Underground Cable Tracing & Earth Return (Sheath) Fault Locating [ Basic Concept ] Prepared By: Roger C. Valencia U.S. & International Technical Service Engineer 3M Test & Measurement Systems 3M Austin Center Austin, TX, USA - March 1996 1 INTRODUCING The New And Most Advanced Cable & Earth Return (Sheath) Fault Locators A GLOBAL PRODUCT FOR GLOBAL SOLUTIONS 2 Dynatel TM 2200 Series Cable & Earth Return (Sheath) Fault Locators Dynatel 2273 TM cm ACCESSORY COMPARTMENT Trace Frequency Fault / Tone On Hz Off Dynatel TM 2273 Trace Off Ref On Output Level Volume TRANSMITTER Gain Adjust Depth/Current RECEIVER 3 THE RADIO BROADCAST SYSTEM RADIO TRANSMITTER L GNA I S O I RAD RADIO RECEIVER THE BASIC CONCEPT OF CABLE TRACING IS THE SAME AS THE ONE USED IN A RADIO BROADCAST SYSTEM. BOTH SYSTEMS MAKE USE OF THE FOLLOWING: ? ? TRANSMITTER ? ? RECEIVER BY USING A UNI-DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA IN THE RECEIVER, THE DIRECTION AND LOCATION OF THE SIGNAL SOURCE CAN EASILY BE DETERMINED. 4 Basic Concept of Cable Tracing Receiver Strong Signal Decaying Signal Cable Shield Red Clip Near-End Ground Removed Far-End Ground Current Flow Transmitter Ground Rod Soil Black Clip Current Flow ? In cable tracing, the trace conductor is connected to the output of the Transmitter. The CABLE and EARTH (SOIL) must form an electrical circuit where signal current can flow through. ? As the current flows through the cable, its entire length radiates a signal allowing one to trace the cable path using a Receiver. ? Also, as the signal travels further out, its strength gradually deteriorates due to the increasing resistance of the conductors and the capacitances between them. 5 TERMS COMMONLY USED IN CABLE TRACING ? TRACE CONDUCTOR - any metallic component of a cable which is used to trace the cable path. (Ex: Cable Shield, a conductor of a power cable, or a telephone wire or pair inside a telephone cable, etc.) ? TRACE FREQUENCY - is the selected transmit frequency (Audio or RF) to trace the cable path. ? NEAR-END GROUND - is the grounding point of the trace conductor which is located closer to the Transmitter. ? FAR-END GROUND - is the remote grounding point of the trace conductor which is located further away from the Transmitter. ? TARGET CABLE - the cable being traced. 6 TERMS COMMONLY USED IN CABLE TRACING (con’t ...) ? CONTINUOUSLY GROUNDED CABLE - a cable having its entire outer metallic sheath in direct contact with Earth (Soil). (Ex: A lead cable having no outer insulating jacket). ? CENTER / INNER CONDUCTOR - Any conductor other than, but within, the metallic shield of a cable. (Ex: the center conductor of a coax cable (CATV or a shielded power cable) a wire or a pair of conductors within a shielded telephone cable, etc.). ? EARTH RETURN FAULT - An electrical leakage path between any cable conductor and Earth (Soil). ? SHEATH FAULT - The same as EARTH RETURN FAULT but the current leakage path is between the cable SHIELD and Earth (Soil). 7 CABLE TRACING MODES ? PEAK ? NULL ? DIFFERENTIAL ? SPECIAL PEAK 8 CABLE TRACING - PEAK MODE Note: In this mode, a flag appears below the PEAK symbol on top of the LCD display. Display Indications: ? Location #1: ?? Bargraph - moves to max. closed position towards center of the display. ? ? Numeric Indicator Higher compared to the reading in either location #2 or #3. ? ? Audio Tone Stronger compared to that of location #2 or #3. ? Location #2: ? ? Bargraph - Opens up or moves away from center of display. ? ? Numeric Indicator - Lower compared to that location #1. ? ? Audio Tone - Weaker compared to that of location #1. ? Location #3: ? ? Bargraph - Opens up or moves away from center of display. ? ? Numeric Indicator - Lower compared to that of location #1. ? ? Audio Tone - Weaker compared to that location #1. PEAK TRACE RECEIVER 2 1 3 SOIL TARGET CABLE 9 Cable Tracing - Peak Mode DynatelTM 2273 Trace Frequency Receiver Fault/Tone ON Hz