISA Board and Pinball Machine
First Iteration: The User Space Program
Before any sort of control operations specific to the pinball machine were written, a
program was developed to verify that the I/O board was constructed correctly. It tested all 24
bits in both input and output states. The first test bed iteration evolved from this single, user
space program. The control process was an endless loop whose cycles were regulated by the
usleep() function to avoid a busy loop. Control of the continuous solenoid and momentary
solenoids were both successful, although there was concern that process swapping or preemption
could extend a solenoid pulse beyond the maximum allowable duration of 100 milliseconds.
Next, the switch matrix was programmed like the original Bally unit, and yielded very poor
performance. It was unable to reliably detect switch closures, even with an added inb() operation
to create a longer delay between the row strobe output and the column input operations. This
was based on the knowledge that these I/O operations take approximately one microsecond to
execute on the x86 architecture. This problem with the timing requirement of the switch matrix
presented a design dilemma that ultimately led to the development of a separate kernel module
program. Even if the added delay proved successful in giving the row strobe sufficient time to
raise the voltage at the column inputs to a detectable level, the cycle had to be repeated every 8.3
milliseconds if it was to mimic the strategy described by Bally documentation. On the one hand,
the inherent upper bound indeterminism of usleep() hardly guaranteed this would happen.
Eventually, the kernel scheduler would have to swap it out to allow other processes to run.
Moreover, the control process would consume all available CPU time. On the other hand, if the
process was allowed to be swapped out on a regular basis, examination of the switch matrix
would occur too infrequently to detect short­lived and repeating switch closures; nor would it be
able to respond quickly to switch closures for the thumper bumpers and slingshots. These
suspicions were verified in repeated attempts to register a coin dropped through the coin shoot.
Only one in four attempts was detected by the program.
It is worth noting that the first version of the prototype system was built on a Red Hat
Linux 9.0 platform, which uses the 2.4 version of the Linux kernel. Because this version of the
kernel used a 100 Hertz timer by default, it was unable to honor the 8,3000 microsecond wait.
That was one of the weaknesses of standard Linux for real­time computing cited by a number of
researchers, the lack of high­precision timers (Laurich, 2004; Dankwardt, 2002).
Another problem with the initial design was quickly discovered, this time in the
hardware. The interface circuit between the 8255 output lines and the solenoid driver board was
modeled after the original, consisting of a current limiting series resistor and a capacitor parallel
to ground. On initial boot up of the PC, these lines were in a low state, causing the continuous
solenoid and a momentary solenoid to be enabled. For the former this meant the flippers were
enabled when they should not have been; for the latter, the consequence was more drastic. A
momentary solenoid enabled beyond its hard requirement of under 100 milliseconds resulted in a
driver transistor burning up before the machine was shut off by the experimenter. This led to the
modified interface circuit used in subsequent iterations. A 7404 hex inverter changed the initial
power on state as applied to the solenoid board from a low to a high.
Second Iteration: The Kernel Module
The results for this iteration of the testbed included recreation of overall event history and
the generation of descriptive statistics for a number of data items built from logged information
read from the kernel module on each cycle of the supervisory user process. A character device
file was used as the mechanism to pass data between the kernel module and the user space
supervisory process. Data structures referred to as command packets contained the control
operation to be performed by the kernel module; after being written to the character device file
into a buffer in the kernel module, they were sequentially processed the next time the workqueue
process was triggered. The basic operation of this pair of complementary processes was
presented in in the previous section on game operation. The supervisory process wrote every
logged command to a binary file on the hard drive. When a game ended, the process forked, and
the child parsed the binary file into a human readable text file and called the PHP script
analyze_testbed_output.php, reproduced in Appendix B, to create a detailed history of the game
actions, summary statistics for elements of interest, and deposit the results into a number of
MySQL database tables. Sample output files are reproduced in Appendix C.
