Assessment Principles / Moderation and Validation of Assessment

RTO 6291 – Footscray Community Arts Centre
Assessment Principles / Moderation and Validation of Assessment
Policy Name
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Assessment Principles / Moderation and Validation of Assessment
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1 3.2
Producer, Arts & Learning
Trainers, Assessors, Tutors and All Staff involved in training and assessment
March 2010
Validation Checklist and Report, Assessment Tools
Assessment Principles
Intent & Objectives
The purpose of assess ment is to:
provide a meaningful learning experience
measure and report students’ achievement of capability
determine students’ capabilities against learning outcomes
identify learning needs
provide students with feedback on their learning
increase students’ ability to assess and reflect on their own learning
report on students’ progress and achievements
assist in the evaluation of the learning experience, including the assessment design.
Students engag ed i n assessment activity that encourages student lear ning and
 Assessment is designed to promote, reinforce and reward student learning.
 A diversity of assessment approaches across and between courses reflects the variation in intended
learning outcomes.
 The amount, mode and timing of assessment are concordant with the stated learning objectives.
 Assessment enables the achievement of personal development needs and credentialling
Provides feedback
Students receive constructive feedback on assessment tasks in a timely manner in order to assist them
 identify strengths, acknowledge effort and originality of thought
 address misconceptions and gaps in their understanding
 identify strategies for improvement.
Is flexibl e
 The focus of the assessment is the application, integration and adaptation of learning in a range of
contexts rather than its reproduction.
 Assessment procedures allow students to gain credit for relevant academic/skill achievement
irrespective of time, place and mode of their acquisition.
 Wherever possible, students are involved in shaping the form of assessment.
 Assessment is inclusive of different learning contexts.
Version 2010
Assessment Principles - Moderation and Validation of Assessment.docx
This document is endorsed by the Footscray Community Arts Centre Board on 30/06/2010 and supersedes all previous versions.
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RTO 6291 – Footscray Community Arts Centre
Is manag eable
 The assessment schedule for the program as a whole is designed in such a way that it is achievable
by students within the timeframe allowed and does not create an unreasonable student workload.
 The assessment schedule is appropriately sequenced in relation to the structure of the program,
course and unit.
Is fair and c onsiderate of diverse needs
 Assessment practices are equitable to all groups of students, minimise disadvantage by using a
variety of assessment models, and avoid gender, racial, cultural or other language bias.
 Assessment practices make explicit provision for procedural variations and/or alternate assessment
strategies for student with disabilities and/or special needs.
 Students are provided with opportunities to challenge assessment processes and outcomes,
information about their rights, opportunities to seek reassessment.
 All assessment is based on criteria which are provided to the students before the assessment.
 The assessment tasks, procedures, and criteria for judging performance and criteria specific to each
individual assessment are provided to all students.
Is reliable
 Assessment processes are monitored and reviewed to ensure that there is consistency in the
interpretation of evidence.
 The design of assessment is based on and appropriate to the stated educational outcomes of the
course or unit.
 Assessment procedures enable the recognition of the achievement of the stated outcomes/
competencies by a student.
Is valid and meaningful
 Assessment comprehensively addresses the goals, objectives and learning activities in a program or
course as part of coherent course design.
 Students are assessed on the full range of knowledge and generic capabilities and competencies
specified in learning outcomes contained in the course guide, curriculum document or Training
 The amount and timing of assessment is proportionate to the variety, priority and importance of
learning outcomes.
 The mode of assessment is concordant with the learning activities employed to achieve the stated
learning objectives.
 The assessment process will, where practicable, collect evidence on a number of occasions and in a
variety of contexts appropriate to the learning outcomes.
 Assessment tasks, criteria and judgement will be validated through internal and external scrutiny.
 Assessment meets the criteria and standards established in the accreditation process.
 Assessment enables credentialing and personal development needs.
Encour ages student i ntegration of learni ng
Integrated or holistic assessments are used wherever possible. Characteristics include:
problem oriented
embracing actual practice
focusing on common circumstances
demanding analytical ability
combining theory and practice
reflecting on learning and achievement across a program and over time.