OFF Ref Volume Gain Adjust Depth/Current Cable 10 Cable Tracing - Peak Mode DynatelTM 2273 Receiver Trace Frequency Fault/Tone ON Hz OFF Ref Volume Cable Gain Adjust Depth/Current 11 CABLE TRACING - NULL MODE Note: In this mode, a flag appears below the NULL symbol on top of the LCD display. Display Indications: NULL TRACE Location #1: ? Bargraph - Moves to max. closed position towards center of display. ? ? Numeric Indicator - Lower compared to that of location #2 or #3. ? Audio Tone - Weaker compared to that of location #2 or #3. Location #2: RECEIVER 2 1 ? Bargraph - Opens up away from center of display. ? Numeric Indicator - Higher compared to that of location #1. ? Audio Tone - Stronger than that of location #1. Loaction #3: ? ? Bargraph - Opens up away from center of display. ? ? Numeric Indicator - Higher compared to that of location #1. ? ? Audio Tone - Stronger compared to that of location #1. 3 SOIL TARGET CABLE 12 Cable Tracing - Null Mode DynatelTM 2273 Trace Frequency Fault/Tone ON Hz OFF Ref Volume Gain Adjust Depth/Current 13 Cable Tracing - Null Mode DynatelTM 2273 Trace Frequency Fault/Tone ON Hz OFF Ref Volume Gain Adjust Depth/Current 14 DIFFERENTIAL MODE (Basic Theory) Note: In DIFFERENTIAL mode, two sets of antennas are used, UPPER (Peak & Null coils) and the LOWER (Peak & Null coils). The “D”istance between the two antenna sets was precisely calculated so that when the RECEIVER is positioned directly over the TARGET CABLE, the UPPER antenna set should receive exactly 50% of whatever signal level the LOWER set is receiving. In this situation, this signal phase relationship between the two sets of antennas is considered to be at ZERO VALUE. Upper Antenna Set Null Coil Peak Coil D Lower Antenna Set SOIL TARGET CABLE 15 DIFFERENTIAL MODE (Basic Theory - con’t ...) POSITIVE ZERO 3 SIGNAL PHASE VALUES NEGATIVE RECEIVER ? ? Location #1 - Zero Value Receiver is exactly over target cable and the UPPER antenna set is receiving exactly 50% of whatever signal level is being received by the LOWER set. ? ? Location #2 - Positive Value Receiver is moved to the LEFT of the target cable. 2 1 3 SOIL ? ? Location #3 - Negative Value Receiver is moved to the RIGHT of the target cable. TARGET CABLE 16 CABLE TRACING - DIFFERENTIAL MODE (Basic Theory - con’t . . . ) DISPLAY INDICATIONS Location #1: ZERO-VALUE ? Bargraph - moves to a maximum closed position towards the center of the display. ? Numeric indicator reads higher compared to location #2 or #3. ? Directional Arrows both Left & Right arrows appear at the center of the LCD display. ? Audio Tone - solid (not warbling) POSITIVE VALUE ZERO-VALUE NEGATIVE VALUE RECEIVER UPPER ANTENNA SET ( Peak & Null Coils) 2 1 3 LOWER ANTENNA SET ( Peak & Null Coils) SOIL TARGET CABLE 17 Cable Tracing - Differential Mode DynatelTM 2273 Trace Frequency Fault/Tone ON Hz OFF Ref Volume Gain Adjust Depth/Current 18 DISPLAY INDICATIONS (con’t...) Note: When the RECEIVER is moved away from the TARGET CABLE to the LEFT (location #2), the signal phase relationship changes into a POSITIVE VALUE. Location #2: Positive Value ? Bargraph - Opens up and moves away from the center of the display. ? Numeric Indicator - reads lower compared to location #1. ? Directional Arrow - the RIGHT arrow will appear in the display, meaning the RECEIVER should be moved to the right. ? Audio Tone - Low, warbling. CABLE TRACING - DIFFERENTIAL MODE (Basic Theory - con’t . . . ) POSITIVE VALUE ZERO-VALUE NEGATIVE VALUE RECEIVER UPPER ANTENNA SET ( Peak & Null Coils) 2 1 3 LOWER ANTENNA SET ( Peak & Null Coils) SOIL TARGET CABLE 19 Cable Tracing - Differential Mode DynatelTM 2273 Trace Frequency Fault/Tone ON Hz OFF Ref Volume Gain Adjust Depth/Current 20 CABLE TRACING - DIFFERENTIAL MODE (Basic Theory - con’t...) DISPLAY INDICATIONS (con’t...) Note: When the RECEIVER is moved away from the TARGET CABLE to the right, the signal phase relationship between the two antenna