Poor lamp performance during game play, especially when a large number of lamps were
being illuminated, was not captured by the data recorder but was observed by the experimenter.
This led to consideration of implementing zero crossing detection by an additional hardware
circuit fed into one of the ISA interrupts to more precisely time lamp control. An alternative
method of zero detection performed solely through auxiliary input lines under the existing timer
driven work queue without introducing the complexity and overhead of interrupt processing was
also evaluated. This produced the elegant side effect of allowing the module to only perform
lamp processing when its execution coincided with the rising portion of the waveform. It was
attempted by reading an unused SCR anode via byte reserved for auxiliary input once every
process cycle. Theoretically, it would detect when the waveform was near zero volts. There was
a problem with this approach related to the sampling precision required to detect zero crossings;
even at 500 Hertz the rate was too low. Furthermore, fluctuations in the process period newly
revealed by the descriptive statistics and cumulative percentage graphs confounded the notion of
synchronizing the process period with the lamp SCR power supply. A watchdog algorithm
would have to monitor and resynchronize. A separate hardware circuit to detect zero crossings
and generate an interrupt, along with the software overhead required to service it, seemed to be
It was thought that the data recording function was significantly interfering with system
performance. The distribution of process period durations recorded over the course of game play
was skewed to the right, with a maximum of 29 milliseconds. This latency in the kernel timer
turned out to be related to the full logging all I/O operations made by the kernel module. They
were being used to determine solenoid response, feature lamp response, switch input values, and
the continuity of the log itself. What they showed was the solenoid action was correct, in the
sense the the kernel was firing the ones it was supposed to fire. While this information verified
the correctness of the control actions based on the game control program, these records did not
really measure the actual pulse duration. Thus the problem of lamp flicker that was assumed to
be related to jitter in the process period was alleviated through a substantial reduction of the
items logged by the kernel module. The logging function was adjusted to log input I/O
operations only, which was fixed at two events every process cycle; fifty or more output I/O
operations were no longer logged. The kernel module was creating too many log entries, and
precious kernel CPU time was being spent writing these to user space via the character device
file at the control program's request.
This version added features to the supervisory program, which also served as the user
interface, such as player scores but retained the diagnostic screen format shown in Figure 26.
The bulk of the data involving variations in system load and the use of real­time enhancements to
the user process came from games played running this version of the system. The experimenter
played games on the machine while the host computer was subjected to varying loads, from an
idle state to full CPU usage. Minor modifications to this iteration continued until the prototype
was deemed ready for public display.
Third Iteration: The Public Interface
For the public interface the digital displays were simulated using block characters. The
scores and other messages were played roughly where they appear on the original backglass; a
screen shot of a game in progress is shown in Figure 35.
Figure 35. Backboard score display by supervisory program
Not logging output I/O operations improved lamp performance by alleviating the discernible
flicker. Solenoid enable was detected instead by an aux input. Using an aux input line to
monitor the solenoid enable verified control action was accomplished, measured the delay from
the event initiating the control action, and measured the correctness of the control action in terms
of the pulse duration error.
Enhancements were also made to the control and the analysis of the switch matrix
operation. This pertained to continuous switches that, once closed, should not open again until
some event has occurred. Improper switch detection (bounce) for the top saucer and the outhole
caused incorrect scoring, in the case of the former, and the watchdog process to fail the game on
a number of occasions in the case of the latter. However, allowance for different types of
switches had been made in the enumerated switch types defined in the header file and was
leveraged for treating them. The valid switch detection algorithm in the kernel module was
modified to inspect the current plus the two previous samples of continuous switches;
momentary switches retained the previous algorithm that defined a valid switch closure as a high
present plus a low previous sample.
