JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 98, 103513 共2005兲 Predicting ionic conductivity of solid oxide fuel cell electrolyte from first principles Rojana Pornprasertsuka兲 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Panchapakesan Ramanarayananb兲 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Charles B. Musgrave Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Fritz B. Prinz Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 共Received 1 April 2005; accepted 13 October 2005; published online 22 November 2005兲 First-principles quantum simulations complemented with kinetic Monte Carlo calculations were performed to gain insight into the oxygen vacancy diffusion mechanism and to explain the effect of dopant composition on ionic conductivity in yttria-stabilized zirconia 共YSZ兲. Density-functional theory 共DFT兲 within the local-density approximation with gradient correction was used to calculate a set of energy barriers that oxygen ions encounter during migration in YSZ by a vacancy mechanism. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations were then performed using Boltzmann probabilities based on the calculated DFT barriers to determine the dopant concentration dependence of the oxygen self-diffusion coefficient in 共Y2O3兲x共ZrO2兲共1−2x兲 with x increasing from 6% to 15%. The results from the simulations suggest that the maximum conductivity occurs at 7 – 9 mol % Y2O3 at 600– 1500 K and that the effective activation energy increases at higher Y doping concentrations in good agreement with previously reported literature data. The increase in the effective activation energy for migration arises from the higher-energy barrier for oxygen vacancy diffusion across an Y–Y common edge relative to diffusion across one with a Zr–Y common edge of two adjacent tetrahedra. The binding energies between oxygen vacancies and dopants were extracted up to the fourth nearest-neighbor interaction. Our results reveal that the binding energy is the strongest when the vacancy is in the second nearest-neighbor position relative to the Y dopant atom. The methodology was also applied to scandium-doped zirconia 共SDZ兲. Preliminary results from quantum simulations of SDZ suggest that the effective activation energy for vacancy diffusion in SDZ is lower than that of YSZ, in agreement with experimental observations. The agreement with experimental studies on the two systems analyzed in this paper supports the use of this technique as a predictive tool on electrolyte systems not yet characterized experimentally. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2135889兴 I. INTRODUCTION One of the key objectives in developing solid oxide fuel cells 共SOFC兲 is the improvement of ionic conductivity in electrolyte materials. To aid the search for better ionic conductivity, we studied oxides with the CaF2 structure adopting first-principles techniques. Yttria-stabilized zirconia 共YSZ兲, the most common SOFC electrolyte, has been extensively studied experimentally and is also the focus of the present study. Our computational results are being compared with previously reported experimental data. To understand the underlying mechanism of oxygen-ion diffusion in oxide materials, several theoretical approaches have been reported previously 共see Refs. 1–3兲. Shimojo and Okazaki1 performed molecular-dynamics 共MD兲 simulations of oxygen diffusion in YSZ. Their results revealed that the difference in conductivity at different dopant concentrations a兲 Electronic mail: Present address: Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California 95052. b兲 0021-8979/2005/98共10兲/103513/8/$22.50 is not caused by the preference of oxygen vacancies to remain clustered with dopant atoms but rather originates from the strongly reduced migration probabilities of oxygen ions when the dopant atoms are present in the common edge of the tetrahedra. Meyer et al.2 used Monte Carlo 共MC兲 simulations to investigate the effect that vacancy-dopant interactions have on the vacancy transport behavior. They employed MC simulations to study the anomalous conductivity of aliovalently doped fluorite oxides. The analysis was based on three interaction potentials between dopants and vacancies. They concluded that the