sets changes to a NEGATIVE VALUE. . POSITIVE VALUE ? ? Directional Arrow - The LEFT arrow appears in the display meaning the Receiver should be moved to the left. ? ? Audio Tone High, warbling NEGATIVE VALUE RECEIVER UPPER ANTENNA SET ( Peak & Null Coils) Location #3: Negative Value ? ? Bargraph - Opens up away from the center of the display. ? ? Numeric Indicator Lower reading compared to location #1. ZERO-VALUE 2 1 3 LOWER ANTENNA SET ( Peak & Null Coils) SOIL TARGET CABLE 21 Cable Tracing - Differential Mode DynatelTM 2273 Trace Frequency Fault/Tone ON Hz OFF Ref Volume Gain Adjust Depth/Current 22 CABLE TRACING - PEAK MODE (in a congested environment) Note: In this mode, a flag appears below the PEAK symbol over the LCD display. DISPLAY INDICATIONS: LOCATION #1: When the RECEIVER is over the TARGET CABLE ? Bargraph - moves closest towards center of the display. ? Numeric Indicator - Higher compared to location #2. ? Audio Tone - Stronger compared to location #2. LOCATION #2: When RECEIVER is moved to the right over the OTHER CABLE. ? Bargraph - Opens up and moves away from center of display. ? Numeric Indicator - Lower than that of location #1. ? Audio Tone - Weaker than that of location #1. BIG PEAK SMALL PEAK 1 2 SOIL OTHER CABLE TARGET CABLE 23 CABLE TRACING - NULL MODE CAUTION: (in a congested environment) In NULL mode, the concept is that the Receiver will look for a ZERO (NULL) condition or a point where two or more opposing signals cancel out. In congested areas, using NULL can lead into what is commonly called a GHOST CABLE situation. This means that if there are other cables which are close to the TARGET CABLE, the RECEIVER can be fooled by a “NULL” indication which does not really represent the true location of the cable. NULL TRACE 1 2 3 This happens when the signal from the TARGET CABLE and the signal from the OTHER CABLE meet in some area between them and cancel out (NULL), see illustration. This can then be interpreted by the Receiver as the location of the cable but actually it is “not”. Because of this problem, using NULL in congested areas should be avoided. If one has to use NULL in such environments, it is strongly suggested that cable location must always be verified using PEAK mode. OTHER CABLE TARGET CABLE GHOST CABLE 24 CABLE TRACING - NULL MODE Note: (IN A CONGESTED ENVIRONMENT - CON’T...) In this mode, a flag appears below the NULL symbol on top of the LCD display. DISPLAY INDICATIONS: Location #1: Receiver is over the TARGET CABLE ? Bargraph - Opens up away from center of display. ? Numeric Indicator - High compared to location #2 & #3. ? Audio Tone - Strong compared to location #2 & #3. NULL TRACE 1 2 3 Location #2: Receiver is moved to the RIGHT towards the OTHER CABLE and NULLS ? Bargraph - moves closer towards center of display. ? Numeric Indicator - reading goes down and lower than in location #1 & #3. ? Audio Tone - Level goes down significantly compared to location #1 & #3. OTHER CABLE TARGET CABLE GHOST CABLE 25 CABLE TRACING - NULL MODE (IN A CONGESTED ENVIRONMENT - CON’T...) NULL TRACE DISPLAY INDICATIONS (con’t ...) Location #3: Receiver is over the OTHER CABLE ? Bargraph Opens up away from center of display. ? Numeric Indicator Higher compared to that of location #2 but lower than in location #1. ? Audio Tone - stronger than that of location #2 but weaker than that of location #1. 