Testing done in the third iteration mainly exercised variations in workqueue frequency
and system load; the use of real­time enhancements to the user process was deemed unnecessary
and was abandoned. The prototype was installed at a number of public venues where it was
"beat on" by players. For two months it resided in the Electronics Lab in the College of
Technology at Bowling Green State University, where students and professors played games of
pinball between classes. Using OpenSSH for remote log in and file transfer, as well as VNC for
remote X Windows desktop viewing, the experimenter was able to monitor and maintain the
system remotely from 30 miles away. To ensure that the system was always running the control
programs, a special shell login profile was written to execute a script called start_testbed, which
is listed in Appendix B. This script ensured that the kernel module was loaded, and ran the
supervisory program. If the supervisory program terminated, it would restart it. An entry was
made in the system cron table to restart the supervisory program daily at 2:00 AM, loading the
most recent version of the executable in case a new one had been downloaded, and putting 40
credits into the machine so players did not have to drop quarters into it. Figure 36 shows the
complete apparatus, including a safety cage built to protect the circuits from curious onlookers,
being tested by participants at the 2005 Pinball at the Zoo convention on April 15, 2005, in
Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was also featured at the Instrument Society of America Toledo Section
meeting held at BGSU on Aprial 20, 2005, and the BGSU College of Technology 2005 Picnic
held on April 22, 2005.
Figure 36. Prototype system being tested at 2005 Pinball At The Zoo
The other aspect of the public interface was the institution of the Pinball Machine
Reverse Engineering Project ( A software
package was offered under the General Public License containing the source code used in this
third iteration. These were the workqueue process, the supervisory testbed game control
program, the utility program for converting binary log files to text files, and the two PHP
analysis scripts. It also included sample data sets, screen shots, and the output of the analysis.
Project Return on Investment
The project economics calculated in the evaluation stage (Table 3) were unacceptable
according to Ingle's criteria. It was assumed that the project went forward for overriding reasons
such as obsolescence or lack of supply support, despite the fact that a COTS option was
available. The point was to encourage "out of the box" thinking to arrive at a cost effective
solution. Table 16 presents a version of the economics that meets the costs savings target and
delivers a return on investment. It hinges on the use of recycled hardware, free, open source
software, and a discounting of labor cost.
COTS Replacement (Alltek Ultimate MPU)
Reverse Engineered Unit Cost:
Computer Hardware (Used PC)
Circuit Boards
ICs and Other Components
Assembly (10 Hours @ $5/Hour)
Free, Open Source Software
Cost Savings
Life­Cycle Cost Savings (25 Models, 1000 Units)
Reverse Engineered Project Cost:
Prototype Hardware
Programming Cost (100 Hours/Model @ $1/Hour)
Return On Investment
Table 16. Reverse engineering economics based on FOSS development model
The discounted labor is surely the most controversial item. It is founded on two principles: first,
that the reverse engineering project is conducted in the context of an educational program for
learning electronics computer technology, process control technology, or real­time computer
programming. Given that the effort involved in developing and testing the control software for
another pinball machine model is sunk in the course work, it can be discounted. The second is
that a reduction in labor cost can be achieved by distributing the software development among
the world wide community of hobbyists via the open source software hub.
Overall Performance
The test bed model upon which the overall performance was judged consisted of the Evel
Knievel pinball machine, with the head removed and a shelf installed in its place. On the shelf
sat the computer monitor, the pinball machine transformer, the solenoid driver board, the lamp
driver board, and the interface board shown in Figure 34. The circuit boards were then covered
with a mesh screen for safety and security, as shown in Figure 36. The PC, attached to the shelf
from below, ran an 800 Mhz AMD Athlon unit with 384 MB RAM and a 20 GB hard disk. It
ran a stock installation of Red Hat Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux. In addition to the custom
PMREK programs, an Apache web server and MySQL database server rounded out the data
recorder apparatus. The XMAME arcade game program and XMMS digital music player were
occasionally run to create high system load condition. This model is depicted in Figure 37.