barrier model where the mobility of the vacancies is reduced in the neighborhood of the dopant ions satisfactory agreed with the experimental results and the MD simulations of Shimojo and Okazaki.1 Using potentials fit to the experimental data, Shimojo and Okazaki1 and Meyer et al.2 were able to describe the behavior of oxygen-ion diffusion in YSZ. Using densityfunctional theory 共DFT兲 with generalized gradient approxi- 98, 103513-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 11 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 103513-2 J. Appl. Phys. 98, 103513 共2005兲 Pornprasertsuk et al. mation 共GGA兲 to exchange, Eichler3 calculated the diffusion barriers for oxygen-ion vacancies at several locations in the supercell of tetragonal YSZ which provide a connected path for vacancy migration to positions equivalent to the initial position. The migration energy for oxygen diffusion was assumed to be the difference between the highest energy along the path and the lowest energy. Recent research by Ramanarayanan et al.4 suggested that such an approach can serve as an approximation only because the migration energy is obtained from only a specified path. Independent of the work recently published by Krishnamurthy et al.,5 we have been working 共along a similar approach used for SiGe alloys in Ref. 6兲 to develop an understanding of ionic conductivity in YSZ using GGA-based DFT simulations to create a database of migration energy barriers across different nearest-neighbor configurations 共tetrahedra兲 around the diffusing oxygen ion and oxygen vacancy. Then, kinetic Monte Carlo 共KMC兲 simulations based on the DFT barriers are performed to determine the temperature dependence of oxygen-ion diffusion. In contrast to the approach used by Krishnamurthy et al.,5 we account for a broader range of diffusion barriers in the vicinity of a diffusing oxygen ion and an oxygen vacancy. We consider the influence of all six cations in two adjacent tetrahedra containing diffusing oxygen ion and oxygen vacancy to the migration energy barrier. As a result, interactions between surrounding cations and the diffusing oxygen-ion–oxygenvacancy pair are directly included into the model. Furthermore, the DFT calculations of different cation con·· YZr figurations allow us to extract the binding energy of VO ⬘ and YZr ⬘ YZr ⬘ . The resulting binding energy enables us to understand more about the effect of defect interactions on the diffusion mechanism. We assume that the oxygen self-diffusion coefficient 共D兲 for vacancy diffusion consists of temperature-dependent and -independent terms 关Eq. 共1兲兴: ·· 兴exp共− ⌬HM /kT兲, D = D0⬘ exp共− ⌬HA/kT兲 = fD0关VO 共1兲 ·· 兴 is the mole fraction of the oxygen vacancy and f where 关VO is the correlation factor. In general, ⌬HA will be composed of two terms: the overall migration energy 共⌬HM 兲 and the vacancy formation energy 共⌬HV兲.7 Due to the high vacancy formation energy in zirconia, the number of vacancies thermally generated is negligible. Most oxygen-ion vacancies ·· 兲 are generated to satisfy the charge neutrality condition 共VO resulting from the local charge imbalance of aliovalent dopants 共Y3+兲 substituting for host-cation sites 共Zr4+兲 共Eq. 共2兲兲: 2ZrO2 ⬘ + VO·· + 3OOx . Y2O3 ——→ 2YZr 共2兲 The migration energy calculated using DFT is used to determine the probability that an oxygen ion jumps from its lattice site onto an adjacent vacancy. Since different nearestneighbor configurations give rise to different migration energy barriers, the overall migration energy 共⌬HM 兲 cannot be associated with the migration energy of any specific configuration.4 Rather, ⌬H M needs to be obtained from statistically averaging a spectrum of migration pathways employing techniques such as the KMC. In this study, D0 关containing information of lattice vibrational frequency 共0兲 and jump distance兴 was assumed to be a constant at all dopant concentrations due to similar vibrational entropy contributions and only slight changes in the jump distance at different dopant concentrations: 2.57– 2.58 Å from 6 to 15 mol % YSZ8 共assuming jump distance is half of lattice parameter兲. 共The correlation factor is implicit in the KMC calculations.