1 2 3 SOIL OTHER CABLE TARGET CABLE GHOST CABLE 26 CABLE TRACING - DIFFERENTIAL MODE CAUTION: (IN A CONGESTED ENVIRONMENT) DIFFERENTIAL mode like NULL has the same problem of creating a GHOST CABLE situation when used in congested areas. If it is to be used in such environments, one has to verify cable location by using PEAK mode, always. (+) 0 (-) DISPLAY INDICATIONS: 1 2 3 LOCATION #1: Positive Value (Receiver is over the TARGET CABLE) ? ? Bargraph - Opens up and moves away from center of the display. ? ? Numeric Indication Lower compared to location #2 but higher than in location #3. ? ? Directional Arrow - RIGHT arrow will appear on display. ? ? Audio Tone - Low and warbling SOIL TARGET CABLE OTHER CABLE GHOST CABLE 27 CABLE TRACING - DIFFERENTIAL MODE (IN A CONGESTED ENVIRONMENT - con’t...) DISPLAY INDICATIONS (CON’T . . . ) LOCATION #2: - Zero-Value (GHOST CABLE location) ? ? Bargraph - moves towards center of display to max. closed indication. ? ? Numeric Indicator - Higher compared to location #1 & #3. (+) 0 ? ? Directional Arrows - Both LEFT & RIGHT arrows will appear on display. ? ? AudioTone - Solid (not warbling) LOCATION #3: - Negative Signal Value (Receiver is over the OTHER CABLE) ? ? Bargraph - Opens up and moves away from center of the display. ? ? Numeric Indicator - Lower than that of location #2 & #3. ? ? Directional Arrow - LEFT arrow appears in display which means the RECEIVER should be moved to the left. ? ? Audio Tone - High and warbling (-) 1 2 3 SOIL TARGET CABLE OTHER CABLE GHOST CABLE 28 SPECIAL PEAK MODE (NORMAL VS. SPECIAL) SHARP TRACE NORMAL PEAK UPPER PEAK COIL ? Upper & Lower PEAK antenna are activated. ? More accurate (much sharper response). ? Less sensitive - used for standard cable depths LOWER PEAK COIL BROAD TRACE SPECIAL PEAK ? Only Lower PEAK antenna is activated. ? Less accurate (broad response). ? Very sensitive - used for weak signals such as those from very deep cables. LOWER PEAK COIL SOIL TARGET CABLE TARGET CABLE 29 IDENTIFYING THE CORRECT CABLE USING DEPTH AND CURRENT MEASUREMENT MODE A: DISPLAY IN TRACE MODE Note: In A: TRACE mode, both Bargraph and Numeric indications are based on signal strength. As shown in the illustration, the OTHER CABLE being closer to the Receiver is registering a higher relative signal strength of 113 with the Bargraph moving more closer to the center of the display. 1 On the other hand, the TARGET CABLE because it is farther away from the Receiver is only registering a lower relative signal strength of 110 with the Bargraph opening wider and moving away from the center of the display. In this case, it looks like the OTHER CABLE is the correct cable but actually, it is not. 2 6 in 28 in OTHER CABLE TARGET CABLE 30 IDENTIFYING THE CORRECT CABLE USING DEPTH AND CURRENT MEASUREMENT MODE A: DISPLAY IN TRACE MODE B: DISPLAY IN DEPTH & CURRENT MEASUREMENT MODE in in Note: In B: DEPTH & CURRENT measurement mode, the NUMERIC indications are based on the magnitude of the current flowing through the cables. 1 2 In position #1, the TARGET CABLE has a relative CURRENT measurement of 94 at the depth of 27 inches. Take note that although the cable is deeper it is giving a much higher current reading than in position #2. In POSITION #2, the OTHER CABLE has a relative CURRENT measurement of only 46 even though the cable is much less deeper and closer (only 5 in.) to the Receiver. The indications in the DEPTH & CURRENT measurement mode will therefore positively identify the correct cable. 6 in 28 in OTHER CABLE TARGET CABLE 31 CABLE DEPTH AND CURRENT READOUTS in in TYPICAL DEPTH & CURRENT READOUT DEPTH = 26 in. CURRENT = 94 (relative) UNRELIABLE READING DEPTH MEASUREMENT OPTIONS 1. INCHES 2. FEET AND INCHES 3. CENTIMETERS (cm) 32 TRACING RANGE 2200-SERIES CABLE LOCATORS (Typical Conditions - Direct Connect With Far-End Of Cable Grounded) FREQUENCIES US MODEL ? 577 Hz ? 8 kHz RANGE EXPORT MODEL 577 Hz 49,000 feet (15 Km) 8 kHz 19,600 feet (6 Km) ? 33 kHz 33 kHz 9,800 feet (3 Km) ? 200 kHz 133 kHz 4,900 feet (1.5 Km) 33 TIPS IN SELECTING TRACE FREQUENCIES ? Audio frequencies (577Hz or 8kHz) can only be used if the trace circuit resistance is 3000 ohms or less, otherwise use the RF frequencies (33kHz, 133kHz, or 200kHz). ? Higher frequencies are much easier to induced into nearby cables. To minimize induction of unwanted signals to other cables in congested areas, use the lowest possible trace frequency. ? If a CONTINUOUSLY GROUNDED conductor is used for tracing (Ex: uninsulated outer “lead” sheath of a Lead Cable), use DIRECT CONNECT METHOD and the lowest possible trace frequency (577Hz). 