Figure 37. Test bed computer system block diagram
Overall results were based on the second and the third iterations, for which approximately 380
completed games were analyzed. The PHP script testbed_performance.php listed in Appendix B
produced overall performance statistics. Its final output appears in Appendix C. A result
expressing project success was the completion of games in itself. This fact not only verified the
efficacy of the particular reverse engineered unit for which the experiment was conducted; it also
substantiated the viability of the Socratic method for reverse engineering a microcomputer­based
control unit.
An example of a failed game was one in which a critical, valid switch detection was
missed, for which there was no compensating supervisory action by the watchdog routine. In
such a case the machine would become inoperable until the control program was reset. When
such instances did arise during testing, they were usually the result of a programming glitch that
was then debugged and corrected. No such failures occurred when the prototype debuted before
the general public.
A surprising result was noted when POSIX FIFO real­time priority scheduling and
memory locking was applied to the supervisory process. On the one hand, the determinism of
kernel process decreased more than it ever had previously, and the timer latency and jitter
increased. The lamps flickered noticeably at every workqueue process frequency, and the
cumulative percentage graphs for the process periods show a considerable percentage of cycles
delayed by more than twice the nominal period. A comparison of cumulative percentage graphs
of games played with and without the real­time scheduling enhancement is shown in Figure 39.
Graphs for specific games can be viewed in Appendix C. On the other hand, this enhancement
had no effect on reducing the bintime affecting the user process. Thus this Linux 2.6 user
process maintained its set point frequency with or without the benefit of real­time scheduling
enhancements. A likely explanation of this outcome is that the kernel timer service is being
blocked until the user process completes its computations. Further analysis of the data logs
could confirm this suspicion by attempting to correlate the substantially delayed workqueue
process cycles to executions of the supervisory process. To mitigate this effect, an external
constraint to the system must be imposed that no other user programs be granted real­time
scheduling priority, such as a digital music player.
Having rejected the use of real­time enhancements to the supervisory, user space process,
the question remained of whether any real­time enhancements were required of the Linux kernel
itself to improve the determinism of the low level, hardware control process. These would
include modifications to the kernel configuration, such as low latency and preemption options, or
the addition of ancillary sub systems such as RTAI or RTLinux. To allow a judgment to be
made based on the experimental results, Table 17 summarizes the analysis of real­time
requirements identified in the methods for the individual sub systems in terms of the number of
failed requirements per game.
Data Set
Games Count
Min Mean
500 Hz
500 Hz
500 Hz
500 Hz
No Data
No Data
No Data
No Data
500 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
Data Set
Games Count
Min Mean
333 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
Table 17. Number of Failed Real­Time Requirements Per Game
It is clear from these results that the stock Linux kernel supplied with Fedora Core 2 was
adequate. The determining factor for the basic control action process cycle period was clearly
the SCR gate triggering. A workqueue delay of four milliseconds or more resulted in noticeable
flicker in the feature lamps being illuminated. Figure 38 depicts the reason for this phenomenon,
which has been discussed previously in the feature lamp results.
Figure 38. Ideal and actual SCR triggering
Lamp flicker was also noted whenever POSIX FIFO real­time scheduling priority and memory
locking were granted to the supervisory process. The root cause was believed to be delay in the
kernel timer itself because the real­time priority process was allowed to complete before the
timer interrupt was serviced. A comparison of the cumulative percentage graphs for three and
four millisecond workqueue delays (333 Hertz and 250 Hertz process frequencies), shown in
Figure 39, supports this hypothesis.
Figure 39. Comparison of cumulative percentage graphs
Closely related was the switch matrix operation. Research revealed the original Bally
switch detection process relies on one sample (low then high) at 120 Hz for quick solenoid
response and two samples (low then two consecutive highs) for valid switch detection (Bally
Corporation, 1977). The latter entails an overall 60 Hertz sampling rate. Requiring only one
sample for valid switch detection (low then high), the reverse engineered solution compared
favorably despite the slower overall sampling rate due to the trans­period, multiplexing strategy.
