Energy Stored in a Capacitor Electricity & Electronics 7: Energy Stored in a Capacitor AIM In the previous unit we found that capacitors can store charge. We are now going to consider their ability to store energy. OBJECTIVES On completing this unit you should be able to: • explain why work must be done to charge a capacitor. • state that the work done charging a capacitor is given by the area under the graph of charge against pd • state that the energy stored in a capacitor is given by ½ x charge x potential difference or equivalent expressions (see below). • carry out calculations using: o E = ½ QV o E = ½ CV2 o E = ½ Q2 / C • describe and explain the function of a capacitor storing energy. Strathaven Academy -1- Electricity and Electronics Energy Stored in a Capacitor Energy Stored in a Capacitor A charged capacitor can be used to light a bulb for a short time, therefore the capacitor must contain a store of energy. The charging of a parallel plate capacitor is considered below. - Vc + + E le c tr o n c u rre n t E le c tr o n c u rre n t Vs Vs Thereis aninitial surgeof electrons fromthenegative terminal of thecell ontoone of theplates (andelectrons out of theother platetowards the+veterminal of thecell). Vc = Vs + + + + Vs Oncesomechargeis onthe plateit will repel morecharge andsothecurrent decreases. Inorder tofurther chargethe capacitor theelectrons must besuppliedwithenough energytoovercomethe potential differenceacross the plates i.e. workis donein chargingthecapacitor. Eventuallythecurrent ceases toflow. This is whenthe p.d. across theplates of the capacitor is equal tothe supplyvoltage. For a given capacitor the p.d. across the plates is directly proportional to the charge stored Consider a capacitor being charged to a p.d. of V and holding a charge Q. C harge T heenergystoredinthecapacitorisgivenbytheareaunder g re aph th Q A reaundergraph=1 QxV 2 E nergystored =1 QxV 2 V p.d. Ifthevoltageacrossthe capacitorw asconstantw ork done=QxV , butsinceVis varying, thew orkdone= areaundergraph. Q = C × V and substituting for Q and V in our equation for energy gives: Energy stored in a capacitor = 1 1 1 Q2 QV = CV 2 = 2 2 2 C Example A 40µF capacitor is fully charged using a 50 V supply. How much energy is stored? Energy = 1 1 CV 2 = × 40 × 10 6 × 2500 2 2 = 5 × 10-2 J Strathaven Academy -2- Electricity and Electronics Energy Stored in a Capacitor Uses of a capacitor storing energy 1. Photographic flash In photography, the flash unit of a camera has to supply the light needed in the short period of time that the shutter is open. A large amount of light has to be emitted. This is stored as electrical energy in a capacitor until it is needed. K S power supply capacitor discharge tube When the flash unit is switched on (switch K), the capacitor charges up from the supply and stores energy. It can take a few seconds for it to fully charge. When the shutter button S is pressed, the shutter is opened and the capacitor discharges through the discharge tube releasing the stored energy as light. This usually happens within a few hundredths of a second. Switch S automatically opens after the preset time and the capacitor charges up once more, ready for the next photograph. 2. Memory backup a large value capacitor (in the farad range) can store enough electrical energy to back up the memory in a computer/digibox/DVD player for a length of time in the event of mains power failure. In a computer, work is not lost and can be saved normally before shutting the system down. In digiboxes and DVD players, user settings are retained. Capacitors used in this way have an advantage over rechargeable batteries in that they can be recharged over and over without wearing out or losing performance. Strathaven Academy -3- Electricity and Electronics Energy Stored in a Capacitor Energy in a capacitor 13. A 100 µF capacitor is charged from a 20 V supply. (a) How much charge is stored? (b) How much energy is stored in the capacitor? 14. A 30 µF capacitor stores 6 × 10-3 C of charge. How much energy is stored in the capacitor? 24. A capacitor with 60 V across its plates stores 50 mC of charge. How much energy is stored? 25. A capacitor stores 0.36 J of energy and has a charge of 480 µC. What is the pd across its plates? 26. Two parallel plates have a pd of 15 V across them and store 22.5 mJ of energy. What is the charge stored? 27. A 1000 µF capacitor is charged to a pd of 6 V. How much energy is stored? 28. A 220 µF capacitor stores 40 mJ of energy. What is the pd across it? 29. If a 470 µF capacitor stores 2 J of energy, what charge must be on its plates? 30. A 16µF capacitor stores a charge of 20 mC. If it is discharged through a lamp in 100 ms, what is the average power produced in the lamp? 31. An initially uncharged capacitor is charged using a constant current of 90 µA. After 100 seconds the pd across its plates is 12 volts. (a) How much charge is stored on the capacitor after 100 seconds? (b) How much energy is stored in the capacitor after 100 seconds? (c) A second capacitor, with larger capacitance, is charged for the same time using the same current. Explain how the pd across the capacitor and energy stored in the capacitor compare with the first one. 32. A 3.3 F capacitor is used to back up a memory chip. It is charged to 5.5 V. (a) Calculate how much energy is stored in the capacitor. (b) If the power consumption of the chip is 1 mW, how long will the capacitor keep it running? How many hours is this? Strathaven Academy -4- Electricity and Electronics