Version 2010
Assessment Principles - Moderation and Validation of Assessment.docx
This document is endorsed by the Footscray Community Arts Centre Board on 30/06/2010 and supersedes all previous versions.
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RTO 6291 – Footscray Community Arts Centre
Moderation and Validation of Assessment
To improve student learning through the provision of a systematic approach to the moderation/validation of
assessment which:
 meets the requirements of Standard 1 of the AQTF 2007 Standards for Registered Training Organisations
 meets the quality requirements of external agencies
 is consistent with the FCAC Assessment Principles, and
 is conducted within the Planning, Evaluation and Continuous Improvement policy.
To ensure that assessment:
design and practice promotes, reinforces and rewards student learning
is aligned with the learning outcomes and capabilities/competencies of each program or course
complies with the requirements of the relevant TAFE Training Package or accredited curriculum
complies with FCAC’s Assessment Principles and in particular the principles of validity, reliability,
fairness and flexibility
meets the criteria and standards established in the VET accreditation process
tasks, criteria and judgements are validated through internal and external input and scrutiny
processes are monitored and reviewed in order to provide consistency, especially in relation to
offerings on multiple campuses or modes of delivery.
1. Strategies to moder ate and v alidate assess ment s hall :
be developed and implemented by Producer, Arts and Learning in conjunction with training staff
include an external expert from Victoria University to be part of the Validation and Moderation panel
be incorporated into the cycle of Planning, Evaluation and Continuous Improvement policy
incorporate some external input and scrutiny where possible
be documented.
2. Moder ation and v alidation shall apply to:
 the design and development of the overall assessment strategy
 the design of assessment activities
 the consistency of all training and assessment resources, materials and processes.
Assessment Principles
FCAC has adopted the International code of ethics and practice (The National Council for Measurement in
Education - NCME) as their assessment principles.
 The differing needs and requirements of the person(s) being assessed, the local enterprise(s) and/or
industry are identified and handled with sensitivity.
 Potential forms of conflict of interest in the assessment process and/or outcomes are identified and
appropriate referrals are made, if necessary.
 All forms of harassment are avoided throughout the planning, conduct, reviewing and reporting of the
assessment outcomes.
Version 2010
Assessment Principles - Moderation and Validation of Assessment.docx
This document is endorsed by the Footscray Community Arts Centre Board on 30/06/2010 and supersedes all previous versions.
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RTO 6291 – Footscray Community Arts Centre
 The rights of the candidate(s) are protected during and after the assessment.
 Personal or interpersonal factors that are not relevant to the assessment of competency must not
influence the assessment outcomes.
 The candidate(s) are made aware of rights and processes of appeal.
 Evidence that is gathered during the assessment is verified for validity, reliability, authenticity, sufficiency
and currency.
 Assessment decisions are based on available evidence that can be produced and verified by another
 Assessments are conducted within the boundaries of the assessment system policies and procedures.
 Formal agreement is obtained from both the candidate(s) and the assessor that the assessment was
carried out in accordance with agreed procedures.
 Assessment tools, systems and procedures are consistent with equal opportunity legislation.
 Candidate(s) are informed of all assessment reporting processes prior to the assessment.
Candidate(s) are informed of all known potential consequences of decisions arising from an assessment,
prior to the assessment.
Confidentiality is maintained regarding assessment results.
Results are only released with the written permission of the candidate(s).
Assessment results are used consistently with the purposes explained to the candidate(s).
Self-assessments are periodically conducted to ensure current competencies against the assessment and
workplace training competency standards.
Professional development opportunities are identified and sought.
Opportunities for networking amongst assessors are created and maintained.
Opportunities are created for technical assistance in planning, conducting and reviewing assessment
procedures and outcome.
Version 2010
Assessment Principles - Moderation and Validation of Assessment.docx
This document is endorsed by the Footscray Community Arts Centre Board on 30/06/2010 and supersedes all previous versions.
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