With a three millisecond workqueue delay and five rows to multiplex between workqueue
process executions, the overall sampling rate was 67 Hertz. Besides anecdotal evidence of the
experimenter and the compelling completeness of valid switch detection histories, a test was
developed to quantitatively measure the performance of the switch matrix based by looking for
missed detections of a rapidly repeating switch. Evel Knievel has two spinners that represent that
fastest repeating switch action in the system. A method was developed to analyze spinner sets
for missed detections. Because not every game included a good, long spin, the percentage of
missed detections out of analyzed detections within a single game was not necessarily instructive
of the result desired. Therefore, Table 18 shows the both the per game and cumulative
percentage of missed detections out of all analyzed detections.
Data Set
Games Count
Percentage of Missed
Repeating Switch Detections
Per Game
Cumulative Percentage of
Missed Repeating Switch
500 Hz
500 Hz
500 Hz
500 Hz
No Data
No Data
500 Hz
No Data
No Data
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
No Data
No Data
250 Hz
Table 18. Percentage of Missed Repeating Switch Detections
As expected, the percentage of missed detections was higher for higher system loads. However,
the slower, rather than the faster, process frequencies resulted in fewer missed repeating switch
The final result to consider is the relative amount of CPU time consumed by the
replacement system. As periodic processes running on a single CPU system, the execution time
of the kernel module and supervisory process together can be expressed in terms of duty cycle.
Since the digital displays remain to be implemented, a sufficient cushion should be available for
future growth. Tables 18 and 19 present the duty cycles calculated from their individual
measured execution times; the actual amount must be higher due to the additional overhead
entailed by the kernel mechanisms handling their scheduling.
Data Set
Min Mean
500 Hz
500 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
Table 19. CPU Duty Cycle of Kernel Module Process
Data Set
Min Mean
500 Hz
500 Hz
333 Hz
333 Hz
250 Hz
250 Hz
Table 20. CPU Duty Cycle of Supervisory Control Process
A value over 100% for many of the supervisory process statistics beyond the 99.999% threshold
indicates that the operation failed to execute within its deadline. However, it can be assumed
that implementation of the digital displays will mainly affect the kernel module execution time,
and in the worst cases that value never exceeded 10%. It would seem advisable to use the 333
Hertz process frequency over 500 Hertz to minimize it.
The significance of this study arises from the realization that reverse engineering
scholarship addressing microcomputer­based control units has hitherto focused on non­
commercial, low­production, high­cost military systems for the very good reason that reverse
engineering is only justified when no commercial, off­the­shelf replacement is available for a
given part, and the system must be preserved at any cost. It showed that valuable information
can be gleaned from the United States Patent Office, even when a technology is decades old.
When data must be developed to recreate original design specifications, a black box
methodology can capture the functional requirements of a microcomputer based control unit by
casting it in a process control model. Every unit can be viewed in terms of the function of each
of its electrical connections to the rest of the system in which it resides. It demonstrated that
complex process control solutions can be reverse engineered using the Linux 2.6 kernel without
employing any external interrupts or kernel enhancements like RTLinux and RTAI. Results can
be economically obtained using self­generated logs tied to the Real Time Stamp Counter without
additional apparatus. Correct game play can be intuited from the individual performance
histories and summary statistics without recourse to a user survey.
The approach synthesized a number of future applications of reverse engineering
proposed by Ingle a decade earlier: a systems approach using integrated systems to measure and
test components, sharing information among a multidisciplinary, distributed community, and
harnessing opportunities for niche business opportunities based on flexible manufacturing of
one­of­a­kind items (Ingle, 1994). Just as the advent of the Linux 2.6 kernel led to a new way of
solving control problems using a high frequency kernel workqueue process, the growing
popularity of open source software among hobbyists and professionals creates similar
opportunities for niche operations that could not be sustained in the context of a traditional, for
profit business.