兲 After calculating the normalized diffusion coefficients 共D / D0兲 at different temperatures, the effective activation energy was extracted using an Arrhenius plot. This effective activation energy is equivalent to the overall migration energy 共⌬H M 兲 in Eq. 共1兲. The calculations were repeated by changing the dopant concentration. Thus, the diffusion coefficients and the corresponding effective activation energies were extracted as a function of dopant concentration. The results are compared with the experimental results at different dopant concentrations and different temperatures. The present analysis provides useful insights into the vacancy diffusion mechanism and elucidates the influence that dopant type and concentration have on the ionic conductivity of solid oxide electrolyte materials. It also validates the technique as a useful predictive tool. II. QUANTUM SIMULATIONS: COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS AND RESULTS A. DFT calculations Cubic ZrO2 has the CaF2 crystal structure: each unit cell consists of four Zr4+ ions occupying fcc lattice sites and eight O2− ions occupying the tetrahedral sites 共Fig. 1兲. Doping with yttria 共Y2O3兲 replaces Zr by Y atoms and, for every two Y atoms, one oxygen vacancy needs to be created to satisfy charge neutrality. The calculations were performed using the Vienna ab initio simulation package 共VASP兲 which employs density-functional theory and expands the electronic structure using a plane-wave basis set.9–12 Electron-ion interactions are described using the projector-augmented wave 共PAW兲 method13,14 with plane waves up to the energy cutoff at 400 eV 共29.4 Ry兲. We adopted the PW91 GGA exchangecorrelation functional proposed by Perdew and Wang.15 The k-point sampling was restricted to a single gamma 共⌫兲 point: 共0,0,0兲. The supercell used in the calculations consisted of 30 Downloaded 11 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 103513-3 J. Appl. Phys. 98, 103513 共2005兲 Pornprasertsuk et al. FIG. 2. Positions of cations, diffusing oxygen ion, oxygen vacancy in the two common tetrahedra, and the saddle-point plane. ①: cation positions in the two adjacent tetrahedra, where the number label is used as a reference for Table I; 씲: oxygen vacancy in the tetrahedral site 共first nearest Zr or Y ions in positions 1, 2, 3, and 4兲; 쎲: diffusing oxygen ion, which is in tetrahedral site 共first nearest Zr or Y ion in positions 3, 4, 5, and 6兲; - -: saddle-point plane where the diffusing oxygen ion migrates to the same plane as the common cation sites of the two adjacent tetrahedra 共three atoms are allowed to relax in all directions within the plane兲. Zr, 6 Y, and 69 O atoms corresponding to 8.3 mol % YSZ. In principle, there is a range of pathways for an atom to move to a neighboring vacant site. To determine the migration barrier of the oxygen vacancy, the saddle point was assumed to be located on the plane that has the following properties: 共i兲 it is perpendicular to the shortest path and 共ii兲 it contains the other two cations 共Fig. 2兲. To calculate the energy at the saddle point, all three ions 共two cations and one oxygen ion兲 were allowed to relax only within this plane while the other atoms were allowed to relax in all directions. The corresponding migration energy is the energy difference between the saddle-point energy and the initial state energy 共Fig. 3兲. Because the diffusion barrier depends on the local atomic environment, migration energies of different configurations of neighboring atoms around the diffusing oxygen ion and oxygen vacancy need to be calculated. The number of different possible arrangements grows unmanageably large unless approximations are made. We used the observation of Shimojo and Okazaki1 to assume that the barrier depends largely on the sites’ first nearest neighbors to the diffusion center. All migration barrier calculations were performed with a single dopant concentration of 8.3 mol % YSZ by varying the location of dopant atoms within the supercell. The results were used as barrier database for kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, which will be discussed in the next section. 