34 TRANSMITTER HOOKUPS 1. DIRECT CONNECT METHOD 2. DYNACOUPLER METHOD 3. INDUCTION METHOD 35 DIRECT CONNECT METHOD ( ACCESSORIES USED ) 2273 CONTROL PANEL Dynatel T M 2273 Trace Off On Output Level RED CLIP DIRECT CONNECT CABLE BLACK CLIP GROUND ROD 36 DIRECT CONNECT HOOKUP RED CLIP T2 T1 CABLE SHIELD FAR-END GROUND CURRENT FLOW TRANSMITTER NEAR-END GROUND REMOVED GROUND ROD SOIL SOIL BLACK CLIP CURRENT FLOW 1. Place the GROUND ROD into soil and connect the BLACK clip to it. 2. Remove the NEAR-END GROUND and connect the RED clip to the cable SHIELD. 3. Turn the unit ON in the OHMS function and check for any voltages that may exist on the cable shield. Check the circuit resistance to ground. ? ? If circuit resistance is 3000 ohms or less, a solid tone is emitted from the speaker. This means any or all of the trace frequencies can be used. Audio frequencies will have longer range and induced signal to other cables is minimal.If “ALL” is selected, set the transmitter to “High output.. ? ? If circuit resistance is between 3000 ohms to less than 10,000 ohms, an interrupted tone is emitted from the speaker. Use higher trace frequencies (8kHz, or 33kHz or 200kHz). The transmitter can be set to “High” output. ? ? If circuit resistance is more than 3000 ohms but less than 10,000 ohms, an interrupted tone is emitted from the speaker. Use higher trace frequencies (8kHz, or 33kHz or 200kHz). For stronger signal, set transmitter to “High” output. 37 DIRECT CONNECT HOOKUP INNER CONDUCTOR RED CLIP CURRENT FLOW FAR-END GROUND CABLE SHIELD SOIL TRANSMITTER BLACK CLIP GROUND ROD SOIL CURRENT FLOW 38 DIRECT CONNECT HOOKUP ( DO’S & DON’TS ) OPEN-END CABLE SHIELD RED CLIP DISTRIBUTED CABLE CAPACITANCE C C C C C C C TRANSMITTER GROUND ROD SOIL BLACK CLIP CURRENT FLOW 1. If far-end of cable is open or not accessible for grounding - use the highest RF trace frequency, only. Note: This procedure is only applicable if length of cable is long enough (few hundred feet/meters) to permit the highest RF CURRENT to flow through the accumulated distributed capacitance of the cable. 39 DIRECT CONNECT HOOKUP ( DO’S & DON’TS - CON’T... ) SHORT CABLE RED CLIP SHORT CABLE FAR-END GROUND TRANSMITTER RED CLIP FAR-END WIRE CONNECTION TRANSMITTER [A] [B] 50 FEET (15 m) CURRENT FLOW GROUND ROD BLACK CLIP SOIL BLACK CLIP CURRENT FLOW CURRENT RETURN WIRE To trace very short lengths of cable, less than 100 feet (30 m): ? ? The far-end of the trace conductor must always be grounded to EARTH SOIL (illustration A). ? ? If EARTH/SOIL is not accessible, a WIRE can be used as the current return path, but it must be placed 50 feet (15m) or more away from trace conductor (illustration B). 40 DYNA-COUPLER METHOD ( ACCESSORIES USED ) 22273 CONTROL PANEL Dynatel T M 2273 Trace Off On Output Level DYNA-COUPLER CABLE DYNA-COUPLER 41 DYNA-COUPLER HOOKUP T1 NEAR-END GROUND CABLE SHIELD SECONDARY CURRENT FLOW DYNA-COUPLER T2 FAR-END GROUND SOIL TRANSMITTER PRIMARY CURRENT FLOW SECONDARY CURRENT FLOW NOTE: ? ? Do not remove NEAR-END and/or FAR-END GROUNDS. Doing so will break or open the trace circuit and “no” current will flow. ? ? Only the frequencies (8kHz, 33kHz, 133kHz or 200kHz) will work with the Dyna-Coupler. 577Hz will “not”. 42 DYNA-COUPLER HOOKUP [ DO’S AND DON’TS ] GROUNDED END TRANSMITTER DYNA-COUPLER A CABLE SHIELD C C C C OPEN-END C C DISTRIBUTED CABLE CAPACITANCE SOIL SECONDARY CURRENT FLOW PRIMARY CURRENT FLOW TRANSMITTER OPEN-END B CABLE SHIELD DYNA-COUPLER GROUNDED END SOIL NO SECONDARY CURRENT FLOW NOTE: 1. If one end of the cable is open or not accessible for grounding to SOIL, it is still possible to trace the cable if it is long enough (several hundred feet/meters or more) to have the necessary accumulated distributed capacitance which permits the highest trace frequency current to pass through ( ex: 133kHz or 200kHz ). 