The selection of the Bally AS 2518 pinball MPU also presents a solution to a
philosophical dilemma inherent in technology education. Educators struggle to find instructional
examples that are intrinsically interesting embodiments of the concepts. State of the art
equipment is too complicated; older equipment, while comprehensible, has little relevance.
Computer simulations of physical systems, and temporary laboratory configurations, also
provide little payout apart from their pedagogical function, and are quickly forgotten. A pinball
machine reverse engineering project can be used to introduce the concepts of electricity and
electronics, process control, real­time computing, design science, and project management. Its
completion yields a return on investment by saving an otherwise doomed unit and returning it to
daily use.
This final section will defend the validity of the results against a number of challenges
and suggest future applications of the thesis. The most serious criticism of the project is that the
method of iterative prototype development, while achieving the objectives laid out in the first
chapter, does not guarantee the feasibility of completing the task of reverse engineering the AS
2518 MPU. It is possible that controlling the digital displays is not possible using the scheme of
the high frequency kernel workqueue process, despite the results concerning its measured, worst
case duty cycle. Table 8 showed that the original MPU timing requirement for the digital
displays was 360 Hertz. If, for instance, a 500 Hertz or even a 1000 Hertz process frequency is
required to service them, so much CPU time may be used by the kernel module due to the
increased number of output operations that the system will slow to a crawl. The response to this
charge is that a fourth iteration of the replacement system may indeed have to adopt the use of an
external interrupt to meet the timing requirements of the digital displays. This would weaken the
result of demonstrating a complete process control solution without the use of external interrupts
or real­time enhancements to the Linux kernel like RTLinux and RTAI; however, it would
remain an empirical question whether the latter enhancements would be needed. The project can
also be criticized for ignoring the synchronization between the initiation of control actions like
trigger feature lamps and momentary solenoids and the zero crossing of the power supply. The
Bally Theory of Operations states that this was done to prolong the life of the components.
Therefore, a solution should be sought that allows for the control process to synchronize with the
power supply.
Another type of criticism involves the methods for prototype testing. It is obviously very
poor practice to design a product without seeking feedback from the end users, whether through
reverse engineering or an ordinary development cycle. A user survey instrument was originally
contemplated during the prescreening stage of this thesis, namely the proposal; however, the
logistical overhead of complying with the University's human subjects policy was deemed too
costly in terms of the expected benefit that would have been derived. It was for this reason,
moreover, that the data recorder and automated analysis of test bed performance was developed
in its stead. The charge could still be made that the data recorder should have involved some
form of external measurement, and not relied solely on the prototype system itself to collect data.
It has been argued already that the completion of games in itself conveyed validity to the
solution. The tacit acknowledgment is that the experimenter's subjective judgment was a reliable
arbiter of the fine grained details, and that a programmatic analysis of game events could confirm
or deny that the anticipated control action was actually applied. The results concerning the
relationship between lamp flicker and process frequency are not well grounded in the data. It
was initially thought that a correlation could be made between flicker and skewness, but without
an empirical measure of flicker, any such test is useless. The statement was simply made that
flicker was noted whenever the process frequency was 250 Hertz or the supervisory process was
granted real­time scheduling priority. This criticism is deserved. Instrumentation should be
developed to quantitatively measure the intensity of lamp illumination or degree of flicker. Only
then is it meaningful to conduct hypothesis tests to establish whether there is a correlation
between process jitter and the lamp performance.
A third type of criticism attacks soundness of the economic justification for the project.
While it may be possible to produce pinball machine reverse engineering kits for $150, it is mere
speculation that a return on investment can be achieved using a distributed labor model based on
the pro bono efforts of the open source developer community. It is likewise a matter of
psychological speculation that anybody would undertake the many hours of work to replicate the
experiment in order to learn about electronics and computer technology, and so discount the
labor due to that parallel objective. The response to this objection is that the full experiment has
yet to be tried. It may never ignite the interest of a large number of hobbyists, and recede into
oblivion like the Pinball Player Project, or it may be propelled into the spotlight by way of a
posting on Slashdot news. This response is also meant for the final criticism that the reverse
engineering methodology based on functional analysis of the electrical connections between the
microcomputer­based control unit and the rest of the system to which it belongs is not extensible
to other types of devices besides Bally pinball machines.