共Additionally, we also performed the same calculations FIG. 3. Illustration of the migration energy barrier. The middle point is the energy corresponding to the saddle point where three atoms 共diffusing oxygen ion and two cations that need to be diffused across兲 align in the same plane. with 14.3 mol % YSZ. Another migration energy database for 6 – 15 mol % YSZ was then established by linearly interpolating between the 8.3 and 14.3 mol % YSZ data sets. The results of the interpolation database turn out to be similar to the 8.3 mol % YSZ database.兲 In this study, the migration energy was assumed to depend only on the arrangement of cations in the two adjacent tetrahedra containing the diffusing atom and the vacancy 共atoms 1–6, Fig. 1兲. Consequently, the interactions of oxygenion vacancies and the other interactions beyond the components in the two tetrahedra were neglected. To further reduce the computational complexity, we assumed that there were no more than three Y ions in the six cation sites. Further·· more, the binding energies of VO YZr ⬘ and YZr ⬘ YZr ⬘ up to fourth nearest-neighbor interactions were extracted from the energy differences between different defect arrangements modeled by the various supercells considered. Because all supercells had oxygen vacancies which were at least fifth nearest neigh·· ·· VO was not obbors to each other, the binding energy of VO tained. To investigate the dependence of the effective activation energy on the type of dopants, migration energy calculations were performed on scandium-doped zirconia 共SDZ兲 by employing the same approach as described above for YSZ. B. Results and discussion The lattice parameter of the 8.3 mol % YSZ obtained by volume relaxation was 5.14 Å which is in good agreement with the experimental value of 5.14– 5.16 Å.8,16 Diffusion barriers of each combination of cations in the two adjacent tetrahedra are summarized in Table I. The highest diffusion barrier was found for oxygen-vacancy motion between two adjacent tetrahedra containing Y–Y common edge, which is in agreement with the results by Shimojo and Okazaki1 and Krishnamurthy et al.5 The reason for the higher migration energy across two tetrahedra containing Y–Y versus Zr–Zr common edge could arise from two main factors: the smaller space for the oxygen ion to move 共due to the bigger ionic radius of Y3+ compared with Zr4+兲 and the binding energy between YZr ⬘ and VO·· . Furthermore, the results 共Table I兲 suggest that the migration energy barriers are sensitive to the surrounding atoms beyond the two common edge cations due to an association effect between defects. With the same Y–Y common edge, the activation changes from 1.23 to 1.40 eV if an additional Y atoms is present at atom position 5 or 6 共Fig. 2兲. This result suggests that the barriers are sensitive to the surrounding cations and the difference in the migration energy barrier partly comes from the association between the defects. ·· YZr The binding energy of VO ⬘ and YZr ⬘ YZr ⬘ depends on the identity of the other atoms surrounding these sites. We obtain the average binding energy by using a least-squares fit to the binding energies of the various cases where the identities of the other atoms surrounding these sites are different. The ·· YZr binding energies of VO ⬘ and YZr ⬘ YZr ⬘ at distance from first to fourth nearest neighbors obtained from the least-squares solution are listed in Table II. The plot of the binding energy with respect to the distance between the defects 共in terms of Downloaded 11 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 103513-4 J. Appl. Phys. 98, 103513 共2005兲 Pornprasertsuk et al. TABLE I. Summary of the DFT migration energy barriers in yttria-stabilized zirconia 共YSZ兲. The numbers in the first row indicate the positions of the cations in the two tetrahedra containing the diffusing oxygen ion and the oxygen vacancy 共1, 2, 3, and 4 are the positions of the cations in the tratrahedron containing the oxygen vacancy and 3, 4, 5, and 6 are the positions of cations in the tratrahedron containing the diffusion oxygen ion, as shown in Fig. 2兲. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Migration energy 1 2 3 4 5 6 Migration energy Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Y Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Y Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Y Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Y Zr Y 0.67 0.20 0.20 1.19 1.19 0.80 0.80 0.23 0.88 0.88 0.39 0.62 0.88 0.88 0.62 0.39 1.23 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 Zr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Y Y Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Zr Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Y Y Zr Y Zr Zr Y Y Zr Y Y Zr Y Y Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Y Zr Y Zr Y Zr Y Zr Y Zr Y Y Zr Y Y Y Zr Zr Zr Y Zr Zr Y Zr Y Y Zr Zr Y Zr Y Y Zr Y Y Y 0.45 0.70 0.70 0.28 0.28 1.20 0.79 1.09 0.79 1.09 0.70 1.20 1.09 0.79 1.09 0.79 0.70 1.40 1.40 0.94 0.94 neighborhood position兲 is shown in Fig. 4. A contribution to the error in the calculated binding energy may arise from neglecting of other possible defect complexes such as YZr ⬘ VO·· YZr ⬘ . The negative binding energy of VO·· YZr ⬘ suggests ·· that VO and YZr ⬘ are attracted to each other and, on the other hand, the positive binding energy shows that YZr ⬘ and YZr ⬘ repel each other. The highest binding energies occur when ·· is in the second nearest-neighbor position relative to Y, VO which is in good agreement with the experimental observations.17–19 Mott-Littleton defect calculations by Zacate et al.20 using Born-like pairwise potentials also suggest that oversized dopants 共such as Y, Gd, and Sm兲 prefer a cluster geometry in which the oxygen vacancy resides in the second nearest-neighbor site. ·· YZr The results for both VO ⬘ and YZr ⬘ YZr ⬘ show lower binding energies beyond the second nearest neighbors and approach zero at the fourth nearest-neighbor interaction. The ·· binding energies of VO YZr ⬘ are 0.13– 0.35 eV which are at least 25% of the migration energy barrier range of 0.2– 1.4 eV and, therefore, can influence the oxygen migration in YSZ. To obtain accurate results for the migration energy barriers, surrounding cations around diffusing oxygen and oxygen-vacancy pair up to the third nearest neighbors should be taken into account. However, due to impractical computational times for the DFT calculations, in this study, we consider interactions only up to the second nearest·· YZr neighbor VO ⬘ 共in the diffusing direction兲, which represents the strongest association energy, in the migration energy barrier calculations. For the SDZ calculations, the lattice parameter of 8.3 mol % SDZ obtained was 5.09 Å which is in good agree- TABLE II. List of calculated binding energies of VO·· YZr ⬘ and YZr ⬘ YZr ⬘ from the first nearest-neighbor 共1st NN兲 to the fourth nearest-neighbor 共4th NN兲 interactions. The binding energy is the least-squares solution of the combinations of total energies obtained from quantum calculations. Associated defect Binding energy V – Y 1st NN V – Y 2nd NN V – Y 3rd NN V – Y 4th NN Y–Y 1st NN Y–Y 2nd NN Y–Y 3rd NN Y–Y 4th NN −0.2988 −0.3531 −0.1859 −0.1328 0.0335 0.1451 0.0048 −0.0973 FIG. 4. Plot of the binding energy from first nearest-neighbor to the fourth nearest-neighbor YZr ⬘ YZr ⬘ and VO·· YZr ⬘ interaction extracted by a least-squares fit of the total energies of the different arrangements of VO·· and YZr ⬘. Downloaded 11 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 103513-5 J. Appl. Phys. 98, 103513 共2005兲 Pornprasertsuk et al. TABLE III. Comparison of DFT migration energies in scandia-doped zirconia 共SDZ兲 and yttria-stabilized zirconia 共YSZ兲. The numbers in the first row indicate the positions of the cations in the two tetrahedra containing the diffusion oxygen ion and the oxygen vacancy 共1, 2, 3, and 4 are the positions of the cations in the tetrahedron containing the oxygen vacancy and 3, 4, 5, and 6 are the positions of the cations in the tetrahedron containing the diffusion oxygen ion, as shown in Fig. 2兲. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Migration energy 共SDZ兲 Migration energy 共YSZ兲 Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Sc/ Y Sc/ Y Zr Zr Sc/ Y Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr 0.75 0.93 1.10 0.67 1.19 1.23 ment with the experimental value of 5.09 Å 共at 10 mol % SDZ兲.21 The migration energy barriers of SDZ compared with those of YSZ are shown in Table III. The calculations suggest that without any dopants in the two adjacent tetrahedra, the migration energy of oxygen ions is slightly higher in SDZ than that in YSZ because of the smaller lattice parameter of SDZ. However, the migration energy of the oxygen ion in SDZ becomes lower than that in YSZ due to the presence of dopants in the two tetrahedra; the smaller radius of Sc relative to Y provides for a larger space for the oxygen ion—this effect wins over the smaller lattice parameter of SDZ. Experimental results also showed that the activation energy of 11 mol % SDZ is smaller than that in 11% YSZ 共0.7 eV in SDZ versus 0.9 eV in YSZ兲.22 Sc3+-substituted Zr4+ in SDZ results in the same defect chemistry as Y3+ in YSZ; this implies that both systems have the same oxygenvacancy concentrations. Furthermore, assuming that D0 of both YSZ and SDZ are approximately the same, the diffusion coefficient of SDZ is higher than YSZ at high dopant concentrations which was observed experimentally in 10– 15 mol % doped zirconia.21,22 The calculations of Zacate ·· ScZr et al.20 show that VO ⬘ has the lowest binding energy compared with other trivalent dopants, which may be one of the reasons for the lower migration energy and higher oxygen self-diffusion coefficients in SDC compared with YSZ. Although the migration energy barrier database gives some insight into the dependence of the migration energy on the ionic radius of the dopant and the lattice parameter, it is only representative of atomistic processes at 0 K. We performed a KMC simulation using the database to study the temperature dependence of the diffusivity and hence determine an effective activation energy for the entire diffusion process. III. KINETIC MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS: COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS AND RESULTS A. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations The KMC technique attempts to capture the effects of rare atomic processes that directly contribute to changes in macroscopic properties. Therefore, the results of the simulations, after they are statistically averaged, are likely to reflect macroscopic behavior. In this study, KMC was used to simulate an activated random-walk process in a randomly distributed landscape of vacancy and Y atoms. The KMC procedure consists of a series of KMC moves. Each move consists of the following steps.23 共i兲 Identify all possible events from the current configuration. In fluorite oxides, there are six possible events for each oxygen vacancy 共six nearest-neighbor oxygen sites兲, except in the case where any one of the first nearest neighbors is also a vacancy. 共ii兲 Obtain the rates for each of the events 共i兲. Rate is proportional to exp共 −⌬Em / kT兲, where the migration energy 共⌬Em兲 is obtained from the ab initio calculations 共Table I兲. 共iii兲 Generate a pseudorandom number ␥ between 0 and 1. 共iv兲 Advance the time of each step 共⌬t兲 by −ln共␥兲 / 兺ii.24 共v兲 Choose one of the events depending on the random number ␥, consistent with the relative rate i of all the events. 共vi兲 Reconfigure the system according to the chosen event. 共vii兲 Update and record the new position of the vacancy and time. The diffusion coefficient of oxygen vacancy 共Dv兲 was calculated as given by Eq. 共3兲: Dv = limt→⬁ x2/6t, 共3兲 where t is the time calculated as the sum of all ⌬t of each jump and x2 is the mean-squared displacement.7 Subsequently, the oxygen self-diffusion coefficient 共D兲 can be calculated as given by Eq. 共4兲. ·· 兴Dv . D = 关VO 共4兲 According to Eq. 共1兲, the overall migration energy or the effective activation energy of the oxygen self-diffusion coefficient 共⌬HM 兲 can subsequently be obtained from the slope of the Arrhenius plot of diffusion coefficients with respect to the inverse temperature. B. Simulation results and discussion The periodic supercells used in the KMC simulations were 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 unit cells of cubic ZrO2. Y atoms and oxygenion vacancies were introduced randomly according to the concentration of Y2O3 dopants with the following restriction: Y ions are made to be distributed such that there are no more than three Y ions within the six nearest-neighbor positions of the diffusing oxygen ion and the oxygen vacancy 共Figs. 1 and 2兲. 共The energy of the system which has more than three Y ions will be so large that such configurations will be rare, thus justifying this restriction.