2. Also, the Dyna-coupler must always be placed close to the grounded end of the cable (illustration “A”). 3. Never place the Dyna-coupler at the un-grounded end of the cable (illustration B). It will not work. No secondary current will flow. 43 INDUCTION METHOD & HOOKUP ER MITT S N TRA L RNA IL INTEMIT CO NS TRA -END FAR UND GRO LD SHIE E L B CA ARY PRIMNT FLOW RE CUR D R -EN NEAOUND GR L SOI FLOW ENT R R Y CU DAR N O SEC Note: ? ? ? ? To achieve best results, Transmitter must be placed over and as close as possible to the cable and should be in-line with cable path. NEAR-END and FAR-END of the trace cable/conductor must be GROUNDED to SOIL to maintain continuity of the trace circuit. Use the high frequencies 133kHz or 200kHz and switch Transmitter to high output. Induction Method is not recommended in congested areas because the signal can be easily induced to other cables or pipes which is close and in parallel to the target cable. ? Operate the Receiver no less than 50 feet (15 meters) from Transmitter to avoid direct reception of signal. 44 One Touch Gain Adjust Just press once and you’ve got it... No need for multiple key presses… No Guessing… No Trial & Error... PEAK PEAK Ref Gain Adjust If signal is too weak. Reference Gain Level PEAK PEAK Ref Gain Adjust If signal is too strong. Reference Gain Level 45 EARTH RETURN (SHEATH) FAULT LOCATE - BASIC THEORY TRANSMITTER CURRENT FLOW VOLTAGE GRADIENT VOLTAGE GRADIENT Off CABLE SHIELD GROUND ROD BLACK CLIP RED CLIP GROUNDING REMOVED GROUNDING REMOVED SOIL CURRENT FLOW NOTE: ? ? In FAULT-LOCATE, the Transmitter forces current to flow through the FAULT/S. It is important that current flow must be concentrated into the FAULT/S only. To do this, all GROUND or SOIL connections to the trace cable or conductor must be temporarily disconnected. ? ? As the CURRENT enters the SOIL, it creates a VOLTAGE GRADIENT (slope) on the SOIL’s surface (see illustration on next page). ? ? For best results, the GROUND ROD should be placed into the SOIL, in-line with the cable path. 46 EARTH RETURN (SHEATH) FAULT LOCATE - BASIC THEORY [ CON’T... ] Dynatel TM 2273 Dynatel Location #1: Red Leg = +3V Green Leg = +6V Bargraph at Green Move forward 1 Location #2: Red Leg = +7V Green Leg = +7V Bargraph floats - NULL Stop - Fault located Location #3: Red Leg = +6V Green Leg = +3V Bargraph at Red - Move back. R E D TM 2273 2 Dynatel G R N A- FRAME +2 +3 +4 +5 2273 3 A- FRAME +6 +7 +8 +9 +8 +7 +6 SOIL RESISTANCE CURRENT FLOW TM +5 +4 +3 +2 SOIL RESISTANCE FAULT CURRENT FLOW FROM TRANSMITTER NOTE: ? ? As the CURRENT enters the SOIL, a VOLTAGE GRADIENT (slope) is created on the soil’s surface. The A-FRAME is then plugged into the Receiver and it is used to sense voltage potentials along the cable path. The A-FRAME has two probe tips, one is marked RED and the other is GREEN. ? ? The goal here is to determine when the RED and GREEN tips senses a NULL , a condition where the voltage potentials at the RED and GREEN tips are the same or zero). ? ? Once NULL is achieved, the center of the A-FRAME will then represent the location of the FAULT (position #2). 47 MULTIPLE EARTH RETURN (SHEATH) FAULT LOCATE Dynatel T M 2273 Dynatel T M 2273 Dynatel T M 2273 R G R G R G E R E R E R N D N D D 1 2 VOLTAGE GRADIENT VOLTAGE GRADIENT TRANSMITTER 3 N VOLTAGE GRADIENT CABLE SHIELD MINOR FAULT MAJOR FAULT Off CURRENT FLOW NOTE: ? ? A reference must be established by placing the A-FRAME one pace away from the GROUND ROD (position #1). ? ? Take a reading and press the GAIN/REF ADJUST key to store reference into memory. Position #1Reading = 124 (Reference) Position #2 Reading = 118 (Major Fault) Position #3 Reading = 90 (Minor Fault) 48 2200 SERIES CABLE / EARTH RETURN (SHEATH) FAULT LOCATORS OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 49 ACCESSORIES (CON’T..) Alert 33 kHz PWR 577 Hz Dynatel T M 2205 Batt Test Off 2200 RECEIVER 2205 DEDICATED 2205 EMS MARKER LOCATOR TOP VIEW PWR Alert 33 kHz 577 Hz Batt Test Off Dynatel 2205 TM 50 ACCESSORIES (CON’T..) CT 2200 Pwr Alert Wtr 33 kHz WWtr 577 Hz Tel Gas Batt Test Dynatel T M 2206 Off RECEIVER 2206 2206 EMS ALL-MARKER LOCATOR TOP VIEW Pwr Wtr WWt r Tel Gas CT Alert 33 kHz 577 Hz Batt Test Off T M Dynatel 2206 51 ELECTRONIC MARKER SYSTEM ( E M S ) TONE Basic Theory: 2200 RECEIVER 1. Initially , the 2205 / 2206 unit is turned ON in TRANSMIT mode, transmitting a signal to the MARKER. 