Acting on these criticisms informs future directions for study. Clearly the completion of
the reverse engineering project to implement control of the digital displays precedes attempts to
popularize the results. If this can be achieved, then the project can move into the fourth stage of
Ingle's reverse engineering process, implementation. Well placed publications can attract
hobbyists and educators to repeat the experiment with different pinball machine models and
other types of control units. A small business venture can be commissioned to produce and
distribute kits containing all the necessary hardware components to complement the software
already made freely available on Sourceforge.
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8­Bit ISA I/O Board
8­Bit ISA Prototype Board (Radio Shack Cat. No. 276­1598)
Intel 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI)
74LS138 3x8 Decoder
10 feet
25­Pair Category 3 Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable
Interface Circuit Between ISA Board and Pinball Machine
Breadboard 4.5” x 6.25” (Radio Shack)
Solderless Breadboard 2.0” x 3.5” (Radio Shack)
330 pF Capacitor
470 pF Capacitor
820 pF Capacitor
1N4148 Diode
330 1/8 W Resistor
470 1/8 W Resistor
1.0 K 1/8 W Resistor
3.3 K 1/8 W Resistor
10 K 1/8 W Resistor
47 K 1/8 W Resistor
100 K 1/8 W Resistor
7404 Hex Inverter
15 Conductor Male Header Pin 0.025” Square Posts, 0.100” Spacing
16 Conductor Male Header Pin 0.025” Square Posts, 0.100” Spacing
8 Conductor Screw Terminal Block 0.197” Spacing
2 Conductor Screw Terminal Block 0.197” Spacing
2 feet
40­pin IDE Ribbon Cable
Due to space considerations the program source code has been linked rather than
incorporated into the PDF text. Use the following program name hyperlinks to view the source
Program Name
Analyzes a game using the parsed text file output of user_pmrek.exe and the
saved system activity records
Functions shared by PHP programs
GNU Make command file to compile kernel module and executables
Appended to auto­login user's bash profile; calls start_testbed
Linux 2.6 kernel module for hardware control process
Header file containing definitions and data structures
MySQL script to create database, tables, and access permissions
BASH script for running standalone testbed system; runs testbed.exe and
restarts if terminated for upgrade
Supervisory process for controlling kernel module, playing Evel Knievel,
logging and analyzing process data; compiles into the executable testbed.exe
Creates summary statistics of all games analyzed
Utility program for parsing output of testbed.exe, displaying data structure
sizes, and simulating operation of the kernel module; compiles into the
executable user_pmrek.exe
Due to space considerations the following data files have been linked rather than included
in this PDF document. Use the file name hyperlinks to view them.
Summary Data
Dump of MySQL database
Data Set
Representative Individual Game Analysis
500 Hz
67 analyze_testbed_output_20050415_163817.html
500 Hz
28 analyze_testbed_output_20050410_160149.html
500 Hz
500 Hz
2 analyze_testbed_output_20050203_205645.html
333 Hz
75 analyze_testbed_output_20050324_155726.html
333 Hz
53 analyze_testbed_output_20050416_141240.html
333 Hz
14 analyze_testbed_output_20050120_200549.html
333 Hz
18 analyze_testbed_output_20050120_204313.html
250 Hz
92 analyze_testbed_output_20050416_155108.html
testbed_out_20050416_155108.txt (first 8.5 seconds of data log)
250 Hz
27 analyze_testbed_output_20050205_101005.html
250 Hz
1 analyze_testbed_output_20050210_155111.html
250 Hz
2 analyze_testbed_output_20050203_221126.html