兲 The KMC simulation was run until a total of 2 000 000 jumps were performed. Twelve different random initial distributions were used for each concentration between 6 and 15 mol % YSZ and at each tem- Downloaded 11 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 103513-6 Pornprasertsuk et al. J. Appl. Phys. 98, 103513 共2005兲 FIG. 6. Summary of the effective activation energy with respect to yttria doping concentration in YSZ. 共䉭兲 the experimental results obtained from Ref. 26 at 950– 1000 ° C, 共䊐兲 KMC High T is the effective activation energy at T ⬎ 1050 K, and 共⫻兲 KMC Low T is the effective activation energy at T ⬍ 1050 K obtained from kinetic Monte Carlo simulations using 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 unit cell with 2 000 000 jumps averaged over 12 initial configurations. FIG. 5. Arrhenius plot of normalized oxygen self-diffusion coefficients 共D / D0兲 obtained from kinetic Monte Carlo simulations with respect to temperature from 600 to 1500 K. 共a兲 8 mol % YSZ: the effective activation energy at T ⬍ 1050 K is 0.68 eV and at T ⬎ 1050 K is 0.70 eV. 共b兲 15 mol % YSZ: the effective activation energy at T ⬍ 1050 K is 0.8 eV and at T ⬎ 1050 K is 1.0 eV. perature between 600 and 1500 K. The calculated values using 10⫻ 10⫻ 10 unit cells with 3 000 000 jumps give similar results. The effective activation energy for the 8 mol % YSZ is 0.7 eV, which is slightly lower than the experimental value of 0.83– 1.05 eV.25,26 This is probably caused by the exclusion of vacancy-vacancy interactions, the interactions with extended neighbors beyond the two adjacent tetrahedra, and inaccuracies in DFT calculations. However, at higher doping concentrations, the activation energy obtained from KMC splits into two regions at around 900– 1050 K 共Fig. 5兲. At 15 mol % YSZ, the activation energies at low-temperature and high-temperature regions are 0.8 and 1.0 eV, respectively. This indicates that with decreasing temperatures, rate controlling processes with lower activation energy become statistically more prevalent, as expected. The dependence of the effective activation energy with respect to doping concentration is summarized in Fig. 6. The behavior predicted by KMC at high temperatures 共T 艌 1050 K兲 qualitatively agrees with the experimental observations though 0.06– 0.25 eV is lower than the experimental values.26 The calculations of Krishnamurthy et al.5 yield an effective activation energy of 0.62 eV at concentration levels as high as the 15 mol % YSZ and appear to differ from observations26 by more than 0.5 eV. The higher effective barrier our simulations predicted is likely due to the inclusion of pathways involving differing arrangements in all six nearest-neighbor cations in the vicinity of the diffusing oxygen and vacancy pair. At finite temperatures, the additional pathways we consider will have nonzero probabilities and thus increase the effective barrier over models which preclude these paths. The flat region at the beginning of the plot indicates fewer interactions between oxygen vacancy and Y ions at low doping concentrations. The activation energies at low concentrations are close to the migration energy of the two tetrahedra containing all Zr atoms. However, in the calculation, the flat region of the activation energy ranges from 6 to 8 mol % YSZ, while the experimental results show increasing activation energies above 6 mol % YSZ. This disparity may be the result of neglecting other interactions between oxygen vacancy and their outlying Y neighbors. At high concentrations of YSZ, the KMC calculations indicate an increase in the activation energy, similar to the experimental results.8,26 The logarithmic plot of normalized oxygen self-diffusion coefficients at concentrations ranging from 6 to 15 mol % YSZ 共5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 unit cells, 2 000 000 jumps, and 12 configurations兲 at 1050– 1500 K is shown in Fig. 7共a兲. The highest oxygen self-diffusion coefficients obtained from the KMC simulations are between 7 and 8 mol % YSZ at 750– 1200 K and slightly shift to 8 and 9 mol % at 1350– 1500 K. The shift of the maximum conductivity has also been observed