2. The MARKER in return, absorbs and stores the received signal energy from the 2205 /2206. 3. After the TRANSMIT phase, the 2205 / 2206 unit switches to RECEIVE mode and then the stored energy in the MARKER starts to discharge. 2205 2206 4. As the signal energy discharges, the MARKER acts as a TRANSMITTER and starts transmitting the signal back to the 2205 / 2206. 5. Once the 2205 / 2206 unit detects the incoming signal from the MARKER, the 2200 RECEIVER emits a continuous audible TONE. The TONE is strongest when the 2205 / 2206 is exactly over the MARKER. Also, the BARGRAPH will move towards the center of the display and indicate its maximum closed position. 6. The cycle is then repeated over and over again until the 2205 / 2206 unit is turned OFF. 2205 2206 SOIL SOIL 2205/2206 SIGNAL MARKER SIGNAL BALL MARKER CABLE SPLICE BALL MARKER CABLE SPLICE 52 ACCESSORIES (CON’T..) 33 kHz RF Signal SCOTCHMARK ADP ACTIVE DUCT PROBE ( SONDE ) 53 ACTIVE DUCT PROBE (SONDE) THE APPLICATION: LOCATING BLOCKAGES OR OBSTRUCTIONS INSIDE PLASTIC DUCTS AND CONDUITS 2200 RECEIVER 2200 RECEIVER NOTE: THE ADP SIGNAL MUST BE TRACED IN PEAK MODE. TO DO THIS, THE 2200 RECEIVER SHOULD BE POSITIONED PERPENDICULAR TO THE ADP. 33 kHz SIGNAL 33 kHz SIGNAL PLASTIC PIPE DENT PLASTIC PIPE 54 Cable & Pipe Locating Techniques Dynatel 2200-Series Cable/Fault Locators 55 Locating Non-metallic Pipe Heavy gauge wire Fish tape or Snake 2250 or 2273 Ground Rod Signal Return Path Transmitter Non-metallic pipe Earth/Soil Signal Wire’s distributed capacitance to earth/soil Note: One end of pipe must be accessible. Push a heavy gauge wire, snake or fish tape into the pipe. Because the signal current must pass through the wire’s distributed capacitance to earth/soil, use any of these frequencies (8 kHz, 33 kHz or 200 kHz). Also, set transmitter to ‘HIGH” output, if a stronger signal is required. 56 Applying Signal To A Pipe [Dyna-Coupler Method] Screwdriver Screwdriver Earth Ground Earth Ground Dyna-Coupler Signal 1 Signal 2 3 Earth Soil Note: With the Dyna-Coupler, you can use any of these frequencies (8 kHz, 33kHz or 200kHz) and set the Transmitter to “High” output. If both far-ends of a pipe section can be or are grounded. The Dyna-Coupler can be placed in any location (1, 2 or 3) along the pipe section. 57 Applying Signal To Pipe And Controlling Signal Direction [Dyna-Coupler Method] Screwdriver Earth Ground Signal Earth/Soil Insulated Pipe Note: With the Dyna-Coupler, you can use any of these frequencies (8 kHz, 33kHz or 200kHz) and set the Transmitter to “HIGH” output. If the Dyna-Coupler is placed to the right of the Earth Ground, the signal goes to the right. If the pipe’s far-end to the right is “NOT” grounded, the Dyna-Coupler must be placed as close as possible to the location of the Earth Ground. 58 Applying Signal To Pipe And Controlling Signal Direction [Dyna-Coupler Method] Screwdriver Earth Ground Dyna-Coupler Signal Insulated Pipe Earth/Soil Note: With the Dyna-Coupler, you can use any of these frequencies (8 kHz, 33kHz or 200kHz) and set the Transmitter to “HIGH” output. If the Dyna-Coupler is placed to the left of the Earth Ground, the signal goes to the left. If the pipe’s far-end to the left is “NOT” grounded, the Dyna-Coupler must be placed as close as possible to the location of the Earth Ground. 