experimentally8 关Fig. 7共b兲兴 and is also in good agreement with the results of Krishnamurthy et al.5 Because of the general underestimation of the migration energy barriers by the DFT calculations the magnitude of the KMC simulations appears to match the experimental values at higher temperature. The magnitude of the oxygen diffusivity at 1050 K is in very good agreement with the experimental results at 1273 K 共Fig. 8兲. Downloaded 11 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 103513-7 J. Appl. Phys. 98, 103513 共2005兲 Pornprasertsuk et al. Despite the decrease in oxygen-ion mobility, higher dopant concentrations provide higher vacancy concentrations that compensate for the loss in mobility up to 7 – 8 mol % YSZ as suggested by the KMC simulations and the experimental data.26 The KMC simulations were performed using the migration energy barrier database obtained by linearly interpolating the energy barriers at 8.3 mol % YSZ and 14.3 mol % YSZ. The simulations show similar results as when using the 8.3 mol % YSZ migration energy database with a slight shift in the peak of the ionic conductivity to around 8 – 10 mol % YSZ at 600– 1500 K. IV. SUMMARY FIG. 7. 共a兲 Logarithmic plot of normalized oxygen self-diffusion coefficients vs Y2O3 doping concentration in YSZ obtained by kinetic Monte Carlo 共KMC兲 simulations of 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 unit cell with 2 000 000 jumps averaged over 12 initial configurations at 1050– 1500 K. 共b兲 Logarithmic plot of conductivity vs mol % Y2O3 in YSZ obtained experimentally from Ref. 8 at 1073– 1473 K. The above results suggest that the decline in ionic conductivity at high doping concentration follows the decrease in oxygen-ion mobility due to the higher diffusion barrier across tetrahedral containing Y–Zr and Y–Y in the common edge 共Table I兲 and more association between the defects. Quantum simulations complemented with KMC simulations using DFT derived probabilities have been used to predict ionic conductivity in 6 – 15 mol % YSZ. This approach provides results with qualitative agreement relative to the experimental observations. The quantum simulations suggest that the decrease in conductivity at high doping concentrations mostly arises from the higher migration energy required to traverse across the two adjacent tetrahedra containing the Y–Zr or Y–Y common edge during the diffusion process. The calculated optimum ionic conductivity at 7 – 8 mol % YSZ agrees well with the experimental observations. The KMC results reveal that the increase in the overall migration energy at higher yttria concentration is due to the higher probability that oxygen vacancies encounter the Zr–Y and ·· YZr Y–Y pairs. The binding energy of VO ⬘ and YZr ⬘ YZr ⬘ was extracted to the fourth nearest-neighbor interactions. The ·· was the second strongest binding energy was found when VO nearest-neighbor to YZr ⬘ which is in a good agreement with the experimental observations.17–19 We suggest that the present technique can be used to predict ionic conductivity in different types of electrolytes to find optimum dopant concentrations. Preliminary results from SDZ calculations suggest that the migration energy of SDZ will be lower than YSZ due to lower migration barrier across Sc–Zr and Sc–Sc in agreement with the experimental results.21,22 However, at very low concentrations of Sc, the migration energy of SDZ could be slightly higher than YSZ due to the smaller lattice parameter. Furthermore, by considering the effect of all cations in both adjacent tetrahedra, the present technique could improve the ability to predict the effect of the dopant concentration on the ionic conductivity. This methodology can also be a predictive tool for more complex structures such as ternary oxides. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FIG. 8. 共䊐兲 Logarithmic plot of conductivity vs mol % Y2O3 in YSZ obtained experimentally from Ref. 26 at 1273 K. 共쎲兲 Logarithmic plot of D / D0 vs Y2O3 doping concentration in YSZ obtained by kinetic Monte Carlo 共KMC兲 simulation of 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 unit cell with 2 000 000 jumps averaged over 12 initial configurations at 1050 K. 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