59 Applying Signal to Pipe [Dyna-Coupler Method] Note: With the Dyna-Coupler, you can use any of these trace frequencies (8 kHz, 33kHz or 200kHz) and set the Transmitter to “HIGH” output. eter Gas M Ground Rod In this illustration, the far-end may or may not be grounded. It works either way. 2250 or 2273 Signal Current Return Path Transmitter M eta llic Se rv ice Li ne (in su lat ed ) 60 Applying Signal To Primary Cables [Dyna-Coupler Method] Note: Use Dyna-Coupler to put trace signal to energized primary cables. Three-Phase Primary Elbows Where the Dyna-Coupler is clamped is very important.On three-phase primary cables, the Dyna-Coupler should be clamped on all concentric neutrals and as close as possible to earth ground.With this setup, the signal is coupled onto each cable equally. Use any one of these trace frequencies (8 kHz 33kHz or 200kHz) and set the Transmitter to “HIGH” output. Signal Concentric Neutrals Signal Signal Signal Note (con’t): Dyna-Coupler Do not place the Dyna-Coupler on any individual concentric neutral. Since the cables are buried in the same trench, the signal goes one way on one cable and comes back the opposite way on the other two. This causes signal cancellation. Earth Ground Signal Current Return Path 61 Applying Signal To Primary Cables [DynaDyna-Coupler Method] Single-Phase Primary Elbows OUT IN Signal Signal Dyna-Coupler Note: Concentric Neutrals On single-phase primary cables used in a loop configuration, signal cancellation is not a problem. The signal can be applied with the Dyna-Coupler to the individual concentric neutral of the cable. Earth Ground Signal Current Return Path 62 Applying Signal To Tracer Wires [Direct[Direct-Connect Method] Note: For best results, ground the far-end and check the circuit resistance to ground using the built-in ohmmeter. r Mete Gas Ground Rod Signal Current Return Path Transmitter No n- me tal lic Gas No n- Sig na l pip e Se rv ice al Sign Tr ac er W ire If resistance to ground is 3000 ohms or less, use the lowest trace frequency (577Hz). If it is more than 3000 ohms but less than 10K ohms, you can use 8kHz. If it is 10K ohms or higher, use 33kHz or 200kHz. r Mete me tal lic Twisted pip e Non-Electrical Connection ire cer W a r T Main ain llic M a t e m Non- Far-end Earth Ground l Signa ction onne C l a ric Elect 63 Applying Signal To Tracer Wires [Direct[Direct-Connect Method] eter Gas M Note: Gas r Mete If both far-ends of the pipe are grounded, the signal will divide towards each end. For best results, use 577Hz or 8kHz. Ground Rod ent l Curr a n g i S n Path Retur Transmitter No n- me tal lic Sig na l pip e l Signa Far-end Earth Ground Se rv ice No n- me tal lic Twisted pip e Non-Electrical Connection er Trac Main ire W Tr ac er W ire 50% 50% l Signa nd Far-e und Gro Earth ion nnect o C n i l a rica llic M Elect meta n o N 64 Applying Signal To Tracer Wires [Direct[Direct-Connect Method] eter Gas M Note: r Mete Gas If far-end ground #1 is removed, signal flows towards far-end ground #2. Measure circuit resistance to ground. If it is 3000 ohms or less, use 577Hz. If it is more than 3000 ohms but less than 10k ohms, use 8kHz. If it higher than 10K ohms, use 33kHz or 200kHz Ground Rod 2250 / 2273 ent l Curr Signa n Path Retur Transmitter No n- me tal lic pip e Sig na l d #1 roun G d) -end Far remove ( Se rv ice No n- Tr ac er W ire me tal lic pip e Twisted Non-Electrical Connection er Trac n i a M Wire #2 round G d n Far-e l Signa ction onne C n i l a a ric llic M Elect meta Non- 65 Applying Signal To Tracer Wires [Direct-Connect Method] eter Gas M r Mete Gas Note: If the RF frequencies (33kHz or 200kHz) are used in this illustration, all the trace wires will carry the signal through both direct and capacitive coupling. Ground Rod 2250 / 2273 ent l Curr Signa a n P th Retur Transmitter No n- me tal lic Sig na l pip e l Signa Se rv ice No n- me tal lic Tr ac er W ire Twisted pip e Non-Electrical Connection er Trac Main ire W l Signa Far-end Ground ection Conn in l a a c M i r llic Elect meta Non- 66